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Bitcoin’s Path From Insurgents Talisman to Tool of Big Tech – WIRED

At first, you didnt even need a pickax. The earliest prospectors of the California gold rush ventured into the Sierra foothills as solo travelers, sloshing through streams in search of nuggets dislodged by the current. That, at least, is the prevailing image: The individual renegade who headed west to strike it rich by his own initiative. But soon there were too many prospectors and too little easy gold. The task became more resource-intensive, requiring water to blast away the hills. That meant size and scale, to build pipes and aqueductsout of reach to all but a few.

I thought of that history while reporting, earlier this month, on an alleged pyramid scheme involving the digital gold rush of the 2010s, in which people were sold on the idea that mining bitcoin was a path to self-won bounty. Early in this decade, had I possessed the foresight, I might have set up my home computer as a bitcoin miner and reaped healthy rewards. The key was openness. Bitcoin wasnt worth all that much then, but anyone could do it. The underlying technology, blockchain, seemed to make sure of that, by eliminating the need for intermediaries. The platform would maintain our independence, our state of decentralization.

Then bitcoin went the way of gold. Why? Because it started making people rich.

With more miners competing, mining got more expensive. Higher demand for electricity meant you needed more efficient servers to yield a profit and, soon, economies of scale. Corporations took an interest. Today mining farms are a massive, government-subsidized business. Bitcoin, in turn, became a financial instrument. The banks invested, along with the pension funds. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission declared it a commodity, just like gold. How do you get bitcoin these days? When I bought a tiny fraction of one bitcoin the other day, after years of stubborn resistance, I did it through a popular investing app that sells my data to hedge funds who use it to better inform their bets. Governments can trace bitcoin transactions with ease, so you cant even use it for crime or political dissent.

But still the myth endures. The message is that bitcoin, by virtue of its technical underpinnings, is something that sits outside of our worlda tool for people left out of the system. That, at least, was the pitch of the pyramid scheme scammers, who preyed on vulnerable people with the message that shares in a fraudulent bitcoin mining operation would save them when the traditional financial system could not. Many were taken in by that promise.

So Bitcoin has strayed a bit from its cypherpunk origins. But not blockchain, right? The underlying platform offers a Platonic form of decentralization, the cryptographic guarantee of trusting no one, of shrugging off central authority. It looked like the perfect antidote to the centralized internet, a weapon of war against Big Tech.

This year, Big Tech made its move into blockchain, in what may ultimately look like a hostile takeover. It was convenient, just as our national conversation moved, threateningly, to antitrust and privacy. Earlier this month, Twitter announced it was (maybe) decentralizing with (maybe) blockchain, despite long ignoring the cries of people asking it to do just that (with readily available, non-blockchain technology). Critics noted that more private tweeting would help it dodge concerns about content moderation. Facebook has developed a cryptocurrency, Libra, that it claims it doesnt control, but which will certainly entrench its power. That move helped spark China to accelerate its own push into digital currency, which would become a handy surveillance tool. Its unclear what role blockchain will play in that effort, but in any case, Xi Jinping is trumpeting public investment in the technology for other purposes.

The co-opting of blockchainits inevitable centralizationshould not have come as a surprise. Its a lesson weve learned again and again: We bestow our social values upon technology, not the other way around. Weve been through this before. Take the internet. First came the promise that it would unlock knowledge and make us all freeuntil a dictator cuts the cord and companies track and manipulate our behavior. For blockchain, using words like decentralization and self-sovereignty doesnt simply make it so. That takes work: protections for privacy and safety, assurances that networks operate as intended. Like the internet, that doesnt mean the initial hope and promises were untrue; we were just blind, at first, to alternate interpretationsto manipulations of certain ideals.

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Bitcoin's Path From Insurgents Talisman to Tool of Big Tech - WIRED

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Ethereum transaction volume tops Bitcoin but does that matter? – Yahoo Finance

One of the most heated topics of discussion in the cryptocurrency space is whether Ethereum provides more value than Bitcoin due to its higher number of transactions.

Because value can refer to both market cap and transaction volume, discussions can quickly escalate.

Today, my goal is to take a look at Bitcoin and Ethereumin terms of transaction volumes and price appreciation.

Is there a link between price and the number of transactions?

If not, what could the long-term price impact of more transactions be? Does it matter at all?

Lets find out below.

Even though Bitcoin has always been the top coin in terms of total market cap, the same cannot be said about transaction volumes.

Arguably, Bitcoin maximalists dont understand the importance of usability since BTC is seen currently as a store of value. Bitcoin does not require high transaction throughput or large transaction volumes (like P2P digital cash would) if it is a store of value.

Moreover, since there is little correlation between actual usability and price appreciation look at EOS for example its easy to dismiss the importance of higher transaction volumes.

Nevertheless, Im a strong believer that long-lasting network effects are given a boost by an increasing number of transactions.

Before I dive into a transaction volume comparison, lets take a minute to understand the current panorama:

As such, we could argue that Bitcoin also dominates in terms of transaction volume since it has the most price appreciation, right?

Interestingly, Ethereum has dominated Bitcoin in terms of transaction volume since 2017.

Looking at the chart above, courtesy of Bitinfocharts, ETH currently seems to be experiencing 150% more transactions than BTC.

At its peak, during early January 2018, the number of daily Ethereum transactions was close to 1.4 million, while Bitcoin was around 400,000. Essentially, ETH was experiencing 3.5 times more on-chain transactions than BTC.

To me, this chart is quite important since it shows theres increasingly more activity on Ethereum. I cannot say if more activity will translate into a higher price. However, I argue that it will at least translate into higher adoption.

Since adoption might explain a minor or major percentage of price appreciation (we cannot know for sure), I argue long-term activity will most likely translate into a higher price.

As such, ETH seems to be undervalued versus BTC given the number of transactions, even though Bitcoin has more value than Ethereum.

If this seems hard to grasp, its because it is. Let me try to put it as simple as possible:

If we believe value should be a mix of market cap and adoption, which translates into price appreciation and transaction volumes, we could argue there is a chance for ETH to overtake BTC.

However, I personally dont think that will happen since Ethereum does not have a fixed supply.

At best, I believe ETH might behave like fiat currencies. Fiat currencies have the highest adoption rate but not the highest value. Gold and silver are more valuable, for instance.

The question that remains is to determine whats best for each project: to be a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond.

With Bitcoin, since theres a limited supply, price will have a tendency to increase assuming demand remains equal.

With Ethereum, price will have a tendency to decrease given the velocity and the non-hard supply.

While in BTC terms your value will have a tendency to increase, at the same time, it will be prohibitively more expensive to add an additional unit to your portfolio (small fish in a big pond). In Ethereum, I expect the opposite to happen.

It might be that the overall price of ETH will decrease long term vs BTC. However, youll be able to add extra units to your portfolio with extra ease (big fish in a small pond).

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Ethereum transaction volume tops Bitcoin but does that matter? - Yahoo Finance

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The Bitcoin multi-year trendline will break, says renowned analyst – CryptoSlate

Two of the most prominent analysts in the industry maintain that a multi-year support trendline could contain Bitcoin from a further drop. But, there is one popular chartist who believes that multi-year straight lines and long term log charts do not mix too well.

On Nov. 22, Tuur Demeester, a founding partner at Adamant Capital, pointed out that Bitcoin entered a parabolic advance in January 2015. Since then, he believes that the uptrend has remained intact since the flagship cryptocurrency continues to be held by it throughout the years.

As BTC plunged to $6,480 on Nov. 18, Demeester noted that this multi-year support trendline was able to prevent this crypto from going lower.

Nevertheless, he emphasized that as Bitcoin slowly approaches maturity/saturation, the uptrend will progressively slow down, which will result in the violation of the parabolic trendline.

Along the same lines, Peter Brandt, a 45-years trading veteran, highlighted the significance of the support provided by this price level. According to Brandt, if Bitcoin can bounce off the support trendline, it could break out in an upward direction to begin a new parabolic phase. Such a bullish impulse would take it to attack the all-time high of 2017 and slice decisively through it.

Despite the bullish outlook, the analyst explained that if the trendline is not able to hold another downward move, Bitcoin would be bound for a further decline.

Brandt said:

I think a prolonged journey below the line might be needed to thoroughly prepare BTC for the move to $50,000. The bulls must first be fully purged. When no bulls can be found on Twitter, then we will have a great buy signal.

Despite the importance that Demeester and Brandt have placed on this support level, Dave the Wave, a technical analyst and Bitcoin investors, claims that multi-year trendlines serve more as projections rather than support.

He argues that no so long ago, investors were putting a lot of weight on a support trendline that formed in early 2012, but after it failed, the focus shifted into a new one.

Dave the Wave affirmed:

[The new] multi-year straight line on a log chart, whether called a parabolic uptrend or a long-term trendline, is destined to fail.

Although this analyst dismisses the level of support that trendlines can provide, he relies on a greater cyclical curve that is forming since Bitcoin was launched. Under this premise, the pioneer cryptocurrency could have more legs down to go before marking the bottom of its bearish trend.

Multiple analysts have come out to support the idea that the current price levels present an excellent opportunity to accumulate Bitcoin. Meanwhile, others have argued that this cryptocurrency could be bottoming out. The different perspectives can be felt throughout the entire market, leading one to believe that nobody knows where BTC is heading. Time will tell whether the flagship cryptocurrency is poised for higher highs or lower lows.

Bitcoin, currently ranked #1 by market cap, is up 0.45% over the past 24 hours. BTC has a market cap of $130.59B with a 24 hour volume of $19.16B.

Chart by CryptoCompare

Bitcoin is up 0.45% over the past 24 hours.

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The Bitcoin multi-year trendline will break, says renowned analyst - CryptoSlate

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Real Bitcoin Double Spends Are Hard, Looking Into Alleged Issue – Cointelegraph

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) focused firm BitcoinBCH has potentially misled the public into believing that Bitcoin (BTC) double spends can be easily carried out.

On Dec. 18, BitcoinBCHs CEO Hayden Otto published a video on YouTube allegedly showing how TravelByBits Bitcoin Point of Sale (PoS) wallet misleads merchants into believing that they were paid before a transaction is actually concluded. Hayden Otto also runs a competing BCH-based PoS solution called Hula.

In a recent interview, a TravelByBit representative said that merchants using its service are insured against fraud and will not lose money. The firms founder Caleb Yeoh also said that if many users begin to exploit their systems design the firm will drop support for Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash on-chain transactions in its PoS solution.

Overall, Yeoh admitted that accepting on-chain payments in in-store settings is not practical and requires a compromise between security and convenience. The main reason is that no one will want to wait in line for at least 10 minutes for a transaction to be confirmed before being able to get hold of the product. While accepting unconfirmed transactions is a major security concern, it is the only way to accept Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash on-chain payments in time-sensitive situations.

Yeoh points to the Lightning Network as a potential solution, noting that it can address the impracticality of waiting for transaction finality when paying with cryptocurrency inside physical stores. He told Cointelegraph that Lightning Network transactions also constitute a significant portion of the payments facilitated by its PoS system:

If we remove the online travel booking transactions and you look at the number of transactions purely from a retail perspective we, over 47% of transactions around Australia the last 3 months was done over the lightning network.

Instead of pointing out that unconfirmed transactions as the name suggests are not final, the video suggests that the wallets flawed design is, in fact, a Bitcoin security flaw that enables double-spends. Hayden Otto, the person in the video, says merchants should immediately cease accepting Bitcoin and switch to Bitcoin Cash.

In the demonstration, Otto first sends the lowest transaction possible 1sat/byte to another wallet that he controls with replace-by-fee (RBF) enabled. As Bitcoin users will know, a transaction with such a low fee will be confirmed and placed in a block on Bitcoins blockchain after a notoriously long time, often multiple hours or even over a day if the network is severely congested.

RBF is a function that allows a user to replace a non-final not yet confirmed on the blockchain transaction with another one which has a higher fee. This Bitcoin functionality raised criticism because it enables unconfirmed transaction double spends.

Still, those concerns have no basis given that unconfirmed transactions can be double-spent without this feature as well. An in-depth analysis of how this can be done was published in 2015 by the author of the BitTorrent protocol, Bram Cohen. Overall, unconfirmed transactions are not final and should not be accepted as payment.

BCH-centric website recently reported that Bitcoin Cash removed the RBF feature from its code. The website also claims that as a consequence Bitcoin Cash unconfirmed transactions are not safe to use. The article reads:

The Bitcoin Cash community believes that zero-confirmation transactions are reliable and secure.

After sending the first low-fee RBF-on transaction in the video, Otto performs a Bitcoin payment to a merchant in a store without RBF. At this point, the merchants wallet shows a big green checkmark on the screen, misleading the user into believing that she received the payment.

Because of the wallets user interface, the merchant cedes the goods when the transaction is still unconfirmed. Right after, Otto bumps (increases) the transaction fee on the first transaction, ensuring that all the funds are moved to another address he controls before they are sent to the merchant.

This way, the funds do not reach the merchant who accepted the unconfirmed transaction, while Otto ends up holding both the good and the Bitcoin minus the transaction fees.

Later in the video, Otto says that the ability to reverse Bitcoin transactions is dangerous. This statement erroneously implies that a transaction was reversed. The transaction that was changed was unconfirmed which makes it non-final and the protocol acted as it was intended to.

Otto is also suggesting in the video that Bitcoin Cash fixes this, referring to unconfirmed transaction double-spends. While Cointelegraph was unable to definitely establish that BCH unconfirmed transactions are also non-final, Yeoh suggested so:

Nothing stops BCH miners from replacing transactions right now, as it's more of a gentlemen's agreement, but once in a while "RBF-like" double spends do happen on the BCH network. It's important to note RBF is not a protocol consensus feature, it's a node policy that any Bitcoin or Bitcoin cash miner can choose to run and it does not affect the reliability of payments.

Furthermore, Yeoh pointed out that the hashrate distribution gap between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash also influences the security, and plays in Bitcoins favour. Overall, he also said that tribalism in cryptocurrency hinders innovation in the space:

Honestly, I think the community should focus on helping build and grow wider adoption across the various ecosystems and not focus on running attacks on each others bitcoin projects. It creates a tit for tat scenario which erodes the entire space as a whole. People should be free to transaction in any crypto they want and help contribute to the ecosystems as builders.

This is not the first time that the Bitcoin Cash community is accused of spreading misleading information. As Cointelegraph reported in April last year, was accused of misleading buyers into purchasing Bitcoin Cash instead of Bitcoin by presenting the crypto assets in an unusual way.

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Real Bitcoin Double Spends Are Hard, Looking Into Alleged Issue - Cointelegraph

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Bitcoin ‘s recovery attempt fails to free the price from the downside trend – FXStreet

Bitcoin (BTC) attested a recovery during Sunday hours but failed to clear $7,200. The first digital coin is changing hands at $7,160, mostly unchanged both on a day-to-day basis and since the beginning of the day. Notably, some major altcoins managed to retain the gains at least partially. Thus, ETH/USD is 1.5% higher than from this time on Saturday. LTC/USD jumped by early 3%.

Despite some positive developments, market analysts are in no hurry to change their bearish forecasts. Thus famous cryptocurrency technical analyst Joe Rager noted recently on Twitter that TBTC/USD should clear $8,000 to give aa hope for a reversal.

That's what he wrote:

Feeling bullish after that $1k move? Zoom out and you'll see price is still very much in a downtrend. Needs to break/hold above $7950/$8k for any talk of a potential reversal. Break previous low and likely head under $6k where $5,300 area is a promising place for buyers

From the long-term post of view, BTC/USD is still inside the descending wedge, with the support line low at $6,200. While we still well above this hurdle, a sustainable move under the recent low of $6,450 will speed up the bearish movement and take us to the pivotal support. If it is broken, a way to $5,300. This area contains the lower line of the Bollinger Band and strong orders that are likely to stop the decline.

If we manage to take BTC/USD above SMA50 (Simple Moving Average) daily at $7,800 and $8,000, the recovery will gain pace with the next focus on $8,300 (SMA100 daily). The next resistance is created by $8,900 (the upper boundary of the above-said wedge) and $9,300 (SMA200 daily).

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Bitcoin 's recovery attempt fails to free the price from the downside trend - FXStreet

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Now, BBMP looking at CSR to rejuvenate lakes – The Hindu

The Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) is exploring avenues of funding for the restoration and rejuvenation of lakes, including Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This comes after Chief Minister B.S. Yediyurappa on Thursday chaired a meeting with officials from the BBMP, Minor Irrigation Department, and other departments, where he spoke about the need for a joint effort to revive lakes in and around the city and tapping alternative financial resources, including crowd-funding.

Civic Commissioner B.H. Anil Kumar said that the BBMPs main focus will be on CSR and crowd-funding. We have placed a proposal of 1,253 crore for restoration of lakes before the government. We have asked for more funds as 38 more lakes in the city were handed over to us. The CM has said that he would look into the matter and make provisions in the upcoming budgets, he said.

Crowd-funding needs to be streamlined

Senior civic officials admitted that tapping into CSR did not yield expected results in the past. However, if CSR and crowd-funding are streamlined, they can be successful, said a senior civic official.

Activists and citizens groups believe there is some merit to this idea.

V. Ramprasad, co-founder and convenor of Friends of Lakes, said that the government and the civic body should prepare a robust Detailed Project Reports (DPR) with guidelines to ensure that lakes are scientifically rejuvenated. The narrative of CSR towards rejuvenation should positively change. If corporates are funding a lake rejuvenation initiative, they should fund it substantially and not just for beautification, which generally is the case. Rejuvenation or restoration means good quality and quantity of water with flora and fauna, not just lights and walking paths, he said. He also said that crowd funding of lakes is also a viable option.

A senior civic official told The Hindu the BBMP will start preparing a DPR for CSR funding. This project will be taken up in a time-bound and phased manner, he said, and added that apart from government funding and CSR, even crowd-funding could be a viable option.

Jakkur lake is a good example of a successful crowd-funded initiative. A sewage treatment plant (STP) is being built by BEL as a part of CSR at Doddabommasandra lake, he added.

MoU for six lakes

Meanwhile, the government has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with private companies for development of six lakes, including in Marasandra, Kammasandra, Doddanagamangala, Doddakallasandra. Out of the six lakes, only Doddakallasandra lake comes under BBMP limits.

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Now, BBMP looking at CSR to rejuvenate lakes - The Hindu

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Scientists in Scotland help develop worlds first encryption system that is unbreakable by hackers – The Independent

The worlds first uncrackable security system has been developed by researchers in Scotland, it has been claimed.

Computer scientists have long feared the arrival of quantum computing would allow encrypted data to be easily decoded by hackers.

But a global team,including scientists from the University of St Andrews, say they have achieved perfect secrecy by creating a chip which effectively generates a one-time-only key every time data is sent through it.

Sharing the full story, not just the headlines

Its the equivalent of standing talking to someone using two paper-cups attached by string, said Professor Andrea Di Falco of the School of Physics and Astronomy at the university. If you scrunched up the cups when speaking it would mask the sound, but each time it would be scrunched differently so it could never be hacked.

This new technique is absolutely unbreakable.

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Getty Images

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AFP via Getty

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AFP via Getty

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Action Images via Reuters

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Angela Christofilou/The Independent

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Andrew Fusek Peters / SWNS

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Getty Images

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Tottenham Hotspur FC via Getty

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AFP via Getty

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Rex Features

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Steffan Williams/PA

Scottish National Party candidates, including SNP Westminster leader Ian Blackford (centre left) and Nicola Sturgeon (centre), with a Brexit message at the party's General Election campaign launch in Edinburgh


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British Prime Minister Boris Johnson makes a statement to announce the general election at Downing Street in London, Britain


Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson speaking at the launch of their general election campaign at the Institute of Civil Engineers in London


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Scientists in Scotland help develop worlds first encryption system that is unbreakable by hackers - The Independent

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Apple Bows Down To Google As 2019 Most Trustworthy Recognition – International Business Times


Apple is one of the tech juggernauts aggressively campaigning for users privacy and security; it is even the Cupertino companys slogan these days. However, it appears that some people find Google as the more trustworthy tech company overApple. New research reveals that despite multiple reports of Android vulnerabilities than there are iOS security issues, people trust Google more than Apple.

A recent survey commissioned by nCipher, a cryptographic solutions vendor, reveals 89 percent of respondents believe that encryption is more important. Based on the results, in terms of data encryption, Apple is not as trusted as Google as far as those in theUS are concerned. The survey, however, is not about trust in the broader security sense and more narrowly focused on encrypting data, says Forbes Davey Winder.

From a global perspective, the survey reveals that the search engine giant Google was regarded by 48.6 percent of the respondents to use encryption to protectdata. Only 46.8 percent of the respondents believe that Apple does. It is interesting to see though how close in terms of percentage points these two tech giants are in the eyes of respondents.

Google parent Alphabet's new CEO Sundar Pichai is in for a big pay raise Photo: AFP / Josh Edelson

However, when these respondents were asked which company they trust the most in encrypting their personal data, the gap grew substantially. Google got 37.2 percent of the respondents votes, while Apple only got 31.7 percent in terms of data encryption trust on a global scale. For American respondents, Google is still ahead of Apple, with 42.6 percent American respondents voting for the search engine giant and 36.7 percent voting for the Cupertino-based tech juggernaut in terms of data encryption trust.

Despite high consensus on the importance of encryption, less than half of the respondents do not trust institutions like the government or big companies like Apple orGoogle to protect their personal data with encryption, nCipher Security Vice-president of Sales Peter Carlisle said. With that said, data privacy must be given priority everywhere. Companies, especially big ones, need to be better at getting their message about user privacy and security message across, says Forbes.

Read the rest here:
Apple Bows Down To Google As 2019 Most Trustworthy Recognition - International Business Times

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Facebook , Apple being threatened by US senators over data encryption – Gizmo Posts 24

According to a recent study, US senators threatened the most renowned companies such as facebook and apple. A meeting was held on the 10th of December. The main vision behind the meeting is to get rid of the obstacles they have been facing in finding abusers.

Why are they being threatened?

The senator says that data encryption is coming in the way of finding evidence. Also, the senator does not want to provide a safer place for the child abusers over this reason of not being able to catch the abusers. Both the technology representatives marked their presence in the meeting.

It seems like a serious issue prevailing in the country. Also, Facebook is facing many governments recently. Can you guess the reason why? The reason behind this is extending end to end encryption of WhatsApp messages.

Companies trying to save themselves

Facebook also tried explaining to the senator that it did not develop any particular operating system or a device. It says that it is open for any scanning of illegal copies. Similarly, the head of privacy issues in Apple says that there are no particular forums through which strangers can connect to each other.The user profile is not base on the materials of the user, says Apple

The track record of Apple and facebook are tremendous across the world. Taking their innovation over time and protection of data against third parties, it is very difficult for the companies to give up on data encryption.

A drawback for these major companies:

Amidst all these circumstances, the tech giant Cupertino has allowed law enforcement to access a locked phone to find a suspect of a mass shooting. This has put additional pressure on the heads of these renowned companies from the senator. The regulations that will be imposed on both of these companies are still ambiguous.

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Facebook , Apple being threatened by US senators over data encryption - Gizmo Posts 24

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How To Secure Microsoft Windows 10 In Eight Easy Steps – Forbes

Searching for the best way to secure Windows 10? Here are eight expert tips.

A guy walks into a bar full of nerds and says, "how do I secure my Windows 10 PC?" and the nerds reply, "install Linux." Funny, but not that helpful for the vast majority of people who are quite happy with their Windows 10 computer but want to make it a bit more secure. Thankfully, it's not that hard to accomplish. All you have to do is follow these eight easy steps. No nerds required.

Love it or loathe it, Microsoft Windows has been the most common non-smartphone operating system since before many of you reading this even owned your first computer. That's just a simple fact. It's also a fact that Windows in general, and that includes Windows 10, has had more than its fair share of security scares. During 2019 I have reported on "devious and evil" malware that can bypass Windows 10 security software, a hidden backdoor being used by APT attack groups, critical zero-day threats to Windows 10 users, a Windows threat that even the U.S. Government warned about and, yes, the seemingly never-ending stream of Windows 10 update problems.

Yet, and I'm risking the wrath of Windows XP or Windows 7 aficionados who will no doubt beg to differ, Windows 10 is almost certainly the most secure version of the OS to date. In which case, why do you need a guide to secure it? Good question and the simple answer is that you can always improve on what you've got when it comes to securing a Windows computer. Be it fresh out of the box when you'll need to get the security configurations right, or after years of ownership when you may well have tweaked those settings in a less secure direction.

I asked a bunch of security experts to share their top tips for securing Windows 10, in all flavors from Windows 10 Home through to Pro and beyond. Here's the sum of that hard-earned knowledge distilled down to eight easy steps to secure Windows 10; some are aimed more at business users, others at consumers but most apply to everyone.

Think of this as a Windows 10 security tips pick and mix.

"It's absolutely essential that you turn on disk encryption," Richard Henderson, head of global threat intelligence at Lastline, says. While both Windows 10 Pro and Windows 10 Enterprise include BitLocker, Windows 10 Home doesn't.That said, "all versions of Windows include some version of disk encryption," Henderson says, "and there are many free options out there online as well." Enabling full disk encryption minimizes the chance that data on your computer will ever be misused. Once you have enabled BitLocker, or whatever full disk encryption solution you choose, remember to "keep the recovery key securely locked away on both USB storage and paper," says Matt Aldridge, principal solutions architect at Webroot.

"Use a local login account, not your Windows account, to log onto your machine," Ciaran Byrne, head of platform Operations at Edgescan, says. Although Windows 10 Home will default to your Windows account, as this makes it easier to log in across all devices with one account, Byrne says, "the problem is that if, say, your Hotmail credentials were compromised, then your machine would also be compromised."

Consider enabling Controlled Folder Access, Chris Doman, a security researcher for AT&T Alien Labs, says, "to limit the damage caused by ransomware. This is available in all editions of Windows 10."

"Turn on Windows Hello," Joe Morley, a future workplace consultant at SoftwareONE, says, "one of the simplest ways for small businesses to secure Windows 10 is by turning on the Windows Hello feature." This enables users to unlock devices with facial recognition and fingerprint readers, bypassing passwords which are more likely to be hacked or stolen. "Of course, pins can still be held for backup," Morley says, "but Windows Hello provides a method of logging in that is not only faster but more secure."

"Enable Windows Defender," Ciaran Byrne, head of platform Operations at Edgescan, says, "this is as good as any paid-for antivirus on the market and is maintained by the people who should know Windows 10 better than anyone else." It's good to enable the built-in firewall as well, to block any unwanted intrusions. "Block, block, block and unblock piece by piece later if you encounter any problems due to firewall rules," Byrne says. Enable the Windows Defender real-time protection and set up virus and threat protection scanning. "If you have inadvertently downloaded a malicious file," Byrne says, "having the proper protection in place can help remove these before your system is compromised and a hacker takes control."

"Set up separate user accounts and don't use ones with Administrator privileges for your day-to-day needs," says Ken Underhill, a master instructor at Cybrary, "unless your day-to-day requires it, of course." Matt Aldridge, the principal solutions architect at Webroot, says the ideal is to have one admin account that you "only use for installing new software or updates," while keeping an unprivileged user account for everything else. "Obviously, ensure unique and secure passwords are used for both accounts," Aldridge says. If admin privileges are required when installing software, say, you won't have to swap accounts as Windows 10 will pop up a box asking for the admin password if you want to proceed. Simple and secure, just the way I like it.

"Keep Windows 10 updated automatically," Joe Morley, a future workplace consultant at SoftwareONE, says, "Windows 10 is delivered as-a-service so it updates continually." This may be a controversial suggestion to some, given the warnings that have flowed regarding the Windows Update Assistant and Windows updates borking things including Windows Defender on occasion. Yet I agree with Morley; your computer is far more secure with Windows updates applied than without them. Businesses should "deploy upgrades in test environments initially to ensure safety," David Higgins, technical director (EMEA) at CyberArk, says, "because it allows security teams to check and verify that patches are safe to roll out to the entire business." For everyone else, though, instant access to security fixes is the trump card of automatic updating.

Backing up your data should be part of every security strategy for if things do go wrong. "Use a trusted cloud backup service to continuously backup your data, Matt Aldridge, principal solutions architect at Webroot, says, "and keep an offline copy of your critical files locally, ideally in a fire safe." You should also ensure that System Restore is enabled, and that restore points are being successfully created. "This is advice that people typically ignore until it happens to them, but it's still sage advice," Richard Henderson, head of global threat intelligence at Lastline, says, "and it's equally applicable to home and office users." Having a "cold" (offline) backup "ensures that you're triple-protected against a ransomware attack, a hardware failure, or the theft of your device," Henderson says, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

See the article here:
How To Secure Microsoft Windows 10 In Eight Easy Steps - Forbes

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