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Facebook didnt have to be this way – BusinessLine

Why and when did you think of writing this book?

I can give you the exact date. August 27, 2015. That was when I saw on my newsfeed a post by Mark Zuckerberg. A billion people had been on Facebook the day before. I had been looking at Facebook for almost a decade before that, and knew what it was trying to do. But the idea that a billion people, such a big percentage of the world, was on that one network on the same day is a lot different from, say, watching the World Cup. And I realised Zuckerberg was doing something no one had done before. And I figured I had to write this book and tell that story; how that happened; who they were; and what it meant.

But did your hypothesis change by the time you finished the book?

Yeah, dramatically. I had done a book about Google earlier. It worked very well. So, I thought Id do it the same way Id get Facebook to give me access to the employees and they would not be able to control what Id write or even read it before when I was finished. It took me a while to convince Facebook, but I finally did. And I started almost a year to the day after that first post. I started in 2016 and went to Nigeria with Mark Zuckerberg. A couple months later, the election happened in the US, and everything changed for Facebook. All of a sudden, the criticisms that had been festering exploded and Facebook entered a period where it was under extreme criticism and had to own up to mistakes that it made. So, it really did change the book a lot and changed the way I had to report the book, a lot.

What is the most significant change that happened over the course of writing the book?

The biggest change was the narrative switch from this success story basically, to one where you had to examine how they got to that success and what decisions they made to this amazing growth a dangerous thing. How did that happen? It was playwright Anton Chekov who said that if in the first act, you have hung a gun on the wall, then in the following one it should be fired. When I was reporting the book, these guns were going off, so I had to go back to Act One and see where the guns were planted. So that was how the book was done.

But access to the company can also come with riders...

There was no problem at all. There was no compromise. I just had this benefit of access and obviously, Im able to tell when Im being spun when theyre not telling me the whole truth. I was under no obligation to Facebook. It was information I wanted. There would have been compromises if I was gullible and had taken everything they said at face value. But Id like to think that I know how to judge the information I get.

To some, Facebook is the best thing to have happened to technology in a long time. And to some others, it is the worst. What are your learnings?

I certainly wouldnt call Facebook the best thing that happened to technology. Look at the arc of history. I started writing about technology just as the personal computer revolution was happening. There were great companies built on that. And then I looked at the Internet, and great companies were built on that. And now theres the social revolution and Facebook, which was built on that, is for all its problems a great company.

But the difference is the later you get, the faster companies have the opportunity to grow and the more pervasive they become, because in technology one thing doesnt happen and the next thing comes. At each turn of the wheel, things get bigger and more powerful, affect people more, and take more peoples lives and change peoples lives more, because theyre built on the previous advance. So, the personal computer industry gets computers in the hand; the Internet connects all the computers; and the social revolution connects all the people each, happening on top of the other, becomes more powerful.

So, each company winds up having a bigger influence on all of us. Each generation gets a bigger set of weapons or tools. So in a way, the story of Facebook isnt just the story of Facebook, its the story of where technology is.

There are reasons to believe the sort of social experiment Facebook has introduced has taken us in some wrong directions, which even Facebook hasnt imagined it would...

I like the idea that you call it an experiment. Because obviously, they didnt intend to say this was an experiment. They said this was a business. This is our vision. But it really was an experiment. And in experiments you dont know whats going to happen. So, you have a responsibility. When youre doing something so profoundly different and important and do not treat it like an experiment, youre in trouble. Because its the real thing and you should try to anticipate the negative consequences that can come of what you do. Thats what Facebook did not do. Thats what Mark Zuckerberg, in particular, didnt want to consider or would brush off saying he would deal with it later.

In the book, I describe instance after instance where Zuckerberg wasnt interested in anticipating and dealing in advance with the potential consequences. So, in the past three years, they have had to apologise for not doing that. They say they are going to try to do that now. But because they didnt run it with the understanding that Facebook is real and not an experiment, weve had to suffer for their mistakes.

How much of an overlap is there between Zuckerberg the person and Facebook, his product? If Mark is a product, does it look like FB?

You cant pull them apart. Its like weaving a thread into a fabric. If you pull the Mark Zuckerberg thread from Facebook, I dont think you have anything. Facebook is Mark Zuckerbergs image. In the book I talk about how he roped in a few people, in 2011-2012, who tried to figure out what the values were and the person in charge of it was a young woman named Molly Graham. She was the daughter of Donald E Graham, who was at the time, CEO of The Washington Post. She said Mark was the value. In order to understand the values of Facebook, I had to understand the values of Zuckerberg. And those are the same values. You go to Facebook headquarters, and you see all these posters that say move fast and break things, what would you do if youre not afraid?, etc. These are all projections of Marks thinking. So, in the Venn Diagram of Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook, its a pretty complete overlap.

Critics say Zuckerberg is very slow in trusting people. A lot of people in his generation, allegedly, seem to be cool about sharing. Does this psychology reflect in the overall character of Facebook?

Thats an interesting idea. It is true that Zuckerberg is slow to trust people. And to this day, for all important jobs, he relies on people hes known for a long time. Take the coronavirus; the person at Facebook in charge of health is the one who literally had pizza with Zuckerberg on February 4, 2004, when Facebook was launched. So that shows. The irony is that while he is slow to trust others, he had this vision for the world where everyone should trust each other to share their information. And then you should trust Facebook with that information. So, I think what happened was he took a look at his generation and felt, yes, theyre ready to share, but when it came to him personally trusting, not so much.

Given its ubiquity and grand influence, we can say that our society is being curated by Facebooks algorithms today. Do they realise the influence and are they concerned about it?

Facebook at certain points became interested not exactly concerned in this. Thats when they did the famous mood study, which I write about in the book. They tried to find out whether people would be in a better mood if their friends posted positive things on Facebook or vice versa. They did an experiment on that, and drew a lot of criticism for tampering with peoples moods. But thats exactly what it does. It has the unexpected intent of driving us to outrage. The way the algorithms work is that we engage more with sensational things. Its been well documented that fake news or make-believe stories get far more engagement than real stories from real publications. Thats just a consequence Facebook originally embraced that things can go viral on Facebook and they thought that was good, but they didnt realise until recently they had to deal with it. This could be corrosive to society.

There is criticism that you have ignored data mining practices of Facebook.

I could have gotten to a lot of places the book is over 500 pages but I still could not be right about everything. I dont give a detailed analysis of how Facebook does that (data mining). This book is a story, and I did talk about that. But its not a guide to how Facebook does data. Im not going to be putting charts about where all the information comes from. Even Zuckerberg doesnt know where the information comes from. But I talked about how he went to Congress, and they had questions about exactly that. He didnt know the answer.

After the Cambridge Analytica scandal and all the controversy around political advertising on Facebook, whats the future of FB going to look like? What are the solutions to its maladies?

I dont have the solutions. I dont think Zuckerberg does either. What I learned while writing the book is that Facebook didnt have to be this way. Facebook, as we know it, is shaped by a number of decisions, and many of them were taken recklessly or certainly without regard to how this would have unintended consequences. Its so difficult to find a solution, because they painted themselves into a corner by creating such a product. Its like saying the Internet was built without thinking too much of security, and now its really difficult to get good Internet security. People inside Facebook were warning about this as it happened. And Zuckerberg went ahead and made a decision, figuring you could fix things later on.

So, what should be a consumers approach to Facebook today?

Title: Facebook: The Inside StoryAuthor: Hardcover: 592 pagesPublisher: Blue Rider Press (25 February 2020)Price:

Just in the past few weeks, because of coronavirus, our world has changed so much and in a strange way, Facebook has become more useful. Its better equipped to handle misinformation about coronavirus and more responsible in being proactive in spreading good information about the virus. So, this is a tool that we could use not to scream at each other, or get worked up by made up stories, but for being in touch with each other. Ever since I wrote the book, the storys changed much. So, it is impossible to predict whats in store for Facebook. Its impossible to say there will be a Facebook in five years.

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Facebook didnt have to be this way - BusinessLine

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How Are Digital Natives Shaping the Future of Data Privacy? – Infosecurity Magazine

When it comes to the implementation of cybersecurity, most individuals usually focus on the bigger picture, which often causes them to foresee details that prove to be crucial in exercising security. One of the most commonly overlooked aspects of cybersecurity is data privacy, along with the highly personal implications that it has.

With the much-awaited California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) having come into effect from 1st January 2020, this is already at the receiving end of severe scrutiny from some of the most notable members of Californias tech scene. So it is high time that we reevaluate the relationship that digital natives have with data privacy.

Furthermore, in an attempt to ensure that the cybersecurity practices hold up in the long run, it is equally essential that we also pay heed to the way that the tumultuous relationship that digital natives have had with data privacy influences the present, and consequently, the future of cybersecurity in general.

The simpler (read: oversimplified) definition of what a digital native would be a person who grew up in the era of omnipresent technology, the most notable aspect of which is single-handedly the internet and the advent of the internet of things (IoT). A far more sophisticated, and more accommodating definition of the phrase, however, takes into account the intricate nature of the differences between digital natives and the generations that came before them.

Once the variations that have entered the lives of digital natives - primarily as a direct consequence of growing up in a world riding the high wave of digitization and advancements in technology - have been fully realized, only then can cybersecurity specialists hope to steer digital natives towards a more secure future.

The Rocky Relationship that We Have Had With Data Privacy in the Past

The term digital natives' was coined in 2001 by Marc Prensky, where he argued that the younger generation spoke a digital language, and called for a fundamental change in the way that they were being taught in schools as well.

However, digital natives, along with the generations that came before them, have been making grave privacy mistakes for a long, long time. The monumentality of the mistakes made in the past is also made evident by the fact that their impact can be felt, even today.

With that being said, most of the mistakes made in the past can be pinned down to the sheer lack of knowledge that people had about the internet and emerging technology: all of which they considered to be something foreign back then.

Some of the most notable errors made in the past regarding a users data privacy, which frequently lead to sensitive credentials being stolen, started with the U.S government using identifiers in their new social security program. The trouble with these identifiers started when multiple states across the country began putting social security numbers on state-issued drivers licenses, which left identity thieves with the golden opportunity to wreak as much havoc as they wanted. Fortunately, however, the practice of was eradicated in 2005.

However, the practice of using the Social Security Number was still being used as an identifier for each recipient of the Medicare program, which started in the 1960s. Unlike the use of identifiers in driving licenses, the practice of using easily exploitable identifiers didnt end until 2017.

Moreover, another perilous error that was pretty widespread in the past, before most of the digital natives were even born, was the practice of jotting down sensitive and confidential information, such as driving license numbers, addresses, and phone numbers on checks. The reason behind this blunder was simple: in the 1990s, the use of credit cards wasnt as widespread as it is today, and no one had the patience to wait in queues.

How are Digital Natives Impacting the Future of Data Privacy?

Although the state of cybersecurity being implemented in organizations today is far from perfect, organizations and enterprises, have started to take the imminent threat posed by the different types of cybercrimes in the past, which has also significantly impacted the attitudes that individuals have had about maintaining data privacy in general.

Unlike older generations, who treated the concept of technology as something foreign and unnatural to their way of living, digital natives have chosen to embrace technology as a permanent constituent of their way of life. Moreover, digital natives are so well acquainted with the advent of technology, the acknowledgment and acceptance of cybercrimes come naturally, along with more active involvement in solving problems, so that better data privacy can be exercised.

With acute knowledge about the consequences of data sharing and the impact that a stolen credential can have, digital natives have brought forth a revolutionary change within the cybersecurity spectrum by focusing their attention on the formulation of a robust cybersecurity culture that sees an equal distribution of assets and labor to each aspect of a security infrastructure.

Amidst the backdrop of an ever-evolving and increasingly sophisticated threat landscape, it wont be the greatest stretch to say that the future stability of cybersecurity rests on the shoulders of digital natives!

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Zero Trust Internet is the Answer – Infosecurity Magazine

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German government prepares for internet censorship and deployment of the armed forces – World Socialist Web Site

By Ulrich Rippert 23 March 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic is highlighting the class character of politics. The health care system has been cut to pieces, hospitals privatised and trimmed for profit, laboratory capacities and nationwide treatment options massively restricted.

Despite warnings from China, no preparations have been made to protect the population. The government cares only about the interests of big business and is making unlimited financial resources available to corporations and banks. Although the danger of the virus was known, and public life has been drastically restricted, many workers are being forced to continue their work without adequate protection.

Resistance is growing against this criminal irresponsibility by the government and employers. Various opposition groups are forming on the internet to refute government propaganda and describe and fight against the dramatic conditions in hospitals, rescue stations, care facilities and factories, but also the devastating effects of government measures on workers in precarious employment.

Politicians have responded to this opposition with calls for censorship and dictatorial measures.

At the beginning of the week, Lower Saxonys state Interior Minister Boris Pistorius (Social Democratic Party, SPD) called for sanctions against the distribution of so-called fake news in connection with the Coronavirus pandemic. He demanded that the government urgently intervene, saying, It must be prohibited to publicly spread false allegations about the supply situation of the population, medical care or cause, ways of infection, diagnosis and therapy of COVID-19.

According to Pistorius, the government must examine whether bans could already be based on the infection protection law. If not, the penal code or the law on administrative offences should be amended as quickly as possible.

The greatest misinformation currently being spread comes from the government itself. It claims that the German health care system is well prepared for the spread of the pandemic, and no one need worry. For weeks, the government played down the dangers.

Now that reality has refuted its propaganda, any criticism of it is to be criminalised and suppressed. If Pistorius has his way, the government will rigorously enforce its monopoly on information and opinion. This is a call for censorship and dictatorship.

Pistorius has long been known as a right-wing social democrat in the tradition of Gustav Noske, who during the November Revolution in 1918 allied with the German army and far-right Freikorps to suppress working-class opposition to the bourgeois order.

For seven years as Lower Saxonys interior minister, he has been advocating a strict right-wing course against refugees and for stepping up the repressive powers of the state. In summer 2017, he presented an SPD position paper on domestic policy, the central point of which was strengthening the federal police force financially and with more personnel. One year later, more than 10,000 people demonstrated in Hanover against the new police law of Lower Saxony, which Pistorius had drafted, because it massively expands the powers of the security authorities while at the same time restricting elementary civil rights.

With his call for censorship and police-state measures, Pistorius speaks for a party that has always responded to crisis situations and resistance from the population by calling for the strong state and dictatorial measures. Pistorius comes from the same political stable as former German Chancellor Gerhard Schrder, who brutally smashed up the welfare systems with the Hartz laws. For the past three years he has also been living in a relationship with Schrders fourth wife, Doris Schrder-Kpf, from whom the former chancellor separated in 2015.

There is no doubt that the fight against the pandemic requires the restriction of social contacts and individual freedom of movement. However, it must not be allowed that the conditions for a dictatorship are created under the slogan necessity knows no law! The coronavirus pandemic, its ominous health, social and economic consequences and the drastic measures required to combat it raise the question of who exercises power and controls the statethe financial oligarchy or the working class?

The ruling class everywhere is trying to use measures against the Corona crisis to strengthen its power. According to information from DPA and Der Spiegel, the president of the Bundestag (federal parliament), Wolfgang Schuble (Christian Democratic Union, CDU), for example, has proposed to the leaders of the parliamentary groups that they expand the Emergency Laws by amending the constitution.

The Emergency Laws, which were passed in May 1968 in the midst of the largest workers strikes and student protests of the post-World War II period, give the state quasi-dictatorial powers in crisis situations (natural disaster, uprising, war). Among other things, they allow for the Bundestag and the Bundesrat (the upper chamber of parliament) to be replaced by an emergency parliament, the Joint Committee. This committee consists of only 48 selected members but has the full powers of both chambers of parliament and would thus largely override the existing parliamentary system. Schuble has now brought up the idea of including a similar regulation in the constitution for the case of an epidemic.

The deployment of the Bundeswehr (armed forces), which Defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer announced at a press conference on Thursday, must also be seen in this context. For the time being, the focus is on logistical tasks. The Bundeswehr has five hospitals of its own, 3,000 doctors, mobile military hospitals as well as logistics and transport capacities that can be used in the fight against the virus.

But Kramp-Karrenbauer has more in mind. In addition to the deployment of up to 50,000 soldiers, there is also talk of mobilizing 75,000 reservists. At the press conference, the defence minister emphasized that the troops will only be properly deployed when the civilian authorities and organizations have reached the end of their capabilities. She claimed that in the area of security and order, assistance from the military would only be available under strict conditions, but in a daily order to the troops she wrote, We will help with health care and, if necessary, with ensuring infrastructure and supplies as well as maintaining security and order.

Chief of Staff Alfons Mais wrote to soldiers saying the Bundeswehr now had the task of maintaining operational readiness for any required support. We are at the beginning of a road whose direction and length we cannot yet estimated, he declared.

In Bavaria, the conservative state government declared a disaster situation last Monday. This enables them to take far-reaching measures against the spread of the coronavirus and to call on citizens to help in the form of services, material and work. However, the disaster situation also means a far-reaching encroachment on democratic rights, which can be used to suppress social and political opposition. The working class must be on its guard.

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Internet of Things (IoT) Security Technology Market Is Expected To Thrive At Impressive Cagr By 2027 Key Players:…

Astonishing Growth Of Internet of Things (IoT) Security Technology Market 2020 | Latest Trends, Demand, Growth, Opportunities & Outlook Till 2027

The Analysis report titled Internet of Things (IoT) Security Technology Market highly demonstrates the current Internet of Things (IoT) Security Technology market analysis scenario, impending future opportunities, revenue growth, pricing and profitability of the industry.

The report provides a basic overview of the industry including definitions and classifications. The Internet of Things (IoT) Security Technology analysis is provided for the international markets including development trends, competitive landscape analysis, and key regions development status.

The report discusses the various types of solutions for Internet of Things (IoT) Security Technology Market. While the regions considered in the scope of the report include North America, Europe, and various others. The study also emphasizes on how rising Internet of Things (IoT) Security Technology threats is changing the market scenario.

Some of the key players operating in this market include: Cisco,IBM,Infineon,Intel,Gemalto,Allot,Symantec Corporation,HP Enterprise Company,AT&T Inc,Trend micro

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The detailed report provides the major key regions and the crucial elements of the market.

Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Technology Market, By Region are: North America, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Japan, India, Rest of the Worlds

Internet of Things (IoT) Security Technology Market Research Report 2020 carries in-depth case studies on the various countries which are involved in the Internet of Things (IoT) Security Technology market. The report is segmented according to usage wherever applicable and the report offers all this information for all major countries and associations. It offers an analysis of the technical barriers, other issues, and cost-effectiveness affecting the market. Important contents analyzed and discussed in the report include market size, operation situation, and current & future development trends of the market, market segments, business development, and consumption tendencies. Moreover, the report includes the list of major companies/competitors and their competition data that helps the user to determine their current position in the market and take corrective measures to maintain or increase their share holds.

The study is a source of reliable data on:

Market segments and sub-segments

Market trends and dynamics

Supply and demand

Market size

Current trends/opportunities/challenges

Competitive landscape

Technological breakthroughs

Value chain and stakeholder analysis

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A complete backdrop analysis, which includes an assessment of the parent market

Important changes in market dynamics

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Historical, current, and projected size of the market from the standpoint of both value and volume

Reporting and evaluation of recent industry developments

Market shares and strategies of key players

Emerging niche segments and regional markets

An objective assessment of the trajectory of the market

Recommendations to companies for strengthening their foothold in the market

Trending factors influencing the market shares of the Americas, APAC, Europe, and MEA.

All the research report is made by using two techniques that are Primary and secondary research. There are various dynamic features of the business, like client need and feedback from the customers. Before (company name) curate any report, it has studied in-depth from all dynamic aspects such as industrial structure, application, classification, and definition.

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Internet of Things (IoT) Security Technology Global Market Research Report 2020

1 Market Overview

2 Manufacturers Profiles

3 Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Technology Sales, Revenue, Market Share and Competition by Manufacturer

4 Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Technology Market Analysis by Regions

5 North America Internet of Things (IoT) Security Technology by Country

6 Europe Internet of Things (IoT) Security Technology by Country

7 Asia-Pacific Internet of Things (IoT) Security Technology by Country

8 South America Internet of Things (IoT) Security Technology by Country

9 Middle East and Africa Internet of Things (IoT) Security Technology by Countries

10 Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Technology Market Segment by Type

11 Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Technology Market Segment by Application

12 Fourth Internet of Things (IoT) Security Technology Market Forecast (2020-2024)

13 Sales Channel, Distributors, Traders and Dealers

14 Research Findings and Conclusion

15 Appendix

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Cloud Computing is Helping Deal with Coronavirus – Analytics Insight

With Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCov) causing a bigger number of deaths than the 2003 SARS episode and giving no indications of containment, one thing turns out to be clear: the sickness is out of our control at this moment and we will need to get innovative if we need to catch it.

The illness began in China back in December and keeping in mind that theres been a lot of discussion around how it was taken care of, its essential to perceive that our energy is best spent discovering solutions. Presently, like never before, the world needs to meet up. We need to deliver the best personalities in healthcare and technology and innovate in case we will outflank this sickness.

The ongoing coronavirus outbreak (or COVID-19, if you need to be progressively precise) is changing the manner in which individuals live their day-to-day lives and interact with one another. Its additionally affecting how organizations work, as employees request to work from home and the condition of supply chains changes erratically. With the world, all things considered, in what capacity can your organization keep on running effectively? One innovation that shouldnt be disregarded during the coronavirus episode is cloud computing

For a considerable length of time, the cloud has given organizations the assets important to remotely process a lot of information, build and run crucial applications and services, and work together with partners over the globe. Since organizations need to face the real factors of coronavirus and its business impact, they should go to cloud computing to alleviate the impacts that the pandemic will without a doubt bring.

Obviously, when you have big data you need huge storage. That is the place cloud computing comes in. The cloud permits companies to ingest, process, analyze, and share big data, a procedure known as data interoperability, in a scalable, cost-efficient manner.

Without the cloud, storing and managing with this amount of information would be cost-restrictive for the healthcare industry. It would require costly servers, and space to keep them, which most companies cant bear.

In spite of the fact that healthcare cloud adoption is on the ascent, for some healthcare organizations cloud adoption is as yet a challenge. If more healthcare organizations can adopt cloud infrastructure, we will see more noteworthy advancement as far as disease mitigation technologies.

That is accurately what an organization called BlueDot is doing. The organization really anticipated the episode three weeks before the Chinese government reported travel limitations. The organizations geofencing platform ingests information from web articles, social media life, online communications, and text messages and had the option to deliver an alarm back in December that cautioned of early indications of an outbreak.

The organization keeps on utilizing its product to enable the world to push back on the spread of coronavirus. Bluedot is as of now tracking the disease dependent on aircraft schedules and different sources of unstructured information. At that point, overlaying this information with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning(ML), they can anticipate where the illness is probably going to spread, and caution those areas to start preparations.

At the point when employees are working from home, they likely cant access in-office assets (except if your organization permits remote client access to organization servers). Along these lines, organizations need an approach to give laborers the assets they need to run corporate applications and services. With cloud solutions, this is as of now dealt with. Cloud servers have mission-basic applications without putting a strain on local resources, which additionally diminishes the pressure of storage space on user devices. This is likewise helpful for voice and video communications critical tools for keeping up communication outside of the workplace, yet in addition, devices that can put a huge strain on assets.

While theyre not working in the workplace, employees despite everything need an approach to team up with one another on projects. Cloud-based development solutions permit users to chip away at similar assets in any event, when they arent in the same physical area. At the most basic level, an organization ought to have a technical device so workers can converse with one another continuously. Further developed solutions permit users to work together on documents and projects from anywhere and are worth deploying if your organization doesnt utilize them as of now.

A business running on the cloud that experiences a spike in client traffic to its site can immediately call on servers in a global network of Amazon or Microsoft data centers to deal with the heap. At the point when the traffic dies down, they can kill those services. Moreover, if an organization needs to play out a complex analysis or test a machine learning algorithm, it can rent nearly limitless computing power from a cloud supplier for a couple of hours, as opposed to causing the expense of owning it.

In practice, organizations will in general scale up their cloud utilization yet dont often scale it back down, said Quinn, whose firm assists organizations manage their AWS charges and has clients that spend in total about $1 billion per year on Amazons cloud.

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Cloud Computing is Helping Deal with Coronavirus - Analytics Insight

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Insights on the ASEAN and Taiwan Cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service Market – Forecast to 2025 – – Business Wire

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "ASEAN and Taiwan Cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service Market, Forecast to 2025" report has been added to's offering.

The ASEAN cloud infrastructure market will gravitate toward a hybrid deployment model (partially premises-based and partially cloud-based) in the next 3 to 5 years. The demand for managed cloud offerings has been increasing, particularly for Application-as-a-Service and Network-as-a-Service offerings. Enterprises are looking to deploy more open-source private cloud platforms across hybrid environments, as hybrid-IT emerges as a new norm. The adoption of multicloud solutions will accelerate owing to factors such as the migration of development applications to the public cloud and disaster recovery and business continuity purposes.

Active government initiatives such as Smart Cities in developing countries and key digital hubs present new monetization opportunities for service providers in developing verticalized cloud solutions to address governments' digital transformation ambitions. The demand for integrated management solutions is likely to increase in multicloud environments. Managed hybrid cloud platforms are in demand to accommodate workloads, ranging from enterprise applications (such as email, enterprise resource planning (ERP), and cloud-native applications) and analytics to the Internet of Things (IoT).

While cloud security and privacy remain major concerns for many companies in the ASEAN region, they present monetization opportunities for vendors to provide ancillary managed security, cloud, and other professional services. The expansion of open-source technologies, as well as advances in application programming interfaces (API)-accessible single-tenant cloud servers, helps promote acceptance toward managed cloud providers.

Established data center markets such as Singapore and countries experiencing high data center growth rates such as Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand are expected to be the key focus areas for cloud infrastructure market growth in the ASEAN region owing to the availability of necessary infrastructure and connectivity, as well as the presence of hyperscale cloud vendors. Stiff competition and increasing commoditization of pure-play storage and cloud offerings are driving providers to offer new services and innovate. These include bundling more managed services (such as managed security and analytics) into their cloud services portfolio, thereby shifting the focus away from being a pure reseller of public cloud services.

Key Issues Addressed

Key Topics Covered:

1. Executive Summary

2. Market Overview

3. Drivers and Restraints - Total Cloud IaaS Market

4. Key Trends

5. Forecasts and Trends - Total Cloud IaaS Market

6. Growth Opportunity and Call to Action

7. Singapore

8. Thailand

9. Indonesia

10. Vietnam

11. Taiwan

12. Malaysia

13. The Philippines

14. Hyperscale Cloud Providers Profiling

15. Key Cloud Providers

16. The Last Word

17. Appendix

Companies Mentioned

For more information about this report visit

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Insights on the ASEAN and Taiwan Cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service Market - Forecast to 2025 - - Business Wire

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Owner Says Tesla Model 3 Window Shattered By Itself, Accused Of FUD – InsideEVs

If it were not for professional matters, I would probably never open Twitter. It is the social media to pick a fight almost by definition. That is perhaps also the case of Jayakrishna Balaji Simma. He identified there only as Balaji Simma and found another reason to be on Twitter: try to talk to Elon Musk. By now, he has probably regretted it already: when he decided to show a weird incident with his brand new Tesla Model 3, he was viciously attacked. Simma claims the right rear door glass shattered by itself with a video.

It can be seen above and also in his original tweet, right below. Pay careful attention to it at around 7 seconds.

It was all it took for Tesla supporters to viciously attack him as a FUDster. Some claim the video was badly edited. Others say no surveillance video records sound. There are even the ones that say the Twitter account is fake because it has very little activity. Simma reaches a point in which he has to defend himself.

We have tried to contact him through direct messaging on Twitter to learn more about his story. Perhaps get pictures of the shattered glass, of the door that lost that glass and anything else that could help us understand his claims. He did not get back to us so far.

We have then tried to reach him by other means. Who is Balaji Simma? We have searched his name on Google and found he is the Director of Software Development at BURL Concepts, a company for medical devices. Like the tweet shows, he lives in San Diego, California. In other words, he is real.

While he was trying to defend himself, other people showed similar issues with Tesla vehicles. This one was with a Model X.

In a Facebook group, Ameya Amritwar reported this with his Model 3:

This is how he described the issue:

Broke through the glass ceiling !!!! Glass ceiling just blew out while driving

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Owner Says Tesla Model 3 Window Shattered By Itself, Accused Of FUD - InsideEVs

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Link11 Offers Its Cloud-Based DDoS Protection Solution To Public Sector Organizations Free Of Cost During COVID-19 – SecurityInformed

Link11, renowned European firm in the field of cyber-resilience and cyber security, is offering its DDoS protection solutions free of charge to public sector health, government and public education organizations during the highly contagious phase of COVID-19.

Public sector organizations are particularly vulnerable to cyber-attacks, and the availability of critical public infrastructures is more important than ever as people look for genuine sources of information related to the virus outbreak.

Governments all over the world have taken necessary actions to lower COVID-19s spreading curve, including implementing remote working policies, resulting in significant growth in internet traffic, leading to an increased risk of social engineering, business email compromise, ransomware and DDoS attacks.

According to Link11s research, during the three-week period Monday 17 February to Monday 9 March, Link11s Security Operation Center (LSOC) defended 20,349 minutes of attacks (over 2,860 hours), which is more than 30% up compared to the 15,612 minutes of attacks mitigated during the same period in 2019.

Marc Wilczek, Chief Operations Officer (COO) of Link11 said, It takes only a small effort these days to overload servers and online services, and organizations need to protect their infrastructures. To help them deal with the evolving threat landscape, Link11 is offering government, public health and education organizations a solution that proactively identifies, blocks, and mitigates DDoS attacks within the Link11 Cloud Protection Platform, free of charge until September 2020.

Link11s integrated Cloud Security Platform ensures cyber-resilience of the entire IT infrastructure

On Sunday 15 March, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) suffered a cyber-attack, designed to slow the agencys services amid the governments rollout of a response to coronavirus, with the aim of overloading HHS servers. Officials assume a hostile foreign actor was behind this campaign.

Traditional on-premise DDoS defenses, which are still widely used, and load-balancing products, are not able to protect individual websites, APIs or cloud applications against Layer-7 attacks, as these malicious data tsunamis can create big damage with little total bandwidth, bringing everything to a standstill instantly.

Cloud-based DDoS protection, such as Link11s integrated Cloud Security Platform, uses artificial intelligence, machine learning, strict automation and real-time analytics to ensure cyber-resilience of the entire IT infrastructure and application landscape supporting hybrid as well as cloud-native deployments.

Link11 Offers Its Cloud-Based DDoS Protection Solution To Public Sector Organizations Free Of Cost During COVID-19 - SecurityInformed

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New HomeKit-compatible pan-and-tilt Eufy camera seems to be on the way – 9to5Mac

Earlier this week, Eufy started rolling out HomeKit Secure Video support for the eufyCam 2, and it now seems there is a new pan-and-tilt Eufy camera on the way.

If accurate, this would be the first non-static camera from the budget-focused smart home company

HomeKit News reports.

Earlier today, we sent out a tweet about a post in the HomeKit subReddit, where user u/KingKarl-TM uploaded what appears to be an offer from Eufy, via their Facebook page, revealing not one, but two indoor cameras, one of which would appear to be capable of pan and tilt functionality. Given the number of doctored images found online these days, its prudent to be cautious about such claims, however, Christopher Close from iMore did a bit more digging, and found further evidence of the tilt camera in the Eufy Security app.

Not only does the app reveal the aforementioned camera albeit in beta, but the existence of a HomeKit code is shown on the base of the device, further pushing this into the realm of being likely to be HomeKit compatible. Stranger things have happened of course, and it wouldnt be beyond the realms of possibility that such a camera doesnt actually get released. Still, given that it appears they at some point have promoted these via Facebook (no sign of this now seemingly exists beyond the Reddit post) it does look rather promising.

As we explained previously, there are two levels of HomeKit support for security cameras, and theres no indication at this stage which the new cameras might support.

HomeKit Secure Video is designed to address the main security weakness with most of todays smarter cameras. In order to do things like detect people and recognize faces, most cameras upload your video stream to the cloud and carry out the analysis there. That means that unencrypted video is stored on someone elses server, representing a tasty target for hackers.

With HSV, all of the people, animal, and vehicle detection is performed locally, on your own iPad, HomePod, or Apple TV, and only encrypted video is sent to Apples cloud servers.

The situation is, however, complicated by the fact that additional cameras have a more basic form of HomeKit-compatibility, meaning Siri support and motion-triggered actions, but not HomeKit Secure Video.

Eufy offers a range of more wallet-friendly smart home products, including security cameras and robot cleaning devices. A pan-and-tilt Eufy camera would be a welcome addition to the range.

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New HomeKit-compatible pan-and-tilt Eufy camera seems to be on the way - 9to5Mac

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