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Global Healthcare Cloud Computing Market Growth Factor Analysis by Manufacturers, Shares, Size, Trends and Challenges with Forecast to 2026 – Jewish…

Healthcare Cloud Computing Market 2020report share informative data figures as well asimportant insightsregarding some of the market component which is considered to be future course architects for the market. This contains factors such asmarket size, market share, market segmentation, significant growth drivers, market competition, diverse features affecting economic cycles in the market, demand, expected business up-downs, changing customer sentiments,key companiesoperating in the Healthcare Cloud Computing Market, etc. In order to bring a complete indulgent of the global market, the report also shares some of the useful details regarding regional as well as significant domestic markets. The report presents a360-degree overview and SWOT analysisof the competitive landscape of the industries.

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Top Key players of Healthcare Cloud Computing Market Covered In The Report:

Nuance Communications, Inc., eGain Corporation, Creative Virtual Ltd., Next IT Corp., 24/7 Customer Inc., Codebaby (Idavatars), Inc., Anboto, Inbenta Technologies Inc., and Aivo.

Key Market Segmentation of Healthcare Cloud Computing :

Key Product type:

Type 1Type 2Type 3Type 4etc

Market by Application:

Application 1Application 2Application 3etc

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Healthcare Cloud Computing Market Region Mainly Focusing:

Europe Healthcare Cloud Computing Market (Austria, France, Finland, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, UK),

Asia-Pacific and Australia Healthcare Cloud Computing Market (China, South Korea, Thailand, India, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Japan),

The Middle East and Africa Healthcare Cloud Computing Market (Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Egypt, Morocco, and Nigeria),

Latin America/South America Healthcare Cloud Computing

North America Healthcare Cloud Computing Market (Canada, Mexico, and The USA)

Factors such as industry value chain, key consumption trends, recent patterns of customer behaviors, overall spending capacity analysis, market expansion rate, etc. The report also integrates premium quality data figures associated with financial figures of the industry includingmarket size (in USD), expected market size growth (in percentage), sales data, revenue figures and more.This might enable readers to reach quicker decisions with data and insights at hand.

Key Highlights from Healthcare Cloud Computing Market Study:

Income and Sales Estimation

Historical Revenue and deals volume is displayed and supports information is triangulated with best down and base up ways to deal with figure finish market measure and to estimate conjecture numbers for key areas shrouded in the Healthcare Cloud Computing report alongside arranged and very much perceived Types and end-utilize industry. Moreover, macroeconomic factor and administrative procedures are discovered explanation in Healthcare Cloud Computing industry advancement and perceptive examination.

Assembling Analysis

The Healthcare Cloud Computing report is presently broke down concerning different types and applications. The Healthcare Cloud Computing market gives a section featuring the assembling procedure examination approved by means of essential data gathered through Industry specialists and Key authorities of profiled organizations.

Competition Analysis

Healthcare Cloud Computing Leading players have been considered relying upon their organization profile, item portfolio, limit, item/benefit value, deals, and cost/benefit.

Demand and Supply and Effectiveness

Healthcare Cloud Computing report moreover gives support, Production, Consumption and (Export and Import).

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Major Points Covered in Table of Contents:

Healthcare Cloud Computing Market Overview

Market Competition by Manufacturers

Production Market Share by Regions

Consumption by Regions

Global Healthcare Cloud Computing Production, Revenue, Price Trend by Type

Global Healthcare Cloud Computing Market Analysis by Applications

Company Profiles and Key Figures in Healthcare Cloud Computing Business

Healthcare Cloud Computing Manufacturing Cost Analysis

Marketing Channel, Distributors, and Customers

Market Dynamics

Global Healthcare Cloud Computing Market Forecast

Research Findings and Conclusion

Methodology and Data Source

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In a word, the Healthcare Cloud Computing Market report provides major statistics on the state of the Healthcare Cloud Computing industry with a valuable source of guidance and direction for companies and individuals interested in the market. At the end, Healthcare Cloud Computing Market Report delivers a conclusion which includes Research Findings, Market Size Evaluation, Global Market Share, Consumer Needs along with Customer Preference Change, Data Source. These factors will raise the growth of the business overall.

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Global Healthcare Cloud Computing Market Growth Factor Analysis by Manufacturers, Shares, Size, Trends and Challenges with Forecast to 2026 - Jewish...

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Global Cloud Computing Market 2020 by Type, Therapy, Treatment Cost, Growth, Key Players, Regional Analysis and Opportunities to 2025 – News Distinct

Global Cloud Computing Market report is deep study of the present market dynamics. Cloud Computing report studies the current state of the market to analyze the future opportunities and risks. It consists of the detailed study of current market trends along with the past statistics. Various important factors such as market trends, revenue growth patterns market shares and demand and supply are included in almost all the market research report for every industry.

The past years are considered as reference to get the predicted data for the forecast period. Various important factors such as market trends, revenue growth patterns market shares and demand and supply are included in almost all the market research report for every industry. A significant development has been recorded by the market of Cloud Computing, in past few years. It is also for it to grow further. Various important factors such as market trends, revenue growth patterns market shares and demand and supply are included in almost all the market research report for every industry.

This study covers following key players:Amazon Web ServicesVmwareMicrosoft AzureAliyunGoogle Cloud PlatformIBMSAPSalesforceOracleRackspaceDELLEMC

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Every market research report follows a robust methodology to define its market value. This report on Cloud Computing has been very well drafted to benefit anyone studying it. The study is done with the help of analysis such as SWOT analysis and PESTEL analysis. SWOT analysis includes the study of Threats, weaknesses, strengths and opportunities that the Cloud Computing Market. Whereas PESTEL analysis is the study concerning Economic, Technological, legal political, social, environmental matters. For the analysis of market on the terms of research strategies, these techniques are helpful. It is very important for the vendors to provide customers with new and improved product/ services in order to gain their loyalty. The up-to-date, complete product knowledge, end users, industry growth will drive the profitability and revenue. Cloud Computing report studies the current state of the market to analyze the future opportunities and risks.

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Market segment by Type, the product can be split intoInfrastructure as a service (IaaS)Platform as a Service (PaaS)Software as a Service (SaaS)

Market segment by Application, split intoGovernmentSmall and Medium sized enterprisesLarge enterprises

Potential consumers, market values, and the future scope for the Cloud Computing Market are explained thoroughly to the users in this report. The key players of Cloud Computing industry, their product portfolio, market share, industry profiles is studied in this report. The major market players are studied on the basis of gross margin, production volume, price structure, and market value. Adaptation of new ideas and accepting the latest trends are some the reasons for any markets growth. The Global Cloud Computing Market research report gives the deep understanding about the regions where the market is impactful. It also elaborates the big and small vendors working actively all over the globe.

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Global Cloud Computing Market 2020 by Type, Therapy, Treatment Cost, Growth, Key Players, Regional Analysis and Opportunities to 2025 - News Distinct

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Competition for hybrid cloud space Cloud computing is evolving to attract more companies – Optocrypto

At the end of the last decade, both entrepreneurs and providers of cloud services have become increasingly concentrated. Each party understands the needs of the other, but neither can determine exactly what that relationship will be like.

By 2020, the implications for the next decade of cloud computing have become clear. Understanding these models will be critical to the success of service and product providers in planning their business strategies. Business owners are now beginning to understand the performance benefits of cloud cost reduction and clustering.

Twitter and Netflix have proven that micro-services architecture can work well on a large scale, but there is still a lot of complexity behind the scenes. Communication between modular components can be problematic, resulting in a lack of visibility and the constant challenge of maintaining security and QoS.

Twitter and Netflix have proven that micro-services architecture can work well on a large scale, but there is still a lot of complexity behind the scenes. Communication between modular components can be problematic, resulting in a lack of visibility and the constant challenge of maintaining security and QoS.

To meet this challenge, IBM, Google, and Lyft have worked together to find a solution. The end result was Istio.

Istio is described as an open-source service grid that is designed to provide a common environment for connecting, protecting, monitoring, and scaling distributed micro-services. The main advantage of Istio is that it can work in hybrid and multi-cloud environments without changing the application code.

In terms of security, Istio creates a separate secure communication channel between the micro-service and the end-user (and between the micro-service itself). In terms of performance monitoring and troubleshooting, Istio provides an intuitive dashboard and system-wide overview of the entire distributed environment.

Since they are in a distributed environment, operators can see not only how individual micro-services work, but also how they interact with each other. This allows problem areas to be quickly located and corrected.

Developers and operators of microservice architectures can welcome Istio with open arms: By simplifying security and troubleshooting, and removing scaling obstacles, developers can create new applications at will. As a result, the micro-services business model will be more attractive than ever.

The developments described above are geared towards a hybrid and cloudy future. Almost every dream of the big public cloud providers of a public cloud-based as a service monopoly has gone up in smoke. The most important thing is security.

A recent survey conducted by Red Hat almost confirms this new reality, finding that only 4% of companies view cloud-native as an excellent growth path. In contrast, 31% of respondents prefer hybrid cloud implementations.

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Competition for hybrid cloud space Cloud computing is evolving to attract more companies - Optocrypto

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Cloud Security: 5 Serious Emerging Cloud Computing Threats to Avoid – Security Boulevard

Data breaches that resulted from cloud misconfigurations cost businesses nearly $3.18 trillion in 2019, according to DivvyCloud heres what to know to protect your business

The Covid-19 pandemic is having huge effects on the economy, our social lives, and the ways in which we work. With many staff around the world now being required to work from home, the crisis has focused attention on cloud security and the resilience of its infrastructure to stand up to cloud security threats.

The cybersecurity vulnerabilities inherent to cloud storage are nothing new. Many companies were still in the process of improving their cloud security when the pandemic hit, but have now been forced to accelerate their plans.

This move includes a renewed push to encrypt cloud storage using AES and an increased consciousness of the risk of phishing attacks in cloud environments. Experts also reckon that improved cloud security can save businesses up to $1.4 million per cyber-attack.

In this article, well look at the top 5 cloud security threats and will show you how to mitigate the cloud vulnerabilities that are associated with them.

Lets hash it out.

The cloud is here to stay. Flexeras 2020 State of the Cloud Report (formerly the Rightscale State of the Cloud Report) shows that, for the first time since the first edition of its report was published, every survey respondent indicated that they had cloud strategy plans or already used cloud in one form or another. In fact, 93% of their respondents indicated that their organizations have multi-cloud strategies.

The widespread use of cloud by organizations of all sizes serves to further underscore the importance of mitigating cloud security threats by eliminating existing cloud vulnerabilities.

Here are the five most common cloud security threats and what your organization can do to mitigate them:

One of the primary threats to cloud storage systems is not a feature of these systems themselves, but rather a result of the way that companies use them. The growing number of cloud providers with large free service plans drives down costs and encourages even small companies to move all of their data to the cloud. In many cases, this is done without carefully thinking through access policies.

Access management includes two fundamental elements. One is a rigorous access policy, and the other is a set of authentication and identity verification tools.

Lets look at access policies first. There is a simple principle when it comes to designing access policies for cloud storage: If an employee doesnt need access to particular files or systems in order to do their job, then they shouldnt have it. You should conduct regular audits of the level of access your employees have to your cloud systems and remove any unnecessary privileges.

This is particularly true when employees leave your company. A number of high-profile recent data breaches have been caused by disgruntled employees who have found that they still have access to their corporate accounts even long after leaving the company. IT administrators, therefore, need to liaise closely with HR departments to ensure that theres a process for removing privileges for departing employees as soon as possible.

Alongside this policy, you should deploy the most secure authentication and identity verification tools that are feasible for your cloud environment. Many cloud vendors now offer multi-factor authentication (MFA) systems as part of their standard packages. In these systems, users must have access to a second device typically a smartphone in order to log in to your systems. This makes access to your cloud storage dramatically more secure.

If youre looking to improve your cloud security still further, you can implement a separation of duties (SoD) model. This model separates the tasks that can be performed within your cloud environment so that no one user is able to totally control it. This means that tasks that might be damaging to your company such as deleting certain files require more than one person to execute.

SoD models afford you with a greater level of security because they mean that even if an administrative account is hacked, the attacker will not gain a level of access to your cloud environment that will allow them to cause significant levels of damage.

Data breaches and leaks are more of a threat in cloud systems than in those managed in-house. This is simply due to the large amounts of data flowing between employees and cloud systems, which can be intercepted by hackers looking for weaknesses in your systems. This is what happened to Equifax in 2017 when the personal data of more than 148 million Americans was stolen and published by hackers.

In the Equifax breach, the attackers were able to take advantage of an expired digital certificate. This is what helped the breach to remain undetected for more than a month and a half a total of 76 days..

Dont Get Breached

91% of cyber attacks start with an email, which can leave your business open to devastating data breaches. Not securing your email is like leaving the front door open for hackers.

One of the best ways to mitigate this threat is to secure your data using in-transit and at-rest data security. This would include the use of encryption both for your email server and for the messages themselves.This would include the use of digital certificates such as SSL/TLS website certificates and S/MIME (secure/multipurpose internet mail extension) certificates.

You should also ensure that all of your staff can access your cloud securely from anywhere, while at the same time youre using a reputable virtual private network to encrypt data that is in transit between Wi-Fi access points and your companys network. What is considered reputable? You neednt invest in an enterprise VPN, which can cost hundreds of dollars per month per user. However, it is important to do your research to ensure that the VPN service youre investing in is genuinely secure.

This is particularly true if you are looking for cost-effective VPN services. As weve pointed out in our recent article on free VPNs, some of these services are not as secure as they claim to be. Some free or ostensibly free VPN services i.e., those that do not keep log files and are AES-encrypted are fine. Others will log all of your activity in order to sell on this information, or will use less secure encryption schemes. Both of these practices are a potential source of risk, and if youre investing in a security tool it really shouldnt expose you to more risk.

Data loss is another issue that plagues cloud systems. After moving your business processes to the cloud, the amount of data you store remotely can quickly grow to an unmanageable size, which makes backups both difficult and costly. Because of this, research has found that an average of 51% of organizations have publicly exposed at least one cloud storage service, and 84% of organizations have said that traditional security solutions dont work in cloud environments.

Not performing regular, thorough backups is a major threat because of the rise of ransomware attacks, in which a hacker will encrypt your cloud storage and demand payment for returning data to you.

If you wait until something goes wrong, its too late. Preventing this kind of attack means designing and implementing a rigorous and stable backup system now. Ideally, this should be a distributed system, in which data is backed up in multiple systems and locations, in order to avoid data loss from individual storage area network (SAN) systems crippling your business.

Application user interfaces (APIs) are the primary tools that enable interaction with cloud storage systems. Normally, APIs are used by (at least) two distinct sets of employees:

Unfortunately, many APIs still have security vulnerabilities, most often giving cloud storage providers undue levels of access to your data. It emerged a few months ago, for instance, that both Facebook and Google stored user passwords in plaintext, and that these could, therefore, be read by staff within those organizations.

Considering that the 2019 Online Security Survey by Google and Harris Poll shows that more than two-thirds of respondents reuse their passwords across multiple accounts, thats particularly worrisome.

Mitigating the threat presented by insecure APIs means choosing a cloud storage vendor carefully. A quality vendor will adhere to OWASP API security guidelines, and also be able to provide you with data on the number of attacks they have seen, and the number they have defeated.

DivvyCloud recently highlighted another common threat in cloud systems: misconfiguration, which can lead to data being left unsecured. Some companies dont change the default security settings on their cloud storage; others allow their data to be stored in large and confusing structures in which it is easy to leave particular files unprotected. A good example of the dangers of misconfigured cloud storage is the National Security Agencys (NSA) mishap, a mistake that made a number of top secret documents available to everyone via an external browser.

Such cloud vulnerabilities are exacerbated by the sheer number of systems that are now connected to cloud storage. Most companies will now use the cloud for all of their operational processes from certificate management and email outreach and marketing automation to small business phone and messaging systems. Managing data flowing to the cloud from multiple endpoints can be a challenge for even the most experienced admins.

For most companies, ensuring that your cloud storage is configured correctly will be a question of speaking to your cloud storage vendor, and seeking assurances (and potentially legal assurances) that these have been set up correctly. You should ensure that you have an understanding not only of your cloud storage system, but also of all the systems that you use alongside it that could compromise its security.

A quality cloud storage provider will take the time to assess how you use your cloud storage, and the other systems you use alongside it, and highlight any potential risks and cloud vulnerabilities that this gives rise to.

The present moment with the world battling a global pandemic might seem like a strange time to reassess your cloud security. But, in reality, this is a necessary step, and theres no better time than the present.

None of the cloud security threats above are new, but theyre more important than ever as employees are forced to work from home. As a result, encryption is essential to defend against as are regular audits of who has access to your cloud storage and choosing a high-quality cloud provider.

Ultimately, by using this opportunity to improve your cloud security, you will also be protecting your data, staff, and customers in the long term. This will set you and your organization up for a successful future.

Recent Articles By Author

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Hashed Out by The SSL Store authored by Gary Stevens. Read the original post at:

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Cloud Security: 5 Serious Emerging Cloud Computing Threats to Avoid - Security Boulevard

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‘Cloud Computing Is One Of The Most Disruptive And Exciting Innovations’. – Express Computer

Amdocs is also working towards upskilling their employees with some cloud education giving them opportunity to apply for open jobs. Amdocs is not only empowering their employees with Cloud technology but are also focusing on India with the aim of filling many open jobs at Amdocs. In an e-interaction with Gairika Mitra, Avi Kulshrestha, President Amdocs Global Services Divisiontells us why cloud computing is one of the most innovative solutions ever.

Why do you think switching to the cloud is of pivotal while working remotely?

Some employers have been reluctant to move towards remote working; however, others have been following the trend in offering flexible working hours to their employees as an incentive which can also be cost-effective. The global crisis, Covid-19 got the former set of employers to adapt to remote working. For contact centres, bringing the benefit of remote working and collaboration solutions to agents was something that the enterprises were worried about as most of their data is stored in desktops. Realising the importance of seamless connectivity efficient business continuity, Amdocs partnered withAmazon Cloud Connectto provide tools that will offer communication service providers(CSPs) to extend remote working capabilities to contact centre agents.

Traditional solutions require costly, hard to manage physical PC setups with VPN. Virtual desktop solutions can also be complicated, expensive and slow to deploy. Therefore,switching to the cloud is pivotal as thishelps in delivering application streaming on personal devices. Work productivity increases drastically as employees can access all inbuilt applications on desktops from anywhere. Also, Cloud is cost-effective, supports real-time disaster recovery options for work-from-home users, and remote agents without any loss of functionality. Therefore, enterprises can experience increase in productivity, meet client deadlines thereby responding to the changing needs of the global workforce.

Tell us about your voyage to inculcatecloud in the communication and media industry.

As service providers prepare their journey to the cloud, Amdocs is focusing on providing different cloud solutions to accelerate this journey. Realising the clouds benefit in the telecom industry, early this year, we announced System Integration (SI) capabilities that includes consulting, agile devOps, cloud migration and cloud capacity optimisation. These solutions aim to set best practices for service providers migrating to the cloud in the safe manner.

Strengthening our expertise in cloud, we partnered with Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services, two leading cloud giants of the sector to enhance clients experience and help them lead a digital transformation journey. CSPs will benefit from Amdocs-Google Cloud partnership as this will enable them to leverage data and analytics through deployment of hybrid and multi-cloud configurations. Moreover, this configuration will enable the partners to develop new enterprise-focused 5G edge computing solutions.

In the partnership with AWS, Amdocs will support CSPs contact centers with efficient tools that can ease the capability to work remotely. CSPs can now provide a work from home option for its contact center agents with our Contact Center-as-a-Service Business Continuity Solution on the AWS Cloud or private cloud.

Another venture, Vubiquitys (an Amdocs Company) Content Cloud provides instant access to content catalogues from major and indie studios. The service enables fast go-to-market distribution to either launch new OTT services or enhances an existing entertainment platform. Recently, Vubiquity has partnered with Airtel Africa to provide multi-country premium media content and curation via Content-as-a-Service Solution on Microsoft Azure.

What kind of challenges are prevalent while working on the cloud? How can we overcome those?

Cloud computing has turned out to be one of the most disruptive and exciting innovations in the IT world. The demand for cloud solutions is expected to show growth in the coming years as enterprises are heavily investing in cloud strategy. They are undergoing a digital transformation, allowing CSPs to capitalize on the cloud. In this situation, CSPs need to be equipped with advanced tools, expertise and cloud management solutions to have cloud infrastructure ready for business advancements.

Since, communication industry is still adapting to cloud, there are few challenges that we tend to face:

CXOs will need to wholeheartedly embrace digitalisation and develop skills using innovative new technologies andcloud platforms. They need to take out time to learn about them, and the impact they can have on business processes and service delivery. In order to leverage the cloud, the foremost thing of importance is that the cloud computing service providers should first understand which right tools they should have in place to make business cloud management easier.

How is your firm helping in tackling the pandemic?

With Amazon Cloud connect we have been able to help our customers call center agents to quickly respond to customer calls with little to no additional training. With high security and compliance standards, the solution provides immediate business agility and elasticity to scale to meet the demands of the business with the appropriate number of agents. With a global infrastructure, the solution is highly available and takes days to set up and minutes to deploy so there is minimal downtime.

Do you think the Indian audience is enough equipped and savvy with cloud technology?

India is on the road of soon becoming a digital economy. Triggered by low tariff cost and availability of affordable smartphones data usage per phone has increased exponentially vis--vis other countries. And with businesses working remotely due to COVID-19, there has been further upsurge in the data consumption. Piggybacking on this spike in Indias internet savvy population, companies are introducing their digital offerings to the consumers. Theres also a surge of user-generated content leading to increased data storage requirements for many of these companies. The future of Indias internet network is changing; there will be almost 750-800 million users connected to internet in India by 2023.

Enterprises are rapidly adopting a cloud-first strategy to manage this sudden explosion of data. With companies moving their workloads into cloud, Gartner predicts that the Indian cloud market will reach $4.1 billion by 2020. Indias government and PSUs have also embarked on their digital transformation journeys. With the governments push towards data localisation, global companies operating in India are now required to store their data within national borders.

All of this is leading to a huge demand for processing and computing power, storage space and analytics solutions to satisfy the data consumption needs of the modern user. The market will see increased interest in the coming years to satiate the growing consumer appetite for digital content, personalised digital services and increased reliance on cutting edge technology for business efficiency.

If you have an interesting article / experience / case study to share, please get in touch with us at [emailprotected]

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'Cloud Computing Is One Of The Most Disruptive And Exciting Innovations'. - Express Computer

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Asia Cloud Computing Association: Covid-19 Economic Resilience and Recovery Capability Reflected in the Cloud Readiness Index 2020 – Business Insider

SINGAPORE Media OutReach 29 May 2020 In the sixth iteration of the Asia Cloud Computing Associations Cloud Readiness Index, Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, Taiwan, and South Korea continue to lead the CRI 2020 rankings. This year, the CRI2020 adds a dimension of digital insight, as it offers an indication of a markets ability to leverage digital cloud computing tools and augment economic recovery capability from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Some of the hardest-hit economies with high infection rates are also some of the CRI2020s top scorers, noted Lim May-Ann, Executive Director of the Asia Cloud Computing Association (ACCA). The top-scoring group includes many economies which have done well in containing the virus spread, and we will be keeping a close watch on which economies leverage their strong cloud computing fundamentals to effect more rapid economic recovery.

The CRI 2020 is an index of the readiness of economies to maximise the capabilities of cloud computing, measuring cloud readiness against ten parameters, including international connectivity, domestic broadband quality, power sustainability, data centre risk, cybersecurity, privacy regulations, government regulatory environment, intellectual property protection, business sophistication, and freedom of information.

The international comparison of cloud readiness across APAC and non-APAC economies also provides an indicator of which markets have been able to continue economic activity, albeit with some limitations, adds Eric Hui, the Chair of the ACCA. There is no substitute for strong fundamentals in internet and cloud computing infrastructure in this respect.

Three key observations are made in CRI 2020: firstly, that cloud readiness is advancing in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region, but progress appears to be stalling. Secondly, the study notes that while the digital divide has narrowed, core capabilities such as managing natural risks, privacy, cybersecurity remain fragile, with many economies still implementing data localisation regulations which stymies cross-border data flows. And finally, emerging APAC markets risk losing out on economic recovery from Covid-19 by not leveraging next-generation technologies.

These observations are of concern to us at the ACCA, says Lim May-Ann. They indicate that some markets may have chosen to plateau their technology and infrastructural investments, and have also decided to put in regulatory restrictions around data flows, at a time when the freedom to use cloud productivity tools is needed the most to recover from the economic fallout from Covid-19.

Visit https://www.asiacloudcomputing.orgto download the full report.

Asia Cloud Computing Association Cloud Readiness Index 2020

Source: Asia Cloud Computing Association 2020

The ACCA is the apex industryassociation that represents stakeholders of the cloud computing ecosystem inAsia. Our mission is to accelerate the adoption of cloud computing through AsiaPacific by helping to create a trusted and compelling market environment, and asafe and consistent regulatory environment for cloud computing products andservices.

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Asia Cloud Computing Association: Covid-19 Economic Resilience and Recovery Capability Reflected in the Cloud Readiness Index 2020 - Business Insider

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Exploring Why This Cloud ETF Is Leading a Hot Group Higher – ETF Trends

Cloud computing stocks are scorching hot and several of ETFs are dedicated to that group. One of the newest funds in that fray the WisdomTree Cloud Computing ETF (WCLD) is already establishing a leadership role at less than a year old.

The WisdomTree Cloud Computing Fund seeks to track the price and yield performance, before fees and expenses, of the BVP Nasdaq Emerging Cloud Index, an equally weighted index designed to measure the performance of emerging public companies focused on delivering cloud-based software to customers.

The cloud computing arms race isnt relegated to the tech giants like Google and Amazon. Organizations around the world are opening up their wallets and spending more on cloud computing technology to fortify their core businesses, resulting in record spending in 2019 and those spending records could be shattered this year, a theme WCLD and its index are heavily levered to.

Importantly, WCLD is exposed to changes many forced by the coronavirus in how people work. That theme has significant, long-ranging implications.

Then, when you think about whats happening today with the COVID-19 pandemic, you realize the future of work is going to change, said Ben Jones, Product Development Specialist with the Index Research team at Nasdaq. The future of your everyday life has changed. And cloud computing is making it easier for people to work from home, access data, download videos, etc.

Cloud spending is expected to increase as more companies integrate cloud computing into their existing infrastructures. According to market analysts as Canalys, this type of spending will sustain itself over the next five years with estimates that total spending on cloud infrastructure services could hit $284 billion in 2024.

Whats compelling about WCLD is that its index directly taps into cloud growth with some vital revenue requirements.

So for new companies to join the index, the methodology looks for revenue growth for 15% or more over the past two years. And then we have to see 7% growth in revenue [in at least one of the last two fiscal years]for existing companies in the index, said Jones in an interview with reporter Jill Malandrino.

Cloud computing represents a significant source of disruption not only in the technology sector but in the investment world as well. Ithas become ingrained in nearly every aspect of our lives by fundamentally altering how we consume, process, and share information in the digital age. Thetrend toward cloud-based solutions offers a compelling, long-term opportunity for investors to gain exposure to a quickly developing segment of the technology sector.

For more on disruptive technologies, visit our Disruptive Technology Channel.

The opinions and forecasts expressed herein are solely those of Tom Lydon, and may not actually come to pass. Information on this site should not be used or construed as an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation for any product.

Originally posted here:
Exploring Why This Cloud ETF Is Leading a Hot Group Higher - ETF Trends

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Addressing IoT security challenges from the cloud to the edge – Urgent Communications

Despite the wide variety of cybersecurity guidelines, relatively few organizations deploying emerging technology have a mature security strategy. While cybersecurity awareness has increased, businesses with an ineffective cybersecurity posture face mounting risks. Cyberattacks themselves have become more damaging, and regulatory pressures related to security and privacy have escalated.

The Internet of Things (IoT) continues to raise the stakes, extending digital technologys reach into the physical realm. Thanks to the interface between the digital and physical world created by IoT technologies, a cyberattack could potentially prompt various scenarios, from business disruption to industrial accidents. In addition, as IoT technology becomes more sophisticated and distributed within IT environments from the cloud to edge architectures, cybersecurity grows more complex.

The question of what to defend has also grown murkier. Decades ago, organizations using computing technology had a clear perimeter to protect. Typically, their computing and networking hardware was located in one or more buildings. Similar to how nobility erected castles in the Middle Ages, computer security professionals built a series of defenses for assets. People and processes inside a defined perimeter were largely trusted, while those outside were not.

Although the castle approach remains, its limitations have grown more apparent. One of the central IoT security challenges is its incompatibility with a perimeter-based security model focused on guarding a homogenous set of computing assets. The popularity of cloud computing and remote working pose further hurdles. The increasing risk of attacks occurring within the traditional security perimeter is another worry. AsForresterobserved, the castle model tends to create a network with a hard, crunchy outside and a soft, chewy center. Additionally, over the past decade, a series of organizations with substantial often multimillion-dollar security budgets focused on perimeter-based defenses have fallen prey to attacks exposing troves of data.

One of the first steps in establishing a strong security foundation is to assess your various assets and related processes. Cybercriminals targeting your organization are likely to start with that same focus.

For manufacturers incorporating IoT functionality into products, this foundational stage involves addressing potential vulnerabilities early on as well as taking steps to harden products over time. While the need to incorporate baseline security in IoT devices is clear, until recently, manufacturers had little incentive to do so. Now, a growing body of legislation and regulatory precedent has spurred manufacturers to prioritize security.

It is creating a commercial pressure [for manufacturers] to at least have a baseline security level, or you could face legal ramifications, said Andrew Jamieson, director of technology and security at UL.

Similarly, organizations building IoT technology into an environment should assess the risk of each node on a network while addressing potential vulnerabilities created by new technology interfacing with legacy software and hardware.

To read the complete article, visit IoT World Today.

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SaaS Cloud Computing Market Share Analysis and Research Report by 2025 – Express Journal

A Research study on SaaS Cloud Computing Market analyzes and offers ideas of exhaustive research on ancient and recent SaaS Cloud Computing market size. Along with the estimated future possibilities of the market and emerging trends in the SaaS Cloud Computing market.

A wide-ranging analysis of the SaaS Cloud Computing market is presented in this report, along with a brief overview of the segments in the SaaS Cloud Computing industry. The study presents a feasible estimate of the current market scenario, including the SaaS Cloud Computing market size with regards to the volume and renumeration. The report is a collection of significant data related to the competitive landscape of the industry. It also contains data regards to several regions that have successfully established its position in the SaaS Cloud Computing market.

The SaaS Cloud Computing market report has been prepared based on the synthesis, analysis, and clarification of information about the global SaaS Cloud Computing market from specialized sources. The competitive landscape section of the SaaS Cloud Computing Market report provides a clear insight into the market share analysis of key industry players. Company and financial overview, product portfolio, new project launched, recent development analysis are the parameters included with this report.

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Top Key Players of SaaS Cloud Computing Market are covered in this report are:

A Peek At over the highlights of the report:

SaaS Cloud Computing Market Classification by Types:

Private Clouds, Public Clouds and Hybrid Clouds

SaaS Cloud Computing MarketSize by End user Application:

Business, HR and Information Management

Providing a thorough outline of the competitive and regional spheres of the SaaS Cloud Computing market:

SaaS Cloud Computing Market report is the credible source for gaining the Market research that will exponentially accelerate your business. The report gives the principle locale, economic situations with the item value, benefit, demand & supply with Market development rate and figure. SaaS Cloud Computing market size report mentions the key geographies, market landscapes alongside the product price, revenue, volume, production, supply, demand, market growth rate, and forecast etc. This report also provides SWOT analysis, investment feasibility analysis, and investment return analysis.

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SaaS Cloud Computing Market Share Analysis and Research Report by 2025 - Express Journal

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The 1 Thing You Should Know Before You Buy Amazon – The Motley Fool (NASDAQ:AMZN) stock, up33.2% since the start of the year, has been one of the market winners in 2020. Investors flocked to buy the shares as consumers flocked to the retail giant to buy essentials during the coronavirus pandemic. When most of us think of Amazon and its revenue potential, we think of this demand for general merchandise or groceries on the e-commerce site -- or even new signups to its Prime membership program.

But a big part of Amazon's revenue growth has to do with its cloud computing business, Amazon Web Services (AWS). The one thing you should know before buying Amazon shares is this: AWS operating income made up about 77% of Amazon's overall operating incomein the first quarter. That's up from a50% share of overall income in the same period a year ago.

Even if AWS' percentage contribution to operating income doesn't move any higher, it still will remain a key profit driver. Why? Let's take a look at AWS' market share and the demand for cloud computing services.

Image source: Getty Images.

AWS holds a nearly 48% share of the worldwide infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) public cloud market, making it the market leader, according to a Gartner report from July 2019. Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) is in the second position, with about 16% of the market. In a separate report last November, Gartnerpredicted the global public cloud services market would grow 17% this year to reach $266.4 billion.

But that was before the coronavirus pandemic. Though the outbreak halted certain large projects, demand for general cloud computing services climbed as many companies shifted to remote working. Spending on cloud infrastructure services reached a record in the first quarter, rising 34% to $31 billion, according to Canalys.

As workers continue to telecommute during the next stages of the coronavirus crisis and some continue working from home even beyond the crisis, AWS may benefit from higher demand. And once business is back to normal, some of those postponed projects will start coming through as well.

Though the future looks bright for AWS, and therefore for Amazon, there are still a couple of points to watch. Industries most hurt by the coronavirus crisis, such as travel-related or retail companies, may delay spending on cloud infrastructure projects. This could impact AWS and its rivals.

And speaking of rivals, one, in particular, is catching up. While AWS holds the largest share of the market, Microsoft has jumped ahead when it comes to sales and growth rate. Microsoft's commercial cloud revenuejumped 39% in the most recent quarter to more than $13 billion, while AWS' revenue rose 33% to about $10 billion. And though AWS has been growing salesmore than 30% each quarter over the past year, it posted quarterly sales gains of as much as 49% back in 2018.

While it's important to keep an eye on those elements, for now, I don't see them darkening AWS' future. It's not uncommon for a player that has been around for a while to see growth slow from the earlier ramp-up stages. (AWS launchedin 2006, while Microsoftstarted its cloud computing business in 2010.) And increases in cloud infrastructure spending offer room for a few players to flourish.

As for AWS, with double-digit growth quarter after quarter and a lead in market share, I expect the business to be a significant contributor to Amazon's profit well into the future. And that's great news for Amazon's stock price.

See the article here:
The 1 Thing You Should Know Before You Buy Amazon - The Motley Fool

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