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Google Isn’t Looking To Revolutionize Health Care, It Just Wants To Improve On The Status Quo – Newsweek

To appreciate how much Alphabet, the parent company of Google, is betting on health care, here are a few of the initiatives and subsidiaries the company has formed or acquired: Verily (new technologies for diagnosing, managing and treating diseases), Google Fit (tracking and encouraging healthier lifestyles), Calico (research aimed at treating and even slowing aging), DeepMind Health (applying AI to health and health care), Senosis (turning smartphones into health monitors) and the recently acquired Fitbit (activity tracking).

While these efforts have to a large extent worked independently of one another, Google seems determined to unify them under its "Google Health" initiative. If the company succeeds in creating an interwoven set of software, data and hardware tools and services, it could become one of the most influential players in health care. Unlike Amazon, which seems aimed at creating an alternative to what today's health care organizations offer, Google appears determined to become an essential supplier to those organizations.

Google's most visible efforts so far have centered on using artificial intelligence and other advanced data-analysis technologies to organize and make use of patient data at large health care organizations. Virtually everyone in health care agrees that somewhere hidden away in patients' records are new insights into how to catch, manage and treat illness more effectively and at lower cost. "Google is focused on getting the value out of what's in health care organizations' data," says Maia Hightower, the University of Utah's chief medical information officer.

Google has already gotten into hot water over its contracts to handle patient data for hospitals. Although such sharing doesn't appear to violate patient confidentiality regulationshealth care organizations are allowed to pass data to the health care suppliers they work with as long as they don't further share itmany people object to their personal medical information ending up in the hands of a company known for gathering data on its users and re-selling it to others. Some patients and privacy advocacy groups charge that giving Google access to medical records is a violation of privacy.

Google's ventures in health monitoring have been less controversial. Verily, for instance, makes devices that monitor the blood-sugar level of people with diabetes and it embeds tiny electronic circuits in contact lenses, to track eye disease, and even in baby diapers, to alert parents of the need for a change. Fitbit and Google Fit fall into this category as well.

One of Google's biggest and possibly most ambitious health-related efforts is simply that of returning better information when someone Googles a health concern. That may sound like old hat, but Google wants such searches to provide a critical first step in getting a diagnosis, finding the right medical help and learning about good self-care practices. Compared to the hodge-podge of good and dubious information that pops up in health searches now, that would be a big step forward.

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Google Isn't Looking To Revolutionize Health Care, It Just Wants To Improve On The Status Quo - Newsweek

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Quantum computing leaps ahead in 2019 with new power and speed – CNET

A close-up view of the IBM Q quantum computer. The processor is in the silver-colored cylinder.

Quantum computers are getting a lot more real. No, you won't be playing Call of Duty on one anytime soon. But Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Rigetti Computing and IBM all made important advances in 2019 that could help bring computers governed by the weird laws of atomic-scale physics into your life in other ways.

Google's declaration of quantum supremacywas the most headline-grabbing moment in the field. The achievement -- more limited than the grand term might suggest -- demonstrated that quantum computers could someday tackle computing problems beyond the reach of conventional "classical" computers.

Proving quantum computing progress is crucial. We're still several breakthroughs away from realizing the full vision of quantum computing. Qubits, the tiny stores of data that quantum computers use, need to be improved. So do the finicky control systems used to program and read quantum computer results. Still, today's results help justify tomorrow's research funding to sustain the technology when the flashes of hype inevitably fizzle.

Now playing: Watch this: Quantum computing is the new super supercomputer


Quantum computers will live in data centers, not on your desk, when they're commercialized. They'll still be able to improve many aspects of your life, though. Money in your retirement account might grow a little faster and your packages might be delivered a little sooner as quantum computers find new ways to optimize businesses. Your electric-car battery might be a little lighter and new drugs might help you live a little longer after quantum computers unlock new molecular-level designs. Traffic may be a little lighter from better simulations.

But Google's quantum supremacy step was just one of many needed to fulfill quantum computing's promise.

"We're going to get there in cycles. We're going to have a lot of dark ages in which nothing happens for a long time," said Forrester analyst Patrick Carroll. "One day that new thing will really change the world."

Among the developments in 2019:

Classical computers, which include everything from today's smartwatches to supercomputers that occupy entire buildings, store data as bits that represent either a 1 or a 0. Quantum computers use a different approach called qubits that can represent a combination of 1 and 0 through an idea called superposition.

Ford and Microsoft adapted a quantum computing traffic simulation to run on a classical computer. The result: a traffic routing algorithm that could cut Seattle traffic congestion by 73%.

The states of multiple qubits can be linked, letting quantum computers explore lots of possible solutions to a problem at once. With each new qubit added, a quantum computer can explore double the number of possible solutions, an exponential increase not possible with classical machines.

Quantum computers, however, are finicky. It's hard to get qubits to remain stable long enough to return useful results. The act of communicating with qubits can perturb them. Engineers hope to add error correction techniques so quantum computers can tackle a much broader range of problems.

Plenty of people are quantum computing skeptics. Even some fans of the technology acknowledge we're years away from high-powered quantum computers. But already, quantum computing is a real business. Samsung, Daimler, Honda, JP Morgan Chase and Barclays are all quantum computing customers. Spending on quantum computers should reach hundreds of millions of dollars in the 2020s, and tens of billions in the 2030s, according to forecasts by Deloitte, a consultancy. China, Europe, the United States and Japan have sunk billions of dollars into investment plans. Ford and Microsoft say traffic simulation technology for quantum computers, adapted to run on classical machines, already is showing utility.

Right now quantum computers are used mostly in research. But applications with mainstream results are likely coming. The power of quantum computers is expected to allow for the creation of new materials, chemical processes and medicines by giving insight into the physics of molecules. Quantum computers will also help for greater optimization of financial investments, delivery routes and flights by crunching the numbers in situations with a large number of possible courses of action.

They'll also be used for cracking today's encryption, an idea spy agencies love, even if you might be concerned about losing your privacy or some snoop getting your password. New cryptography adapted for a quantum computing future is already underway.

Another promising application is artificial intelligence, though that may be years in the future.

"Eventually we'll be able to reinvent machine learning," Forrester's Carroll said. But it'll take years of steady work in quantum computing beyond the progress of 2019. "The transformative benefits are real and big, but they are still more sci-fi and theory than they are reality."

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Quantum computing leaps ahead in 2019 with new power and speed - CNET

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Quantum computing could be the next big security breakthrough – ITProPortal

The majority of cybersecurity professionals believe quantum computing will develop faster than other security technologies, but for them thats cause for concern.

According to a new report by the Neustar International Security Council (NISC), almost three quarters (74 per cent) are keeping a close eye on the tech, while 21 per cent are doing experiments of their own. To tackle the potential coming crisis, a third (35 per cent) are already developing a quantum strategy, while just 16 per cent arent yet thinking about it.

The vast majority believe quantum computing could become a problem for encryption within five years. Just seven per cent believe quantum supremacy will never happen.

At the same time, almost all CISOs, CSO, CTOs and other security directors are feeling excitement over the potential positive changes quantum computing may bring.

At the moment, we rely on encryption, which is possible to crack in theory, but impossible to crack in practice, precisely because it would take so long to do so, over timescales of trillions or even quadrillions of years, said Rodney Joffe, Chairman of NISC and Security CTO at Neustar.

Without the protective shield of encryption, a quantum computer in the hands of a malicious actor could launch a cyberattack unlike anything weve ever seen.

According to Joffe, the cybersecurity community is already hard at work, researching quantum-proof cryptography.

IT experts of every stripe will need to work to rebuild the algorithms, strategies, and systems that form our approach to cybersecurity, Joffe concluded.

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Quantum computing could be the next big security breakthrough - ITProPortal

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Quantum Computers Are the Ultimate Paper Tiger – The National Interest Online

Google announced this fall to much fanfare that it had demonstrated quantum supremacy that is, it performed a specific quantum computation far faster than the best classical computers could achieve. IBM promptly critiqued the claim, saying that its own classical supercomputer could perform the computation at nearly the same speed with far greater fidelity and, therefore, the Google announcement should be taken with a large dose of skepticism.

This wasnt the first time someone cast doubt on quantum computing. Last year, Michel Dyakonov, a theoretical physicist at the University of Montpellier in France, offered a slew of technical reasons why practical quantum supercomputers will never be built in an article in IEEE Spectrum, the flagship journal of electrical and computer engineering.

So how can you make sense of what is going on?

As someone who has worked on quantum computing for many years, I believe that due to the inevitability of random errors in the hardware, useful quantum computers are unlikely to ever be built.

Whats a quantum computer?

To understand why, you need to understand how quantum computers work since theyre fundamentally different from classical computers.

A classical computer uses 0s and 1s to store data. These numbers could be voltages on different points in a circuit. But a quantum computer works on quantum bits, also known as qubits. You can picture them as waves that are associated with amplitude and phase.

Qubits have special properties: They can exist in superposition, where they are both 0 and 1 at the same time, and they may be entangled so they share physical properties even though they may be separated by large distances. Its a behavior that does not exist in the world of classical physics. The superposition vanishes when the experimenter interacts with the quantum state.

Due to superposition, a quantum computer with 100 qubits can represent 2100 solutions simultaneously. For certain problems, this exponential parallelism can be harnessed to create a tremendous speed advantage. Some code-breaking problems could be solved exponentially faster on a quantum machine, for example.

There is another, narrower approach to quantum computing called quantum annealing, where qubits are used to speed up optimization problems. D-Wave Systems, based in Canada, has built optimization systems that use qubits for this purpose, but critics also claim that these systems are no better than classical computers.

Regardless, companies and countries are investing massive amounts of money in quantum computing. China has developed a new quantum research facility worth US$10 billion, while the European Union has developed a 1 billion ($1.1 billion) quantum master plan. The United States National Quantum Initiative Act provides $1.2 billion to promote quantum information science over a five-year period.

Breaking encryption algorithms is a powerful motivating factor for many countries if they could do it successfully, it would give them an enormous intelligence advantage. But these investments are also promoting fundamental research in physics.

Many companies are pushing to build quantum computers, including Intel and Microsoft in addition to Google and IBM. These companies are trying to build hardware that replicates the circuit model of classical computers. However, current experimental systems have less than 100 qubits. To achieve useful computational performance, you probably need machines with hundreds of thousands of qubits.

Noise and error correction

The mathematics that underpin quantum algorithms is well established, but there are daunting engineering challenges that remain.

For computers to function properly, they must correct all small random errors. In a quantum computer, such errors arise from the non-ideal circuit elements and the interaction of the qubits with the environment around them. For these reasons the qubits can lose coherency in a fraction of a second and, therefore, the computation must be completed in even less time. If random errors which are inevitable in any physical system are not corrected, the computers results will be worthless.

In classical computers, small noise is corrected by taking advantage of a concept known as thresholding. It works like the rounding of numbers. Thus, in the transmission of integers where it is known that the error is less than 0.5, if what is received is 3.45, the received value can be corrected to 3.

Further errors can be corrected by introducing redundancy. Thus if 0 and 1 are transmitted as 000 and 111, then at most one bit-error during transmission can be corrected easily: A received 001 would be a interpreted as 0, and a received 101 would be interpreted as 1.

Quantum error correction codes are a generalization of the classical ones, but there are crucial differences. For one, the unknown qubits cannot be copied to incorporate redundancy as an error correction technique. Furthermore, errors present within the incoming data before the error-correction coding is introduced cannot be corrected.

Quantum cryptography

While the problem of noise is a serious challenge in the implementation of quantum computers, it isnt so in quantum cryptography, where people are dealing with single qubits, for single qubits can remain isolated from the environment for significant amount of time. Using quantum cryptography, two users can exchange the very large numbers known as keys, which secure data, without anyone able to break the key exchange system. Such key exchange could help secure communications between satellites and naval ships. But the actual encryption algorithm used after the key is exchanged remains classical, and therefore the encryption is theoretically no stronger than classical methods.

Quantum cryptography is being commercially used in a limited sense for high-value banking transactions. But because the two parties must be authenticated using classical protocols, and since a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, its not that different from existing systems. Banks are still using a classical-based authentication process, which itself could be used to exchange keys without loss of overall security.

Quantum cryptography technology must shift its focus to quantum transmission of information if its going to become significantly more secure than existing cryptography techniques.

Commercial-scale quantum computing challenges

While quantum cryptography holds some promise if the problems of quantum transmission can be solved, I doubt the same holds true for generalized quantum computing. Error-correction, which is fundamental to a multi-purpose computer, is such a significant challenge in quantum computers that I dont believe theyll ever be built at a commercial scale.

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Subhash Kak, Regents Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Oklahoma State University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Image: Reuters

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Quantum Computers Are the Ultimate Paper Tiger - The National Interest Online

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D-Wave partners with NEC to build hybrid HPC and quantum apps – TechCrunch

D-Wave Systems announced a partnership with Japanese industrial giant NEC today to build what they call hybrid apps and services that work on a combination of NEC high-performance computers and D-Waves quantum systems.

The two companies also announced that NEC will be investing $10 million in D-Wave, which has raised $204 million prior to this, according to Crunchbase data.

D-Waves chief product officer and EVP of R&D, Alan Baratz, whom the company announced this week will be taking over as CEO effective January 1st, says the company has been able to do a lot of business in Japan, and the size of this deal could help push the technology further. Our collaboration with global pioneer NEC is a major milestone in the pursuit of fully commercial quantum applications, he said in a statement.

The company says it is one of the earliest deals between a quantum vendor and a multinational IT company with the size and scale of NEC. The deal involves three key elements. First of all, NEC and D-Wave will come together to develop hybrid services that combine NECs supercomputers and other classical systems with D-Waves quantum technology. The hope is that by combining the classical and quantum systems, they can create better performance for lower cost than you could get if you tried to do similar computing on a strictly classical system.

The two companies will also work together with NEC customers to build applications that will take advantage of this hybrid approach. Also, NEC will be an authorized reseller of D-Wave cloud services.

For NEC, which claims to have demonstrated the worlds first quantum bit device way back in 1999, it is about finding ways to keep advancing commercial quantum computing. Quantum computing development is critical for the future of every industry tasked with solving todays most complex problems. Hybrid applications and greater access to quantum systems is what will allow us to achieve truly commercial-grade quantum solutions, Motoo Nishihara, executive vice president and CTO at NEC Corporation, said in a statement.

This deal should help move the companies toward that goal.

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D-Wave partners with NEC to build hybrid HPC and quantum apps - TechCrunch

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Security leaders fear that quantum computing developments will outpace security technologies – Continuity Central

DetailsPublished: Wednesday, 11 December 2019 07:59

More than half (54 percent) of cyber security professionals have expressed concerns that quantum computing will outpace the development of security technologies, according to new research from the Neustar International Security Council (NISC). Keeping a watchful eye on developments, 74 percent of organizations said that they are paying close attention to the technologys evolution, with 21 percent already experimenting with their own quantum computing strategies.

A further 35 percent of experts claimed to be in the process of developing a quantum strategy, while just 16 percent said they were not yet thinking about it. This shift in focus comes as the vast majority (73 percent) of cyber security professionals expect advances in quantum computing to overcome legacy technologies, such as encryption, within the next five years. Almost all respondents (93 percent) believe the next-generation computers will overwhelm existing security technology, with just 7 percent under the impression that true quantum supremacy will never happen.

Despite expressing concerns that other technologies will be overshadowed, an overwhelming number (87 percent) of CISOs, CSOs, CTOs and security directors are excited about the potential positive impact of quantum computing. The remaining 13 percent were more cautious and under the impression that the technology would create more harm than good.

At the moment, we rely on encryption, which is possible to crack in theory, but impossible to crack in practice, precisely because it would take so long to do so, over timescales of trillions or even quadrillions of years, said Rodney Joffe, Chairman of NISC and Security CTO at Neustar. Without the protective shield of encryption, a quantum computer in the hands of a malicious actor could launch a cyber attack unlike anything weve ever seen.

For both todays major attacks, and also the small-scale, targeted threats that we are seeing more frequently, it is vital that IT professionals begin responding to quantum immediately. The security community has already launched a research effort into quantum-proof cryptography, but information professionals at every organization holding sensitive data should have quantum on their radar. Quantum computing's ability to solve our great scientific and technological challenges will also be its ability to disrupt everything we know about computer security. Ultimately, IT experts of every stripe will need to work to rebuild the algorithms, strategies, and systems that form our approach to cyber security, added Joffe.

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Security leaders fear that quantum computing developments will outpace security technologies - Continuity Central

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D-Wave Announces Promotion of Dr. Alan Baratz to CEO – HPCwire

BURNABY, British Columbia, Dec. 10, 2019 D-Wave Systems Inc., the leader in quantum computing systems, software, and services, today announced that Dr. Alan Baratz will assume the role of chief executive officer (CEO), effective January 1, 2020. Baratz joined D-Wave in 2017 and currently serves as the chief product officer and executive vice president of research and development for D-Wave. He takes over from the retiring CEO, Vern Brownell.

Baratzs promotion to CEO follows the launch ofLeap, D-Waves quantum cloud service, in October 2018, and comes in advance of the mid-2020 launch of the companys next-generation quantum system,Advantage.

Baratz has driven the development, delivery, and support of all of D-Waves products, technologies, and applications in recent years. He has over 25 years of experience in product development and bringing new products to market at leading technology companies and software startups. As the first president of JavaSoft at Sun Microsystems, Baratz oversaw the growth and adoption of the Java platform from its infancy to a robust platform supporting mission-critical applications in nearly 80 percent of Fortune 1000 companies. He has also held executive positions at Symphony, Avaya, Cisco, and IBM. He served as CEO and president of Versata, Zaplet, and NeoPath Networks, and as a managing director at Warburg Pincus LLC. Baratz holds a doctorate in computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

I joined D-Wave to bring quantum computing technology to the enterprise. Now more than ever, I am convinced that making practical quantum computing available to forward-thinking businesses and emerging quantum developers through the cloud is central to jumpstarting the broad development of in-production quantum applications, said Baratz, chief product officer and head of research and development. As I assume the CEO role, Ill focus on expanding the early beachheads for quantum computing that exist in manufacturing, mobility, new materials creation, and financial services into real value for our customers. I am honored to take over the leadership of the company and work together with the D-Wave team as we begin to deliver real business results with our quantum computers.

The company also announced that CEO Vern Brownell has decided to retire at the end of the year in order to spend more time at his home in Boston with his family. Baratz will become CEO at that time. During Brownells tenure, D-Wave developed four generations of commercial quantum computers, raised over $170 million in venture funding, and secured its first customers, including Lockheed Martin, Google and NASA, and Los Alamos National Laboratory. Brownell will continue to serve as an advisor to the board.

There are very few moments in your life when you have the opportunity to build an entirely new market. My 10 years at D-Wave have been rich with breakthroughs, like selling the first commercial quantum computer. I am humbled to have been a part of building the quantum ecosystem, said Brownell, retiring D-Wave CEO. Alan has shown tremendous leadership in our technology and product development efforts, and I am working with him to transition leadership of the entire business. This is an exciting time for quantum computing and an exciting time for D-Wave. I cant imagine a better leader than Alan at the helm for the next phase of bringing practical quantum computing to enterprises around the world.

With cloud access and the development of more than 200 early applications, quantum computing is experiencing explosive growth. We are excited to recognize Alans work in bringing Leap to market and building the next-generation Advantage system. And as D-Wave expands their Quantum-as-a-Service offerings, Alans expertise with growing developer communities and delivering SaaS solutions to enterprises will be critical for D-Waves success in the market, said Paul Lee, D-Wave board chair. I want to thank Vern for his 10 years of contributions to D-Wave. He was central in our ability to be the first to commercialize quantum computers and has made important contributions not only to D-Wave, but also in building the quantum ecosystem.

About D-Wave Systems Inc.

D-Wave is the leader in the development and delivery of quantum computing systems, software, and services and is the worlds first commercial supplier of quantum computers. Our mission is to unlock the power of quantum computing for the world. We do this by delivering customer value with practical quantum applications for problems as diverse as logistics, artificial intelligence, materials sciences, drug discovery, cybersecurity, fault detection, and financial modeling. D-Waves systems are being used by some of the worlds most advanced organizations, including Volkswagen, DENSO, Lockheed Martin, USRA, USC, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. With headquarters near Vancouver, Canada, D-Waves US operations are based in Palo Alto, CA and Bellevue, WA. D-Wave has a blue-chip investor base including PSP Investments, Goldman Sachs, BDC Capital, DFJ, In-Q-Tel, BDC Capital, PenderFund Capital, 180 Degree Capital Corp., and Kensington Capital Partners Limited. For more information,

Source: D-Wave Systems Inc.

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D-Wave Announces Promotion of Dr. Alan Baratz to CEO - HPCwire

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Recent Research: Quantum Computing Market with Future Prospects, Key Players SWOT Analysis and Forecast To 2029 – Sound On Sound Fest

A Recent Report published by, with the title Global Quantum Computing Market Comprehensive Research and Forecast 2020-2029, provides detailed information on the market in a confident manner. Presentation of historical and projected revenue details in the report provides an in-depth understanding of the potentials in the globalQuantum Computing Marketcurrently and over the next 10 years. Estimated, projected and historical trends, restraints, drivers, opportunities, and threats are also explained in detail in the report. In addition, the report offers detailed and insightful profiles of the top players in the global market: International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation, Google Inc, Microsoft Corporation, Qxbranch LLC, Cambridge Quantum Computing Ltd, 1QB Information Technologies Inc, QC Ware Corp., Magiq Technologies Inc, D-Wave Systems Inc, Rigetti Computing

To discover the desired statistics for prediction of the current and future market trends, it uses primary and secondary research techniques. This report is summarized with provisions of the industries as well as the requirements of the customers. It lists the different features of the leading key players to give better insights into the businesses. It gives an in-depth perspective of all recent developments, which helps to decide the current strategy of the businesses.

Sample reports from MarketResearch.Biz are free of charge and include multiple sections of the report, such as market size and forecast, drivers, challenges, trends and more.

ForBetter UnderstandingofQuantum Computing Market, Request a Free Sample Copy

Driving factors and opportunities are summarized in the report, to give a clear vision of global scope in terms of the growth rate of Quantum Computing market. The report also provides restraints, and it predicts the risks in front of the companies. It analyzes the present statistics and comparative analysis of global competitors in the market. In the geographic segmentation, different regions, such as Latin America, North America, China, Japan, and India are considered to give more elaboration on economic productivity.

Based on Segmentation, each type is studied as Sales, Quantum Computing Market Share (%), Revenue (Million USD), Price, Gross Margin and more similar information.

Segmentation on the basis of component:

HardwareSoftwareServicesSegmentation on the basis of application:

SimulationOptimizationSamplingSegmentation on the basis of end-use industry:

DefenseHealthcare & pharmaceuticalsChemicalsBanking & financeEnergy & power

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3) In-Depth Analysis of Current Dynamics and Trends, Key Market Players, and Strategies in the Quantum Computing industry

4) Detailed value chain analysis and review of growth factors essential for the existing Quantum Computing market players and new entrants

5) Provide emerging opportunities in the Quantum Computing industry and the future impact of key drivers and restraints of the Quantum Computing market and

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Recent Research: Quantum Computing Market with Future Prospects, Key Players SWOT Analysis and Forecast To 2029 - Sound On Sound Fest

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Altcoin Meltdown Intensifies as Tezos, Ravencoin, VeChain Take the Plunge –

Bitcoins gravitational pull on the wider cryptocurrency market was evident on Tuesday, as altcoins lost billions in collective value.

There was no immediate catalyst for wider market selloff, though bitcoins inability to climb above technical resistance and chaos involving Matic Network likely contributed to the poor performance.

The value of digital currencies excluding bitcoin lost over $2 billion in market cap on Tuesday, according to CoinMarketCap. Their combined value now stands at $65.3 billion, or 33.2% of the overall cryptocurrency market.

To get a sense of just how badly altcoins have crashed, the market peaked at $141 billion in late June. At just over $65 billion, the market today is valued at a fraction of its June high.

With the exception of Chainlink (LINK), the top-50 altcoins and tokens declined on Tuesday. From the top, Ethereum (ETH), XRP, bitcoin cash (BCH) and Litecoin (LTC) were each down more than 2%.

Beyond the top-ten, Tezos (XYZ) plunged more than 10% to $1.42, VeChain (VET) hemorrhaged 15.2% to $0.00603 and Ravencoin (RVN) was down a whopping 25.4% at $0.0234. These projects were among the biggest gainers during the 2019 bull market.

Meanwhile, Matic (MATIC) was still nursing losses of more than 59% following an overnight collapse.

Bitcoin also languished under the pressure of a falling market. The largest cryptocurrency is down more than 3% over the past 24 hours, having reached an intraday low of $7,211.75 on Bitstamp.

The bitcoin price took a step back after failing to break $8,000 in late November. The king of cryptocurrencies peaked near $7,900 Nov. 30, but has struggled ever since.

The panic sale in the altcoin market comes on the heels of a surprising announcement from Huobi, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges. Earlier this week, the company said it will be shutting down HBUS, its U.S. exchange operation, so that it can return in a more integrated and impactful fashion as part of its strategic layout.

HBUS users have until Jan. 31, 2020 to withdraw their assets.

Huobis U.S.-based customers were forced to transition to HBUS in early November as part of a wider effort by the company to comply with U.S. legislation.

As of Tuesday, Huobi Global was the 26th largest spot exchange for cryptocurrency trades, according to CoinMarketCap. The data should be taken with a grain of salt due to widespread misreporting of digital currency trading volumes.

This article was edited by Josiah Wilmoth.

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Top 3 price prediction Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple: Altcoin auto-MATIC carnage – FXStreet

The collapse of MATIC today in Asian session should help us not to lose sight of the reason why we entered the crypto market: preserving and making money.

According to the latest information, the highly leveraged bullish positions triggered the carnage.

The story of these fulminant falls is always the same and its ingredients are quite simple:

- Anxious traders with a tendency to take too much leverage.

- Market narrowness refers to the inability of the order book to absorb a high amount of orders. In these situations, the price slips in the direction of the avalanche, then activates protection stops that increase the chain effect. And so on, until the order book is balanced again.

- Leverage in trading can be a great ally or the worst enemy. In the subject matter of this article, a leveraged position against an avalanche movement leads to the closing of the trading position. The action is so fast, and the losses so heavy, that the "margin call" sequence followed by the "closing of all positions" is practically instantaneous.

As much as it now seems like something like that only happens in the cryptocurrencies market, readers surely know similar situations in any other quoted market.

What can we do to protect ourselves?

- We should never take heavily leveraged positions in illiquid assets. This type of asset is easy to move. Those responsible for manipulation only need to give the first push, leverage and lack of funds do the rest of the work.

- The total capital we dedicate to this type of adventure should not exceed 5% of our money.

- If we take leveraged positions, we should not wait for consolidations. Any profit made must be executed immediately, without giving time to the accumulation of positions on the opposite side.

The ETH/BTC pair is currently trading at the 0.02004price level and is timidly looking green. The simple average of 100 periods shows a bullish profile that augurs a cross of the long-term bearish trend line at the 0.021 level.

The price of the ETH/BTC pair will tend to that range first and should continue to rise towards the 200-period simple average passage zone.

Above the current price, the first resistance level is at 0.0205, then the second at 0.02225 and the third one at 0.023.

Below the current price, the first support level is at 0.02000, then the second at 0.019 and the third one at 0.018.

The MACD on the daily chart shows a bullish cross in development at the moment. The cross will culminate in the next few hours and should give way to a more positive tone in favor of the Ethereum.

The DMI on the daily chart shows bulls increasing trend strength against bears, which gradually lose power.

The BTC/USD pair is currently trading at the $7,333price level and points to a day of moderate price declines. Bitcoin's inability to beat the $7,500 daily close is a sign of weakness.

A stronger bearish move with a target at the $6,850 level cannot be ruled out.

Above the current price, the first resistance level is at $7,450, then the second at $7,500 and the third one at $7,600.

Below the current price, the first support level is at $7,100, then the second at $6,850 and the third one at $6,750.

The MACD on the daily chart retains the bullish cross despite losing openness between the lines and the bullish incline. The closeness between the lines can cause a rejection movement to the price hike.

The DMI on the daily chart clearly shows more-bullish bulls in the same intensity with which bears follow it down.

The ETH/USD pair is currently trading at the $147.3price level, showing the difficulty of overcoming the resistance level at the $150 price level.

The release of the Istanbul upgrade has not meant any change in the Ethereum price.

Above the current price, the first resistance level is at $150, then the second at $155 and the third one at $160.

Below the current price, the first support level is at $145, then the second at $140 and the third one at $130.

The MACD on the daily chart shows a slightly weakened bullish profile due to the impossibility of breaching the $150 price level.

The DMI on the daily chart shows the bulls gaining strength little by little. The bears, on the other hand, are continually losing trend-strength.

XRP/USD is trading at the $0.223price level, remaining within the same range as in the past few days.

Above the current price, the first resistance level is at $0.23, then the second at $0.245 and the third one at $0.248.

Below the current price, the first support level is $0.22, then the second level is $0.21, and the third level is $0.20.

The MACD on the daily chart shows a clear bullish profile despite the sideways price in the last few days.

The DMI on the daily chart shows a small improvement in the activity level of the bulls, which nevertheless remain at deficient levels. The bears are gradually decreasing in their trend-strength level. A change of positions still seems distant.

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Top 3 price prediction Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple: Altcoin auto-MATIC carnage - FXStreet

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