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Startup Spotlight: Forestry Machine Learning wants to help clients use artificial intelligence to improve business –

With businesses everywhere being disrupted by the coronavirus outbreak, it seems like a tough time to be an entrepreneur starting a new venture.

Yet the co-founders of the Richmond-based startup company Forestry Machine Learning say they are keeping a positive long-term outlook.

The startup specializes in helping clients implement a cutting-edge type of artificial intelligence called machine learning to improve their business strategies and operations, and the co-founders say they foresee demand only increasing for that service.

It is an interesting time to be launching a company, said David Der, the startups CEO. Co-founder Brian Forrester is chief revenue officer.

Overall, I am optimistic, Der said. Sure, there might be some setbacks nobody is really taking in-person meetings right now but a lot of the value we can deliver can be done virtually anyway.

Our sales strategy remains the same, he said. We are still prospecting and in business development stages, full speed ahead.

Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence that involves using computer algorithms to quickly analyze large amounts of data and learn from it. The tools can be used to make better predictions about how people and systems behave.

The Forestry part of the companys name is a nod to lingo within the artificial intelligence industry.

Machine learning, artificial intelligence, and the larger ecosystem around that, is really just coming of age, said Forrester, who is also co-founder of Workshop Digital, a Richmond-based digital marketing firm where he continues to work.

For the last three or four years, we have had access to more data than we have ever had before, Forrester said. Computing power has caught up to be able to process that. A lot of the companies I work with over 100 companies across the U.S. and Canada are still trying to figure out how to leverage that data to inform business strategy, reduce risk and increase profitability.

Machine learning can be used to improve financial forecasting, cybersecurity and fraud prevention, among other things, said Der, who brings to the startup a background in computer science.

Der was among a group of co-founders of Notch, a technology consulting company founded in Richmond in 2014 that specialized in data engineering and machine learning. In late 2017, Notch was acquired by financial services giant Capital One Financial Corp.

Der said he left Capital One in December after a two-year commitment and started working on creating the new business.

Entrepreneurship is really a passion of mine, Der said. In a way, we are picking up the torch where Notch left off two years ago. I also want to bring to the table my experience now from the financial services industry.

While machine learning can be utilized by many organizations, Der said the startup is targeting three primary industries: financial services, health care and digital marketing.

The goal of machine learning in digital marketing is to deliver the right message to the right person through the right medium at the right time, Der said.

Forrester brings deep experience in digital marketing through his company, Digital Workshop.

I have spent 11 years building a company, and we have been fairly successful, Forrester said. My role in this company [Forestry] is to build our sales and marketing strategy as we grow and follow Davids lead.

Will Loving and Scott Walker, both with Richmond-based Consult360, also are investing partners in the startup.

Forrester said he has experience navigating a startup during a time of economic disruption.

I dont think the problems that machine learning is trying to solve are going to go away just because of this, he said, referring to the coronavirus disruptions. In fact, they are more pervasive now than ever. Leveraging more computing power to tackle bigger problems is not going to go away.

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Startup Spotlight: Forestry Machine Learning wants to help clients use artificial intelligence to improve business -

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3 global manufacturing brands at the forefront of AI and ML – JAXenter

If you are a major manufacturer in 2020 and you have employed the likes of Deloitte, McKinsey or PWC, it is safe to assume that they have advised you to invest big in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

According to reports by Deloitte and McKinsey, machine learning improves product quality and has the potential to double cash flow. Lets take a look at three global manufacturers who are already on board.

SEE ALSO: Introduction to machine learning in Node.js

Siemens is the largest industrial manufacturer in Europe, and whether they are putting together planes, trains or automobiles, their goal is to solve production challenges efficiently and sustainably. One of the ways they are able to do this is by using machine learning (ML) to enhance additive manufacturing, otherwise known as AM.

The process involves putting together parts that make objects from 3D model data. The idea is to streamline the manufacturing process into one printing stage. Machine learning plays a crucial part in achieving this goal.

Lets take a look at the recent creation of the AM Path Optimizer, part of its NX software offering. Its designed to eliminate overheating during production, an issue that stands in the way of the industrialization of AM. According to Siemens, the path optimizer combines simulation technology and ML to analyze a full job file minutes before execution on the machine. With this they hope to achieve reduced scrap and increased production yields. In short, they want to minimize trial and error and get it right the first time around.

Although still in the beta stage, the AM Path Optimizer has had some early adopters. TRUMPF, a German industrial machine manufacturing company based in Stuttgart, has been singing its praises, pointing to improved geometrical accuracy, more homogenous surface quality and a significant reduction in the scrap rate expected.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence do not just influence how companies manufacture but also help them decide what they manufacture. American packaged-food company ConAgra is one such company. They are using AI to identify consumer preferences.

The vegan market, for example, is growing rapidly: by 2026 it is projected to be worth just over $24 billion (the vegan cheese market alone will be worth $4 billion). And ConAgra, despite being over a century old, is aware of consumer preferences moving towards healthier options and away from things like processed meat. This awareness comes in part from their AI platform, which analyses data from social media and consumer food purchasing behavior.

This has led the company to produce alternative meat products like veggie burgers and even cauliflower rice. Its also helped speed up the manufacturing process, so rather than planning for next year, they can design, make, and release a new product in as little as a few weeks.

The major appliance manufacturer Bosch is a great believer in AI and has committed substantial resources to making it a central part of its business. In 2016, it launched a $30,000 competition on Kaggle, an online community of data scientists and machine learning practitioners. Competitors were asked to predict internal failures, with the aim of improving Bosch production line performance.

They described the assembly process as much like a souffle, delicious, delicate and a challenge to prepare; if it comes out of the oven sunken, you are going to retrace your steps to see where things went wrong. In order to identify and predict where its souffles go wrong, Bosch records data at every step of the manufacturing process and assembly line.

This is where the Kagglers come in. With access to advanced data analytics and using thousands of tests and measurements for each component on the assembly line, the winners Ash and Beluga were able to so solve internal failures using their own fault detection method.

In 2017, the Bosch Center for AI was founded with the tagline Solutions created for life. This is part of a broader effort to put AI and machine learning at the heart of the business. What they are working on now is reducing reliance on human expert knowledge base and deploying AI algorithms in safety-critical applications.

More recently, Bosch has been working on preventing increasingly advanced hackers from compromising their cars. According to CTO Michael Bolle: In the area of machine learning and AI, products and machines learn from data, and so the data itself can be part of the attack surface.

SEE ALSO: How machine learning is changing business communications

What Bosch, ConAgra, and Siemens realize is that their business is increasingly reliant on data, and the best way to harness that data is to invest heavily in AI and ML. According to McKinsey, not investing in AI or ML is not really an option, especially if you are a manufacturer with heavy assets: Manufacturers with heavy assets that are unable to read, interpret, and use their own machine-generated data to improve performance by addressing the changing needs of customers and suppliers will quickly lose out to their competitors or be acquired.

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3 global manufacturing brands at the forefront of AI and ML - JAXenter

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Are machine-learning-based automation tools good enough for storage management and other areas of IT? Let us know – The Register

Reader survey We hear a lot these days about IT automation. Yet whether it's labelled intelligent infrastructure, AIOps, self-driving IT, or even private cloud, the aim is the same.

And that aim is: to use the likes of machine learning, workflow automation, and infrastructure-as-code to automatically make changes in real-time, eliminating as much as possible of the manual drudgery associated with routine IT administration.

Are the latest AI/ML-powered intelligent automation solutions trustworthy and ready for mainstream deployment, particularly in areas such as storage management?

Should we go ahead and implement the technology now on offer?

This controversial topic is the subject of our latest reader survey, and we are eager to hear your views.

Please complete our short survey, here.

As always, your responses will be anonymous and your privacy assured.

Sponsored: Practical tips for Office 365 tenant-to-tenant migration

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Are machine-learning-based automation tools good enough for storage management and other areas of IT? Let us know - The Register

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Proof in the power of data – PES Media

Engineers at the AMRC have researched the use of the cloud to capture data from machine tools with Tier 2 member Amido

Cloud data solutions being trialled at the University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) could provide a secure and cost-effective way for SME manufacturers to explore how machine learning and Industry 4.0 technologies can boost their productivity.

Jon Stammers, AMRC technical fellow in the process monitoring and control team, says: Data is available on every shopfloor but a lot of time it isnt being captured due to lack of connectivity, and therefore cannot be analysed. If the cloud can capture and analyse that data then the possibilities are massive.

Engineers in the AMRCs Machining Group have researched the use of the cloud to capture data from machine tools with new Tier Two member Amido, an independent technical consultancy specialising in assembling, integrating and building cloud-native solutions.

Mr Stammers adds: Typically we would have a laptop sat next to a machine tool capturing its data; a researcher might do some analysis on that laptop and share the data on our internal file system or on a USB stick. There is a lot of data generated on the shopfloor and it is our job to capture it, but there are plenty of unanswered questions about the analysis process and the cloud has a lot to bring to that.

In the trial, data from two CNC machines in the AMRCs Factory of the Future: a Starrag STC 1250 and a DMG Mori DMU 40 eVo, was transferred to the Microsoft Azure Data Lake cloud service and converted into a parquet format, which allowed Amido to run a series of complex queries over a long period of time.

Steve Jones, engagement director at Amido, explains handling those high volumes of data is exactly what the cloud was designed for: Moving the data from the manufacturing process into the cloud means it can be stored securely and then structured for analysis. The data cant be intercepted in transit and it is immediately encrypted by Microsoft Azure.

Security is one of the huge benefits of cloud technology, Mr Stammers comments. When we ask companies to share their data for a project, it is usually rejected because they dont want their data going offsite. Part of the work were doing with Amido is to demonstrate that we can anonymise data and move it off site securely.

In addition to the security of the cloud, Mr Jones says transferring data into a data lake means large amounts can be stored for faster querying and machine learning.

One of the problems of a traditional database is when you add more data, you impact the ability for the query to return the answers to the questions you put in; by restructuring into a parquet format you limit that reduction in performance. Some of the queries that were taking one of the engineers up to 12 minutes to run on the local database, took us just 12 seconds using Microsoft Azure.

It was always our intention to run machine learning against this data to detect anomalies. A reading in the event data that stands out may help predict maintenance of a machine tool or prevent the failure of a part.

Storing data in the cloud is extremely inexpensive and that is why, according to software engineer in the process monitoring and control team Seun Ojo, cloud technology is a viable option for SMEs working with the AMRC, part of the High Value Manufacturing (HVM) Catapult.

He says: SMEs are typically aware of Industry 4.0 but concerned about the return on investment. Fortunately, cloud infrastructure is hosted externally and provided on a pay-per-use basis. Therefore, businesses may now access data capture, storage and analytics tools at a reduced cost.

Mr Jones adds: Businesses can easily hire a graphics processing unit (GPU) for an hour or a quantum computer for a day to do some really complicated processing and you can do all this on a pay-as-you-go basis.

The bar to entry to doing machine learning has never been lower. Ten years ago, only data scientists had the skills to do this kind of analysis but the tools available from cloud platforms like Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud now put a lot of power into the hands of inexpert users.

Mr Jones says the trials being done with Amido could feed into research being done by the AMRC into non-geometric validation.

He concludes: Rather than measuring the length and breadth of a finished part to validate that it has been machined correctly; I want to see engineers use data to determine the quality of a job.

That could be really powerful and if successful would make the process of manufacturing much quicker. That shows the value of data in manufacturing today.

Michael Tyrrell

Digital Coordinator

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Proof in the power of data - PES Media

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Innovative AI and Machine-Learning Technology That Detects Emotion Wins Top Award – Express Computer

CampaignTester was awarded Best Application of Artificial Intelligence to Optimize Creative at the 2020 Campaigns & Elections Reed Awards.

CampaignTester is a cutting-edge mobile-based platform that utilizes emotion analytics and machine learning to detect a users emotion and engagement level while watching video content. Their proprietary platform aims to deliver key audience insights for organizations to validate, revise and perfect their video content messaging.

Campaigns & Elections Reed Award winners represent the best-of-the-best in the political campaign and advocacy industries. The 2020 Reed Awards honored winners across 16 distinct category groups, representing the different specialisms of the political campaign industry, with distinct category groups for International (non-US) work, and Grassroots Advocacy work.

It was particularly meaningful being recognized among some of the finest marketers and technologists in the world. Bill Lickson, CampaignTesters Chief Operating Officer affirmed. I was thrilled and honored to accept this prestigious award on behalf of our entire talented team.

Aaron Itzkowitz, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of CampaignTester added, This award is a great start to what looks to be a wonderful year for our client-partners and our company. While our technology was recognized for excellence in political marketing, our technology is for any industry that uses video in marketing

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Express Computer is one of India's most respected IT media brands and has been in publication for 24 years running. We cover enterprise technology in all its flavours, including processors, storage, networking, wireless, business applications, cloud computing, analytics, green initiatives and anything that can help companies make the most of their ICT investments. Additionally, we also report on the fast emerging realm of eGovernance in India.

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Innovative AI and Machine-Learning Technology That Detects Emotion Wins Top Award - Express Computer

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VPN deal: 73% off and a cloud storage freebie with this limited time offer – Techradar

Currently, IPVanish is unstoppable - the provider is on a roll with freebies and discounts. And the VPN provider's latest offer is giving you the chance to increase your online security and boost your cloud storage with one cut-price VPN deal.

If you sign up to IPVanish now, you'll get a whole year of VPN protection and secure cloud storage from SugarSync for just $39.

When it comes to VPN goodness, we rank IPVanish extremely highly - the provider has 24/7 customer support, zero traffic logs, unlimited bandwidth and an excellent Windows kill switch. It really is one of the very best around.

And then throw in that freebie and discount, and you're laughing. The SugarSync addition gets you a full 250GB of secure data storage. This means that all your photos, videos and personal documents (whatever you choose to store) will remain safeguarded from outsiders. That means that for the next 12 months your VPN and storage needs are completely covered for the equivalent of just $3.25 a month.

Still unsure if this is the deal for you? Scroll down to see this deal in full, or why not also check out our best VPN deals guide for all of the very best offers on cyber privacy.

As well as unblocking Netflix, (hello streaming!) and being one of the best value for money VPNs, it also has a 7-day money-back guarantee and servers in over 75 countries.

Plus, it boasts incredible download speeds so you don't need to worry about the VPN slowing down your device and it's got plenty of powerful, configurable apps.So whether privacy, streaming or cost is your reason for getting a VPN, IPVanish ticks all the boxes.

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VPN deal: 73% off and a cloud storage freebie with this limited time offer - Techradar

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NetApp cans Kubernetes and Cloud Volumes services on HCI. But what is waiting in the wings? – Blocks and Files

NetApp is shuttering NKS on HCI and Cloud Volumes on HCI, with effect from April 20. In their place, the storage giant is readying some very cool things in the works for NetApp and Kubernetes where there is more value than NKS (NetApp Kubernetes Services) was and is, a source close to the company told us.

NetApp said yesterday via a customer communique it would simplify and unify Kubernetes services across ONTAP and other product lines. Both partners and customers have asked NetApp to adopt a distribution-agnostic approach to Kubernetes Our goal will be to make applications and associated data highly available, portable, and manageable across both on-premises and clouds through a software-defined set of data services.

Accordingly, to accelerate our Kubernetes strategy, we have decided to end availability of NetApp Kubernetes Service/NetApp Kubernetes Service on HCI and Cloud Volumes Service for On-Premises/Cloud Volumes on HCI.

A tech analyst, who asked not be named, said: My guess is NetApp will kill the HCI product in less than 12 months, probably citing market conditions due to COVID-19. Im sure something else is coming.

Sounds like the analyst has already had an early briefing under NDA. Meanwhile our source told us: NKS was proprietary and focused on the application layer and a competitor to [Red Hat] OpenShift Stay tuned. In a few weeks there will be an announcement that puts all of this into context.

NetApp said in its communique that it is shifting focus on Kubernetes and is increasing overall investment in the technology. NetApps goal is to transform our converged and hyperconverged storage platforms, including NetApp HCI, to a software-defined architecture, and become a leading on-premises hybrid cloud platform capable of automating infrastructure for Kubernetes.

NetApps hyperconverged storage platform is Elements HCI, based on Solidfire. The converged storage platform is FlexPod and FlexPod SF, with Solidfire storage. The platforms are reference architectures that use Cisco servers and networking products.

Chris Evans, a prominent data storage architect, told us the capability of the NKS technology isnt in question, but rather the direction of travel suggested by a move to workload automation.As a storage and data management company, does it make sense for NetApp to become a workload orchestration company or one that makes use of workload management tools to help manage data?

He thinks the latter path is more appropriate: I hope we see NetApp retain the NKS capability as part of the Fabric Orchestrator strategy to manage data movement and migration, rather than as a standalone tool.But the cost and effort of shadowing Kubernetes development has clearly been assessed as not worth the cost.

Evans was more intrigued by the move away from Cloud Volumes Service on premises and HCI.This move seems to detract from a hybrid data strategy of agnostic storage in many locations.It may be that customers simply werent ready or didnt need this capability and are happy with on-premises ONTAP appliances.

NKS is a SaaS offering that enables customers to build Kubernetes clusters on-premises (NetApp HCI and FlexPod) or in the public cloud (AWS, Azure and GCP). A provisioning process creates load balancers, builds virtual instances and deploys and configures Kubernetes on each server in the cluster. The user can then create cloud-native projects using Kubernetes and a kubectl configuration file.

Cloud Volumes is a way of making file services in the public cloud, usable, for example, by containerised applications. Cloud Volumes ONTAP is the ONTAP storage service running in AWS and Azure and there is a Cloud Volumes service for GCP.

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NetApp cans Kubernetes and Cloud Volumes services on HCI. But what is waiting in the wings? - Blocks and Files

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Consumer Cloud Storage Services Market Globally Expected to Drive Growth through 2027 – Daily Science

This report presents the worldwide Consumer Cloud Storage Services market size (value, production and consumption), splits the breakdown (data status 2018 and forecast to 2025), by manufacturers, region, type and application.

This study also analyzes the market status, market share, growth rate, future trends, market drivers, opportunities and challenges, risks and entry barriers, sales channels, distributors and Porters Five Forces Analysis.

The report presents the market competitive landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the major vendor/key players in the market.

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Top Companies in the Global Consumer Cloud Storage Services Market:

Some of the key competitors covered in the consumer cloud storage services market report are Apple Inc.; Google (Alphabet Inc.); Box, Inc.; Dropbox, Inc.;, Inc.; Microsoft Corporation; Inc.; Hubic (OVH) Mediafire and pCloud AG.

Key Segments

Key Regions covered:

Key Companies

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The report provides a valuable source of insightful data for business strategists and competitive analysis of Consumer Cloud Storage Services Market. It provides the Consumer Cloud Storage Services industry overview with growth analysis and futuristic cost, revenue and many other aspects. The research analysts provide an elaborate description of the value chain and its distributor analysis. This Tire Consumer Cloud Storage Services study provides comprehensive data which enhances the understanding, scope and application of this report.

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Consumer Cloud Storage Services market recent innovations and major events.

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-Favorable impression inside vital technological and market latest trends striking the Consumer Cloud Storage Services market.

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The report has 150 tables and figures browse the report description and TOC:

Table of Contents

1 Study Coverage

1.1 Consumer Cloud Storage Services Product

1.2 Key Market Segments in This Study

1.3 Key Manufacturers Covered

1.4 Market by Type

1.4.1 Global Consumer Cloud Storage Services Market Size Growth Rate by Type

1.4.2 Hydraulic Dredges

1.4.3 Hopper Dredges

1.4.4 Mechanical Dredges

1.5 Market by Application

1.5.1 Global Consumer Cloud Storage Services Market Size Growth Rate by Application

2 Executive Summary

2.1 Global Consumer Cloud Storage Services Market Size

2.1.1 Global Consumer Cloud Storage Services Revenue 2014-2025

2.1.2 Global Consumer Cloud Storage Services Production 2014-2025

2.2 Consumer Cloud Storage Services Growth Rate (CAGR) 2019-2025

2.3 Analysis of Competitive Landscape

2.3.1 Manufacturers Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI)

2.3.2 Key Consumer Cloud Storage Services Manufacturers Consumer Cloud Storage Services Manufacturing Base Distribution, Headquarters Manufacturers Consumer Cloud Storage Services Product Offered Date of Manufacturers Enter into Consumer Cloud Storage Services Market

2.4 Key Trends for Consumer Cloud Storage Services Markets & Products

3 Market Size by Manufacturers

3.1 Consumer Cloud Storage Services Production by Manufacturers

3.1.1 Consumer Cloud Storage Services Production by Manufacturers

3.1.2 Consumer Cloud Storage Services Production Market Share by Manufacturers

3.2 Consumer Cloud Storage Services Revenue by Manufacturers

3.2.1 Consumer Cloud Storage Services Revenue by Manufacturers (2019-2025)

3.2.2 Consumer Cloud Storage Services Revenue Share by Manufacturers (2019-2025)

3.3 Consumer Cloud Storage Services Price by Manufacturers

3.4 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans

More Information.

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Consumer Cloud Storage Services Market Globally Expected to Drive Growth through 2027 - Daily Science

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Storj announces new decentralized, cheaper alternative to AWS – Reclaim The Net

Decentralization benefits the cloud in many ways, and our first customers are already seeing how it improves security, privacy, and resiliency, while also lowering costs, Ben Golub formerly of Docker, now executive chairman of Storj has said.

Storj Labs is a blockchain-based cloud service and what else could it be, too, based on that promise, at this point in time while a service describing itself as open-source and operating on 19 million gigabytes capacity, on thousands of nodes across the planet, with currently some 3,000 users.

There had been a simpler, though not necessarily a gentler time in the history of the web when the digitally connected world featured decentralized data storage. By default. Its true: you had some data, you stored it on your server rig you had your decentralized data storage.

Whats happened since, though, is that either much of the world outgrew the idea of data stored on-site or, that much of the world fell hard for one of the most powerful marketing buzzwords to ever hit the tech namely, Cloud Computing.

(It was probably a perfect storm of both circumstances. But thats just an educated guess.)

Meanwhile, the promise of cloud storage has always been one of less pain while somehow more gain. But transitioning your data from on-site that you control, to trusting all of it to another entity, their technological, legal, and ethical capabilities, whims, and allegiances increasingly even geo-political in nature all thats starting to feel like a real problem.

Given the nature of the thing and the stakes around it, its interesting to see startups cropping up trying to compete in the case of Storj, trying to provide the usefulness of cloud storage, while decoupling it from the Big Tech hive mind.

Meanwhile, decentralized cloud storage has grown to produce some global behemoths like Amazon Web Services (AWS), and even managed to rescue from certain demise one tech dinosaur Microsoft that its fair to say survived only thanks to a pretty hard pivot to Azure Cloud. Other giants like Google have ever since been trying to get a piece of that immensely lucrative pie.

Storj Labss pitch is focused not only on reliability behind the technical model but also, of being around half the price of AWS.

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Storj announces new decentralized, cheaper alternative to AWS - Reclaim The Net

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Cloud Computing and 5G – Datamation

Register for this live video webcast - Tuesday, March 24 at 11 AM PT Ask the expert - get your cloud computing/5G questions answered by an industry expert.

The combination of the speed of 5G with the power and flexibility of cloud computing promises to enable a powerful new chapter in Information Technology. A number of technological shifts is enabling this new emerging technology. In this webinar you will learn:

To provide insight into cloud computing and 5G, I'll speak with Todd Spraggins, Strategy Director, Communications Global Business Unit, Oracle


Register for this live video webcast - Tuesday, March 24 at 11 AM PT

Bring your questions to this live video webcast well answer as many as we can.

Todd Spraggins, Strategy Director, Communications Global Business Unit, Oracle

James Maguire, Managing Editor, Datamation moderator

Bring your questions to this live video webcast well answer as many as we can.

Register for this live video webcast - Tuesday, March 24 at 11 AM PT

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Cloud Computing and 5G - Datamation

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