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Microsoft, Google, Slack, Zoom et al struggling to deal with a spike in remote tools thanks to coronavirus – The Register

With more and more companies across the world telling employees to work from home in an effort to limit, or slow, the spread of COVID-19 which was last night declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization outages on common remote-working tools have started to increase.

Shares in video-conferencing specialist Zoom have been on a rollercoaster ride over the past month, starting at $87.66 on February 3 and jumping to $113 at the end of the month, before dipping back down to $105, then rocketing again to $125 one week later.

As of today, it is at $107.32 a share - 22 per cent up on its value six weeks ago: a stark contrast to the broader stock market, which is down 10 per cent. Zoom sees a massive opportunity to bring in new users and to that end has lifted a 40-minute limit on the free version of its product for users in China and Italy, as well as some in the US. Its smartphone app has also become the most downloaded business app on Apple's iOS store.

The company has refused to say exactly what kind of usage increase it has seen but its CFO has said this week that its current biggest focus was on dealing with demand: it is massively increasing data center capacity to deal with new customers and the bandwidth issues they will bring. Despite that however, reports of downtime are increasing, with clear spikes during working hours.

Pretty much every remote working company is in the same position and taking the same approach; pushing their products and lifting limits on free use periods in an effort to get people to adopt their platform.

Late last week, messaging service Slack wrote a blog post outlining what it was doing to keep its service up and running, while also promoting its 99.998 per cent "aggregated availability over the last six months." That figure is currently nowhere near 99.998 per cent.

Slack knew outages were coming. "While no systems can perfectly anticipate every contingency, we watch our systems scale up and down in real time every single day," the post noted.

"Because of this, and because we conduct these additional disaster testing scenarios several times per year, were confident that the same architecture will scale up to handle any additional demands placed on the system due to heavier general use."

It isn't supplying any information about its systems but third parties are reporting a growing number of issues. Slack has it easy, given that the vast majority of its traffic is in the form of text, rather than data-heavy and latency-critical video. It is no coincidence that in the last few hours the company's Twitter feed for service status reported that: "Some customers are being disconnected from calls in Slack. We're on the case and will let you know once we have more news to share."

Microsoft is a natural go-to for companies that have occasional work-at-home policies but which have had to embrace the practice wholeheartedly in recent days.

Redmond is all over the corona-spike, just hours ago mailing out information about its Crisis Communications app, aimed at helping businesses "collaborate ... in the event of a crisis" with functions including pushing out shared updates to employees; reporting on their location; making requests to colleagues; and providing access to info or "emergency contacts via an RSS feed".

Earlier this week, it also provided guidance on how to deal with the increased demand by optimizing your network, and it has also produced another post with "tips" on how to shift your workforce to remote working.

Unsurprisingly, a top tip is to use Microsoft's Teams software. The Seattle-based company has reported a jump in usage - by only giving figures on its internal numbers. "Chat was up 50 per cent week over week and meetings were up 37 per cent. And we're seeing usage upticks among customers, too" the VP for Microsoft 365, Jared Spataro, reported while failing to give any details on broader users.

Microsoft is pushing Teams: users are pushing its capacity

The truth of it is that big tech has viewed remote working as a potential goldmine for years and has largely perfected the technology, but adoption has been held back by the fact that companies are much more comfortable with people coming into the office. It's a massive cultural default that the coronavirus has the potential to shift.

As a result, tech's competitive spirit has kicked in. So at the same time that companies are offering the best ever deals for remote working, ie free, and are happy to talk all about their products, information on usage and outages has effectively dried up.

There's no hiding from the spikes visible on services like Down Detector, however.

The problems with third-party monitoring services, of course, is that they are reliant on people reporting outages to them. Most large companies, and every single remote working company, have extensive stats on how their services are doing in real-time, but no one is keen to share them.

We may have to wait a few months, when - with luck - everything calms down and companies start giving presentations at tech events over what they learnt from dealing with a spike in usage.

What about Google? It's doing the same thing as everyone else - providing free versions of its remote tools and lifting limits in an effort to pull companies into its ecosystem and then, hopefully, retain then once the current emergency is over.

This morning the Chocolate Factory published a blog post with tips for companies looking to do more remote working. But information on outages or downtime? Info on new sign-ups and usage patterns? The status dashboard just has a series of green ticks and not much else.

Google seems to be doing the best so far. But for a company that exists almost entirely in the cloud that shouldn't be a surprise. Nonetheless, there are more outages reported in the past few days than the past few months.

It's also possible that whoever was likely to use Google services like Hangouts is already using it. So, while Zoom has jumped up to the top of the charts for smartphone apps and Microsoft's Teams has come from nowhere to sit at number 4 (in the Apple app store covering the US, to be clear), Hangouts and Slack have stayed in pretty much the same place they have been for months - around 10/11/12th.

Anecdotally, despite what would appear to be a massive increase in remote working this past week, problems have increased but not overwhelmed these services. For the most part, they are working well and remote-working companies are almost certainly taking a big financial hit as they ramp up capacity in order to get potentially millions of new customers using their - free for now - products.

Whether these potential customers stick around after the current COVID-19 crisis remains to be seen.

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Microsoft, Google, Slack, Zoom et al struggling to deal with a spike in remote tools thanks to coronavirus - The Register

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Differences Between The Types Of Hosting Services – Knnit – Knnit

Hi! Do you know how 4 types of hosting services differ: shared hosting, VPS servers, dedicated servers, and cloud servers?

This is the most popular type of hosting service. All the work with the server settings is done by the company offering the service. We do not need to have virtually any IT knowledge to use this type of service. Just order windows web hosting UK , buy a domain and thanks to a few clicks we can have our website. Admittedly, the environment shared with other users and the ease of use entails restrictions on server configurability, because adjusting it to one user would destabilize it for other people keeping their pages on the same server. However, these restrictions will not be noticeable for a regular user of shared hosting. Why? Because such gridhosting review is intended for small and medium commercial applications, such as business card websites or small online stores, and private applications, and for such a user the most important will not be the ability to configure the server, but its ease of use, low price, and stability, and this shared hosting ensures 100%. At the moment, shared hosting operators use user separation programs. This is to prevent the use of the entire machines resources by one user. Thanks to this, we dont have to worry about the situation in which our site will cease to be available, because another user will use all the power of the server. At this point, there is a problem with shared hosting. By using email hosting UK , we can suffer for the sins of others. Why? Because all users of one server have the same IP address (own address is an additional paid option). Lets imagine the situation that on one server there are two websites with many of the same e-mail addresses in their databases. One of the users corresponds culturally with his clients, the other one got these addresses on some stock exchange and starts sending spam. An upset recipient blocks his address and then his correspondence with an honest user breaks off because both good and bad have the same IP addresses. However, there is nothing to worry about, it is an effective remedy. All you have to do is order your IP address from our service provider. Thanks to this, we will not be exposed to the consequences of unethical actions of other service users.

The VPS server is an intermediate solution between shared hosting and a dedicated server. The VPS server can be called a virtual dedicated machine. How do these windows hosting UK solutions work? A virtualization layer is installed on the server, thanks to which every user gets their virtual machine, i.e. all resources of a framework, CPU and HDD. There can be several virtual servers on one physical machine, each with a guarantee of power and resources available to the user. VPS servers give us almost any configuration and management capabilities, thanks to the fact that the virtualization layer turns physical resources into virtual ones, thanks to which we can install any environment. For this, we get access to the SSH console, which allows us to almost fully control and configure it. Anyone who has the need and the right knowledge will be able to fully configure their VPS server, install the tools and environments of their choice. For those who do not have such needs, VPS servers are equipped with administrative panels known from shared hosting. Using VPS and Hillingdon grid webmail we can use additional, free resources not used by other users at looser hours, for example at night. Then our server is even more efficient and has more power, and we pay nothing for this benefit. However, we must remember that during rush hour we can only count on what we paid for. Speaking of available resources, it is worth mentioning that on a VPS server we can easily expand our virtual machine to a certain point along with the increase in our needs.

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For dedicated servers, we have two options. Either we rent the entire machine from the service provider or we put our equipment in its server room. The second solution, called collocation, is less convenient, because at the beginning we have to invest a lot of money to buy a server, and you also have to pay for the server room lease. However, the biggest drawback is the need to provide full technical support for your server. We must remove all repairs and failures on our own. If the server goes down, we dont exist on the network until it is repaired. For this, we have to spend a lot of money on the machine to start. To have fun in this you need to have very large funds and even greater self-denial. Purchasing a dedicated server is a better idea. Using a dedicated server, we can configure it for your own needs. We choose the system and the tools on which it will work. Dedicated servers are designed for the largest and most demanding users who want to be sure of the stability of their solutions.

Cloud servers are the youngest type of hosting services. They compile costs kept at the level of VPS servers with configuration options for dedicated servers. What is this about? A classic server is such a very complex and very efficient computer, but it is still vulnerable. When it happens, the resources we make available on the web are not available until it is closed. In the case of Cloud servers, we do not have such problems, because we do not get a single device for ourselves, but only resources from a server cluster. In the event of a breakdown, our virtual machine is immediately moved to another location, and the lack of access to our site takes a few minutes. This is because cloud servers are built from a very large number of powerful physical servers. That is why, in the event of a failure of one physical equipment, our virtual one runs on another physical machine. This increases redundancy by minimizing the risk of unavailability of our resources. Using cloud computing, we can very easily use snapshots or snapshots, or humanly speaking, we can take a photo of our data to return to them in a few seconds in case of failure. However, the most interesting option offered by cloud servers is full flexibility in resource management. With a few mouse movements, we can expand our virtual machine according to what we need. What is this about? August 17, we need 4 GB of RAM and 20 already 6? No problem, just a few mice moves and weve already expanded our server! And most importantly, in the case of Cloud servers, we only pay exactly for what we use. Fees are charged only for the resources we use.

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Cloud Server Market 2020: Applications, Types and Growing Trends in Market, Gro – News by aeresearch

The new research report on Cloud Server market offers a thorough analysis of this industry vertical. As per the report, Cloud Server market is predicted to acquire notable gains and record a significant growth during the estimated timeframe.

The Cloud Server market report emphasizes on the current industry trends and entails details about market size, revenue forecast, and sales volume over the study duration. In addition, the report provides data with regards to the market drivers that will positively influence the revenue graph, alongside the segmentations influencing the industry size.

The major takeaways from the Cloud Server market report with regards to the regional contribution:

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Other fundamentals of the Cloud Server market report are mentioned below:

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Cloud Server Market 2020: Applications, Types and Growing Trends in Market, Gro - News by aeresearch

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Cloud firms turn to long nights, employee health checks to survive work-from-home rush – Japan Today

Italian IT shop owner Simone Merlini joined a 2 p.m. call last Wednesday to do something that sounded fairly straightforward: Demo three Inc cloud services to a new client.

He ended up finishing at 1 a.m., taking dinner and a beer at his desk, after an unexpected engineering sprint to get 400 of the customer's employees prepared to work from home for the first time.

"You can imagine my face in the conference call when their ask changed," he said.

The intercontinental spread of a novel coronavirus in recent weeks has many businesses rushing to cloud computing, particularly work-from-home software. It is spreading thin IT consultancies that install those systems, such as Merlini's 35-person shop, beSharp near Milan, and is also spawning extraordinary measures at the data centers that make up the"cloud."

Several data center managers said they are taking their workers' temperatures to check for fever, limiting visitors and laying in food, water and other supplies to ensure that operations that have just become even more important to global trade withstand any shocks from the pandemic.

Since it originated in China late last year, the coronavirus that causes the sometimes fatal respiratory illness COVID-19 has killed more than 5,000 people worldwide and been reported in more than 130 countries.

"It's a complicated and sad time but from a business point of view, it's quite incredible for us," Merlini said from home, where he and his wife take turns minding their 2-year-old child in the absence of the regular caretakers who are unreachable.

Most businesses in the world still rely on software and computers that are maintained in physical offices and cannot be easily used any other way. But as government travel restrictions in Italy, China, the United States and elsewhere make those offices inaccessible, companies must find ways to keep operations humming.

For many, including the multinational company working with Merlini, the solution has been services such as Amazon WorkSpaces that live in server-filled data centers, where businesses can store data and software and stream it online to users anywhere.

Amazon did not respond to requests for comment.


Merlini, whose business partners with Amazon, said the cloud giant had sent him five potential customers in recent days. Another five companies reached out directly.

Laptops are not common among Italian businesses, including at the client whose local workforce Merlini helped bring to the cloud in one night, he said. The client immediately ordered Chromebook laptops from Amazon, he said, the first of which arrived on Friday.

Federico Caboni, managing director of BeeToBit, an Amazon partner on Italy's Sardinia island, said he just helped its capital city of Cagliari set up 250 employees to work from home nearly overnight.

The institution required rigorous security controls to allow staff to use personal devices for work because it handled private-citizen data, Caboni said. The customer had been testing Amazon's WorkSpaces, he said, otherwise "doing it all last-minute would've been a challenge, and quite expensive."

TalkDesk, which sells software to companies enabling customer service workers to take calls from home, said its coronavirus-inspired offer to new customers of three months' service for free won over at least one company.

The new financial services customer wants 50 agents working remotely by April in Seattle, where the virus has spread widely, TalkDesk said. It plans to use free trials of TalkDesk's mobile app for two weeks as it sets up a more robust system for agents in Seattle and up to 450 others elsewhere.


At data centers, doors have been shut to clients, consultants and construction as operators strip to core personnel to avoid risk of infecting the highly trained workers who tend to the care and feeding of the sophisticated equipment and network connections.

Digital Realty Trust Inc, which operates 210 data centers globally, said it is monitoring temperatures of workers in Singapore and Hong Kong since fever is a known virus symptom. Globally, it required cleaners to use solutions with at least 70% alcohol content on high-touch areas such as door handles and biometric readers every day. Cleaners were trained to wear protective gear and wipe down solutions only after some time, Digital Realty said.

It also has been ensuring that data centers have food, water, fuel and sleeping quarters for staff to shelter in place for up to 72 hours.

VMware Inc, a major vendor of remote working tools, said it divided staff into smaller groups "to cover additional shifts and provide backups" for "uninterrupted physical presence" in data centers.

Equinix Inc's 200 data centers now have similar temperature checks and health and travel questionnaires. The company said it would remotely manage any data center with a confirmed case of the virus and that workers from another location would fill in while regular staff are quarantined.

Elizabeth Peichel, a spokeswoman for Critical Environments Group, which maintains power and cooling systems for data centers, said though some clients have put off upgrades amid the visitor restrictions, some systems will inevitably require repairs.

But pandemic-related trade cutbacks have led to shipments taking three times as long as usual, she said.

In addition, market researcher TrendForce said prices for some server parts are up 5% to 20% because of high demand. It said, for instance, at cloud operator Tencent, "academic and corporate clients are turning to distance education and telework," increasing its server needs by 20% this year.

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Cloud firms turn to long nights, employee health checks to survive work-from-home rush - Japan Today

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Where to look for cost savings in the cloud –

Image: Stockfresh

Six ways enterprises can achieve significant cost reductions by switching to public cloud services


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The potential to save money is by no means the only reason for moving to the cloud. Many companies cite potential benefits such as greater agility, easier scalability, and even improved security as drivers for shifting data and applications to a cloud environment.

A cloud migration can end up increasing expenses for companies in certain areas, especially if a lot of updates and maintenance are required. Still, there are ways organisations can save money by moving data, applications, development, and other components of IT to cloud-based services.

The following six examples explain how enterprises can achieve significant cost reductions via the cloud. It is important to keep in mind that the impact on costs can vary greatly, depending on a companys current technology infrastructure, the types of applications it runs, the cloud services being used, and other factors.

For many, a move to the cloud means a shift away from on-premises data centres. That is the case at hospitality company Wyndham Hotels & Resorts, which realised cost savings of 45% by shutting down a data centre and migrating applications to the cloud.

After spinning off from its legacy company, Wyndham decided to exit its corporate data centre, working with partner Rackspace on the migration to the cloud.

We realised early on that we were not going to be able to completely migrate to the cloud right away, especially with some of our legacy applications, said Scott Strickland, executive vice president and CIO at Wyndham. Through partnering with Rackspace, we determined that a colocation strategy made sense as a launching point toward a long-term IT evolution.

The company began by identifying anchor applications that could be moved to a cloud-based,software-as-a-service(SaaS) model. These applications included its central reservation system, property management system, and content management system.

Once we moved those applications into a SaaS model, we addressed probably 50% of the computing power in our traditional data centre, Strickland said. In total, we were able to move about 200 applications to the AWS [Amazon Web Services] cloud, with the rest of the workloads being handled in a colocation facility.

Wyndham originally had about 280 applications hosted in the data centre. Working with Rackspace, the company was able to retire close to 70 of those and move the remainder to the combination of colocation and AWS.

The cost savings were driven by having fewer resources tied up in managing the data centre, eliminating the need for data centre leases, reduced maintenance costs for operating systems and databases, reduced hardware costs, and moving into a virtual environment.

For some companies, especially global enterprises, telecommunications costs can be among the most significant business expenses.

Cloud communications, in which telecommunications applications are provided over the Internet, offers ways to save money.

With the advancements of voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) over the years, voice has become part of the shift to the cloud. Companies can replace conventional business telephone equipment such as PBXs with a cloudservice, and the cloud can become a platform for voice, data, and video communications.

Several trends are pushing more companies toward cloud communications. One is increasingly distributed operations across branch and home offices. Another is that organisations need to provide access to enterprise networks via more types of devices such as smartphones.

Avery Dennison, a global materials science and manufacturing company, as part of a modern telephony initiative has been gradually replacing its legacy PBX systems with a cloud-based virtual phone system.

With this effort, the company uses capital more effectively by avoiding expensive on-premises products, said Nicholas Colisto, vice president and CIO. The cost for a local PBX is more than $1.5 million, he said, and while savings varies based on individual sites, Avery Dennison has saved 25% to 40% in communications costs.

Data storage volumes have been growing at a significant rate over the years, as organisations gather more information from websites, mobile devices, e-commerce transactions, social media, enterprise applications, and other sources.

With the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) and edge computing, the growth in data volumes is likely to become even more significant in the coming years.

Many organisations are turning to the cloud to help handle their big data initiatives. The easy scalability of the cloud makes it a potentially ideal model for data storage. But beyond scalability, the cloud can also enable companies to reduce their total storage costs.

For example, Myers-Briggs, a provider of people development products and services, moved the primary data storage, backup, and disaster recovery for one of its facilities into a cloud-based, on-demand storage service.

By moving storage into the cloud service, Myers-Briggs saw a reduced total cost of ownership for data storage of at least 50%. Not including savings from reductions in time spent managing backup, storage, and disaster recovery systems, the company anticipates saving $150,000 over five years on the cost of backup system licenses and storage capacity.

Big data analyticshas become a key IT initiative at countless organisations looking to glean insights from treasure troves of data. The cloud can deliver the processing power needed to support these initiatives, which can also lead to cost savings.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority(FINRA), a not-for-profit organisation authorised by the US Congress to protect investors and ensure market integrity through regulation of broker-dealers, is a case in point. FINRA writes and enforces rules governing the activities of more than 3,800 broker-dealers representing more than 600,000 brokers.

Each day the organisation oversees up to 75 billion market events, 99% of equities trades, and 65% of options trades in the US, applying data analytics to disclose any insider trading activity. FINRA shifted a key component of its IT infrastructure to Amazon Web Services, adopting AWS Lambda serverlesscomputing to make data validation more efficient.

FINRAs Order Audit Trail System (OATS) is part of an integrated audit trail of order, quote, and trade events for all National Market System stocks and over-the-counter equity securities. The organisation uses OATS to monitor the trading practices of member firms, leveraging OATS data, along with other market data, to create the lifecycle of each order and monitor the trading practices of member firms.

Broker-dealers must submit daily electronic OATS data to FINRA, amounting to more than 50,000 files. When data is received, FINRA validates it to make sure it is complete and correctly formatted based on a set of more than 200 rules. The system performs as many as half a trillion validations each day.

By using AWS Lambda, FINRA has increased cost efficiency by a factor of two, according to the organisation. That comes from only paying for what it uses and not having to manage on-premises server infrastructure.

It is been said that a move to the cloud can create IT complexity for companies by adopting different types of services and adding multiple cloud service providers.

That is true enough. But a broad move to the cloud can also add efficiencies and reduce costs when there is an effort to unify various IT components within the same cloud environment.

Coverdell, a full-service marketing company that specialises in creating and delivering customised offerings for clients, in 2018 embarked on a digital transformation as part of a strategy to adopt a new direct-to-consumer sales model.

Part of the effort involved deploying services on Microsofts Azure cloud. Moving a group of websites to the Azure App Serviceplatform-as-a-service(PaaS) enabled Coverdell to cut monthly hosting costs to less than $1,000 and significantly reduce maintenance efforts.

The cost savings and other benefits drove Coverdell to look into other Azure-based offerings to support the new customer-focused business strategy and modernise its infrastructure. The company decided to shift its core applications, data, services, and underlying on-premises infrastructure to the cloud.

The move to invest in Azure and unite its network of websites, applications, data, and infrastructure within the cloud environment resulted in greater cost savings than the company expected. It was able to eliminate $54,000 in monthly costs for colocation services.

And with a new, unified infrastructure, Coverdell expects to save an estimated $1 million over the next year or two.

For many companies, the cloud has provided a new way to offer e-commerce transactions to customers. In addition to providing easier scalability and flexibility based on fluctuating demand for capacity, moving e-commerce to the cloud also presents a way to reduce costs.

Metro, a business-to-business wholesaler and food specialist,migrated its e-commerce platform to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and as a result can deliver more stable, scalable services for customers. The company also deployed a data lake on GCP to make customer data analysis more available inside the company, and to support integrated analytics and machine learning for new product development.

By lifting and shifting its e-commerce platform to Google Compute Engine instances and using Google Clouds Virtual Private Cloudto create integrations with the companys back-end systems, Metro reduced its infrastructure costs by 30% to 50%.

Perhaps even more welcome than these savings, the cloud migration brought significantly more stability to the e-commerce environment. Rather than having 10 virtual machines rebooting every week, the company rarely has to deal with one. Outages or periods of instability with the e-commerce platform are down by as much as 80%.

IDG News Service

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Solar Industry Grows 23% in 2019, But Clouds Are on the Horizon – Nasdaq

Choosing to follow the sun, the United States strongly turned to the solar industry in 2019. According to a new report fromWood Mackenzie/SEIA U.S. Solar Market Insight, the solar market installed 13.3 gigawatts (GW) of solar capacity in 2019, representing a 23% increase over 2018. In fact, approximately 40% of all new electric generating capacity in the U.S. came from solar in 2019 -- the largest annual percentage in the industry's history.

When expanding the time horizon even further, the solar industry's growth becomes even more glaring. Whereas cumulative photovoltaic (PV) operating capacity was 1 GW at the end of 2009, it now stands at over 76 GW. Industry experts expect growth will extend into 2020, but the global efforts to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus may curtail the robust growth that analysts have predicted.

Image source: Getty Images.

With the nonresidential PV market reporting a year-over-year decline in 2019, the residential market picked up the slack and contributed to the solar industry's record-breaking year. Besides growth in Texas, Nevada, and Florida, it was in sunny California where growth in the residential market was most noteworthy. In fact, it became the first state, in the fourth quarter of 2019, to install more than 300 megawatts (MW) of capacity in one quarter. While the mandated power outages stemming from the California wildfires represented one significant factor in that growth, new home construction also figured in prominently.

Unsurprisingly, the recent Q4 2019 earnings reports of some of the nation's leading residential solar providers are consistent with theWood Mackenzie/SEIA U.S. Solar Market Insight report. Sunrun (NASDAQ: RUN), for example, recently reported that it added 52,000 customers to its base in 2019, representing 22% growth over 2018; moreover, the company reported a 24.7% year-over-year increase in its cumulative leased megawatts deployed. Meanwhile,Vivint Solar (NYSE: VSLR), which has been providing residential solar solutions since 2011, reported that it ended 2019 with cumulative installed capacity of 1,294 MW, representing a year-over-year increase of 22%.

Despite the significant gains recognized in the residential PV market last year, the nonresidential market failed to grow in 2019. In fact, the 2 GW of nonresidential installations in 2019 represented a 7% decline from the approximately 2.14 GW of installations booked in 2018. According to Wood Mackenzie and SEIA, the shrinking nonresidential installations can be attributed to "a handful of state-specific regulatory cliffs and policy reforms in 2019." For example, in California, "installations declined year-over-year stemming from the transition to new time-of-use rates and the resulting damage to the favorability of project economics." Furthermore, interconnection delays in Massachusetts contributed to the state reporting its lowest annual nonresidential PV installed capacity total since 2013.

One bright spot in the nonresidential segment, however, was the growth of community solar, which allows community members to source their electricity from a solar installation that is accessible to the community. Gaining traction in a variety of states, community solar accounted for more than 500 MW of installations in 2019 for the third consecutive year.

Clearly, 2019 was a strong year for the solar industry, and according to experts, 2020 is poised to represent another year of considerable growth. In fact, Wood Mackenzie forecasts 20 GW of PV installations in 2020, representing 47% growth over the 13.3 GW added in 2019, due to "increased confidence in near-term projects being completed in 2020 and the spillover of several 2019 projects into 2020."

While this forecast may come to the delight of those keen on seeing renewable energy continue to assume a more prominent position in our energy landscape, it's imperative to note that the forecast doesn't account for the effects of the novel coronavirus on the industry. The changes brought to our daily lives as politicians implement increasingly stringent restrictions to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus will likely pose significant challenges to the industry. This may, for example, manifest as complications in the supply chain. Recently,Canadian Solar (NASDAQ: CSIQ), a leading manufacturer of PV modules, issued a press release in which the company stated that its manufacturing capacity suffered setbacks at the end of January through the first 10 days of February due to the virus.

For investors who have been bullish on solar, the industry's growth in 2019 and presumed continued growth in 2020 come as welcome news. However, the devastation wrought by the coronavirus may, likewise, dampen their auspicious outlooks. For investors with a long-term investing horizon, though, the possibility that the solar industry doesn't achieve its forecast of 47% year-over-year growth in 2020 is fairly inconsequential. The overarching trend is that the residential market has warmed up to the prospect of solar solutions for their homes. And although the prospect of delays in the installations of these systems may be unfavorable, it won't translate to homeowners eschewing the option altogether. The spread of the coronavirus will pose some challenges for the industry, but the long-term trend in growth remains intact.

10 stocks we like better than Vivint SolarWhen investing geniuses David and Tom Gardner have a stock tip, it can pay to listen. After all, the newsletter they have run for over a decade, Motley Fool Stock Advisor, has tripled the market.*

David and Tom just revealed what they believe are the ten best stocks for investors to buy right now... and Vivint Solar wasn't one of them! That's right -- they think these 10 stocks are even better buys.

See the 10 stocks

*Stock Advisor returns as of December 1, 2019

Scott Levine has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.

Solar Industry Grows 23% in 2019, But Clouds Are on the Horizon - Nasdaq

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Azure admins’ cold sweat likely caused by a ‘isolated’ power problems that browned out West Central USA region – The Register

As if the world doesn't have enough to worry about right now, Azure users with resources running in the Microsoft cloud's Central West USA region have just enjoyed an outage.

The problem took out virtual machines and SQL Server, plus plenty of lesser services like Azure's IoT Hub and Cognitive Search. Social media suggests XBOX services could also have been fragged.

Microsoft's explanation for the issue says it hit a "subset of customers in West Central US" and meant they "may experience issues connecting to resources hosted in this region."

Not long after that missive, the company named "an isolated power event" as the source and said it "impacted a limited set of infrastructure".

Power has since been restored and at the time of writing - 11:15 PM GMT on March 15th - Microsoft was "verifying that functionality is returning to the impacted services. Some customers may see signs of recovery at this time." Microsoft's status notification service still showed more than a dozen services in a "warning" state.

Clearly, however, the company and/or its suppliers have been able to get boots on the ground to sort this out - even at a very slow time of week. Hopefully that sort of effort doesn't become a challenge soon!

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Azure admins' cold sweat likely caused by a 'isolated' power problems that browned out West Central USA region - The Register

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US Championship and US Women’s Championship are Postponed –

The premier events on the US Chess calendar will be held later in 2020 due to COVID-19 concerns; Hall of Fame events also affected.

Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic, the recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) against gatherings of 50 people or more, and local Saint Louis protocols, the US Chess Federation and tournament organizer the Saint Louis Chess Club jointly announce that the 2020 U.S. Championship and U.S. Womens Championship are postponed until later in the year. The events were originally scheduled for April 9-23.

Above all, both organizations are most concerned with the health and well-being of the participants, spectators, and staff. Following the recommendations of authoritative sources such as the CDC is the best way for us to protect all. While this will be disappointing to many in the chess world, we are confident that this decision is appropriate in these extraordinary circumstances.

Also affected by this postponement are the 2020 induction ceremonies for the U.S. Chess Hall of Fame and the World Chess Hall of Fame. These will take place in conjunction with the U.S. Championship/U.S. Womens Championship opening ceremony when that is rescheduled.Further details on the new event dates for the championships and the halls of fame will be provided later.

Please visit,, and for up-to-date information. Your patience during this rapidly evolving process is appreciated.

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US Championship and US Women's Championship are Postponed -

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March Ladies Knight Features The Artist Juga –

Podcast (ladies-knight):Apple Podcasts|Play in new window|Download|Subscribe by Email

Chilean singer, songwriter, chessplayer and artist Juga joins Jennifer Shahade for the March 2020 edition of Ladies Knight. Jugas hit single, Oh Capablanca is the theme music for this podcast, and in her appearance, Juga talks to Jennifer about the inspiration for many of her hit songs, including Caruana Oh Na Na, which she wrote with IM Anna Rudolf.

They also discuss the origin of Oh Capablanca, the thrill of singing the song at the 2018 Chess Olympiad, and why Juga admires the Cuban World Champion so much.

Juga also talks to Jen about her dramatic video, Tactical celebrating Mikhail Tal.

They also discuss bringing chess to more people, how the flow experience of chess compares to music and Jugas recent appointment as an Ambassador forMake-A-Wish in Chile.

You can find more about Juga on and follow her on instagram, twitter, YouTube and linkedin.

Findour full family of US Chess podcasts here.To support Ladies Knight,subscribe andif you like it, ratefive stars on Apple Podcastsandreview.

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Chess | Caruana favoured to come out on top – The Hindu

Cinemas are closed. Shutters are down on malls. Stadia are empty. Coronavirus has pressed the pause button on the world.

Every day dawns with the news of the cancellation or postponement of a major sporting event. On Tuesday in Russia though, one of the biggest tournaments of the year in chess will get underway. The Candidates tournament opens at Yekaterinburg, which boasts some of the tallest buildings in Russia.

The next three weeks will tell who, from among the eight players, will stand the tallest and stake the claim to challenge Magnus Carlsen for the next World Championship, to be held later in the year.

For the uninitiated, the World chess champion has the privilege of playing the title match directly a bit like the Wimbledon champion getting seeded straight to the final. That has usually been the custom in chess for decades.

So it is indeed extremely difficult for someone to emerge as the new champion.

In the 134-year-history of the championship, there have only been 16 undisputed champions.

Carlsen became the 16th when he dethroned Viswanathan Anand in 2013 in the latters hometown of Chennai.

In late 2018 at London, the Norwegian genius was given a tough fight in the title match by Fabiano Caruana.

The match was tied 6-6 and it was through the tie-breakers that Carlsen emeged victorious. Caruana is very much the favourite to be the challenger once again.

The Italian-American is the World No. 2, with 2842 Elo points. He could face the stiffest challenge from Ding Laren, the World No. 3 from China with a rating of 2805.

Russians Alexander Grischuk (2777), Ian Nepomniachtchi (2774) and Kirill Alekseenko (2698), Dutchman Anish Giri (2763), Frances Maxime Vachier-Lagrave (2767) and Chinas Wang Hao (2762) are the others in the fray.

I think Caruana is too strong for this field, says Mumbai-based Grandmaster Pravin Thipsay. As he proved in the last World Championship, he could pose the toughest challenge to Carlsen.

Caruanas toughest challenge at Yekaterinburg could come from Liren. He had arrived, along with his team, from China (the epicentre of Corona) and had been in quarantine.

Not that every chess player wanted to take on Corona and play at the Candidates. Teimour Radjabov of Azerjaiban had pulled out and had requested the world chess governing body FIDE to postpone the tournament (he was replaced by Vachier-Lagrave).

Caruana had found his flight to Russia was cancelled without notice but was able to board another later. FIDE was in no mood to change the schedule of the Candidates, stating that an eight-player tournament could not be compared to a large event.

One can follow the tournament live online and on, one can listen to the commentary of Anand, who is stuck in Germany, after competing in the Bundesliga chess league, because of travel restrictions.

The five-time World Champion is making his debut as a commentator. Given his deep knowledge, experience, the ability to analyse quickly, articulation and sense of humour, he should be a treat to listen to.

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Chess | Caruana favoured to come out on top - The Hindu

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