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How does risk and reward work in cryptocurrency? – Coin Rivet

Regardless of the type of investment, there will always be some risk involved. Otherwise, it would be hard to get a hefty reward, right?

Today I aim at looking at strategies, issues and solutions to some risk/reward conundrums. Understanding the relationship between risk and reward is a crucial piece in building your investment philosophy. Investmentssuch as flipping cryptocurrencies, staking or miningeach have their own risk profile. Understanding the differences can help you more effectively diversify and protect your investment portfolio.

As I said so many times before, diversifying is key to spreading your risk. Without the right strategy for diversification and understanding what types of risks are there, associated to each type of investment, youre likely to lose ROI.

Hence, I take my altcoin price and fundamental analysis so seriously.

Usually people say the higher the risk, the higher the potential return. Perhaps a more accurate statement is, the higher the risk, the higher the potential return, and the less likely it will achieve the higher return.

To understand this relationship completely, you must know what your risk tolerance is and be able to gauge the relative risk of a particular investment correctly. When you choose to put your money into altcoins that are riskier than Bitcoin or Ethereum, you run the possibility of experiencing any or all of the following to some degree:

To fully comprehend how to measure risk, lets discuss the Risk/Reward ratio and why it is useful.

According to Investopedia, the risk/reward ratio marks the prospective reward an investor can earn, for every dollar he or she risks on an investment.

Many investors use risk/reward ratios to compare the expected returns of an investment with the amount of risk they must undertake to earn these returns. Consider the following example: an investment with a risk-reward ratio of 1:7 suggests that an investor is willing to risk $1, for the prospect of earning $7. Alternatively, a risk/reward ratio of 1:3 signals that an investor should expect to invest $1, for the prospect of earning $3 on his investment.

Traders often use this approach to plan which trades to take, and the ratio is calculated by dividing the amount a trader stands to lose if the price of an asset moves in an unexpected direction (the risk) by the amount of profit the trader expects to have made when the position is closed (the reward).

Hence, the risk/reward ratio is a key indicator of how well youve allocated your funds.

In the case of Bitcoin and some other key altcoins, such as Ethereum or XRP, this ratio is absolutely insane.

Before I conclude this piece, I should underline there is a difference between dirty risk and clean risk. To explain how these concepts differ, Ill compare two lending mechanics: Salt and Lendroid.

Dirty risk is hidden risk.Essentially, its risk not fully understood by the borrower. In Salt, you could take out a loan and pay a fixed monthly interest. What isnt properly explained is the hidden risk, in this case what happens if your collaterals price falls to a certain threshold. In sum, you would simply get liquidated if the price of ETH falls below a certain level.

That represents Dirty risk because borrowers may not be aware of this, as it is not cleared explained on the website.

Clean risk, on the other hand, is transparent risk. Essentially, borrowers are fully aware of hidden fees or liquidation prices.

To better understand the difference, let me use the case of Lendroid, a lending platform. What Lendroid created is an alternative mechanism to avoid getting borrowers liquidated.

In Lendroind, there are two kinds of risk liquidity pools you can get involved in. One is the Harbour Pool, which is risk free by design. Worst case scenario, you get back the money you put in it. Much like the brand new smart contract lotteries built on Ethereum. You pool funds with other users, stake those funds, and use the interest to bet. This way, you may never lose (or keep losses to less than 1%).

The other kind of pool in Lendroid is the High Water Pool, where risk is made very clear. It advertises the currency and collateral combination it supports, so the user can make an informed decision. This way, the chances of getting liquidated greatly diminish.

With clear risk and a differentiation between risk pools, its possible for borrowers to avoid hidden risks.

Safe trades!

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How does risk and reward work in cryptocurrency? - Coin Rivet

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I took out a loan with cryptocurrency and didn’t sign a thing – Mashable

Last week, I took out a loan without meeting anyone, signing anything, or even interacting with a human being.

I also invested in a variety of assets that earn interest of up to 5.9 percent a year. I did it all on my own, from my computer. All I needed was some cryptocurrency and a knowledge of how these systems work.

The amounts were tiny: The loan was $30, and I had $95 worth of crypto earning interest. But I could've easily done the same with much larger amounts, at those exact same terms.

To do all this, I was using freely available DeFi, or decentralized finance, services based on the Ethereum blockchain. DeFi is one of the key usages of Ethereum, which, besides being a cryptocurrency, is also a decentralized app platform where most of the currently available DeFi apps reside.

DeFi, in general, encompasses financial services which are transparent, decentralized, and trustless. Instead of having to go to a bank to get a loan, provide your ID and credit score, then have a human assess your situation and decide whether you can get the money, with DeFi it's all algorithmic. A smart contract, with an open-source code available to everyone to check, handles everything. All you need is to provide some ether or ETH the currency of Ethereum or another crypto asset as collateral and choose what you want to do. The smart contract takes care of the rest.

Like I said, all of these services are trustless and decentralized up to a degree. Some require you to create an account; with others, you don't even have to enter your email anywhere. Of course, rules apply: You cannot just lend thousands of dollars worth of crypto without any collateral.

It's been possible to do this for quite a while, thanks to startups such as Maker, Compound, Nexo, and others. But the process wasn't always simple for someone who doesn't know much about Ethereum and cryptocurrencies in general.

However, a new Ethereum mobile wallet called Argent removes nearly all the friction from DeFi literally anyone can use it with very little or no prior knowledge. Argent is currently in an invite-only beta, but it's fully functional, and everything I've done with it was real actual cryptocurrency was moved around and locked in smart contracts that provided the functionality described above.

Making a savings account in Argent is dead simple.

Image: stan schroeder/Argent/mashable

Let's say you're a complete newbie when it comes to cryptocurrencies. After installing Argent, which is a regular mobile app (I used the iOS version, but it's also available for Android), you have the option of adding funds via Apple Pay or Card, or a bank transfer, or you can send cryptocurrencies directly from a wallet or exchange. Going through an exchange may be cheaper, but adding funds with Apple Pay is the simpler option.

So you've bought some ETH (you can buy other coins, too, but let's stick to ETH, as it's the basis for the DeFi services covered in this text). Switch to the Finances tab, and you'll be presented with two options: One is Savings, which uses another service called Compound to invest your funds. There really isn't much more to it: You select one of the assets you own, in this case ETH, and Compound will lock it into a smart contract, which will immediately start giving you a return, calculated in real time.

My small portfolio is growing.

Image: stan schroeder/argent/Mashable

Not all assets carry an equal risk and reward, and not all are equally volatile. For ETH, you'll get a tiny, 0.02% yearly interest rate, and since the price of ETH can be very volatile, you should lock your ETH into this contract only if you plan on holding onto it regardless of price changes. On the other hand, DAI is a stablecoin whose value closely tracks with that of the dollar, making it far less volatile. It also currently yields a better return 5.88% annually at the time of writing so if your goal is to protect your principal in dollar terms and earn some money, it's a better option.

Taking out a loan uses a service called Maker, which isn't very easy on its own, but Argent simplifies that process, too. It lets you borrow a loan against collateral in ETH, to a certain point. Your collateral is locked in a smart contract, and will be returned to you when you pay off your loan plus interest (which, for me, was 9% annually).

Getting a loan in DAI requires you to lock some ETH as collateral into a smart contract.

Image: stan schroeder/argent/Mashable

To do this, all you need to do is play with a couple of sliders, which let you adjust your collateral and the amount of money you want to loan. However, you need to know that Maker contracts also include a liquidation price if the price of ETH falls below that price, your collateral will be liquidated to pay off the loan, together with a certain penalty. You don't want that to happen, so you should choose a safe loan-to-collateral ratio which is also clearly laid out in Argent's interface.

Note that this is different from getting a bank loan, which in some cases requires no collateral besides proof of good standing with your employer. But the advantage of decentralized finance is obvious: You can put your money to work, or take out a loan, without asking anyone for permission. Everything is taken care of algorithmically.

In theory, yes. In practice, I wouldn't trust any of these services with large amounts of money just yet. There are several reasons for this: There could be a bug in the smart contract's code that someone could exploit to steal your money. These contracts are often verified by experts, but bugs sometimes do go unnoticed. The volatility of cryptocurrencies ETH, for example, often loses or gains 5% in value in a single day is an issue, as well. Yes, you can use a stablecoin like DAI or USDC to avoid volatility, but in the case of an (unlikely) catastrophic ETH crash, even DAI could become unstable.

Also, note that my "portfolio," as described above, isn't the greatest. I'm paying a pretty high interest rate on my loan while at the same time receiving a paltry interest for my savings. But it was all done just to illustrate the potential of DeFi; I'd do it differently if I wanted to make the most of it.

All of the services I've used are on the Ethereum blockchain. There are a few on competing blockchains, like EOS and Tron, but the vast majority of DeFi services run on Ethereum.

Argent, which was used for this example, is just one of many cryptocurrency wallets you can use and definitely not the only option for DeFi. I've chosen it because it has a nice, clean interface, and it greatly simplifies the process of taking out a loan on Maker. For more options, check out this website.

DeFi is in a nascent stage. Some of these services, like Maker, have been around for years, but were (some still are) too complex even for techies, let alone people who aren't very tech-savvy.

But this is changing. Services like Compound and apps like Argent are making DeFi accessible to everyone. And while I'd always advise learning about how these services work in the background before investing even a cent of your money, the fact that DeFi is getting simpler means more people will get on board.

DeFi is also quickly spreading to cover far more complex financial products. Every week, I hear about new products or services, or even entire new classes of services. A few examples: A service called Rocket allows you to get a loan using collectibles as collateral; PoolTogether is a lottery in which you cannot lose, only win; and Synthetix offers digital assets tokens on the Ethereum blockchain that provide exposure to other assets, such as Tesla stock, or gold.

The examples I've given are just a small taste of what may come in the future.

Disclosure: The author of this text owns, or has recently owned, a number of cryptocurrencies, including BTC and ETH.

I took out a loan with cryptocurrency and didn't sign a thing - Mashable

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Top 10 Most Read Cryptocurrency Whitepapers of 2019, Bitcoin Tops the Chart – Coin Idol

Feb 01, 2020 at 13:25 // News

As the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry continues to gain traction, new people continue to join this lucrative field, but before entering into such businesses or activities, they first read the whitepapers of the cryptocurrencies they are interested in so that they fully understand how and what they are going to deal with (in) it.

A whitepaper is a respected report or guideline which updates readers succinctly about a multifaceted issue and gives the issuing organization's viewpoint on the substance. Therefore, it is created to assist readers comprehend and appreciate an issue, resolve a challenge, or come out with a proper decision. Here are the most read cryptocurrency whitepapers in 2019.

Bitcoin (BTC) is the world's top cryptocurrency by market cap, developed in January 2009. It follows the ideas drafted in a whitepaper by the unknown and pseudonymous designer called Satoshi Nakamoto, but his/her real identity has yet to be confirmed. The white paper was Published on October 31, 2008, with a title, 'Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.

Ripple is a real-time gross coin (payment system) developed by Ripple Labs Inc. and is the number three cryptocurrency in the globe by market cap. It was initially released in 2012, and the original authors of its white paper are Arthur Britto, Ryan Fugger and David Schwartz.

Ethereum Classic (ETC) is a future generation distributed ledger technology (DLT) platform for a new internet set-up unlocking large amount of money (trillions of USD) in unexploited fiscal surplus in the process. ETC and ETH have a value token known as "ether and can be easily transferred from one participant to another. Ethereum classic was initially released in July 30, 2015 (which is roughly 4 years back).

This is a distributed blockchain oracle system. The cryptocurrency (LINK) has made it easy for conduct smart contracts which link to applications from the real world. The token was created by Sergey Nazarov and Ellis Steve in 2017. It is ranked number 18 in the entire digital currency market.

This is an open-source protocol which also offers smart contract facilities as well as liquidity to allow the P2P exchange of cryptocurrencies on the ETH DLT. The cryptocurrency is ranked 41st in the entire crypto-market.

Binance Coin (BNB) is one of the most popular digital currencies in the world belonging to the Binance platform. It is actually ranked 9th in the market. As of last year, a large number of businesses across the globe allow BNB as a means of payment. The coin was founded in 2017 by Yi He and Changpeng Zhao.

The coin is pegged to the U.S. dollar, making it a stablecoin. TrueUSD is managed by the TrustToken. The coin was founded in 2018 and is ranked as number 42 in the crypto-market.

This is a project by the U.S. online social networking service provider and technology company. The cryptocurrency is expected to be fully rolled out in the first quarter of 2020, and it is believed that it will be a major threat to Bitcoin, the original digital currency.

E2C is a cryptocurrency that enables users to trade electricity in a manner that is economical and also aims at creating a sustainable, free and safe environment (future). Generally, the token targets at bringing the development of lifelong energy solutions.

BTT is a digital currency which operates on the ETH blockchain platform. The coin was created in 2018, and it is currently in the 619th position out of 5,063 cryptocurrencies (at the time of writing).

There are fairly a few amazements in there, but that might arise out of the reason that we have some exceptional whitepapers that you cannot definitely find anywhere else.

Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP) and Binance (BNB) have been here for a couple of good years, but still people go back and visit their whitepapers to understand, research and discover new information surrounding these giant tokens.

Furthermore, Binance white paper is the original 1.1 form of the whitepaper, that says that coins will be branded based on gains or dividends, but this is no longer the case. There are other giants that are trying to enter the digital currency industry. For instance, Facebook is launching its own cryptocurrency known as Libra into the market, and it is expected that its whitepaper will be among the most read. Chainlink (LINK), Ethereum Classic and 0x have also proved to be bullish and famous enough and the entire digital currency community await to see how they will perform next in this competitive market

Also, True USD, Electronic Energy Coin and Blocktrade, have also massively gained in the interest in 2019, and this has made the investors and other participants in the digital currency sector to research about them.

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Top 10 Most Read Cryptocurrency Whitepapers of 2019, Bitcoin Tops the Chart - Coin Idol

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Cryptocurrency Taxes in the UK: What You Need to Know – Bitcoin… – Bitcoin Magazine

Tax season is here in the U.K. and its time crypto investors buckled down to file their cryptocurrency tax returns correctly. There have been a lot of indications that the U.K.s Her Majestys Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is starting to take a stern view of crypto tax evaders.

The first cryptocurrency guidance was released back in 2018 after a special report was submitted by the Cryptoassets Taskforce an initiative launched by the HMRC in collaboration with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and Bank of England. These guidelines clarified some important details about how HMRC views cryptocurrencies, which many see as a prelude to a stricter approach toward crypto taxation.

HMRC also sent requests to some major crypto exchanges (including Coinbase) for information about their U.K.-based investors in August of 2019. This is exactly what the United States IRS did before they sent out warning letters to suspected crypto tax evaders.

All this is to say that HMRC looks to be fairly serious about crypto tax evasion which means that tax filings will become especially important this year. Here are some of the most important things you should know about crypto taxes in the U.K.

For all practical purposes, cryptocurrency is a digital currency. However, when it comes to taxation, HMRC looks at cryptocurrency as an asset. This means that disposal of crypto is subject to Capital Gains Tax. This categorization is being widely adopted by tax agencies; even the U.S.s IRS views cryptocurrency as property for tax purposes instead of a currency.

HMRC says that you need to pay capital gains tax on every disposal of cryptocurrency. Disposal here refers to the following:

Its important to keep in mind that charitable donations of crypto are not subject to capital gains tax. Of course, if the donation is tainted or if it the crypto is sold to the charity at a price greater than the acquisition cost, then capital gains tax will apply.

The actual capital gains tax to be paid will depend on your income tax bracket and the marginal tax rate. Keep in mind that there is an exemption limit of 11,700: If your gains are lower than this amount, you dont need to pay any capital gains tax. If you end up selling crypto which is more than four times the exemption limit (or over 46,800), you will still have to report the capital gains in your tax returns even if the actual gains are below the limit.

In the U.K., cryptocurrency gains are calculated using share pooling. Most people are familiar with accounting methods such as FIFO and LIFO when it comes to taxes. However, share pooling is quite different and involves using the average cost of all current assets to determine the cost of the assets being sold.

There are also additional rules like the same-day rule and the 30-day bed and breakfasting rule that are used to prevent tax loss harvesting or the practice of selling assets at a low price and rebuying it afterward to sustain taxable losses.

Crypto transactions also happen in other forms, for instance:

In each of the above cases, you will have to pay income tax and national insurance contributions. When you dispose of the assets, you will also have to pay capital gains tax in a similar manner as discussed before. It is important to separate the source of your crypto assets when preparing crypto taxes in the U.K. as HMRC has specifically classified hard-fork proceeds and airdrops as income.

If you trade cryptocurrencies as part of your business, then trading profits will be subject to income tax. This kind of trade is similar to trading in securities, shares and other financial instruments the HMRC Business Income Manual (BIM56800) deals with these transactions in detail.

HMRC recommends keeping detailed records of all your crypto transactions. Since even crypto-to-crypto trades are taxable, you will need to figure out the value of the crypto at the time of sale which could prove very time consuming if you are running bots.

Another thing to consider is that crypto exchanges dont always provide complete records, so its best to be proactive and keep a log of your trades. Nowadays, there are also tools such as Koinly, Cointracking, Lukka (formerly Libra), BitcoinTaxes and others that can help you with your record keeping for tax purposes.

Given that HMRC has made it a point to clarify regulations around crypto taxes and has also started asking for information about U.K.-based traders from crypto exchanges, its high time to get your affairs in order. If your crypto tax returns arent completely up-to-date, you should use this year to get things sorted even filing amended returns if you need to. The tax returns for the 20182019 tax year are due at the end of January!

This is a guest post by Robin Singh, founder of Koinly, a cryptocurrency tax startup. Views expressed are his own and do not necessarily reflect those of Bitcoin Magazine or BTC Inc. This article is for information purposes only and should not be construed as financial or tax advice. Consult with a tax professional to properly assess your particular tax situation.

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Cryptocurrency Taxes in the UK: What You Need to Know - Bitcoin... - Bitcoin Magazine

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Singapore tightens AML restrictions on cryptocurrency companies – The Next Web

Cryptocurrency businesses operating in Singapore will need to register and be licensed to continue serving customers in the country.

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) said on Tuesday that the Payment Services Act will now be enforced.

First passed in January last year, the act gives the regulator supervisory authority over all paymentbusinesses in the country.

[Read:Singapores financial regulator wants its banks and blockchains to be friends]

Companies now have a month to register with MAS. Once they do so, businesseswill have six months to apply for a payment institution license.

Services that MAS will now be regulating are domestic money transfers, merchant acquisition, and digital payment token services,said Mr Ong Ye Kung, minister for education, in a speech last year.

We will be among the first few financial services regulators in the world to introduce a regulatory framework for digital payment token services, or what is commonly understood as cryptocurrency dealing or exchange services, they added.

Back in October 2018, the regulator revealed that it would help local cryptocurrency companies get traditional bank accounts.

Singapore is known for its expanding fintech ecosystem with blockchain technology playing a significant part in that.

Earlier this year, a report found that blockchain development was the fastest-growing skill in Singapore.

In November 2018, the Singapore government said it would provide seed funding for companies todevelop a blockchain platform to connect all industry stakeholders.

Published January 28, 2020 09:30 UTC

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Singapore tightens AML restrictions on cryptocurrency companies - The Next Web

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2019 saw more cryptocurrency hacks than any other year – ZDNet

Image: Chainalysis

In 2019, hackers have successfully breached 11 major cryptocurrency exchanges and have stolen more than $283 million worth of cryptocurrency, according to blockchain analysis firm Chainalysis.

The 11 hacks represent the highest number of security breaches at cryptocurrency exchange portals recorded in a single year in the last decade, up from six incidents recorded in the previous year, in 2018.

However, despite a rise in the number of reported hacks, attackers didn't make the profits they expected, netting only $283 million. The number is far below the $875.5 million hackers made in 2018 from just six hacks, and the $483 million they made in 2014, from only three breaches.

According to Chainalysis, the sharp rise in the number of successful hacks can be attributed to attackers evolving to use more sophisticated methods for infiltrating cryptocurrency exchanges, which allowed them to carry out more hacks than before.

On the other hand, cryptocurrency exchanges didn't sit idly either. Chainalysis reports that many invested in improved security features and transaction verification systems, which, in turn, reduced the amount of funds hackers managed to steal before being detected and transactions reversed and funds recovered.

But when hacks are successful, Chainalysis reports that "the majority of funds stolen in exchange attacks end up being sent to other exchanges, where they're likely converted into cash."

However, Chainalysis also reports that "a substantial portion of funds sit unspent, sometimes for years."

"In those cases, there may still be an opportunity for law enforcement to seize the stolen funds," researchers say.

Chainalysis experts report that over the course of 2019, they traced more than $2.8 billion in Bitcoin that moved from known criminal entities to a few exchange portals, where they were quickly cashed out into fiat currency.

The $2.8 billion figure, besides funds hacked from cryptocurrency exchanges, also includes other types of illegal transactions, such as ransomware payments, funds from phishing operations, online scams, and funds associated with known criminal and terrorist groups.

Of these $2.8 billion, Chainalysis says that more than 50% of the funds were transferred to accounts on the Binance and Huobi exchange platforms -- two of the internet's largest cryptocurrency exchanges -- where crooks laundered the stolen coins into cash.

"Overall, just over 300,000 individual accounts at Binance and Huobi received Bitcoin from criminal sources in 2019," Chainalysis reported.

"That may come as a surprise given that Binance and Huobi are two of the largest exchanges operating, and are subject to KYC [Know Your Customer] regulations," experts added.

KYC regulations, which are in effect in almost all countries over the world, mandate that companies require customers to authenticate and verify their identities before doing business on their platforms.

However, Chainalysis reports that many criminal groups are skirting this requirement by using entities called OTC (Over The Counter) brokers.

OTC (Over The Counter) brokers are entitites that operate on classic exchange portals and act as intermediaries that can facilitate trades between buyers and sellers who don't want their identity or accunts associated with transactions on open blockchains.

"The problem, however, is that while most OTC brokers run a legitimate business, some of them specialize in providing money laundering services to criminals," the Chainalysis team says.

"OTC brokers typically have much lower KYC requirements than the exchanges they operate on," researchers added. "Many of them take advantage of this laxity and help criminals launder and cash out funds, usually first by exchanging Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies into Tether as a stable intermediary currency before they presumably cash out into fiat."

But tracking illegal transactions on public blockchains isn't an accurate science. Researchers need to discover and then track the blockchain addresses used today's secretive criminal and terrorist operations.

Of all illegal activities and transactions happening on public blockchains, ransomware payments are the easiest to track, as the ransom payment address is usually included in ransom notes that cyber-security firms can obtain from analyzing malware samples.

The Chainalysis team says that based on their data, in 2019, ransomware gangs received just over $6.6 million in ransom payments, "largely driven by an October surge in attacks carried out using the Bitpaymer, Ryuk, and Defray777 ransomware strains."

However, Chainalysis is the first one to admit that this number is "almost certainly an underestimate" and that ransomware gangs most likely earned a figure larger than the $6.6 million they managed to confirm and track.

More details on the blockchain ecosystem and the criminal underground will be available later this month when Chainalysis publishes its 2020 Crypto Crime Report.

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2019 saw more cryptocurrency hacks than any other year - ZDNet

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Banning Cryptocurrency – Economic and Political Weekly

The Indian Government, under the chairmanship of Subhash Garg, appointed a committee for evaluating the working of cryptocurrency and its future scope. In its July 2019 report, the committee submitted a draft bill for the banning of cryptocurrency on the pretext of itsillegitimate existence and its direct challenge to the legal tender of the government (Indian Rupee). Cryptocurrencies, which shot to fame after the 2008 economic meltdown, are a unique method of virtual transaction, run on blockchain technology, instead of the conventional banking sector where there is a third entity to regulate the transaction of the individual, like a bank. The blockchain technology does away with that third party transaction and instead gives peer-to-peer transaction. However, due to its fluctuating nature, the cryptocurrency is not getting enough support from the government; in addition to that the whole premise of cryptocurrency has an essence of extreme libertarianism, with a hue of anarchism. During the 2008 economic meltdown, where most of the banks went bankrupt and millions of dollars were lost, economists blamed the banking sector for its overemphasis on unsecured loans. This distrust on the banking organisation boosted the blockchain technology, which was primarily introduced to support the mechanism of cryptocurrency. Under the blockchain technology, the nodes were able to transact without any third party interference on a peer-to-peer level and as the transactions were open to all the nodes to see, it became impossible to change any of the block of the blockchain, which brought in the immutable characteristics of the cryptocurrency. It is not that blockchains were immune to shortcomingsthere is a possibility of 51% attackbut the possibility of that happening is very rare.

The main heading of the bill showsits objective clearly minted on its text that is Banning of the Cryptocurrency. Keeping this predetermined objective of the bill in mind, it defines as to what qualifies to be called as a cryptocurrency. The bill says under Section 2(1)(a),

Cryptocurrency, by whatever name called, means any information or code or number or token not being part of any Official Digital Currency, generated through cryptographic means or otherwise, providing a digital representation of value which is exchanged with or without consideration, with the promise or representation of having inherent value in any business activity which may involve risk of loss or an expectation of profits or income, or functions as a store of value or a unit of account and includes its use in any financial transaction or investment, but not limited to, investment schemes.

If we emphasise on the term with the promise or representation having inherent value the definition here is targeting the fluctuating nature of the cryptocurrency. Due to the possibility of chances involved in a cryptocurrency, it makes cryptocurrency volatile.

Further, the bill specifically lays down that Cryptocurrency not to be used as legal tender. Under Section 6 of the bill, it prohibits the use of cryptocurrency as a medium of exchange. While Section 6 lays down a general ban on use of cryptocurrency, Section 7 of the bill deals with particular activities where it cannot be used.

The last two years have been a relentless endeavour from the central government to reconcile with the technological advancement of the world. Either it is Data Protection Bill, 2018 that is running a risk of turning redundant on grounds of its non-application on blockchain technology, or it is this particular bill. However, the irony is that both of them are still bills and not laws. The next important question that needs to be asked is whether it was required to have a law for banning cryptocurrency, or if the data protection law itself could have been good enough to handle the case of cryptocurrency. As cryptocurrency is primarily dependent on the blockchain technology for its existence, the question is whether data protection law, if amended appropriately, could have handled the blockchain technology and, by default, handled cryptocurrency. Or, the step of bringing in a new bill to specifically target cryptocurrency represents the fear about the sovereignty of the country being in threat.

Ashit Kumar Srivastav


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Banning Cryptocurrency - Economic and Political Weekly

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Paris Saint-Germain Teams up With Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform CoinCasso – Bitcoin News

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The new Uphold mobile app features an Anything to Anything interface, which lets users easily trade directly between more than 60 assets. This means that Uphold users in the UK for example, can now directly buy bitcoin cash (BCH) with ... read more.

5 Online Casinos That Accept Bitcoin Cash

Digital cash was the original use case for bitcoin, and it remains the primary one for bitcoin cash (BCH) today. The ability to send funds anywhere in the world quickly and cheaply has made bitcoin cash a popular choice for ... read more.

Trustverse Token Now Listed for Trading on Exchange and Users Can Win 1 Million TRV

The Exchange continues to rapidly expand its offerings. The latest asset to join it is the Trustverse token, which is now listed for trading on Bitcoin.coms premier trading platform. To promote the success of the new listing, Trustverse is ... read more.

Zcash Community Votes to Distribute 20% of Mining Rewards to Infrastructure Development

The Electric Coin Company, a group that supports the development of Zcash (ZEC), announced the community has voted to distribute 20% of the ZEC network's mining rewards to infrastructure and marketing development. The ZEC development funding proposal was initiated because ... read more.

Another Crypto Exchange Discourages the Use of Bitcoin Mixing Services

The cryptocurrency exchange Binance was recently scrutinized for flagging a customers funds because the individual had used a bitcoin mixing application. Now the platform Paxos Global is discouraging the use of crypto mixers after a customer allegedly sent coins to ... read more.

Bank Frick Expands Range of Crypto Assets to Offer Trading and Custodian Services for Bitcoin Cash

Bank Frick, a leading European blockchain bank, has expanded its range of cryptocurrencies for which it offers trading and custodian services. Bank Frick now offers trading and secure custody of bitcoin cash (BCH) for professional market participants and wealthy private ... read more.

Swiss Municipality Zermatt Accepts Bitcoin for Government Services

Zermatt, a municipality in Switzerland at the foot of the Matterhorn known for its ski resort, has started accepting bitcoin for government services. The Zermatt town hall now has a point-of-sale solution, installed by Zug-based Bitcoin Suisse, to accept the ... read more.

Decentralized Finance Is Blossoming, But Just How Decentralized Is Defi?

The defi market has hit an all-time high as the total value locked up in decentralized finance has surged past $850 million. A flurry of new applications, privacy proposals, wallets, DEXs, and protocols is extending the limits of what defi ... read more.

Deutsche Bank Reports 5.3 Billion in Net Loss for 2019 as It Counts the Cost of Restructuring

A year of reorganization has left its mark on Germanys leading financial institution. Deutsche Bank revealed this week it suffered significant losses in the last quarter and all of 2019. The banking giant claims that the damage is entirely driven ... read more.

These Are the Most Traded Tokens on Decentralized Exchanges Right Now

The decentralized exchange landscape is evolving fast, with new liquidity aggregators and relays enhancing usability while reducing slippage. Trade volumes are also strong across the leading ERC20 DEXs and Binance DEX. The bulk of this volume is captured by a ... read more.

Hierarchies of Money: Why You Use Bank Money But the Bank Wants Reserve Currency

While people tend to think of money as being all the same, the fact is governments and banks use different types of money than the everyday individual. From the top of the economic pyramid of world reserve currencies, down through ... read more.

Ethereums Value Transfer Is Now Dominated by Stablecoins

The Ethereum (ETH) blockchain has become home to a number of stablecoins. On January 29, Messari researcher Ryan Watkins explained that the stablecoin value transfer issued on the ETH chain recently flipped the number of native ether transactions. Essentially, Ethereums ... read more.

US Bank Silvergate Sees Growth in Crypto Clients, Despite Decreasing Deposits From the Sector

Financial results released by two U.S. banks providing services to the crypto industry have indicated a decline in deposits from digital currency customers. However, a positive trend has been observed as well. One of the crypto-friendly institutions, Silvergate Bank, has ... read more.

Cashfusion Far More Practical Than Other Coinjoin Protocols, Says Data Analyst

On January 29, data analyst James Waugh decided to test and see if the Cashfusion protocol was really anonymous. After testing Cashfusion, Waugh explained he sifted through a number of transaction inputs and outputs and realized that its not possible ... read more.

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Cambodia To Launch A National Cryptocurrency In The Coming Months Crypto.IQ | Bitcoin and Investment News from Inside Experts You Can Trust -…

January 31, 2020 / by Crypto.IQ

Cambodia, a Southeast Asian nation with 15 million people, is the latest country to show interest in launching a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), i.e. a cryptocurrency managed by the government.

Specifically, the National Bank of Cambodia has undertaken Project Bakong, a blockchain-based peer to peer payment and money transfer system that will launch in Q1 of this year.

Apparently Project Bakong already launched in a trial phase starting in July 2019, and the trial has apparently gone well so the CBDC will be operational nationwide sometime in the next few months.

One of the major benefits of this Cambodian CBDC is that citizens will be able to send payments to each other regardless of which bank they use, and 11 banks are already onboard. Also, the crypto wallet will be directly attached to an individuals bank account, facilitating easy transfer between the CBDC and hard currency.

Further, it is expected that using the digital currency will be cheaper and faster than conventional methods like credit cards. Therefore, this new CBDC could potentially be a boon for the Cambodian economy.

Cambodia is just one of many nations which have showed interest in operating a CBDC, although it appears Cambodia is further along in the development process than most other countries.

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Cambodia To Launch A National Cryptocurrency In The Coming Months Crypto.IQ | Bitcoin and Investment News from Inside Experts You Can Trust -...

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49,999,995 XRP Sent to Bitstamp Is This Cryptocurrency Giant Behind the Curtain? – The Daily Hodl

A series of large XRP transfers have crypto traders on alert.

The single biggest transfer sent 49,999,995 XRP worth about $11.6 million to the Luxembourg-based cryptocurrency exchange Bitstamp. The transfer triggered quite a stir, with many traders wondering if the XRP holder is planning to sell.

According to the crypto tracker Whale Alert, the XRP in question was sent from an unknown wallet. However, data from the XRP explorer Bithomp indicates the wallet was activated by the crypto custody giant BitGo.

Bitstamp and BitGo partnered back in October in a move designed to give Bitstamp a safe way to store its customers assets. The fact that the wallet was activated by BitGo suggests the transfer may be a routine shuffle of assets at Bitstamp.

The security of our customers funds is always our highest priority at Bitstamp. With BitGo Custody, Bitstamps assets will be secured on 100% cold storage technology in bank-grade class III vaults and protected by BitGos $100 million (USD) insurance policy.

Meanwhile, the XRP Ledger Monitor is tracking a series of additional million-dollar XRP transfers in the last 24 hours. At time of publishing, the most recent is a movement of 15,000,000 XRP worth $3.5 millionfrom the crypto exchange Binance to another wallet activated by BitGo.

In addition, the South Korean crypto exchange Coinone sent 20,519,000 XRP worth $4.8 million between two internal wallets, and Bitstamp sent 21,990,778 XRP worth $5.2 million between two of its internal wallets.

The payments company Ripple, which holds more than half of the total supply of XRP, recently moved 356,207,423 XRP worth $78.4 million in two separate transactions. Ripple sold significantly less XRP in the fourth quarter of last year, with the purpose of the two transfers in question unknown.

Featured Image: Shutterstock/d1sk

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49,999,995 XRP Sent to Bitstamp Is This Cryptocurrency Giant Behind the Curtain? - The Daily Hodl

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