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Data to the Rescue! Predicting and Preventing Accidents at Sea – JAXenter

Watch Dr. Yonit Hoffman's Machine Learning Conference session

Accidents at sea happen all the time. Their costs in terms of lives, money and environmental destruction are huge. Wouldnt it be great if they could be predicted and perhaps prevented? Dr. Yonit Hoffmans Machine Learning Conference session discusses new ways of preventing sea accidents with the power of data science.

Does machine learning hold the key to preventing accidents at sea?

With more than 350 years of history, the marine insurance industry is the first data science profession to try to predict accidents and estimate future risk. Yet the old ways no longer work, new waves of data and algorithms can offer significant improvements and are going to revolutionise the industry.

In her Machine Learning Conference session, Dr. Yonit Hoffman will show that it is now possible to predict accidents, and how data on a ships behaviour such as location, speed, maps and weather can help. She will show how fragments of information on ship movements can be gathered and taken all the way to machine learning models. In this session, she discusses the challenges, including introducing machine learning to an industry that still uses paper and quills (yes, really!) and explaining the models using SHAP.

Dr. Yonit Hoffman is a Senior Data Scientist at Windward, a world leader in maritime risk analytics. Before investigating supertanker accidents, she researched human cells and cancer at the Weizmann Institute, where she received her PhD and MSc. in Bioinformatics. Yonit also holds a BSc. in computer science and biology from Tel Aviv University.

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Data to the Rescue! Predicting and Preventing Accidents at Sea - JAXenter

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Return On Artificial Intelligence: The Challenge And The Opportunity – Forbes

Moving up the charts with AI

There is increasing awareness that the greatest problems with artificial intelligence are not primarily technical, but rather how to achieve value from the technology. This was a growing problem even in the booming economy of the last several years, but a much more important issue in the current pandemic-driven recessionary economic climate.

Older AI technologies like natural language processing, and newer ones like deep learning, work well for the most part and are capable of providing considerable value to organizations that implement them. The challenges are with large-scale implementation and deployment of AI, which are necessary to achieve value. There is substantial evidence of this in surveys.

In an MIT Sloan Management Review/BCG survey, seven out of 10 companies surveyed report minimal or no impact from AI so far. Among the 90% of companies that have made some investment in AI, fewer than 2 out of 5 report business gains from AI in the past three years.This number improves to 3 out of 5 when we include companies that have made significant investments in AI. Even so, this means 40% of organizations making significant investments in AI do not report business gains from AI.

NewVantage Partners 2019 Big Data and AI Executive surveyFirms report ongoing interest and an active embrace of AI technologies and solutions, with 91.5% of firms reporting ongoing investment in AI. But only 14.6% of firms report that they have deployed AI capabilities into widespread production. Perhaps as a result, the percentage of respondents agreeing that their pace of investment in AI and big data was accelerating fell from 92% in 2018 to 52% in 2019.

Deloitte 2018 State of Enterprise AI surveyThe top 3 challenges with AI were implementation issues, integrating AI into the companys roles and functions, and data issuesall factors involved in large-scale deployment.

In a 2018 McKinsey Global Survey of AI, most respondents whose companies have deployed AI in a specific function report achieving moderate or significant value from that use, but only 21 percent of respondents report embedding AI into multiple business units or functions.

In short, AI has not yet achieved much return on investment. It has yet to substantially improve the lives of workers, the productivity and performance of organizations, or the effective functions of societies. It is capable of doing all these things, but is being held back from its potential impact by a series of factors I will describe below.

Whats Holding AI Back

Ill describe the factors that are preventing AI from having a substantial return in terms of the letters of our new organization: the ROAI Institute. Although it primarily stands for return on artificial intelligence, it also works to describe the missing or critical ingredients for a successful return:

ReengineeringThe business process reengineering movement of the 1980s and early 90s, in which I wrote the first article and book (admittedly by only a few weeks in both cases) described an opportunity for substantial change in broad business processes based on the capabilities of information technology. Then the technology catalyst was enterprise systems and the Internet; now its artificial intelligence and business analytics.

There is a great opportunitythus far only rarely pursuedto redesign business processes and tasks around AI. Since AI thus far is a relatively narrow technology, task redesign is more feasible now, and essential if organizations are to derive value from AI. Process and task design has become a question of what machines will do vs. what tasks are best suited to humans.

We are not condemned to narrow task redesign forever, however. Combinations of multiple AI technologies can lead to change in entire end to end processesnew product and service development, customer service, order management, procure to pay, and the like.

Organizations need to embrace this new form of reengineering while avoiding the problems that derailed the movement in the past; I called it The Fad that Forgot People. Forgetting people, and their interactions with AI, would also lead to the derailing of AI technology as a vehicle for positive change.

Organization and CultureAI is the child of big data and analytics, and is likely to be subject to the same organization and culture issues as the parent. Unfortunately, there are plenty of survey results suggesting that firms are struggling to achieve data-driven cultures.

The 2019 NewVantage Partners survey of large U.S. firms I cite above found that only 31.0% of companies say they are data-driven. This number has declined from 37.1% in 2017 and 32.4% in 2018. 28% said in 2019 that they have a data culture. 77% reported that business adoption of big data and AI initiatives remains a major challenge. Executives cited multiple factors (organizational alignment, agility, resistance), with 95% stemming from cultural challenges (people and process), and only 5% relating to technology.

A 2019 Deloitte survey of US executives on their perspectives on analytical insights found that most executives63%do not believe their companies are analytics-driven. 37% say their companies are either analytical competitors (10%) or analytical companies (27%). 67% of executives say they are not comfortable accessing or using data from their tools and resources; even 37% of companies with strong data-driven cultures express discomfort.

The absence of a data-driven culture affects AI as much as any technology. It means that the company and its leaders are unlikely to be motivated or knowledgeable about AI, and hence unlikely to build the necessary AI capabilities to succeed. Even if AI applications are successfully developed, they may not be broadly implemented or adopted by users. In addition to culture, AI systems may be a poor fit with an organization for reasons of organizational structure, strategy, or badly-executed change management. In short, the organizational and cultural dimension is critical for any firm seeking to achieve return on AI.

Algorithms and DataAlgorithms are, of course, the key technical feature of most AI systemsat least those based on machine learning. And its impossible to separate data from algorithms, since machine learning algorithms learn from data. In fact, the greatest impediment to effective algorithms is insufficient, poor quality, or unlabeled data. Other algorithm-related challenges for AI implementation include:

InvestmentOne key driver of lack of return from AI is the simple failure to invest enough. Survey data suggest most companies dont invest much yet, and I mentioned one above suggesting that investment levels have peaked in many large firms. And the issue is not just the level of investment, but also how the investments are being managed. Few companies are demanding ROI analysis both before and after implementation; they apparently view AI as experimental, even though the most common version of it (supervised machine learning) has been available for over fifty years. The same companies may not plan for increased investment at the deployment stagetypically one or two orders of magnitude more than a pilotonly focusing on pre-deployment AI applications.

Of course, with any technology it can be difficult to attribute revenue or profit gains to the application. Smart companies seek intermediate measures of effectiveness, including user behavior changes, task performance, process changes, and so forththat would precede improvements in financial outcomes. But its rare for these to be measured by companies either.

A Program of Research and Structured Action

Along with several other veterans of big data and AI, I am forming the Return on AI Institute, which will carry out programs of research and structured action, including surveys, case studies, workshops, methodologies, and guidelines for projects and programs. The ROAI Institute is a benefit corporation that will be supported by companies and organizations who desire to get more value out of their AI investments

Our focus will be less on AI technology-though technological breakthroughs and trends will be considered for their potential to improve returnsand more on the factors defined in this article that improve deployment, organizational change, and financial and social returns. We will focus on the important social dimension of AI in our work as wellis it improving work or the quality of life, solving social or healthcare problems, or making government bodies more responsive? Those types of benefits will be described in our work in addition to the financial ones.

Our research and recommendations will address topics such as:

Please contact me at if you care about these issues with regard to your own organization and are interested in approaches to them. AI is a powerful and potentially beneficial technology, but its benefits wont be realized without considerable attention to ROAI.

Return On Artificial Intelligence: The Challenge And The Opportunity - Forbes

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Noble.AI Contributes to TensorFlow, Google’s Open-Source AI Library and the Most Popular Deep Learning – AiThority

Noble.AI, whose artificial intelligence (AI) software is purpose-built for engineers, scientists, and researchers and enables them to innovate and make discoveries faster, announced that it had completed contributions to TensorFlow, the worlds most popular open-source framework for deep learning created by Google.

Part of Nobles mission is building AI thats accessible to engineers, scientists and researchers, anytime and anywhere, without needing to learn or re-skill into computer science or AI theory, said Dr.Matthew C. Levy, Founder and CEO of Noble.AI. He continued, The reason why were making this symbolic contribution open-source is so people have greater access to tools amenable to R&D problems.

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TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source platform for machine learning originally developed by the Google Brain team. Today it is used by more than 60,000 GitHub developers and has achieved more than 140,000 stars and 80,000 forks of the codebase.

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Noble.AIs specific contribution helps to augment the sparse matrix capabilities of TensorFlow. Often, matrices represent mathematical operations that need to be performed on input data, such as in calculating the temporal derivative of time-series data. In many common physics and R&D scenarios these matrices can be sparsely populated such that a tiny fraction, often less than one percent, of all elements in the matrix are non-zero. In this setting, storing the entire matrix in a computers memory is cumbersome and often impossible all together at R&D industrial scale. In these cases, it often becomes advantageous to use sparse matrix operations.

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Noble.AI Contributes to TensorFlow, Google's Open-Source AI Library and the Most Popular Deep Learning - AiThority

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Bitcoin Ascends on Twitter While Major Altcoins Hit Multi-Year Lows – Cointelegraph

Major altcoins have seen their Twitter presence greatly reduced in the wake of the recent cryptocurrency market crash. According to data from Bitinfocharts, major altcoins such as Ethereum, Litecoin, and XRP now find their Twitter mentions nearing two and even three-year lows.

Meanwhile, Bitcoins Twitter presence doubled in the first three months of 2020, though its tweet count remains a long way off of its 2017 all-time high.

Earlier this week, on March 21st, tweets bearing the hashtag #XRP numbered 2,542. Thats a 60% drop since January 2020 alone, when XRP tweets ranged between 6,000 and 7,000.

The last time XRPs daily tweet count fell as low as 2,500 was in July 2018, almost 21 months ago.

XRPs all-time high Twitter surge didnt come during the 2017-2018 bull run, unlike most other coins. Instead, the peak of XRP Twitter engagement to date remains September 21st, 2018, when XRP was tweeted out 20,000 times according to Bitinfocharts.

As readers may recall, that date coincides with the first whispers regarding the then-rumoured launch of Ripple Labs xRapid - an XRP-based payment solution for financial institutions. Boosted by the much anticipated product launch, the price of XRP almost tripled in the week leading up to September 21st.

Litecoin reverts to 2 year tweet low

When daily Litecoin tweets fell as low as 344 earlier this month, it was the lowest Twitter engagement witnessed on behalf of Litecoin since March 2017.

That was the month in which Litecoin began its ascension leading up to its 2018 bull run. Between March and May of 2017 alone, the price of LTC increased ten times over, from $3 to $30.

From there, both the coins price and Twitter engagement continued climbing up and up. Remarkably, Litecoins return to the Twitter doldrums coincides with its fall back to the aforementioned $30 range.

Currently, Litecoin tweets currently number just 1.3% of their previous all-time high of 31,000.

Ethereum tweets down 95% from peak

Following a similar trend, Ethereums Twitter presence is at one of its lowest ebbs in over three years. Currently numbering around 2,500, Ethereums tweet-count has only sunk this low once in the past three years - that being New Years Day of 2020.

Barring that dip, the last time ETHs Twitter engagement fell so low was February of 2017. That was also the month in which ETH began a 60-day, 5x increase which carried the coin price from $10 to $50.

From December 2017s peak of 51,000 tweets in one 24-hour period, Ethereums Tweet-count has fallen over 95%.

Bitcoins Twitter engagement on March 26th amounted to 24,722 tweets. Thats a substantial drop from December 2017s peak of 155,000, but unlike most altcoins, Bitcoin has shown a resurgent Twitter trend in 2020.

After recording as little as 12,000 tweets back in January of this year, Bitcoin tweets have since more than doubled.

Searching for reasons why, one might assume that Bitcoins lesser drop in value compared to most altcoins has something to do with it. After all, social media engagement surrounding cryptocurrencies tends to follow price.

However, another cause could be the uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus, which reignited discussion surrounding Bitcoins value as a safe-haven asset.

Originally posted here:
Bitcoin Ascends on Twitter While Major Altcoins Hit Multi-Year Lows - Cointelegraph

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Bitcoin Is a Safe Haven for a Worse Storm Than This – CoinDesk

Byrne Hobart, a CoinDesk columnist, is an investor, consultant and writer in New York. His newsletter, The Diff ( covers inflection points in finance and technology.

Bitcoin (BTC) was designed for many reasons, but one of the most important was to be a safe-haven asset during times of financial distress. From the genesis blocks coinbase parameter (The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks) to today, bitcoins fans have treated it as something worth owning when the market goes crazy.

So its disappointing, to say the least, that after the fastest market rout in recent history, an asset built to be a safe haven dropped 31 percent while the S&P dropped by a quarter. The daily correlation between the S&P and bitcoin went from slightly negative in February to 0.6 in March. Bitcoin barely responded to the Federal Reserve cutting rates to zero, and shrugged off other monetary interventions.

This is painful to anyone who owns bitcoin, especially to anyone who bought it as a hedge against exactly this kind of sell-off, and exactly this kind of central bank response. The money printer went brrr, and yet the store-of-value lost value.

When we talk about safe-haven assets, were really talking about three different kinds of assets, for three kinds of scenarios:

Safer versions of risky bets, of the sort youd invest in to hedge against a mild recession. These might include less-levered companies in a given industry, high-margin companies, corporate bonds rather than equities or any investment in a consumer staples company. When the economy shrinks, its bad news for companies in the champagne and luxury hotel business, but doesnt really dent sales of toothpaste and canned food.

Assets people borrow during good times: Yen and U.S. Treasurys are classic safe assets, in part because investors borrow them to make other bets. If you buy a 10-year corporate bond, youre making a bet on the creditworthiness of the company, and a bet on interest rates. Most of the people who are good at credit analysis are not experts in predicting the future course of monetary policy, so many of them buy the corporate bonds and bet against Treasurys of the same maturity to control their interest rate risk.

Its not the safe haven for this particular kind of crisis.

The yen is a similar case: Since yen rates have been so low for so long, a classic forex trade is to borrow yen and invest in a currency with higher rates. In both cases, when the trade unwinds when you sell your corporate bond or close out your bet on the Turkish lira or the South African rand, you end up buying the safe asset. Anything boring and borrowable goes up in price in response to bad news.

Things you want to own if the world is about to end. The best way to illustrate this is with a story: The financier Felix Rohatyn grew up in France in the 1930s. When Germany invaded, his family fled they had enough time to pack their bags, but they lost almost everything. He recalled his parents putting gold coins in tubes of toothpaste before leaving. Everything else they owned, they left behind. If youre living through a moment thats going to be in the history books, the only assets you can take with you are the ones in your head or the ones you can smuggle out. (A USB drive, conveniently, fits into a variety of toiletry containers.)

One interpretation of bitcoins price performance during the COVID-19 crisis is that it wasnt such a safe haven after all. But another is that its not the safe haven for this particular kind of crisis. The math of epidemics and immunity is such that, however bad they are, they eventually burn themselves out given a low mutation rate. Once the percentage of the population that has been infected is greater than 1 / R0, cases begin to fall even in the absence of countermeasures. With a case fatality rate of 2 percent, thats an extraordinarily painful process to go through, and it ends up being a disaster for humanity on a historic scale.

An intense disaster, but not one that lasts forever. The 1957-58 flu pandemic may have led to the sharpest postwar recession in U.S. history (at least as of Q4 2019), but the subsequent recovery was equally swift.

Right now, thats how most investors are thinking. Whether they think COVID-19 is overblown or underblown, they still think of it as a temporary problem from which well recover in short order. In fact, the very bailouts that Satoshi referenced in the Genesis block point to an argument in favor of the recovery consensus. Conventional wisdom among investors and policymakers today is the government didnt react fast enough in 2008 to forestall a deflationary spiral. This time around, central banks are moving fast to supply cheap capital to financial institutions. In that scenario, governments and economies dont collapse, and nobody has to flee their home hours ahead of disaster.

They do, however, need to scramble for dollars to service debts, so theyll sell anything stocks, bonds, real estate, crypto and convert it into an asset they can use to pay the bills.

Bitcoins drop doesnt disprove the safe haven argument. It just shows us bitcoin is designed to be a safe haven from a worse storm.

The leader in blockchain news, CoinDesk is a media outlet that strives for the highest journalistic standards and abides by a strict set of editorial policies. CoinDesk is an independent operating subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, which invests in cryptocurrencies and blockchain startups.

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Bitcoin Is a Safe Haven for a Worse Storm Than This - CoinDesk

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Japanese Investors Rushed To Buy The Dip After Bitcoin Bloodbath – Cointelegraph

The number of retail investors registering for an account with Japanese cryptocurrency exchange bitbank spiked by 40% in the week after the Bitcoin bloodbath.

The March 12 meltdown saw the price of Bitcoin (BTC) drop to a new 2020 low at $3,775. An official blog post by bitbank market analyst Yuya Hasegawa reveals that Bitcoin trade volume and account registrations both saw a significant surge in the wake of the crash.

Even the number of users going through KYC was above average on the day of the BTC downturn and the following couple of days.

Hasegawa contrasts the current situation to the period between November to December 2018 when the price of Bitcoin ground down. In that case, interest in the crypto market as a whole went down and bitbanks daily account registrations took a hit.

However, the price saw a 60% rebound while sustaining high volumes soon after the recent crash, which suggests to Hasegawa the intent to buy the dip is quite obvious:

When we take the increased daily account registrations into consideration, we can once again deduce that the current market recovery is driven largely by retail investors. Furthermore, as Forbes reports, this phenomenon is likely to be global, as Kraken, a San Francisco-based crypto exchange, experienced a steep increase in account registrations after March 12.

In just under 49 days, BTC will experience a halving where the block reward will decrease to 6.25 BTC. The last time this happened was in 2016.

Hasegawa writes that data from Google Trends suggests that investors in Japan and around the world are well aware of the possible price impact of the halving and will seize on any price drop to add to their holdings:

There is a good chance that, for this time around, there are many retail investors who want to buy Bitcoin or stack up their holdings at the cheapest price possible before its halving.

Japanese Investors Rushed To Buy The Dip After Bitcoin Bloodbath - Cointelegraph

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Bitcoin community responds to FDIC warning on bank run – Decrypt

The chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has advised Americans not to withdraw all their money from banks to safeguard against market volatility in the stock market caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Bitcoiners have nothing to worry about; as long as users hold the keys to their Bitcoin, they are already their own bank.

Just yesterday, US Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said the US might already be in a recession. But McWilliams message reassures Americans that their money is safe at the banks. The last thing you should be doing is pulling your money out of the banks now, thinking that it's going to be safe for someplace else, she said.

You don't want to be walking around with large wads of cash and you certainly don't want to be hoarding cash in your mattress. It didn't pan out well for so many people, and I will tell you this; no depositor has lost a penny of their insured deposits since 1933 when the FDIC was created, she added.

The FDIC is a government corporation that provides insurance to depositors in US commercial banks and savings banks. It secures $250,000 per person, for each type of bank account, and has a $100 billion line of credit with the US Treasury.

Crypto enthusiasts responded to the news with glee; proof that the principle of not your keys; not your Bitcoin applies to the traditional financial world, too. If crypto is held by their owners, it is not possible for centralized organizations, like banks, to run down the reserves of cryptocurrencies.

The FDIC was created to indemnify Americans in the event of a bank run. Scaring people from taking self custody of their own money displays a terrifying incompetence, wrote one Bitcoiner on Twitter.

What most people still don't get is that the money you deposit in a bank is not yours anymore, it belongs to the bank. The is only 5 to 10% real physical cash available for withdrawal. The bank run has already begun which explains this intervention by the FDIC. Be your own bank! wrote another.

Of course, Bitcoins closest analog to bankscrypto exchangesare often far less insured than high street banks, and frequently misappropriate customer funds or become insolvent. Quadriga CX, Einstein Exchange, Binance and Mt. Gox are all examples of cryptocurrency exchanges that have lost user funds. The list of cryptocurrency exchanges that have had trouble producing user funds goes on: COSS, BT360, FCoin, Cryptopia, and many more.

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Bitcoin community responds to FDIC warning on bank run - Decrypt

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Binance Reveals Visa Debit Card in Push to Bring Bitcoin (BTC) and Crypto Payments Worldwide – The Daily Hodl

Binance is rolling out a new product that will allow crypto users to use digital assets to buy goods and services without needing to locate merchants that accept Bitcoin (BTC) and without having to exchange their cryptocurrencies into fiat.

In a press release, the leading global crypto exchange reveals the release of its own Visa-powered payment card which will be accepted by more than 46 million merchants worldwide.

Binance says users can fund the new Binance Card with Bitcoin or BNB token using the Binance Card App. Just like a regular debit card, the Binance Card automatically uses the balance on the card to settle payments.

The card costs $15. To pay, users have to transfer the equivalent amount in BNB or BTC from their crypto wallet to the cards balance. Binance will then process the order. The firm says it will not charge any monthly or annual fees.

The card is currently available in beta as a virtual card only. A physical card, due to roll out soon, will initially be released to the global exchanges users in Malaysia and Vietnam.

The company plans to introduce the card to all of its users around the world within the next few weeks.

You can register interest in Binance Card through the landing page, and we will notify you once the card becomes available in your region.

Binance reports that it has over 15,000,000users worldwide.

Featured Image: Shutterstock/spainter_vfx

See the original post here:
Binance Reveals Visa Debit Card in Push to Bring Bitcoin (BTC) and Crypto Payments Worldwide - The Daily Hodl

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Just Like Bitcoin Before It, Cardano Is Banned From Wikipedia – Cointelegraph

On March 24, Cardano (ADA) founder, Charles Hoskinson, streamed a YouTube video titled On Wikipedia, in which he berated Wikipedia for applying arbitrary commercial censorship against Cardano.

Censorship of cryptocurrency projects is as old as the industry itself. Back in 2010, even Satoshi Nakamoto was frustrated with Wikipedias editors for removing Bitcoins wiki entry several times.

After PayPal severed ties with WikiLeaks, one of Bitcoins supporters suggested that becoming the site's new source of donations would generate enough publicity to gain entry into Wikipedia. Satoshi strongly opposed WikiLeaks adoption of the cryptocurrency, but it was too late:

No, don't "bring it on". The project needs to grow gradually so the software can be strengthened along the way. I make this appeal to WikiLeaks not to try to use Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a small beta community in its infancy. You would not stand to get more than pocket change, and the heat you would bring would likely destroy us at this stage.

Hoskinson states that he does not know the rationale behind Wikipedias hostility towards his project, despite it being the most cited of all of the peer reviewed coins:

We don't know why there's hostility where coins like SpankChain can have an article on Wikipedia. A lot of other cryptocurrencies and top 15, top 20 apparently have articles and that's perfectly fine. But then we're not allowed to have an article for some reason, even though we've been mentioned by the U.S. Congress.

Cointelegraph could not find a Wikipedia article for SpankChain (SPANK). Other projects like Dogecoin (DOGE), GridCoin (GRC), and PotCoin (POT) do have one, however. Most of the top ten projects, including Bitcoin Cash (BCH), have one too.

Source: Cointelegraph

Hoskinson confirmed to Cointelegraph that the censorship comes exclusively from Wikipedias English language editors, noting that there are Cardano wiki entries in German, Estonian, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Portuguese, Romanian and Russian.

Crypto censorship has recently been on the rise. In Wikipedias case, it is an especially surprising move, considering that the site accepts Bitcoin to help fund its mission of providing a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world

Continued here:
Just Like Bitcoin Before It, Cardano Is Banned From Wikipedia - Cointelegraph

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How would a US recession affect Bitcoin? – Decrypt

Appearing on NBCs Today show this morning, US Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said, We may well be in a recession. He ascribed the countrys economic downturn to the coronavirus, the global pandemic that has infected over half a million people and has billions on lockdown.

As the coronavirus started sweeping through the US, it battered the US economy and crashed global markets. Bitcoin was not exempt. At one point, the price of BTC sunk to a low of $4,100, its worst price since March 2019, before recently recovering to around $6,600 as stocks have ticked back up.

But if Bitcoin collapsed in sync with the rest of the market, how will it do if America sinks into a deep recession?

A recession constitutes two quarters of successive decline in gross domestic product (GDP).That looks likely in the US. A staggering 3.3 million US citizens filed for unemployment benefits last weeka record high. Late last night, a two trillion-dollar stimulus package to help the economy keep afloat during the crisis was approved by the US Senate and will move to the House of Representatives for a vote.

But Powell told NBC theres a difference between this recession and a normal recession: There is nothing fundamentally wrong with our economy. Quite the contrary. We are starting from a very strong position.

According to Pankaj Balani, CEO of Delta Exchange, the Bitcoin market is equally healthy. The key difference in this crisis, though, is the speed of price movement. Whatever happened in five months in the mortgage crisis happened in five days in the corona crisis. Hence, the recovery should also be a lot faster, he told Decrypt.

Though Bitcoin earlier this month fell along with global markets, Balani predicted that as markets settle we will see assets decouple from one another and prices will be driven by idiosyncratic risks instead of systemic risks.

Bitcoin may even benefit from a recession, said Balani. Central banks like the US Federal Reserve finance stimulus packages by increasing the monetary supply. This will put pressure on currencies and can turn out to be positive for Bitcoin prices in the medium to long term, he said.

Simon Peters, a market analyst at trading site eToro, agreed. He told Decrypt, Due to the Fed announcing unlimited [quantitative easing], investors could soon be looking to BTC as an inflation hedge against a depreciating dollar.

He added that investors are also less likely to sell Bitcoin because of the upcoming halving event. Its slated to occur sometime around the middle of Maywhereupon the supply of Bitcoins issued as mining rewards will halve, due to a feature hardcoded into the Bitcoin protocol. Some investors predict the halving to lead to a rise in the price of Bitcoin. The event theoretically should reduce selling pressure from miners, said Peters.

Theres another reason a US recession might not be bad for the crypto economy, noted Peters: The coronavirus originated in China, which has since contained the virus and is beginning to resume economic production. Much of Bitcoins hash power is concentrated in Chinaa staggering 54% of hash power is controlled by Chinese miners alone, according to a December 2019 report by CoinShares. Consequently, said Peters, We can expect mining operations, and in particular the network hashrate, to start picking up from the recent slump.

These conditions could in fact be a perfect storm for Bitcoin's next bull market, resulting in some positive moves at the end of this year and into 2021, he concluded.

But, in terms of the American economy as a whole, US President Donald Trump doesn't want to wait that long. Hes hoping the US economy can be humming back along by Easter. But as the countrys leading infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, told CNN, You dont make the timeline; the virus makes the timeline.

In the case of Bitcoin, the protocol makes the timeline.

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How would a US recession affect Bitcoin? - Decrypt

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