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ColdQuanta’s Latest Ultracold Technology Heads to the International Space Station – Business Wire

BOULDER, Colo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--ColdQuanta, the quantum atomics company, is pleased to announce that its newest Quantum Core atomic system, a core subsystem of Jet Propulsion Laboratorys (JPL) next-generation Cold Atom Laboratory (CAL), is part of the payload being delivered to the International Space Station (ISS) as part of NASAs CRS 19 mission. CAL is a multiuser facility that enables scientists to perform quantum physics experiments and study fundamental laws of nature using ultracold quantum gases in microgravity. The new technology from ColdQuanta incorporates an atom interferometer, an ultra-precise quantum sensor with uses ranging from fundamental research in general relativity and earth science to future applications including GPS-free navigation.

Over the past year, ColdQuanta has been awarded numerous projects from NASA and other U.S. government organizations that leverage our Quantum Core technology, said Bo Ewald, CEO of ColdQuanta. While the use cases are different, they all contribute to expanding the capabilities of our foundational technology and to significant advances toward the commercialization of quantum technology.

The Cold Atom Laboratory is a unique platform for studying quantum phenomena and potential applications of real-time quantum sensor technologies, said Dana Anderson, Founder and Chief Technology Officer of ColdQuanta. Since it first arrived at the ISS in May 2018, the CAL has successfully demonstrated important milestones, including what JPL called the coolest experiment in the universe when a Bose-Einstein condensate was produced in orbit for the first time. We are excited to see what new milestones will be achieved with this second generation.

The launch of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida is currently targeted for Wednesday, Dec. 4.

About ColdQuanta

ColdQuanta leads the market in commercializing quantum atomics, the next wave of the information age. The companys Quantum Core technology uses ultra-cold atoms cooled to a temperature of nearly absolute zero using lasers to manipulate and control the atoms with extreme precision. Based on its Quantum Core technology, ColdQuanta manufactures components, instruments, and turnkey systems that address a broad spectrum of applications ranging from timekeeping and navigation to quantum computing, and from radiofrequency (RF) receivers to quantum communications systems. ColdQuantas global customers include major commercial and defense companies, all branches of the U.S. Department of Defense, national labs operated by the Department of Energy, NASA, and NIST, and major universities. ColdQuanta is based in Boulder, CO with offices in Madison, Wisconsin and Oxford, UK.

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The name ColdQuanta and the ColdQuanta logo are both registered trademarks of ColdQuanta, Inc.

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ColdQuanta's Latest Ultracold Technology Heads to the International Space Station - Business Wire

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The New Cold War? Its With China, and It Has Already Begun – The New York Times

For one thing, China is so inferior to the United States in nuclear weaponry that any confrontation is much more likely to occur in cyberspace, or in space itself, than with intercontinental ballistic missiles. The Peoples Republic does not have the same approach to global expansionism as the Soviet Union either. Chinese money goes into infrastructure projects and politicians pockets, not foreign guerrilla movements. The One Belt, One Road initiative Chinese President Xi Jinpings signature overseas investment program does not aim for world revolution.

If Cold War II confines itself to an economic and technological competition between two systems one democratic, the other not its benefits could very well outweigh its costs. After all, the economic spinoff from research and development operations associated with the original Cold War were part of the reason American growth was so strong in the 1950s and 1960s.

Back then, there was also a political benefit. Once the spasm of McCarthyism had passed, as Americans came to a consensus that they all faced a common foe, domestic divisions decreased notably. It is telling that one of the biggest sources of political and social strife in the Cold War era was a war against communism that the United States failed to win against Vietnam.

If Americans are now waking up to a new external enemy, might it not reduce the notorious internal polarization of recent times, which we can see in the decline of bipartisanship in Congress as well as in the vehemence of discourse on social media? It is possible.

Maybe the notion of an external enemy could persuade politicians in the United States to devote serious resources to the development of new technologies, such as quantum computing. Evidence of Chinese espionage and influence operations in American academia and Silicon Valley is already pushing the government to reprioritize national security in research and development. It would be nothing short of disastrous if China won the race for quantum supremacy, which could render all conventional computer encryption obsolete.

The one big risk with Cold War II would be to assume confidently that the United States is bound to win it. That is a misreading of both the first Cold War and the present situation. In 1969, an American victory over the communist enemy seemed far from inevitable. Nor was it a foregone conclusion that the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union would be so free of bloodshed.

Moreover, China today poses a bigger economic challenge than the Soviet Union ever did. Historical estimates of gross domestic product show that at no point during the Cold War was the Soviet economy larger than 44 percent of the economy of the United States. China has already surpassed America by at least one measure since 2014: G.D.P. based on purchasing power parity, which adjusts for the fact that the cost of living is lower in China. The Soviet Union could never draw on the resources of a dynamic private sector. China can. In some markets notably financial technology China is already ahead of the United States.

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The New Cold War? Its With China, and It Has Already Begun - The New York Times

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Is This Why Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, And Ripples XRP Suddenly Rocketed Over Thanksgiving? – Forbes

Bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin, Ripple's XRP, and bitcoin cash, the top five cryptocurrencies by value (excluding stablecoin tether), leaped over the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

The bitcoin price climbed from under $7,000 per bitcoin to almost $8,000 in just two days, with ethereum, litecoin, Ripple's XRP, and bitcoin cash all making similar gains (despite some worrying news from elsewhere in Europe).

The reason for the sudden rally was not immediately clear, however, reports that banks in Germany will be able to sell and store bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies from next year might be behind the latest uptick.

The bitcoin price has struggled to find stable ground over recent months, with bitcoin, ethereum, ... [+] litecoin, Ripple's XRP, and bitcoin cash all bouncing around wildly.

From 2020, German banks can support the sale and custody of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, local business newspaper Handelsblatt reported.

Germany's Federal Council passed the law at the end of last week, with the new regulation expected to come into force on January 1 2020.

Today, German banks are not allowed to sell bitcoin and cryptocurrencies and the bill would overhaul the status quo.

The news was welcomed by the local bitcoin and crypto industry, as well as the banking association BdB, which said the new regulation makes it possible for investors to invest in crypto-values via domestic rather than foreign funds, could help prevent money laundering and terrorist financing, and allow "experienced" credit institutions to protect investors.

"Germany is well on its way to becoming a crypto-heaven," Sven Hildebrandt, head of the blockchain and crypto consulting firm DLC, told the newspaper in comments translated through Google. "The German legislator is playing a pioneering role in the regulation of crypto-truths."

Bitcoin's epic 2017 bull run, which saw the bitcoin price surge from under $1,000 per bitcoin at the beginning of the year to almost $20,000 in under 12 months, was largely due to expectations the traditional financial industry was about to wade into crypto.

When banks and financial institutions failed to buy into bitcoin as much as some had hoped the price fell sharply throughout 2018.

Over the last year, institutional money has gradually flowed into bitcoin and cryptocurrency, however, with the price being bolstered this year by interest in bitcoin and crypto from the world's biggest technology companies.

The bitcoin price rallied hard towards the end of last week but has since fallen back somewhat, ... [+] dragging on ethereum, Ripple's XRP, litecoin, and bitcoin cash.

Elsewhere, the bitcoin and cryptocurrency market may have been further boosted by reports Twitter and Square chief executive Jack Dorsey, known to be an advocate of bitcoin, revealed he plans to spend time in Africa next year, where it's thought he will work on some bitcoin-related projects.

Dorsey expects Africa to "define" the future, especially when it comes to bitcoin.

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Is This Why Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, And Ripples XRP Suddenly Rocketed Over Thanksgiving? - Forbes

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Two Years of Upside? Bitcoin Yearly Candles Hint Explosive Price Growth Incoming – newsBTC

Bitcoin prices might be a long way off their 2019 high of almost $14,000 but this year has still seen the cryptocurrency gain in price. The year opened with the leading digital asset trading at just below $3,800, considerably less than its current price of around $7,300.

Although yearly price data is clearly limited, if previous years are anything to go by Bitcoin looks set to post two more years of gains. There seems a pattern emerging that sees a year of decline follow three years of upside.

Despite the admittedly meagre sample size (Bitcoin has only been around for a decade, after all), the price of the leading cryptocurrency by market capitalisation looks poised to post two more years of upside. Bitcoin price, when viewed as a yearly candlestick chart, appears to be repeating a pattern of three years of upside followed by a year of losses. Given that Bitcoin is such a young asset, there have only been two of these four year cycles to observe so far. That said, the first candle of the third looks to be falling in with the pattern with just over four weeks left in the year. Providing the price stays above $3,800, the pattern will remain intact.

Along with the general pattern of three up, one down, there is another interesting, potentially emerging trend. The last candle of the back-to-back price increases is typically much larger than the two prior. If the pattern holds true, it looks like 2021 will see explosive growth for the digital asset.

The oversized candlesticks every four years are likely partly the result of the halving event programmed into Bitcoins code. Every four years, the supply of new coins gifted to miners for adding a block of transactions to the blockchain decreases by half. This essentially increases Bitcoins stock-to-flow ratio (a measure of scarcity) and any uptick in demand has a much more magnified impact on prices than a similar increase would have done prior to the halving.

The next halving event is expected to occur during May of 2020. This will see the number of new Bitcoin added to the total circulating supply every ten minutes fall to 6.125.

Some traders and market analysts believe that the next halving will result in another parabolic run up in Bitcoin prices, like those seen in 2017 and 2013. PlanB (@100trillionUSD) argues that the reduction of new Bitcoin regularly hitting the market will eventually see the price rise to around $55,000 per Bitcoin. The analyst makes no prediction as to when this will occur. However, given that the stock-to-flow theory of Bitcoins value centres around the halving events every four years, if PlanBs prediction comes true, we will see a $55,000 Bitcoin at some point within the four years following May 2020.

Related Reading: Bitcoin Falls 20% Below Stock-To-Flow Forecast

Two Years of Upside? Bitcoin Yearly Candles Hint Explosive Price Growth Incoming - newsBTC

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Calvin Ayre Increases Investment in Bitcoin SV Ecosystem with Funding for sCrypt Smart Contract Venture – PRNewswire

LONDON, Dec. 2, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Recent investments have come thick and fast as the momentum builds (literally) on the BSV blockchain. BSV can now boast consistently more transactions and bigger block sizes than BTC, but don't take our word for it:

Now new venture sCrypt Inc. receives a funding boost which will bring smart contracts to the BSV blockchain: sCrypt is a high-level smart contract language which allows developers to more easily write smart contracts on Bitcoin SV, without having to use the more cumbersome bitcoin Script.

Xiaohui Liu, sCrypt's Founder, commented: "The scaling power of the BSV blockchain makes it the best place to build, in fact, the only place to build. The investment boost means we can now speed up the process of making smart contracts on chain accessible to anybody."

sCrypt is designed to facilitate writing smart contracts running on chain:

In addition to the smart contract language itself, sCrypt intends to build products that make the language easily useable.

The investment comes as a result of sCrypt participating in Bitcoin Association's first ever BSV Venture Pitch Day, held in conjunction with the recent CoinGeek conference in Seoul, South Korea in October 2019. The Bitcoin Association is dedicated to advance the Bitcoin SV business ecosystem, and will hold another Pitch Day before the CoinGeek London conference in February 2020. Interested BSV ventures can apply for a spot here.


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Calvin Ayre Increases Investment in Bitcoin SV Ecosystem with Funding for sCrypt Smart Contract Venture - PRNewswire

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How the Upcoming Bitcoin Halving Compares to Previous Cycles – Bitcoin News

For those standing very close to the crypto charts, it might be easy to get discouraged by the gloomy nature of recent markets. However, new comparisons of the current halving cycle to those in the past have emerged and might put some wind back into the sails of traders, hodlers, and cryptocurrency enthusiasts in general.

Also Read: As Halving Interest Grows, Spectators Discuss Miner Hoards and Capitulation

Though crypto prices took a big dip in November, with BTC falling 30% from a high of $9,486 to a bottom of around $6,575, hash rates on both the BTC and BCH chains have held relatively steady as the next block reward halving approaches. Data also points to miners hoarding coins in view of the upcoming subsidy reduction, as the event is generally viewed as price favorable. In combination with these factors, new analysis has emerged which might suggest that in spite of the recent bearish climate, things might be more on track than previously supposed.

The image above aligns the block reward halving points of three cycles (the latter half of pre-halving and the first half of post-halving), with the three cycles anchored at a common line of 100% of the cycle low. The first two cycles which are completed, and the pre-halving phase of the current cycle are displayed. Interestingly, the movements in the latter half cycles appear to follow a similar trend. As creator of the graphic, @Chartsbtc, states on their Twitter post:

Each cycle is 210,000 blocks (~4 years). This chart starts half way through the cycle and goes half way into the next cycle. This is my attempt to show the lows prior to halving and the peaks post halving but keep everything centered around the halving.

The graphic is compelling, and has many hoping for great moves price-wise in 2020 and beyond. Discussing the methodology of creating the graphic further, @Chartsbtc explains why the green price action line does not touch the 100% cycle low level: The low was a intraday price and the chart only plots the closing prices to the nearest 105th block. I wish I actually had prices per block. They further note that viewers should Keep in mind that each cycle peak will likely be lower than the prior one. Even so, should the trend repeat BTC could see a post-halving peak around $80,000. Still, this is all speculation, and other factors must be kept in mind.

With the Bitcoin Core halving estimated to be taking place in mid-May, 2020, and the Bitcoin Cash halving to likely occur a month earlier, speculation of course abounds. Other factors playing into market perception and possibly price, such as proliferating development surrounding the BCH chain, and a trend of businesses dropping BTC as a payment method due to fees and congestion (not to mention an overall shift in attitude in the BTC community from user to mere hodler), could also have unexpected affects. If the projections of the above halving data are correct, however, everyone may be in for an interesting ride in 2020.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. It is not an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, or as a recommendation, endorsement, or sponsorship of any products, services, or companies. does not provide investment, tax, legal, or accounting advice. Neither the company nor the author is responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods or services mentioned in this article.

Images courtesy of Shutterstock, fair use.

Did you know you can buy and sell BCH privately using our noncustodial, peer-to-peer Local Bitcoin Cash trading platform? The marketplace has thousands of participants from all around the world trading BCH right now. And if you need a bitcoin wallet to securely store your coins, you can download one from us here.

Graham Smith is an American expat living in Japan, and the founder of Voluntary Japanan initiative dedicated to spreading the philosophies of unschooling, individual self-ownership, and economic freedom in the land of the rising sun.

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How the Upcoming Bitcoin Halving Compares to Previous Cycles - Bitcoin News

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Understanding the distribution of the crypto market: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Cardano – FXStreet

Financial analysts always keep an eye on the percentages by type of owner of any asset they analyze.

Everybody assumes that the owners of the professional investment group are on the right side of the market, while the individual investor is often on the wrong side of the market.

As a rule, the group of professional investors has priority access to new investment proposals. They have priority access to new company IPOs, capital available, and expert information.

In contrast, the individual investor often lags behind the decisions of professionals, buying what they want to sell, and selling what they want to buy.

The cryptocurrencies case is different from any other current asset.

The crypto market is relatively recent, as it is only 11 years since Satoshi Nakamoto published the White Paper of Bitcoin.

In the beginning, the only ones who had access to the appreciated token were technologists, cryptographers, developers and a few geeks who put their computers to mine Bitcoins.

That was more than a decade ago and today, there are still very few owners of Bitcoins with illustrious surnames from the financial world.

Despite the relative opacity that surrounds cryptocurrencies, the only thing truly opaque is the name of the owner and thats only in the cases in which exchange does not intervene. The rest of the information is public, freely accessible and decentralized.

This quality of blockchain technology allows us to know some exciting things that would be difficult for us to know in the case of Gold or Diamonds.

In this blockchain world, people store the units of value in digital wallets and their content and movements are public. The magnitudes to be taken into account and which are public are the number of tokens they keep and the time since the last transaction.

Today I am going to analyze the first of these magnitudes: the accumulated volume and its distribution.

Let's take a look at the profile of owners of the leading cryptocurrencies and their implications.

The study divides the owners of cryptocurrencies into three groups:

- Retailers: Wallets that have less than 0.1% of the total circulating.

- Investors: Wallets that have between 0.1% and 1% of total current assets.

- Whales: Wallets with more than 1% of total existing assets. *

* Whales is the name given to large owners, usually early adopters of this technology and accumulating hundreds of thousands of tokens.

Bitcoin has a very democratized distribution. 88.99% of the wallets belong to the group of Retailers, 9.59% to the group of investors and only 1.41% of whales.

From this distribution, we could deduce that the Bitcoin market is not as vulnerable to whale manipulations as it is believed and that a majority of its holders have small quantities.

Ethereum is distributed among retailers at 61.03%, while investors reach 31.51% and whales reach the figure of 7.45%.

In the case of Ethereum, we see that it is more vulnerable to massive actions since, between investors and whales, they approach the percentage control of the asset. This distribution highlights that Ethereum uses PoS (Proof of Stake) as a mining protocol, which requires "stacking" tokens and makes investors not sell their stocks massively.

The BCH is distributed among retailers at 71.8%, while investors reach 22.57% of the total working capital. Whales account for 5.63%.

The Bitcoin Cash case resembles the Ethereum profile, but in this case, it uses a PoW (Proof of Work) protocol in its mining, which does not require stacking tokens to increase the mining power. This mining method could justify because its owner profile is more similar to that of Bitcoin, which also uses PoW.

The distribution of Litecoin among retailers is 53.48%; investors accumulate 40.91% of the wallets and whales keep 5.62% of the total circulating.

Source: Intotheblock

Litecoin uses a PoW (Proof of Work) protocol, similar to Bitcoin, although the former makes intensive use of computational memory and the latter of computing power. As we can see, investors, who are not obliged to stack Litecoins, keep them in their portfolios in a massive way.

The distribution of Cardano among retailers is 58.59%; investors accumulate 7.52%, and whales gather a significant 33.89%.

Source: Intotheblock

Cardano uses a PoS (Proof of Stake) protocol. From the profile we have just seen, the original whales still maintain a large number of tokens and ultimately dominate the mining. The profile also shows a high vulnerability of Cardano to the great concentration of the current total.

Read the rest here:
Understanding the distribution of the crypto market: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Cardano - FXStreet

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BitCoin and Cryptoasset Regulation: Recent Cases from Canada – JD Supra

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BitCoin and Cryptoasset Regulation: Recent Cases from Canada - JD Supra

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Vertcoin Network Sabotaged by Another 51% Attack – Bitcoin News

The Vertcoin (VTC) blockchain was 51% attacked on Sunday, December 1, which saw 603 VTC blocks replaced by 553 blocks from the attacker. This is the second time the ASIC resistant Vertcoin chain was ambushed, as the network suffered a 300-block reorg a year ago.

Also read: Cryptocurrency Projects Aiming to be ASIC Resistant Have Little Success

Vertcoin, a fork of the Bitcoin protocol, is an alternative cryptocurrency thats been around since January 2014. The community and developers behind the project believe VTC is different because it claims to be ASIC resistant. However, throughout October and December 2018, the Vertcoin network dealt with a series of 51% attacks and a number of blockchain reorganizations (reorg).

A 51% attack is when a single entity (miner) takes more than 50% of the networks hashpower, allowing them to reorg blocks and double spend coins. The 300-block reorg on Vertcoin last year cost more than $100,000 from double spends. The situation invoked VTC developers to change its proof-of-work algorithm to another algorithm called Lyra2rev3. Less than a year later on December 1, 2019, the Vertcoin chain suffered another 51% attack. James Lovejoy, Vertcoins lead developer, explained the situation:

On Sunday, 1 December 2019 15:19:47 GMT 603 blocks were removed from the VTC main chain and replaced by 553 attacker blocks. We note that 600 blocks is the current confirmation requirement for VTC on Bittrex. There were 5 double-spent outputs in which ~ 125 VTC (~$29) was redirected. Each of the double-spent outputs are coinbase outputs owned by the attacker and it is unknown to whom the coins were originally sent before being swept to an attacker address after the reorg.

Similarly to last years attack, the captured hashrate was blamed on Nicehash. The company sells hashpower to individuals and acts as a hashpower broker marketplace that connects sellers and miners. Lovejoy remarked that he noticed on November 30 a large upswing in hashrate rental prices for Lyra2rev3 on Nicehash. This was combined with workers connected to Nicehashs stratum server being sent work for unknown (non-public) Vertcoin blocks, Lovejoy added. Last years attack was blamed on Nicehash too when observers said theres too much hashrate for rent at too low a price, resulting in zero capex and low opex to do attacks. Despite being ASIC resistant, cloud-mining services are now able to offer customers significant portions of CPU and GPU-based hashrates.

Resisting mining centralization has been a huge concern for a variety of blockchains and the Monero (XMR) network has had its share of grievances as well. Last year XMR saw multiple forks as developers tried to bolster ASIC resistance. In May 2018, the Bitcoin Gold (BTG) project suffered a 51% attack and lost $18 million in one fell swoop. A large portion of the BTG double spends from the attack was stolen from Bittrex, eventually causing the U.S. exchange to delist BTG.

With Sundays Vertcoin attack, Lovejoy emphasized that it is possible that Bittrex was the original target. However, the double spends were aborted because Bittrex had their wallet disabled. It is also possible that no double spend was ever intended, and the attack was a proof of concept or sabotage attack, Lovejoy added. Lovejoy said the post-attack analysis of the Nicehash order book at the time of the attack had shown a large upswing in hashrate rental price from both U.S. and EU markets. But after the attack, the rental price subsided, Lovejoy stressed, returning to the baseline market equilibrium.

What do you think about Vertcoin getting attacked again? Why do you think attacks like these happen? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

Image credits: Shutterstock, Vertcoin logo, and Lovejoys Github gist.

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Jamie Redman is a financial tech journalist living in Florida. Redman has been an active member of the cryptocurrency community since 2011. He has a passion for Bitcoin, open source code, and decentralized applications. Redman has written thousands of articles for about the disruptive protocols emerging today.

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Vertcoin Network Sabotaged by Another 51% Attack - Bitcoin News

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Bitcoin Drops 4.53%, But Downtrend Has Cooled and Dominance is Now Heading Up | Coin Insider – Coin Insider

How Did Bitcoins Price Fare Yesterday?

Bitcoins price at the moment is clocking in at $7,420.53, which means that since yesterday, it is down about 4.53%. This is the 2nd consecutive day that Bitcoin has moved down, but the coins trend over the past two weeks is unclear. Since it is somewhat close below relative to its 20-day average price of $7,885.087, a climb up to the 20-day moving average may be needed before momentum buyers come in. Alternatively, for those interested in trading ranges that Bitcoin bounces between, its current two-week trading range in US dollars is between $6,824.22 and $8,945.95. Its market capitalization currently is estimated to be around $130.96 billion US dollars, while its market dominance (percent of total crypto market) is estimated to be 66.31%. It should be noted, though, that Bitcoins dominance has been gradually moving up, reporting an average daily rise of 0.09% over the past 14 days. A rise in dominance may suggest cryptocurrency activity is consolidating on the Bitcoin blockchain, and that Bitcoins chances for long-term survival are thus enhanced.

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274,621 transactions were recorded on the Bitcoin blockchain yesterday. Daily transactions recorded on the Bitcoin blockchain fallen by approximately 3.25% this past week, though it should be noted the trend is not clear at this time. Bitcoin may end up functioning as a store of wealth if it does not increase the number of daily transactions occurring on its chain. Yesterday, Bitcoins average fee per transaction came in at $0.75. The size of the typical transaction on Bitcoins blockchain is down 5% in US dollars; meanwhile, the fee for sending transactions has been declining by 4.5% per week. Bitcoins transaction fee and average transaction value are both declining, though that is likely to change if Bitcoins price sustains a stronger rally going forward. In terms of how much computing power Bitcoin is using, over the past 30 days its hash rate has continued to bounce around, ultimately falling daily by approximately -0.14%. Ultimately, the security of Bitcoin is being something to keep an eye on, because the hash rate trend is unclear which implies the trend in mining strength is now more uncertain in a way. This may not help Bitcoin attract more high-value transactions.

Article by SixJupiter


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Bitcoin Drops 4.53%, But Downtrend Has Cooled and Dominance is Now Heading Up | Coin Insider - Coin Insider

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