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Why tech companies need to hire philosophers – Quartz

I have spent the better half of the last two years trying to convince companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, DeepMind, and OpenAI that they need to hire philosophers.

My colleagues and Ia small collective of academics that make up a program called Transformations of the Human at the Los Angeles-based think tank called the Berggruen Institutethink that the research carried out by these companies has been disrupting the very concept of the human that wein the West particularlyhave taken for granted for almost half a millennium.

Its not only that, though. These companies have helped create realities that we can no longer navigate with the old understanding of what it means to be human.

We need new onesfor ourselves, so that we are able to navigate and regulate the new worlds we live in, but also for the engineers who create tech products, tools, and platforms, so that they can live up to the philosophical stakes of their work.

To make that possible, we need philosophers and artists working alongside computer and software engineers.

Until relatively recently, we in the modern West knew what it means to be human.

We knew that we had what no one and nothing else had: intelligence.

We knew that our potential to think, to wonder, to know, made us exceptional and set us apart from the rest of creation. By this theory, we humans were more than just another animal. And we were much more than just a machine.

While we had intelligence, animals had only instinct, and machines had mere mechanisms.

We also knew that there is an unbridgeable difference between natural and human-made artificial things, and between organisms and machines, as well as between living, sentient things and non-living or non-sentient things. We knew that only natural, living thingsi.e., organismscan sense, perceive, and think

We knew all of this with unwavering certaintyuntil we knew better.

Today none of these distinctionsnor the concept of the human that they helped stabilizeholds as certainly. And this loss of certainty has much to do with the rise of artificial intelligence. (It also has to do with a lot of other things, like microbiome research and climate change, but in this article I am going to focus on AI).

Take, for example, deep learning, in which machines endowed with thousands of layers of neurons are able to learn and remember. This enables the machine to reason and to make decisions.

Given the abilities of these neuronal machines, it does not seem very plausible to assume we humans are intelligent while machines are not. Or that only living things can be sentient and can think, investigate, and understand. Or that there is a categorical distinction between natural things and artificial things.

On the contrary, it appears that there is a continuity between the natural and the artificial, between humans and machines.

As these observations make amply clear, the relatively recent advent of AI is a far-reaching philosophical event. And AI labs and tech companies are our most potent philosophical laboratories. They are powerful experimental spaces within which people create new concepts of the human and the world around us.

In places like Google, Facebook, Microsoft and OpenAI, engineers elaborate radically new notions of what it means to be human, to live a life, and to live together.

The vast majority of cutting-edge AI research is carried out in companies. The problem is that most of the people who lead these companies dont know that they are radically reinventing our definition of what it means to be human. They think of themselves as just people who work at tech companies.

One of the major ambitions of my work is to change this. I want these labs and companies to understand their enormous philosophical responsibility: the self-aware design of new possibilities of being human and of living together.

Which is why my colleagues and I have placed philosophers and artists in places like Google.

Let me underline that while we work with companies, the purpose of our work is not to help big tech to devise some novel marketing strategy: Our goal is not to provide philosophical and artistic means for corporate ends.

Rather, our ambition is to engage the major AI companies in a philosophical and artistic project of massive scope, in the experimental search for and articulation of what it means philosophically to be human in our modern world.

The modern concept of the humanthe concept that we until recently took for grantedfirst surfaced in Europe in the 1630s. This was a time when more and more reports about non-European life forms arrived in Europe, making philosophers wonder what all these people had in common.

The answer they gradually came up with assumed the form of two differentiations:

On the one hand, they argued, humans are more than mere nature (more than animals and plants). And on the other hand, they insisted, humans were said to be other than (or qualitatively different from) mere machines.

The criterion of differentiation was intelligence: Humans have it, or so the story went, and nature and machines dont.

At the time, these two differentiations served two powerful purposes: To argue that all humans are defined by intelligencethe capacity to think, examine, reflect, and knowwas a most powerful tool against the unfounded authority of the clergy.

And to argue that nature, as opposed to humans, is devoid of intelligence allowed the early modern philosophers to exempt humans from the cosmos (of which they had been a part up until then) and to reduce nature from a metaphysical surrounding organized by divine laws to physical matter organized in terms of mechanisms.

It is difficult to exaggerate the importance these two differentiations (more than nature/other than machines) have had for our modern experience of self and of the world that surrounds us.

Almost all of the vocabulary we have assigned to be distinctively humanart, culture, society, history, politicssilently suggests the more/other:

Art and culture are the opposite of nature. Society and politics are a space of action and organization that opens up when humans leave the status naturalis, or animal state.

History is an exclusively human realm, made up of successive layers of human action.

It was sometime around 2013 when I first recognized that the modern concept of the humanagain, the very concept that has organized our sense of self and our experience of realityfails us.

Take the microbiome, which has been becoming increasingly popular in science, health and wellness circles in the past few years. There is no single organ system that is not contingent on microbial metabolites. Most of the neurotransmitters in our brain are made by bacteria living in our guts. No one can tell where a human ends and their microbiome begins.

Or, take AI. Once AI researchers succeeded in building machines endowed with neural nets that learn, that experience, that remember, that think and reason, the assumption of an unbridgeable difference between humans and machinesbetween intelligence and mechanism, between the animate and the inanimatebecame untenable.

It seemed clear that we cannot continue to live by concepts we know are both untenable and destructive to the planet. But the question that concerned me most was what to do with it all.

This question troubled me for a long time, until I realized that fields like AI and microbiome research or synthetic biology not only undermine the historic way we think of the humanthey also allow for new possibilities for understanding the world.

It suddenly dawned on me that I could look at each one of these fields, not just AI and the microbiome, but also synthetic biology, biogeochemistry, and others, as if they were a kind of philosophical laboratory for re-articulating our reality.

Isnt AI, by undoing the formerly exclusive link between humans and intelligence, opening up whole new possibilities of understanding how the world is organized and how humans fit into this world?

Intelligence is now no longer an exclusively-human property, but something animals and machines have as well.

By establishing a continuum between the natural and the artificial, AI research invites us to think of machines as natural, and of engineering as a kind of natural (meaning biological) practice.

We are living in an era of a major, most far-reaching philosophical event: A radical re-articulation of what it is to be human and of the relation between humans, nature, and technology.

Yet at present, no one really formally talks about this philosophical quality of tech. Hence, no one attends to it, with the inevitable consequence that the sweeping re-articulation of the human unfolds around us in a haphazard, entirely unconscientious way.

Shouldnt we try to change this?

When I shared my enthusiasm with my colleagues in academia, I found that what was exciting to me was an unbearable provocation for many others.

My suggestion that the question concerning the human has migrated into the fields of the natural sciences and engineeringthat is, into fields not concerned with the traditional study of the human and humanity at allwere received as threat to academics in the arts. If humans are no longer more than nature or machines, then what are the arts even good for?

My insistence that the best way to defend the human was to re-invent it was dismissed.

But my suggestion has hardly been to abandon philosophy or the arts. Rather, I want to bring into focus how fields like AI (or microbiome research or synthetic biology) are actually philosophical fields.

But the problem was not just in the arts: Most engineers I talked to were too busy being engineers. They were fully absorbed by their research questions and displayed little interest in what I desperately, and clumsily, called the philosophical stakes of their work.

I entered one of the biggest crises of my adult life: I had to accept that the universitythe place I cherished, loved, called homewas part of the problem rather than the solution.

The re-invention of the human in terms of philosophy, art, and engineering could not occur, at least for now within the academy as we know it. In 2016, I decided to give up my endowed chair and to leave the university. A little more than a year later, as luck would have it, investor and Berggruen Institute founder Nicolas Berggruen offered me the opportunity to build a small, experimental program on the contemporary transformations of the human that would allow me to test my ideas.

In spring 2018, I began to call researchers in AI and biotech sites and suggested that they hire philosophers and artists to work alongside their engineers.

I explained, with all my enthusiasm, that AI labs and companies are the unrecognized but most powerful and cataclysmic philosophical laboratories in which new concepts of being human, of politics, of understanding nature, of understanding and practicing technology, are thought up.

I told my interlocutors that their work is at the very center of a vast philosophical event, of similar historical proportions to the Renaissance or the Scientific Revolution.

I called, followed up, visitedand hoped my enthusiasm would be infectious and help open the door.

Today, we have philosophy and art teams at Element AI, Facebook, and Google, and also at AI labs at MIT, Berkeley, and Stanford. Our researchers are in regular conversation with DeepMind, OpenAI, and Microsoft.

This is just the beginning.

My work over the last two years has led me to conclude that these research and collaboration platforms Ive had the fortune to build at the Berggruen Institute can only be a first step in a much larger process.

What we need now is a completely new model for an educational institution, one that can produce a new kind of practitioner.

We need a workforce that thinks differently, and that can understand engineering, from AI to microbiome research to synthetic biology to geoengineering and many other fieldsas philosophical and artistic practices that ceaselessly re-invent the human.

Almost every month, youll likely read about another billion-dollar endowment for a new tech school. On the one hand, theres nothing wrong with thisI agree we always need better, smarter, tech.

On the other hand, these tech schools tend to reproduce the old division of labor between the faculty of arts and the faculties of science and engineering. That is, they tend to understand tech as just tech and not as the philosophical and artistic field that it is.

What we need are not so much tech schools, as institutions that combine philosophy, art, and technology into one integrated curriculum.

We need a school that combines philosophy, art, and engineering, one that can produce the workforce of the futurelike a contemporary Bauhaus movement, focused not on exclusively on architecture, but on technology as well.

If we fail to embrace these differences today, and if we fail to recognize that radically new things are occurring, and fail to recognize the radically new as opportunities and responsibilities, we run the risk of leaving the definition of the world we live in to the conservative forces that stubbornly continue to try to frame our changing world in the terms of the old one.

And that is a certain recipe for disaster.

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Why tech companies need to hire philosophers - Quartz

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Living on Purpose: Being thankful is a state of mind – Chattanooga Times Free Press

I was thinking this week, while in the midst of complaining about the frustrations of life, that being thankful is more of a state of mind than a celebration.

I'm sure you will agree it's truly a blessing to wake up each morning and not be in agony. When we swing our bodies over onto the side of the bed and stand on our feet, this is nothing less than a miracle!

So often, we become so busy thinking about what we are going to do that we forget how God is providing our good health, which enables us to enjoy our life. I realize it's easy to take our blessings for granted, and since being grateful is an attitude of appreciation, let us remember to tell Jesus how much we love him for paying the ransom for our soul.

What does Thanksgiving mean to you? Someone might reply, "It means a delicious feast" and we can relate, as who does not enjoy a great meal? Others may say, "Thanksgiving means a day off from work or school," and this is always something to look forward to.

Nonetheless, holidays are not only to be a celebration of indulgence but a spiritual sensitivity that recognizes all that we have and who gave it to us. As the word Thanksgiving suggests, we talk about thanks but rarely hear about the giving.

Giving thanks is also more than an expression of gratitude because we can say "thank you" to someone and not really mean it. Genuine appreciation is not just words, but more of a sincere awareness of a particular thing or person, then demonstrating that gratitude with honesty and sincerity.

This year between the turkey, dressing and the pumpkin pie, may we give praise to the one who made it all possible. It's more than just saying a prayer at the table; it's living a life that is pleasing unto the Lord.

One of our good friends is battling a serious health issue and, trust me, she is seeing life through a different perspective this Thanksgiving. She's been taking morning walks lately and has shared with me about how quiet and peaceful the world is right before the sun rises. In these times, it's the little things like hearing the birds sing and the colors of the leaves that are majestic and awe-inspiring.

Have you considered lately how glorious it is to be able to take a deep breath? Breathing seems so natural, but to many, it is a constant battle. The feeling of being underwater is not pleasant, and yet many live in this situation every day.

The heart is another involuntary function that God has designed to keep a constant rhythm without us having to think about it, but many people are not so fortunate. How often do we thank God for all of the medications and treatments he provides to maintain our health?

Franklin Roosevelt is quoted as saying, "It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord. Across the uncertain ways of space and time, our hearts echo those words, for the days are with us again when, at the gathering of the harvest, we solemnly express our dependence upon Almighty God."

Occasionally I will take a short nap on my cozy leather sofa while our English bulldog wedges his way in between me and the back of the couch and lets out a sigh of enjoyment that sounds more like the grunt of a hog. What a blessing it is to have a place called home. I'm sure most of you feel the same way about your sanctuary of peace and security.

I thank God that I can go to the refrigerator and find something to eat, then go out into the garage and get into a nice vehicle and travel wherever I need to go. We usually do not pay any attention to these "luxuries" but they are amazing blessings.

May we remember there are many people that do not have a home, a vehicle, a couch or any food at all. First Thessalonians 5:18 tells us to be "Thankful in everything, and in all circumstances." Whether in lack or abundance we will look to God and thank him for all he has given and, more importantly, we will worship and love him just for who he is.

Check out Billy Holland's new book, "Convictions and Considerations," at billy

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Living on Purpose: Being thankful is a state of mind - Chattanooga Times Free Press

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The Most Iconic Tech Innovations of the 2010s – PCMag

As the decade comes to an end, we rounded up the most important and innovative tech products, trends, and breakthroughs that have shaped how we use technology.

We're staring down the barrel of 2020, and an entirely new decade of technological progress. It's impossible to predict what tech will look like 10 years from now. But as the 2010s come to an end, it's a good time to reflect on a decade of new apps, devices, innovations, and tech-driven societal shifts that have radically changed the way we live our day-to-day lives, for better or worse.

The 2010s have ushered in an unparalleled era of cloud computing and artificial intelligence, a bevy of new devices and hardware innovations, 4G networks powering a new generation of connected apps and services, and a lot more. Take a trip back through 10 years of technology, much of which it's now hard to imagine living without.

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Data auditing is the future of data privacy –

It has been over a year since the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) went into full effect to ensure the protection and privacy of an individuals personal data. Following several high-profile data breaches and large fines being imposed as a consequence of non-compliance, this has sent shock waves around the world regarding the need for increased data protection regulations. While, at first, the EUs right to be forgotten principle seemed out of reach, it is becoming a standard, especially as more and more Americans are beginning to question how organizations are using their data. Now with the passing of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which will be implemented on January 1, 2020, the need for businesses to adhere to data regulations are becoming a reality. The impact this will have on organizations remains to be seen, but whats clear is that consumers around the world are starting to demand change.

And, as more regulations are put in place, and consumers begin to care more about how their personal data is being used, it is likely well see other states follow suit and pass similar data privacy laws. In fact, New York state recently proposed a privacy bill that would be far bolder than Californias, but as other states try to pass similar legislation, lawmakers say a national data privacy bill is still far away. Regardless, organizations should start looking ahead of these regulations to avoid costly fines and prevent lost business opportunities in the future.

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Navigating the changing data privacy landscape may be overwhelming at first, but its something that organizations should come to expect as data privacy and protection continue to take center stage. While headlines have been riddled with the tales of major cybersecurity breaches in the U.S., the CCPA aims to give users more control resulting in companies needing to work with new rules. Heres what businesses and DBAs and data security professionals should consider as they approach data privacy and take stock of their policies.

Anticipate upcoming regulationsReading is key to comprehending the underlying complexities of U.S. specific data regulation policies, but its also important to know how GDPR is affecting European countries as well. Remember, GDPR, though an EU compliance regulation, affects US companies that process the personal data of data subjects controllers and processors who are in the EU. Consider investing in training for your IT staff to help them gain a better understanding of how these policies are going to affect their work. Having quarterly training sessions to inform staff on the latest developments in statewide privacy policies will keep security mindedness at the forefront of their work.

Perform a complete inventory of company dataAs organizations begin to evaluate their data landscape, they should consider the following questions: What kind of data do we store, Who has access, Where is it stored, and Is it secure? This provides a good starting point for the creation of a data privacy program. Performing an in-depth data inventory (or audit), will ensure you can track personal data processing activities across your company. This is an internal audit and not the same as a compliance audit. For database DBAs, this is the toughest job, especially if youre dealing with multiple environments (on-premises and cloud), servers, virtual machines, databases, backups, etc, but it is one of the most important tasks if you want to avoid unnecessary fines in the long run. Performing a regular data audit will help promote visibility and provide DBAs with a better view of the organizational processes that might have been neglected over time.

Simplify and automate data identificationAfter performing a full data audit, consider automating the data discovery process for your databases, based on a set of rules that define what personal and sensitive data is for your company to make the future flagging process of such data more accessible. Utilizing data identification software is an elegant way to locate personal and sensitive data. Another step in data identification is to understand your companys risk regarding where data lives and who has access to it. Taking a proactive approach to data logging will eliminate a backlog and make future audits easier. In addition, this will help keep the data supply chain secure by understanding the channels the data has traveled through.

Utilize database auditingMost database vendors have database auditing utilities that can track and record where and when changes are made to data and who made the change in the event of a compliance audit. These utilities can also track the type of data change made (i.e. insert, update or delete) and generate a report that may be required for an auditor.

Leverage independent experts with in-depth knowledge of the regulationsHaving the appropriate staff in place will make all the difference in applying data policy regulation. Consider an executive whose job is to monitor all things data protection. Having a strong policy presence at the top of the organization ensures policies are put into practice correctly. If appointing a policy executive in your C-suite is beyond your budget, consider leveraging an independent expert to evaluate your organization and provide advice on upcoming policy changes (in the case of GDPR, such a person is called a Data Protection Officer or DPO). Having the appropriate people at the operational level ensures that business is taking place inside a regulatory framework, and prepares IT operations to understand how new policies will affect existing databases.

GDPR has changed the way organizations around the world look at data, and CCPA will force similar data policy changes in the U.S. that will dramatically change the ways organizations and DBAs store user data. All companies with an online presence are data companies which means all organizations need to take these regulations seriously. IT staff need to stay alert to how these changing conditions will affect the workflow for their specific sector of work. To be good citizens of the world, we must first be good students and learn from the changing policy around us. Our data depends on it.

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Alibaba Is Taking the Cloud Battle to Amazon – Investopedia

Alibaba Group Holdings Inc. (BABA), the e-commerce giant known as the "Amazon of China," is poised for explosive growth and set to become a dominant player in cloud-computing services, a league currently dominated by Google parent Alphabet Inc. (GOOGL), Inc. (AMZN), and Microsoft Corp. (MSFT). And a new study by Forrester predicts the companys cloud unit will surpass Google Cloud next year as the third biggest competitor in the global cloud market, according to a recent story in Business Insider.

Alibaba, with amarket capof $484 billion, currently dominates the online retail market in China, the worlds second largest economy and most populous country with around 1.4 billion people. The expected rapid pace of growth of the e-commerce company will not only put it ahead of Google in the market for cloud services, but will put it into direct competition for global customers with Amazon and Microsoft.

When we say that Alibaba is threatening Google for the third post, we believe in 2020 Alibaba will make more money than Google will, Forresters vice president and principal analyst Dave Bartoletti told Business Insider.

The Forrester report predicts that Alibabas cloud infrastructure unit, first formed in 2009, will bring in $4.5 billion in revenue next year. While Googles reported annual revenuerun ratefor its cloud business is $8 billion, that figure is a combination of revenue from both its cloud infrastructure unit and its G Suite productivity software. Solely based on infrastructure, Alibaba is expected to replace Google as the third most dominant player in global cloud services.

Alibaba has not always been the most innovative of big tech companies and has propelled itself forward by largely being adept at imitating the innovations of its competitors. However, things may be starting to change. Nowadays, innovation is happening everywhere in the China market, and Alibaba Cloud has become one of the most important platforms to support business-driven innovation, especially based on the Internet, vice president of Canon Ehara Taisei toldBarrons in September.

But regardless, one of the major sources of Alibabas strength is its dominance in the biggest marketplace in the worldChina. The company raked in total revenues of more than $56 billion in its most recent fiscal year andcomprises about two-thirdsof the online-retail market share in China. When it comes to cloud computing, demand in China is only growing, and Alibaba is the household name for such services.

They are the leading public cloud provider in China, which is a very big market, said Bartoletti. They have a lot of people using their services there. They are doing well financially. They have money to invest in build out. They are doing a good job of being a fast follower.

While financially strong, another thing that will help Alibaba to invest in further growth is Alibabas latest round of share issuance for its secondary listing in Hong Kong next week. The secondary offering wasoversubscribedwith proceeds of the sale amounting toroughly $13 billion, a pile of cash that could help Alibaba grow its cloud business to Amazon-like proportions.

But while Alibaba may be starting to shift its focus on the two frontrunners in the cloud space, Google wont give up its third place spot without a fight. Google Cloud is likely to maintain its dominance with domestic customers as Alibaba has a much smaller presence in North America. Google could also gain ground if it shifts some of its attention to expanding abroad in European markets.

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Alibaba Is Taking the Cloud Battle to Amazon - Investopedia

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Global Healthcare Cloud Computing Market 2018-2022 | Introduction of Blockchain in Cloud Computing to Boost Growth | Technavio – Business Wire

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The global healthcare cloud computing market is expected to post a CAGR of close to 22% during the period 2018-2022, according to the latest market research report by Technavio. Request a free sample report

Research collaborations have been increasing considerably in recent years, particularly, in the field of healthcare. Healthcare establishments and organizations prompting research initiatives require systems with high computational capabilities. Deploying cloud computing in healthcare ecosystems offers various advantages including cost savings, enhanced flexibility, and system scalability to the organizations. Furthermore, the use of cloud computing also facilitates better collaborative research among various healthcare researchers and other stakeholders. The cloud computing modules designed for the healthcare ecosystem help healthcare professionals in making precise decisions for prescribing appropriate medications to their patients. Thus, growing collaborations among different stakeholders of the healthcare industry will drive the healthcare cloud computing market.

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As per Technavio, the introduction of blockchain in cloud computing will have a positive impact on the market and contribute to its growth significantly over the forecast period. This research report also analyzes other important trends and market drivers that will affect market growth over 2018-2022.

Global Healthcare Cloud Computing Market: Introduction of Blockchain in Cloud Computing

Rising deployment of cloud computing systems in the healthcare industry has resulted in an increase in data and information theft, resulting in cybersecurity issues. However, implementation of blockchain in healthcare IT infrastructure will help in achieving greater data security, streamlining claims, managing the billing process, and ensuring integrity within drug supply chain and health research. In addition, blockchain-enabled systems also help in reducing breaches during data exchange and offering greater ownership to the patients about their data and records. As a result, with the growing awareness of benefits offered by blockchain technology, vendors in the healthcare industry are collaborating with cloud computing companies to develop blockchain-based healthcare management systems.

Some other major factors such as the introduction of edge computing, integrated service offerings for healthcare industry, and increasing number of cloud vendors, and development of hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI) will boost market growth during the forecast period, says a senior analyst at Technavio.

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Global Healthcare Cloud Computing Market: Segmentation Analysis

This market report segments the global healthcare cloud computing market by product (SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS) and geography (Americas, APAC, and EMEA).

Americas led the market in 2017, followed by EMEA and APAC respectively owing to the increased adoption of cloud computing technologies in the healthcare sector in the region and strict government regulations like HIPAA. Growing partnerships among the stakeholders of the healthcare sector and cloud computing companies, particularly, in Canada and Latin American economies will further lead the region to account for the highest incremental growth during the forecast period.

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Some of the key topics covered in the report include:

Market Landscape

Market Sizing

Five Forces Analysis

Market Segmentation

Geographical Segmentation

Market Drivers

Market Challenges

Market Trends

Vendor Landscape

About Technavio

Technavio is a leading global technology research and advisory company. Their research and analysis focus on emerging market trends and provides actionable insights to help businesses identify market opportunities and develop effective strategies to optimize their market positions.

With over 500 specialized analysts, Technavios report library consists of more than 17,000 reports and counting, covering 800 technologies, spanning across 50 countries. Their client base consists of enterprises of all sizes, including more than 100 Fortune 500 companies. This growing client base relies on Technavios comprehensive coverage, extensive research, and actionable market insights to identify opportunities in existing and potential markets and assess their competitive positions within changing market scenarios.

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Global Healthcare Cloud Computing Market 2018-2022 | Introduction of Blockchain in Cloud Computing to Boost Growth | Technavio - Business Wire

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Video Streaming Platforms And The Benefits Of Cloud – Forbes

Video streaming has come a long way from the old days when transferring video wasnt even possible on the Internet. Today, businesses all over the world use video streaming as a tool for marketing and communication, as well as a modern means of providing entertaining or educational content.

The advancements in cloud computing have revolutionized video streaming and brought forth massive corporations and popular streaming platforms such as YouTube and Netflix. Thanks to successful video streaming startups, even small companies can leverage the benefits of video streaming in their business.

Video Streaming and Cloud

Video streaming platforms have adopted cloud scaling in order to enable larger bandwidth and speed. These factors are necessary to handle heavier video requirements and provide a better viewing experience.

One of the greatest examples of a platform that scaled massively on cloud to provide a better video viewing experience is YouTube. Thanks to the advancement in cloud technology, YouTube was able to reach millions of people and become the second largest search engine online.

Nowadays, even small businesses use video streaming to bring their customers closer to the brand and make them feel more connected to their mission in the industry. This additional human interaction can take their marketing strategies to the next level.

Cloud computing symbol, random lines creating cloud shape, 3D illustration of cloud technology, ... [+] internet of things

While video streaming is considered a powerful marketing tool, it comes with several challenges in terms of technological requirements. Video streaming includes the transmission of large data pockets that results in latency issues the frustrating buffering that ruins any viewers experience.

By scaling on cloud, streaming platforms can increase their bandwidth to provide better video streaming performance and viewing experience. Certain startups provide video streaming services to businesses that want to leverage this tool but dont have the required interface.

Since most enterprises dont have networks capable of handling video streaming and heavy traffic, there is a large demand for cloud scaling and video streaming platforms. Here are three startups worth mentioning that have used cloud to scale and increase their capabilities for purposes such as video delivery, live streaming, and gaming:

Whether were talking about gaming, streaming, or live video, cloud computing plays an important role in providing a high quality experience. With the focus being on the end users experience, video streaming platforms will continue adopting cloud technologies to provide better results.

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Video Streaming Platforms And The Benefits Of Cloud - Forbes

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Cloud Computing Market Expected to Grow at 623.3 Billion In Revenue by 2023 – Hitz Dairies

A latest published report on Cloud Computing Market delivering key insights and providing a competitive advantage to clients through a detailed report. The report contains 174 pages which highly exhibit on current market analysis scenario, upcoming as well as future opportunities, revenue growth, pricing and profitability. An exclusive data offered in this report is collected by research and industry experts team.

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The Global Cloud Computing Market size is expected to grow from US$ 272.0 Billion in 2018 to US$ 623.3 Billion by 2023, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 18.0% during the forecast period. Increased automation and Agility need for delivering enhanced customer experience, and increased cost savings and return on investment are the major growth factors for the cloud computing market.

Key Players- AWS (US), Microsoft (US), Google (US), Alibaba (China), SAP (Germany), IBM (US), Oracle (US), VMware (US), Rackspace (US), Salesforce (US), Adobe (US), Verizon (US), CenturyLink (US), Fujitsu (Japan), NTT Communications (Japan).

The key features of IaaS include automated administrative tasks, dynamic scaling, platform virtualization, and network connectivity. IaaS enables enterprises to leverage their IT infrastructure without paying for the construction of the physical infrastructure. Moreover, it provides flexibility, mobility, easy, and scalable access to applications, and enhanced collaboration to help enterprises focus on their core businesses.

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The retail and consumer goods vertical is one of the fastest-growing verticals with respect to the adoption of emerging and innovative technologies, such as cloud computing, big data analytics, DevOps, digital stores, and social networks. Various factors driving this adoption are the rising purchasing power of customers and the need to satisfy customer expectations leading to the existing customer retention and new customer acquisition.

North America is the most mature market in terms of cloud computing services adoption, due to several factors, such as the presence of many enterprises with advanced IT infrastructure, and availability of technical expertise. APAC is expected to offer significant growth opportunities for cloud computing vendors during the forecast period. Rapid advancements in emerging technologies, IT infrastructure services, and the Internet of Things (IoT) have led many organizations to adopt cloud computing services.

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The report will help the market leaders/new entrants in the cloud computing market with information on the closest approximations of the revenue numbers for the overall cloud computing market and the sub segments. The report will help stakeholders understand the competitive landscape and gain more insights to better position their businesses and to plan suitable go-to-market strategies.

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Cloud Computing Market Expected to Grow at 623.3 Billion In Revenue by 2023 - Hitz Dairies

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Amazon reportedly restricted partners at its New York conference from mentioning competitors like Microsoft and Google – Business Insider

Amazon Web Services is reportedly cracking down on letting its partners even mention that cloud computing services from other providers exist.

At its New York conference in July, Amazon reportedly blocked partners with booths from mentioning its competitors like Microsoft and Google Cloud, the New York Post's Nicolas Vega reported.

Partners at that conference who did mention competitors were asked to remove those names or cover them up with tape, The Post's Vega reported.

Likewise, AWS released a branding guide that said AWS would not approve terms like "multi-cloud," "cross cloud," "any cloud," "every cloud," "or any other language that implies designing or supporting more than one cloud provider," CRN's Brendan Foye reported. These phrases suggest that customers can use other clouds in addition to that of Amazon's.

It's unclear if AWS has imposed similar rules at any of its other conferences. AWS did not immediately respond to our request for comment.

While AWS is still considered the number one cloud, its rivals Microsoft and Google Cloud are working to gain a slice of that market. Just October, Microsoft scored a major upset over AWS when it won the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure contract, a $10 billion cloud computing contract with the Pentagon. Earlier this month, AWS filed a protest over Microsoft's victory.

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Amazon reportedly restricted partners at its New York conference from mentioning competitors like Microsoft and Google - Business Insider

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Cloud Computing Market Segmentation and Analysis by Recent Trends, Development and Growth by Regions to 2024 – Eastlake Times

The research analysis on global Cloud Computing market 2019 serves a prevalent study of present market size, drivers, current trends, opportunities, challenges/risks, and also major Cloud Computing market segments. Furthermore, it describes different definitions and categorization of the Cloud Computing industry, chain structure and various applications.

Following to above information, the Cloud Computing report provides various strategies of marketing follow by distributors and key players. Then represents Cloud Computing marketing channels, prospective buyers, and improvement history. The objective of global Cloud Computing industry report is to specify the information to the readers regarding Cloud Computing market foresight and dynamics for the upcoming years.

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The analysis guide the important aspect that impacts the advancement of Cloud Computing market. Fixed evaluation of the worldwide Cloud Computing market share from various regions and countries is included within the report. In addition, it reveals Cloud Computing consumption values of segments like types and applications.

By the end of basic and necessary data, the worldwide Cloud Computing industry report focuses the mergers, collabrations, technical evolution, innovative business proposal, new advancement and revenue. Additionally, R&D position and the Cloud Computing market development in distinct regions are covered in the report.

Also, this analysis structured new investment feasibility study of Cloud Computing market. The report study the key micro markets logically, and also highlights on Cloud Computing industry-specific constraints, growing opportunities, market drivers, and threats in the Cloud Computing market.

Leading Manufacturers includes:

Amazon Web ServicesMicrosoft AzureIBMAliyunGoogle Cloud PlatformSalesforceRackspaceSAPOracleVmwareDELLEMC

Report covers Cloud Computing market trends, drivers, restraints, swot analysis, competitive landscape, companies profile, and value chain analysis.Overall Cloud Computing market is classified with respect to popular global and localite Cloud Computing players. These settled vendors have extensive imperious measures and funds for the Cloud Computing research as well as advancemental activities. Also, the Cloud Computing manufacturers concentrating on the development of new technologies and feedstocks. In fact, this will enhance Cloud Computing industry competition scheme.

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On the basis of types, the Cloud Computing market is primarily split into:

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)Platform as a Service (PaaS)Software as a Service (SaaS)

On the basis of applications, the market covers:

GovernmentSmall and Medium sized enterprisesLarge enterprises

Global Cloud Computing Industry Report Roofed Below Topics:

01: Cloud Computing Market Outlook02: Global Cloud Computing Industry Sales, Revenue (USD$) and Market Share by Key Players03: Cloud Computing Market Sales, Revenue (USD$) by Regions and Segmentation04: Regionwise Cloud Computing Top Players Growth, Sales, Price and Revenue05: Worldwide Cloud Computing industry Vendors Profiles Study06: Cloud Computing Production Cost Study07: Industrial Chain Analysis, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Cloud Computing Buyers08: Cloud Computing Marketing Strategy Study, Distributors/Suppliers09: Cloud Computing Industry Growth Factors Study10: Global Cloud Computing Market Foresight (2019-2024)11: Cloud Computing Research Discoveries and Conclusion12: Cloud Computing Appendix

In brief, Cloud Computing market related people will get a thorough information on the market the affecting driving and constraning elements and its impact on the world Cloud Computing market. The report projects the forecast outlook for Cloud Computing industry which might be beneficial to the readers in taking decisive judgment regarding Cloud Computing market segments to develop in the future years accordingly.

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Cloud Computing Market Segmentation and Analysis by Recent Trends, Development and Growth by Regions to 2024 - Eastlake Times

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