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Fox News Is Losing Its Mind Over John Bolton – Mother Jones

For hours upon hours on Monday, Donald Trumps lawyers presented their case against removing the president from office over the Ukraine scandal. In doing so, they have danced around a major new revelationthat, in a draft of a forthcoming book, former national security adviser John Bolton reportedly wrote that Trump told him he wanted to withhold vital military aid from Ukraine until that country helped investigate Trumps political rivals, including the Bidens.

But over at Fox, host Lou Dobbs was more blunt. He explained to his audience how Boltonyes, that John Boltonhad become a tool for the Left.

You can watch part of the surreal segment below:

As my colleague Dan Friedman pointed out, Trump attorney Jay Sekulow noted during his arguments before the Senate that not a single witness testified that the president himself said that there was any connection between any investigations and security assistance. Thats a central part of Trumps defense, and it looks like it might collapse entirely if Bolton is subpoenaed to testify. No wonder Dobbs is upset.

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Fox News Is Losing Its Mind Over John Bolton - Mother Jones

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How to Go Through Life with Love in Your Heart – Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley

How do you react to difficult emotions like anxiety, guilt, or anger?

Many of us have the habit of judging ourselves and others harshly, drawing lines of blame that separate us from each other. But theres another way, writes internationally recognized meditation teacher Tara Brach in her new book. Radical Compassion is a way of practicing acceptance and care for ourselves and others that allows us to stay present to all that life brings and stay connected to each other.

Her main tool for cultivating radical compassion is RAIN, where we Recognize, Allow, and Investigate whatever is troubling usbe it the crippling anxiety after our first breakup or the tenderness and guilt of white privilegeand Nurture ourselves with self-compassion.

A psychologist and bestselling author, Brach draws upon her own experience with family, health, and the events of the world alongside her work as a psychologist to provide clear examples and tools for applying ancient spiritual practices to everyday life, from our most challenging emotions to our deep personal relationships. Many of her exercises draw on themes of self-compassion, loving-kindness, and reappraisal, all of which have been found to support well-being.

For me, all of Brachs books (and podcasts) feel like trusted friends I can call upon when I am feeling caught up in unhelpful, self-focused rumination or truly overwhelmed by the bad news of the world. It was a highlight of my year (maybe decade) to interview Brach about her new book. Below, she offers suggestions on the many practices we can try for self-discovery and awareness, and ways to unlock our own deep and true loving nature.

Eve Ekman: When you teach meditation and compassion practice, I really appreciate your focus on the body in a variety of different ways. Why is being embodied so important?

Tara Brach: When we reflect on what we cherish, its intimacy with others, creativity, wisdom, wonder, living fullyand all of them are sourced in an embodied presence. This is why I call the book Radical Compassion: If compassion is just mental, an idea about somebody suffering thats not grounded in that feeling of tenderness in our hearts, it doesnt motivate us to actively express our care. Radical compassion is radical because you go to the roots, because its embodied.

All of us have a kind of degree of dissociation from the body, to avoid that raw intensity that lives in our bodies. Often we hold the emotional wounds weve experienced in our bodies, our issues in our tissues. It really is a deep part of the spiritual path to, with gentleness and awareness, come into the body and reopen to what we have been avoiding. There is even more disassociation if theres been trauma versus a safe, kind upbringing where it is safe to be in our bodies. Disassociation is also amplified by being in a speedy high-tech culture. So its very pervasive.

It does take practice to re-awaken through our body. I encourage people to do mindful body scans, yoga, qigong, or other meditative practices that help us wake up in our bodies. I also feel really strongly that anyone who has experienced trauma needs to be careful to go gradually and with a healer therapist, so that they dont re-traumatize themselves by trying to be embodied. It takes a real atmosphere of care and safety.

I sometimes think of how we imagine shy, scared creatures in the woodsthese are like parts of ourselves that are in our body that we are avoiding. We need to invite them into the light of awareness. If theres something in us that feels difficult to feel, we just say: Im here. If theres fear, I sometimes invite people to sense the fear sitting next to them on a park bench, and then gradually let yourself feel how its living inside you. Re-associating to our bodies is a gradual path.

EE: Looking to the body wisdom is like discovering a different language. In your experience, is it a challenge for people to find their body in the beginning?

TB: A lot of them. And the more dissociation, the more challenge because its just what you saidtheres different language for that body knowing. It takes a certain kind of sensitivity to listening inwardly to be able to feel our body. And if our body has been a dangerous place, then that sensitivity gets cut off; we actually leave the premises and we dont want to listen. So its almost like learning how to listen carefully and use real gentleness and kindness. It might simply be to put your hand on your throat, gently from the inside out to just sense what wants to be paid attention to in there.

EE: In your book, there are many powerful visualization practices. But there are very few high-caliber scientific studies of visualization. How do you understand the unique benefits of imagination or visualization as part of meditation practice?

TB: Loving presence, for example, is a basic capacity and it can be cultivated and strengthened. In order to strengthen it, we need to find pathways, ways of paying attention that wake up our feeling of warmth and openness, and it really helps to use all our senses. The most common pathway we use is offering a loving message, such as I love you, I am here with you, that we say to ourselves. We can do that mentally, or we can do it with a soft whisper. Thats one modality. Another modality thats really, really powerful is touch. In the moments that we put our hand on our heart, theres a warmth and a connection that actually helps us to become more tender.

Then, back to your question, there is yet another modality, and it is imagery and visualization. Many different spiritual and psychological traditions use imagery and visualization, such as in the meditations from Tibetan Buddhism, among others. We take in so much information through our eyes and we think visually. So having something represented in the visual field that actually relates to a deep inner experienceits like the seed is already there, but the image helps to nourish it and bring it into its fullness. So whether its the image of a person you really love and trust embracing you, or imagining a more formless loving presence with light and warmth, it wakes up that experience.

EE: I love your description of using all of our senseswhy exclude any of them, right?

TB: Some sensory modalities are more well developed than others. If a person who is primarily auditory is trying visualization, they will be groping around. For a person thats very kinesthetic, having them put their hand on the heart is really helpful. Sometimes its best to have a person use a modality they dont use very much because that opens up other parts of their brain and sensitivity. My instructions to people are to make practices an experiment. Ask yourself the question: What ways of paying attention help me to wake up a feeling of love? And then customize your practice to make it your own.

EE: And what we need could change day to day, right?

TB: Thats a fabulous point. We know we can get into a habit of doing a loving-kindness practice a certain way, and then it gets rote and it loses some of its freshness and power. So its very good to mix it up.

EE: There are many useful practices in your book. The one that really stuck out to me was the if only reflection. Can you talk about it a bit?

TB: Theres a phrase, if only mind. Without actually saying it to ourselves, it directs our way of moving through the day: If only this would happen, if only I lost the 10 pounds, if only I could get a promotion, if only so and so would treat me differently.

We dont realize how many moments of our life, on some level, are being driven by this sense that we want life different; were hoping the next moment will provide what this moment does not. It happens both on the larger landscape of our life If only I could have the right partnerand also happens during the day, If only I could get a cup of coffee, or get finished with all my emails, and so on. This is so powerful because its a trance, were leaning in the future, were on our way somewhere else.

A big realization we can explore in this practice is that when were suffering, its because in some way we feel like somethings wrong or missing in the present moment; were at odds with reality. Thus recognizing if only mind helps us come into relationship with the present moment.

In Radical Compassion, I offer a lot of reflections to bring unconscious habits that keep us in trance into the light of awareness. If we bring if only mind into awareness, we have the chance to open our hearts more fully to the life thats right here.

EE: You are not a monastic living away from the world; you are very much in the world. How do you keep up your practice with all the demands of your everyday life?

TB: First off, my commitment to practice doesnt come out of a kind of a rigidity, or a sense of should. I actually love practicing. I love love, and I love truth, and so Im pretty motivated. My life is very demanding, so I have set for myself some guidelines that work. One of them is that I dont do technology until after Ive already walked out in the woods by the river and done my sitting. Similarly in the evening: no screens in the bedroom. So theres really an unwinding, a chance to sit and stretch and come out of virtual reality.

After my morning sit, I set intentions, such as: Let me be awake and kind through the day. And Ill build in a lot of different ways of pausing.

EE: Today, many people have never met their contemplative teacher; they only know them by books and podcasts, like me before I met you this morning. What is the role of the teacher in our practice?

TB: Teachers can be incredibly wonderful, helpful older friendsfriends that are farther on the path, so to speak. And they also can be a shadow side, where we play out all of our dependency and abuse of power. So like everything else, that relationship needs to be approached with a tremendous amount of mindfulness.

We need each other. One of the big illusions on the path is that Im a separate self trying to wake myself up. The only way we can realize our non-separateness is to realize our mutual belonging is it. Here we are, you and I, and as were exploring these spiritual questions we sense that behind our roles, the one whos looking through those eyes is no different than the one thats looking through these eyes and this heart, and that the tender place in this heart inside this body is the same field of tenderness in that other person. When we can remember that, its a far more liberating experience than if Im on my cushion with my eyes closed, thinking that Im waking up separately from others.

EE: This dovetails with lots of research that practicing a kind, helpful orientation toward others provides us with meaning. How do you make sense of two themes in contemplative practicesfinding happiness within and finding happiness through relationship with others?

TB: It can seem an opposition when we say that your true refuge is your own awakening heart, breaking the habit of thinking that we need something out there and instead finding peace and wisdom and infinite tenderness right here. Im always already here, and thats true.

The more we open to that, the more we discover that that place of refuge is really a shared field. Were really connecting with the larger belonging, its not myself that is OK. It actually relaxes into sensing we the collective.

When we go inward and become profoundly present to the love thats right here, we can also sense our relatedness and sense our mutual belonging. Either way, were still discovering whats beyond the separate self.

The more we learn to relate to our inner life with compassion and embodied presence, the more that compassion and embodied presence naturally includes everyone else. They go both ways. Its all about just relationshiprelating to life right here, relating to this life between others.

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How to Go Through Life with Love in Your Heart - Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley

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Animal welfare expert Temple Grandin: Creative problem-solving takes visual minds – GreenBiz

Animal behaviorist Temple Grandin designed the humane handling systems used at half the cattle-processing facilities in the United States. An autistic person, she is often described as the voice for those who are sometimes challenged to be heard.

Grandins in-the-field research on the welfare of cattle and pigs spans close to five decades and has earned her numerous accolades, including recognition as a Time person of the year in 2010 and an HBO biopic with actress Claire Danes portraying her.

She is a prolific inventor: she dreamed up both the "squeeze box" (a calming device sometimes used by autistic people who crave touch; it "hugs" them) and a series of livestock handling devices, such as the center track restraint system.

But her engagement with McDonalds motivated to address the conditions at its slaughterhouses really brought her work to the attention of the corporate sustainability movement.

I'm totally visual thinker. When you look at problems visually, you tend to look at them very simply. If you think about them in words, it sometimes gets extremely complicated.

GreenBiz Editorial Director Heather Clancy spoke with Grandin about the collaborative nature of creative problem solving, the promise of regenerative agriculture and the state of animal welfare. The interview was edited for clarity and length.

Heather Clancy: In your latest book, "Calling All Minds," you chronicle the complex process of innovation. Your thesis is that it takes a combination of thinkers to surface and deliver on breakthrough ideas. Why are visual thinkers so important as part of that process?

Temple Grandin: Well, visual thinkers are able to see ways to solve problems, because they can visualize it in their mind. They can also see risks. In engineering-type things, mathematicians tend to calculate risk. Visual thinkers can see it. And I think visual thinking is actually involved in common sense.

We talk about using common sense, but one of the problems today is that schools have taken out all the hands-on classes art and sewing and woodworking and metalworking and mechanics. The other big problem we have is that visual thinkers can't pass algebra, but the thing is, you need visual thinkers.

I'm totally a visual thinker. When you look at problems visually, you tend to look at them very simply. If you think about them in words, it sometimes gets extremely complicated.

Clancy: But you need all the sorts of thinkers to come up with a solution?

Grandin: Well, yes, you do. Like for example, let's take the iPhone, for example. [Late Apple co-founder] Steve Jobs was an artist. He made an interface that was easy to use, but the engineers had to make the phone actually work. That's the different thinkers working together.

Clancy: You are a vocal proponent of trades where people use their hands. How can a large company better support the experiential education that we need for the development of these sorts of skills?

Grandin: In the meat industry and many other factories, there's a huge shortage of maintenance people what I call the clever engineering department. That'd be things like elevators, and that would also be a lot of the specialized equipment in something like a poultry processing plant.

And the reason why we lost those skills is we took out the skilled trades in schools 25 years ago, and these kids are just getting shunted into special ed instead of inventing things like equipment or inventing ways to improve the environment for other things. We need all the different kinds of thinkers, and right now in the U.S., we've got a gigantic shortage of mechanics. These are good jobs that are not going to get replaced by computers. The people who'd better watch out are things like the internist doctor or the radiologist. Theyre going to get replaced by a computer way before a mechanic to fix something is going to get replaced.

Clancy: You've been consulting with livestock companies for decades. These companies, these organizations have had to reteach some of these concepts, right?

Grandin: When I first started working on cattle handling equipment, one of the mistakes I made when I was in my 20s, and a lot of engineers make this mistake, is they think they can fix everything with technology. Well, I learned that technology doesn't replace management. It's just that simple.

One of the things I did that probably made the biggest difference was when I worked with McDonald's and Wendy's on implementing animal welfare systems at slaughter plants. We used a very, very simple assessment tool. We'd measure things like stunning efficacy on the first shot, falling down, cattle mooing and vocalizing during electric prod use.

The thing that you've got to figure out, it's what are the critical control points to measure. What's really important?

I'm using the same principle as traffic laws. Traffic laws work pretty well. Probably your three most important ones drunken driving, speeding and running stop signs and red lights and then I'd throw in texting and seat belts. Those would be the five critical control points. When you think about it visually, it's not abstract. It's very specific. That simple scoring system has been used around the world now, and it really does work.

I think it's hard for some people that think in language to imagine that sometimes you should just score five things

The first thing that people need to understand is you do have different kinds of minds. And I talk about that in my book "The Autistic Brain." You've got the visual thinker or object visualizer. Then you've got the more mathematical pattern thinker. These are going to be your computer programmers, your engineers, also musicians. Then you have people that are strictly word thinkers, and there are some people that think so much in words, they have no visual thinking at all. That kind of a person does exist, but they are rare.

Most people have a kind of a mixture of the different things. But the skills complement each other. We need our visual thinkers to prevent messes like the Boeing Max mess and Fukushima. These are problems I would have visualized I would have seen water coming over the seawall and drowning the emergency cooling pump.

What I've learned about the mathematical mind is it doesn't see it. It calculates the risk. I can't design a nuclear power plant, but maybe I need to be working on its safety systems.

Clancy: Assess how far has the meat industry come on core animal welfare and humane issues.

Grandin: They've come a long way. I'm not going to say they're perfect, but I've been in this industry for 47 years, and in the '80s and the early '90s, the industry was just terrible. I'm not going to defend anything they did at that time.

And then the big food safety problem [emerged] in the early '90s, and McDonald's and other companies like that got all over that. Then in 1999, I was hired to train the food safety auditors to do the animal welfare audits. Within one year, I saw more change than I'd seen in my whole entire career.

And we didn't have to rebuild the plants. It was mostly simple things. Maintenance of equipment, non-slip flooring, adding lights and moving lights to control what animals were seeing because they don't like walking into the dark and training and supervision of people.

Out of 75 plants, only three had to build something expensive. I'm very proud of that. We made some older facilities work.

Clancy: The farming sector is talking a lot about regenerative agriculture, including practices like rotational grazing. What advice would you give to farmers that are incorporating more livestock into their operations about how to do so more humanely?

Grandin: Well, I would work at it slowly. Don't get in 1,000 cattle at one time. Work into it slowly. I am a big believer of regenerative agriculture. I've reviewed a lot of literature on this. In fact, right now, I'm updating my book "Improving Animal Welfare: A Practical Approach" for the chapter on sustainability. And we've got to go to crop rotation.

The problem that you have with monoculture, just growing the same crop over and over again, it works really well in the short term, but in the long term, it wrecks the ground and wrecks the crops, too. In the long term, it doesn't work, and we've got to be getting crop rotation.

One of the rotations needs to be livestock grazing a cover crop. We also have got a lot of rangeland where you can't grow crops, and we need to be working on using it sustainably. And some family ranchers are already doing that.

But the animals are part of the land. Three years ago, we had a crop scientist come to our animal science department to talk to us, and I learned for the first time that the very best agricultural land in Iowa and Illinois was created by herds of grazing bison. The grazing animal made the best cropland we had. We've got to start integrating grazing animals back in with crops.

Clancy: You talk about the importance of stretching children's minds as an integral part of their journey to adulthood. Do you advocate the same sort of thing for adults?

Grandin: Well, yes. Now what you have to do like with autistic kids, they panic if they get what I call, don't throw them in the deep end of the pool. There's a lot of things they need to work into it more gradually.

But let's say you have a crop farmer that wants to try working with livestock. Let's work into it gradually, one field maybe 50 head of stock or something like that. Let's work into it slowly and learn it, so you don't have a big mess.

You see, now I see it. I see it. And then we've got the issue of the crop fields don't have any perimeter fences, and then you've got issues of the cattle getting on the highway, which is very bad results. But work into it slowly, so they learn it.

In looking at guidance on stuff like sustainability, I think in a lot of cases, it's easier to specify to someone in a supply chain what not to do.

You see, it's important to have economic incentives. When I worked with McDonald's and Wendy's on animal welfare, the economic incentive was if the plant didn't get fixed, they would be kicked off the approved supplier list. That was a huge motivator. And the other thing that was good is the scoring system was extremely objective. Right up front, the manager of that plant knew what they had to do. It was not vague. It didn't have things in there like handle cattle calmly. What does that mean? Or handle cattle properly. I don't know what that means.

If you had more than 1 percent of the animals fall down, or 3 percent of the cattle bellowing when you were handling them, you failed the audit. And it was like traffic rules, really objective.

I think another thing, in looking at guidance on stuff like sustainability, I think in a lot of cases, it's easier to specify to someone in a supply chain what not to do. You don't drain your manure into the river, for example. You don't drain an aquifer. You know, this is an example of something, what not to do.

Also, in animal welfare, we've got seven acts of abuse that you never do, the automatic failure of an audit if you did things like dragging animals around when they're conscious. You do that, you're going to fail the audit. It's very clear.

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Animal welfare expert Temple Grandin: Creative problem-solving takes visual minds - GreenBiz

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Grum Discusses Deep State Recordings and What’s to Come in 2020 – EDM Identity

After unveiling the first release on Deep State Recordings GRUM stopped by to chat about the new imprint and whats to come in the future!

If you love the sound of progressive house then theres no doubt that GRUM is an artist who should be on your radar. Known for his skills both in the studio and behind the decks, hes been pushing the boundaries of the style with his stunning releases that commonly found a home in the Anjuna Family.

Now, after releasing his long-awaited albumDeep State on Anjunabeats and launching a radio show that bears the same name last year, hes kicked off 2020 with even more exciting news. Thats right, GRUM has unveiled Deep State Recordings, a new imprint that will be a home for all things progressive. He launched the label with a solid, two-track EP from emerging artist KANE to really pack a punch and start it off on the right foot.

Related: Want to dive deeper into Deep State? Check out our review of the album and find out why it was one of the best releases in 2019!

With Deep State Recordings in full swing and plenty more in store on the horizon, we caught up with GRUM to discuss where he plans to take the label and more. Listen to the latest episode of Deep State Radio below and read on for the full chat!

Thank you! Having my own label is something Ive always wanted to do, and with the album finally out the timing just felt right to do it and try and build upon that. It will be an outlet for mostly underground progressive music I love.

Ive been friends with Kane for a good few years now. Hes been working away with various different music projects and Ive always admired his passion and enthusiasm. He initially sent over Days Like These and I felt it would be a great first release. Its quite bold and different but fits with what I want to do with the label.

Yes, that was a very difficult time, especially since I was put in a situation I was not responsible for. Thankfully we managed to get it sorted out. I was obviously very glad to finally get the album out it was a relief, and really looking forward to moving on.

The radio show was another thing Id always wanted to do. Its really just a mixture of electronic music Im loving each month, from deeper prog to more banging stuff. Im also dropping in a few edits and remakes I create for my sets, which are exclusive to the show. I also talk a bit in the show, which isnt really something that comes naturally to me, although I am enjoying that challenge!

I will always love sampling and the idea of creating something new from something else. But yes, at the moment in terms of official releases its all about creating something entirely new and really putting my stamp on what I do.

My advice is always just to do what you love, whether its trendy or not. Following your own path may feel a bit like being an outsider, but if the music is great people will always come round to it, I think. Kane mentioned above is a good example of that.

In some ways, yes, people want to get to know you a little and I think thats ok. But there is such a thing as giving too much away. Growing up, the thought didnt cross my mind about what the Chemical Brothers were having for dinner.

My career really is my whole life, its hard to do it any other way. But, I do really want to read more books!

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Grum Discusses Deep State Recordings and What's to Come in 2020 - EDM Identity

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Which altcoins have outperformed Bitcoin in January 2020? – Coin Rivet

The new year couldnt have got off to a better start for cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

After the significant Bitcoin pump that took place early in the year, where the price of BTC increased close to 20% in the space of a few days, it seems the market has now stabilised.

Meanwhile, even with Bitcoins rise, some top altcoins have experienced some impressive gains versus the worlds pre-eminent cryptocurrency.

Lets take a look at the top altcoins that have outperformed Bitcoin so far this year, courtesy of

As you can see, the top-performing altcoins in January are Bitcoin SV, Dash, Bitcoin Gold, Ethereum Classic, and Zcash.

However, looking at the last column, with the exception of Bitcoin SV, most altcoins are still well below their all-time highs versus Bitcoin.

Nevertheless, today my goal is to look into which altcoins might help you increase your Bitcoin portfolio in the short term.

During January 2020, some altcoins doubled in price versus Bitcoin, meaning you could conceivably greatly increase your Bitcoin holdings if you spread your investment out to include some top-performing altcoins and then convert your profit back into Bitcoin.

As always, the views in this article should not be considered financial advisement. The volatility of the crypto markets means money can easily be lost. Never invest more than you can afford to lose and always do your own due diligence.

Lets take a look at the top three coins of January 2020: Bitcoin SV (BSV), Dash (DASH), and Bitcoin Gold (BTG).

Above we can see the chart for Bitcoin SV vs Bitcoin, courtesy of TradingView. BSV has been performing quite well versus BTC in 2020 so far.

At the time of writing, BSV has pumped from 1,300,000 sats to nearly 3,300,000 since the start of the year. That represents a 153% gain since early January 2020.

All of Bitcoin SVs EMAs are currently spiking as well, and the 20-day EMA has crossed both the 50-day and 200-day EMAs. If the trend continues, I expect BSV to continue making new highs.

In my last BSV price analysis, I underlined how the next target was around 3,400,000 sats. It seems BSV is coming close to breaching said target to keep the positive momentum going a bit longer.

As long as volume does not decline too much, I dont see a reason why BSV couldnt keep pumping over the next few months.

Dash is a popular altcoin among a great deal of cryptocurrency investors and traders.

Since its early DarkCoin days, Dash has been attempting to solve scalability and privacy two major issues for many crypto-enthusiasts.

Looking at the chart above, again courtesy of TradingView, we can quickly see Dash has been performing quite well during January 2020.

Essentially, the altcoin has grown close to 135% in the span of 30 days against Bitcoin, going from around 600,000 sats to 1,600,000 sats.

If the altcoin is capable of sustaining its current volumes and stays above the 200-day EMA (blue line), we could see its momentum keep going for longer.

Much like Bitcoin SV, Bitcoin Gold is yet another hard fork of the Bitcoin Core software.

Since early January 2020, BTG has grown over 80% versus BTC. At its height two weeks ago, the altcoin peaked close to 130%. Price now seems to be struggling to maintain its positive momentum.

If BTG is capable of sustaining its price above the 200-day EMA, we could see new highs for Bitcoin Gold.

At the moment, BTG is trading close to 136,000 sats. If the altcoin breaks to the upside, we could see 200,000 sats soon, since the volume profile shows little resistance until then.

If the opposite happens, BTG could drop down to its 50-day EMA at around 105,000.

Safe trades!

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the authors only.This article isnt financial advice or promotional material; it represents my personal opinion and should not be attributed to Coin Rivet.

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Which altcoins have outperformed Bitcoin in January 2020? - Coin Rivet

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This Class of Once Hyped Altcoins Is Headed To Zero – newsBTC

The crypto market is driven almost solely by hype and speculation, especially when it comes to altcoin assets outside of the top ten cryptocurrencies by market cap.

One subset of once-hyped altcoins is now approaching an average return of 0% after 200 days, suggesting that no one in their right mind wants to hold this type of crypto asset.

All throughout 2017, alongside Bitcoin was the rise of Ethereum, propelled primarily due to the initial coin offering boom and the explosion of new altcoins being built on top of the Ethereum protocol.

ICOs became the crowdfunding method of choice for many companies and projects during the crypto hype bubble, bypassing regulatory red tape and raising funds quickly.

Related Reading | Exchange-Related Tokens Dominate Crypto ROI Last Year

However, many of these ICOs were launched illegally, and without following International securities laws. The result was project backers receiving fines from the SEC, and ICO investors liquidating their essentially useless tokens at any cost, in hopes of recouping some of the lost investment.

But the crypto market still had much demand for shiny new altcoins. A handful of cryptocurrency exchanges took it upon themselves to provide an alternative.

A select few exchanges launched a new form of crowdfunding, completed with the added backing of the exchange itself. This caused an abundance of new, enormously hyped altcoins that crypto traders flocked to.

The feverish interest in these initial exchange offering tokens satiated the appetite left behind by the ICO crazy, and it helped cause exchange utility tokens to be among 2019s top-performing crypto assets, as many of these platforms required investors to hold or exchange a certain number of their native tokens.

It was a boon for exchanges, that saw a surge in interest and activity surrounding their native platform tokens, however, investors have been left holding heavy bags much like the ICO craze.

IEO tokens are approaching a 0% return over the 200 days since many of them were first released into the wild, making them essentially useless as an investment vehicle.

While some of the assets went on massive rallies, it was likely a result of a low liquidity pump and dump scheme that saw investors of the altcoin Matic left bewildered after a surprise selloff followed a parabolic rally.

According to industry analysts, it appears that no one wants to hold IEOs long term.

The lack of interest or even negative viewpoint towards these assets could be the result of regulatory uncertainty. While the SEC made it clear that ICOs were often unregistered securities, IEOs are more of a grey area.

Related Reading | Former SEC Chief Calls IEOs Unregulated Crypto-Casino Fundraising Mutations

But because its a grey area, the SEC has issued a warning to crypto investors about IEOs regarding how they can be used improperly to entice investors with the false promise of high returns in a new investment space.

However, given the fact theyre approaching 0% returns after 200 days, the idea of the promise of high returns fooling investors would require a complete lack of common sense.

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This Class of Once Hyped Altcoins Is Headed To Zero - newsBTC

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Altcoins on Track to Plunge By 10%, Yet This Crypto Could Rally Higher – newsBTC

Over the past month, altcoins have finally started to break higher, reversing the Bitcoin-centric trend seen in the crypto market throughout all of 2019. In fact, the BTC dominance metric has dropped to 66% over the past week, with digital assets like Ethereum, XRP, and Litecoin starting to outpace the market leader.

According to a prominent cryptocurrency trader, the time for altcoins to outperform Bitcoin is likely up, looking to a number of bearish chart formations.

Cryptocurrency trader Mr. Chief recently noted that he doesnt see anything bullish about these major altcoins, specifically looking to the charts of three altcoins against Bitcoin. These altcoins are Ethereum, Litecoin, and Stellar Lumens.

For ETH, he noted that the cryptocurrency has broken below a key resistance after last weeks rally, and is looking to fall by just under 10% against BTC.

For LTC and XLM, the trader pointed out that the cryptocurrencies are on the verge of falling below a pennant formation with a bearish skew.

While all these altcoins are showing weakness, Mr. Chief did note that there is one major crypto asset that could break higher rather than lower.

The only major altcoin that he signaled has the potential to head higher is XRP, noting that it is currently trading in a flag and looking relatively indecisive, meaning it could break either up or down from the chart pattern aforementioned.

Mr. Chiefs analysis was relatively inconclusive, with him drawing two arrows, one in the upward direction and the other in the downward direction. Interestingly traders believe the bull case is more likely than not.

Earlier this week, Luke Martin, a prominent cryptocurrency trader and podcaster that was featured on CNN, noted that XRP/BTC has recently flipped a key resistance level into support, a bullish pivot implying outperformance.

Also, Amsterdam Stock Exchange trader Michael Van De Poppe revealed in aTradingView post published last weekthat he expects for XRP/BTC to soon explode 170% higher.

He explained that the pair is on the verge of breaking out of a downtrend that has constrained prices since the start of 2019, before adding that XRP has held a very important historical support level against Bitcoin, suggesting bullish strength.

Poppes chart also pointed out that the recent price action is eerily reminiscent of an XRP/BTC break out in 2018, suggesting that a surge of dozens of percent can be had if history repeats itself.

The rest is here:
Altcoins on Track to Plunge By 10%, Yet This Crypto Could Rally Higher - newsBTC

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Crypto Today: Bitcoin and major altcoins retreat from recent highs, still strong in the long run – FXStreet


BTC/USD is currently trading at $9,000 (+4.8% on a day-to-day basis). The coin has been moving within a strong bullish trend and hit a the intraday high at $9,149

The ETH/USD pair is currently trading at $170.90 (+2.8% on a day-to-day basis). The Ethereum retreated from the intraday high of $173.58; now, it is moving within a short-term bearishtrend amid high volatility.

XRP/USD settled at $0.2331 (+1.7%)in recent 24 hours. The coin has been growing sharply since the beginning of the day amid strong bullisn trend on the intraday charts

Among the 100 most important cryptocurrencies, the best of the day are Kick Token(KICK) $0.000058 (+22.9%), Ethereum Classic (ETC) $10.61 (+12.6%) andSynthetix Network Token (SNX) $1.20 (+12.40%).The day's losers are, Bytecoin(BCN) $0.00028 (-6.0%), ICON(ICX) $0.1783 (-5.42%) andiExec RLC(RLC) $0.5434 (-5.92%).

Chart of the day:

BTC/USD, 4-hour chart


The precision of Bitcoin spending has reached all-time high, according to the recent research published by BitMEX Research. The experts found out, that over 70% of all transaction outputs have maximum precision (up to one satoshi) against 40% in 2012. The experts believe that this trend will gather pace in the nearest future along with the price increase and start reversing once Bitcoin is get adopted as a unit of account, which would mean that "goods and services are priced in Bitcoin,businesses report in Bitcoin and economic decisions are based on amounts denominated in Bitcoin."

Some obscure altcoin called 999 coin has gained over 200%in recent 24 hours and reached the market cap of $1.4 billion. The coin looks like a typical pump and dump scheme of another scammy project.


A stale block was found on Bitcoin's blockchain for the first time since October 2019, BitMEX reports. This happened at the blockat height 614,732, when two competing mining pools - and Poolin - discovered a valid block almost simultaneously. The researchers also spotted the double-spending event.

We have conducted a double-spend analysis. Apart from the coinbases, the stale block included 39 txs not in the winning block. 38 of these made it into the next block 614,733. The other had an input of 0.00034801 (US$3) & appears to have been double spent.

However, the probability of malicious reorgs is low due to the insignificance of the amount.

Poloniex customer support reminded the exchange users to withdraw the following coins - DigiByte (DGB), Factom (FCT), MaidSafeCoin (MAID), Omni (OMNI), Primecoin (XPM), Vertcoin (VTC), Viacoin (VIA) as they will be delisted on January 30. According to Poloniex delisting policy, no withdrawal requests will be processed after the deadline, that's why they urge the coin owners to take care of their assets before it's too late.

Once the withdrawal deadline for a particular asset has been reached, withdrawals will be disabled and the asset will be fully decommissioned. From that point forward, we will no longer process withdrawals of impacted assets


China should not rush into creating digital yuan to counter potential challengers from private initiatives like Facebook's Libra. This view was aired byZhu Min, a former deputy governor at the Peoples Bank of China, who urged the government to reconsider its response to Libra and work closely with other countries to develop a consistent global approach. As Chinese yuan is not included in the list of fiat currencies Libra will be based on, China's officials are concerned that it may further strengthen the dominant role of the US dollar. However, according to Zhu Min, it is vital to adopt a coordinated approach to the issue.

I think its critically important to join the discussions and take part in coordinated global regulation of Libra,

This view is shared byBa Shusong, a former researcher at Chinas State Council Development Research Centre. He believes that central banks and regulators should first develop a global regulatory framework for the new technology to avoid tensions in the future.

New Singapore legislation will allow the cryptocurrency-related companies to obtain operating licenses and expand their operations in the country.The Payment Services Act, effective as of January 28, is considered as the firstcomprehensive regulation for companies that provide services related to digital assets, including digital payments and cryptocurrency trading. Apart from that, the new legislation will grantthe Monetary Authority of Singapore the power to supervise the companies and ensure that anti-money laundering and terrorism financing controls are in place.

Quote of the day:

The US Dollar loses 5% of its value within the day against bitcoin and still continues to fall. Seems like a pretty volatile asset if you ask me...

Rhythm (@Rhythmtrader)

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Crypto Today: Bitcoin and major altcoins retreat from recent highs, still strong in the long run - FXStreet

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Bitcoin Is Great But Investing in Altcoins Has More Potential Than You Can Imagine –

Bitcoin had a fantastic 2019.

Source: Shutterstock

It was the best performing asset class last year and by a mile. It rallied nearly 270% to its high in late June. And even with a fourth-quarter pullback, the crypto closed the year up 92%.

For perspective, the S&P 500 finished 2019 with a gain of 29%. Thats a phenomenal year for the index, but still only about one-third of what bitcoin did.

You might think bitcoins rally cant be beat. It can. Believe it or not,there are evenmoreimpressive winners out there.

Im talking about altcoins basically every other cryptocurrency aside from bitcoin.

Altcoins are smaller cryptocurrencies, and much more unknown in the investing world. Skeptics like to point out that if we have bitcoin, why do we need the hundreds of other altcoins on the market? Surely theyre all just scams or fantasies, right?

Im here to let you know that might be the single most ignorant, most expensive belief on the planet right now.It could easily cost you $1 million in lost profits over the next 12 months.

Heres why

Right now, theres a fuse being lit under the altcoin market.

This fuse will set off one of the largest explosions of wealth in modern history. People who invest modest stakes in altcoins will make millions of dollars.

Thats because altcoins arent cryptocurrencies in the way most people think about them. They are actually investments in one of the most valuable, most revolutionary technologies ever created.

Remember, the underlying technology behind bitcoin and altcoins is blockchain. Youve probably heard all the buzzwords surrounding blockchain, but I prefer to say blockchain technologies are justreally, really, reallyvaluable software.

Software programs are one of the greatest forces for wealth creation on Earth. And Im not talking about conventional wealth creation where it takes you 30 years to save up $1 million.

Im talking about wealth creation on steroids where investors can make $30 million in one year. I know that sounds outlandish, but just take a look at this chart:

The orange line at the bottom is bitcoin. In one week, it rallied 9%. Thats a fantastic one-week return. You would make 468% in a year at that pace.

But take a look at the other lines. Those are altcoins and they outperformed bitcoin exponentially.

Bitcoin Cash (the green line) rallied 28%.

Zcash (the red line) climbed 54%.

And Dash (the blue line) was up an unbelievable 108% in one week!

The opportunity in altcoins cannot be beat.

Dont get me wrong. I love bitcoin. I own it myself, and I see a lot of upside potential in the years ahead.

But the upside potential in altcoins is even greater. At the end of the day, they represent a new chance to profit from some of the most valuable software programs ever created. I like to describe them as the oil of the 21st century as theyre about to mint another generation of millionaires in short order.

The tsunami of wealth thats coming with altcoins and the blockchain technology backing them up is due to their ability to make our time vastly more efficient and productive. Thats the goal of any great business model.

Early investors in the best altcoins are like venture capitalists backing the nextMicrosoft(NASDAQ:MSFT), Apple(NASDAQ:AAPL), or Alphabet(NASDAQ:GOOGL).

Its okay if most folks simply dont understand the massive opportunity here. Those in the know understand how valuable software programs that disrupt entrenched, inefficient models and price gouging companies can be and the life-changing amount of money theyre about to create.

Matthew McCall left Wall Street to actually help investors by getting them into the worlds biggest, most revolutionary trends BEFORE anyone else. The power of being first gave Matts readers the chance to bank +2,438% in (STMP), +1,523% in Ulta Beauty (ULTA) and +1,044% in Tesla (TSLA), just to name a few. Click here to see what Matt has up his sleeve now.Matt does not directly own the aforementioned securities.

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Bitcoin Is Great But Investing in Altcoins Has More Potential Than You Can Imagine -

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Elon Musk Finally Reveals What He Thinks about Bitcoin – Spotlight – Altcoin Buzz

In a recent podcast,Elon Musk discussed a variety of topics regarding his past companies, current work, and thoughts on the future of technology.

During the latter part of his interview, Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk also gave his thoughts on Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, a subject thats regular in his tweets.

To remind, in some of them, he mentioned that its his favorite concept. However, he never admitted using crypto or buying into it. Nor did he explain his stance. Now, the air is somewhat clear with Musk noting that hes neither here nor there about Bitcoin.

On the one hand, he deems Satoshi Nakamotos white paper clever. On the other, he has his reservations.

Thus, the CEOsees the possibility of Bitcoin as a tool for illegal transactions.

He also didnt seem to be a fan of the digital gold thesis around the asset as a store of value. He noted, This sort of gets the crypto people angry. But there are transactions that dont exist within the balance of the law. Also, there are many laws in different countries normally, cash is used for these transactions. But, in order for illegal transactions to occur, cash must also be used for legal transactions. You need an illegal to the legal bridge. Thats where crypto comes in.

When asked whether he was referring to dark web activities, Musk replied saying: It cant be entirely dark because, otherwise, how do you buy normal stuff? And cash, these days, is used much rarer. Its increasingly difficult to use cash. In some places, you cant use cash at all. So, theres a forcing function for transactions that are illegal, quasi-legal, and in some cases legal. But its got to have both legal and illegal.

Furthermore, Musk mentioned that he doesnt see Bitcoin and cryptocurrency becoming a global reserve currency of the world. He said: Where I see crypto as is effectively a replacement for cash, said Musk. But not as a replacement for a primary I dont see crypto being the primary database.

Conclusively, Musk pointed out that he doesnt have any moral grievance towards Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

This is sometimes taken as being like Im being judgmental about crypto. But its actually a lot of things that are illegal shouldnt be illegal, he explained.

Previously, Musk accidentally became CEO of Dogecoin.

Elon Musk Finally Reveals What He Thinks about Bitcoin - Spotlight - Altcoin Buzz

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