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Zerto 8 extends VMware backup and DR to Google Cloud Platform – Blocks and Files

Zerto has added support for backup and disaster to VMware workloads on Google Cloud Platform via its latest software release.

Zerto 8 makes its official debut tomorrow, March 24, in a webinar at 11am (ET) . A blog provides a sneak, watch-the-webinar, preview.

Google is prepping a VMware Engine andwill announce VMware-as-a-service this summer, according to Zerto, which will provide a backup and DR facility. The backup and disaster recovery supplier already supports VMware workloads on AWS and Azure.

Zerto said in the company blog: Youll be able to protect and migrate your native VMware workloads to your dedicated VMware environment in Google Cloud using the same policies and configurations that you utilize for your current infrastructure, just in the cloud. Stay tuned for Googles public announcement.

Zerto announced v7.0 in April last year, and combined backup and disaster recovery using hypervisor-based replication and journalling for short- and long-term retention.

Zerto 8.0 features include:

Zerto v8.0 Release Notes provides more details, on Zerto Analytics, for example. But they say nothing about Google Cloud Platform support. We note there is no support for Hyper-V virtual machines on the Google cloud.

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Zerto 8 extends VMware backup and DR to Google Cloud Platform - Blocks and Files

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This Mac Pro with RGB lights should never have seen the light of day – iMore

Twitterer and Youtuber Quinn Nelson has put RGB lights inside a Mac Pro chassis, and we really don't know what to think anymore.

Nelson took to Twitter yesterday, March 23 saying:

As a proof of concept, it works. Now I need to make it look less awful.

He was talking about the RGB light strip he's just added to his Mac Pro chassis. An accompanying video saw the Mac Pro's chassis lit up in all sorts of garish, fluorescent colors.

Another closeup shot of the Mac Pro's front (pictured) was accompanied with the line "Admit it. It has the potential to look cool." Nelson further stated that the design looked "pretty clean", asking "You think Jony Ive would like this?" I think we can all agree the answer would be no.

In fairness, Nelson did admit "I need to make it look less awful", so clearly he understands that there is some work to be done. Or perhaps, he knows deep down that this is a totally futile exercise that he should never have done in the first place. Apple is, of course, renowned for its clean, crisp aluminum surfaces, polished edges, lines, and curves. No one can be in any doubt that Apple's design ethos was never meant to cross paths with the world of RGB lights and gaming.

Yet Nelson seems to be hellbent on his quest to properly adapt his Mac Pro to RBG lighting, posting a photo of him taking a Mac Pro to task with heavy cutting machinery earlier today.

It's enough to turn the stomach really. Quinn, we really hope you know what you're doing.

This Mac Pro with RGB lights should never have seen the light of day - iMore

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New Zerto release offers better integration with cloud services – iTWire

Disaster-recovery-as-a-service provider Zerto has released version 8.0 of its software, featuring integration with Google Cloud, closer integration with the Azure and AWS public platforms, and more innovation with VMware.

Zerto chief executive Ziv Kedem said in a statement: "With Zerto 8.0, our mission is to deliver IT resilience everywhere, by introducing a range of new and powerful features along with deeper integration with market-leading public cloud providers. We give customers the protection they want, wherever they need it.

Zerto has been moving the dial on resilience for the past decade, and the ongoing development and wider integration of our platform shows the importance of technology leadership in an era where businesses can never stand still on data protection and recovery.

The new release brings its leading Continuous Data Protection technology to Google Clouds VMware-as-a-Service offering and will support VMware on Google Cloud, enabling users to protect and migrate native VMware workloads in Google Cloud Platform with Zertos leading RTOs, RPOs and workload mobility.

Other features:

Additionally, Zerto 8.0 lays the foundation for the future of data protection, replacing traditional snapshot-based backup with low RPO journal-based operational recovery, enabling enterprises to perform day-to-day granular recovery quickly.

Were excited to partner with Zerto and to integrate its capabilities in disaster recovery and backup with Google Cloud, said Manvinder Singh, director, Partnerships at Google Cloud. Zertos expertise in supporting and securing VMware workloads in the cloud will be a benefit to organisations that are increasingly running mission-critical workloads on Google Cloud.

Zerto's support for VMware Virtual Volumes helps our mutual customers protect their digital infrastructure, said Lee Caswell, vice-president of Marketing, HCI BU, VMware.

As an Advanced tier Technology Alliance Partner, Zerto is helping customers realise the unique VMware ability to offer consistent storage policy-based management across traditional storage and hyperconverged infrastructure.

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New Zerto release offers better integration with cloud services - iTWire

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COVID-19 and Firefighter Mental Health | Firehouse –

Firefighters and EMS crews need to understand that working during the COVID-19 panademic is a long-term marathon, not a short sprint and should care for themselves and their family, too.

Illinois Fire Service Institute

COVID-19 has slammed its way into the public awareness over the past week or so and doesnt look as though it is going to slow down, at least in the short term. With large amounts of uncertainty facing us, it naturally has tested individuals, organizations and the larger global community. There are real concerns and considerations that you and your family can contemplate to not only weather the storm from work, but also to keep yourself (mind, body, spirit) intact throughout. We want to try and address a few things that have come to our attention from the community and also just some good overall nervous system healthcare you can do to help yourself and support those around you.

First, although this may seem like feel good psychology, self-care is a darn thing! Do it. Right. Now. Take a few deep breaths, give yourself 5 minutes, take a little nap, stretch, eat well, take vitamins, meditate. Whatever it is that helps your nervous system slow down in times of increased pressure and uncertainty- those are the things to do. We arent talking new hobbies, although that maybe is an idea too, but short term on demand self-care is about getting your nervous system to settle. Now, why isnt this just feel good psych suggestions? Because of what happens when your nervous system doesnt get a chance to settle- parts of your brain stop talking to each other and the strains start impacting immune response. Even the best triage minds hit a wall at some point. To help circumvent that and support your systems long term and short-term health, these small actions of kindness and care towards yourself when under increased demand can make all the difference. So, go and do some. It matters...really it does. This suggestion can support your overall nervous system health and function.

Second, and perhaps a bit more complex, is to find what you can control. What!? A psychologist said that?! Yep. When we are in a triage mind state facing uncertainty, the brain gets really taxed and quick. Finding things that you feel in control of will help immensely because it helps the system feel a little safer. Things like, if you want a turkey sandwich make sure you eat that, if you like to exercise daily make sure you do that too. How about walking your dog first thing when you get home or listening to the same favorite song on your way to work? Yup, those count too. This is about control over activities, smaller things and even those self-care ideas we just talked about. But let us be clear, this type of control is not to be wielded over others in your life as that would not be the way to apply this and wont turn out the way you want either. Think smaller- think external- break down things into pieces and find those harmless but important things you can count on. This suggestion can support your nervous system to not go into autonomic sympathetic flight mode.

Third, to go along with control is its important counterpart, choice. Oh yes choice! This is not unlike the rationale of finding smaller things in life to feel in control of, as choice offers us options and the brain loves that. Not every idea we think or feel about leads to an action, right? Same is true with our proposal here. Think about what types of choices you have. Even if they are small, even if they arent things you would normally think of or normally do. Letting yourself have the ideas come forth and acknowledging them can be just enough to help your nervous system settle and continue forth with an integrated brain and a nervous system that is flowing downstream. These choices can also be things that you ultimately decide to pursue, but either way, some added mindfulness about what choices you have available can help support yourself now and always. This suggestion can support your nervous system to not go into autonomic sympathetic fight mode.

Fourth, and for some may pose a challenge (but we call you to try), sleep. Sleep. Sleep. And just to make a point, here is the word again, sleep. You need to get some sleep! Try to not nap too too often, but if you can get it, take it in the short term. Longer periods of sleep are the best for repair versus small sips of an hour here or an hour there. Sleep is such an essential and necessary component to the rest of all the systems but especially the two that are going to be and are under the most stress: the immune system and nervous system. Without being able to recharge and disconnect through this critical biologic requirement the brain cant do its nightly filing away of the day and the rest of the body cant be cleaned up by the immune system. Thus, a good nights rest of seven to eight hours (maybe wishful thinking but again, here is for hoping) gives your immune system the time to do its job (first four hours or so are for body repair) and then the brain can sort the day (second four hours are for the brain). Thus, letting yourself rest is one of the best things you can do when stress is mounting. This suggestion can support your overall immune/nervous system health and function.

Fifth, and although perhaps obvious, stay connected in ways that feel good and talk to the important people in your life. Times of uncertainty warner a greater need for openness and vulnerability. Have those conversations with your loved ones, make decisions together and try and work as a team. Times that are scary or overwhelming can also be times where deeper bonding and communication can grow. Dont be afraid to share that you feel scared, worried, overwhelmed, exhausted, angry, etc. All of those emotions are of value and are worthwhile to share. If not shared, they can create more fatigue and angst which obviously is not needed for you or for anyone else. Share those feelings my friends. While social distancing is important for the control of a novel virus; it is not emotional distancing. Reach out to others via phone and/or video conference (no text) to stay connected and supported. We are all wrestling with the unknown right now. This suggestion can support your overall immune/nervous system health and function.

Lastly, but not leastly, try and help your physiology process when you can. Here is even an exercise you can try to help that occur. Pick a position whether sitting, standing, kneeling, laying down, etc. and whatever parts of your body that touches an external surface I want you to start to notice whatever that external surface is and how it feels underneath your body. Take a few deep breaths while doing this and just notice your system start to settle. Sometimes your system may speed up, sometimes it will slow down; dont worry that you are doing it wrong. Whatever you start to feel your job is to just continue to notice. When your system does settle a little bit, notice where your attention is drawn inside your body. If it is towards your limbs, start to open and close you hands very slowly or wiggle your toes in your boots. We know it sounds weird but these actions help the nervous system move energy out (that could turn into anxiety or anger if not moved through/discharged) and it also reminds the body of where it is presently. If you notice that your attention was drawn into your core instead of your limbs, consider what that feeling inside wants/needs/wants you to know and acknowledge/listen/validate it. We know, sounds like psychobabble, but it rather is a form of neuroception (stimulating and controlling your own nervous system response). In doing this acknowledgement you too are helping your system move some energy out (that could also turn into anxiety or anger if not moved through/discharged). These practices allow for greater mind/body awareness and support your nervous systems ability to return to its best state - homeostasis. This suggestion can support your overall immune/nervous system health and function.

As we will continue to scramble to make sense of what to do and how to do it over the next weeks or months, remember this is a marathon, not a sprint. Take care of yourself (you are worth it), love your family and do your best. We will come through this together. Thank you for your service and deep sacrifice.

COVID-19 and Firefighter Mental Health | Firehouse -

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Senior edition: Nourishment in your home – Register-Herald

EATON February really flew by, I hope you gave and received plenty of love! Februarys theme of Love helps feed this months theme of Nourishment. In January we focused on self-care, which helps feed our current theme as well. I just love how these themes are connecting to one another!

What does nourishment mean? It is food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition. We know what food is, but what does it mean by substances? Well the best general definition is a particular kind of matter with uniform properties. Angelina Zimmerman from the article The 4 Essential Paths to Personal Nourishment says that Nourishment means utilizing internal and external sources to fill our life with love, support, and guidance form ourselves and interactions with others. It is all about fulfilling our basic need as humans, to find deep connection and meaning, live purposefully, and feel a sense of belonging. As we mature and go through various life experiences, the type of frequency of the nourishment we seek, inevitably changes and is different for men and women.

Well Id say weve had a running start on this since the beginning of the year. Self-care can count as a substance you took time out for yourself giving yourself some nourishment. Maybe you completed something on your to do list, you took a walk, or called someone. Maybe you did something out of your normal routine, no matter what you did, you provided yourself with nourishment. In February, you learned how to love yourself and others the different types of love how to communicate it that is also a way of providing nourishment.

Laughter is a very important part of nourishment. Did you know:

A healthy laughter can help you to reduce pain and prevent infections

It has been proven that there is a considerable drop in the levels of stress hormones after a good laughing session.

Heavy laughter every day can strengthen your immune system!

It helps in releasing endorphins which can bring positive changes to the mindset of a person.

A heavy laughter brings in much more oxygen to the lungs than normal breathing would do.

Laughter reduces the risk of heart diseases

Fifteen minutes of laughing a day can make you lose weight

It has been scientifically proven that laughter can be contagious

Gelotology is the study of laughing, and its effects on the human body

The maximum laughter happens over social responses which means that only 10 15 percent of it is actually due to jokes

Laughter is a sound which does not have any language

Humans are not the only creatures who laugh. Animals, like dogs and cats also laugh

A child of the age of six years laughs about three times more than an adult

The average person laughs about thirteen times in a single day

As you can see nourishment is so much more than food. So eat good food, and take a deep breath, meditate, mantras (positive self-talk and compassion), prayer, declutter, audit the people around you whether they are helping or hurting you, go for a walk in nature, create a bedtime ritual, read something you find interesting, listen to an audiobook, aromatherapy, light candles, listen to music, take a bath, stretch, learn something new, or even practice your favorite hobby. Anything that helps our bodies, our minds, our souls, will be beneficial and youll be so glad you did it. Nourish your mind, body, and soul.

All activities are located at the Senior Activities Center at 800 East St. Clair St. in Eaton, unless otherwise mentioned in the post. Like our Facebook Page at or give us a call at 937-456-4947. Visit our website at Membership at the Senior Center is $10 a year. In addition to other benefits, members automatically receive our bi-monthly Senior Scene newsletter that features all our latest news and activities.

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Senior edition: Nourishment in your home - Register-Herald

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I Think Sex for Pay Is Wrong. Should I Stay With a Partner Who Disagrees? – The New York Times

Whether or not sex for pay can be morally acceptable is a question on which reasonable people differ. Purely theoretical disputes about contestable issues like this are generally less important in the ethical shaping of relationships than concrete disagreements about what to do, and you both agree that he wont have sex outside your relationship, paid or not. Still, a theoretical disagreement may be supercharged by disagreements that have practical effects, in the larger world if not in a particular relationship. And the notion of whats contestable bears some weight. Most decent people wouldnt want to be married to someone committed to white supremacy, say, even if the commitment remained in the realm of theory. For you, it appears, countenancing sex for pay represents a similar enormity: The issue, you say, is fundamental to you.

You dont really explain why, however. It would seem that the disagreement you have with your partner reflects a deeper disagreement about the meaning of sex and sexuality. Perhaps you think that sex is the sort of thing that can properly occur only in the context of a loving relationship. You may believe that, even in the most benign-seeming circumstances circumstances that dont involve financial hardship, gross inequality between parties or other potential indicators of exploitation the sex-for-pay transaction involves the instrumentalizing of anothers body. Perhaps you think that there is something special about sex, and you wouldnt be terribly disturbed if your partner thought that it was fine to pay for a dinner escort. Or perhaps you dont like instrumentalizing people in any way, and so you would find a paid dinner companion unacceptable too.

Id encourage you to work out precisely what it is about sex for pay that makes it, in your estimation, inherently repugnant. Then you can see if your partner agrees with you about the more fundamental values at stake, whether or not he thinks sex work is OK. Simply declaring that you take the wrongness of sex work to be axiomatic isnt a respectful way of trying to negotiate a disagreement. But then the discordance of your views on this issue must already have undermined your respect for your partner otherwise you wouldnt be thinking of leaving him over it. As you mull over your relationship, bear in mind that your lack of respect equally gives him reason to leave you.

I am a 40-something-year-old woman living in the Bay Area. I moved here from the East Coast in my early 20s, established a career and found a group of friends, and I am currently in a relationship with a wonderful man who is firmly rooted here. Unless some significant change occurs, I foresee living here indefinitely. My parents, along with most of the rest of my family, still live on the East Coast. We have always been close, and despite the distance, I see them several times a year. It may be that theyre getting older, or that Im getting older, but the distance between us has seemed more significant in the last few years. My youthful reasons for moving so far away, which were partly a whim and partly an attempt to escape ending up in my hometown, now seem frivolous and shortsighted. I feel a sense of guilt that after all my parents have done for me, I wont be there for them as they get older. Am I living up to my responsibilities as a daughter? Name Withheld

If children have a duty to move back home and abandon the life they have made elsewhere in order to be near their aging parents, the world is full of delinquent children. Nothing you say suggests that your parents need you nearby, however much they might enjoy your company. They have not planned for an old age that requires your return, it would seem. The issue here, then, isnt best seen as being about responsibilities. (But if it were, for what its worth, I think any such responsibilities would be those of a child and not particularly of a daughter.)

The rest is here:
I Think Sex for Pay Is Wrong. Should I Stay With a Partner Who Disagrees? - The New York Times

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Google open-sources framework that reduces AI training costs by up to 80% – VentureBeat

Google researchers recently published a paper describing a framework SEED RL that scales AI model training to thousands of machines. They say that it could facilitate training at millions of frames per second on a machine while reducing costs by up to 80%, potentially leveling the playing field for startups that couldnt previously compete with large AI labs.

Training sophisticated machine learning models in the cloud remains prohibitively expensive. According to a recent Synced report, the University of Washingtons Grover, which is tailored for both the generation and detection of fake news, cost $25,000 to train over the course of two weeks. OpenAI racked up $256 per hour to train its GPT-2 language model, and Google spent an estimated $6,912 training BERT, a bidirectional transformer model that redefined the state of the art for 11 natural language processing tasks.

SEED RL, which is based on Googles TensorFlow 2.0 framework, features an architecture that takes advantage of graphics cards and tensor processing units (TPUs) by centralizing model inference. To avoid data transfer bottlenecks, it performs AI inference centrally with a learner component that trains the model using input from distributed inference. The target models variables and state information are kept local, while observations are sent to the learner at every environment step and latency is kept to a minimum thanks to a network library based on the open source universal RPC framework.

SEED RLs learner component can be scaled across thousands of cores (e.g., up to 2,048 on Cloud TPUs), and the number of actors which iterate between taking steps in the environment and running inference on the model to predict the next action can scale up to thousands of machines. One algorithm V-trace predicts an action distribution from which an action can be sampled, while another R2D2 selects an action based on the predicted future value of that action.

To evaluate SEED RL, the research team benchmarked it on the commonly used Arcade Learning Environment, several DeepMind Lab environments, and the Google Research Football environment. They say that they managed to solve a previously unsolved Google Research Football task and that they achieved 2.4 million frames per second with 64 Cloud TPU cores, representing an improvement over the previous state-of-the-art distributed agent of 80 times.

This results in a significant speed-up in wall-clock time and, because accelerators are orders of magnitude cheaper per operation than CPUs, the cost of experiments is reduced drastically, wrote the coauthors of the paper. We believe SEED RL, and the results presented, demonstrate that reinforcement learning has once again caught up with the rest of the deep learning field in terms of taking advantage of accelerators.

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Google open-sources framework that reduces AI training costs by up to 80% - VentureBeat

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StackPath and Broadcom Collaborate to Boost Cloud Compute Services at the Edge – Yahoo Finance

Innovative edge cloud platform withstate-of-the-art Stingray SmartNIC deliversunrivaled levels of server performance and security

DALLAS, March 24, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- StackPath, the emerging leader in edge computing,today announced a joint collaboration with Broadcom Inc. (Broadcom) to provide advanced edge computing capabilities using Broadcoms Stingray SmartNIC to address the growing demand for cloud-based content-delivery services at the edge for streaming video, application performance optimization, andsecurity.

The proliferation of connected endpoints is rapidly increasing the need for highly available, low-latency and flexible edge computing resources.StackPath provides the leading platform for secure edge compute infrastructure including virtual machines (VMs), containers, and serverless, as well as managed edge services such as content delivery network (CDN), web application firewall (WAF), managed DNS, service monitoring, and DDoS protection.

Unlike centralized, traditional datacenters which are typically outside metropolitan geographies, StackPaths edge compute platform moves the functionality and processing power of the public cloud closer to where end users are. This gives developers and enterprises the building blocks, tools and proximity essential for cloud-centric workloads requiring ultra-low network latency and exceptional security. StackPath edge compute services can connect to end users up to 2.6x faster than competing cloud computing provided by public core cloud providers crucial to meet the high bandwidth and low latency demands of next generation applications such as online video gaming, real-time video and cloud-based security.

Compute located at the edge is essentially beach front property. Its always going to be finite and in high-demand, said Wen Temitim, StackPaths Chief Technology Officer. StackPath and Broadcom have developed an implementation that moves I/O network processing from the server to the Broadcom Stingray SmartNIC, providing us with optimum performance and latency within the real estate and power constraints of edge locations. The Stingray SmartNICs compact form factor, Truflow offload engine, advanced security co-processors and outstanding compute performance make it an ideal platform to deploy highly secure new services for our customers.

Story continues

The network edge provides significant opportunities for innovation, said Dan Harding, vice president of marketing for the Compute and Connectivity Division at Broadcom.The challenge is how to deliver this innovation in a scalable, reliable and cost-effective manner within a physical environment that substantially constrains the available compute resources. StackPath solved this by deploying a novel server architecture that uses our Stingray SmartNIC. This enables them to deliver their core services, such as web application firewall, CDN and object storage, to their customers, and provides them with a substantial architectural advantage versus their competitors in providing cloud computing at the edge.

About StackPathStackPath is the worlds first platform providing compute and services at the clouds edge. StackPath offers core computing resourcesincluding Virtual Machines, Containers, and Object Storageas well as managed edge servicesincluding Serverless Scripting, CDN, WAF, Managed DNS, and Service Monitoringwith 45 edge locations spanning the world, all connected by a secure private network backbone. StackPath is trusted by customers ranging from Fortune 50 enterprises to one-person startups that want to develop, distribute, protect, and accelerate their cloud workloads in ways not possible with central cloud services. To learn more visitstackpath.comand follow StackPath

Media ContactSusie McDonaldVP, Corporate CommunicationsStackPathsusan.mcdonald@stackpath.com503-806-3841

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StackPath and Broadcom Collaborate to Boost Cloud Compute Services at the Edge - Yahoo Finance

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5 Innovative Applications of Edge Computing – AiThority

Edge Computing can be used to push applications, data and services away from centralized hubs to logical extremes of a network. It additionally empowers analytics and information age to occur at the source of the data. Edge Computing covers a wide scope of technologies, for example, Remote Sensor Systems, Circulated Information stockpiling, Augmented Reality and the sky is the limit from there.

While its easy to find explanations about what Edge Computing is and how it functions, most organizations truly need to know how it could influence their business. Internet of things (IoT) gadgets are now hitting the market in tremendous numbers, so organizations need to see how new developments in Edge Computing practices can be made advantageous for them.

Read more: 5 Innovative Applications of Quantum Computing

Here are some of the innovative applications of Edge Computing-

Edge Computing architecture makes it workable for devices controlling utilities and other public administrations to react to changing conditions in real-time. Combined with the rising number of autonomous vehicles and the ever-growing Internet of Things, smart cities can change how individuals live and use benefits in an urban environment.

Since all Edge Computing applications depend upon gadgets collecting information to do fundamental processing tasks, the city of the coming days will have the ability to respond progressively to changing conditions as they happen.

By joining data stockpiling and enrolling in industrial equipment, manufacturers can amass data that will consider better perceptive upkeep and imperativeness adequacy, allowing them to reduce costs and essentialness usage while keeping up better constancy and beneficial uptime.

Savvy manufacturing frameworks instructed by constant data variety and examination will moreover assist organizations with altering creation races to all the more likely satisfy buyer needs.

With IoT gadgets fit for delivering tremendous measures of Patient-generated Health Information (PGHD), Healthcare suppliers might access essential data about their patients continuously instead of interfacing with moderate and fragmented databases.

Medical devices themselves could likewise be made to assemble and process information throughout diagnosis or treatment. While regulatory necessities for the sharing and exposure of medical data would make any edge solution challenging to execute, other emerging safety efforts, for example, Blockchain innovation could give better approaches to address such concerns.

Wearable AR gadgets like glasses and headsets are at times used to make this effect, however, most clients have encountered AR through their cell phone displays. Any individual who has messed around like Pokemon GO or used a channel on Snapchat or Instagram has utilized AR.

The innovation behind AR expects devices to process visual information and join pre-rendered visual components continuously. Without edge computing design, this visual information would be conveyed back to concentrated Cloud servers where the digital components could be added before sending it back to the gadget. This course of action would unavoidably bring about critical latency.

By joining Edge Computing architecture into their systems, organizations can improve performance altogether and diminish inactivity. Instead of AI Virtual Assistant sending preparing and data requests to a concentrated server, they can rather disperse the weight among edge data centers while playing out some processing capacities locally.

We can say that the multiplication of localized data servers for both Cloud and Edge Computing makes it simpler than at any other time for associations to extend their network reach and set themselves in a place to benefit as much as possible from their data assets.

Read more: Cloud Computing Versus Edge Computing

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5 Innovative Applications of Edge Computing - AiThority

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NVIDIA, Azure And AWS Offer Free Resources To Fight Against COVID-19 – Analytics India Magazine

As COVID-19 continues to spread, we are acutely aware of the impact this is having on families, businesses, and communities. This is a global health emergency that will only be resolved by governments, businesses, academia, and individuals working together to better understand this virus and ultimately find a cure.

The AI community especially has been at the forefront to fight against COVID-19 by offering solutions with the help of state-of-the-art-algorithms. However, for these machine learning models to work, they need tremendous amounts of computational power. In order to mitigate the operational costs of finding the solution, the hardware and cloud giants have stepped up to offer free services.

After bringing down the prediction time for diagnosis using AI, Alibaba now wants the whole world to come up with their own unique solutions to fight COVID-19. They are now offering Elastic High Performance Computing (HPC) technology to worldwide researchers to accelerate drug and vaccine discovery.

They have explained in their blog, how their technology has supported around 20 research groups implementing their research on COVID-19 with the help of Elastic High Performance Computing (E-HPC) technology that helps researchers find solutions for AI-driven-Drug-Design (AIDDD) for COVID-19.

NVIDIA has announced that it will be giving access to its Parabricks for 90 days to promote research on COVID-19 drug discovery. Analysing genomic data is computationally intensive. Therefore, time and cost are significant barriers to using genomics data for precision medicine. But, NVIDIA Parabricks Genomics Analysis Toolkit breaks down those barriers, providing GPU-accelerated genomic analysis.

By accelerating the existing CPU-only pipelines on GPUs, NVIDIA Parabricks Germline Pipeline provides more than 40 times faster analysis for an individual sample. By processing the FASTQ input files, the system generates sorted, marked BAM/CRAM files and variant call files (VCF or gVCF).

NVIDIA Parabricks pipelines have been tested on Dell, HPE, IBM, and NVIDIA servers at Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure.

NVIDIA advises users to start with a small server for a small number of samples and then use full-scale GPU servers to meet their needs.

Amazon Web Services (AWS), one of the most preferred cloud partners across the world, has announced that it is committing $20 million to accelerate research with regards to COVID-19 diagnostics.

This AWS Diagnostic Development Initiative will support customers who are working to bring better diagnostics solutions to market faster.

Funding will be provided through a combination of AWS in-kind credits and technical support to assist the customers research teams in harnessing the full potential of the cloud to tackle this challenge, stated AWS in their blog.

The program will be open to accredited research institutions and private entities that are using AWS to support research-oriented workloads for the development of point-of-care diagnostics (testing that can be done at home or at a clinic with same-day results).

Rescale Inc in cooperation with Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure, announced a new program on Monday that immediately offers high-performance computing resources (HPC) at no cost to teams working to develop test kits and vaccines for COVID-19.

Researchers can rapidly run simulations on the cloud without setup time or IT teams using Rescales platform combined with cloud computing resources from Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure.

Rescales platform can provide access to high-performance computing resources that can help accelerate key processes and enable stronger collaboration, said Manvinder Singh, Director, Partnerships at Google Cloud.

Folding@home, a distributed computing project that encourages scientists to volunteer and run simulations of protein dynamics on their personal computers.

Last month, Folding@home announced that it is joining researchers from around the world working to accelerate the open science effort, where researchers are working to advance the understanding of the structures of potential drug targets for 2019-nCoV that could aid in the design of new therapies.

With all the top companies offering their best of services for free, we can safely assume that the research for COVID-19 diagnostics will accelerate.


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NVIDIA, Azure And AWS Offer Free Resources To Fight Against COVID-19 - Analytics India Magazine

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