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US: Congress Should Back Open Technology Fund – Human Rights Watch

(Washington) The United States Congress should voice its support for the Open Technology Fund (OTF), a broad coalition of organizations and individuals committed to internet freedom said in a letter to members of Congress yesterday.

The fund is an independent nonprofit grantee of the United States Agency for Global Media (USAGM). Over the past eight years, the fund and the projects it supports including the encrypted message service Signal, the anonymizing browser Tor, and the secure operating systems Qubes and Tails have enabled over two million people in more than 60 countries to safely access the internet free from censorship and repressive surveillance.

The technologies that the Open Technology Fund supports underly nearly all of the tools we have to protect people accessing the internet in closed societies, said Seamus Tuohy, Information Security director at Human Rights Watch. OTF has been a credible, transparent, and trustworthy partner to global internet freedom advocates, and their work is critical to the pursuit of fundamental human rights in the digital age. The takeover of the leadership of this independent nonprofit organization is shocking and threatens to undo OTFs many achievements.

The Open Technology Funds CEO, Libby Liu, offered her resignation several days ago because she became aware of a lobbying effort that would push the group's funds toward closed-source tools rather than the open-source ones it has traditionally championed. She was fired late on the evening of June 17, 2020, effective immediately, by Michael Pack, the CEO of USAGM. Soon afterward, Pack removed the funds independent, expert bipartisan board of directors and replaced them with officials from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development; USAID; the US Office of Management and Budget; USAGM; and Liberty Counsel Action, an advocacy group dedicated to promoting right-wing evangelical Christian political issues with a strong anti-abortion and anti-LGBT agenda.

In addition to fostering the development of freely available tools to protect security and privacy of communications, OTF has also provided critical support for existing tools that face attack and new challenges. Its support has been critical to rallying a global community of internet freedom activists who work to overcome censorship and surveillance.

Advocates for digital rights, including Human Rights Watch, have serious concerns that new USAGM leadership will try to dismantle the fund and reallocate government funding toward closed-source technologies severely limiting who can access them and jeopardizing users security. If Congress fails to block USAGM from doing so, it will risk undermining, worldwide, the realization of free speech, thought, association, worship, and other fundamental human rights for which free and open access to the internet is often vital.

The letter is also available for public sign-on here.

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US: Congress Should Back Open Technology Fund - Human Rights Watch

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David Pratt: Will the next global pandemic take place online? – The National

ONLY a few weeks ago there was a warning about another pandemic. That it probably escaped the notice of most of us is hardly surprising. To begin with the world had more than enough to contend with in the shape of Covid-19.

Also it wasnt a new alert, in fact experts have issued it countless times for many years now. Had most of us been aware of this other threat, the chances are we would have dismissed it anyway as something unlikely to impact on our lives directly. In that assumption we would have been dangerously wrong.

As experts at the Geneva-based World Economic Forum (WEF) pointed out earlier this month, Covid-19 is not the only risk with the ability to quickly and exponentially disrupt the way we all live. Or, as they more succinctly described it, our new normal isnt Covid-19 itself its Covid-like incidents.

What these experts are referring to is the inevitability of a global cyber pandemic, one that would spread faster and further than any biological virus, impacting upon and potentially devastating many aspects of our lives.

Sound far-fetched and too sci-fi to be believable? Then think again. In fact just check the news from Australia this weekend where the prime minister, Scott Morrison, has confirmed that a state-sponsored cyber-attack is currently underway, targeting Australian government, business, education and political organisations.

While experts say that this latest attack in Australia is not particularly sophisticated, they have been so persistent there that the government felt now was the time to speak out.

The same experts too warned that the current hacking should serve as a wake-up call to the overall massive rise in cyber-attacks and their potential to wreak havoc in the future with the outbreak of an online pandemic.

READ MORE: Why Your Business Should be Looking into Cyber Security

One of those experts Dan Lohrmann, writing recently for the US magazine Government Technology, detailed through the prism of the American experience the duration over which such warnings have been given and their significance.

For more than a decade, security leaders predicted that a Cyber Pearl Harbour or Cyber 9/11 was coming that would dramatically change society as we know it, said Lohrmann.

In his assessment he cites Janet Napolitano, former US Secretary of Homeland Security, who as far back as 2013 warned that America will, at some point, face a major cyber event that will have a serious effect on our lives, our economy and the everyday functioning of our society.

But as Covid-19 has revealed such attacks were never only going to be limited to the US.

Right now evidence is mounting daily that state-backed hackers are seizing on the Covid-19 pandemic to lead cyber espionage transnationally at a time when home working and anxiety about infection are making populations more vulnerable to online hacking.

Attacks have always been socially engineered to prey on peoples fears, habits, and ultimately, their bank accounts, but the exploitation in the Covid-19 era is nothing short of sinister, warned Christopher Gerg, an information security expert writing in Security magazine last month. Just how sinister is borne out by the extent to which hackers have been exploiting employees whose working environment has radically changed as a result of Covid-19.

Work from home is a gold mine for spies, James Lewis, cyber security expert at the Washington based Centre for Strategic and International Studies, told the Financial Times recently

The Chinese in particular benefit because it gives them more and easier targets to go after and they have the resources to take advantage of a surge in easier targets.

In April a rare joint assessment released by Britains National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) - a branch of signals intelligence agency GCHQ and the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) - part of the Department of Homeland Security highlighted the growing use of Covid-19 in state-sponsored cyber-attacks.

In the parlance of what security experts call Advanced Persistent Threat groups, hackers working on behalf of nation states such as China, Russia and Iran among many nations are making the most of the outbreak to spy on their adversaries according to NCSC and CISA.

It would be naive to imagine of course that both those same UK and US intelligence communities are not themselves doing likewise. Various reports have already surfaced over the extent to which numerous Chinese organisations or institutions for example have been the subject of scrutiny by the US, UK and others.

Evidence presented in the recent US-UK joint assessment of cyber security breaches here in Britain give some idea of how the coronavirus has upped the ante of such activity on all sides.

APT groups are using the Covid-19 pandemic as part of their cyber operations, the US version of the report reads. Their goals and targets are consistent with longstanding priorities such as espionage and hack-and-leak operations.

Underlining the scale of the threat from state entities, the Reuters news agency last month reported that hackers linked to Iran targeted Gilead, the US-based pharmaceutical company that makes the anti-COVID drug Remdesivir.

READ MORE: Internet security competition for Scots businesses launches

According to experts who reviewed web archives for Reuters, the hacking infrastructure used in the attempt to compromise the email account of an executive at Gilead, had previously been used in cyber-attacks by a group of suspected Iranian hackers known by the bizarre name Charming Kitten. Such colourful or quaint codenames are not uncommon in the cyber world and often veil the seriousness of such a groups impact.

Access to even just the email of staff at a cutting-edge Western pharmaceutical company could give ... the Iranian government an advantage in developing treatments and countering the disease, said Priscilla Moriuchi, a director with US cyber security firm Recorded Future, and former analyst with the US National Security Agency.

Responding to the hacking claims, Irans mission to the United Nations denied any involvement in the attacks.

The Iranian government does not engage in cyber warfare, spokesman Alireza Miryousefi told the news agency. Cyber activities Iran engages in are purely defensive and to protect against further attacks on Iranian infrastructure, the spokesman added.

Just as in the Gilead case, other state-backed hackers are using similar email lures to entice government officials, academics and employees at public health bodies into clicking on links that give access to their organisations networks.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) is another recent example, reporting that it has experienced a five-fold increase in cyber-attacks compared to this time last year. Some were clearly motivated by profit as much as intelligence gathering.

Many of these attacks on the global health watchdog were targeted at the general public with emails that spoofed WHO employees emails asking for donations. Common phishing scams include emails claiming to come from the director general of the WHO, and others claiming to offer thermometers and face masks.

The virus crisis has brought new intelligence requirements: countries now want to know what other governments are doing about the virus, they want to find out details about vaccines, to make sure theyre aware of the latest developments, the Financial Times cited one security official as saying a few months ago.

So as well as all the usual intelligence sources theyre now focusing on academic organisations that might be doing modelling, people working on public policy responses, scientists who are advising government, the official added. Nation states are asking for new types of intelligence so hackers are pivoting to answer those questions.

But it is attacks on the health institutions and related services at the height of the global pandemic that have both alarmed and outraged cyber security experts and others.

Many point to the fact that hospitals and public sector organisations that deal with health and social care can be particularly vulnerable to cyberattacks.

There are historical precedents here of course in the shape of the devastating global cyber-attack in 2017 that crippled computers in hospitals across the UK and cost the NHS around 100m.

The so called WannaCry hack which shut down hundreds of thousands of computers around the world with messages from hackers demanding ransom payments, hit a third of hospital trusts and 8 per cent of GP practices. Around 1per cent of all NHS care was disrupted over the course of a week.

The hack caused more than 19,000 appointments to be cancelled, costing the NHS 20m between 12 May and 19 May of that year and 72m in the subsequent clean up and upgrades to its Information Technology systems.

The WannaCry hack caused 200,000 computers to lock out users with red-lettered error messages demanding the cryptocurrency Bitcoin. According to investigators those responsible for the global attack was an elite groups of North Korean hackers known as the Lazarus group. While the attack didnt specifically target the NHS, it spread over the Internet using a leaked hacking tool developed by the US spy agency the NSA.

And here lies the obvious parallel with Covid-19, a cyber-attack that creates an infection, but one that would spread faster and further than any biological virus.

Over these past months many of us have become familiar with what is known as the R number or reproduction value by which a diseases ability to spread is rated.

Should the reproductive rate or R0 of Covid-19 be on average around 2 without any social distancing, then each infected person passes the virus to a couple of other people.

By contrast, as cyber security experts at the World Economic Forum have recently pointed out, estimates of R0 of cyberattacks are 27 and above. One of the fastest worms - as they are known in history was the 2003 Slammer/Sapphire worm, which doubled in size approximately every 8.5 seconds, spreading to over 75,000 infected devices in 10 minutes and 10.8 million devices in 24 hours. To give some sense of scale as to what this means, a virus with a reproductive rate of 20 may take only five days to infect over 1 billion devices.

The economic impact of such a global virus and subsequent digital shutdown would, say WEF experts, be of the same magnitude or greater than what we are currently seeing as a result of Covid-19.

The only way to stop the exponential propagation of cyber-Covid would be to fully disconnect all vulnerable devices from one another and the Internet to avoid infection, says Professor Nicholas Davis and Algirde Pipikate, the cybersecurity experts who complied the WEF assessment.

To put this in some kind of context the end result would mean millions of devices would be taken offline in a matter of days. A single day without the internet would cost the world more than $50 billion, while a 21-day global cyber lockdown could cost over $1trillion.

The whole world could experience cyber lockdown until a digital vaccine was developed. All business communication and data transfers would be blocked. Social contact would be reduced to people contactable by in-person visits, copper landline, snail-mail or short-wave radio, the experts added, describing a nightmarish scenario that more than mirrors Covid-19 and the impact it has had on all our lives economically.

Just as warnings have existed for many years over a global biological pandemic so likewise they have existed regarding a cyber pandemic. The systemic cyber-attacks that we are currently witnessing have shown themselves to be both easily deployed and dangerous.

The point now say those best able to judge the scale of the threat, is to fully anticipate them and have the necessary degree of preparedness. If Covid-19 has taught the world anything its that even a short delay in responding can cause colossal damage.

As we tentatively begin to surface from these recent dark and devastating times, it might be hard to even contemplate more potential disaster.

But as we now know from painful experience, fully recognising the extent of any threat and having the measures in place to cope must be a priority.

After all, just as with a biological pandemic so with a cyber equivalent, we now know its not a question of if it will happen, but when.

David Pratt: Will the next global pandemic take place online? - The National

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Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Industry Market Insights, Opportunity, Analysis, Market Shares & Forecast 2020 2027 – 3rd Watch News

With having published myriads of reports, Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market Research imparts its stalwartness to clients existing all over the globe. Our dedicated team of experts delivers reports with accurate data extracted from trusted sources. We ride the wave of digitalization facilitate clients with the changing trends in various industries, regions and consumers. As customer satisfaction is our top priority, our analysts are available to provide custom-made business solutions to the clients.

In this new business intelligence report, Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market Research serves a bunch of market forecast, structure, potential, and socioeconomic impacts associated with the global Internet of Things (IoT) Security market. With Porters Five Forces and DROT analyses, the research study incorporates a comprehensive evaluation of the positive and negative factors, as well as the opportunities regarding the Internet of Things (IoT) Security market.

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The Internet of Things (IoT) Security market report has been fragmented into important regions that showcase worthwhile growth to the vendors. Each geographic segment has been measured based on supply-demand status, distribution, and pricing. Further, the study brings information about the local distributors with which the market players could create collaborations in a bid to sustain production footprint.

The following manufacturers are covered:

IBM CorporationFire Eye Inc.Infineon TechnologiesOracle CorporationAT&T Inc.Trend Micro Inc.Cisco Systems Inc.PTC Inc.Intel CorporationSymantec CorporationGemaltoVerizon Enterprises Solutions

Segment by Regions

North America




Southeast Asia


Market Segmentation based on Type:

Network SecurityEndpoint SecurityApplication SecurityCloud SecurityOthers

Market Segmentation based on Application:

HealthcareInformation Technology (IT)TelecomBankingFinancial Services and Insurance (BFSI)AutomotiveOthers

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Segmentation of the Internet of Things (IoT) Security market to target the growth outlook and trends affecting these segments.

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Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Industry Market Insights, Opportunity, Analysis, Market Shares & Forecast 2020 2027 - 3rd Watch News

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Facial recognition to play key role in travel reopening as biometrics industry weighs social responsibility – Biometric Update

The top biometrics and digital ID stories of the week on Biometric Update focus on the use of advanced technologies, primarily facial recognition, by the travel industry as it attempts to reopen from near-shutdown. The fallout from moves away from facial recognition by U.S. tech giants that may have more impact on public relations than the market itself is also prompting debate within the biometric industry, as privacy lawsuits and concerns are balanced by even more implementations.

The aviation industry is beginning what promises to be a lengthy and fraught path back to sustainability, which includes new deployments of facial recognition and temperature screening for passengers. A SITA executive told an Aviation Week webinar audience that the industry will have to invest in technology to make traveller journeys touchless as passengers return.

The importance of biometrics to the travel industry as it reopens is also examined this week in a piece by International Biometrics + Identity Association (IBIA) Executive Director Tovah LaDier, which contextualizes the debate between privacy advocates and travel industry stakeholders over the use of facial recognition. Thales sees the technology being more broadly deployed to support rail travel. In an interview with Homeland Security Today, LaDier pans the public announcements by U.S. tech giants that she says seem to conflate facial recognition with surveillance. LaDier points out to the publication that IBM, Amazon, and Microsoft have little presence in facial recognition, as shown by two of them not having performed the precondition for federal public contracts of submitting their algorithms for evaluation by NIST.

Onfido is being targeted by a suit under Illinois biometric data privacy law, with a plaintiff alleging the same lack of informed consent compliance that most other suits of its kind charge. Some technology vendors have recently had charges dismissed due to lack of presence or sales efforts in the state, and the liability of biometrics providers is not clear.

A pair of companies are upping the biometrics capabilities of the Apple ecosystemby adding facial recognition app access and message unlocking to Facebook Messenger for iOS, and a free facial recognition blocking camera app to the App Store.

The Vodaphone Institute for Society and Communicationsprints an interview with former Accenture Research Principal Director and Palantir Strategist and current technology ethics researcher Stephanie Hare about the impact of emerging technologies, including AI and biometrics, on society. Hare calls for a broad moratorium on facial recognition, and recommends scientists and technologists avail themselves of the insights gleaned from the field of Science and Technology Studies (STS).

A pair of researchers with the Rand Corporation write in an opinion piece for The Hillthat bans will not address the imbalance of power between citizens and law enforcement, and that effective accountability mechanisms should be prioritized.

Trueface CEO Shaun Moore, whose company was one of the few facial recognition providers to respond to a request for comment from Vice on the use of the technology by police, explains in a Medium postthe commitment Trueface is making to minimize the potential for harm with face biometrics. That includes closing the gap on demographic disparities, supporting calls for federal regulation, and what looks like a broad outreach campaign.

The Roadmap for Digital Cooperation from the UN sets out how the body plans to carry out the recommendations from a previous report, which includes supporting good digital identity and establishing the frameworks and tools necessary to mitigate the serious threats it says could be posed by facial recognition and other surveillance technologies. Deepfakes are also identified as a potentially major problem.

A challenge to address the prospect of deepfakes shows that current technology can catch the majority of them, as ID R&D executives explain to Biometric Update. Several entries from the companys researchers placed on the challenge leader board, which they attribute in part to the insights gained developing ID R&Ds passive facial liveness detection.

Sovereignty over identity is the endpoint for online security foreseen in an interview of Martin Hellman, Taher Elgamal, and Tom Jermoluk by IEEE Spectrum. The prominent online cryptography innovators talk about the evolution of internet security from the early days, when open digital doors were a feature of what was in essence a vast research tool, through the development of public-key cryptography and devices with now secure enclaves that can store private keys on user devices.

Projects to use biometrics to update the voter roll in Cte dIvoire and cut out fraud from government payrolls in Zimbabwe and Liberia led digital ID news from Africathis week. ID4Africa has also kicked off a webinar series with a pair of enthusiastically-received panel discussions. A new impetus for action to provide useful digital identity to all people has been observed by leaders in the identity field with international development agencies brought together for the second event in the series. Governments that have made paid lip service to universal identification have seen those that did the hard work more effectively distribute aid and communicate with their citizens during the global health crisis.

Simprints Head of Strategic Partnerships Christine Kim writes about the companys new contactless version of its biometric solution, developed with Cisco, for the tech giants blog. The touchless version has now been tested in low-resource environments in Kenya and Tanzania, and is being prepared for deployment in COVID-19 patient tracking.

Biometric systems need to be carefully architected, and possibly should be subject to evaluation against more standards to avoid possible harms to privacy and inclusion, according to a discussion during a Women in Identity webinar. Expert panelists debated the meaning of tech giants withdrawing from the facial recognition space and how to think about facial biometric relative to other modalities.

The failures of AI systems put to the test during the pandemic, combined with the likelihood of increasing reliance on the technology in more and more applications, is worrying to EqualAI President and CEO Miriam Vogel, as she writes for Thrive Global. Vogel suggests the use of AI in medical and employment decisions, as well as in facial recognition, could further entrench past and present biases.

Poor digital identity infrastructure hampered a range of government COVID-19 responses in Canada, experts said during the Identity North conference, as reported by IT World Canada. Politicians have finally recognized the need for this element of digital transformation, though the Digital ID and Authentication Council of Canada (DIACC) does not seem to think widespread implementation is about to happen.

Infinity Optics continues to make its case for biometric hashing technology as the way to provide strong authentication without creating privacy risks, with an independent test by Horangi Cyber Security confirming that reversable biometric data is not found in the code that is the outcome of its process. Fingerprint Cards Principal Scientist Mikkel B. Stegmann, on the other hand, argues that layering multiple modalities togetheris the next step for further enhancing the security of biometric authentication.

A successful fundraising round for Vuzix and the first of what is expected to be several government contract wins for Datasonic are accompanied by several statements from publicly traded companies showing widespread positive sentiment within the industry. The board of Idex Biometrics is taking shares instead of cash, Synaptics has joined a voice interoperability project led by Amazon, and Ipsidys CEO sees an inflection point ahead for the company with transactions moving online.

Several companies have revealed new technologies to embed facial recognition, gesture recognition, and voice and speech recognition into automobile interiors. Analysts see major growth in biometrics for vehicle access and other applications, and with vehicles becoming more connected and possibly more autonomous, in-vehicle authentications are expected to emerge and rise sharply.

Healthcare is another application area with explosive growth prospects, as health data attracts attackers and digital health services are adopted, ID R&D VP of Marketing Kim Martin writes in a guest post. Touchless biometrics like voice and face recognition technology are ready to replace passwords, ease check-ins, and protect controlled substances.

The role of voice biometrics in the altered context of the pandemic to enable and secure interactions between companies and their customers is explored by Phonexia CEO Michal Hrabi in another guest post.

To share any pertinent article, opinion, or other content with the biometrics and digital ID community in this space, please pass it on to us in the comments below or in an email.

AI | airports | automotive biometrics | biometrics | contactless | deepfakes | digital identity | facial recognition | fever detection | police | privacy | stocks | temperature monitoring | transportation | travel and tourism | video surveillance

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Facial recognition to play key role in travel reopening as biometrics industry weighs social responsibility - Biometric Update

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‘IT Act does not protect freedom of speech’ – The Sunday Guardian

It also does not protect citizens digital rights and the government needs to protect these rights.

New Delhi: Old, archaic cyber laws are preventing Internet freedom in India. These laws were enacted 20 years ago and continued by successive governments despite the fact that ground realities have changed a lot over the last two decades.

The Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000 is the primary law in India which deals with cyber crime and electronic commerce. The Act provides a legal framework for e-governance by giving recognition to electronic records and digital signatures.

It also defines cyber crimes and prescribes penalties for them. A major amendment was made in 2008, according to which penalty was imposed for sending offensive messages. It also introduced a Section which gave authorities power of interception or monitoring of any information through any computer resource. Interestingly, the amendment was passed without any debate.

The Act is very lopsided vis--vis freedom of speech. The ground realities have changed drastically in these 20 years. Countries all over the world have changed their laws accordingly to meet the new requirements. But sadly, India is way behind other countries, said Pawan Duggal, an expert of cyber laws. He said India does not even have cyber security laws.

According to Duggal, with Internet becoming a part of life for more and more people, the government needs to protect their digital rights. The existing IT Act does not protect these rights. Moreover, there is the issue of right to access. Cyber security is a big concern for netizens as their data is not protected, he said. Duggal, however, pointed out that the digital rights could be adversely affected in the days to come as governments would have the tendency to control and monitor cyber space.

As regards Internet freedom, Duggal said it derives from Article 19 of the Indian Constitution which guarantees to all its citizens the right to freedom of speech and expression, but it is not an absolute right. The IT Act does not protect this freedom of speech, he added.

However, Anupam Saraph, another IT expert, went even one step further, saying that there is no need to amend the IT Act, but to visit all existing Acts all over again.

There is no need to enact a new law or amend the existing Act. But there is a need to club other Acts like Evidence Act, Criminal Procedure Act, Companies Act, Societies Act, IPC etc. A theft is a theft irrespective of whether it is done physically or online. Why a separate law for physical theft and cyber theft? The lawmakers should think whether a particular Act delivers the promise of the Preamble of the Constitution. Any law should be there to liberate a citizen and not constrain him, Saraph told The Sunday Guardian.

Talking about the freedom to identify on social media, he said one should be free to express himself/herself through whichever name he chooses. In my view, the IT Act was a huge mistake. It was not framed keeping the Preamble in mind, but in the interest of technology. It takes away the liberty of netizens, he said, adding effort should be made to uphold the promise of the Preamble. Every Act which encroaches on ones liberty must be removed, he said.

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'IT Act does not protect freedom of speech' - The Sunday Guardian

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In Depth Analysis and Survey of COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Global Distributed Denial Of Service (DDoS) Protection Market 2020 Key Players A10…

Rising number of corona virus cases has impacted numerous lives and led to numerous fatalities, and has affected the overall economic structure globally. The Distributed Denial Of Service (DDoS) Protection has analyzed and published the latest report on the global Distributed Denial Of Service (DDoS) Protection market. Change in the market has affected the global platform. Along with the Distributed Denial Of Service (DDoS) Protection market, numerous other markets are also facing similar situations. This has led to the downfall of numerous businesses, because of the widespread increase of the number of cases across the> or call us on +1-312-376-8303.

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The major players in the Distributed Denial Of Service (DDoS) Protection market are A10 Networks, Genie Networks, ARBOR NETWORKS, Imperva Incapsula, Nexusguard, VeriSign, DOSarrest Internet Security, Cloudflare, Radware, NSFOCUS . Some of the players have adopted new strategies to sustain their position in the Distributed Denial Of Service (DDoS) Protection market. A detailed research study is done on the each of the segments, and is provided in Distributed Denial Of Service (DDoS) Protection market report. Based on the performance of the Distributed Denial Of Service (DDoS) Protection market in various regions, a detailed study of the Distributed Denial Of Service (DDoS) Protection market is also analyzed and covered in the study.

Report Scope:Some of the key types analyzed in this report are as follows: Hardware, Software

Some of the key applications as follow: Media And Entertainment Sector, BFSI, Healthcare Sector, Transportation, Public Sector

Following are the major key players: A10 Networks, Genie Networks, ARBOR NETWORKS, Imperva Incapsula, Nexusguard, VeriSign, DOSarrest Internet Security, Cloudflare, Radware, NSFOCUS

An in-depth analysis of the Distributed Denial Of Service (DDoS) Protection market is covered and included in the research study. The study covers an updated and a detailed analysis of the Distributed Denial Of Service (DDoS) Protection market. It also provides the statistical information of the Distributed Denial Of Service (DDoS) Protection market. The study of the report consists of the detailed definition of the market or the overview of the Distributed Denial Of Service (DDoS) Protection market. Furthermore, it also provides detailed information for the target audience dealing with or operating in this market is explained in the next section of the report.

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The report also provides detailed information on the research methodologies, which are used for the analysis of the Distributed Denial Of Service (DDoS) Protection market. The methods are covered in detail in this section of the report. For the analysis of the market, several tools are used for the extraction of the market numbers. Among the several tools, primary and secondary research studies were also incorporated for the research study. These were further analyzed and validated by the market experts, to increase precision and make the data more reliable.

Moreover, the report also highlights and provides a detailed analysis of the drivers, restrains, opportunities, and challenges of the Distributed Denial Of Service (DDoS) Protection market. This section of Distributed Denial Of Service (DDoS) Protection market also covers the updated information, in accordance with the present situation of the market.

According to the estimation and the analysis of the market, the Distributed Denial Of Service (DDoS) Protection market is likely to have some major changes in the estimated forecasts period. Moreover, these changes can be attributed to the changes due to economic and trading conditions across the globe. Moreover, several market players operating in the Distributed Denial Of Service (DDoS) Protection market will have to strategically change their business strategies in order to survive in the market.

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In Depth Analysis and Survey of COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Global Distributed Denial Of Service (DDoS) Protection Market 2020 Key Players A10...

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Cyber Liability Insurance Market (USD 4.6 Billion) Will Grow At A CAGR of 11.12% During Forecast Period 2020-2025 (Impact Analysis of COVID-19) – 3rd…

Cyber liability insurance is introduced to cover business liability from data breach and other cyber threats.Cyber insurancehelps to protect the business in the event of a data breach or other cyber threat. The business environment is changing across the globe on account of rising number of startups and increasing penetration of internet services. The advancement in web services and improvement in software systems are shifting the business towards digitization.

The CAGR value Could change due to COVID-19 Pandemic on Global Industry

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Rapid adoption of web integrated services and introduction of business process automation in large and small enterprises are consecutively increasing the risk of cyber breach and threats. Small companies are providing web services to their customers which have high risk of cyber threat due to absence of security structures in the business. Cyber liability insurance ensures the security of customers personal information as well as the confidential details of the company. Small and medium enterprises are adopting these services to minimize the risk of cyber threats.

On the other hand, huge funding from government authorities to upgrade the public agencies has led these agencies towards the adoption of cyber liability insurance. The cyber liability insurance providers enable the services to reduce the presence of business interruption on web based business. Moreover, growing IT sector across the globe and continuous advancements in web-based services and internet security are some of the factors which are bolstering the growth of cyber liability insurance market.

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The Final Report will cover the impact analysis of COVID-19 on this industry (Global and Regional Market).

Market size and forecast

The global cyber liability insurance market marked revenue of USD 2.2 Billion in 2015 and the market is expected to reach USD 4.6 Billion by 2023. Further, the market is projected to register a CAGR of 11.12% during the forecast period 2016-2023 globally.

Geographically, the maximum number of cyber-attacks has been seen in North-America in 2014. Total number of 7,501 cyber-attacks has been registered in the U.S. only while 245 cyber-attacks including digital and data breach has been registered in Canada in 2014. Increasing number of cyber-attacks in North-America region and growing awareness towards cyber liability insurance are some of the major factors which are expected to foster the market growth of this region. North-America accounted the largest market share in cyber liability insurance market across the globe in 2015 and is expected to maintain its dominance over the forecast period i.e. 2016-2023.

On the other hand, Europe is expected to be the second largest region present with highest number of cyber-attacks. Rising business activities and adoption of web based services across the Europe region is also increasing the risk of privacy violations and theft of personal information. In order to minimize the cyber-attacks and to prevent the confidential and personal information, enterprises are shifting towards cyber liability insurance services.

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Key Players

The key players of global cyber liability insurance market as follows:

XL Group LtdAmerica International Group, Inc.Beazley PLCCNA Financial CorporationHiscox LTD.Zurich Insurance Group Ltd.Chubb LimitedBerkshire Hathaway Specialty InsuranceAllianzMunich Re Group

Growth Drivers and challenges

Increasing number of retail and finance services due to ease of doing business policies in various regions across the globe is increasing the risk of cyber breaches and cyber threats. Rising small enterprises with lack of security protection of web services is increasing the number of cases related to cyber breach. Further, due to increasing cyber breach and growing awareness towards the cyber liability insurance are some of the major factors which are driving this industry across the globe. Likewise, rising cyber-attacks in retail, wholesale, healthcare and many more industries has increased the demand in these end-user industries in order to reduce the cyber-attacks.

Moreover, increasing computer fraud and cyber extortion due to dearth of security for internet services is further increasing the demand from end-use industries across the globe. However, high cost of cyber liability insurance services and lack of service vendors across the globe are some of the key factors which are hindering the market of cyber liability insurance. Apart from this, presence of complexities in insurance coverage and slow adoption of these services in small and medium enterprises are likely to curb the growth of cyber liability insurance industry in near future.

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Cyber Liability Insurance Market (USD 4.6 Billion) Will Grow At A CAGR of 11.12% During Forecast Period 2020-2025 (Impact Analysis of COVID-19) - 3rd...

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Internet of Things Security Market research report presents a thorough study on the overall market by Application Forecast To 2020 – Surfacing…

Premium Research ReportonInternet of Things SecurityMarket:

The report elaborates the complete details covering product definition, product type, and application. The report covers useful details which are categorized based on Internet of Things Securityproduction region, major players, and product type which will provide a simplified view of the Internet of Things Security industry. The Internet of Things Security market report presents the competitive scenario of the major market players based on the sales revenue, customer demands, company profile, the business tactics used in Internet of Things Security market which will help the emerging market segments in making vital business decisions.

This Internet of Things Security market report focuses on Value Chain Analysis andexhaustiveMarket information about the Top Manufacturewithfuture plans and financial performance.In this report, the study covers Recent Developments, Updates in Key players, Market regulation and market trends. We also give the details solution about the business trends, latest geographical market segmentation, and market challenges. On the basis of Consumers Analysis, gross margin analysis, distribution analysis, and local consumption analysis its will help to grow your business on the top across the world.

We do provide a sample of this premium report, Please go through the following information to access Sample Copy

NOTE: This report Sample includes;

1. Brief Introduction to the research report

2. Table of Contents (Scope covered as a part of the study)

3. Top players in the market

4. Research framework (Structure of the actual report)

5. The research methodology adopted by worldwide market Reports

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The report also provides a competitor analysis of Key Trends & advanced technologies. The Internet of Things Security (Thousands Units) and Revenue (Million USD) Market Split by Key players such as Company A, Company B, Company C Continued.

The Internet of Things Security Market coverage of this report includes:

It helps every manufacturer with respect to the company profile, a generic overview, and the products offered have also been given.The report developed on product sales, revenue increase, price patterns, and gross margins.The Data will help with respect to the most recent news that each organization is involved in has been providing in the observation study.Its provide details Analysis of the pivotal competitors and their future opportunities in the industry.

The report explains on the item deals, income gathered, value examples, and gross margin.

Major Regions covers:

Geographically, this report split global into several key Regions, with sales (MT), revenue (Million USD), and market share and growth rate of Internet of Things Security for these regions, covering

North America (USA, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia)South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.)The Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa)

The Internet of Things Security market report includes the finding the detailed study of competitive analysis of the industry of the industry. The Internet of Things Security market reports also give key developments strategies and policies along with manufacturing strategy. The Internet of Things Security reports a cover the exact study of the key players to figure out their business strategies, annual revenue, company profile and their allotment to the global Internet of Things Security market share. The key detail of the Internet of Things Security industry such as the supply chain analysis.

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About Worldwide Market Reports:

Worldwide Market Reports is your one-stop repository of detailed and in-depth market research reports compiled by an extensive list of publishers from across the globe. We offer reports across virtually all domains and an exhaustive list of sub-domains under the sun. WMR well-researched inputs that encompass domains enable our prized clients to capitalize upon key growth opportunities and shield against credible threats prevalent in the market in the current scenario and those expected in the near future.

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Internet of Things Security Market research report presents a thorough study on the overall market by Application Forecast To 2020 - Surfacing...

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Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Product Market 2020 SWOT Analysis & Key Business Strategies by Leading Industry Players and Forecast 2025…

A recent market intelligence study titled Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Product Market 2020 by Company, Type and Application, Forecast to 2025 integrated from various professional and trusted sources include a detailed examination of this vertical that is anticipated to accrue substantial proceeds during the predicted timeline from 2020 to 2025. The report provides valuable insights concerning the market size, share, and growth rate of the global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Product market. The report delivers creditable perceptions with respect to industry size, revenue approximations, sales volume, and more. The research gives knowledge about market players, segments, revenue, profit, restrain, share, size, etc.

The report experts have analyzed various companies to understand the products and/services relevant to the global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Product market. The report includes information such as gross revenue, production and consumption, average product price, and market shares of key players. The fundamental opinions regarding the market landscape, emerging and high-growth sections of the market, high-growth regions, and market drivers, restraints, and also market chances have collectively included in the report. Many of the circumstances have been taken into consideration to get the best at high-quality data and particular knowledge of the market in upcoming years (forecast) from 2020 to 2025.


NOTE: Our analysts monitoring the situation across the globe explains that the market will generate remunerative prospects for producers post COVID-19 crisis. The report aims to provide an additional illustration of the latest scenario, economic slowdown, and COVID-19 impact on the overall industry.

The report offers a comprehensive understanding of market dynamics across key regions, namely North America (United States, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia and Italy), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia and Australia), South America (Brazil, Argentina), Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt and South Africa).

Product-wise the global market is segmented by spread (regional footprint), and consumption. And, the products include: End-point or Device Security, Network Security, Identity and Access Management, Vulnerability Management, Messaging Security, Web Security, Others

Basis, separate end-use segments, the market study delves into demand trends for each. The major end-use segments that the market study includes are: Consumer Goods and Retail, Manufacturing, Transportation and Logistics, Healthcare, Energy and Utility, Others

Market segment by manufacturers, this report covers: IBM, Sophos, Check Point, Cisco, Symantec, Intel, ARM, Infineon, Trend, Palo Alto

The noted growth rate and proceeds acquired by each region throughout the forecast timeline are also discussed in the report. The study on global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Product market foresees over the predicted timeline and constitutes additional particulars concerning the market dynamics like the factors influencing industry landscape, challenges, and probable growth opportunities existing in this vertical are presented in the report.


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This report can be customized to meet the clients requirements. Please connect with our sales team ([emailprotected]), who will ensure that you get a report that suits your needs. You can also get in touch with our executives on +1-201-465-4211 to share your research requirements.

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Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Product Market 2020 SWOT Analysis & Key Business Strategies by Leading Industry Players and Forecast 2025...

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Knoxville still quiet on ransomware attack and what’s being done to fix it – Knoxville News Sentinel

While the world is focused on battling the coronavirus, cyber attacks have increased in the healthcare field and for individuals. Veuers Justin Kircher has the story. Buzz60

Five days after the City of Knoxville fell victim to a ransomware attack, some services remain hampered and a red bar continues to appear across its website saying, City online services are currently unavailable.

In a ransomware attack, cybercriminals gain access to computer files, lock them down and demand payment to restore access.City officials maintain that the threat has been isolated and the city is operating as normal outside of a few inconveniences.

Still, when pressed by Knox News, city officials have declined to provide further updates on the attack, the citys response or to answer a list of detailed questions.

Those questions include:

Spokesperson Kristin Farley answered these questions by repeating her previous statement that the city is working diligently to restore our systems to full functionality with the assistance of industry experts.

Spokespersons for Knoxville fire andpolicedirected questions to the mayor's office.

Ransomware alert(Photo: Rob Engelaar/epa)

Jason Jarnagin is a supervisory special agent over East Tennessee cybercrime in Knoxvilles FBI office. He told Knox News that COVID-19 has provided a new avenue for scammers because ofthe large increase of workers using remote logins while teleworking.

More: City of Knoxville hit by overnight ransomware attack

Though he had no hard number available to show an uptick in cyberattacks, Jarnagin pointed to a Federal Trade Commission report that showed consumers have reported losing some $59.2 million to COVID-19-related fraud.

Early on, some of these attacks arrived in the form of an email message from what appeared to be the World Health Organization, suggesting you read an attachment with official information on how to protect yourself from the coronavirus. Clicking the file from this impersonator, however, downloaded a hidden installer to your computer that let cybercriminals have access to your data lifted from your keystrokes.

Others have infected cellphones of people who click on a COVID-like map, Jarnigan said.

While anyone experiencing a cyberattack would be inconvenienced, large organizations, health care providers and cities are at a much higher risk level, Jarnagin said.

Ransomware can cripple a municipality or state agency as well as a health care organization to the point where they can no longer conduct business, he said.

Go deeper: As Knoxville deals with ransomware attack, other Tennessee cities have been there before

FBI staff organize a surprise reunion for retiring Special Agent in Charge Troy A Sowers at Knoxville's FBI field office on Friday, Aug. 9, 2019. Sowers was reunited with a newborn baby boy he rescued as a rookie FBI agent working a 1997 kidnapping case in Tacoma, WA. The baby, Stewart Rembert, now 22, currently is a U.S. Marine. (Shawn Millsaps/Special to News Sentinel)(Photo: Shawn Millsaps/Special to the News Sentinel)

At its worst, an attack can be deadly if it interferes with emergency operations or prevents access to medical records.

In 2018, the Atlanta suffered one of the worst ransomware attacks in recent memory. Thousands of city employees were locked out of their computers and some operations were halted for days.

Scammers reportedly demanded roughly $50,000 to unlock Atlanta's system, but it was later reported that the attack could cost the city up to $17 millionin damages, up from an estimated $2 million.

Internet security company Emsisoft reported ransomware attacks againstnearly 1,000 governmental agenciesin 2019 cost $7 billion in damage.

City officials speculated the attack, which was discovered early Thursday,was launched through a phishing email mistakenly opened by a city employee.

The source of the attack remains unknown.

Some online services are down across the city and the police department announced last week that officerswill not respond to wrecks unless they involve injury or a disabled vehicle blocking trafficbecause they cant access their electronic reporting system.

A view south down a mostly-empty Gay Street in downtown Knoxville, Tenn. on Friday, May 1, 2020. Restaurants and retail stores were among the types of businesses allowed to reopen as part of Knox County's Phase One reopening plan.(Photo: Calvin Mattheis/News Sentinel)

Motorists are being advised to contact their insurance provider for a crash report.

An initial assessment indicates that no financial or personal information was compromised. The city said it does not store credit card information used to make payments. Online reservations forcity facilities are not believed to be at risk, either.

City offices and services are open as usual, although visitors could experience some inconveniences.

City information technology officials think the threat has been isolated. The attack did not affect the city's backup servers and much of the city's work can be rerouted through those systems, said David Brace, the city's chief operationsofficer and deputy to Mayor Indya Kincannon.

USA Today contributed to this report.

Email Tyler Whetstoneat tyler.whetstone@knoxnews.comand follow him on Twitter @tyler_whetstone. If you enjoy Tyler's coverage, support strong local journalism by subscribing.

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Knoxville still quiet on ransomware attack and what's being done to fix it - Knoxville News Sentinel

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