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Einstein Vs. the New Generation of Quantum Theorists – The Great Courses Daily News

By Dan Hooper, Ph.D., University of ChicagoA sketch of two-slit diffraction of light made by Thomas Young, which demonstrated the wave-particle duality. Young first presented this experiment at the Royal Society in 1803. (Image: Thomas Young/Public domain)All Matter Is a Particle and a Wave

In 1913, less than a decade after Einstein first proposed the concept of light quanta, Danish physicist Niels Bohr demonstrated that electrons also exhibit wave properties. Bohr built a model of the hydrogen atom, and the single electron in it exhibited both particle properties and wave properties.

It became more interesting and complicated a little over a decade later, in 1924, when French physicist Louis de Broglie claimed in his Ph.D. dissertation that everything is simultaneously both a particle and a wave. Prior to this, the scope of academic papers related to quantum physics was deliberately limited. Einsteins 1905 paper focused specifically on photons and Bohrs 1913 paper focused solely on electrons. De Broglie built upon and generalized the earlier works of both Einstein and Bohr.

But surely not everything is a wave, right? According to de Broglie, the wave-like features are there, but simply not visible to the naked human eye. The reason is that the extent of an objects waviness (or its quantum wavelength) is inversely proportional to its momentum.

For example, a baseball traveling at 100 miles per hour has a wavelength of 10-34 meters. When this is compared to the size of the baseball, it is clear that the wave-like nature of baseball is far too tiny to detect in any practical way. So a baseball might be a wave, but its wavelength is so small that its wave-like features are imperceptible.

The mathematical account presented by de Broglie illustrated that wave-like properties of matter are only detectable at the level of atomic and subatomic particles.

Learn more about the properties of light.

De Broglies paper was a bridge that connected and unified Einsteins idea of light quanta with Bohrs idea of electron waves. Initially, Einstein was impressed by de Broglies dissertation. In fact, he helped promote de Broglies ideas. More importantly, he convinced other scientists that it was absolutely imperative that these ideas be tested experimentally.

The first order of business was to determine whether electrons do or do not interfere with each other as waves do. This suggestion might seem fairly obvious, and it probably did to de Broglie and the other physicists working on quantum theory at the time as well. However, unlike de Broglie, Einstein was very famous, and his suggestions carried a lot of weight.

The necessary experiments were carried out and by 1927 it was demonstrated that electrons experience both constructive and destructive interference. Electrons are not only particles, but they also behave like waves.

From the mid-1920s to the late-1920s, a great deal of effort was directed toward developing a rigorous system of mathematics that could be used to describe and calculate how quantum particles-waves behave and interact.

For example, in 1925, Austrian-Irish physicist Erwin Schrdinger developed an equation that described the wave-like behavior of electrons. The Schrdinger equation, as its known, is still taught today, to nearly all undergraduate physics students. It makes accurate predictions, at least for electrons that are moving at speeds far below the speed of light.

Schrdinger was only one of several physicists working on this. Some of the others included Paul Dirac, Werner Heisenberg, and Max Born, each of whom made important contributions around the same time.

This new generation of quantum theorists was not content with the old quantum theory, developed by the likes of Einstein, Bohr and de Broglie. They were intent on building a more comprehensive and more mathematically robust system. This system would come to be known as quantum mechanics.

This is a transcript from the video series What Einstein Got Wrong. Watch it now, on The Great Courses Plus.

As the new generation made rapid progress in developing this system of quantum mechanics, Einstein became increasingly troubled by its implications. The concept of light quanta provided a notion of what it meant for light to be a wave. It had been long established that light consisted of oscillating or vibrating electric and magnetic fields. So, the peaks of a light wave would be those points in space where the electric and magnetic fields were strongest.

However, in the case of an electron-wave, it wasnt at all clear what the peaks of the wave really represented. The key question that was bothering Einstein was: what exactly is waving? A classical wave makes sense because it is made up of many objects. For example, a water wave is highest at one point because most water molecules are concentrated at that point. But the wave of a single electron cant be interpreted in terms of the collective behavior of many objects. After all, it is only one electron. Surely one object cant exhibit the kind of collective behavior that a water wave does.

Learn more about particle detectors.

In 1926, German physicist and mathematician Max Born proposed a radical answer to this essential question. Born argued that the shape of the electron-wave or any other quantum object, which is known as the wave function, should be interpreted to represent the probability of that object being found in a given location, when or if it were measured.

In other words, if you conduct an experiment to determine the location of a given electron, there is a high probability that you will find it somewhere where the absolute value of the wave function is very high. Whereas, there is a much lower probability that you will find it in a place where the absolute value of the wave function is low.

According to Born, there is no choice but to view the electron-wave in terms of the probability of it being found in a particular location, or in a particular configuration. This soon became the standard way for physicists to think about matter-waves in quantum mechanics.

The implications of studying electron-waves or matter-waves from the probabilistic point of view, and not the deterministic point of view that Einstein subscribed to, troubled him a lot. He could not find common ground among the new generation of quantum theorists. His bigger cause for concern was that the new interpretations were fast gaining acceptance in the scientific world of the time. Einstein set out to definitively disprove the new interpretations.

German physicist and mathematician Max Born was instrumental to the development of quantum mechanics. He was part of the new generation of quantum theorists who built upon the work of Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr. Born is also known for his contributions in the field of solid-state physics, as well as optics.

Max Born won the Physics Nobel Prize in 1954. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for his contributions toward the fundamental research in quantum mechanics, and particularly for his statistical interpretation of wave function.

French physicist Louis de Broglie is considered to be among the early contributors to the development of quantum theory, alongside Einstein and Bohr. His 1924 dissertation brought him to the attention of the scientific world at the time. In it, he posited that all matter exhibits wave properties.

The Schrdinger equation helps determine the optimal energy levels of a quantum mechanical system. It describes the wave function of the system, which in turn provides the probability of finding individual electrons or other quantum objects at particular locations within the system.

Einsteins Field Equations: A Long Road of Trial and ErrorAre There Absolute Truths in Mathematics?Earliest Molecule after Big Bang Detected in Space

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Einstein Vs. the New Generation of Quantum Theorists - The Great Courses Daily News

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Unified Field Theory: Einstein Failed, but What’s the Future? – The Great Courses Daily News

By Dan Hooper, Ph.D., University of Chicago The String theory is considered as one of the future unified field theories. (Image: Natali Art collections/Shutterstock)Einsteins First Attempt at Unified Field Theory

In 1923, Einstein published a series of papers that built upon and expanded on Eddingtons work of affine connection. Later in the same year, he wrote another paper, in which he argued that this theory might make it possible to restore determinism to quantum physics.

These papers of Einstein were covered enthusiastically by the press since he was the only living scientist that was a household name. Although few journalists really understood the theory that Einstein was putting forth, they did understand that Einstein was proposing something potentially very important.

But unfortunately, it was not true. Few of Einsteins colleagues were impressed by this work. And within a couple of years, even Einstein accepted that his approach was deeply flawed. If Einstein was going to find a viable unified field theory, he would have to find another way of approaching the problem.

Learn more about Einstein and gravitational waves.

Einsteins next major effort in this direction came in the late 1920s. This new approach was based on an idea known as distant parallelism. This approach was very mathematically complex as Einstein treated both the metric tensor and the affine connection as fundamental quantities in this approach, trying to take full advantage of both.

Once again, the press responded enthusiastically. But again, Einsteins colleagues did not. One reason for this was that Einstein was trying to build a theory that would unify general relativity with Maxwells theory of electromagnetism. But over the course of the 1920s, Maxwells classical theory had been replaced by the new quantum theory. Although Maxwells equations are still useful today, they are really only an approximation to the true quantum nature of the universe.

For this reason, many physicists saw Einsteins efforts to unify classical electromagnetism with general relativity as old-fashioned. Einstein seems to have been hoping that quantum mechanics was just a fad. But he was dead wrong. Quantum mechanics was here to stay.

This is a transcript from the video series What Einstein Got Wrong. Watch it now, on The Great Courses Plus.

In the years that followed, Einstein continued to explore different approaches in his unified field theory. He worked extensively with five-dimensional theories throughout much of the 1930s, then moved on to a number of other ideas during the 1940s and 50s. But none of these approaches ever attempted to incorporate quantum mechanics.

In his thirty-year search for unified field theory, Einstein never found anything that could reasonably be called a success. Over these three decades, Einsteins fixation on classical field theories, and his rejection of quantum mechanics, increasingly isolated him from the larger physics community.

There were fewer and fewer thought experiments, and Einsteins physical intuition, once so famous, was pushed aside and replaced by endless pages of complicated interplaying equations. Even during the last days of his life, Einstein continued his search for the unified field theory, but nothing of consequence ever came of it.

When Einstein died in 1955, he was really no closer to a unified field theory than he was thirty years before.

Learn more about quantum entanglement.

In recent decades, physicists have once again become interested in theories that could potentially combine and unify multiple facets of nature. In spirit, these theories have a lot in common with Einsteins dream of a unified field theory. But, in other ways, they are very different. For one thing, many important discoveries have been made since Einsteins death. And these discoveries have significantly changed how physicists view the prospect of building a unified field theory.

Einstein was entirely focused on electromagnetism and gravity, but physicists since then have discovered two new forces that exist in naturethe weak and strong nuclear forces. The strong nuclear force is the force that holds protons and neutrons together within the nuclei of atoms. And the weak nuclear force is responsible for certain radioactive decays, and for the process of nuclear fission.

Electromagnetism has a lot in common with these strong and weak nuclear forces. And it is not particularly hardat least in principleto construct theories in which these phenomena are unified into a single framework. Such theories are known as grand unified theories, or GUTs for short. And since their inception in the 1970s, a number of different grand unified theories have been proposed.

Grand unified theories are incredibly powerful, and in principle, they can predict and explain a huge range of phenomena. But they are also very hard to test and explore experimentally. Its not that these theories are untestable in principle. If one could build a big enough particle accelerator, one could almost certainly find out exactly how these three forces fit together into a grand unified theory.

But with the kinds of experiments we currently know how to buildand the kinds of experiments that we can afford to buildits just not possible to test most grand unified theories. There are, however, possible exceptions to this. One is that most of these theories predict that protons should occasionally decay. This is the kind of phenomena that can be tested. So far the limited tests have not been able to prove the Proton decay, but in future bigger tests are planned which could validate these theories.

But even grand unified theories are not as far-reaching as the kinds of unified field theories that Einstein spent so much of his life searching for. Grand unified theories bring together electromagnetism with the strong and weak forces, but they dont connect these phenomena with general relativity. But modern physicists are also looking for theories that can combine general relativity with the other forces of nature.

We hope that such a theory could unify all four of the known forcesincluding gravity. And since the aim of such a theory is to describe all of the laws of physics that describe our universe, we call this theory a theory of everything.

Learn more about problems with time travel.

The focus today, though, is on how to merge the geometric effects of general relativity with the quantum mechanical nature of our world. What we are really searching for, is a quantum theory of gravity.

The most promising theories of quantum gravity explored so far have been found within the context of string theory. In string theory, fundamental objects are not point-like particles, but instead are extended objects, including one-dimensional strings.

Research into string theory has revealed a number of strange things. For example, it was discovered in the 1980s that string theories are only mathematically consistent if the universe contains extra spatial dimensionsextra dimensions that are similar in many respects to those originally proposed by Theodor Kaluza.

Althoughstring theory remains a major area of research in modern physics, there isstill much we dont understand about it. And we dont know for sure whether itwill ever lead to a viable theory of everything.

In many ways, these modern unified theories have very little in common with those explored by Einstein. But in spirit, they are trying to answer the same kinds of questions. They are each trying to explain as much about our world as possible, as simply as they possibly can.

Einsteins unified field theory was an attempt to unify the fundamental theories of electromagnetic and general relativity into a single theoretical framework.

There are at least 10 dimensions of space in string theory, in addition to time which is considered as the 11th dimension. Although some physicists believe there are more than 11 dimensions.

Gravity is not a dimension. Its a fundamental force that is visualized as a bend in space and time.

In everyday life, we encounter three known dimensions: height, width, and depth which are already known for centuries.

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Unified Field Theory: Einstein Failed, but What's the Future? - The Great Courses Daily News

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Raytheon Technologies Reports First Quarter 2020 Results; Greg Hayes Quoted – ExecutiveBiz

Greg Hayes

Raytheon Technologies has reported first quarter 2020 results for standalone United Technologies including Otis and Carrier. The separation of Otis and Carrier and merger with Raytheon Company occurred on April 3, after the quarter closed, the company reported on Thursday.

"I'm proud of what our team has done to support our customers and do our part in fighting this global pandemic," said Raytheon Technologies CEO Greg Hayes. "During the quarter, we delivered solid results, exceeding our expectations for adjusted EPS and free cash flow, while also completing the spin-offs of Otis and Carrier and our merger with Raytheon."

Raytheon Technologies first quarter net sales of $18.2 billion were down 1 percent over the prior year, including flat organic sales and 1 point of foreign exchange headwind. Net income in the quarter was a loss of $83 million, down 106 percent versus the prior year and included $1.6 billion of net nonrecurring charges.

Cash flow from operations was $661 million and capital expenditures were $412 million, resulting in free cash flow of $249 million. Free cash flow included approximately $700 million of one-time cash separation payments.

Total cash separation payments in the quarter were approximately $1.5 billion, of which approximately $700 million was reflected as a financing outflow, principally associated with making whole payments in connection with the early retirement of debt.

Raytheon Company, which was not included in Raytheon Technologies' first quarter results, had first quarter net sales of $7.2 billion, up 6.5 percent over the prior year. Bookings were $10.3 billion, resulting in a book-to-bill ratio of 1.44. Backlog at the end of the first quarter 2020 was a record $51.3 billion, an increase of $10.2 billion or up 25 percent compared to the end of the first quarter 2019.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Raytheon Technologies' will continue protect the health and safety of its employees. The company has a variety of measures to ensure that employees will be able to work from home where possible, while implementing robust safety protocols to ensure facilities are clean and safe.

The financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic cannot be reasonably estimated at this time. The extent of such impact depends on future developments, which are highly uncertain and cannot be predicted, including new information which may emerge. Given the ongoing uncertainty regarding the scope, severity and duration of the COVID-19 pandemic, RTC is not providing an outlook at this time and will revisit providing a 2020 outlook at our next earnings release.

On April 3, 2020, Raytheon Technologies successfully completed the separation of Otis and Carrier and the merger with Raytheon Company. Following these transactions, Raytheon Technologies had a cash balance of approximately $8.5 billion and a net debt position of approximately $25 billion.

Hayes continued, "Looking ahead, the merits and strategic rationale of the merger are clear. Raytheon Technologies has a diversified portfolio of industry-leading technologies across commercial aerospace and defense with solid positions on key platforms. We have a strong balance sheet, ample liquidity, and are well positioned to deliver value for our shareowners and customers over the long term."

About Raytheon Technologies

Raytheon Technologies Corporation is an aerospace and defense company that provides advanced systems and services for commercial, military and government customers worldwide. With 195,000 employees and four industry-leading businesses Collins Aerospace Systems, Pratt & Whitney, Raytheon Intelligence & Space and Raytheon Missiles & Defense the company delivers solutions that push the boundaries in avionics, cybersecurity, directed energy, electric propulsion, hypersonics, and quantum physics. The company, formed in 2020 through the combination of Raytheon Company and the United Technologies Corporation aerospace businesses, is headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts.

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Raytheon Technologies Reports First Quarter 2020 Results; Greg Hayes Quoted - ExecutiveBiz

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How Einstein Failed to Find Flaws in the Copenhagen Interpretation – The Great Courses Daily News

By Dan Hooper, Ph.D., University of Chicago Einstein found it difficult to accept any version of quantum mechanics, in which the universe was probabilistic in nature. (Image: Fankies/Shutterstock)What Is the Copenhagen Interpretation?

The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics claims that particles behave like waves. These particle-waves are each described by their wave function. The shape of a given particles wave function represents the probability that it will be found at different locations, or with different velocities. The original view of quantum mechanics was that quantum particles simultaneously exist in multiple locations at once, and have multiple velocities. According to the Copenhagen interpretation, whenever a particle is observed its wave function collapses, and the measured quantity takes on a single measured value.

So, prior to any measurement or observation, an electron is simultaneously in locations A and B, where A and B are the two places the wave function peaks sharply. An act of observation causes its wave function to collapse, and its location takes on a single valueeither A or B.

Learn more about how Einstein challenged Newtonian physics.

So, how did scientific consensus form around the Copenhagen interpretation? To begin with, it must be mentioned that quantum mechanics was a rapidly evolving theory between the mid-1920s and late-1920s. So, opinions changed within a matter of months. Its also important to remember that during this period the scientists, who were located across Europe, communicated with each other primarily through letters and publications in scientific journals.

Scientific conferences presented them with an opportunity for in-depth in-person interaction, unlike any other during that time. In fact, scientific conferences played an important role in the development of quantum mechanics. The most important or most influential was the Fifth Solvay Conference on Physics, which was held in Brussels in October 1927.

Almost every single major contributor to the development of quantum mechanics attended this conference, including Albert Einstein, Erwin Schrdinger, Max Born, Niels Bohr, Louis de Broglie, Paul Dirac, and Werner Heisenberg. Also in attendance were Wolfgang Pauli, Marie Curie, and Max Planck. Its worth noting that of the 29 physicists in attendance, 17 had already been awarded a Nobel Prize or would eventually be awarded one.

At the Fifth Solvay Conference, it became clear that a consensus had started to form around the Copenhagen interpretation. Most of those in attendance seemed to have accepted the probabilistic nature of the new theory.

In addition, there was a general acceptance that the Copenhagen interpretation presented the true picture of nature and not a view that would eventually be explained away with a better understanding of the problem. For example, Born, Heisenberg, and Bohr were each fully aware that the universe as described by quantum mechanics was fundamentally probabilistic.

They acknowledged that theres a chance determinism could be restored in some future revision of the theory, but thought the chance was minuscule and unlikely. They were prepared to accept the lack of determinism in the subatomic world.

This is a transcript from the video series What Einstein Got Wrong. Watch it now, on The Great Courses Plus.

A number of respected physicists, including the likes of Bohr, Heisenberg, and Born, had an inkling that the quantum revolution was drawing to an end. They believed their working theory was complete, and that there would be no need for any new elements.

Despite the consensus around the Copenhagen interpretation, Einstein found it difficult to accept any version of quantum mechanics, in which the universe was probabilistic in nature.

To be fair to Einstein, he wasnt exactly arguing that the new theory of quantum mechanics was incorrect. The Schrdinger equation and the other equations of this theory described the phenomena very well, and the successes of quantum mechanics were entirely undeniable. So instead of claiming that quantum mechanics was incorrect, Einstein was arguing that it was somehow incomplete. He was claiming that big pieces of the theory were somehow still missing.

Lets reconsider the example of the electron that is described by a wave function which extends across locations A and B. According to the Copenhagen interpretation, the electron exists in both of these locations simultaneously, but Einstein was skeptical of this conclusion. Its possible that he thought the electron was, in fact, in only one of these two locations at a given time. He might have reckoned that the Schrdinger equation simply failed to identify which of these two locations the electron was present in. If that were true, then the apparent indeterminism of quantum mechanics might just be an illusion.

Einstein imagined there could be another more complete equation that would make it possible to calculate the location of the electron at a given time, without any probabilistic results. Essentially, he was searching for a way to make sense of quantum mechanics that wasnt only deterministic, but in which the properties of each particle or object was always well defined.

Learn more about the Manhattan Project and Einsteins devastating legacy.

With the objective of developing this new complete equation in mind, Einstein began work in early 1927. He started working toward developing a version of quantum mechanics that he hoped could explain all of the observed phenomena of quantum mechanics, while still allowing the laws of nature to be strictly deterministic.

The class of theories he developed and advocated were known as hidden variable theories. According to these theories, the wave function of a particle, as used in the Schrdinger equation, doesnt tell us everything about that particle. These theories claimed that the wave function was, in effect, an incomplete or partial description of the particle.

Einstein hypothesized other variables that were missing from the wave function, in the hope that it would eliminate the need for any indeterminism in the theory. At the Solvay conference, Einstein argued vigorously that the Copenhagen interpretation was fatally flawed, and that a more complete theory was needed. But despite these arguments, he wasnt able to convince many of his colleagues.

In a series of informal but public discussions with Bohr, Einstein raised what he believed to be a series of major flaws with the Copenhagen interpretation. However, Bohr responded effectively to each of Einsteins criticisms. In each case, Bohr found holes in Einsteins arguments, and successfully defended the new consensus view. By the end of this series of discussions, it was clear to most of the scientists in attendance that Bohr had bested Einstein in these debates.

Einstein remained undeterred by his failure at the Solvay Conference to demonstrate any fatal flaws in the Copenhagen interpretation. In the years that followed, he continued to search for a more complete version of quantum mechanics that he hoped would restore determinism to the subatomic world.

The majority of the current generation of quantum physicists still consider the Copenhagen interpretation to be accurate. The Copenhagen interpretation was first proposed by Danish physicist Niels Bohr, and this interpretation was subsequently theoretically proved by the thought experiment known as Schrdingers Cat. In recent years, the Copenhagen interpretation has encountered opposition from the many-worlds interpretation proposed by American physicist Hugh Everett.

Wave functions are mathematical descriptions of the wave properties of particles. If the value of the wave function of a particle for a particular location is high, then the probability of the particle being present at that location at that given time is high.

A total of 29 eminent physicists attended the Fifth Solvay Conference in 1927, including Albert Einstein, Erwin Schrdinger, Max Born, Niels Bohr, Louis de Broglie, Paul Dirac, Werner Heisenberg, Wolfgang Pauli, Marie Curie, and Max Planck, among others.

Bohr believed that the quantum universe was fundamentally probabilistic in nature, whereas Einstein was of the belief that determinism lay at the foundation of the quantum universe. This fundamental disagreement led to a series of public discourses between these two eminent physicists, which are known as the Bohr-Einstein debates.

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Iron-Based Material has the Ability to Power Small Devices – AZoNano

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If adeviceis small enough to be powered, with corresponding small energy demands, there is the possibility of providing it with energy without the use of batteries and wires via what would ordinarily be considered waste energyheat.

Research into the generation of electricity from heatthermoelectric generationhas sofar centered around the Seebeck effect, a significantly limited phenomenon that allows the build-up of an electric potential across a temperature gradient.

Alternative new research from the University of Tokyo Institute for Solid State Physics and Department of Physics, published in the journal Nature, suggests employing a less well-known phenomenon to perform the same task, the Anomalous Nernst Effect (ANE).

The teams research is founded upon the use of a mostly iron-based material thin enough to be molded into various forms. The beauty of a thermoelectric generator made from this material is the elements non-toxic nature, cheapness, and abundance.

In theNature paper, the team from the University of Tokyo led by Research Associate Akito Sakai, and Professor Ryotaro Arita, discuss the use of a process called dopingthe intentional addition of impurities to a semiconductor to adjust its electrical, optical, or structural propertiesto create a material that is 75% iron, and 25% aluminum or gallium.

The flexible film-like material has applicability to devices with small energy requirements, such as wearable technology and remote sensors. Wearable remote sensors are currently a heavily researched area of technology due to the advantages they provide in medical science, both for clinical trials and the treatment of patients.

The company MC10 is just one of a wide range of biotech suppliers marketing products that would greatly benefit from the use of thin thermoelectric generators. The companys BioStamp Research Connect systemone of the first wearable bioelectric tattooscollects physiological information such as vital signs, posture, and activity from a patient and delivers it to doctors and researchers via a cloud-based storage software.

Conducting clinical studies with wearable or remote biosensors and mobile health platforms enables researchers to obtain a detailed, real-world understanding of the patients physiology, behavior, and response to treatment. Thinner, more flexible thermoelectric generators could serve to make this technology more discrete and less-intrusive,allowing researchers to obtain a more accurate picture of a patients behavior.

A cheaper material reducing overall production costs would, in turn, make wider studies more feasible for clinical trials, as well as allowing doctors to remotely monitor more patients than ever before.

This is not the first time that the team from the University of Tokyo has experimented with ANE-based generators. Thematerials previously used have been difficult to source and are prohibitively expensive.

The team has been aware for some time thatto reap the benefits of an ANE-based generatornamely large-area and flexible coverage of a heat-sourcesignificant improvements to the system had to be made in both the materials performance and itssafety and stability.

The researchers say that the use ofiron-based film-like material significantly boosts the effectiveness of ANE, producing an astounding twenty-time increase in the voltage perpendicular to the direction of a temperature gradient across the surface of the material.

The result is thin and more flexible materials that harvest energy rather than relying on heavy and chunky batteries. The resultant generators are also more efficient at energy harvest than generators based upon the Seeback effect. This could potentially result in thermoelectric technology supplying power to devices in locations and with applications where a battery would be deeply impractical.

The ANE effect arises from what is known as the Berry curvature of the electrons near to a value of energy referred to as the Fermi energy. The team used computer simulations to design a large Berry curvature which pointed them to the right doping concentrations for the ideal material for their requirements.

The teams research has mostly focused on computer simulations and numerical calculations,which reduced the need for time-consuming and expensive repeated experimentation.

Click here for more information on nanotechnology equipment.

The advantage of using computer simulations is that it allows the researchers to switch between various materials and compositions to find the best mix for their needs. They were also able to significantly cut down the amount of time that materials scientists would usually spend analyzing electronic structures called nodal webs by starting from the first principles established by quantum mechanics.

Essentially this means that the material created by the team is not the only revolutionary aspect of the teams researchthe numerical methods and computational techniques they have pioneered replace previous methods that have been prohibitively difficult to undertake. Thus, the team has developed a framework that can be used by other scientists to develop materials specially adapted to specific requirements.

Sakai, A., Minami, S., Koretsune, T., et al., [2020], Iron-based binary ferromagnets for transverse thermoelectric conversion, Nature, [].

Kalali, A., Richerson, S., Ouzunova, E., et al., [2019], Digital Biomarkers in Clinical Drug Development, Handbook of Behavioral Neuroscience, Volume 29, Pages 229238, [].

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Iron-Based Material has the Ability to Power Small Devices - AZoNano

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Tisca Chopra: This time has given me time to think about time –

Mumbai, May 7 (IANS): Actress Tisca Chopra is putting her quarantine hours to good use. She says the lockdown has given her time to think about time.

Tisca took to Instagram where she shared a photograph of herself. In the image, she is seen flaunting her perfect skin and is completes a casual statement with a hairband.

Alongside the picture, she wrote: "Lockdown diaries Day: 42. This time has given me time to think about Time. Time is a funny, stretchy thing, years can feel like yesterday. Yet another yesterday can feel like years .. I have always been fascinated by Quantum Physics...

"I have tried to read works of Planck, Heisenberg, Schrdinger and of course Einstein... to understand how time-space works, often failing to understand very much."

She added: "My fascination landed at @netflix_inand #BlackHoleApocalypse .. you must see it if you haven't .. fascinating how absolutely tiny we are .. yet how integrated into the whole..."

Tisca then shared the her menu for dinner.

"On a more mundane note, dinner today will be Pao-Burgers .. check stories later .. Have you got your daru stock while social distancing or are a non-drinker like me? P.S. - This is me in my #WFH office but in my head in field of Hollyhocks in Spain .. how is that for #TimeSpacebending?"

Recently, Tisca shared a stunning photograph of herself and said that she is making the most of staying indoors.

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Tisca Chopra: This time has given me time to think about time -

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Pine Belt and Trilogy Extend Edge Cloud Computing Deep Into the Heart of Dixie – PRNewswire

SELMA, Ala., May 7, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Pine Belt Cellular, Inc. and Trilogy Networkstoday announced plans for a strategic alliance to accelerate the digital transformation deep into the "Heart of Dixie."This relationship will pair Trilogy's Edge Cloud platform with Pine Belt's wealth of network assets, covering nearly 10,000 square miles today and, ultimately, throughout the 35,000 square miles of highly prized 600MHz spectrum holdings.

The Pine Belt alliance allows Trilogy to extend its expertise in Edge Cloud Computing and low-latency networking to a diverse group of industries spanning Central Alabama - from food and forest products to aerospace and information technology. Edge Computing optimizes the interaction of IoT sensors & devices with Cloud applications by bringing compute and storage closer to the sources of data. This dramatically reduces latency and bandwidth requirements, enabling automation of cutting-edge enterprise applications.

"The U.S. government is injecting over $30 billion into rural infrastructure over the next several years," said George Woodward, President and CEO of Trilogy Networks. "Pine Belt is no stranger to technology or government programs. John Nettles, their President, has been one of the foremost leaders advocating for years on behalf of rural carriers nationally while providing advanced solutions to the people of Alabama."

"Our decision to deploy Trilogy's high-capacity edge compute and storage platform was almost a no-brainer they are the only entity involved in this high-tech segment that has shown a genuine interest in engaging with operators such as us to bring the benefits of edge computing to rural markets in the early stages rather than as an afterthought. Once we have Trilogy's platform installed and in our main network hub in Selma, we will then start the process of pushing functionality to selected sites throughout Central Alabama," said John Nettles, President, Pine Belt Cellular. "These ties to the public clouds will make it possible for us to integrate across the U.S. with the full spectrum of applications providers and carriers and will bring the real benefits of high-bandwidth, low-latency edge and 5G services to the area. Together, we achieve the scale necessary to have a voice nationally and presence globally."

For more information on Pine Belt, visit

For more information on Trilogy Networks, visit

Media Contact:John Nettles, President of Pine Belt CommunicationsPhone: 334.385.2106Email: [emailprotected]

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Pine Belt and Trilogy Extend Edge Cloud Computing Deep Into the Heart of Dixie - PRNewswire

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Five ways to achieve faster time to value with enterprise SaaS – Cloud Tech

The popular perception of software as a service (SaaS) and cloud computing is beautifully simple: sign-up, login and start doing your work. Of course, this isnt quite accurate; it all depends on the application, business needs and goals. Enterprise SaaS entails business requirements gathering, customisations, integrations, and training. In our business, there is an initial phase of onboarding customer IT assets for monitoring, working with stakeholders and setting up dashboards, which can take a few weeks, not days.

That doesnt mean that SaaS users need to sit around for weeks twiddling their thumbs. With proper planning, its possible to deliver value to the business sooner. By the second week of an implementation, we can give customers the chance to begin using the product; this might be by delivering a high-level dashboard so users can start understanding new data views that they can leverage. That way, the customer can start integrating the technology into their daily workflows while our team finishes the implementation.

Speeding up time to value in SaaS is a collaborative effort between the vendor and the customer. From many years leading implementations of enterprise SaaS for customers, Ive got a few ideas on how to deliver benefits early without sacrificing the long-term goals of the project.

Onboarding a new SaaS solution is an exciting experience for a customer that wants to improve workflows and processes, particularly when the customer has been running outdated, difficult-to-use legacy technology for a long time. Commonly, the customer looks beyond the original use case as they understand all that a product can offer. Then, key stakeholders expand the scope. When the decision-maker finds out how much those new requirements expand the time and cost of the implementation, he or she may pull the plug on the deal altogether.

To prevent this scenario, strive for a small, attainable scope for phase one: something that can be achieved in a few weeks and which can enable the customer to begin using the platform early in the onboarding exercise. This will help gain momentum with rapid, measurable benefits, and clears the way for expanded use cases of the system later.

Have you ever visited the local DMV to renew your auto registration and realised that after waiting in line for two hours you dont have all the paperwork? This hair-pulling situation happens frequently during software implementations. To avoid the hurry-up-and-wait scenario, vendors can work with customers before the project begins to check off all the boxes that will delay implementation.

In our business, these are change control authorisations to install monitoring agents (if needed) and security credentials to gain access to infrastructure components and devices. During the pre-implementation workshops, customers should document all the internal IT policies and procedures which must be handled before the outside consultants can do their work.

Vendor implementation teams are not miracle workers. They have all the knowledge about the product and how to deploy it successfully, but they are not experts in the customers environment. Its critical to set expectations for customer work, such as assisting with third-party software integrations. Define processes for working together through the project; vendors and consultants should be clear on roles. For instance, sometimes a customer will want to take over key parts of the project, but this may not be feasible due to a lack of time or experience. And, allowing this to happen can slow down progress. Instead, vendors can suggest side-by-side work. This way, the customers technical staff can learn while doing in collaboration with vendor experts.

Even when software is servicing technical users, such as IT security teams, there is a business story that needs to be told and incorporated every step of the way. Its up to the customer to identify and bring business stakeholders into planning meetings with the vendors. This can be vexing, especially when youre talking about senior-level executives. Often, we only need an hour of their time, yet execs may still push back at a meeting request.

The vendor and client can, however, work hard to communicate benefits to the stakeholders for attending the meeting; in the security example, its about ensuring the protection of customer data, understanding where the data lives, and prioritising the most critical applications and workflows for security risk. Over time, the external implementation team will learn more about the business and can make targeted, business-focused recommendations for the product. But these initial conversations are critical foundational exercises to speed time to value and ensure maximum user uptake.

I can draw a direct line between satisfaction and customers who really know how to use the system. Often, those users who arent happy with the software lack understanding of how to use it and best practices. Our company places enormous emphasis on training. This can be accomplished in a number of ways and I recommend offering more than one method: creating YouTube videos, inviting users to shadow the implementation, and holding formal classroom training. Customise live training sessions for the business and share recordings so that people can watch at their leisure.

Nothing in the list above is difficult, but following the right steps for faster time to value takes patience, effort to build relationships across organisations, and a culture of empathy. Building a solid foundation for an enterprise SaaS project can lead to more successful, long-term outcomes for both the vendor and the customerand thats something we all need more of right now.

Photo byLukas BlazekonUnsplash

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Five ways to achieve faster time to value with enterprise SaaS - Cloud Tech

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Microsoft, Amazon, and Google see surge in cloud computing sales – Quartz

The world is spending more time online and indoors due to the pandemic, which should be a win for the worlds biggest tech companies. But earnings calls from Alphabet, Microsoft, and Amazon this week paint a more complicated picture of how the pandemic has impacted their business.

Thanks to a global shift toward remote work, school, and increased time spent indoors, the demand for cloud services has soared. In earnings calls this week, Alphabet, Microsoft, and Amazon all reported a considerable boost in cloud revenue. But the surge in cloud spending only really benefited Microsoft, which isnt as vulnerable to two areas hard-hit by the pandemic: advertising and shipping and logistics.

Beyond the impacts of cloud services, Alphabets earnings, which rely primarily on Google advertising revenue, took a hit this quarter as businesses cut back on ad spending. And despite record sales on Amazon, the company expects to churn through that revenue pretty quickly to mitigate the risk of coronavirus in its facilities. Heres a look at how each company has weathered the storm.

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Microsoft, Amazon, and Google see surge in cloud computing sales - Quartz

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Global Cloud Computing in Government Market Expected to reach highest CAGR by 2025: Adobe Systems, Blackboard, Cisco, Ellucian, Dell EMC – Cole of…

The main purpose of this report is to provide an in depth analysis of the global Cloud Computing in Government market including all the stakeholders in the industry. The research report presents forecasted market size and trends on the basis of past and present status of the industry. Also to understand, the analysis of complicated data is presented in simple language. Report gives in depth analysis of all the aspects of the market industry. The report includes the study of major players that includes market followers, leaders and new entrants by regions and countries. Furthermore, report offers the current technological innovations affecting the growth of the market in the long term.

In addition, report covers all challenges for the players and risk factor which ae responsible for restraining the growth of the market over the forecast period. Some essential tools for the market movements such as PORTER, PESTEL and SVOR analysis have been presented in this report with potential impact of economic factors by regions on the market. Also in terms of revenue, report helps to estimate the CAGR of the market size of upcoming five years on the basis of historic data study.

This study covers following key players:Adobe SystemsBlackboardCiscoEllucianDell EMCInstructureMicrosoftNetAppOracleSalesforceSAP

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Furthermore, report helps to analyse internal as well as external factors that might affect the global Cloud Computing in Government market business positively or negatively. Therefore report offers a clear revolutionary view of the industry in advance. Report also helps users to understand the various dynamics of the global Cloud Computing in Government market. In addition, report provides structure of the market by analysing the segments such as product type, application, end users, key regions and key companies. Also report projects the market size of Cloud Computing in Government. In addition, research report on global Cloud Computing in Government market offers clear representation of the key players which are functioning in the industry.

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Market segment by Type, the product can be split into MobileIoTMulti-access Edge Computing (MEC)

Market segment by Application, split into Training & ConsultingIntegration & MigrationSupport & Maintenance

Report provides competitive analysis of the small and large players. Also report gives in detailed information about the players on the basis of type, financial position, price, growth strategies, product portfolio and regional presence of the players in the global Cloud Computing in Government market. Report also covers the key regions which are likely to have great market growth over the forecast period. The major regions are North America, South America, Europe, Asia-pacific and Middle East Africa. The initiatives taken by the government, universities and policy makers to promote the global Cloud Computing in Government market in the form of grants, funds and investments into the development of the market are commendable. This initiatives are expected to boost the growth of the global Cloud Computing in Government market.

Some Major TOC Points:1 Report Overview2 Global Growth Trends3 Market Share by Key Players4 Breakdown Data by Type and ApplicationContinued

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Global Cloud Computing in Government Market Expected to reach highest CAGR by 2025: Adobe Systems, Blackboard, Cisco, Ellucian, Dell EMC - Cole of...

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