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Virtual ICM Seminar: ‘HPC Simulations of the Early Universe’ – HPCwire

May 5, 2020 The Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM) at the University of Warsaw invites enthusiasts of HPC and all people interested in challenging topics in Computer and Computational Science to the ICM Seminar in Computer and Computational Science that will be held on May 7, 2020 (16:00 CEST). The event is free.

On May 7, Simon Mutch, a postdoctoral research fellow in the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for All-Sky Astrophysics in Three-Dimensions (ASTRO 3D) and a Research Data Specialist in the Melbourne Data Analytics Platform (MDAP) based at the University of Melbourne, will present a lecture titled, HPC Simulations of the early Universe.

The lecture will dive into understanding the formation and evolution of the first galaxies in the Universe is a vital piece of the puzzle in understanding how all galaxies, including our own Milky Way, came to be. It is also a key aim of major forthcoming international facilities such as the Square Kilometre Array and James Webb Space Telescope. In order to maximise what we can learn from observations made by these facilities, we need to be able to accurately simulate the early Universe and model how galaxies affected and interacted with their environments.

To register, visit

ICM Seminars is an extension of the international Supercomputing Frontiers Europe conference, which took place March 23-25th in virtual space.

The digital edition of SCFE gathered of the order of 1000 participants we want to continue this formula ofOpen Sciencemeetings despite the pandemic and use this forum to present the results of the most current research in the areas of HPC, AI, quantum computing, Big Data, IoT, computer and data networks and many others, says Dr. Marek Michalewicz, chair of the Organising Committee, SCFE2020 and ICM Seminars in Computer and Computational Science.

Registrationfor all weekly events is free. The ICM Seminars began with an inaugural lecture on April 1st by Scott Aronson, David J. Bruton Centennial Professor of Computer Science at the University of Texas. Aronson led the presentation titled Quantum Computational Supremacy and Its Applications.

For more information, visit

About the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM), University of Warsaw (UW)

Established by a resolution of the Senate of the University of Warsaw dated 29 June 1993, the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM), University of Warsaw, is one of the top HPC centres in Poland. ICM is engaged in serving the needs of a large community of computational researchers in Poland through provision of HPC and grid resources, storage, networking and expertise. It has always been an active research centre with high quality research contributions in computer and computational science, numerical weather prediction, visualisation, materials engineering, digital repositories, social network analysis and other areas.

Source: ICM UW

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Virtual ICM Seminar: 'HPC Simulations of the Early Universe' - HPCwire

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The Well Gardened Mind by Sue Stuart-Smith review unwinding with nature – The Guardian

Sue Stuart-Smith, a psychiatrist and psychotherapist, has a unique view of gardening: I have come to understand that deep existential processes can be involved in creating and caring for a garden. For her, a garden such as her own at Serge Hill, Hertfordshire is far more than just a much loved physical space. It is also a mental space, one that gives you quiet, so you can hear your thoughts. When you work with your hands in the garden, weeding or clipping, you free your mind to work through feelings and problems.. By tending your plants, you are also gardening your inner space and, over time, a garden is woven into your sense of identity, becoming a place to buffer us when the going gets tough.

It was Wordsworth who said that to walk through a garden is to be in the midst of the realities of things, to be immersed in the primal awareness not just of natures beauty, but the eternal cycle of the seasons, of life, death and rebirth. The psychoanalyst Carl Jung believed modern technological life had alienated us from the dark maternal, earthy ground of our being. He grew his own vegetables and argued that every human should have a plot of land so that their instincts can come to life again.

The fast and unremitting pace of modern urban living, with its smart technology and instant feedback leads to a devaluing of the slower rhythms of natural time. We have become disconnected from nature: the pace of life is the pace of plants. Informed by literature as well as psychoanalysis, Stuart-Smiths beautifully written book is filled with insights into the joys of gardening, but also the remarkable therapeutic benefits that tending plants can offer, not just to people who feel they have lost their place in nature, but to everyone: As we cultivate the earth, we cultivate an attitude of care towards the world. She argues for a greening of our lives bringing green spaces back into housing developments and encouraging community gardening schemes, such as Incredible Edible, founded by Pam Warhurst and Mary Clear in Todmorden, in Calderdale, a radical experiment in urban foraging that has created more than 70 food-growing plots around the town.

This is a life-affirming study of the special pleasures of tending your garden and growing things, from planting the seed and watching it grow each day (seeds have tomorrow ready-built into them), to cropping home-grown vegetables and cooking delicious meals with them. Even the chores like weeding and watering have their unique joys: watering is calming and strangely, when it is finished, you end up feeling refreshed, like the plants themselves. Her heartfelt arguments for the benefits of nature and gardening for our mental health are informed by research in neuroscience and the evidence of patients who have improved through therapeutic gardening. It has been estimated that for every 1 spent by the NHS on gardening projects, 5 can be saved in reduced health costs. Gardening brings together the emotional, physical, social, vocational and spiritual aspects of life, boosting peoples mood and self-esteem.

Stuart-Smith agrees passionately with Voltaires conclusion to Candide: Il faut cultiver notre jardin we must cultivate our gardens. For, as she says: In this era of virtual worlds and fake facts, the garden brings us back to reality.

The Well Gardened Mind is published by William Collins (RRP 20). To order a copy go to Free UK p&p on all online orders over 15.

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The Well Gardened Mind by Sue Stuart-Smith review unwinding with nature - The Guardian

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World Asthma Day 2020: Things asthma patients must keep in mind – The Indian Express

By: Lifestyle Desk | New Delhi | Published: May 5, 2020 6:20:10 pm The most important thing to do when youre an asthmatic is to know what your triggers are. (Photo: Getty Images/Thinkstock)

World Asthma Day, celebrated on the second Tuesday of May every year, is a campaign which has been created with the objective of making people more aware about the condition and the dangers it poses. This year, it also highlights how in the current health climate, with the COVID 19 pandemic, people with asthma need to be more vigilant, maintain social distancing and ensure they have access to their medication.

The most important thing to do when youre an asthmatic is to know what your triggers are. Once those have been identified it will be easier for you to either deal with them or avoid them or having a solution handy in case an attack happens. Triggers can be internal and external. Internal triggers can be obesity, hypertension, while external triggers include dust mites, mold allergens, pollen, perfumes, cold temperatures, explains Dr Manoj Goel, Director & Head, Pulmonology, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine, Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram.

Asthma often results in wheezing, coughing, heaving chest, difficulty in breathing/shortness of breath, blurred vision, chapped lips, dry mouth and an intense feeling of discomfort and claustrophobia. This is because the airways to your lungs have narrowed making it difficult for the oxygen to reach it, he adds.

During the covid 19 pandemic asthmatic patients are certainly vulnerable. Dr Goel says that while there are no studies indicating that asthmatic patients are more prone to covid 19, it is believed that since the two are respiratory ailments they only complement each other. If you an asthmatic patient who is struggling with the COVID 19 pandemic, please wear a mask. That is your first line of defense against the virus followed by hand sanitizer and gloves, he says.

So, what do you do to keep yourself from suffering from an asthma attack?

Ensure you have your inhaler around you. If you dont then make sure you do not panic. Sit upright, take deep breaths and try to reach the nearest hospital. The most important thing is to ensure you have removed yourself from the trigger. As asthma patients there are other things you need to keep in mind such as not smoking and not being in the presence of secondhand smoke. Chemicals in tobacco only aggravate asthmatic conditions. It is said that the lung function of an asthmatic smoker is 30 percent less than that of a non-asthmatic smoker.

Secondly, if you are an asthmatic and love working out, there is no reason you shouldnt. Swimming, aerobics walking, jogging are all good exercise options for asthmatic patients. Have an action plan that can be deployed in case you do have an attack. Thirdly do not overexert yourself if you are an asthmatic patient, take it slow.

In the end my advice to you would be constant vigilance. Do not be lax about your condition, it is debilitating and needs to be considered when making decisions. Have a treatment plan ready so that I case of any emergency you can avail of it and take the necessary help, he says.

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World Asthma Day 2020: Things asthma patients must keep in mind - The Indian Express

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Can the Modern Mind Find Peace Without Delusion? – On the elusiveness of gratitude and confidence in our times –

Due to a combination of my respiratory history and my age, before the rest of you were locked up, my wife and children had already put me on the endangered species list. Now, despite living in time-to-get-back-to-work Georgia, Im still stuck indefinitely at home.

They bring my grandchildren to peer at me through the screened windows, pointing and saying, Thats a grandpa. Dont come too close. Dont touch now.

Soon theyll start throwing peanuts.

And a little nudnik voice from some dim corner of my mind ruminates on, How long before I can hug one of those grandchildren again?

This might sound strange, but since being grounded by my kids, Ive been finding a lot of comfort in an 11th-century text originally composed in Arabic.

Bachya ibn Paquda of Saragosa, Al-Andalus (currently Spain)or Rabbeinu Bachaye (pronounced ba-CHAY-yeh by Ashkenazim) as he is knowncould be called both a rationalist and a mystic. He lived in what we call The Golden Age of Spanish Jewry, an era when philosophers regularly gathered in private orchards and gardens to discuss the meaning of all things. He was the dayan (judge) for Jewish matters in his city, but he was also concerned that the responsibilities of the human heart had been neglected. And so he wrote Duties of the Heart to fill that void.

While very little is known about Rabbeinu Bachaye himself, the popularity of his work has never waned. It has always been a prime book to illuminate the inner life of our heartswhat we love, what we fear, how we think of ourselveswhile showing how this must be expressed in our outer lifehow we speak to others, how we do business, how we eat and sleep. And how silly it is to fret and worry.

Chapter Two deals with the hearts need to trust and the serenity that trust buys you. To paraphrase, in small part:

When you are small, you learn to rely on your mothers breasts for milk. As you gain awareness, you realize there is an entire mother there to rely upon. You grow further to discover there is a father upon whom the mother relies. One day, you learn to rely upon yourself.

But eventually, you must discover that you are not in control. Neither is your father nor your mother. Neither is the most powerful person in your countryor even in the entire worldin control. None of them has the crucial combination of qualities and powers that allow you to place all your trust in this one person.

So who is there to rely upon? Only

1. Someone who loves you.

2. Someone who never ceases to watch over you.

3. Someone who has unlimited power and is undefeatable.

4. Someone who knows what is best for you, spiritually and materially.

5. Someone who has a stellar record of caring for all your needs from the day you were born to this day and will continue to do so.

6. Someone in whose hands you lie, all of you, sheltered and cared for without need of recourse to anyone elsebecause when you need to trust two people for something, you really dont trust either of them.

7. Someone who cares for you unconditionally, regardless of whether you are worthy or unworthy.

And you discover that only one being can fulfill all these requirements.

Bachya elucidates upon each of these at length, in the flowing language typical of classical Arabic prose, rich with metaphor. He demonstrates both rationally and from verses of Tanach how each of these prerequisites complements and magnifies the power of all the others, weaving a perfect net of serenity and confidenceSo I meditate on this list of seven at night. And I can sleep. to the intellectual as to the believerand how there is no being on earth or in heaven who can truly fit any of these descriptions, other than the single Creator and Director of all things.

So I meditate on this list of seven at night. Thendespite the news I have read that day, despite the precautions I must take to keep myself safe, despite the general frenzy in the air since a tiny little virus has attacked all of human civilization I can then sleep a good, healing sleep. Almost a thousand years later, Rabbeinu Bachayes formula still works.

Or does it?

Lets step back to prerequisite number five, in which Rabbeinu Bachaye invites us to ponder the story of our lives and find divine protection sewn throughout its fabric. Makes sense. Empirical evidence is always assuring.

So generations of Jews who suffered ill-health, persecution, poverty, extreme violence and war, high infant mortality rates, bitter cold homes in the winter and burning hot homes filled with bugs and stench in the summer, plagues that make our current virus concern look like the common cold, backbreaking labor and often days without bread, followed his advice and saw a divine hand carrying them through every event of their lives.

What did they say? Its right there in the prayer book. But they really meant it:

In famine You nourished us, and in plenty You sustained us. From sword You saved us; from plague You rescued us; and from severe and enduring diseases you spared us. Until now Your mercy has helped us, and Your kindness has not forsaken us. And You will never abandon us, Gd our Gd, forever

Thats them. Modern man, with more than twiceThey suffered and were grateful. Modern man looks back and kvetches. What changed? the longevity and a thousand times the wealth, looks back and only sees reason to kvetch. And to worry about the future.

What happened?

Okay, its not as though there are no real concerns, especially considering the current situation. People have lost parents and loved ones. Our lives have been turned upside-down.

Then theres the economy26 million people in America alone lost their jobs and as many as 7.5 million small businesses are now at risk. That affects all of us. Yes, we are a resilient and resourceful nation. But we cant blame anyone for being worried.

Rabbeinu Bachaye tells us to look at the record. The Author of this universe took care of us all this time. Why would He stop now?

We want to listen. We want those words to sooth our soul. But all some of us can remember is the disasters. So lots of people think apocalypse. For Jewish people especially, theres a noisy channel in the back of our minds playing Crusades, Spanish Expulsion, Cossack Revolt, Holocaust

The medicines not working. What went wrong?

It would be nice to blame it on the modern minds perspective of historicity. Or our scientific objectivity.

But intellectual integrity doesnt allow us. Jews were always historically orientedthe rest of the world got it from us. Even before an event had unfolded, Moses was already telling his people to remember this day. Over and over, we are told, Remember the days of eternity. Understand each generation

As for objectivity, our ancestors were far from delusional. They were hard-playing merchants in a tough world. Bachya himself was a rationalist who certainly knew that humanitys history was no Grimm Brothers storybook.

And, indeed, the phenomena is not exclusive to the modern mind. Go back yet another thousand years or so before Rabbeinu Bachaye and youll find the prophets of the Bible chiding the people for just the same syndrome: When youre needy, then you remember your need for your Creator. As soon as those needs are taken care of, you go looking for someone else to serve.

Like Moses put it, When Yeshurun (another code name for the Jewish people) gets fat, he gets sassy.

But the weird part of it all is thatas Bachya points outconfidence in the future is so dependent upon gratitude for the past. Feeling grateful to Someone Whos In Charge of Everything kills worry.

So lets call it the Yeshurun Complex. The more you get, the harder it gets to feel grateful. The less grateful you feel, the more you worry. The more you worry, the less likely you are to be happy. Which renders many financially comfortable people unhappy.

I believe it all has to do with a persons self-concept. What is your place in this universe? How powerful are you? How vulnerable are you?

If you see yourself as a frail creature that entered this world as a tiny baby, naked and utterly helpless on its own, you will feel very grateful that you survived more than an hour, that some wolf didnt come to eat you. But human nature is such that as soon as weve managed to pile a few blocks one on top of the other, we see ourselves as the vortex of all life, the crown of existence, deserving all things.

Moses again: And you say, My own power and the might of my own hand have won me all this success!

Thats when all the blocks come tumbling down. BecauseDeep down, we all know to rely on ourselves alone is like relying on a bubble in the air. deep down you know the truth, that youre not in control of anything. You know you cant trust yourself. Youre leaning on a bubble in the air.

Ironically, it comes out that the more power you attribute to yourself, the more vulnerable you render yourself. The more you realize just how fragile you really are, the more you will put yourself in divine hands, with gratitude and serene confidence and trust.

I find that answer very helpful. It provides me a turnkey solution to end worry and attain gratefulnessand thereby the serenity of trust promised by Rabbeinu Bachaye. I simply need to switch my default self-image to something more minimalistic.

For me, personally, thats the memory of my time trekking and hitchhiking across Canada, America, Israel, Europe and the UK as an adolescent in the early 70s. I carried only a sack with a cheap sleeping bag, often sleeping beneath theIts all a matter of whats your default status. stars. I was young, naive and easy prey to the wolves of human society. Without a doubt, thousands of miracles were needed to keep me alive through those years.

And how many more, then, to keep me to this day.

Now, as I lie in bed, I can say, I have a pillow under my head. A miracle! I have a bed upon which to lie. A miracle! There is a wooden floor beneath me, four walls and a roof that does not leak. How many miracles!

And I go on counting from therecounting miracles too innumerous to count, wonders too awesome to describe, divine gifts so unabatingly reliable that the kindness and compassion they demonstrate is beyond comprehension.

We sit nestled in the loving, caring hands of the One who spoke and the world snapped into existence. He has blessed us until now with His goodness.

How on earth could you be worried?

As with an individual, so too with a nation. King David advised his heir, Solomon, If Gd doesnt build a house, its builders are wasting their time. If Gd doesnt protect a city, security is laboring in vain.

As the Rebbe often said, America is blessedbecause it stamps on its money the words, In Gd we trust.

It's that trust that grants you the confidence in the future to go out into the world and stake out your living. Farmers know this well. The Talmud says thatPeople build a world because they have faith in the Life of the World. farming requires faith, that its only because the farmer has faith in the Life of the Worldmeaning the One from whom all life extendsthat he has the confidence to sow a field and expect a crop the next season.

Rebuilding an economy after a lockdown requires even greater faith.

America, trust in Gd, and go out and rebuild your country.

The same with every nation that knows its true place under the heavens. Trust in Gd and build.

Truthfully, theres another dimension that distinguishes us from our ancestors. We live in a much flatter, one-dimensional universe. More on this, in an upcoming sequel.

The rest is here:
Can the Modern Mind Find Peace Without Delusion? - On the elusiveness of gratitude and confidence in our times -

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Deep-rooted canola holds on in the dry – Farm Weekly

RESEARCH over the past couple of years has shown that early sown, longer-season varieties of canola have the potential to perform well during a dry finish, largely due to their root depth.

The 2018 and 2019 seasons showed researchers from CSIRO that stored moisture from summer rain could be capitalised on by sowing canola earlier with varieties that will still flower at the right time to miss heat and frost.

The past two years have confirmed observations from the Optimised canola profitability project, a collaborative study between CSIRO, the Grains Research Development Corporation and others.

The project had suggested that earlier sown, slower-maturing varieties had a yield advantage over later varieties in seasons where there is stored soil moisture but it turns dry in the spring.

CSIRO farming systems agronomist John Kirkegaard said they found that a range of canola varieties were growing down at about two centimetres per day from sowing to flowering.

"After flowering they were slowing to about 1cm per day, so that was getting them well down to three to four metres when they were on soils that had that depth," Dr Kirkegaard said.

"We were getting roots taking up significant water down to around three metres, it was often 25 to 30 millimetres of water from down there that these earlier sown varieties were capturing.

"They were often converting that into up to one tonne of yield, so you're looking at very high water usage efficiencies, up to double what you'd expect from a total seasonal water point of view."

On average, across about 20 trials, in yield ranges from 1.5 to 3.5t, the research team was getting a 0.4 tonnes a hectare advantage from the earlier sown varieties.

However, there are agronomic issues to consider, especially the impact on deep stored soil moisture that may no longer be available to the following crop.

Dr Kirkegaard said while it's great to be able to sow one of the early varieties, capture that soil moisture and make quite a bit of profit, that canola is going to use a lot of water and nitrogen.

He said if growers then went into a very dry summer and a very dry autumn, they may need to rethink what the crop sequence was going to be.

"Starting the season with a completely dry profile, for some of the options growers might have been looking at, is risky," he said.

"What we suggest is to think about crops that might be more successful from a later sowing to give yourself time to capture some soil moisture, things such as barley or grain legumes which can be sown later with success.

"One of the other considerations to keep in mind is how much cover is left.

"If you've got a lot of cover, maybe a grain legume is an option because they don't tend to produce a lot of cover.

"Whereas if you don't have cover you may well want to lean towards a barley or a cereal, something that is going to produce more cover and get that crucial level of cover back up."

Another agronomic issue is that canola is a big user of nitrogen, so longer season, earlier sown crops will not only use the water but also use the nitrogen.

Dr Kirkegarrd said sequencing into these crops with something like a grain legume was a good option as they stored water and nitrogen.

"Those two resources are then available to the canola crop," he said.

"Canola needs about 80 kilograms of nitrogen per tonne of grain expected, so that supply needs to be there."

While yield is the main advantage of the earlier sown crops, in an Australian system there is the added bonus that generally they produce a lot more biomass early and through the autumn

"If growers have animals in their enterprise, they can graze those crops in the winter, providing they get the animals off at the right time, they won't have an impact on the grain yield, so that biomass just contributes to profit," Dr Kirkegarrd said.

"The winter canola will, from a March sowing for example, put on a lot of biomass which provides good grazing in the autumn, allows you to get the animals off the pasture and give them a rest."

Overall, a lot of summer rain and stored soil moisture gives growers both the opportunity and the confidence to sow canola early, with a slower maturing variety, knowing they've got a bank of water at depth for the roots to access.

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Deep-rooted canola holds on in the dry - Farm Weekly

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Exploring the life and legacy of Selena, 25 years later –

A new podcast series dives deep into Selenas life, death and legacy.

1995 was supposed to be a breakout year for Selena Quintanilla-Prez. Already a multi-platinum recording artist and Grammy Award winner who was dubbed the Queen of Tejano Music, Selena and her band played to a sold-out Houston Astrodome in February, and an upcoming crossover album was set to launch her into mainstream superstardom.

Yet there were long-simmering tensions in Selenas personal and business life that were about to alter the course of her destiny.

Yolanda Saldvar, a superfan, started a Selena fan club and began gaining the trust and friendship of Selena and her family. Saldvar was eventually entrusted with managing Selenas budding business empire and she became the president of her fan club. But before long, accusations of mismanagement, mistreatment of employees and embezzlement threatened to cause a rift in Selena and Saldvars close friendship.

On March 31, 1995, in a motel room in Corpus Christi, Selena confronted Saldvar about the allegations. After an argument ensued, Saldvar picked up a gun and shot Selena in the back as she attempted to flee, ending the life of a generational talent on the cusp of greatness and leaving millions of fans heartbroken and wondering what could have been.

25 years later, VAULT Studios brings these events to life in Selena: A Star Dies in Texas, a new podcast series that dives deep into Selenas life, death and legacy. The project is a collaboration with the Texas television stations owned by TEGNA, which also owns this station and VAULT Studios.

The first two episodes of Selena: A Star Dies in Texas are now available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher and all your favorite podcast platforms. New episodes drop every Wednesday; you can listen to the most recent episode in the player below.

Investigative journalist Grace White from KHOU in Houston and Rudy Trevino, an anchor with KIII in Corpus Christi who watched Selenas rise to fame up close, examine the events that led to Selenas murder and try to discover how an obsessed superfan was driven to kill her best friend.

Selena: A Star Dies in Texas takes listeners on a journey to uncover the full story of Selena, combining investigative journalism with unprecedented access to archive material that include rare and never-before-heard footage. In addition, listeners will hear from Texas Monthly Associate Editor Cat Cardenas about Selenas impact on the state of Texas and beyond.

VAULTs investigative journalists explore Selenas early life, music career and rise to fame as a Tejano singer who was rapidly becoming an idol in the Latino community and across America.

The team dives deep into the relationship between Selena and Saldvar, chronicling how she entered Selenas life, their blooming friendship, and the tensions that began growing after allegations against Saldvar began to surface.

The podcast features extensive coverage of the day Selena was killed, including an hours-long standoff with police as they try desperately to capture an armed and increasingly unstable Saldvar without further bloodshed.

Selena: A Star Dies in Texas searches for answers to the question Selenas family, friends and fans were all asking in the aftermath of her death: why? With the help of a forensic psychiatrist, the team delves into the world of fame and the mind of a killer in an attempt to piece together what could have led Saldvar to betray her best friend.

The podcast closely follows the trial of Yolanda Saldvar and her subsequent murder conviction and life sentence, and features never-before-heard audio of an exclusive jailhouse interview between Saldivar and Sarah Lucero, a reporter at KENS in San Antonio.

Selena: A Star Dies in Texas also explores Selenas enduring legacy and the impact her short yet brilliant life had on music and culture in the U.S., Mexico and around the world. For more, you also can click here to check out Texas Monthlysdedicated collections article that celebrates Selena.

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Exploring the life and legacy of Selena, 25 years later -

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Patch by Friday or compromised by Monday: Salt exploit exposes Infrastructure-as-Code tools threat – SC Magazine UK

The disruptive attacks highlight what some cyber experts say is an overlooked or underestimated threat vector among developers: Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC). Considered a key element of DevOps practices, IaC tools such as Salt typically allow developers to use code to automate the managing and provision of complex computer infrastructure environments, helping them avoid configuration discrepancies between machines that can hold up software deployments that might otherwise require manual intervention. But its these helpful capabilities that can also make the exploitation of IaC tools uniquely dangerous.

To understand the potential implications of an IaC, one must remember that IaC is designed to accomplish two fundamental objectives:consistency and speed, said Bill Santos,president and COO ofCerberus Sentinel. IaC tools are designed to quickly deploy and update large environments in a very standardised way very quickly.The implication to an exploited IaC is significant:Whereas the consistency and speed is advantageous for approved changes, an exploited change will get deployed equally quickly and equally consistently across that same environment, dramatically increasing its impact vs. other exploit approaches.

Santos added that many developers are not appreciating the importance of IaC code and are not reviewing it, testing it, etc. at the same level they would application-level code.And in so doing, they are creating or increasing a very real threat vector.

Therefore, Its important to elevate the significance of any automation code, especially IaC code, within the context of the development lifecycle, said Santos. It is not second class code, but rather carries the same importance and significance as any other code supporting an application. It needs to be reviewed, tested and assured in a [manner] similar to every other element of an application architecture.

Indeed, in the recently released Spring 2020 edition of theUnit 42 Cloud Security Report, researchers with Palo Alto Networkss global threat intel team warned that developers are failing to scan IAC templates for security issues whenever they are created or updated, which raises the likelihood of encountering exploitable cloud vulnerabilities.

We found that nearly 200,000 IaC templates contained at least one vulnerability or misconfiguration, which range in severity from exposing systems to the public to disabling encryption and logging requirements. So yes, IaC is often overlooked as a serious threat vector, said Nathaniel Quist senior cloud threat researcher with Unit 42.As an industry, we should encourage all organisations to employ the proper implementation of IaC templates within a vetted and secure CI/CD Development Operations using Cloud Native Security Platforms (CNSP). IaC templates greatly increase the speed at which organisations can deploy business-critical applications, but without proper security oversight, they could also increase the speed in which they open themselves up for malicious attacks.

The various attacks took place after adversaries scanned the internet looking for Salt masters servers used to control minions that carry out tasks for the IaC tool that were both exposed over the internet and vulnerable to the two bugs. Users are vulnerable to exploit only if these conditions are met.

Ghost on May 3reportedan outage affecting its services, later reporting that an actor exploited vulnerabilities in its Salt server management infrastructure to install cryptojacking software. The mining attempt spiked CPUs and quickly overloaded most of our systems, which alerted us to the issue immediately, the blogging platform stated.

In a subsequent update, Ghost said it removed the cryptominer and added multiple new firewalls and security precautions, the introduction of which ironically further disrupted customer blog sites temporarily. At this time there is no evidence of any attempts to access any of our systems or data, Ghost asserted. Nevertheless, all sessions, passwords and keys are being cycled and all servers are being re-provisioned.

Jeremy Rowley, VP of business development at DigiCert, reported via a May 3Google Groups postthat a CT (Certificate Transparency) Log 2 key used to sign Signed Certificate Timestamps was compromised.

We are pulling the log into read-only mode right now, the post said.Although we dont think the key was used to sign SCTs (the attacker doesnt seem to realise that they gained access to the keys and were running other services on the [infrastructure]), any SCTs provided from that log after 7pm MST yesterday are suspect. The log should be pulled from the trusted log list. Rowley later said in an update that the log should be distrusted for everything after 17:00:02 on May 2.

And LineageOSreportedthat on 2 May, a malicious actor accessed its Salt master to gain access to our infrastructure. LineageOSs services were knocked temporarily offline, forcing the developer to restore them in piecemeal fashion. However, signing keys and builds were unaffected.

Researchers with F-Secure, who discovered the flaws, reported last Friday in ablog postand correspondingadvisorythat attackers could exploit the bugs to bypass the authentication and authorisation controls used to regulate access to Salt implementations and then remotely execute code with root privileges on the master, allowing for control of all its minions.

Patch by Friday or compromised by Monday, said F-Secure principal consultantOlle Segerdahl in the blog post.

F-Secure says it conducted its own scan and found 6,000 instances of exposed Salt masters. I was expecting the number to be a lot lower. Theres not many reasons to expose infrastructure management systems, which is what a lot of companies use Salt for, to the internet, said Segerdahl.

However, Alex Peay, SVP of product at SaltStack, characterized the 6,000 instances as a very small portion of the [Salt] install base, adding that Clients who have followed fundamental internet security guidelines and best practices are not affected by this vulnerability.

According to SaltStacks officialadvisory, the two bugs, designated CVE-2020-11651 and CVE-2020-11652, were discovered in the salt-master process ClearFunc class of Salt versions prior to 2019.2.4 and 3000.2. The former bug is due to the improper validation of method calls, and allows a remote user to access some methods without authentication. These methods can be used to retrieve user tokens from the salt master and/or run arbitrary commands on salt minions, the advisory states. The other flaw allows access to methods that improperly sanitise paths. These methods allow arbitrary directory access to authenticated users, the advisory continues.

In a patch issued at the end of April, Salt fixed the validation process. However, attackers did not waste time taking advantage of users who did not immediately update one of the patched, secure versions.

Although there was no initial evidence that the CVE had been exploited, we have confirmed that some vulnerable, unpatched systems have been accessed by unauthorised users since the release of the patches, said Peay. We must reinforce how critical it is that all Salt users patch their systems and follow the guidance we have provided outlining steps for remediation and best practices for Salt environment security. It is equally important to upgrade to latest versions of the platform and register with support for future awareness of any possible issues and remediations.

James McQuiggan, security awareness advocate atKnowBe4, said that the Salt vulnerabilities can be abused for a lot worse than just the reported cryptomining scam.

If organisations do not update their SaltStack, they are exposed to an attack where malware, ransomware or attack vectors can be initiated to gain control, steal intellectual property or hold an organisations data for ransom, said McQuiggan. Incident response for organisations needs to be swift to implement testing and patching of the servers using SaltStack. If they cannot be updated, additional steps will be required to reduce access on applications, users and systems to only those necessary and required for access.

Quist from Unit offered these key takeaways for IaC users: Trust but verify all network operations. All user access events should be monitored and only authorised users should be given access. Changes or updates to all Salt master or minion nodes need to be vetted to ensure no security risks are present. No changes should be allowed to occur to any Salt IaC template without approval and changes need to be verified for integrity. All requests for change need to be properly authenticated and their integrity needs to be verified.

This article was first published in SC US.

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Patch by Friday or compromised by Monday: Salt exploit exposes Infrastructure-as-Code tools threat - SC Magazine UK

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Serverless Exists In The Cloud and Both Need Servers – Computer Business Review

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One of the biggest advantages of serverless computing may also be hiding one of its biggest risks

For the layperson, serverless computing is another one of those annoying terms like cloud computing that tries to make it sound like no physical hardware is being used. Of course thats simply not true, and just like cloud computing all serverless really means is that you are outsourcing your computational needs to a third-party provider.

Serverless exists in the cloud, and both of these need servers. The difference of serverless to other cloud-based offerings is that you pay for backend services on an as-used basis; something that changes (like many cloud services) the investment model for firms from a significant initial investment and continued maintenance to a pay-as-you-go scheme.

With serverless computing cloud vendors are providing a function-as-a-service (FaaS) offering. With FaaS code is stored, run and executed in the cloud and is only spun up when it is required. Executed functions can be batch or data processing or any number of application functions depending on the task.

IT teams no longer have infrastructure to maintain and this frees up to innovate when it comes to developing functions, as all of the major providers allow you to write functions in languages like Go, Python and JavaScript. This code is then sent to the cloud provider where it is stored and called upon when required, be that resizing photos or organising messages. Essentially the end user accesses their code/applications via URLs and a connection with their cloud provider.

Thomas LaRock, head geek at SolarWinds states that serverless computing is part of a greater trend of transitory infrastructure: New models like containerisation and serverless functions are not only abstracting the reliance on hardware but also on operating systems. Theyre designed to be ephemeral, created, or called on-demand, delivering their outcome before disappearing, to be recreated whenever or wherever theyre needed and not remaining in our infrastructure forever.

The obvious advantage of operating a serverless infrastructure is the zero costs of server management as most of the hardware and tasks are run offsite, resulting in no servers to maintain or moan about when they crash (on your end at least).

Cybersecurity responsibilities such as configuring firewalls and data encryption are no longer dealt with by internal IT workers. Patches are automatically pushed out by your service provider so systems are never left pining for the latest patch or security update. (To be clear this is not an excuse to forget about cybersecurity that should always be a concern.)

Ben Newton, director of operation analytics at Sumo Logic told us that: A serverless back-end would scale and load-balance automatically as the application load increases or decreases, all the while keeping the application online. The user would only need to pay for the resources consumed by a running application. Theoretically at least, this has the promise of drastically reduced development cycles and low operational costs.

This type of flexible scalability is an ideal fit for organisations and business that see strong surges of engagement during seasonal events; such as the retail and charity sectors who can experience tenfold increases in computational demand during the Christmas season.

Working like this can be a boon for your development team who no longer have to worry about hardware and can simply focus on creating innovative applications or functions. Brandon, CTO at cloud-based rota planning software company RotaCloud told us that: The advantage of serverless computing for us was reducing the barrier to entry for developers, and vastly reducing DevOps workload. Running serverless allows us to focus on code, and completely eliminate the need to configure hardware, scaling, operating systems, and HA.

Serverless computing moves the burden of responsibility from the end-user to the third-party provider, unfortunately incident after incident has demonstrated the risk of trusting others.

Serverless computing also makes the job of testing and debugging more difficult due to its ephemeral nature. Environments that are created can be very difficult to replicate and some processes and logs may no longer be visible.

Nic Wood, ERP Enterprise and Cloud Architect at Version 1 notes that: Serverless follows a microservice design pattern, meaning each function provides a single service. This multiplicity of functions can increase difficulty in troubleshooting and tracing events. Even logs can be generated in numerous places and knowing where to investigate can be complicated.

One of the biggest advantages of serverless computing may hold its biggest risk; the pay-as-you-go payment structure. Sure your company no longer has to pay for hardware maintenance, but third-party providers are not doing it out of the goodness of their hearts, the reality is they make money every time you need to scale up.

Tom Weeks, technical director at Informed Solutions told us that for many firms: It might be a complicated step to move to a cost model that involves budgeting based on (for example) the number of requests made to an API and how long it takes to process that request. These sorts of pricing models fundamentally change what organisations need to know about the inner workings of their digital services and applications, which has the potential to be very challenging, particularly in environments that are running a lot of legacy IT.

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Analysis on Impact of COVID-19- Rugged Servers Market 2020-2024 | Increased Adoption of Cloud Applications to Boost Growth | Technavio – Business Wire

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Technavio has been monitoring the rugged servers market and it is poised to grow by USD 546.29 million during 2020-2024, progressing at a CAGR of about 5% during the forecast period. The report offers an up-to-date analysis regarding the current market scenario, latest trends and drivers, and the overall market environment.

Technavio suggests three forecast scenarios (optimistic, probable, and pessimistic) considering the impact of COVID-19. Please Request Latest Free Sample Report on COVID-19 Impact

The market is fragmented, and the degree of fragmentation will accelerate during the forecast period. Core Systems, Crystal Group Inc., Dell Technologies Inc., EMET Computing, Enoch Systems LLC, International Business Machines Corp., Mercury Systems Inc., Sparton Corp., Systel Inc., and Trenton Systems Inc. are some of the major market participants. The increased adoption of cloud applications will offer immense growth opportunities. To make the most of the opportunities, market vendors should focus more on the growth prospects in the fast-growing segments, while maintaining their positions in the slow-growing segments.

Increased adoption of cloud applications has been instrumental in driving the growth of the market.

Rugged Servers Market 2020-2024: Segmentation

Rugged Servers Market is segmented as below:

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Rugged Servers Market 2020-2024: Scope

Technavio presents a detailed picture of the market by the way of study, synthesis, and summation of data from multiple sources. Our rugged servers market report covers the following areas:

This study identifies the emergence of containerized data centers as one of the prime reasons driving the rugged servers market growth during the next few years.

Rugged Servers Market 2020-2024: Vendor Analysis

We provide a detailed analysis of vendors operating in the rugged servers market, including some of the vendors such as Core Systems, Crystal Group Inc., Dell Technologies Inc., EMET Computing, Enoch Systems LLC, International Business Machines Corp., Mercury Systems Inc., Sparton Corp., Systel Inc., and Trenton Systems Inc. Backed with competitive intelligence and benchmarking, our research reports on the rugged servers market are designed to provide entry support, customer profile and M&As as well as go-to-market strategy support.

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Rugged Servers Market 2020-2024: Key Highlights

Table Of Contents:

Executive Summary

Market Landscape

Market Sizing

Five Forces Analysis

Market Segmentation by End-user

Customer landscape

Geographic Landscape

Drivers, Challenges, and Trends

Vendor Landscape

Vendor Analysis


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Technavio is a leading global technology research and advisory company. Their research and analysis focus on emerging market trends and provides actionable insights to help businesses identify market opportunities and develop effective strategies to optimize their market positions. With over 500 specialized analysts, Technavios report library consists of more than 17,000 reports and counting, covering 800 technologies, spanning across 50 countries. Their client base consists of enterprises of all sizes, including more than 100 Fortune 500 companies. This growing client base relies on Technavios comprehensive coverage, extensive research, and actionable market insights to identify opportunities in existing and potential markets and assess their competitive positions within changing market scenarios.

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Analysis on Impact of COVID-19- Rugged Servers Market 2020-2024 | Increased Adoption of Cloud Applications to Boost Growth | Technavio - Business Wire

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Industrial 5G and the Mobile Edge – ARC Viewpoints

It is just over a year since South Koreas SK Telecom launched the worlds first commercial 5G service, on April 3, 2019. In a recent announcement to mark the anniversary, the company, which is the country's mobile market leader, revealed 5G progress subscriber base of 2.2 million and 45 percent market share as well as its plans to deliver business growth with the fifth-generation cellular technology over the next few years.

While in the consumer realm those plans include Project xCloud, a step change in the mobile gaming experience enabled by via 5Gs high-speed, high-bandwidth connections to cloud servers, SK Telecom is placing a particularly strong focus on the enterprise segment by working with companies in diverse sectors in order to, in its words, catalyse industrial innovations in Korea.

Those collaborations include one with semiconductor giant SK Hynix to develop a smart factory based on a private 5G network deployment; with Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP) to realize a 5G smart power plant; and with LG Electronics to develop and commercialize 5G cloud-based autonomous robots.

Significantly, SK Telecoms 5G anniversary announcement also detailed its plans to build 5G MEC (multi-access edge computing) centers in 12 different locations across the country in order to lead a cloud-driven industrial revolution. As defined by ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute), multi-access edge computing is an IT service environment provided at the edge of a mobile network and characterized by ultra-low latency, high bandwidth and real-time access to radio network information for leverage by applications.

In the context of industrial 5G, MEC allows communications from factories to/from cloud-server hosted applications to meet critical latency requirements by removing the latency component associated with directly connecting to cloud computing infrastructure sited at distant data centers, and hence enables the flexible and unfettered use of productivity and quality enhancing technologies such as augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR), machine vision and robotics.As well as the distributed type of MEC that SK Telecom is deploying at its own premises, MEC can also be implemented on-site at individual end user facilities, which can help to ease data security and privacy concerns as well as further reduce latency.

The aforementioned SK Telecom/LG Electronics 5G cloud-based autonomous robot project intends to make use of MEC technology, while SK Telecom competitor KT plans to use MEC in a collaboration with Cognex to develop a 5G based machine vision solution and also with Hyundai Heavy Industries to integrate 5G technology in the development of autonomous robots and smart factory facilities. According to company chairman Hwang Chang-Gyu, KT's edge-cloud architecture has led to the establishment of edge-computing telecom centers in major cities across the country, lowering the 5G latency to a 5 ms level.

Of course, multi-access edge computing activities are not restricted to Korea. Mobile operators of the likes of AT&T and Verizon in the US and Deutsche Telekom and Vodafone in Europe are all at various stages of MEC deployments and are actively exploring and promoting use cases that can best leverage the technology. Verizon, for example, touts the following potential applications for 5G + MEC: autonomous vehicles; immersive experiences (AR/VR); massive IoT (MIoT); connected factories; next-level logistics; and smart communities (public safety, transit, utilities, citizen engagement).

It is not surprising that the major cellular network technology suppliers such as Ericsson, Huawei and Nokia have developed MEC solutions for their telco customers. However, the market is also seeing activity from new entrants and non-traditional telecoms industry players. SK Telecom, for example, is partnering with MobiledgeX, a company funded by Deutsche Telekom but independently run in San Francisco, for its MEC deployments. Verizon is making use of Amazons AWS Wavelength 5G edge computing platform, which was launched in December 2019. And AT&T has an edge computing collaboration with Microsoft, building on a broader partnership between the two companies announced last year at MWC 2019 in Barcelona.

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