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New Token Listing Alert: Levolution’s LEVL Token is Officially Live on Changelly – PRNewswire

GEORGE TOWN, Grand Cayman, July 7, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Levolution(LEVL-BTC), trading at HitBTC, Livecoin, and P2PB2Bis now live on Changelly, a world-renowned non-custodial cryptocurrency exchange platform, on July 7, 2020. Changelly is among the most well respected and trustworthy exchange platforms in the Blockchain Industry; the exchange was founded in the early stages of Blockchain Technologies growth. We project that this listing will spur the interest of traders and members of our community, ultimately propelling liquidity and exposure of the LEVL Token.

About Changelly

Changelly is a non-custodial cryptocurrency exchange that allows its users (+1 million monthly users) to efficiently exchange, buy, and sell cryptocurrencies almost effortlessly. The exchange supports over 160 available cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Etherium, XRP, and Litecoin. What makes Changelly so valuable is that it offers an intuitive interface, favorable exchange rates, and secure transactions.

Changelly also provides a plethora of advantageous services to crypto service providers, granting them the ability to expand upon their audience and implement exchange options that may not be found elsewhere. Among those services is Changelly's API and customizable payment widget, which empowers their partners and community members with the functionality of their instant swap feature. Some of Changelly's partners include MyEtherWallet, Exodus, Binance, Ledger, and BRD just to name a few.

What Makes This Listing Significant For Levolution

Succeeding LEVL's listing on Changelly, we expect that there will be a significant increase in the token's attractiveness for traders and other community members within the crypto ecosystem. Changelly is one of the premier exchanges when it comes to accumulating and suggesting the best cryptocurrency rates. Similar to the Levolution platform, Changelly aims to remove technical barriers that part its community members and the cryptocurrency ecosystem. This is done through Changelly's swap feature, making it a seamless process to swap one currency for another.

In addition, Changelly offers its community members an attractive exchange rate for all crypto-to-crypto transactions, leveled at 0,25%. Changelly's goal is to make the exchange process effortless for everyone who wants to invest in cryptocurrency; the exchange platform currently attracts over one million monthly visitors, providing its loyal community with high limits, fast transactions, and 24/7 live support.

Ultimately, we expect that the listing will spark more interest in LEVL within the cryptocurrency ecosystem, especially considering Changelly's reputation as one of the most trustworthy and trailblazing exchanges in the market. We anticipate that Changelly's favorable exchange rate fee, intuitive interface, and other complimentary benefits will spur liquidity of the LEVL Token.

About Levolution

Levolution marries the latest blockchain technology with a groundbreaking token offering platform. Overall, our mission is to aid blockchain startup companies in breaking through various barriers to entry. Relying on social incubation and the team's core internal competencies, the Levolution platform aims to help companies attack these barriers almost effortlessly. This is done by sourcing innovative strategies from community members and token offering participants. Through the Levolution platform, we will help those who want to leverage the value of token offerings, regardless of their experience. Levolution helps you build, develop, market, launch, and optimize your token offering project. Yes, every single step can be done on our platform.

Stay up to date with the latest news from Levolution: https//

Media Contact:Marquese DillonEmail: [emailprotected]

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New Token Listing Alert: Levolution's LEVL Token is Officially Live on Changelly - PRNewswire

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The Profitability of Cryptocurrency Bitcoin Now and in the Future – Chiang Rai Times

Whether youre interested in cryptocurrency or not, youve probably already heard of Bitcoin. When the cryptocurrency first launched it was worth less than a dollar, but over the years that price has fluctuated reaching astronomical numbers that no one could have expected.

The high volatility Bitcoin carries has made it one of the hottest commodities someone can obtain right now, and while nothing is ever certain with something like Bitcoin, people cant help but invest in it and hope for the best.

Despite the risk that comes with acquiring Bitcoin, Bitcoin trading is now a popular way for people to try and secure their financial future. But why are so many people so sure that Bitcoin will bring them nothing but profit? To answer this question were going to need to look into how Bitcoin is faring now, and some of the predictions people have made for the future.

Some of the most interesting things about Bitcoin are the circumstances around its fluctuating price. Surprisingly enough, it seems that Bitcoins worth works in the opposite direction to fiat currencies. Bitcoins price often rises by quite a lot whenever tensions arise and people feel unsure about the political climate in the western world, and globally.

Another interesting thing you might not have known about Bitcoin is that its finite. While Bitcoin mining is still alive and well, the amount miners can procure is narrowing as time goes on. This is due to something called Bitcoin halving. Every four years the pace at which new Bitcoin is created gets cut in half which makes it harder for miners to get Bitcoin at the same rates as before. Like with most things, when Bitcoin becomes rarer, its only logical for its price to increase.

Anyone can get into Bitcoin trading today. Thanks to a slew of helpful Bitcoin trading apps and websites, even you can try your hand at Bitcoin trading. One way to potentially profit off of Bitcoin is by using AI automated trading apps. You can find a great example of this on With the help of their smart trading robot, you can scour the market and make informed decisions on how and where to trade, and if that seems like too much work, you can let the app do it for you!

Bitcoin trading has gained a lot of traction in the past couple of years. While Bitcoin used to be a currency for the tech-savvy and those who wished to remain in the shadows, more and more average Joes are taking an interest in the popular cryptocurrency. The simple fact that interest in Bitcoin grew brought a lot of changes to the currencys worth, some good, some bad, but ultimately made the cryptocurrency a lot easier to access.

So how do all of these things mentioned before influence the profitability of Bitcoin in the future? Its simple and complicated at the same time. The latest Bitcoin halving event happened in May of 2020! While there might not have been a significant price drop or increase right after the event, a lot of people believe that the price of Bitcoin will keep rising little by little and end up reaching up to 13.000$ by the end of the year.

Another thing that has had quite an impact on the price of Bitcoin this year has been the unfortunate rise of the global pandemic. As we mentioned before, Bitcoin seems to rise whenever something like this tends to happen, but this time things didnt work out that way.

The price of Bitcoin dropped significantly during the pandemic which put a damper in the plans of many investors. While the price was still nothing to frown over, it was nowhere near what people might have expected.

Things are starting to look up though. With vaccines currently in the works, people are starting to get their hope back. This is good news on more than one front. Thanks to the words effort to prevent further spread with some valiant efforts, the price of Bitcoin has been getting back on track.

Predictions for Bitcoin for further on into the future are so insanely high that most people cant even fathom them. According to an onslaught of Bitcoin predictions for 2020 and beyond, theres nothing to worry about other than missing out on the chance to invest in Bitcoin sooner!

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The Profitability of Cryptocurrency Bitcoin Now and in the Future - Chiang Rai Times

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Cryptocurrency Cardano increased by 15% – The Times Hub

Cardano, the cryptocurrency was trading at $0,129273 at 15:26 (12:26 GMT) on the stock exchange Index to Wednesday, changes have to 15.25% during the day. It was the sharp one-day rally in the cryptocurrency from 1 July.

This growth has pushed the market capitalization of Cardano to $3,340768 B, 1.22% of the market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies. Earlier at the peak of capitalization Cardano was $23,917000 B.

In the past 24 hours the currency Cardano was trading in the range of $0,114957 to $0,138239.

In the last 7 days Cardano showed growth within gained-pct. The volume of Cardano in the last 24 hours was $1,138108 B or of 1.63% of total cryptocurrency. She was trading between $0,0880 to $0,1382 during the last seven days.

Currently, the price of a Cardano is still below 90,42% from their peak values, amounting to us $1.35, which was achieved on 4 January 2018..

The cryptocurrency Bitcoin was worth $9.294,7 on the exchange Index up 0.27 percent on the day.

The Ethereum was trading at $242,60 on the stock exchange the Index showed an increase by 2.04%.

The market capitalization of Bitcoin previously was $171,276948 B or 62,78% of total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies, while the capitalization of the Ethereum was $27,102597 B or 9,93% of the total cryptocurrency market.

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Cryptocurrency Cardano increased by 15% - The Times Hub

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Cryptocurrency Cardano grew by 10% – The Times Hub

Cardano, the cryptocurrency was trading at $0,109878 at 15:25 (12:25 GMT) on the stock exchange Index on Tuesday, the changes made up of 10.35% during the day. It was the sharp one-day rally in the cryptocurrency from 1 July.

This growth has pushed the market capitalization of Cardano to $2,801760 B, 1.04% of the market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies. Earlier at the peak of capitalization Cardano was $23,917000 B.

In the past 24 hours the currency Cardano was trading in the range of $0,102963 to $0,109923.

In the last 7 days Cardano showed growth within gained-pct. The volume of Cardano in the last 24 hours was $414,422630 M or 0.62% of total cryptocurrency. She was trading between $0,0825 to $0,1099 during the last seven days.

Currently, the price of a Cardano is still below 91,86% from their peak values, amounting to us $1.35, which was achieved on 4 January 2018..

The cryptocurrency Bitcoin was worth $9.272,3 on the exchange Index, up to 0.03% per day.

The Ethereum was trading at $237,40 on the stock exchange the Index showed an increase of 0.16%.

The market capitalization of Bitcoin previously was $170,968422 B or of 63.59% of total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies, while the capitalization of the Ethereum was $26,530696 B or of 9.87% of the total cryptocurrency market.

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Cryptocurrency Cardano grew by 10% - The Times Hub

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Yes, Mr Cummings, energy efficiency is boring if you have a one inch deep mind – The Fifth Estate

The evil gnome who has taken up permanent residence on the shoulder of British prime minister Boris Johnson and whispers dark instructions into his ears, last week pronounced energy efficiency as boring.

His name is demonic comings. Im sorry, that was a mistaken auto-correction by my dictation software; it should have read Dominic Cummings, who is chief political strategist to the UK PM.

If this view succeeds in influencing government policy it would represent a reversal of the Conservative party election pledge at the end of last year to invest 9.2 billion (AU$16.5b) in the energy efficiency of homes, schools and hospitals.

As part of his much taunted new deal, Johnson announced last week a paltry 8 million (AU$143m) to cut CO2 from homes and industry, alongside 200 million (AU$358m) of funding for cutting edge R&D efforts, fuelling fears that the 9.2b efficiency upgrade program could be sidelined.

Cummings is said to want the money spent on building homes instead, with insulation perhaps added as an afterthought (which is never wise and often simply not possible).

Philip Dunne, the Tory chair of a House of Commons committee looking into home insulation, has urged the Prime Minister not to listen to this gnome.

And a major report from government climate change watchdog, the Committee on Climate Change, published on Thursday, warned that presently we are heading for a disastrous 4 higher world and said that low carbon retrofits were an essential part of avoiding this, as well as useful for tackling post-pandemic economic regeneration.

Perhaps that is boring too.

If he wants energy efficiency to be not boring, Cummings could do worse than take a look at what is going on in the Republic of Ireland (although he probably wont want to since it voted to remain in Europe).

There, a Climate Action Plan sets an ambitious target of 500,000 energy efficiency retrofits by 2030, to be supported by the Project Ireland 2040 allocation of 3.7b (AU$6b) as well as the range of other measures according to Richard Bruton, the minister for climate action.

A pilot whole house-based approach to deep retrofit was funded from 2017 to 2019 by the Sustainable Energy Association Irelands Deep Retrofit pilot program. A total of 17 service providers were funded to explore the pros and cons of various solutions on different housing types, securing some interesting results that could be replicated later and elsewhere.

Buildings treated have been transformed from an E or G Energy rating to A3, the highest, using techniques including airtightness, elimination of thermal bridges, underfloor heating, mechanical ventilation with any recovery, solar power and heat pumps.

The real Dominic Cummings

Sorry, perhaps I shouldnt mention underfloor heating since it might involve boring (holes that is).

The Irish government grants provided 50 per cent of the costs (95 per cent for those on low incomes) and the average deep retrofit household would beforehand spend between 1600 (AU$2593) to 2000 (AU$3240) a year on heating, a figure that would be slashed in homes with an A3 rating to around 500 (AU$810) per year. Bored yet? You wouldnt be if you lived in that home.

Whats more research from the Irish Economic and Social Research Institute suggests that an A-rated home has a significantly higher sale and rental price.

One organisation named SuperHomes has retrofitted over 200 houses, the majority to A3 BER but only by using grant funding for all of them.

It turns out that government or any investment in green construction is a highly effective way to create jobs and thus repay the investment long-term.

CCC chief executive Chris Stark, and Julie Hirigoyen, chief executive at the UK Green Building Council, have both observed that construction and retrofit is one of the best ways to create jobs, for each 1 or 1 invested. Energy efficiency is shovel ready with labour-intensive projects rooted in local supply chains, Hirigoyen says.

A 15-year program of deep energy retrofit would return 1.25 (AU$2.24) to the government for each 1 (AU$1.79) invested from the increased tax take resulting from job creation plus supply chain activity, increased household disposable income, and a lower state welfare bill. This is according to research by Verco and Cambridge Econometrics for UK climate change think tank E3G in 2014.

Dominic Cummings should note that that makes government borrowing in order to fund energy efficient construction rather good sense. But perhaps he does not want to see sense.

Clean energy (both renewable generation and boring energy efficiency work) and construction yield up to three times as many jobs for each 1 invested than investments in fossil fuel, according to further research an Oxford University evaluation of 700 stimulus packages implemented after the 2008 financial crash. Construction projects also keep more of the investment locally.

Funding retrofits by savings on energy bills which the UK government has tried before hits the poorest hardest and should be avoided. Unless thats your policy objective, Dominic. Who knows?

If he did not think they were boring he could look at tax incentives (such as relief on stamp duty).

Or maybe hes turned on by subsidised lending, in the form of a rolling loan fund, where low cost finance is offered by private investors. Plenty of these are now seeking green, future-proofed investments, wishing to take their money away from unsafe fossil fuels.

This work would likely be undertaken in line with the retrofit quality protocol, PAS 2035, in order to give them the confidence they need to lend.

Since its a rolling fund, the returned investment is reinvested in further projects, boringly ad infinitum.

Dominic Cummings allegedly likes maths and data. There would be a great deal of both behind that approach. Then again he could just go back to playing Warhammer, as he did at university. Thats not boring at all.

David Thorpe is the author of Passive Solar Architecture Pocket Reference, Energy Management in Buildings and Sustainable Home Refurbishment. He also runs the online course, a Post-Graduate Certificate in One Planet Governance. He is based in the UK.

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Yes, Mr Cummings, energy efficiency is boring if you have a one inch deep mind - The Fifth Estate

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Breaking News – Documentary "Stockton on My Mind" Debuts July 28 on HBO – The Futon Critic

Documentary STOCKTON ON MY MIND Debuts July 28 On HBO

A Multi-Layered Story Of Michael D. Tubbs Jr., The Youngest And First African American Mayor Of Stockton, California

Directed By Emmy(R) Winner Marc Levin

STOCKTON ON MY MIND, debuting TUESDAY, JULY 28 (9:00-10:30 p.m. ET/PT), is the multi-layered story of millennial mayor Michael Tubbs, whose own experience growing up amid poverty and violence inspired him to create innovative change in his beleaguered hometown of Stockton, California. Born to a teenage mother and an incarcerated father, Tubbs felt society destined him for either prison or death. Defying expectations, at the age of 26 in 2016, he became one of the youngest mayors of a major American city and Stockton's first African American mayor. The film follows Tubbs' efforts to reverse the fortunes of a city known as one of the poorest, most violent and least literate in the nation.

The documentary is directed by Emmy(R) winner Marc Levin (HBO's "Class Divide," "Thug Life in D.C.") and produced by Levin, Mike Marangu, Jonathan Angel, Cassius Kim and James Lester. Supervising producer is Daphne Pinkerson.

This film will be available on HBO and to stream on HBO Max.

As a child growing up in Stockton, Tubbs felt he was "set up" for either prison or death, but he forged another path for himself. After excelling at Stanford on a scholarship, he returned to his hometown with a clear mission statement: to "upset the setup" and empower others to change the status quo through positive civil action.

In 2016, the picture was bleak for Stockton. The city had been ground zero for the subprime mortgage meltdown in 2008 and had become the first major U.S. city to declare bankruptcy in the wake of the Great Recession. Drawing on his own disadvantaged upbringing to shape his vision for change, Mayor Tubbs launches some of the boldest social and economic policy experiments in the country to lift up his city of 300,000 residents. With a holistic approach to change, the city becomes an incubator, using private/public partnerships to test ways of challenging the systems that create conditions of inequality and lack of opportunity in the first place. From the Stockton Scholars program that provides college funding for high school graduates, to the SEED program, an experimental "universal basic income" payment to citizens chosen by a lottery system, to Advance Peace, an initiative to prevent violence by engaging with communities around the root causes of conflict, Stockton is at the forefront of a dynamic transformation. Yet, change is hard, and there are many headwinds to contend with, including skepticism, criticism and even a recall effort from some of the residents.

STOCKTON ON MY MIND weaves Michael Tubbs' story together with a wide array of people living in Stockton, some of whose stories echo Tubbs' own, and many of whom are leaders working alongside him to reinvent the city. Subjects include:

Raymond Aguilar, who served over two decades in prison and now works to incentivize at-risk communities to deter violent crime

Jasmine Dellafosse, a community organizer and activist who seeks to dismantle the school to prison pipeline

Lavelle Hawkins, a Stockton native and former NFL wide receiver who now serves as an assistant football coach committed to guiding his students on the right path

Michael Tubbs, Sr., a Stockton native and former gang member sentenced to life in prison for armed robbery and kidnapping when Mayor Tubbs was a young child

Isaiah "Zay" Evans, a promising high school senior from a troubled home on house arrest and facing jail time on a burglary charge

Joy Almendarez, a teenage mother determined to beat the odds and make it to college

Rogelio "Junior" Vivero, a first-generation Latino student who messaged Mayor Tubbs on twitter and became one of the first student ambassadors of Stockton Scholars

In addition to the day-to-day challenges of running a city, STOCKTON ON MY MIND follows Michael Tubbs' personal milestones over three years as he welcomes a son with his wife, First Partner of Stockton, Anna Malaika Nti-Asare-Tubbs, and reflects on building a deeper relationship with his own father who hopes for parole at some point in the future.

Despite the critics and deep-seated challenges, Tubbs' political journey continues to have an impact. As of early 2020, the homicide rate in Stockton had declined by 38%. The first class of Stockton Scholars received 879 college scholarships totaling over $700,000. And the SEED program was extended an additional six months, through the end of 2020.

Culminating in a visit to the city by rapper and activist Common, STOCKTON ON MY MIND is a powerful, moving testament to the commitment and dedication of individuals making a difference by planting seeds of hope and opportunity in their community.

STOCKTON ON MY MIND is directed by Marc Levin; writers, Marc Levin and James Lester; producers, Marc Levin, Mike Marangu and Cassius Kim; co-producers, Jonathan Angel and James Lester; supervising producer, Daphne Pinkerson. For HBO: supervising producer, Jesse Weinraub; executive producers, Nancy Abraham and Lisa Heller.

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Breaking News - Documentary "Stockton on My Mind" Debuts July 28 on HBO - The Futon Critic

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The Importance and the Consequences of Writing a Will – The Wire

The COVID-19 pandemic is a prodigious global health crisis and perhaps the greatest challenge the world has seen ever since World War II. It has the potential to create devastating social, economic and political crises that will leave deep scars in the pages of world history. A lot of it can already be seen: Employment issues, recession, economic hit, migrant labour crisis, lack of jobs, no liquidity, cash crunch, breaking of supply chains and many such problems.

With the alarming rise in cases in India, even the youth are now beginning to re-think their future prospects because of the uncertainty that the pandemic has led us to. Times like these lead us to evaluate and introspect on what can be done to protect our loved ones.

Irrespective of age, sex, caste, creed, ethnicity, geographical differences and other factors, individuals are now interested in understanding the law governing the drafting, interpretation and execution of a will. In this background, we shall now attempt to understand the importance and the consequences of writing a will.

Understanding the legal document

A will is a legal declaration of the intention of a testator (the author) with respect to property which she desires to be carried into effect after their death. Every person of sound mind not being a minor is entitled in law to dispose of his property by writing a will.

Codicil, on the other hand, is a written instrument made in relation to a will, explaining, altering or adding to its dispositions, and is deemed and stated to form part of the will.

A will is liable to be revoked or altered by the testator at any time as long as she is competent to dispose of her property by will. A will or any part of a will, the making of which has been caused by fraud or coercion, or by such importunity as takes away the free agency of the testator, is void and cannot be enforced in law.

The Indian Succession Act, 1925 is the codified law applicable and governing the law of succession and in case of any dispute, one has to look at the provisions, the interpretation and the jurisprudential developments under this law.

A will can be written at any time during the lifetime of a person but can be executed only after the death of the testator. A will can be changed a number of times and there is no legal restriction on it. However, it is advisable to not make very frequent changes for several legal reasons. A will can also be withdrawn or cancelled by the testator at any time during their lifetime.

Legal requirements

The testator should mandatorily sign or affix his mark to the will. In case of incapability, it can be signed by some other person in his presence and under his directions. This marks the intension to give effect to the writing of the document as a will, which should be attested by two or more witnesses, each of whom should have seen the testator signing the will.

However, suspicion may arise where the signature is doubtful or when the testator is of feeble mind or is overawed by powerful minds interested in getting her property or where the disposition appears to be unnatural, improbable and unfair or where there are other reasons to doubt the testators free will and mind. The nature and quality of proof must commensurate with such essentiality so as to remove any suspicion which a reasonable or prudent man may, in the prevailing circumstances, entertain.

Registration of a will

From a reading of Sections 17 and 18 of the Registration Act, 1908 which mandates registration of legal documents and instruments and provides a conclusive list it can be seen that the registration of a will is not compulsory. However, from a practical perspective, it is strongly advisable to register one to avoid any conflict or future litigation.

Mere non-registration cannot be a reason to doubt the validity or genuineness of a will. However, the doubt as to the validity of a will would be less significant if it is registered and the sub-registrar certifies that it was read over to the executor who, on doing so, has admitted the contents as well.

Once a will is registered, there is no scope for destruction, alteration or tampering with the document. More importantly, there is no stamp duty payable on registration and hence no overhead/hidden costs are involved. Therefore it is advisable that a will is registered.

Validity of a will

While there is no specified format, to avoid litigation and disputes, it is advisable that the will is written in clear, precise terms and the intension of the testator is mentioned with clarity of thought, precision and accuracy. Usage of technical words or terms of art are not only unnecessary but should be discouraged. The language used should be simple, leaving no scope for ambiguity. Doubtfulness, vagueness and ambivalence are all aspects to be completely avoided when drafting a will.

A declaration that it is the first and last written will and that it is devoid of any coercion, fraud and the testator understands the consequences of writing and executing the will are some points which help protect the integrity of the document. Mentioning that the testator has a disposing state of mind and has understood the nature and effect of the dispositions should also be emphasised upon.

All details of the assets/properties should be mentioned clearly to avoid disputes as to their identification and inclusion/exclusion. All details of the beneficiaries should also be mentioned. If the testator intends to appoint an executor who, after the death of the testator, will be responsible to ensure that assets/properties are distributed as per the will, then such intention to appoint an executor and her details thereof should also be clearly mentioned in the will.

The meaning of any clause in a will is to be collected from the entire instrument, and all its parts are to be construed with reference to each other. If the same words occur in different parts of the same will, they should be taken to have been used everywhere in the same sense. Lastly, the intentions of the testator need to be respected and should be given paramount importance when interpreting or executing a will.

It is with a deep heart and an un-willing state of mind that one wishes to talk, inquire and understand about the law of wills and its governance in India. COVID-19 has turned our world upside down. As they famously say, Better late than never. Perhaps it is time for some of us to start thinking on these lines, for the security, safety and protection of our loved ones, which have taken paramount importance in these troubled and dark times.

Ananya Kapoor is an advocate, Delhi high court and specializes in civil, tax and commercial litigation and estate planning. She can be reached at

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The Importance and the Consequences of Writing a Will - The Wire

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Married to the Military: Dont neglect your mental health – The Fayetteville Observer

This is your reminder to take a deep breath and try to remember all the good in the world. If no one has told you, you are loved and supported, so give yourself a break from the world around you because you deserve peace of mind.

"Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset" - Saint Francis

Mental health days are so important. Thats especially true for anyone associated with the military because it is such a stressful lifestyle and it can be so hard to remember to take a second when you're dealing with the constant stress and pressure that many soldiers and spouses are under.

If you're reading this, how are you? Have you checked in with yourself recently? What about your spouse, kids, or family?

Take this as a sign to listen to your body and what you need for your mental health. Drink some water, watch your favorite movie or pig out on your favorite foods; don't be afraid to treat yourself, because you're the most deserving of your kindness.

Sometimes things can get very overwhelming, especially with the setting of 2020. The narrative of this year has been far too negative, and I've been seeing a lot more people wound up than usual.

A lot of people are fighting for what they think is right and just trying to hold on to the smallest bit of control or normalcy as possible. And with that I must ask: How tired are you? Have you given yourself a break or a time away from social media to recoup?

You should allow yourself some time to process without your mind going a mile a minute trying to figure everything out at once. Remember, Rome was not built in a day, and its OK to give yourself time and patience.

If you have not been giving yourself or your family the best of you unwound, you should give it a try and let life's problems roll off your shoulders for a bit. Life gets tough, and for most of us among the younger generations, this is the first time in our lives seeing a global pandemic, economic crisis, a powerful movement for equality and all the other heaviness that this year has brought to our table.

I cannot stress enough how important it is to take care of yourself during these times of high stress. Take care of you. If you dont agree with someone, walk away and wish them peace, apply words of affirmations to your everyday life and do your best to be the light in someone else's life. Most importantly, take the time necessary to rest your body, soul and mind. No one is perfect, and were all living a new version of ourselves every day, slowly processing and learning as we go, so give yourself and others the virtue of patience.

This is your reminder to take a deep breath and try to remember all the good in the world. If no one has told you, you are loved and supported, so give yourself a break from the world around you because you deserve peace of mind.

Columnist Lauren Creamer can be reached at

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Married to the Military: Dont neglect your mental health - The Fayetteville Observer

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Deep cultural shifts required: open letter from 500 legal women calls for reform of way judges are appointed and disciplined – UNSW Newsroom

In an open letter to Attorney-General Christian Porter, about 500 women working in the law from across Australia have sought changes to the way judges are disciplined and appointed.

The letter comes after former High Court judge Dyson Heydon was found by an independent investigation to have sexually harassed young female associates of the court, as reported by The Sydney Morning Herald.

The letter was also sent to Susan Kiefel, Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia, along with another letter to thank her

for her strong, decisive and compassionate responses to the complaints in the Heydon matter, and ask her to work with the government to see these reforms implemented in a way sensitive to the protection of judicial integrity and independence.

The full text of the two letters are below.

Dear Attorney-General

We are writing following the publication of the High Courts response to the complaints about the conduct of Mr Dyson Heydon AC QC during his time as a judge on the Court. As women working across the legal profession, we have welcomed the Chief Justices strong response to the independent inquirys recommendations about providing better protections to associates during their time employed at the Court, recognising their particularly vulnerable professional position.

We believe the abuse the allegations raise provides an important opportunity to implement wider reforms to address the high incidence of sexual harassment, assault and misconduct in the legal profession. Deep cultural shifts in how men treat women in the law are required, as well as reforms to prevent the manifestations of what many fear may be institutionalised sexism that has allowed this culture to continue. We must reach a position where all people, regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, intersex status, age, race, ethnicity, or disability are treated with equal professional dignity. Of course, no single reform can achieve these shifts, and we understand many different forms of change must be pursued.

We are writing to urge you to implement two types of judicial institution reform the establishment of an independent complaints body and the introduction of a transparent appointments process. We believe these will prove to be important systemic contributions towards deeper cultural shifts.

To ensure these reforms are introduced and designed with appropriate levels of respect for the independence of the judiciary, we ask you to develop them with the cooperation and input of the judges. We encourage you to work with the Chief Justice of the High Court, to whom we have provided a copy of this letter, and the Council of Chief Justices of Australia and New Zealand to see them implemented. The Council of Chief Justices also offers an opportunity for these reforms to be considered at a national level to operate not just for the federal judiciary, but potentially across the federation.

First, we encourage the creation of an independent complaints body, with a standing jurisdiction to receive complaints against federal judges, investigate any complaints and provide appropriate responses to them. This institutional reform would ensure there is an established body to which future complainants may turn, whether they be court employees, members of the profession, the judiciary or members of the public. It would provide an independent avenue for individuals to seek redress with some guarantees of privacy and protection against recrimination, such as defamation actions.

An oversight institution such as this must be carefully designed so as to meet expectations of accountability for judicial misconduct, while protecting judges from unfounded allegations and not placing the judiciary in a subordinate position to any other branch of government. We underscore the necessity of any institution to respect judicial independence, and the requirements of Chapter III of the Constitution. If well designed with these considerations in mind, we believe such an institution could enhance public confidence in the integrity and independence of the judiciary.

In respect of its design, any institution should be informed by best practice and the standards that apply to complaint handling, such as ISO 10002:2004: Quality Management Customer Satisfaction Guidelines for Complaint Handling in Organizations. It should also be informed, although not limited, by the design of institutions that are already operating in many jurisdictions, including the Judicial Commission of New South Wales, the Judicial Conduct Commissioner of South Australia, the Judicial Commission Victoria, the ACT Judicial Council and most recently, the Judicial Commission of the Northern Territory.

Informed by such standards and the experience of these jurisdictions, we propose the following principles for the design of a national judicial complaints institution:

there must be clear, publicly available standards against which appropriate judicial behaviour is assessed. These standards must be developed by the judiciary to ensure independence from the political branches. The Guide to Judicial Conduct, adopted by the Council of Chief Justices, provides an important starting point as to the types of conduct that are unacceptable in judicial office. However, these standards need to go beyond aspirational statements and set down enforceable standards of appropriate conduct, including examples of behaviour and the consequences that might follow from such behaviour. Further, these standards should specify that workplace harassment and bullying, including sexual harassment, constitute judicial misconduct; conduct which is currently not mentioned in the Guide

the body should be a standing body, separate and independent from the political branches of government. It should be appointed by the judiciary, to maintain judicial independence, but it must be separate from the ordinary judicial hierarchy and process

the body may include former judicial officers, and there should be diversity in its membership

the body must adopt a robust, fair and transparent process. It must have appropriate investigative powers and ensure procedural fairness is accorded to complainants and the respondent. It must also protect the privacy of complainants and provide them with guarantees against recrimination, including defamation proceedings

should the body determine that a complaint has been made out, it must have an appropriate suite of avenues for redress available to it. These might include: referral to Parliament for possible removal; referral to prosecutors in relation to possible criminal conduct; as well as intermediate forms of redress, such as public reprimand, orders for compensation, and recommendations for pastoral care and advice (eg mentoring). While there are concerns that such responses might undermine public confidence in the judiciary, we believe the revelation of misconduct without a mechanism for appropriate redress also poses a high risk of such damage.

the body must have jurisdiction that extends to the investigation of retired judges and chief justices. Its jurisdiction must include conduct on the bench, notwithstanding that a judge has subsequently resigned. Second, we urge systemic reforms to the process of judicial appointments to increase transparency and promote the independence, quality and diversity of the judiciary. These reforms must be targeted to select candidates that will bring not just excellent legal skills to the office, but also the highest personal integrity, and contribute to greater diversity in the senior ranks of the profession.

In respect of its design, we proposed the following principles:

the government should appoint an independent body, composed of a diverse range of members, appointed by the judiciary and the government through a transparent process, to advise the government in its role in judicial appointments

the bodys function should be to advertise widely for judicial vacancies, and to shortlist candidates who are suitable for appointment, from whom among the government may select.

shortlisting must occur against criteria that are set out in a public statement, and must include legal knowledge, skill and expertise in addition to essential personal qualities (eg integrity and good character). The value of diversity in judicial appointments should also be respected. The Australasian Institute of Judicial Administrations Suggested Criteria for Judicial Appointments provides an example of such a statement

the body must consult widely, with relevant professional bodies and officeholders, including those representing women and other minority stakeholders, before shortlisting candidates

The bodys processes must be transparent.

We hope government will seize the opportunity these shocking revelations have provided to implement these, and other, reforms that will contribute to making the law a safer profession for women into the future.

Yours faithfully,

See all signatories here.

Dear Chief Justice,

We are writing following the publication of the High Courts response to the complaints about the conduct of Mr Dyson Heydon AC QC during his time as a judge on the Court. We thank you and the Courts Principal Registrar, Ms Philippa Lynch, in particular for the decisive action taken to ensure the complaints were thoroughly investigated by an independent process. We are grateful that you took this matter so seriously and treated the complainants with dignity, compassion and respect. We welcome your response to the inquirys recommendations as to how to provide better protections to associates during their time employed at the Court, recognising their particularly vulnerable professional position.

Today, we have sent a letter to the Commonwealth Attorney-General urging him to seize this moment as an opportunity to implement reforms to address the high incidence of sexual harassment, assault and misconduct in the law. We have asked that he take action to implement two types of institutional reforms an independent complaints body and a transparent judicial appointments process. While no single reform will achieve the necessary cultural shifts in how women are treated in the law, we believe, if properly designed, these will prove to be important systemic contributions towards deeper change.

We are very conscious that these reforms must be developed through close cooperation between the government, through the Attorney-Generals portfolio, and the judiciary. In particular, the creation of an independent complaint-handling body with a standing jurisdiction to receive complaints against federal judges, investigate any complaints and provide appropriate responses to them, must be designed with care. It must meet expectations of accountability for judicial misconduct while protecting judges from unfounded allegations and not compromising judicial independence by placing the judiciary in a subordinate position to any other branch of government.

With these considerations in mind, we have asked the Attorney-General to work with you and the Council of Chief Justices of Australia and New Zealand as an important forum for input from the Australian judiciary into the design of these reforms. We applaud your initial response to this issue. The changes you and Ms Lynch have made will form a significant legacy and will make the law a safer profession for women.

See all signatories here.

Gabrielle Appleby, Professor, UNSW Law School, UNSW

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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Deep cultural shifts required: open letter from 500 legal women calls for reform of way judges are appointed and disciplined - UNSW Newsroom

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Suddenly, The Investment Market Comes Out Of The Deep Freeze – Bisnow

Scientists are still not sure what tells salmon to return en masse to the same breeding ground every year, or how monarch butterflies know to migrate north from Mexico to Canada the length of the journey means no individual butterfly will reach its destination, but the group as a whole will survive.

And so it is with real estate investors. It is hard to pinpoint an exact trigger, but a couple of weeks ago, the London real estate investment market began to thaw out after a period of pandemic-induced hibernation. And the emergence is starting to spread beyond the capital.

There is both anecdote and evidence to highlight the phenomenon an uptick in properties officially registered for sale, owners kicking off sales processes for chunky assets and deals that were dropped during the early days of the pandemic starting to be picked back up. What changed to bring deal flow back? There is littleconcrete, but those in the market point to an increase in confidence among both buyers and sellers, as well as the economic and psychological imperatives thatfuel the circle of life that is real estate investment.

I agree that capital markets in London have opened up, and I think it has coincided with the easing of the lockdowns, Savills Head of Global Cross Border Investment Rasheed Hassan said. In a period like this you have investors who are risk-averse and wont do a deal under any circumstance, those who want to take advantage of a difficult market and look for distress, then a big group in the middle who might be buyers or sellers because they have different motivations driving them and they will more or less follow market pricing.

The number of properties listed for sale rose to 632 in June,37%up fromMay, according to CoStar. That figure is still well below the 900-plus listed in March, but is heading back toward the long-run average of 800 after falling to about 400 in April.

Thesecond quarter hadLondons third-lowest quarterly investment volume in 20 years, according to CBRE.

In London, new sales have been kicked off in recent weeks, and old sales revived. Landsec is selling a quartet of assets with a total value of 850M, in response to inbound investment enquiries,according to reports in Bloomberg and React News.

Numbers 1 and 2 New Ludgate on the western edge of the City, totalling 380K SF, could fetch as much as 600M, a 4% yield. In the West End, the 138K SF 40 Strand could be sold for 180M, and the 62K SF 7 Soho Square could sell for 75M.

As unlikely as it seems, some investors that have bought well and improved properties in recent years are now taking the opportunity to take a profit. Henderson Park bought the vacant 174K SF Athene Place in the City for 120M in 2018, and having leased the building,is now selling it for 260M.

Elsewhere in the City, DTZ Investors last week launched the sale of 47 and 50 Mark Lane, two assets totalling 132K SF, for 103M.

Deals that had fallen out of bed are now close to getting across the finish line, too. In March,Blackstone pulled out of a deal to buy The Cabot in Canary Wharf from Hines for 380M, but last month Link REIT, Hong Kongs largest listed property company, went under offer to buy the 453K SF building for about the same price.

Courtesy of Landsec

Landsec's New Ludgate scheme

AGC Equity Partners is in talks to buy 1 London Wall Place from Brookfield for around 500M, React News reported. A deal to sell the building to Korean investor Samsung alongside DTZ Investors fell apartearlier this year. And React saidBrookfield is still on course to complete the acquisition of Plantation Place for 700M.

There is an increasing amount of activity going on outside of London as well. Prologis launching the sale of a 435M UK logistics portfolio is big but perhaps unsurprising, given how well the industrial sector has performed even during the lockdown.

Of greater note is the sale of Aeons 240K SF Edinburgh HQ to Hyundai Asset Management for 167M, one of the first significant UK deals by a Korean investor outside of London.

Hassan said that on the buy side, investors had in recent weeks managed to look beyond the current uncertainty, and the imperative to spend that existed before the lockdown has not gone away. If youre a company with 100M of capital that you need to deploy, you might get 4M of income from real estate, but youre getting nothing if that moneysits in the bank: Investors seethat as 4M lost, he said.

If you buy real estate with long income that with a good covenant and your plan is to hold long term, the likelihood is that yields will go up and down during that time and there will be events over that period that we cannot predict today. However, if the real estate is good and the tenant can afford to keep paying the rent, then you feel secure.

Perhaps more interesting is the attitude of sellers after all, if no one is willing to sell, there is no market to be made. Hassan said the increasing pressure building up among buyers is giving sellers comfort they can achieve their pricing ambitions.

There are a large number of investors of all different types who have done very few or no transactions over the last six months now. There comes a point where some start needing to find a way to deploy capital, he said. In an environment where there is very little to buy, potential sellers are starting to get the confidence that they are going to get a lot of interest and a good reception if they do release something to the market. And if they dont get the price they want, they dont have to sell.

Real estate does not have the hive mind that controls fish or insects: Within the wider species of investors, there are myriad motivations guiding an individuals actions. But it can have the same result: Investors in London are on the move.

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Suddenly, The Investment Market Comes Out Of The Deep Freeze - Bisnow

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