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Protecting inventions which use Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence – Lexology

Protecting inventions which use Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

There has been a lot of talk recently about the DABUS family of patent applications where DABUS, an artificial intelligence (AI), was named as an inventor. This has prompted a lot of discussion around whether an inventor must be a human being and there is no doubt that this discussion will continue as AI finds its way into more and more aspects of our lives.

However, one of the other parts of the discussion around AI in patents is around the patentability of inventions which apply machine learning (ML) and AI based concepts to the solution of technical problems.

Why consider patent protection?

Patents protect technical innovations and technical solutions to problems. They can offer broad legal protection for the technical concept you develop, albeit in exchange for disclosure of the invention.

Here in the UK, a patent can give you the right to prevent others from exploiting your invention and can help you to mark out legal exclusivity around a patented product.

Can I not just keep the invention a secret?

It is an option to utilise the invention as a trade secret, but the protection of the trade secret involves considerable effort to implement the technical and administrative environment which will enable the trade secret to stay as a secret. This can include changing your physical workplace to confine certain environments where trade secret-protected inventions are being used. This can also include implementing technical measures to inhibit access to trade secrets from unauthorised individuals. Such technical measures are particularly important for AI and ML-focused inventions as they are often embodied in computer program code which can simply be transferred from one computer to another

What is perhaps more pertinent is that if your AI or ML-enabled concept is to be implemented in association with hardware which is to be sold publicly, then this will by definition negate the value of the concept as a trade secret as it will become publicly available. It may require decompilation or reverse engineering to access the code, but this does not mean that the code is secret.

There may be additional know-how associated with your invention which is worth protecting as a trade secret but as part of a suite of IP rights (including patents) which are focused on protecting your invention.

How much information does the patent application require?

All patent applications are drafted for the skilled person who in this context would be somebody skilled in the techniques of ML and AI, although not necessarily an expert. That is to say, it needs to be enough information to enable such a person to put the invention into effect.

This should include technical information about features which provide an advantage over previous systems and clear identification of advantageous features and why they are advantageous. This will give your Patent Attorney the best possible chance of framing the invention in a way which convinces patent offices around the world to grant a patent.

It is also advisable to include disclosure of at least one set of training data and details of how it has been trained.

In the context of AI and ML it is particularly important to draw attention to technically advantageous features as some patent offices will need a lot of convincing to grant patents for these inventions. It is particularly useful to draw attention to features which solve technical problems or are motivated by technical considerations rather than economic or commercial considerations.

The EPO have stressed that patents will be granted when ML or AI based inventions are limited to a specific technical application or required a specific technical implementation which are directed to a technical purpose. These advantages and details of implementation will enable a patent attorney skilled in drafting patent applications for ML/AI to present your invention in the best light as possible from the perspective of the EPO or the UKIPO as they will enable us to clearly set out how the invention delivers the technical application and solves the technical problem.

Our software patents team are specifically noted for their skill in drafting computer implemented inventions for the UKIPO and the EPO.

Although a lot of information is required, we do not necessarily need program code. It would help, however, to at least include a pseudocode description of the invention so that we can garner an understanding of how the invention works as a series of steps this helps with the description.

Are AI and ML not just like software, i.e. cannot be patented?

It is possible to patent software-based inventions but, like other inventions, the invention needs to solve a technical problem. This is the same with inventions which apply AI and ML.

AI and ML inventions are treated in Europe like other mathematical methods in that they are rejected as excluded from patentability if they do not solve a technical problem. It is best to illustrate this by example.

If your invention is to improve a technique which is used to analyse data such as, for example, your invention improves K-means clustering with no other benefit to a technical field, then you can expect to face considerable obstacles to obtaining a patent to protect your invention. However, if your invention applies K-means clustering to achieve a specific improvement to a specific technical system then you are likely to face less obstacle to obtaining a patent for your invention.

That is to say, when considering whether you wish to pursue patent protection for the technology you have developed then focus on what the innovation achieves in a technical field.

What if the technique has been applied elsewhere? Can I still get a patent?

Referring back to our K-means clustering example, if you see that K-means clustering has been used in sensing of rain droplets on a car window to determine the appropriate setting for the windscreen wipers, then that does not necessarily mean that you cannot get a patent for K-means clustering applied to determining the likelihood of a denial of service attack on a server.

That is to say, if you are applying known technology to a new field and solving a technical problem in that field, there is an arguable case for a patentable invention.

Are there differences between Europe, US and other jurisdictions?

The approach to these inventions across jurisdictions can be different and complete consistency is difficult to guarantee. However, in drafting your patent application we would seek to make the language as flexible as possible in order to admit differing interpretations of the law across jurisdictions and to give the prosecution of your patent applications in those jurisdictions the greatest possible chance of success.

What do I do next?

If you have developed technology which applies AI or ML, then consider whether you could achieve patent protection for that invention. Contact one of our software patent experts to discuss the invention and your options.

It is also useful to note that having a pending patent application can be a useful deterrent for competitors and the uncertainty created for third parties by the existence of the patent application can provide you with the space in the market to establish your exclusivity, develop your customer base and build your brand.

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Protecting inventions which use Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence - Lexology

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Machine learning finds use in creating sharper maps of ‘ecosystem’ lines in the ocean – Firstpost

EOSJul 01, 2020 14:54:08 IST

On land, its easy for us to see divisions between ecosystems: A rain forests fan palms and vines stand in stark relief to the cacti of a high desert. Without detailed data or scientific measurements, we can tell a distinct difference in the ecosystems flora and fauna.

But how do scientists draw those divisions in the ocean? A new paper proposes a tool to redraw the lines that define an oceans ecosystems, lines originally penned by the seagoing oceanographerAlan Longhurstin the 1990s. The paper uses unsupervised learning, a machine learning method, to analyze the complex interplay between plankton species and nutrient fluxes. As a result, the tool could give researchers a more flexible definition of ecosystem regions.

Using the tool on global modeling output suggests that the oceans surface has more than 100 different regions or as few as 12 if aggregated, simplifying the56 Longhurst regions. The research could complement ongoing efforts to improve fisheries management and satellite detection of shifting plankton under climate change. It could also direct researchers to more precise locations for field sampling.

A sea turtle in the aqua blue waters of Hawaii. Image: Rohit Tandon/Unsplash

Coccolithophores, diatoms, zooplankton, and other planktonic life-formsfloaton much of the oceans sunlit surface. Scientists monitor plankton with long-term sampling stations and peer at their colorsby satellitefrom above, but they dont have detailed maps of where plankton lives worldwide.

Models help fill the gaps in scientists knowledge, and the latest research relies on an ocean model to simulate where 51 types of plankton amass on the surface oceans worldwide. The latest research then applies the new classification tool, called the systematic aggregated ecoprovince (SAGE) method, to discern where neighborhoods of like-minded plankton and nutrients appear.

SAGE relies, in part, on a type of machine learning algorithm called unsupervised learning. The algorithms strength is that it searches for patterns unprompted by researchers.

To compare the tool to a simple example, if scientists told an algorithm to identify shapes in photographs like circles and squares, the researchers could supervise the process by telling the computer what a square and circle looked like before it began. But in unsupervised learning, the algorithm has no prior knowledge of shapes and will sift through many images to identify patterns of similar shapes itself.

Using an unsupervised approach gives SAGE the freedom to let patterns emerge that the scientists might not otherwise see.

While my human eyes cant see these different regions that stand out, the machine can, first author and physical oceanographerMaike Sonnewaldat Princeton University said. And thats where the power of this method comes in. This method could be used more broadly by geoscientists in other fields to make sense of nonlinear data, said Sonnewald.

A machine-learning technique developed at MIT combs through global ocean data to find commonalities between marine locations, based on how phytoplankton species interact with each other. Using this approach, researchers have determined that the ocean can be split into over 100 types of provinces, and 12 megaprovinces, that are distinct in their ecological makeup.

Applying SAGE to model data, the tool noted 115 distinct ecological provinces, which can then be boiled down into 12 overarching regions.

One region appears in the center of nutrient-poor ocean gyres, whereas other regions show productive ecosystems along the coast and equator.

You have regions that are kind of like the regions youd see on land, Sonnewald said.One area in the heart of a desert-like region of the ocean is characterized by very small cells. Theres just not a lot of plankton biomass. The region that includes Perus fertile coast, however, has a huge amount of stuff.

If scientists want more distinctions between communities, they can adjust the tool to see the full 115 regions. But having only 12 regions can be powerful too, said Sonnewald, because it demonstrates the similarities between the different [ocean] basins. The tool was published in arecent paperin the journalScience Advances.

OceanographerFrancois Ribaletat the University of Washington, who was not involved in the study, hopes to apply the tool to field data when he takes measurements on research cruises. He said identifying unique provinces gives scientists a hint of how ecosystems could react to changing ocean conditions.

If we identify that an organism is very sensitive to temperature, so then we can start to actually make some predictions, Ribalet said. Using the tool will help him tease out an ecosystems key drivers and how it may react to future ocean warming.

Jenessa Duncombe.Text 2020. AGU.

This story has been republished from Eosunder the Creative Commons 3.0 license.Read theoriginal story.

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Machine learning finds use in creating sharper maps of 'ecosystem' lines in the ocean - Firstpost

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Fake data is great data when it comes to machine learning – Stacey on IoT

Its been a few years since Ilast wroteabout the idea of using synthetic data to train machine learning models.After having three recent discussions on the topic, I figured its time to revisit the technology, especially as it seems to be gaining ground in mainstream adoption.

Back in 2018, at Microsoft Build, I saw a demonstration of a drone flying over a pipeline as it inspected it for leaks or other damage. Notably, the drones visual inspection model was trained using both actual data and simulated data. Use of the synthetic data helped teach the machine learning model about outliers and novel conditions it wasnt able to encounter using traditional training. Italso allowed Microsoft researchers to train the model more quickly and without the need to embark on as many expensive, data-gathering flights as it would have had to otherwise.

The technology is finally starting to gain ground. In April, a startup calledAnyverse raised 3million ($3.37 million)for its synthetic sensor data,while another startup,AI.Reverie,published a paper about how it used simulated data to train a model to identify planes on airport runways.

After writing that initial story, I heard very little about synthetic data untilmy conversation earlier this month with Dan Jeavons, chief data scientist at Shell. When I asked him about Shells machine learning projects, using simulated data was one that he was incredibly excited about because it helps build models that can detect problems that occur only rarely.

I think its a really interesting way to get info on the edge cases that were trying to solve, he said. Even though we have a lot of data, the big problem that we have is that, actually, we often only had a very few examples of what were looking for.

In the oil business, corrosion in factories and pipelines is a big challenge, and one that can lead to catastrophic failures. Thats why companies are careful about not letting anything corrode to the point where it poses a risk. But that also means the machine learning models cant be trained on real-world examples of corrosion. So Shell uses synthetic data to help.

As Jeavons explained, Shell is also using synthetic data to try and solve the problem of people smoking at gas stations. Shelldoesnthave a lot of examples because the cameras dont always catch the smokers; in other cases, theyre too far away or arent facing the camera. So the company is working hard on combining simulated synthetic data with real data to build computer vision models.

Almost always the things were interested in are the edge cases rather than the general norm, said Jeavons. And its quite easy to detect the edge [deviating] from the standard pattern, but its quite hard to detect the specific thing that you want.

In the meantime, startup AI.Reverie endeavored to learn more about the accuracy of synthetic data. The paper it published, RarePlanes: Synthetic Data Takes Flight, lays out how its researchers combined satellite imagery of planes parked at airports that was annotated and validated by humans with synthetic data created by machine.

When using just synthetic data, the model was only about 55% percent accurate, whereas when it only used real-world data that number jumped to 73%. But by makingreal-world data 10% of the training sample and using synthetic data for the rest, the models accuracy came in at 69%.

Paul Walborsky, the CEO of AI.Reverie (and the former CEO at GigaOM; in other words, my former boss), says that synthetic datais going to be a big business. Companies using such data need to account for ways that their fake data can skew the model, but if they can do that, they can achieve robust models faster and at a lower cost than if they relied on real-world data.

So even though IoT sensors are throwing off petabytes of data, it would be impossible to annotate all of it and use it for training models. And as Jeavons points out, those petabytes of data may not have the situation you actually want the computer to look for. In other words, expect the wave of synthetic and simulated data to keep on coming.

Were convinced that, actually, this is going to be the future in terms of making things work well, said Jeavons, both in the cloud and at the edge for some of these complex use cases.


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Fake data is great data when it comes to machine learning - Stacey on IoT

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Decisions and NLP Logix Announce Partnership to bring the Power of Machine Learning to Business Process Management – Benzinga

JACKSONVILLE, Fla., July 1, 2020 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ --The Decisions no-code workflow and rules platform was designed to enable businesses to automate and optimize their digital processes but do so in a way that is able to be done by non-programming staff. NLP Logix was founded with the mission to bring the power of machine learning to industry by becoming its customers outsourced data science team. With the combination of the Decisions platform and NLP Logix machine learning tools and team, the ability to quickly and affordably integrate artificial intelligence to workflows is now here.

"We were brought in to automate a number of financial processes for a very large non-profit," said Matt Berseth, Lead Data Scientist for NLP Logix. "They had already deployed the Decisions platform to automate their workflows and we were able to easily embed a number of machine learning models, one of which reviewed and approved financial applications, and the efficiency gains have been amazing."

A great example of the power of the new Partnership between Decisions and NLP Logix, is the loan origination process, which is almost entirely driven by rules and workflow and any human interactions are repetitive decisions based on experience. The Decisions platform automates the gathering and review of the loan application, while the machine learning models, which have been trained using years of application approval decisions by trained humans, make a final approval recommendation.

"After working with NLP Logix, we quickly realized that the addition of a trained data science team which can train and deploy machine learning models very quickly, accurately and at scale, was a very valuable addition to the Decisions platform" said Athena Harrell. "And to have a partner like NLP Logix that has the talent and team that can also implement the Decisions solution is icing on the cake."

About Decisions

Decisions is a leading provider of Business Process Management/Workflow/Rule Technology and is headquartered in Chesapeake, VA. Decisions technology is deployed as the basis of multiple commercial applications in medical, finance, logistics and operations software. In addition, Decisions technology is used directly by companies on almost all continents, ranging from small/mid-size companies to over a dozen Fortune 500. For more information go to

About NLP Logix

NLP Logix is an artificial intelligence/machine learning product and automation solutions provider, which has evolved over the last nine years to one of the fastest growing teams of machine learning practitioners. Our team of experts have extensive experience leveraging natural language processing, computer vision, neural networks, and predictive modeling to help companies revolutionize how they operate. NLP Logix delivers automation and machine learning solutions to customers across a wide swath of industries, including financial services, energy, healthcare, government, human resources, and many more.


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Decisions and NLP Logix Announce Partnership to bring the Power of Machine Learning to Business Process Management - Benzinga

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Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Market to Witness AIBrain, Amazon, Anki, CloudMinds – Cole of Duty

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Market 2020

This report studies the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Market with many aspects of the industry like the market size, market status, market trends and forecast, the report also provides brief information of the competitors and the specific growth opportunities with key market drivers. Find the complete Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Market analysis segmented by companies, region, type and applications in the report.

The major players covered in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning AIBrain, Amazon, Anki, CloudMinds, Deepmind, Google, Facebook, IBM, Iris AI, Apple, and Luminoso

The final report will add the analysis of the Impact of Covid-19 in this report Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning industry.

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Market continues to evolve and expand in terms of the number of companies, products, and applications that illustrates the growth perspectives. The report also covers the list of Product range and Applications with SWOT analysis, CAGR value, further adding the essential business analytics. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Market research analysis identifies the latest trends and primary factors responsible for market growth enabling the Organizations to flourish with much exposure to the markets.

Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers

North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)

Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)

Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)

South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia etc.)

Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)

Research objectives:

To study and analyze the global Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning market size by key regions/countries, product type and application, history data from 2013 to 2017, and forecast to 2026.

To understand the structure of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning market by identifying its various sub segments.

Focuses on the key global Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning players, to define, describe and analyze the value, market share, market competition landscape, SWOT analysis and development plans in next few years.

To analyze the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with respect to individual growth trends, future prospects, and their contribution to the total market.

To share detailed information about the key factors influencing the growth of the market (growth potential, opportunities, drivers, industry-specific challenges and risks).

To project the size of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning submarkets, with respect to key regions (along with their respective key countries).

To analyze competitive developments such as expansions, agreements, new product launches and acquisitions in the market.

To strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their growth strategies.

The Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Market research report completely covers the vital statistics of the capacity, production, value, cost/profit, supply/demand import/export, further divided by company and country, and by application/type for best possible updated data representation in the figures, tables, pie chart, and graphs. These data representations provide predictive data regarding the future estimations for convincing market growth. The detailed and comprehensive knowledge about our publishers makes us out of the box in case of market analysis.

Table of Contents: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Market

Chapter 1: Overview of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Market

Chapter 2: Global Market Status and Forecast by Regions

Chapter 3: Global Market Status and Forecast by Types

Chapter 4: Global Market Status and Forecast by Downstream Industry

Chapter 5: Market Driving Factor Analysis

Chapter 6: Market Competition Status by Major Manufacturers

Chapter 7: Major Manufacturers Introduction and Market Data

Chapter 8: Upstream and Downstream Market Analysis

Chapter 9: Cost and Gross Margin Analysis

Chapter 10: Marketing Status Analysis

Chapter 11: Market Report Conclusion

Chapter 12: Research Methodology and Reference

Key questions answered in this report

What will the market size be in 2026 and what will the growth rate be?

What are the key market trends?

What is driving this market?

What are the challenges to market growth?

Who are the key vendors in this market space?

What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the key vendors?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the key vendors?

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Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Market to Witness AIBrain, Amazon, Anki, CloudMinds - Cole of Duty

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Machine Learning in Medical Imaging Market Strategies and Insight Driven Transformation 2020-2030 – Cole of Duty

Prophecy Market Insights recently presented Machine Learning in Medical Imaging market report which provides reliable and sincere insights related to the various segments and sub-segments of the market. The market study throws light on the various factors that are projected to impact the overall dynamics of the Machine Learning in Medical Imaging market over the forecast period (2019-2029).

The Machine Learning in Medical Imaging research study contains 100+ market data Tables, Pie Chat, Graphs & Figures spread through Pages and easy to understand detailed analysis. This Machine Learning in Medical Imaging market research report estimates the size of the market concerning the information on key retailer revenues, development of the industry by upstream and downstream, industry progress, key highlights related to companies, along with market segments and application. This study also analyzes the market status, market share, growth rate, sales volume, future trends, market drivers, market restraints, revenue generation, opportunities and challenges, risks and entry barriers, sales channels, and distributors.

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Global Machine Learning in Medical Imaging market 2020-2030 in-depth study accumulated to supply latest insights concerning acute options. The report contains different predictions associated with Machine Learning in Medical Imaging market size, revenue, CAGR, consumption, profit margin, price, and different substantial factors. Along with a detailed manufacturing and production analysis, the report also includes the consumption statistics of the industry to inform about Machine Learning in Medical Imaging market share. The value and consumption analysis comprised in the report helps businesses in determining which strategy will be most helpful in expanding their Machine Learning in Medical Imaging market size. Information about Machine Learning in Medical Imaging market traders and distributors, their contact information, import/export and trade analysis, price analysis and comparison is also provided by the report. In addition, the key company profiles/players related with Machine Learning in Medical Imaging industry are profiled in the research report.

The Machine Learning in Medical Imaging market is covered with segment analysis and PEST analysis for the market. PEST analysis provides information on a political, economic, social and technological perspective of the macro-environment from Machine Learning in Medical Imaging market perspective that helps market players understand the factor which can affect businesss accomplishments and performance-related with the particular market segment.

Segmentation Overview:

By Type (Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Semi Supervised Learning, and Reinforced Leaning)

By Application (Breast, Lung, Neurology, Cardiovascular, Liver, and Others)

By Region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa)

Competitive landscape of the Machine Learning in Medical Imaging market is given presenting detailed insights into the company profiles including developments such as merges & acquisitions, collaborations, partnerships, new production, expansions, and SWOT analysis.

Machine Learning in Medical Imaging Market Key Players:

The research scope provides comprehensive market size, and other in-depth market information details such as market growth-supporting factors, restraining factors, trends, opportunities, market risk factors, market competition, product and services, product advancements and up-gradations, regulations overview, strategy analysis, and recent developments for the mentioned forecast period.

The report analyzes various geographical regions like North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East, and Africa and incorporates clear market definitions, arrangements, producing forms, cost structures, improvement approaches, and plans. Besides, the report provides a key examination of regional market players operating in the specific market and analysis and outcomes related to the target market for more than 20 countries.

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The report responds to significant inquires while working on Global Machine Learning in Medical Imaging Market. Some important Questions Answered in Machine Learning in Medical Imaging Market Report are:

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Machine Learning in Medical Imaging Market Strategies and Insight Driven Transformation 2020-2030 - Cole of Duty

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Machine Learning Market Projected to Register 43.5% CAGR to 2030 Intel, H2Oai – 3rd Watch News

A report Machine Learning has been recently published by Market Industry Reports (MIR). As per the report, the global machine learning market was estimated to be over ~US$ 2.7 billion in 2019. It is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 43.5% from 2019 to 2030.

Major Key Players of the Machine Learning Market are:Intel,, Amazon Web Services, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP, IBM, Google LLC, Microsoft, SAS Institute Inc., SAP SE, and BigML, Inc., among others.

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There are various factors attributing to growth of the machine learning market including the availability of robust data sets and the adoption of machine learning techniques in modern applications such as self-driving cars, traffic alerts (Google Maps), product recommendations (Amazon), and transportation & commuting (Uber). Also, the adoption of machine learning across various industries, such as the finance industry, to minimize identity theft and detect fraud is adding to growth of the machine learning market.

Technologies powered by machine learning, capture and analyse data to improve marketing operations and enhance the customer experience. Moreover, the proliferation of large datasets, technological advancements, and techniques to provide a competitive edge in business operations are among major factors that will drive the machine learning market. Rapid urbanization, acceptance of machine learning in developed countries, rapid adoption of new technologies to minimize work and the presence of a large talent pool will push the machine learning market.

Major Applications of Machine Learning Market covered are:Healthcare & Life SciencesManufacturing, RetailTelecommunicationsGovernment and DefenseBFSI (Banking, financial services, and insurance)Energy and Utilities and Others

Research objectives:-

To study and analyze the global Machine Learning consumption (value & volume) by key regions/countries, product type and application, history data. To understand the structure of the Machine Learning market by identifying its various sub-segments. Focuses on the key global Machine Learning manufacturers, to define, describe and analyze the sales volume, value, market share, market competitive landscape, SWOT analysis, and development plans in the next few years. To analyze the Machine Learning with respect to individual growth trends, future prospects, and their contribution to the total market. To share detailed information about the key factors influencing the growth of the market (growth potential, opportunities, drivers, industry-specific challenges and risks).

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Table of Content

1 Report Overview1.1 Study Scope1.2 Key Market Segments1.3 Players Covered1.4 Market Analysis by Type1.5 Market by Application1.6 Study Objectives1.7 Years Considered

2 Global Growth Trends2.1 Machine Learning Market Size2.2 Machine Learning Growth Trends by Regions2.3 Industry Trends

3 Market Share by Key Players3.1 Machine Learning Market Size by Manufacturers3.2 Machine Learning Key Players Head office and Area Served3.3 Key Players Machine Learning Product/Solution/Service3.4 Date of Enter into Machine Learning Market3.5 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans

4 Breakdown Data by Product4.1 Global Machine Learning Sales by Product4.2 Global Machine Learning Revenue by Product4.3 Machine Learning Price by Product

5 Breakdown Data by End User5.1 Overview5.2 Global Machine Learning Breakdown Data by End User

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In the end, Machine Learning industry report specifics the major regions, market scenarios with the product price, volume, supply, revenue, production, and market growth rate, demand, forecast and so on. This report also presents SWOT analysis, investment feasibility analysis, and investment return analysis.

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Market Industry Reports is a global leader in market measurement & advisory services, Market Industry Reports is at the forefront of innovation to address the worldwide industry trends and opportunities. We identified the caliber of market dynamics & hence we excel in the areas of innovation and optimization, integrity, curiosity, customer and brand experience, and strategic business intelligence through our research.

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Machine Learning Market Projected to Register 43.5% CAGR to 2030 Intel, H2Oai - 3rd Watch News

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Learn the business value of AI’s various techniques – TechTarget

As artificial technology gains traction in the enterprise, many on the business side remain fuzzy on AI techniques and how they can be applied to drive business value. Machine Learning and deep learning, for example, are two AI techniques that are often conflated. But machine learning can involve a wide variety of techniques for building analytics models or decision engines that don't involve neural networks, the mechanism for deep learning. And there is a whole range of AI techniques outside of machine learning as well that can be applied to solve business problems.

Business managers who recognize these distinctions will have a greater understanding of the business value of AI and be better prepared to have productive conversations with data scientists, data engineers, end users and executives about what's feasible and what's required. These distinctions can also guide discussions about the best way to implement AI applications.

Without a solid understanding of the various aspects and aims of AI techniques, businesses run the risk of not using AI to drive business value, experts in the field said.

Sanmay Das and Nicholas Mattei, chair and vice chair respectively of the Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence think one of the biggest blind spots is failing to see machine learning as one component of AI.

"Some can argue with this characterization, but we think that it loses sight of so much more that is encompassed in the goal of AI, which is to build intelligent agents," Das and Mattei told TechTarget.

Focusing only on the learning aspect of machine learning loses sight of how learning fits into a larger AI loop of perception, reasoning, planning and action. This larger framework can guide managers in understanding how all these areas can be mixed and combined to create intelligent applications.

Even when people are specifically talking about machine learning, they are typically describing supervised learning problems. Das, an associate professor of computer science and engineering at Washington University in St. Louis, and Mattei, an assistant professor of computer science at Tulane University, argued that this narrow view of machine learning techniques leaves out many advances in unsupervised machine learning and reinforcement learning problems that can drive business value.

Managers often discover machine learning as a byproduct of the success of deep learning. Juan Jos Lpez Murphy, an AI and big data tech director lead at Globant, an IT consultancy, said the positive side of this trend is that it opens people up to considering how they might apply machine learning to their business. "The money might not always be where the mouth is, but now there's an ear to that mouth," he said.

The downside is that people conflate neural networks with all of machine learning. As a result, he said he hears managers asking questions like "Which deep learning framework are you using?" which is never the relevant aspect of machine learning for a given application.

This confusion also tends to encourage people to focus on AI's "it" technologies, like computer vision and natural language processing. These kinds of applications, while advanced and exciting, are more complex to develop and may not provide as much immediate business value. In many cases, more classical machine learning approaches to tasks -- such as forecasts, churn prediction, risk scoring and optimization -- are better suited to solving business problems.

It is important for business managers to know which AI and machine learning techniques to deploy for which business problems.

For AI implementations requiring transparency and explainability, companies may want to stay away from deep learning techniques, which can result in so-called black box algorithms that are difficult for humans to understand. In these cases, Globant's Lopez Murphy finds clients turning to decision trees or logistic regression algorithms for explicitly reporting the impact of a variable.

Recommender engines, employed to great effect by online giants Netflix and Amazon, are used not only to sell the next item or recommend a movie, but also for internal applications and reports that people look at in their jobs. These applications and reports can be tackled with neural networks, but there are many more suitable approaches, Lopez Murphy said. Forecast models are used to derive confidence intervals that will enable short-term planning or to detect a sudden change in behavior, like outliers or changes to a trend.

"Many of these techniques [e.g., recommender systems and decision trees] have been available and used before deep learning, but are as relevant today, if not more so than they were before," Lopez Murphy said. These types of applications are also able to take advantage of data that is generally more available, curated and relevant than what is required to build deep learning applications.

Debu Chatterjee, senior director of platform AI engineering at ServiceNow, said the IT services software company regularly uses a variety of machine learning capabilities outside of deep learning to drive business value from AI, including classification, identifying similarity between things, clustering, forecasting and recommendations. For example, in service management, incoming tickets are initially read and routed by humans who decide which team is best suited to work on them. Machine learning models trained from these results can automatically route tickets to the best qualified groups for resolution without human intervention. This type of application uses classic supervised machine learning techniques like logistic regression to generate a working model that provides this decision support for optimized work routing.

ServiceNow also uses machine learning for pattern recognition. During a major event, many people call the service organization, but each IT fulfiller only sees one incident at a time, making it nearly impossible to manually recognize the overall pattern. Chatterjee said clustering techniques using machine learning can recognize the overall patterns to identify a major incident automatically, which can help to reduce the overall time to resolve incidents and events.

A wide variety of machine learning algorithms use unsupervised learning, an approach where the training data has not been labeled beforehand. Muddu Sudhakar, CEO of Aisera, a predictive AI service management provider, said that supervised learning models are highly accurate and trustworthy, but they require extensive datasets for training to achieve that high level of accuracy. Conversely, unsupervised learning models are less accurate and trustworthy, but learning takes place in real time without the need of any training data.

The most popular applications of unsupervised learning techniques cluster data into self-organizing maps. Another family of popular unsupervised techniques helps to discover the relationships among objects extracted from the data. Sudhakar said these techniques are popular for market-basket or associative data analysis personalization (i.e., users who buy X and Y products are more likely to buy Z) and recommendation systems for browsing webpages.

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Learn the business value of AI's various techniques - TechTarget

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COVID 19 Impact on Machine Learning in Medicine Market Outlook 2020 Industry Size, Top Key Manufacturers, Growth Insights, Demand Analysis and…

Machine Learning in Medicine Market 2020 Industry provides methods, techniques, and tools that can help solving diagnostic and prognostic problems in a variety of medical domains.

Machine Learning in Medicine Industry Report help to understand the market scenario, comprehensive analysis, development policies and manufacturing process.

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Development policies and plans are discussed as well as growth rate, manufacturing processes, economic growth are analyzed. This research report also states import or export data, industry supply and consumption figures as well as cost structure, price, industry revenue (Million USD) and gross margin Machine Learning in Medicine by regions like North America, Europe, Japan, China and other countries.

Deep analysis about market status, enterprise competition pattern, advantages and disadvantages of enterprise products, industry development trends (2019-2024), regional industrial layout characteristics and macroeconomic policies, industrial policy has also be included.

Major Players in Machine Learning in Medicine market are:

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Most important types of Machine Learning in Medicine products covered in this report are:

Most widely used downstream fields of Machine Learning in Medicine market covered in this report are:

Facets of the Market Report:-

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Major Regions that plays a vital role in Machine Learning in Medicine market are: North America, Europe, China, Japan, Middle East & Africa, India, South America, Others.

There are 13 Chapters to thoroughly display the Machine Learning in Medicine market:-

Chapter 1: Machine Learning in Medicine Market Overview, Product Overview, Market Segmentation, Market Overview of Regions, Market Dynamics, Limitations, Opportunities and Industry News and Policies.

Chapter 2: Machine Learning in Medicine Industry Chain Analysis, Upstream Raw Material Suppliers, Major Players, Production Process Analysis, Cost Analysis, Market Channels and Major Downstream Buyers.

Chapter 3: Value Analysis, Production, Growth Rate and Price Analysis by Type of Machine Learning in Medicine., Chapter 4: Downstream Characteristics, Consumption and Market Share by Application of Machine Learning in Medicine.

Chapter 5: Production Volume, Price, Gross Margin, and Revenue ($) of Machine Learning in Medicine by Regions (2014-2019).

Chapter 6: Machine Learning in Medicine Production, Consumption, Export and Import by Regions (2014-2019).

Chapter 7: Machine Learning in Medicine Market Status and SWOT Analysis by Regions.

Chapter 8: Competitive Landscape, Product Introduction, Company Profiles, Market Distribution Status by Players of Machine Learning in Medicine.

Chapter 9: Machine Learning in Medicine Market Analysis and Forecast by Type and Application (2019-2024).

Chapter 10: Market Analysis and Forecast by Regions (2019-2024).

Chapter 11: Industry Characteristics, Key Factors, New Entrants SWOT Analysis, Investment Feasibility Analysis.

Chapter 12: Market Conclusion of the Whole Report.

Chapter 13: Appendix Such as Methodology and Data Resources of This Research

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COVID 19 Impact on Machine Learning in Medicine Market Outlook 2020 Industry Size, Top Key Manufacturers, Growth Insights, Demand Analysis and...

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Machine Learning As A Service In Manufacturing Market Augmented Expansion to Be Registered by 2018-2023 – 3rd Watch News

Machine learning has become a disruptive trend in the technology industry with computers learning to accomplish tasks without being explicitly programmed. The manufacturing industry is relatively new to the concept of machine learning. Machine learning is well aligned to deal with the complexities of the manufacturing industry. Manufacturers can improve their product quality, ensure supply chain efficiency, reduce time to market, fulfil reliability standards, and thus, enhance their customer base through the application of machine learning. Machine learning algorithms offer predictive insights at every stage of the production, which can ensure efficiency and accuracy. Problems that earlier took months to be addressed are now being resolved quickly. The predictive failure of equipment is the biggest use case of machine learning in manufacturing. The predictions can be utilized to create predictive maintenance to be done by the service technicians. Certain algorithms can even predict the type of failure that may occur so that correct replacement parts and tools can be brought by the technician for the job.

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Market Analysis

According to Infoholic Research, Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) Market will witness a CAGR of 49% during the forecast period 20172023. The market is propelled by certain growth drivers such as the increased application of advanced analytics in manufacturing, high volume of structured and unstructured data, the integration of machine learning with big data and other technologies, the rising importance of predictive and preventive maintenance, and so on. The market growth is curbed to a certain extent by restraining factors such as implementation challenges, the dearth of skilled data scientists, and data inaccessibility and security concerns to name a few.

Segmentation by Components

The market has been analyzed and segmented by the following components Software Tools, Cloud and Web-based Application Programming Interface (APIs), and Others.

Segmentation by End-users

The market has been analyzed and segmented by the following end-users, namely process industries and discrete industries. The application of machine learning is much higher in discrete than in process industries.

Segmentation by Deployment Mode

The market has been analyzed and segmented by the following deployment mode, namely public and private.

Regional Analysis

The market has been analyzed by the following regions as Americas, Europe, APAC, and MEA. The Americas holds the largest market share followed by Europe and APAC. The Americas is experiencing a high adoption rate of machine learning in manufacturing processes. The demand for enterprise mobility and cloud-based solutions is high in the Americas. The manufacturing sector is a major contributor to the GDP of the European countries and is witnessing AI driven transformation. Chinas dominant manufacturing industry is extensively applying machine learning techniques. China, India, Japan, and South Korea are investing significantly on AI and machine learning. MEA is also following a high growth trajectory.

Vendor Analysis

Some of the key players in the market are Microsoft, Amazon Web Services, Google, Inc., and IBM Corporation. The report also includes watchlist companies such as BigML Inc., Sight Machine, Eigen Innovations Inc., Seldon Technologies Ltd., and Citrine Informatics Inc.


The study covers and analyzes the Global MLaaS Market in the manufacturing context. Bringing out the complete key insights of the industry, the report aims to provide an opportunity for players to understand the latest trends, current market scenario, government initiatives, and technologies related to the market. In addition, it helps the venture capitalists in understanding the companies better and take informed decisions.

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Machine Learning As A Service In Manufacturing Market Augmented Expansion to Be Registered by 2018-2023 - 3rd Watch News

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