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Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market Research Studies Competitive Strategies, Regional Analysis Forecast 2025 – WaterCloud News

This Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market research report, besides ample understanding shared in the previous sections, the report also presents this comprehensive research report gauges for decisive conclusions concerning growth factors and determinants, eventually influencing holistic growth and lucrative business models in Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market. The report on this target market is a judicious compilation of in-depth and professional marketing cues that are crucially vital in delegating profit driven business decisions. The report is aimed to equip report readers with versatile understanding on diverse marketing opportunities that are rampantly available across regional hubs. A thorough assessment and evaluation of these factors are likely to influence incremental growth prospects in the Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market.

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This dedicated research report on the Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market delivers vital understanding on the Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market at a holistic global perspective, rendering conscious statistical analysis and a wholistic perspective of integral growth enablers prompting favorable growth across regions. The report has been carefully crafted and analyzed on various elements and evaluation specifications governed by core research methodologies such as PESTEL and SWOT analysis that enable report readers to remain assured about the potential of various business strategies adopted by market players to secure their position amidst staggering competition in the Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market.

Key vendors/manufacturers in the market:

The major players covered in Internet of Things (IoT) Security are: Cisco Systems, ARM Holdings, Symantec Corporation, Intel Corporation, Infineon Technologies, IBM Corporation, Kaspersky Lab, Digicert, Trend Micro, Gemalto NV, Trustwave, CheckPoint Software Technologies, INSIDE Secure SA, Verizon Enterprise Solutions, Sophos Plc, Advantech, etc.

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The information flow has been curated and systematically aligned by reliable sources functioning at various levels. Likewise, the Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market report also includes substantial cues and offers an in-house analysis of global economic conditions and related economic factors and indicators to evaluate their impact on the Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market historically, besides giving a future ready perspective as well. The research report sheds tangible light upon in-depth analysis, synthesis, and interpretation of data obtained from diverse resources about the Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market. Additionally, in this Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market research report, besides ample understanding shared in the previous sections, the report also presents this comprehensive research report gauges for decisive conclusions concerning growth factors and determinants, eventually influencing holistic growth and lucrative business models in Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market.

Global Market By Type:

By Type, Internet of Things (IoT) Security market has been segmented into Network Security, Endpoint Security, Application Security, Cloud Security, Others, etc.

Global Market By Application:

By Application, Internet of Things (IoT) Security has been segmented into Building and Home Automation, Supply Chain Management, Patient Information Management, Energy and Utilities Management, Customer Information Security, Other, etc.

Further, the report also sheds ample light on the most popular and dependable marketing tactics, best industry practices as well as revenue harnessing technical discretion. The report is a conscious means to address some of the most glaring challenges dominant in the market and their consequential reparations on the target market. Apart from these elaborate markets specific information suggesting current market scenario, this market intelligence report also includes veritable insights on growth stimulating factors as well as cut throat competition amongst market players, based on which report readers can orchestrate growth specific decisions to harbor incremental growth in the target Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market. Furthermore, in the course of the report this research report on Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market identifies notable industry forerunners and their effective business decisions, aligning with market specific factors such as threats and challenges as well as opportunities that shape growth in Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market. Further, Holistic research derivatives focusing on Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market is a high-grade professional overview of various market determinants and factors representing factors, challenges, trends, threats, and a holistic overview that determine the overall growth directive of the Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market.

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Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market Research Studies Competitive Strategies, Regional Analysis Forecast 2025 - WaterCloud News

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When COVID-19 and Economic Fallout Put Millions of Kids in Unsafe Places, Communities in Schools Went in After Them. – The 74

In some ways, Gladys Gradillas days are the same as they were two months ago, before COVID-19 shut down San Antonio. As the director for Communities in Schools, a national dropout prevention organization, in the South San Antonio Independent School District shes hearing many of the same needs shes been hearing for decades. Food. Hygiene products. Academic help. Social and emotional support.

Only now, Gradilla said, coronavirus has schools locked down, supply chains stretched thin, and families sheltering behind closed doors, and all of those things are harder to get. Harder to deliver.

Needs have multiplied over the months as well.Early in the shutdown, she and her team spend a lot of time helping parents troubleshoot the basics of access as their kids tried to log on for virtual classrooms and online assignments. Communities in Schools staff have taken their help on the road, printing out instructional packets provided by the district and delivering them to families, along with basic home goods. Some staff drove from store to store in search of the scariest items milk, eggs, and toilet paper using the time and gas they know their clients cannot afford to. Those early issues are starting to calm (the toilet paper is back in the aisles, and kids are getting the hang of online learning) but the economic impact of social distancing is taking its place as weeks without income turn into months. Kids need more, and staff still cant deliver help in person.

Myrna Barrera, Communities In Schools AmeriCorps member, puts together school supply packages for students and families as kids transitioned to distance learning. Barrera works alongside CIS site coordinator Eloisa Zamora at Mary Hull Elementary School in San Antonios Northside Independent School District. (Communities in Schools)

For 40 years, Communities in Schools has used a case management approach to confront the numerous road blocks keeping vulnerable students from graduation. Hunger, homelessness, depression, and needs as unique as the 1.62 million students the organization serves yearly in roughly 2,500 schools across the country. Until this March, all of these services were provided from a common hub: the school.

School became a constant for their students, said Lauren Gerraty, Communities in Schools San Antonios chief program and innovation officer, a solace and a safe space.

We know that two-thirds of academic issues have to do with outside-of-school factors, Gerraty said, Now kids are outside of school 100 percent of the time.

In Washington state, a very early hot spot in the pandemic, Communities in Schools State Director Susan Richards is facing challenges similar to those in San Antonio and other struggling communities where CIS has a presence.

It has amplified every need that was there, Richard said, but it has created some new needs and concerns.

With the outbreak so advanced in her state, she had to pull back staff from the in-person services they so desperately want to deliver, she said, We cannot do everything for every student because this circumstance is beyond our control.

Communities in Schools staff are more dependent than ever on the partners that help them get food, mental health resources, and other support to families. They are playing their part, in turn, by offering support to others beyond their direct caseload, Richards said. Family members and neighbors have needs too, and by meeting those when they can, she knows they are creating a more stable environment for the students in that system.

Serenity Escobar, a Communities in Schools licensed professional counselor, offers telehealth counseling from her home office to teen parents, who are adapting to distance learning while also caring for their own young children at home. Escobar partners with San Antonio ISDs Metro Health program. (Communities in Schools)

The pandemic is making clear what her organization has always believed, Richards explained, that we are connected by the systems we share. Inequality in the health, economic, justice, and education systems directly affects the well-being of students. Shes comforted that the organizations new CEO, Rey Saldaa, shares that understanding as he leads the organization through an unprecedented period.

In times of crisis, those systems do not support us all equally, Saldaa said. As the pressure of the outbreak bears down on communities, he explained, we start spotlighting what inequity really looks like.

Being away from the regular routine has changed almost everything about operations, Saldaa explained, but not about the needs. They just have to meet them in more volatile scenarios. Weve always been primary caregivers he said. Now, were EMTs.

With school buildings locked, Communities in Schools had to find a way to address the growing needs, and bring that solace and that safe space to students at home. Phone calls, Zoom groups, pen pal letters, even movie watching apps have become means of connection for site coordinators and the students they serve. Students who, Richards said, are hungry for connection in this uncertain and isolating time.

Connection also gives staff a chance to check on new concerns that may be arising for their students. They knew they couldnt take for granted that home was a safe placephysically or emotionally.

During the first week of school closures, the Communities in Schools San Antonio staff spent most of their time trying to get their equipment transferred from schools to home, Google phone lines set up, and internet security systems in place. They had never before been allowed to take sensitive student data home with them. New protocols had to be put in place.

Staff also had to learn how to establish reliable records via telephone in case child protective services had to be called at any point. They had to learn national guidelines for telecounseling, since Communities in Schools San Antonio provides direct clinical counseling services through its own Project Access team. (Most sites broker the services, connecting students to outside providers, who handle the compliance issues.)

Staff are in constant contact with child protective services, homeless shelters, and receiving agencies for children who are taken from their homes. When those systems reach capacity, staff explained, that will change their options for how to respond to kids who are in danger.

As they began to make the calls and connect with students, it became clear that while the (case management) model is solid, the need was going to escalate quickly, said Gerraty, the San Antonio chief program officer.

Every child and adult in the house became part of the Communities in Schools network, she said, because thats what it takes to ensure a safe home for students.

For example, in homes where grandparents are caregivers, Gerraty said, Communities in Schools staff started delivering groceries to help protect those most susceptible to the virus.

While the phone calls were going out, she said, their own phones were ringing. San Antonios service industries were hit hard and early. Economic pressure from job losses was starting to be felt at home.

Thats likely to get worse, staff agreed, as the recession lengthens.

Melanie Awtry, a case manager with Communities in Schools San Antonio, is also making sure staff are prepared for some of the stories they will hear as the crisis deepens. They need to be ready to process stories of trauma, with a realistic understanding of what they can and cannot do to help. In addition to varying shelter in place orders, staff have their own families to care for, and their own health to consider if they want to be able to help kids for the duration of the emergency, she said.

The national organization, which has an annual budget of $200 million, will also need to tend to its financial health to keep services flowing.

Funders have been remarkably flexible, Gerraty said, allowing Communities in Schools to pivot funding to meet new and expanding needs. Many have deferred reporting requirements so that the whole staff can focus on the needs at hand, not paperwork.

The pandemic and resulting economic collapse has also led many to increase their giving, or release crisis funds.

Were almost in this honeymoon period where a lot of money is coming in, Richards said, because people have the feeling that were all in the same boat.

It may feel like that today, she said, but what about tomorrow? The San Antonio chapter is currently trying to raise $25,000 to ensure its financial health in the near future, after canceling its yearly All in For Kids fundraiser, according to data tracking nonprofit SA2020, which has been keeping a dashboard of nonprofit financial needs during the pandemic.

As testing and fatality rates grow, its become clearer that underlying health conditions, lack of health care, crowded living arrangements, and on-the-job exposure for working-class and low-income neighborhoods and communities of color are making them more vulnerable to coronavirus infection, and more likely to suffer complications.

Experts are even more sure about which communities will be most impacted by a recession. With some 36.5 million Americans filing for unemployment since mid-March, many in low-wage positions, the forecast is bleak, and Communities in Schools is preparing for the worst, as best they can, Saldaa said.

While he has had to conduct his entire first few months of work from his home office in San Antonio, Saldaa has reached out to city-specific staff to lead webinars on how their organizations weathered the trauma, homelessness, and economic strain that followed 9/11, Hurricane Katrina and the Great Recession.

They are learning from each crisis, he said, but they all agree, This is completely different from everything weve seen before.

Lead Image: Siblings Brandon and Addyson, who both attend Carvajal Elementary School in the San Antonio Independent School District, show off a H-E-B grocery store gift card that Communities in Schools provided to families in need. Many couldnt get to local food pantries because they lacked transportation or could not leave other family members to wait in line for hours. (Communities in Schools)

Originally posted here:
When COVID-19 and Economic Fallout Put Millions of Kids in Unsafe Places, Communities in Schools Went in After Them. - The 74

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DNS over HTTPS: How to activate it on Windows 10 Build 19628 – WinCentral

Microsofts next big update for Windows 10 (May 2020 Update) is just around the corner and the Redmond-giant has already released the downloadable ISOs for IT Pros via the MSDN.

People spent half of their life browsing on the Internet these days and protecting your data from threats like eavesdropping and spoofing has become a top-priority for security experts.

In order to ensure a solid line of defense against DNS exploits, Windows Insiders with Build 19628 (or higher) installed on their machine can now try out the Windows DoH client (DNS over HTTPS) that is built into the operating system.

To know what build and version of Windows you are running,

typing winver in a Run window will yield the results, as shown below.

Once you are aware of your Windows install, follow the steps below to activate the DoH client on your machines:

The next step is to manually configure the default DNS on your Windows machine.

For now, the Windows DoH client is only friends with 3 public DNS servers.

Server Owner

Server IP addresses










Please follow the steps below.

Note: Make sure the primary and alternate DNS addresses differ, as shown in the image below.

Hit Ok to apply the changes for each dialog.

You may also have to restart the PC for all the changes to take effect.

In the following post, we will discuss how to verify whether the Windows DoH client is working or not.

For this, we will use Packetmon, a network traffic analyzer included with Windows.

We have already discussed about pktmon in a previous blog post, so make sure to give it a read


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DNS over HTTPS: How to activate it on Windows 10 Build 19628 - WinCentral

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Uncover and overcome cloud threat hunting obstacles – TechTarget

Threat hunting -- the process of proactively searching for signs of malware or an unauthorized intruder -- is a critical part of modern cybersecurity programs. Traditional antivirus programs and intrusion detection systems often miss cutting-edge malware, such as Emotet, or the subtle signs of an advanced persistent threat. An informed, manual threat hunting program can help to find these threats in time to prevent the next stage of attacks, such as ransomware installation.

But what happens when threats invade your cloud environment? Effective cloud threat hunting depends on strong threat intelligence: you need good information in order to successfully hunt down invaders. Many organizations have advanced threat intelligence capabilities in their on-premises environment, but when it comes to the cloud, they are nearly blind.

Now is the time to build your cloud threat hunting program. The problem is that, unlike in on-premises environments, defenders do not have ready access to the same wealth of threat intelligence in the cloud. Here are some of the challenges to threat hunting in the cloud, and tips for surmounting them.

Availability. The cloud is just "someone else's computer," goes the joke. When it comes to logging and monitoring, this is often painfully clear. Many cloud providers offer only very limited event logs, such as records of user authentication, and some do not even provide that. Under pressure from customers, some providers are expanding logging and monitoring capabilities, but security professionals are often foiled by decision-makers who see these features as nice to have rather than as required.

Advanced environments, such as AWS and Azure, offer you an enormous amount of control over "your" systems -- but due to the nature of their shared environments, the ability for users to monitor network traffic is limited. In on-premise environments, defenders can collect network flow records and sniff traffic to detect malicious activity. In the cloud, tools for monitoring virtual networks are not as readily accessible. Amazon and Microsoft both introduced virtual network terminal access point (TAP) capabilities in recent years, but few security professionals have experience using these tools, and the Azure virtual network TAP appears to be under development (the feature has not been consistently available).

Aggregation. To hunt for threats efficiently, practitioners need to be able to easily access intelligence from various sources, ideally using one central console. In on-premise environments, it's easy enough to set up a central server orSIEM to collect logs from various applications and pieces of network equipment. When it comes to the cloud, however, aggregating logs is not so simple. Cloud providers may or may not support log export. When they do, the format of data can vary widely -- and it may change without notice, unexpectedly foiling SIEM ingestion.

This brief video outlines threat hunting's objectives and the key ingredients for a fruitful hunting program.

Expense. Detailed logging in the cloud is rarely on by default. In AWS, for example, CloudWatch monitoring is disabled unless explicitly turned on -- and then a pop-up warns, "additional charges apply." In Microsoft's Office 365, exchange mailbox auditing is now on by default for all new commercial instances -- a change that took place in 2019 after a huge number of customers suffered business email compromise breaches and found that they did not have mailbox logs that they needed to investigate. However, the default retention time is limited to 90 days for many tenants, and customers have to pay for longer retention times.

When it comes to aggregating threat intelligence in the cloud, customers may be charged at every step of the way: for turning logging on, for storing log data in the cloud, for the bandwidth or processing power needed to transfer data to another system, and more. For example, let's say you want to collect log data from AWS and send it to a central Splunk server on Azure. Enabling CloudWatch on AWS requires opening a new Simple Storage Service bucket for local log storage, which costs money. You can use the firehose to push data to another source, which means you are charged for processing power. On Azure, you have to pay for the underlying VM that you use to set up Splunk, as well as for the Splunk license itself. All of this adds up.

Analysis Tools. Tools for cloud threat hunting are nascent. More advanced cloud providers, such as Microsoft and Amazon, have built-in analysis tools, but they often have surprising -- and poorly understood -- limitations. For example, security professionals frequently use Microsoft's graphical Security & Compliance Center to pull Unified Audit Logs (UAL) from Office 365 -- not realizing that the results are limited to 5,000 sorted records or 50,000 unsorted records. Incomplete threat intelligence, of course, leads to shoddy results! Instead, hunters need to use third-party products or custom Powershell scripts to recursively extract large volumes of UAL records. For analysis, products such as Splunk, Extrahop or the open-source Kibana are invaluable.

The cloud is the emerging battleground for bleeding-edge cybersecurity threats. Unfortunately, the constant evolution of threat intelligence, difficulty and expense of aggregation, and nascent cloud-based analysis tools are all challenges for today's defenders. The good news is that cloud monitoring and logging is slowly maturing, and security professionals who push for cloud threat hunting capabilities will reap the rewards.

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Uncover and overcome cloud threat hunting obstacles - TechTarget

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VMware reduces hardware footprint of its shiny new K8s-on-vSphere toys – The Register

VMware has shrunk the hardware requirements for its shiny new native Kubernetes on vSphere product, making it rather more affordable.

The new offering runs on Cloud Foundation, VMware's software-defined-data-centre bundle aimed at service providers and users that wish to build hybrid clouds that touch VMware-powered cloud operators. Cloud Foundation requires a four-host "Management Domain" as a first infrastructure effort.

But as discussed in March by "vNinja" Christian Mohn in a post titled "The Problem with VMware vSphere 7 with Kubernetes", taking the new K8s product for a spin required the Management Domain and another three hosts for the Kubernetes infrastructure.

"That's a tall order that comes with a hefty price tag, if someone wants to dip their toes in the sea of containers," he wrote.

It's a fine observation because VMware wants to use its strength among operations folks to improve its standing with developers and then have them all hold hands and sing Kubernetes-Ba-Yah together. Larger organisations may have seven hosts to spare. Plenty won't.

Mohn thinks he has spotted the way out: he noticed a new VMware white paper titled "Announcing VMware vSphere with Kubernetes Support on the VMware Cloud Foundation Management Domain" [PDF] that reveals VMware has reduced the required host count to four.

The four are all from the Management Domain and all need to be VSAN Ready Nodes the storage-centric servers with plenty of disk slots and at least half a dozen Xeon or EPYC cores. Unlike Raspberry Pis or home-lab-centric micro servers from the likes of HPE or Supermicro, which are all options for testing Kubernetes clusters, Ready Nodes are not cheap or small or something you'll plug into that old power board in your bottom drawer.

But it's still less hardware than was required last month, leading Mohn to observe: "This should make it much easier to set up a Proof-of-Concept, or lab environment. It's even supported for production, although for small environments."

And VMware needs those tests to take place if it is to achieve its ambition of becoming a K8s player.

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VMware reduces hardware footprint of its shiny new K8s-on-vSphere toys - The Register

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This extraordinary motherboard is being used by server CPU scavengers – TechRadar India

Its hard to believe, but even motherboard vendors have factory outlet stores (FOS). Straight from AliExpress comes the Shenzhen FOS, which specialises in new motherboards for obsolete server processors.

Dual X79 motherboard - $76.50 from AliExpress(roughly 63/AU$120)Every now and again, eBay and AliExpress are awash with old servers ditched by the world's cloud computing giants. With this competitively-priced motherboard from Shenzhen FOS, you can take full advantage of these server CPU flash sales.View Deal

Shenzhen FOS has managed to carve out a niche based on the fact that, every now and then, tens of thousands server CPUs flood the market as hyperscalers and cloud computing providers (web hosting, cloud storage, website builders, VPN companies etc.) change platforms.

Suddenly, eBay and AliExpress are awash will old (but still useful) servers dumped by the likes of Microsoft, Google and Amazon - and they're extremely cheap. The problem, however, is that they don't have a consumer-focused, user-friendly motherboard to slot into.

Enter the Shenzhen FOS and a handful of other craftspeople, who fulfil that specific need at a very competitive price.

For example, take this dual X79 motherboard, which can accommodate a pair of Intel Xeon CPUs, supporting E5-1600/E5-2600 Series V1/V2 processors.

You can get a pair of them for sometimes as little as $10 (about 8, AU$12), delivering up to eight cores. Add in the motherboard, which costs $76.50 excluding delivery (about 63, AU$120), and you have a decent barebones system.

If this product comes from mainland China, it will take at least a month to reach either the US or the UK (and potentially more). You may be levied a tax either directly or through the courier.

Have you managed to get hold of a cheaper product with equivalent specifications, in stock and brand new? Let us know and we'll tip our hat to you.

However, we havent tested this motherboard and the usual caveats apply, especially when the website's opening statement reads: Due to different batches of productions, there might be some difference between the pictures you've seen and the motherboard you get. Retail boxes, colors of DIMM slots, SATA ports, PCI or PCI-E Slots and other ports, are subject to change without prior notice.

TL,DR: you may end up with a motherboard that's rather different from the one you thought you were ordering.

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This extraordinary motherboard is being used by server CPU scavengers - TechRadar India

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How Zoom plans to better secure meetings with end-to-end encryption – TechRepublic

A new document from Zoom illustrates how the company hopes to beef up the security and privacy of its virtual meeting platform.

As the coronavirus has forced quarantines, there's been a surge in demand for virtual meeting and video chat apps. Though many such apps have seen an increase in use, Zoom has been one of the top beneficiaries, popular both with individuals and organizations. But Zoom has also been criticized for its weak security and privacy measures, leading to problems such asZoom bombing. Further, Zoom currently lacks the full type of end-to-end encryption that more traditional business services employ. A document posted by Zoom on Friday explains how the company hopes to more fully protect sensitive meeting data and communications.

In its Friday blog post, Zoom announced the draft publication for its end-to-end-encrypted offering. Contending that security and privacy are the two "pillars" of its new plan, Zoom has published its document on GitHub for peer review, hoping to kick off discussions and get feedback from cryptographic experts, nonprofits, advocacy groups, and customers.

SEE:Zoom 101: A guidebook for beginners and business pros(TechRepublic Premium)

Zoom meetings currently offer encryption but with certain limitations. Encryption is used to protect the identity of users, call data between Zoom clients and Zoom's infrastructure, and meeting contents. When a Zoom client is authorized to join a meeting, that client is given a 256-bit security key from Zoom's server. But the Zoom server retains the security key provided to meeting participants, thereby lacking true end-to-end key management and encryption.

The lack of full end-to-end encryption means that an attacker who can monitor Zoom's server infrastructure and gain access to the memory of the relevant Zoom servers could defeat the encryption for a specific meeting. As such, that person could then view the shared meeting key, derive session keys, and decrypt all meeting data.

To fix some of its security holes, Zoom outlined the goals of its proposal as follows: 1) Only authorized meeting participants should have access to their meeting's data; 2) Anyone excluded from a meeting should not have the ability to corrupt the content of that meeting; 3) If a meeting participant engages in abusive behavior, there should be an effective way to report that person to prevent further abuse.

To advance its goals, Zoom has organized its proposal into four phases.

Phase 1. In the first phase, every Zoom application will generate and manage its own public/private security key pairs with those keys known only to the client. The clients will be able to generate and exchange its session keys without needing to trust the server. During this initial phase, this specific security key improvement will support only native Zoom clients and Zoom Rooms, and only scheduled meetings.

Phase 2. In the second phase, Zoom plans to unveil two features for users to track each other's identities without having to trust Zoom's servers. One feature is an Identity Provider Initiated Single Sign-On (SSO IdP) that can cryptographically vouch for the identity of each user.

Phase 3. In the third phase, Zoom will launch a feature that forces its servers to sign and immutably store each user's security keys, ensuring Zoom provides a consistent reply to all clients about the keys. This will be created through a "transparency tree," a feature similar to those used in Certificate Transparency and Keybase.

Phase 4. In the final phase, devices will be even more strongly authenticated. A meeting participant will have to sign new devices using existing devices, use an SSO IdP to reinforce device additions, or delegate authentication to an IT manager. Until one of these conditions is met, the participant's devices will not be trusted.

With these new security initiatives, Zoom also proposed certain changes to its client application.

The interface for setting up a meeting will feature a new checkbox called End-to-End Security. If this box is checked, the "Enable Join Before Host" checkbox becomes grayed out and deselected, the cloud recording feature becomes disabled, and all clients must run the official Zoom client software; those using the Zoom website, legacy Zoom-enabled devices, or a dial-in connection will be locked out of the meeting.

After the meeting starts, all participants will see a meeting security code they can use to verify that no one's connection to the meeting was intercepted. The host can read this code out loud, and all participants can check that their clients display the same code.

"We have proposed a roadmap for bringing end-to-end encryption technology to Zoom Meetings," Zoom said in its document. "At a high level, the approach is simple: use public key cryptography to distribute a session key to a meeting's participants and provide increasingly stronger bindings between public keys and user identities. However, the devil is in the details, as user identity across multiple devices is a challenging problem, and has user experience implications. We proposed a phased deployment of end-to-end security, with each successive stage giving stronger protections."

After reviewing the feedback from customers and other interested parties, Zoom will update and refine its document and finally announce its plans for deploying the new end-to-end encryption and other security enhancements.

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Image: Alistair Berg / Getty Images

How Zoom plans to better secure meetings with end-to-end encryption - TechRepublic

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VMware, Dell level up their combined on-prem cloud with much more computing grunt – The Register

VMware and Dell have revealed version 2.0 of their combined on-prem cloud, and upgraded it to handle meatier workloads.

VMware Cloud on Dell EMC sees the latter ship customers a rack full of servers based on the VxRail hyperconverged infrastructure products, running VMwares best private cloud bits vSphere, VSAN and NSX. Users are expected to let Dell techs into their data centres and watch as the hardware is installed switched on, then leave it all alone because Dell owns the rig and is responsible for managing every aspect of its operations including software updates. Buyers can pay as they go, as if it were a public cloud.

Users get a cloud console with which to manage workloads, and more-or-less the same experience as using a public cloud in terms of not having to worry about hardware ops or the underlying software. The product therefore includes dark nodes spare servers that kick in if one of the main nodes has a problem. The dark nodes are included as recognition that stuff sometimes breaks, techs cant teleport in to perform repairs and fixing stuff takes time.

Version 1.0 came in half-height rack and was aimed at the edge and/or important-but-not-enormous workloads.

Version 2.0 ups the ante with new and more powerful host types, full-height racks and the addition of a tech preview of the HCX cloud migration tool, all in the service of taking on more demanding applications, or just more applications. Theres a little more flexibility in that adding nodes is now a scaling option. Support for VMware Horizon VDI and Dells PowerProtect data management products are new additions, while Veeams backup wares have also been certified for the systems.

Also new is a tweak to the cloud console so that it can manage the on-prem VMware Cloud on Dell EMC and VMware Cloud on AWS.

As is VMware's wont, the product presents as vanilla vSphere, so can be stretched into hybrid clouds across the many clouds that run Virtzilla's stack.

Kit Colbert, veep and CTO of VMwares Cloud Platform business unit told The Register customers have asked for bigger rigs, so VMware and Dell has delivered. He said the product will keep evolving, envisaging future variants that employ GPUs or FPGAs.

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VMware, Dell level up their combined on-prem cloud with much more computing grunt - The Register

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Accelerator Card Market Will Witness Substantial Growth in the Upcoming years by 2027 – WaterCloud News

What is Accelerator Card?

An accelerator card is used in cloud servers, high-performance computing, and data centers to accelerate various workloads. The accelerator cards can be plugged in via a PCIe slot and are programmable, enabling the user to instruct the card to perform various tasks. The accelerator cards are more efficient as compared to general-purpose microprocessors. Some of the extensively used accelerator cards in high-performance computing, and data centers are GPUs and CPUs. FPGAs and ASICs are also being utilized to accelerate machine learning applications in data centers.

The latest market intelligence study on Accelerator Card relies on the statistics derived from both primary and secondary research to present insights pertaining to the forecasting model, opportunities, and competitive landscape of Accelerator Card market for the forecast period 20212027.

The Covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic is impacting society and the overall economy across the world. The impact of this pandemic is growing day by day as well as affecting the supply chain. The COVID-19 crisis is creating uncertainty in the stock market, massive slowing of supply chain, falling business confidence, and increasing panic among the customer segments. The overall effect of the pandemic is impacting the production process of several industries including Electronics and Semiconductor, and many more. Trade barriers are further restraining the demand- supply outlook. As government of different regions have already announced total lockdown and temporarily shutdown of industries, the overall production process being adversely affected; thus, hinder the overall Accelerator Card market globally. This report on Accelerator Card market provides the analysis on impact on Covid-19 on various business segments and country markets. The report also showcase market trends and forecast to 2027, factoring the impact of Covid -19 Situation.

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Scope of the Report

The research on the Accelerator Card market concentrates on extracting valuable data on swelling investment pockets, significant growth opportunities, and major market vendors to help understand business owners what their competitors are doing best to stay ahead in the competition. The research also segments the Accelerator Card market on the basis of end user, product type, application, and demography for the forecast period 20212027.

The rising growth of the cloud computing market and increasing demand for AI and HPC technologies in data centers are some of the significant factors anticipated to drive the accelerator card market. Additional, integration with emerging technologies is predicted to act as an opportunity for the global accelerator card market during the forecast period.

The report also includes the profiles of key Accelerator Card Market companies along with their SWOT analysis and market strategies. In addition, the report focuses on leading industry players with information such as company profiles, components and services offered, financial information of the last three years, key developments in the past five years.

Here we have listed the top Accelerator Card Market companies in the world

1. Achronix Semiconductor Corporation2. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc3. Cisco Systems, Inc.4. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.5. IBM Systems6. Intel Corporation7. NVIDIA Corporation8. Oracle9. Xilinx, Inc.

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Accelerator Card Market Will Witness Substantial Growth in the Upcoming years by 2027 - WaterCloud News

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Uber India deploys Canon information management solution- Therefore for operational workflow –

Inefficient and inconvenient information access prompted Uber India to look for a solution that could organise its business data on a central, secure and easy-to-use platform. It was essential for Uber India to integrate the solution into its existing cloud-based infrastructure for different departments and branches to share and retrieve information easily. Hence, on the advice of Canons team, Uber India implemented Therefore Online, a cloud-based information management solution designed to securely store, manage and process all types of business information.

We evaluated several solutions, but found them too complex to deploy, and they were unable to meet the security standards that we needed. With Therefore Online, the cloud-based information management solution allowed us to manage our documents more efficiently without additional expenditure on server infrastructure, greatly improving our operational workflow, Brish Bhan Vaidya, Head of Strategic Sourcing, APAC Uber India.

As a notable player in the industry, Uber India is expected to collect, store and appropriately use the data of its users via a secure platform. A large part of Uber Indias processes involves conducting background checks of the drivers it on-boards and retaining their records, which could then be provided to regulators and authorities, when needed.

Before Canons solution, Uber India was depended on several external vendors performing the background checks to store the records separately, and provide the detailed reports upon requests. Maintaining high volume of paperwork and large amount of sensitive information at the vendors repository also appeared to be risky on top of the labour-intensive task of retrieving information. The cab aggregator had to spend precious time searching for current and updated versions of the reports, as the vendors did not provide version search capabilities for the records.

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Uber India found a scalable, cost-effective and value-adding total solution with Therefore Online. The information management solution integrated seamlessly with Uber Indias existing cloud-based infrastructure. Instead of purchasing expensive servers, the company opted for a pay-per-use subscription that could be upgraded as and when required. The solution also helped Uber generates real-time reports on usage workflows, providing useful data to inform and improve business processes.

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Uber India deploys Canon information management solution- Therefore for operational workflow -

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