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Regulators Are Killing The Banking Industry. Artificial Intelligence Can Save It. – Government, Public Sector – United States – Mondaq News Alerts

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Money laundering is the oxygen that criminal networks breathe tosurvive. And in doing so, they'll creatively bypass regulatorybarriers that are both watered down and arrive years-too-late. Theimplementation of the EU's 5th Money LaunderingDirective (5MLD) is the latest in a global march of regulatoryguidelines that attempt to play catch-up with increasingly adeptmoney launderers and the criminals they support. Since the GlobalFinancial Crisis, regulations like 5MLD attempt to tighten thenoose around money laundering funnels with stricter definitions ofclient risk and lowering the threshold for the application ofenhanced due diligence.

But for many financial institutions, providing a higher level ofinvestigation on their Clients is not a means to an end, but an endin itself, as long as it narrowly satisfies that compliancecheckbox of "doing more."

For some financial institutions, applying these checks, even inthe narrowest terms, can backfire easily, and waste key businessopportunities. Screening solutions are most commonly applied methodfor high risk clients, but offer little protection against bothfalse positives or black and white interpretations of whatconstitutes a risky hit.

For example, a legitimate businessman in South Africa can berejected by a bank because he was appointed by Malta as an honorarycouncil, thereby earning himself a profile on a risk database. Buta local municipal official in Taipei accused by local media ofaccepting bribes from construction companies can get away scot-freeunder those same checks, and put the financial institution atrisk.

It's no wonder that criminals of all shapes and sizes resortto sophisticated networks of front-men and shell companies to cleandirty money, beating out the screening processes they know will beused by banks and other financial institutions on the beneficiariesof new accounts.

Take the whopping 200 billion-plus money laundering scandal thatcontinues to rock Europe's Nordic banks. There, dirty cash fromRussia found its way into the EU's most reputable bankinginstitutions via a handful of insider bank employees and severaldozen front-men.

Eventually, it took investigative journalists and lawenforcement in numerous countries to detect these schemes. In doingso, they demonstrated a dangerous paradigm; that today, we expectbankers and other financial professionals to carry outlaw-enforcement level investigations to shield against dirty cash,but have few answers for how they are supposed to get the trainingand tools to do so all in a manner that doesn't changetheir pro-business DNA.

By implementing Artificial Intelligence and other newtechnologies, it's up to the private sector to providepractical solutions that translate crude regulatory directives intoactionable defensive measures, while remaining sensitive to thecommercial goals of those using them.

According to numerous surveys, and circulars put out byregulators themselves, static screening databases are no longersufficient, as money launderers are able to easily bypass them,while powerful, corrupt businessmen and politicians use legalaction to simply remove themselves from these lists. To properlyidentify risk in today's world, huge amounts of data must beretrieved and analyzed from local news, social media, corporateregistries found in the "deep" web of sources not indexedby Google and other search engines even the dark net.

Even the most cunning investigators cannot possibly processthese huge amounts of data, even if they know where to find it. Butby deploying artificial intelligence to detect negative sentiments,analyze networks, and identify anomalies, researchers at financialinstitutions can focus on matching the intelligence insights theyreceive with their own risk policies.

Failure to adapt and implement artificial intelligence in aworld where clients look for the fastest, smoothest onboardingprocess will result in loss of business to the competition, greaterrisk in clients being accepted, or both.

Governments and regulators shouldn't reinvent the wheel, butin each jurisdiction they should actively promote and encourage thedevelopment of artificial intelligence in the financial sector. IfFinancial Institutions are going to be placed on the front lines inthe fight against money laundering, they should have the righttools to win.

Daniel Nisman is the Head of Financial InvestigationsSolutions at Cobwebs Technologies. He is a career financial crimeintelligence analyst and AML specialist.

The content of this article is intended to provide a generalguide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be soughtabout your specific circumstances.

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Regulators Are Killing The Banking Industry. Artificial Intelligence Can Save It. - Government, Public Sector - United States - Mondaq News Alerts

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Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Clinical Artificial Intelligence looks for real answers in the future of health care – Crain’s Cleveland Business

The Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland and Jo-Ann Stores Inc. are teaming up for a series of interactive activities around moCa's current exhibition, "Margaret Kilgallen: that's where the beauty is." (Hudson-based Jo-Ann is the lead sponsor of the show, which moCa says "evokes the vitality of American street and folk life, as well as vintage signage and typography.) On Saturday, Feb. 29, and on two other Saturdays, March 7 and 21, from noon to 4 p.m., guests can design and print their own T-shirts. On April 4 and May 2, Jo-Ann facilitators will lead tutorials featuring one of Kilgallen's passions, handlettering. Through May, moCa said, the museum's first floor will be home to an interactive installation "in which visitors are invited into a unique Art Stories booth, where they are prompted to record stories of items they would create with their hands, hearts and minds for loved ones." The activities will culminate on May 16, with artmaking opportunities throughout the day.

Bloomberg reports that the Senate could vote next week on a piece of legislation that "aims to boost energy storage technology as well as nuclear and renewable power," and includes a measure from U.S. Sen. Rob Portman, R-Cincinnati. The bill, unveiled Thursday, Feb. 27,"represents the latest Republican approach of promoting clean energy while steering clear of mandates to cut emissions of climate-warming gases or stop fossil fuel development on public lands," the news service reports. It "seeks to spur carbon capture, grid modernization and security and also includes a measure championed by Susan Collins of Maine ... that would fund an Energy Department research program to reduce the cost of grid-scale energy storage. The technology could transform the wind and solar industries by allowing, for example, solar power made during the day to be used at night," according to the article. Bloomberg says the bill also includes "a long-stalled measure" from Portman "that would increase energy efficiency in residential and federal buildings and a separate measure aimed at helping the development of new nuclear reactor technology."

It's a busy week for Portman, who also has an op-ed piece in Barron's with Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Maryland, that highlights what they call "the next big legislative step forward to ensure hard-working Americans achieve a safe and secure retirement." They write that the Retirement Security & Savings Act "includes a broad set of reforms designed to strengthen Americans' retirement security by addressing four major opportunities in the existing retirement system: (1) allowing people who have saved too little to set more aside for their retirement; (2) helping small businesses offer 401(k)s and other retirement plans; (3) expanding access to retirement savings plans for low-income Americans without coverage; and (4) providing more certainty and flexibility during Americans' retirement years." Portman and Cardin argue that the measure "will build upon the success of the SECURE Act legislation to strengthen our private retirement system and help more Americans save for their retirement which was signed into law late last year."

The Wall Street Journal runs a letter from an emeritus professor at Case Western Reserve University that takes issue with former Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele's defense of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. From Erik M. Jensen's letter: Under the compact, signatory states would have to allocate their electoral votes to the candidate who wins a plurality (not a majority) of the national popular vote. Even so, the compact is a recipe for disaster. Compact supporters seem to assume that presidential races will continue to be dominated by two candidates, one of whom will get, if not a popular majority, at least a plurality above 40% thus showing some national support. But the Electoral College, as it now works (with a winner-take-all system in all but two states), is one reason we've had two dominant parties. If the national popular vote controls the outcome, we can expect several candidates with a chance of winning to be on the November ballot. We could have a "winner" with only, say, 30% (and maybe even less) of the popular vote, and he or she could be someone unacceptable to the rest of the electorate. That's crazy. It's like being declared the "winner" of a presidential primary with 25% of the vote. Jensen concludes, "Another problem with the compact is that when the popular vote is close, a national recount would be necessary. With the Electoral College, recounts are typically required in at most a few states; the college generally provides a clear winner. With the compact, however, the ballots in every precinct in the country would require rechecking. Does Mr. Steele really want Bush v. Gore on steroids?"

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Cleveland Clinic's Center for Clinical Artificial Intelligence looks for real answers in the future of health care - Crain's Cleveland Business

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ECSL Practitioners’ Forum on Artificial Intelligence and the Space Sector: Legal And Regulatory Aspects – SpaceWatch.Global

The European Centre for Space Law (ECSL) has been organising a one-day Practitioners Forum every year since 1992. The aim of the Forum is to provide those working across all areas of the space sector an opportunity to network and discuss topical areas of space law and policy relevant to the sector.

The next Practitioners Forum will take place at ESA ESOC in Darmstadt, Germany on 23 of April 2020, and will gather high-level experts to address Artificial Intelligence and the Space Sector: legal and regulatory aspects.

The programme of the event is available here.

Registration is open until the 10th of April and limited to 100 participants. To register, please click here.


The European Centre for Space Law (ESCL) was established in 1989 under the auspices of the European Space Agency (ESA) and with the support of a number of pioneers in this field.

Current members of the ECSL include professionals working in a wide range of areas within the space sector, lawyers, university professors and students.

Among other things, one of the main objectives of the Centre is to provide a forum for all those wishing to participate in constructive dialogue related to space law and space policy, and to encourage interdisciplinary exchange among members.

ESCL members include professionals working in different areas within the space sector. Citizens of ESA Member States or countries with cooperative agreements with ESA can become members of ECSL upon payment of a small annual fee.

Membership gives the right to participate in ECSL activities, to vote at the General Meeting of Members and to receive certain ECSL publications.

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ECSL Practitioners' Forum on Artificial Intelligence and the Space Sector: Legal And Regulatory Aspects - SpaceWatch.Global

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Josh Swamidass on Artificial Intelligence at the University of Washington – Discovery Institute

Josh Swamidass is the Washington University computational biologist and intelligent design critic who debated with biochemist Michael Behe last week at Texas A&M. Their exchange is now up on YouTube. Jonathan Witt reported on the contents here.

Dr. Swamidass then headed to Seattle where he spoke last night at the University of Washington on Human Identity and the Meaning of Artificial Intelligence: A Conversation with a Secular Humanist and a Scientist Christian. It was good to see Josh in the flesh. The sponsor, Veritas Forum, is a Christian group that says it is committed to courageous conversations. We place the historic Christian faith in dialogue with other beliefs and invite participants from all backgrounds to pursue Truth together.

I have to admit the event was kind of dull compared with the Behe debate. But Josh gave a nice presentation with AI/consciousness basics about Alan Turing, John Searles Chinese Room, etc. The most interesting thing I heard was his passing mention of Alfred Wallace, co-founder with Charles Darwin of the theory of evolution by natural selection, and Wallaces Doubt about whether human consciousness could have evolved in a Darwinian manner. Actually, this is a question on which Wallace broke with Darwin, becoming arguably a forerunner of ID.

For the discussion, Josh was then paired with a law professor who seemed totalka lot without saying quite as much. To join in the courageous conversation, you could submit questions through a website. I asked, under my first name only, Where do you think Alfred Russel Wallaces doubt about the unguided evolution of human consciousness stands today? Sounds a bit like intelligent design.

I didnt stay till the end but when I left I counted 30 approved questions in the queue while a lone question languished, unapproved to be asked and still Waiting for review. Guess which one?

[I updated this post for clarity and because I may have been a little hard on the law professor. DK]

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Josh Swamidass on Artificial Intelligence at the University of Washington - Discovery Institute

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Computer Scientist Develops the Art of Artificial Intelligence – University of Texas at Dallas

Dr. Kang Zhang

It took years for Pablo Picasso to perfect his style. Now, a University of Texas at Dallas computer science professor is developing algorithms to generate unique images that mimic the cubist pioneers paintings in seconds.

Dr. Kang Zhang uses artificial intelligence (AI) to teach computers to create illustrations in the style of the famous masters: Jackson Pollock and his paint splatters or Joan Mir and his curved shapes and sharp lines. The process involves feeding computers examples of colors, abstract shapes and layouts so they can learn to produce their own versions of masterpieces.

Zhang, a professor of computer science and director of the Visual Computing Lab in the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science, uses computer science to study fine art and he uses fine art to find ways to make better computer visuals.

He recently returned from the Czech Republic, where he spent last fall lecturing and conducting research at Charles University in Prague as a Fulbright Distinguished Chair. Zhang also traveled to Poland, Germany and Serbia to give presentations on his project, Design and Experiment of Multi-Dimensional Information Visualization and Aesthetic Representations.

The computer can be a tool to develop beautiful and user-friendly designs for just about everything we see on our screens, Zhang said. The goal is to have art and design help computing. User interfaces, for example, are supposed to be friendly and beautiful, but they are often created by computer scientists with only function in mind.

Zhang used deep learning and image processing techniques to transform photographs into Picassos cubist style.

Zhang, who has written textbooks on the subject and lectured across the globe, is an expert in computational aesthetics, a subfield of AI that involves applying mathematical formulas to represent and analyze aesthetic features. He said the technology can help software and web developers produce better computer-generated graphics, user interfaces and visualizations of big data.

Generating visuals in the style of abstract artists involves an AI function called deep learning, which teaches the machine to process information and recognize patterns the way a human brain does and perform tasks without explicit instructions.

Zhangs process involves splicing images, building computer models of irregular shapes, encoding the designs and writing algorithms to let the computer take over and weave the colors, layouts and shapes into new creations. For example, he and his colleagues and students have published articles in the journal The Visual Computer describing how they transformed portraits into Picassos cubist style and modeled Pollocks dripping style of painting. They have also delivered conference presentations detailing a method for generating Mirs surrealism.

The Fulbright Distinguished Chairs Program comprises approximately 40 distinguished lecturing, distinguished research and distinguished lecturing/research awards ranging from three to 12 months. Awards in the Fulbright Distinguished Chairs Program are viewed as among the most prestigious appointments in the Fulbright Scholar Program. Candidates should be eminent scholars and have a significant publication and teaching record. Learn how to apply.

In addition to generating better visuals, computational aesthetics increasingly is being used to analyze art in new ways. For example, Zhangs study in the April 2019 edition of the journal Leonardo examined the white space in artist Wu Guanzhongs paintings. Leaving white space by not painting over the white rice paper is typical in Chinese painting. When Zhang and the studys co-authors collected data on viewers eye movements and asked viewers to rate the artwork based on various features, the researchers found that the white space in Wus work had a significant effect on viewers aesthetic experiences.

Zhang developed a passion for art while growing up in China and has won awards for his oil paintings and Chinese calligraphy. Throughout his career, he has incorporated art into his research, which, he emphasized, explores how computers can serve as tools not replacements for creativity.

Computer science will not replace artists and designers, Zhang said. Rather, it can help both groups extend their imaginations and capability in making creative works.

University of Texas at Dallas alumna Caryn Voskuil MA96, PhD00 spent two weeks last fall in France as part of the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program.

Voskuil, associate dean of humanities, fine and performing arts at Richland College in Dallas, was part of a group of 12 college administrators who traveled to France to see firsthand how international education is managed.

Caryn Voskuil MA96, PhD00

I felt as if I had taken an entire course in two weeks, she said. Frances attitude toward education is very inclusive; anyone who earns a baccalaureate degree there is promised a place at a university or in higher education. Its quite different from the way we do it, but its really a wonderful system.

Voskuils travel grant was part of the Fulbright International Education Administrators program. Recipients are chosen based on academic and professional achievement, as well as a record of service and demonstrated leadership in their particular fields.

After earning her doctoral degree from UT Dallas, Voskuil served in education roles in a number of developing and post-conflict countries, including Afghanistan, Cambodia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. She began her appointment at Richland in 2015.

Voskuil said it is important for educators, as well as students, to learn from each other.

Global learning and cross-cultural understanding are very important for student success in the workplace and for the success of our country and our world. Unfortunately, most people from developing countries or post-conflict countries cant really afford to go abroad and only about 1% of American students actually study abroad, she said. So to really encourage diversity and a global perspective, we need to find better ways to make international education available to everyone.

Phil Roth

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Computer Scientist Develops the Art of Artificial Intelligence - University of Texas at Dallas

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State of the Internet / Security: Financial Services – Hostile Takeover Attempts –

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State of the Internet / Security: Financial Services - Hostile Takeover Attempts -

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Zyxel storage, firewall, VPN, security boxes have a give-anyone-on-the-internet-root hole: Patch right now – The Register

Zyxel's network storage boxes, business VPN gateways, firewalls, and, er, security scanners can be remotely hijacked by any miscreant, due to a devastating security hole in the firmware.

The devices' weblogin.cgi program fails to sanitize user input, allowing anyone who can reach one of these vulnerable machines, over the network or across the internet, can silently inject and execute arbitrary commands as a root superuser with no authentication required. That would be a total compromise. It's a 10 out of 10 in terms of severity.

As its name suggests, weblogin.cgi is part of the built-in web-based user interface provided by the firmware, and the commands can be injected via GET or POST HTTP requests.

If a miscreant can't directly connect to a vulnerable Zyxel device, "there are ways to trigger such crafted requests even if an attacker does not have direct connectivity to a vulnerable device," noted Carnegie Mellon's CERT Coordination Center in its advisory on the matter.

"For example, simply visiting a website can result in the compromise of any Zyxel device that is reachable from the client system."

Here's the affected equipment, which will need patching:

Fixes can be fetched and installed from Zyxel's website. Meanwhile, the NSA210, NSA220, NSA220+, NSA221, NSA310, NSA310S, NSA320, NSA320S, NSA325 and NSA325v2 models are no longer supported, and thus no patches are available, but are still vulnerable. The security bug (CVE-2020-9054) is trivial to exploit, unfortunately.

"Command injection within a login page is about as bad as it gets and the lack of any cross-site request forgery token makes this vulnerability particularly dangerous," Craig Young, a researcher with security house Tripwire, told The Register earlier today. "JavaScript running in the browser is enough to identify and exploit vulnerable devices on the network."

Speaking of bad, exploit code is already on sale for $20,000 in underground forums, and the patched firmware is delivered via unencryped FTP, which can be meddled with by network eavesdroppers.

"Be cautious when updating firmware on affected devices, as the Zyxel firmware upgrade process both uses an insecure channel (FTP) for retrieving updates, and the firmware files are only verified by checksum rather than cryptographic signature," CERT-CC warned.

"For these reasons, any attacker that has control of DNS or IP routing may be able to cause a malicious firmware to be installed on a Zyxel device."

If you can't patch your Zyxel device, bin it especially if it's facing the internet.

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Zyxel storage, firewall, VPN, security boxes have a give-anyone-on-the-internet-root hole: Patch right now - The Register

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Internet Security Market Report Growth, Analysis, Applications, forecast to 2024 & Focusing on top key Companies like Symantec Co, IBM, Hewlett…

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This report studies the global Internet Security Market status and forecast, categorizes the global Internet Security Market size (value & volume), revenue (Million USD), product price by manufacturers, type, application, and region. Internet Security Market Report by Material, Application and Geography with Global Forecast to 2024 is an connoisseur and far-reaching research provide details related to worlds major provincial economic situations, Concentrating on the principle districts (North America, South America Europe, and Asia-Pacific) and the crucial nations (United States, Germany, United Kingdom, Japan, South Korea, and China).

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Table of Contents

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Internet Security Market Report Growth, Analysis, Applications, forecast to 2024 & Focusing on top key Companies like Symantec Co, IBM, Hewlett...

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3 Things That Keep This Election Security Expert Up at Night – PCMag

SAN FRANCISCOWith voters heading to the polls later this year, securing American elections was a frequent theme at the RSA Conference, but voting machines have taken a backseat to concerns like voting rolls and the software used to report outcomes.

Aaron Wilson,Senior Director of Election Security at the Center for Internet Security (CIS), says his organization has the solution.

Election technology is more than just voting machines, Wilson explained. Electronic poll books, for example, contain lists of eligible voters, election night reporting systems, voter registration systems, and the electronic ballot delivery used by citizens living overseas. And those books have "a greater attack surface than our voting systems because [they're] internet-connected in one way or another," he said. Take the app used to report Iowa caucus results, where poor design led to a long delay in releasing the results.

Wilson has three election-related concerns he believes are likely to occur. The first is a denial of service (DoS) attack. In this scenario, attackers might flood critical websites or services with bogus requests that make them unusable. It's particularly concerning to me because you know exactly when to wage the attack," Wilson said.

Similarly, Wilson fears aransomware attack, which could hold critical infrastructure or data hostage and throw an election into chaos. Last year was a banner year for ransomware, with hospitals and municipalities among those victimized. As with a DoS attack, the bad guys would know that if they launch the attack the day of the election, it will be much harder for officials to recover and report results.

These two attacks offer "the best return on investment for a rational attacker...and we agree that they are rational actors," Wilson said.

The last likely attack Wilson imagines is unauthorized data modification. This would include anything from website defacement to manipulation of results transmitted to an online portal. A defaced website might be used to spread disinformation, perhaps incorrect dates or voting locations. Vote totals being manipulated is a real nightmare scenario, and demonstrates how outcomes could be swayed or confidence in elections shaken without touching the voting machines or ballots.

Election technology has always been a bit of a niche industry, and thats even more true for supporting technologies, Wilson said. Of the companies that serve this space, the largest has 40 to 50 employees. Wilson and the CIS have compiled 160 best practices, which are divided into groups ranging from easy to advanced tactics, so companies can quickly raise baseline security.

While we geared it for technology providers we also wanted to give election officials something to read and understand, said Wilson. The goal is to teach them the right questions to ask of their technology providers and of their staff.

Companies and election organizations should, for example, set up backup communications in case established lines are disabled. During the Iowa caucuses, the backup phone number for reporting results was tied up by trolls from 4chan.

Wilson also emphasized advanced planning. Individuals should know their roles in an emergency situation, for example. He also stressed that companies and election agencies should have complete system backups of their equipment and train on how to quickly access and distribute those backups.

CIS also designed a system for testing and validating systems and updates to those systems, called RABET-V. Current voting system process doesnt support change very well, said Wilson. Change, including security patches, are expensive to deploy.

Other speakers at the RSA Conference touched on the issue of certifying voter equipment, where there are currently "disincentives to updating that equipment," said Jeffrey Rothblum, Senior Professional Staff Member on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. The issue is that to apply an update requires that the equipment be re-certified, creating a "false choice between a certified thing versus a more secure thing,"Rothblum said.

With RABET-V, a system might take 2-3 months to pass an initial review, but subsequent reviews would be much faster. A RABET-V pilot program launched this month with two poll book systems, two result reporting systems, and one auditing platform, and the goal is to further refine RABET-V and make it a viable process. Were submitting we can reduce the cost of re-verification of a system, said Wilson. But we need to be able to prove that.

3 Things That Keep This Election Security Expert Up at Night - PCMag

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How to prepare your business and employees for the coronavirus – Komando

The coronavirus outbreak continues to make its way across the globe and health officials are urging Americans to be vigilant and prepare for the possibility of more cases. Currently, the numbers of infected in the U.S. are few, but the situation is fluid. Calm, proactive behavior is the key to staying healthy.

Still, people across America have questions about what to do if the virus reaches their communities. With so much misinformation online, it can be tough to determine the best course of action. Tap or click to learn more about coronavirus fake news.

This is especially true for business owners and employees, who might be concerned about working in the midst of an outbreak. How do you prepare? And what does the spread of the virus mean for your business, your data and your family? Read our guide to see what tools can keep you informed and keep your digital life and business going strong.

Americans are famous for our work ethics, and many of us would rather arm ourselves with caffeine and DayQuil before heading into the office than take a sick day. But when a community disease outbreak occurs, this practice becomes a dangerous health risk to others.

Employers and employees alike should always stay home if theyve got a fever regardless of which illness theyre afflicted with. If youre experiencing symptoms, it means youre likely contagious and can spread the illness to your coworkers.

One sick worker staying home is less impactful to your business than an entire sick workforce. Advise your employees to be mindful of their health, to wash their hands frequently and to cough into their elbows.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention also recommends businesses cross-train employees to perform other job functions. This can help keep operations going when youre short-staffed.

One of the best ways to do this is via process mapping. This means preparing detailed written guidelines and instructions for employees that would allow them to act in multiple roles at your business.

For example, if you work in publication, you could process-map the copy editing process so a writer could potentially act in the role with no issues.

Process mapping can be done informally, or you can gain certifications that will make the practice more regimented. If youre informally mapping your business processes, collaborate with your team and create shared documents everyone can access.

For a more formal certification, check out this process mapping resource from Business Enterprise Mapping and see if it fits the needs of your business.

The internet is rife with misinformation surrounding the novel coronavirus, and bad actors ranging from government-sponsored trolls to conspiracy theorists are banking on paranoia to generate clicks and profits. If you see an online claim that seems either too good or too bad to be true, it probably is.

There are several fake news stories surrounding the origins of the disease that do not line up with the established facts (or objective reality, for that matter). Be skeptical about the stories circulated by your friends on places like Facebook especially if disease numbers increase over time.

If youre looking for an accurate, up-to-date way to track the spread of the illness, tap or click here to check out this map from John Hopkins University and access more detailed information.

Depending on your industry, it may be worth implementing work from home options for certain employees. Jobs with a heavy emphasis on digital work can easily transition to a home environment. And with help from the right video conferencing and security tools, it can even feel like an ordinary day at the office.

So what tools are right for a work from home setup? Youll want to look into cloud-based solutions for documents and data. Software suites like G Suite or Office 365 give you access to word processors, spreadsheets and slideshows. You can even use these programs to collaborate and share projects between employees.

G Suite is a business-oriented version of Google Drive, which includes popular cloud-based productivity software like Google Docs, Sheets and Slides. Signing up for G Suite also gives you and your employees access to cloud storage and device management for just $6 per user per month. There is also a 14-day free trial.

Users each receive a custom Gmail address to sign into that can be accessed anywhere. All employees need to do is download the Gmail app to gain access to their work emails.

This account is secured through Google, and administrators can set up features like 2FA to protect essential documents and data. Tap or click here to learn more about 2FA.

Tap Get Started in the upper right-hand corner to get G Suite for your business and fill out your contact information. If your business has specific needs youd like to address, click Contact Sales to speak with a Google representative.

Office 365 is Microsofts cloud-based productivity suite. Its an upgraded version of the Microsoft Office suite were all familiar with, and it includes several features that make remote work more productive remote access, teleconferencing and live document collaboration.

Users can access Office 365 via Microsoft accounts created by the administrator who sets up the software. The service is $8.25 per user per month for the basic package and $10 per user per month for the upgraded package that includes custom email domains and teleconferencing.

Visit the site page to choose which business account you want to activate, then follow the onscreen instructions to set up Office 365.

Next up, youll want your employees to have secure access to their files and accounts without putting the companys data at risk. Your employees home internet security might not be as robust as your business, so its a good idea to lock down your apps and system before anyone accesses them remotely.

To protect your data, youll need security options like a VPN and password manager. This makes employee logins more secure and prevents any unauthorized traffic from piggybacking on your employees connections. Tap or click here to find out why VPNs are so important to set up.

Look for VPNs that are strong on privacy, avoid tracking your data and let you browse anonymously. It should also be fast and capable of handling the digital side of your business.

To set up a VPN on Windows, click thestart button(Windows iconat the bottom of your screen on the left). Go toSettingsthen chooseNetwork & Internet, followedby VPNfrom the menu on the left.

Click Add a VPN Connection, then open the drop-down arrow where it saysVPN Providerand select Windows. Type in whatever name you want for your connection.

Next, type in the server name or address your VPN provided. If your VPN gives you a specific VPN type to use, choose that one; otherwise, selectAutomaticand let Windows 10 choose for you.

Look for User Name and PasswordunderType of Sign-In Info. Type in a user name and password youll remember, then selectSave to complete the setup.

To set up a VPN on a Mac, many software designers provide simple apps that will automatically set things up for you. But if youre asked to set up manually, openSystem Preferencesby tapping the apple in the upper left corner of your screen, then selectSystem Preferences and click Network.

Select the+ symbolon the lower-left corner, tap the drop-down menu and selectVPN. Youll then be prompted to add the server name or address your VPN provider gave you. Save changes to complete the setup.

If youre looking for a trustworthy VPN, our sponsor, ExpressVPN, takes a different approach to getting started. All you need to do is download an app and log in with your username and password to install the service.

Youll get a fast, secure VPN system that encrypts your traffic and protects your company from malicious actors online. Get an extra 3 months free of ExpressVPN when you sign up at

Now, for password managers, youll want to look for something that can automatically generate complex passwords that cant be easily cracked. Using a strong password manager to generate employee logins will fortify your account system and make it difficult for hackers to take advantage of remote employee access.

We recommend our sponsor Roboform, since it can automatically generate strong passwords and encrypts them during storage. Tap or click here to find out more about Roboform.

Once you generate your employees passwords, make sure they dont save them to their browsers. Internet browsers can be compromised much easier than encrypted documents.

Of course, people cant just work from home with no direction. As an employer, youll want to have access to your workers beyond simple phone calls and text messages. To keep the spirit of collaboration alive, video conferencing and virtual meetings are a must.

Virtual meetings can help employees feel a sense of normalcy, particularly under extraordinary circumstances. It also can help prevent mistakes and misunderstandings much better than phone calls or texts, where subtle facial expressions and intonations can be missed.

Here are some of our favorite virtual meeting tools. These include video conferencing programs, as well as business-oriented instant messaging tools for quick collaboration and discussion.

Zoom is one of the most popular virtual meeting apps on the web and includes video meetings, chat and screen-sharing features. Zooms infrastructure lets users work without the lag and stuttering you might experience in other free software, and has the added bonus of split-screen video conferencing so you can see everyone at once just like an in-person meeting.

Zooms basic package is free of charge and can host up to 100 users, each of whom can hold one-on-one meetings. The Pro package is $15.00 per month per host and lets you access group meetings in split-screen mode.

More expensive packages increase the number of participants youre allowed to have, so be sure to check out the plans and packages to choose the right one for your business. Tap or click here to see more plans and packages.

Skype is a service many of us are familiar with, and its still heavily relied upon in the business world. The free version offers one-on-one meetings and access to tools like screen sharing, but has limited cloud storage and a user cap.

Microsoft Teams, the new name for business-oriented Skype subscriptions, gives you access to larger group calls as well as live document collaboration. Its also included as part of the Office 365 suite we described earlier, or can be used as a free standalone app.

Slack is designed as an all-purpose chatting app that helps your employees stay in touch with one another. Unlike with email, youre limited to your employee network only. This is good because it keeps conversations private, encrypted and secure.

Slack offers a free version for small teams, but teams of up to 15 workers will want to upgrade to the standard version for $6.67 per user per month. Additional upgrades are available depending on the size of your team. Tap or click here to read more about Slacks plans and pricing.

Just like with Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts is included as a part of your G Suite subscription. Functionally, it works like an instant messenger program but it only includes the members of your workgroup or business.

Google Hangouts is particularly useful due to its availability as a mobile app. If youre signed up for Hangouts, your employees can download the app to their mobile devices. This way, theyll never miss an important update from you or their coworkers.

As the disease spreads around the world, it will be up to us to keep ourselves and our loved ones healthy. By organizing your business so it can run via remote work or at a reduced capacity, youll protect your workers as well as your profits. As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

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How to prepare your business and employees for the coronavirus - Komando

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