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How SmartLogic helped these teams grow and manage scale with DevOps support – Brooklyn

At SmartLogic, our business is building custom software applications typically but not always greenfield projects, apps built from scratch. As such, it might not be readily apparent why we offer DevOps consulting unless you consider that for each app we build, were generally also managing the server infrastructure and related deployment procedures.

Given that each project is unique, our team has experience deploying to different cloud hosting environments and designing infrastructure to meet a wide range of client needs. Although its only recently that weve begun to offer DevOps as a standalone consulting service, our team has managed the DevOps architecture and support for a multitude of apps over the past 14+ years, since before AWS was publicly launched in 2006.

All that being said, DevOps is still a bit of a buzzword. In the spirit of providing some clarity and context, here are a handful of examples of the kind of DevOps work weve done for our clients.

DevOps exists where software applications meet deployment infrastructure. Prior to roughly 2009, software engineers (Dev) and system administrators (Ops) were typically siloed and functioned as completely separate teams. DevOps has since emerged as a practice that bridges those two domains with a goal of making deployments more consistent, reliable, repeatable and easier to reason about. If youre interested in more historical context, SmartLogic developer Donald Guys article What is DevOps? is a good place to start.

Some examples of DevOps in practice:

Most modern web apps are deployed to the cloud. Ultimately, the cloud is just a bunch of computers and those computers eventually need updates.

We recently updated and reconfigured some of the cloud infrastructure for SpotCrime, a crime data aggregator with map views, email alerts and daily crime reports. A client of ours since 2008, SpotCrime has evolved over time into a diverse system that uses many programming languages, a polyglot system unified through DevOps work.

For this update, we created playbooks defined with Ansible, an IT automation tool, for server configuration. In this case, some of the infrastructure setup is a bit more manual because the project originated before many of the DevOps tools we currently use.

As with all of our long-term projects, every two to four years theres a need for a full server upgrade to keep the operating systems current, leverage faster virtual machines, and adopt new best practices. We also restructured the servers, separating responsibilities for emails, a high-volume low-frequency task, from the web, API, database and various other servers. The result has been that performance across the different environments has dramatically improved, and the infrastructure is easier to enhance and maintain.

Another long-term client of ours is Brookes Publishing. We develop and support their Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ), a developmental and social-emotional screening tool for children under age 6.

The ASQ project is one that we took over as opposed to building from scratch. One of the initial challenges of the project was getting its deployment to a stable status. Although it was already in production use when we started working on it in 2011, we were not confident in its ability to consistently deploy, so we stood up a new version, migrated the data, and got it on stable footing. The project is housed on client-owned hardware creating a private cloud, for maximum control in support of medical data privacy rules like HIPAA.

In more recent years, weve run operating system updates and transitioned the application to Rackspace; ASQ Online supports seven languages including Arabic and Chinese, and to date the app has been used to collect over 3 million questionnaire responses.

For FolioCollaborative, a SmartLogic client since 2011, the server infrastructure has evolved over time to support growth. At launch, Folio was used in three schools; today, the educator professional growth platform is in use in over 165 schools around the world.

We recently migrated Folio to AWS to support current scale and future growth; we used Terraform to define infrastructure rules as code, both documenting the setup and providing version control for future iterations. We used Ansible to configure the servers and Capistrano, the gold standard for Rails applications, for deployment.

By using modern tools that document and automate resource deployment and configuration, we create reliable, consistent systems; we put the time in up front so that when its time to roll out an update we know that the deploy will run smoothly. These systems are also largely self-documenting, meaning that if another team member needs to troubleshoot, the information they need is contained within the configuration code. This is especially useful for apps that are supported by a variety of developers.

DinnerTime provides personalized and automated meal planning, grocery shopping, recipe support and nutrition education services. Weve worked with DinnerTime since 2012, and we recently created a more robust infrastructure for their application. We built a workflow that leverages GitHub (code version control) and Continuous Integration (automated code testing) to build container images with Docker that can be deployed with Ansible. This allows DinnerTime to retain manual control over deployment, while leveraging the latest in deployment technology.

We also set up a log aggregation toolchain that filters and stores only the most relevant and useful log files. The toolchain, a combination of Fluent Bit and Datadog, makes log entries easy to search and to use in process monitoring and debugging. Logs are also collected and aggregated across multiple servers so that log data is preserved when servers in a cluster are replaced. This setup simplifies monitoring and troubleshooting in DinnerTimes multi-server cluster and ensures that logs persist across infrastructure changes.

In 2019 we started a new project with SimpleBet, a modern sports betting platform. Our team is providing DevOps support for their high-stakes large-scale architecture. SimpleBet focuses on real-time data, and as such has very specific reliability and uptime requirements. We worked with their team to transition their cloud resources to Kubernetes (K8s), a container orchestration system. We also integrated permission and encryption manager Vault and set up lifecycle management for their cloud resources with continuous integration and separate development, testing, and production environments.

The systems we designed and configured will enable their teams to manage their quickly-growing systems with consistency and reliability, while supporting their products high-performance requirements.

As with all of the custom software we write, we bring our opinions and expertise, and we are very intentional and thoughtful about which choices are right for each individual client application. Not every app needs to run in a cluster on Kubernetes; but its important that time and attention are paid to infrastructure and deployment beyond just spinning up a turnkey solution for any app that needs to manage scale efficiently over time. When you need more flexibility than what great tools like Heroku give you, there are many options that can be tailored to your needs.

If you find yourself needing to make sense of infrastructure choices as your product grows and needs to scale, reach out. We work with all kinds of systems and were more than happy to help you find your right DevOps path. And of course if you are seeking assistance with building a custom web or mobile software application, that fits well within our wheelhouse as well.

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How SmartLogic helped these teams grow and manage scale with DevOps support - Brooklyn

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Summit acquires fellow hosting company to boost its SMB reach – Data Economy

By acquiring iNSYNQ, Summit Hosting aims to boost its business around applications including Sage and QuickBooks.

Summit Hosting, amanaged application hosting firm headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia,has acquired iNSYNQ, a fellow hosting firm based out of Seattle,Washington state.

The acquisition of iNSYNQs business assets is another step in our strategic effort to take cloud computing and desktop-as-a-service (DaaS) to a new level, said Summit Hosting. Summit offers a suite of cloud solutions for small to medium-sized businesses, including QuickBooks, Sage and other managed business applications on dedicated servers.

It said the addition of iNSYNQ means increased security, flexibility and stability for iNSYNQ customers. Over the past 20 years, iNSYNQ has built an incredible business empowering accounting professionals to do their jobs effectively, said Stanley Kania, CEO of Summit Hosting.

This transaction continues Summits rapid and strategic growth, and expands Summits unmatched offerings for accounting professionals and SMBs looking for secure and reliable cloud solutions.

With Summit Hostingsdedicated servers, customers can manage their own resources as wellas install and integrate their own applications versus the limitedcapabilities offered by a shared environment, the vendor said.Customers can still access their applications and files remotely andcollaborate with clients and employees from anywhere.

iNSYNQ customerswill have the option to move over to the Summit platform quickly,giving them the increased security, flexibility and stability oftheir own dedicated server, Kania said. iNSYNQ customers canalso count on an exceptional level of customer service, as oursupport team has a 95% satisfaction rating.

Summit Hosting willmaintain its headquarters in Atlanta, GA and will now have severaladditional employees throughout Washington state.

Summit Hosting wasfounded by Kania and Warren Patterson in 2016 through the merging and The value of the iNSYNQ acquisitiontransaction has not been disclosed by either side.

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Summit acquires fellow hosting company to boost its SMB reach - Data Economy

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Atlassian welcomes third-party developers into the cloud with Forge –

Atlassian is introducing a new cloud development platform designed to open the Atlassian ecosystem to third-party developers. Forge, which is currently in a cloused beta, was built for developers to build and run their enterprise-ready cloud apps with Atlassian solutions.

Today, the Atlassian Ecosystem has grown into a community of more than 25,000 members consisting of in-house developers who build custom apps for their teams and third-party developers who build apps for the Atlassian Marketplace, the company wrote in a post. The real value, however, comes from the power of extensions to expand the functionality of the Atlassian platform and help teams achieve more each day.

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According to Atlassian, its ecosystem includes more than 4,000 apps and integrations and even more private applications. In addition, Mike Tria, head of infrastructure at Atlassian, explained more than 60% of customers leverage a third-party application.

Forge will address current trends Atlassian is seeing in the industry. The platform consists of three components: A serverless FaaS hosted platform, a declarative UI language, and a DevOps toolchain.

The FaaS platform is powered by AWS Lambda and takes away the orchestration complexity for developers as well as authentication, identity, scaling and tenancy problems, Tria explained.

The platforms UI declarative language handles the process of rendering, provides consistency, and aims to simplify the way developers build native app UIs.

Lastly, the Forge CLI enables developers to easily access necessary information.

Forge solves very real problems for developers by removing some of the complexity (and cost!) associated with cloud app development. Creating apps for most cloud ecosystem platforms means that developers are responsible for building, hosting, and operating an entirely independent web service which requires expertise in cloud architecture and management, the team wrote.

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Atlassian welcomes third-party developers into the cloud with Forge -

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Working at the heart of digitalisation – Data Economy

In god we trust, all others must bring data, a line attributed to the American statistician, W. Edwards Deming, highlights the importance of statistical measurement and analysis in verifying facts and confirming their viability.

However, as the volume of data grows exponentially, this becomes far more difficult with each passing month.

While the fake news epidemic may be most noticeable on social media platforms, businesses face a similar challenge internally.

Misused, fictitious or ambiguous data can lead to serious errors in decision making, as well as reputation damage, and breaches of legislation that lead to costly fines.

Since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force, this has become increasingly important, as the legislation increases the onus on companies to make sure they know what data they store, where they store it and whether they are using it in a compliant, secure fashion.

Unlike fake news intended to sway public opinion or for comedic purposes, not all misinformation is driven by malicious intent.

In a business context, for example, it could be that those responsible for developing the insights have insufficient data, insufficient skills, or because they are intent on proving a pre-existing hypothesis.

The good news is that these oversights can be remedied with a three-pronged approach: moderation, management and transparency.

This is where the emerging roles of the data curator and data protection officer (DPO) come in.

Just as a successful museum curator sorts through masses of exhibits and information to pull together the right pieces to tell a story, so does his data counterpart, who curates data to be a successful driver of business decisions.

The DPO ensures governance and promotes responsibility. In the era of GDPR and data-driven business, the time has come for businesses to own responsibility for the data they hold, and how they use it.


Under GDPR, companies have to be transparent with their customers about what data they have about them, why they have it, and what they are doing with it.

Ensuring that the file metadata is kept up to date with the correct data lineage will be crucial for organisations. This is because it will allow organisations to catalogue any revisions, noting when and how the data was created and changed.

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This will be invaluable for reinforcing the integrity of data analysis by providing a clear modification history allowing any unexpected changes to be monitored and amended.

This ethos can be seen in Wikipedias operation model, which is based on open collaboration with transparent records of what content has been changed, by whom and when.

The result is a carefully decentralised service which seeks to consistently provide reliable and balanced information.

This is an ethos that businesses can learn from in their quest to remove bias and siloing from within organisations creating a shared neutral platform of carefully curated data.

Managing dataresponsibly

However, even with fully transparent data management, oversight is still needed to make sure that the changes being made fit within the structures and rules of the organisation and industry.

This is where a self-service governance model is important allowing users to add content, consume it and edit it, but within the confines of an established set of rules that the data curator can oversee.

In other words, everyone is responsible for ensuring data accuracy at the employee level.

This ethos combined with the data curators framework of rules ensures that data is kept accurate, labelled and tested, which is key for data discovery as well as analysis and data enrichment.

Similarly, with the vast amount of information available to todays businesses, the data potential can feel like a data overload.

With the rising decentralisation of information within organisations thanks to the proliferation of resources like the Internet, employees often need to pull from multiple channels of information which need to be managed and collated effectively before they can be used. The data curator is an essential part of this process.

The GDPRs requirement for many larger companies to appoint a data protection officer cements this into the fabric of organisations creating a central figure who informs and advises the organisation on data protection compliance.

This central figure who is tasked with ensuring the ongoing validity of data utilisation is a valuable asset for companies of all sizes looking to make reliable, actionable decisions based on data.

Well, thats the theory at least. According to the Talends second annual GDPR Benchmark research, over half of the companies surveyed were not able to meet data access and portability requests within the GDPR-specified one-month time limit.

In practice, companies do not adequately track personal information and often nobody has been mandated in a tightly-defined way to manage the processes, to set best practices and provide the technological solutions.

Having a DPO in place can also transform GDPR into a business driver and a competitive differentiator.

The DPO will put in place the necessary strategy and processes, work with the IT department to select the right tools and will bring all the data workers and business users together.

As a result, he or she will ensure the company has a strong sense of data ownership. This ownership leads towards a common sense of data protection and a general agreement on the data governance strategy to put in place.

The appointment of a DPO is the first and probably the most important step towards a well-governed and responsible data management strategy.

Moderating the dataprocess

Overseeing the data process is one of the core responsibilities for data curators. In the social media world, we see companies like Facebook employing over 4,500 content moderators whose job it is to monitor user-uploaded content for any unsuitable material.


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In the business world, this will mean ensuring the data that is uploaded, amended and shared is kept up to date and accurate.

One of the areas where moderation will be particularly important is with the increasing use of AI and big data analytics within organisations.

Inputting historically inaccurate data into the program will cause inaccurate suggestions for the future in human resources, this could manifest as bias, in sales, this could mean one product being mistakenly targeted at the wrong audience or to the detriment of other offerings.

A human operator who is responsible for spotting anomalous results, and checking the data that informed these findings, is crucial for ensuring that decisions based on data are reliable and accurate.

This ensures that data offers businesses a competitive edge and business advantage.

The impact of successful data curatorship is hard to overstate surveys from the likes of CrowdFlower estimate that 80% of data scientists time is spent on preparing data for analysis, compared to just 20% on analysis.

However, with a data curator on board, organisations could significantly reduce this time by improving data quality, data accessibility and data integrity.

As a result, organisations stand to benefit with class-leading, industry compliant insights, rather than being overwhelmed by the data tidal wave.

So, becoming more data-conscious and responsible could be thought of as adding a Data Curator and Data Protection Officer.

If we assume that the DPO is also responsible for driving data awareness, the problem is partially solved.

Partially, because it is a collective effort which can be impactful if and only if people have sufficient knowledge about the data issues to question them.

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Working at the heart of digitalisation - Data Economy

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Bare Metal Cloud Market 2019 In-Depth Analysis and Future Forecast 2019-2026 | Key Players include IBM Corporation , Oracle Corporation , Centurylink…

Qurate has recently incorporated top grade research report regarding Bare Metal Cloud Market in its repository of detailed market investigative studies. The Bare Metal Cloud Market report is primarily comprised with significant data figures derived by different methods including primary as well as secondary research techniques, informative insights and more. The study revolves around key concepts of the Bare Metal Cloud Market including market size analysis, market share assessment, key application areas of the industry, major companies contributing towards growth, important types of products and services as well as geographical presence of industry across the worldwide businesses. This report also shares vital details regarding strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of the industry. According to analysts, it is expected that Bare Metal Cloud market is most likely to register CAGR of (XX)in approaching years.

Leading Players of Bare Metal Cloud Market: IBM CorporationOracle CorporationCenturylink IncorporationRackspace Hosting, IncorporationInternap CorporationPacketProduct type Coverage (Market Size & Forecast, Major Company of Product Type etc.):Networking ServicesDatabase ServicesIdentity and Access Management ServicesVolume and Object Storage ServicesProfessional ServicesManaged Services

Demand Coverage (Market Size & Forecast, Consumer Distribution):Banking, Financial Services, and InsuranceGovernmentHealthcareRetailManufacturingIT and TelecomOthers

The Global version of this report with a geographical classification would cover regions:North America (USA, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia etc.), Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa)

In addition, the Bare Metal Cloud market report incorporates important information regarding key market competitors. This includes analysis of these companies over various fronts including market share, company profile, financial overview, product or service portfolio, recent deal, merger or deal, etc. This might lead readers towards greater knowledge of the competitive dashboard of the industry.

Important Features that are under offering & key highlights of the report: Detailed overview of Bare Metal Cloud market Changing market dynamics of the industry In-depth market segmentation by Type, Application, etc. Historical, current and projected market size in terms of volume and value Recent industry trends and developments Competitive landscape of Bare Metal Cloud market Strategies of key players and product offerings Potential and niche segments/regions exhibiting promising growth A neutral perspective towards Bare Metal Cloud market performance Must-have information for market players to sustain and enhance their market footprint

Our report will address client queries: 1. What is the market share of each region and top countries present in these regions?2. Which countries will depict the highest growth potential in the coming years?3. At which rate the Bare Metal Cloud market is growing globally and what are the future trends of this industry?4. Which are top product types and applications holding good potential and growth opportunities?5. Which are top Bare Metal Cloud industry players and who is their market competitors?6. Which are market drivers and constraints at present and during the forecast period?7. Which are the traders, dealers, and distributors operating in Bare Metal Cloud Industry?

Contact Us:

Web:www.qurateresearch.comE-mail:[emailprotected]Ph: US +13393375221

*Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia.

This post was originally published on Downey Magazine

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Bare Metal Cloud Market 2019 In-Depth Analysis and Future Forecast 2019-2026 | Key Players include IBM Corporation , Oracle Corporation , Centurylink...

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DeepMind exec Andrew Eland leaves to launch startup – Sifted

Were looking at ways software can help address equity/health outcomes/climate adaptation through the lens of cities and the urban environment.

He added: Obviously software is a just a tiny part of that space. We have not officially raised anything right now, still working on strategy.

If Eland does decide to raise capital then it might not be too hard to convince investors to back the company. Last month, Sifted reported that venture capital funds are lining up to back ex-DeepMinders.

I think its a great training ground for people who are interested in founding their own business, said Chris Smith, a partner at Playfair Capital. I dont think weve backed any [ex-DeepMinders] yet but were certainly starting to see founders coming through.

DeepMind was acquired by Google in 2014 for around 400m but today it sits as part of Google parent company Alphabet.

In February 2016 The Guardian reported that no one had ever left DeepMind, but fast forward to 2019 and its a different story.

DeepMind now has around 1,000 staff and this year there were a number of high-profile departures, with the most notable being DeepMind cofounder Mustafa Suleyman, who went on leave for several months before announcing last week that he plans to join Google in 2020.

Overall, churn remains low at DeepMind and relatively few people have left (which may have something to do with the six-figure salaries there), but ex-DeepMinders do exist now.

Other notable DeepMind exits this year include Jack Kelly, who left in Januaryto run a non-profit product development lab called Open Climate Fix, which aims to develop technologies to combat climate change.

Open Climate Fix is entirely focused on using open-science to mitigate climate change, Kelly told Sifted. The aim of our first project is to reduce emissions from the electricity system by building the best near-term solar electricity forecasting system. Were using machine learning, satellite imagery and numerical weather predictions.

Research scientist Edward Grefenstette also left in January to join Facebooks Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR) division as a research scientist. Grefenstette was one of the most senior researchers at DeepMind.

People who worked there a few years ago felt they were having massive impact, says Smith. Now its sort of a little bit like walking through treacle and it makes life a little bit more difficult.

DeepMind did not provide a comment.

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DeepMind exec Andrew Eland leaves to launch startup - Sifted

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The Top 10 Diners In Deep East Texas, According To Yelp –

When I say the worddiner, most people get the image of a restaurant complete with booths, jukeboxes, waiters/waitresses jetting around on roller skates, etc. As far as that image goes, we don't have many of those in our area.

However, one of the actual definitions of diner, from is "a small, informal, and usually inexpensive restaurant." Now, when you use that definition, it adds a bunch of options from Deep East Texas. So, with that in mind, I decided to check out Yelp, to see who ranked at the top of the list for best diners. This is what I found:

So there you have it, the top 10 diners in Deep East Texas, at least according to Yelp reviews. I'm still waiting for that Waffle House to show up, so that maybe it'll make the list, too.

Until then, I think that the Yelp list is a pretty solid one. What about you? Do you agree with it, or would you make some changes? Let us know in the comment section below!


The Top 10 Diners In Deep East Texas, According To Yelp -

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3 breathing exercises to reduce stress, anxiety and a racing mind – Irish Examiner

Its often said the most powerful tools for taking care of our wellbeing are the ones that already exist within us and breathing is prime example.

Breathing techniques feature in countless therapeutic forms and practices, from yoga, mindfulness and meditation, to self-help exercises for managing anxiety, insomnia and overwhelm. How we breathe can have profound physiological effects, triggering changes in our heart rate and brain chemistry and in turn our conscious state.

And its been catching on in the mainstream, particularly over this past year. According to Google, 2019 saw a 219% rise in searches for breathing apps a trend thats predicted to keep growing.

Even better news? Breathing exercises are something all of us can do for free, by ourselves, whenever and wherever we feel like it. There are lots of different techniques and approaches out there and they might not all be for you if something isnt working or doesnt appeal, try something else.

Here, three breathing experts talk through some simple ways to give it a go

1. To help tackle high-stress situations

When we are under pressure or in the midst of a high-stress situation, the breath naturally becomes fast and shallow, and more centred in the chest. This happens as a result of the bodys fight or flight response, which is crucial in times of imminent danger, but not helpful in other everyday situations, says Dominique Antiglio, a sophrologist at BeSophro clinics and author of The Life-Changing Power Of Sophrology (

To relax the nervous system, use a technique called abdominal breathing to shift the breathing from your chest down to your tummy, where you can breathe more deeply, slowly and calmly. This in turn helps to relax your muscles and slow down any racing thoughts, so you can think more clearly. The next time you experience an intense or anxiety-inducing experience, engage this form of deep breathing and notice how much calmer and controlled you feel after only a few minutes.

To do it, she suggests finding a seat if possible, although it can also be done standing up or lying down if needs. Place one hand on your chest, the other on your tummy, and close your eyes. Breathe in and out naturally a few times to establish your rhythm and as you do so, notice the movement of your hands, Antiglio adds. Then, when youre ready, imagine you have a balloon where your tummy is, and as you inhale, the balloon starts to inflate, then as you exhale, the balloon deflates.

Count the length of your in-breath and breathe out to twice the length so in for three counts and out for six. Repeat this process mindfully for two to three minutes and you will notice your breath naturally starts to shift from the chest to the tummy. You can also continue to do this for as long as you need in order to feel calm and re-centred again.

2. If youre curious about mindful meditation

For yoga teacher and breathwork leader Sapphire Leena Brown, who runs group breathwork workshops across the UK and beyond (@sapphire.leena), breathing techniques are at the centre of her personal approach to wellness and working with clients.

For those curious about harnessing the breath in mindfulness meditation, she suggests giving this exercise by international lecturer, researcher and author Dr Joe Dispenza a go.

Begin by sitting down, with your back straight, and start to focus on your breath. As you inhale, breathe in long and slow. During the in breath, pull in your perineum (the muscles beneath your tailbone and pelvic floor), then your lower abdomen and finally your upper abdomen, she explains. Do all this while imagining that you are pulling up the kundalini energy from your sacrum like sucking it through a straw. When your lungs are full to the max, you pull in the perineum and the belly muscles even more. Squeeze and hold the breath here for as long as you can. Exhale and start all over again.

She suggests starting with doing this for just three minutes then slowly building up as you become more familiar and relaxed with the technique.

3. If youre prone to anxiety

Joel Jelen, founder of Reset Breathing which runs workplace wellbeing workshops (, notes that hyperventilation, or over-breathing, is a big factor in anxiety. But this is something we can all benefit from keeping in mind, and Jelen says its not just the pace of your breathing that matters but also using your nose.

The foundation of good health is to breathe slowly, through the nose only, silent never take deep breaths, sigh or yawn with your mouth open, he says. In fact, breathe as often through your mouth as you eat through your nose! Mouth breathing when not exercising causes anxiety and puts us in a state of fight or flight.

A great way to reduce anxiety is to regularly employ a Buteyko (pronounces boo-tay-ko) breathing technique involving many small breath holds, Jelen suggests. Exhale through the nose, pinch your nose with fingers and thumb, breath hold for three to five seconds, resume breathing for 10 seconds, repeat for up to six repetitions. This can kill off panic attacks within 30 seconds. The key is to learn and commit to breathing techniques that enable you to breathe much slower and optimally for example, during your sleep that will set you up perfectly for the day.

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3 breathing exercises to reduce stress, anxiety and a racing mind - Irish Examiner

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In sight but out of mind – The Hindu

In her 2009-11 film Synapse, artist Reena Kallat displayed the Preamble of the Indian Constitution in an eye chart that people could only read fragmentally. Then, Verso-Recto-Verso, a 2017-19 installation depicted different countries constitutions on tie-and-dye scrolls in Roman alphabets that morphed into Braille. The text, illegible to the sighted and the blind, lamented the nations inability to comprehend common values. Now in her new ongoing show, Blind Spots, Kallat incorporates a contraption under which viewers hear voices of people from opposing sides of conflict, reciting the English alphabet on either ear. The artist recorded 14 voices from regions like Sudan, India Bangladesh, Cuba and the USA. The content is the same, she acknowledges, but its execution with varying accents generates difference, producing a collusion of sounds. The disparities are supplemented by a projection featuring texts in the form of Snellen eye charts that highlight shared ideas from preambles between the countries. The texts written in English also transform into Braille, a universal language that doesnt belong to any geography, Kallat explains. The multi-sensorial discord that viewers experience reveals how common tenets between conflict-areas are masked politically but it is up to individuals to contest such opacities.

Although some of her family members were displaced from Lahore during the Partition, Kallat was born and raised in secular Mumbai. Fundamentalism only reared its head during the 1992-3 riots and Kallat subsequently began exploring Partition to understand its consequences, triggering an engagement with global territorial conflicts. Artists such as Mona Hatoum, Amar Kanwar, Nalini Malani, and Nasreen Mohamedi, had a deep impression on her during Kallats early practice.

Today, Kallat is acclaimed for her work that exposes the belligerence associated with disputed territories worldwide. She has become a significant voice in contemporary art, reminding viewers to remain vigilant towards what is deliberately made obscure, to understand the arbitrariness of political divides, and to undermine apparatuses that manipulate perception.

Kallats works defy the seeming perpetuity of borders or man-made incisions that define nation-states. In the ongoing exhibition, her 2017 diptych Cleft is displayed for the first time in Mumbai alongside her recent suite of drawings, Leaking Lines and a series of digital-prints entitled Shifting Ecotones-2 that also address cartography. Kallats hybrid-species Cleft, merges flora and fauna of hostile neighbour-states. The work depicts a globe that is severed by superimposed barbed-wires. The wires simultaneously signify conduits or carriers of information that bring the world closer, as well as barriers that tear regions apart, encapsulating the contradiction of our times, says the artist. In Leaking Lines, Kallat intentionally renders partitioned border-lines such as the Radcliffe Line, Curzon Line, and McMahon Line among others to draw attention to the line as a formal artistic device. In these drawings, the borders appear as abstract forms presented alongside charcoal renderings of the territories they represent. Viewed in panoramic form, one notices an undulating continuation of the lines, divorced from the physical realities they signify. Kallat emphasises the magnitude of how violent the implications of these border-lines have been in relation to their immateriality. Their arbitrariness is further exposed in Kallats Shifting Ecotones-2 that depicts picturesque renderings of rivers that partitioned regions share. These include the Indus, Danube, and Teesta Rivers among others, featured with texts that describe the impact conflict has had on their courses.

Represented in the form of grids, Kallat deliberately leaves parts of her images empty to portray literal blind spots, and obscures the texts with wires to challenge their legibility. The practise of political map-making is destabilised by the predominance given to physical geography and the ecosystems that transcend borders. The natural elements recall deeper time to remind viewers of the often disregarded historical specificity of seemingly eternal political constructs.

Kallat has worked frequently with or made references to bureaucratic tools such as stamps, coins, and official records. In her sonic installations, Chorus I and II on display, the artist replicates surveillance devices (acoustic mirrors) that were used during the Second World War to trace enemy aircraft. In this work, she replaces the sound of machines with the chirp of birds that represent conflicted nations such as the peacock (India) and the chukar (Pakistan). The work throws light on the fact that although the birds are emblematic of particular nations, the regions they inhabit are determined by terrain, not politics, and no country can claim ownership to them. Additionally by transforming and disrupting the function of a device used during war, Kallat explodes the need for territorial disputes altogether, commenting on the triviality of their premises.

At a time when seemingly banal structures enforce strong ideologies that propagate antagonism across the world, Kallats works draw attention to universal truths to subvert the underpinnings of conflicts. In these polarised times where the gaps in our understanding of the truth is increasingly widening, I hope we can still find some space to reflect upon our own shortcomings in understanding other perspectives and move beyond the many borders, visible and invisible, to recognise our interdependence, says Kallat.

Blind Spots is on at Chemould Prescott Road till December, 28.


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The Case for Limitlessness Has Its Limits: Review of Limitless Mind by Joe Boaler – Education Next – EducationNext

Limitless Mind: Learn, Lead, and Live without Barriersby Jo BoalerHarperCollins, 2019, $26.99; 256 pages.

As reviewed by Daniel Ansari

Perhaps its true that you cant judge a book by its coverbut the bright splashes of color on the cover of Limitless Mind certainly suggest that this book will be full of positive messages. And it is. Jo Boaler, a professor of mathematics education at Stanford, devotes a chapter to each of six learning keys. Each key is a variation on the overall theme of the book, which sets out to make the case that intelligence is not a fixed entity, and that most everyone has the potential to learn most anything. In parts, this volume reads like a self-help book for developing positive self-beliefs and unleashing ones previously unknown intellectual powers. It contains touching anecdotes and examples of how to apply the keys to achieving a limitless mind, with particular attention to math. However, while the books content is a mile wide, its substance is little more than an inch deep.

The central themes of the book are aligned with Boalers previous volume, Mathematical Mindsets, but here she recasts her message to address audiences beyond K12 math educators. As in the earlier book, Boaler grounds her main thesis in Carol Dwecks highly popular mindset theory, which holds that many children and adults have fixed mindsets: they believe they have limited competencies and will hit a distinct ceiling in what they can learn and do. Individuals with a growth mindset, by contrast, believe that if they apply themselves and work hard, they can overcome challenges and continue to acquire new knowledge and skills. There is, of course, much to like about the notion that students can change their mindsets, alter the way they view their own learning, come to realize that with work and practice they can build their skills, and ultimately understand that learning involves struggle.

Unfortunately, Boalers review of the empirical literature on efforts to change mindsets uses outdated studies and overstates the effects of the interventions. Some of the early studies on this subject did indeed suggest that mindset interventions among students had large transfer effects on their academic learning, but subsequent work with larger, more representative samples of students has shown that these effects are, at best, modestand possibly, nonexistent. A recent study with more than 12,000 U.S. 9th graders showed that, following less than an hour of computerized mindset intervention, lower-achieving students raised their grade point averages by 0.1 points in subjects such as math, science, and Englishrepresenting a small but significant transfer effect. In contrast, a randomized controlled trial conducted by the United Kingdoms Education Endowment Foundation found almost no evidence for a positive effect of a mindset intervention targeted at both students and their teachers. In sum, the evidence from these large-scale trials is mixed, and the positive effects reported are smaller than those conveyed in some of the earlier work on mindset intervention that Boaler cites in her book. The newest research does not support the books strong claims about mindset.

Ironically, despite reviews and blog posts pointing out Boalers clear errors of interpretation and inference in her previous writings, she adopts a fixed mindset when it comes to scientific evidence, continuing her past tendency to play fast and loose with these findings and to ignore those that run counter to her narrative.

In Chapter 2, for example, the author discusses research on neuronal plasticitythe ability of the brain to change in its structure and activity as a function of learning and skills acquisition. She uses evidence that the brain changes when we learn and that it can recover (at least partially) from injury as support for her assertion that all humans can do anything they put their minds to and that there are no differences between them in terms of their learning potential. In so doing, Boaler paints brain plasticity as invariably positive. However, brain plasticity is a biological mechanism by which organisms adapt to their environments. It is neither positive nor negative, and it offers no direct implications for the way scientists think about learning and education. Certainly, if brains were not capable of changing there would be no point in having schools and other places of learning, but beyond this basic fact, the tangible implications of brain plasticity are limited. Our brains are changing all the time, but it does not follow that our learning capabilities are limitless.

Similarly, Boaler takes evidence that brain regions are connected to one another to suggest that people benefit from a multidimensional approach to teaching and learning. In teaching math, for instance, such an approach would focus not just on solving problems and applying formulas but also on building such skills as asking good questions, interpreting a problem in various ways, using logic and reasoning, and explaining concepts to others. The author states that anyone can learn the content of any subject with a multidimensional approach. Not only is this a very strong claim about the equipotentiality of learners, but its link to research on brain connectivity is nothing but tenuous.

Boaler also presents a ringing endorsement of the educational approaches of Barbara Arrowsmith, who has developed a commercial program to help students with learning disabilities. The program is based on an idiosyncratic interpretation of brain plasticity inspired by Arrowsmiths own experience with brain injury. In her enthusiastic discussion of Arrowsmiths approach, Boaler does not mention that the program has not been supported by rigorous empirical evidence, such as a randomized controlled trial, and has been widely criticized by leading developmental psychologists.

Throughout the book, Boaler adopts such an extreme nurture bias that I almost expected her to endorse the tabula rasa view of child development: that children are born as blank slates without biological constraints on how they learn and develop. In overemphasizing nurture, Boaler ignores mountains of research showing that nature does influence differences between people: our genetic makeups do make us different from each other. Boaler briefly acknowledges that at birth everyone is born with their own unique brain, and there are differences between peoples brains, but she undercuts that by going on to say, but the differences people are born with are eclipsed by the many ways people can change their brains. This argument, and the even more startling assertion that less than 0.001 percent of individuals are influenced by the capabilities they were born with, are offered without any substantiating evidence.

The messages of Limitless Mind might leave some readers feeling positive and upliftedbut ignoring the truth that people vary in their abilities and learning potential could leave others frustrated that, even after adopting a growth mindset and a multidimensional approach, they still dont succeed in their learning as fully as others. It is unscientific to ignore the well-established fact that both nature and nurture have complex effects on learning and development and indeed are related to one another. Claims to the contrary set up dangerous and unrealistic expectations. Instead of buying in to the irresponsible message that we all have exactly the same potential, educators might do well to embrace the diversity of human skills and ability and seek to design educational environments that allow individuals to express who they are. Rather than proclaiming the limitlessness of all minds, teachers and parents might choose to place no limits on their appreciation of, and compassion for, the numerous, fascinating differences among people.

Daniel Ansari is a professor in the Department of Psychology and the Faculty of Education at Western University, Canada.

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The Case for Limitlessness Has Its Limits: Review of Limitless Mind by Joe Boaler - Education Next - EducationNext

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