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Ethereum prepares to ride its volatility rollercoaster – AMBCrypto

Ethereum, the largest altcoin in the crypto-market, had a somewhat nonchalant start to the year. For the first few weeks, its price rise eclipsed that of Bitcoin and the rest of the market; but with the king coins increasing volatility, the altcoins movement has become muted.

On both the spot and derivatives front, Ether has become increasingly less volatile, especially in the short-term. Since the Bitcoin-induced price drop took down the collective market on 12 March, the subsequent volatility had dropped for the altcoin.

ETH Realized Volatility | Source: skew

According to data from Skew markets, the realized volatility for Ether on the shortest 10-day scale has sharply declined, falling below its 1-month and 3-month equivalents. Since 23 March, the realized volatility for Ether has dropped from a whopping 403 percent to 105 percent, as the price contained to hold firm.

Since dropping to $110, with rogue trades in the double digits, Ether has been trading within the $110-$140 range. Owing to this muted movement, despite Bitcoin moving by a larger fraction of its price, the volatility of the altcoin dropped significantly over the past two weeks.

ETH ATM Implied Volatility | Source: skew

Going by this trend, Options traders are expecting the altcoin to move less erratically in the future. The 1-month implied volatility for Ether dropped below its 3-month equivalent, based on the pricing of Options contracts over the aforementioned time periods.

Further, the ATM volatility term structure for the altcoin also presented an optimistic movement up, with realistic pullbacks. Traders are expecting Ether to exhibit volatility gradually by the end of the first week of April, before it normalizes by 10 April with a drop. This rise and fall in volatility will continue till September, followed by a long winding down till December.

ETH ATM Volatility Term Structure | Source: skew

Looking at the larger picture, traders are expecting Ether to be volatility in phases, with each phase more erratic than the last, and with each phase succeeded by a cooldown of sorts.

All in all, with the price of Ethereum stabilizing over the past few days, given the volatility back-and-forth movements, an expectation of a strong imminent move can be ascertained.

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Ethereum prepares to ride its volatility rollercoaster - AMBCrypto

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Microsoft New Crypto Initiative – Blockchain Technology – Altcoin Buzz

Microsoft Corporation, through its licensing arm, Microsoft Technology Licensing, was granted an international patent on March 26. The patent isfor a cryptocurrency system using body activity data.

This patent granted to Microsoft was reportedly published by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The publication also shows that the tech giants licensing arm had filed the application in June last year.

The patent reveals a new cryptocurrency mining system that performs online functions. It aims to make use of search engines, chatbots and reading ads through involuntary body activities like brain waves and body heat. The patent also explains that this could potentially help a user compute and solve problems.

Further, the patent reveals that the system will exclude the need for technical mining machines.

The document went on to explain in detail how the mining process would work. Every time a user performed any online activity, checking out advertisements or using the internet, body activity invariably took place. it could be a brain wave or emitting body heat. this data can now be used in the mining process.

Besides, the implementation of this process shows that the server itself would assign a task to the users device connected to it. A special sensor will then indicate the body activity of the user. Meanwhile, the cryptocurrency system will verify if the body activity satisfies pre-set conditions. Ultimately, the user, whose body activity data is verified, gets cryptocurrency rewards from the system.

It is expected that this cryptocurrency mining system might be able to reduce computational energy for the mining process. There are also indications that this new system helps make the mining process faster.

The patent gives an illustration to demonstrate this in the document.

For example, instead of massive computation work required by some conventional cryptocurrency systems, data generated based on the body activity of the user can be a proof-of-work. Therefore, a user can solve the computationally difficult problem unconsciously.

The blockchain industry has gained traction as many technology companies look to experiment with cryptocurrency in order to grow their products and services. From January 2014 till October 2019, the United States Patent and Trademark Office has granted up to 227 blockchain-related patents.

Recently, IBM, another tech giant, was granted a patent for developing a so-called self-aware token. Also, CoinBase patented a method of letting customers make zero-transaction fee Bitcoin (BTC) payments using email addresses linked to wallet addresses. Last year, it received a patent for automated KYC verificationas well.

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Microsoft New Crypto Initiative - Blockchain Technology - Altcoin Buzz

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Microsoft answers Amazons Verizon cloud partnership with new 5G-enabled Azure Edge Zones, starting with AT&T – GeekWire

Microsoft Image

A new service from Microsoft will connect its Azure cloud services to 5G wireless networks inside data centers operated by wireless carriers, aiming to boost the performance of devices and mobile applications such as online gaming, remote virtual meeting and urban infrastructure.

The first of the Azure Edge Zones with carriers will be launched in partnership with AT&T in Los Angeles late spring, Microsoft announced this morning. The project builds on work that Microsoft and AT&T started in Dallas last November. Microsoft is leaving open the possibility of working with other wireless carriers, as well.

Amazon Web Services and Verizon announced a similar partnership in December, connecting Amazons cloud services to Verizons 5G network through AWS Wavelength, with initial customers including Bethesda Softworks and the NFL.

Microsoft says it will also support connections to private 5G and LTE networks through what its calling Azure Private Edge Zones. This is an offshoot of Microsofts Azure Stack technology, which puts cloud technologies into private, on-premises data centers and servers.

The Redmond company acquired mobile network solutions company Affirmed Networks on March 26 as part of this broader 5G push for the Azure cloud platform.

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Microsoft answers Amazons Verizon cloud partnership with new 5G-enabled Azure Edge Zones, starting with AT&T - GeekWire

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Local Break Out (LBO) and Its Role in Bringing Cloud to the Edge – Data Center Knowledge

Its been a part of wireless networks for years, including as a component of 4G LTE. Recently, however, with the rise of edge computing, Local Break Out has become topic of serious discussion in the data center market.

LBO is the part of the wireless network that lets selected streams of incoming data be diverted, like a fork in a river or a tap on a beer barrel, away from the networks own addresses. It was proposed by communications engineers back in 2012 to enable roaming devices like smartphones to have the data theyre using to be routed to them by service providers other than the ones theyre customers of. At the time it was also under consideration by the European Parliament [PDF] as a kind of platform for a competitive market in roaming communication, a way for many networks to serve a single customer with voice and data.

Related: Why Google Cloud and AT&T May Merge their Telco Edges

It later became part of the 3GPP standards organizations Release 8 of the global standard for wireless infrastructure baked into the network. The standard is presently on Release 16, the second stage of 5G deployment, with Release 17 due to be finalized in early 2021.

With 5G turning up the volume on data throughput, LBO is becoming a kind of all-purpose socket for edge computing platforms to tap into the wireless network and connect to services and data providers upstream. One of the things this does is enable smaller platforms to provide data center services that are competitive, at least in some regards, to colocation and public cloud giants by leveraging wireless networks fiber optic links as their interconnecting fabrics.

Related: Vapor IO Intros Kinetic Edge Exchange for Network Peering at the Edge

3GPP has defined the roles of home and visited networks while sharing the responsibility of providing the user experience or data service, remarked Tom Nadeau, regarded by many as a father of SDN and presently a technical director at Red Hat. The visited network is responsible for building its network infrastructure independently of the home network operator.

LBO was designed to enable a shorter path between a wireless user and a roaming data network, leveraging the existing wireless packet gateway in the network being visited as the routing agent. In practice, however, LBO was expanded for the home networks purposes, shortening the distance between the packet gateway and a nearby access point to the internet, or to a cloud service provider. In a note to DCK, Nadeau explained that 3GPPs architecture for LBO is altogether agnostic about the infrastructure of either the remote visited service provider network that connects to it or the home network from which a connection may be made.

The 3GPP SBA (Service Based Architecture) refers to a 3GPP-defined model of how [network] functions are built and chained to deliver mobile services, Nadeau wrote. These services are built using software components called network functions. The functions can run on a cloud platform such as Red Hats OpenStack, he pointed out.

LBO is an option to short-circuit traffic at the local POP [point-of-presence] where the data plane exists to deliver edge services. S/PGW-U [the converged serving gateway and packet data network gateway in 5G, on the user plane of SDN] can be placed as a network function on OpenStack at the edge to handle Local Break Out.

In other words, no single part of the roaming data connection requires a peculiar type of server or unique network appliance. Its an anything-to-anything connection. And at the point where just about anything comes together, why not build an entirely new data services market?

At the edge, theres this concept of an edge exchange, explained Alex Marcham, technical marketing manager for the edge data center provider Vapor IO. An edge exchange is similar to a provider-neutral Internet Exchange, which gives networks more options for direct connectivity to ISPs and CDNs, giving operators similar options for outside connectivity at the edges of their networks. Conceivably, it could be a way for Amazon Web Services or another cloud provider to offer low-latency connectivity between its cloud platform and subscribing private facilities.

In those cases, if you were to have an LBO connection from your packet gateway to one or more of those edge exchange sites you could potentially exchange data between, say, a Verizon and an Amazon without having to take your original long path back to a hyperscale facility, Marcham said. In that case, once you leave the packet gateway on that SGi interface, you are routable IP. You go into an edge exchange which has the same components as a traditional network exchange, in the form of a meet-me room, and the various letters of agreement that control those network connections through that MMR.

Theres an argument to be made, Marcham believes, in favor of the development of an edge services ecosystem. It wouldnt replace or supplant the current cloud services-based economy, but rather supplement it with lower-latency options on a premium service tier.

In one scenario, for example, a CSP could offer API access to an AI service, perhaps for rapidly processing photo or video data and identifying its contents. Today, a round-trip transaction involving a cloud data center in one of its regional availability zones would take too long for a near-real-time application. But on a premium tier, where the connectivity is arranged through an edge exchange, users could be linked to the same service using the much faster fiber optic network that wireless operators use for backhaul. LBO would provide both the on-ramp and the off-ramp into the fiber network.

Theres a business to be forged there, believes Vapor IOs chief marketing officer Matt Trifiro. Just whose business it will be, however, remains to be determined.

Offering the operators the ability to deploy white-box hardware in facilities that they didnt have to build and dont have to carry on their balance sheets provides massive economic benefits, as well as massive time-to-market benefits, he said. Conceivably, as much as one-third of the cost of operating an edge data center could be wiped off an operators balance sheet, and risk could be offloaded to a partner.

If Im Verizon, if Im Amazon, Ive got to put something there, continued Trifiro. And somebodys already solved the networking and the colocation problem. Its an order of magnitude more efficient and cheaper to use that than to build my own.

Customers are hoping to capitalize on the opportunities that edge computing can bring to their organizations, noted Red Hats Nadeau. While edge computing and Mobile Edge Computing are established concepts, whats different are the new technologies that are making it easier to deploy and operate resources at large scale across broadly distributed locations, while at the same time enabling a new wave of applications and workloads that businesses can use to create differentiation, drive new business, or lower costs.

In 1904, an electrical engineer named Harvey Hubbell happened upon the concept that electricity could become a viable industry if the network were to adopt standard sockets. Well over a century later, engineers believe, edge exchanges could become a similarly viable, world-changing industry, as long as everyone agreed on how to plug in.

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Local Break Out (LBO) and Its Role in Bringing Cloud to the Edge - Data Center Knowledge

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Snap Launches App Stories to Expand Its Reach – Nasdaq

Snap (NYSE: SNAP), the maker of the disappearing messaging app Snapchat, launched App Storieson Tuesday, a new tool that enables its Stories feature to show up in third-party apps.

Launched in 2013, Stories is one of Snap's most popular features. Facebook's (NASDAQ: FB)Instagram cloned Stories in 2016, and Twitter (NYSE: TWTR) recently launched Fleets, which are disappearing Tweets.


Snap Stories enables users to post videos and photographs that disappear in 24 hours. With App Stories, users will be able to post their disappearing videos and photos to other apps, which will expand the number of people that can view content made on Snapchat.

In their initial phase, App Stories will be available on social, video, and dating apps Triller, Squad, Hily, and Octi. Snap expects to add more apps in the coming months.Snap teased App Stories about a year ago at the company's Partner Summit. At the time, Snap said App Stories would appear on Tinder and Houseparty, two popular apps.

By launching App Stories, Snap is aiming to extend the number of people who can view its content and potentially become Snap customers. Snap has been enjoying double-digit growth during 2019 and is seeing an uptick in usage amid the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to chip away at Facebook and Alphabet's (NASDAQ: GOOG) (NASDAQ: GOOGL) Google advertising dominance Snap has to continue to grow its user base. Enabling third-party apps to feature Snapchat content may not make it more money in the beginning, but it could expand its reach, which is important to advertisers.

10 stocks we like better than Alphabet (A shares)When investing geniuses David and Tom Gardner have a stock tip, it can pay to listen. After all, the newsletter they have run for over a decade, Motley Fool Stock Advisor, has tripled the market.*

David and Tom just revealed what they believe are the ten best stocks for investors to buy right now... and Alphabet (A shares) wasn't one of them! That's right -- they think these 10 stocks are even better buys.

See the 10 stocks

*Stock Advisor returns as of March 18, 2020

Suzanne Frey, an executive at Alphabet, is a member of The Motley Fool's board of directors. Randi Zuckerberg, a former director of market development and spokeswoman for Facebook and sister to its CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, is a member of The Motley Fool's board of directors. Donna Fuscaldo has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool owns shares of and recommends Alphabet (A shares), Alphabet (C shares), Facebook, and Twitter. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.

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Snap Launches App Stories to Expand Its Reach - Nasdaq

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Holy Water: A creative water-holing attack discovered by Kaspersky –

Kaspersky researchers have discovered a watering-hole campaign targeting users in Asia since May 2019.

More than 10 websites related to religion, voluntary programs, charity, and several other areas were compromised to selectively trigger a drive-by download attack resulting in a backdoor set up on the targets' devices.

Attackers used a creative toolset, which included GitHub distribution and the use of open-source code.

A watering hole is a targeted attack strategy in which cyber criminals compromise websites that are considered to be fertile ground for potential victims and wait for the planted malware to end up on their computers. In order to be exposed to malware, a user needs to simply visit a compromised website, which makes this type of attack easy to spread and thus more dangerous.

This multi-stage waterhole attack with an unsophisticated but creative toolset is distinctive due to its fast evolution since its inception date, as well as the wide range of tools used.

Upon visiting one of the water-holing websites, a previously compromised resource will load an obfuscated malicious JavaScript, which gathers information about the visitor.

An external server then ascertains whether the visitor is a target. If the visitor is validated as a target, the second JavaScript stage will load a plugin, which in turn will trigger a download attack, showing a fake Adobe Flash update pop-up.

The visitor is then expected to be lured into the update trap, and download a malicious installer package that will set up a backdoor named 'Godlike12', thus providing the threat actor with full remote access to the infected device, enabling them to modify files, harvest confidential data from the computer, log activity on the computer and more.

Another backdoor, a modified version of the open-source Python backdoor called Stitch, was also used in the attack. It provided classic backdoor functionalities by establishing a direct socket connection to exchange AES-encrypted data with the remote server.

The fake Adobe Flash pop-up was linked to an executable file hosted on under the guise of a Flash update file. GitHub disabled this repository on the 14th of February 2020 after Kaspersky reported it to them, thus breaking the infection chain of the campaign.

The repository has, however, been online for more than 9 months, and thanks to GitHub's commit history, the researchers were able to gain unique insight on the attacker's activity and tools.

This campaign stands out due to its low-budget and not fully developed toolset, which has been modified several times in a few months to leverage interesting features like Google Drive C2. Kaspersky characterizes the attack as likely being the work of a small, agile team.

"Watering hole is an interesting strategy that delivers results using targeted attacks on specific groups of people. We were not able to witness any live attacks and thus could not determine the operational target," said Kaspersky senior security researcher, Ivan Kwiatkowski.

"However, this campaign once again demonstrates why online privacy needs to be actively protected. Privacy risks are especially high when we consider various social groups and minorities because there are always actors that are interested in finding out more about such groups."

Kaspersky recommends following a series of steps to avoid falling victim to targeted attacks on organizations or persons.

According to the organization, people should not update nor install Adobe Flash Player, as the product is no longer supported and most likely, the update disguises something malicious. In case it has been installed, Kaspersky recommends removing it as the technology is now obsolete.

VPN must be used to hide the person's association with a specific group by masking the real IP address and hiding the real location you are at.

Kaspersky suggests that people choose a proven security solution such as Kaspersky Security Cloud for effective personal protection against known and unknown threats.

The Security Operations Center (SOC) team must be provided with access to the latest threat intelligence, and to stay up to date with new and emerging tools, techniques and tactics used by threat actors and cybercriminals.

For endpoint level detection, investigation and timely remediation of incidents, implementation of EDR solutions such as Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response are advised.

In addition to adopting essential endpoint protection, implementing a corporate-grade security solution that detects advanced threats on the network level at an early stage, such as Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform is also advised.

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Holy Water: A creative water-holing attack discovered by Kaspersky -

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StorageOS hits the big 2.0 as it targets more ‘mature’ clusters – DevClass

StorageOS has shipped v2.0 of its Kubernetes persistent storage platform bringing a brace of new features over the previous version, 1.5, which shipped last November.

The London-based developer said the latest full digit release which shot out on March 31 was developed to take account of some key trends in cloud native storage over the last year.

These include users increasingly running multiple cluster deployments in various patterns and wanting storage to connect across all of them, as well as bigger Kubernetes clusters with more nodes requiring storage to scale to match. Users are also demanding production grade storage as they deploy more mature Kubernetes environments.

Meanwhile, StorageOS added, complex Kubernetes deployments can be unpredictable with users demanding storage that can handle replication and failover.

Hence the two new features in v2.0. StorageOS Delta Sync promises to reduce time to recovery allowing rapid cluster convergence by only replicating the missed data to the node. This should make recovery times more predictable, even as clusters gain more moving parts, with the inevitable increase in network interruptions and node reboots.

The second new feature is the addition of encryption in transit with traffic between nodes now encrypted and authenticated, with certificates managed by StorageOS internal certificate authority.

Other changes related to etcd. The latest version does not provide an embedded etcd server unlike its predecessors, and users will need to set up an etcd server for StorageOS to use prior to installation.

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StorageOS hits the big 2.0 as it targets more 'mature' clusters - DevClass

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North West Logistics moves to the cloud – Tina Massey

Accrington, UK: North West Logistics has moved its data to Mandatas cloud-based systems.

The system provides customers with real-time information but also also allows North West Logistics personnel to remotely access systems from home now more important given the measures introduced to cope with the coronavirus.In previous times, says the company, all operational data was on a server which presented access problems and raised concerns regarding long term reliability.Stephen Dunn, managing director, North West Logistics: says: The server needed replacing and we were worried about the disaster recovery aspect and interruption to the business, should the system fail. Plus, we needed to use discs to back-up everything and for those reasons we looked for a more versatile and reliable solution.The move went very well with little disruption to our business. It was extremely well planned and were very pleased with the way Mandatas IT and software team handled the project, he says.Now we can give our customers the freedom to access and interact with real-time information when they log into the Mandata system. Our directors and staff can access our systems remotely. None of this was possible before.Its already given us big benefits across the business including electronic PODs, instant progress on jobs for our customers and of course, remote working, he says.

We could never have anticipated the extraordinary circumstances which were now facing and were so pleased that we moved to the cloud when we did.All in all, its the way the industry is moving. Being able to give customers information today, not tomorrow. Having the flexibility to access financial as well as operational information as and when you need, without having to be physically in the office.The cloud has given us an extra dimension to our business. Its a seamless way of working that we didnt have before, in terms of remote access and mobile working, he says.

North West Logistics moves to the cloud - Tina Massey

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Bitcoin Takes Tumble, Traders Fret Correlation and Next Month’s Halving – CoinDesk

Bitcoin and ether are trending down as traditional markets closed in the red Wednesday.

On a 24-hour basis, bitcoin (BTC) was in the red 4 percent Wednesday afternoon Eastern time and ether (ETH) was down 3 percent. Most other cryptocurrencies were off as well.

Notable assets down in the dumps on CoinDesks big board include NEO (NEO) in the red 5 percent, bitcoin SV (BSV) slipping 4 percent and IOTA (IOTA), down 4 percent. All price changes are in the past 24 hours as of 20:00 UTC (4:00 p.m. EDT) Wednesday.

In the traditional markets, Japans Nikkei 225 index closed down 4.5 percent. Europes FTSE 100 ended the day in the red 2.7 percent. In the U.S., the S&P 500 closed New Yorks trading day down 4.4 percent.

Traders continue to have concerns about coronavirus impact on the world economy, as the World Health Organization says inflections will surpass one million people causing 50,000 total deaths globally in a matter of days.

After holding steady Tuesday, bitcoin slipped from $6,450 at 00:00 UTC Wednesday to as low as $6,160 around 17:00 UTC on exchanges such as Coinbase. An outstanding question is how long the cryptocurrency will continue to track traditional investments during this period of turmoil.

Bitcoin tends to have periods of spurious correlation with macro risk, but it is not statistically significant, said Darius Sit, managing partner at crypto fund QCP Capital. At the time of market panic even gold was correlated with equities but that is starting to break as well.

Indeed, gold rallied to start Wednesday, and though it did come under some sell pressure it is up less than a percent on the day as of 20:00 UTC (4 p.m. EDT).

Gold is one of the best-performing assets in Q1. Gold rose 2.95 percent, which is a great result compared to other asset classes which faced losses, said, Nemo Qin, an analyst at brokerage eToro.

Where does crypto go from here? Some think the worst is over after last months collapse of bitcoin, which briefly dipped below the $4,000 level March 13.

Despite that bloodbath, the first quarter saw bitcoin perform better than the S&P 500 index even though it was still in the red 10 percent for the period.

For what it's worth, we believe the lows are behind us in this new macro regime and that expectations have been heavily subdued, said Vishal Shah, founder of crypto derivatives exchange Alpha5. At worst, this should lead to the creation of price troughs not too far from here, and at best, provide sustained fuel for a move higher.

Another open question is whether the upcoming halving of bitcoin block rewards will have its usual effect of boosting the price. For one thing, the options market is expressing pessimism about the halving, expected to occur in mid-May.

In theory, by reducing the amount new bitcoins released into circulation every 10 minutes or so, the halving should juice the price, assuming demand stays constant. But the unusual turbulence, and the way bitcoin has reacted to it so far, calls that assumption into question.

Its still a tiny space with low liquidity all over crypto. I honestly have my eyes on hashrate and think a lot about how the halving effect will look this time, said Henrik Kugelberg, a Sweden-based over-the-counter trader.

In fact, a large U.S. cryptocurrency miner recently shut off its machines, claiming unprofitability at current price levels.

Despite all this, some traders still have confidence in crypto, expecting it to decouple from traditional markets at some point whenever things settle.

I think when there is market panic and deleveraging going on, it's normal for BTC as a fringe asset to follow the general trend. But once markets are calmer it can start to move according to its own narrative, said QCPs Sit.

The leader in blockchain news, CoinDesk is a media outlet that strives for the highest journalistic standards and abides by a strict set of editorial policies. CoinDesk is an independent operating subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, which invests in cryptocurrencies and blockchain startups.

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Bitcoin Takes Tumble, Traders Fret Correlation and Next Month's Halving - CoinDesk

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Bitcoin Stuck In Bearish Trend As The New Month Begins – Forbes

Bitcoin may be headed for further downside after losing more than 40% since mid-February. (Photo by ... [+] INA FASSBENDER / AFP) (Photo by INA FASSBENDER/AFP via Getty Images)

Bitcoin, which is down more than 40% from mid-February, is still following a downward trend, and could suffer additional losses, according to several analysts.

The digital currency fell to as little as $6,159.58 today, according to CoinDesk data.

At this point, it had declined roughly 5% over the last 24 hours and nearly 42% from its recent high of approximately $10,600 reached on February 14th, additional CoinDesk figures show.

[Ed note: Investing in cryptocoins or tokens is highly speculative and the market is largely unregulated. Anyone considering it should be prepared to lose their entire investment.]

The digital assets most recent losses were technical in nature as it attempted to consolidate above $6,000, said Joe DiPasquale, CEO of cryptocurrency hedge fund managerBitBull Capital,

The zone between $6,000 and $6,200 is keeping the price afloat over the last few days, he noted.

However, DiPasquale added that a death cross (opposite of a golden cross) formed on the charts on March 29, as the 50-day moving average fell below the 150-day moving average.

As a result, the digital currency could easily suffer additional losses unless bullish factors bolster bitcoins price.

Kiana Danial, CEO ofInvest Diva, offered a similar assessment, emphasizing the Ichimoku Cloud, a group of technical indicators that can be used to get a better sense of an assets current trend.

On the 4-hour chart, BTC/USD has crossed below the Ichimoku cloud which is certainly a bearish signal and could take Bitcoin to the 38% and 50% Fibonacci retracement levels of $5,898 and $5,623 respectively, she stated.

Jon Pearlstone, publisher of the newsletterCryptoPatterns,also provided a bearish take, emphasizing that bitcoin could suffer some notable losses going forward.

Unless the digital currency recovers $7500 and $8400 in the near term, it will retest $5,000 and then probably fall to recent crash lows, he predicted.

Disclosure: I own some bitcoin, bitcoin cash, litecoin, ether and EOS.

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Bitcoin Stuck In Bearish Trend As The New Month Begins - Forbes

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