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Using the Windows Admin Center Azure services feature – TechTarget

To drive adoption of its cloud platform, Microsoft is lowering the technical barrier to Azure through the Windows Admin Center management tool.

Microsoft increasingly blurs the lines between on-premises Windows Server operating systems and its cloud platform.

One way the company has done this is by exposing Azure services alongside Windows Server services in the Windows Admin Center. Organizations that might have been reluctant to go through a lengthy deployment process that required PowerShell expertise can use the Windows Admin Center Azure functionality to set up a hybrid arrangement with just a few clicks in some instances.

One of the Azure services that Windows Server 2019 can use natively is Azure Backup. This cloud service backs up on-premises resources to Azure. This service offers 9,999 recovery points for each instance and is capable of triple redundant storage within a single Azure region by creating three replicas.

Azure Backup can also provide geo-redundant storage, which insulates protected resources against regional disasters.

You access Azure Backup through the Windows Admin Center, as shown in Figure 1. After you register Windows Server with Azure, setting up Azure Backup takes four steps.

Microsoft designed Azure Backup to replace on-premises backup products. Organizations may find that Azure Backup is less expensive than their existing backup system, but the opposite may also be true. The costs vary widely depending on the volume of data, the type of replication and the data retention policy.

Microsoft positions the Windows Admin Center as a one of the primary management tools for Windows Server. Because sensitive resources are exposed within the Windows Admin Center console, Microsoft offers a way to add an extra layer of security through Azure Active Directory.

When you enable the requirement for Azure Active Directory security, you will be required to authenticate into both the local machine and into Azure Active Directory.

To use Azure Active Directory, you must register the Windows Server with Azure, then you can require Azure Active Directory authentication to be used by opening the Windows Admin Center and then clicking on the Settings icon, followed by the Access tab. Figure 2 shows a simple toggle switch to turn Azure Active Directory authentication on or off.

Azure Site Recovery replicates machines running on-premises to the Microsoft Azure cloud. If a disaster occurs, you can fail over mission-critical workloads to use the replica VMs in the cloud. Once on-premises functionality returns, you can fail back workloads to your data center. Using the Azure cloud as a recovery site is far more cost-effective than building your own recovery data center, or even using a co-location facility.

Like other Azure services, Azure Site Recovery is exposed through the Windows Admin Center. To use it, the server must be registered with Azure. Although Hyper-V is the preferred hosting platform for use with Azure Site Recovery, the service also supports the replication of VMware VMs. The service also replicates between Azure VMs.

To enable a VM for use with the Azure Site Recovery services, open the Windows Admin Center and click on the Virtual Machines tab. This portion of the console is divided into two separate tabs. A Summary tab details the host's hardware resource consumption, while the Inventory tab lists the individual VMs on the host.

Click on the Inventory tab and then select the checkbox for the VM you want to replicate to the Azure cloud. You can select multiple VMs and there is also a checkbox above the Name column to select all the VMs on the list. After selecting one or more VMs, click on More, and then choose the Set Up VM Protection option from the drop-down list, shown in Figure 3.

The console will open a window to set up the host with Azure Site Recovery. Select the Azure subscription to use, and to create or select a resource group and a recovery vault. You will also need to select a location, as shown in Figure 4.

The Storage Migration Service migrates the contents of existing servers to new physical servers, VMs or to the Azure cloud. This can help organizations reduce costs through workload consolidation.

You access the Storage Migration Service by selecting the Storage Migration Service tab in the Windows Admin Center, which opens a dialog box outlining the storage migration process as shown in Figure 5. The migration involves getting an inventory of your servers, transferring the data from those servers to the new location, and then cutting over to the new server.

As time goes on, it seems almost inevitable that Microsoft will update the Windows Admin Center to expose even more Azure services. Eventually, this console will likely provide access to all of the native Windows Server services and all services running in Azure.

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Using the Windows Admin Center Azure services feature - TechTarget

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Privacy scare leads Wyze to unpair all devices from Google Assistant and Alexa, you’ll need to add them back (Update: Further responses) – Android…

Smart home appliance maker Wyze has responded to what it calls an "alleged" data breach against its production databases by logging all users out of their accounts and has strengthened security for its servers. Customers endured a lengthy reauthentication process as the company responded to a series of reports claiming that the company stored sensitive information about people's security cameras, local networks, and email addresses in exposed databases.

Texas-based Twelve Security, a self-described "boutique" consulting firm, posted the claim of a breach against Wyze's two Elasticsearch databases on Medium yesterday. The unsecured data is said to have come from 2.4 million users. A plurality of them are located on the east coast of the United States, though data was sourced from across the country as well as in the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and parts of Malaysia.

The dataset included any email addresses that have been registered to or shared access to a camera, the models, firmware versions, and assigned names of every cameras in a household, time of devices' last activation, times of users' last login and logout, account login tokens for users' Android and iOS devices, camera access tokens for users' Alexa devices, Wi-Fi SSID, and internal subnet layout. A particular subset of users who gave or have had tracked their height, weight, gender, bone health, and protein intake information may have had those data exposed as well. Twelve Security also noted that there were "clear indications" that data was being trafficked through Alibaba Cloud servers in China.

Video surveillance news blog IPVM followed up with Twelve Security and was able to spot accounts and devices linked to its staff who reviewed Wyze products.

Twelve Security opted not to notify Wyze before going public with its claims on suspicion of either the company's gross negligence or a concentrated espionage effort, based on the alleged Alibaba Cloud link as well as a previous security blunder where Alexa users could view camera feeds from devices they've resold to other people that vulnerability has since been patched.

In a bulletin on its community forums, Wyze stated that it was notified by IPVM late yesterday morning and has failed to verify a breach. It also denied any association with Alibaba Cloud.

The company said it decided out of caution to adjust access permissions for its databases and wipe all active login tokens this also cleared users' Alexa, Google Assistant, and IFTTT integrations as well. Customers who employed two-factor authentication complained shortly after the token refresh that their login attempts were denied due to various errors. Wyze updated its bulletin late last night to report it had fixed the 2FA login process.

The Seattle-based Wyze sells smart plugs, lights, security cameras, and the like at prices well below its competition. It's able to do so by turning to vendors for advanced software features recently canceled its contract with Wyze to provide its cameras with subject detection and vesting a number of resources, including manufacturing, in China. While we'd like to see more details come along, Twelve and IPVM's reporting to this point may cast doubt, at the very least, on how Wyze handles its resources.

Wyze's response, new allegations

Wyze has updated its bulletin twice over the weekend.

It explained that an employee managing a new server project had made a "mistake" with data copied over from its main production servers on December 4 and had left that data unsecured until Wyze beefed up security on the 26th. It initially admitted only one database was exposed, then later was notified by a Wyze user of a second database. The company says it is still investigating why that happened and is currently auditing its servers and databases.

The company says the dataset included customer emails, camera nicknames, Wi-Fi SSIDs, Wyze device information, body metrics for a small number of product beta testers, and limited tokens associated with Alexa integrations. To the company's knowledge, the dataset did not contains passwords or government-regulated personal or financial information or API tokens for Android and iOS devices.

Wyze once again denied that it used Alibaba Cloud to handle user data. It also refuted Twelve Security's claims though it did not mention the security consultancy by name that it collected bone density and daily protein intake information from any products, including those in beta testing. It also denied having a "similar breach" six months ago, perhaps referring to the Alexa camera viewing issue mentioned above, but that was more of a vulnerability than a breach for the record, neither are good things.

Affected users should expect an email from the company shortly, notifying them of what data has been compromised. More emails may come as the investigation moves forward. The company has apologized for the oversight.

At the same time, Twelve Security posted a second essay about Wyze on Medium detailing how its U.S. servers weren't secured as well as their Chinese servers were. It challenged Wyze's suggested vulnerability period, claiming instead that the U.S. servers were vulnerable ever since they went online in January. It also claims to have tracked Wyze's data pipeline infrastructure through Alibaba Cloud to be large enough for the company to be able to track live footage from every camera and that Wyze and anyone with knowledge to do so may intercept any one of those feeds. It also noted comments suggesting that the company does have plans to record daily protein intake and bone density information at some point.

The company has yet to respond to Twelve Security's latest claims.

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Privacy scare leads Wyze to unpair all devices from Google Assistant and Alexa, you'll need to add them back (Update: Further responses) - Android...

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5 top tech predictions for 2020 and beyond – BusinessTech

The next decade will see a surge in edge computing, aided by the telecom industrys rollout of 5G technology, while in 2020, quantum computing will move beyond the realm of theory into the world of practical experiments and applications.

Here are IBMs top tech predictions for 2020 and beyond.

1. Meet Your Co-Workers. Their Initials Are A.I.

AI technology has the potential to increase the productivity of workers as well as productivity in all walks of life, said Martin Fleming, VP and chief economist at IBM.

2. Embracing the Flexible Freedom of the Hybrid Cloud

3. Quantum Continues on Path to Practicality

4. Blockchain Becomes a Business Basic

Dr. Laura Esserman, the director of the UCSF Carol Franc Buck Breast Care Center, told FORTUNE that she believes blockchain can slash the cost of cancer drug development while spurring new innovations in breast cancer treatment.

The ultimate goal is to bring the cost of cancer drug development down to five years and $500 millionliterally half of the 10 years and nearly $1 billion currently required to produce such treatments.

5. Computing Is About to Get a Lot More Edgy

Read: Robots taking jobs means 120 million workers need retraining

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5 top tech predictions for 2020 and beyond - BusinessTech

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2010s In Bitcoin: The Year 2019 – Forbes

Im reviewing the 2010s in Bitcoin. This is the story about 2019 in Bitcoin. Read about 2018here.

2019 saw Wyoming enact sound blockchain legislation, Bakkt launch, and further normalization of Bitcoin into global financial markets. Heres 2019 in Bitcoin.

Wyomings Blockchain Legislation

The biggest news story of 2019 could very well be the work done in the State of Wyoming towards robust and progressive blockchain legislation. Establishing itself as the only US state to provide a comprehensive, welcoming legal framework that enables blockchain technology to flourish, as Caitlin Long wrote on, Wyoming enacted in March altogether 13 blockchain-friendly laws.

Long, who is a Forbes Senior Contributor and co-founder of the Wyoming Blockchain Coalition, worked with legislators and senators, such as Wyoming State Representative, Tyler Lindholm, Senator Ogden Driskill, and Senator Tara Nethercott, on the bills.

Wyoming spotted an opportunity to lead in this field last year, and realized it had just as many advantages in competing for this nascent industry as any other place - and more so, Long explained. Blockchain is software, so its global. A line of code doesnt care who wrote it or where it was written. As Joe Lubin said when he spoke at WyoHackathon last fall, theres no reason why the next Google cant be here in Wyoming."

Long explained: In a nutshell, thats what Wyoming has now done for blockchain technology.

Wyomings move put it at the forefront of digital asset regulation in the U.S., with over a dozen other U.S. states, as well as Congress, considering implementing Wyoming-inspired legislation. The laws recognized direct property rights for digital asset owners, created a regulatory sandbox, and authorized a new state-chartered depository institution that provides basic banking services to blockchain and other businesses. The bank must keep 100% reserves, cannot give out loans, and is available only to business depositors. The laws also enabled Wyoming banks to act as a digital asset custodian.

Wyoming now classifies digital assets in three categories, including digital securities, digital assets, and virtual currencies. Cryptocurrencies in the state are therefore treated as money.

The Bitcoin symbol looms over Bitcoin Conference 2019.

Bakkt Launches

Bakkt, a Bitcoin futures trading exchange, launched on September 23. On the first day of trading on ICE Futures U.S., there was strong industry participation in Bakkt Bitcoin Futures and the [October 2019] monthly contract had the tightest bid-offer spreads in the market, which was an exciting achievement, a Bakkt spokesperson told contributor Benjamin Pirus. As the only end-to-end regulated market for digital assets, Bakkt Bitcoin Futures will play a key role in bringing greater price discovery and risk management to the [b]itcoin market.

Bakkts CEO, Kelly Loeffler, was appointed in December to a seat in the US Senate representing Georgia. She was just the second woman in the states history to hold the position.

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) picked Loeffler for a seat occupied by U.S. Sen. Johnny Isakson (R), who retired at years end due to health issues. Loeffler is to be sworn into office on Jan 1. 2020, and plans to run in the next primary election to maintain her seat. Loeffler stepped down as Bakkt CEO before taking the oath of office, becomes the second woman in the state's history to hold the position.

The day after the launch, the price of Bitcoin fell more than $1,000.

BSDEX Introduces Bitcoin Trading Platform

The second-largest German Stock Exchange, Brse Stuttgart, introduced a regulated bitcoin trading platform. It is Germanys first regulated trading venue for digital assets where investors orders are executed directly against each other according to fixed rules, explained Brse Stuttgart Digital Exchange GmbH.

As of now, selected users in Germany can connect directly to the trading venue, where they can trade the bitcoin-euro pair initially, reads a press release. BSDEX will open over time to retail and institutional investors.

BSDEX will give retail and institutional investors direct access to digital assets and provide flexible and relatively low-cost trading, said Peter Grosskopf, CTO at Boerse Stuttgart Digital Exchange GmbH.

Bitcoin Cant Die

Patrick McHenry, a US Congressman from the 10th District of North Carolina, shared thoughts on how Bitcoin cant die and Facebooks Libra is a copycat coin.

I think theres no capacity to kill Bitcoin, he said. Even the Chinese with their Firewall and their extreme intervention on their society cannot kill Bitcoin. So, distributed ledger, full and open, in the essence of Bitcoin, as a first mover in the space, the developer of this technology [] My point here is, you cant kill Bitcoin.

He added: New iterations of this, that are trying to mimic it, they are not fully distributed, they are not fully open, there are different mechanisms to kill it...the essence of Bitcoin is what Facebook and Libra, and other corporations are trying to mimic.

Happy New Year!

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2010s In Bitcoin: The Year 2019 - Forbes

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Officials with Butte Bitcoin company suing major investor – KPAX-TV

More than 30 people are out of a job right now at Butte's Bitcoin Mine.

Because of this members of Butte Bitcoin Mining Operation have sued one of their major investors, Matthew Brent Goettsche.

They are claiming his alleged fraudulent business practices have harmed the Butte company.

Montana Tech professor Pat Munday and Cryptocurrency expert says Goethsches recent federal indictment harms the Butte company.

"It effectively shuts down the operation through no fault of tabish or any of the local operators," said Munday.

Rick Tabish and Kevin Washington filed the suits that claim Goettsche cost FX Solutionswhich started CryptoWatt in Butte in 2018millions due to his alleged malfeasance.

That essentially freezes the payroll, the ability of CryptoWatt to pay NorthWestern Energy power bills, said Munday.

The suit claims more than 30 employees with the Butte bitcoin company had to be laid off.

Its the employees that had been promised jobs here in Butte, some sense of economic security, theyre the real losers, said Munday.

And as long as CryptoWatt remains shut down, they cant generate more bitcoin.

So the big question is, how soon can they get back in operation? That question will be answered in court.

And as we know in America, the wheels of justice turn exceedingly slow and they grind exceedingly fine, said Munday.

No date has been set for the lawsuits in Butte District Court.

Goettsche, of Lafayette, Colo., remains jailed on the unrelated federal charges.

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Officials with Butte Bitcoin company suing major investor - KPAX-TV

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Ethereums Price Action is Similar to Bitcoins at $3,000: An Insane Rally is Imminent – newsBTC

After reclaiming the $130 level earlier this past week, Ethereum (ETH) is currently struggling to hold above this level as bears attempt to take full control of the aggregated cryptocurrency markets.

It is important to note that ETHs current bearishness could cut deeper in the near-term, but analysts are noting that the cryptocurrencys current price action looks strikingly similar to that seen by Bitcoin when it was trading within the lower-$3,000 region in late-2018 and early-2019.

If this similarity is valid, Ethereum could be on the verge of incurring a significant amount of upwards momentum that potentially leads the crypto into a multi-month bull market throughout the early part of 2020.

At the time of writing, Ethereum is trading down marginally at its current price of $131, which marks a notable decline from its multi-day highs of over $137 that were set this past weekend.

It is important to note that although the cryptocurrency was rejected in the upper-$130 region concurrently with Bitcoins rejection at $7,500, ETH is still trading up significantly from its weekly lows of $125.

The $120 to $125 area is a key support region for the cryptocurrency, as $120 is where it bounced during its recent capitulatory sell off, and $125 is a level that bulls ardently defended for the past couple of weeks.

HornHairs, a popular cryptocurrency analyst on Twitter, explained in a recent tweet that he believes todays slight ETH sell-off may be fleeting, as it swept its range lows and was able to post a bounce at this level.

$ETH short update: May have gotten shaken out here, more setups to come. Closed for the same reason as the BTC short. The correlation with BTC and ETH led me to believe wed push up after Mondays low getting swept on BTC. +1.24R (before fees), he explained while pointing to the chart below.

Gat, a popular crypto analyst on Twitter, explained in a recent tweet that he believes Ethereums price action over the past couple of months looks strikingly similar to that seen by Bitcoin in late-2018 and early-2019 when it was trading in the lower-$3,000 region.

As much as I hate $ETH, it is giving $BTC 3k kinda vibes, he explained while pointing to the two charts seen below.

If this correlation does prove to be valid, Ethereum could see some strong upwards momentum in the early part of 2020, potentially allowing it to post massive gains.

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Ethereums Price Action is Similar to Bitcoins at $3,000: An Insane Rally is Imminent - newsBTC

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Bitcoin Price Yearly Candle Shows Failed Rally, Longest Wick on Record – newsBTC

Todays mid-week daily close in Bitcoin price charts carries significantly more weight than usual, as New Years Eve marks the last day of the calendar year, and the crypto assets yearly candle close.

If the leading crypto asset by market cap closes today at current prices around $7,250, the yearly candle will close with the largest wick on record, clearly showing the failed parabolic rally that occurred around mid-year 2019.

Bitcoin price charts can be viewed across multiple timeframes, with the most significant being given to the largest and longest timeframes.

Crypto traders and analysts often pay particularly close attention to daily, weekly, or monthly price charts in order to get a better grasp on the market and the trend underway.

Related Reading | Past Performance Shows Bitcoin Historic High Could Serve As True Bear Market Bottom

And while yearly price charts arent as oft used as the other, longer timeframes, they can be helpful in looking at the bigger overall picture.

One crypto analyst has shared a yearly Bitcoin price chart on Twitter and invited others from the community to do what they do best and speculate on what the yearly candle close means for the crypto asset, and what is expected for the following years close.

The candle itself while green does show a failed rally in the form of a massive wick that stopped at prior yearly resistance. The wick is also the largest ever recorded in Bitcoin price on yearly candles, as even 2017s peak has a $6,000 range from wick peak to candle body close, whereas this years reaches from the current price of $7,250 all the way to $14,000 representing a $6,750 long wick.

Analysts responding to the thread suggest that because this years candle is closing at under 50% of 2017s candle, 2020s yearly close is expected to be red.

For 2020 to close red, Bitcoin price would need to end next year lower than whatever the price closes at when the clock strikes 7PM ET tonight. Another year of sideways or downtrend would likely be too much for many crypto investors who have been holding through two full years of a bear market already.

Others, however, say that the next years candle will close green, filling out the wick of 2019 with continued price action until Bitcoin eventually sets a new high.

Related Reading | Heres What $100 in Bitcoin Would Have Made Next To The Decades Best Investments

While many crypto investors are already thinking about 2020, Bitcoin price still needs to close the daily candle tonight to put 2019 in the history books for good, and set its sights on a new year or trading.

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Bitcoin Price Yearly Candle Shows Failed Rally, Longest Wick on Record - newsBTC

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Etoro CEO Yoni Assia on Reaching 12 Million Users and Why Cryptos Are a Gateway to Stocks – Bitcoin News

Yoni Assia is the CEO and founder of multi-asset trading platform Etoro. The brokerage firm, which enjoys a high profile within the cryptosphere, enables digital assets such as BTC and BCH to be traded alongside stocks, ETFs, and commodities. Juxtaposed between the traditional and crypto investment realms, Etoro has a unique insight into the health of the industry. In an interview with, Yoni Assia shared his thoughts on what traders can expect in 2020.

Also read: Bitcoins Next Decade Will Be Shaped by Derivatives

We launched commission-free stocks trading this year and weve seen a flurry of new and existing trading platforms following suit and axing commission, begins Yoni Assia. This is important to attract new investors; people who are often put off from investing because of the cost. Its also a boon to existing Etoro customers trading cryptocurrencies on the platform. One in 10 of people who came to us to trade crypto in 2017 and 2018 subsequently went on to diversify into stocks trading. This all helps normalize the view of crypto assets. He continues:

On the crypto side, for those who are more experienced traders, we launched eToroX, our regulated crypto exchange earlier this year, providing them with a secure platform to trade crypto and tokenized assets on the blockchain.

Acquisitions were a major trend for crypto exchanges this year, with Circle offloading Poloniex, before itself being acquired by Kraken. Binance took up a stake in derivatives exchange FTX, meanwhile, and Coinbase divested itself of Etoro was not exempted from this M&A flurry either, acquiring Firmo in March. The Danish business provides a platform that enables exchanges to execute smart financial contracts across various assets, including crypto derivatives, and across all major blockchains.

Then, explains Yoni Assia, In November we acquired Delta, the crypto portfolio tracker app, which will help investors make better decisions around their crypto assets by providing tools such as portfolio tracking and pricing data.

In 2019, Etoro surpassed 12 million registered users in over 100 territories, including the U.S., which the social trading platform entered this year on a mandate to make trading, investing and managing money easy for everyone, according to Assia. Here, it finds itself going up against rivals such as millennial investor favorite Robinhood.

When asked about the greatest challenges Etoro encountered this year, Assia cites issues that will be familiar to all exchange operators: the volatility of prices, and recently, questions around the security of assets on exchanges. However, he claims that a lot of people who joined us in 2017 at the peak of cryptos popularity have stayed and this year have diversified into other areas such as stocks, noting that Crypto assets are often a gateway to investing for many people on the Etoro platform. We always say invest in the brands you love, so IPOs such as Uber have helped attract more investors.

Multi-asset exchanges such as Etoro, which offer cryptocurrencies alongside stocks and commodities, are also duty bound to educate, given that many of their users have no previous experience of such instruments. Not only are we providing them with a place to trade, we also ensure they have access to information to help them make informed decisions about their trading behavior, acknowledges Assia.

We provide regular analysis of price performance, changes and events in the sector, while reassuring them about the safety of Etoro as a regulated platform. Etoro is profitable and we use that profit to develop more services for our customers, broadening the offering to create a platform that people can use to manage and invest their money to suit their needs, with a wide range of assets to choose from, beyond cryptocurrencies.

This year, it was reported that tax agencies such as the IRS and HMRC have been contacting cryptocurrency exchanges to bulk request information on customer activity. When asked whether Etoro had fielded any such approaches, its CEO had this to say:

We have been required by tax agencies in the jurisdictions where we operate to provide information on our customers and as a responsible, regulated business, we have done this. We firmly believe that tax harmonization of crypto assets is a precursor to regulation, which is much needed to bring security to consumers and confidence to regulators. 2020 will be a coming of age for crypto assets.

It will also be a coming of age for Etoro if Yoni Assias predictions come to pass. According to the companys founder and CEO, Etoro is on track to launch a debit card, more details of which will follow in 2020. He also asserts that We believe the future of financial services lies in the tokenization of investable assets, and tips Etoro to focus its energies here in the coming year.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. It is not an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, or a recommendation, endorsement, or sponsorship of any products, services, or companies. does not provide investment, tax, legal, or accounting advice. Neither the company nor the author is responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods or services mentioned in this article.

Images courtesy of Shutterstock.

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Kai's been manipulating words for a living since 2009 and bought his first bitcoin at $12. It's long gone. He's previously written whitepapers for blockchain startups and is especially interested in P2P exchanges and DNMs.

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Etoro CEO Yoni Assia on Reaching 12 Million Users and Why Cryptos Are a Gateway to Stocks - Bitcoin News

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Why your business should be using backup as a service – ITProPortal

Data has become a companys lifeblood, as essential to the functioning of a business as utilities like email. It is the key ingredient for making more informed business decisions that will drive innovation - so its no wonder that data storage needs are increasing rapidly, with recent IDC research indicating that the amount of data stored will reach 163 zettabytes by 2025.

When it comes to managing all that data, the development of cloud technologies has driven many businesses away from onsite storage, removing the need for businesses to manage their own infrastructure. Backup as a service (BaaS) solutions offer more flexibility and much better value to companies willing to make the jump. Heres why.

In a world where data has become such a commodity, the decision to keep or remove a block of data shouldnt need to come down to server availability. On-premise solutions are expensive and difficult to upgrade when they inevitably run out of room - which is not what your finance director wants to hear when youre reviewing the IT budget together! A cloud based, BaaS option is designed to scale to exabyte levels, so there are virtually no limits to how much data you can store, and its not going to cost you.

The as a service business model is founded on the principle that you only pay for what you use. So a BaaS typically bills organisations based on the amount of data being stored in the cloud (and, in some cases, how much data is being taken out). This flexibility is an important feature for a fast-growing company that needs its storage capabilities to be scalable in line with its business growth. On the same point, its worth watching out for some of the larger cloud providers that charge high (and often hidden) egress fees to make sure youre not paying more than you need to.

Also, one cost that can often be overlooked when you have to play with hosting your back-ups offline is the maintenance cost. Since on-premises backup requires continual upkeep and coordination to achieve the same level of redundancy as a cloud-based BaaS, it also involves additional hiring costs youd need at least one employee to take care of your offline storage infrastructure and server array upkeep. Meanwhile, a BaaS solution will take care of maintenance at no extra cost.

Data loss caused by equipment failures, natural disasters, human error, ransomware and malware can occur when you least expect it. But no matter how many terabytes of data you have stored, keeping backups of your data off-site will protect primary infrastructure should disaster strike.

A smart data storage strategy involves having multiple backups in various locations. The 3-2-1 rule is recommended, where you place three copies of your data on two different types of storage media, with one copy kept offsite. Achieving this using a traditional, on-premise backup solution can be tricky as it requires the coordination of couriers and the handling of multiple pieces of storage hardware and media, such as tape and disks, to achieve effective redundancy. All the hardware has a limited lifetime and requires careful maintenance and manual backups, costing huge amounts of time and money.

Alternatively, a cloud-based disaster recovery (DR) service can be brought online very quickly within seconds or minutes compared to an off-site DR solution which could take hours, the latter leaving more room for vulnerability since data loss is directly related to downtime. Many cloud-based disaster recovery services can also be triggered remotely using wireless internet connections, so unnecessary downtime is avoided. Restoring from off-site data centres through the power of the cloud is the quickest way to recover your data with limited service interruptions.

Businesses are always beset with competing priorities and removing back-up from the list of concerns can be a huge weight lifted. As the BaaS model typically bills your company based on the amount of cloud storage your data takes up, it shifts the back-up consideration from a capital expenditure (CAPEX) to an operational expenditure (OPEX). In this way, the OPEX model removes the upfront cost of IT budgeting, spreading the cost over time as and when needs arise.

The result is that resource that was previously focused on backup can be freed up for activities that will help develop the business: from AI and machine learning to digital transformation projects and beyond. The idea is that companies treat backup as a service as an automatic process that they dont have to think about, streamlining whats become a critical business need.

Just as it would be crazy for a business to bring its electricity or water supplier inhouse, the same can now be said of data storage a utility of the internet age.

David Friend, co-founder and CEO, Wasabi Technologies

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Why your business should be using backup as a service - ITProPortal

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Global AI-Powered Storage Market is Expected to Grow from USD 10.4 Billion in 2019 to USD 34.5 Billion by 2024; Growing at a CAGR of 27.1%. -…

The "AI-Powered Storage Market by Offering (Hardware, Software), Storage System (DAS, NAS, SAN), Storage Architecture (File & Object-Based Storage), Storage Medium, End User, and Region (North America, Europe, APAC, RoW) - Global Forecast to 2024" report has been added to's offering.

Massive growth in data volumes need for global enterprise infrastructure to refresh their storage architecture, increasing adoption of cloud-based services, and growing demand for AI in HPC data centers have created a demand for AI-powered storage solutions. Limited AI hardware experts and the lack of data security in cloud and server-based services can be a few restraints for the AI-powered storage market. There are a lot of opportunities for the AI-powered storage market including the growing number of cross-industry partnerships and collaborations and the availability and rapid development of useful data analysis tools. The unreliability of AI algorithms and concerns regarding data privacy are the challenges for the AI-powered storage market.

AI-powered storage market for Network-attached Storage (NAS) is expected to grow at highest CAGR during the forecast period

The demand for evolved NAS systems is increasing in order to cope with the growth of unstructured data. NAS is a dedicated storage device with multiple racks of storage media and is set up onto a dedicated network for storing the data. Scale-out is an improved technique in NAS devices, enabling capacity expansion based on end-users' requirements. This is achieved with the help of clustered nodes; as a result, there is a reduction in the upgrading cost. Small businesses and medium-sized enterprises are gradually adapting cloud-based NAS storage solutions owing to their features such as the ease of use, automated data backup, simple server setup procedure, and good collaboration.

Healthcare market for enterprises is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period

AI in the healthcare ecosystem allows for a multitude of benefits, including automating tasks and analyzing patient data sets to deliver faster healthcare at a lower cost. Healthcare organizations have started improving the storage and management of their data for analytics and AI purposes. New healthcare offerings such as collaborative solutions through mobile devices, video conferencing, and built-in applications lead to the need for the adoption of AI-powered storage systems. The demand for AI-powered storage systems is driven by regulatory mandates for the use of electronic health records, increasing focus on precision medicine, and a strong presence of service providers engaged in developing AI solutions for healthcare.

AI-powered storage market in North America is projected to hold the largest share and market in APAC is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period.

This market in North America is further divided into the US, Canada, and Mexico. There is a growing trend of cloud computing, which has increased the economic impact of data center investments made by leading service providers such as Amazon (US), Google (US), and Microsoft (US). Enterprises in North America are increasing their spending on storage infrastructure for AI workloads to gain competitive advantage and increase their business productivity. The presence of other prominent AI technology providers including IBM, NVIDIA, and Intel, is boosting the growth of the AI-powered storage market in this region.

This market in APAC is further divided into China, Japan, India, South Korea and the Rest of APAC. The Rest of APAC primarily includes Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam, and Indonesia. Countries in this region are heavily reliant on manufacturing and can implement automated supply chain optimization, which will generate faster outputs. All these activities will help to generate greater economic output for the countries. Automated transportation can play an important role to boost this market as the elevated levels of congestion can be alleviated through fleet-wide traffic flow control.

Reasons to Buy the Report:

Key Topics Covered:

1 Introduction

1.1 Study Objectives

1.2 Market Definition and Scope

1.3 Study Scope

1.4 Currency

1.5 Limitations

1.6 Stakeholders

Story continues

2 Research Methodology

2.1 Research Data

2.2 Market Size Estimation

2.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation

2.4 Research Assumptions

3 Executive Summary

4 Premium Insights

4.1 Attractive Opportunities in AI-Powered Storage Market

4.2 AI-Powered Storage Market, By Offering

4.3 Market, By End User

4.4 Market, By Storage System

4.5 Market, By Region

5 Market Overview

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Market Dynamics

6 AI-Powered Storage Market, By Offering

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Hardware

6.2.1 Storage Medium SSD HDD

6.2.2 Other Hardware CPU GPU

6.3 Software

7 AI-Powered Storage Market, By Storage System

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Direct-Attached Storage Systems

7.3 Network-Attached Storage Systems

7.4 Storage Area Network

8 AI-Powered Storage Market, By Storage Architecture

8.1 Introduction

8.2 File- and Object-Based Storage

8.3 Block Storage

9 AI-Powered Storage Market, By Storage Medium

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Hard Disk Drive

9.3 Solid State Drive

10 AI-Powered Storage Market, By End User

10.1 Introduction

10.2 Enterprises

10.3 Government Bodies

10.4 Cloud Service Providers

10.5 Telecom Companies

11 AI-Powered Storage Market, By Region

11.1 Introduction

11.2 North America

11.3 Europe

11.4 APAC

11.5 RoW

12 Competitive Landscape

12.1 Overview

12.2 Market Ranking Analysis

12.3 Competitive Leadership Mapping, 2018

12.4 Competitive Scenario

13 Company Profiles

13.1 Key Players

13.1.1 Dell Technologies

13.1.2 Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) Company

13.1.3 IBM

13.1.4 NVIDIA Corporation

13.1.5 Pure Storage

13.1.6 Intel Corporation

13.1.7 Netapp

13.1.8 Samsung Electronics

13.1.9 Micron Technology

13.1.10 Cisco

13.1.11 Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)

13.1.12 Toshiba

13.1.13 Hitachi

13.1.14 Lenovo

13.2 Right-To-Win

13.3 Other Key Players

13.3.1 Datadirect Network

13.3.2 Seagate Technology PLC

13.3.3 Flextronics International

13.3.4 Western Digital

13.3.5 Fujitsu

13.3.6 Tintri

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Global AI-Powered Storage Market is Expected to Grow from USD 10.4 Billion in 2019 to USD 34.5 Billion by 2024; Growing at a CAGR of 27.1%. -...

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