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Q&A: AI and the Future of Your Mind – UConn Today

Susan Schneider, associate professor of philosophy and cognitive science and director of the AI, Mind and Society (AIMS) Group at UConn, has gained a national and international reputation for her writing on the philosophical implications of artificial intelligence (AI). She writes about the nature of the self and mind, AI, cognitive science, and astrobiology in publications including the New York Times, Scientific American, and The Financial Times and her work has been widely discussed in the media, such as Science, Big Think, Nautilus, Discover, and Smithsonian. She was named NASA-Baruch Blumberg Chair for the Library of Congress and NASA and also holds the Distinguished Scholar Chair at the Library of Congress. In her new book, Artificial You: AI and the Future of Your Mind (Princeton University Press, 2019), she examines the implications of advances in artificial intelligence technology for the future of the human mind.

Q: What is the focus of your newest book?

A: This book is about the future of the mind. It explores the nature of the self and consciousness in a not so distant future, using todays work in artificial intelligence and brain enhancement technologies. Consciousness is the felt quality to experiencewhat it feels like to be you. When you smell the aroma of your morning coffee, hear the sound of a Bach concerto, or feel pain, you are having conscious experience. Indeed, every moment of your waking life, and even when you dream, it feels like something from the inside to be you. This book asks: assuming we build highly sophisticated artificial intelligences at some point in the future, would they be conscious beings? Further, how would we detect consciousness in machines? These questions are addressed in the first half the book. The second half of the book is on the nature of the self. I illustrate that AI isnt just going to change the world around us. Its going to go inside the head, changing the human mind itself, but Im concerned about the potential uses of invasive AI components inside of our heads. I urge that we need to understand deep philosophical questions about the self, consciousness, and the mind before we start playing with fire and start replacing parts of our brains with artificial components. When it comes to the self and mind, we are faced with vexing philosophical questions that have no easy solution.

Q: You report about such experimentation with neural implants for things like Alzheimers disease but return to the question of, if theres an artificial intelligence when does it become aware of itself?

A: There are all kinds of impressive medical technologies underway, and Im very supportive of the use of invasive brain chips to help individuals with radical memory loss or locked in syndrome, in which individuals entirely lose their ability to move. I think innovations to help these people are important and exciting. What I get worried about, though, is the idea that humans should engage in widespread and invasive AI-based enhancement of their brains. For instance, Elon Musk has recently declared that we will eventually need to keep up with super-intelligent AI a hypothetical form of AI that vastly outsmarts us and we need to do that by enhancing our brains. He also thinks doing so will help us keep up with technological unemployment that many economists claim will happen because AI will outmode us in the workforce. Musk and others talk about merging with AI and I through gradually augmenting intelligence with AI technology until, in the end of the day, we are essentially AIs ourselves. Musk has recently founded a company to do this, and Facebook and Kernal are also working on this. But I argue in the book and in op-eds for the New York Times and the Financial Times that the idea we could truly merge with artificial intelligence in the ways that a lot of tech gurus and transhumanists advocate is actually not philosophically well-founded. We have to think things through more carefully

Q: You use examples of AI from science fiction, including one with the Star Trek: Next Generation character Lt. Commander Data, who is under attack on a planet and he uploads his brains memories to a computer on the Enterprise. You ask: Will he still be the same Data that he was before being destroyed? Will he really survive?

A: I think people assume that AIs will have the capacity to be immortal because they can just keep uploading and downloading copies of themselves whenever they are in a jam. By this they mean the android be practically immortal, living until the end of the universe. This makes them almost God-like. I am skeptical. In the book I use the Data example to illustrate that if Data found out that he was on a planet that was about to be destroyed, he couldnt upload and genuinely survive. I think the idea that you could transfer your thoughts to a different format and still be you, surviving impending death, is conceptually flawed. It is flawed in both the human case and the case of androids. Believe it or not, there are advocates of uploading the human brain to survive death at places like the Oxford Future of Humanity Institute. I am skeptical.

Q: One of the points that you make in the book is that we have come far technologically but havent heard anything yet from an alien culture. You suggest we should prepare for alien contact by including the involvement of sociologists and anthropologists and philosophers.

As the NASA chair at NASA and the Library of Congress, I love to think about the Fermi paradox, which is the question: Given the vast size of the universe, where is all the intelligent life? Where is everybody? Nowadays, the question can be framed in terms of all of the intriguing exoplanet research that identifies habitable planets throughout the universe, but are these exoplanets actually inhabited (not just inhabitable), and if they are inhabited, does life survive into technological majority? Or are we alone? Why havent we heard anything? To the extent that we even do find life out there, my guess is that we will first find microbial life. Theres dozens of gloriously fun answers to the Fermi paradox.

Q: In the work that youre doing with Congress, what kinds of questions are you being asked and what we should be thinking about going forward with all this technology?

Theres been a lot of concern over the last few years about deep fake videos. Nobody likes it; your career could be ruined by a deep fake video that has you saying something really rotten that you never said. Algorithmic discrimination is a big issue, the fact that algorithms that are based on deep learning technologies will be data-driven, so if the data itself has implicit bias, hidden biases in it, it can actually lead to a bad result which discriminates against certain groups. There are many members of Congress whove been concerned about that. Thats why we really need AI regulations. AI regulation could do tremendous work. And so I do hope we move forward on all of these issues.

Q&A: AI and the Future of Your Mind - UConn Today

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The best advice that no one listens to – Ladders

If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room. Confucius

If you are like me (and most people), you probably love helping others. It feels great to lend a hand to a friend or co-worker. And feeling proud they solved their problemsbecauseof our contribution.

We all love giving advice. We have the perfect solution to every problem except our own.

Thats the problem with helping others; it can quickly turn into an ego-booster instead of an altruistic act.

Most advice is useless.It pleases the provider more than the receiver. Its created based on ones expectations, not on understanding others.

The best advice lies in the eye of the beholder, not yours.

Dont ever take a fence down until you know why it was put up. Robert Frost

Everyone needs help to solve their problems. But that doesnt mean they are open to listening or, even willing to, follow what you recommend.

I know, its tempting. When someone has a problem, we feel the need to chime in. The other person becomes a victim we want to rescue.You should do XorHave you tried this? We immediately suggest.We all fall into that trap. I have to remind myself continually: unsolicited advice doesnt work.

Dont spam people with your words of wisdom.

Keep this in mind when you are the one looking for advice. Offering something that people did not request is pushy. Your advice will go automatically to the junk box. That your help is free doesnt mean others will pay attention.

Getting into someone elses business is delicate the moment we start assuming, people feel judged.

When people open the door of their confidence, tread carefully. You could jeopardize the trust that person has on you. If you jump too fast into a conclusion, a friend can feel that you dont know her that well. Or that the advice you are providing is neither relevant to her nor genuine.

In most cases, when people say they want to talk to you is becausetheywant to do the talking. Your role is to listen, not to take over.

Your advice only works in one case: when someone asks for it.

Even if one of your friends shares plenty of details about a situation they are facing that doesnt mean they want any advice from you. Dont jump into that conclusion. We are wired to believe that, when people open up their hearts, is because they needourhelp.

Some folks just want to talk.

Sharing helps some people let go of the pain. For others, talking facilitates self-reflection. Conversations help understand whats really going on.

Listening can be more effective than any advice. Having someone you can lean on is comforting. If your partner is going through hard times, lending an ear can mean everything for her/him.

If a colleague just expects you to be a sounding board, be okay with it.

If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room. Confucius

People dont care about your advice. Or mine either.

Dont fall into the trap of thinking that your advice is wisdom. You can share your experiences or knowledge, but you cant impart wisdom its an internal experience.

By trying to be smart, we can create more damage.

No one wants to be reminded of our weaknesses especially during harsh times. When you behave like a know-it-all, you make others feel more miserable.

Knowledge blindness makes us feel overconfident until others prove us wrong.

It happens to me. Most consultants and motivational writers suffer from illusory superiority too. This belief that we are smarter than we actually are is a common cognitive bias called the DunningKruger effect.

I see this a lot when coaching teams managers want to be the hero. They act like if they have all the answers. Even if they have good intentions, they hurt rather than help their teams. Great managerslead with questions, not perfect answers.

J.R.R. Tolkien said, Advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise, and all courses may run ill.

People dont need a superhero when they are suffering. Vulnerability always pays off empathy is your best superpower. Theres a thin line between trying to help and having all the answers. We should purposefully avoid crossing it especially when writing about giving advice

Never miss a good chance to shut up. Will Rogers

Sometimes, the best advice you can give is NOT providing any at all.

Staying silent is more effective than providing unsolicited advice. Be a helper, not a hero. Focus on listening and understanding whats going through the other persons mind.

Its better to be a good listener than giving advice no one will follow.

The best advice is being empathetic to the person that needs help. Practice walking in the other persons shoes, rather than expecting others to walk in yours.

Advice giving is like walking on eggshells. Regardless if your coworker is unhappy with her job or your best friend is going through a breakup you take sides when you give advice. People can think you arejudgmental.

Empathy is critical when people get defensive, they stop listening.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge said, Advice is like snow the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind.

Avoid theIf I were you, I wouldYou arenotthem. Empathy doesnt mean you know how people would behave, but understanding their emotions. One situation can trigger multiple reactions dont assume others see life through your same lens.

Your role is not to imposeyourperspective, but to help people find a solution that worksfor them. Questions provoke reflection and understanding learn to askbeautiful questions,as I wrote here.

Listening requires an open mind. Even if you are staying silent, you cant help someone if, deep inside your mind, you are judging their emotions or behaviors.

Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens. Jimi Hendrix

1. Clarify expectations:

When someone asks for your help or says that want to talk to you, clarify what they expect from you. You dont need to be overly explicit but asking sure, what do YOU need? will help you realize clear expectations.

2. Listen first:

Silence your advice. Dont ask questions yet. Even if you dont understand some details of the story. Let the other person unload their emotions and issues first. You can take notes or write down questions, so you dont get distracted.

3. Help with questions:

Providing clarity is the best advice. Whats going on? or How do you feel? are great ways to start. Open questions invite participation theres no right or wrong answer.

4. Reframe the problem:

Before discussing a course of action, the person must understand what he/she is going through. Most people cant find a solution because they cant separate details from therealproblem.What would you like to happen? This question drives focus. Any advice should enable the transformation the other person expects.

5. Brainstorm together:

Have a conversation rather than a monologue. I tend to brainstorm too fast so; when Im talking too much, I call myself out. Its a great reminder to the other person that you want to have a dialogue. Let the other person build on your ideas and provide new ones. Invite them to challenge your solutions.

6. Provide options, not one solution:

This is what you need to do is how conversations get stuck. Acting from an Illusory Superiority disengages other people. Find several options rather than pushing for the one you like the most. Then, encourage the other person to evaluate the pros and cons. Remember, solutions should be evaluated through the eyes of the other person, not yours.

7. Avoid the trap of If I were you.

Problems are personal; the same applies to find the right solution. Its not you who are facing the problem. Even if they ask you what you would do, push back. Help your colleague keep in mind that shes the one with the problem, not you. She needs to own her decisions.

People want to talk to you, not to listen to your advice. Dont assume they are looking for you to say something. Bite your tongue. Unsolicited advice doesnt work.

The best advice comes in the form of questions and listening to pay attention is your best help. Listen to others. Ask questions. Help people find a solution that will work for them.

No one pays attention to your advice, but everyone will appreciate your full attention.

Gustavo Razzettiis a change instigator thathelps organizationslead positive change. Author, Consultant, and Speaker on team building and cultural transformation.

The best advice that no one listens to - Ladders

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Replenish the Mind – The Catalyst

By Sam Lovett

One of Colorado Colleges biggest appeals is the location of the school itself. Whether or not you are outdoorsy, CC students are blessed with the stunning beauty of Colorado and its purple majesties every day, no matter the weather. However, despite our easy access to the mountains and natures most profound beauty, it is rather difficult for students to cut out time in their day to get outside for that hike, ski, bike ride, or walk because of our schools academic rigor. Because of this intensity, students are offered a four-day break after every three and a half weeks to finally enjoy the outside. While most students love the block break there is still a need to replenish during the block, and not just save up for the break.

Therefore, it is important to gain a deeper understanding of why replenishing the mind and taking breaks between working and studying is vital for keeping a steady pace on the block plan rather than just crashing at the end of the four weeks each month. Without breaks, students cannot refuel their energy as fourth week approaches, and then the predicted domino effect happens. It is, of course, difficult to allocate free time during the hustle and bustle of CC life: otherwise, there would be no need for this article. But there is hope.

Take advantage of the sun, even if its cold grab a coat and go outside for three to five minutes at least. The cool, fresh air and the beating sun replenishes your mind and your physical body or rather, serves as a temporary reset. And make sure to plan designated times to take this break. It does not matter how much you have or have not done. Stick with the plan.

But if going outside is inaccessible, way too cold, or impossible for any other reason, I offer a couple of other options. Still sticking to your schedule of planned breaks, make sure to stand up and walk around. When your body is in one position for too long, your muscles tend to weaken, causing you to slump over. Even consider doing some stretches. Lowering your head below your heart is wonderful for getting new oxygen and blood flow in the brain. I wrote about the following stretches in a previous article but wanted to bring them back to reiterate some ideas for stretching.

I love to do whats called a good morning stretch. Bring your arms over your head and point your toes. Squeeze every part of your body for three seconds and then let go. This stretch is simple, but it brings new oxygen in the blood, giving your body a chance to become more alert.

Bring your feet hip width distance apart and bend your knees a lot. Tuck your chin and slowly reach your fingertips to the ground. The goal is not for you to touch your hands to the ground with your legs straight, but instead to lengthen the spine and bring the chest to the thighs. Once you feel your hamstrings relax, release your head (shake yes and no), and grab both elbows. This time, you can straighten the legs if that feels good to you. Sway your arms back and forth to lubricate the spine. When ready to come back up, bring your hands to your thighs, tuck your chin, and slowly rise up. Give yourself a moment to become stable. Take a deep breath in and out.

Now that you are standing, reach both arms up to the ceiling, and take a micro backbend by arching your back. Your spine should be warmed up enough from the forward fold, but still, be mindful. If you feel lightheaded, know that it completely normal and should feel refreshing once the feeling has settled.

Do what works best for you and keep to your schedule to fully replenish the mind dont save it all for your block break!

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Replenish the Mind - The Catalyst

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The Wood Brothers Release New Album, ‘Kingdom In My Mind’ [Listen] – Live for Live Music

Kingdom in My Mind, the new album from Grammy-nominated Americana trioThe Wood Brothers, arrives today viaHoney Jar/ThirtyTigers. The band will support the new release with an extensive world tour.

Recorded over a series of freewheeling, improvised sessions, Kingdom in My Mind is the bands most spontaneous and experimental work yet. The 11-track effort is a reckoning with circumstance, mortality, and human nature. The material finds strength in accepting what lies beyond our control as it hones in on the bittersweet beauty that underlies doubt and pain and sadness with vivid character studies and unflinching self-examination. While the lyrics dig deep, the arrangements are buoyant and transportive, drawing from a broad sonic and stylistic spectrum.

Related: The Wood Brothers Play For Jam In The Van Series [Videos]

We all have these little kingdoms inside of our minds, says Chris Wood. And without really planning it out, the songs on this album all ended up exploring that idea in some way or another. They look at the ways we deal with our dreams and our regrets and our fears and our loves.

On past albums, the bandwhich features brothers Chris and Oliver Wood along with Jano Rixwould write a batch of songs and then deliberately set out to record them. When it came to making Kingdom in My Mind, however, they began the process without even realizing it. At the time, the trio thought they were simply breaking in their new Nashville recording studio/rehearsal space, tracking a series of extended instrumental jam sessions as a way to test drive the facility.

We werent performing songs, continues Oliver. We were just improvising and letting the music dictate everything. Somebody would start playing, and then wed all jump into the groove with them and see where it went. Normally when recording, youre thinking about your parts and your performances, but with these sessions, we were just reacting to each other and having fun in the moment.

After listening back, the trio realized there was something undeniably alive and uninhibited in what they captured. So, like a sculptor chipping away at a block of marble, Chris took the sprawling improvisations and carefully chiseled out verses and choruses and bridges and solos until distinctive songs began to take shape. From there, the brothers divvied up the material that spoke to them most, penning lyrics both separately and together as they pondered what it takes to know contentment in our chaotic and confusing world.

You can listen toKingdom in My Mind byThe Wood Brothers in its entirety below or stream it on the platform of your choice here:

The Wood Brothers Kingdom in My Mind Full Album

The Wood Brothers are preparing to head out on the road in support of the new LP. Their tour will begin on January 29th atRams Head Livein Baltimore, MD ahead of a two-night run at New YorksWebster Hall on January 30th and 31st.

See below for a full list of upcoming dates. For more information and ticketing details, head to the bands website.

The Wood Brothers 2020 Tour Dates

1/29 Baltimore, MD Rams Head Live ^1/30 New York, NY Webster Hall ^1/31 New York, NY Webster Hall ^2/1 Philadelphia, PA The Fillmore ^2/3 Toronto, Canada Mod Club Theatre ^ (Sold Out)2/5 Rochester, NY Kodak Center ^2/6 Burlington, VT Flynn Center for the Performing Arts ^2/7 New Haven, CT College Street Music Hall ^2/8 Albany, NY Palace Theatre ^2/9 State College, PA The State Theatre ^2/11 McKees Rocks, PA Roxian Theatre ^2/12 Richmond, VA The National ^2/13 Chattanooga, TN Walker Theatre ^2/14 Nashville, TN The Ryman ^2/27 3/1 Punta Cana, DR Avett Brothers at the Beach (Sold Out)3/4 Phoenix, AZ The Crescent Ballroom *3/5 Los Angeles, CA The Regent *3/6 Santa Barbara, CA Campbell Hall *3/7 Oakland, CA Fox Theater *3/8 Eureka, CA Arkley Center for the Performing Arts *3/10 Eugene, OR McDonald Theater *3/11 Kirkland, WA Kirkland Performance Center *3/12 Portland, OR Crystal Ballroom *3/13 Vancouver, BC Imperial *4/2 Knoxville, TN Bijou Theatre4/3 Knoxville, TN Bijou Theatre4/4 Chicago, IL Riviera Theatre4/5 Milwaukee, WI Pabst Theatre4/7 Detroit, MI Majestic Theatre4/8 Columbus, OH Southern Theatre4/9 Asheville, NC The Orange Peel4/10 Asheville, NC The Orange Peel4/11 Asheville, NC The Orange Peel5/22 Chillicothe, IL Summer Camp Music Festival5/29 Charleston, SC Spoleto Festival6/4-6 Oak Hill, WV Mountain Music Festival6/27 Laytonville, CA Black Oak Ranch

^ w/ Kat Wright* w/ Birds of Chicago

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The Wood Brothers Release New Album, 'Kingdom In My Mind' [Listen] - Live for Live Music

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Off-campus wireless internet security on par with University – Kent Wired

If not in class or on campus, Kent State students spend their free time surfing the web, browsing social media, streaming TV shows and movies, all while running the risk of their security being breached on the internet provided by their living complexes.

One would assume that off-campus internet might be more prone to being compromised, but it is actually secure enough to the point where the normal user should not have any issues.

Kate Page, a community assistant and resident at Campus Pointe, has not seen any issues involving wireless security.

Most residents register their devices with the Wi-Fi that needs a username and password, but some use the guest one thats open, Page said.

Campus Pointe, who has wireless internet provided by Pavlov Media, has users register their devices with the apartments locked wireless network.

Students feel their online safety using a wireless connection varies from user to user.

Trey Schleifstein, a sophomore business major and current Campus Pointe resident, has yet to see any real threats to his security.

My devices are all logged in to Pavlov Media, so I would say that probably has something to do with it, Schleifstein said.

Schleifstein also acknowledged that everyone has a different experience when it boils down to their safety online, with students more likely to stream content on a Smart TV or computer.

I think it would mostly depend on what people are doing on the internet that would then have the potential to cause harm, Schleifstein said.

Other off-campus housing, like Eagles Landing Apartments, have similar standards and experiences when it comes to dealing with security on their Wi-Fi.

Chris Miller, a property manager at Eagles Landing Apartments, has also not seen any issues regarding the security of the wireless internet his complex provides.

As of right now, we know there havent been any security issues, at least brought to our attention, but I know that Spectrum is the provider from a standpoint of security and preventative security as well, Miller said.

Miller echoed the notion that security is in the hands of those behind the keyboard.

I think a lot of times were not aware of it; its just something weve clicked on and thats opened up another realm allowing us to be attacked from a security standpoint, Miller said.

John Brucker, a sophomore business major and current resident of Eagles Landing, has dealt with suspicious activity that resembled a security breach in the past, with slower speeds and pop-ups.

Resetting my apartments router usually will resolve the issue, Brucker said.

Wi-Fi security, like many other things, can vary from apartment to apartment. With potential liability issues at hand, off-campus housing properties take preventative measures on their end to ensure that Kent State students safety on their wireless internet is not compromised.

Dylan Bowers covers Tech. Contact him at

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Off-campus wireless internet security on par with University - Kent Wired

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Protecting Websites from Magecart and Other In-Browser Threats – Security Boulevard

The Rise of Third-Party Scripts

Modern web applications have become increasingly reliant on external code, services and vendors that execute JavaScript code in the browser often referred to as third-party scripts. As a close-to-home example shown below, Akamai executes dozens of scripts to populate our home page. Nearly 70% of these scripts come from outside sources.

Partial Request Map View of


We, like almost all other internet-based businesses, use third-party scripts because they enhance the web experience, are easy to add and modify, promote a consistent web experience and are pre-integrated and maintained by the third parties. In fact, web sites today average 56% third-party scripts (Akamai has 68% third-party).

Source: Security and Frontend Performance, Challenge of Today: Rise of Third Parties, Akamai Technologies and OReilly Media, 2017

Magecart a class of credit card hacker groups using new & more sophisticated attack methods has become the poster child of third-party scripts attacks.

Because third-party scripts come from a myriad of trusted and untrusted sources in a businesss supply chain, the attack surface for web-facing applications has become significantly larger and harder to protect. Sites that use credit card processing are at constant risk in fact out of the tens of thousands of sites hit with Magecart in the last few years, 1 in 5 victims are re-infected, often within months of the last attack.

Source: Sangine Security, 2018.

Unfortunately, most application protection solutions today have tried to retrofit existing techniques to prevent third-party script threats using firewall and policy controls. When rigorously applied, this approach can restrict open business practices and the advantage of third-party scripts. And, when applied to loosely, can miss a lot of attacks.

The primary way, security teams keep their scripts clean, is via constant script review and testing which is really hard.

Because of this constant, time consuming, invisible challenge for security teams to be able to detect and mitigate third-party script attacks, it often isnt done making injecting malicious code into web pages via third-party Javascripts one of the most popular attack methods for credit card and credential skimming today. In 2019, an average of 4800 websites were compromised from third-party injected code every month, a 78% increase over 2018.

Source: Symantec 2019 Internet Security Threat Report

Page Integrity Manager is designed to discover and assess the risk of new or modified JavaScript, control third-party access to sensitive forms, and enable automated mitigation. The solution fully monitoring the behavior of each JavaScript workload in the session, through a series of detection layer, using machine learning model, heuristics, signatures and risk score model. This advanced approach identifies suspicious and malicious behavior, enable automated mitigation using policy-based controls, and block bad actors using Akamai threat intelligence to improve accuracy.

Akamai will be launching Page Integrity Manager in 2020.

We are inviting customers to participate in a valuable beta project with a working product to help you be protected from malicious scripts.

To learn more, download our Beta Product Brief.

Join our beta program today by contacting your Akamai sales team.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from The Akamai Blog authored by Mike Kane. Read the original post at:

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Protecting Websites from Magecart and Other In-Browser Threats - Security Boulevard

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The Rise of the Internet of Things | 2020-01-20 – Security Magazine

The Rise of the Internet of Things | 2020-01-20 | Security Magazine This website requires certain cookies to work and uses other cookies to help you have the best experience. By visiting this website, certain cookies have already been set, which you may delete and block. By closing this message or continuing to use our site, you agree to the use of cookies. Visit our updated privacy and cookie policy to learn more. This Website Uses CookiesBy closing this message or continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Learn MoreThis website requires certain cookies to work and uses other cookies to help you have the best experience. By visiting this website, certain cookies have already been set, which you may delete and block. By closing this message or continuing to use our site, you agree to the use of cookies. Visit our updated privacy and cookie policy to learn more.

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The Rise of the Internet of Things | 2020-01-20 - Security Magazine

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Jeff Bezos Phone Hack Should Terrify Everyone – The New York Times

What Mr. Pierson describes is low-hanging fruit the kind of security flaws that can quickly be fixed with a little knowledge and attention to detail. Even then, he said, it takes time for the true nature of clients vulnerability to sink in. Theyre shocked when we give them their password and tell them where we found it, but it doesnt hit as hard as when we tell them their entire home automation system has been potentially online and viewable for three or five or eight years, he said.

When it comes to a Bezos-style breach potentially at the hands of a nation-states intelligence service high-profile targets would most likely be even less prepared. As Mr. Bezos lengthy investigation into the 2018 attack shows, its difficult to get straight answers even when you have the money and resources to run full forensics.

Of course, its not just wealth that turns somebody into a person of interest for hackers. Journalists, government employees, workers at energy companies and utilities could all be targets for someone. Those who work for financial companies, airlines, hospitals, universities, Hollywood studios and tech businesses are all potentially at risk. You can take steps to secure yourself from corporate data collection by using privacy settings on your phone. And to protect yourself from cyberattacks there are helpful guides you can use that have been vetted by security professionals.

For most of us, the attack against Mr. Bezos isnt the death of privacy, but a reminder of the risks of living a connected life. It should be a moment to think as critically about what you do online as you might in the real world. Invest in a password manager. Turn on dual factor authentication. Be skeptical of any communication that looks out of place.

For the ultrarich and influential, the Bezos hack should be a terrifying revelation. As the former State Department employee and whistle-blower John Napier Tye told me last autumn, For someone whos truly a high-value target, there is no way to safely use a digital device. The stakes are astronomically high. Not just personally, as Mr. Bezos found, but professionally. Company secrets, matters of national security, access to critical infrastructure and the safety of employees could all be compromised by lax security at the top.

The internet has long been thought of as a truly democratic tool, flattening and democratizing the ability to publish and communicate. Its also the great privacy equalizer. Money can buy a lot of things. But on a dangerous internet full of exploits, flawed code, shady actors and absent-minded humans, total, foolproof security is not one of them.

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Jeff Bezos Phone Hack Should Terrify Everyone - The New York Times

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Limited internet to be restored in Kashmir, no access to social media – WSAU News

Saturday, January 25, 2020 2:43 a.m. CST

By Fayaz Bukhari

Srinagar (Reuters) - Limited mobile data services and internet will be temporarily restored in Jammu and Kashmir from Saturday, ending nearly a six month communications lockdown after Prime Minister Narendra Modi withdrew the Muslim majority region's autonomy.

Access will be limited to about 300 "whitelisted" websites and internet speed would remain low, the local Jammu and Kashmir government said in a notice late on Friday.

However, social media applications that allow "peer to peer" communication will continue to be banned, it said.

The decision will be reviewed on Jan. 31, the notice added.

The move to restore the services comes days after India's top court ordered the curbs to be reversed, saying that freedom of internet access is a fundamental right and that its indefinite suspension is illegal.

Modi's Hindu-nationalist government has frequently used internet shutdowns as a tool to quell dissent in troubled parts of the country.

It has argued that the blackout was needed to maintain order in the Himalayan region where security forces have been fighting a long-running separatist insurgency encouraged by neighboring Pakistan.

The internet lockdown in Kashmir region since Aug. 5 has severely disrupted the lives of millions, impacting everything from college admissions to bank payments and businesses filing tax returns.

Access will temporarily be allowed to websites of banks like State Bank of India and HDFC, education institutions, news, entertainment sites including Amazon Prime, travel, utilities and food delivery apps like Swiggy and Zomato as well as email and search engines including Google and Yahoo.

While the local government restored limited internet in some parts of the region earlier in January, some people are still struggling to get online.

Nasir Nabi, a student from north Kashmir's Kupwara district, where some services were restored, is pursuing a masters degree through a distance learning course and has been unable to access the university's website.

Because of the slow internet speed, the 23-year-old has not been able to download the study material or get information about any examinations.

Shameem Ahmad, a shopkeeper from the same region, said he has found it difficult to complete bank transactions as the internet speed is very low and most of the times it fails to process the request.

The internet shutdown in Kashmir, which has been on for more than 150 days, is the longest such outage in any democracy, according to digital rights group Access Now.

(Writing by Aditi Shah; Editing by Michael Perry)

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Limited internet to be restored in Kashmir, no access to social media - WSAU News

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Cyber Security Today Kids clothes site hacked, a new phony email extortion scam and be careful with Internet Explorer – IT World Canada

Kids clothes site hacked, a new phony email extortion scam and be careful with Internet Explorer

Welcome to Cyber Security Today. Its Wednesday January 22nd. Im Howard Solomon, contributing reporter on cyber security for

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Childrens apparel maker Hanna Andersson says some people who bought clothes from the website had their names and credit card numbers stolen. The thefts occurred between September 16 and November 11 last year after its online sales platform was hacked. According to a report the attacker was able to place code on the payment page that skimmed off valuable data as it was being entered by customers. Anyone who bought goods during that period is eligible for identity theft protection. They should also watch their monthly payment card statements for suspicious activity.

Theres another phony email extortion scam going around. According to Bleeping Computerthe email message says Your Computer Hacked. It directs recipients to open the attachment to get instructions on how to send the attacker $100. Dont fall for this. The attachment is infected with malware that will steal your passwords and files. Beware of any email with a Microsoft Word or PDF attachment unless you know who sent it and are sure its legit. And remember, hackers may get into the accounts of people you know to send their messages, so even if an email sender address is right the attachment may not be safe.

Encryption is a vital tool to protect businesses and individuals from attack. Scramble data and it becomes useless to theft. Thats why some versions of Windows come with encryption capabilities. You may have heard of Bitlocker, a Windows tool for scrambling entire hard drives. Theres also a Windows tool called EFS, which allows individual folders or files to be encrypted. However, a security firm called SafeBreach warns this capability could also be used by hackers as a form of ransomware by in effect turning Windows against itself. SafeBreach began quietly notifying anti-virus companies months ago and many have updated their product to detect a possible exploitation. Others say they will soon issue an update. Organizations worried about this vulnerability should think about turning EFS off and using other encryption technologies to protect data.

Finally, if you or your organization still uses Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser, be warned there is a serious vulnerability. Microsoft hasnt issued a patch yet. If you are an individual consider switching to Microsoft Edge or another browser. If you are an IT administrator apply a workaround or consider switching the company to another browser.

Thats it for Cyber Security Today. Links to details about these stories can be found in the text version of each podcast at Thats where youll also find my news stories aimed at businesses and cyber security professionals. Cyber Security Today can be heard on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts or add us to your Flash Briefing on your smart speaker. Thanks for listening. Im Howard Solomon

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Cyber Security Today Kids clothes site hacked, a new phony email extortion scam and be careful with Internet Explorer - IT World Canada

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