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Fundamentals of Chess Tactics – Chessbase News

Windows 7 or higherMinimum: Dual Core, 2 GB RAM, DirectX11, graphics card with 256 MB RAM, DVD-ROM drive, Windows Media Player 9, ChessBase 14/Fritz 16 or included Reader and internet access for program activation. Recommended: PC Intel i5 (Quadcore), 4 GB RAM, Windows 10, DirectX11, graphics card with 512 MB RAM or more, 100% DirectX10-compatible sound card, Windows Media Player 11, DVD-ROM drive and internet access for program activation.

MacOSX only available as download!Minimum: MacOS "Yosemite" 10.10

This interactive DVD is aimed at improving both tactical insight and problemsolving abilities for beginners. With 15+ chapters, each explaining a different theme, I will introduce you to not only popular themes like pins, discovered attacks, and but even give you insight into more complicated themes like the Greek Gift, exchange sacrifice. To really test your knowledge on tactics, I recommend you to pause the video at times and try to solve the position for yourself. At the end of the DVD, I have prepared numerous exercises meant for you to solve without knowing the theme. I hope you enjoy!

Video running time: more than 7 hours (English) With interactive training including video feedback Extra: Database with more examples

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Fundamentals of Chess Tactics - Chessbase News

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Chess Corner: Scissors, rock, and paper – Muskogee Daily Phoenix

The bishop pair is sometimes like a pair of scissors that can cut through an opponents position. With this hint in mind, please try to find whites winning attack.

Whites bishops, f1 rook and queen target blacks king-side, as if they were scissors, rock and paper ready to pounce. White first pounces with the f1 rook capturing blacks bishop on f6. After blacks g7 pawn takes the rook, whites bishop on e5 captures blacks pawn on f6 and delivers checkmate (see next diagram).

Blacks best reply to rook takes bishop is to not capture the rook but to move its queen to e7. This defends f6 and threatens whites rook. White is winning, but black has not lost.

White, however, cuts through this defense with the unexpected queen sacrifice on g7. That is, after the black queen moves to e7, whites queen takes blacks g7 pawn and checks black. After the black king takes the queen, white wins with rook takes blacks pawn on f7 (see next diagram).

Both the rook and bishop on e5 check black. The black king thus retreats to g6 or h6. Whites rook snatches blacks queen, and white now has an overwhelming material and positional advantage.

The lesson this week is that if a police officer pulls you over and asks for your papers, as if it were the 1940s, just reply scissors and drive off. Of course, you may then need a rock to break out of jail.

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Chess Corner: Scissors, rock, and paper - Muskogee Daily Phoenix

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Autodesk, Other Software Makers Widen Access to Cloud-Based Platforms – Architectural Record

Autodesk, Other Software Makers Widen Access to Cloud-Based Platforms | 2020-04-23 | Architectural Record This website requires certain cookies to work and uses other cookies to help you have the best experience. By visiting this website, certain cookies have already been set, which you may delete and block. By closing this message or continuing to use our site, you agree to the use of cookies. Visit our updated privacy and cookie policy to learn more. This Website Uses CookiesBy closing this message or continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Learn MoreThis website requires certain cookies to work and uses other cookies to help you have the best experience. By visiting this website, certain cookies have already been set, which you may delete and block. By closing this message or continuing to use our site, you agree to the use of cookies. Visit our updated privacy and cookie policy to learn more.

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Autodesk, Other Software Makers Widen Access to Cloud-Based Platforms - Architectural Record

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Quiet Giant: The TITAN Cloud And The Future Of DOD Artificial Intelligence Analysis – Eurasia Review

By Maj William Giannetti, USAFR*

The DODs new artificial intelligence (AI) strategy is a treasure trove of ideas.1 Unveiled during a February 2019 press conference, it is (to put it mildly) an ambitious document, and its implications are far-reaching. In a departure from hard-coded garbage-in, garbage-out programs that burp out specific output, algorithm writers will craft code that learns on its own. Neural networks modeled after biological systems might one day roam the gray areas of human thought. With time and considerable training, AI will discern tanks from trucks or MiGs from run-of-the-mill airplanes.

Autonomous vehicles will transport troops to the frontlines, and someday pilotless aircraft might transport cargo and refuel fighters. Developmental Air Force AI already enables semiautonomous loyal wingmen, guided by pilots, to carry out preprogrammed missions from the relative safety of their cockpits.2 Later, faulty parts imbued with AI would speak out when their replacement comes due, making maintenance schedules more efficient and less costly. Military doctors might recommend an early biopsy after an AI-assisted ultrasound detects disease, thus improving prognoses so that all Americans might live longer, fuller lives.

Air Force generals presently envision a world where AI rapidly transforms data into knowledge that accurately informs a human-led decision-making process.3 We need our analysts to harmonize the data-to-decision quality at speed, said Air Force Director of Intelligence Lt Gen VeraLinn Dash Jamieson during an interview at Goodfellow AFB,Texas in 2017.We must build the next generation ISR enterprise capable of possessing decision advantage across the entire spec- trum of conflict.4

But to get there, developers require a preaccredited, flexible cloud to cultivate the AI strategys ideas, lest they die an untimely death on the policy vine. Another must is a secure DOD cloud that stores the considerable quantity of data that would fuel the nations AI and machine learning algorithms. Skeptics say the piles of servers and processors it would take cost billions. But a partnership between Lt Gen John N. T. ( Jack) Shanahans new Joint Artificial Intelligence Center ( JAIC) and a little-known Air Force cloud service called TITAN (Technology for Innovation and Testing on Accredited Networks) could bring value while making everyones AI dreams come true for a fraction of the cost. First, lets put cloud computing in context by looking at its costs and the role it plays in managing the Pentagons IT.

According to the Government Accountability Office, the federal government invests more than $90 billion annually in the development, implementation, and maintenance of IT infrastructure.5 To offset this cost, the Office of Management and Budget debuted its Cloud First Strategy, which mandated agencies pool IT resources in secure, efficient, and cost-effective ways.6 Cloud computing eliminates storing data on bare metal, stand-alone hard drives and shifts the burden to groupings of software and high-capacity storage servers. A clouds elasticity allows administrators to add (or subtract) storage and computing power while public and private user groups lend it scalability.

The DOD went all in with the cloud, investing $2.7 billion between 201518. Its subordinate organizations operate an estimated 500 clouds, and as of 2019, the Pentagon racked up 88 cloud investments out of 2,735 for IT overall.7 The sheer number of clouds managed by multiple vendors poses a growing administrative headache. The Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure ( JEDI) initiative, with its estimated $10 billion price tag over 10 years, seemed to be the cure. Businesses from across the tech community flocked to Washington with their proposals. Microsoft, a decades-long mainstay of government IT, recommended Azure for JEDI. Amazon Web Services (AWS), a relative upstart, offered its seemingly infinite storage capacity.

AWS was a favorite to win because it gained the governments confidence in storing sensitive information and programs.8 Engineers from the private and government sectors use AWS SageMaker to create machine-learning algorithms with drag-and-drop ease. Clouds would consolidate under JEDIs umbrella and lessen confusion as the department transferred its oldest legacies into it.9 One set of tools and standards for AI (or other software development for that matter) affords engineers a shared environment to discover information and create algorithms.

Traditional computer firms, like IBM and other Silicon Valley players like Oracle, have lodged complaints. They claimed awarding JEDI to a single company unfairly stifles competition and makes the militarys cloud especially vulnerable to Russian and Chinese cyberattacks.10 The arguments soon intensified and took a more personal turn. President Donald Trumps feud with Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos spilled into public view, and in a surprise ruling Microsoft was granted the huge contract. In its appeal to a U.S. federal court, Amazon says political influence tipped the Pentagons decision, and that procurements should be administered objectively.11

Meanwhile, as corporate and government lawyers do battle, an average-looking industrial building sits tucked into the scrub pines and dogwood trees of Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Inside one of its air-cooled rooms, chilled to 65 degrees Fahrenheit, are dozens of repurposed computer servers quietly whirring away. To the average onlooker, the sight might seem unimpressive, but this is TITAN, a government-owned, contractor-operated cloud worth $18 milliona veritable shoestring compared to JEDI. The US Air Forces ISR Innovations Directorate founded TITAN in 2016. It is funded entirely by Headquarters Air Forces ISR chief information officer and maintained by a handful of defense workers.

TITAN is unique because it is a hybrid cloud, a place where engineers rapidly prototype and deploy their software or custom applications. At 7.6 petabytes, it is modestly sized and ideal for the JAICs specialized work. To the layman, a petabyte might not seem like much, but its a very sizable chunk of data. Back in 2013, the Air Forces Distributed Common Ground System was processing 1.3 petabytes per month, which equates to about 1,000 hours of full-motion video per day.12 By comparison, in 2014, Facebooks massive 1.2 billion user base was generating four new petabytes of content per day.13

A hybrid cloud combines the best of private and public clouds. Public clouds combination of hardware, software, and storage services are managed by a third party while private clouds are sequestered from the public and protected by a firewall. Combining public services with private clouds and the data center as a hybrid is the new definition of corporate computing, says Judith Hurwitz of Hurwitz and Associates, an IT consulting firm. Not all companies that use some public and some private cloud services have a hybrid cloud. Rather, a hybrid cloud is an environment where the private and public services are used together to create value.14

Top cloud competitors AWS and Microsoft Azure offer a combination of physical and virtual suites, too. They bill their customers on a monthly pay-as- you-go basis. While AWS typically charges customers by the hour, Microsoft Azure and its Machine Learning Service charge by the minute. The attraction to AWS stems from its unalloyed computing power. Depending upon the customer, it can increase scale to thousands of machines and weave neural nets that far exceed TITANs limit. Azure, on the other hand, is less hardware intensive. Customers can have as many virtual machines as they like. Simple to use cookie-cutter software loads make start-up easy. And both firms enable the fast-paced development-to-operations (DevOps) culture that pervades software development and AI today.

But AWS and Microsoft Azure create vendor lock-in, which eventually commits (or locks) customers into using their specific proprietary tools indefinitely. Not TITAN. Its value to the JAIC comes from its agnostic nature, where users are in control. They can choose either the Microsoft or Linux operating systems for DevOps, at no monthly or daily expense, and with zero strings attached.

And, unlike the typical government 1990s-style data center where IT support occurs in-house (or, on-premises), TITAN is managed off-premises. Its servers are separate from the Pentagon but kept secure and effectively reachable by all its customers. TITANs almost two dozen customer agencies can access 430 data feeds via virtual machines worldwide and develop custom software without purchasing additional equipment.

Portability is a plus, too, because administrators can log in almost anywhere to diagnose problems, upload software patches, make updates themselves, or automate the tasks. As an added benefit, like AWS and Microsoft Azure, TITAN has authorities to operate on the DODs unclassified and classified systems, an essential requirement for clouds, according to former Deputy Secretary Patrick Shanahans Cloud Executive Steering Group.15 With a flexible, preaccredited cloud that provides developers value and relative cost savings to the taxpayer, the JAICs choice is clear. A TITAN partnership will help the Pentagon discover the AI advances of tomorrow to improve Americas security and quality of life today.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed or implied in the Journal are those of the authors and should not be construed as carrying the official sanction of the Department of Defense, Air Force, Air Education and Training Command, Air University, or other agencies or departments of the US government.

*About the author: Major Giannetti (MS, St. Josephs University) is a reserve officer assigned to the Headquarters Air Force staff at the Pentagon.

Thisarticlewas originally published in theAir and Space Power JournalVolume 34, Issue 1, Spring 2020 (PDF).


1. Summary of the 2018 Department of Defense Artificial Intelligence Strategy: Harnessing AI to Advance Our Security and Prosperity, 12 February 2019,

2. Andrew Liptak, Skyborg Could Let F-35 and F-15 Fighter Jets Control Their Own Companion Drones, Verge, 22 May 2019,

3. Air Superiority 2030 Flight Plan: Enterprise Capability Collaboration Team, May 2016, https://

4. Oriana Pawlyk, China Leaving US Behind on Artificial Intelligence: Air Force General,, 30 July 2018,

5. US Government Accountability Office (GAO), Cloud Computing: Agencies Have In- creased Usage and Realized Benefits, but Cost and Savings Need to Be Better Tracked, Report to Congressional Requesters, April 2019,

6. Federal Cloud Computing Strategy, From Cloud First to Cloud Smart, accessed 24 Oc- tober 2019,

7. DoD Cloud Update, Deputy Secretary of Defense, 22 June 2018, https://federalnews See also GAO, Cloud Computing: Agencies Have Increased Usage and Realized Benefits, but Cost and Savings Need to Be Better Tracked, Report to Congressional Requesters, April 2019,

8. Frank Konkel, Tech Firms Ask Congress to Intervene on Pentagon JEDI Contract, Next- Gov, 30 April 2018,

9. Jack Moore, Here Are 10 of the Oldest IT Systems in the Federal Government, NextGov, 25 May 2016,

10. GAO, Decision in the Matter of International Business Machines Corporation, 11 De- cember 2018, See also GAO, Decision in the Matter of Oracle America, Inc., 14 November 2018,

11. Aaron Gregg and Jay Greene, Fierce Backlash Against Amazon Paved the Way For Microsofts Stunning Pentagon Cloud Win, Washington Post, 30 October 2019, https://www See also Jared Serbu, Amazon to Protest DoDs JEDI Cloud Contract, Federal News Network, 14 November 2019,

12. Marc V. Schanz, ISR After Afghanistan, Air Force Magazine, January 2013, http://www

13. Janet Wiener and Nathan Bronson, Facebooks Top Open Data Problems, Facebook Re- search, 22 October 2014,

14. Judith Hurwitz et al., What is Hybrid Cloud Computing? Dummies, https://www


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Quiet Giant: The TITAN Cloud And The Future Of DOD Artificial Intelligence Analysis - Eurasia Review

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BOXX Introduces Cloud Service Powered by High Performance Workstations – GlobeNewswire

AUSTIN, TX, April 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BOXX Technologies, the leading innovator of high-performance workstations, rendering systems, and servers, today announced the officiallaunch of BOXX Cloud Services (BCS), a unique, secure, high-performance, virtual private cloud workstation service powered by professionally overclocked BOXX workstationspurpose-built for enterprise organizations CAD applications and workflows.

Were going beyond the limitations of traditional virtualized infrastructure which relies on server-based technology, said Shoaib Mohammad, VP of BOXX Cloud Services. Unlike Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) or cloud hosted solutions, which fail to address the high-performance needs of architects, engineers, product designers, and other CAD users, BCS provides custom, dedicated workstations inside a scalable data center environment. It also allows you to extend your data center with a pay-as-you-go model and without the complexities and upfront cost of building an onsite private cloud.

Purpose-built for leading CAD applications where single-threaded application performance is as equally important as the number of CPU cores, BCS cloud-hosted desktops offer performance identical to that of a high-performance desk side workstation, allowing the most demanding users to create without compromise. Powered by dedicated NVIDIA Quadro RTX GPUs, BCS delivers state-of-the-art graphics performance and support for CUDAa feature essential for modern workflows and one which many cloud-hosted desktops fail to support.

After multiple attempts using other cloud services, Sheehan Nagle Hartray Architects (SNHA), a leading architectural firm with offices in Chicago and London, became an early adopter of BCS.

We tried a number of cloud-based solutions, but each was unsuccessful in meeting our needs, said Oscar Medellin, BIM Manager, SNHA. What separates BOXX Cloud Services from the rest is outstanding performance and service. BCS delivers higher performance to our architects while significantly lowering our IT burden. I cant overstate the significance of that with employees working from home or the office.

In addition to lowering the burden on enterprise organization IT departments, BCS is designed for a wider range of architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) firms, as well as manufacturing and product design (MPD) companies which may not have adequate expertise in VDI or cloud hosted deployments. Leveraging Teradici PCoIP technology which securely delivers lossless, high-fidelity color and high-resolution graphics, BCS provides an enhanced user experience extending beyond the remote graphics capabilities of competing cloud providers. Ensuring the best possible performance with a wide variety of peripherals found in CAD workflows, a BCS-hosted workstation is delivered to any notebook, desktop, thin client, zero client, or tablet, as if the desktop is actually in front of the user.

Highly specialized industries like architecture, engineering, construction, manufacturing and product design have unique requirements that differ from the typical enterprise, said Ziad Lammam, Vice President of Product Management, Teradici. In shifting to cloud-based virtual workstations, companies in this space can see significant benefit from working with a specialized service tailored to meet these requirements. BOXX Cloud Services with integrated Cloud Access Software from Teradici offers such companies a way to keep their teams online and their projects moving forward quickly and efficiently with the high level of performance, security and user experience they need.

Computer Aided Technology (CATI), experts in deploying SOLIDWORKS and other engineering and manufacturing technology throughout multiple companies, believes cloud migration will continue, if performance is consistent with that of traditional workstations.

Even in our present work-from-home situations, it's essential for cloud service providers to deliver the same level of performance a user expects from their desk side workstation, said Adrian Fanjoy, Senior Vice President, Operations, CATI. Our thorough testing of BOXX Cloud Services revealed a flexible and highly capable platform that meets the needs of the most demanding SOLIDWORKS workloads."

For further information and pricing on BOXX Cloud Services, contact a BOXX sales consultant in the US at 1-877-877-2699. Learn more about BOXX systems, finance options, and how to contact worldwide resellers, by visiting

About BOXX Technologies

BOXX is the leading innovator of high-performance computer workstations, rendering systems, and servers for engineering, product design, architecture, visual effects, animation, deep learning, and more. For 24 years, BOXX has combined record-setting performance, speed, and reliability with unparalleled industry knowledge to become the trusted choice of creative professionals worldwide. For more information, visit


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Containing costs with Azure during the coronavirus crisis –

Worldwide, a huge proportion of the population remains under lockdown and closure orders in response to the coronavirus pandemic, affecting broad swaths of the economy. As this recession deepens, containing costs will be a key objective for IT departments in organizations of all sizes.

In our continuing coverage of the wide-ranging impacts that Covid-19 is having in the tech sectorand among technology usersMSDW reached out to Azure-focused professionals to get their perspectives on steps they are recommending to clients to reduce costs in the cloud.

Inefficient use of resources often underlies issues with overspending in the cloud. But revising provisioning, optimizing usage, and taking a more strategic approach to managing resources can help to rein in costs. Steve Hunter, senior director of hybrid cloud at Avanade, explained that during the crisis and the switch to remote work, many organizations are upping their Azure usage. He also encourages teams to start with Azure Advisor, a free tool aimed at reducing risks and cost optimization. He told MSDW:

To receive the maximum benefit from the cloud it's necessary to move up to stack from basic Infrastructure-as-a-Service models to Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) options. By replacing servers and software with Azure PaaS you inherit the cloud-native characteristics designed to take advantage of cloud economics. Auto-scale, availability, resilience, security, and evergreen innovation are native to PaaS options. These are elements customers must build and manage on their own when building services using IaaS + software. This not only limits the level of in-built cost savings from cloud economics, it also requires additional operational support in the form of monitoring, security, and version updates. For example, replace database servers with Azure SQL DB, Cosmos DB, PostgreSQL or a variety of other managed database platforms. [Manage] web server load using Azure Content Delivery Network capability, or Azure Kubernetes Service to simplify the deployment, management, operations of Kubernetes. Another option to help simplify the environment and manage costs is the use of containerization.

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Versent shifts Vix to AWS cloud and Snowflake – ARNnet

Versent has landed a project with WA-based transit ticketing system provider Vix Technology, moving them into the AWS cloud and providing a data reporting solution on the Snowflake platform.

With the new infrastructure in place, Vix customers can now query near real-time data and identify patterns, trends and anomalies.

For example, transport ticketing providers can look at passenger movement data and overlay information that may impact use, such as major sporting events, weather patterns and public holidays, and make informed decisions around the frequency and timing of transport options.

As Vix develops more insights into those data patterns, the infrastructure can be extended to more advanced use cases using predictive or machine learning techniques, said Versent technical director for data David Hanus.

Vix CTO Sean Langton said it can now give its customers insights through data visualisations, which it hasnt been able to do before.

This sets us apart in the market and means we can have more insightful conversations with new and existing customers, and really understand their needs and spot opportunities, Langton said.

This has really resonated with our customers, and generated a lot of interest within weeks of launching the new solution. And this is just the beginning - this platform lays the foundations for richer, more powerful, data driven applications and using machine learning to create intelligent systems.

About six months ago, Vix launched a request for tender, searching for a partner to help them embark on their cloud journey.

Vix has been designing, delivering, operating and maintaining transit ticketing systems globally for the past 30 years, with customers across the UK, US and Norway.

The ticketing company was searching for a solution to support customers with passenger data capture and analysis, and was previously facing challenges by working with monolithic, transactional databases with no capacity to perform in-depth analyses.

At the same time, it relied on technologies that produced daily PDF reports and CSV extracts which made it difficult and time-consuming to perform further analysis to extract valuable data insights.

In addition, Vix wanted to leverage serverless technologies to provide scalability and minimise static and operational costs, while at the same time deploy a multi-tenant data warehouse model that took into account regional data protection laws.

The ticketing company previously maintained a majority of its IT infrastructure on-premises based on a traditional Oracle stack.

Hanus said it initially responded to Vixs cloud migration tender and also provided a supplementary response to the data reporting tender, defining a solution approach that would integrate both programs of work featuring AWS cloud products, Snowflake and Amazon QuickSight business intelligence.

Their previous architecture wasnt easy to deploy across their client accounts, and it wasnt cloud based, where you needed to procure servers, licenses and a whole of things to get it to start delivering one report, he said.

The type of solution we helped them develop heavily leveraged a lot of native AWS cloud capabilities and also serverless technologies and components, so Vix didnt have to incur high-set costs to deploy versions of this infrastructure to each client.

Vix also wanted to provide an automated approach, standing up new capabilities for each of their clients without long lead times and configuration activity on the client side.

Snowflake APJ vice president Peter OConnor added its cloud data platform, in tandem with Versents data engineering and AWS, were proving to be a powerful combination in the A/NZ market.

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Mozilla to Launch Hubs Cloud as a First Step Toward an Open Web-based Metaverse – Road to VR

Mozilla Hubs is the companys impressive WebXR social app which allows users from almost any device (VR or not) to jump into a virtual room with the click of a link. But the companys ambitions go much further; soon Mozilla will take a major step toward achieving its master plan by launching Hubs Cloud.

Hubs is perhaps the most ambitious WebXR project to datean entirely web-based, device agnostic virtual space that can be joined and shared with a plain old URL through a Web browser. By that virtue,Hubs is part of theWeb itselfthe vast network of sites accessible and navigable between one another. Most other social VR apps are built atop the Internetthe infrastructure underlying the Webbut do not interconnect with the Web itself.

Hubs developer Greg Fodor reasons in a recently published post that a global metaverse is most likely to succeed if its a genuine part of the Web; its that principle which has been guiding the strategy and development ofHubs.

In the post, Fodorexplains Mozillas master plan behindHubs, which includes the eventual launch ofHubs Cloud (coming soon), an open-source version of Hubs which can be hosted on any Web server, by anyone.

Much like how a website is hosted on a server,Hubs Cloudwould thus be decentralized and could be tailored to the needs of each entityusing it, while continuing to be part of the Web. The master plan for Hubs is as follows, according to Fodor:

This is a wholly different approach to other metaverse projects, most of which arent part of the Web (even though they use the Internet to connect users). Mozilla believes that a global metaverse wont be a closed platform designed with top-down use-cases in mind; rather it will be a network of decentralized servers hosting virtual spaces which are customized to the needs of each host. By that virtue, Fodor says that Mozilla has specifically avoided building certain features into Hubs, expecting that such features are best built from the ground-up based on user needs and by leveraging existing Web-based tools and capabilities.

We have deliberatelynotincluded [in Hubs]:

Though wefully expectthese additional things to emerge, they seem unnecessary to deliver remote social presence and shared spatial awareness in mixed media environments.

Fodor does make a compelling argument for why a metaverse built as part of the Web is more likely to succeed than one thats not, and Mozillas approach to the metaverse is definitely forward-thinking.

My take? Although I agree with most of Fodors points, the Web emerged in an era before anyone truly understood its world-altering implications; had governments and corporations of the era known just how important the Web would become, they would have fought tooth-and-nail to own it and have centralized control. Today the global influence of the Webis known, and its more obvious now that owning the metaverse of the future willbestow the owner with incredible, global influence.

Similar to the social networks of today, the first metaverse that reaches scalewhether open or closedseems likely to win and continue to hold its ground thanks to the network effect.While I think an open and decentralized metaverse isvastly preferable to one owned by one or a handful of corporations or governments, companies like Facebook (which is already building its own metaverse project,Facebook Horizon) are able to focus far more resources on capturing the metaverse than any ground-up decentralized approach can muster.

That said, Ihope Im wrong. The decentralized nature of the Web is a critically important feature that should extend to the metaverse to ensure that no single entity gets to make the rules for the entire metaverse.

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Mozilla to Launch Hubs Cloud as a First Step Toward an Open Web-based Metaverse - Road to VR

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Private Cloud Server Market Analysis by Size, Share, Top Key Manufacturers, Demand Overview, Regional Outlook And Growth Forecast to 2026 – Cole of…


Global Private Cloud Server Market Segmentation

This market was divided into types, applications and regions. The growth of each segment provides an accurate calculation and forecast of sales by type and application in terms of volume and value for the period between 2020 and 2026. This analysis can help you develop your business by targeting niche markets. Market share data are available at global and regional levels. The regions covered by the report are North America, Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East, and Africa and Latin America. Research analysts understand the competitive forces and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.

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Global Private Cloud Server Market Regions and Countries Level Analysis

The regional analysis is a very complete part of this report. This segmentation highlights Private Cloud Server sales at regional and national levels. This data provides a detailed and accurate analysis of volume by country and an analysis of market size by region of the world market.

The report provides an in-depth assessment of growth and other aspects of the market in key countries such as the United States, Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Russia and the United States Italy, China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, Brazil and Saudi Arabia. The chapter on the competitive landscape of the global market report contains important information on market participants such as business overview, total sales (financial data), market potential, global presence, Private Cloud Server sales and earnings, market share, prices, production locations and facilities, products offered and applied strategies. This study provides Private Cloud Server sales, revenue, and market share for each player covered in this report for a period between 2016 and 2020.

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Table of Contents:

Study Coverage: It includes study objectives, years considered for the research study, growth rate and Private Cloud Server market size of type and application segments, key manufacturers covered, product scope, and highlights of segmental analysis.

Executive Summary: In this section, the report focuses on analysis of macroscopic indicators, market issues, drivers, and trends, competitive landscape, CAGR of the global Private Cloud Server market, and global production. Under the global production chapter, the authors of the report have included market pricing and trends, global capacity, global production, and global revenue forecasts.

Private Cloud Server Market Size by Manufacturer: Here, the report concentrates on revenue and production shares of manufacturers for all the years of the forecast period. It also focuses on price by manufacturer and expansion plans and mergers and acquisitions of companies.

Production by Region: It shows how the revenue and production in the global market are distributed among different regions. Each regional market is extensively studied here on the basis of import and export, key players, revenue, and production.

About Us:

Market Research Intellect provides syndicated and customized research reports to clients from various industries and organizations with the aim of delivering functional expertise. We provide reports for all industries including Energy, Technology, Manufacturing and Construction, Chemicals and Materials, Food and Beverage and more. These reports deliver an in-depth study of the market with industry analysis, market value for regions and countries and trends that are pertinent to the industry.

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Market Research Intellect

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Tags: Private Cloud Server Market Size, Private Cloud Server Market Growth, Private Cloud Server Market Forecast, Private Cloud Server Market Analysis

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Private Cloud Server Market Analysis by Size, Share, Top Key Manufacturers, Demand Overview, Regional Outlook And Growth Forecast to 2026 - Cole of...

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The Australia Data Center Market to Witness Investments Worth of Over $6 Billion YOY During the Period 2020 2025 – Market Research by Arizton -…

CHICAGO, April 23, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- According to Arizton's recent research report, Australia Data Center Market - Investment Analysis and Growth Opportunities 2020-2025 is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 3% during the period 20192025. This market research report includes data-driven and deep market insights on the impact of COVID-19 across geographies, segments, and vendor landscape. Leverage Arizton's market analysis to take real-time strategic business decisions and enhance your product portfolios.

Key Highlights Offered in the Report:

Key Offerings:

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Australia Data Center Market Segmentation

Australia Data Center Market Dynamics

Growing cloud adoption driving data center demand in Australia. It is expected that over 90% of SMEs in Australia will operate through cloud computing, and about 80% of medium-sized and large data centers will outsource their data center operations by 2023. The cloud service market is Australia grew by around 20% in 2019 compared to 2018. Over 50% of IT budget in enterprisers is spent on the migration to cloud-based services in Australia, with IaaS spending leading the chart, followed by the SaaS segment. Australia has been ranked fifth countries in the world that offer foolproof policies and regulations for cloud adoption, thereby increasing data center investment opportunities in the country. Australia has a presence of both local and global cloud services providers such as AWS, Microsoft, oracle, Macquarie Telecom, and Vault Systems.

Key Drivers and Trends fueling Market Growth:

Australia Data Center Market Geography

Sydney accounted for 60% of data center investments in 2019. The demand for data centers is largely driven by favorable geographical locations and a strong connectivity to the outside world. Submarine cable projects have been increased in the country which has attracted data center investors. For instance, in 2019, the submarine fiber cable projects INDIGO-Central and INDIGO- West connected two major locations of Australia with Indonesia and Singapore.

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The Australia Data Center Market to Witness Investments Worth of Over $6 Billion YOY During the Period 2020 2025 - Market Research by Arizton -...

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