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Why Venezuela’s Oil Based Cryptocurrency Is Still Alive –

In a recentWall Street Journalarticle, Mary Anastasia OGrady writes that VenezuelasNational Superintendency for the Defense of Socio-Economic Rights is reportedly pressuring stores to accept the governments new digital fiat currency, the Petro.The Venezuelan government claims its digital currency, which launched in early 2018, is backed one-for-one by a barrel of oil. The petro is also intended to circulate at a fixed exchange rate with the bolvar soberano, the latest iteration of Venezuelas fledgling currency.

Ms. OGrady quotes me summarizing some of the work I have done with Josh Hendrickson and Thomas Hogan, which shows that a government canget its citizens to use its preferred money so long as it issufficiently bigor is willing to levysufficiently large punishments. But she leaves another question unanswered:why would the Venezuelan government prefer the petro? Stays Alive

Three reasons stand out.

Venezuela relies heavily on oil revenues.According to OPEC, oil revenues typically account for around 99 percent of Venezuelas total export revenues. And, historically, much of those oil exports have gone to the U.S. However, its oil exportsfell by a third in 2019, in large part because ofeconomic sanctions levied by the U.S.

To fully appreciate the nature of the problem, it is useful to make a distinction between primary and secondary sanctions. Primary economic sanctions levied by the U.S. government prevent Americans from purchasing oil from Venezuela. However, the U.S. government has also announced that it will impose sanctions on anyone else trading with Venezuela. And these secondary sanctions have been pretty effective.

Why are U.S. secondary sanctions so effective?J.P. Koning is certainly correctwhen he writes that most companies and countries do not want to risk losing access to U.S. markets. But he probably goes too far in claiming this has very little to do with the U.S. dollar functioning as the worlds reserve currency. The U.S. government has a much easier time monitoring international transactions executed in U.S. dollars.

International transactions executed in U.S. dollars are typically cleared in a New York bank. Those banks know their customers and are obliged to hand over transactions data to the U.S. government when subpoenaed or if they suspect a crime is being committed. Related: Texas Oil Production To Rise In 2020 Despite Lower Prices

If the international transaction is executed in some other currency, like euros, the information is a little more difficult for the U.S. government to access. Of course, most European banks will refuse to clear the transaction as well since the U.S. government can require they hand over the relevant transactions data, in which case they would be found to have violated sanctions by processing the transaction, or they would lose access to U.S. markets on grounds of non-compliance; and, since most international transactions are executed in U.S. dollars, a European bank that cannot transfer money to and from U.S. banks will struggle to serve its international transactions-making customers.

Nonetheless, the risk of detection is probably a little lower than it would be if the transaction were made in U.S. dollars. And, as a result, the transaction is more likely to be executed.

The international financial plumbing has a lot of pipes running to and from the U.S. And that gives the U.S. a lot of power to levy sanctions, not just on its own citizens, but also on citizens and companies of other countries interested in international trade.

You can probably see where this is going. If Venezuela were able to create a parallel financial system, one with no pipes going to and from the U.S., it could make and receive international transactions with even less risk of detection than is afforded by other national currencies, like the euro, ruble, or renminbi.

Thats where the petro comes in. As a digital currency, it enables one to send or receive funds virtually anywhere around the world. And, to the extent that those transactions are disconnected from the U.S. financial system, they are much less likely to be detected by the U.S. government.

Again: the sanctions still apply. But, by conducting transactions in petros, they are easier to get around.

Why, then, does Venezuela push the petro at home? Why not just require it for international transactions? For one, few will be willing to accept the petro if there isnt a very big market for petros. Hence, by increasing the demand for petros at home, Venezuela makes it less risky for foreigners to accept them if only for a short period of time.

For international transactions, the petro offers those interested in skirting U.S. sanctions some financial privacy not afforded by traditional cross-border electronic transfers. For internal transactions, in contrast, it almost certainly offers far less financial privacy than hand-to-hand currency.

As Josh Hendrickson and I explain in arecent working paper, hand-to-hand currency cash affords a lot of financial privacy. There are drawbacks to using cash, to be sure.

Cash does not bear interest. It is easier to lose and easier to steal than balances held at a bank and less likely to be insured due to loss or theft. It is more cumbersome for high-valued transactions, since one must carry many notes, and odd-amount transactions, since one must provide the correct denominations. And it typically requires the sender and receiver to be physically present in the same location when funds are transferred. Related: U.S. Administration Discusses Plan To Oust Venezuelas Maduro

But, for relatively small, local transactions where financial privacy is important, cash is still king.

It is easy to imagine, then, why the Venezuelan government might want to push its citizens to swap physical bolivares for digital petros even in the absence of international sanctions. The petro makes it much easier to monitor transactions and punish those conducting transactions inconsistent with the prevailing governments objectives.

It is difficult to mount much opposition without funding. And it is difficult to raise funds for an opposition movement if would-be contributors worry they will be caught and punished. By requiring petro use, the Maduro regime tightens its grip on power. YOUR INBOX

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Finally, widespread petro use would presumably help Venezuela with another one of its self-inflicted problems: cash shortages.

When the money supply (i.e., cash and deposit balances) increases, as it tends to do quite rapidly in Venezuela, the purchasing power of that money falls. As a result, more cash is needed to make routine transactions. But Venezuela does not print its bolivares notes. And, for obvious reasons, the private companies willing to crank out its ever-increasing supply of bolivares notes are not willing to receive payment in bolivares.

This has led to some amusing headlines. In April 2016,Bloombergreported thatVenezuela Doesnt Have Enough Money to Pay for Its Money. In July 2018, theEconomistreported thatVenezuelan cash is almost worthless, but also scarce. The reality on the ground is far from amusing, though. The inability to make routine transactions leads to a decline in production, leaving ordinary Venezuelans even poorer than they already were.

There are two solutions to this problem.

If the National Superintendency for the Defense of Socio-Economic Rights is successful in pressuring stores to accept the petro, it would serve the Maduro regime well. By making it easier to avoid sanctions, the petro enables the government to regain some of its lost oil revenues. By making it easier to monitor domestic transactions, the petro aids efforts to stamp out political opposition. And, by reducing the need to print up so many new notes during periods of hyperinflation, the petro reduces the likelihood and magnitude of cash shortages.

Alas, in helping the Maduro regime maintain power, the petro seems unlikely to improve the lives of ordinary Venezuelans.

By William Luther via

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Why Venezuela's Oil Based Cryptocurrency Is Still Alive -

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Russia to Ban Cryptocurrency as a Payment Method and Looking to De-anonymize All Crypto Users, Likely in Response to Accelerating Economic Weakness …

The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), successor to the KGB, and the Bank of Russia have agreed to ban cryptocurrency payments in Russia, and it remains possible that they will enact even stricter measures. This move came with the backdrop of an increasingly shaky Russian economy, which may explain the decision.

The Bank of Russia is actually pushing for a complete ban of anything cryptocurrency related, making cryptocurrency completely illegal. Despite the agreement, the FSB acknowledges that a total ban of cryptocurrency is not tenable.

Indeed, if cryptocurrency were completely banned in Russia, it would instantly become a lucrative black-market industry. Cryptocurrency is cryptographically secure, immutable, instant, and anonymous, especially privacy coins like Monero (XMR). Even Bitcoin (BTC) transactions can be made completely anonymous if a virtual private network (VPN), Tor, or a mixer is used.

That means cryptocurrency can easily continue to function despite the ban, providing a new business for criminals. And thats not to mention that regular crypto enthusiasts could end up going to jail.

The FSBs proposed solution is to authorize specialized operators who will offer exchange services between crypto and fiat and to identify all crypto users.

If this proposal becomes law, anyone who holds crypto, even if they dont use it, will have to go through an intensive identification procedure and would receive criminal penalties if they do not comply.

In other words, crypto holders and users in Russia would have to give up their anonymity, and if they dont, they could end up in jail.

This means the future of cryptocurrency in Russia is between a rock and a hard place. Either crypto will be totally banned as the Bank of Russia wants, or it will be legal to hold, mine, and exchange crypto, but not use for payment. As well, users will not have the right to anonymity.

Notably, this law will not pass until spring, so the Russian crypto space will have an uncertain future until then. That being said, the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market is 99% sure this law will be passed, and it is clear this law will at least neuter the functionality of cryptocurrency in Russia, if not totally make it illegal.

Russia banning cryptocurrency is probably not a coincidence. It comes at a time when the Russian economy is not faring well, mostly due to the Coronavirus pandemic. China is Russias biggest trading partner, but China has been hard hit by the Coronavirus, with 75,000 cases and 2,000 deaths as of this writing.

In order to prevent the Coronavirus from spreading, Russia has completely closed its border with China, meaning all imports and exports are halted. It is obvious how this can have a significant negative effect on the Russian economy, and it is unclear when the border will be reopened.

Since the middle of January the Russian Ruble (RUB) has weakened 6% relative to the U.S. dollar.

But even before the Coronavirus became an issue the Russian economy was slowing, with 1.3% GDP growth in 2019, versus 2.5% in 2018. The Russian economy is also well below the global average GDP growth of 2.9%. Apparently, this GDP slowdown was caused by Western sanctions imposed after the Russian invasion of Crimea and a drastic drop in oil prices.

So the Russian economy was already weakening in 2019, and the Coronavirus could end up being a deathblow due to drastically declining international trade, declining global equities and investment, and oil prices falling even further.

In light of those things, banning crypto makes sense. Other countries that have banned cryptocurrency in the past have done it to prevent capital outflows.

If cryptocurrency is partially or fully banned it will be difficult for Russians to sell off Russian Rubles (RUB) for crypto or cash out stocks to buy crypto, keeping more money in the Russian ruble (RUB) and the stock market.

But Russias plans to restrict crypto will not save the economy. The amount of money that could potentially outflow from stocks and the Russian Ruble (RUB) into cryptocurrency is relatively small compared to the amount of money lost during an economic crash, even if crypto is completely legal.

Rather, the primary effect will be that the Russian black market and the associated cartels and mafias will have a whole new industry to profit from, potentially increasing crime in Russia. This is ironic, considering that Russias reason for restricting crypto is to battle money laundering and criminal activity.

Russia would we wiser to regulate cryptocurrency, so the industry remains in the hands of legitimate businesses,and the government can earn tax revenues from cryptocurrency activity.

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Russia to Ban Cryptocurrency as a Payment Method and Looking to De-anonymize All Crypto Users, Likely in Response to Accelerating Economic Weakness ...

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Swedens Central Bank To Begin Testing National Cryptocurrency – CryptoPotato

The Swedish Central Bank will establish a test group for its potential digital currency the e-krona. It will run for a year and should confirm if theres an actual need case for launching a digital krona.

Recently reported by local news, the Riksbank is ready to launch a group to examine the potential e-krona. The participants will play out different scenarios to determine if the digital currencys performance is sufficient and reliable. A statement from the bank outlines the various requirements that the e-krona needs to address before launching:

The aim of the project is to show how an e-krona could be used by the general public. A digital krona should be simple, user-friendly as well as fulfill critical requirements for security and performance.

The project will run on the blockchain technology in an isolated test environment. The participants will store the e-krona in a digital wallet. They will use a mobile app to make payments, deposits, and withdrawals. Additionally, users will also make payments via cards and smartwatches.

The bank will run the test group for a year until February 2021.

The Swedish central bank will also collaborate with other countries to discuss potential cases for issuing their cryptocurrency. To do so, the Riksbank will enter a dedicated group with the banks of Britain, the Eurozone, Japan, and Switzerland.

The report also outlines the real purpose of the potential digital krona. It informs that the Swedish population has stopped using cash as the primary source of payment transactions. More specifically, the percentage of people paying with cash has dropped from 40 to 13 between 2010 and 2018.

Despite that, though, the Riksbank doesnt plan to replace cash entirely if it launches the digital krona. Instead, the central bank said that it would be used as a complement. It will continue to issue banknotes and coins, as long as theres a demand in the country.

Deutsche bank recently also touched upon the topic of cash necessity in todays society. It concluded that some banks, debit, and credit card providers, and governments are attempting to eliminate cash from daily usage. However, their document ultimately refuted the option of the end of cash.

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Swedens Central Bank To Begin Testing National Cryptocurrency - CryptoPotato

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How Cryptocurrency Favors Internet of Things (IoT) –

However, IoT is 25-year-old technology but is gaining traction now due to portable devices and seamless connectivity. Before we dig deeper into how cryptocurrency favors IoT, let's understand the fundamentals of both technologies.

Fundamentally, cryptocurrency is an encrypted decentralized currency that works on a peer-to-peer architecture digitally. The exchange of cryptocurrency happens through a blockchain, which includes the whole process of digitally mining currency and exchanging it to peers, which is recorded in a hyperledger. Undoubtedly, the world now knows Bitcoin, which is a leading cryptocurrency known for its immense volatility. Bitcoin is also one of the most successful cryptocurrencies which has gained worldwide recognition and was adopted by various businesses like NameCheap, Subway, Twitch, Expedia, and Wikipedia.

All cryptocurrencies are capped, and the limit determines the price according to demand and supply. The best part of cryptocurrency is that it bypasses all conventional regulations, bureaucracy, and central authority, making it easy to use and highly convenient for all its uses. The scope of fraud and error is next to zero as there is no manual intervention, calculation, or reconciliation in the whole process. All exchanges and maintained in a ledger that can be accessed by anyone; however, the transactions are encrypted in hash format.


Cryptocurrency coin is the currency unit of a particular technology-based cryptocurrency. For example, Ethereum has an Ether coin, XRP has Ripple coin, and so forth. A unit of cryptocurrency can be called as a coin. The trading of cryptocurrency is performed on a coin basis only.


A digital wallet is mandatory for any currency exchange, and in the case of cryptocurrency, it is recommended to save your cryptocurrency in a safe and secure wallet. Most of these wallets have a private key, are secured by Two Factor Authorization (2FA), and has a public address so that anyone can deposit. Many companies also have a combination of QR codes and private keys for enhanced security. A wallet provides a mini statement of user's transactions and also stores cryptocurrency in the most secure manner.


Blockchain is the underlying technology behind cryptocurrency, which is based on a public ledger that records all transaction data throughout the world. No manual manipulation is possible on the hyper ledger, which makes it the ultimate safest route of money transfer.

Cryptocurrency and IoT is a perfect blend for automation in industries like Manufacturing, RPA, Financial Services, and more. The internet of things (IoT) is all about smart automation, which includes devices communicating with each other for a seamless factory unit. With the blend of cryptocurrency, your car can refill and pay through crypto, your fridge can remind that the milk is over, and at the same time, order milk from the nearest store and pay through cryptocurrency. While all this happens, the consumer will only require to input fingerprint for payment authentication. IoT in cryptocurrency is not only limited to consumer applications but is also associated mainly to enterprises and large scale industries, where centralized authority is a priority for a secure infrastructure.

In 2017-18, the world saw a cryptocurrency boom with various people making fortunes and also some of them going bankrupt. However, Facebook and Google banned cryptocurrency ads on their platforms soon, and since then, there has been no volatility in the currencies at all. Below we have mentioned some reasons why Cryptocurrency favors the Internet of Things (IoT) and how it will enhance the overall productivity of various industries.

Worldwide Adoption

For any currency to go mainstream, it requires adoption from both the seller and buyer side. This involves the integration of cryptocurrency in the current payment gateways so that the point of sale (POS) systems can handle these currencies. Enterprises should start using cryptocurrencies in their existing IoT devices for internal payments, pilot this project, and open it for the public domain.

Beneficial for Consumers and Enterprises

Cryptocurrency also makes a lot of sense for the consumer IoT. Devices like Amazon Alexa and Google Home are already ready IoT devices ready for consumer adoption. When these devices are integrated with cryptocurrency, it has the potential to automate online shopping just through voice or whenever the stock gets over. This can also occur for large-scale purchasing within the organization from a centralized zone.


Currencies blended with IoT can be a boon for the financial systems at the microlevel. Next-level automation is possible through a combination of both technologies, which includes water pumps been shutdown when overflowed, automatically street lights switching off after sunlight, and traffic lights sending penalty receipts to drivers overspeeding.

Blockchain might solve various IoT challenges

The power of digital ledger has various scope in non financial transactions also and which directly impact the IoT atmosphere. Manufacturing and factory setups can benefit a lot, as there are multiple interactions between multiple devices on the premises. The blockchain ledger is distributed, secured, encrypted, and safeguard against any kind of fraudulent. Various hackers currently attack the IoT infrastructure around the world due to unsafe private infrastructures within the company.

With the blend of IoT and cryptocurrency, shortly, we will see multiple hardwares with a decentralized network of software. These IoT devices will act as a host to run the software, which is currently controlled by a centralized cloud network. With crypto, IoT devices will be self-reliant and will host themselves on a decentralized network. The systems can also mine to pay the hefty infrastructure costs.

All enterprise stakeholders and CIOs should carefully analyze the benefits of applying blockchain and cryptocurrency in IoT. The nature of no regulations can be a bane and a boon for the company. The adoption rate of the above technologies is gradually increasing, and there is also less volatility in the cryptocurrency arena. The world in the coming times is going to see various new technologies which are equipped with cryptocurrencies and IoT, making the automated smart living experience possible.

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How Cryptocurrency Favors Internet of Things (IoT) -

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Indicator That Signaled 4,593% Bitcoin (BTC) Rally Now Flashing But This Time Ethereum (ETH) Is the Coin to Watch, Says Crypto Analyst – The Daily…

A signal that flashed at the start of a historic 4,593% Bitcoin (BTC) rally is back, but this time its happening to the second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap, Ethereum (ETH).

A trader known in the industry as Alunaut tells 68,000 followers on Twitter that the price of ETH has crossed above the Ichimoku Cloud.

The cloud, also known as the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo, is a mashup of several indicators that identify levels of support and resistance, track momentum and spot potential trend shifts.

The same indicator flashed green for BTC in April of 2016, ahead of its long-term move from about $430 to an all-time high of $20,089.

However, in the highly volatile world of crypto, Bitcoin remains king, and the direction it takes will likely determine where the market at large is ultimately heading.

To that end, the prominent crypto analyst DonAlt warns that if BTC begins to retrace below $9,184, hell become super bearish on the market in the short term.

If Bitcoin begins a significant retracement, he identifies $7,900 as an area of support on both the weekly and monthly charts. DonAlt says hes paying especially close attention to the monthly close of BTC.

The absolute state of this current monthly candle. Bulls better fix this in the next 10 days.

Featured Image: Shutterstock/Sergey Nivens

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Indicator That Signaled 4,593% Bitcoin (BTC) Rally Now Flashing But This Time Ethereum (ETH) Is the Coin to Watch, Says Crypto Analyst - The Daily...

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Ripple Battles XRP Scams, Launches Initiative to Combat Cryptocurrency Theft, Fake Giveaways and Financial Crimes – The Daily Hodl

Ripple has launched a new portal designed to give cryptocurrency investors a way to report malicious activity connected to the XRP Ledger.

People can now fill out a request form asking Ripple to explore a long list of unusual activity, including theft, phishing attempts, giveaway scams, suspicious exchanges, money laundering, unauthorized transactions and other financial crimes.

Although it will investigate matters connected to the XRP Ledger, Ripple says it will not make victims whole and cannot reverse transactions.

Ledger and the users of the XRP Ledger are not customers of Ripple therefore Ripple does not have the power to reverse transactions, even in the case of a reported financial loss (ex: theft).

By submitting a request to Ripple, the company says consumers are effectively giving the company permission to report the matter to US lawmakers on the federal, state, or local level.

Ripple may also report the issue to international law enforcement or regulatory agencies.

Featured Image: Shutterstock/Dmitriy Rybin

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Ripple Battles XRP Scams, Launches Initiative to Combat Cryptocurrency Theft, Fake Giveaways and Financial Crimes - The Daily Hodl

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Hekate’s Key Journey And The Keys Of Spiritual Journeying | Hekate’s Key – Patheos

The keys for unlocking the deeper world lie within us. They are our power to disconnect from the everyday world through techniques such as meditation and trance. Spiritual journeying refers to entering into the deeper world where Hekate abides with her keys of magick, medicine and mystery.

It is the river under the river that is a road that leads to the crossroads where we come to a gate that only we can open. Cross the threshold through your powerful witches mind, going deep into this river-road that leads to Hekate where she will give you a new key for the next phase of your journey. This is a meditation of connection; a journey of dissolving the illusion that there is separation between us and the sacred.

We open the gate to the unconscious through techniques such as meditation and the use of other trance inducing techniques, like breath work and plant spirit medicine. Journeying is a form of ecstatic witchcraft that has been practiced by Hekates witches throughout the ages. We journey to connect to the sacred within us, through which we return to the Goddess. She awaits.

Being timid of spiritual journeying is the result of years of programming. They taught us that we werent connected or sacred. Perhaps that our natural understanding of the unseen river-road that led to the Witch Mother was crazy. Maybe there were those that told you to fear Hekate. The Witch Mother is intimidating, but never harmful to her kindred. This journey was a gift she bestowed upon me to share with others like me. It is powerful medicine of the Witch Mother through which you will remember what you have always known. That key has been waiting in her hand for when you are ready. Has the time come?

In this journey, previously only shared within the Keeping Her Keys tradition, youll travel to meet Hekate for a new key. This key will be unique to you. How Hekate appears to you will also be highly individual. This is a guided meditative journey where you will be directed through imagery and techniques so that you can enter a state of altered consciousness, through which you can access the deeper world.

This journey was written as a way for Hekates witches to reconnect with our goddess. One of her primary roles is as The Keeper of the Keys of the Universe. This journey will help you do just this as discover your own vision of Hekate and receive a key that will unlock her magick, medicine and mysteries.

This journey is suitable for both newcomers to Hekate and those long familiar with the Witch Mother.

If you are new to Hekate, perhaps read this guide to the Witch Mother before proceeding with the journey.

The audio is available on the Keeping Her Keys podcast thats available on all major platforms, including Spotify.

This journey has been experienced by hundreds of witches, from those doing it in the privacy of their own sacred space with only me to accompany them to me leading hundreds through it in a large group ritual. Individual experiences vary greatly. Ive included a video below explaining spiritual journeying and then offer some guidance for doing deep work while distressed.

Although individual experiences vary greatly, the experience is invariably transformative. Some experience the shift beginning during the meditation, while others begin their transformative in the hours and days afterwards. You may feel very emotional during and after. A spiritual upgrade may ensue.

A small minority have reported falling asleep during the journey. This may be explained as a necessary function of the higher self in order to calm an overly active conscious mind. Think of it as though the mind cant shut up, so the soul calms it through sleep.

Some report feeling nothing during the journey. Sometimes our emotions need to be quiet in order to receive the medicine offered by the journey. On the other hand, if you are significantly distracted during the journey, you may want to try it again.

Watch this class to learn more about spiritual journeying, including the difference between meditation and journeying, what goes into developing a journey and more.

This is a common concern thats important to discuss.If its a mild case of the blues, the spiritual work will help. In particular, the Hekates Key Journey will work wonders for low levels of distress.

Regular practice of the core meditations, such as The Animarum Nyssa (The Unifying The Three Selves Meditation in Keeping Her Keys: An Introduction to Hekates Modern Witchcraft) will correct the low mood through the attunement process. Physiologically, the practice actually increases neurotransmitters associated with positive mood. Psychologically, the practice trains our mind to release harmful thought patterns. Physically, it relaxes us. Spiritually, it deepens our connection to our subconscious through which we can enter the flow of the unseen world.

Note that the Hekates Key Journey (known as Animarum Kleidoukhos in the Keeping Her Keys tradition) is designed to be done by anyone, except those with intense psychological distress, such as those experiencing a psychotic episode. I put a lot of care into the animara(the Keeping Her Keys word for all sacred work) to ensure that they are appropriate for where they are positioned within my work.

1. Low mood is impacting your ability to perform regular tasks like bathing or working.

2. Lack of pleasure from activities that typically bring you enjoyment.

3. Significant adverse life event, such as the ending of a long-term relationship, job loss or death of a loved one. Moving can also be an ALE.

4. Substantial intrusive thoughts that interfere with your ability concentrate on a regular basis.

5. Chronic daily panic attacks brought on by minor stimuli.

If you answer yes to all/most of these questions, then replace intense work with something more appropriate, such as The Hekates Key Journey (Animarum Kleidoukhos) or regular practice of The Unifying the Three Selves Meditation in Keeping Her Keys: An Introduction to Hekates Modern Witchcraft (known as Animarum Nyssa). The Rituals of The Sacred Cave are best left for when we are more stable, or at least after doing the Animarum Nyssa for several days in advance.

Astrological events can influence our experiences for all animara, whether it is meditative journeying or performative rituals. However, they are not determining forces. Think of them as correspondences like any other form of supportive medicine, such as plants or stones. If you are feeling overwhelmed during periods of intense astrological activity, work on your personal shields and your household wards. No force in the universe is greater than the force that is within you. If you cant stop it from entering your space, adapt it for your use.

You may feel overcome with emotion after receiving your key, or you may feel nothing at all. Both are legitimate experiences, as long as you werent distracted during the meditation.

Write or record your experiences soon after you return from your journey.

Pay attention to your dreams and be aware of signs reinforcing the key in the hours and days after the journey.

Spiritual transformation can be challenging, be gentle with yourself.

Connect with Hekates Help Desk at to share your experiences and ask questions.

Diving Into The Unseen River: Ways To Deepen Your Connection To Hekate And Strengthen Your Witchcraft

Keeping Her Keys: Seeking Hekate And The Deeper World

After The Ritual: The Messiness of Spiritual Growth

Overcoming Spiritual Programming: The Journey From Fear To Freedom

Managing A Spiritual Upgrade

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Hekate's Key Journey And The Keys Of Spiritual Journeying | Hekate's Key - Patheos

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Google parent Alphabet is pruning its ‘other bets’ – Engadget

Take Makani. The team was developing kites with tiny turbines that could be tethered to a stable structure -- a large boat or buoy, for instance -- and leverage the wind to generate energy. Google invested an undisclosed amount in 2007 and then, through its X factory, acquired the company six years later. Makani worked in the secretive laboratory before partnering with Shell and 'graduating' to Alphabet company status in February 2019. Last August, the team completed its first off-shore demonstration in the North Sea, roughly 10 kilometers away from Norway. But that wasn't enough for Alphabet management. Earlier this week, the company admitted that it was no longer confident in Makani's moonshot.

"After considering many factors, I believe that the road to commercial viability is a much longer and riskier road than we'd hoped and that it no longer makes sense for Makani to be an Alphabet company," Astro Teller, the head of X and chairman of Makani's board told TechCrunch. Fort Felker, CEO of Makani, said the company hoped to move forward and was "exploring options" with Shell. "To achieve a clean energy future we need to be open to exploring a diverse array of new renewable energy technologies, and that means pushing bold new ideas as far as possible, sometimes without a clear roadmap," he added.

Seven days prior, Alphabet had moved Jigsaw back under Google management. The technology incubator, which began as a think tank called Google Ideas, is tasked with developing solutions to disinformation, censorship, harassment and other societal issues online. During its four-year run as an Alphabet subsidiary, the team developed a tool called Assembler that can spot deep fakes and manipulated images. It also offered Project Shield, a tool designed to combat distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, to political organizations in Europe ahead of the EU parliamentary elections in May 2019.

Google didn't explain why Jigsaw had lost its 'other bet' status. Last July, however, a report by Vice's Motherboard team described the company as "a toxic mess" that was poorly managed and unable to retain talent. Jared Cohen, the founder and CEO of Jigsaw, told staff in a memo: "I'm deeply disappointed for all of you to see our culture characterized in this way. We haven't always gotten everything right, and as CEO, I take this responsibility seriously and I'm committed to ensuring we continue to improve." According to The Information, Cohen now reports to Kent Walker, Google's SVP of corporate affairs.

Alphabet has shown that it's not afraid to cut or relocate struggling subsidiaries.

Chronicle met a similar fate last year. The organization, which started as a project inside X, wanted to radically rethink cybersecurity. It was created by Mike Wiacek and Shapor Naghibzadeh, two members of Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG), alongside Stephen Gillet, a former Symantec COO that was helping startups at Google Ventures. The company was announced in January 2018 and immediately spun out as an Alphabet subsidiary. In March 2019, it finally revealed its first product, Backstory, which acted as a giant dashboard, search engine and pattern recognition system for detecting cyber threats.

Everything seemed to be going well. Four months later, however, Google announced that Chronicle would be joining the Google Cloud team. In a blog post, Gillett said the merger would "allow us to take the next step on our journey" and "significantly accelerate our impact globally, together." By November, Wiacek had left Google and, according to Vice's Motherboard team, Gillett had moved into another role inside the company. That same Motherboard report said Chronicle employees felt betrayed and abandoned. "Chronicle is dead," an employee told the site. "Stephen and Google killed it."

Similarly, Nest was rolled under Google's hardware team in February 2018. The move made sense: Google had started making more home-related products, such as Assistant-powered speakers and smart displays, and wanted a consistent brand that stretched to intelligent thermostats and security cameras, too. Nest did, however, have its own corporate struggles while being led by Tony Fadell, a former Apple executive best known as the "father of the iPod." Fadell left Alphabet in June 2016, however, and was succeeded by former Motorola executive Marwan Fawaz.

Google isn't afraid to pinch specific teams from other Alphabet companies, either. Last September, the part of DeepMind focused on healthcare announced that it would be joining Google Health to advance its AI research. That team, to be clear, is separate from both Verily and Calico.

All of these changes suggest that the Alphabet structure isn't working. But for every lost subsidiary, another seems to have sprouted in its place. Waymo, for instance, graduated from X and became an official Alphabet company in December 2016. The team now offers an autonomous ride-hailing service in Phoenix, Arizona, and a factory of sorts formerly owned American Axle & Manufacturing Holdings Inc. in Detroit.Fellow X projects Wing and Loon graduated in July 2018. Wing has pilot programs running in Christiansburg, Virginia, as well as Helsinki, Finland and North Canberra, Australia. Loon, meanwhile, has secured a few different contracts for its internet balloons.

Alphabet now has 12 companies -- two more than when it started in 2015. In its last earnings report, Alphabet said that its 'other bets' created $659 million in revenue, up from $595 million the previous year. For context, though, Alphabet's total revenue reached $161 billion last year, and $15 billion of that was generated by YouTube alone. The question, therefore, is how much patience CEO Sundar Pichai has for Alphabet's other bets, and which ones are most likely to emerge as meaningful businesses. The company has already shown that it's not afraid to cut or relocate struggling subsidiaries, which doesn't bode well for projects like Fiber, which stopped expanding years ago.

The only guarantee? In another five years, Alphabet's composition will have changed once again to reflect its evolving vision of the future and, more importantly, what technology will give staff and investors the greatest return.

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Google parent Alphabet is pruning its 'other bets' - Engadget

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Can mysticism solve the mind-body problem? – The Stute

I just spent a week at a symposium on the mind-body problem, the deepest of all mysteries. The mind-body problemwhich encompasses consciousness, free will, and the meaning of lifeconcerns who we really are. Are we matter, which just happens to give rise to mind? Or could mind be the basis of reality, as many sages have insisted?

The weeklong powwow, called Physics, Experience and Metaphysics, took place atEsalen Institute, a retreat center in Big Sur, California. Fifteen men and women representing physics, psychology, philosophy, religious studies, and other fields sat in a room overlooking the Pacific and swapped mind-body ideas.

What made the conference unusual, at least for me, was the emphasis on what were called exceptional experiences, including mystical visions. During a mystical experience, as defined by psychologist William James, you thinkyouknowthat you are encountering ultimate reality. The meetings abstract asked whether exceptional experiences can move us forward toward answering the deep unresolved questions of mind and matter and their place in nature.

My colleagues sought to account for mystical visions with a variety of frameworks, involving quantum mechanics, information theory, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jungian psychology, or combinations of the above. These perspectives diverge from conventional materialism, which insists that matter is primary. I kept finding myself playing the role of skeptic, pushing back against my colleagues assertions. Here are points I made, or tried to make, at the meeting.

The Mystical Diversity Problem.Many scholars have tried constructing metaphysical systems out of mystical visions. They often focus on insights that share certain features, notably a sense of oneness with all things, plus feelings of love and bliss. Those fortunate enough to have these experiences often come away convinced that a loving God or spirit underlies everything, and there is no death, only transformation.

Thats a consoling thought. But as William James pointed out, many mystical visions are melancholic or diabolical. You feel profound alienation and emptiness, accompanied by feelings of horror and despair. The immense diversity of mystical experiences thwarts efforts to construct a mystical metaphysics.

The Neo-Geocentrism Problem. Mystics often insist that mind, not matter, is the fundamental stuff of reality, or that mind and matter are two aspects of an underlying ur-stuff. This non-materialist outlook, I think its fair to say, was the majority view at Esalen, and it has become increasingly popular among prominent mind-body theorists, such as neuroscientist Christof Kochand philosopherDavid Chalmers.

I call this viewneo-geocentrism because it revives the ancient assumption that the universe revolves around us. Geocentrism reflected our innate narcissism and anthropomorphism, and so do modern theories that make mindas far as we know a uniquely terrestrial phenomenoncentral to the cosmos. The shift away from geocentrism centuries ago was one of humanitys greatest triumphs, and neo-geocentrism, I fear, represents a step back toward darkness.

The Ineffability Problem.An irony lurks within efforts to create a mystical metaphysics. Mystics often warn that their experiences are impossible to describe, or ineffable, as William James put it. So there is something contradictory about trying to construct an explanatory system involving mysticism. My mystical experiences have reinforced my convictionspelled out in my bookMind-Body Problemsthat there can be no final, definitive solution to the question of who we really are.

The Beauty Problem. Esalen, which is breathtakingly beautiful, made me recall a comment by the physicist and atheist Steven Weinberg: I have to admit that sometimes nature seems more beautiful than strictly necessary. Our world is filled with so much pain and injustice that I cannot believe in a loving God. This is the problem of evil. But the flip side of the problem of evil is the problem of beauty. Beauty, love and friendshipand our hard-won, halting moral progressmake it hard for me to believe that life is just an accident.

So to answer the question posed by my headline: No, mysticism cannot solve the mind-body problem, the mystery of our existence. Quite the contrary. Mysticism rubs our face in the mystery. I dont believe in little miracles, like resurrections or angelic visitations, but I believe in the Big Miracle within which we dwell every moment of our lives, and which no theory or theology will ever explain away.

John Horgan directs the Stevens Center for Science Writings, which is part of the College of Arts & Letters. This column is adapted from one published on hisScientific Americanblog, Cross-check.

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Can mysticism solve the mind-body problem? - The Stute

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How quieting the mind can benefit your life – Bangor Daily News

Linda Coan O'Kresik | BDN

Linda Coan O'Kresik | BDN

Angela Fileccia leads a class at Om Land Yoga in the Brewer studio.

Breathing in, I know I am breathing in. Breathing out, I know that I am breathing out. Thich Nhat Hanh

In the past two decades, the practice of mindfulness and meditation has gone from being a spiritual practice done at ashrams in India, where it originated thousands of years ago, to the mainstream as the celebrities who tout its benefits. Headlines boast about mindfulness effectiveness at reducing stress, improving sleep and even helping with weight loss. Meditation retreats in beautiful, exotic locations promise a chance to reset and dive deep while phone applications make it easy to zen out on the go.

But what is meditation really? What happens when the mind is quiet, and instead of chatter, it focuses on the simple yet profound act of breathing? In and out.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines mindfulness as the practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of ones thoughts, emotions or experiences on a moment-to-moment basis.

Simply put, it is being aware of the present moment and accepting it for what it is.

Informal mindfulness walking entails noticing what is happening as you move from one place to another, said Rebecca MacAulay, assistant professor of psychology at University of Maine in Orono.

Walking from the car to the grocery store, you may become aware of the sky and notice is it gray? Is it blue?

Then perhaps you notice the sensation of your legs, your torso, your muscles moving as youre moving forward, MacAulay said. Youre noticing the temperature on your skin, and youre noticing the temptation to perhaps judge [that temperature].

Its quieting that judgment, thats key.

Our brains are constantly categorizing things, mindfulness stops the categorizing and helps us accept the moment for what it is, MacAulay said. Youre not trying to change it, and youre not trying to influence how you feel, youre simply aware.

Not to mention, with the invention and ever-increasing popularity of social media platforms, many people of all ages are focused on capturing the perfect photo of an activity rather than experiencing it.

I think about Snapchat or the selfies, we are missing the important moments in our lives because were thinking about taking a picture or telling someone about it later, MacAulay said. But then, youre no longer there. Youve left the room, and youre thinking about the future.

Focus or concentration meditation where the user thinks more about deep breathing than perhaps a mantra or statement is believed to activate the frontal-lobe circuitry, the area of the brain focused on attention and cognitive control.

The benefit?

It is improving our ability to not give in, by creating freedom from distraction, you are reinforcing the neurocircuitry that makes us better able to focus, MacAulay said.

That means practicing meditation on a regular basis, even briefly, can make you less likely to curse at the driver who cuts you off or respond negatively to an unplanned change.

Its removing reactivity, MacAulay said. In clinical psychology, we work on pressing pause if someone is feeling strong emotions. With mindfulness [practices], theyre all encouraging you to be aware and in the moment.

Focused meditation is just one of many types of mindfulness, and each carries different benefits. Just as important, though far less researched, MacAulay said, is knowing that mindfulness doesnt work for everyone.

One of the things thats probably less talked about and less understood is who doesnt mindfulness work for, she said. It is becoming a panacea of sorts, and soon mindfulness is going to become the cure-all for everything.

In their book Altered Traits, authors Daniel Goleman and Richard J. Davidson argue that while there are lasting results to meditation, it is not just about hours spent sitting on a pillow. To receive the long-term benefits, practitioners need to make sure they are seeking master teachers and those well-trained in giving feedback and encouraging non-attachment.

Still, MacAulay says benefits are undeniable.

Other types of meditation include loving-kindness meditation, which aims to help the practitioner cultivate a sense of love and kindness toward everything.

Body scanning meditation, on the other hand, encourages people to scan their bodies one area at a time looking for tension. Once noticed, meditators then try to release those areas and let go of the pressure they initially felt.

Still, other meditation such as mindful walking and many styles of yoga, including Vinyasa and Kundalini, combines physical activity with deep breathing.

With walking meditations, often you will start walking very slowly, you may even start off by standing, noticing that moment then taking very slow steps, MacAulay said. Usually its done in some form of a circle or back and forth and involves you noticing what its like to make each movement [required to move forward]. What its like to lift your foot, what you feel as the thigh muscles engage.

While meditation classes and retreats in Maine abound, MacAulay said in the coming year she and her Ph.D. students will focus their research on making sure marginalized communities in the state have access to the skills needed to bring about more mindfulness.

Older adults, she argues, or those in rural communities or in low socio-economic areas, may not have the resources to attend workshops or training sessions about mindfulness. But its those communities, she said, that could benefit greatly.

I recently returned from a mindfulness-based stress reduction training [but] being able to [do] that is a luxury, MacAulay said. I think what researchers need to look at is how we can get these things out in more rural areas, to older adults, more economically disadvantaged adults, it is extremely needed in stress management.

In the coming months, she and her students will begin working on that very idea.

If you think about meditation, it can be a bit esoteric, for example, the brain naturally starts wondering am I doing this right. It can be really hard to pick up on your own, MacAulay said. We want to make it more accessible and look at can we teach these skills in workshops where we will boil down some of the components and make them more accessible.

No. 1 tip on her list? Just try it.

And then, let go of any pretense that it will be easy.

When you first try meditation, you may notice your mind straying, and thats normal, MacAulay said. We spend our lives thinking, our minds want to carry us away because thats how the brain works. With meditation, youre starting to quiet those networks, the self-referential component of the brain that causes us to ruminate, mindfulness can help quiet that. But it takes time, and it takes practice, so dont get discouraged.

Interested in learning more or trying out meditation for yourself? Check out one of these Maine-based classes or practice virtually from anywhere.


The Blue Heron Wellness Center offers drop-in meditation classes as well as other energy/mind-focuses workshops.

Om Land Yoga offers many different styles of yoga as well as Mindfulness of Yoga: Overcoming barriers to joy class.

Unitarian Universalist Society of Bangor offers a mindfulness meditation group that meets regularly during the month.


The Midcoast Center for Community Health and Wellness offers several mindfulness programs, including Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction.

The Dancing Elephant in Rockland offers Buddhist and mindfulness teachings as well as a mindfulness eating group and a meditation and knitting group.

The Haven in Camden offers meditation retreats and courses, including Hemi-Sync, a binaural technology developed by Robert Monroe, who founded the nonprofit Monroe Institute.

Northern Light Zen Center in Topsham offers meditation practice, training workshops and Zen retreats led by Zen Masters and Master Dharma Teachers of the Kwan Um School of Zen.

Northern Maine:

Araya Wellness offers public, semi-private and private meditation classes in Presque Isle and Mars Hill.


The Portland Zen Meditation Center offers regular Zen meditation classes, as well as community meetings to discuss group issues and individual practice.

Nagaloka Buddhist Center teaches two types of meditation mindfulness of breathing and metta bhavana.

The Mindfulness Center of Maine in Saco offers workshops, courses and consultations about mindfulness, meditation and personal growth.

Vajra Vidya Portland is a Tibetan Buddhist meditation center offering retreats, classes and weekly study groups for those just starting with meditation, as well as continuing practitioners.

Open Heart Sangha in the Portland area is a sitting and walking meditation group that follows the teaching of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh.


Several free and paid apps are available for those interested in practicing meditation anytime, anywhere, including Calm, Headspace, buddhify, Simple Habit, Insight Timer and 10 percent Happier. Many apps geared toward meditation skeptics, those on the go, or anyone looking to start or continue a mindfulness practice.

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How quieting the mind can benefit your life - Bangor Daily News

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