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Black Friday gets you tech devices here’s how to save on apps – NBC News

As Black Friday deals enable you to invest in the tech devices you use for apps from laptops to tablets and smartphones the apps themselves sometimes come with a pricetag, too. And to align with Black Friday sales, some app subscriptions are on sale right now.

So whether you're in the market for a top-notch VPN service, cloud storage or even relaxing guided meditation, there's likely a discount on one of them worth checking out. Below, we rounded up 10 affordable apps that are worth shopping this week.

Bonus: Enter code BFSAVE40 at checkout, to get 40 percent off of the prices listed below.

Turn your startup idea into a reality with Bizplan, a step-by-step business building app that provides you with templates, dashboards and a network of investors that will help streamline your projects in an attempt to help get your business funded.

Looking for a mindful new year? Grab a lifetime subscription to Aura Meditation, which features a variety of science-backed guided meditation sessions aimed to help relieve stress and anxiety.

Let our news meet your inbox. The news and stories that matters, delivered weekday mornings.

The best passwords have randomized character strings that feature numbers and special symbols. The issue is that they also tend to be the hardest to remember. This service can auto-fill usernames and passwords for all your online accounts to make that process much easier.

Another way you can keep your information private is with the help of a VPN. These help ensure that when you're using public WiFi networks, your personal data is kept away from prying eyes.

Home renovation isn't as easy as HGTV makes it out to be. For people who need help visualizing what their redesign projects will look like, Live Home 3D Pro can help. The app allows you to design advanced floor plans with easy-to-use point-and-click tools.

Babbel, a popular language learning app, was made with the help of more than 100 expert linguists with the goal of getting you speaking a foreign language confidently in as little as one month. All of its lessons are bite-sized (about 10 to 15 minutes in total) so that you can more easily fit them into your schedule, and they focus on real-life topics you'll get the most use out of, such as business, food and travel.

Keep track of your finances and pinpoint areas where you can cut back on your expenses with CoinKeeper. The personal finance tool can help you create a monthly budget, monitor your expenditures, set spending limits and notify you when you're overspending.

For people who want to be caught up on all the latest bestselling titles but don't have time to read them all in-depth, 12min Micro Book synthesizes a variety of books into short articles so that you can digest all the important information in as little as 12 minutes.

Dubbed as the Swiss Army Knife of iPhone management, iMazing is a Mac/Windows app that allows you to browse and manage your iPhone's backups, extract your text message information, copy your favorite songs, export your photos and access the history of your notes.

You've got plenty of videos, photos, audio content and documents that you need safely stored. A cloud service like ThunderDrive allows you to keep your most important files safe and accessible.

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Black Friday gets you tech devices here's how to save on apps - NBC News

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20 years ago: Napster vs CuteMX, movie industry gets its own boogieman: DeCSS – AfterDawn

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20 years ago: Napster vs CuteMX, movie industry gets its own boogieman: DeCSS - AfterDawn

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Blockchain for Science: Revolutionary Opportunities and Potential Problems – RTInsights

Although blockchain technology is still evolving, it can already offer many advantages to the scientific community.

Blockchain is revolutionizing the world.

It is one of the biggest technology markets worldwide, with prospects tocontinue growing and eventually reaching 23.3 billion dollars worth ofinvestments by 2023, according to Statista.

In the future, the rapid growth in investments will encompass manydifferent industries, and blockchain will become a mainstream technology.

See also: How Blockchain Technology and Cognitive Computing Work Together

Currently, however, different industries are only at the early stage of introducing blockchain technology to different procedures and operations. According to Deloittes 2018 global blockchain survey, blockchain technology is expected to revolutionize many industries. It is anticipated that by using blockchain, industries will completely change the way they function.

According to Deloittes survey, manufacturing industries, as well as theenergy sector, along with healthcare, technology, and even the public sector (governmentalinstitutions, executive branch), will eventually turn to blockchain technologyto organize data, store it, and ensure its security.

But heres what caught our attention, while analyzing this survey.

Interestingly enough, life sciences (biotech, medical devices, andpharma) ranks high on the list of industries that will make use of blockchain.The technological advancement in life sciences greatly impacts the quality ofhealthcare, giving us new opportunities to improve it.

Lets take a step further.

Technological advancement in engineering and computer science will giveus new opportunities in manufacturing, the energy sector, and other relatedfields.

This pushes us to deduce the following thought: will science in general be changed by blockchain technology? And, if yes, what opportunities, prospects of implementation, and potential problems should we expect from it?

Lets dig deeper.

Blockchainfor Science: Revolutionary Opportunities

Blockchain technology is versatile. Therefore, the wholedata-hash-previous hash system works for every transaction involving value,whether its money, goods, or information. Besides, the high levels of securityensure fraud protection, as every transaction is recorded and distributed amongthe computer network.

As a result, these features of the blockchain technology offer thefollowing opportunities that can revolutionize science in different aspects.

Opportunity#1: Making Research Transparent

The science behind blockchain is simple.

A set of blocks that contain data is shared in one network of parties(nodes), which have equal and immutable access to the data carried by theblock.

Whats in it for scientific research?

Lets say a group of researchers is working on a statistical analysis ofa certain business venture. They collect data that is stored in blocks, thuscreating a data-carrying blockchain for this research.

Any changes that are made to this data will not go unnoticed, as everyresearcher from the team can equally spot and track these changes.

Joris van Rossum, Director of Special Projects at Digital Science, saysthat among the biggest benefits that blockchain can bring to scientificresearch is eliminatingpoor communication.

Right now, according to van Rossum, scientific research is at a verydeficient state. Blockchain gives an opportunity to change, as it ensuresreproducibility that is central for transparent scientific research.

Opportunity#2: Making Data Storage Safer

Blockchain is designed in a way that ensures safe storage of any datathat every block contains. Hashes, which work as a protection device for thedata, are hard to tamper, thus keeping all research data safely stored.

Essentially, blockchain is a decentralized database of information. Itis decentralized because every node has full access to the data and any changesthat have been made. This includes any changes made involving the hashes ofevery block, thus making it impossible to leak the information or corrupt it.

Blockchain technology also ensures an extra level of protection, as allthe data is broken into segments (shards), which are encrypted. Thus, anyclassified research data can be safely stored in blocks, accessed, and trackedby every node in the network.

Opportunity#3: Making Science Transparent

Blockchain technology brings an opportunity to make the decisions andthe activity of scientific organizations more transparent by introducingso-called smart contracts.

Distributedledger technology enables blockchain to store small computerprograms that track the data. Smart contracts are created in the form ofcomputer programs and are designed to cut the middleman in all datatransactions. Instead, this smart contract becomes the middle man, and all theactivity can be traced by the network of nodes.

The two main features that science and scientific research can benefitfrom are that smart contracts in their nature are:

Thisfeature of smart contracts wont allow any of the two parties to opt out of thecontract, change its terms, or terminate it. This means that every scientificorganization that was promised governmental funding will get it.

Smart contracts are almost impossible to tamper with. As all theactivities are fixated and stored in blocks, it not only gets safer to storethis data but makes the general activity of scientific organizations moretransparent and organized.

Blockchainfor Science: Prospects of Implementation

All the above-mentioned opportunities have already found theirimplementation in decentralized blockchain-based data storage.

Decentralized clouds started emerging recently, becoming a strongcompetitor and a potential threat to centralized servers such as Google Cloud,Dropbox, etc.

Decentralized cloud storage uses blockchain technology to:

Essentially, all the above-mentioned opportunities, brought to scienceand scientific research by blockchain, are already, in one way or another,implemented by decentralized clouds.

Besides obvious reasons, like transparency and security, scientists andresearchers could be interested in decentralized clouds for the following reasons:

Since blockchain technology is behind this idea, every file indecentralized cloud storage is marked with a hash, and every other filecontains a hash from a previous file. Thus, any scientific organization, oreven a small group of researchers, can be sure that every file is safely storedand wont go missing.

Blockchainfor Science: Potential Problems

Alongside with the above-mentioned advantages, the implementation ofblockchain technology can potentially cause problems. Aside from the fact thatscience is currently not fully ready for blockchainadoption, the technology itself is still underdeveloped, which may lead to thefollowing issues.

Problem#1: Authorization Issues

The goal of blockchain technology is to encrypt and safely store thedata and establish consensus in a distributed network.

To prove that a network member has permission to write to a certainchain, it is required to run complex algorithms that will ensure rightfulauthorization. Such algorithms take immense amounts of computing power, whichcomes at a cost.

So, even if blockchain technology can solve theproblems of securing and storing the data for scientific research, theauthorization of each network member remains an issue.

Problem#2: Lack of Legislation

As scientific society follows certain rules established by law, usingblockchain technology may present certain legislation-relatedissues:

All these issues need further clarification and the development oflegislation that will cover and resolve them.

Problem#3: Potential Hacker Attacks

Although blockchain is considered one of the most secure technologies inthe world, theres a possibility that a blockchain can be hacked.

This happened to Coinbase and Ethereum Classic when a hacker gainedcontrol of more than half of the networks computing power. Covering thisstory, MITTechnology Review listed the reasons that could potentiallyundermine the security of the blockchain technology:

Although now it is the best solution to ensure security, blockchaintechnology is far from being perfect. Before switching from a centralizedserver to decentralized cloud storage, researchers should understand thatalthough the chances of research information getting hacked are lower, it isstill possible.

Blockchain Brings New Potential to Science

Apart from some issues, blockchain technology brings a variety ofbenefits to the scientific community. Every researcher knows that effectivecommunication, transparency, and data security are crucial for high-qualityresearch.

Although blockchain technology is still evolving, it can already offermany advantages to the scientific community. And, as the evolution ofblockchain technology shows no signs of stopping, we can safely say that oneday it will become integral for scientific research and science in general.

Blockchain for Science: Revolutionary Opportunities and Potential Problems - RTInsights

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9to5Google Gift Guide: Best gifts for the mobile photographer – 9to5Google

Photography is a great hobby to get into and as our smartphones get better and better at the task, you can capture killer shots just with your smartphone. If you want to get gifts for mobile smartphone photography here are a few options.

Just like with a traditional camera, smartphone cameras can be better with the help of a new lens. Moment has been producing high-quality lenses for smartphones for quite some time and they might just make the best gifts for someone interested in mobile photography.

Moment lenses include quite a few different options including fisheye, telephoto, wide-angle, macro, and even an anamorphic lens for cinematic shots. These lenses arent super expensive, but they are an investment with prices ranging from $80 to $150. There are some bundles, though, that bring costs down. Personally, Id be looking at the Just Three Lenses bundle with a Tele, Fisheye, and Macro lens for about $250.

These lenses work with a variety of smartphones including iPhones and plenty of Android options. Compatible cases are available for Pixel 2, Pixel 3, Pixel 3a, Pixel 4, Galaxy S9, Galaxy S10, Galaxy Note 9, Galaxy Note 10, OnePlus 7 Pro, and several others.

Google has been killing it in the camera department since the first generation and Pixel 4 is better than ever. Its 12MP camera is paired with a 16MP sensor with a telephoto lens. Using those two, Googles latest smartphone captures the best pictures youll get on any smartphone today from normal stills to Portraits and more.

The Pixel 4 shines especially at night thanks to its Night Sight mode which can create some stunning shots from the darkness. Better yet, theres an astrophotography mode which, with the help of a tripod, can quite literally capture the stars with stunning results. This setup may lack the versatility of an ultrawide lens, but theres little doubt that the Pixel 4 is one of the most capable shooters available today.

You can pick up a Pixel 4 from Google, Amazon, B&H Photo, and most carriers and retailers too. Wed only recommend the Pixel 4 XL, though, as the smaller model has very poor battery life.

Dont have the cash to give someone a Pixel 4? I cant blame you, its not cheap! Luckily, theres another option. The super-affordable Pixel 3a starts at just $399 and offers similarly great quality, Night Sight, and more. You can pick it up at Amazon, B&H Photo (w/ free service) and other retailers.

Whether youre planning to shoot pictures of the night sky or just a stunning landscape, a tripod can be a helpful tool. You could use a traditional tripod, or a smaller, more portable tripod which is easier to keep in your bag or car. In my case, I opted for a sturdy tripod with flexible legs.

In either case, youll also want to pick up a mount to attach to the tripod to actually hold your phone in place. There are literally thousands of options for this, but personally I prefer the type that allows you to mount your phone in either a landscape or portrait orientation. A remote shutter might also be a good idea.

Shooting photos on a smartphone is a good way to drain its battery very quickly. To that end, its probably a good idea to keep a power bank nearby. For modern Android smartphones, youll want something that can use USB-C, likely with Power Delivery or Qualcomm Quick Charge.

Recently, we highlighted a handful of compact battery banks that are easy to keep in your bag or even your pocket while on the go and theyll work with the vast majority of Android smartphones. There are also literally thousands of options on Amazon. Anker, Aukey, and RAVPower are all brands we love.

If someone you know is really serious about mobile photography, a great gift would be a subscription to Adobe Lightroom. The app is technically free on Android, but youll unlock cloud backups and other features with a subscription. Better yet, the desktop app is opened up for an even better editing experience. You can buy an Adobe Photography bundle subscription on Amazon for a month for as little as $10 or a year, both of which can be shared.

Extra cloud storage might also be a good gift for smartphone photographers. To that end, especially for Android users, Google One is a great choice. It grants 100GB of storage for just $2/month, 200GB for $3/month, and 2TB for $10/month.

Unfortunately, theres no direct gift card available for this. One option would be to sign up for the plan on your own Google account and share it with whoever youd like to gift it to. The easier option, perhaps, would be a Google Play gift card which can cover part or all of the cost of a few months or a yearly plan.

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9to5Google Gift Guide: Best gifts for the mobile photographer - 9to5Google

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Best mobile phone deals in the Black Friday 2019 sale, from Apple iPhones to Samsung smartphones –

Shopping for a new phone is a pain at the best of times, first you have to find a phone that you like the look of, then you have to spend all day hunting high and low for the very best deals you can find on it.

One mildly troubling recent trend in the field of smartphones is that a lot of the revolutionary new devices are, in reality, just minor tweaks to last years model. The camera might be slightly better or maybe theres some new software feature, but it muddies the water. Would you be just as well off with last years model at a significant discount or should you pick the latest and greatest in order to ensure its future-proofed?

As the technology reviewer for Telegraph Recommended, I am generally in favour of going for value for money, and with that in mind, theBlack Fridayweekend sales, which we are well in the middle of, can be the ideal time to snap up a bargain with phones. To save you time and money Ive scoured the internet and the small print to find you the best deals out there.

Was 1,099, now 849

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Best mobile phone deals in the Black Friday 2019 sale, from Apple iPhones to Samsung smartphones -

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26 suppliers pinned to the File Storage Map. Who is in front? – Blocks and Files

Coldago Research has published a File Storage Map of 26 suppliers that ranks IBM, Dell EMC, NetApp, DDN and Qumulo in that order as the leaders.

Pure Storage, Qumulo, VAST Data and WekaIO are placed in a Blitzscaling group of fast-growing companies. (Blitzscaling was coined by LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman to denote companies that can dominate their market place and grow extremely fast. He cites Amazon, LinkedIn and Paypal which he also co-founded as examples.)

Coldago is a relatively little-known analyst firm and its output stands up well against prominent research firms such as Gartner and Forrester.

Coldago identifies several trends affecting file storage; converging HPC and enterprise use cases, a blurring boundary between file and object storage, the rise of parallel access to boost speed, and the adoption of NVMe flash and NVMe-oF to accelerate file access.

The research firm also sees file storage systems adding a data services layer to handle functions such as data protection, tiering, reduction and multi-cloud options.

Coldago analyst Philippe Nicolas told Blocks & Files by mail that the purpose of the research was to consider players with HPC and Enterprise shared file storage covering clustered, scale-out and distributed approaches.

This means small and medium business and single server products are not included. Hardware, software, proprietary and open source file storage vendors are included in Coldagos survey.

Nicolas told us suppliers are judged by the companys situation, business and strategy, product and technology. In the situation area Coldago looks at the vendors management, background and founding team, track record, successes and failures, years of existence, geo presence, number of employees, VC status and visibility.

There are many criteria in the other three areas, too many to list here. The resulting information is sorted, weighted and run through algorithms to produce a ranking index.

Coldago positions and ranks file storage vendors in a new take on the 4-box diagram, using four columns instead of squares:

The Coldago map columns are labelled Leaders, Challengers, Specialists and Niche. They correspond well to the Gartner Magic Quadrant (MQ) categories: Leaders, Challengers, Visionaries and Niche Players.

The two axes are Execution and Capabilities on the vertical axis and Vision and Strategy on the horizontal one. They correspond well to the MQ axes; ability to execute and completeness of vision.

Leader vendors have a global presence, large installed base, strong technology directions, market vision and business strategy. The Challengers are companies with smaller capabilities in each area and ability to execute them. Specialists have good products in specific areas and limited market adoption. The Niche suppliers have lower market adoption still and restricted skills, vision, resources and execution capabilities.

Technology research houses with their own versions of the classic 4-box or sector diagram include the Forrester Wave, Gartner Magic Quadrant (MQ) and IDC Marketscape.

The obvious Coldago file map comparision is with Gartners file and object storage MQ. This looks at nine specific file storage vendors; Dell EMC, DDN, Hitachi Vantara, Huawei, Inspur, NetApp, Pure Storage, Qumulo and SuSE.

Coldago adds another 17, most notably Microsoft and HPE, and has its own metrics and ranking algorithm. The rankings are notably different from Gartners file and object MQ, which, for example, identifies Dell EMC, IBM and Qumulo as its three file storage leaders.

Coldagos File Storage Map covers 26 vendors in its 24 pages and looks at HPC and enterprise file storage vendors and their products from technology and architecture viewpoints. No other report that we know of covers this ground.

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26 suppliers pinned to the File Storage Map. Who is in front? - Blocks and Files

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Fujifilm Showcases Artificial Intelligence Initiative And Advances at RSNA 2019 – Imaging Technology News

November 30, 2019 Fujifilm Medical Systems U.S.A. is showcasing REiLI, the company's global medical imaging and informatics artificial intelligence (AI) technology initiative at the 2019 Radiological Society of North America's (RSNA) annual meeting.

"At RSNA 2019, we look forward to sharing the AI insights and advances we've made by working closely with clinical and research partners for several years," said Takuya Shimomura, chief technology officer and executive director, Fujifilm. "Ultimately, the long-term goal of our AI initiative is to help providers make better decisions that improve patient lives."

Under the REiLI brand, Fujifilm is developing AI technologies that strongly support diagnostic imaging workflow, leveraging the combination of its deep learning innovations and distinct image processing heritage. Applications currently in development include, but are not limited to: Region Recognition, an AI technology that helps to accurately recognize and consistently extract organ regions, regardless of deviations in shape, presence or absence of disease, and imaging conditions; Computer Aided Detection, an AI technology to reduce the time of image interpretation and support radiologists' clinical decision making; Workflow Support, using AI technology to realize optimal study prioritization, alert communications of AI findings, and report population automation.

"Our latest Synapse 7x brings diagnostic radiology, mammography and cardiology together on the server-side, enabling immediate interaction with these modality imaging data sets through a single AI-enabled platform," said Bill Lacy, vice president, medical informatics, Fujifilm. "We're excited to debut this solution for our U.S. customers at RSNA 2019, showing our commitment to progressing AI technology to empower physicians to make more efficient and impactful care decisions."

RSNA attendees are encouraged to learn more about REiLI at Booth #4111 and participate in the following Fujifilm-hosted activities.

At booth #4111, attendees can visit Fujifilm's AI Lab. The lab will feature dedicated workstations demonstrating REiLI use cases within Synapse PACS. Attendees can witness first-hand the speed and depth of the integrated workflows achieved by unifying Fujifilm's REiLI technology with the company's server-side PACS system. Featured in the AI lab will be Fujifilm developed algorithms, to include CT lung nodule, intracerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction MR and CT, spine label and bone temporal subtraction to name a few. In addition to the Fujifilm AI development, the AI lab will showcase its strengths by supporting a multitude of integration points in support of partner vendor and provider developed algorithms. This will include Riverain's lung nodule, MaxQ's stroke, Lunit's Chest and 2-D Mammography, LPixel's MR Aneurysm, Koios' US breast, Aidoc's pulmonary embolism and Gleamer's bone fracture.

For more inform

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Fujifilm Showcases Artificial Intelligence Initiative And Advances at RSNA 2019 - Imaging Technology News

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The Surprising Way Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming Transportation – Forbes

Automotive technology concept.

How are data and AI transforming transportation?originally appeared onQuora:the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.

AnswerbyJonathan Matus, CEO and Founder,Zendrive, onQuora:

While our growing dependencies on mobile phones stand to threaten road safety and increase rates of distracted driving, other technology innovations can work in safetys favor. Developments in 5G networks, autonomous vehicles, and artificial intelligence are poised to transform the way we drive and the safety of our roads.

5G will have a positive impact on road maintenance with faster data collection creating new possibilities around automation. Today, road crews have to physically go on-site to inspect a problem and determine what next steps are required. But through new video and sensor data, road maintenance crews will receive alerts of life-threatening hazards faster than ever. Connected vehicles equipped with dash cams will generate crowdsourced footage of potential debris and other hazards so that crews can act fast to alert drivers in the area and find safe solutions. Sensors on smartphones can produce similar insights already and offer insights in the interim. In addition to this, departments will be able to rank the urgency of various jobs by analyzing data from each location.

According to a report,94% of vehicle accidentsin the US involve human error and are potentially avoidable. With autonomous vehicle technology especially, theres the potential to essentially eliminate human error from the risk equation, decreasing the number of collisions and improving overall road safety. To achieve full autonomy, the onboard computers on self-driving cars need to make use of cameras and radar sensors to generate a 3D view of the vehicles surroundings. One of the challenges to this lies in getting the information needed to make split-second decisions in real-time. Eventually, 5G and artificial intelligence will be leveraged in tandem to give these vehicles a more accurate view of the road, making cars more functional and safe.

Artificial intelligence is also ushering in a new chapter for smartphones. Even though most of us dont realize it, artificial intelligence is powering many of the features on several mobile apps today. These include Map apps, as well as virtual assistants like Google Assistant, Cortana, and Siri. With mobile apps running telematics in the background, drivers gain access to the latest technologies in driver safety, artificial intelligence, and 5G in a single device. Drivers are also able to use voice commands to look for gas stations, perform internet searches, and communicate with friends and family instead of physically using their phones while driving. Even more, artificial intelligence paired with telematics gives drivers access to real-time information on fuel usage, vehicle location, driver behavior, and speed.

This questionoriginally appeared onQuora- the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world. You can follow Quora onTwitterandFacebook. More questions:

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The Surprising Way Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming Transportation - Forbes

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Artificial intelligence in FX ‘may be hype’ – FX Week

AI talk: FX Week Europe panellists dont see much use for complex machine learning in FX

Artificial intelligence can be particularly useful in asset classes where there are thousands of instruments available to trade, but it is not deemed as practical in a market such as foreign exchange, where the overall number of currency pairs is limited and even less so in the majors, remarked panellists at the 2019 FX Week Europe conference.

While the panellists did not completely disregard the potential for AI in FX, they did not believe it is as relevant as it is for equities, for example.

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Artificial intelligence in FX 'may be hype' - FX Week

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How Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence Are Helping Entrepreneurs Create a Better Customer Experience – Entrepreneur

Expert insights on taking personalization to the next level.

November25, 20194 min read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Michael Bower helps companies provide cool experiences to their customers on the web. As CEO of Sellry, an ecommerce solutions company, he combines creativity with the latest technology to propel brands into the future. Alongside clients, Sellry works to reimagineand designthe future of ecommerce.

What new technology do you think will greatly impact consumer-facing startups in the near future?

AR is going to completely change many industries. We've seen applications where you can just point your phone at something and it'll tell you about it. We've also seen smart mirrors. There's even APIs where it'll measure your body from a photograph with a degree of accuracy. A lot of these APIs are nearly real-time. Some of them can even look at multiple different subjects at the same time and figure out many things about them. It's the future.

Related:The Future ofAugmented Reality(Infographic)

How soon do you think this will be a common practice?

We did an experiment this year. We built out an augmented reality experience of an imaginary office space for an ecommerce trade show. We wanted to see how relatable it was.Would people get it? Would they understand it? And what we found was, it's still a little bit early. Enterprises are toying with the idea, some of them are trying things, especially in the sports and entertainment industries. Fashion is obviously trying things for sizing. I think that we're looking at 2021 for when we pass that early adopter stage and start getting into the early majority.

What industry do you think will be the first to benefit from AR?

I think certain industries like real estate, architecture and B2B sales will adopt it faster because AR will give them the ability in the fields to conduct a demonstration or to evaluate a pitch better. There are enormous companies in those spaces already investing absolutely insane amounts of money into AR.

What about artificial intelligence? How are companies using it to enhance the customer experience?

If you've ever looked at the cookies that are stored on your machine, they're crazy. Some of them will think that you're probably into things that you're totally not into. I've looked at my cookies and been like, Wow, they think I'm interested in soap operas, which I'm totally not. Cookies are notoriously unreliable. And that's what most people are using for advertising and retargeting. Basically, its a "spray and pray" approach. What we want to do is help companies take better advantage of their audience, the people that are on their site and telling them real things about themselves.

Related:4EcommerceTrends to Watch

Can you give an example?

Let's say that we're dealing with a supplements company. Right now, we're segmenting based on a few factors, and we think we know who our customer is. And we've done a lot of testing that is assumption based. Meaning we're taking things that we already know and we're using that to drive our decision-making. Now, the AI tooling for this stuff is already in principle there, where you can just turn on artificial intelligence and it'll figure out who your customer is, how you should message them, what is the cadence of doing that. But right now for the mid-market and even for certain specialized enterprise markets, the AI tooling takes a long time to deploy, so it's not quite there all the way in a deployable manner.Within a couple of years it will be.

How can companies that currently dont use data science prepare to implement artificial intelligence as it becomes more widely available?We encourage companies to really dial into customer discovery and understanding the customer deeply. And then build out a higher fidelity version of current generation personalization and segmentation going on. And then based on that, within the next couple of years we're wanting to have the ability to deploy for our clients technical wizardry that's going to basically take those human-defined segments and personas, and take them even farther. AI-based segmentation and the ability for the mid-market to adopt AI is going to be super amazing and exciting.

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