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This was meant to be the year the NHS went digital. What happened? –

2020 is the year the NHS was supposed to be paper free. In 2013, then health secretary Jeremy Hunt promised a fully digital health service by 2018. In 2016, a report from NHS England the Five Year Forward View moved that back two years, promising 1.8 billion for the shift away from paper.

But the much-vaunted digital transformation hasnt appeared as quickly as its proponents hoped. In October 2018, 94 per cent of NHS trusts were still using handwritten notes for paper records. In January 2019, the paperless NHS was pushed back to the end of the next decade. What went wrong?

NHS deadlines are always stretch targets, says the CIO of one of NHS Englands 16 digital exemplars a group of digitally strong hospital trusts, who asked not to be named. There is a semblance of a plan, although I think everything has been confused by various ministerial announcements that translate into nonsense.

Others are more optimistic citing last Aprils launch of NHSX, created by Matt Hancock, the Secretary of State for Health, to oversee data, digital and tech procurement for the Department of Health and Social Care and NHS England. The aim is to match countries such as Sweden where, in 2017, everyone over the age of 16 had a Patient Accessible Electronic Health Record, allowing people and clinicians access to individual health data.

Theres finally real national strategy and co-ordination and thats a very good sign, says Natalie Banner, head of the Understanding Patient Data task force based at the Wellcome Trust. Theres a major shift at the central level but the NHS isnt a single organisation. Its made up of many organisations and theres not nearly enough coherence. Individual trusts even individual departments within trusts are entering deals where theres no consistency in the rules or the value of patient data.

At the heart of NHSX is the NHS Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, launched in August 2019 with a budget of 250 million and headed up by Indra Joshi, a former A&E clinician who headed up digital health and AI for NHS England. Joshis role is to streamline the development and deployment of practical applications of artificial intelligence in the NHS, as well as delivering the Artificial Intelligence in Health and Care Award, she explains.

The award will hand out 140 million over three years in a series of bi-annual funding rounds a March 4 deadline currently looms for the first round. The money is intended to back everything from initial feasibility to evaluation of technologies in use in the NHS. Initially, Joshi explains, she will focus on four key areas: screening, diagnosis, decision support and improving system efficiency. These four areas are what the evidence and data shows is where the majority of AI developments are taking place, she explains. We need to improve the basics first, creating efficiencies in the system such as process automation of repetitive tasks or optimising the care pathway. If we can show that these technologies can be successfully implemented and evaluated to show impact, we are immediately freeing up time for people on the frontline.

The award and Joshis previous clinician experience have been cautiously welcomed by many doctors as well as organisations like health privacy body MedConfidential, the Wellcome Trust and the healthcare improvement charity Health Foundation.

Its positive to see NHSX and the AI Lab focus on the basics and what matters to clinician from simple things like one unified login system across the service to understand the burden on staff, says Sarah Deeny, assistant director of data analytics at Health Foundation. Those efforts are really important, but they are happening in the context of outside pressure on the NHS with an underspend in capital projects, a shortage of staff and huge pressure on the workforce. That also underlines the need for the NHS to get the best value for its data.

Health Foundation figures show that NHS capital spend which includes new buildings, equipment and IT, improvements and maintenance of NHS trusts, as well as research and development is very low compared to other, similar western countries. Austria, for instance, spends more than double the share of GDP on health care capital compared to the UK. Matching this in England would mean more than doubling the current capital budget which currently stands at 7.1bn.

Work in AI is dependent on excellent data in health and social care and among its many strengths is the NHSs ability to bring together a comprehensive, longitudinal dataset for 65 million people in the UK, explains James OShaughnessy, formerly secretary of state at the Department of Health under David Cameron, now professor at Imperial Colleges Institute of Global Health Innovation. Right now it's fragmented, not joined up and that needs investment. The entire health service is founded on the assumption of patient trust which can be lost if misused or used for commercial purposes. Patients need to be actively involved in health data strategy at the moment that is not happening either nationally or at any given trust.

The issue of patient trust in the use of data in AI/NHS projects has recently come under scrutiny, thanks to deals between Moorfields Hospital and the Royal Free Hospital with Googles AI subsidiary DeepMind. The agreement with the Royal Free gave DeepMind access to healthcare data on the 1.6 million patients including identifying people who are HIV-positive and giving details of drug overdoses and abortions over the preceding five years. The problem, many doctors argue, is that the needs of Silicon Valley AI health research to provide monetisable software including apps for personal health arent always compatible with the needs of the NHS.

Theres a drive by the secretary of state to get things done quickly and an excitement about digital and apps, but theres a huge gap between that and the NHS world of large scale data systems that support day-to-day healthcare, says Jem Rashbash, director of disease registration and cancer analysis across both NHS Digital and Public Health England. Many of the problems faced are big, difficult and take a long time to address. So while what were seeing now appears exciting, theyre really only scratching the surface. Only very few groups, such as Mihaela van der Schaars Lab in Cambridge and the Turing Institute, are working on machine learning-driven vision and methodologies that will change the future of healthcare.

Joshi is careful to avoid commenting on recent AI/NHS scandals like Google Deepminds deals with Moorfields and the Royal Free Hospital weve got to be cautious when we generalise about AI and Google because we already have partnerships with a range of providers, she explains. In Salford Royal and Bradford Royal Infirmary, for instance, machine learning helps predict how long patients will stay in in hospital, which helps plan and manage patient flow.

She does see a role for diagnostic AI as a junior A&E doctor in the middle of the night being able to read something and decide quickly if its normal or not normal can make a massive difference, she points out. If someone has a possible spine injury they have to be immobilised and put through a CT scan. Helping doctors be confident the scan shows no fractures can make a huge amount of difference but she also sees AI-supported bed management and appointment booking or cancellations systems as immediately useful to overstretched A&E departments, acute wards and outpatient wards alike.

Her final challenge is health inequality. We have centres of excellence in the UK that are focussed in the south, Banner points out. Theres the risk with systems designed for London populations being rolled out nationally which create biased algorithms and unequal access so people in need in Cornwall or Yorkshire are excluded from essential services. We need regional centres alongside a strict regulation and evaluation process which we just dont have right now.

Joshi accepts this. Were very clear that the award, for instance, needs to support NHS staff and private providers wherever they are across the country, she explains. Were active in telling people we would love for your area to make an application so that the less heard voices are included in all of this.

She is also keen to stress that her role includes ensuring reassuring patients through regulation and transparency. We will help people navigate the rules, be clear on what the standards are, help develop policies and make more robust those that are already in place, she explains. The thing is, everybody gets excited by AI and the Lab and the award but this isnt about throwing money at problem and at no point is this about replacing doctors its about supporting the system so its sustainable while maintaining public and workforce trust. She laughs. And thats hard enough in itself

Indra Joshi will be one of the speakers at WIRED Health in London on March 25, 2020. For more details, and to book your ticket, click here

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This was meant to be the year the NHS went digital. What happened? -

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Tools to help graduate students discover their own answers to academic and career questions (opinion) – Inside Higher Ed

What should I do with my life?

How can I create meaning and purpose within and from my research?

How can I do research that matters in this chaotic world?

How does my experience in graduate school connect to my values and purpose in life?

In my decade-plus of teaching and advising graduate students, I have seen existential crises, like those demonstrated in the opening questions, arise often. In part, this is because students come into academe believing they must leave their whole selves at the door, so to speak. Academe largely promotes living a divided life, where internally we may know who we are, but we act out a different reality at work, such as when students pick research topics they think they should explore instead of ones that resonate or inspire them.

Everyone, myself included, at times compartmentalizes or separates within work for many reasons, yet it impacts how we show up for ourselves and with each other. In A Hidden Wholeness, Parker Palmer notes, Dividedness is a personal pathology, but it soon becomes a problem for other people. The time came when my own patterns of dividedness became personally dissatisfying and limited the effectiveness of my teaching. I wanted to change myself to promote a greater sense of well-being and also to find new ways of promoting others ability to show up with greater personal and professional integration. Through life coaching, I found holistic tools that could support more of a learning partnership with the broader context of graduate education that had been missing from what and how I learned to advise or was advised.

Coaching promotes a collaborative relationship where I, as faculty adviser, do not purport to know what is right for students but can serve as a guide or facilitator of the system students navigate. It is a shifting of hierarchical differentials from operating within a faculty as sage paradigm to trusting students inner wisdom and knowledge. Through deep conversations, reflection and mindfulness activities, students discover and name their own answers to life, academic and career questions and challenges.

Here are three sample activities I have used in the classroom and in one-on-one sessions to shift my work with students from advising to coaching.

Integrating Scholarly Identities With Personal Ones

Last semester, I taught an introduction to scholarly writing for Ph.D. students. The last time I taught that course was years ago, when I was living a divided life with my professional identity separated from my inner self. This time around, I revamped the course to help all of us integrate personal values and goals into our scholarly work.

In setting up the framework for the seminar, I incorporated learning objectives for self-work as the first step to graduate school socialization in order to establish why students need regular reflection and accountability. It was a way to intentionally incorporate self-awareness into our choices about our research and what it means to us. Each week included reflection, creative or writing prompts, or small group time to process.

The first assignment was for each student to write a scholarly identity paper about their understanding of and assumptions about what it means to be a doctoral student, scholar and practitioner combined with social identities and other roles in their lives. I asked them to discuss personal values and goals and how those integrated with professional ones and their intended research agendas. Then, to foster community, I had them create a presentation for the class and asked them to bring their creativity to it.

Fast-forward to presentation day. Some students brought in personal items and mementos, such as one student who passed around class rings to mark milestones as the first in their family to earn degrees. Another person created new art to represent themselves, while someone else incorporated photographs that shaped their values and research interests. One student wrote a haiku to begin their photo book, which concluded with images of their students and why they want to engage in meaningful research and work around helping students find their path through the community college experience.

It was beautiful to witness. The students shared personal stories of struggle and hard life lessons that brought them to where they are today and fueled their research interests. In that course, we developed a new sense of compassion and deeper understanding for ourselves and each other. And the students walked away with a deep personal understanding of why they are embarking on a Ph.D. journey.

Connecting to Our Bodies

Part of promoting a whole life over a divided one means showing up with a fully integrated body, mind and soul. I used to be so out of tune with my physical sensations, feelings and inner landscape that I spent much of my sabbatical a couple years ago relearning my own self-awareness through guided mindfulness and physical activities. Now I believe in the power of integrating body connection with mental and emotional awareness in the classroom. One activity that I use is an adapted exercise from life coaching and yoga teacher training. The aim is to help students connect back into their bodies and notice their physical experiences. It also serves to quiet the noisy mind from whatever students were doing before arriving at class that day.

The activity goes a little something like this. I lower the lighting a touch. I call attention to our sitting, our room, the space around us. I guide them to notice the in and out of their breathing, without changing or judging it. Then we take a few deep breaths together before I direct them to notice various parts of their body, from toes to head. Some students resist noticing their body, so I may adapt and speak more generally. I speak slowly, with intention. Over all, it can take less than eight minutes.

We process afterward sometimes. Students often notice that this was the first time that day when they intentionally breathed or slowed down. Some notice parts of their body that they never think about. They leave pondering this new awareness, encouraged to avoid judgment and stimulated to do more intentional breathing and body check-ins on their own. Always, it brings us all together for those few minutes, which I sense fosters a feeling of community.

This is such a simple and sweet little exercise that has major payoffs for the rest of class time and down the road, including an increased awareness of their body, a slowing of breath and a recognition of their minds chatter. Adding mindfulness activities in the classroom, guided by a faculty member and discussed openly, serves as role modeling and helps to open conversations among everyone about the importance of integration and awareness. Body awareness can aid students in decision making, based on the belief that we react physically before our minds can register.

Coaching as a Paradigm Shift

In my earlier faculty days, deeper coaching conversations were beyond my typical advising skills. I likely sat there staring at the student, nodding in commiseration and sort of shrugging as if to say, We all felt that, but without resolution or solid direction. Even as a qualitative social science researcher, I thought I knew how to ask good questions and listen to the answers without judgment.

Yet one of the biggest things that life coaching has taught me is how to truly listen deeply and then ask deeper questions. By listening to students present issues and challenges, I watch for underlying patterns and behaviors. We talk directly about what feels most applicable and resonating to them. It is a shift from advice giving to space creating for their own exploration and knowing. We focus on what and how they want to change and do work that feels more integrated between personal and professional. It deepens relationships both between faculty and students and between students themselves.

The other big shift coaching others has taught me is that I have to do some serious, deep self-coaching on myself to recognize and set aside ego in the work with students. In being aware of ego during our interactions or teaching, it makes it more student-centered, since the outcome is not about me or what I want or how their decision reflects on me. The outcome is about how they want to live their life from a place of authenticity and personal integrity. It's about how each person wants to live an undivided life where their actions are in congruence with their true selves.

To me, applying coaching within the walls of higher education means making a series of intentional shifts to help students find the answers within themselves and provide unwavering support for the paths they choose. Coaching offers reflective tools that connect students to their internal purposes and values while benefiting those around them through their work and research. Shifting relationships from superficial to meaningful can promote greater sense of connection -- and hopefully, in the long run, the retention of students who are more satisfied and accountable about their educational, career and life choices.

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Tools to help graduate students discover their own answers to academic and career questions (opinion) - Inside Higher Ed

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Unleashing the Power of Three – Thrive Global

Yesterday I was at the grocery store, picking out some yogurt. As I looked at all the rows and dozens of choices, my eyes started to swim.

So many choices!, I thought, shaking my head. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to refocus. Huffing, I grabbed one of the many choices and moved on.

How many times have you said this to yourself when looking for something in a store? Think about the vegetable aisle. There arent 18 different kinds of broccoli to choose from, there are usually no more than 3 (organic, conventional, and crowns are typical). You just pick a bunch that looks fresh, colorful, and nice, and off you go. Easy peasy.

I decided to experiment and started limiting my daily choices. Soon I noticed a decrease in my levels of stress and anxiety. That irritating monkey-mind began to fade a little. The pace of life seemed to ease towards the slow lane. It became clear as humans, we really do thrive on simplicity.

How can you limit the number of choices you have when there are a multitude of choices staring you in the face? There are so many choices, so much to choose from, so many things to consider!

This is where the power of 3 comes into play. Heres how to do it:

It may take a little minute to train your brain around this concept, so be patient with yourself and remember your objective to decrease the clutter in your mind, increase your mental clarity, and allow for more time for the things that really matter to you.

The power of 3 can be applied to many areas of your life:

Its all about conserving your brain power for the things that matter most to you. Relationships. Health. Education. You get the idea!

Want to take it deeper?

Here are some more ways to use the power of 3 in your life:

3s may even start to hop over fences in your dreams!

Youre probably saying it doesnt apply to everything. True enough, it might not. You certainly have more than 3 pairs of shoes, but what if you broke your shoes down into categories? 3 for each season, 3 for each occasion, etc. Look around and see where it DOES apply, and how your capable, clever, and creative mind can apply it. Soon more and more possibilities for simplicity will reveal themselves to your willing, eager mind.

So next time youre at the grocery store, eyes glazing over as you scan for the best product/price/choice, put the rule of 3 to work. There is great power within this method of 3 things see if you can unleash it in your life!

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Unleashing the Power of Three - Thrive Global

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Two new higher education institutions select OnBase hosted in the Hyland Cloud – PRNewswire

CLEVELAND, Feb. 26, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Hyland's higher education business segment welcomed two new cloud customers who will host their OnBase content services platform in the Hyland Cloud. The private and secure hosting platform helps organizations reduce the burden of managing IT infrastructure, meet faster deployment timelines and makes it simpler to share and collaborate on content. The Hyland Cloud is built exclusively for Hyland's content services solutions and intentionally designed helping colleges and universities meet their technology modernization strategies while remaining focused on staying success.

"We're seeing a notable shift to cloud-hosted solutions with more organizations opting for managed content services to increase security and efficiency," said Kevin Flanagan, director of sales at Hyland. "We have seen a nearly 300-percent increase in customers seeking to deploy solutions in the cloud and expect this trend to only continue to grow as organizations seek increased security, privacy and governance of their data and documents."

Butler University and CSCU join more than 1175 customers using the Hyland cloud. With dedicated support 24/7, data centers around the globe that provide redundant, reliable and up-to-date infrastructure in a secure environment, Hyland's cloud customers have confidence their data and documents are safe and available when they need them. Each data center is regularly audited and meet or exceed required security standards including: SOC audited, ISO 27001 certified and TIA Tier 3 or 4.

For more information about the Hyland's solutions for colleges and universities, visit

About Hyland Hyland is a leading content services provider that enables thousands of organizations to deliver better experiences to the people they serve. Find us at

Media contact:Megan Larsen+1


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Two new higher education institutions select OnBase hosted in the Hyland Cloud - PRNewswire

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Cloud Hosting Service Market Types and Applications Outlook, Industry Drivers, Ongoing Trends, Future Demand, Challenges, Top Companies & Forecast…

Cloud Hosting Service market research report 2020 is a detailed analysis of the current situation of the industry. An insight study of Cloud Hosting Service market done by an industry professional and market experts. This Cloud Hosting Service report brings company information, volume, product scope, cost and price of production, profit, demand-supply, import-export activities as well as consumption. It provides the essential Cloud Hosting Service marketing methods that cover driving factors, market constraints, opportunities, huge challenges, market share, key players as well as Cloud Hosting Service top growing regions.

This allows our Cloud Hosting Service onlooker and readers to glimpse at the report briefing an economic overview and strategical objective of the competitive world. The global Cloud Hosting Service market research report offers an isolated section pointing out the major key vendors that permits understanding the costing structure, price, Cloud Hosting Service company profile, their contact information, major products and so on.

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Alibaba to give out free cloud to help businesses affected by Coronavirus – Data Economy

The facility includes more than 29,300 sqf of colocation space, and once fully built out, the facility will include more than 88,000 sqf of colocation space.

Equinix (Nasdaq: EQIX) has announced the opening of itsfourth IBX data centre in Melbourne, Australia valued at $77.5m.

Known as ME2, the new facility supports the growing demandfor digital transformation globally, as well as Melbournes smart citydevelopment and the interconnection needs of local customers, including TheSalvation Army, according to the company.

The Salvation Army moved its key infrastructure to Equinixin Melbourne, while shifting critical business applications across workplaceproductivity, human resources and more to Software-as-a-Service.

The Salvation Army is actively pursuing a multi-cloudstrategy to ensure we deliver better and stronger outcomes for theorganisation, said Craig Tucker, Chief Information Officer, The SalvationArmy.

As a non-profit with a mission to serve vulnerablecommunities facing hardship or injustice, its critical we efficiently usefunds to meet the needs of those we serve.

This has resulted in a standardized, national IT platform,where we have shifted critical business applications across workplaceproductivity, human resources and more to Software-as-a-Service, as well asmaintaining our key infrastructure in Equinix IBX data centres.

Equinix said that the added data centre and interconnectioncapacity in Melbourne will help with those initiatives while also advancing Melbournessmart city innovation.

The ME2 IBX is located in Melbournes Fishermans Bend region,which is forecast to be home to approximately 80,000 residents and provideemployment for up to 80,000 people by 2050, according to the company.


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The value of smart cities has become increasinglyrecognized and is now a key priority for markets across the Asia-Pacific regionas they continue to grow their digital economies, said Jeremy Deutsch,President, Equinix Asia-Pacific.

Equinix is dedicated to support this development byconnecting people, businesses and industry so they can better interconnect atthe digital edge.

Our investment in the Australian market reflects ourcommitment to our customers as they continue their digital transformationjourneys.

The facility is located adjacent to the companys ME1 IBX datacentre, which will benefit customers expanding from ME1 to ME2 with a singlesecurity ingress point, according to Equinix.

The city of Melbourne is increasingly experiencing digital transformation and is predicted to have a digital economy worth approximately $36bn in 2020.

Five years ago, we entered the Melbourne market with our ME1 facility, said Guy Danskine, Managing Director, Equinix Australia.

In that short time, we now have four sites in two distinctcampus locations across the city, containing a flourishing ecosystem thatenables secure, high-speed, low-latency connections for our customers andpartners.

This new IBX demonstrates our continued commitment to the Victorian and Australian digital economies, creating a place where our customers and partners can interconnect across our national footprint of 17 highly connected data centres.

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Alibaba to give out free cloud to help businesses affected by Coronavirus - Data Economy

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Arizona Health Information Exchange Launches NextGen Healthcare Health Data Hub to Improve the Physician Experience and Enhance Patient Care – Yahoo…

Visionary Health Current is the first HIE to leverage the data EHR-agnostic solution

NextGen Healthcare, Inc. (NASDAQ:NXGN), a leading provider of ambulatory-focused technology solutions, today announced that Health CurrentArizonas statewide Health Information Exchange (HIE)will leverage NextGen Healthcare Health Data Hub (HDH). HDH is a cloud-based HIE platform that supports the sharing and aggregation of patient health data at the point of care, regardless of Electronic Health Record (EHR). This groundbreaking technology meets the interoperability and seamless information sharing needs of healthcare networks.

A recent addition to NextGen Healthcares Connected Health offerings, HDH joins a suite of innovative health information technology solutions designed to optimize data aggregation and provide users with relevant patient data from across the continuum of care. NextGen Healthcares HDH provides customized solutions giving users the opportunity to create, manage and optimize their workflow.

"Participation in the Arizona HIE has grown ten-fold since 2015. To keep up with demand, it was critical that we transition to a more robust platformthats why we partnered with NextGen Healthcare," said Health Current CEO Melissa Kotrys. "The HDH solution promises to meet the increasing interoperability needs of our community and deliver an improved user experience for our participants going forward."

Health Current selected the NextGen Healthcare HDH solution for its valuable features, including:

In an initial rollout to select clients, Health Current has identified additional potential improvement in its current platform based on the HDH promise, including:

"We are proud to partner with Health Current in its efforts to prove that HIEs can not only operate a platform cost-effectively at scale, but also use that same platform as the foundation for innovation," said John S. Beck, Chief Solutions Officer and Executive Vice President for NextGen Healthcare. "The flexibility of the HDH platform enables HIEs such as Health Current to deliver meaningful interoperability among diverse constituents, thereby improving the speed, quality, safety and cost of patient care."

About NextGen Healthcare, Inc.

We empower the transformation of ambulatory carepartnering with medical, behavioral and dental providers in their journey to value-based care to make healthcare better for everyone. We go beyond EHR and PM. Our integrated solutions help increase clinical productivity, enrich the patient experience, and ensure healthy financial outcomes. We believe in better. Learn more at, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

About Health Current

Health Current is the health information exchange (HIE) that helps partners transform care by bringing together communities and information across Arizona. More complete information leads to better care and better outcomes. It makes healthcare transformation possible. Since 2007, Health Current has worked to become Arizonas primary resource for information technology and exchange, integrating information with the delivery of care to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities. Health Current: a partner that gives providers the information they need to make better clinical decisions and keep people healthy. Learn more at, and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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Media Contact Colleen EdwardsNextGen Healthcare, Inc.(949)

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Arizona Health Information Exchange Launches NextGen Healthcare Health Data Hub to Improve the Physician Experience and Enhance Patient Care - Yahoo...

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Financial organisations leading the way for hybrid cloud, Nutanix finds – DataCentreNews Europe

When it comes to hybrid cloud deployments, that is hosting workloads in both private and public cloud, financial companies are far outdoing their counterparts in other industries.

This is according to new research from Nutanix, which has recently released its second Enterprise Cloud Index Report.

Part of the report measures financial firms plans for adoption private, public and hybrid clouds.

Financial companies are arguably under a lot more pressure in regards to security, and for obvious reasons. In accordance with this, Nutanix finds 60% of respondents state security is the single biggest influence on future cloud strategies.

Furthermore, financial companies are running the highest percentage of data centres today, with just over 59% of financial companies.

Accounting in part for this trend is dissatisfaction with public cloud, with only 39% of financial services companies reporting public cloud services were completely meeting their expectations.

Flexibility to move applications is an important need that is currently underserved, according to the report.

In fact, nearly three-quarters of financial companies surveyed (71%) shared their plans to move one or more applications running in a public cloud back on-premises.

In the financial services industry, regulatory requirements are often being updated and as a result companies must be on top of how they are storing and managing data.

Respondents also ranked hybrid cloud as the most secure IT operating model (27% of the time), due to the importance of flexibility, alongside security.

However, there is growing pressure and encouragement for financial companies to embrace digital transformation, making services more convenient and modernising IT.

As such, this explains that 18% of financial companies have deployed hybrid cloud, while 51% plan to shift investment to hybrid cloud in just three to five years, Nutanix states.

Financial services selected support for remote/branch office users as a motivator for cloud decisions nearly 30% of the time, a significantly higher percentage than cross-industry averages.

According to Nutanix, this indicates that the workplace is increasingly remote, and that digital transformation is important in customer experience.

In the short term, respondents listed lack of adoption stemming from concerns around nascent tools for managing hybrid environments (66%), a lack of hybrid cloud skills (30%) and a lack of cloud-native development skills (23%).

Nutanix VP South Asia Pacific Neville Vincent says, As Australia and New Zealands financial industry adapts to pressure from fintechs and bank disruptors and increasing regulation requirements, the time to innovate is now.

Vincent says, Were seeing greater appetite among our A/NZ financial services customers to leverage hybrid cloud to end up on the right side of that and stay competitive in a changing industry.

"But its also helping those organisations gain, or often regain, control of their IT investment and their data while remaining secure and compliant.

The greater need for IT capability and support at remote or branch offices shows us how important the edge is for financial institutions.

"Cloud decisions need to factor in the rapidly accelerating amounts of data coming through these edge locations, particularly in a large but widely dispersed region like A/NZ.

Nutanix VP product marketing Greg Smith says, The financial sectors digital transformation is aggressively driving data centre modernisation and cloud adoption.

Ambitious, but necessary, plans to shift investment to hybrid clouds clearly demonstrate that financial companies recognise the obvious benefits.

"With hybrid cloud infrastructure, financial companies can enjoy application mobility across clouds and gain greater control of their IT spend, while remaining confident in the security of their data.

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Financial organisations leading the way for hybrid cloud, Nutanix finds - DataCentreNews Europe

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LINX Cardiff Becomes LINX Wales as Regional Internet Exchange Welcome NGD to the Network – RealWire

The London Internet Exchange (LINX) confirm expansion plans for their regional Internet exchange in Wales as they build out their network into Next Generation Datas (NGD) world class data centre near Newport.

Currently located in the BT Stadium House facility, LINX Cardiff, the regional Internet exchange is being rebranded LINX Wales as they welcome NGD and their customer base in Newport to the network.

LINX provide interconnection services predominantly in London but with regional Internet exchanges in Manchester and also Scotland. The regional exchange in Wales went live in January 2015, following initiatives and collaborations with the Welsh Government and a goal to meet the demand from the local community.

The team at LINX are excited by the expansion, Jo Fereday, Product Manager has been working on the new project alongside the Welsh Government;

By adding an additional PoP (point of presence) to the exchange, we not only offer peering services to customers located within the NGD facility but also provide more options and opportunities for our current member base.

Its a great step forward for LINX Wales and with the support we have from the local government its going from strength to strength.

Home to UK enterprise, global cloud providers, global integrators and Fortune 500 companies, NGDs out of town facility is Europes largest data centre, offering vast amounts of space and totally renewable power. The facility supports the colocation and cloud hosting requirements of organisations of all sizes including the provision of bespoke data halls for larger customers. In addition to full representation from the leading UK carriers, thousands of individual fibres including dark fibres are installed at multiple entry points into an expanding array of meet-me rooms.

Justin Jenkins, CEO, Next Generation Data commented;

We are delighted our world class data centre campus has been chosen as the new base for hosting and supporting the ongoing expansion of LINX Wales. NGD is fast becoming an Internet hub and a major communications node for Wales and the West of England.

Networks outside of the capital benefit from keeping traffic local, avoiding the delays where data travels back and forth to London. This means lower latency and an overall improved end user experience for the LINX member and their customers.

Look out for more communications regarding LINX Wales soon as the team prepare for an official launch Q1-2 of this year.


Notes for Editors:

About the London Internet Exchange (LINX)Established in 1994, the London Internet Exchange (LINX) is one of the largest Internet exchanges in the world, connecting over 900 member ASNs from over 80 countries. LINX continues to expand their London presence with 16 locations across London along with regional exchanges in Wales, Manchester and Scotland. LINX also operates an Internet exchange in the Ashburn metro area in the US just outside Washington DC.

About Next Generation Data CentreLocated in the Cardiff Capital Region, NGD is a purpose-built carrier-neutral Tier 3 facility offering 750,000 sq. feet (gross internal area) of highly secure and cost-effective space housing up to 22,000 racks. These can be arranged into self-contained and colocation data halls of various sizes all with independent services, resilient power and cooling systems. NGD Europes environmentally-friendly high-level technology infrastructure has been designed to meet and exceed the ever-increasing demand for more computing power. Among its many features are a high capacity 180 MVA power supply direct from the super grid and sourced from 100 per cent renewable energy; and a variety of on-site high-speed, low latency carrier interconnects.

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LINX Cardiff Becomes LINX Wales as Regional Internet Exchange Welcome NGD to the Network - RealWire

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ServerCentral Turing Group and Digital Realty Expand Partnership for Hybrid Cloud Solutions –

10:44:04 - 26 February 2020

CHICAGO, Feb. 26, 2020/PRNewswire/ --ServerCentral Turing Group (SCTG), a managed IT infrastructure service provider, and Digital Realty, a leading global provider of data center colocation and interconnection solutions, today announced an expanded collaboration on Digital Realty'sAshburn, VA connected campus to expand hyperscale connectivity availability and deliver custom, hybrid cloud solutions with full access to the global PlatformDIGITAL community of network, content and cloud providers.

SCTG's expanded relationship with Digital Realty will further enable highly reliable access and improved application performance in one of the fastest-growing, highest-demand data center environments around the globe inAshburn, VA. By leveraging Digital Realty's extensive understanding of customer deployment models, SCTG and its enterprise clients will be able to accelerate digital transformation initiatives with pre-validated footprints for network, control and data hubs.

"Companies need hyperscale platform connectivity and hybrid solutions to be competitive worldwide," saidJordan Lowe, CEO and co-founder of ServerCentral Turing Group. "Digital Realty is the perfect partner for us because they provide the accessibility, resiliency and availability our clients need to scale quickly and efficiently."

SCTG understands that a proven and trustworthy data center is essential for supporting the mission-critical applications enterprises depend on during their digital transformation journeys. Along with instant scalability, SCTG clients can expect:

"SCTG understands what it takes to run a highly dependable data center in one of the fastest-growing data center environments in the world," saidErich Sanchack, EVP, Operations for Digital Realty. "By partnering with us to provide rapid response times and year-round service, SCTG's clients can be confident they have a solid operational foundation on PlatformDIGITAL for their global digital transformation initiatives."

For more information about ServerCentral Turing Group and its cloud-native software development, Amazon Web Services consulting, cloud infrastructure, and global data center services, visit

About ServerCentral Turing GroupAt ServerCentral Turing Group (SCTG), we enable and transform businesses using technology. SCTG is one of a select number of global organizations to be a Digital Realty Gold Partner, an Equinix Gold Partner, a VMware Gold Partner and an Amazon Web Services Advanced Consulting Partner, Managed Service Provider Partner and Authorized Public Sector Partner. Learn more at or by calling (888) 875-4804 or (312) 829-1111.

About Digital RealtyDigital Realty supports the data center, colocation and interconnection strategies of customers across the Americas, EMEA and APAC, ranging from cloud and information technology services, communications and social networking to financial services, manufacturing, energy, healthcare and consumer products. To learn more about Digital Realty, please visitdigitalrealty.comor follow us onLinkedInandTwitter.

Media and Industry Analyst ContactsJack McHughServer Central Turing Group(816)

Marc MusgroveDigital Realty+1 (415)

Investor RelationsJohn StewartDigital Realty+1 (415)

Safe Harbor StatementThis press release contains forward-looking statements which are based on current expectations, forecasts and assumptions that involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual outcomes and results to differ materially, including statements related to the ServerCentral Turing Group, including expected benefits of the expanded collaboration with the company, and PlatformDIGITAL. For a list and description of such risks and uncertainties, see the reports and other filings by the company with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

SOURCE Digital Realty

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ServerCentral Turing Group and Digital Realty Expand Partnership for Hybrid Cloud Solutions -

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