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Better to Be Realistic About the Security Opportunities of Cloud Computing – Lawfare

Editor's note: This article is part of a series of short articles by analysts involved in the Cyberspace Solarium Commission, among others, highlighting and commenting upon aspects of the commission's findings and conclusion.

Cloud computing is championed by some as the way to secure smaller and medium-sized enterprises, state and local governments, and individuals. While very little marketing material says outright that cloud computing will solve an organizations security problems, the general implication is that shifting computing workloads into the cloud will address complex security challenges for the user and is a net positive.

The reality is that cloud computing is not a security panacea. The challenge for policymakers is that for all the promise and pitfalls of cloud computing in the abstract, the security capabilities of cloud providers vary wildly in practice.

Cloud services can remove administrative burdens, harness the data of millions of users to provide better security, and offer services to enforce more effective security behavior. However, moving workloads and data to the cloud does not eliminate implicit security problems and it creates some new ones. Much like the internet amplifies the good and bad of our pre-networked selves, organizations bring to the cloud many of the same security problems they had on-premises. Adopting cloud services brings new management challenges and requires security capacity on the part of adopting organizations to make it work (or recover from failure when it doesnt).

Cloud computing can be a lower cost alternative to on-premises information technology at comparable levels of security. The most successful segment of the cloud market, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), comes closest to mimicking traditional IT deployments. Cloud providers consolidate the physical security and plant management needed to keep data centers operating. They may offer well-integrated tools to manage credentials and security tokens and help reduce the effort required to manage incident detection and response programs.

Platform as a Service (PaaS) offerings are a more complex kettle, with trends toward containerization and serverless computing handing even more control and administrative responsibility over to cloud providers. This can produce benefits, hyper-cost-efficient services and novel offerings like confidential computing, which allows data to remain encrypted while being handled by a provider. PaaS presents new challenges as well. Serverless in particular offers organizations a new way of organizing their digital resources, creating new headaches in how to secure data, authenticate users and control access to sensitive resources. Users are relinquishing ever more control over security design and operational decisions in exchange for cost efficiencies, less administrative responsibility and potential security benefits.

The U.S. strategy to secure cloud computing is incomplete and, unless there is a shift in regulatory thinking, the push for cloud computing as a solution to security shortfalls in small and medium-sized organizations will only produce more risk. Policies need to reflect the fact that cloud is not a panacea for securityit offers opportunities for large and small enterprises but also serious pitfallsand should address the disparity in different cloud providers security capabilities. Successful efforts will produce certifications and security schemes that are sensitive to the presence of different kinds of infrastructure underneath a cloud service, are quickly adaptable to new features and new threats, and account for the need to manage complexity and not just increase it.

While companies like Microsoft and Google can afford to maintain specialized security and threat intelligence teams and Amazon has engineered its own technical solutions to particular security risks, like the Nitro hypervisor system, size is no guarantee of success. Amazons popular S3 data storage service is regularly plagued by compromised credentials, and a former employee with knowledge of the firms cloud infrastructure was responsible for a massive breach of Capital Ones customer records in 2019. Smaller vendors face the challenge of playing against the same adversaries as hyperscale providers (Microsoft, Amazon, Google and Alibaba) with far fewer resources. Smaller firms also have access to less data derived from their customersa key resource for cloud providers to learn about attacks on their services and stop them more effectively.

The situation is further complicated by overlapping regulatory requirements in the United States, European Union, and globally that require security time and talent be devoted to complying with outdated requirements rather than optimizing to current security challenges. The U.S. governments regulatory approach to cloud computing security is focused largely on risk management of the infrastructure itself, with some consideration for services, and little attention paid to the disparities in security capability between providers. The FedRAMP program provides a framework to authorize cloud services for use by federal agencies and departments. Based on security controls assembled by the boffins at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, FedRAMP is a slow security certification process that has evolved to distinguish different cloud service models but remains hamstrung by outdated federal IT security legislation like the Federal Information Security Management Act. FedRAMP as a whole is improving but is far outstripped by the pace of evolving commercial cloud services market, lags federal cloud adoption, and is ultimately bound to a risk management framework that has been adapted to cloud rather than created for it.

European efforts on cloud security have been limited to national policies, but a working group is underway to build a European Cloud Certification. The content of the certification and its focus are still uncertain. In an ideal world, any new entries to the regulatory landscape would work to fill holes in current standards and policyaddressing gaps in standards for cloud providers supply chain security, inconsistencies in national approaches to sharing security and incident response data, or leveling up the weakest security performers in the cloud industry. Dan Geer and Wade Baker published a short but insightful piece in late 2019, discussing the relative security performance of organizations operating their own computing infrastructure (on-premises) as opposed to those relying on a cloud services vendor. Their conclusion offered support for the thesis that cloud computing is not a panacea for security and gave a narrow but valuable view into the variable security performance of different cloud firms and the cloud as a general model versus on-premises infrastructure.

Cloud computing is an increasingly important domain of technology development and use. Its growth from academic research project to commercial technologies with billions of dollars in sales has commoditized computing capacity, storage, and networking bandwidth and led to a new generation of data-intensive startups. The security of these services as well as the security benefits they might offer organizations are not without cost and bring new challenges. Wherever the renewed debate on cloud computing security in the U.S. goes, it must account for the rapidly changing architecture of cloud services and the flexibility with which new services are created and modified along with the variable security capability of cloud providers. Transparency is an important tool to drive this flexibility with users and regulators and should encourage a more informed marketplace of cloud consumers. Cloud computing isnt a magic wand, but it provides a new set of tools to organizations and policymakers. Building (and rebuilding) policies to complement these tools will be a long but worthwhile effort.

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Better to Be Realistic About the Security Opportunities of Cloud Computing - Lawfare

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3 Cloud Computing Stocks That Are Winning From the Coronavirus –

With the market plunging, its hard to find anything positive about the coronavirus-induced selloff. But there are some pockets of green shoots. As the viral outbreak continues to spread, many people around the world are now experiencing social distancing, work from home environments and other changes to their daily lives. That change has the potential to make several cloud computing stocks some big bucks over the next few quarters.

And the shift could be permanent.

The beauty of cloud stocks is that they allow workers, consumers and businesses to use their products/software from anywhere in the world. Simply, by just logging in via an app or on your computer. Given the shift to working from home and other societal changes due to the virus, several cloud stocks could win over the long haul. After all, there may not be a reason to bring business travel back if virtual meetings work well during the corona-crisis.

We could be witnessing a complete change in how we function as a society. And these three cloud computing stocks could be some of the biggest winners.

Source: OpturaDesign/

The term social distancing is now part of our lexicon. And that includes the workplace environment. As we trade in our cubicles for our kitchen tables, keeping in contact with our fellow employees and supervisors is paramount. Teleconferencing firm Zoom Video (NASDAQ:ZM) has already gotten the nod from investors as a top play in this area. But its not alone and rival RingCentral Inc (NYSE:RNG) could be an equally powerful play on the theme.

Like ZM, RNG offers a cloud-based suite of communications tools. This runs from the basic dial-into-a-phone meeting to more advanced team chat functions. The best part is that RingCentrals products allow users to access the cloud from a variety of devices. This has already proven itself as a powerful tool for business communication. The proof has been in its recent results.

For full-year 2019, RNGs sales increased 34% to clock in at $902 million. This continues to be driven by juicy subscription revenues and the appeal of its unified communication offerings. The best part is that RNG continues to rack-up more customers and big contracts. During its last conference call, CEO Vlad Shmunis mentioned that the firm was able to close on a record 30 deals that were worth seven figures or more. Even better was the bulk of the sales were from new customers.

With the coronavirus now causing more employees to work from home, RNG could see an influx of new sales over the next quarter or so. And once hooked, the chances are good that theyll stay in RingCentrals system for the long haul. This should boost the stock and make it profitable on a GAAP-basis rather than just an adjusted basis.

As a growing way to play the new work-from-home environment, RNG could be one of the best cloud stocks to buy.

Source: IgorGolovniov /

Given that this is a health crisis, Veeva Systems (NYSE:VEEV) could quickly emerge as a top cloud computing stock for dealing with the outbreak. VEEV produces various applications for the life sciences and biotech industry, drug producers, as well as hospitals. These solutions include everything from collecting trial data during drug development to customer management tools for pharmaceutical companies. This focus on healthcare will allow it win on two fronts during the crisis.

First, on vaccine and drug therapy creation to fight the virus. While the Food and Drug Administration has agreed to fast track development/approval of coronavirus medicines, it will still take a lot to get that done. Drug companies still need to dot all the Is and cross all the Ts to make sure the vaccine is safe and effective. VEEV offers a host of products that helps meets compliance through the trial process. With top drug makers like Gilead (NASDAQ:GILD) working on new coronavirus therapies, Veevas offerings become more important.

Secondly, VEEV wins on the hospital management front. With everything from masks to drugs being rationed and limited, keeping track of what supplies and drugs are available for patients is now very critical. Its here, that Veeva could see some serious growth as more hospitals are forced to face doomsday scenarios and ration their goods. Its two recent buyouts of Crossix and Physicians World, plug right into this side of the equation.

For VEEV, it all means continued revenue growth. Already, VEEVs revenue increased 28% last fiscal year to $1.1 billion. For the fourth quarter, that number jumped by 34%. But with more need for VEEVs products, those numbers could jump significantly on the coronavirus outbreak.

Source: Allmy /

The current nature of work is all about collaboration. People from accounting, finance, communication and creative departments all work together to build products and services. And in the current environment, this bodes well for cloud computing stock Dropbox (NYSE:DBX).

DBX originally started as an easy way for individuals to back up their photos and videos in the cloud. That function is still here and as a result, the firm is one of the largest file-sharing platforms in the world. However, sensing the commoditized nature of online storage, Dropbox took a page from rival Box (NASDAQ:BOX) and moved into the business world.

The firm now offers a variety of subscription and collaborative document operations for small- and medium-sized businesses. The key is that DBX can be accessed via a variety of means from desktop applications and mobile computing. Better still, the platform is pretty open source and allows for plenty of third-party apps for editing, communicating and more. Dropbox has also added plenty of chat and video capabilities to this platform for live meetings while in a document.

The end result is a powerful platform thats proving to be successful. Both the fourth quarter and full fiscal 2019 showed sales jumping by 19%. Better still is that margins have grown and paying customers are adding more services to their subscriptions. That has actually helped the cloud stock become cash flow positive.

With the coronavirus causing a separation among teams, DBX could see its star shine as more businesses use its service to get work done.

After given up early mornings and late nights as an analyst for a life of sweatpants, Aaron Levitt has been an investment/personal finance writer for nearly fifteen years. Aside from contributing toInvestorPlace, his work can be found on Investopedia, Kiplingers Personal Finance andMitreMedias family of websites. You can follow his picks, pans and general market musings on Twitter via@AaronLevitt. As of this writing, he did not hold a position in any of the aforementionedsecurities.

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3 Cloud Computing Stocks That Are Winning From the Coronavirus -

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Lehi-based company strives to help residents working from home with free services – Daily Herald

A Lehi-based company is looking to support residents who have been impacted by the recent spread of coronavirus by offering new customers free work-from-home cloud services for two months.

AirDesk Solutions, a remote access platform for companies and their employees, has been in operation for about seven years, and CEO Forrest Blair said in that time the company has helped about 250 companies and about 2,000 professionals move onto the platform each day.

We take the IT infrastructure for the company, move it into the cloud and make that accessible to them back to their location, Blair said. Generally, that occurs in their office, but because of the way it works, it can just as easily work in their homes or anywhere else.

AirDesk Solutions was founded with the idea that ultimately businesses would no longer want to have in-house IT infrastructure and that servers were a thing of the past, with companies instead opting to carry out services in the cloud. Blair said, sure enough, that has been his experience.

The global public cloud computing market is set to exceed $330 billion sometime this year, according to analysis by In fact, about a third of companies IT budget goes to cloud services.

Cloud computing is split into three categories: public, private and hybrid. A public cloud refers to services delivered across the internet, and private clouds are designed for internal use by a singular institution. A hybrid cloud uses bits of both private and public cloud technology.

As of 2020, 90% of companies are on the cloud, according to analysis by, and about 60% of workloads ran on a hosted cloud service in 2019. The analysis also projects that cloud data centers will process about 94% of workloads by 2021.

The company has supported businesses as they make the transition for several years, but Blair said now, more than ever, the platform is almost essential for employees working from home amid federal and state health recommendations in light of the global coronavirus pandemic.

As the coronavirus continues to spread, more companies are encouraging their employees to work from home. In some cases, cities around the nation are on lockdown, requiring residents to stay in their homes.

Even tech companies, such as Amazon, Google and Facebook, have announced that most of their staff have been asked to work remotely due to the coronavirus.

According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2018, about 24% of working Americans did some or all of their work remotely in 2018. Only a year earlier, however, about 56% of employees have the capacity for at least some of what they do to be done remotely, according to a 2017 study by Global Workplace Analytics.

In order to help make the transition from in-office employee to telecommuter more seamless, AirDesk Solutions is offering a new discount plan. New customers will receive free service for two months with no on-boarding fees. Ordinarily, the service is about $80-$100 per user per month.

Its difficult for companies right now when theyre not able to keep their people working, Blair said.

The biggest thing Blair wants to stress to companies is the security platforms like AirDesk Solutions can offer users. A lot of times, he said, companies are fearful of working outside of offices because they like to keep their data on their servers, however, in recent years, there has been a transition of more and more people feeling comfortable enough to put their valuable information in the cloud.

According to the 2020 analysis by, privacy, security and lack of staff training are the top hurdles for companies hoping to participate in cloud adoption.

Blair said the recent circumstances have forced the issue in a way that allows companies to see that storing information in the cloud is not as risky as they initially thought and also not as painful to transfer information from traditional servers to internet-accessed servers.

One of the things we find with companies when were working with them to do the on-boarding is that theyre not really typically very secure, he said. They often times will have the same password on all systems, they dont really have a very secure firewall. Theyve been assuming they are safe and in many cases theyve been attacked by ransomware.

Once these companies have put their systems in a data center within the cloud, the information is isolated with several firewall layers, virus protections and encryption. Blair said, most of the time, the cloud is considered a more secure environment than companies are already working with.

For a number of companies, he said, switching to the cloud can be compared to using a credit card to pay for products online. When the idea was first presented, Blair said, there was a lot of fear of having credit card information in a merchants online system, but that fear has almost completely dissipated.

Although there have been some companies that have had security issues, those have all come from third parties that theyve allowed to have access to, he said.

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants standards govern the security and operations of internet-accessible data centers, and companies like AirDesk Solutions are required to meet all of the established standards in order to host systems for their customers.

These services can be applied to almost any company, Blair said. Although AirDesk Solutions customer base is largely comprised of law firms, they have also catered to construction companies, certified public accountants and a variety of other businesses.

AirDesk Solutions platform, he said, is for any company that wants the opportunity to be mobile and to have access to their system and work environment from virtually anywhere in the world.

In a 2020 study released by Overheard On Conference Calls, Salt Lake City was ranked as the second best city in the U.S. for remote workers, which was mainly attributed to the areas low cost of living in relation to the other large cities. Other factors included the average speed of Wi-Fi, the number of coworking spaces per capita and the number of coffee shops per capita.

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Lehi-based company strives to help residents working from home with free services - Daily Herald

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Yes, you can build your business in the public cloud: Tune in live online next month to find out exactly how – The Register

Webcast While early adopters jumped right into the first generation of cloud services, you may have held off and perhaps for good reason. Now the second generation is upon us, you may be wondering if this is the right time to join the revolution.

Arguments against using cloud computing are mostly tainted by the traditional belief that putting business data on the cloud is akin to sticking your company accounts on Google Drive with a big sign reading: "Please Steal This." There are also assumptions of complexity, and fears over the cost of finding a new home in a cloud network.

In 2020, these concerns can be easily challenged. There are now entire businesses shifting their very essence into public clouds, and in the case of many startups, beginning life on cloud platforms.

As with most key topics of IT intrigue, we have a webcast just for this: on April 30, 2020, El Regs Tim Phillips will be joined by Carla Arend, IDC's lead analyst for cloud in EMEA, and Yasser Eissa, VP of IBM Public Cloud for Europe.

As well as tackling all the basic factors of a public cloud move, theyll be going a little deeper into the practicalities, talking about how existing cloud investments can help contribute to a wider flexibility in doing more with public cloud; how open-source software can help ramp up security and enterprise-grade infrastructure in the public cloud; and how public cloud can help you avoid vendor lock-in when planning any further changes to the way you work.

First-movers are already exploiting the public cloud, and its time to find out how to get a piece of the action for yourself.

Sign up for this webcast, brought to you by IBM, here.

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Yes, you can build your business in the public cloud: Tune in live online next month to find out exactly how - The Register

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The Best Virtual Cloud Computing Events and User Conferences for 2020 – Solutions Review

This is a directory of the best virtual cloud computing events and user conferences for 2020. With travel restrictions growing and events being canceled all-over, we expect this list to grow in the days ahead. We will update it accordingly. Have an event to share? Let us know!

The editors at Solutions Review have created this list of the best virtual cloud computing events and user conferences. Weve scoured the web, consulted with conference representatives, and identified where the industrys top brass will be spending their time. If you are looking for top-notch keynotes, interesting sessions, best practices demos, and legitimate networking opportunities, mark your calendar.

Events are listed in chronological order and may include additional dates. ClickingMore Informationdirects you to the event homepage. ClickingLocation: Virtualdirects you to registration for the event. If event organizers are solution providers, weve included the vendor name in parenthesis.

Date: April 27-May 1


Description: ENGAGE 20 is comprised of four days of hands-on labs, technology sessions, product roadmaps, keynotes and more- for Enterprise, Communications Service Providers and Security Professionals. Dont miss this opportunity to immerse yourself into learning and leveraging the latest product technology and techniques designed specifically for you.

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Date: April 28-29


Description:Our virtual event will feature the keynotes, breakout sessions, and collaboration opportunities that youve come to expect from Red Hat Summit. This programming will be shared as a blend of live and recorded content designed to inspire and engage a global audience. You will have access to the experts behind the code as you learn about the latest in open hybrid cloud, automation, cloud-native development, and so, so much more.

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Date:May 5-7


Description:Learn about the latest advancements in open technologies from hybrid multicloud to data and AI. Interact with the luminaries who are using this tech to transform our lives. Root your reinvention in this years reimagined event experience.

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Date:May 26-27


Description:Cloud Data Summit is unlike any conference or summit you have ever attended. It cuts through the hype of big data, AI, machine learning, IaaS, and PasS technologies. Cloud Data Summit features one-on-one meetings and group workshops, unbiased advice from vendor-neutral experts, and ways to connect with past attendees who implemented new technologies.

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Date: May 28

Location: Virtual

Description: DockerCon is the worlds largest container industry conference for makers and operators of next generation distributed applications built with containers. The conference provides keynotes, breakout and networking sessions by top customers, hands-on workshops, an expo of Docker ecosystem partners and innovators, and a hallway track experience to share and learn directly with your peers.

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Date: June 2-3

Location: Virtual

Description: Cisco Lives digital experience will build on our long-standing history of delivering high energy live broadcasts and technical on-demand training. Access recordings of sessions, keynotes and partner content from global Cisco Live events.

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Looking for a managed service provider for your cloud solutions? Our MSP Buyers Guidecontains profiles on the top cloud managed service providers for AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, as well as questions you should ask vendors and yourself before buying. We also offer anMSP Vendor Mapthat outlines those vendors in a Venn diagram to make it easy for you to select potential providers.

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Dan is a tech writer who writes about Enterprise Cloud Strategy and Network Monitoring for Solutions Review. He graduated from Fitchburg State University with a Bachelor's in Professional Writing. You can reach him at


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The Best Virtual Cloud Computing Events and User Conferences for 2020 - Solutions Review

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Hyper-Converged Infrastructure Industry to Post a 33.2% CAGR During 2019-2025 – Yahoo Finance

DUBLIN, March 23, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The "Global Hyper-Converged Infrastructure Market, by Component, by Organization Size, by Application, by End-user, by Region, Industry Analysis and Forecast, 2019-2025" report has been added to's offering.

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The Global Hyper-Converged Infrastructure Market size is expected to reach $27 billion by 2025, rising at a market growth of 33.2% CAGR during the forecast period.

Hyper-converged technology has gained momentum in the early stages of development because of its ability to provide virtual desktops. With the ever-increasing digital data and diversified sources, companies are moving towards high-performance, alongside a linear scaling architecture that is the primary focus of hyper-converged infrastructure. As the hyper-converged architecture has grown from traditional server workloads such as web servers, regular software, research & development to mission critical workloads such as SAP, SQL, and Oracle, the industry has achieved high adoption rates that influence market growth positively.

The need for scalable infrastructure with increasing demand for architectures, which can manage heavy workloads, like business analytics and big data tools, are some of the key drivers in the growth of the global hyper-converged infrastructure market. Major business leaders push companies to embrace software-centric architecture that lets them incorporate, process, and store in a single suite. This encouraged leading virtualization providers to move towards hybrid cloud solutions to help their customers migrate transactional workloads to the public cloud and execute heavy workloads, typically mission-critical on-premise.

The major strategies followed by the market participants are Partnerships. Based on the Analysis presented in the Cardinal matrix, IBM Corporation, Cisco Systems, Inc., Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., and Microsoft Corporation are some of the forerunners in the Hyper-Converged Infrastructure Market. Companies such as Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company, Fujitsu Limited, and Dell Technologies, Inc., Nutanix, Inc., NetApp, Inc., NEC Corporation, and Hitachi, Ltd. are some of the key innovators in Hyper-Converged Infrastructure Market.

Partnerships, Collaborations, and Agreements

Acquisition and Mergers

Product Launches and Product Expansions

Market Segmentation

By Component

By Organization Size

By Application

By End-user

Companies Profiled

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Hyper-Converged Infrastructure Industry to Post a 33.2% CAGR During 2019-2025 - Yahoo Finance

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Banking of Things zeroes in on data from devices, cloud computing – TheNewsTrace

Financial providers and merchandise are intending to extend the banking of objects through new streams of data created by means of devices and cloud computing.

A recent article by means of American Banker explored rather a lot of facets of banking that was as soon as being impacted by means of the emergence of current hooked up devices that are rising data at a furious tempo.

Definitely some enterprise professionals are trumpeting the looks of a transformative technology dubbed banking of objects. They see a global of different that capitalizes on the flood of data being produced by means of the ever increasing world inhabitants of net hooked up devices in the home and place of work.

On this hooked up international, with the proliferation of cell devices and things like wearables, it method banks be succesful to accumulate monumental portions of data, said NextAngles vp. Geri-Lynn Clark.

Fifteen years in the previous, banks would discover out about their customers handiest as soon as that they had major financial events, like making use of for a mortgage, she said. Nonetheless the expertise to assemble data now method banks could be providing a much more custom-made revel in to their customers.

Financial institutions can now reinvest enormous tracts of money in the previous put apart for regular maintenance and infrastructure upkeep into mining these new data streams as a result of growth of cloud computing and storage.

For the retail monetary establishment [at Citi] an enormous share of the funds was as soon as essentially earmarked for infrastructure: data services, mainframes, said Clark who was as soon as in the previous chief data officer for Citigroups North American retail monetary establishment. Nonetheless now with the flexibility to offset in-house costs and switch to the cloud for that stuff provides tremendous different.

Alexander Makeyenkov, senior vp on the DataArt consultancy, moreover sees this new data windfall as opening doorways to the development of forefront new financial merchandise to customers. Then once more, he supplies that banks must be cautious about crossing the highway between offering helpful new providers and merchandise and being seen as overly intrusive in customers lives.

Banks need to tread very, very in moderation, said Makeyenkov. They need to be very acutely aware of security, and that theyre offering one factor that provides every a obtain benefits to the client in addition to the monetary establishment.

However when innovation-focused financial institutions can in discovering that sweet spot between helpful pal and large brother, theyll journey hooked up technologys data streams, neatly all the resolution to the monetary establishment.

The put up Banking of Points zeroes in on data from devices, cloud computing appeared first on ReadWrite.

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Banking of Things zeroes in on data from devices, cloud computing - TheNewsTrace

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Security Advisory Services Market Study, 2020: Rising Adoption of Cloud-Based Solutions & Services Will Drive Future Demand – Yahoo Finance

DUBLIN, March 23, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The "Global Security Advisory Services Market Report 2020: Analysis by Service Type, Enterprise Size, Industry Vertical and Region" report has been added to's offering.

The global security advisory services market accounted for US$ 8.85 billion in 2018 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 17.7% over the forecast period 2019-2027, to account for US$ 37.86 billion by 2027.

North America leads the security advisory services market by region. North America region is characterized by the presence of well-developed countries such as the US and Canada, strong industry base, and high technology adoption.

Due to high level of industry automation and prevalence of digital services among customers, the enterprises in this region are facing a huge risk from cyber-attacks and data breaches. In addition to this, the rising adoption of technologies such as cloud computing, internet of things (IoT), predictive analytics, and artificial intelligence in diverse industry verticals such as BFSI, healthcare, IT, telecom, manufacturing, and government is further increasing the vulnerability of systems and networks towards cyber-attacks and other security threats.

The presence of fast growing countries, rising technology adoption, increasing number of connected devices, and digital transformation of processes & services are some of the major factors that are expected to drive the growth of security advisory services market in the APAC region. Other developing regions such as MEA and SAM are also projected to grow at a steady pace, owing to the increasing government initiatives to digitalize the economy with adoption of advanced technologies.

The organizations in the North America region are investing heavily for the security of their networks. Also, they are providing training to their employees to manage the digital workplace safely. The major reason for huge investment in the cyber security is the widespread cybercrime not only in IT, telecom, and BFSI, but also among small, medium and large enterprises. Further, rising cybersecurity breaches in North America creates an opportunity for security advisory service providers to introduce their services to the organizations to handle security challenges.

Due to the lack of cybersecurity knowledge, security experts are unable to handle the huge volume of daily insights, which leaves companies exposed to security threats. The security advisory services help the Security Operations Center to deliver actionable feedback to the security analysts, which intern enables an analyst to focus on crucial elements of the investigation with utmost efficiency. As cybercrime is becoming more organized, it is imperative to adopt efficient security advisory services, which help mitigate security risk and threats. Thus, need for maintenance of crucial data and increasing frequency of cyber-attacks are the factors driving the growth of the security advisory services market.

The well-established market players operating in the security advisory services market Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, Ernst & Young Global Limited, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, KPMG International Cooperative, and DXC Technology Company, Verizon, Cisco, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, eSentire, Inc., and Dimension Data among others.

Reasons to Buy

Story continues

Save and reduce time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the growth, size, leading players and segments in the global security advisory services market.

Highlights key business priorities in order to assist companies to realign their business strategies.

The key findings and recommendations highlight crucial progressive industry trends in the global security advisory services market, thereby allowing players across the value chain to develop effective long-term strategies.

Develop/modify business expansion plans by using substantial growth offering developed and emerging markets.

Scrutinize in-depth global market trends and outlook coupled with the factors driving the market, as well as those hindering it.

Enhance the decision-making process by understanding the strategies that underpin commercial interest with respect to client products, segmentation, pricing and distribution.

Key Topics Covered

1. Introduction1.1 Scope of the Study1.2 Report Guidance1.3 Market Segmentation1.3.1 Global Security Advisory Services Market - By Service Type1.3.2 Global Security Advisory Services Market - By Enterprise Size1.3.3 Global Security Advisory Services Market - By Industry Vertical1.3.4 Global Security Advisory Services Market - By Geography

2. Research Methodology2.1 Coverage2.2 Secondary Research2.3 Primary Research

3. Key Takeaways

4. Security Advisory Services Market - Key Industry Dynamics4.1 Drivers4.1.1 Growing frequency and complexity of cyber-attacks to drive the demand4.1.2 Digital transformation among businesses to boost the growth of security advisory services4.1.3 Stringent cyber security regulations and compliances4.2 Restraints4.2.1 Lack of awareness about advanced security threats and shortage of cyber security experts4.3 Opportunities4.3.1 Increasing importance of information security among small and medium-sized enterprises4.4 Future Trends4.4.1 Rising adoption of cloud-based solutions & services will drive the future demand4.5 Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints

5. Security Advisory Services Market Landscape5.1 Market Overview5.2 PEST Analysis5.2.1 North America PEST Analysis5.2.2 Europe PEST Analysis5.2.3 APAC PEST Analysis5.2.4 Middle East & Africa PEST Analysis5.2.5 South America PEST Analysis5.3 Ecosystem Analysis5.4 Expert Opinions

6. Security Advisory Services Market - Global Market Analysis6.1 Overview6.2 Global Security Advisory Services Market Revenue and Forecast To 2027 (US$ Mn)6.3 Market Positioning - Global Key Players

7. Security Advisory Services Market Analysis - By Service Type7.1 Overview7.2 Global Security Advisory Services Market Breakdown, By Service Type, 2018 & 20277.3 CISO Advisory and Support7.4 Compliance Management7.5 Incident Response7.6 Penetration Testing7.7 Security Risk Management7.8 Vulnerability Management7.9 Security Program Management

8. Security Advisory Services Market Analysis - By Enterprise Size8.1 Overview8.2 Global Security Advisory Services Market Breakdown, By Enterprise Size, 2018 & 20278.3 Large Enterprises8.4 SMEs

9. Security Advisory Services Market Analysis - By Industry Vertical9.1 Overview9.2 Global Security Advisory Services Market Breakdown, By Industry Vertical, 2018 & 20279.3 BFSI9.4 Government & Public Sector9.5 Manufacturing9.6 IT & Telecom9.7 Energy & Power9.8 Healthcare9.9 Others

10. Global Security Advisory Services Market - Geographic Analysis10.1 Overview10.2 North America Security Advisory Services Market Revenue and Forecast to 202710.3 Europe Security Advisory Services Market, Revenue and Forecast to 202710.4 APAC Security Advisory Services Market, Revenue and Forecast to 202710.5 MEA Security Advisory Services Market, Revenue and Forecast to 202710.6 SAM Security Advisory Services Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2027

11. Security Advisory Services Market - Industry Landscape11.1 Overview11.2 Market Initiative11.3 Merger and Acquisition11.4 New Development

12. Company Profiles12.1 Cisco Systems, Inc.12.2 PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PWC)12.3 DXC Technology Company12.4 Tata Consultancy Services Limited12.5 Verizon12.6 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited12.7 KPMG International Cooperative12.8 Ernst & Young Ltd.12.9 eSentire, Inc.12.10 Dimension Data Holdings PLC (NTT Group)

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Security Advisory Services Market Study, 2020: Rising Adoption of Cloud-Based Solutions & Services Will Drive Future Demand - Yahoo Finance

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Pentagon Will Not Split JEDI Award EXCLUSIVE Breaking Defense – Defense industry news, analysis and commentary – Breaking Defense

The Pentagons plan to consolidate many but not all of its 500-plus cloud contracts into a single Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI). Note the suggestion that the single pathfinder contract for JEDI might evolve into multiple JEDI contracts.

UPDATED with detail of court ruling WASHINGTON: The Defense Department has no intention of splitting the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure contract between Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services, a Pentagon spokesman told me this morning.

Amazon is suing the Defense Department to overturn the award, potentially worth $10 billion if all options are exercised, to Microsoft. In his email to me, public affairs officer Lt. Col. Robert Carver did not rule out the possibility that the award would be overturned, only the possibility that it would be split.

Carver was responding to speculation that a court motion earlier this month signaled a willingness to divide the contract between Microsoft and Amazon. True, the Defense Department has indeed filed a formal motion asking for a chance to reconsider certain technical aspects of the award to Microsoft that the judge had deemed questionable.But that narrowly phrased request does not mean the Pentagon is reconsidering the fundamental principle underlying JEDI, a principle upheld in a previous federal case: a single award to a single vendor.

With over 500 cloud-computing contracts already awarded by one agency or another across the sprawling Defense Department bureaucracy, DoD wants to replace as many of them as possible but, explicitly, not all with a single general purpose cloud, a common default option, run by a single contractor.

Heres the core of Lt. Col. Carvers response, emailed to Breaking Defense this morning after a week of back and forth:

If the Motion for Voluntary Remand is approved by the Court of Federal Claims, DoD will conduct a re-evaluation of the existing proposals and, where appropriate, revised proposals, to ensure that the Court of Federal Claims noted concerns are addressed. the re-evaluation will consist of an evaluation of the existing proposals, as well as narrowly-tailored revisions to the proposals, Carver writes. The Department will make a new award decision based upon those re-evaluations, which will be in conformity with the solicitation requirements and stated evaluation criteria. DoD will not split the award, as the requirement remains for a single award and the solicitation calls for a single award.

DoD CIO Dana Deasy (left) and the director of the Joint AI Center, Lt. Gen. Jack Shanahan (right), try to sell the Pentagon press corps on the JEDI cloud contract in a roundtable last year.

A Narrow MotionHow did we get here? In October, after much controversy, legal maneuvering, and delay, the Pentagon awarded the contract to Microsoft Azure. That shocked observers whod presumed the favorite was Amazon Web Services, which had created a similar common cloud for the CIA and other intelligence agencies. Amazon soon filed suit, arguing President Trumps unprecedented public criticism of their proposal had tilted the scales, which DoD denies.

What happened next? On February 13, 2020, the Court granted AWSs motion for a preliminary injunction, finding, among other things, that AWS would likely be able to show that DoD erred in evaluating the offerors proposals for Factor 5, Price Scenario 6, as the Pentagons March 12th motion to reconsider put it. [Accordingly], defendant, the United States, respectfully requests that the Court remand this case to the Department of Defense (DoD or agency) for 120 days to reconsider certain aspects of the challenged agency decision.

Wedbush Securities analyst Daniel Ives, as was reported in the trade press, argued that this willingness to reconsider signaled that the Pentagon was preparing to split the buy and get the program moving again rather than spend months in litigation.

The Pentagon made it clear in its motion its only reconsidering limited aspects of the award. It also wants to limit the ability of either Amazon or Microsoft to update their original proposals.

Specifically, DoD wishes to reconsider its evaluation of the technical aspects of Price Scenario 6, and intends to issue a solicitation amendment and to accept limited proposal revisions addressing the offerors technical approach to that price scenariounder both Factor 5 and Factor 9, the DoD motion continues. DoD also wishes to reconsider its evaluation of the offerors online marketplace offerings [and] to reconsider its award decision in response to the other technical challenges presented by AWS. DoD does not intend to conduct discussions with offerors or to accept proposal revisions with respect to any aspect of the solicitation other than Price Scenario 6.

A remand here is in the interests of justice because it will provide the agency with an opportunity to reconsider the award decision at issue in light of AWSs allegations, this Courts opinion, and any new information gathered during the proposed remand, the DoD motion says. During the proposed remand, the agency potentially could make decisions that would moot this action, in whole or in part, and may obviate the need for further litigation in this Court.

None of this is admitting any error on the Pentagons part, an earlier statement to reporters emphasized. While we disagree with the Courts decision, we must address the findings in the Courts Order with the intent of ensuring our warfighters will get this urgent and critically needed technology as quickly and efficiently as possible, this statement ran. As such, the Department determined that the best and most efficient path forward is to conduct a re-evaluation of the proposals in order to address the Courts noted concerns.

The Department maintains the JEDI Cloud contract was awarded based upon a fair and unbiased source selection process, the statement continues. The process consisted of a fair evaluation of proposals based solely on the solicitations stated criteria and the proposals submitted.

In other words: The Defense Department doesnt think they did anything wrong on JEDI, but since the judge had a problem with one specific part of how they awarded the contract, theyre asking to fix that specific part.

And then what?

Well, its possible that the Defense Department could voluntarily withdraw its award to Microsoft and give the contract to Amazon. But given their confidence in their own judgment, that does not appear likely.

In our analysis, heres the scenario the Pentagon is probably hoping for. They fix what the judge disliked about their selection process, they re-do that piece and Microsoft still comes out the winner, at which point they ask the judge to dismiss Amazons case.

The Pentagon isnt conceding defeat on JEDI, not yet.

UPDATE Its worth noting that the judge hasnt yet ruled on whether there are anyothererrors in the Pentagons decision, only that the one error its found so far justifies a preliminary injunction: Because the court finds the error with regard to defendants evaluation of intervenor-defendants Factor 5, Price Scenario 6 is sufficient to justify preliminary injunctive relief, the court does not evaluate in this opinion the remainder of the errors alleged by plaintiff.So there could be another nasty surprise for the Pentagon yet to come.

Pentagon Will Not Split JEDI Award EXCLUSIVE Breaking Defense - Defense industry news, analysis and commentary - Breaking Defense

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Cloud in a time of crisis – Gadget

Its a scary scenario for any business being caught without arelevant business continuity plan for an event that seemed previouslyalmost unthinkable.In todays always-on mobile-centricbusiness, we operate in a world where access to data services isvital to keep businesses moving forward.

In recent times, companies have had to confrontthe stark realities of a global pandemic and its significant andpotentially lasting business impact. Cloud computing offers alifeline to mitigate the deleterious effects that a pandemic of thismagnitude will undoubtedly bring. Without succumbing to panic, itsa prudent time to confirm or re-evaluate contingency plans and assessbusinesss risk management and IT infrastructure readiness.

When deploying a cloud solution it is essential tomake sure that it is built out in a secure manner, with layers suchas multifactor authentication to ensure that you maintain theintegrity and security of your environment.

Employees do not require extensive retraining forthe shift and to get them up to speed in adopting cloud-basedservices that will be deployed because they would use the samefamiliar user interface, albeit the back-end infrastructure platformhas moved to the cloud. Businesses just need to ensure that theiremployees can access data; business applications; and communicationand collaboration capabilities like phone, email, calendar, addressbook, instant messaging, teleconference, and videoconference, toensure business continuity.

Cloud servers can host mission-critical apps without the requirements for a large administrative and support team which means local resources focus on supporting user enhancement and functionality, which also negates the need for investing in building datacentres to house servers, storage, networking appliance, power backups, cooling and various devices needed to run a data centre. Similarly, voice and video communications critical tools for maintaining communication outside of the office but also tools that can put a large strain on resources, can also be consumed natively as cloud services.

For the remote worker, cloud-based solutions mean the convenience of accessing services from anywhere, anytime, from any device. Document sharing and workflows can be pushed out easily and securely to enable dynamic collaboration in work group and to effect business transactions. As long as theres power and internet access, cloud makes it possible to ensure the continuity of the business, whether from an office hub or in a situation where employees are compelled to remote working.

There are a number of different types of cloudcomputing services with a wide range of technologies and products tochoose from. Businesses using the cloud effectively will benefit byquickly leveraging the ability to create resilient anddisaster-tolerant systems protecting data and business applicationintegrity, as well as support an increasingly remote workforce.

The cloud software, platform and infrastructureservices are relevant to both large enterprise and SMEs alike.SMEs need to be flexible and as a result could also see greatproductivity gains from using cloud based productivity tools withoutthe need for specialist skills. Storing files in the cloud enablesstaff to access files from anywhere, on any appropriately secureddevice.

Collaboration on projects is considerably easierwith cloud solutions that facilitate file sharing from remotelocations. When files are stored online, project teams can worktogether and update documents in real-time. This provides moreconvenience for employees on the road or those who have chosen towork from home.

Vodacom Business cloud-computing services takebusinesses continuity needs into account and help minimise serviceinterruptions:

As companies position themselves to maintainproductivity, pushing the corporation into employee homes, andevaluating what to do in general when unanticipated challengespresent themselves, it is imperative to rethink disaster recoveryplans and explore cloud offerings as mitigation on the effects onbusiness.

Vodacom Business has adopted a practical approach to cloud. Every customers journey will differ a one size fits all approach cannot address elements that are unique to each environment, which is why, in collaboration with our industry-leading partners, Vodacom Business engages uniquely in a transformational journey with each customer.

Cloud computing provides solutions SMEs cannotafford to ignore. Technology, especially telecommunicationstechnology and cloud-computing is a viable solution to keepbusinesses going in these globally challenging times.

* Kabelo Makwane is managing executive for cloud, hosting andsecurity at Vodacom Business

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Cloud in a time of crisis - Gadget

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