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Experts see ‘deep trouble’ for Trump overcoming plummet in the polls – Missoula Current

President Donald Trump with Vice President Mike Pence. (Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP photo via Courthouse News)

BOSTON (CN) President Trumps plummeting poll numbers have Republicans concerned, but political experts sharply disagree about whether the polls reflect a hardening verdict of the electorate or simply another temporary extreme of the wildly swinging 2020 pendulum.

Id be very, very worried if I were the president, said Thomas Schwartz, a history professor at Vanderbilt University. His poll numbers are bad, very worrisome, especially in places like Georgia and Texas.

Ronald Schurin, a political science professor at the University of Connecticut, cautioned meanwhile about putting too much stock in polling four months out from the election.

Anyone who says Trump is done is living in a fools paradise, Schurin remarked in an interview.

Former Vice President Joe Biden leads Trump by almost 10 points nationally in the latest Real Clear Politicspolling average,up from a 5-point lead only a month ago. In key swing states includingFloridaPennsylvaniaandWisconsin, Bidens lead is especially significant. And the race appears very close even in traditionally Republican states such asArizona,GeorgiaandTexas.

As experts note, however, its unclear whether the electorate has made up its mind or is simply reacting to transient events and what, if anything, Trump can do to raise his numbers.

One the one hand, Schwartz said voters have made up their mind of whether their lives are better.

Trump has been around for a while, and the scale of disapproval people are expressing is different, the professor added, citinga recent NPR pollthat shows 49% of Americans strongly disapproved of the presidents job performance.

A Monmouth pollreleased Thursdayfound that 50% of registered voters were not at all likely to vote for Trump. (The figure for Biden was 39%.)

Very few people are on the fence about the president, and thus he might have trouble moving the needle back in his favor, said Stephen Farnsworth, a political science professor at the University of Mary Washington in Virginia.

Dante Scala, a political science professor at the University of New Hampshire, said flatly: President Trump is in deep trouble.

Michael Gordon, a former spokesman for the Clinton Justice Department, thinks Trumps faltering numbers are the result of real people who dont care about politics finally paying attention to the election and the need to make a choice.

In the past, polls reflected Trumps base of support, the Group Gordon principal added. He said a lot of other people always had an underlying discomfort with the president but were not highly focused on politics.

This fall, as they start to think about who they are going to vote for, Gordon said Trumps deeds are coming home to roost.

Another problem for Trump is that bad poll numbers now can cause a vicious cycle where people who would feel that they have to rally behind him if he were a sure winner may not feel that way, Schurin noted.

Never-Trumpers might be emboldened, the Vanderbilt professor added. Democratic contributors might be emboldened. Republican swing-state politicians might be lukewarm in their support and focus on their own campaigns.

But many experts said the situation is highly fluid and poll numbers this early are not set in stone.

Weve had five events in the last six months any one of which would have been earth-shattering for a normal election year, said Joel White, a Republican political strategist, pointing to the pandemic, the recession, impeachment, widespread racial unrest and the assassination of Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani. This is anything but a typical political cycle.

And even in a normal election year, most people dont start paying attention until after Labor Day, said Andrew Smith, director of the University of New Hampshire Survey Center.

Were in a dead period where we dont really have a campaign going yet, Smith continued. People care about summer vacations, not the election. Later on well see the numbers start to narrow, especially if the economy starts to get better and it cant get any worse.

Under this theory, a series of unpredictable events has shaken the country and given people a temporarily negative outlook that is reflected in attitudes toward the president, but the current situation says little about what voters will do once they have to make a choice in the fall.

Historically there have beena number of caseswhere summer polls were very different from the final election results. Hillary Clinton consistently led Donald Trump in 2016, for instance, and John McCain led Barack Obama by 5 points as late as September 2008.

In 1988, Michael Dukakis had a 17-point summer lead over George H.W. Bush before losing the election. And in 1976, Jimmy Carter had an astonishing 33-point lead over President Ford but barely won in a squeaker only three months later.

Bolstering this theory is the fact that Trump was doing relatively well before the pandemic. The State of the Union was only five months ago, along with Iowa debacle, said Gordon. He was very strong.

When the economy crashed, however, Smith noted: It doesnt matter to most people why it happened; the president gets the blame.

Thats why the Republicans are fighting so hard to get economy going again, and why the Democrats are trying not to let it, he added.

According to Republican strategist John Feehery, Trump still polls much better than Biden on the economy.

And if the economy recovers, which I think it will, the president will in a far better political position than he is now, Feehery added.

Two months ago, Whites firm conducted a poll of swing voters in 14 states and found high approval of Trumps economic response to the pandemic. It was a targeted, rapid response designed to produce a V-shaped recovery, White said of the perception of Trumps economic efforts. People of all parties like that.

Besides invigorating the economy, White would like to see Trump come up with a plan to help newly unemployed people who have lost their health insurance, for example providing subsidies for them to remain on their current plan.

Right now, the answers are Medicaid and Obamacare, White said. But the average Obamacare deductible is $4,000 and it resets when you switch plans, and with Medicaid its often hard to find services, doctors and drugs.

Trumps struggle with the public health response can be tied to his nature as a populist, he added, noting that the countrys outdated public health infrastructure and creaky bureaucracy further complicate things.

Farnsworth, who is pessimistic about Trumps chances, said Trump might try to shake things up by dumping Vice President Mike Pence from the ticket in favor of Nikki Haley, his former ambassador to the United Nations.

But Schurin said thats extremely unlikely. Pence is a hero to the religious right, he noted.

Politically, experts say Trumps biggest challenge is to draw attention to Bidens faults, which is hard because Biden is following a basement strategy designed to minimize his gaffes and vulnerabilities.

Ibelieve the best strategy for the Trump campaign is to keep the focus on Biden and take the focus off him, said Feehery. Maybe he should join Biden in the basement.

However, in a crisis people look to the president, so its hard to draw attention to Biden, said Farnsworth. Plus, Trump by his nature wants to dominate media discourse. He doesnt do modesty and reticence.

For now, Bidens strategy is paying off. Biden can say everything in a very controlled setting, with carefully crafted messages of limited duration and less gaffe potential, Farnsworth said.

Unlike Trump, Biden is not a rally campaigner, said Schurin.

The best thing Biden has done is stay in the cellar, Smith agreed. Many people high up in his campaign have told me that the less he talks, the better. And having watched him campaign in New Hampshire, once he strays off the teleprompter, its not good.

The basement strategy works for Biden because people know and like him, and he doesnt have to introduce himself to the country, said Gordon. As the campaign heats up, however, Gordon said Biden will eventually have to take a bigger spotlight.

Not everyone believes the polls showing a large Biden lead are entirely accurate. Im a little skeptical of media polls because I think most of them are done to make for headlines that put the president in an unflattering light, said Feehery.

Smith said polling quality has diminished over the last 20 years because random-digit dialing surveys the gold standard have become almost prohibitively expensive. It costs $50,000 to do a top-quality survey just in New Hampshire thats twice what it cost five years ago, he said. And even when such polls are done, fewer people are willing to respond to them.

Smith said theres also a problem with shy Trump voters mostly blue-collar men who wont admit their preference for Trump to pollsters. This was part of the polling problem in 2016 and it hasnt been fixed, he said.

Polls also dont measure enthusiasm, which was an issue in 2016 because it turned out that Trump voters were far more motivated than Hillary Clinton supporters.

Trump provides so much energy to our party, emphasized Gordon, the Democratic strategist.

Farnsworth echoed this, saying that, unlike in 2016, theres a lot of enthusiasm for voting Democratic, not Biden necessarily, but Democratic.

Scala conceded that a Biden presidency doesnt excite a lot of people, but he does appear to be a plausible president, and that may be all he needs, given Trumps unpopularity.

In addition, Biden is likable and attracts nothing like the degree of antipathy toward Hillary, said Schurin.

But Smith said that signs of Democratic enthusiasm may be misleading. In most elections the party thats out of power tends to generate enthusiasm earlier in the cycle because it has something to gain. Republicans will become more energized closer to November, he predicted.

Feehery noted that the Democratic Party is taking some pretty radical positions on policing and on properly appreciating American history, which I think will energize the GOP base and drive swing voters into the Republican column.

There are also a number of events between now and the election that could have a major impact.

The conventions this year will be unpredictable and abnormal, noted Schurin. Covid could affect the turnout. And mail-in ballots could throw a wrench into things.

White said Trump will have an advantage in the debates because hes great off-the-cuff, whereas Biden doesnt have the ability to be quick.

This makes debate format a key issue. Anything free-flowing benefits Trump, White said.

Schurin noted meanwhile that a significant segment of the public may be so disgusted by the bad circus atmosphere of politics they dont vote at all.

Its hard to find an analogy for the current election. A scenario that favors Trump, said Smith, would be 1968, when a silent majority of voters elected Richard Nixon, even though he wasnt a popular figure, out of frustration with protests and rioting.

But Schwartz pointed to 1920, when a divisive president, a pandemic and widespread race riots led to the election of Warren Harding, a traditional representative of the opposing party who promised a return to normalcy.

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Experts see 'deep trouble' for Trump overcoming plummet in the polls - Missoula Current

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Love that stifles… – Deccan Herald

This is a moving story of human relationships, of ties of love that can bind and nurture, andsometimes, push away or stifle our dearest ones. The mightyBrahmaputra river flows by in the backdrop, nurturing the regions culture and people. This life-giving river can also bring floods and sorrow. Its duality is hinted at in beautifully-worded passages.

It is the 1980s and the state is in chaos ever since the All Assam Students Union took on the government on the issue of Bangladeshis being allowed not just to stay, but to vote.

The protests have the support of the public whodesire to fulfil what theboys had started; to make the government do its duty by expelling the illegal immigrants rather than arm them with voting and citizenship rights.

With this backdrop, the book tells the story of Rukmini who doesnt have an easy relationship with her parents, Usha and Tarun. In this charged political scenario,Rukminifalls in love with the wrong man.

A man who was not of her religion, let alone her caste, nor of her race, not from any region remotely near hers, and a man whose skin was dark... Usha predictably refuses to bless her daughter on her wedding day, whileher father and brother quietly support Rukminis marriage to Alex.

Rukmini leaves with him to her marital home in distant Bangalore. She remains a traitor to her mother for marrying an alien Malayalee.

Marriage to Alex and being in love changes Rukminis perceptions. But, the good times dont last and they part ways without acrimony.

The story turns to their daughter Loya, now 25, and with a mind of her own.

Without informing her mother, because she knows Rukmini will not give prior consent, Loya goes to Assam to pursue researchon the behaviour of wild elephants.

A deep urge drives Loya to break away from Rukmini and her post-divorce life and reconnect with the grandfather she has never known. Deliciously complex currents of love, longing, resentment, suspicion and forgiveness play out as Loya enters Taruns home unannounced.

Granddaughter and grandfather stalk each other like a pair of hungry lions, each with deep wounds needing healing. Usha has gone, leaving her legacy of coldness to Rukmini behind. Loya is moved to find every trace of Rukmini meticulously cleared from her parental home, as though she never existed. As she delves into this part of her mothers life, Loya forms a deeper understanding of Rukmini and of others who matter to her.

As the hostilities wane and glimmers of peace, love and forgiveness show, events take a tragic turn. Bombs blast and panicking crowds create havoc.

The mighty river welcomes its own into its fold. It takes away life, yet nurtures new shoots as life goes on. Rukmini returns home to her beloved river bank, to loss, sorrow, reconciliation, and perhaps, hope.

This is a story well told in a clear, confident voice. A worthwhile read, which leaves its impact long after the last page.

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Love that stifles... - Deccan Herald

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The long road back from COVID-19 – The Boston Globe

It was Day 72. But clearly many more days of recovery lay ahead.

More than 11,000 people have been hospitalized in Massachusetts with severe COVID-19 since the pandemic began. Most have been discharged, amid song and applause. But its likely that few have fully resumed their previous lives. Many linger in rehab facilities and long-term-care hospitals; others are home, trying to get back on their feet despite the persistent aftereffects of a prolonged hospital stay.

Even among COVID-19 patients who didnt need hospital care, recent reports indicate that some continue to experience symptoms for weeks, and may develop a chronic illness.

Together these survivors form an undercurrent of struggle and disability that will challenge the health care system and the economy even before a possible second wave of COVID-19 crashes in.

As the number of patients admitted to acute care hospitals starts to go down, the rehab hospitals are filling up, said Dr. Robert Krug, board chairman for the American Medical Rehabilitation Providers Association. Weeks in an acute care hospital can lead to months of recovery, he said.

And COVID-19 adds confounding new challenges, said Dr. Ross Zafonte, Spauldings senior vice president of medical affairs, research, and education. There are some unique and individual features of COVID that we dont understand, he said. I suspect were going to have a group of people who are going to remain impaired.


Nina Coletta doesnt remember much about her early days in the hospital. She and her husband, Edmund, had both tested positive for COVID-19. But while Ed, who is 63, started to feel better, Nina spiked a fever. When her breathing became so difficult she couldnt talk on the phone, Ed called 911. It was April 12, Easter Sunday.

She was taken to Massachusetts General Hospital. Several days of oxygen treatment failed to improve her breathing, and the doctors recommended a ventilator, which would involve putting a tube down her throat into her airway. It was a frightening prospect for Ed and their three children: Shed have to be kept unconscious to tolerate the breathing machine, and theyd read reports of bad outcomes for ventilated patients.

That Thursday, she started on the ventilator. It worked as hoped, immediately raising her blood-oxygen levels, but it would take 12 days until her lungs could work again on their own. Nina was discharged in early May to Spaulding, joining the stream of COVID-19 patients leaving acute care hospitals for rehab.

A prolonged bout on the breathing machine can have lasting effects on patients. Muscles atrophy from immobility and the brain absorbs the effects of sedating medications. Survivors often have trouble thinking clearly and making decisions, lack the strength to perform routine tasks, and can suffer from depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder.

Many of the sickest COVID-19 patients end up on ventilators, and they are likely to experience these syndromes, but maybe even a little worse, said Zafonte, the Spaulding vice president. COVID-19 patients tend to need more time on the ventilator weeks instead of days putting them at higher risk of aftereffects. And to make matters worse, Zafonte said, COVID-19 triggers intense inflammation that affects multiple organs.


Ed Coletta, who is press secretary for the state Department of Environmental Protection, had read about what can happen after a prolonged stay in intensive care, and it worried him deeply. When Nina woke up from the medication-induced coma, she was confused and hallucinating, as often happens. The room seemed to expand and contract. At one point she thought she was on a sailboat.

But Ed was relieved when Nina recognized her family during a video chat. And within a few days, as the medication wore off, it was clear she had emerged with her mind and her go-get-em personality fully intact.

Personality wise, shes back to her full self, said her younger daughter, Gabriela. We were able to have deep conversations. She was able to tell me what she went through.

Physically, though, Nina faced big challenges. At first she could barely hold the phone in shaky, weakened hands. She couldnt stand unassisted, never mind walk. A deep pressure sore on her backside burned and throbbed.

But worst of all, her feet felt like they were gone. From the ankles down, she could feel nothing, not even the delightful spray from a shower. And except for slightly wiggling her right toes, she could not move her feet at will.

My feet, I dont know where they are, she said in a phone call with a reporter, who checked in with her from time to time during her recovery.

A nerve injury was preventing messages from traveling between her brain and her feet. Zafonte likened it to a traffic jam. The blockage may have resulted from prolonged immobility or possibly from the inflammation that often accompanies COVID-19, he said.

Other ventilator survivors have experienced similar injuries, and Zafonte said its not clear whether this type of nerve problem is more common in COVID-19 survivors. Its also unknown whether nerve function can be restored or how long that might take.


At Spaulding, Nina kept to a rigorous schedule of three hours a day of physical and occupational therapy, plus some exercises she did on her own. She practiced showering, dressing, brushing her teeth. Ive always been the caregiver, Nina remarked. So to have somebody literally help me in and out of the bathroom it was humbling. It was loving at the same time.

The hardest part was walking. Putting one foot in front of the other is no simple matter when you cant feel your feet. Her toes dropped downward; she had to watch them and take small steps.

In the gym, her physical therapist, Lisa Perkins, wrapped her in a harness attached to a track on the ceiling, to steady her. A device on her sneakers lifted her feet parallel to the floor.

Nina kept thinking of the staircase in her 1847 house, which narrows and curves at the top. Somehow, she would need to develop the strength and balance to mount those stairs.

One night in May, Nina dreamed that she was standing on a sea wall, looking down into the deep ocean. She jumped in without hesitation. It wasnt scary, she said. It was exciting.

Nina sounded chipper every time she answered phone calls during her stay, at one point declaring herself just ducky doodles. But as the conversation progressed, she often got teary.

Im up and down, she admitted during one call in May. Im happy that some of the therapists are really tough and theyre really kicking me to go farther and do more.

But Im sad that I cant see my family, she said, breaking down. Infection control rules during the pandemic barred all visitors. I just want to hold my husbands hand. That would make me feel better.

Her family suffered too. Her daughters Angela, 33, and Gabriela, 27, gathered at the house every day, with their brother, Christopher, 37, joining by FaceTime from Baltimore. Every day wed have a powwow as a family, checking in with each other, Angela said. Sometimes they ended up sobbing.

Nina and her family were reunited in person, though from a great distance, on two occasions when they gathered outside Spaulding and she waved to them from the balcony. And a longtime friend, Josephine DiPietro, who works at Spaulding, stopped by daily with well wishes and items from home.

By late May, some feeling had started to return in her right foot, a propitious sign. Nina could tell when that foot touched the floor and whether it was cold. She couldnt feel her toes, but she could wiggle them. When Perkins stimulated her nerves with electrodes, she could feel a zing.

And then, in June, the hospital started allowing visitors, one at a time, a maximum of two per day. Nina was nervous about facing her husband after their longest separation. How would she look to him haggard, lying in bed, her hair going gray? But they embraced and wept, and Ed assured her that he found her beautiful.

Even as Ninas spirits improved and physical strength grew, a new obstacle arose: Her pressure wound so painful she practiced deep breathing to cope required surgery, adding an extra two weeks to her stay.


On June 22, Nina got word that she could go home the next day. By this point, she could walk three times around the floor, with her walker. She had been at Spaulding 47 days.

I came in here on a stretcher, Nina said. Tomorrow, Im going to walk out.

And so she did, accompanied by Ed and daughter Angela, wearing a face mask embroidered with a yellow rose in honor of her Texan mother and a tiara that Ed placed in her thick, wavy hair. Wheeled outside amid cheers from the staff, Nina insisted on standing up and walking the few steps to the car.

Nina grew up in East Boston and has lived there most of her life. Since 2002 shes worked at East Boston High School, where she runs the family center and, with a team, coordinates services for homeless students sometimes even taking them into her own home.

In the days before COVID-19 got her, she was busy packing food in the school-run food pantry and helping connect families with resources. After Nina was hospitalized, Gabriela could hardly keep up with the phone calls from concerned people all over East Boston.

So Nina was probably the only one who was surprised when so many friends and relatives gathered for her homecoming, holding signs saying, We love you Nina. They burst into cheers when, honking, Ed pulled up in their red SUV. Nina rolled down the window, looked around, and put her head down, weeping.

Ni-na! Ni-na! Ni-na! they chanted.

Ed parked and brought the walker around as Nina emerged from the car. I love you all, she replied, sobbing, with Eds hands on her shoulders. Thank you so much.

At heart Nina is a dancer. She took dance classes ballet, jazz, tap, you name it from childhood through her freshman year of college. Then she graduated to throwing on a CD and just letting loose in any room that has enough room for me to move around in. At her 60th birthday party last August, Nina said, her feet were flying the minute the music struck up, and she never sat down.

Now, she looks at her feet each morning and says, OK guys, todays the day.

So far they have not complied. Nina has partial sensation in her right foot but her left continues to ghost her. Im trying to concentrate not on what I lost but what I have, she said on Thursday, nine days after returning home. I have to stop crying at some point.

Her walls are festooned with get-well cards. Shes grateful to be alive, grateful for her familys love. The pressure wound still hasnt healed, but at last the pain is next to nothing. Physical therapists and nurses visit regularly. And though she needs a spotter going up and down the scary curving staircase, she feels stronger every day and remains hopeful about the future.

Still, Nina has a message for the world: You dont want to be me right now. Please, please, wear a mask.

When Nina dreamed about home while still at Spaulding, she imagined the simplest pleasures: walking into her own living room, going through the kitchen, and out onto the back porch, where she could see her yard abloom with petunias and impatiens.

And now that shes home, thats exactly what she does. The other day, she sat on the covered porch with Ed, as heavy rain pounded the roof, such a soothing sound.

Felice J. Freyer can be reached at Follow her on Twitter @felicejfreyer

Excerpt from:
The long road back from COVID-19 - The Boston Globe

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PrimeXBT Comparison: Will DeFi Defy The ICO-Fueled Ethereum All-Time High? – Ethereum World News

Decentralized finance is growing at a rapid pace, and at the center of it all is Ethereum. Sentiment surrounding the largest altcoin in the cryptocurrency industry, however, is extremely low after a prolonged bear market.

The growth in DeFi has brought some positive buzz back to the altcoin, but pundits argue that without another ICO boom, Ethereum will never return to an all-time high.

Analysts from the award-winning Bitcoin margin trading platform PrimeXBT, have supplied data that puts a spotlight on if the quickly spreading DeFi trend will be enough to break Ethereums previous price record.

Alongside Bitcoins meteoric rise into the public eye, the second-ranked cryptocurrency, Ethereum, also skyrocketed.

Bitcoin FOMO was the result of the world learning about the powerful new cryptocurrency technology and, at the same time, learning of the wealth it generated.

Ethereum, however, the next generation of cryptocurrency that acts as more than just a currency or store of value, allowed for the creation of new cryptocurrencies.

Ethereum offers smart-contracts, or code-based agreements and operations. The platform can run decentralized applications and serves as a foundation for developers to build on.

Devs chose to build more and more new cryptocurrencies, launching them on the Ethereum protocol as ERC20 tokens through initial coin offerings.

In initial coin offerings, Ethereum was exchanged for shiny new tokens promising to be the next Bitcoin. With Bitcoins record and meteoric rise fresh in peoples minds, Ethereum prices skyrocketed to over $1,400 per ETH token, due to surging demand.

The demand was primarily crypto investors buying the token to then exchange for ICO tokens. Later, the Securities and Exchange Commission stepped in and put an end to ICOs, deeming many of them unregistered securities listings.

Many projects fell as a result; others were canceled. Initial coin offerings never came back, and Ethereums demand also dropped. Lowering demand and increasing supply leads to sell offs and quickly falling prices. Ethereum fell by over 90% to just $80 at its low.

However, at the start of 2020, Ethereum closed seven consecutive green weekly candles in a row. The only other time in history the asset had such a positive run, was prior to reaching its all-time high.

All signs pointed to a breakout. The rally was fueled by quickly rising ETH locked in DeFi applications. A powerful new use case had emerged for Ethereum, and its user base had gone parabolic.

However, the Black Thursday market collapse set back DeFi and put a stop to Ethereums bull run.

Now, markets have cooled off again, and Ethereum is once again flirting with resistance just as DeFi returns to previous highs.

A fiery debate has reached a boiling point in the cryptocurrency community: can DeFi push Ethereum past previous highs set during the ICO boom, or will lightning never strike a second time for the altcoin?

Analysts believe that altcoins will never return to such highs, even if Bitcoin breaks its previous high. However, hedge fund managers point to a trillion-dollar market cap for Ethereum thanks to DeFi growth.

The fund manager claims that while theres no denying the insane demand ICOs caused, DeFi is a far more sustainable trend for the long-term, that will bring Ethereum slow, but steady growth.

Such an achievement would do a lot more than taking Ethereum past $1,400. At the current circulating supply and a trillion dollar market cap, it would take the asset to well over Ethereum price predictions at more than $9,000 per token.

If pressure from DeFi growth is building beneath Ethereum, a break of resistance may be days away. If the second-ranked cryptocurrency can break and close above $250, $500 will be the next pit stop on its way, potentially to $9,000 per ETH.

Traders seeking to take advantage of Ethereums big breakout can do so on PrimeXBT, an award-winning Bitcoin-based trading platform supplying the data used in these insights.

PrimeXBT offers long and short positions on commodities, forex, stock indices, and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. When Ethereum does make its move, prepare yourself with PrimeXBT.

Disclaimer:This article is not meant to give financial advice. Any additional opinion herein is purely the authors and does not represent the opinion of EWN or any of its other writers. Please carry out your own research before investing in any of the numerous cryptocurrencies available. Thank you.

See the rest here:
PrimeXBT Comparison: Will DeFi Defy The ICO-Fueled Ethereum All-Time High? - Ethereum World News

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COVID-19 Impact On Cloud Hosting Service Providers Market Projection By Latest Technology, Global Analysis, Industry Growth, Current Trends And…

"COVID-19 Impact on Global Cloud Hosting Service Providers Market - 2020-2026"

A new market study, titled Discover Cloud Hosting Service Providers Market By Upcoming Trends, Growth Drivers and Challenges has been featured on WiseGuyReports.

COVID-19 Impact on Global Cloud Hosting Service Providers Market - 2020-2026

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Summary: Cloud Hosting Service Providers Market

The discussion on the global Cloud Hosting Service Providers Market includes an overview of the definition, factors, how well the market responds to those factors, the impact of the competition, strategic moves taken in recent years, and others. The report makes a prediction regarding market growth during the forecast period of 2020 to 2026. For a thorough understanding of how the market is faring, it is essential to learn a lot about the factors and their impacts, scopes that raw materials have, customer response to the end product or service, and others.

COVID-19 can affect the global economy in three main ways: by directly affecting production and demand, by creating supply chain and market disruption, and by its financial impact on firms and financial markets.

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The regional discussion of the Cloud Hosting Service Providers Market provides opportunities to identify growth pockets and demographic challenges. This will help in maximizing the profit. Researches have been made to understand various aspects of regional markets, including their revenue-generation capacity and production scope. The analysis includes the Americas, with substantial analysis of both North and South America, Asia Pacific, Europe and its two halves West and East Europe, and the Middle East & Africa.

Competitive Analysis:

Research analysts have recorded the recent performances of various top-notch players involved in the market to understand trends they have followed or trends they are setting for the future of the market. These players and their tactics involving mergers, research and development related investment hike, acquisitions, innovations, and other measures help in reading a growth pattern. The analysis also includes the relation between established players and new entrants.

Table of Content: Covid-19 Impact On Cloud Hosting Service Providers Market

1 Study Coverage

2 Executive Summary

3 Breakdown Data by Manufacturers

4 Breakdown Data by Type

5 Breakdown Data by Application

11 Company Profiles

12 Future Forecast

13 Market Opportunities, Challenges, Risks and Influences Factors Analysis

14 Value Chain and Sales Channels Analysis

15 Research Findings and Conclusion

16 Appendix


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NOTE : Our team is studying Covid19 and its impact on various industry verticals and wherever required we will be considering covid19 footprints for a better analysis of markets and industries. Cordially get in touch for more details.

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COVID-19 Impact On Cloud Hosting Service Providers Market Projection By Latest Technology, Global Analysis, Industry Growth, Current Trends And...

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Global Cloud Hosting Service Market 2020 Analysis, Types, Applications, Forecast and COVID-19 Impact Analysis 2026 – Daily Research Chronicles

The comprehensive research study on Global Cloud Hosting Service Market 2020 by Company, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2026 presents a thorough market analysis, categorizing the market into application, type, and geographical regions. The report provides key information on size, share, growth, trend, demand, top player, industry overview, and opportunities. The study conducted is inclusive of the industry trends and competitive and regional analysis covering the period 2020-2026. The market value and pricing history concerning the product and services and other volume trends are presented in this report. Studying the market in terms of growth and expansion, the report covers the causative factors influencing the global Cloud Hosting Service market.

The global market involves top key vendors such as: Cloudways, Bytemark Cloud, HostGator, SiteGround, A2 Hosting, InMotion, Liquid Web Hosting, 1_1 IONOS, DreamHost, Hostwinds, Vultr, AccuWeb, BlueHost, SiteGround, FatCow,


Market Overview:

The report shows several definitions, arrangements, the chain assembly of the industry, as well as segmentation on the basis of solution, product, and region along with different geographic regions for the global market. Moreover, it aims to evaluate product price, profit, capacity, production, supply, demand, and market growth rate. The study fetches a five-year forecast estimated on the basis of how the market is anticipated to perform. The research states the competitive landscape of the global Cloud Hosting Service market with their up-to-date, complete product knowledge, end-users, their product portfolio, market share, and industry profiles. Besides, factors such as market trends, revenue growth patterns market shares, and demand and supply are included. The report also comprises a critical understanding of notable developments and growth estimation across regions in a global context.

Market segment by product type split into Linux Servers Cloud, Windows Servers Cloud along with their consumption (sales), market share and growth rate

Market segment by application, split into Commercial Operation, Government Department, Others along with their consumption (sales), market share and growth rate

Regional Scope:

For a deeper understanding, the research report includes the geographical segmentation of the global Cloud Hosting Service market. This assessment gives an accurate analysis of the regional-wise growth of the global market. Additionally, production and consumption forecasts by region and information on key players, import and export, production value growth rate, and total consumption in different regions and countries have been estimated in the report. Regional segmentation: North America (United States, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia etc.), Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)


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Global Cloud Hosting Service Market 2020 Analysis, Types, Applications, Forecast and COVID-19 Impact Analysis 2026 - Daily Research Chronicles

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Sell-Side Technology Awards 2020: Best Cloud Provider to the Sell SideBT –

The hybrid cloud model provides an opportunity for sell-side firms to mingle internal, public and private clouds, allowing flexible sharing of data. BTs Radianz Cloud offers connectivity to all the major cloud providers and access to thousands of apps, which helped BT winthe category for the best cloud provider to the sell side in this years SST Awards, taking the title from last years winner, Amazon Web Services.

Radianz Cloud, the telecoms giants connectivity and hosting platform for the capital markets, turns 20 this year. But its over the past year that the company has really seen an increase in interest in hybrid solutions, according to Michael Woodman, managing director for Radianz. We are adapting our approach to support hybrid implementation and the policy requirements of our clients, Woodman says. They dont just want one thingthey want to be able to mix and match to support particular use-cases.

Over the past year, Radianz has expanded connectivity to the Google and Alibaba clouds, as well as its existing links to AWS and Microsoft Azure. It also added to the hundreds of applications and specialist services to which it provides access. In 2019, the company added 22 new providers, such as Hoptroff, which provides cloud-based software for time synchronization. Over the past 12 to 15 months, we added more crypto applications, we added more alternative data applications, and we added applications to allow our customers to comply with regulation around the world, says Yousaf Hafeez, head of business development at Radianz.

Radianz has also expanded its access into datacenters and is currently available in 30 datacenters across the globe, with eight locations added in the last yeara 27% increase. We have allowed the sell-side community to connect to more partners in those datacenters through a fully managed solution, says Hafeez.

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Green House Data and Zerto Fast-Track Digital Transformation with Hybrid Cloud Resilience – AiThority

Alignment helps IT managers ensure continuous availability, workload mobility, and multi-cloud agility across hybrid IT environments

Green House Data, a leading provider of digital transformation consulting and managed IT services, announced a strategic alignment with Zerto to accelerate digital transformation initiatives centered around hybrid cloud resilience and multi-cloud application migration.

Zerto is an industry leading software solution that replaces legacy solutions with a single platform to enable disaster recovery, data protection, and workload mobility across hyperscale clouds, hosted services, and on-premise data centers. All of which reduces risk and complexity of modernization and cloud adoption. Together, the two organizations help enterprises architect, test, migrate, and protect critical applications and data, even within complex interdependent hybrid environments.

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Zerto is a cornerstone solution for our platform agnostic cloud services, said Green House Data CIO Cortney Thompson. This partnership will bring our staff and solutions in close alignment with Zertos expertise for stronger service delivery and resilient hosting platforms that efficiently enable modern IT multi-cloud agility for our clients.

As more IT environments span across on-premise data centers, service provider partners, and hyperscale cloud platforms like Azure and AWS, workload portability and agility have become vital. Meanwhile, enterprise technology faces expectations of 100% continuous availability.

Often times the migration stages of a digital transformation effort turn into painful sticking points, with complex planning and systems testing required, especially when we deal with client-facing production workloads, said Green House Data Senior Vice President of Digital Transformation Victor Tingler. Customers have been extremely satisfied with Zerto and we attribute that to the ease of use when it comes to testing that environment cutover, gaining high confidence in your destination environment in terms of performance and configuration before you hit the button to migrate or failover.

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Green House Data has leveraged the Zerto IT Resilience Platform to facilitate digital transformation in numerous customer engagements including zero-downtime cloud migrations and ongoing business continuity with near real-time recovery time objective (RTO) requirements.

As one of our most flexible vendor partners, Green House Data has demonstrated the versatility and value of Zerto for true hybrid cloud environments across a wide range of industries, said Emily Weeks, director of sales, Cloud and Alliances at Zerto. With longstanding expertise in disaster recovery, their engineering and support teams are highly proficient in the use of Zerto for both resilience and migration. We look forward to continuing our work together to help clients meet the challenges of modern IT service delivery.

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Leaseweb’s Five-Year Growth Exceeds Double the Market Average, Further Cementing Position as Top Player in International Cloud Hosting Market -…

Driven by global footprint expansion, and new products and services

Amsterdam, Netherlands & London, UK 30th June 2020 Leaseweb, a leading hosting cloud company, today announced that the growth in its global hosting infrastructure and related network capacity has grown twice the market average. The accomplishment is attributed to a focused approach to grow the companys global presence over five years and has seen Leaseweb achieve a 22% increase in data centre locations worldwide. The result is a 55% increase in network capacity and a leap in bandwidth from 5.5 to 10Tbps, enabling Leaseweb to successfully adapt to international market change, and meet customer demand for local and global cloud infrastructures.

Following the launch of new locations in London and Sydney at the end of 2017, Leaseweb opened a data centre facility in Miami last year, providing a springboard into South America, and bringing to 20 the total number of data centre locations operating globally, with 80,000 servers under management. Most recently, Leaseweb completed the network expansion of its Amsterdam data centre, enabling further growth and paving the way for applications that benefit from 100Gbps connectivity. Additionally, the acquisition of US-based managed hosting services companies, ServInt and NOBIS Technology Group, has given more end-users access to Leasewebs portfolio of solutions via its existing data centres.

As well as growing its data centre location and services portfolio, Leaseweb extended its IaaS platform into Asia via Leaseweb Cloud, completing the full spectrum of its public and private cloud products available in the region. The company also enhanced its cloud backup and protection offerings, allowing the delivery of an easy-to-use, fast and reliable data protection solution for cloud and internet professionals. Moreover, Leaseweb began offering All Flash FAS storage across its cloud portfolio, reducing latency and increasing reliability for business-critical cloud applications.

Businesses that operate worldwide, which take pride in their competitive edge, seek the kind of global hosting and infrastructure provider who can deliver best-in-class user experiences locally and reliably, said Alexander Kalkman, CMO at Leaseweb. This need feeds directly into our goal to grow globally as the first provider businesses turn to for the provision of cloud infrastructure that not only meets local requirements but offers a footprint to reach customers across borders. Looking forward, we are committed to a continued growth trajectory and delivering superior cloud hosting technology globally, engaging with our customers in a personalised, human-to-human manneran approach unmatched by industry giants and highly valued by our customers.

Leasewebs commitment to helping customers meet their hosting and managed service needs is particularly evident in the Adtech and Martech sectors, which are key focus areas. Adjust, a mobile attribution and analytics company, leverages Leasewebs ability to provide multiple private racks of dedicated servers across the globe. Leaseweb provides racks which are redundantly connected to the core network with 2x 200 Gbps and offers high-speed links between servers (varying 20-40 Gbps, depending on the needs of the region). Algolia, a distributed search-as-a-service API, chose to work with Leaseweb due to its customer-centric and global mindset. Through this collaboration, Algolia was able to build a highly available API distributed over 12 regions, leading them to become one of the top companies for custom search.


About Leaseweb Leaseweb is a leading Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provider serving a worldwide portfolio of 18,000 customers ranging from SMBs to Enterprises. Services include Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Dedicated Servers, Colocation, Content Delivery Network, and Cyber Security Services supported by exceptional customer service and technical support. With more than 80,000 servers under management, Leaseweb has provided infrastructure for mission-critical websites, Internet applications, email servers, security, and storage services since 1997. The company operates 20 data centres in locations across Europe, Asia, Australia, and North America, all of which are backed by a superior worldwide network with a total capacity of more than 10 Tbps. Leaseweb offers services through its various subsidiaries, which are Leaseweb Netherlands B.V. (Leaseweb Netherlands), Leaseweb USA, Inc. (Leaseweb USA), Leaseweb Asia Pacific PTE. LTD (Leaseweb Asia), Leaseweb CDN B.V. (Leaseweb CDN), Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH (Leaseweb Germany), Leaseweb Australia Ltd. (Leaseweb Australia) and Leaseweb UK Ltd (Leaseweb UK). For more information visit:

Media contactLesley GikasTouchdown (0)1252 717 040

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Leaseweb's Five-Year Growth Exceeds Double the Market Average, Further Cementing Position as Top Player in International Cloud Hosting Market -...

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Bare Metal Cloud Market research, Industry Outlook, Current Trends and Forecast by 2025 – CueReport

The Bare Metal Cloud Market report upholds the future market predictions related to Bare Metal Cloud market size, revenue, production, Consumption, gross margin and other substantial factors. It also examines the role of the prominent Bare Metal Cloud market players involved in the industry including their corporate overview. While emphasizing the key driving factors for Bare Metal Cloud market, the report also offers a full study of the future trends and developments of the market.

Bare Metal Cloud market is expected to grow US$ 12287.1 Mn by 2025 from US$ 1432.1 Mn in 2016. Bare Metal Cloud market operates in a lately introduced highly-competitive marketplace. As leading companies in this market continues to broaden its addressable market, by expanding its current product portfolio, diversifying its client base, and developing new applications area, all the prominent players faces an increasing level of competition, both from start-ups as well the leading global IaaS providers. Technology is witnessing a high growth owing to its increasing applications in several prominent end-user industries such as BFSI, IT & telecommunication, government and others.

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The overall market size has been derived using both primary and secondary source. The research process begins with an exhaustive secondary research using internal and external sources to obtain qualitative and quantitative information related to the market. Also, primary interview were conducted with industry participants and commentators in order to validate data and analysis. The participants who typically take part in such a process include industry expert such as VPs, business development managers, market intelligence managers and national sales managers, and external consultant such as valuation experts, research analysts and key opinion leaders specializing in the Bare Metal Cloud industry.

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Key trend which will predominantly effect the market in coming year is growing complexity and cloud services. With major enterprise across several industry verticals focusing towards core competences, the need to open their own data center space will significantly drive the growth of the market. The trend is more pronounced among telecom and OTT service providers. Telecom stalwarts such as Verizon, CenturyLink and AT&T have already begun to establish their own data center space as an important step to increase their market share in core competencies. With other small scale enterprise and start-up firms preferring third parties for cloud hosting systems, large scale enterprise is more focused towards improving security measures leading them to spin-off their own space in near future.

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Bare Metal Cloud market by application is segmented into BFSI (Banking, Financial, Securities and Insurance), Manufacturing, Government, Technology, IT & Telecommunication, Retail, Healthcare, and Others. The characterization is based on the major sectors where data center finds majority of applications. Cloud are now widely used among almost all the industries. The bare metal cloud service is a recognized approach to reduce costs. Across industries, organizations have seen the value of having vendors handle aspects of their operations so they can focus on their core capabilities.

A Pin-point overview of TOC of Bare Metal Cloud Market are:

Overview and Scope of Bare Metal Cloud Market

Bare Metal Cloud Market Insights

Industry analysis - Porter's Five Force

Company Profiles

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Bare Metal Cloud Market research, Industry Outlook, Current Trends and Forecast by 2025 - CueReport

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