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If You Want to Change, Start from the Ground Up – SFGate

By Deepak Chopra, MD and Anoop Kumar, MD

When people seek personal change in their lives, they often dont get very far. Even in this day when online advice is bewilderingly abundant and self-improvement books are at our fingertips, change eludes us. One way to remedy this is to start from the ground up. Normally, we feel compelled to start where we are right now, and thats a tremendous problem.

No matter how different people are, each of us woke up this morning to the same situation. We are constantly involved in thinking, feeling, and doing. No one starts this activity afresh. Instead, we are heavily invested in habits, beliefs, opinions, hopes, dreams, and fears collected from the past. So our thinking, feeling, and doing is entangled with the past even when we want something new, better, fresh, and different.

You cant always use will power or desire to cut the ties that bind you to the past, but you can do something that will lessen the influence of the past: You can start to see yourself clearly. With that one intention, you are starting from the ground up, because seeing yourself clearly happens here and now. You detach yourself from your story, which is the accumulation of your past. You take a fresh look at what is generating all this thinking, feeling, and doing. The process has to have an origin, a source, a wellspring that sets the active mind going every minute of the day.

Normally, if we try to see ourselves clearly, we are actually looking through a lens. We filter and arrange our experiences. Some experiences we reject, ignore, judge against, or censor. Other experiences we encourage, value, appreciate, and allow to enter our minds. The lens you choose is critical, yet people often dont realize they have a choice. It doesnt strike them in the first place that they see themselvesand everything around themthrough a lens.

The lens you see through can also be called your mindset, worldview, or simply your state of awareness. Your perspective, on life, family, relationships, work stem from it. Things become confusing because we are caught up in the conflicting stories, explanations, and belief systems that everyone gets exposed to. This confusion can be sorted out once you start to see yourself clearly. Cutting through all the clutter, you discover that you actually know whats going on. Deep inside, you are fully aware already.

There are three lenses you can view life through, configured as Mind 1, 2, or 3 at this moment.

Mind 1: You view life as a separate individual. The leading indicator of Mind 1 is the sense of localization within the body. As a result of being limited by the body, Mind 1 can only detect a world of localized things. As we see ourselves, so we see the world. You localize yourself in your body, and as a result you see a world of separate things. Other people live inside their own bodies, which gives them their own sense of separation. In Mind 1 you provide fertile ground for the ego. I, me, and mine become all-important. This makes perfect sense, because your agenda as a separate person is all about the experiences of pleasure and pain that emanate from the body. Even a mental state like anxiety is rooted in the body, because what you fear comes down to a painful feeling in here. In every respect Mind 1 is dominated by yes and no to the experiences that come your way. To achieve peace, you must successfully compete in the arena of separate people and things, experiences and events.

Mind 1 seems totally right and natural in the modern secular world. Mind 1 is reflected in sciences total focus on physical things, from microbes and subatomic particles, from the Big Bang to the multiverse. A bestselling book from 1970, Our Bodies, Ourselves, applies to all of us in Mind 1.

Mind 2: Mind 2 is centered in the unity of mind and body. It isnt necessary to see yourself confined to the physical package of a body. In fact, this mindset can be turned on its head. In place of isolation there is connection; in place of things there is process; in place of hard facts, there is an easy continuous flow. You relax into the flow of experience rather than slicing life into bits that must be judged, analyzed, accepted or rejected. Mind 2 lets you see yourself more clearly, because in reality the mind-body connection is a single continuity. Every thought and feeling creates an effect in every cell. You can consciously create change in the whole system through a switch in awareness. Mind 2 is subtler than Mind 1you have moved deeper inside who you really are, and those aspects and abilities that were filtered out by Mind 1 begin to come into view. You are the one who experiences, observes, and knows.

For most people Mind 2 begins to dawn when they meditate or do Yoga, finding access to the quiet mind that lies beneath the surface of the restless active mind. With this discovery comes a way to see beyond the separate egos fruitless search for perfect pleasure, power, or success. As a deeper vision of self and life soaks through all experience, Mind 2 is established.

Mind 3: Mind 3 expands awareness beyond all particulars. It is a radical redefining of what we mean when we use the indicator I. It places you in an infinite field of pure awareness, where all things exist as possibilities. This is not only a clear view, it is clarity itself, because there is no thing or process to obstruct your vision. Boundaries dont exist. There is no past or future. Even the idea of a present vanishes. the clearest view you can possibly have, because there are no boundaries to limit your vision. You are awake, you see things without any filter, your past no longer holds you captive, and therefore you are free, which is why Mind 3 has been known for centuries as liberation. There are no more mind-forged manacles, as the poet William Blake memorably called our self-imposed limitations.

Mind 3 is open to everyone, but there is a large obstacle that must be overcome, which is this: We are convinced by the lens we see things through already. Each mindset feels real and complete. You identify with physical things in Mind 1, the most important thing being your body. In Mind 2 you identify with your field of awareness as it brings experiences and sensations that rise and fall. Because it takes an inner journey to reach, Mind 2 isnt where the mass of humankind is, yet without a doubt anyone can go there. Mind 2 is a more natural fit than Mind 1, in fact, because if you see yourself clearly, you cannot doubt that thinking, feeling, and doing is constantly on the move, ever-changing, ever renewing itself.

But Mind 2 has its own peculiar limitation. I lingers and holds its own by experiencing my thinking, feeling, and doing. There is no need for this. Everyone alive, with the fewest exceptions, has been indoctrinated into Mind 1. In Mind 2 you escape this crude, second-hand, socially approved indoctrination. But there is a subtle indoctrination that replaces it, which sees the spiritual life as higher, better, and more valuable than ordinary life. This leads to a subtle clinging, a desire to keep the spiritual goodies coming your way and a self-image superior to those people who have not yet seen the light.

The subtle tendency to possess any idea, however fine that idea is, keeps the ego going. Letting it go entirely feels threatening. Who will I be if there is no I anymore? But if you stand back, this fearful worry only exists because the ego is asking it. Of course I will never agree to its own demotion. I is about self-preservation. The shift into Mind 3 occurs when you see that there are countless moments when you did without your ego.

Every experience of joy, love, compassion, beauty, peace, and service sets the ego aside. You go beyond I in a simple, natural glimpse of who you really are. You are the field of awareness itself, unbounded and free. Every possible experience originates here, before the whole interference of ego, society, family, school, and painful memories even begins.

Thats why Mind 3 has been dubbed the first and last freedom. It is the freedom you attain when you realize that you had it all along. Clear away the clutter, and it is simply there. Mind 1 and Mind 2 are creations, while Mind 3 is uncreated. It is the womb of creation, and when we arrive there, the inevitable feeling is that weve returned home at last. NOTE: For a visual journey through these Three Minds, visit

DEEPAK CHOPRA MD, FACP, founder of The Chopra Foundation, a non-profit entity for research on well-being and humanitarianism, and Chopra Global, a modern-day health company at the intersection of science and spirituality, is a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation. Chopra is a Clinical Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of California, San Diego and serves as a senior scientist with Gallup Organization. He is the author of over 89 books translated into over forty-three languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers. His 90th book, Metahuman: Unleashing Your Infinite Potential, unlocks the secrets to moving beyond our present limitations to access a field of infinite possibilities. TIME magazine has described Dr. Chopra as one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century.

Anoop Kumar, MD, MMgt is a Mind-Body Strategist who is Board-Certified in Emergency Medicine and holds a Masters degree in Management with a focus in Health Leadership. He is a keynote speaker and author who enjoys bringing clarity to the intersection of consciousness and everything else. Anoop is the author of numerous articles as well as two booksMichelangelo's Medicine and Is This a Dream? In addition to speaking and writing services, he offers consultations with individuals, teams, and organizations interested in deepening their understanding and experience of human potential, mind-body systems, and consciousness. Visit Anoop at and @dranoopkumar.

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If You Want to Change, Start from the Ground Up - SFGate

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JIESHUN Smart Parking and Cloud Hosting at Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport – Parking Network

As an affected international aviation hub with annual passenger footfall of up to 50 million passengers, the epidemic prevention work of Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport cannot be ignored. Shenzhen Airport has formulated a special emergency response plan, installing body temperature detection equipment in the terminals, and increasing the sterilization frequency in crowded areas, all in an effort effort to ensure epidemic prevention and control. The unattended P1 parking lot, completed last year, provides an additional resource to the airport.

On December 27, 2019, the parking management system and supporting hardware was upgraded at Shenzhen Airport. The newly launched system supports multiple functions, such as HD LPR, face-to-face payment, cash changing, video intercom, and license plate recognition error correction. These mean that the first unattended parking lot at Shenzhen Airport is officially serving passengers in the P1 parking lot.

Since the outbreak, from January until now, the airport P1 parking lot has experienced an average daily traffic volume of nearly 2,800 vehicles. With the help of JIESHUN cloud hosting, the parking lot management team has already removed booths & toll staff and released more available staff to quarantine positions. Thus, the team has reduced costs, improved efficiency, and importantly lowered the risk of personnel direct contact to prevent virus transmission.

Before the upgrade of JIESHUN cloud hosting, the online payment ratio of Shenzhen Airport 's P1 parking lot reached more than 95%. However, the sheer volume of passenger traffic has resulted in management arranging at least 5 shifts to meet the 5% of offline payment needs alone.

Parking lot management staff members can access the centralized parking management system and control all software and hardware for the parking lot through intelligent remote office and mobile terminal management. Staff members in different positions can view relevant data reports on the PC and mobile terminals to carry out mobile offices. The vehicle entry and exit management is also becoming more intelligent, efficient, convenient and safe.

Airport passengers are able to pay parking fees through automated payment machines, Alipay/WeChat and QR code in the P1 parking lot and can also receive electronic invoices through the Shenzhen Airport official account by themselves. Upgraded equipment has improved the license plate recognition rate and effectively accelerated the traffic efficiency.

If passengers encounter difficulties when entering or leaving the field, they can push the intercom buttons of the parking management controllers/dispensers to communicate with cloud hosting personnel who are able to operate the gates remotely. Cloud hosting personnel can also take the initiative to intervene through the environmental monitoring of entrances and exits to help manage drivers expectations. With this kind of one-click access to cloud hosting, personnel can not only demonstrate the operating efficiency and service quality of the "smart airport", but also protect drivers from public health threats.

The outbreak covered the entire Chinese Spring Festival holiday. Some car park managers still relied on security staff for parking management and were unable to have more anti-epidemic manpower or other resources in the short term. This led to great difficulties in the entry and exit management of vehicles in specific areas, and the anti-epidemic work was carried out quite passively.

With the help of JIESHUN smart parking and cloud hosting service, Shenzhen Airport's P1 parking lot is able to, not only prevent the spread caused by the contact of the parking lot personnel, but also be combined with big data trajectory tracking to help the comprehensive epidemic prevention planning of the city.

With the necessity for nationwide epidemic prevention and control, real-time monitoring and analysis of big data from connected parking lots may provide strong support for epidemic prevention and control.

The world leader in smart parking with 100,000 parking lots globally, positioning No.1 in China. Established in 1992 as Shenzhen Jieshun Science and Technology Industry, JIESHUN is the world's leading one-stop supplier of smart parking solutions. We offer complete and customized Entrance and Exit Control solutions, including a parking management system (PMS), parking guidance systems (PGS), barrier gates, pedestrian gates, access control, as well as a unified cloud-based platform for centralized monitoring and management.

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Cloud Computing Transforming And Revolutionising Cybersecurity In India – Inc42 Media

Cloud computing is the new-age mode of operations for businesses all over the globe

Cloud computing enables businesses to overcome the challenges of the legacy IT setup

In the first half of last year, there were over 3,800 data breaches

In this day and age, the global economy revolves around business-critical data, used to draft strategies and make informed decisions. Moreover, with businesses adopting technologies like AI to leverage Big Data into getting key insights, the role of data was never more crucial.

However, as India saw the security challenges escalating in the past year, businesses are looking for robust and advanced methods to secure their data. The on-premise security architecture has gone obsolete with geographically-bound infrastructure. As the adoption of cloud technology takes the data out of the private secured premises to the data centres in the cloud, a new approach to securing the data assets is required.

Cloud computing is the new-age mode of operations for businesses all over the globe. Cloud can be explained as a computing environment with a cluster of connected server resources virtualised into several instances and provided to multiple organisations. You can access the cloud environment from remote locations through internet-connected end-point devices like Desktop, laptops, and smartphones.

Cloud computing enables businesses to overcome the challenges of the legacy IT setup like the rigidity of hardware, mobility, capital expenses, and hardware issues. But the most impressive aspect of cloud technology is the robust security environment it can offer to business-critical data.

When compared to the traditional security protocols at the local premises, cloud providers use various advanced security methods and have dedicated security teams to constantly monitor and guard critical data from the prying eyes of the hackers. Nowadays, businesses can go for third-party cloud providers who host applications and data inside multiple layers of protection.

A plethora of security threats loom over the business process, each having its own disastrous implications. Stories about data breaches regularly make the news. Just in the first half of last year, there were over 3,800 data breaches. As a result of these breaches,over 4 billion records were exposed, according to Risk Based Security research.

Here are some of the common methods of cyberattacks and the security measures implemented by the cloud providers to prevent them.

A DDoS attack bombards a data server with millions of fake requests (data packets), making it impossible for the server to meet genuine demands. When such an attack is successful, the business may become inoperative for hours, if not days. The cost of a DDoS attack is financial. It also impacts the reputation of the company that suffered the attack.

On a local IT setup, it is not possible to foresee such an attack. However, the cloud hosting providers monitor the network 24/7 for any anomalies in the data. By analysing the network patterns like type and intensity in a given time frame, any unusual traffic is identified and filtered immediately from reaching and overwhelming the companys computer resources.

A brute force attack is one in which an intruder tries to gain access to a server or website by repeatedly trying different username and password combinations. Such an attack is considered the purest form of attack. When it is successful, perpetrators gain access to valuable data.

The cloud providers deploy methods like multi-factor authentication to ensure protection against brute force attacks. As the user requires multiple methods to login to the cloud, even if a method is compromised, the hacker cannot get into the system.

A man in the middle attack happens when an unauthorised user intercepts communication between a sender and receiver. The third party, when it is successful, can alter the data being shared between authorised senders and receivers.

The cloud providers deploy methods like data encryption and multi-factor authentication to ensure protection against such attacks. Data encryption ensures that the data is transmitted in an encrypted form and cannot be comprehended by an unauthorised user who does not have the encryption key to decode the data.

Ransomware is a malware that holds a computer/network hostage until a ransom fee is paid. They infiltrate PCs with Trojan horses or computer worms by taking advantage of security loopholes. The ransomware can then be injected into the system and data is encrypted by the hacker with a key that is available only to a hacker. Unless ransomware is paid, the hacker does not share the key to decrypt in order to use the data.

The malware can then be injected with an external device (flash drives), or through the Internet (emails, websites, or attachments).

The cloud providers deploy firewalls and UTM (Unified Threat Management) devices to counter all types of threats, besides updated versions of antivirus and anti-malware in each data entry point. The users can put email restrictions, blocking the emails that do not belong to their organisation. Moreover, the cloud providers backup data automatically in multiple locations to recover it easily in case of an attack.

Software programs are purposely written to probe a computer and exploit vulnerabilities, and security holes are called web attack tool kits. Such tool kits can be used to create a path into users systems through security holes and vulnerabilities.

To counter these threats, cloud computing companies are investing heavily in security systems like Intrusion Detection and Prevention that constantly scan the computer network for any dirty traffic.

Cloud operators deploy security teams to constantly monitor network traffic and unusual events in the servers by collecting logs and using co-relations engines to detect any threat based on server and firewall logs.

In the near future, there will be different niche approaches as far as cybersecurity is concerned. One of them is the passwordless approach. The passwordless approach will be adopted by about 60% of large enterprises and 90% of mid-sized businesses, according to Gartner.

Citing the risks of threats like brute force attack and ransomware, the need for entering passwords will be eliminated and replaced by tokens and OTPs.

Another development in the world of cybersecurity is the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the cloud security systems. AI will help cloud security experts in identifying data anomalies by automating data monitoring tasks.

Apart from hosting applications and data on cloud, the cloud providers also offer services like Backup as a Service (BaaS) and Security as a Service (SECaaS). The businesses can avail these to keep their data protected, even when hosted in the local premises.

Cloud Computing Transforming And Revolutionising Cybersecurity In India - Inc42 Media

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Cloud Hosting Service Market Analysis, Top Manufacturers, Share, Growth, Statistics, Opportunities and Forecast To 2026 – Cole of Duty

New Jersey, United States,- A detailed research study on Cloud Hosting Service Market recently published by Market Research Intellect. This is the latest report, which covers the time COVID-19 impact on the market. Pandemic Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected every aspect of global life. This has brought some changes in market conditions. Rapidly changing market scenario and the initial assessment and the future of this effect is included in the report. Reports put together a brief analysis of the factors affecting the growth of the current business scenarios in various areas. Important information relating to the size of the industry analysis, sharing, application, and statistics summed up in the report to present the ensemble prediction. In addition, this report includes an accurate competitive analysis of major market players and their strategies during the projection period.

This report includes market size estimates for the value (million USD) and volume (K Units). Both top-down and bottom-up approach has been used to estimate the size of the market and validate the Market of Cloud Hosting Service, to estimate the size of the various submarkets more dependent on the overall market. Key players in the market have been identified through secondary research and their market share has been determined through primary and secondary research. All the shares percentage, split, and the damage have been determined using secondary sources and primary sources verified.

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Leading Cloud Hosting Service manufacturers/companies operating at both regional and global levels:

Cloud Hosting Service Market Competitive Landscape & Company Profiles

Competitor analysis is one of the best sections of the report that compares the progress of leading players based on crucial parameters, including market share, new developments, global reach, local competition, price, and production. From the nature of competition to future changes in the vendor landscape, the report provides in-depth analysis of the competition in the Cloud Hosting Service market.

Segmental Analysis

Both developed and emerging regions are deeply studied by the authors of the report. The regional analysis section of the report offers a comprehensive analysis of the global Cloud Hosting Service market on the basis of region. Each region is exhaustively researched about so that players can use the analysis to tap into unexplored markets and plan powerful strategies to gain a foothold in lucrative markets.

Cloud Hosting Service Market, By Product

Cloud Hosting Service Market, By Application

Regions Covered in these Report:

Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, and Rest of Asia Pacific)Europe (Germany, the UK, France, and Rest of Europe)North America (the US, Mexico, and Canada)Latin America (Brazil and Rest of Latin America)Middle East & Africa (GCC Countries and Rest of Middle East & Africa)

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Cloud Hosting Service Market Research Methodology

The research methodology adopted for the analysis of the market involves the consolidation of various research considerations such as subject matter expert advice, primary and secondary research. Primary research involves the extraction of information through various aspects such as numerous telephonic interviews, industry experts, questionnaires and in some cases face-to-face interactions. Primary interviews are usually carried out on a continuous basis with industry experts in order to acquire a topical understanding of the market as well as to be able to substantiate the existing analysis of the data.

Subject matter expertise involves the validation of the key research findings that were attained from primary and secondary research. The subject matter experts that are consulted have extensive experience in the market research industry and the specific requirements of the clients are reviewed by the experts to check for completion of the market study. Secondary research used for the Cloud Hosting Service market report includes sources such as press releases, company annual reports, and research papers that are related to the industry. Other sources can include government websites, industry magazines and associations for gathering more meticulous data. These multiple channels of research help to find as well as substantiate research findings.

Table of Content

1 Introduction of Cloud Hosting Service Market

1.1 Overview of the Market1.2 Scope of Report1.3 Assumptions

2 Executive Summary

3 Research Methodology

3.1 Data Mining3.2 Validation3.3 Primary Interviews3.4 List of Data Sources

4 Cloud Hosting Service Market Outlook

4.1 Overview4.2 Market Dynamics4.2.1 Drivers4.2.2 Restraints4.2.3 Opportunities4.3 Porters Five Force Model4.4 Value Chain Analysis

5 Cloud Hosting Service Market, By Deployment Model

5.1 Overview

6 Cloud Hosting Service Market, By Solution

6.1 Overview

7 Cloud Hosting Service Market, By Vertical

7.1 Overview

8 Cloud Hosting Service Market, By Geography

8.1 Overview8.2 North America8.2.1 U.S.8.2.2 Canada8.2.3 Mexico8.3 Europe8.3.1 Germany8.3.2 U.K.8.3.3 France8.3.4 Rest of Europe8.4 Asia Pacific8.4.1 China8.4.2 Japan8.4.3 India8.4.4 Rest of Asia Pacific8.5 Rest of the World8.5.1 Latin America8.5.2 Middle East

9 Cloud Hosting Service Market Competitive Landscape

9.1 Overview9.2 Company Market Ranking9.3 Key Development Strategies

10 Company Profiles

10.1.1 Overview10.1.2 Financial Performance10.1.3 Product Outlook10.1.4 Key Developments

11 Appendix

11.1 Related Research

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Cloud Hosting Service Market Analysis, Top Manufacturers, Share, Growth, Statistics, Opportunities and Forecast To 2026 - Cole of Duty

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Global Application Hosting Market 2020 by Type, Share, Applications, Key Players, Growth, Trends and Forecast To 2026 – Cole of Duty

A newly released 2020 report on global Application Hosting market is a combination of incisive market research insights with greater emphasis on real-time market scenario and in-depth focus on future market projections. The insights are fact-based, thorough and unbiased to ensure their authenticity and reliability. Demand growth analysis of Application Hosting has been provided in detail, strongly backed by the assessment of all the associated factors direct and indirect.

Up-to-date information about the influential happenings in IT and IT services sectors has been discussed in report. Following it, the report offers a precise introduction of Application Hosting market to enable understanding of the background and significance of the currently relevant industry occurrences. Production, sales, supply chain, shipments/installed base, and innovations have been evaluated to reveal the short- and long-term market prospects of Application Hosting on a global level.

While a measurable number of organizations in IT industry are ready for a permanent radical shift in their conventional ways of operating, out reports act as a critically necessary helping hand that offers exhaustive analytical insights to facilitate the same. Global Application Hosting market report particularly sheds light on profitable growth opportunities in the landscape and the viability of preferred developmental strategies that could potentially help companies capture the opportunities.

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Global Application Hosting market study unfolds an extensive analysis of top trends that are influencing global market competition, R&D and innovation efforts of market leaders and emerging players, and their profit margins. This section intends to help organizations accurately identify their long-term goals and thereby improve business outcome.

To survive one of the most competitive industry verticals such as information technology demands on-point research of the respective market domains. IT industry reports offered by Credible Markets assure that the readers get well versed with the number of disruptive trends that dictate the performance of IT sectors in form of technological advances.

Application Hosting market report offers a panoramic view of the market, covering a broad range of facets, including key market dynamics, top trends and opportunities, strategic moves of industry leaders, and prime factors dictating the performance of each market segment. Regional market performance is also examined in detail to uncover individual market shares and respective high impact factors.

Scope and Segmentation of the Market

Based on Type

By Hosting Type


Managed hosting

Colocation hosting


Based on Application

Web-based application

Mobile application

Key players profiled in this report include (Sales Revenue, Price, Gross Margin, Main Products, etc.):





Liquid Web


Sungard AS




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Key Questions Answered In The Report

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Global Application Hosting Market 2020 by Type, Share, Applications, Key Players, Growth, Trends and Forecast To 2026 - Cole of Duty

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Grading and audio post in the cloud | Industry Trends | IBC – IBC365

As workflows from editing to VFX gradually shift online, two aspects of the finishing process remain outliers. Audio mixing and colour grading will be the last parts of post to shift entirelyto the cloud if at all because of the highly exacting nature of the work.

The movement to cloud is not a fad, says BrandonHeaslipof dailies and mastering softwaredeveloperColorfront. A lot of steps need to be worked out and production still needs to understand more, but it is happening.

As it stands today,grading tools like DaVinci Resolve can share projects, media, camera metadata and rawdebayerdata, project and colour space preferencespretty much any part of a gradebetween editors and colourists,makingremote grading a possibility.

The links between colourists and their teams could be as simple as exporting a project, with supporting Colour Decision Lists, and using the softwares media management tools to share and distribute files to an attached cloud service ready for download and remote work.

It could be more collaborativeviaa VPN, hosting multiple users within a project by utilisingthe grading toolssoftware to map and manage project databases to users. At the timeline level, features like colour trace(in Resolve)allow colourists to copy grades from timelines to keep them up to date, and lightbox will review changes and advise on ungraded clips to keep the project moving along.

Theres a reason that post-facilities remain an important aspect of production. With QC and approvals, they have the required playback and screening setups to show a project as intended and the in-house staff to ensure calibration and colour accuracy.

It isnt difficult to hand off a grade to a colourist on the other side of the Atlantic, and then receive a completed project of beautifully graded images as long as the correct preferences for colour space and colour management are followed at both ends and reference monitors are consistent. Small inconsistencies or changes can have knock on effects, says Craig Heffernan, Blackmagic Designs EMEAtechnicalsalesdirector.

Again, the catch is that critical review quality output is not yet possible fromthecloud.

Whilst network services, cloud storage and online collaborative tools allow teams and clients to work remotely, there is the need to have correctly calibrated and accurate monitoring to truly recreate a grade as the colourist has designed it or to avoid issues in error checking or sign off - especially with HDR formats.

That said, it could depend on the final destination for the content. If the production is bound for an online service like YouTube or Vimeo, for a corporate or commercial client, then it could be appropriate to review on that exact platform; as the intended audience would see it.

Final colour pass on a great many kinds of content is absolutely possible from a work-from-home situationby using a variety of different working/viewing platforms, saysFergus McCall,head ofcolour, The Mill NY.

These range frompoint-to-point locked bandwidth real-time streaming with adjusted monitoring at both ends, to using third party (but secure) cloud-based solutions with clients making judgements looking at the content on a browser on their phone.

Iwouldntrecommend the latter, says McCall,but Ive also graded sessions where creatives who are sitting in the room with me looking at a $40K professionally calibrated display have elected to make their final decisions looking at a QuickTime on their phone.

What it is categorically not possible to do, he insists, is tomake final decisions on a long form featureproject that first and foremost is being colour corrected for theatrical release.

The same also applies to HDR, WideColorGamut and some extended resolution deliverables. For these, a phone or tablet isnt going to cut it.

The monitoring gap is closing. Heffernanpoints to development of affordable butveryhigh-quality OLED TVs with HDR format support up to Dolby Vision standard. These can be a suitable alternative to professional reference monitors with full DCI P3 colour accuracy, depending on the intended release platforms, he says.

Remote collaborationReplicating face to face interaction between client (DoP) andcoloristespecially during the fine tuning of a grade requires synchronous sub-frame accurate streams.

Collaboration toolslikeSohonetsClearViewFlex,EvercastorStreamboxChromacan be used to invite colleagues to a live stream session. You could perform a live edit or review and approval in real-time with over the shoulder instruction like back up two frames, cut this, tweak that, as near as you would in a suite.

Again, the catch is that critical review quality output is not yet possible fromthecloud.

Sohonetsays it is working to increase thecolourdepth (10-bit), chroma (4:2:2) and colour space (Rec 2020 and HDR) to provide an acceptable critical review alternative that can bedelivered over high capacity home internet speeds.Streamboxhas developed a virtual encoder Spectraclaimedcapable ofcolour-accurate remote review and collaborationsessions over the cloudwith virtual Avid Media Composer or Adobe Premier machines. Future iterations of Spectra are in the works to support the same capability for virtual versions of DaVinciResolve, AutodeskFlameandFilmLightsBaselight.

Blackmagic has integrated Resolve Studio 16 with to enable feedback and approvals. Heffernan explains that by signing into a account, Resolve can render and export directly from the deliver page to where others can review shots or full sequences, checking edits, grades, or sound design, and adding comments or suggestions back to the creative team. markers are then automatically updated in Resolve allowing clients to directly advise on changes down to the frame, and rapidly speeding up approvals and decisions between teams andclients,Heffernansays.

Non-verbal cuesLight Iron, the U.S. finishing facility which services a number of feature film and commercialscinematographers, managed to set up its senior colourists from home over the last few months with systems good enoughto finish a 4K series with HDR and SDR deliverablesand a feature film.

Its colourists set up physicalBaseLightand Resolve panels at home and accessing the high-res media residing on premises at Light Irons East and WestCoast facilities.

The biggest hurdle was not so much technical but notbeing able topick up onthe kind of non-verbal cues you get while sitting in a room with someone. They couldnt read body language,gauge reactions or look directly at the client to see if they were understanding one another properly.

Personally, I like having all my team around me, reports Steven Bodner,supervisingcolourist, Light Iron NYC. I find it a lot easier to collaborate and get things done with my regular team in adjacent rooms. Right now, everything is a lot slower simply because every interaction requires a videoconference of phone call. I find it hard to see how anything I am doing now from home will be permanent.

Cloud grading proof of conceptAn experimental production of a short film produced in the cloud at a recent Hollywood Professional Association (HPA) event was able to show how raw master files could be linked to Nuke, Avid or Resolve for colour correction in the cloud almost as soon as the take had been filmed.

For the demo, acloud-based integration betweenColorfrontand made it possible to stream camera originalstoAmazons AWS cloud andprovideACES compliant colour and sound synchedfilesfordailies and editorial.

The proof of concept also demonstrated that, whenall the mediais stored in the cloud postproduction workflows, could be allocated to the best creative located anywhere.

Wehad colourists in Dublin, London and Hollywood and all could have worked on remote colour correction for us, explains Joachim Zell,VP,technology at LA facility EFILM.

They chose to work with Encore in Hollywood. Itscoloristin LA graded the rushes live and usingClearViewFlex to interact with theDoPmiles away in Palm Springs.

There were some [facilities] who said they couldnt do it in time, [so] we found another vendor and were able to redirect the data virtually anywhere in the world and still meet our deadline, Zell says.

Security remains essential.Zell pointed out that for a million-dollar blockbuster production,they wouldnt be so blas about giving access [to the media] that easily to people theyve never before.

JackWenzingera solutions architect for AWSworking on the project, stressed,Because global access is phenomenal you need great security to go with it.

Learning curveIftheres a shred of silver lining possible to take from the last three months its thatthe industrymanaged to shift remarkably successfully to remote workflows. The Mill, forinstance, set up five colour suites in five different locations in NYC to deliver quality work.

Its been a steep learning curve, a challenge for us and our vendors and not without its teething problems but its a situation that has clearly made us rethink the traditional working practices of colour correction, says McCall. Ultimately,having access to a trusted theatre or colour room (and trusted colourist) will still be the most failsafe means of unified creative collaboration and locked down colour science.

Remote Audio MixingThe same functionality with remote user access, network sharing and collaboration offered for edit and grade on the picture side, can be used for sound design and mixing. A sound designer will need to create, compose and build sound elements to replace those not captured on set, or to enhance a scene with elements not available when shooting e.g. foley, music or ADR.

Its typical that audio post may not even be handled by the same facility as picture elements, so connectivity and management of media and assets between the two is critical, says Heffernan. These audio files are likely to come from other external teams or companies as well, such as a score uploaded from a composer. Having the ability to quickly download and incorporate new audio media into working projects means the process keeps moving, and can be dynamic.

MattSkilton,senior dubbing mixerat Envy has been working from his home studio for four years. He will typically perform the entire premix there usingProToolsand speakers professionally installed by HHB.

With directors and editors busy on multiple projects they dont tend to have time for the premix so commuting into London to spend several days alone in a mixing theatre didnt make much sense for me on a personal level, he says. I know how to get a programme to broadcast quality sound frombeing premixed at home knowing that on the final mix day I can still tweak it.

It is the final mix which has proved most challenging during coronavirus and the one area which will continue to be problematic in any remote scenario.

The one thing we cant replicate is the final mix day where I have a room full of people including director, editor and executive and we thrash out what everyones opinions are. At this point we are talking about subtleties in finessing music cues and its something that can really only be done live.

Sending notes with files to the multiple decision makers at this stage is painful for everyone,Skiltonsays.

Envy CTO DanielSassonhas simulated the experience as best as possible by adapting Zoom to give key creatives a shared voice over session but sound quality depends on individual home set-ups.

Remote premixing for standard stereo TV work or even 5.1 mixes is not only possible but increasingly the norm. As you move up through scales of surround sound mixing and into specialist areas such as delivery for Dolby Atmos or 3D soundspaces for cinematic quality audio, the less likely you are to be working remotely.

For Dolby Atmos there is no replicating that big theatrefeel,Skiltonsays. Drama, for example, is more layered with music stems, composition, sound design and could be mixed in so many different ways.

For these projects adedicated facility with multiplespeakermonitoring and mixing desks set up for precise, positional mixing is necessary, according to Heffernan.

The biggest issue remains final mix collaboration. Theres nothing quite like being face to face when everyone is hearing the same thing at the same time, saysSkilton. Its impossible to do via phone or skype. Headphones might help but that introduces its own critical elements which may also distort the experience.

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Grading and audio post in the cloud | Industry Trends | IBC - IBC365

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Serverless Architecture Market 2020 Global Trend, Segmentation and Opportunities Forecast to 2026 – Cole of Duty

The research report on serverless architecture market, in substance, presents an exclusive understanding of the vast expanse of the business space in question. The report comprises a gist of the industry by means of providing an executive summary, industry insights, industry ecosystem analysis, market segmentation, and global trends. Furthermore, the study also provides deliverables pertaining to the regulatory and competitive landscapes and the strategic perspectives of various industry contenders with respect to the serverless architecture market.

What does the report encompass with respect to the Model landscape?

What does the report encompass with respect to the Organization Size landscape?

What does the report encompass with respect to the Type landscape?

What does the report encompass with respect to the Model landscape?

Increase in the demand for IoT technology in several sectors has reduced human effort. Usability of serverless architecture with IoT system will improve the products in several ways, such as setting up a managing infrastructure in the cloud, to perform various functions including the processing of data generated from a network of devices in real-time, and analyzing the data to gain insights, thereby boosting the serverless architecture market. As IoT devices generate & store large data, the need for flexible space is necessary to overcome the problems caused due to the lack of space. With cloud hosting, the cost for handling the server for any IoT-based device can be reduced, increasing the efficiency for various start-up companies. For instance, Canary, a home security system provider, makes use of cloud technology to help users store data on a serverless platform. With the use of this technology in various IoT devices, the demand for market will rise.

In a nutshell, the serverless architecture market analysis report is an inherent collection of the market definitions, industry insights, and the overall scope of the report. Details about the numerous industry pitfalls and challenges, in addition to driving parameters influencing the revenue scale of this business have also been provided in the report.

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Global Market Insights, Inc., headquartered in Delaware, U.S., is a global market research and consulting service provider; offering syndicated and custom research reports along with growth consulting services. Our business intelligence and industry research reports offer clients with penetrative insights and actionable market data specially designed and presented to aid strategic decision making. These exhaustive reports are designed via a proprietary research methodology and are available for key industries such as chemicals, advanced materials, technology, renewable energy and biotechnology.

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Serverless Architecture Market 2020 Global Trend, Segmentation and Opportunities Forecast to 2026 - Cole of Duty

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Global Cloud Hosting Service Market Expected to Grow with a Significant Rate by 2024 Top Players : DreamHost, GoDaddy, HostGator, InMotion, Bluehost,…

This high-end research comprehension on the Global Cloud Hosting Service Market renders major impetus on detailed growth facets, in terms of product section, payment and transaction platforms, further incorporating service portfolio, applications, as well as a specific compilation on technological interventions that facilitate ideal growth potential of the market.

The report is so designed as to direct concrete headways in identifying and deciphering each of the market dimensions to evaluate logical derivatives which have the potential to set the growth course in the aforementioned Cloud Hosting Service market. Besides presenting notable insights on market factors comprising above determinants, this specific, innately crafted research report offering further in its subsequent sections states information on regional segmentation, as well as thoughtful perspectives on specific understanding comprising region specific developments as well as leading market players objectives to trigger maximum revenue generation and profits.

This study covers following key players:DreamHostGoDaddyHostGatorInMotionBluehostA2 HostingHostPapaiPageHostwindsSiteGroundUK2HostingerPlanetHippo1&1 IonosNamecheapAccuWebTsohostFatCow

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This illustrative research report on the Cloud Hosting Service market is an all-in-one, ready to use handbook of market dynamics that upon mindful inference lends valuable insights on market developments, growth trajectory, dominant trends as well as technological sophistication as well as segment expansion and competition spectrum that have a strong bearing on the growth probabilities of the Cloud Hosting Service market.

This particular section of the Cloud Hosting Service market report specifically stresses upon various indigenous tactical discretion that eventually contributed towards soliciting heralding market consolidation, impeccable stability and sustainable revenue pools, the ultimate touchstone to judge the potency of the Cloud Hosting Service market.

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Market segment by Type, the product can be split into IP-basedName-basedMarket segment by Application, split into Commercial OperationGovernment DepartmentOthers

The report further unveils pertinent details about segment contribution in coining ample revenue flow, sustainability and long term growth in global Cloud Hosting Service market. A thorough knowledge base of market facets remains integral and indispensable to decode Cloud Hosting Service market prognosis. This recent research compilation on the Cloud Hosting Service market presents a deep analytical review and a concise presentation of ongoing market trends that collectively inculcate a strong influence on the growth trajectory of the aforementioned Cloud Hosting Service market.

The report sheds light on the particular segment that sets revenue maximization, rolling, thus incurring steady growth in revenues and contributing towards steady sustenance of the Cloud Hosting Service market. This well versedreport is thoughtfully crafted to arm report readers with convincing market insights on the mettle of all aforementioned factors that propel relentless growth despite significant bottlenecks in the Cloud Hosting Service market.

Some Major TOC Points:1 Report Overview2 Global Growth Trends3 Market Share by Key Players4 Breakdown Data by Type and ApplicationContinued

In addition to all of the above stated inputs, discussed at length in the report, the report sheds tangible light on dynamic segmentation based on which the market has been systematically split into prominent segments inclusive of type, end use technology, as well as region specific diversification of the Cloud Hosting Service market to encourage highly remunerative business discretion.

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Global Cloud Hosting Service Market Expected to Grow with a Significant Rate by 2024 Top Players : DreamHost, GoDaddy, HostGator, InMotion, Bluehost,...

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COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Analysis- Global Email Hosting Services Market 2020-2024 | Growing Adoption of the Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) Policy to…

The global email hosting services market is expected to grow by USD 25.70 billion during 2020-2024. The report also provides the market impact and new opportunities created due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We expect the impact to be significant in the first quarter but gradually lessen in subsequent quarters with a limited impact on the full-year economic growth.

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Technavio has announced its latest market research report titled Global Email Hosting Services Market 2020-2024 (Graphic: Business Wire).

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Market estimates include pre- and post-COVID-19 impact on the email hosting services market - Download free sample report

The adoption of the bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policy, in conjunction with cloud services, is increasing across the world. Businesses with cloud-based systems are adopting the BYOD policy to enable an efficient work culture and provide their employees with access to the office system from home. This allows the employees to access the required data, files, and emails over the cloud. Moreover, the implementation of mobile device management (MDM), strong access protocols, cloud and disk data encryption, and antivirus protection are further enhancing the security of the BYOD policies, thereby encouraging market growth.

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The outbreak of COVID-19 globally is expected to have a positive impact on the growth of the email hosting services market during the forecast period. The demand for email hosting services will further increase due to the extension of lockdown and containment efforts across the world. The information technology sector is expected to have a mixed impact due to the outbreak of coronavirus and is expected to grow at a neutral growth rate.

As per Technavio, the growing adoption of AI will have a positive impact on the market and contribute to its growth significantly over the forecast period. This research report also analyzes other significant trends and market drivers that will influence market growth over 2020-2024.

Email Hosting Services Market: Growing Adoption of AI

The growing adoption of AI is expected to be one of the key email hosting services market trends during the forecast period. Hosted email solutions powered by artificial intelligence (Al) enable communication via digital assistants. This enables users to access important emails, meeting schedules and calendars hands-free. Al also helps compose, edit, prioritize, and schedule emails through voice commands. Moreover, an Al platform, using data based on email habits and patterns, can facilitate better organization of inboxes with multi-level clustering. For instance, players are providing Al-based features for applications, that include sorting emails by determining the importance and priority.

"Factors such as the presence of affordable hosted email services, and the increasing adoption of email hosting services by financial institutions will have a significant impact on the growth of the email hosting services market value during the forecast period," says a senior analyst at Technavio.

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Email Hosting Services Market: Segmentation Analysis

This market research report segments the email hosting services market by type (webmail and hosted email) and geography (North America, Europe, APAC, South America, and MEA).

The North American region led the email hosting services market in 2019, followed by Europe, APAC, South America, and MEA respectively. During the forecast period, the North American region is expected to register the highest incremental growth due to factors such as the migration to the cloud from existing on-premise email accounts, and the implementation of bring-your-own-device (BOYD) policies with enhanced device security and email security solutions..

Technavios sample reports are free of charge and contain multiple sections of the report, such as the market size and forecast, drivers, challenges, trends, and more. Request a free sample report

Some of the key topics covered in the report include:

Market Drivers

Market Challenges

Market Trends

Vendor Landscape

About Technavio

Technavio is a leading global technology research and advisory company. Their research and analysis focus on emerging market trends and provides actionable insights to help businesses identify market opportunities and develop effective strategies to optimize their market positions.

With over 500 specialized analysts, Technavios report library consists of more than 17,000 reports and counting, covering 800 technologies, spanning across 50 countries. Their client base consists of enterprises of all sizes, including more than 100 Fortune 500 companies. This growing client base relies on Technavios comprehensive coverage, extensive research, and actionable market insights to identify opportunities in existing and potential markets and assess their competitive positions within changing market scenarios.

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COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Analysis- Global Email Hosting Services Market 2020-2024 | Growing Adoption of the Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) Policy to...

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VPLS recognized on CRN’s list of Top 500 Solutions Providers for second consecutive year – PR Web

LOS ANGELES (PRWEB) June 22, 2020

VPLS, a technology solutions provider offering edge to the cloud services, announces today that CRN a brand of The Channel Company, has named VPLS to its 2020 Solution Provider 500 list. CRNs Solution Provider 500 list serves as the industrys benchmark for recognizing the top-performing technology integrators, strategic service providers, and IT consultants, and as a valuable resource for technology vendors looking to partner with top solution providers. This marks the second consecutive year that VPLS has been recognized on the Solutions Provider 500 list. In February 2020, VPLS was also named to the CRN 2020 Managed Service Provider (MSP) 500 list in the Elite 150 category (#145).

CRNs Solution Provider 500 list showcases the top IT channel partner organizations across North America, said Bob Skelley, CEO of The Channel Company. This year, companies on this list represent a combined revenue of $393 billion, a data point that underscores the impact and influence these solution providers have on the IT industry. On behalf of The Channel Company, Id like to congratulate these companies for their outstanding contributions to the growth and success of our industry.

We are honored to once again be acknowledged as a top Solution Provider, stated John Minnix, VP of Sales and Marketing at VPLS. VPLS is dedicated to our role as a strategic partner for our clients, helping to assess, integrate, and execute IT solutions that will drive business growth. As a partner, were also committed to expanding our team and portfolio to provide support for all areas of our clients IT needs, from the cloud to the edge.

VPLSs recognition on CRNs Solution Provider 500 list reflects our continued investment in technology, customer service, and most importantly, our clients, said Arman Khalili, CEO of VPLS. I applaud our dedicated team and employees for continuing to build strong partnerships and client relationships during these challenging times.

VPLS was recently part of a merger that included Evocative Data Centers and VPLS Solutions. The new combined entity now operates under VPLS and represents an expanded portfolio of services that includes data centers, colocation, network services, hosting, cloud services, professional services, managed services, and value-added reseller partner status for brands like HPE, Fortinet, and Veeam.

About VPLS

VPLS understands the technology and IT challenges that businesses and teams face in todays competitive global environment. Trusted by more than 7,000 enterprise clients worldwide, VPLS is a leading provider of cloud, colocation, hosting, backup and DRaaS, data center, and security solutions. With this robust portfolio of IT solutions and a team of industry experts, VPLS partners with businesses to solve their most complex technology challenges. From the Cloud to the Edge, VPLS is your IT partner.

Our carrier-neutral data centers are HIPAA, IDS, ISAE, SSAE, SOC2, and PCI DSS compliant, and supported by a global network backbone with over 400 Gbps of transit capacity, making VPLS the ideal on-ramp to the internet and public clouds like Amazon, Azure, Google and Oracle. VPLSs network and security operations centers in Reston, VA; Los Angeles, CA; Orange, CA; and Bangkok, Thailand provide 24/7 managed service support offering help desk, managed server, managed security, managed switch, and managed wireless services.

VPLSs team of solution technologists, with over 200 IT certifications and growing, strategically partner with brands like Cisco, Dell, Extreme, Fortinet, HPE, Palo Alto Networks, Ruckus, and Supermicro, to deliver the ideal hardware and software for your IT environment.

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