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NexTech AR to supply its video conferencing and virtual events platform to Dallas Independent School District – Proactive Investors UK

CEO Evan Gappelberg says the contract win illustrates how businesses and governments are looking for platforms like InfernoAR that stop breaches and protect privacy

NexTech AR Solutions Corp () () said Monday it will supply its InfernoAR video conferencing and virtual events platform to the Dallas Independent School District.

In a statement, CEO Evan Gappelberg said the contract win illustrates how businesses and governments are looking for platforms that stop breaches and protect privacy.

"Bringing token authentication to the edge greatly enhances security and performance, which is huge for winning more contracts from our growing customer base,"Gappelberg explained. We are currently experiencing a surge in demand for our services across our multiple business segments includingARecommerce, our ARitize app, and our InfernoAR-video conferencing and virtual events platform.

NexTech just recently beefed up user security for video streaming by partnering with Fastly Inc (NYSE:FSLY), which has built an edge cloud platform that provides a content delivery network, Internet security services, and video and streaming services.

Security is a core feature of InfernoAR and the platform has serviced many Fortune 500 businesses including Johnson and Johnson, , Merk and others, the company said.

Token authentication allows content delivery networks (CDNs) to reject serving videos to unauthorized users. Bytaking the JWT authentication to the edge, securityis pushed closer to the user and load is taken off the core application.

JWT authentication works by a server generating a token that certifies the user identity and sends it to the client, whowill send the token back to the server for every subsequent requestso the server knows the request comes from a particular identity.

NexTechs stock recently traded up by 14% to $3.41 a share in New York and increased by 16% to $4.76 a share in Canada.

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NexTech AR to supply its video conferencing and virtual events platform to Dallas Independent School District - Proactive Investors UK

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Dutch people are least concerned about safety, survey reveals – IamExpat in the Netherlands

The latest consumer survey conducted by Unysis Nederland has found that, out of the 15 countries studied worldwide, Dutch people are the least concerned about their safety.

The Unisys Security Index is an annual survey that measures the concerns of consumers in 15 countries worldwide on issues related to national, personal, financial and security.

Eachyear for the past 14 years, Unisys has surveyed a representative sample ofadult residents of the Netherlands, asking them how concernedthey feel about a selection of issues, including disasters and epidemics, bankcard fraud, computer viruses and identity theft.

The percentage of respondents that describe themselves as "extremely concerned" or "very concerned" about a specific issue is then converted into a point system, whereby each country is awarded a score from zero to 300, with a high score indicating that a country has many concerns about safety.

This year's survey involved 15.699 respondents in the Netherlands and was carried out between March 16 and April 5, 2020, coinciding with the global coronavirus crisis - a fact which makes itself felt in the survey's findings.

Overall, the Netherlands scored a total of 100 points across the four categories measured, meaning the Dutch population are considered only somewhat concerned about their overall safety. This was 15 points lower than the 2019 score.

This is the third year running that the Netherlands has scored the lowest of all countries in the index, with neighbouring countries Germany (122 points) and Belgium (144) both totting up higher scores. The ranking's highest-scoring country was the Philippines, with 238 points.

Unsurprisingly given the survey's timing, the top concern for the Dutch is the physical health of family members, with 40 percent of those surveyed registering concern about this. 62 percent of the sample asked also registered their concern for natural disasters, such as floods, forest fires, and pandemics.

Personal safety concerns also experienced a rise, with 58 percent of those surveyed registering fear of either identity theft or risk to personal safety over the next six months.

On the other hand, concern for financial security, including bank fraud and the inability to meet essential financial obligations, dropped by 19 percent in 2020. Concern for internet security also dropped.

Psychologist Martin Appelo states that there seems to be strong correlation between the lack of concern in the participating countries and the position of that country on the UN's World Happiness Report.

The Netherlands placed 6th in 2020's ranking of the worlds happiest countries - which takes into account a country'ssocial security system, healthcare system, and an individual's freedom to self-determination. Appelo suggests that this creates a feeling in the Netherlands that little can go wrong.

The global average for the 2020 Index was a score of 175 - exactly the same as last year. Here's how the individual countries scored:

You can read the full Security Index report on the Unisys website.

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Dutch people are least concerned about safety, survey reveals - IamExpat in the Netherlands

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Leaseweb’s Five-Year growth Exceeds Double the Market Average, Further Cementing Position as Top Player in International Cloud Hosting Market – PR Web

Leaseweb's accomplishment is attributed to a focused approach to grow the companys global presence over five years.

AMSTERDAM (PRWEB) June 30, 2020

Leaseweb, a leading hosting cloud company, today announced that the growth in its global hosting infrastructure and related network capacity has grown twice the market average. The accomplishment is attributed to a focused approach to grow the companys global presence over five years and has seen Leaseweb achieve a 22% increase in data center locations worldwide. The result is a 55% increase in network capacity and a leap in bandwidth from 5.5 to 10Tbps, enabling Leaseweb to successfully adapt to international market change, and meet customer demand for local and global cloud infrastructures.

Following the launch of new locations in London and Sydney at the end of 2017, Leaseweb opened a data center facility in Miami last year, providing a springboard into South America, and bringing to 20 the total number of data center locations operating globally, with 80,000 servers under management. Most recently, Leaseweb completed the network expansion of its Amsterdam data center, enabling further growth and paving the way for applications that benefit from 100Gbps connectivity. Additionally, the acquisition of US-based managed hosting services companies, ServInt and NOBIS Technology Group, has given more end-users access to Leasewebs portfolio of solutions via its existing data centers.

As well as growing its data center location and services portfolio, Leaseweb extended its IaaS platform into Asia via Leaseweb Cloud, completing the full spectrum of its public and private cloud products available in the region. The company also enhanced its cloud backup and protection offerings, allowing the delivery of an easy-to-use, fast and reliable data protection solution for cloud and internet professionals. Moreover, Leaseweb began offering All Flash FAS storage across its cloud portfolio, reducing latency and increasing reliability for business-critical cloud applications.

Businesses that operate worldwide, which take pride in their competitive edge, seek the kind of global hosting and infrastructure provider who can deliver best-in-class user experiences locally and reliably, said Alexander Kalkman, CMO at Leaseweb. This need feeds directly into our goal to grow globally as the first provider businesses turn to for the provision of cloud infrastructure that not only meets local requirements but offers a footprint to reach customers across borders. Looking forward, we are committed to a continued growth trajectory and delivering superior cloud hosting technology globally, engaging with our customers in a personalized, human-to-human manneran approach unmatched by industry giants and highly valued by our customers.

Leasewebs commitment to helping customers meet their hosting and managed service needs is particularly evident in the Adtech and Martech sectors, which are key focus areas. Adjust, a mobile attribution and analytics company, leverages Leasewebs ability to provide multiple private racks of dedicated servers across the globe. Leaseweb provides racks which are redundantly connected to the core network with 2x 200 Gbps and offers high-speed links between servers (varying 20-40 Gbps, depending on the needs of the region). Algolia, a distributed search-as-a-service API, chose to work with Leaseweb due to its customer-centric and global mindset. Through this collaboration, Algolia was able to build a highly available API distributed over 12 regions, leading them to become one of the top companies for custom search.


About Leaseweb Leaseweb is a leading Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provider serving a worldwide portfolio of 18,000 customers ranging from SMBs to Enterprises. Services include Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Dedicated Servers, Colocation, Content Delivery Network, and Cyber Security Services supported by exceptional customer service and technical support. With more than 80,000 servers under management, Leaseweb has provided infrastructure for mission-critical websites, Internet applications, email servers, security, and storage services since 1997. The company operates 20 data centers in locations across Europe, Asia, Australia, and North America, all of which are backed by a superior worldwide network with a total capacity of more than 10 Tbps. Leaseweb offers services through its various subsidiaries, which are Leaseweb Netherlands B.V. (Leaseweb Netherlands), Leaseweb USA, Inc. (Leaseweb USA), Leaseweb Asia Pacific PTE. LTD (Leaseweb Asia), Leaseweb CDN B.V. (Leaseweb CDN), Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH (Leaseweb Germany), Leaseweb Australia Ltd. (Leaseweb Australia) and Leaseweb UK Ltd (Leaseweb UK). For more information visit:

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Leaseweb's Five-Year growth Exceeds Double the Market Average, Further Cementing Position as Top Player in International Cloud Hosting Market - PR Web

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Cloud hosting group confident on future prospects – The Business Desk

SysGroup, the Liverpool-based cloud hosting firm, said the coronavirus pandemic has presented it with opportunities to expand its services.

The group announced annual results today, and revealed that trading in the first months of its current fiscal year are encouraging.

Revenues in the year to March 31, jumped 53% to 19.49m, and pre-tax losses narrowed from 830,000 to 230,000.

During the financial year the group achieved the acquisition of Hub Network Services for 1.45m in cash and managed its successful integration in under three months.

Post reporting period, SysGroup said it has a strong balance sheet with a cash balance of 3m and a net cash balance of 0.45m at March 31.

The group has facilities of 5m expiring in 2024, consisting of a 1.75m term loan which has 0.35m of headroom at March 31, 2020, and an undrawn 3.25m acquisition revolving credit facility, providing the group with additional available liquidity to execute on acquisition opportunities.

Chief executive Adam Binks said: FY20 has been another year of considerable growth, in which we delivered increased revenues and EBITDA, whilst integrating our largest acquisition to date.

Despite COVID-19 dominating the end of the financial year, I have been impressed with how the team have continued to support and service our customers during these challenging circumstances.

While there is still uncertainty around the impact of COVID-19, we believe it has presented us with significant opportunities.

We have seen an accelerated shift towards flexible and remote working practices, with investment in the appropriate technology becoming ever more mission critical.

Businesses are now seeing, more than ever before, the value of outsourced managed IT services and are looking to trusted providers to help them navigate the complexities of the technological landscape.

I am confident we are well positioned to support our customers through this period of change which will be further underpinned by our buy-and-build strategy.

He added: As we look ahead, I remain optimistic for continued growth, supported by a robust balance sheet, a diverse customer base and the growing relevance of our solutions.

I am pleased to be able to report that, underpinned by our strong levels of recurring revenue, momentum in the first months of FY21 trading has continued.

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Cloud hosting group confident on future prospects - The Business Desk

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Connor and Scalio Announce Venture to Bring GRC and License Optimization to the Cloud – GlobeNewswire

SAN FRANCISCO, June 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Connor (, a global leader in contract compliance and software licensing and Scalio (, a provider of best-in-class managed hosting, devops & custom software development services, today announced ConnorScalio (, a joint venture bringing together innovation, expertise and agility from Connor and Scalio to meet clients license management and GRC needs in the cloud.

ConnorScalios mission is to provide the most reliable, secure and scalable managed hosting services on dedicated cloud infrastructure so companies can dedicate more focus and resources on their core business offerings, while maximizing the ROI on IT investments.

Cloud migrations can introduce significant risk and complexity to an enterprise. The primary challenge is that most IT organizations lack the expertise and resources to effectively deliver on a cloud migration project, said Bradley Greenwood, CEO at Scalio.

Its important to partner with a solution provider that has the expertise to help navigate the nuances of a cloud migration. From selecting the right cloud provider (e.g., Google Cloud, Amazon AWS, or Microsoft Azure) that meets your business needs to migrating your servers, databases, and applications without disruption and data loss, ConnorScalio is well positioned to help enterprises take their business into the cloud and beyond.

With IT and licensing expertise combined, ConnorScalios team can help stand-up business applications with the most reliable, secure, and scalable infrastructure -- supported by deep application and licensing experts, all day and every day. Areas of focus include:

Pairing Scalios best-in-class managed hosting and technology services with Connors vendor licensing and GRC experience will empower Fortune 500 enterprises to accelerate technology-driven innovation more easily, explained Viresh Chana, CEO and Founding Partner at Connor.

ConnorScalios portfolio of fully managed solutions and services include:


ConnorScalio has also partnered with Xpandion, a leader in integrated risk management and GRC solutions, to provide fully managed infrastructure and application hosting for Xpandion customers.

We are pleased to offer fully managed support for Xpandions GRC and SAP License Optimization technology, explained Greenwood. Together, we can ensure a worry-free solution for GRC as a Service and end-to-end SAP license management to Xpandions customers.

In addition to being a SAP-certified managed hosting solution for Xpandions technology, ConnorScalio will also resell Xpandion software and deliver a complete suite of services around Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) and SAP License Optimization.

For more information about ConnorScalio, visit

Press Contacts:Wayne Chan(415)

Bradley Greenwood(415)


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Connor and Scalio Announce Venture to Bring GRC and License Optimization to the Cloud - GlobeNewswire

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What Is Cloud Computing? – World Atlas

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Simply put, 'cloud' refers to the Internet, and cloud computing means saving your files and all your data, accessing applications or programs over the Internet instead of using local storage. Local storage or computing is saving your data on or running programs from your computers hard drive. In the past, people ran programs through software downloaded onto their computers. Cloud computing allows people to access these programs over the Internet without having to install them.

The word cloud was used to describe how engineers typically illustrated the Internet in diagrams that map out components of their networks. In previous years, engineers used a cloud symbol in old diagrams to depict this complex system all their computers were connected to thats located off-site or beyond their premises.

For businesses cloud computing means accessing computing services like data back-up and storage, server management, software hosting, disaster and recovery, analytics, among many others over the Internet.

Many organizations use cloud technology because it allows them to save a lot of money and other resources. With this technology, companies no longer need to build their own IT infrastructure on-site. They dont need to set-up, run, and maintain data centers. They dont have to buy racks of servers, expensive hardware, and software or pay for 24-hour electricity and cooling to keep servers working properly. On top of all these, they no longer need to maintain a team of IT personnel to manage the infrastructure on-site.

It saves the company even more since they dont have to invest in having physical space for servers. Cloud computing is also more flexible. It can be scaled up or down depending on the companys needs and they only pay for what they use. Simply put, they can just plug in and pay for a monthly subscription.

Cloud providers also offer customers advanced security features with a broad set of technologies and control to protect data from breaches and other threats. They provide added security measures to maintain cloud data protection and guard against unauthorized access, especially to sensitive information like clients payment data (credit card information, bank accounts), personal information (social security numbers, home addresses, phone numbers), health information (diagnoses, treatments), and other confidential data like financial records, business plans, or source codes among others.

Resources in the cloud can also be easily accessed from anywhere in the world. Companies and their staff can access, store, retrieve, or recover resources 24/7 while on the go even by using mobile devices. It is especially useful for companies with remote staff working from different parts of the world. It gives employees access to resources even if they are scattered in different locations.

Another important feature of cloud technology is cloud backup and disaster recovery. Since data is one of if not the most valuable asset of many modern organizations, losing it can mean losing productivity, revenue, and customers. A disaster can be caused by an access breach as in the case of a cyber-attack, a fire, flood, typhoon, or snowstorm that may damage computers on-site, or simply human error like when one of your administrators accidentally deletes data. This is why you need a Disaster Recovery (DR) plan.

Cloud providers offer disaster recovery backup services also known as off-site disaster recovery that allow organizations to easily backup and restore, or retrieve data and applications in case of a disaster to continue their operations. These cloud services are often scalable which means companies have control over how little or how much data or applications they need to back up or how often data back-up should be done (does the company need continuous or scheduled back-up?).

There are different approaches to cloud backup and disaster recovery and a company can choose any based on their budget and needs. The most basic one involves backing up data to the cloud and then recovering it when a disaster occurs. Another much more expensive approach involves having your backup resources running at all times and putting these resources into use as soon as disaster strikes. A third more sophisticated approach is having backup resources running in the cloud at all times and having copies of this spread out in different locations of the cloud. This provides more instantaneous backup and recovery, which is also more secure because it allows companies to recover data quickly even if one cloud site has failed. Although the last one is a lot more expensive and is designed for bigger companies.

There are three main types of cloud computing: public cloud, private cloud, and hybrid. A public cloud refers to IT infrastructure not owned by a single end-user and is shared with many others. In essence, public cloud providers lease out partitioned and redistributed parts to multiple tenants (organizations). In this type, cloud computing services are shared with numerous customers although their work systems remain separate from one another, they just happen to share the same cloud infrastructure (physical machine or group of machines). This is the most cost-effective approach.

Private cloud refers to cloud computing services that cater to a single tenant or one end user only. This means an organization may choose not to maintain their data center on-site, but procure the services of a cloud provider to create private cloud IT infrastructure that can be used by their business only. This is the most secure cloud computing solution that is used by companies handling sensitive data.

Hybrid cloud, on the other hand, uses a combination of private and public cloud resources. This allows companies to move between private and public clouds depending on specific needs giving them more flexibility.

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What Is Cloud Computing? - World Atlas

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Thought Machine’s Vault Now Proven and Available on All Infrastructure Options: SaaS, Private or Public Cloud, Hybrid Cloud and on Premises – Business…

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Thought Machine, the cloud native core banking technology firm, has today announced that its core banking platform Vault now runs on every major cloud infrastructure provider including Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and IBM Cloud. In addition, Vault can be deployed on either the banks choice of cloud provider, on premise, in a hybrid cloud using OpenShift from Red Hat, or as a SaaS product.

Thought Machines expanded compatibility enables banks to migrate with the freedom to pick the cloud infrastructure partner of their choice - while adhering to any regulatory and legal requirements they might have in place.

As a cloud agnostic business, Thought Machine continues to expand its list of compatible cloud providers. Vault initially rolled out on GCP and AWS before progressing to run on the four leading cloud hosting providers, enabling far greater flexibility than peers in core banking and financial services technology.

The new SaaS offering brings further flexibility for banks wishing to operate an instance of Vault for their institution without the overhead of software management and updates. This Thought Machine-managed service is now available on AWS, with further provider compatibility planned for 2020.

Vault works with financial institutions and technology companies across the spectrum - from tier one global banks, to smaller regional banks, greenfield offerings as well as fintech players who offer banking capabilities to their customers. All of these firms can now deploy Vault in the way that is most suitable for their needs.

Paul Taylor, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Thought Machine, comments: At Thought Machine, the benefits of being cloud agnostic are crystal clear. Banks, fintechs and financial institutions have differing needs, and different relationships with the cloud. We dont want to influence those choices, or those relationships, and are proud to announce we can deliver Vault wherever, and whenever, a business needs. By delivering Vault as a Software-as-a-service product, banks no longer need to concern themselves with the implementation, regulatory and logistical obligations of bringing software in-house. Vault SaaS is now available with the same high level of security and resilience as our deployed version, without the infrastructural management overheads.

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About Thought Machine

Thought Machine was founded in 2014 with a mission to enable banks to deploy modern systems and move away from the legacy IT platforms that plague the banking industry. We do this through our cloud native core banking platform, Vault. This next generation system has been written from scratch as an entirely cloud native platform. It does not contain a single line of code which is legacy, or pre-cloud.

Founded by entrepreneur Paul Taylor, Thought Machines customers include Lloyds Bank, SEB, Standard Chartered and Atom Bank. We are currently a team of more than 300 people spread across offices in London and Singapore and have raised more than 80m in funding from Lloyds Banking Group, Draper Esprit, IQ Capital, Playfair Capital and Backed. For more information visit

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Thought Machine's Vault Now Proven and Available on All Infrastructure Options: SaaS, Private or Public Cloud, Hybrid Cloud and on Premises - Business...

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Global Application Hosting Market : Industry Analysis and forecast 2020 2027 – Morning Tick

Global Application Hosting Market size was valued US$ XX Bn. in 2019 and the total revenue is expected to grow at 14.2% through 2020 to 2027, reaching nearly US$ XX Bn.

The report study has analyzed revenue impact of COVID -19 pandemic on the sales revenue of market leaders, market followers and market disrupters in the report and same is reflected in our analysis.


Application hosting is powered and hosted from the remote cloud infrastructure and is accessed worldwide through the Internet. They offer the same functionality as locally installed software but can be updated more easily.

Market Dynamics:

The scope of the report includes a detailed study of global and regional markets for application hosting with the reasons given for variations in the growth of the industry in certain regions. Applications can be accessed across the world through the internet. Application hosting suppliers commonly provide it to businesses or on a subscription basis. The supplier of the service provides enterprises with the scope to operate their software applications from the cloud. With time, internet users are becoming demanding, like never before. The present demand of internet users is reliable, secure, and instant access to multimedia content irrespective of their location across the world.However there are varied applications and benefits related with this service that is supporting the growth of the market, adverse factor-like concerns for security and privacy that acts as a barrier for organizational change, local regulations acting as a hindrance for penetrating new market may slow down the growth of the application hosting market globally.

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Ongoing Trend:

The report covers all the trends and technologies playing a major role in the growth of the application hosting market over the forecast period. Advancements in cloud hosting services are also booming the growth of the market. Such as, in September 2016, GoDaddy had launched affordable cloud hosting services in India. A new launch in regions like India opens new avenues and further scope for the growth of the global market.

Market Segmentation:

By application, the mobile-based applications segment was valued at USD XX Mn. in 2019 and is expected to reach USD XX Mn. by 2027 at a CAGR of XX% during the forecast period. The boosting smartphone market, related increased investment on mobile applications by different organizations, and mobile applications being an integral aspect of the growth strategy of enterprises have resulted in the growing use of mobile-based application hosting.

Regional Analysis:

The report offers a brief analysis of the major regions in the application hosting market, such as Asia-Pacific, Europe, North America, South America, and the Middle East & Africa. North America region is expected to grow at the highest XX% CAGR during the forecast period. The United State is a leading country in the market thanks to the presence of a large number of solution providers in the region.China, Japan, South Korea, and India are the leading economies in the APAC. The market growth is attributed to the surging adoption of E-commerce websites like Flipkart, Amazon, and others. Also, the region is also expected to witness increased investment from advanced to increase cloud infrastructure to outsource managed services.

Key Development:

The research study includes the profiles of leading companies operating in the global application hosting market. In 2019, Sungard Company launched Sovereign Cloud Consulting and Services. So, such new launches are supporting the global growth of the market. The focus of launching this new platform was to allow the public sector to fully help from risk management, reduced cost related to cloud computing.The objective of the report is to present a comprehensive analysis of the Global Application Hosting Marketincluding all the stakeholders of the industry. The past and current status of the industry with forecasted market size and trends are presented in the report with the analysis of complicated data in simple language. The report covers all the aspects of the industry with a dedicated study of key players that includes market leaders, followers and new entrants. PORTER, SVOR, PESTEL analysis with the potential impact of micro-economic factors of the market has been presented in the report.

External as well as internal factors that are supposed to affect the business positively or negatively have been analyzed, which will give a clear futuristic view of the industry to the decision-makers.The report also helps in understanding Global Application Hosting Marketdynamics, structure by analyzing the market segments and projects the Global Application Hosting Marketsize. Clear representation of competitive analysis of key players by Application, price, financial position, Product portfolio, growth strategies, and regional presence in the Global Application Hosting Market make the report investors guide.

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Scope of the Global Application Hosting Market

Global Application Hosting Market, By Service Type

Backup & Recovery Application Security Application Monitoring Infrastructure Services Database Administration Application Programming Interface ManagementGlobal Application Hosting Market, By Hosting Type

Cloud hosting Managed hosting Colocation hosting Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)Global Application Hosting Market, By Deployment

Cloud On-PremisesGlobal Application Hosting Market, By Enterprise Size

Large Enterprises Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs)Global Application Hosting Market, By Application

Web-based Applications Mobile-based ApplicationsGlobal Application Hosting Market, By Vertical

Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance Telecommunications and IT Retail and Ecommerce Healthcare Manufacturing OthersGlobal Application Hosting Market, By Region

Asia Pacific North America Europe Latin America Middle East AfricaKey players operating in Global Application Hosting Market

AWS IBM Rackspace Google Liquid Web Microsoft Sungard as DXC Navisite Apprenda

Major Table of Contents Report

Chapter One: Application Hosting Market Overview

Chapter Two: Manufacturers Profiles

Chapter Three: Global Application Hosting Market Competition, by Players

Chapter Four: Global Application Hosting Market Size by Regions

Chapter Five: North America Application Hosting Revenue by Countries

Chapter Six: Europe Application Hosting Revenue by Countries

Chapter Seven: Asia-Pacific Application Hosting Revenue by Countries

Chapter Eight: South America Application Hosting Revenue by Countries

Chapter Nine: Middle East and Africa Revenue Application Hosting by Countries

Chapter Ten: Global Application Hosting Market Segment by Type

Chapter Eleven: Global Application Hosting Market Segment by Application

Chapter Twelve: Global Application Hosting Market Size Forecast (2019-2026)

Browse Full Report with Facts and Figures of Application Hosting Market Report at:

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Global Application Hosting Market : Industry Analysis and forecast 2020 2027 - Morning Tick

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Data Centers Above the Clouds: Colocation Goes to Space – Data Center Frontier

Loft Orbital offers 'Space Infrastructure as a Service' via its YAM-2 satellite. (Image: Loft Orbital)

Doug Mohney is the of Editor in Chief ofSpace IT Bridge, which tracks the business of space-based satellites. He has been working in and writing about IT and satellite industries for over 20 years.

As the cost of building and launching satellites continues to drop, melding IT concepts with satellite operations to bring data center services into Earth orbit and beyond is emerging as the next big thing.

Colocation of server hardware, virtually running applications in the cloud, and edge computing are all familiar concepts to the data center world, but the space industry wants to apply those ideas into satellite-based business models.

Until recently, satellite hardware and software were tightly tied together and purpose-built for a single function. The introduction of commercial-off-the-shelf processors, open standards software, and standardized hardware is enabling companies to repurpose orbiting satellites for different tasks by simply uploading new software and allowing the sharing of a single satellite by hosting hardware for two or more users.

This Space as a Service concept can be used for operating multi-tenant hardware in a micro-colocation model or offering virtual server capacity for above the clouds computing. Several space startups are integrating micro-data centers into their designs, offering computing power to process satellite imaging data or monitor distributed sensors for Internet of Things (IoT) applications.

Florida-based OrbitsEdge is embracing a data center in orbit model, taking off-the-shelf rackmount servers and bolting them into a satellite bus (the structural frame housing payloads).

Were both edge computing and data center, said Rick Ward, Chief Technical Officer of OrbitsEdge. We want to put big-performance computing infrastructure into space to process data, cleanse it, aggregate data from multiple sources and analyze it. We are that missing piece of the infrastructure to commercial space.

OrbitsEdge is able to communicate with other satellites to collect and process their data, as well as performing overhead edge computing where a traditional data center is unavailable or not close enough. The company sees opportunities in offloading and storing data from Earth Observation satellites, processing it into immediately usable imagery, and sending the results directly to end-users in the field. It has had discussions with the U.S. Department of Defense, NASA, and commercial cloud providers on how such non-traditional resources could be useful for various use cases on Earth, in space, and on the surface of other celestial bodies.

Its another location for processing data above the clouds, said Sylvia France, President of OrbitsEdge. Theres a lot of interest in fintech, being able to make buy/sell decisions based on counting cars in parking lots. Were also talking to entertainment companies as well, from space tourists to augmented reality firms.

The OrbitsEdge SatFrame is the companys proprietary satellite bus, with a standardized 19-inch server rack with available volume for 5U of hardware. The companys first two SatFrame pathfinder satellites will support 18-inch deep hardware with production designs capable to grow to support full-sized 36 inch deep hardware.

Onboard Satframe-1 and Satframe-2 will be HPE EL8000 servers. Frank said exact setups for hardware are still being worked out, with different configurations to be implemented onboard each satellite to test and verify various CPUs and other hardware.

While HPE has flown a server onboard the International Space Station, the human-supporting environment is relatively benign compared to what OrbitsEdge needs to do. Supporting off-the-shelf servers in space requires SatFrame to have a large solar panel array to generate power, batteries to keep the system running when it is in the shadow of the planet, thermal controls to dump heat from operating hardware, and protection from cosmic radiation and solar flare events.

If successful, OrbitsEdge may go beyond Earth orbit and to the Moon, Mars, and on deep-space missions. As distances increase, so do communications delays and bandwidth is more constrained. Probes and humans will need on-site computing for autonomous vehicle operations, vision processing, and analysis of raw data.

Our initial plan is to start at Low Earth Orbit then go to Geosynchronous Earth Orbit and cis-lunar locations, said Ward. Possibly planetary surface missions where were either static as a part of a base or habitat, but we also have the capability to attach onto a vehicle.

The attractiveness of sharing a satellite for lower operational costs and faster time to deliver production services is keeping San Francisco start-up Loft Orbital very busy, especially when combined with substantial simplifications for customers in setup and operations. Among Lofts announced clients are DARPAs Blackjack program, geo-data specialist Fugro, European satellite operator Eutelsat, the UAE government, and startups Orbital Sidekick and SpaceChain.

Conceptionally, the idea of AWS operating compute infrastructure for others is what were doing for space, said Loft Orbital co-founder and COO Alex Greenberg. Well have our first satellite launch this year and have four missions underway. Were adding more customers very quickly.

While Loft Orbital normally offers the option of hosting a customers payload onboard their satellites and controlling it via its Cockpit web portal, in some cases Loft will also develop or buy the payload itself, allowing the customer to focus on their applications.

In the data center analogy, were the virtualization between the data center and the hardware, were providing Space Infrastructure as a Service, Greenberg said.

Conceptionally, the idea of AWS operating compute infrastructure for others is what were doing for space.Loft Orbital co-founder and COO Alex Greenberg.

Onboard its first satellite Yet Another Mission 2 (YAM-2), Loft is providing this turnkey process for Eutelsats IoT service. Eutelsat is more accustomed to operating large expensive communications satellites, rather than building and operating small satellites. It makes financial and business sense for Loft to provide the infrastructure for Eutelsats satellite IoT service than for the company to get into that field from scratch. Lofts first two satellite missions will include proof-of-concept tests for Eutelsats future IoT constellation.

Were taking away effort from the customer, saving the customer time, resources, and money Greenberg explained. But theres a lot more than that as well. Were optimizing for simplicity and speed, with our payload hub acting as an abstraction layer between the payload and the satellite bus. Traditionally, tons of subsystems have to be customized. Building satellites and payloads in low volumes means theres no economies of scale.

Loft successfully bet on having a steady stream of customers, buying multiple copies of a satellite bus essentially a barebones satellite without sensors ahead of time to get quantity discounts and then pulling out the bus and plugging in payloads when enough customers are lined up to fill it.

The net result is we make the customers life a lot easier, said Greenberg. We leave the bus as is, theres no non-recurring engineering or customization required. We get them to orbit a lot faster since they dont have to do the engineering and we literally bought the bus well in advance, putting not only payload and bus manufacturing, but also launch procurement and mission operations timelines in parallel.

Another capability Loft offers is a software-defined payload leveraging the software-defined radios onboard its satellites. Customers are already using the service, selecting specific antenna depending on the radio frequencies required. Loft can timeshare usage between multiple customers for applications such as IoT and RF spectrum surveys.

Future plans include onboard processing, with Loft ingesting data from payloads such as IoT and imagery and then allowing customers to use the satellite compute environment to analyze their data onboard the satellite rather than shipping it to the ground.

Price-conscious satellite Internet of Things (IoT) start-ups such as Lacuna Space and OQ Technology are embracing hosting hardware and running virtualized tasks on third-party satellites when they can find usable opportunities, but its hard to find a perfect fit for every requirement.

The main advantage of hosting is financial, said Rob Spurrett, CEO of Lacuna Space. It is simply more cost effective to share space with other payloads because, in principle, the platforms become progressively cheaper as they get larger Sometimes there are last minute deals on hosted platforms where a payload supplier is running late, or cancelled, and those can be great bargains, but hard to come by.

Lacuna Space uses a tweaked version of the LoRaWAN protocol to pick up data from IoT devices around the world. Its first five platforms in space are a mix of dedicated satellites and hosted communication packages sharing space onboard other satellites. Moving forward, Lacuna Space will build and launch 24 dedicated satellites because sharing requires compromise.

You tend to lose a degree of control (by sharing), Spurrett stated. The platform and mission performance is not necessarily driven by just your needs, but by a compromise where the combination of needs of all the payloads need to be considered As our constellation becomes more complex, then using hosted platforms becomes more complex and the logistical difficulties overrun the cost savings.

OQ Technology conducted the first tests of its 5G-based NB-IoT service using a satellite originally launched by Dutch-based GomSpace. NB-IoT is short for Narrowband Internet of Things, and is a low-power wide-area network to connect distributed devices. The satellite was reconfigured to communicate with NB-IoT devices on the ground by uploading new software written by OQ. As the company moves forward, OQ Technology plans to use a combination of existing satellites, hosted payloads, and its own satellites to deliver global NB-IoT coverage.

Like Lacuna Space, OQ is using whats available, but there arent any perfect fits for sharing satellites. We dont choose one, we have to use what is out there and reliable, investors like when you can scale up and invest less in hardware, said founder and CEO Omar Qaise. Not every satellite has the right frequency and power we need, so hopefully there will be in future enough constellation as a service platforms with flexibility. Today we have not identified any for (OQ Technologys) commercial case, but there are many companies promising that.

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Data Centers Above the Clouds: Colocation Goes to Space - Data Center Frontier

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‘This Pandemic Has Highlighted The Importance Of Cloud System’: Anand Chandra, Synechron – Express Computer

In their new partnership, Synechron would be providing cloud-based solution architecture and operating models to support both the migration of legacy processes, as well as establishing the cloud for new business activities for its clients. Synechrons Google Cloud Centre of Excellence comprises a global group of Google Cloud accredited architects, data engineers and developers who have designed and developed enterprise-grade, cloud-hosted solutions. Mutual clients will be able to create an application landing zone with confidence for their ecosystems with Synechrons cloud migration expertise and managed services framework, increasing operational efficiency and delivering cost leverage.

Express Computer gets into an engaging conversation with Anand Chandra who leads the Technology Practice across UK, Europe and APAC and is responsible for establishing Techno-Functional competency in Synechron focused around Cloud capabilities in Google Cloud, MS Azure across Wholesale, Retail, Institution, Private Banking, Wealth & Asset Management. Edited excerpts:

Could you acquaint us with your recent partnership with Google Cloud?

We recently announced our partnership with Google Cloud to further expand our existing cloud offerings to our clients in financial services. We aim to provide cloud engineering combined with emerging technologies to support both Heritage Modernisation and Ecosystem Innovation, as well as allow our clients provide their customers with digital-first experiences that are secure, seamless and built for the 21st century.

Synechron is working with Google Cloud on live engagements across the UK, The Netherlands and APAC. As part of our Digital Ecosystem Accelerator program, we leveraged Google Cloud suite to create our Treasury-as-a-Service API Orchestration Accelerator called Liquify. Liquify creates an API-enabled ecosystem that automates a banks treasury, liquidity, and cash management functions across different siloed departments within a business division. This accelerator brings together multiple APIs into a microservices layer running in the cloud and then pushes them through an API-Gateway, allowing each API plug-in to serve an independent function free from any existing monolithic systems.

How is Synechron looking forward to expanding its cloud offerings?

We are working alongside our clients on their cloud strategy, feasibility, technology architecture and engineering programs. We are investing heavily into building our Google Cloud Platform capabilities to partner with our clients across multiple regions and have more than 200+ engineers who are being trained on the Google Cloud Platform stack across different modules.

Google cloud practice focus at Synechron is to take value proposition to our clients which includes Analytics API (custom built Real-time & Batch Processing with Microservices on Cloud for cloud-based data engineering), Cloud Adoption Program (Engineering approach to Cloud Migration as part of Heritage Modernization from assessment to evaluation to execution using Synechron CAP Cloud Adoption Program), Open API Marketplace (Synechrons Treasury-as-a-Service Open Banking Cash Management lets banks offer a Treasury-as-a-Service via their platform for intraday cash sweeping) & Big Data on GCP (Infrastructure-as-a-service for Big Data technologies, a MongoDB IaaS being designed & architected for a Tier 1 Bank currently).

Which type of cloud (Public, Private, Hybrid) is best suited for organisations now that they are working remotely?

The cross-over path has Cloud Native vs retire technical debt is somewhere between migration and reinvention. Financial services are moving towards Hybrid cloud strategy to leverage best of features across cloud providers and its followed by multi-cloud strategy where the services are configured across providers. The future will see less of private cloud (interconnected network of VMs) and Public cloud adoption will see a drop due to better data governance with Hybrid cloud implementation.

The financial services industry will witness an accelerated adoption of cloud-driven by the pandemic. It is not optional to move to cloud anymore, it is essential. This pandemic has highlighted the importance of deploying a flexible and scalable cloud system to remain agile and adaptable to get work done in a fluctuating ecosystem. Financial services clients have adopted DevOps first strategy on migration to explore opportunities on cost optimization and operational efficiency. The current thinking is to leverage Application hosting, data management & compute offerings on cloud and associate them with benefits value chain restructuring opportunities. The wider direction of travel is build hybrid cloud target state to leverage best of security, storage and disruptive technologies (Big Data & Native AI tooling). BFSI, being a highly regulated industry, will benefit from a hybrid cloud model. Hybrid cloud solutions due to reduced infrastructure cost, flexibility, better workforce collaboration allow businesses to scale, irrespective of the size of the organisation.

Do you think there are any challenges involved in the adoption of cloud at a time when working from home has been the new normal?

The current new normal is more trust based and then it was before. The basis of emerging technologies like Blockchain, low-code platforms, Cloud and deep learning models are basis of trust and tactical deduction of ROI which is both sentiment and data based. Cloud programs in new normal are being tuned to Assembly line delivery model where Core engineering team will be at Program Vertical (PV) level who would comprise of required expertise from Enterprise group and will be responsible for designing the solution and assisting the implementation. The Delivery and DevOps representation in the enterprise group will ensure execution and rollouts. Implementation team would operate like an assembly line with Design & QC team working remotely & Support team will be a shared services model, working remotely.

Due to the ongoing global crisis, attackers can capitalise on rapid change, confusion, and take advantage of the vulnerability of the systems. It is crucial to enhance security policies relevant to the COVID-19 situation to include remote working access management, the use of personal devices and home networks and the associated risks involved. Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) use advanced firewall technology like Web Access Firewalls, application services, layering and micro-segmentation to safeguard their clients from cyberattacks. The last couple of months saw increased migration of workload to the cloud and moving applications to the cloud can result in extensive troubleshooting and application downtime.

If you have an interesting article / experience / case study to share, please get in touch with us at [emailprotected]

See original here:
'This Pandemic Has Highlighted The Importance Of Cloud System': Anand Chandra, Synechron - Express Computer

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