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In chess game with Iran, Trump has only bad options – Haaretz

WASHINGTON The Trump administration is facing a dilemma in Iraq. A day after the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad was stormed by pro-Iranian demonstrators, the White House needs to decide how to respond to the attack which U.S. officials have no doubt was planned and orchestrated with Iranian approval. Trump has promised to punish Iran for its actions, but how far is he willing to go in this confrontation with the Islamic Republic?

The attack on the embassy was preceded by a week of violence in Iraq, during which an Iraqi Shiite militia operating as a proxy for Iran attacked an Iraqi military base, killing a U.S. civilian contractor and wounding several U.S. troops. In retaliation, the United States carried out three airstrikes on the same Iraqi militia, killing at least 25 fighters.

Listen: Under Trump, haters don't need an excuse to attack Jews. Ep. 55

These events, which took place during the last week of 2019, represent a violent end to a year of constant tensions between the Americans and Iranians. They are the continuation of a series of escalatory steps taken by Iran during the course of the year including an attack on two major oil installations in Saudi Arabia last September, and the downing of an American military drone over the Persian Gulf last June. But while the United States refrained from using military force in response to Irans provocations then, things were different this time. That is why several leading Democratic politicians warned Tuesday that Trump is risking an all-out war with Iran.

Iran is acting out because it is under a lot of pressure from American sanctions, says Tamara Cofman Wittes, a former State Department Middle East director who is currently a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. The Iranians have been slowly and deliberately escalating their attacks, basically telling the United States: If you put us under pressure, we will put you under pressure as well. She believes the Iranian regime will likely continue this behavior in 2020.

The Iranians saw that there was no military response to their previous attacks, so they reached a conclusion that America doesnt want a military confrontation, Cofman Wittes says. The Iranians also dont want a military confrontation with the U.S. and thats certainly not what theyre trying to achieve with these provocations in Iraq. They have a different goal: Getting Trump to enter negotiations.

Risky moves

In May 2018, Trump withdrew the United States from the Iran nuclear deal, which had been signed by his predecessor Barack Obama. The U.S. administration has since placed tough sanctions on Tehran, triggering a financial crisis there that has led to massive street protests across Iran. However, at the same time as imposing these tough sanctions, Trump has also frequently expressed interest in negotiating a new deal with Iran.

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Earlier this month, after Iran and America completed a prisoner swap, he tweeted: Thank you to Iran on a very fair negotiation. See, we can make a deal together!

Over the summer, direct negotiations between the two countries seemed imminent. Trump said he was willing to meet Iranian President Hassan Rohani with no preconditions. But the Iranian side had a clear demand: The Americans had to lift some of the sanctions placed on Tehran in order for a meeting to occur. Trump refused, and an opportunity for the two leaders to meet on the sidelines of Septembers UN General Assembly was lost.

Now, Cofman Wittes says, Iran is trying to escalate the situation in the hope that this will somehow lead to renewed diplomatic engagement. They want to pull in diplomatic attention from other countries such as France, Russia, China, Japan and others to somehow get America to the table. Their moves are risky, but theyre designed to bring about a diplomatic engagement, she says. This is what Iran needs more than anything at the moment: new talks that could perhaps lead to sanctions relief.

Haaretz reported last month that Israeli officials were still alarmed by the prospect of new negotiations between the United States and Iran. The Israeli perspective is that even if no sanctions are lifted, the mere spectacle of a meeting between Trump and Rohani would by itself lift some of the pressure from Tehran. Trump has rejected that point of view and sees no harm in holding a meeting.

The Iranians are going to keep going and going with these attacks if they dont get what they want, unless they become convinced that this could lead to a larger military escalation, Cofman Wittes says. Neither side wants that kind of escalation.

Last June, after the Iranian attack on the U.S. military drone, Trump approved a military strike in retaliation but then canceled it, fearing that a war with Iran could hurt his 2020 reelection campaign.

Grave mistake

The attack on the embassy in Baghdad is part of a larger chess match between the U.S. and Iran, says Michael Doran, a former Middle East director at the National Security Council under President George W. Bush, and currently a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute. Doran shares Cofman Wittes assessment of Tehrans objective: The goal of the Iranians is to increase the pressure on Trump during the election season, in the hope that they can rope him into a negotiation.

Doran, who has advocated a hawkish line against the Iranian regime and was a strong critic of the 2015 nuclear deal, adds that Iran hopes new negotiations will distract the United States from Irans problems at home, and in Iraq and Lebanon where there have been massive street demonstrations in recent weeks against political parties connected to Iran.

In addition, he says, Iran wants negotiations to lead to sanctions relief and to forestall further actions by the United States that would delegitimate Irans supposedly civil nuclear program.

In Dorans view, it would a grave mistake if Trump agreed to such negotiations. The protests that swept Iran, Iraq and Lebanon in November have changed the balance of power. Iran is experiencing unprecedented difficulty at home and abroad. If Trump were to sit with Iran now, he would look weak in the region, demoralize allies and give breathing room to Tehran.

If Trump doesnt opt for negotiations and doesnt want a direct military confrontation with Iran, what are his options?

The administration doesnt have really good options to choose from, says Ariane Tabatabai, an analyst at the Rand Corp. and an expert on Iran. The administration keeps saying that its policy of maximum pressure on Iran is succeeding, but what exactly have they achieved? she asks. They wanted to either lead to the collapse of the regime or to a significant shift in Irans behavior. So far, both have not happened.

Tabatabai says the only option for de-escalation right now is a diplomatic off-ramp that would allow both sides to get out of this cycle. But it doesnt look very likely to happen at the moment. The Iranians view Trump as reluctant to take military action, but they consider maximum pressure a form of war. From their point of view, this is already a war and they are being attacked through economic pressure. So they are going to continue testing the Trump administration.

Wanted: A strategy

All of the Iran experts who spoke with Haaretz agreed on one thing: The attack on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad was an Iranian initiative and not a local protest, as some news reports described it.

This is telegraphed from Iran, straight out of the regimes playbook, says Behnam Ben Taleblu, an Iran expert at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies a think tank that has advocated for tough sanctions on Iran.

The regime wants to spook America, he says. They hope to either get Trump to agree to negotiations, or, even better, to get America to withdraw forces and send a message of retreat. They would be happy to solidify the impression that America is getting out of the Middle East, whether its in Syria or Iraq. They are willing to take risks to make that happen.

Ben Taleblu says last Sundays U.S. airstrikes were very important, because they sent the opposite message: That the United States would not ignore Irans actions. But he warned that the administration needs to have an Iraq policy, not just a policy to fight ISIS in Iraq. Its clear to everyone what Iran wants to have in Iraq: control. They want to control Baghdad through their proxies. But what does America want in Iraq? Thats more difficult to answer.

Cofman Wittes also says the Trump administration doesnt have a strategy, or even clear objectives. They placed sanctions on Iran and have now responded for the first time with military force to one of Irans provocations. But what is the long-term goal they are trying to achieve? And what is their strategy for getting there?

The Iranian conundrum is further complicated by the political schedule in the United States. The Iranians, as Haaretz reported in August 2018, are betting that they can wait out Trump, who is up for reelection in November. So far, most of the Democratic presidential candidates have promised to return to the nuclear deal that Trump withdrew from. For Iran, this would mean the lifting of many sanctions and a return to the pre-2018 reality that was created by the nuclear deal.

But the Iranians also believe the presidential election will make it more difficult for Trump to take stronger military action. Trump campaigned in 2016 on a pledge to end stupid wars in the Middle East, and criticized his then rival, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, for her support of the 2003 invasion of Iraq (which Trump himself also supported at the time).

Trump has been warned by some of his most influential supporters, such as Fox News host Tucker Carlson, that a war with Iran would harm his standing with voters who oppose U.S. military involvement in the Middle East, and could cost him the election.

The Democrats have already adopted a line of criticism against Trump, warning that he is leading the country to war through reckless policies in the Middle East. This could deter Trump from further military escalation. But he is also facing political pressure from right-wingers, especially his evangelical Christian supporters, who want to see a tough policy against Iran.

At the moment, it seems, Trump is taking political risks no matter what he chooses to do.

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In chess game with Iran, Trump has only bad options - Haaretz

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Superconductor or not? They’re exploring the identity crisis of this weird quantum material. – News@Northeastern

Northeastern researchers have used a powerful computer model to probe a puzzling class of copper-based materials that can be turned into superconductors. Their findings offer tantalizing clues for a decades-old mystery, and a step forward for quantum computing.

The ability of a material to let electricity flow comes from the way electrons within their atoms are arranged. Depending on these arrangements, or configurations, all materials out there are either insulators or conductors of electricity.

But cuprates, a class of mysterious materials that are made from copper oxides, are famous in the scientific community for having somewhat of an identity issue that can make them both insulators and conductors.

Under normal conditions, cuprates are insulators: materials that inhibit the flow of electrons. But with tweaks to their composition, they can transform into the worlds best superconductors.

The finding of this kind of superconductivity in 1986 won its discoverers a Nobel Prize in 1987, and fascinated the scientific community with a world of possibilities for improvements to supercomputing and other crucial technologies.

But with fascination came 30 years of bewilderment: Scientists have not been able to fully decipher the arrangement of electrons that encodes for superconductivity in cuprates.

Mapping the electronic configuration of these materials is arguably one of the toughest challenges in theoretical physics, says Arun Bansil, University Distinguished Professor of physics at Northeastern. And, he says, because superconductivity is a weird phenomenon that only happens at temperatures as low as -300 F (or about as cold as it gets on Uranus), figuring out the mechanisms that make it possible in the first place could help researchers make superconductors that work at room temperature.

Now, a team of researchers that includes Bansil and Robert Markiewicz, a professor of physics at Northeastern, is presenting a new way to model these strange mechanisms that lead to superconductivity in cuprates.

In a study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the team accurately predicted the behavior of electrons as they move to enable superconductivity in a group of cuprates known as yttrium barium copper oxides.

In these cuprates, the study finds, superconductivity emerges from many types of electron configurations. A whopping 26 of them, to be specific.

During this transition phase, the material will in essence become some kind of a soup of different phases, Bansil says. The split personalities of these wonderful materials are being now revealed for the first time.

The physics within cuprate superconductors are intrinsically weird. Markiewicz thinks of that complexity as the classical Indian myth of the blind men and the elephant, which has been a joke for decades among theoretical physicists who study cuprates.

According to the myth, blind men meet an elephant for the first time, and try to understand what the animal is by touching it. But because each of them touches only one part of its bodythe trunk, tail, or legs, for examplethey all have a different (and limited) concept of what an elephant is.

In the beginning, we all looked [at cuprates] in different ways, Markiewicz says. But we knew that, sooner or later, the right way was going to show up.

The mechanisms behind cuprates could also help explain the puzzling physics behind other materials that turn into superconductors at extreme temperatures , Markiewicz says, and revolutionize the way they can be used to enable quantum computing and other technologies that process data at ultra-fast speeds.

Were trying to understand how they come together in the real cuprates that are used in experiments, Markiewicz says.

The challenge of modeling cuprate superconductors comes down to the weird field of quantum mechanics, which studies the behavior and movement of the tiniest bits of matterand the strange physical rules that govern everything at the scale of atoms.

In any given materialsay, the metal in your smartphoneelectrons contained within just the space of a fingertip could amount to the number one followed by 22 zeros, Bansil says. Modeling the physics of such a massive number of electrons has been extremely challenging ever since the field of quantum mechanics was born.

Bansil likes to think of this complexity as butterflies inside a jar flying fast and cleverly to avoid colliding with each other. In a conducting material, electrons also move around. And because of a combination of physical forces, they also avoid each other. Those characteristics are at the core of what makes it hard to model cuprate materials.

The problem with the cuprates is that they are at the border between being a metal and an insulator, and you need a calculation that is so good that it can systematically capture that crossover, Markiewicz says. Our new modeling can capture this behavior.

The team includes researchers from Tulane University, Lappeenranta University of Technology in Finland, and Temple University. The researchers are the first to model the electronic states in the cuprates without adding parameters by hand to their computations, which physicists have had to do in the past.

To do that, the researchers modeled the energy of atoms of yttrium barium copper oxides at their lowest levels. Doing that allows researchers to trace electrons as they excite and move around, which in turn helps describe the mechanisms supporting the critical transition into superconductivity.

That transition, known as the pseudogap phase in the material, could be described simply as a door, Bansil says. In an insulator, the structure of the material is like a closed door that lets no one through. If the door is wide openas it would be for a conductorelectrons pass through easily.

But in materials that experience this pseudogap phase, that door would be slightly open. The dynamics of what transforms that door into a really wide open door (or, superconductor) remains a mystery, but the new model captures 26 electron configurations that could do it.

With our ability to now do this first-principles-parameter-free-type of modeling, we are in a position to actually go further, and hopefully begin to understand this pseudogap phase a bit better, Bansil says.

For media inquiries, please contact Mike Woeste at or 617-373-5718.

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Superconductor or not? They're exploring the identity crisis of this weird quantum material. - News@Northeastern

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Year 2019 in Science: History of Humans, Ebola Treatment and Quantum Computing – NewsClick

Image Courtesy: Smithsonian Magazine. Image depicts some of the skull caps excavated from Ngandong.

In development of science, what should matter the most is the findings that help the humanity, the findings that have the potential to open up new paradigms or those which change our understanding of the past or open our eyes to the future. The year 2019 also witnessed several such findings in the science world.


Tracing human history has been achieved with the realm of genetics research as well. Year 2019 also witnessed some of the breakthroughs about human history based on analysis done on ancient DNA found on fossils and other sources.

One of such important findings has come up with a claim about the origin of modern human. What it says is that anatomically, modern humans first appeared in Southern part of Africa. A wetland that covered present day Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe was where the first humans lived some 200,000 years ago. Eventually, humans migrated out of this region. How was the study conducted? Researchers gathered blood samples from 200 living people in groups whose DNA is poorly known, including foragers and hunter-gatherers in Namibia and South Africa. The authors analyzed the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), a type of DNA inherited only from mothers, and compared it to mtDNA in databases from more than 1000 other Africans, mostly from southern Africa. Then the researchers sorted how all the samples were related to each other on a family tree. The data reveals that one mtDNA lineage in the Khoisan speakersL0is the oldest known mtDNA lineage in living people. The work also tightens the date of origin of L0 to about 200,000 years ago

Another very important and interesting finding in this field is that Homo Erectus, the closest ancestor of modern humans, marked its last presence on the island of Java, Indonesia. The team of scientists has estimated that the species existed in a place known as Ngandong near the Solo riverbased on dating of animal fossils from a bone bed where Homo Erectus skull caps and leg bones were found earlier. Scientists used to believe that Homo Erectus migrated out of Africa, into Asia, some two million years back. They also believed that the early human ancestor became extinct from the earth around 4 lakh years ago. But the new findings indicate that the species continued to exist in Ngandong even about 117,000 to 108,000 years ago.

So far, anything that is known about the Denisovans, the mysterious archaic human species, was confined to the Denisova caves in Altai Mountain in Siberia. Because the remnants of this ancient species could be discovered in the fossils of the Denisova cave only. But a recent report published in Nature about the discovery of a Denisovan jawbone in a cave in the Tibetan Plateau has revealed many interesting facts about archaic humans. The fossil has been found to be 1,60,000 years old with a powerful jaw and unusually large teeth, resembling the most primitive Neanderthals. Protein analysis of the fossil revealed that they are closer to the Siberian Denisovans.

Image Courtesy:


Image Courtesy: Quantum magazine.

Computer scientists nowadays are concentrating on going far beyond the speed that the present genre of computing can achieve. Now the principles of quantum mechanics are being tried to incorporate into the next-generation computing. There have been some advances, but the issue in this realm that has sparked controversies is Googles claim to have obtained quantum supremacy.

Sycamore, Googles 53-qubit computer has solved a problem in 200 seconds which would have taken even a supercomputer 10,000 years. In fact, it is a first step. It has shown that a quantum computer can do a functional computation and that quantum computing does indeed solve a special class of problems much faster than conventional computers.

On the other hand, IBM researchers have countered saying that Google hadnt done anything special. This clash indeed highlights the intense commercial interest in quantum computing.


Image Courtesy: NASA Earth Observatory.

The man-made climate change has already reached a critical state. Climate researches have already shown how crossing the critical state would bring irreversible changes to the global climate and an accompanying disaster for humanity.

In the year 2019 also, the world has witnessed many devastations in the forms of storms, floods and wildfires.

Apart from the extreme weather events that climate change is prodding, the nature itself is in the most perilous state ever, and the reason is human-made environmental destruction.

The global report submitted by Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) reviewed some 15,000 scientific papers and also researched other sources of data on trends in biodiversity and its ability to provide people everything from food and fiber to clean water and air.

The report notes that out of 8 million known species of animals and plants, almost 1 million are under the threat of getting extinct and this includes more than 40% of amphibian species and almost a third of marine mammals.

The month of August witnessed an unprecedented wildfire in Amazon rainforest, the biggest in the world. The fire was so large-scale that the smoke covered nearby cities with dark clouds. It has been reported that Brazils National Institute for Space Research (INPE) recorded over 72,000 fires this year, which is an increase of about 80% from last year. More worrisome is the fact that more than 9,000 of these fires have taken place in the last week alone.

The fires have engulfed several large Amazon states in Northwestern Brazil. NASA, on August 11 noted that the fires were huge enough to be spotted from the space.

The main reason attributable to Amazon fires is widescale deforestation due to policy-level changes made by Bolsonaro regime. Many parts of the forest are now made open for the companies to set up business ventureseven the deeper parts of the forest. This has led to massive deforestation.


Image Courtesy: UN News.

In the past, there had been no drugs that could have cured Ebola.

However, two out of four experimental trials carried out in Democratic Republic of Congo were found to be highly effective in saving patients lives. The new treatment method used a combination of existing drugs and newly developed ones. Named as PALM trial, the new method uses monoclonal antibodies and antiviral agencies.

Monoclonal antibodies are antibodies that are made by identical immune cells that are all clones of a unique parent cell. The monoclonal antibodies bind to specific cells or proteins. The objective is that this treatment will stimulate the patients immune system to attack those cells.


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Kilogram, the unit to measure mass was defined by a hunk of metal in France. This hunk of metal, also known as the International Prototype Kilogram or Big K, is a platinum-iridium alloy having a mass of 1 kilogram housed at the Bureau of Weights and Measures in France since 1889. The IPK has many copies around the world and are used to calibrate scales to make sure that the whole world follows a standard system of measurement.

But the definition of the Kilogram will no longer be the same. On the International Metrology Day this year, the way a Kilogram has been measured for more than a century has been changed completely. Now, the kilogram would be defined using the Planck constant, something that does not change.

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Year 2019 in Science: History of Humans, Ebola Treatment and Quantum Computing - NewsClick

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5 tech that will explode in your life this decade –

New Delhi, The average time -frame of tech disruption in our lives has significantly diminished and things are changing at a rapid scale around us. In a span of few years, gadgets like MP3 players, compact digital cameras, scanners, CDs, fax machines and several others have disappeared.

On the other hand, new-age technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), data analytics, Internet of Things (IoT), content streaming, automation, robotics and 5G are not only here to stay but are growing in leaps and bounds to make our lives better.

Let us go through 5 tech trends that will explode in the decade that has just begun.

1. Quantum computing

The team at Google AI has achieved sort of "quantum supremacy" with developing such chip -- a new 54-qubit processor named "Sycamore" that is comprised of fast, high-fidelity quantum logic gates in order to perform the benchmark testing. Not just Google but several tech giants like Microsoft, IBM and Intel have joined the race to build a scalable quantum computer. IBM recently unveiled its quantum computer with 53 qubits.

The current bits in computers store information as either 1 or 0, thus limiting the potential to make sense when faced with gigantic volumes of data. If all goes well, Microsoft is also confident about having one such scalable super machine within the next five years.

"We are looking at a five-year time-frame to build a quantum computer and what we need are roughly 100-200 good qubits with a low-error rate," Krysta Svore, Principal Research Manager, Microsoft Quantum Computing, told IANS recently. Microsoft has also partnered with the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee to conduct lectures on quantum computing for a full semester.

2. Self-driving 'electric' cars

The global revenues from "connected" cars -- the precursor to fully-autonomous or self-driving cars -- are growing at an annual rate of 27.5 per cent and are expected to touch $21 billion by 2020.

Tesla helped create that market and remains an industry leader. The Elon Musk-run company surprised Wall Street by registering a profitable third quarter last year with a total revenue of $6.3 billion riding on sales of its Model S, Model X and Model 3 electric cars. Tesla expected to deliver between 360,000 and 400,000 vehicles in 2019, representing 45-65 per cent growth.

Other automobile companies who will join Tesla in the next decade are Audi e-Tron Sportback; BMW iX3; Ford Mustang Mach-E; Mercedes EQC 400 4Matic; Porsche's Taycan 4S; Volvo XC40 Recharge and Byton M-Byte SUV, to name a few.

India is also planning to replace a significant portion of its conventional internal combustion engine fleet by electric vehicles in the next one decade, particularly to reduce pollution and also to create jobs through manufacturing of such vehicles.

3. 5G-connected homes

With 75 billion Internet of Things (IoT) devices expected to be in place by 2025, the world is at the cusp of experiencing a technology that will change the way live today. Being able to download a full-length HD movie in seconds and share your wow-moments with friends -- that's just the beginning. Commercial 5G networks are starting to go live across the world.

With 5G commercial networks being switched on, the first use cases are enhanced mobile broadband, which will bring better experiences for smartphone users with 100 times faster data and fixed wireless access, providing fiber speeds without fiber to homes.

5G Services have already begun in the US, South Korea and some European countries, including Switzerland, Finland and the UK. CSPs in Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Spain, Sweden, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates have announced plans to accelerate 5G network building through 2020.

4. Voice as a new interface

Voice is slowly becoming the new human-compute interface and the Indian masses -- be it a 3-year-old toddler or a 95-year-old grandpa -- are finally going to leverage voice to interact with the devices and digitally control their lives. Alexa, Google Home, Siri and others are changing the way we speak with devices and the next decade will see digital assistants becoming all-pervasive. Soon, you will be talking to your refrigerator, electric bulbs, washing machine, microwave, coffee machine and what not.

According to Adam Berns, Director of Business Development, Alexa Voice Service (AVS) at Amazon, India is now ready for voice as a core experience."Voice today is powering several devices -- PCs, wearables, smartphones, car accessories and smart home devices -- helping people streamline their lives. I firmly believe voice is the next interface with computing and Amazon with its Alexa offerings is here to change the world," Berns told IANS in a recent interview.

5. Internet TV 24/7

An over-the-top (OTT) viewer in India is spending approximately 70 minutes a day on video streaming platforms, with a consumption frequency of 12.5 times a week, according to a recent Eros Now-KPMG report. In India, the Internet video traffic is projected to reach 13.5 Exabytes (EB) per month by 2022 -- up from 1.5 EB a month in 2017 -- with video contributing 77 per cent of all Internet traffic by 2022.

"Unlike the common thought that urbanites are watching more content online, 65 per cent video consumption is coming from the rural parts of the country thanks to cheap data plans, especially from Reliance Jio, and affordable smartphones. Those who cannot afford to buy a smart, connected TV are now streaming OTT content on phones," TV Ramachandran, President, Broadband India Forum (BIF) told IANS.

There are currently more than 32 online content and video streaming platforms in the country and the market is expected to hit $5 billion by 2023, according to the global management-consulting firm Boston Consulting Group (BCG). Within no time, you will see Indians throwing set-top boxes into dustbins as data becomes further cheap and Internet TV takes over our drawing rooms completely.

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Quantum Computing Market Utilities and Recycling In Global 2020 Outlook, Business Strategies, Challenges and Forecasts – Market Research Sheets

Quantum Computing Marketreport presents the worldwide market size (Value, Production and Consumption), splits the breakdown (data status 2014-2019 and 5 Forces forecast 2020 to 2025), by manufacturers, region, type and application. This Quantum Computing market report profiles major topmost manufactures operating (D-Wave Systems, Google, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, 1QB Information Technologies, Anyon Systems, Cambridge Quantum Computing, ID Quantique, IonQ, QbitLogic, QC Ware, Quantum Circuits, Qubitekk, QxBranch, Rigetti Computing) in terms of analyse various attributes such asProduction, Consumption, Revenue, Gross Margin, Cost, Gross, Market Share, CAGR, and Market Influencing Factorsof the Quantum Computing industry in USA, EU, China, India, Japan and other regions Besides, the report also covers Quantum Computing market segment data, including: type segment, industry segment, channel segment etc. cover different segment market size, both volume and value. Also cover different industries clients information, which is very important for the manufacturers.

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Key Target Audience of Quantum Computing Market: Manufacturers of Quantum Computing, Raw Material Suppliers, Market Research and Consulting Firms, Government bodies such as regulating authorities and policy makers, Organizations, forums and alliances related to Quantum Computing.

Scope of Quantum Computing Market:Quantum computing is a technology that applies the laws of quantum mechanics to computational ability. It includes three states, namely 1, 0 as well as the superposition of 1 and 0. Superposition indicates that two states exist at the same time. These bits are known as quantum bits or qubits. The global quantum computing market consists of the hardware that is required to develop quantum computers and its peripherals.

North America accounted for the largest share of the overall quantum computing market in 2017. On the other hand, Asia Pacific (APAC) would be the fastest growing region for quantum computing during the forecast period. This growth can be attributed to the increasing demand for quantum technology to solve the most tedious and complex problems in the defense and banking & finance industry.

On the basis of product type, this report displays the shipments, revenue (Million USD), price, and market share and growth rate of each type.

Hardware Software Services

On the basis on the end users/applications,this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, shipments, revenue (Million USD), price, and market share and growth rate foreach application.

Defense Healthcare & pharmaceuticals Chemicals Banking & finance Energy & power

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There Are 11 Chapters To Deeply Display The Quantum Computing Market.

Chapter 1, is definition and segment of Quantum Computing;Chapter 2, is executive summary of Quantum Computing Market;Chapter 3, to explain the industry chain of Quantum Computing;Chapter 4, to show info and data comparison of Quantum Computing Players;Chapter 5, to show comparison of types;Chapter 6, to show comparison of applications;Chapter 7, to show comparison of regions and courtiers(or sub-regions);Chapter 8, to show competition and trade situation of Quantum Computing Market;Chapter 9, to forecast Quantum Computing market in the next years;Chapter 10, to show investment of Quantum Computing Market;

Key Questions Answered in the Quantum Computing Market Report:

What are the most recentAdvanced Technologies Adoptedby Quantum Computing?

How are the recent trends affecting growth in the global Quantum Computing market?

What are theKey Strategies Used By Players And Service Providersthat are expected to impact the growth of the Quantum Computing market?

What are theResources Available In Respective Regionsthat attract leading players in the Quantum Computing market?

What was theHistorical Valueand what will be the forecast value of the Quantum Computing market?


ResearchMozMr. Nachiket Ghumare,Tel: +1-518-621-2074USA-Canada Toll Free: 866-997-4948Email:[emailprotected]

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Quantum Computing Market Utilities and Recycling In Global 2020 Outlook, Business Strategies, Challenges and Forecasts - Market Research Sheets

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Global Quantum Computing Market to Witness an Outstanding Growth During 2020-2029 – Neptune Pine

A Research Report on Quantum Computing Market Potential Growth, Share, Demand and Analysis of Key Players Research Forecasts to (2020-2029). The global Quantum Computing Market research report covers main factors responsible for the development of the global Quantum Computing Market.

The research report onQuantum Computing Marketevaluates the growth trends through the past and present study of the market and estimates future prospects based on all-inclusive research. The report provides a comprehensive market share, growth, recent trends and forecasts 2020-2029. The report provides key data on the market status of the Quantum Computing and is a vital source of direction and guidance for companies and individuals interested in the industry. The report characterizes the market into different segments based on component, application, end-use industry, and region. Such segments are studied in-depth, including national and regional market projections and forecasts. The segment analysis is beneficial in understanding the growth areas and relevant opportunities of the market.

For Better Understanding Go With this Free Sample Report Enabled with Respective Tables and Figures:

Leading Players Of Quantum Computing Market Are:

International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation, Google Inc, Microsoft Corporation, Qxbranch LLC, Cambridge Quantum Computing Ltd, 1QB Information Technologies Inc, QC Ware Corp., Magiq Technologies Inc, D-Wave Systems Inc, Rigetti Computing

Global Quantum Computing Market Segmentation:

Segmentation on the basis of component:

HardwareSoftwareServicesSegmentation on the basis of application:

SimulationOptimizationSamplingSegmentation on the basis of end-use industry:

DefenseHealthcare & pharmaceuticalsChemicalsBanking & financeEnergy & power

Key Takeaways from the report:

The all-inclusive analysis of the Quantum Computing market in association with a detailed description of the essential trends disrupting the industry dynamics.

A brief introduction to the Quantum Computing market, a gist about similar industries, as well as the market size, latest market scenario, and market share estimates.

The annual growth rate of Quantum Computing market and the factors influencing the revenue of this industry over the projected timeline.

Substantial information on the consumption rates and patterns of the Quantum Computing market, along with a detailed overview of the price analysis.

An in-depth analysis of both the overall supply chain and the raw material i.e. data on demand levels for raw materials, the market for raw materials and the distribution of raw materials.

Information related to the supply channels tapped to extensively market the product, marketing strategies adopted by leading players, and the obstacles that potential new entrants might face while entering in the Quantum Computing market.

A comprehensive outline of the customers and distributors, classified according to the regions specifies in Quantum Computing market.

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The crucial determination of the latest growth, technological advancement, and recent developments help the user to develop their own processes and products. The report highlights a comprehensive analysis of various important parameters such as profit & loss figures, product value, production capability, production process, and more. The Quantum Computing market report delivers a complete solution, which integrates current market intelligence, the future forecast for the technology inputs, growth, and future market trends.

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The science fiction that became science fact in 2019 – SYFY WIRE

I know 2019 wasnt the best. It was rough going for a lot of us, the capstone on a decade that started punching a few years back and never let up. But its over now. Its done. The ball dropped like a guillotine and sent it to its eternal rest. You can breathe. It cant hurt you anymore.

Today we embark on a new revolution around the Sun. Its an opportunity to look forward with hope, to examine the world and our lives, and try something new. Its also a chance for us to look back one last time, like a Final Girl glancing in the rearview mirror at the burning rubble fading into the distance, and remember that it wasnt all bad.

While most of us were stumbling through the haunted wreckage of 2019, just trying to survive, scientists were in their labs imagining a better world, sifting through the annals of science fiction, and willing it into existence.

Here are a few science fiction ideas that became science fact, in 2019.

Imagine a Black Hole

First considered in the 18th century, black holes were long thought to be a purely mathematical idea. For nearly two centuries, scientists and mathematicians bandied about their ideas, without coming to a singular conclusion. In fact, the name "black hole" didnt come into popular parlance until the 1960s, though its provenance is a matter of some dispute.

What isnt up for debate is the way it captured the public imagination. The use of black holes, by that name or another, in fiction, dates back at least to the 1950s. They are still a popular plot device today.

J.J. Abrams2009 Star Trek film centered on black holes artificially created via the use of red matter. The 1997 sci-fi/horror classic Event Horizonlikewise employs the use of artificial black holes to terrifying results. Christopher Nolan showed us his view of a black hole in Interstellar (2014), using it as a way to slingshot across vast spatial distances in an attempt to find a new home for humanity.

Using a black hole in film, an inherently visual medium, is a bold move. By their very definition, black holes cannot be seen. Their nature, as incredibly massive singularities, insists they be invisible. So great is their gravitational influence that not even light can escape them.

As a result, any attempt at visualizing a black hole relied on trickery and a certain amount of visual shorthand.

That all changed this year, when a team of international astronomers captured the first real-life images of a distant black hole. The object at the center of Messier 87, an elliptical galaxy 55 million light-years away, comes in at 6.5 billion times the mass of the Sun.

Capturing the image required the collaboration of more than 200 scientists over the course of 20 years. Even more impressive, the Event Horizon Telescope project utilized eight telescopes around the world, working in concert, to create an artificial looking glass the size of the planet, in order to pull it off. The images were taken over the course of two week-long periods in 2017 and 2018. But just looking wasnt enough.

Each night of observations resulted in a petabyte of data. Thats equal to roughly a million gigabytes. That amount of data cant easily be transmitted via the internet, so the hard drives had to be ferried the old-fashioned way. By hand. From there, the data had to be collated, which wasnt an easy process. It eventually resulted in four images, each of them different, owing to the techniques used. Despite their variances, one thing was clear, theyd photographed a black hole. Research into M87 continues, but we have, collectively, stared into the abyss. And it was beautiful.

Quantum Supremacy

In the 80s, Richard Feynman imagined the creation of quantum computers, machines capable of simulating the world on the quantum level. It would be a massive leap forward in our ability to calculate whats going on around us.

Since then, quantum computers have been used in fiction, much in the same way quantum mechanics is often irresponsibly used in real life, to hand-wave phenomena we cant otherwise explain.

There is nothing intrinsically impossible about a quantum computer. Should we create a working device, capable of practical application, it likely would change not only the face of computing but the way we see, interact with, and understand the world.

2019 did not see the realization of practical quantum computing, but it did see an important step along the road. Google announced, by way of the prestigious scientific journalNature, thatit had achieved quantum supremacy using its Sycamore chip.

Quantum supremacy is a term coined by John Preskill in 2012 and refers to the ability of a quantum computer to complete a calculation that would be impossible to duplicate in any reasonable amount of time, even using the worlds most advanced supercomputers. Googles claim hinges on its making a calculation, using Sycamore, that would apparently take humanitys best computer 10,000 years to accomplish.

Conventional computers rely on bits, existing as either a one or a zero, in order to complete calculations. Quantum computers, by contrast, rely on qubits that can exist in superposition, being both one and zero simultaneously, so long as they arent observed. When you string together multiple qubits, they can interact with one another, forming entangled states. This all gets a little fuzzy, but it means that quantum computers are capable of performing very complex calculations very quickly.

With only 53 qubits, the number present in Googles Sycamore chip, you end up with roughly nine quadrillion possible variations.

There is, admittedly, some contention about Googles 10,000-year claim. IBM has stated it could duplicate the results, using the Oak Ridge supercomputer a computer the size of two basketball courts in two and a half days.

Even so, thats a far cry from the near-instantaneous results achieved by Sycamore. According to Scott Aaronson, the Google result amounts to an impressive step forward, no matter how you slice it. By his estimation, if Googles computer had just 7 more qubits, it would require a supercomputer 30 times as large.

Practical quantum computing will likely require some technological advance weve not yet conceived, similar in Aaronsons mind to the shift from vacuum tubes to transistors. What Google showed is that the science is ready, waiting for a breakthrough in engineering to catch up.

Infrared Vision

Who among us hasnt wanted to be the Predator or one of those little dog babies from the second Tremors movie? Theres something magical about being able to see in infrared. It allows you to see things when others cant, almost like seeing through walls. A superhuman ability confined to the unforgiving walls of fiction. Until now.

A study published February 28 in the journal Cell describes a procedure that used nanotechnology to bestow infrared vision to mice for up to 10 weeks. Our brains, and the brains of all mammals, determine what we see by interpreting the light around us via the rods and cones in our eyes.

We are, at current, limited to light in the visible spectrum. That is, after all, why its called the visible spectrum. But infrared light exists all around us. We can measure it with our technology, we know it exists, we just cant see it.

Infrared wavelengths are too long to be absorbed the rods and cones in our eyes, so they pass through entirely undetected. The experiment worked byimplanting nanoparticles capable of absorbing infrared light and converting it to the visible spectrum, whereby the rods and cones in the eyes of experimental mice took it in.

To verify that the mice were able not only to see the light, but make sense of it, they set upa series of tasks that the mice could only accomplish with the aid of light in the infrared spectrum. Experiments showed the effects wore off after several weeks, but researchers are confident the process would work in humans, offering temporary visual enhancement.

Suspended Animation

There are apparently two ways to accomplish deep space travel. The first is the use of some heretofore-undeveloped engine capable of traveling at, or in excess of, the speed of light. The second is suspended animation.

Our best engines would take generations to get to the nearest star, and for those of us not wanting to live out our lives on a traveling spacecraft, suspended animation could be the solution for getting to another world and still being young enough to enjoy it.

The possibility of pressing pause on our biological functions has additional imagined potential in stopping death until such time as disease or traumatic injury can be corrected. Countless books, movies, and television shows have employed the process, but recently scientists right here on Earth are getting in on the action.

As part of a medical trial in the United States, scientists are utilizing Emergency Preservation and Resuscitation (EPR) to elongate the time in which sufferers of acute trauma can be treated.

The process involves cooling the body to between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius and replacing all of the patients blood with cooled saline solution.

In cases of serious trauma, stab or gunshot wounds in which the patient has gone into cardiac arrest, it can elongate the amount of time for intervention from a couple of minutes to a couple of hours.

The trial, approved by the FDA, hopes to publish results by the end of 2020.

Samuel Tisherman, of the University of Maryland School of Medicine, stated theyd seen promising results in tests with pigs and felt it was time to move into human trials. A notice was sent to the local community, with the option to opt out. The nature of the study requires the assumption of consent as the types of injuries involved are most likely fatal and with no other options for treatment.

Tisherman went on to clarify there was no intent to use this technology to send people off to Saturn.

Hopefully its just a matter of time.

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The science fiction that became science fact in 2019 - SYFY WIRE

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Quantum Teleportation Has Been Achieved With the Help of Quantum Entanglement – Dual Dove

For the first time ever, specialists from the University of Bristol and the Technical University of Denmark have managed to quantum-teleportate data between two computer processors by using quantum entanglement.

The discovery is incredibly important when considering the fact that the researchers sent the information from one chip to another, while they were physically in two different places, and had had no links in between. The team of scientists has said that this recent significant discovery could lead to the use of quantum computers and quantum Internet.

Scientists used a couple of entangled photons on the chip and then conducted a quantum measurement on one of the photons. Due to the quantum entanglement process where the two particles are linked, they can communicate over incredibly long distances the other processor had its properties altered.

We were able to demonstrate a high-quality entanglement link across two chips in the lab, where photons on either chip share a single quantum state,explains quantum physicist Dan Llewellynfrom the University of Bristol in the UK.

Each chip was then fully programmed to perform a range of demonstrations which utilize the entanglement.

This attainment is borderline magical if you think about it. The team was able to alter one chip, and via quantum entanglement, the other processor had its quantum condition changed. Until now, researchers couldnt achieve this significant effort and were restricted to teleporting quantum bits, also known as qubits.

The flagship demonstration was a two-chip teleportation experiment, whereby the individual quantum state of a particle is transmitted across the two chips after a quantum measurement is performed,says Llewellyn.

This measurement utilizes the strange behavior of quantum physics, which simultaneously collapses the entanglement link and transfers the particle state to another particle already on the receiver chip.

This is a massive step forward the future and more so multi-dimensional quantum teleportation. If the study continues without encountering any issues, the future of quantum computing used for communication could be a significant instrument in the next few decades.

Known for her passion for writing, Paula contributes on both Science and Health niches here at Dual Dove.

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Quantum Teleportation Has Been Achieved With the Help of Quantum Entanglement - Dual Dove

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Quantum Computing Technologies market by Size | Growth | Analysis | Trends and Forecasts to 2020-2025 Bulletin Line – Bulletin Line

Global Quantum Computing Technologies Market Size, Status and Forecast 2019-2025>This report offers a detailed view of market opportunity by end user segments, product segments, sales channels, key countries, and import / export dynamics. It details market size & forecast, growth drivers, emerging trends, market opportunities, and investment risks in over various segments in Quantum Computing Technologies industry. It provides a comprehensive understanding of Quantum Computing Technologies market dynamics in both value and volume terms.

The key players covered in this study > Airbus Group, Cambridge Quantum Computing, IBM, Google Quantum AI Lab, Microsoft Quantum Architectures, Nokia Bell Labs, Alibaba Group Holding Limited, Intel Corporation, Toshiba.

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Table Of Content

1 Report Overview

2 Global Growth Trends

3 Market Share by Key Players

4 Breakdown Data by Type and Application

5 North America

6 Europe

7 China

8 Japan

9 Southeast Asia

10 India

11 Central & South America

12 International Players Profiles

13 Market Forecast 2020-2025

14 Analysts Viewpoints/Conclusions

15 Appendix

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FASB cloud computing cost standard to soon take effect – Compliance Week

FASB issued Accounting Standards Update No. 2018-15, Customers Accounting for Implementation Costs Incurred in a Cloud Computing Arrangement That Is a Service Contract, to reduce diversity in practice in accounting for costs of implementing cloud computing arrangements that are service contracts.

While previous guidance did not address accounting for implementation costs for hosting arrangements that do not contain a software license, accounting for all such costs is now alignedregardless of whether a license to the hosted software is conveyed. In addition, rather than expensing certain cloud-related implementation expenses, they can now be deferred and amortized by applying ASC 350-40: Internal Use Software.

ASU 2018-15 amends the definition of a hosting arrangement as one where the customer accesses and uses software as needed but does not currently have possession of the software. It makes the requirements for capitalizing implementation costs in hosting arrangements more consistent with accounting for costs relating to developing or obtaining internal-use software, including the types of costs (and the project stages) that can be capitalized.

Previously, ASU 2015-05, Customers Accounting for Fees Paid in a Cloud Computing Arrangement, was issued to clarify (and potentially simplify) the accounting for cloud computing costs, including whether the arrangement contained a software license. If the arrangement did have a software license, the cost of the license was generally capitalized and amortized based on the guidance in ASC 350-40 and a liability was recorded for future license payments due. If the arrangement did not contain a license, the fees for the hosting service were expensed as incurred.

Companies were struggling with having to expense significant investmentsas they were considered service contracts and not software licensessince they were not able to separately download and operate the software on their own hardware. Recent cloud-based solutions for the new lease accounting standard added to this concern, compelling the board to reconsider its prior guidance and issue ASU 2018-15.

Under ASU 2018-15, certain costs in the application-development phase will be capitalized and amortized over the term of the hosting arrangement (begins when the component is ready for intended use through the noncancelable period of the arrangement, plus considerations of options to extend or terminate) on a straight-line basis unless another basis is more representative of the period of benefit from access to the software. Implementation costs incurred in the preliminary project and post-implementation operation stages will be expensed.

The new standard also includes guidance on the presentation of the implementation costs. Capitalized costs are presented on the balance sheet on the same line as prepaid fees for the related hosting arrangement. Expenses for amortization of these costs are included in the income statement in the same line as the fees for the hosting arrangement, and the payments for the costs are presented in the cash flow statement in the same manner as the fees paid for the hosting arrangement. ASU 2018-15 clarifies that capitalized implementation costs are not long-lived assets and that their amortization expense is not included with depreciation and amortization of property and equipment and intangible assets.

This ASU also requires the capitalized costs be evaluated for impairment based on ASC 350-40 and for abandonment based on ASC 360-10. Disclosures relating to hosting arrangements that are service contracts should include the nature of the arrangements, disclosures required by ASC 350-40 for internal use software, and disclosures required by ASC 360-10, treating the capitalized implementation costs as a separate class of depreciable assets.

ASU 2018-15 takes effect for public business entities for fiscal years starting after Dec. 15, 2019, and interim periods within those fiscal years. For all other entities, it is effective for annual reporting periods beginning after Dec. 15, 2020, and interim periods within annual periods beginning after Dec. 15, 2021. Early adoption is permitted. Adoption can be retrospective, or the amendments can be applied prospectively to new implementation costs incurred after the adoption date. Transition disclosures depend on the transition method selected.

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FASB cloud computing cost standard to soon take effect - Compliance Week

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