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The Role of Quantum Computing in Online Education – MarketScale

On this episode of the MarketScale Online Learning Minute, host Brian Runo dives into how quantum computing, the next revolutionary leap forward in computing, could apply to online education.

In particular, it can be used to epitomize the connectivism theory and provide personalized learning for each individual, as its not restricted by the capacity of an individual instructor.

In this way, each learner can be empowered to learn at their own pace and be presented with materials more tailored to them in real-time.

In fact, quantum computing is so revolutionary that the education world likely cant even currently dream up the innovations it will enable.

For the latest news, videos, and podcasts in theEducation Technology Industry, be sure to subscribe to our industry publication.

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The Role of Quantum Computing in Online Education - MarketScale

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The University of New Mexico Becomes IBM Q Hub’s First University Member – HPCwire

May 28, 2020 Under the direction of Michael Devetsikiotis, chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), The University of New Mexico recently joined the IBM Q Hubat North Carolina State University as its first university member.

The NC State IBM Q Hub is a cloud-based quantum computing hub, one of six worldwide and the first in North America to be part of the globalIBM Q Network. This global network links national laboratories, tech startups, Fortune 500 companies, and research universities, providing access to IBMs largest quantum computing systems.

Mainstream computer processors inside our laptops, desktops, and smartphones manipulatebits, information that can only exist as either a 1 or a 0. In other words, the computers we are used to function through programming, which dictates a series of commands with choices restricted to yes/no or if this, then that.Quantum computers, on the other hand, process quantum bits or qubits, that are not restricted to a binary choice. Quantum computers can choose if this, then that or both through complex physics concepts such as quantum entanglement. This allows quantum computers to process information more quickly, and in unique ways compared to conventional computers.

Access to systems such as IBMs newly announced53 qubit processor (as well as several 20 qubit machines) is just one of the many benefits to UNMs participation in the IBM Q Hub when it comes to data analysis and algorithm development for quantum hardware. Quantum knowledge will only grow with time, and the IBM Q Hub will provide unique training and research opportunities for UNM faculty and student researchers for years to come.

How did this partnership come to be? Two years ago, a sort of call to arms was sent out among UNM quantum experts, saying now was the time for big ideas because federal support for quantum research was gaining traction. Devetsikiotis vision was to create a quantum ecosystem, one that could unite the foundational quantum research in physics atUNMsCenter for Quantum Information and Control(CQuIC) with new quantum computing and engineering initiatives for solving big real-world mathematical problems.

At first, I thought [quantum] was something for physicists, explains Devetsikiotis. But I realized its a great opportunity for the ECE department to develop real engineering solutions to these real-world problems.

CQuIC is the foundation of UNMs long-standing involvement in quantum research, resulting in participation in theNational Quantum Initiative(NQI) passed by Congress in 2018 to support multidisciplinary research and training in quantum information science. UNM has been a pioneer in quantum information science since the field emerged 25 years ago, as CQuIC Director Ivan Deutsch knows first-hand.

This is a very vibrant time in our field, moving from physics to broader activities, says Deutsch, and [Devetsikiotis] has seen this as a real growth area, connecting engineering with the existing strengths we have in the CQuIC.

With strategic support from the Office of the Vice President for Research, Devetsikiotis secured National Science Foundation funding to support a Quantum Computing & Information Science (QCIS) faculty fellow. The faculty member will join the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering with the goal to unite well-established quantum research in physics with new quantum education and research initiatives in engineering. This includes membership in CQuIC and implementation of the IBM Q Hub program, as well as a partnership with Los Alamos National Lab for a Quantum Computing Summer School to develop new curricula, educational materials, and mentorship of next-generation quantum computing and information scientists.As part of the Q Hub at NC State, UNM gains access to IBMs largest quantum computing systems for commercial use cases and fundamental research. It also allows for the restructuring of existing quantum courses to be more hands-on and interdisciplinary than they have in the past, as well as the creation of new courses, a new masters degree program in QCIS, and a new university-wide Ph.D. concentration in QCIS that can be added to several departments including ECE, Computer Science, Physics and Astronomy, and Chemistry.

Theres been a lot of challenges, Devetsikiotis says, but there has also been a lot of good timing, and thankfully The University has provided support for us. UNM has solidified our seat at the quantum table and can now bring in the industrial side.

For additional graphics and full announcement,

Source: Natalie Rogers, University of New Mexico

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The University of New Mexico Becomes IBM Q Hub's First University Member - HPCwire

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Riverlane partner with bio-tech company Astex – Quantaneo, the Quantum Computing Source

Riverlane builds ground-breaking software to unleash the power of quantum computers. Chemistry is a key application in which quantum computing can be of significant value, as high-level quantum chemistry calculations can be solved far faster than using classical methods.

World leaders in drug discovery and development, Astex Pharmaceuticals apply innovative solutions to treat cancer and diseases of the central nervous system.The two companies will join forces to combine their expertise in quantum computing software and quantum chemistry applications to speed up drug development and move us closer to quantum advantage.

As part of the collaboration, Astex are funding a post-doctoral research scientist at Riverlane. They will apply very high levels of quantum theory to study the properties of covalent drugs, in which protein function is blocked by the formation of a specific chemical bond.So far in this field of research, only empirical methods and relatively low levels of quantum theory have been applied. Riverlane will provide access to specialised quantum software to enable simulations of the target drug-protein complexes.

Dave Plant, Principal Research Scientist at Riverlane, said: This collaboration will produce newly enhanced quantum chemical calculations to drive efficiencies in the drug discovery process. It will hopefully lead to the next generation of quantum inspired pharmaceutical products.

Chris Murray, SVP of Discovery Technology at Astex said: "We are excited about the prospect of exploring quantum computing in drug discovery applications. It offers the opportunity to deliver much more accurate calculations of the energetics associated with the interaction of drugs with biological molecules, leading to potential improvements in drug discovery productivity."

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Bipartisan push for US$100 billion investment in science – University World News


The Endless Frontier Act was introduced by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (Democrat, New York), Senator Todd Young (Republican, Indiana), Representative Ro Khanna (Democrat, California) and Representative Mike Gallagher (Republican, Wisconsin).

The preamble to the act warns that although the United States has been the unequivocal global leader in scientific and technological innovation since the end of World War II, and as a result the American people have benefited through good-paying jobs, economic prosperity and a higher quality of life, today this leadership position is being eroded.

Far too many of our communities have tremendous innovation potential but lack the critical public investment to build the nations strength in new technologies, while our foreign competitors, some of whom are stealing American intellectual property, are aggressively investing in fundamental research and commercialisation to dominate the key technology fields of the future.

It says: Without a significant increase in investment in fundamental scientific research, education and training, technology transfer and entrepreneurship, and the broader US innovation ecosystem across the nation, it is only a matter of time before Americas global competitors catch-up and overtake the US in terms of technological primacy: whichever country wins the race in key technologies such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, advanced communications, and advanced manufacturing will be the superpower of the future.

The bill argues that the US government needs to catalyse US innovation by boosting investments in the discovery, creation and commercialisation of new technologies that ensure American leadership in the industries of the future.

The bill would rename the National Science Foundation (NSF) the National Science and Technology Foundation (NSTF) and task a new deputy director with executing the new funding of fundamental research related to specific recognised global technology challenges with geostrategic implications for the United States and create within it a Technology Directorate.

The authorisation for the new directorate would be US$100 billion over five years to reinvigorate American leadership in the discovery and application of key technologies that will define global competitiveness.

Connecting disadvantaged populations

An additional US$10 billion would be authorised over five years for the Department of Commerce to designate at least 10 regional technology hubs, awarding funds for comprehensive investment initiatives that position regions across the country to be global centres for the research, development and manufacturing of key technologies.

There would be a drive to connect disadvantaged populations and places to new job and business opportunities developing key technologies.

Peter McPherson, president of the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities which comprises 239 public research universities, land-grant institutions, state university systems, and affiliated organisations said: Public research universities applaud Senators Schumer and Young and Representatives Khanna and Gallagher for their work across the aisle to bolster US discovery and innovation.

The Endless Frontier Act, whose name is taken from a 1945 report that issued a clarion call for what would become the National Science Foundation, serves as a key step in driving US global scientific leadership in the 21st century.

Now more than ever, we need a national commitment to science and research on a grand level. Research and innovation can create new sectors of the global economy, drive economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, and ultimately deliver long-term economic growth.

The Science Coalition, which represents more than 50 leading public and private research universities, issued a statement saying: In recent years, America has fallen behind its global counterparts in overall support and funding for fundamental scientific research, and this imbalance jeopardises our global economic competitiveness and our national security.

These lawmakers are right to prioritise funding for NSF and a new generation of cutting-edge research and technology. We commend their commitment to our researchers and STEM workforce pipeline that would chart a new course for American science and innovation.

According to the bill, the new directorate would fund research in the following areas:

Artificial intelligence and machine learning; High performance computing, semiconductors and advanced computer hardware; Quantum computing and information systems; Robotics, automation and advanced manufacturing; Natural or anthropogenic disaster prevention; Advanced communications technology; biotechnology, genomics and synthetic biology; Advanced energy technology; Cybersecurity, data storage and data management technologies; and Materials science, engineering and exploration relevant to the other focus areas.

The authorised activities would include:

Increases in research spending at universities, which can form consortia that include private industry, to advance US progress in key technology areas, including the creation of focused research centres.

New undergraduate scholarships, industry training programmes, graduate fellowships and traineeships and post-doctoral support in the targeted research areas to develop the US workforce.

The development of test-bed and fabrication facilities.

Programmes to facilitate and accelerate the transfer of new technologies from the lab to the marketplace, including expanding access to investment capital.

Planning and coordination with state and local economic development stakeholders and the private sector to build regional innovation ecosystems.

Increases in research spending for collaboration with US allies, partners and international organisations.

McPherson said the bill was needed to enable the US to compete with global rivals.

Federal investment in R&D has languished in recent decades. As a share of the economy, its a third of what it was at its peak. China, and other countries, meanwhile, have vastly expanded their investments in research and development, he said.

The current pandemic has underscored the critical need to redouble public investment in research and development. We must ensure more of these innovations and advancements take place in the US rather than elsewhere around the globe, he added.

This bill would not only advance US innovation, but also would help ensure the fruits of innovation are broadly shared. Investing in research across the country and in critical sectors such as quantum computing, biotechnology and robotics will help secure our place as home to the worlds most dynamic and advanced economy, McPherson said.

Bipartisan push for US$100 billion investment in science - University World News

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What’s New in HPC Research: Astronomy, Weather, Security & More – HPCwire

In this bimonthly feature,HPCwirehighlights newly published research in the high-performance computing community and related domains. From parallel programming to exascale to quantum computing, the details are here.

Developing the HPC system for the ASKAP telescope

The Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) telescope (itself a pilot project for the record-setting Square Kilometre Array planned for construction in the coming years) will enable highly sensitive radio astronomy that produces a tremendous amount of data. In this paper, researchers from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) highlight how they are preparing a dedicated HPC platform, called ASKAPsoft, to handle the expected 5 PB/year of data produced by ASKAP.

Authors: Juan C. Guzman, Eric Bastholm, Wasim raja, Matthew Whiting, Daniel Mitchell, Stephen Ord and Max Voronkov.

Creating an open infrastructure for sharing and reusing HPC knowledge

In an expert field like HPC, institutional memory and information-sharing is crucial for maintaining and building on expertise but institutions often lack cohesive infrastructures to perpetuate that knowledge. These authors, a team from North Carolina State University and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, introduce OpenK, an open, ontology-based infrastructure aimed at facilitating the accumulation, sharing and reuse of HPC knowledge.

Authors: Yue Zhao, Xipeng Shen and Chunhua Liao.

Using high-performance data analysis to facilitate HPC-powered astrophysics

High-performance data analysis (HPDA) is an emerging tool for scientific disciplines like bioscience, climate science and security and now, its being used to prepare astrophysics research for exascale. In this paper, written by a team from the Astronomical Observatory of Trieste, Italy, the authors discuss the ExaNeSt and EuroExa projects, which built a prototype of a low-power exascale facility for HPDA and astrophysics.

Authors: Giuliano Taffoni, David Goz, Luca Tornatore, Marco Frailis, Gianmarco Maggio and Fabio Pasian.

Using power analysis to identify HPC activity

Monitoring users on large computing platforms such as [HPC] and cloud computing systems, these authors a duo from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory write, is non-trivial. Users can (and have) abused access to HPC systems, they say, but process viewers and other monitoring tools can impose substantial overhead. To that end, they introduce a technique for identifying running programs with 97% accuracy using just the systems power consumption.

Authors: Bogdan Copos and Sein Peisert.

Building resilience and fault tolerance in HPC for numerical weather and climate prediction

In numerical weather and climate prediction (NWP), accuracy depends strongly on available computing power but the increasing number of cores in top systems is leading to a higher frequency of hardware and software failures for NWP simulations. This report (from researchers at eight different institutions) examines approaches for fault tolerance in numerical algorithms and system resilience in parallel simulations for those NWP tools.

Authors: Tommaso Benacchio, Luca Bonaventura, Mirco Altenbernd, Chris D. Cantwell, Peter D. Dben, Mike Gillard, Luc Giraud, Dominik Gddeke, Erwan Raffin, Keita Teranishi and Nils Wedi.

Pioneering the exascale era with astronomy

Another team this time, from SURF, a collaborative organization for Dutch research also investigated the intersection of astronomy and the exascale era. This paper, written by three researchers from SURF, highlights a new, OpenStack-based cloud infrastructure layer and Spider, a new addition to SURFs high-throughput data processing platform. The authors explore how these additions help to prepare the astronomical research community for the exascale era, in particular with regard to data-intensive experiments like the Square Kilometre Array.

Authors: J. B. R. Oonk, C. Schrijvers and Y. van den Berg.

Enabling EASEY deployment of containerized applications for future HPC systems

As the exascale era approaches, HPC systems are growing in complexity, improving performance but making the systems less accessible for new users. These authors a duo from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich propose a support framework for these future HPC architectures called EASEY (for Enable exAScale for EverYone) that can automatically deploy optimized container computations with negligible overhead[.]

Authors: Maximilian Hb and Dieter Kranzlmller.

Do you know about research that should be included in next months list? If so, send us an email at[emailprotected]. We look forward to hearing from you.

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What's New in HPC Research: Astronomy, Weather, Security & More - HPCwire

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Impact of COVID-19 on Crowd Funding 2020 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2026 – Cole of Duty

Global Crowd Funding Market Professional Survey 2019 by Manufacturers, Regions, Types and Applications, Forecast to 2024>This report offers a detailed view of market opportunity by end user segments, product segments, sales channels, key countries, and import / export dynamics. It details market size & forecast, growth drivers, emerging trends, market opportunities, and investment risks in over various segments in Crowd Funding industry. It provides a comprehensive understanding of Crowd Funding market dynamics in both value and volume terms.

The key players covered in this study > Crowd Cube Capital, Seedrs, Kickstarter, Indiegogo, GoFundMe, Fundable, CircleUp Network, MicroVentures Marketplace

The final report will add the analysis of the Impact of Covid-19 in this report Crowd Funding industry.

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This report focuses on the global Crowd Funding status, future forecast, growth opportunity, key market and key players. The study objectives are to present the Crowd Funding development in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India and Central & South America.

Table Of Content

1 Report Overview

2 Global Growth Trends

3 Market Share by Key Players

4 Breakdown Data by Type and Application

5 North America

6 Europe

7 China

8 Japan

9 Southeast Asia

10 India

11 Central & South America

12 International Players Profiles

13 Market Forecast 2019-2025

14 Analysts Viewpoints/Conclusions

15 Appendix

This report studies the Crowd Funding market status and outlook of Global and major regions, from angles of players, countries, product types and end industries; this report analyzes the top players in global market, and splits the Crowd Funding market by product type and applications/end industries.

Customization of this Report: This report can be customized to meet the clients requirements. Please connect with our sales team ([emailprotected]), who will ensure that you get a report that suits your needs. For more relevant reports

What to Expect From This Report on Crowd Funding Market:

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A detailed overview of regional distributions of popular products in the Crowd Funding Market.

How do the major companies and mid-level manufacturers make a profit within the Crowd Funding Market?

Estimate the break-in for new players to enter the Crowd Funding Market.

Comprehensive research on the overall expansion within the Crowd Funding Market for deciding the product launch and asset developments.

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Impact of COVID-19 on Crowd Funding 2020 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2026 - Cole of Duty

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Cant play both at the same time, How Yuzvendra Chahal prioritised cricket over chess – Hindustan Times

India legspinner Yuzvendra Chahal has revealed the difficulties he faced as a youngster in balancing chess and cricket and the circumstance that led to him picking up cricket as a career.

Chahal, before carving a career for India in cricket was a brilliant chess player, participating in Nationals and representing India at the World Youth Chess Championship. But as the ventured into cricket, Chahal struggled to strike a balance between the two sports and made up his mind to concentrate on one.

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I played my first nationals of Chess in 1998 and at that time I was playing cricket as well. You cant play both sports at the same time. For Chess, you need 10 12 hours of training and then 6 8 hours for cricket was getting very difficult. So, when I came back from the World Cup, I told my father I will focus only on cricket. Chahal told S Badrinath on the show Mind Masters by MFORE on Star Sports.

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Reports have surfaced that not finding sponsors somewhat played a role in Chahal leaving behind a career in chess. However, as Chahal has become an integral part of Indias limited-overs setup, the legspinner reckons there are certain similarities between cricket and chess believing patience plays a key role in both these sports.

In chess you require a lot of patience as every match is about 6 7 hours and youre playing sitting at one place without speaking much. Similarly, in cricket you sometimes bowl so well but dont get wickets. So, you have to be patient and keep it in your mind that you are bowling well and youll probably get wickets in the next spell, he mentioned.

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Cant play both at the same time, How Yuzvendra Chahal prioritised cricket over chess - Hindustan Times

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An Introduction to Chess: More notes on castling – Stabroek News

Last week, we addressed the motions of castling on the Kingside and Queenside. Castling is a strange move, but not a complicated one. As mentioned last week, you cannot castle when you confront certain situations. This week, I will illustrate those situations through diagrams to give the chess beginner a better understanding of castling.

Castling Diagram 1

In Diagram 1, White is in check with the black Bishop. In this position, White can either block with his pawn, his Bishop, his Knight, or his Queen. He can also move his King to a White square. If he moves the King, he loses the right to castle. So, the most intelligent thing to do in this position is to block. Remember, it would be foolish to block with the Queen because the Queen is worth 10 pawns and the Bishop is worth 3 pawns.

Castling Diagram 2

In Diagram 2, the King has moved to evade the check. The problem with this move is that the King would not be allowed to castle. It was better to block the check.

Castling Diagram 3

In Diagram 3, White is unable to castle. White cannot castle when an opposing piece moves through or ends up on a square that is being attacked by an enemy piece. In this position the King cannot cross the line of the enemy Bishop.

Castling Diagram 4

Diagram 4 demonstrates how White can castle on the Queenside although Blacks Bishop is attacking the Rook. Remember, only the King is prohibited from crossing the line of fire, not the Rook. The way is cleared for the King to castle on the Queenside. However, the black King cannot castle on the Kingside because it would have to cross the f8-square controlled by the White Knight. But Black can castle Queenside if the player so chooses. The Rook can cross the b8-square which completes the castling move.

An Introduction to Chess: More notes on castling - Stabroek News

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NSR Report: Cloud Computing via Satellite to Drive 52 Exabytes of Traffic by 2029 – GlobeNewswire

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., May 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NSRs Cloud Computing via Satellite report, released today, projects 52 Exabytes of Traffic by 2029, with players in the satellite and space industry contributing cumulative revenue of $16 B from 2019-2029. The market is largely satcom-centric, with a significant portion of the revenue flow going to service providers and satellite operators.

"The transformation brought about by the adoption of Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics is only beginning to impact the satellite sector," states Shivaprakash Muruganandham, NSR Analyst and report author. 'It ranges from Cloud-hosted applications by end customers to Cloud storage/processing by geospatial analytics providers. For a growing number of satellite operators and service providers, partnering with big IT and Cloud players helps them drive increased bandwidth usage with existing customers.

The primary Cloud verticals, Maritime Offshore and Passenger Cruise, along with Aeronautical satcom, will generate more than $7B cumulatively over the 10-year forecast period. Additionally, Onshore Energy, Gov/Mil, and Retail & Banking satcom markets are set to expand their Cloud-first digitization strategies.

Surprisingly, Muruganandham adds the Earth Observation industry was found to trail behind in terms of raw data traffic downlinked to Cloud servers, while the downstream geospatial analytics segment shows strong signs of growth.

NSR recognizes that Cloud might not be a scalable cost for all, despite its tremendous value add. Still, newer applications such as the use of satellites for Cloud storage and compute capabilities are nascent markets set to grow strongly over the coming decade.

About the ReportNSRs Cloud Computing via Satellite is an industry first report that provides a complete overview and assessment of the impact of Cloud Computing in the satellite industry. It forecasts the global industry outlook in terms of Cloud data traffic/volume and Cloud service revenues across regions and four key application areas. With an analysis of the current state of the market, and in-depth review of the various market segments covered, this report builds upon NSRs leading research into the various satcom and EO markets. For additional information on this report, including a full table of contents, list of exhibits and executive summary, please visit or call NSR at +1-617-674-7743.

Companies Mentioned in the ReportAddvalue, Air Asia, Airbus, Alaska Airlines, Amazon, Arabsat, Atlas Space Operations, Bentley, BlackSky Global, BridgeComm, Capella Space, Carnival Cruises, Cloud Constellation, CloudEO, Descartes Labs, Earth-I, Emirates, Eutelsat, Global Eagle, Geely, Globalstar, Gogo, Google, Hughes, IBM, ICEYE, Infostellar, Inmarsat, Intelie, Intelsat, Iridium, JetBlue, Kongsberg, KSAT, KVH Industries, Lufthansa, LyteLoop, Marlink, Maxar, Microsoft, Panasonic, Planet, Princess Cruises, RBC Signals, Resolute Mining, Rezatec, RigNet, RS Metrics, SatSure, SES, SITAONAIR, Southwest Airlines, Spire, SSC, Taqnia Space, Thales, Transocean, United Airlines, Ursa, ViaSat, Wasabii, X2nSat

About NSRNSR is the leading global market research and consulting firm focused on the satellite and space sectors, NSRs global team, unparalleled coverage and anticipation of trends with a high degree of confidence and precision than the competition is the cornerstone of all NSR offerings. First to market coverage and a transparent, dependable approach sets NSR apart as the key provider of critical insight to the satellite and space industries. Contact us at to discuss how we can assist your business.

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NSR Report: Cloud Computing via Satellite to Drive 52 Exabytes of Traffic by 2029 - GlobeNewswire

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The Work-From-Home Era Is the Perfect Time to Start Your Cloud-Computing Career – Entrepreneur

Industry coach Broadus Palmer offers his advice on how tech professionals can take advantage of a now-ubiquitous business need.

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May28, 20204 min read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

In this critical time, manycompanies have been recognizingthe benefits of remote work. Consequently, those companies will have to startrelying on the cloud to replace most of their physical infrastructure andeffecta seamless remote experience from home.

This, in turn, will create a plethora of opportunities fortechnology professionals to propel themselves intointo a new cloud career.

Broadus Palmer's head is necessarily in the clouds.

Image Credit: Evan Henderson

I recently connected withBroadus Palmer, founder and cloud career coach atLevel Up With Broadus, and here are the three biggest pieces of advice he offered about embarking ona cloud-computing career.

"Grant yourself an opportunity to understand what the cloud is and how it works," he recommends as a first step. "There are plenty of cloud service providers out there, but in the U.S., the big three are Amazon Webservices, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure."

Palmer duly encourages folks to "check out some of the best cloud training providers, such as Linux Academy and A Cloud Guru. This time should be spent understanding the major core services within a cloud service provider that you choose to learn about. Having this expertise will put you ahead for the next step."

As for that next step, Palmer reminds that, "The cloud is a vast industry filled with limitless opportunities in many roles that will need to be filled. After learning how the cloud works, its important to find a direction to try to focus on. Thegood news is, if you dont like a certain direction, you can always pivot and move."

Palmer elaborates that, "Some of the hottest careers in cloud now include cloud security engineer, DevOps engineer and cloud architect. These roles have been trending for a long time in this industry within no signs of slowing down. Once youve chosen a path, check out some of the tech companies in your area using Glassdoor or Indeed and figure out what skills they are asking anyone for that role to have. This will give you an idea of which hands-on skills you need to retrieve."

Finally, Palmer reinforces that, "Now this is the time when you need to have dedication, consistency and commitment. These threethings will help you make tremendous progress when it comes to getting the hands-on skills you need. Focus on how you can solve current problems with current trending tools within the industry."

He also urges that it's necessary at this stage to "put your war face on; not only will this get ugly, but you will become frustrated and sometimes feel defeated. That is OK, because every experience is a learning experience. What you can do is reach out to a cloud career coach who has been through the mud and understands what you need to do to transition. Projects and labs will also help you understand exactly what you are capable of in a test-production scenario. By always challenging yourself like this, you will be ready to steer the ship when the captain calls on you."

Palmer is sympathetic to the fact that, as he puts it, "Transitioning into this industry can feel overwhelming." Nevertheless, he maintains, "If you have the passion, hunger and patience along with the direction of a coach, you will do fine."

Above all, he enthuses, "Use this opportunity to propel yourself forward and reach those blessings that lie right around the corner for you."

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The Work-From-Home Era Is the Perfect Time to Start Your Cloud-Computing Career - Entrepreneur

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