Cryptocurrency books are a wonderful way to learn about the exciting Bitcoin, Altcoin, and Blockchain world.
Due to the relatively young age of the cryptocurrency space, there arent that many cryptocurrency books available yet.
However, as with most things in life, quality is more important than quantity.
The cryptocurrency space is an industry that has attracted a lot of intellect, and this is clearly reflected in the quality of books that have been written on the topic.
In this article, we compare the best cryptocurrency books to help you find a cryptocurrency or blockchain book you will find interesting.
With over 130 reviews on, out of which 88% give the book 5 stars, The Bitcoin Standard is by far one of the best cryptocurrency books out there. The book is authored by Saifedean Ammous, a very vocal Bitcoin maximalist, and economist.
In The Bitcoin Standard, Saifedean covers the evolution of money, dives deep into what makes Hard money and why its so important and outlines a potential future with Bitcoin as the global reserve currency.
Written by Andreas Antonopoulos, a Bitcoin educator and well-known figure in the space, Mastering Bitcoin is a must-read for people that already grasp the basics of Bitcoin and want to dive deeper.
This cryptocurrency book teaches its readers how exactly Bitcoins infrastructure functions, the role of cryptography in Bitcoin, and also gets into some technical details of how programmers can develop a Bitcoin-like cryptocurrency.
Andreas has a very unique and comprehensive writing style that elegantly reflects his years of experience as an educator and public speaker.
The Internet of Money is Andreas Antonopoulos second cryptocurrency book and aims to lay out a future with Bitcoin as money in a much more non-technical way. This cryptocurrency book takes a top-level approach on explaining what Bitcoin is, and how it will change our lives. Again, as we already pointed out in the previous book, Andreas years of experience as a Bitcoin educator make his writing style very enjoyable to read.
The internet of money has over 281 reviews on, which puts it right at the top next to The Bitcoin Standard as one of the best cryptocurrency books.
If your goal is to get a general overview of the cryptocurrency space then the blockchain book Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies might be for you. Authored by Arvind Narayana, an assistant professor at Princeton, the book dives into the origin of cryptocurrencies, key terms like decentralization and privacy, and also the value proposition and risk of altcoins.
In essence, the book aims to give a solid overview of what is often described today with the slightly overused word Blockchain technology. That being said, its important to note that the book does not address Ethereum or programmable blockchains in any real way.
In conclusion, the book is written in a very comprehensive style and is especially a good fit for newcomers to the cryptocurrency space that want to fall down the crypto rabbit hole.
On spot 5 of our list of best cryptocurrency books, we have The Business Blockchain, an in-depth analysis of how Blockchain technology is poised to disrupt enterprise and how firms operate. The author William Mougayar predicts a future with thousands of blockchains that will redefine power and governance by enabling frictionless value exchange and also a new flow of value.
The foreword by Vitalik Buterin adds a very interesting touch to the book and is the sealing stamp for this written masterpiece. Although the book does briefly touch on the tech side of things, that does not stop it from being an excellent read for people that are not very familiar with Blockchain just yet.
The Age of Cryptocurrency was written by Wall Street Journal reporters Paul Vigna and Michael Casey back in 2015, however, it is still highly relevant today. This cryptocurrency book thoroughly answers the question of why anyone should care about Bitcoin. It achieves this by presenting the idea of a financial system that is running on Bitcoin, and how such financial system could have prevented the economic meltdown of 2008.
That being said, the book also balances the potential downsides of a Bitcoin-based financial system, mentioning the facilitation of illicit money transfer as the main factor.
Although many cryptocurrency books do a great job at how a future with cryptocurrencies could look like, they often neglect the investment and entrepreneurial opportunity of this historic wealth transfer.
Authored by Chris Burniske and Jack Tatar, the book Cryptoassets approaches the topic of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies from an investment perspective, showing investors what to be on the lookout when investing in this wild asset class.
Furthermore, Cryptoassets also teaches investors how to navigate in a market which very nature is based on a series of repeating bubbles, plagued of scams, and that is highly volatile.
Cryptocurrency Investing Bible aims to debunk some of the most common misconceptions about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general. The book answers questions like why cryptocurrencies are not a bubble, why all digital assets are not a scam, why cryptocurrencies are not only used by criminals, and why its not just money for nerds.
This book is an excellent starting point for newcomers to the cryptocurrency space, and the author Alan T. Norman does an excellent job at breaking down even the most complex concepts into easy to grasp terms.
Selected as Financial Times book of the month, Life After Google is a written masterpiece that dives into the societal changes that come with the rise of Blockchain technology, and what this means for large corporations that have been abusing our data for the past decade. In his book, George Gilder claims that the age of Google is coming to an end and that the Blockchain economy will bring the power back to the individual in a variety of ways.
In the words of Peter Thiel, founder of PayPal, Googles algorithms assume the worlds future is nothing more than the next moment in a random process. George Gilder shows how deep this assumption goes.
In Blockchain for Dummies, Tiana Laurence Founder of Factom, explains Blockchain technology and its potential impact in a very simple way. This Blockchain book is an excellent starting point for people that know absolutely nothing about Blockchain technology, and that want to get their feet wet with a good read.
The book also covers how businesses can become more efficient by adopting Blockchain technology, so if you are a business owner, then that might be another reason why you could find this book intriguing.
Digital Gold covers Bitcoins value proposition as the best store of value and form of exchange that humanity has ever created. Some other topics that are discussed in-depth in this bitcoin book are the origin of Bitcoin and its mysterious founder, the Silk Road dark web marketplace and why it was such a crucial step for bitcoin, and also in Bitcoins first black swan event unchained by the Mt Gox hack. This book is an excellent choice for readers that want to learn about the past, present, and future of Bitcoin, without diving too deep into technical details.
If you want to learn more about this topic, then you should definitely also check out our article on why Bitcoin is the new Gold.
American Kingpin is a cryptocurrency book that describes the fascinating story of the dark web marketplace Silk Road, and how it connects to the development of Bitcoin. The book describes that it was the first large-scale application of Bitcoin as a form of exchange and that it was the factor that truly let the genie out of the bottle.
In this book, Nick Bilton describes the story of Ross Ulbricht, a 26-year-old libertarian, from when he started the Silk Road, until his arrest by the FBI in 2014. The book perfectly describes the true challenge that it was for law enforcement to shut down the Silk Road due to it leveraging an unseizable store of value, Bitcoin.
With over 400 positive reviews on, this book absolutely deserves its spot as one of the best cryptocurrency books available at the moment.
Mastering Ethereum is another masterpiece by Andreas Antonopoulos in which he dives into the technicals of how to build your first smart contract, what decentralized autonomous organizations are, and how Ethereum might redefine the future of Governance.
The book also dives into why multi-billion organizations like IBM and NASDAQ are starting to get interested in this groundbreaking technology, and what the future holds for Ethereum and its native currency ETH.
This blockchain book can get quite technical at times, hence why we would only recommend it to people that are very familiar with the space or that have a technical background.
In The Scandal of Money, George Gilder describes how broken our current financial system is and calls out the blatant corruption that is going on. Especially, the cryptocurrency book describes how our monetary system was actively designed to make the elite richer, at the cost of the middle and low class. If your goal is to better understand the problem that Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, in general, are trying to solve, then this cryptocurrency book is for you.
Through a compilation of emails, forum posts, and comments, The Book of Satoshi gives us a profound insight into the twisted yet genius mentality of Bitcoins anonymous founder. Although the book was published back in 2014, the bitcoin book is still as up to date as it can get since there are absolutely no traces or updates from Satoshi since he disappeared back in April 2011.
The book also profoundly dives into the economics of Bitcoin, and its potential future outlook.
This book by Phil Champagne is an excellent resource for anyone that wants to learn more about the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto or about the implications of Bitcoin in our society.
Is there a great blockchain or cryptocurrency book that we have missed in this article? Let us know in the comment section below!
CoinDiligent Staff Writer
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