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These 8 Books Have the Power to Change Your Perspective on Life – Morocco World News

Books have positively affected human existence for centuries. Some are valuable for entertainment, others for intellectual stimulation, and some are so powerful they can effectively change your perspective on life.

If you are one of those people who do not make a habit of reading regularly, you might be missing out.

In addition to expanding your vocabulary and critical thinking skills, reading books helps you develop your thought processes, keeps your brain active, and helps you learn and understand any topic you can imagine.

Reading books puts you in other peoples shoes, which can help you view the world from others points of view, making you wiser and more empathetic. By exploring different perspectives on life, you are also likely to get to know yourself better.

These are some of the books you should check out if you are looking for life-changing and inspiring pages that will help you learn, shape, and develop your mind and who you want to be.

Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins

Awaken the Giant Within is a book by the American author, public speaker, life coach, and philanthropist Anthony Jay Robbins. The pages guide you through his most effective strategies and techniques for mastering your emotions, your body, your relationships, your finances, and your life.

Robbins did not grow up in a privileged home. He made a decision to change his life, leading him to spend over 20 years researching and analyzing the differences between those who succeed and those who stay on the social ladders lower rungs.

The book is divided into four parts: Understanding your power, Taking control: The master plan, 7 days to remodel your life, and Awaken the giant within. Each part is rich in information and methods for personal development.

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

Thinking, Fast and Slow is an international bestseller by the renowned psychologist and winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, Daniel Kahneman. The author approaches human rationality and irrationality, decision-making factors, and other aspects of psychology in his sixth and most popular book.

This work takes you on a tour of the mind and the two systems that affect the way we think. One system is fast, intuitive, and emotional, while the other one is slower, more deliberative, and logical. Kahnemans analysis looks at how these two systems shape our judgment and all our decisions, from who we want to be to where we want to eat.

This book is a great help in understanding your mind, how and when to rely on intuition, and how you can benefit from slow thinking. The author offers insights, methods, and techniques on how to deal with decision making, concerning both your business and personal life.

Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert

Stumbling on Happiness is a New York Times bestseller by the famous Harvard University psychology professor Daniel Gilbert. The author describes our brains ability to simulate and imagine biased predictions about the future, which can lead us to make wrong decisions and incorrect assumptions about ourselves.

The book involves the latest scientific research in psychology, cognitive neuroscience, philosophy, and behavioral economics.

It showcases what scientists have discovered in humans ability to predict the future and our beliefs regarding the accuracy of forethought, the tricks our brains play on us, as well as how to deal with inaccurate predictions and avoid them in the future.

Daniel Gilberts research on happiness demonstrates that happiness is not much affected by what happens in your life, but more with how you end up choosing to see and react to life events.

Spark! by John Ratey

The bestselling author John J. Ratey is an associate clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and an internationally recognized expert in neuropsychiatry. In his book Spark!, Ratey illuminates the fascinating connection between the body and the mind.

The book illustrates the importance and the benefits of exercise on improving job performance, mental health, and quality of life in general. It is filled with case studies that prove exercise is the best defense against many mental illnesses such as depression and ADD, as well as addiction, aggression, menopause, and Alzheimers.

Exercise can have a significant impact on your life, productivity, confidence, health, and happiness. This book definitely has the power to change your mind about daily exercise because of its many logical and well-evidenced arguments.

A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking

A Brief History of Time is a popular-science book on cosmology by one the greatest minds of our time, the late English theoretical physicist and cosmologist Stephen William Hawking.

In the book, Hawking explains some of the most complex concepts in physics and phenomena of the natural world in a language everyone can understand, aiming to bring knowledge to all on how our planet was created, where it exists in the universe, and where it is going.

With more than nine million copies in 40 languages sold worldwide, the book has become a classic work, used in many scientific writings.

Relativity and quantum mechanics are not easy subjects, but this book allows you to gain a better understanding of the subjects in simple terms. Hawking describes many scientists discoveries, how their thinking has changed throughout time, and what science may still bring in the future.

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

The Power of Now is a self-help book by the spiritual teacher and bestselling author Eckhart Tolle. The book has been read by millions in 33 languages and is recognized as one of the most influential spiritual books of our time.

Eckhart Tolle uses simple language and clear writing to highlight the importance of living in the present moment and avoiding unproductive thoughts of the past or future.

With enthusiastic writing and an easy question-and answer-format to help guide readers, the self-help book will help you recognize that living in the present is the truest path to happiness and freedom.

The most common ego identifications have to do with possessions, the work you do, social status and recognition, knowledge and education, physical appearance, special abilities, relationships, person and family history, belief systems, and often also political, nationalistic, racial, religious, and other collective identifications. None of these is you, stresses a key passage from The Power of Now.

Mans Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl

Mans Search for Meaning is the memoir of Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist, and Holocaust survivor Victor Frankl. In his book, he describes his experience in Nazi death camps and the lessons he drew from that time for spiritual survival.

Mans Search for Meaning is a two-part account: The first half discusses Frankls experience at the concentration camps, and the second half consists of universally applicable lessons learned from Franks struggle.

The book presents Frankls philosophy on how we are in the best position to control and determine the meaning and purpose of our own life, even in the worst conditions.

On the Genealogy of Morality by Fredrick Nietzsche

On the Genealogy of Morality is a book by the famous German philosopher, cultural critic, composer, poet, philologist, and Latin and Greek scholar, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. This book is about the history and interpretation of ethics.

The work consists of a preface and three interrelated essays that expand and follow through on concepts Nietzsche presented in Beyond Good and Evil (1886).

In this book, Nietzsche expresses his belief that in every society there are the strong (the talented and intelligent) and the weak (the less talented and intelligent).

The strong adopt ethical beliefs that justify their place in life and entitlement to their privileged position, believing that they have earned what is theirs. The weak adopt other beliefs that justify their own position, feel that people deserve aid and charity, and believe that people should live for themselves rather than for the other.

The philosopher argues that all these beliefs converge in the corrupting and oppressing of society, as well as the suppression of important human characteristics such as creativity, innovation, ambition, and even happiness itself.

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These 8 Books Have the Power to Change Your Perspective on Life - Morocco World News

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Report: France and Germany team up on a cloud-computing ecosystem to take on Amazon, Microsoft and Google – FierceTelecom

France and Germany are teaming up to jointly create a cloud-computing ecosystem that would challenge Amazon, Microsoft and Google, according to Reuters.

The project, which is called Gaia-X, is working to create common standards for storing and processing data on servers that are located inside of the countries, which would result in cloud services that comply with the European Union's laws on data privacy, according to the Reuters story.

The goal of Gaia-X is to reduce the cloud dominance of Amazon, Microsoft and Google. According to Reuters, German Economy Minister Peter Altmaier described Gaia-X as a "moonshot" that would help assert Europe's technological sovereignty. Altmaier invited additional companies to participate.

Register for FierceTelecom Blitz Week - June 15-18

As the telecom industry moves forward in the age of new technology, FierceTelecom Blitz week addresses the questions of how platforms, providers, and more will modernize to keep up with these fast-paced changes and their current status of implementing these changes. Join us June 15-18 to dive deep into the world of telecom transformation.

We are not China, we are not the United States, we are European countries with our own values and with our own economic interest that we want to defend, said France's Bruno Le Maire, in a joint video news conference, according to Reuters.

The first step of the moonshot includes 22 French and German companies setting up a non-profit foundation to run Gaia-X. Reuters said one of the goals Gaia-X was being a referee of sorts for a common set of European cloud rules.

Gaia-X would include the concept of "reversibility," which would allow users to easily switch providers, according to Reuters. The first set of services are slated for next year.

While Germany and France are attempting to wrest more control of the cloud landscape, it would be easy for AWS, Microsoft and Google to undercut the effort by lowering their prices. They also have a wide range of services, experience and applications that enterprises and other organizations rely on as they move their software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications and data to the cloud.

RELATED: Amazon and Microsoft reign supreme in European cloud market

Just as they are in the U.S., Amazon Web Services and Microsoft are the leading cloud providers across Europe based on cloud infrastructure revenues, according to first quarter research by Synergy Research Group (SRG.)

Amazon is the top cloud provider in Europe and the leader in all of the major individual country markets while Microsoft is ranked second across the board. Below Amazon and Microsoft, SRG said the results varied across the countries.

Overall Google is the third-ranked cloud provider in Europe, but it trails both OVH and Orange, respectively, in France. IBM is ranked fourth overall, but has various top-six rankings in each individual country. Salesforce, Rackspace and Oracle are global providers that are farther down the country rankings, with Salesforce ranked fifth overall across all of Europe.

Given the importance of scale, global presence and deep pockets, SRG's John Dinsdale, a chief analyst and research director, has previously said it would be difficult for smaller cloud providers to close the gap on Amazon, Microsoft and Google. On that note, it's hard to imagine that France and Germany will be able to take significant market share away from the top-three U.S. cloud providers.

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Report: France and Germany team up on a cloud-computing ecosystem to take on Amazon, Microsoft and Google - FierceTelecom

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Dive into the history of server hardware – TechTarget

Millions of servers exist worldwide, many of which are hidden away in server farms and data centers. But have you ever considered the technology's origins? The history of server hardware is fascinating, because it reveals just how rapidly the technology evolves and its role in data center development.

Before a review of the history of servers, it's important to understand what a server is and does. In its most basic form, a server is a computing program or device that provides a service to another computing program or device, also known as the client.

The service device performs a range of tasks from sharing hardware or software resources with a client to securely moving files between computers.

Servers are built with powerful hardware processing, memory and storage components, but the type of service a server provides is what separates it from the average computer program, rather than the hardware that makes up the machine.

Today, there are many types of servers, such as application servers, proxy servers, file servers, policy servers and virtual servers. Though, the most notable event in server hardware history begins with the invention of the world's first web server in 1990.

In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee, a British engineer and computer scientist, invented the World Wide Web at CERN. He developed the World Wide Web to meet the need for automated information sharing between scientists across the world.

By Dec. 25, 1990, Berners-Lee had set up the world's first web server on a NeXT computer; the device had 2 GB disk, a gray scale monitor and a 256 MHz CPU. The server is still at CERN, and has a big white label attached to the front of the machine that reads, "This machine is a server. Do not power it down!"

The first webpage ever created contained informational links about the World Wide Web project and the technical details of web server creation.

In December 1991, the first web server outside Europe was installed in California at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, and by late 1992, the World Wide Web project had expanded to include a list of other web servers available at the time.

In 1993, CERN put the World Wide Web into the public domain, which catapulted its growth and progress, and over 500 known web servers existed worldwide in December 1993. Server use continued to multiply. At the end of 1994, over 10,000 servers with more than 10 million users were established.

The proliferation of server technology led to the development of rack-mounted servers, the first of which was Compaq's ProLiant Series, released in 1993. A rack framework comprises multiple mounting slots, each designed to hold a server. Because a single rack can hold and stack multiple servers, less space is needed to store the machines.

This helped organizations fit even more servers into smaller spaces; however, keeping a rack in a confined area leads to excessive heat buildup and required specialized cooling systems to maintain optimal temperatures.

Around this time, companies acquired more technology and moved all servers and equipment into singular rooms, colloquially referred to as server rooms. These rooms were unused or old areas within the company's walls. Eventually, organizations started to design rooms specifically for servers and address temperature monitoring and security issues. This change in infrastructure paved the way for the modern data center.

In 2000, Christopher Hipp and David Kirkeby applied for the blade server patent. One year later, the first commercially available blade server was available from RLX Technologies, the company where Hipp and Kirkeby worked.

Blade servers were a step forward in the history of server hardware because they addressed several limitations of the rack-mounted server framework. Blade servers use fewer components than rack servers to minimize power consumption and save space.

Blade servers also fit within a blade enclosure, or a chassis, which can hold multiple blade servers at once. A blade enclosure can provide a variety of functions, such as cooling and networking hardware, and each enclosure can be rack mounted.

With blade servers, the technology became smaller but just as powerful, and companies could increase the density of dedicated servers within a data center. The benefits of blade servers resulted in a massive increase in efficiency and enabled organizations to use computing resources more effectively and strategically.

After the blade server's invention, focus turned from new hardware creation to management for better performance and efficiency. For example, server clusters provide users with higher uptime rates. Server clusters are a group of servers that are connected to a single system. If one server experiences an outage, the data center transfers the workload to another server and avoids any downtime on the front end.

Out-of-band management, also known as remote management or lights-out management, also moved onto the scene. With lights-out management, an IT team could manage, manipulate and monitor servers without even physically stepping into a data center. This method of remote server management further improves efficiency and reduces the number of IT administrators required for server room management.

In 2013, HP Labs developed Moonshot, the world's very first software-defined server. Compared to traditional servers, Moonshot servers run on low-energy microprocessors and use less energy and space. These servers were designed to handle specific data center workloads, such as massive amounts of information and high-performance cloud computing.

Around this time, a new trend started to become popular: virtualization. A virtual server, or a cloud server, has all the capabilities of a hardware-based server but includes virtualization software to divide a physical server into multiple virtual servers. Virtual servers are good for highly variable workloads, so organizations that have fluctuating needs might prefer the flexible scaling provided by cloud servers; the technology takes away much of the physical server management requirements.

As data centers grow to address more diverse IT infrastructures, servers must evolve to meet increased demands in volume, performance and efficiency. The worldwide server market continues to grow, with a reported revenue of $25.4 billion in 2019, according to IDC.

Server hardware will likely become smaller, more compact and even more simplified, with a big focus on virtualization. It will be an interesting space to watch, and if the history of servers can tell us anything, the next big step forward is already in development.

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Dive into the history of server hardware - TechTarget

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COVID-19 Impact ON Private Cloud Server Market : What is the projected sales growth for 2026? – Cole of Duty

Private Cloud Server Market 2020: Latest Analysis

Chicago, United States:- The report titled Global Private Cloud Server Market is one of the most comprehensive and important additions to Report Hive Research archive of market research studies. It offers detailed research and analysis of key aspects of the global Private Cloud Server market. The market analysts authoring this report have provided in-depth information on leading growth drivers, restraints, challenges, trends, and opportunities to offer a complete analysis of the global Private Cloud Server market. Market participants can use the analysis on market dynamics to plan effective growth strategies and prepare for future challenges beforehand. Each trend of the global Private Cloud Server market is carefully analyzed and researched about by the market analysts.

Top Players of Private Cloud Server Market are Studied: AmazonMicrosoftGoogleDropboxSeagateEgnyteBuffalo TechnologySpiderOakMEGAD-LinkElephantDriveMozy Inc.POLKASTDellJust CloudSugarsync

Download Free Sample PDF (including full TOC, Tables, and Figures) of Private Cloud Server Market Research 2020-2026:- @

Global Private Cloud Server Market is estimated to reach xxx million USD in 2020 and projected to grow at the CAGR of xx% during 2020-2026. According to the latest report added to the online repository of Report Hive Research the Private Cloud Server market has witnessed an unprecedented growth till 2020. The extrapolated future growth is expected to continue at higher rates by 2026.

Our exploration specialists acutely ascertain the significant aspects of the global Private Cloud Server market report. It also provides an in-depth valuation in regards to the future advancements relying on the past data and present circumstance of Private Cloud Server market situation. In this Private Cloud Server report, we have investigated the principals, players in the market, geological regions, product type, and market end-client applications. The global Private Cloud Server report comprises of primary and secondary data which is exemplified in the form of pie outlines, Private Cloud Server tables, analytical figures, and reference diagrams. The Private Cloud Server report is presented in an efficient way that involves basic dialect, basic Private Cloud Server outline, agreements, and certain facts as per solace and comprehension.

Segmentation by Application:

Segmentation by Type:

NOTE:Due to the pandemic, we have included a special section on the Impact of COVID 19 on the Private Cloud Server Market which would mention How the Covid-19 is Affecting the Private Cloud Server Industry, Market Trends and Potential Opportunities in the COVID-19 Landscape, Covid-19 Impact on Key Regions and Proposal for Private Cloud Server Players to Combat Covid-19 Impact.

The Essential Content Covered in the GlobalPrivate Cloud Server Market Report:

* Top Key Company Profiles.* Main Business and Rival Information* SWOT Analysis and PESTEL Analysis* Production, Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin* Market Share and Size

The report provides a 6-year forecast (2020-2026) assessed based on how the Private Cloud Server market is predicted to grow in major regions like USA, Europe, Japan, China, India, Southeast Asia, South America, South Africa, Others.

Key Questions Answered In this Report:

What is the overall market size in 2019? What will be the market growth during the forecast period i.e. 2020-2026?

Which region would have high demand for product in the upcoming years?

What are the factors driving the growth of the market?

Which sub-market will make the most significant contribution to the market?

What are the market opportunities for existing and entry-level players?

What are various long-term and short-term strategies adopted by the market players?

What are the key business strategies being adopted by new entrants in the Private Cloud Server Market?

Get Full Customize report or for any Special Discount [emailprotected]

Table of Contents

Market Overview: This is the first section of the report that includes an overview of the scope of products offered in the global Private Cloud Server market, segments by product and application, and market size.

Market Competition by Player: Here, the report shows how the competition in the global Private Cloud Server market is growing or decreasing based on deep analysis of market concentrate rate, competitive situations and trends, expansions, merger and acquisition deals, and other subjects. It also shows how different companies are progressing in the global Private Cloud Server market in terms of revenue, production, sales, and market share.

Company Profiles and Sales Data: This part of the report is very important as it gives statistical as well as other types of analysis of leading manufacturers in the global Private Cloud Server market. It assesses each and every player studied in the report on the basis of main business, gross margin, revenue, sales, price, competitors, manufacturing base, product specification, product application, and product category.

Market Status and Outlook by Region: The report studies the status and outlook of different regional markets such as Europe, North America, the MEA, Asia Pacific, and South America. All of the regional markets researched about in the report are examined based on price, gross margin, revenue, production, and sales. Here, the size and CAGR of the regional markets are also provided.

Market by Product: This section carefully analyzes all product segments of the global Private Cloud Server market.

Market by Application: Here, various application segments of the global Private Cloud Server market are taken into account for research study.

Market Forecast: It starts with revenue forecast and then continues with sales, sales growth rate, and revenue growth rate forecasts of the global Private Cloud Server market. The forecasts are also provided taking into consideration product, application, and regional segments of the global Private Cloud Server market.

Upstream Raw Materials: This section includes industrial chain analysis, manufacturing cost structure analysis, and key raw materials analysis of the global Private Cloud Server market.

Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors: Here, the research study digs deep into behavior and other factors of downstream customers, distributors, development trends of marketing channels, and marketing channels such as indirect marketing and direct marketing.

Research Findings and Conclusion: This section is solely dedicated to the conclusion and findings of the research study on the global Private Cloud Server market.

Appendix: This is the last section of the report that focuses on data sources, viz. primary and secondary sources, market breakdown and data triangulation, market size estimation, research programs and design, research approach and methodology, and the publishers disclaimer.

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COVID-19 impact on Private Cloud Server Market Share, Size, Revenue, Gross Margin and Growth Rate Analysis 2020-2026

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COVID-19 Impact ON Private Cloud Server Market : What is the projected sales growth for 2026? - Cole of Duty

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NextCloud gets bigger and better with Nextcloud Hub 19 – ZDNet

I've used Nextcloud, a great open-source Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud, for years on both my own on-premise and shared servers. It works well, it's simple to set up, and it does the main job of replacing public cloud storage services such as Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, and DropBox flawlessly. With this latest edition, Nextcloud Hub 19 is also adding improvements to its built-in, office Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) programs.

Frank Karlitschek, Nextcloud's CEO, explained this release is named "home office," because "COVID has accelerated a trend already visible in many businesses, forcing them to provide a secure remote collaboration solution to their employees. We named our release "home office" as it provides a large productivity boost for organizations employing many home office workers, like we do ourselves."

New Nextcloud Hub features add document collaboration to video chats, massively simplify authentication, and greatly improve performances.

How "greatly?" It's everywhere. Here are three examples. If you're using ftp, you can read files up to 500% faster. You can also scan files up to 2.5x faster. And, you can image thumbnails from 25-50% faster in LibreOffice OpenDocument files and Krita paint files.

Nextcloud is also moving on from password security to WebAuthn. This is an emerging password-less secure-login standard. With it, you can use Nitrokey open-source, FIDO2 compliant, hardware security keys,Windows Hello, and other hardware keys. It also offers a choice of other authentication options with stronger account security than the usual -- and so often busted -- username/password combination.

This release of Nextcloud Hub also has other new security features. These are:

Nextcloud also has its own built-in video-conferencing and group meeting service: Nextcloud Talk. Here, the most interesting new feature is you can now edit office Collabora documents during video calls or from within a chat room. Collabora is a SaaS version of the popular open-source LibreOffice office suite.

While Nextcloud and Collabora have long worked hand-in-hand together, Nextcloud Hub 19 is the first in which Collabora Online is shipped with it ready to run. This is a special community server version, which dramatically eases its installation. Having done it myself, this is a real blessing. Installing them together manually isn't trivial.

Unfortunately, as Nextcloud admits, "This version however sacrifices scalability for this ease of installation and is not suitable beyond private use. We recommend the existing Collabora Office solutions for that, with docker images for small offices and more scalable solutions available for enterprises through Nextcloud."

I found it worked well for personal use, but I wouldn't push it much further than that. While it's nice that it's there, it's a shame it doesn't go any farther. Even a small-business, plug-and-play version, which could handle say five users, would be really useful for micro-businesses.

Another interesting Talk mini-feature is it now automatically scales call quality depending on users' bandwidth. The program has also gotten its share of performance and scalability improvements The net result is people on Talk with limited internet connections can still participate successfully in a group conversation

The Nextcloud Hub user interface has also been improved to make it much easier and faster to find, share, and co-operate on work files. Under the hood, this release also introduced several significant improvements:

Put it all together and you get the best all-in-one private cloud package available today. Sure, there are more complex open-source clouds, which can do more in particular areas, such as OpenStack and Cloud Foundry. But, if what you want is a straight-forward business cloud, which you, and not some vendor, controls, then Nextcloud is what you want.

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NextCloud gets bigger and better with Nextcloud Hub 19 - ZDNet

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Micron Has the Potential to Rise 50% From Here – TheStreet

Micron (MU) - Get Report remains out of favor as investors shy away from its stock which has been incredibly volatile.

However, its underlying performance continues to point in the correct direction, with its key markets -- data servers and smartphones -- showing strong tailwinds.

Once its operations move out of the slump they've been in and its free cash flow returns to former highs set in 2018 of $9 billion, even with a 10x multiple to free cash flow would see Micron being valued at close to $90 billion. That would represent at least 50% upside potential.

Micron sells memory chips, which are commoditized products. They sell NAND memory and DRAM memory. NAND memory is the most commoditized memory type and has the poorest margin profile. DRAM has significantly better margins and makes up approximately 66% of total revenue, with only three global players, Micron being one of them.

In essence, DRAM memory is a high performance, high-speed data retrieval memory, and is aimed mostly at cloud server, enterprise, smartphone and networking markets.

The other memory type Micron sells is NAND, which is a low-cost storage solution, such as home hard drives. This is a smaller part of Micron and less meaningful to the overall thesis here.

Micron sells into these key verticals: approximately 27% towards servers, 25% to smartphones,20% into PCs, and20% towards automotive uses (this includes industrials and other applications).

Thus, even if servers are performing strongly at present until smartphone and industrials sales restart in earnest as the economy reopens, this will continue to slightly offset its performance in servers and cloud solutions.

Indeed, previously a large portion of Micron's chips used to go into smartphones. However, currently, with Apple AAPLpossibly deferring its new iPhone on the back of supply disruptions, this has a knock-on effect on many of its customers, including Micron.

For its part, Micron has stated that it has been quick to pivot into server sales, but its mobile unit continues to drag down its performance.

Micron recently pre-announced its results and stated that its upcoming Q3 2020 results to be reported at the end of this month are going to come out strongly.

In fact, compared to its guidance and its Q2 2020 results, even the bottom end of its pre-announced earnings are going to be higher than the top-end of its previous estimates.

Specifically, Micron now estimates that its non-GAAP EPS is going to be $0.75 to $0.80 compared with $0.70 of non-GAAP EPS (the top end of its previous guidance).

Even though some companies are thriving in our work-from-home economy, there are many that are struggling during this global contraction. Micron is not only meeting its guidance, but also raising its estimates and is still cheaply valued.

On the one hand, Micron is a cyclical stock. I argue, though, that its cycles are going to be substantially less severe going ahead, particularly over the very near term (12 months), than they were back in 2016 and throughout other memory slumps.

Nevertheless, to a huge extent, Micron sells a commoditized product, and if supply from competitors irrationally floods the market, there's little that can be done to overcome that environment.

Consequently, these points together somewhat depress Micron's multiple from getting too extended.

On the other hand, the demand for memory in servers, cloud, 5G, machine learning, and autonomous vehicles is only going to increase. Thus, there is a very strong secular tailwind to Micron's operations.

Also, during this downturn, Micron is still expected to be profitable, which is a vast improvement compared to the last downturn in 2016.

Taken together, given the right environment, Micron could well return to making $9 billion of free cash flow. Thus, without huge expectations, Micron's stock could trade at 10x to free cash flow (not earnings, but clean free cash flow, which is valued significantly higher).

Micron reports its results in approximately one month's time. By that time, the company's visibility should be significantly better than it was when it last reported its results.

We know that as conditions become more favorable, Micron is able to rapidly ramp up sales, which given Micron's operating leverage, means that getting closer to historically high free cash flow will be easier in the new normal than it was before.

See the article here:
Micron Has the Potential to Rise 50% From Here - TheStreet

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Kofax Partners with Microsoft to Enhance Cloud-Based Universal Print Solution with ControlSuite – Industry Analysts Inc

Combined Solution Digitally Transforms Content Workflow, Governance, Reporting, Security, Compliance and Productivity

London UK June 4, 2020 Kofax, a leading supplier of Intelligent Automation software for digital workflow transformation, today announces a partnership with Microsoft. The partnership delivers more value to Microsoft Universal Print users by letting them seamlessly leverageKofax ControlSuite, the companys award-winning print management and cognitive capture software solution, across a wide range of printers and multi-function devices (MFD). As more enterprises migrate to the cloud and more highly distributed work forces become the norm, organisations need to provide employees with a secure and easy-to-use print and cognitive capture experience.

Universal Print, Microsofts cloud-based print infrastructure, addresses this with a simple, rich and secure print experience for users. When combined with Kofax ControlSuite, IT departments dont need to dedicate time and resources to configure print servers and local devices, thus alleviating much of the print administration effort and expense. Kofax ControlSuite works across the most comprehensive range of printers and multi-function device (MFD) brands and models, as well as mobile devices, and adds to this seamless experience.

Kofax and Microsoft share a common goal of helping customers digitally transform business operations and workflow to drive enhanced efficiency, productivity and experience, saysChris Huff, Chief Strategy Officer at Kofax. ControlSuite and Universal Print represent the future of work, providing customers a modern print infrastructure delivered through cloud services. Customers benefit from Microsofts cloud services while Kofax ControlSuite provides a single print management, cognitive capture and output management platform across the enterprise, resulting in reduced cost of ownership and improved, secure experiences for employees.

Kofax ControlSuites unique ability to provide print management, cognitive capture and output management means printing, scanning, content extraction and document workflows can be automated across any combination of hybrid systems and technologies. These include printers, MFDs, mobile and desktop devices, email and print streams.

Universal Print was designed to move key Windows Server print functionality to the Microsoft cloud so organisations no longer need on-premise print servers, and remove the need to install printer drivers on end-user devices, says Issa Khoury, Principal Program Manager Lead at Microsoft. Partnering with Kofax, were able to offer Kofax and Microsoft customers the joint value of Universal Print and ControlSuite and elevate user experience to the next level.

Microsofts Universal Print is currently in private preview and will be available soon to Microsoft 365 users. Microsoft and Kofax hosted a jointwebinardiscussing the functionality of Universal Print and Kofax ControlSuite.

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Kofax Partners with Microsoft to Enhance Cloud-Based Universal Print Solution with ControlSuite - Industry Analysts Inc

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Dell and Intel answer the call for AI by building specific solutions for real problems – SiliconANGLE

With its position as a key provider of service and processor solutions to the worlds largest companies, Intel Corp. can see trends coming from miles away.

Thats the kind of perspective that over half a century in the technology business can provide. The company saw the coming of cloud computing, and now it is witnessing the latest wave of artificial intelligence, although at least one executive believes that growing use cases are moving into a phase where the tangible benefits of AI in the enterprise are real.

AI went through the same thing that cloud did, where you have every business leader or chief information officer saying: Hey, get me a cloud and Ill figure out what for later, said Lisa Spelman(pictured, left), corporate vice president and general manager of the Xeon and Memory Group at Intel. It was get me some AI, and well figure out if we can make it work. Were through those initial use cases, and were starting to see business value derived from some of those deployments.

Spelman spoke with Jeff Frick, host of theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Medias livestreaming studio. She was joined by Ravi Pendekanti(pictured, right), senior vice president of server product management at Dell Technologies Inc. Frick also spoke with Jeremy Rader, general manager of digital transformation and scale solutions at Intel, in a separate interview and heard from Thierry Pellegrino, vice president of business strategy and HPC solutions server and infrastructure systems at Dell. They discussed how AI is helping users manage data at significant scale, the impact of partnerships with independent software vendors, a joint project to map the human brain, and tailoring technology for the right solution. (* Disclosure below.)

As the use cases for AI continued to expand, Intel and Dell Technologies Inc. have partnered to provide solutions to businesses across a wide spectrum. One such customer is Epsilon Data Interactive Inc, a provider of permission-based email marketing services to major companies, including Dell.

Epsilon uses AI and machine learning to analyze customer activity in significant volume.

What really blew my mind is they service or send out close to 100 billion messages a year, so you can imagine the amount of data they are analyzing, Pendekanti said. Its all possible because of the kind of analytics we have driven into PowerEdge servers using the latest Intel Xeon processor coupled with some of the technology from the field programmable gate array side.

What is different from the get me some AI days is that both customers and providers such as Intel and Dell are building specific solutions into respective technologies to best address business needs while partnering with independent software vendors. This dynamic has created an ecosystemthat can help enterprises get desired results faster and with more impact.

It starts first with delivering the best hardware for AI, and Xeon is the foundation for that, Spelman explained. On top of that, theres the optimized software which is going into each of those frameworks and doing the work so that the framework recognizes the specific acceleration weve built into the CPU. Once weve done that software layer, this is where we have the opportunity for a lot of partnership.

Intel works with a number of ISVs in partnership with Dell to support customer needs. This forms a three-legged stool of value for the delivery of AI-based solutions.

What weve done with Dell is bring that portfolio together with Dells capabilities and then bring in that ISV partner, that software vendor, where we can really bring the most value out of that broad portfolio, Rader said. If you bring in the software vendor, hardware vendor, and Dell into the mix, you get a really strong outcome.

What are some of those outcomes? Researchers from McGill University and the University of Montreal are working on an artificial neural networkthat functions like a human brain. This specialized work requires the use of high-performance computing to process and analyze large-memory MRI images.

The project leverages Intels Zenith cluster combined with Dell PowerEdge servers and Xeon processors to make breakthroughs in cognitive science.

We collaborated with Intel on a tuning of algorithms for them in code in order to accelerate the mapping of the human brain, Pellegrino explained. Think about what you can get with that kind of information in order to cure Alzheimers or dementia down the road. It is using technology to help all of us and those who are suffering from really tough diseases.

Based on the experience of Dell and Intel, through projects such as the one in Canada, AI is beginning to move from an object of desire for no clear purpose to solving complex enterprise and human problems. It is being demystified and, for practitioners such as Dells Pendekanti, thats a good thing.

Most of us probably use an ATM to withdraw money, but we really dont know what sits behind the ATM, Pendekanti said. Our mantra for this is very simple. We want to make sure we use the right basic building blocks, ensuring that we bring the right solutions.

Heres the complete video interview, one of many CUBE Conversations from SiliconANGLE and theCUBE. (* Disclosure: Dell Technologies Inc. sponsored this segment of theCUBE. Neither Dell Technologies nor other sponsors have editorial control over content on theCUBE or SiliconANGLE.)

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Dell and Intel answer the call for AI by building specific solutions for real problems - SiliconANGLE

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Data Protection As A Service Market Projection of Each Major Segment over the Forecast Period – Cole of Duty

The report Data protection as a service by development model (public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud) by service type (DRaaS, BaaS, STaaS) by end user (large enterprise, small enterprise, medium enterprise ) by region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa and Latin America) Global Industry Analysis and forecast 2018-2026. Global data protection as a service market was valued US$ 3 billion in 2017 and is expected to reach US$ 32.8billion by 2026 at a CAGR of 35.5 % during forecast year.

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Data protection as a service (DPaaS) is a cloud-based or web-delivered service for protecting data assets. Data protection is a vital part of IT infrastructure. Adding security to typical application is a way to expand the business into new markets. DPaaS tools support the use of technologies like VPN to aid in remote work security. Virtualization of storage devices and servers is one of the major trends gaining traction in the overall DPaaS market. DPaaS restores data more quickly than tapes or offsite backup.

Private Cloud is expected to dominate the market throughout the forecast.

The private cloud has greater data security and other advancements have revolutionized the deployment of DPaaS in these Enterprises. Private cloud implies that you manage the entire virtualization infrastructure from the componentry to the applications.

Backup as a Service (Baas) is leading data protection as a service.

Backup as a service (BaaS) is an approach to backing up data that involves purchasing backup and recovery services from an online data backup provider. Instead of performing backup with a centralized, on-premises IT department, BaaS connects systems to a private, public or hybrid cloud managed by the outside provider. Backup as a service is easier to manage than other offsite services.

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North America was the leading regional market for data protection as a service.

North America is the most profitable market as compared to others with diverse industry verticals implementing DPaaS at a greater extent. To generate the highest market revenue over the forecast period with predominant deployments in the large enterprises. Asia-Pacific is estimated to grow at the fastest pace owing to heavy investments by the governments into infrastructural activities for effective data protection.

This report includes a study of marketing and development strategies, along with the product portfolios of leading companies. It includes the profiles of leading manufacturers such as are IBM Corporation, Amazon Web Services, Inc., HP Development Company L.P. ,Commvault Systems, Inc., EMC Corporation,VMware, Inc. ,Quantum Corporation,Asigra, Inc. ,Veritas Technologies,Cisco Systems, HTC Corporation, Red Hat,Microsoft, Citrix , OneLogin, Infocom Corporation, IBM.

Maximize market research, a global market research firm with dedicated team of specialists and data has carried out extensive research about the global data protection as a service market. Report encompasses the market by different segments and region, providing the in-depth analysis of overall industry ecosystem, useful for taking informed strategic decision by the key stakeholders in the industry. Importantly, the report delivers forecasts and share of the market, further giving an insight into the market dynamics, and future opportunities that might exist in the global data protection as a service market. The driving forces, as well as considerable restraints, have been explained in depth. In addition to this, competitive landscape describing about the strategic growth of the competitors have been taken into consideration for enhancing market know-how of our clients and at the same time explain global data protection as a service market positioning of competitors.

Browse the market data Tables and Figures spread through a comprehensive research report and in-depth TOC on Global data protection as a service market.

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Data Protection As A Service Market Projection of Each Major Segment over the Forecast Period - Cole of Duty

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SwissSys Feature for Helping with US Chess Rated Events –

For Tournament Directors running events on, SwissSys has been kind enough to add a new feature, from version 10.1 on, that will hopefully make the process of submitting US Chess rated events much simpler. Even better, its currently free to use for this purpose!

Once you have completed an event on, you can download the crosstable and then open that file in SwissSys, which will open it up as a crosstable with all the players and results filled in. Then, using this new feature, SwissSys can import the US Chess ID numbers for any players that have registered with as a US Chess member and linked their ID number to their account. Once you have the US Chess IDs for all the players in your event you can then use SwissSys to create the US Chess rating files needed to upload into the TD/Affiliate area.

Here is a video showing you how to get the crosstable from and the new feature in SwissSys.

Here are some important links for reference: US Chess Member Registration FormTD/Affiliate Support Area

We hope you enjoy this new feature and it makes rating events with US Chess much simpler. Our thanks go out to both SwissSys and for their efforts in assisting US Chess Tournament Directors!

See the article here:
SwissSys Feature for Helping with US Chess Rated Events -

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