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Artificial general intelligence and higher education – Inside Higher Ed

It is becoming increasingly clear that the advent of artificial general intelligence (AGI) is upon us. OpenAI includes in its mission that it aims to maximize the positive impact of AGI while minimizing harm. The research organization recognizes that AGI wont create a utopia, but they strive to ensure that its benefits are widespread and that it doesnt exacerbate existing inequalities.

Some say that elements of AGI will be seen in GPT-5 that OpenAI says is currently in prerelease testing. GPT-5 is anticipated to be available by the end of this year or in 2025.

Others suggest that Magic AI, the expanding artificial intelligence (AI) developer and coding assistant, may have already developed a version of AGI. With a staggering ability to process 3.5million words, Aman Anand writes in Medium, It is important to remember that Magics model is still under development, and its true capabilities and limitations remain to be seen. While the potential for AGI is undeniable, it is crucial to approach this future with caution and a focus on responsible development.

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Meanwhile Google Gemini 1.5 Pro version is leaping ahead of OpenAI models with a massive context capability:

This means 1.5 Pro can process vast amounts of information in one goincluding 1 hour of video, 11 hours of audio, codebases with over 30,000 lines of code or over 700,000 words. In our research, weve also successfully tested up to 10million tokens.

Accelerated by the intense competition to be the first to achieve AGI, it is not unreasonable to expect that at least certain of the parameters commonly describing AGI will conceivably be achieved by the end of this year, or almost certainly by 2026. AI researchers anticipate that

an AGI system should have the following abilities and understanding:

AI researchers also anticipate that AGI systems will possess higher-level capabilities, such as being able to do the following:

Given those characteristics, lets imagine a time, perhaps in four or five years, in which AGI has been achieved and has been rolled out across society. In that circumstance, it would seem that many of the jobs now performed by individuals could be more efficiently and less expensively completed by agents of AGI. Perhaps half or more of all jobs worldwide might be better done by AGI agents. At less cost, more reliability and instant, automatic updating, these virtual employees would be a bargain. Coupled with sophisticated robotics, some of which we are seeing rolled out today, even many hands-on skilled jobs will be efficiently and effectively done by computer. All will be immediately and constantly updated with the very latest discoveries, techniques and contextual approaches.

AGI is expected to be followed by artificial superintelligence (ASI):

ASI refers to AI technology that will match and then surpass the human mind. To be classed as an ASI, the technology would have to be more capable than a human in every single way possible. Not only could these AI things carry out tasks, but they would even be capable of having emotions and relationships.

What, then, will individual humans need to learn in higher education that cannot be provided instantly and expertly through their own personal ASI lifelong learning assistant?

ASI may easily provide up-to-the-minute responses to our intellectual curiosity and related questions. It will be able to provide personalized learning experiences; sophisticated simulations; personalized counseling and advising; and assess our abilities and skills to validate and credential our learning. ASI could efficiently provide recordkeeping in a massive database. In that way, there would be no confusion of comparative rankings and currency of credentials such as we see today.

In cases where we cannot achieve tasks on our own, ASI will direct virtual agents to carry out tasks for us. However, that may not fully satisfy the human-to-human and emotional interactions that seems basic to our nature. The human engagement, human affirmation and interpersonal connections may not be fulfilled by ASI and nonhuman agents. For example, some tasks are not as much about the outcome as they are the journey, such as music, art and performance. In those cases, it is the process of refining those abilities that are at least equal to the final product.

Is there something in the interpersonal, human-to-human engagement in such endeavors that is worthy of continuing in higher education rather than solely through computer-assisted achievement? If so, does that require a university campus? Certainly, the number of disciplines and therefore the number of faculty and staff members will fall out of popularity due to suppressed job markets in those fields.

If this vision of the next decade is on target, higher education is best advised to begin considering today how it will morph into something that serves society in the fourth industrial revolution. We must begin to:

Have you and your colleagues begun to consider the question of what you provide that could not be more efficiently and less expensively provided by AI? Have you begun to research and formulate plans to compete or add value to services that are likely to be provided by AGI/ASI? One good place to begin such research is by asking a variety of the current generative AI apps to share insights and make recommendations!

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Artificial general intelligence and higher education - Inside Higher Ed

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Companies Like Morgan Stanley Are Already Making Early Versions of AGI – Observer

Companies like Morgan Stanley are already laying the groundwork for so-called organizational AGI. Maxim Tolchinskiy/Unsplash

Whether its being theorized or possibly, maybe actualized, artificial general intelligence, or AGI, has become a frequent topic of conversation in a world where people are now routinely talking with machines. But theres an inherent problem with the term AGIone rooted in perception. For starters, assigning intelligence to a system instantly anthropomorphizes it, adding to the perception that theres the semblance of a human mind operating behind the scenes. This notion of a mind deepens the perception that theres some single entity manipulating all of this human-grade thinking.

This problematic perception is compounded by the fact that large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, Bard, Claude and others make a mockery of the Turing test. They seem very human indeed, and its not surprising that people have turned to LLMs as therapists, friends and lovers (sometimes with disastrous results). Does the humanness of their predictive abilities amount to some kind of general intelligence?

By some estimates, the critical aspects of AGI have already been achieved by the LLMs mentioned above. A recent article in Noema by Blaise Agera Y Arcas (vice president and fellow at Google Research) and Peter Norvig (a computer scientist at the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered A.I.) argues that todays frontier models perform competently even on novel tasks they were not trained for, crossing a threshold that previous generations of A.I. and supervised deep learning systems never managed. Decades from now, they will be recognized as the first true examples of AGI.

For others, including OpenAI, AGI is still out in front of us. We believe our research will eventually lead to artificial general intelligence, their research page proclaims, a system that can solve human-level problems.

Whether nascent forms of AGI are already here or are still a few years away, its likely that businesses attempting to harness these powerful technologies might create a miniature version of AGI. Businesses need technology ecosystems that can mimic human intelligence with the cognitive flexibility to solve increasingly complex problems. This ecosystem needs to orchestrate using existing software, understand routine tasks, contextualize massive amounts of data, learn new skills, and work across a wide range of domains. LLMs on their own can only perform a fraction of this workthey seem most useful as part of a conversational interface that lets people talk to technology ecosystems. There are strategies being used right now by leading enterprise companies to move in this direction toward something we might call organizational AGI.

There are legitimate reasons to be wary of yet another unsolicited tidbit in the A.I. terms slush pile. Regardless of what we choose to call the eventual outcome of these activities, there are currently organizations using LLMs as an interface layer. They are creating ecosystems where users can converse with software through channels like rich web chat (RCW), obscuring machinations happening behind the scenes. This is difficult work, but the payoff is huge: rather than pogo-sticking between apps to get something done on a computer, customers and employees can ask technology to run tasks for them. Theres the immediate and tangible benefit of people eliminating tedious tasks from their lives. Then theres the long term benefit of a burgeoning ecosystem where employees and customers are interacting with digital teammates that can perform automations leveraging all forms of data across an organization. This is an ecosystem that starts to take the form of a digital twin.

McKinsey describes a digital twin as a virtual replica of a physical object, person, or process that can be used to simulate its behavior to better understand how it works in real life. They elaborate to say that a digital twin within an ecosystem similar to what Ive described can become an enterprise metaverse, a digital and often immersive environment that replicates and connects every aspect of an organization to optimize simulations, scenario planning and decision making.

With respect to what I said earlier about anthropomorphizing technology, the digital teammates within this kind of ecosystem are an abstraction, but I think of them as intelligent digital workers, or IDWs. IDWs are analogous to a collection of skills. These skills come from shared libraries, and skills can be adapted and reused in multitudes of ways. Skills are able to take advantage of all the information piled up inside the organization, with LLMs mining unstructured data, like emails and recorded calls.

This data becomes more meaningful thanks to graph technology, which is adept at creating indexes of skills, systems and data sources. Graph goes beyond mere listing and includes how these elements relate to and interact with each other. One of the core strengths of graph technology is its ability to represent and analyze relationships. For a network of IDWs, understanding how different components are interlinked is crucial for efficient orchestration and data flow.

Generative tools like LLMs and graph technology can work together in tandem, to propel the journey toward digital twinhood, or organizational AGI. Twins can encompass all aspects of the business, including events, data, assets, locations, personnel and customers. Digital twins are likely to be low-fidelity at first, offering a limited view of the organization. As more interactions and processes take place within the org, however, the fidelity of the digital twin becomes higher. An organizations technology ecosystem not only understands the current state of the organization. It can also adapt and respond to new challenges autonomously.

In this sense every part of an organization represents an intelligent awareness that comes together around common goals. In my mind, it mirrors the nervous system of a cephalopod. As Peter Godfrey-Smith writes in his book, Other Minds (2016, Farrar, Straus and Giroux), in an octopus, the majority of neurons are in the arms themselvesnearly twice as many in total as in the central brain. The arms have their own sensors and controllers. They have not only the sense of touch but also the capacity to sense chemicalsto smell or taste. Each sucker on an octopuss arm may have 10,000 neurons to handle taste and touch. Even an arm that has been surgically removed can perform various basic motions, such as reaching and grasping.

A world teeming with self-aware brands would be quite hectic. According to Gartner, by 2025, generative A.I. will be a workforce partner within 90 percent of companies worldwide. This doesnt mean that all of these companies will be surging toward organizational AGI, however. Generative A.I., and LLMs in particular, cant meet an organizations automation needs on its own. Giving an entire workforce access to GPTs or Copilot wont move the needle much in terms of efficiency. It might help people write better emails faster, but it takes a great deal of work to make LLMs reliable resources for user queries.

Their hallucinations have been well documented and training them to provide trustworthy information is a herculean effort. Jeff McMillan, chief analytics and data officer at Morgan Stanley (MS), told me it took his team nine months to train GPT-4 on more than 100,000 internal documents. This work began before the launch of ChatGPT, and Morgan Stanley had the advantage of working directly with people at OpenAI. They were able to create a personal assistant that the investment banks advisors can chat with, tapping into a large portion of its collective knowledge. Now youre talking about wiring it up to every system, he said, with regards to creating the kinds of ecosystems required for organizational A.I. I dont know if thats five years or three years or 20 years, but what Im confident of is that that is where this is going.

Companies like Morgan Stanley that are already laying the groundwork for so-called organizational AGI have a massive advantage over competitors that are still trying to decide how to integrate LLMs and adjacent technologies into their operations. So rather than a world awash in self-aware organizations, there will likely be a few market leaders in each industry.

This relates to broader AGI in the sense that these intelligent organizations are going to have to interact with other intelligent organizations. Its hard to envision exactly what depth of information sharing will occur between these elite orgs, but over time, these interactions might play a role in bringing about AGI or singularity, as its also called.

Ben Goertzel, the founder of SingularityNET and the person often credited with creating the term, makes a compelling case that AGI should be decentralized, relying on open-source development as well as decentralized hosting and mechanisms for interconnect A.I. systems to learn from and teach on another.

SingularityNETs DeAGI Manifesto states, There is a broad desire for AGI to be ethical and beneficial for all humanity; the most straightforward way to achieve this seems to be for AGI to grow up in the context of serving and being guided by all humanity, or as good an approximation as can be mustered.

Having AGI manifest in part from the aggressive activities of for-profit enterprises is dicey. As Goertzel pointed out, You get into questions [about] who owns and controls these potentially spooky and configurable human-like robot assistants and to what extent is their fundamental motivation to help people as opposed to sell people stuff or brainwash people into some corporate government media advertising order.

Theres a strong case to be made that an allegiance to profit will be the undoing of the promise for humanity at large that these technologies afford. Weirdly, the skynet scenario in Terminatorwhere a system becomes self-aware, determines humanity is a grave threat, and exterminates all lifeassumes that the system, isolated to a single company, has been programmed to have a survival instinct. It would have to be told that survival at all costs is its bottom line, which suggests we should be extra cautious developing these systems within environments where profit above all else is the dictum.

Maybe the most important thing is keeping this technology in the hands of humans and pushing forward the idea that the myriad technologies associated with A.I. should only be used in ways that are beneficial to humanity as a whole, that dont exploit marginalized groups, and that arent propagating synthesized bias at scale.

When I broached some of these ideas about organizational AGI to Jaron Lanier, co-creator of VR technology as we know it and Microsofts Octopus (Office of the Chief Technology Officer Prime Unifying Scientist), he told me my vocabulary was nonsensical and that my thinking wasnt compatible with his perception of technology. Regardless, it felt like we agreed on core aspects of these technologies.

I dont think of A.I. as creating new entities. I think of it as a collaboration between people, Lanier said. Thats the only way to think about using it wellto me its all a form of collaboration. The sooner we see that, the sooner we can design useful systemsto me theres only people.

In that sense, AGI is yet another tool, way down the spectrum from the rocks our ancestors used to smash tree nuts. Its a manifestation of our ingenuity and our desires. Are we going to use it to smash every tree nut on the face of the earth, or are we going to use it to find ways to grow enough tree nuts for everyone to enjoy? The trajectories we set in these early moments are of grave importance.

Were in the anthropocene. Were in an era where our actions are affecting everything in our biological environment, Blaise Aguera Y Arcas, the Noeme article author, told me. The Earth is finite and without the kind of solidarity where we start to think about the whole thing as our body, as it were, were kind of screwed.

Josh Tyson is the co-author of Age of Invisible Machines, a book about conversational A.I., and Director of Creative Content at He co-hosts two podcasts: Invisible Machines and N9K.

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Companies Like Morgan Stanley Are Already Making Early Versions of AGI - Observer

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Amazon’s VP of AGI: Arrival of AGI Not ‘Moment in Time’ SXSW 2024 – AI Business

The race to reach artificial general intelligence is getting intense among the tech giants, but its arrival will not happen as a moment in time, according to Amazons vice president of AGI.

Its very unlikely that theres going to be a moment in time when you suddenly decide, oh AGI wasnt (here yesterday) but its here today, said Vishal Sharma during a fireside chat at SXSW 2024 in Austin, Texas. Thats probably not going to happen.

Instead, he sees it as a journey of continuous advances. His comments echo Google DeepMinds six levels of AGI, where models go up one level as they progressively exhibit more AGI characteristics.

Meanwhile, there are hurdles to overcome. For one, people still do not agree on a precise definition of AGI. If you ask 10 experts about AGI, you will get 10 different explanations," he said.

Another is the ethical challenges models face. For Sharma, they fall in three buckets: Veracity since the models can hallucinate or make things up safety (intense red-teaming is needed), and controllability, in which inputting broadly similar prompts or queries can result in broadly similar outcomes.

A popular technique to mitigate hallucinations is Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) in which the model is given, or provided access to, additional content or data from which to draw its answers. Sharma said RAG is still the best technique to fight hallucinations today.

Related:DeepMind Co-founder on AGI and the AI Race - SXSW 2024

However, he mentioned that there is another school of thought that believes its just a matter of time until the models become capable enough where these truths will be woven into the model themselves.

As for his views on open vs. closed models, Sharm said one of Amazons leadership principles is that success and scale bring broad responsibility and this applies to both types of models.

He emphasized the need to be flexible since generative AI remains fairly new and unforeseen opportunities and challenges could arise. Sharma said that when the internet began maturing, it brought new challenges that people did not think of before, such as cyber bullying.

We have to be adaptable, Sharma said.

He also thinks that just as the rise of semiconductors ushered in Moores Law and the network of networks led to Metcalfes Law, generative AI could lead to a new principle as well.

Credit: Amazon

He sees a time when AI will be broadly embedded into daily life as a helpful assistant, while staying in the background.

Sharma said Alexas Hunches are already one sign of this future. With Hunches, Alexa learns your routine say locking the back door at 9 p.m. every night and if you fail to do that one night, it will send an alert.

Related:EU AI Act Would Scrutinize Many General AI Models SXSW 2024

He said Amazons Astro is an example of an embodied AI assistant. The $1,600 household robot is used for home monitoring. You can ask it to check on people or specific rooms in the house. It alerts you if it sees someone it does not recognize or hears certain sounds. Astro can also throw treats to your dog through an accessory that is sold separately.

To be sure, todays models still have room for improvement whether in performance or economics. But Sharma believes advancements will lead to an age of abundance through the fusion of use cases that will become possible.

You should bet on AI, he said. You should not bet against it.

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Amazon's VP of AGI: Arrival of AGI Not 'Moment in Time' SXSW 2024 - AI Business

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DeepMind Co-founder on AGI and the AI Race – SXSW 2024 – AI Business

Artificial general intelligence might be here in a few years, but the full spectrum of practical applications is decades away, according to the co-founder of DeepMind.

Speaking on the sidelines of SXSW 2024, Shane Legg told a group of attendees that while AGI might be achieved in foundation models soon, more factors have to align for it to be practically deployed and used.

He said the cost of AI has to come down and its use in robotics has to mature, among other factors. If it is not economically feasible, companies will not adopt it broadly no matter how mind-blowing AGI can be. In the meantime, near-term applications of AGI are emerging, including AI-powered scientific research assistants.

Legg, who is the chief AGI scientist at Google DeepMind, suggested the term artificial general intelligence years ago after meeting an author who needed a title for his book on an AI system with broad capabilities, not just excel at one thing.

Legg suggested inserting the word general between artificial and intelligence. He and a few others started popularizing the term in online forums. Four years later, Legg said someone else claimed to have coined the term before him.

DeepMind co-founder Shane Legg talking to attendees after his fireside chat

During a fireside chat, Legg defined AGI as a system that can do the sorts of cognitive things people can do and possibly more. He stood by his prior prediction that there is a 50-50 probability AGI will come by 2028.

Related:OpenAI Will Always Offer a Free ChatGPT Version SXSW 2024

But such a prognostication was wildly optimistic back when the prevailing belief was that AGI remains 50 to 100 years away if it came at all.

For a long time, people wouldnt work on AGI safety because they didnt believe AGI will happen, Legg said. They would say, Oh, its not going to happen for 100 years so why would I work on it?

But foundation models have become increasingly able such that AGI doesnt look like its that far away, he added. Large models such as Googles Gemini and OpenAIs GPT-4 exhibit hints of AGI capability.

He said currently, models are at level 3 of AGI, based on the six levels Google DeepMind developed.

Level 3 is the expert level where the AI model has the same capabilities as at least the 90th percentile of skilled adults. But it remains narrow AI, meaning it is particularly good at specific tasks. The fifth level is the highest, where the model reaches artificial superintelligence and outperforms all humans.

What AI models still need is akin to the two systems of thinking from psychology, Legg said. System 1 is when one spontaneously blurts out what one is thinking. System 2 is when one thinks through what one plans to say.

Related:AMD CEO Gets Down at SXSW 2024

He said foundation models today are still at System 1 and needs to progress to System 2 where it can plan, reason through its plan, critiques its chosen path, acts on it, observes the outcome and make another plan if needed.

Were not quite there yet, Legg said.

But he believes AI models will get there soon, especially since todays foundation models already show signs of AGI.

I believe AGI is possible and I think its coming quite soon, Legg said. When it does come, it will be profoundly transformational to society.

Consider that todays advances in society came through human intelligence. Imagine adding machine intelligence to the mix and all sorts of possibilities open up, he said. It (will be) an incredibly deep transformation.

But big transformations also bring risks.

Its hard to anticipate how exactly this is going to play out, Legg said. When you deploy an advanced technology at global scale, you cant always anticipate what will happen when this starts interacting with the world.

There could be bad actors who would use the technology for evil schemes, but there are also those who unwittingly mess up the system, leading to harmful results, he pointed out.

Historically, AI safety falls into two buckets: Immediate risks such as bias and toxicity in the algorithms, and long-term risks from unleashing a superintelligence including the havoc it could create by going around guardrails.

Legg said the line between these two buckets has started to blur based on the advancements of the latest foundation models. Powerful foundation models not only exhibit some AGI capabilities but they also carry immediate risks of bias, toxicity and others.

The two worlds are coming together, Legg said.

Moreover, with multimodality - in which foundation models are trained not only on text but also images, video and audio - they can absorb all the richness and subtlety of human culture, he added. That will make them even more powerful.

Why do scientists need to strive for AGI? Why not stop at narrow AI since it is proving to be useful in many industries?

Legg said that several types of problems benefit from having very large and diverse datasets. A general AI system will have the underlying knowhow and structure to help narrow AI solve a range of related problems.

For example, for human beings to learn a language, it helps if they already know one language so they are familiar with its structure, Legg explained. Similarly, it may be helpful for a narrow AI system that excels at a particular task to have access to a general AI system that can bring up related issues.

Also, practically speaking, it may already be too late to stop AGI development since for several big companies it has become mission critical to them, Legg said. In addition, scores of smaller companies are doing the same thing.

Then there is what he calls the most difficult group of all: intelligence agencies. For example, the National Security Agency (NSA) in the U.S. has more data than anyone else, having access to public information as well as signal intelligence from interception of data from electronic systems.

How do you stop all of them? Legg asked. Tell me a credible plan to stop them. Im all ears.

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DeepMind Co-founder on AGI and the AI Race - SXSW 2024 - AI Business

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True Stories That Drive Spiritual Growth | Bishop Barron – The Daily Wire

The Jordan B. Peterson PodcastMar 14, 2024

Jordan Peterson sits down with author, speaker, and Bishop of the Dioceses of Winona-Rochester, Robert Barron. They discuss the use of new technologies to interpret and explore religion, the fallacy of self-deification, the spiritual blocks to the flow of grace, and how to stop servicing power and become an orchestrator of peace and love.

Bishop Barron is a #1 Amazon bestselling author and has published numerous books, essays, and articles on theology and the spiritual life. He was a religion correspondent for NBC and has also appeared on FOX News, CNN, and EWTN. Bishop Barrons website,, reaches millions of people each year, and he is one of the worlds most followed Catholics on social media. His YouTube videos have been viewed over 131 million times, and he has over 3 million followers on Facebook.

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For Bishop Robert Barron:

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Word on Fire (Website)

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True Stories That Drive Spiritual Growth | Bishop Barron - The Daily Wire

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Dr Jordan Peterson Lecture: We Who Wrestle With God – The Cougar Chronicle

On Tuesday, March 5th, Dr. Jordan Peterson, Canadian psychologist, author, and professor emeritus from Toronto University, spoke at the Delta Center in Salt Lake City as a part of his ongoing tour for his book We Who Wrestle With God. His book will be released on November 19th of this year.

Dr. Peterson began his remarks by speaking of governments and their role in the lives of the citizens. He explained that some tout that the responsibility of governments is to ensure that the needs of their citizens are met. To this, he replied with words from Fyodor Dostoevsky, in which Dostoevsky illustrates that if all our needs are met and our sole occupation is lounging in pools of water, consuming food, and busying ourselves with the continuation of the species, then one of the first things we will do is destroy something to make some change to our supposed paradise. Peterson argued many times that human beings do not simply want all our needs satisfied. As human beings, we want and crave something to overcome and persevere in the face of it.

He compared this idea with the story of Abraham and God from the Old Testament, equating the idea of God in these ancient stories with the call of adventure. He discussed that the spirit of the call of adventure manifests itself not simply for the betterment of us personally, but rather for the betterment of all that is to come after us. This is evident when, in the story, God speaks to Abraham and covenants with him that he will be the father of many nations. This covenant is not made for the sole benefit of Abraham but rather for the many generations that are to be descended from him.

Peterson expounded upon this idea, describing that by seeking to covenant with God and become all that we can be, we leave a great blessing upon all who come after us. He stated, To be a good father does not only mean to complete the sex act successfully, it means to establish in the confines of your family the pattern of generous and farseeing productivity that encourages your children in a manner that makes it much more likely that their children will succeed.

God promises Abraham the land of the Canaanites inasmuch as he follows the call to adventure and makes the proper sacrifices. Because Abraham is aiming upward, he and his descendants will fill the lands of all those who do not heed that call. Abrahams nephew, Lott, however, does not aim upward and, as a result, ends up in Sodom. Dr. Peterson described this city as representative of the communities that have gone terribly wrong.

He said that throughout Abrahams experience, it would have been easier to return to his tent, where his life was easy, comfortable, and predictable. With our lives being incredibly messy and difficult, it can appear attractive and tempting to seek comfort in the familiar paths. Yet Peterson described that Abraham refused to lose faith in spite of the onslaught of the trials and travails that made up his life. We do this by making sacrifices for our betterment in the long term.

At this point in his lecture, Peterson stated that a popular conception is that Nazi Germany was a place of tyrannized people under the thumb of an overpowering single tyrant Hitler. He described the notion as nonsense. He continued to say that all of the sadistic totalitarian tyrants in the 20th century did not oppress millions of people on their own. They only succeeded (inasmuch as they did succeed) through the willing participation of the people in such states. These normal citizens participated by: Failing to heed the call of adventure. Theyre less than they should be. They hide their light under a bushel. They reject the counsel of their conscious. They refuse to speak when called upon to speak. They lie with their silence. They miss the mark until their devastation is certain and brutal and hellish and complete.

Abraham understood the nature of evil to the point where he dared to bargain with the hand of justice itself. In learning that God planned to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham wrestled with God and convinced him that if he found ten men who were righteous, then the Lord would stay his hand. Peterson expounds on this and says: If a state is still sufficiently free so that ten men can speak the truth, the promise of redemption still exists. Youre to be among the ten he articulates.

In Sodom, the men of the city come and surround Lotts house. They demand that Lott give them the two angels for their own use and pleasure. In response to this, the angels smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great: so that they wearied themselves to find the door. Peterson explains that this passage is symbolic of the fact that theres no difference between being deeply steeped in sin and being blind.

At this point, he asked the question: What are these archaic stories trying to teach us? He told of a book (Left to Tell: One Womans Story of Surviving the Rwandan Genocide) by Immacule Ilibagiza. In the book, Ilibagiza survives in a tiny bathroom for three months with seven other women while everyone she knows is slaughtered by machetes during the Rwandan Genocide. Peterson definitively stated: Thats what happens when a society stops aiming up. That is what these ancient stories are trying to teach us: when societies and the people within them refuse to aim up, they have devastation brought upon them, and their societal structures collapse.

As Lott and his family run from the city, they are commanded to not look back. They ascend the mountain, symbolic of their journey upward and onward. Yet despite their progress forward, Lotts wife turns and looks back. As a result, she is turned into a pillar of salt. Peterson describes that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, there were many people who looked back upon the times under Stalin with nostalgia. The reason for this, he offers, is that faithless people look back.

What can we learn from this story upon which civilization itself is founded? The story of Abraham is the heeding the call to adventure and taking ones place in the world. It is about taking the steps necessary to covenant with God and moving upward. Dr. Peterson concluded his remarks by saying that the call to adventure is about making you a blessing to yourself, transforming yourself into a blessing to the community, and establishing your dominion as the father of the descendants who rightly populate the promised land.

Written by: Adam Blake

Senior Contributor at the Cougar Chronicle

The Cougar Chronicle is an independent student-run newspaper and is not affiliated with Brigham Young University or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

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Dr Jordan Peterson Lecture: We Who Wrestle With God - The Cougar Chronicle

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Jordan Peterson response to Elmo’s Ramadan greeting is satire – Yahoo News UK

Social media users have shared what appears to be a screenshot of Jordan Peterson responding negatively to Elmo's well-wishes for Ramadan, the Muslim fasting month. This is misleading; while the psychologist and author has previously vocalized his dislike for the Sesame Street character, the post is not on his profile -- it comes from a self-described meme account.

"Pro-Israel social media influencer Jordan Peterson launches an Islamophobic tirade in response to an Elmo account marking Ramadan," says MintPress News, an American far-left website, in a March 13, 2024 Facebook post.

The post includes what appears to be a screenshot of Peterson replying to a post from Elmo's X account that says:"Ramadan Mubarak, everybody!"

The supposed response from Peterson says: "Hamas will never win over the righteous keepers of the West."

Similar posts have spread across Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and X.

Elmodid post the Ramadan greeting March 10 (archived here) -- but Peterson did not reply to it, according to live and archived versions of his X account.

AFP did not find any posts from other accounts with the alleged Ramadan response, either. Every supposed screenshotshowsthe same number of likes, reposts, quotes and bookmarks, further suggesting the post is notauthentic.

The earliest version of the image AFP could find was published four hours after the original Elmo post by the account Trap Queen Enthusiast, which says it makes and posts "memes and other silly tweets" (archived here).

AFP contacted Trap Queen Enthusiast and Peterson for comment, but responses were not forthcoming.

However, most ofTrap Queen Enthusiast's posts appear to be satirical manipulations. The account owner previously confirmed a photo they shared of a supposed interaction between Elon Musk and former partner Grimes had been edited.

The supposed Ramadan reaction is not the first time Peterson has been the subject of fake posts about Elmo.

Story continues

Social mediausers in late January and early February 2024 shared an image that appeared to show Peterson's vitriolic response to one of the puppet's posts. After the photo trended, theCanadian Press found it had been manipulated -- and that it had beenposted by Trap Queen Enthusiast.

The wire service reported the text, which accused the puppet of "wanting to discriminate against white people," was taken froma separate post unrelated to Elmo (archived here).

Another image appears to show Peterson reacting to Elmo wishing happy birthday to a fellow character by calling him a "despiser of the peasantry."

But Peterson published that message September 19, 2023 in response to apost from Jagmeet Singh, leader of the Canadian New Democratic Party (archived here and here).

On March 11, 2024, Elmo congratulated singer Billie Eilish for winning Best Original Song at the96th Academy Awards (archived here). Social media users shared another supposed response from Peterson in which he appears to accuse the puppet of being a Hamas supporter.

But this message also appears to be manipulated. It does not appear on live or archived versions of the psychologist's profile, and Elmo's real account does not have the verification badge seen in the image (archived here).

Some social media users reacting to the satirical Ramadan response claim the post could plausibly be attributed to Peterson because of the writing style. Many of hisposts haveabrupt line breaks similar to those in some of the responses to Elmo.

Peterson also appears to have previously aired some grievances against the puppet.

In an episode of a podcast with his daughter, he discussed how he disliked Elmo (archived here). He also concluded a January 31, 2024 post critiquing US President Joe Biden by saying the puppet would vote for the Democratic Party (archived here).

In response to a satirical December 2022 post in which the Babylon Bee jokingly said Elmo had died, Peterson responded that he had "always detested that whiny infantilized puppet" (archived here).

Despite the fabricated Peterson messages linking Elmo to Hamas, the former university professorhas posted about the militant group in the past.

The College of Psychologists of Ontario has deemed some of Peterson's posts inappropriate andrequired him to take social media training. He contested the legitimacy of this requirement in court, but a judge ruled against him.

Read more of AFP's reporting on misinformation in Canada here.

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Jordan Peterson response to Elmo's Ramadan greeting is satire - Yahoo News UK

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Leading The Cloud Revolution: Establishes "COE For IBM Power Virtual Servers – ANI News

ANI | Updated: Mar 16, 2024 13:02 IST

PNN Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], March 16: ROX Hi-Tech, a customer-centric IT solutions provider, establishes a Center of Excellence focused on IBM Power Virtual Servers within its Cloud Business marking a pivotal stride in its digital transformation solutions portfolio. With an additional 10,000 square feet of dedicated space and fortified by an augmentation of 80 highly skilled professionals, the COE is poised to emerge as a formidable nucleus for cultivating specialized knowledge and proficiencies in the deployment, administration, and optimization of IBM Power Virtual Servers in the cloud.

This substantial investment stands as a testament to ROX's unwavering commitment to delivering premium services and bespoke solutions tailored to the distinctive needs of its clientele within the IBM Power Virtual Servers cloud domain. This strategic initiative not only underscores ROX's steadfast dedication to fostering innovation but also signifies its unwavering pursuit of expertise and adherence to best practices in the dynamic landscape of cloud technology. Moreover, it demonstrates the company's unwavering dedication to delivering premium services and bespoke solutions tailored to its clients' specific requirements in this niche area. Time Commenting on this, Jim Rakesh Managing Director, ROX Hi Tech Limited said, "We are excited to reaffirm our commitment to advancing cloud technology, particularly IBM Power Virtual Servers. Our expanded Center of Excellence underscores dedication to providing superior solutions. Focused on IBM Power Virtual Servers, leveraging IBM's technology, we deliver resilient cloud-based server solutions. Strengthening this center reflects our intent to capitalize on market demand for IBM Power Virtual Serverscloud services. We eagerly anticipate adding 80 skilled professionals who share our ethos. Together, we will lead the IBM Power Virtual Servers cloud space, delivering transformative solutions that drive value and enable digital transformation for our clients. This strategic move reflects our dedication to meeting evolving market demands and seizing potential opportunities." (ADVERTORIAL DISCLAIMER: The above press release has been provided by PNN. ANI will not be responsible in any way for the content of the same)

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Leading The Cloud Revolution: Establishes "COE For IBM Power Virtual Servers - ANI News

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Bluehost Announced New Cloud Hosting Built on WP Cloud – WP Tavern

Bluehost, one of the leading web hosting providers, has announced Bluehost Cloud, an innovative cloud-based hosting solution specifically designed for WordPress users. It is built on WP Cloud infrastructure, in collaboration with, to provide robust support for websites with high traffic and demanding performance requirements. Bluehost is one of the three recommended hosting providers.

Bluehost Cloud promises managed WordPress hosting with 100% network uptime, faster page load time, and better performance. It targets professionals and agencies and can handle any traffic spikes without charging customers extra for such spikes.

In the realm of website creation, every pixel counts, every second matters, and every clients satisfaction is paramount. With the launch of Bluehost Cloud, a collaborative effort between industry titans Bluehost and Automattic, were ushering in a new era of confidence for website professionals, agencies and freelancers. From a 100% uptime SLA to lightning-fast page load speeds, Bluehost Cloud is backed by our unparalleled WordPress expertise and expertly designed for high traffic and high-performance websites, said Satish Hemachandran, SVP of Hosting at Newfold Digital, parent company of Bluehost. Bluehost Cloud marks an exciting expansion into the agency market, complementing our long-time commitment to serving small businesses around the world, and it sets the new standard for WordPress speed, reliability, scalability and support, he said.

Bluehost Cloud uses WP Cloud infrastructure, the only cloud platform built from the ground up just for WordPress. WP Cloud ensures robust security with real-time backups, anti-spam measures, and malware scanning. With features like a built-in CDN, 28 global data centers and automated WordPress edge caching, it guarantees incredible website speed.

We built WP Cloud so every hosting company can provide the safest and fastest WordPress experience available.

Bluehost Cloud offers four packages: special early access pricing starting from $29.99/mo for 1 website to $109.99/mo for 50 websites. The regular prices start from $79.99. Bluehost Cloud is also showcased on WordPress.coms pricing page. All plans come with:

As of now, Bluehost Cloud does not support WordPress Multisite. However multiple websites can be created as independent WordPress installations under a single Bluehost Cloud account.

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Bluehost Announced New Cloud Hosting Built on WP Cloud - WP Tavern

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Cetrom Partners with BDO Alliance for Cloud Hosting Services –

Cetrom is now providing its customizable CPA cloud hosting solutions to independent members of the BDO Alliance USA as part of its Business Resource Network VMP Program. As part of this program, Cetrom will be able to offer these growing businesses and professional services firms direct access to its 100% US-based senior-level engineers, proven advanced threat protection security technologies, and award-winning managed IT services built specifically for accounting firms. The BDO Alliance USA is a nationwide association of independently owned local and regional accounting, consulting, and service firms with similar client service goals.

Cetrom has delivered award-winning cloud hosting solutions and managed IT services to accounting firms since 2001. Cetroms highly skilled engineers pride themselves on extensive expertise in hosting and maintaining all its clients unique accounting applications. Over the past few years, Cetrom has invested deeply in its security solution offering, adding several advanced threat protection security technologies, cybersecurity awareness training, and enhanced IT systems to help further secure and support the demand for flexible and scalable growth while supporting the need for global talent outsourcing.

Notably, in April 2023, Cetrom rolled out a new universal API technology, Cetrom Connect, enabling secure and reliable communication between local and cloud networks over the internet. With Cetrom Connect, Cetrom can securely connect networks, including the Cetrom virtual desktop, Microsoft 365, Active Directory Domain Services, local networks, cloud printing, and more eliminating the need for local onsite servers. Due to FTC Safeguards Rule, GLBA, and IRS regulations, Cetrom began testing the product in 2022 and successfully rolled out the security solution to its customer base ahead of the FTC Safeguards Rule enforcement on June 9, 2023.

Cetroms inclusion in the Business Resource Network (BRN) VMP Program is part of our objective of offering our Alliance members a greater competitive advantage by giving them the ability to leverage additional value-added resources, said Tom Takasaki, Practice Leader for BDO Alliance USAs Business Resource Network. We strive to establish relationships with product and service providers that can offer the kind of forward-looking capabilities that our Alliance members and their clients need.

Cetrom is proud to join the Business Resource Network (BRN) as a valuable IT resource for its member firms, said Christopher Stark, President and CEO of Cetrom. We pride ourselves on the unique managed services model we have designed, which is built for firms just like those in the BDO Alliance USA. Our priority is providing reliable and secure solutions, and customer service excellence is our passion. We are committed to delivering 5-star rated IT service and support to our clients. We looked for an association with the singular combination of reach and experience offered by the BDO Alliance USA, so we are excited about what our inclusion in its Business Resource Network (BRN) VMP Program means to us and our customers. Cetrom is a Gold Sponsor at the upcoming BDO Alliance USA EVOLVE Conference at the Cosmo in Las Vegas May 6-8, 2024.

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Cetrom Partners with BDO Alliance for Cloud Hosting Services -

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