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Lindsey Graham: ‘I Have Made Up My Mind’ to Exonerate Trump and ‘Don’t Need Any Witnesses’ WATCH – Towleroad

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told Face The Nation that he doesnt need to hear from any witnesses before taking a vote on Trumps impeachment.

Said Graham: I think whats best for the country is to get this thing over with. I [have] clearly made up my mind, Im not trying to hide the fact that I have disdain for the accusations in the process, so I dont need any witnesses. I am ready to vote on the underlying articles, I dont really need to hear a lot of witnesses.

Axios adds: Graham recently told Axiosthat he believes its best to deep-six a possible impeachment trial as quickly as possible, which potentially clashes with Trumps desire to have Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney and other White House officials stage a public defense of his dealings with Ukraine.

Read more from the original source:

Lindsey Graham: 'I Have Made Up My Mind' to Exonerate Trump and 'Don't Need Any Witnesses' WATCH - Towleroad

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Blockchain in Healthcare Market to 2027 By Top Leading Players: iSolve LLC, Healthcoin, Deepmind Health, IBM Corporation, Microsoft Corporation,…

The Insight Partners published an Exclusive report on Blockchain in Healthcare Market delivering key insights and providing a competitive advantage to clients through a detailed report. The report contains 150 pages which highly exhibits on current market analysis scenario, upcoming as well as future opportunities, revenue growth, pricing and profitability.

Advance technologies including blockchain and deep learning can help in saving costs, increase data flow, improve regulatory compliance, and enhance patient experience and outcomes. In 2017, FDA and IBM Watson partnered to secure patient data exchange by leveraging blockchain technology.

Request a sample of this premium report at:

Key Players

1. iSolve LLC2. Gem3. Deepmind Health4. IBM Corporation5. Microsoft Corporation6. Factom Inc7. PokitDok Inc8. SimplyVital Health Inc.9. Proof.Work10. Guardtime

Global Blockchain in Healthcare Market which has been compiled after an in-depth analysis of the market trends prevailing across five geographies (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle-East and Africa, and South America). Various segments of the market such as type/components/ application/industry verticals/ end-users are analyzed with robust research methodology which includes three step process starting with extensive secondary research to gather data from company profiles, global/regional associations, trade journals, technical white papers, paid databases etc. followed by primary research (interviews) with industry experts/KOLs to gain their insights and views on current scenarios and future scope of the market as well as validating the secondary information, further internal statistical model is used to estimate the market size and forecasts till 2027.

Currently, several healthcare systems are facing challenges attributed to limited access to care, exorbitant costs, imprecise reimbursement models, and the unreliable quality of patient safety & care. This has resulted in the innovative formation of the new accurate healthcare ecosystem.

Blockchain in Healthcare Market Global Analysis to 2027 is an expert compiled study which provides a holistic view of the market covering current trends and future scope with respect to product/service, the report also covers competitive analysis to understand the presence of key vendors in the companies by analyzing their product/services, key financial facts, details SWOT analysis and key development in last three years. Further chapter such as industry landscape and competitive landscape provides the reader with recent company level insights covering mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, collaborations, new product developments/strategies taking place across the ecosystem. The chapters also evaluate the key vendors by mapping all the relevant products and services to exhibit the ranking/position of top 5 key vendors.

Ask for a discount on this report @

Table of Content:Chapter 1. MethodologyChapter 2. Executive SummaryChapter 3. Blockchain in Healthcare Industry InsightsChapter 4. Blockchain in Healthcare Market, By TechnologyChapter 5. Blockchain in Healthcare Market, By End-userChapter 6. Blockchain in Healthcare Market, By RegionChapter 7. Company Profiles


Blockchain in Healthcare Market to 2027 By Top Leading Players: iSolve LLC, Healthcoin, Deepmind Health, IBM Corporation, Microsoft Corporation,...

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‘Echo Chamber’ as Author of the ‘Hive Mind’ –

A continuing theme on Scott Adams blog is to challenge oneself to come up with more innocent explanations for events that otherwise lend themselves to conspiracy thinking. For example, Scott challenges us to consider whether the 17 mistakes all made in the same direction in the FISA application process to surveil the Trump campaign can have any explanation other than conspiracy? To be clear: Conspiracy involves a plan and coordinated action in pursuit of that plan. This is different from bias.

Scott Adams, as I understand his commentary, is floating the idea that federal agents did act in a biased, but not conspiratorial, fashion. (At least until the Durham investigation reveals any single large conspiracy or multiple small conspiracies taking advantage of other peoples bias.) We all have our biases, but they become dangerous problems when they become the basis for state action. So even if you rule out a conspiracy, it remains important to understand the source and development of certain forms of bias that can infect state action.

Scott even goes so far as to say that the source of the bias that led to the Russia Hoax was the feedback loop between the media and the government. Remember, a clap requires two hands. If you wave one without contact with the other, there is air movement but no sound. So it was that whatever scheme the Clinton/DNC came up with to smear and defeat Trump (or presumably any other Republican rival that emerged) would have no effect unless picked up and publicized in the media. Once the media actually responded to the provocation an echo chamber was established that amplified and intensified the desired feelings of fear and loathing.

This was the start of the hive mind the alignment of thinking and (when opportunity arose) action. Like cranking up the power on an electromagnet, people with strong bias were fused to the narrative and people with weaker biases were drawn closer to cooperation and consideration of actions previously thought unacceptable. This is the dynamic of mobs: from discontent to rumor; to shouting and to force.

Although the Russia hoax was a particularly pernicious and consequential event, it is by no means sui generis. We have seen this on a smaller scale and with lesser national impact: the Covington boys, the Duke Lacrosse case, etc. In each event, an echo chamber was created to crowd out dissent and alternative narratives that led to a hive mind and mob action. When government officials are inclined or induced to promote or cooperate in a given action or set of actions, the consequences to society are grave, to say nothing to the devastation of individuals for which no monetary compensation can provide repair.

Humans being humans, these events will continue to arise. But we can limit their consequence to the broader society by fidelity to our constitution and its due process protections for individuals. (No, contra Representative Quigley [D-TX], hearsay is never better than direct evidence, even if in a given case a particular specie of hearsay may be more credible than a given piece of direct evidence.) This becomes ever more important as our cultural institutions are under hive mind pressures. It may not be a conspiracy, but it is a mob mentality that our government cannot be permitted to embrace.

The Deep State is actually a form of hive mind. The solution to the hive mind problem is to attack the echo chamber that supports it. And this is what Trump is doing to great effect. But is he just creating an alternative echo chamber and a competing hive mind? Is it just Godzilla vs. King Kong? For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Events will give us the answer. Pray that we like it.

Go here to read the rest:

'Echo Chamber' as Author of the 'Hive Mind' -

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Winning the War Against Thinking – So you’ve emptied your brain. Now what? –

I like to sit and think. People think Im mad.

Try it. Sit down on a park bench and start thinking deeply. Within two minutes, someone will put their hand on your shoulder and ask if everything is okay. The guy sitting next to you has already called 911. Another well-meaning person comes running, Im a paramedic!

People are meant to sit and think. Thats what grey matter does. Its called contemplation and its something that our ancestors spent hours a day doingwhile gazing at the stars, tending the sheep, or on those many long walks from place to place pre-Henry Ford. They were thinking about stuff. Whatever they wanted to think about.

No, not worrying. Not fantasizing. Proactively pondering a certain thought for more than 10 seconds. Contemplating.

Today our senses are inundated by a torrent of data buried within rivers of noise on all channels from all directions and attacking all senses until the brain simply has no RAM left for actual thinking. Thats why many of us seek out a person who will teach us how to make room for our own thoughtsa meditation or mindfulness coach. And, yes, they teach us how to calm and empty our minds. Very nice.

But they stop there. ThatsMeditation used to mean filling your mind with your own thoughts. Now it means emptying your brain from any thoughts at all. the problem. Thats how contemplation gets hijacked. Meditation used to mean filling your mind with your own thoughts. Now it means emptying your brain from any thoughts at all.

Quietness. Serenity. Sounds so blissful. And it is. Until it becomes an end in itself. Then its a dead end.

Because thats not what your mind was made for, thats not what any of the original teachers intended, and thats not what you, as a human being in this overwhelming world, need right now.

All that serenity is just a prerequisite to something far more vital and important: Thinking for yourself.

Do you hear your thoughts? Its a question Ive asked many people. Responses vary: Some of the time. Doesnt everybody? or even It drives me nuts! How do I get it to stop?

But the most common answer is something like No, Im perfectly sane, thank you. Accompanied by one of those looks that says, What kind of a wacko is this? Hey is this the same nutcase I saw sitting on a bench in the park?

Or just a blank stare.

That could be half of humanity. Maybe much more. Intelligent, well-educated people. But they have no room in their lives for listening to the thoughts zipping across the neuro-connectors of their brain.

All Im trying to point out are two simple truths that everyOnce aware of your thoughts, you can grab the leash and take those thoughts to wherever you wish. book of wisdom takes for granted: 1) You, as an adult human being, are aware of your thoughts and 2) therefore you can grab the leash and take those thoughts to wherever you wish.

Todays American-styled mindfulness and meditation, with a good teacher, can help address #1. As for #2grabbing the leashthese offerings, as currently packaged, just leave you hanging.

Think healthy thoughts! we tell people. Whenever one of those ugly, toxic, pull-me-down thoughts floats up into your head, dont react in the slightest. Just choose another healthy, inspiring thought to think instead.

The common response? What are you talking about? You cant choose your thoughts. They just are!

The truth is, even if youre eager to switch thoughts in midstream and believe it to be possible, it doesnt come so easy. Someone needs to provide guidance, coaching, techniques, and strategies for contemplating those healthy thoughts.

There are plenty of strategies. Among them:

There are so many more. All take time and effort to develop. Choose some that work for you. Develop your own. After a few weeks, youll find you can slip in and out of thinking modality with ease. In a conducive, quiet environment, free of distractions (I knowfinding one of those nowadays is like striking goldjust avoid park benches), you should be able to keep mostly focused for up to an hour.

Okay, try ten minutes. But, hey, 60 seconds is also darn good.

You want inspiring thoughts. Joyful thoughts. Thoughts that will lift you up and carry you high through life. Funny thing, but rarely will you see people walking out of a philosophy class singing and dancing. So you need to look for thoughts that do thatthat nurture the soul and give it life.

Try some of the many deep, subtle and rich concepts of the inner Torah. Torah is about life, and the inner Torah is about your inner life, the universes inner life, and Gds inner life. When you ponder thoughts of life, you come alive and celebrate life.

Youll find plenty of inner Torah thoughts to ponder in our Building Blocks or ChabadThink. Chabad is actually an acronym for the three faculties of the mind as they are described in traditional and kabbalistic writings: Chochmah, Binah and Daat.

The Chabad approach considersFood is only nourishing when chewed well, swallowed and metabolized. The same with knowledge. knowledge of the inner Torah as food for the soul. Food is only nourishing when chewed well, swallowed and metabolized. The same with knowledgeespecially those rich and juicy chunks of knowledge that are vital nutrition for your soul: You have to chew them until you reach that daat-point.

Heres how: Think of ways by which this lofty idea applies to your personal life. Try to envision what it means in your world. And think it clearly, as though you had to explain this to a simple person.

Youll find yourself returning to the core idea itself, again and again, reaching yet further into its depth, seeking to isolate its essential point so that you can tie that to your reality. Thats the dance between chochmah and binah as they create daat. And daat is what will flow out into your heart and limbs in real life.

When you and your knowledge become one, your ideals play out naturally in real-time. Everything about life becomes much deeper and richer. Meditation of this sort takes your experience of Judaism, the Torah and its mitzvot to a whole new level.

Then there are some important tips to keep your mind focused:

Why is this important? Well, its your 2.5 lbs. of grey matter, so why shouldnt you learn how to control it yourself? But there are many reasons besides. Like:

But heres my #1 most urgent reason we better reclaim contemplation and do it now: The time is swiftly approaching when well look at a machine and say, Whats the difference between me and it?

Guess what? If we dont know how to reflect on our own thoughts and take them where we want them to go, there isnt really much difference.

Lets win the war against autonomous contemplation before its too late and weve already surrendered to the machines.

Where should we begin? In public school. All Lets teach quiet thinking in preschool.the way down to preschool. Give every child a minute or so each morning when the teacher instructs, Now is the time for each of you to think about whatever you choose to think. Whatever is most important in your life. It's your own moment with your mind and your heart.

Read more about that plan in our Moment of Silence section.

Think about it seriously. We could liberate an entire generation.


Winning the War Against Thinking - So you've emptied your brain. Now what? -

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Bitcoin 2020: Whats Ahead – Forbes

Photo Illustration by Avishek Das

It doesnt take a genius to see that bitcoin ((BTC) is trending down.

The bitcoin price remains all about China and the trade war and as the BTC price has indicated for some time now, the progress of the China/U.S. trade dispute towards settlement.

The so-called phase 1 deal is a de-escalation of the China/U.S. trade war and you do not have to be too cynical to see the road to this stage in the slow but sure declining trend in the bitcoin price.

This trade deal progress is great for stocks but bad news for Chinese demand for secure assets outside of the reach and effect of the trade conflict and the risk of a devaluing yuan.

You can guarantee when the heat goes up at the negotiating table, up goes bitcoins price, well before we, if we ever do, hear about it what went on. Likewise all progress towards deals, interim or otherwise, will hit the price of Bitcoin.

A comprehensive China/U.S. deal is a long way off, as far off as last years bitcoin lows. So there is still no guessing exactly what will happen next in the trade conflict and hence the short term price of bitcoin.

We can, however, look at the bitcoin chart and imagine it as an index of the trade war and if you buy that as a model we can start to speculate how the trade war may pan out and thereby what will happen next.

Here is the chart which I have doodled all over:

The Bitcoin chart can be an index of hte trade war

In this we can see that if there is a quick path to a full deal, bitcoin is going to go to the low of 2019 pretty quickly, there might be a little pause just above $6,000, then sploosh the price capitulates to below $4,000.

Alternately with some trade war setbacks ahead, we would expect to get a bitcoin rally back above $9,000.

Thats a radically divergent pair of outcomes.

Now the key to this outcome is going to be down to Trump and his election hopes.

If Trump is going to win next year, then China will want to settle fast but Trump will want to hang tough because he will be able to drive a hard bargain if China is facing four years more of his pressure and hasnt settled. Trump may get his deal early, because China will not want to face an even tougher deal post victory.

If Trump looks likely to lose his reelection bid, then China will hang back and Trump will hang back as well to berate China as a campaigning tactic. Obviously, a democratic winner will close a deal fast with China to snub the Trump legacy and get on with their own agenda, so a weak Trump in the campaign will halt or flare the trade war and boost bitcoin.

So Trump up, bitcoin down. Trump down, bitcoin up. This should be the next few months. Then when the election results loom the dynamic should reverse. With no final deal in place and Trump ahead in the polls, Trump up, bitcoin up.

If China plays awkward over the election cycle, and it will if there is a good chance Trump will not win and then Trump gets reelected the resulting retaliation will see an almighty bitcoin rally.

And the betting on Trump is as near as it can be 50/50 for reelection.

All things considered, my money is on a trend bounce at around $6,000.

Until the current bear market trend ends Bitcoin is going down and believers should buy dips and non-believers should stay away.

Ill be buying at around $6,000 and if we see previous lows Ill be buying a lot more.

Stay informed and ahead of the crowd with Forbes Crypto Confidential, a free weekly e-letter delivered to your inbox. Sign up today.


Clem Chambers is the CEO of private investors and author of 101 Ways to Pick Stock Market Winners and Trading Cryptocurrencies: A Beginners Guide.

In 2018 Chambers won Journalist of the Year in the Business Market Commentary category in the State Street U.K. Institutional Press Awards.

See more here:
Bitcoin 2020: Whats Ahead - Forbes

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‘It Needs to Look Real’: The Bitcoin Scam That Took Buyers for a $722 Million Ride – The Daily Beast

For five years, the cryptocurrency company BitClub Network made sky-high profits, while customers lost so much money that at least one lodged death threats against the company.

I became bankrupt with this clubcoin, wrote one member of a cryptocurrency forum in March. He claimed to have invested $40,000 in the company. I don't know what to do now. These lying bastards lied so much for almost 2 years. If I meet Russ Medlin, I will just strangle him.

At the time, BitClub Network (BCN) was a near-billion-dollar company and Medlin, a convicted sex offender for child pornography and sexual assault of a minor under 14, sat at its head. Today, Medlin is one of the companys only leaders not facing federal charges. BCN was a sophisticated scam that bilked customers out of at least $722 million across five years, prosecutors charged last week. Four alleged ringleaders were arrested, while two others, whose names are redacted in a federal complaint, remain at large.

BCN was an empire propped up by dubious technology, customers they privately called idiots, and the stolen identity of at least one violent rapist, according to the court documents.

The company said it would make investors rich by earning them cryptocurrency, a form of digital money. Customers could invest in BCNs mining technology, which supposedly used high-powered computers to generate the cryptocurrency bitcoinand BCN would give investors a share of the bitcoin profits. It looked like the ultimate work-from-home scheme: Once a customer paid a $99 joining fee and at least $500 to join a mining pool, they could sit back and reap the rewards for years.

Or at least thats how it would work if BCN actually owned the mining technology it advertised. But messages from the companys leaders suggest they were misleading customers from the beginning. The federal complaint, filed in New Jersey includes messages from June 2014, in which BCNs early leaders said their target audience would be the typical dumb MLM [multi-level marketing] investor.

We may need to fake it for the first 30 days while we get going, Matthew Goettsche wrote to Silviu Balaci in October 2014, according to the criminal complaint. It needs to look real.

Both men, along with alleged co-conspirators Jobadiah Weeks and Joseph Frank Abel have been arrested for their roles in BCN. It is unclear whether the defendants have lawyers.

Back then I didnt know much about crypto like I know right now and I failed to do my own research hence I fell prey to BCN recruiters. I will live to regret it!

Edmond Thamage, who invested $3,500 in BCNs Founders pool

BCN was not actually mining the bitcoin it advertised, Goettsche said. Instead, he wanted Balaci to provide fake mining numbers to investors. We are building this whole model on the backs of idiots, Goettsche told Balaci in January 2015. Keeping the scheme going just means convincing the morons ;).

Both Goettsche and Balaci, along with alleged co-conspirators Jobadiah Weeks and Joseph Frank Abel, have been arrested for their roles in BCN. It is unclear whether the defendants have retained lawyers yet.

Goettsche might have had contempt for his customers, but the unregulated world of cryptocurrency in 2015 meant that plenty of non-morons were still losing money on bitcoin schemes. Rising cryptocurrency values led a growing pool of people to invest via third-party dealers who promised to act like unofficial banks. But nearly all those companies were brand new, making it difficult for investors to tell which were legitimate and which were scams. BCN claimed to be the most transparent company in the history of the world, and one of the top 10 crypto currency mining operations in the world.

Many of their customers believed them.

Edmond Thamage invested $3,500 in BCNs Founders pool, the companys supposedly premier mining pool that promised the greatest rate of return.

Back then I didnt know much about crypto like I know right now and I failed to do my own research hence I fell prey to BCN recruiters, Thamage told The Daily Beast. I will live to regret it!

When he realized he wasnt receiving the payouts hed hoped for, he said, he contacted BCN many times but I think they have blocked or terminated support services.

Juliet Nursey, another BCN customer, isnt a Silicon Valley techie. Shes a pensioner in the U.K. living on what she described as a very limited income. She didnt know exactly what to expect from BitClub, she told The Daily Beast. Just hoped to earn some money.

Through a friend, she invested 250 (approximately $330) in the company. She hasnt seen a penny in return, a development thats left her bloody annoyed, she said. Like many other BitClub customers, she left a complaint on the companys Facebook page, but never received a response.

But for years, BCN did just enough to give its business the appearance of legitimacy.

Bump up the daily mining earnings starting today by 60%, Goettsche told him in 2015, according to the criminal complaint.

60%? Balaci asked. Wow. That is not sustainable, that is ponzi teritori [territory] and fast cash-out ponzi. But sure.

They just needed to placate restless members, Goettsche told him. We will dilute over time. Members will think its due to strong growth.

To show off its supposed growth, BCN fabricated at least one of the reviews on its site. Its website included testimonials from supposed customers whod struck it rich on the network, including a rave review from a Brazilian man named Victor Diaz who wrote in Spanish instead of Brazils official language of Portuguese. The accompanying picture of Victor was actually a mugshot of a Mumbai man who received a lifetime sentence for a violent rape, a bitcoin blog noted in 2016.

Not everyone was convinced. From the companys founding, some industry insiders noted that it had the makings of a Ponzi scheme. The blog Behind MLM noted that although the companys founders were difficult to track down, some of its earliest promoters were linked to ZeekRewards, a Ponzi scheme that netted $900 million from victims.

Meanwhile, multiple BCN leaders led jetsetting lifestyles promoting the company. The criminal complaint describes them traveling through the U.S. to host talks about BCN. BCN also hosted presentations internationally. In October 2015, a Redditor in Zurich, Switzerland, posted from a BCN pitch meeting, which he said looked like a Ponzi scheme.

As BCNs profile rose, Medlin emerged as the companys de facto leader. We have seen interviews and footage of the BitClub CEO Russ Medlin, so that adds a degree of assurance when the owner of the scheme is prepared to show their face in public, a scam-detection site wrote in 2017. (In the comments, investors argued that the company was very much a scam. I invested $2500 and they took all my money. I lost 10,000USD. They asked me to fund my account again. I invested my pensions fund into them but when i asked for a withdrawal they refused.)

As of April, Medlin was still doing interviews as the companys CEO. But his own reputation was less than clean. A Nevada criminal record reveals he was twice convicted on sex offenses: sexual assault on a minor under 14 in 2005, and possession of child pornography in 2008. For these offenses, he is required to register as a sex offender with Nevada for 25 years. Nevadas sex offender registry currently lists Medlin as non-compliant, suggesting the state might not know where he is.

A voicemail at a number listed for Medlin (his answering machine message: do not leave any messages) was not returned.

According to a Department of Justice release on Tuesday, two unnamed people connected to BCN remain at large. The complaint includes messages between Goettsche and one of those people.

Here is my current plan, Goettsche wrote in September 2017, outlining an 8-step scheme to cash out. Step 8: We retire RAF [rich as fuck]!!!

I like it, the unnamed collaborator wrote. Call me when you can.

Continued here:
'It Needs to Look Real': The Bitcoin Scam That Took Buyers for a $722 Million Ride - The Daily Beast

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Bitcoin price breaks down below $7,000: Will it fall more? – Decrypt

The price of bitcoin has fallen below $7,000 on multiple exchanges, according to data provider Messari, which pegs the current price of bitcoin at $6,914 at time of writing. Trading on Binance appears to be leading the way with the price falling as low as $6,850 at time of writing. The rest of the exchanges seem to be following suit, with prices breaking down through the $7,000 mark.

Bitcoin's price is now down by more than $1,500 for the month, falling from around $8,500. Towards the end of November, traders witnessed an inverted head and shoulders pattern, which is typically seen as a bullish sign. And though the price did rise briefly in the days following the pattern, it is now heading back down south.

As a result, the rest of the crypto market is starting to go downhill. The price of Ethereum is down nine percent to $130 today and XRP is getting dangerously close to the $0.20 mark. Litecoin and EOS are the worst hit with both seeing losses of 10%.

Read more:
Bitcoin price breaks down below $7,000: Will it fall more? - Decrypt

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Bitcoin Price Diary: Long BTC and Profitable on Many Altcoin Positions – Cointelegraph

Trading altcoins continues to be one of the most profitable strategies in the crypto market. The highlight of this week was the MATIC (MATIC) pump and subsequent dump, which I was lucky enough to time perfectly, securing a 60% profit near the all-time high. I closed a number of positions in profit, and am still trading EtherParty (FUEL), (IOST), Elrond (ERD), Chainlink (LINK), Zilliqa (ZIL), Verge (XVG) and FunFair (FUN).

I failed to take profits on some of these coins at the first resistance and target, only to see them retrace to my entry and this presents an important lesson about being too greedy. Each setup looked good, but the MATIC movement spooked the market and caused a ripple effect that saw temporary price depreciation across the board. Lesson learned.

Bitcoin (BTC) has been chopping sideways with errant wicks both up and down throughout the past week, likely liquidating high leverage traders on both sides. I am presently long Bitcoin from $7,100 after taking two other positions that closed even or in a slight profit this week.

BTC USD hourly chart. Source: TradingView

The first signal that sparked my interest in a long position was a clear bullish divergence with the Relative Strength Index (RSI) on the hourly chart. I normally do not trade lower time frames, but I noticed that there were potential divergences showing on larger time frames, so I zoomed in. Often we will see an hourly bull divergence confirm on the 4-hour, 6-hour and daily timeframes.

BTC USD 4-hour chart. Source: TradingView

I decided to enter a position at $7,100 when the price dropped down to the previous swing low at $7,080 and then bounced. This looked likely to confirm as a bullish swing failure pattern (SFP). At the most basic level, when price wicks slightly below a previous swing low, its an indication that liquidity has been engineered by a whale.

In this case, it seemed likely that they pushed price down to compel retailer traders to take shorts, and also to fire existing stop losses on long positions - thus creating a ton of sell orders to buy into. The price has currently risen from that point.

BTC USD 4-hour chart. Source: TradingView

Furthermore, the price is showing a potential bullish divergence with the RSI on the daily chart, which would be a likely signal of a bottom. I am awaiting confirmation, as this would make me feel far more secure in my current position.

FUN offered a very clear trading opportunity this week. I pulled up the chart after not looking at it for almost two months and found that price had continued traveling in a channel that I drew in October near the local highs.

FUN BTC daily chart. Source: TradingView

The ideal entry would have been a bounce off of the channel bottom, between .00000033 (sats) and .00000038 (sats). However, a clear resistance formed at .00000044 (sats), which flipped to support and was my entry, as shown below.

The price moved up very quickly, topping out at .00000060 (sats). I exited half of my position at .00000056 (sats), for a quick profit of 27%. The rest of the position is still open and my target is at the top of the channel.

This is a relatively straightforward trade. The price was forming a pennant at support (not shown) before the Binance shakeup. The MATIC move caused the price to drop through support at .00000080 (sats). I was watching for a bounce off of the blue ascending support but saw price quickly drop through and entered at .00000071 (sats) just above the horizontal support line.

IOST BTC daily chart. Source: TradingView

I want little to do with IOST below that line, or below the .00000070 (sats) support and I have set my stop loss at .00000067 (sats) because this would allow for a wick below that .00000070 (sats) support and close back above.

IOST BTC 4-hour chart. Source: TradingView

This trade is currently still open and starting to move as anticipated. After my entry, the price continued to test the .00000070 (sats) support, dropping below by 1 sat but never reaching my stop loss. The price then formed a descending wedge, where it is currently breaking up from. Initial targets are shown as black horizontal lines.

The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the (@scottmelker) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Cointelegraph. Every investment and trading move involves risk. You should conduct your own research when making a decision.

Excerpt from:
Bitcoin Price Diary: Long BTC and Profitable on Many Altcoin Positions - Cointelegraph

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This 21-year-old bitcoin millionaire beamed cryptocurrency from space to a school in Ghana – Business Insider

Erik Finman, a 21-year-old high-school dropout who has made millions on bitcoin, beamed cryptocurrency down from outer space to a school in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana on November 4.

Finman bought $1,000 worth of bitcoin at the age of 12 in 2011, when each bitcoin was worth $10 to $12. Today he holds 446 bitcoin, which at Friday's price were worth $7,243 each, for a total value of $3.2 million.

Finman is calling his latest endeavor a "crypto space drop," by which cryptocurrency can be sent through a constellation of satellites to an antenna on Earth. Finman told Business Insider the crypto space drop had applications for communities with little to no infrastructure.

"We wanted to show that even in the most remote places that don't have the most functional of infrastructure, money infrastructure, financial infrastructure," a crypto space drop could have a real use case, Finman told Business Insider.

Finman sent $1,000 worth of MTL in the crypto space drop to St. Mary's School in Korle Gonno in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana, which used the funds to repair the school's roof and construct benches and tables.

MTL is the cryptocurrency used by the cryptocurrency platform Metal Pay, which launched in August with Finman as an investor. Finman called Metal Pay the "the Facebook Libra killer," saying, "If it needs it, I'm willing to put all my bitcoin money into this" and "I'm willing to bet it all" in his Metal Pay announcement video.

One of the satellites used in the constellation was a satellite Finman helped launch one year ago.

In December 2018, Finman led Project Da Vinci, for which a group of teenagers launched a satellite that included a crypto wallet. Project Da Vinci was part of NASA's Educational Launch of Nanosatellites program, which attracts and retains STEM students and allows students to launch small satellites.

Check out Finman's crypto space drop:

The rest is here:
This 21-year-old bitcoin millionaire beamed cryptocurrency from space to a school in Ghana - Business Insider

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Bitcoin Transactions on the Decline Since June This Year – Bitcoinist

The level of Bitcoin on-chain activity has declined since June, sliding just as market prices sank from their yearly peak. Transactions also saw a spike in October when BTC touched $10,000 again briefly.

On-chain transactions for BTC often coincide with heightened trading interest. This led to slowing on-chain activity, as retail holders or whales did not transfer funds to exchanges.

At the same time, bitcoin futures activity picked up and expanded without the need for on-chain BTC transactions. Transfers to and from exchanges also coincide with bitcoin price action. But those trends also turn relatively quickly.

The new analysis also attempts to list flows to OKEx with the exchanges BTC price action. The tool gives more clarity about on-chain bitcoin transactions and the intention to sell.

Bitcoin transactions also tanked this Monday, sinking to 263,000 for the last day. On average, in the past quarter, BTC saw between 300,000 and 400,000 transactions per day, with a falling trend. But the dollar value of bitcoin transactions remains relatively constant, often crossing $1 billion per day.

BTC as an asset is mostly moved to and from exchanges, as other forms of payment have been abandoned. The coin may be used for payments, but it is relatively difficult to discern which transactions are used this way. Bitcoin transfers also show low levels of potential spam, or any attempt to overload the mempool.

Despite the short-term fluctuations, bitcoin has seen an overall improvement in the past year, and for sure over the past decade. What is more interesting, is that there are now more wallets containing less than 1 BTC, with the inflow of new buyers and retail investors.

Whale wallets still hold a large percentage of bitcoins, and make up a significant part of transaction activity, but stacking sats behavior seems to have grown.

Altcoin transactions follow a different logic. Some networks carry an extremely high transaction load. EOS is once again at the lead with more than 42 million transactions, though most of them are related to the minting of the EIDOS token.

Bitcoin SV (BSV), one of the networks challenging BTC, is currently carrying more than 446,000 transactions, which may be related to concerted activity to boost network statistics.Ethereum (ETH) also outpaces BTC with more than 600,000 transactions per day, related to dApp usage, decentralized finance, or other utility use cases.

What do you think about bitcoin transaction levels? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Images via Shutterstock, Twitter: @glassnode, @thetokenanalyst

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Bitcoin Transactions on the Decline Since June This Year - Bitcoinist

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