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Quantum researchers able to split one photon into three – Space Daily

Researchers from the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) at the University of Waterloo report the first occurrence of directly splitting one photon into three.

The occurrence, the first of its kind, used the spontaneous parametric down-conversion method (SPDC) in quantum optics and created what quantum optics researchers call a non-Gaussian state of light. A non-Gaussian state of light is considered a critical ingredient to gain a quantum advantage.

"It was understood that there were limits to the type of entanglement generated with the two-photon version, but these results form the basis of an exciting new paradigm of three-photon quantum optics," said Chris Wilson, a principle investigator at IQC faculty member and a professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Waterloo.

"Given that this research brings us past the known ability to split one photon into two entangled daughter photons, we're optimistic that we've opened up a new area of exploration."

"The two-photon version has been a workhorse for quantum research for over 30 years," said Wilson. "We think three photons will overcome the limits and will encourage further theoretical research and experimental applications and hopefully the development of optical quantum computing using superconducting units."

Wilson used microwave photons to stretch the known limits of SPDC. The experimental implementation used a superconducting parametric resonator. The result clearly showed the strong correlation among three photons generated at different frequencies. Ongoing work aims to show that the photons are entangled.

"Non-Gaussian states and operations are a critical ingredient for obtaining the quantum advantage," said Wilson. "They are very difficult to simulate and model classically, which has resulted in a dearth of theoretical work for this application."

Research Report: "Observation of Three-Photon Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion in a Superconducting Parametric Cavity"

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Quantum researchers able to split one photon into three - Space Daily

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Dear passwords: Forget you. Here’s what is going to protect us instead – USA TODAY

Everything you have learned about passwords might be wrong. Buzz60

Do you hate remembering passwords?Soon, you may be able to forget them for good.

For years, weve relied on a secret we share with a computer to prove we are who we say we are. But passwordsare easily compromised through a phishing scam or malware, data breach or some simple social engineering. Once in the wrong hands, theseflimsy strings of characterscan be used to impersonate us all over the internet.

Slowly, we're kicking the password habit. With data breachescosting billions, the pressure is on to find more foolproof ways to verify someone's identity.

We are moving into a world which were calling passwordless, which is the ability for our applications, devices and computers to recognize us by something other than the old-fashioned password, says Wolfgang Goerlich, advisory chief information security officer for Cisco-owned security firm Duo.

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Anxiety, depression and PTSD: The hidden epidemic of data breaches and cyber crimes

Data breach: How to make your passwords worthless to cyber thieves

Newer formsof identification areharder to imitate:something we are (such as the contours of our faceor the ridges of our thumb) or something we have (physical objects such as security keys).

Intuit, for example,lets users sign into its mobile apps with a fingerprint or facial recognitionor their phones passcode instead of a password. Your fingerprint or screen lock can access some Google services on Pixel and Android 7+ devices.

Passwords are a 60-year-old solution built on a 5,000-year-old idea.

Goerlich estimates that within five years, we could be logging into most of our online accounts the same way we unlock our phones.And then we will be able to finally break up with passwords for good.

What will replace them? That's a bit more complicated.

Any system that depends on a single factorisn't secure enough, according to Vijay Balasubramaniyan, CEO of Pindrop, a voice authentication and security company.Biometric information such as an iris scan or a fingerprint can be stolen, too, and you can't change those.

Balasubramaniyan predicts several pieces of information will be used to verify identity. Machines will analyze our speech patterns or scan our fingerprints. Well also be identified by something we have (our mobile devices, computers, key cards, fobs or tokens) and something we do (our movements and location, our behavior and habits, even how we type).

One of the major proponents of a passwordless future is the FIDO Alliance, which stands for Fast Identity Online. The consortium includes industry heavyweights including Apple, Google and Microsoft.(Photo: Jefferson Graham)

If that seems more invasive than sharing some random bits of knowledge such as our mothers maiden name or a PIN number, it is. But Balasubramaniyan argues these trade-offs are necessary to shield our personal information in a hyper-connected world.

Its going to be scary, he says, but, its time for consumers to demand a higher level of privacy and security.

Secret words to tell friend from foe have been around since ancient times and, in the early days of the internet, they made a lot of sense.

We started out with just a handful of passwords to access our email, a few e-commerce sites, maybe an online subscription or two.But soon, we were transferringour entire existence into the cloud, storing our medical and financial information, photos of our kids and our innermost musings there.

And every time we clicked a link or downloaded an app, we had to come up withanother password. As even more devices connected to the internet, from home surveillance systems to thermostats, we hit password overload.

Today,people have an average of 85 passwords to keep track of, according to password manager LastPass. Our brains just arent wired to squirrel away unique passwords for so many online accounts.So we reuse and share them. We jot them down on Post-Its or in Word documents. We sign in with Facebook or Google. We shell out a few bucks for a digital password manager.

You don't feel like entering your password over and over, so you press the keep me signed in button. Was that a mistake? Buzz60

Forgot your password?That's because common password advice is bad, experts say

Hackers hit your inbox: Email is still most vulnerable to phishing

But data breaches keep proliferating. So were toldto conjure up stronger passwords, the longer and more random the better (use special characters!). Were proddedto enable two-factor authentication. And we grumble so much about it all, our collective frustration has turned into a popular internet meme:Sorry your password must contain a capital letter, two numbers, a symbol, an inspiring message, a spell, a gang sign, a hieroglyph and the blood of a virgin.

Turns out theonly fans of passwords are hackers and identity thieves. Even researcher Fernando Corbat, who helped create the first computer password in the early 1960s, was a detractor before he died.

Corbat told the Wall Street Journal in 2014 that he used to keep dozens of his passwords on three typed pages. He called the current state of password security kind of a nightmare.

"Passwords are a 60-year-old solution built on a 5,000-year-old idea,"says Jonah Stein, co-founder of UNSProject, which allows you to access your accounts using the camera on your phone. "Daily life demands that we create and remember a new password for almost every single thing we do reading the news, paying bills, or simply ordering a pizza. The promise of online convenience has been broken by antiquated authentication solutions with unrealistic security best practices."

(Photo: Getty Images)

So will passwords finally go the way of the eight-track tape? For years, reports of their demisehave been greatly exaggerated. Tech leaders have dangled but never delivered on promises to eliminatepasswords.

There is no doubt that, over time, people are going to rely less and less on passwords, Microsofts billionaire founder Bill Gates told the RSA conference in 2004. "People use the same password on different systems, they write them down and they just don't meet the challenge for anything you really want to secure."

So whats taking so long? Too many options being floated and too little consensus on what will work best.

Companies, eager for our eyeballs and our business, are holding out for solutions that strike a balance between convenience and security.With security costs skyrocketing and consumer trust flailing, the industry is under growing pressure to lockdown our accounts, security experts say.By 2023, 30% of organizations will use at least one form of authentication that does not involve a password, a significant increase from the 5% today, according to research firm Gartner.

One of the major proponents of a password-free worldis the FIDO Alliance, which stands for Fast Identity Online. The consortium of heavyweights from Google to Microsoft is developing technical standards to verify identity. Apple recently joined the FIDO Alliance, giving the group even more clout.

We cant ditch passwords overnight, but, according to Andrew Shikiar, executive director of the FIDO Alliance, the imperative is there now.

Businesses are feeling these pain points and they are being pushed to come up with solutions that are not dependent on the old ways of authenticating, he says.

That the industry is working arm in arm on solutions is really unprecedented, Shikiar says. This sort of collaboration is a very good sign that, not only is there a way to go past passwords, there is a will.

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Dear passwords: Forget you. Here's what is going to protect us instead - USA TODAY

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Do these three things to protect your web security camera from hackers – ZDNet

Owners of smart cameras, baby monitors and other Internet of Things products have been urged to help keep their devices safe by following three simple steps to boost cybersecurity and making it more difficult for hackers to compromise them.

The advice from the UK's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) the cyber arm of the GCHQ intelligence agency comes as IoT security cameras and other devices are gaining popularity in households and workplaces.

However, these devices can bring additional risks to users, as insecure settings can leave IoT cameras open to hackerswho could use them to snoop on what's going on, or even use the device as a stepping stone to hack into the rest of the network.

SEE:Cybersecurity in an IoT and mobile world(ZDNet special report) |Download the report as a PDF(TechRepublic)

But the NCSC's new guidance paper Smart security cameras: using them safely in your home sets out three things users can do to make it much harder for their IoT devices to be hacked or accessed without authorisation. They are:

1. Change the default password

Many IoT passwords come equipped with a default password that is either short and easy to guess, or the same default password is shipped with all the devices meaning if the password for one device is leaked, it's also leaked for everyone.

The NCSC recommends that users change the password on the device which is most commonly done by using the app used to monitor the device. The advice from the NCSC is to change the password to three random words and to avoid using anything in the list of the most commonly hacked passwords.

2. Apply software updates regularly

Users can go a long way to keeping the IoT camera secure by regularly applying the relevant software updates which often not only add new features, but boost the security of the device. If possible, users should set the device to automatically install these firmware updates, so that the device is protected in the most up-to-date way possible and without the user having to think about doing it by themselves.

SEE:Cybersecurity: Let's get tactical(ZDNet/TechRepublic special feature) |Download the free PDF version(TechRepublic)

3. Disable unnecessary alerts

If users don't need the feature that allows them to remotely view camera footage via the internet, the NCSC recommends disabling it; thus preventing hackers who might be able to gain access to the device from being able to snoop on the room the camera is in.

"Smart technology such as cameras and baby monitors are fantastic innovations with real benefits for people, but without the right security measures in place they can be vulnerable to cyber attackers," said Dr Ian Levy, technical director at the NCSC.

"These are practical measures which we can all take to help us get the most out of our home-based technology in a safe way," he added.

The advice from the NCSC comes shortly after the UK government proposed draft legislation for Internet of Things security that would mean device manufacturers would have to adhere to particular standards in order to sell products to consumers in the UK; however, it remains unclear how these rules will be enforced.

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Do these three things to protect your web security camera from hackers - ZDNet

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Internet security Market 2020 Analysis by Overview, Growth, Top Companies, Trends, Demand and Forecast to 2026 – Packaging News 24

Verified Market Research adds new research report on market size for Internet security and regional forecasts for 2020-2026. The report provides an in-depth analysis of the Internet security market, taking into account market dynamics, segmentation, geographic expansion, the competitive landscape, and various other key issues. The market analysts who prepared the report have thoroughly examined the Internet security market and provided reliable and accurate data. They understand the needs of the industry and customers, so they can easily focus on the issues that end users have been looking for. The research report provides an analysis of an assessment of existing and upcoming trends in which players can invest. It also includes an assessment of the players financial prospects and the nature of the competition.

Global Internet security Market was valued at USD 32.67 Billion in 2017 and is projected to reach USD 61.42 Billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 8.2% from 2018 to 2025.

This report includes the following Companies; We can also add other companies you want:

Internet security Market: Competitive Landscape

The competitive landscape is a must for market participants to withstand the competition in the Internet security market. This helps market participants to develop effective strategies to optimize their market positions. In addition, the competitive analysis helps them identify potential benefits and obstacles in the Internet security market. This allows them to monitor how their competitors are implementing different strategies, including pricing, marketing, and sales.

Internet security Market: Drivers and Limitations

The report section explains the various drivers and controls that have shaped the global market. The detailed analysis of many market drivers enables readers to get a clear overview of the market, including the market environment, government policy, product innovation, development and market risks.

The research report also identifies the creative opportunities, challenges, and challenges of the Internet security market. The framework of the information will help the reader identify and plan strategies for the potential. Our obstacles, challenges and market challenges also help readers understand how the company can prevent this.

Internet security Market: Segment Analysis

The report section contains segmentations such as application, product type and end user. These segments help determine which parts of the market will improve over others. This section analysis provides information on the most important aspects of developing certain categories better than others. It helps readers understand strategies to make solid investments. The market for Internet security is segmented according to product type, applications and end users.

Internet security Market: Regional Analysis

This section of the report contains detailed information on the market in different regions. Each region offers a different market size because each state has different government policies and other factors. The regions included in the report are North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, the Middle East and Africa. Information about the different regions helps the reader to better understand the global market.

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Table of Content

1 Introduction of Internet security Market

1.1 Overview of the Market1.2 Scope of Report1.3 Assumptions

2 Executive Summary

3 Research Methodology of Verified Market Research

3.1 Data Mining3.2 Validation3.3 Primary Interviews3.4 List of Data Sources

4 Internet security Market Outlook

4.1 Overview4.2 Market Dynamics4.2.1 Drivers4.2.2 Restraints4.2.3 Opportunities4.3 Porters Five Force Model4.4 Value Chain Analysis

5 Internet security Market , By Deployment Model

5.1 Overview

6 Internet security Market , By Solution

6.1 Overview

7 Internet security Market , By Vertical

7.1 Overview

8 Internet security Market , By Geography

8.1 Overview8.2 North America8.2.1 U.S.8.2.2 Canada8.2.3 Mexico8.3 Europe8.3.1 Germany8.3.2 U.K.8.3.3 France8.3.4 Rest of Europe8.4 Asia Pacific8.4.1 China8.4.2 Japan8.4.3 India8.4.4 Rest of Asia Pacific8.5 Rest of the World8.5.1 Latin America8.5.2 Middle East

9 Internet security Market Competitive Landscape

9.1 Overview9.2 Company Market Ranking9.3 Key Development Strategies

10 Company Profiles

10.1.1 Overview10.1.2 Financial Performance10.1.3 Product Outlook10.1.4 Key Developments

11 Appendix

11.1 Related Research

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TAGS: Internet security Market Size, Internet security Market Growth, Internet security Market Forecast, Internet security Market Analysis, Internet security Market Trends, Internet security Market

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Internet security Market 2020 Analysis by Overview, Growth, Top Companies, Trends, Demand and Forecast to 2026 - Packaging News 24

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Navigant Research Report Shows Global Annual Revenue for Home Automation and Security Is Expected to Reach $72 Billion in 2028 –

BOULDER, Colo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Mar 3, 2020--

A new report from Navigant Research examines the global market for home security and automation solutions, providing global market forecasts quantifying shipments and revenue, through 2028.

The professional security market is a mature, established industry with a proven business model that has successfully operated for decades. However, this market is going through a significant transition as technology creates a shift from traditional professional security monitoring to solutions based on interactive services. Click to tweet: According to a new report from @NavigantRSRCH, revenue for home automation and security is expected to increase from $41.5 billion in 2019 to $71.9 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.3%.

The proliferation of consumer Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud-based services is creating a technological revolution among a variety of industries, including home security, says Neil Strother, principal research analyst with Navigant Research. In this industry, technology is driving a market transformation based on a clear value proposition, increased affordability, and new capabilities and added value.

According to the report, this technological revolution has led to the development of other dynamics in the security industry. Do-it-yourself (DIY) solutions are emerging as an affordable alternative to professionally monitored solutions, which are bringing customers into the security world that may have otherwise been left out of the market. Additionally, non-traditional players are also exploring security as a means of creating value as their traditional business models are threatened by disruption.

The report, Smart Home Automation and Security , analyzes the global market for home security and automation solutions, focusing on a range of connected devices, including motion, door, and window sensors; garage door controllers; door locks; video doorbells; cameras; monitoring and installation services; and market dynamics between DIY and professionally installed solutions. This report provides an analysis of key market drivers, barriers, trends, and the competitive landscape. It includes global market forecasts quantifying shipments and revenue through 2028. An Executive Summary of the report is available for free download on the Navigant Research website.

About Navigant Research

Navigant Research, the dedicated research arm of Guidehouse, provides market research and benchmarking services for rapidly changing and often highly regulated industries. In the energy sector, Navigant Research focuses on in-depth analysis and reporting about global clean technology markets. The teams research methodology combines supply-side industry analysis, end-user primary research and demand assessment, and deep examination of technology trends to provide a comprehensive view of clean, intelligent, mobile, and distributed energy. Additional information about Navigant Research can be found at

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Navigant Research Report Shows Global Annual Revenue for Home Automation and Security Is Expected to Reach $72 Billion in 2028 -

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Chinese security firm says CIA hacked Chinese targets for the past 11 years – ZDNet

CIA/ US government

China's largest cyber-security vendor has published today a report accusing the CIA of hacking Chinese companies and government agencies for more than 11 years.

The report, authored by Qihoo 360, claims the CIA hacked targets in China's aviation industry, scientific research institutions, petroleum industry, Internet companies, and government agencies.

CIA hacking operations took place between September 2008 and June 2019, and most of the targets were located in Beijing, Guangdong, and Zhejiang, Qihoo researchers said.

Qihoo claims that a large part of the CIA's hacking efforts focused on the civil aviation industry, both in China and in other countries.

The Chinese security firm claims the purpose of this campaign was "long-term and targeted intelligence-gathering" for the purpose of tracking "real-time global flight status, passenger information, trade freight and other related information."

SEE:Cybersecurity: Let's get tactical(ZDNet/TechRepublic special feature) |Download the free PDF version(TechRepublic)

Qihoo says it linked the attacks to the CIA based on the malware used in the intrusions -- namely Fluxwire [1, 2, 3] and Grasshopper [1, 2].

Both malware strains came to light in early 2017 when Wikileaks published the Vault 7 dump, a collection of documentation files detailing the CIA's arsenal of cyber-weapons.

WikiLeaks claimed it received the files from a CIA insider and whistleblower, later identified as Joshua Schultz -- currently under trial in the US.

Weeks after the WikiLeaks Vault 7 revelations, Symantec confirmed that Fluxwire was the Corentry malware that they had been tracking for years.

"Qihoo 360 analysis found that the technical details of most of the samples are consistent with the ones in the Vault 7 document, such as control commands, compile PDB paths, encryption schemes," the Chinese researchers said -- echoing the findings of the Symantec report.

The Chinese researchers also claim they found Fluxwire versions deployed in the wild long before the Vault 7 leaks became public, with detection times matching the now-public Fluxwire changelog.

Furthermore, Qihoo researchers also claim that the malware's compilation times are consistent with US timezones. Ironically, this is a common technique that US investigators have used to link malware samples back to Chinese hackers many times in the past.

The Qihoo report does not actually bring anything new to the table. Most of the information in the Qihoo report was already public knowledge that was shared and confirmed from different sources more than three years ago.

The only new information included in the Qihoo report is the specific targets that have allegedly been hacked by the CIA in China, information that was not previously known before today's Qihoo blog post.

In its report, Qihoo referenced CIA hacking operations under the codename of APT-C-39. In reports published by other cyber-security vendors, CIA hacking operations are also tracked as Longhorn (Symantec designation) and Lamberts (Kaspersky designation).

Qihoo 360 now becomes the second Chinese security vendor to publicly blame the CIA for hacks inside China in the past six months.

In late September 2019, cyber-security firm Qi An Xin also published a similar report blaming the CIA for hacks against Chinese aviation targets between 2012 and 2017.

Rising researchers did not directly link the group to any particular country, but they nicknamed the hackers "Rattlesnake" after a snake inhabiting the southeastern parts of the United States and some parts of Mexico -- in a form of wink-nod attribution.

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Chinese security firm says CIA hacked Chinese targets for the past 11 years - ZDNet

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NetAbstraction Announces Support for Private and Secure Access to the Dark Web – Yahoo Finance

CHANTILLY, Va., March 3, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- NetAbstraction's Malware Protected Browser and Identity-Protected Internet Access (IPIA) now supports private and secure access to the Dark Web. NetAbstraction has expanded the number of network egress nodes available to customers to include a TOR egress node, which enables private, secure and isolated access to Dark Web sites via a native Firefox, Google Chrome or Safari browser.

If they can't find you...they can't attack you! (PRNewsfoto/NetAbstraction)

NetAbstraction's malware-protected browsing solution provides end-to-end privacy and security for online research, investigations and Dark Web activities. Leveraging browser isolation technology and NetAbstraction's obfuscated network, customers can isolate their Internet activity to a one-time use Virtual Machine (VM), and insulate their networks and devices from cyber threats, tracking cookies and Internet privacy risks. NetAbstraction's TOR egress node enables customer to browse dark-web sites, in a private and isolated fashion, directly within their native web browser.

For commercial organizations and government agencies interested in performing investigative research, intelligence collection or other activities on the Dark Web, it is clear; simply using the TOR browser does not protect "anonymity" or local networks from cyber threats. NetAbstraction's Malware Protected Browser solution and disguised network connectivity provide the isolation and network segmentation needed to prevent traceability while operating on the Dark Web.

NetAbstraction Capabilities

NetAbstraction is a cloud-based Network Privacy-as-a-Service offering that makes businesses a difficult target for hackers, search engine optimization companies and adversaries by disguising and dynamically shifting network communications.

NetAbstraction does this by transparently distributing communications within and across multiple clouds, and regularly churning the underlying network infrastructure.

This process obscures enterprise information, origination location and identity, and enables enterprises to confidently conduct secure business on the internet.

Key Features:

About NetAbstraction:NetAbstraction protects identities and systems by intelligently selecting and obscuring global network pathways of the Internet. Developed from roots in the U.S. Intelligence Community, NetAbstraction's technology is born from our expertise in designing, creating and implementing non-traditional and non-attributable telecommunication networks in support of critical U.S. Intelligence Community missions.

Now, that same unparalleled technology is available to enterprises that need to protect their information, people and networks from the growing pool of cyber attacks.

NetAbstraction, Inc. 3901 Centerview DriveSuite FChantilly, VA 20151

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NetAbstraction Announces Support for Private and Secure Access to the Dark Web - Yahoo Finance

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Global Internet Security Software Market 2020 Growth Factors, Technological Innovation and Emerging Trends 2025 – Monroe Scoop has published innovative data, titled Global Internet Security Software Market 2020 by Company, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2025 which offers an in-depth assessment of the global market with an excellent presentation. The report outlines essential aspects of the market and presents them in the form of a comprehensive and coherent document. The report focuses on defining, describing, and analyzing manufacturers sales volume, value, market competition landscape, market share, SWOT analysis, and development plans in future years. It covers market segments, product type, distribution channel, and region based on the most important dynamics including drivers, restraints, threats, opportunities, as well as PEST and PORTERS Five Forces analysis, applications, geographical & regional markets, and competitive outlook.

Competitive View:

The report delivers a detailed study of top players, their product description, business overview, and business strategy, as well as future demand, and required raw material. The production market share, revenue share, mergers & acquisitions, expansion plans, recent developments, R&D initiatives, new product launches are covered. The distribution channels, pricing policies, investment plans, and supply-demand scenarios are also included.


Then the report makes some important proposals for a new project of Internet Security Software industry before evaluating its feasibility. It covers market insights like upstream raw material analysis, production process analysis, labor cost, raw material cost, gross margin analysis, consumption ratio, import-export scenario, and SWOT analysis, market value, volume, consumption. The report provides tailwinds and headwinds molding the market, segments based on products, technology, and applications Prospects of each segment.

Some Benefits of Buying The Market Report:

The report gives vision on the closest estimations of the proceeds values to help shareholders to obtain knowledge of the competitive environment and achieve more understanding for gaining a better business position. The research study assists in achieving clear market intuitions, a more clear vision of business circumstances and competitive advantage.

The report explores Internet Security Software business policies, trading, market channels, market volume, providers of raw material and customer data, demand & supply ratio. Apart from that, geographic division relies on North America (United States, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia), South America (Brazil, Argentina, etc.), Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa).

For competitor segment, the report includes global key players: Symantec, Fortinet, AVG, McAfee, Bitdefender, Trend Micro, G DATA Software, ESET, Avast Software, F-Secure, Quick Heal, Rising, Avira, AhnLab, Comodo, Panda Security, Qihoo 360, Cheetah Mobile, Microsoft, Kaspersky,

Market research supported Product sort includes: Linux, Macintosh OS, Microsoft Windows

Market research supported application coverage: Individual Users, Enterprise Users, Government Users


Report Objectives:

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Global Internet Security Software Market 2020 Growth Factors, Technological Innovation and Emerging Trends 2025 - Monroe Scoop

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What will be the Internet Security Market Profit Margin, Consumption, Cagr and Revenue in the Forecast Period 2020-2029 – Sound On Sound Fest sets out latest report on the Global Internet Security Market that includes in-depth analysis on competition, segmentation, regional expansion, market dynamics and forecast from 2020 to 2029.

The demand for Internet Security Market is anticipated to be high for the next ten years. By considering this demand we provide latest Internet Security market report which gives complete industry analysis, market outlook, size, shares, restrains, drivers, challenges, risk factors, growth and forecast till 2029. This report will provide assistance in analyzing the current and future business trends, sales and revenue forecasts.

This study has been analyzed and takes into account the CAGR of the market, Valuation, Volume, Revenue (Historical and forecast), sales (current and future), and other key factors related to global Internet Security market.

A basic outline of the competitive landscape:

The Internet Security market report includes a thorough analysis of the competitive landscape of this industry.

The report also encompasses a thorough analysis of the markets competitors scope based on the segmentation of the same into companies such as Webroot Inc., Microsoft Corp., Cyber Ark Software Ltd., Hewlett Packard Company, Qualys Inc, Symantec Corporation, Cisco Systems Inc, Kaspersky Lab, Trend Micro Inc. and International Business Machine (IBM) Corp..

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The study covers details regarding each industry contributors individual market share, the region served and more.

Profiles of key players have been covered in the report alongside facts concerning its futuristic strategies, financials, technological developments, supply chain study, collaboration & mergers, gross margins and price models.

A crisp outline of the market segmentation:

The Internet Security market is segmented on the basis of Product Type And Service, Technology, Applications, And Region.

By product type and service:

Hardware serviceSoftware serviceBy technology:

Authentication technologyAccess control technologyContent filteringCryptography

The report also covers information regarding production growth.

With respect to the application spectrum, the report lists details pertaining the market share, amassed by each application segment.

The report underlines on details associated to product consumption of every application, in consideration with the growth rate, each application segment will account for over the forecast period.

A complete outline of the regional spectrum:

The report study provide geographical landscape of this the Internet Security market. As per the report, the market has set its presence through the regions of North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA), South America, and United States, China, Europe, Japan, Southeast Asia & India.

The study offers details regarding the market share acquired by each region. Additionally, the development opportunities for the Internet Security market throughout every definite region is included within the report.

The projected growth rate to be recorded by each region over the forecast period has been stated in report.

The Report Covers In- Depth Analysis As Follows:

Chapter 1 Overview, Definitions and Scope, Executive summary of Global Internet Security Market

Chapter 2 Global Market Status and Forecast by Regions (Market Size -$Million / $Billion)

Chapter 3 Global Market Status and Forecast by segmentation

Chapter 4 Global Market Status and Forecast by Downstream Industry

Chapter 5 Market Driving Factor, Strategic Analysis of Global Internet Security Market

Chapter 6 Global Internet Security Market Competition Status by Major players

Chapter 7 Global Internet Security Market Major players Introduction and Market Data

Chapter 8 Upstream and Downstream Market Analysis of Global Internet Security Market

Chapter 9 Cost and Gross Margin Analysis of Global Internet Security Market

Chapter 10 Marketing Status Analysis of Global Internet Security Market

Chapter 11 Report Conclusion, Appendix

Chapter 12 Research Methodology and Reference

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What will be the Internet Security Market Profit Margin, Consumption, Cagr and Revenue in the Forecast Period 2020-2029 - Sound On Sound Fest

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It’s Time for the US to Step Back Up Against Intellectual Property Theft – The Diplomat

The Debate|Opinion

The United States must lead the way at international fora on intellectual property theft.

Last year, U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Esperwarnedthat China is perpetrating the greatest intellectual property theft in human history. The Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property estimated that Chinese intellectual property theft costs the United States$600 billion annually. Despite that, when the world votes for the next leader of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) on March 4-5, the winnercould very possibly be Chinas candidate.

If that happens, the new Chinese leader would assume a leading role in protecting the worlds intellectual property while simultaneously representing a county considered to be the leading perpetrator of intellectual property theft. Much of this activity occurs in cyberspace, where China compromises information networks to access and exfiltrate U.S. trade secrets and other proprietary information. Leadership of WIPO would allow Beijing to set the agenda for how the organization protects or fails to protect the innovations that drive economic growth.

The World Intellectual Property Organization is not alone in this trend. China is positioning itself for and winning leadership in a broad array of international bodies. It leads four of 15 different U.N. specialized agencies, including the International Civil Aviation Organization, the U.N. Industrial Development Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization, and the International Telecommunication Union. WIPO could be the fifth. Many of the issues that these agencies grapple with have a direct impact on U.S. national security, but the consequences for cyberspace are especially dire. Through bodies like the International Telecommunications Union, China is leading the conversations that shape the fundamentals of technology and the internet.

As members of the U.S. Cyberspace Solarium Commission, we have examined this issue and developed recommendations that will protect Americans digital lives by preventing cyber incidents of significant consequence. A constant theme throughout this work has been the critical importance of taking an active role at the international organizations that shape the world around us. Setting global baselines on topics like establishing security protocols for emerging 5G technology, enforcing norms of responsible state behavior in cyberspace, or safeguarding intellectual property and rewarding innovation, requires a great deal of time and effort. Historically, our technologists and diplomats have worked closely with these bodies, ensuring that international standards align with our vision of an open, interoperable, reliable and secure internet that fosters the exchange of ideas and fair economic competition. However, over the past decade, the United States has let this momentum stagnate, and our adversaries particularly Russia and China have eagerly filled the void.

The United States must step back up to the plate and advocate for the technologies and policies that underpin fair competition and the free and secure exchange of ideas online. The U.S. cannot expect that our values and priorities will continue to prevail in cyberspace while our adversaries are making massive investments of time and resources to build support among the international community that far outpace our own.

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The authoritarian nature of our adversaries can, ironically, make them more nimble in these fora. After all, when the state owns the industry, theres not a lot of daylight between their positions. However, the authoritarian approach also stifles the innovation economy that draws the worlds best and brightest to America to get educated and start businesses here.

We believe that, with a strategic government approach, we can leverage the immense talent of our private sector to promote American values in cyberspace. To that end, the Cyberspace Solarium Commission will recommend that the United States must be more proactive in how we approach international bodies, which requires restructuring and better resourcing our government engagement with multilateral institutions. To support this, the Commission recommends the creation of a Bureau of Cyberspace Security and Emerging Technologies within the U.S. Department of State, led by an Assistant Secretary of State. We also recommend greater government and private sector engagement in standards setting bodies and better resourcing for organizations coordinating and supporting standards development like the National Institute for Standards and Technology. Whether on intellectual property or internet protocols, these recommendations will better coordinate U.S. government and private sector engagement in international fora, while garnering support from international partners and allies to amplify our shared values.

Technological advances, enabled by intellectual property protections, have driven the creation of the internet and fundamentally changed our world. We believe that an open, interoperable, reliable and secure internet benefits us all. The U.S. government must lead the way in engaging in international arenas to keep this vision a reality.

Mike Gallagher (R-Wisconsin) and Jim Langevin (D-Rhode Island) are U.S. representatives.

See more here:
It's Time for the US to Step Back Up Against Intellectual Property Theft - The Diplomat

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