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Coronavirus tests the value of artificial intelligence in medicine – The Star Online

Dr Albert Hsiao and his colleagues at the UC San Diego health system in the United States had been working for 18 months on an artificial intelligence (AI) program designed to help doctors identify pneumonia on a chest X-ray. When the coronavirus hit the United States, they decided to see what it could do.

The researchers quickly deployed their program, which dots X-ray images with spots of colour where there may be lung damage or other signs of pneumonia. It has now been applied to more than 6,000 chest X-rays, and its providing some value in diagnosis, said Dr Hsiao, the director of UCSDs augmented imaging and artificial intelligence data analytics laboratory.

His team is one of several around the country that has pushed AI programs into the Covid-19 crisis to perform tasks like deciding which patients face the greatest risk of complications and which can be safely channeled into lower-intensity care.

The machine-learning programs scroll through millions of pieces of data to detect patterns that may be hard for clinicians to discern.

Yet few of the algorithms have been rigorously tested against standard procedures.

So while they often appear helpful, rolling out the programs in the midst of a pandemic could be confusing to doctors and dangerous for patients, some AI experts warn.

AI is being used for things that are questionable right now, said Dr Eric Topol, director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute and author of several books on health IT.

Topol singled out a system created by Epic, a major vendor of electronic health records software, that predicts which coronavirus patients may become critically ill. Using the tool before it has been validated is pandemic exceptionalism, he said.

Epic said the companys model had been validated with data from more than 16,000 hospitalised Covid-19 patients in 21 healthcare organizations.

No research on the tool has been published for independent researchers to assess, but in any case, it was developed to help clinicians make treatment decisions and is not a substitute for their judgment, said James Hickman, a software developer on Epics cognitive computing team.

Others see the Covid-19 crisis as an opportunity to learn about the value of AI tools.My intuition is its a little bit of the good, bad and ugly, said Eric Perakslis, a data science fellow at Duke University and former chief information officer at the Food and Drug Administration. Research in this setting is important.

Nearly US$2bil (RM8.5bil) poured into companies touting advancements in healthcare AI in 2019.

Investments in the first quarter of 2020 totalled US$635mil (RM2.7bil), up from US$155mil (RM663mil) in the first quarter of 2019, according to digital health technology funder Rock Health.

At least three healthcare AI technology companies have made funding deals specific to the Covid-19 crisis, including Vida Diagnostics, an AI-powered lung-imaging analysis company, according to Rock Health.

Overall, AIs implementation in everyday clinical care is less common than hype over the technology would suggest. Yet the coronavirus has inspired some hospital systems to accelerate promising applications.

UCSD sped up its AI imaging project, rolling it out in only two weeks.

Dr Hsiaos project, with research funding from Amazon Web Services, the University of California and the National Science Foundation, runs every chest X-ray taken at its hospital through an AI algorithm.

While no data on the implementation has been published yet, doctors report that the tool influences their clinical decision- making about a third of the time, said Dr Christopher Longhurst, UCSD Healths chief information officer.

The results to date are very encouraging, and were not seeing any unintended consequences, he said.

Anecdotally, were feeling like its helpful, not hurtful.

AI has advanced further in imaging than in other areas of clinical medicine because radiological images have tons of data for algorithms to process, and more data makes the programs more effective, Longhurst said.

But while AI specialists have tried to get AI to do things like predict sepsis and acute respiratory distress researchers at Johns Hopkins University recently won a National Science Foundation grant to use it to predict heart damage in Covid-19 patients it has been easier to plug it into less risky areas such as hospital logistics.

In New York City, two major hospital systems are using AI-enabled algorithms to help them decide when and how patients should move into another phase of care or be sent home.

At Mount Sinai Health System, an artificial intelligence algorithm pinpoints which patients might be ready to be discharged from the hospital within 72 hours, said Robbie Freeman, vice president of clinical innovation at Mount Sinai.

Freeman described the AIs suggestion as a conversation starter, meant to help clinicians working on patient cases decide what to do. AI isnt making the decisions.

NYU Langone Health has developed a similar AI model. It predicts whether a Covid-19 patient entering the hospital will suffer adverse events within the next four days, said Dr Yindalon Aphinyanaphongs, who leads NYU Langones predictive analytics team.

The model will be run in a four- to six-week trial with patients randomised into two groups: one whose doctors will receive the alerts, and another whose doctors will not.

The algorithm should help doctors generate a list of things that may predict whether patients are at risk for complications after theyre admitted to the hospital, Aphinyanaphongs said.

Some health systems are leery of rolling out a technology that requires clinical validation in the middle of a pandemic. Others say they didnt need AI to deal with the coronavirus.

Stanford Health Care is not using AI to manage hospitalised patients with Covid-19, said Ron Li, the centres medical informatics director for AI clinical integration.

The San Francisco Bay Area hasnt seen the expected surge of patients who would have provided the mass of data needed to make sure AI works on a population, he said.

Outside the hospital, AI-enabled risk factor modelling is being used to help health systems track patients who arent infected with the coronavirus but might be susceptible to complications if they contract Covid-19.

At Scripps Health, clinicians are stratifying patients to assess their risk of getting Covid-19 and experiencing severe symptoms using a risk-scoring model that considers factors like age, chronic conditions and recent hospital visits.

When a patient scores seven or higher, a triage nurse reaches out with information about the coronavirus and may schedule an appointment.

Though emergencies provide unique opportunities to try out advanced tools, its essential for health systems to ensure doctors are comfortable with them, and to use the tools cautiously, with extensive testing and validation, Topol said.

When people are in the heat of battle and overstretched, it would be great to have an algorithm to support them, he said.

We just have to make sure the algorithm and the AI tool isnt misleading, because lives are at stake here. Kaiser Health News/Los Angeles Times/Tribune News Service

(Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a US national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent programme of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.)

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Coronavirus tests the value of artificial intelligence in medicine - The Star Online

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Microsoft CTO Kevin Scott Believes Artificial Intelligence Will Help Reprogram The American Dream – Forbes

Is artificial intelligence a key ingredient to inspire rural children to become entrepreneurs?

Microsoft Chief Technology Officer Kevin Scott rise to his current post is about as unlikely as you will find. He grew up in Gladys, Virginia, a town of a few hundred people. He loved his family and his hometown to such an extent that he did not aspire to leave. He caught the technology bug in the 1970s by chance, and that passion would provide a ticket to bigger places that he did not initially seek.

The issue was one of opportunity. In his formative years, jobs were decreasing in places like Gladys just as they were increasing dramatically in tech hubs like Silicon Valley. After pursuing a PhD in computer science at the University of Virginia, he left in 2003 prior to completing his dissertation to join Google. He would rise to become a Senior Engineering Director there. He left Google for LinkedIn in 2011. He would eventually rise to become the Senior Vice President of Engineering & Operations at LinkedIn. From LinkedIn he joined Microsoft three and a half years ago as CTO. He is deeply satisfied with the course of his career and its trajectory, but part of him laments that it took him so far from his roots and the hometown that he loves.

As he reflected further on this conundrum, he put his thoughts to paper and published the book, Reprogramming the American Dream in April, co-authored by Greg Shaw. As he noted in a conversation I recently had with him, Silicon Valley is a perfectly wonderful place, but we should be able to create opportunity and prosperity everywhere, not just in these coastal urban innovation centers.

Scott believes that machine learning and artificial intelligence will be key ingredients to aiding an entrepreneurial rise in smaller towns across the United States. These advances will place less of a burden on companies to hire employees in the small towns, as some technical development will be conducted by the bots. He also hopes that as some of these businesses blossom, more kids will be inspired to start their own businesses powered by technology, creating a virtuous cycle of sorts.

The biggest impediment to this dream boils down to more basic elements, however. There is just no way that you can reasonably educate your kids and attract and retain really great employees to these jobs and to even run the businesses themselves unless you have good broadband connectivity in all of these places, notes Scott. 25 million people in the United States do not have adequate access to broadband. 19 million of those are in these rural communities. So that is something we definitely have to fix. Scott also says that there must be redoubled efforts for venture capitalists to invest in businesses in non-traditional towns and cities. He highlights the work that Steve Case has done with his Rise of the Rest Seed Fund through Revolution Capital.

Scott underscores that venture capital is not enough. It will require a private public partnership. I think we could choose to say that we want to pick one of these big, hairy, audacious goals that AI technologies and machine learning could help reach and pour a little bit of our national wealth into this in a coordinated way, says Scott. [We can] create a great collaboration between private companies, the academy and the government to solve a big problem for the public good like, potentially, ubiquitous high quality, low-cost health care. We could do something that is even better than the Apollo program.

Some might think that artificial intelligence is too esoteric and complicated to teach to children so that they are fluent enough to leverage the technology of the future. Scott argues otherwise. He says, If we can harness this ability that we have to teach each other, we can certainly teach machines how to solve problems, which makes programming or harnessing a computer's power even more accessible than it has ever been and certainly a thing and a set of skills that are absolutely approachable for even very young kids.

Scott and his wife have created the Scott Foundation, which helps create opportunities for children to achieve self-sufficiency and lifelong success. Not so surprisingly, Scott believe technology is a major ingredient of that future success, as well. His day job and his foundation work are sources of optimism. At a time when many lament that the rise of artificial intelligence will eliminate many jobs, Scott believes those losses will be more than offset by those new businesses created in all corners of the United States leveraging AI and other technical advances.

Peter Highis President ofMetis Strategy, abusiness and IT advisory firm. His has written two bestselling books, moderates theTechnovationpodcast series, and speaks at conferences around the world. Follow himon Twitter@PeterAHigh.

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Microsoft CTO Kevin Scott Believes Artificial Intelligence Will Help Reprogram The American Dream - Forbes

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Do you wash your hands correctly? Artificial intelligence will check it out – Emergency-Live

A monitor with artificial intelligence will ensure the correct way to wash your hands. this idea comes from Japan. The importance of washing hands cannot be underestimated, and not because of the coronavirus, but for our hygiene and for others.

It is the Japanese giant Fujitsu Ltd. that developed this method to push people in hands cleaning. This technology will be for healthcare professionals, hotels and the food industry.

This kind of technology has been developed before the pandemic at the request of many Japanese companies interested in implementing hygiene regulations. This way of monitoring is able to recognize complex hand movements and detect when people do not use soap or do not clean properly, following the six-step protocol indicated by the Ministry of Health.

Genta Suzuki, a senior researcher at the group declared, the food and healthcare professionals we have tested the technology on are eager to use the system as soon as possible, but we still dont know when it will be ready for the market. In order to train that artificial intelligence machine,Fujitsu developers have created 2,000 handwashing models using different soaps and sinks.


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Do you wash your hands correctly? Artificial intelligence will check it out - Emergency-Live

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Effects of the Alice Preemption Test on Machine Learning Algorithms –

According to the approach embraced by McRO and BASCOM, while machine learning algorithms bringing a slight improvement can pass the eligibility test, algorithms paving the way for a whole new technology can be excluded from the benefits of patent protection simply because there are no alternatives.

In the past decade or so, humanity has gone through drastic changes as Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies such as recommendation systems and voice assistants have seeped into every facet of our lives. Whereas the number of patent applications for AI inventions skyrocketed, almost a third of these applications are rejected by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the majority of these rejections are due to the claimed invention being ineligible subject matter.

The inventive concept may be attributed to different components of machine learning technologies, such as using a new algorithm, feeding more data, or using a new hardware component. However, this article will exclusively focus on the inventions achieved by Machine Learning (M.L.) algorithms and the effect of the preemption test adopted by U.S. courts on the patent-eligibility of such algorithms.

Since the Alice decision, the U.S. courts have adopted different views related to the role of the preemption test in eligibility analysis. While some courts have ruled that lack of preemption of abstract ideas does not make an invention patent-eligible [Ariosa Diagnostics Inc. v. Sequenom Inc.], others have not referred to it at all in their patent eligibility analysis. [Enfish LLC v. Microsoft Corp., 822 F.3d 1327]

Contrary to those examples, recent cases from Federal Courts have used the preemption test as the primary guidance to decide patent eligibility.

In McRO, the Federal Circuit ruled that the algorithms in the patent application prevent pre-emption of all processes for achieving automated lip-synchronization of 3-D characters. The court based this conclusion on the evidence of availability of an alternative set of rules to achieve the automation process other than the patented method. It held that the patent was directed to a specific structure to automate the synchronization and did not preempt the use of all of the rules for this method given that different sets of rules to achieve the same automated synchronization could be implemented by others.

Similarly, The Court in BASCOM ruled that the claims were patent eligible because they recited a specific, discrete implementation of the abstract idea of filtering contentand they do not preempt all possible ways to implement the image-filtering technology.

The analysis of the McRO and BASCOM cases reveals two important principles for the preemption analysis:

Machine learning can be defined as a mechanism which searches for patterns and which feeds intelligence into a machine so that it can learn from its own experience without explicit programming. Although the common belief is that data is the most important component in machine learning technologies, machine learning algorithms are equally important to proper functioning of these technologies and their importance cannot be understated.

Therefore, inventive concepts enabled by new algorithms can be vital to the effective functioning of machine learning systemsenabling new capabilities, making systems faster or more energy efficient are examples of this. These inventions are likely to be the subject of patent applications. However, the preemption test adopted by courts in the above-mentioned cases may lead to certain types of machine learning algorithms being held ineligible subject matter. Below are some possible scenarios.

The first situation relates to new capabilities enabled by M.L. algorithms. When a new machine learning algorithm adds a new capability or enables the implementation of a process, such as image recognition, for the first time, preemption concerns will likely arise. If the patented algorithm is indispensable for the implementation of that technology, it may be held ineligible based on the McRO case. This is because there are no other alternative means to use this technology and others would be prevented from using this basic tool for further development.

For example, a M.L. algorithm which enabled the lane detection capability in driverless cars may be a standard/must-use algorithm in the implementation of driverless cars that the court may deem patent ineligible for having preemptive effects. This algorithm clearly equips the computer vision technology with a new capability, namely, the capability to detect boundaries of road lanes. Implementation of this new feature on driverless cars would not pass the Alice test because a car is a generic tool, like a computer, and even limiting it to a specific application may not be sufficient because it will preempt all uses in this field.

Should the guidance of McRO and BASCOM be followed, algorithms that add new capabilities and features may be excluded from patent protection simply because there are no other available alternatives to these algorithms to implement the new capabilities. These algorithms use may be so indispensable for the implementation of that technology that they are deemed to create preemptive effects.

Secondly, M.L. algorithms which are revolutionary may also face eligibility challenges.

The history of how deep neural networks have developed will be explained to demonstrate how highly-innovative algorithms may be stripped of patent protection because of the preemption test embraced by McRO and subsequent case law.

Deep Belief Networks (DBNs) is a type of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). The ANNs were trained with a back-propagation algorithm, which adjusts weights by propagating the outputerror backwardsthrough the network However, the problem with the ANNs was that as the depth was increased by adding more layers, the error vanished to zero and this severely affected the overall performance, resulting in less accuracy.

From the early 2000s, there has been a resurgence in the field of ANNs owing to two major developments: increased processing power and more efficient training algorithms which made trainingdeep architecturesfeasible. The ground-breaking algorithm which enabled the further development of ANNs in general and DBNs in particular was Hintons greedy training algorithm.

Thanks to this new algorithm, DBNs has been applicable to solve a variety of problems that were the roadblock before the use of new technologies, such as image processing,natural language processing, automatic speech recognition, andfeature extractionand reduction.

As can be seen, the Hiltons fast learning algorithm revolutionized the field of machine learning because it made the learning easier and, as a result, technologies such as image processing and speech recognition have gone mainstream.

If patented and challenged at court, Hiltons algorithm would likely be invalidated considering previous case law. In McRO, the court reasoned that the algorithm at issue should not be invalidated because the use of a set of rules within the algorithm is not a must and other methods can be developed and used. Hiltons algorithm will inevitably preempt some AI developers from engaging with further development of DBNs technologies because this algorithm is a base algorithm, which made the DBNs plausible to implement so that it may be considered as a must. Hiltons algorithm enabled the implementation of image recognition technologies and some may argue based on McRO and Enfish that Hiltons algorithm patent would be preempting because it is impossible to implement image recognition technologies without this algorithm.

Even if an algorithm is a must-use for a technology, there is no reason to exclude it from patent protection. Patent law inevitably forecloses certain areas from further development by granting exclusive rights through patents. All patents foreclose competitors to some extent as a natural consequence of exclusive rights.

As stated in the Mayo judgment, exclusive rights provided by patents can impede the flow of information that might permit, indeed spur, invention, by, for example, raising the price of using the patented ideas once created, requiring potential users to conduct costly and time-consuming searches of existing patents and pending patent applications, and requiring the negotiation of complex licensing arrangements.

The exclusive right granted by a patents is only one side of the implicit agreement between the society and the inventor. In exchange for the benefit of the exclusivity, inventors are required to disclose their invention to the public so this knowledge becomes public, available for use in further research and for making new inventions building upon the previous one.

If inventors turn to trade secrets to protect their inventions due to the hostile approach of patent law to algorithmic inventions, the knowledge base in this field will narrow, making it harder to build upon previous technology. This may lead to the slow-down and even possible death of innovation in this industry.

The fact that an algorithm is a must-use, should not lead to the conclusion that it cannot be patented. Patent rights may even be granted for processes which have primary and even sole utility in research. Literally, a microscope is a basic tool for scientific work, but surely no one would assert that a new type of microscope lay beyond the scope of the patent system. Even if such a microscope is used widely and it is indispensable, it can still be given patent protection.

According to the approach embraced by McRO and BASCOM, while M.L. algorithms bringing a slight improvement, such as a higher accuracy and higher speed, can pass the eligibility test, algorithms paving the way for a whole new technology can be excluded from the benefits of patent protection simply because there are no alternatives to implement that revolutionary technology.

Considering that the goal of most AI inventions is to equip computers with new capabilities or bring qualitative improvements to abilities such as to see or to hear or even to make informed judgments without being fed complete information, most AI inventions would have the higher likelihood of being held patent ineligible. Applying this preemption test to M.L. algorithms would put such M.L. algorithms outside of patent protection.

Thus, a M.L. algorithm which increases accuracy by 1% may be eligible, while a ground-breaking M.L. algorithm which is a must-use because it covers all uses in that field may be excluded from patent protection. This would result in rewarding slight improvements with a patent but disregarding highly innovative and ground-breaking M.L. algorithms. Such a consequence is undesirable for the patent system.

This also may result in deterring the AI industry from bringing innovation in fundamental areas. As an undesired consequence, innovation efforts may shift to small improvements instead of innovations solving more complex problems.

Image Source:Author: ID:102390038

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Googles latest experiment is Keen, an automated, machine-learning based version of Pinterest – TechCrunch

A new project called Keen is launching today from Googles in-house incubator for new ideas, Area 120, to help users track their interests. The app is like a modern rethinking of the Google Alerts service, which allows users to monitor the web for specific content. Except instead of sending emails about new Google Search results, Keen leverages a combination of machine learning techniques and human collaboration to help users curate content around a topic.

Each individual area of interest is called a keen a word often used to reference someone with an intellectual quickness.

The idea for the project came about after co-founder C.J. Adams realized he was spending too much time on his phone mindlessly browsing feeds and images to fill his downtime. He realized that time could be better spent learning more about a topic he was interested in perhaps something he always wanted to research more or a skill he wanted to learn.

To explore this idea, he and four colleagues at Google worked in collaboration with the companys People and AI Research (PAIR) team, which focuses on human-centered machine learning, to create what has now become Keen.

To use Keen, which is available both on the web and on Android, you first sign in with your Google account and enter in a topic you want to research. This could be something like learning to bake bread, bird watching or learning about typography, suggests Adams in an announcement about the new project.

Keen may suggest additional topics related to your interest. For example, type in dog training and Keen could suggest dog training classes, dog training books, dog training tricks, dog training videos and so on. Click on the suggestions you want to track and your keen is created.

When you return to the keen, youll find a pinboard of images linking to web content that matches your interests. In the dog training example, Keen found articles and YouTube videos, blog posts featuring curated lists of resources, an Amazon link to dog training treats and more.

For every collection, the service uses Google Search and machine learning to help discover more content related to the given interest. The more you add to a keen and organize it, the better these recommendations become.

Its like an automated version of Pinterest, in fact.

Once a keen is created, you can then optionally add to the collection, remove items you dont want and share the Keen with others to allow them to also add content. The resulting collection can be either public or private. Keen can also email you alerts when new content is available.

Google, to some extent, already uses similar techniques to power its news feed in the Google app. The feed, in that case, uses a combination of items from your Google Search history and topics you explicitly follow to find news and information it can deliver to you directly on the Google apps home screen. Keen, however, isnt tapping into your search history. Its only pulling content based on interests you directly input.

And unlike the news feed, a keen isnt necessarily focused only on recent items. Any sort of informative, helpful information about the topic can be returned. This can include relevant websites, events, videos and even products.

But as a Google project and one that asks you to authenticate with your Google login the data it collects is shared with Google. Keen, like anything else at Google, is governed by the companys privacy policy.

Though Keen today is a small project inside a big company, it represents another step toward the continued personalization of the web. Tech companies long since realized that connecting users with more of the content that interests them increases their engagement, session length, retention and their positive sentiment for the service in question.

But personalization, unchecked, limits users exposure to new information or dissenting opinions. It narrows a persons worldview. It creates filter bubbles and echo chambers. Algorithmic-based recommendations can send users searching for fringe content further down dangerous rabbit holes, even radicalizing them over time. And in extreme cases, radicalized individuals become terrorists.

Keen would be a better idea if it were pairing machine-learning with topical experts. But it doesnt add a layer of human expertise on top of its tech, beyond those friends and family you specifically invite to collaborate, if you even choose to. That leaves the system wanting for better human editorial curation, and perhaps the need for a narrower focus to start.

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Googles latest experiment is Keen, an automated, machine-learning based version of Pinterest - TechCrunch

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Deploying Machine Learning Has Never Been This Easy – Analytics India Magazine

According to PwC, AIs potential global economic impact will reach USD 15.7 trillion by 2030. However, the enterprises who look to deploy AI are often hampered by the lack of time, trust and talent. Especially, with the highly regulated sectors such as healthcare and finance, convincing the customers to imbibe AI methodologies is an uphill task.

Of late, the AI community has seen a sporadic shift in AI adoption with the advent of AutoML tools and introduction of customised hardware to cater to the needs of the algorithms. One of the most widely used AutoML tools in the industry is H2O Driverless AI. And, when it comes to hardware Intel has been consistently updating its tool stack to meet the high computational demands of the AI workflows.

Now and Intel, two companies who have been spearheading the democratisation of the AI movement, join hands to develop solutions that leverage software and hardware capabilities respectively.

AI and machine-learning workflows are complex and enterprises need more confidence in the validity of their AI models than a typical black-box environment can provide. The inexplicability and the complexity of feature engineering can be daunting to the non-experts. So far AutoML has proven to be the one stop solution to all these problems. These tools have alleviated the challenges by providing automated workflows, code ready deployable models and many more. especially, has pioneered in the AutoML segment. They have developed an open source, distributed in-memory machine learning platform with linear scalability that includes a module called H2OAutoML, which can be used for automating the machine learning workflow, that includes automatic training and tuning of many models within a user-specified time-limit.

Whereas, H2O.ais flagship product Driverless AI can be used to fully automate some of the most challenging and productive tasks in applied data science such as feature engineering, model tuning, model ensembling and model deployment.

But, for these AI based tools to work seamlessly, they need the backing of hardware that is dedicated to handle the computational intensity of machine learning operations.

Intel has been at the forefront of digital revolution for over half a century. Today, Intel flaunts a wide range of technologies, including its Xeon Scalable processors, Optane Solid State Drives and optimized Intel software libraries that bring in a much needed mix of enhanced performance, AI inference, network functions, persistent memory bandwidth, and security.

Integrating H2O.ais software portfolio with hardware and software technologies from Intel has resulted in solutions that can handle almost all the woes of an AI enterprise from automated workflows to explainability to production ready code that can be deployed anywhere.

For example, H2O Driverless AI, an automatic machine-learning platform enables data science experts and beginners to streamline their AI tasks within minutes that usually take months. Today, more than 18,000 companies use open source H2O in mission-critical use cases for finance, insurance, healthcare, retail, telco, sales, and marketing.

The software capabilities of combined with hardware infrastructure of Intel, that includes 2nd Generation Xeon Scalable processors, Optane Solid State Drives and Ethernet Network Adapters, can empower enterprises to optimize performance and accelerate deployment.

Enterprises that are looking for increasing productivity while increasing the business value of to enjoy the competitive advantages of AI innovation no longer have to wait thanks to hardware backed AutoML solutions.


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Deploying Machine Learning Has Never Been This Easy - Analytics India Magazine

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Predicting and elucidating the etiology of fatty liver disease: A machine learning modeling and validation study in the IMI DIRECT cohorts. – DocWire…

This article was originally published here

Predicting and elucidating the etiology of fatty liver disease: A machine learning modeling and validation study in the IMI DIRECT cohorts.

PLoS Med. 2020 Jun;17(6):e1003149

Authors: Atabaki-Pasdar N, Ohlsson M, Viuela A, Frau F, Pomares-Millan H, Haid M, Jones AG, Thomas EL, Koivula RW, Kurbasic A, Mutie PM, Fitipaldi H, Fernandez J, Dawed AY, Giordano GN, Forgie IM, McDonald TJ, Rutters F, Cederberg H, Chabanova E, Dale M, Masi F, Thomas CE, Allin KH, Hansen TH, Heggie A, Hong MG, Elders PJM, Kennedy G, Kokkola T, Pedersen HK, Mahajan A, McEvoy D, Pattou F, Raverdy V, Hussler RS, Sharma S, Thomsen HS, Vangipurapu J, Vestergaard H, t Hart LM, Adamski J, Musholt PB, Brage S, Brunak S, Dermitzakis E, Frost G, Hansen T, Laakso M, Pedersen O, Ridderstrle M, Ruetten H, Hattersley AT, Walker M, Beulens JWJ, Mari A, Schwenk JM, Gupta R, McCarthy MI, Pearson ER, Bell JD, Pavo I, Franks PW

AbstractBACKGROUND: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is highly prevalent and causes serious health complications in individuals with and without type 2 diabetes (T2D). Early diagnosis of NAFLD is important, as this can help prevent irreversible damage to the liver and, ultimately, hepatocellular carcinomas. We sought to expand etiological understanding and develop a diagnostic tool for NAFLD using machine learning.METHODS AND FINDINGS: We utilized the baseline data from IMI DIRECT, a multicenter prospective cohort study of 3,029 European-ancestry adults recently diagnosed with T2D (n = 795) or at high risk of developing the disease (n = 2,234). Multi-omics (genetic, transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic) and clinical (liver enzymes and other serological biomarkers, anthropometry, measures of beta-cell function, insulin sensitivity, and lifestyle) data comprised the key input variables. The models were trained on MRI-image-derived liver fat content (<5% or 5%) available for 1,514 participants. We applied LASSO (least absolute shrinkage and selection operator) to select features from the different layers of omics data and random forest analysis to develop the models. The prediction models included clinical and omics variables separately or in combination. A model including all omics and clinical variables yielded a cross-validated receiver operating characteristic area under the curve (ROCAUC) of 0.84 (95% CI 0.82, 0.86; p < 0.001), which compared with a ROCAUC of 0.82 (95% CI 0.81, 0.83; p < 0.001) for a model including 9 clinically accessible variables. The IMI DIRECT prediction models outperformed existing noninvasive NAFLD prediction tools. One limitation is that these analyses were performed in adults of European ancestry residing in northern Europe, and it is unknown how well these findings will translate to people of other ancestries and exposed to environmental risk factors that differ from those of the present cohort. Another key limitation of this study is that the prediction was done on a binary outcome of liver fat quantity (<5% or 5%) rather than a continuous one.CONCLUSIONS: In this study, we developed several models with different combinations of clinical and omics data and identified biological features that appear to be associated with liver fat accumulation. In general, the clinical variables showed better prediction ability than the complex omics variables. However, the combination of omics and clinical variables yielded the highest accuracy. We have incorporated the developed clinical models into a web interface (see: and made it available to the community.TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT03814915.

PMID: 32559194 [PubMed as supplied by publisher]

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Predicting and elucidating the etiology of fatty liver disease: A machine learning modeling and validation study in the IMI DIRECT cohorts. - DocWire...

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How machine learning could reduce police incidents of excessive force –

Protesters and police in Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood. (Getty Images)

When incidents of police brutality occur, typically departments enact police reforms and fire bad cops, but machine learning could potentially predict when a police officer may go over the line.

Rayid Ghani is a professor at Carnegie Mellon and joined Seattles Morning News to discuss using machine learning in police reform. Hes working on tech that could predict not only which cops might not be suited to be cops, but which cops might be best for a particular call.

AI and technology and machine learning, and all these buzzwords, theyre not able to to fix racism or bad policing, they are a small but important tool that we can use to help, Ghani said. I was looking at the systems called early intervention systems that a lot of large police departments have. Theyre supposed to raise alerts, raise flags when a police officer is at risk of doing something that they shouldnt be doing, like excessive use of force.

What level of privacy can we expect online?

What we found when looking at data from several police departments is that these existing systems were mostly ineffective, he added. If theyve done three things in the last three months that raised the flag, well thats great. But at the same time, its not an early intervention. Its a late intervention.

So they built a system that works to potentially identify high risk officers before an incident happens, but how exactly do you predict how somebody is going to behave?

We build a predictive system that would identify high risk officers We took everything we know about a police officer from their HR data, from their dispatch history, from who they arrested , their internal affairs, the complaints that are coming against them, the investigations that have happened, Ghani said.

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What we found were some of the obvious predictors were what you think is their historical behavior. But some of the other non-obvious ones were things like repeated dispatches to suicide attempts or repeated dispatches to domestic abuse cases, especially involving kids. Those types of dispatches put officers at high risk for the near future.

While this might suggest that officers who regularly dealt with traumatic dispatches might be the ones who are higher risk, the data doesnt explain why, it just identifies possibilities.

It doesnt necessarily allow us to figure out the why, it allows us to narrow down which officers are high risk, Ghani said. Lets say a call comes in to dispatch and the nearest officer is two minutes away, but is high risk of one of these types of incidents. The next nearest officer is maybe four minutes away and is not high risk. If this dispatch is not time critical for the two minutes extra it would take, could you dispatch the second officer?

So if an officer has been sent to a multiple child abuse cases in a row, it makes more sense to assign somebody else the next time.

Thats right, Ghani said. Thats what that were finding is they become high risk It looks like its a stress indicator or a trauma indicator, and they might need a cool-off period, they might need counseling.

But in this case, the useful thing to think about also is that they havent done anything yet, he added. This is preventative, this is proactive. And so the intervention is not punitive. You dont fire them. You give them the tools that they need.

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Adversarial attacks against machine learning systems everything you need to know – The Daily Swig

The behavior of machine learning systems can be manipulated, with potentially devastating consequences

In March 2019, security researchers at Tencent managed to trick a Tesla Model S into switching lanes.

All they had to do was place a few inconspicuous stickers on the road. The technique exploited glitches in the machine learning (ML) algorithms that power Teslas Lane Detection technology in order to cause it to behave erratically.

Machine learning has become an integral part of many of the applications we use every day from the facial recognition lock on iPhones to Alexas voice recognition function and the spam filters in our emails.

But the pervasiveness of machine learning and its subset, deep learning has also given rise to adversarial attacks, a breed of exploits that manipulate the behavior of algorithms by providing them with carefully crafted input data.

Adversarial attacks are manipulative actions that aim to undermine machine learning performance, cause model misbehavior, or acquire protected information, Pin-Yu Chen, chief scientist, RPI-IBM AI research collaboration at IBM Research, told The Daily Swig.

Adversarial machine learning was studied as early as 2004. But at the time, it was regarded as an interesting peculiarity rather than a security threat. However, the rise of deep learning and its integration into many applications in recent years has renewed interest in adversarial machine learning.

Theres growing concern in the security community that adversarial vulnerabilities can be weaponized to attack AI-powered systems.

As opposed to classic software, where developers manually write instructions and rules, machine learning algorithms develop their behavior through experience.

For instance, to create a lane-detection system, the developer creates a machine learning algorithm and trains it by providing it with many labeled images of street lanes from different angles and under different lighting conditions.

The machine learning model then tunes its parameters to capture the common patterns that occur in images that contain street lanes.

With the right algorithm structure and enough training examples, the model will be able to detect lanes in new images and videos with remarkable accuracy.

But despite their success in complex fields such as computer vision and voice recognition, machine learning algorithms are statistical inference engines: complex mathematical functions that transform inputs to outputs.

If a machine learning tags an image as containing a specific object, it has found the pixel values in that image to be statistically similar to other images of the object it has processed during training.

Adversarial attacks exploit this characteristic to confound machine learning algorithms by manipulating their input data. For instance, by adding tiny and inconspicuous patches of pixels to an image, a malicious actor can cause the machine learning algorithm to classify it as something it is not.

Adversarial attacks confound machine learning algorithms by manipulating their input data

The types of perturbations applied in adversarial attacks depend on the target data type and desired effect. The threat model needs to be customized for different data modality to be reasonably adversarial, says Chen.

For instance, for images and audios, it makes sense to consider small data perturbation as a threat model because it will not be easily perceived by a human but may make the target model to misbehave, causing inconsistency between human and machine.

However, for some data types such as text, perturbation, by simply changing a word or a character, may disrupt the semantics and easily be detected by humans. Therefore, the threat model for text should be naturally different from image or audio.

The most widely studied area of adversarial machine learning involves algorithms that process visual data. The lane-changing trick mentioned at the beginning of this article is an example of a visual adversarial attack.

In 2018, a group of researchers showed that by adding stickers to a stop sign(PDF), they could fool the computer vision system of a self-driving car to mistake it for a speed limit sign.

Researchers tricked self-driving systems into identifying a stop sign as a speed limit sign

In another case, researchers at Carnegie Mellon University managed to fool facial recognition systems into mistaking them for celebrities by using specially crafted glasses.

Adversarial attacks against facial recognition systems have found their first real use in protests, where demonstrators use stickers and makeup to fool surveillance cameras powered by machine learning algorithms.

Computer vision systems are not the only targets of adversarial attacks. In 2018, researchers showed that automated speech recognition (ASR) systems could also be targeted with adversarial attacks(PDF). ASR is the technology that enables Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri, and Microsoft Cortana to parse voice commands.

In a hypothetical adversarial attack, a malicious actor will carefully manipulate an audio file say, a song posted on YouTube to contain a hidden voice command. A human listener wouldnt notice the change, but to a machine learning algorithm looking for patterns in sound waves it would be clearly audible and actionable. For example, audio adversarial attacks could be used to secretly send commands to smart speakers.

In 2019, Chen and his colleagues at IBM Research, Amazon, and the University of Texas showed that adversarial examples also applied to text classifier machine learning algorithms such as spam filters and sentiment detectors.

Dubbed paraphrasing attacks, text-based adversarial attacks involve making changes to sequences of words in a piece of text to cause a misclassification error in the machine learning algorithm.

Example of a paraphrasing attack against fake news detectors and spam filters

Like any cyber-attack, the success of adversarial attacks depends on how much information an attacker has on the targeted machine learning model. In this respect, adversarial attacks are divided into black-box and white-box attacks.

Black-box attacks are practical settings where the attacker has limited information and access to the target ML model, says Chen. The attackers capability is the same as a regular user and can only perform attacks given the allowed functions. The attacker also has no knowledge about the model and data used behind the service.

Read more AI and machine learning security news

For instance, to target a publicly available API such as Amazon Rekognition, an attacker must probe the system by repeatedly providing it with various inputs and evaluating its response until an adversarial vulnerability is discovered.

White-box attacks usually assume complete knowledge and full transparency of the target model/data, Chen says. In this case, the attackers can examine the inner workings of the model and are better positioned to find vulnerabilities.

Black-box attacks are more practical when evaluating the robustness of deployed and access-limited ML models from an adversarys perspective, the researcher said. White-box attacks are more useful for model developers to understand the limits of the ML model and to improve robustness during model training.

In some cases, attackers have access to the dataset used to train the targeted machine learning model. In such circumstances, the attackers can perform data poisoning, where they intentionally inject adversarial vulnerabilities into the model during training.

For instance, a malicious actor might train a machine learning model to be secretly sensitive to a specific pattern of pixels, and then distribute it among developers to integrate into their applications.

Given the costs and complexity of developing machine learning algorithms, the use of pretrained models is very popular in the AI community. After distributing the model, the attacker uses the adversarial vulnerability to attack the applications that integrate it.

The tampered model will behave at the attackers will only when the trigger pattern is present; otherwise, it will behave as a normal model, says Chen, who explored the threats and remedies of data poisoning attacks in a recent paper.

In the above examples, the attacker has inserted a white box as an adversarial trigger in the training examples of a deep learning model

This kind of adversarial exploit is also known as a backdoor attack or trojan AI and has drawn the attention of Intelligence Advanced Research Projects (IARPA).

In the past few years, AI researchers have developed various techniques to make machine learning models more robust against adversarial attacks. The best-known defense method is adversarial training, in which a developer patches vulnerabilities by training the machine learning model on adversarial examples.

Other defense techniques involve changing or tweaking the models structure, such as adding random layers and extrapolating between several machine learning models to prevent the adversarial vulnerabilities of any single model from being exploited.

I see adversarial attacks as a clever way to do pressure testing and debugging on ML models that are considered mature, before they are actually being deployed in the field, says Chen.

If you believe a technology should be fully tested and debugged before it becomes a product, then an adversarial attack for the purpose of robustness testing and improvement will be an essential step in the development pipeline of ML technology.

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Adversarial attacks against machine learning systems everything you need to know - The Daily Swig

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Trending News Machine Learning in Finance Market Key Drivers, Key Countries, Regional Landscape and Share Analysis by 2025|Ignite Ltd,Yodlee,Trill…

The global Machine Learning in Finance Market is carefully researched in the report while largely concentrating on top players and their business tactics, geographical expansion, market segments, competitive landscape, manufacturing, and pricing and cost structures. Each section of the research study is specially prepared to explore key aspects of the global Machine Learning in Finance Market. For instance, the market dynamics section digs deep into the drivers, restraints, trends, and opportunities of the global Machine Learning in Finance Market. With qualitative and quantitative analysis, we help you with thorough and comprehensive research on the global Machine Learning in Finance Market. We have also focused on SWOT, PESTLE, and Porters Five Forces analyses of the global Machine Learning in Finance Market.

Leading players of the global Machine Learning in Finance Market are analyzed taking into account their market share, recent developments, new product launches, partnerships, mergers or acquisitions, and markets served. We also provide an exhaustive analysis of their product portfolios to explore the products and applications they concentrate on when operating in the global Machine Learning in Finance Market. Furthermore, the report offers two separate market forecasts one for the production side and another for the consumption side of the global Machine Learning in Finance Market. It also provides useful recommendations for new as well as established players of the global Machine Learning in Finance Market.

Final Machine Learning in Finance Report will add the analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on this Market.

Machine Learning in Finance Market competition by top manufacturers/Key player Profiled:

Ignite LtdYodleeTrill A.I.MindTitanAccentureZestFinance

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With the slowdown in world economic growth, the Machine Learning in Finance industry has also suffered a certain impact, but still maintained a relatively optimistic growth, the past four years, Machine Learning in Finance market size to maintain the average annual growth rate of 15 from XXX million $ in 2014 to XXX million $ in 2019, This Report analysts believe that in the next few years, Machine Learning in Finance market size will be further expanded, we expect that by 2024, The market size of the Machine Learning in Finance will reach XXX million $.

Segmentation by Product:

Supervised LearningUnsupervised LearningSemi Supervised LearningReinforced Leaning

Segmentation by Application:

BanksSecurities Company

Competitive Analysis:

Global Machine Learning in Finance Market is highly fragmented and the major players have used various strategies such as new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions, and others to increase their footprints in this market. The report includes market shares of Machine Learning in Finance Market for Global, Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific, South America and Middle East & Africa.

Scope of the Report:The all-encompassing research weighs up on various aspects including but not limited to important industry definition, product applications, and product types. The pro-active approach towards analysis of investment feasibility, significant return on investment, supply chain management, import and export status, consumption volume and end-use offers more value to the overall statistics on the Machine Learning in Finance Market. All factors that help business owners identify the next leg for growth are presented through self-explanatory resources such as charts, tables, and graphic images.

Key Questions Answered:

Our industry professionals are working reluctantly to understand, assemble and timely deliver assessment on impact of COVID-19 disaster on many corporations and their clients to help them in taking excellent business decisions. We acknowledge everyone who is doing their part in this financial and healthcare crisis.

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Table of Contents

Report Overview:It includes major players of the global Machine Learning in Finance Market covered in the research study, research scope, and Market segments by type, market segments by application, years considered for the research study, and objectives of the report.

Global Growth Trends:This section focuses on industry trends where market drivers and top market trends are shed light upon. It also provides growth rates of key producers operating in the global Machine Learning in Finance Market. Furthermore, it offers production and capacity analysis where marketing pricing trends, capacity, production, and production value of the global Machine Learning in Finance Market are discussed.

Market Share by Manufacturers:Here, the report provides details about revenue by manufacturers, production and capacity by manufacturers, price by manufacturers, expansion plans, mergers and acquisitions, and products, market entry dates, distribution, and market areas of key manufacturers.

Market Size by Type:This section concentrates on product type segments where production value market share, price, and production market share by product type are discussed.

Market Size by Application:Besides an overview of the global Machine Learning in Finance Market by application, it gives a study on the consumption in the global Machine Learning in Finance Market by application.

Production by Region:Here, the production value growth rate, production growth rate, import and export, and key players of each regional market are provided.

Consumption by Region:This section provides information on the consumption in each regional market studied in the report. The consumption is discussed on the basis of country, application, and product type.

Company Profiles:Almost all leading players of the global Machine Learning in Finance Market are profiled in this section. The analysts have provided information about their recent developments in the global Machine Learning in Finance Market, products, revenue, production, business, and company.

Market Forecast by Production:The production and production value forecasts included in this section are for the global Machine Learning in Finance Market as well as for key regional markets.

Market Forecast by Consumption:The consumption and consumption value forecasts included in this section are for the global Machine Learning in Finance Market as well as for key regional markets.

Value Chain and Sales Analysis:It deeply analyzes customers, distributors, sales channels, and value chain of the global Machine Learning in Finance Market.

Key Findings: This section gives a quick look at important findings of the research study.

About Us:Report Hive Research delivers strategic market research reports, statistical surveys, industry analysis and forecast data on products and services, markets and companies. Our clientele ranges mix of global business leaders, government organizations, SMEs, individuals and Start-ups, top management consulting firms, universities, etc. Our library of 700,000 + reports targets high growth emerging markets in the USA, Europe Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific covering industries like IT, Telecom, Semiconductor, Chemical, Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, Energy and Power, Manufacturing, Automotive and Transportation, Food and Beverages, etc. This large collection of insightful reports assists clients to stay ahead of time and competition. We help in business decision-making on aspects such as market entry strategies, market sizing, market share analysis, sales and revenue, technology trends, competitive analysis, product portfolio, and application analysis, etc.

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