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Money & Markets: After the virus, make sure you’ve read the inflationary playbook – E&T Magazine

The global economic machine has taken a battering from the lockdown, and part of the recovery will involve inflation. How well placed are engineers and technologists to ride out the chaos?

Economists used to model their systems like engineers designed refineries, with money flowing around piping, through valves, and in and out of tanks. Its a handy metaphor, but it belongs in its time.

These days it might be better to update the model to our understanding (or lack of it) of quantum physics. Schrdingers cat makes for a good model of the global economy because right now it is both alive and dead at the same time and its going to be a while before we open the box and find the definitive answer.

However you measure the effect of the global lockdown, the economic losses of the last few weeks have been colossal. Sales tax measures suggest a near 50 per cent drop; overall taxes point to 28 per cent, while CO2 emissions show an 18 per cent drop off. So even with a stunningly strong recovery, the net loss to tax revenues in the UK will be hundreds of billions. If the budget is not slashed and the government has promised it wont be those losses will balloon into a bigger and bigger national debt.

The upshot of all this is that the UK, and for that matter pretty much every country on Earth, is going to balloon its public debt to levels that will make a mockery of previous attempts at controlling expenditure so that, for example, the UKs finances next year will look like Italys national debt of last year. All those economic benefits of those years of austerity have gone up in smoke in a few short weeks.

While the UK and Europe have been working flat out to ameliorate their economic woes by exploding their budgets into a series of bailouts, the US has gone all in on a scale only matched by World War Two budgets and it has boosted its money supply at an annualised rate of 100 per cent in the last three months, already banking in an over-30 per cent rise in M1 cash in that time.

As any of us who took GCSE or O-Level Economics will recall, a boost of money supply means a boost in inflation, unless more goods are made to quench the demand triggered by the boosted supply of buying power. Well its a certainty that fewer goods have been made during the lockdown, so a 30 per cent-plus increase in money supply in a few weeks has a South American hyperinflation ring to it. The US is also on the brink of monetising corporate debt the amount that added nine zeros to a German postage stamp in the 1920s. The Germans, if not licking their stamps, are still licking the wounds from that experience, which many blame for the rise of a certain moustachioed landscape painter to power.

Many economists disagree; they say that the money will be stashed just like the cash of the last ten years of QE. The money will be sequestered in ultra-valued bonds, stocks and houses and it wont leak into the hands of the wider population to flush into a buying frenzy that will drive a price rise spiral. That sounds good until you realise that much of the stimulus has gone into the hands of the public in the form of boosted social security payments. The US unemployment payout has been increased by $600 a week, making many people temporarily better off on their sofa watching Netflix or punting stocks on the zero-fee stock trading apps, rather than in their old jobs.

Its a mess, and to my mind it is an inflationary mess, with inflation being the only natural lubricator of the changes ahead for our societies.

Governments cant afford deflation. Recoveries dont happen quickly under deflation. The necessary redistribution of resources that has to now happen doesnt pan out smoothly under deflation. Inflation is the classic path of governance under pressure when crisis strikes, it is the get out of jail free card for rulers since antiquity. However, it is a crazy orthodoxy that inflation is ever so difficult to create, but you can discount that nonsense. If that isnt a huge lie, someone needs to tell Iran, Zimbabwe and Venezuela.

A more nuanced version of the inflation lie is that inflation is caused by the expectation of inflation, and once sparked, its a self-fulfilling loop. That sounds credible until you ask how come they always have banknotes with more zeros to hand as hyperinflation strikes. As the monetarists that killed the inflation of the 1970s tell us: Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.

We are certainly entering into a period of monetary phenomena.

The next few years are going to be grim, but the strategy is the same as in every crisis. Stay employed, be working in the latest thing, buy assets when you see them super cheap.

Engineers and technologists are fortunately at the tip of the value chain and will miss the worse of whats ahead, while Aesops grasshoppers are in for a pretty nasty surprise.

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The world on a string a primer – The Irish Times

Physics, the most fundamental branch of science, has two main theories quantum mechanics and general relativity. Quantum mechanics explains the very small and light; atomic and subatomic levels. General relativity explains the very large and heavy; stars, galaxies and beyond.

Our everyday world is explained by Newtonian mechanics, whose principles can be derived from general relativity. But a major problem in physics is that quantum mechanics and general relativity are mutually incompatible, although the predictions made by each are unerringly accurate.

When certain cases are considered, such as the big bang, when the world was both incredibly small and incredibly massive, both quantum mechanics and general relativity must be invoked. Applying the equations of both theories to investigate the problem produces nonsensical results.

Nevertheless, it is extremely improbable that nature needs two sets of incompatible laws, one for the very large and another for the very small. String theory is physics latest attempt to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity and is beautifully explained by Brian Greene in The Elegant Universe, Folio Society Edition, 2017.

Matter and force constitute the basic fabric of the physical world. The ancient Greeks guessed that matter is ultimately composed of tiny indivisible units called atoms. Science later demonstrated that atoms do exist, but they have sub-components protons, neutrons and electrons. The electron has no sub-structure but protons and neutrons are composed of particles called quarks. Quarks come in two kinds up-quarks and down-quarks. There is no evidence quarks have sub-components.

Everything we see in the universe is made of electrons, up-quarks and down-quarks. Also, a fourth fundamental particle, the neutrino, a ghostly almost mass-less entity, courses through the universe in vast numbers basically without interacting with other matter.

There are four fundamental forces in nature the strong force, the weak force, electromagnetism and gravity. The strong and weak forces operate over extremely short distances and are only important inside atoms. The strong force holds protons and neutrons within the atom, the weak force is responsible for radioactivity. The electromagnetic force holds electrons in atoms but allows them to interact with electrons in other atoms to form molecules, the building blocks of matter.

It is also responsible for most interactions we see in our environment. Gravity is a force through which all things with mass or energy are attracted towards one another. It is the weakest force but can operate over extremely long distances. Gravity keeps the planets orbiting around the sun and makes things fall to earth when we drop them.

Each force has an associated force particle that can be visualised as the smallest part of the force. The force particles of the strong force, the weak force, the electromagnetic force, and gravity are, respectively, gluons, weak gauge bosons, photons and gravitons.

If the properties of these fundamental particles and forces were only slightly different, our world could not exist. But no theory yet explains the four fundamental particles or the four forces.

There are compelling reasons to think there is a fundamental underlying reality to our world that, if understood, would explain everything. A Theory of Everything would explain the fundamental particles and forces of nature, and it would explain both the very small and the very large in one framework. Albert Einstein (1879-1955) spent the second half of his life searching for such a theory, without success.

This is where string theory comes on stage. It was postulated in the 1980s that the fundamental particles each consists of a tiny one-dimensional vibrating loop called a string. Replacing point-particle material constituents (electrons and quarks) with strings mathematically resolves the incompatibility between quantum mechanics and general relativity. Strings are the common basis for everything.

Just as violin strings produce different notes when they vibrate at different frequencies, string theory says that vibrations of these tiny loops produce the different realities that make up the entire natural world the electron is a string vibrating one way, quarks are strings vibrating another way.

The mathematics underlying string theory are horrendously difficult and progress in developing string theory has been slow. But achievements have been realised, such as understanding some puzzling behaviour of black holes. It is to be hoped that the eventual complete elucidation of string theory will prove to be our Theory of Everything.

William Reville is an emeritus professor of biochemistry at UCC

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The world on a string a primer - The Irish Times

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Twitter Urged To Beef Up Encryption 07/20/2020 – MediaPost Communications

Twitter is facing new calls to beef up itssecurity practices, following a widely publicized hack that resulted in account hijackings.

Details about how the hackers gained access to the accounts -- including those of Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and President BarackObama -- are still emerging. But at least one potential avenue of attack -- direct messages -- would be more secure if Twitter protected them with end-to-end encryption, according to the digitalrights group Electronic Frontier Foundation.

End-to-end encryption provides the robust internal safeguard that Twitter needs, the group writes in a post urging Twitter toimplement the security protocol.

Earlier this week, Twitter fell victim to what it describes as a coordinated social engineering attack by people who successfully targeted some of ouremployees with access to internal systems and tools.



Twitter says it believes that around 130 accounts weretargeted, and that hackers were able to gain control of a small subset of those accounts. The hackers, who asked people to send bitcoin to an anonymous address, reportedly received more than 400 payments, totaling around $121,000.

Direct messagesare vulnerable to this weeks kind of internal compromise, the Electronic Frontier Foundationsays. Thats because they arenotend-to-end encrypted, soTwitter itself has access to them.

The group adds that Twitter wouldnt have to worry about whether or not this weeks attackers read or exfiltrated DMs if it hadend-to-end encrypted them.

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) also urged Twitter to encrypt direct messages.

While its still not clear if the hackers gained access toTwitter DMs, this is a vulnerability that has lasted for far too long, Wyden tweeted this week. If hackers gainedaccess to users' DMs, this breach could have a breathtaking impact for years to come.

Separately, New York Attorney General Attorney General Letitia James launched aninvestigation into the hack, which she stated raises serious concerns about datasecurity and how platforms like Twitter could be used to harm public debate.

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Twitter Urged To Beef Up Encryption 07/20/2020 - MediaPost Communications

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Thoughts on encryption legislation – and the real ‘link’ between 5G and coronavirus – Cloud Tech

Opinion Conspiracy theories are nothing new, but the recent one that blamed the rollout of 5G networks for the spread of Covid-19 is one of the more bizarre examples in recent memory. Not only is it very obviously untrue to anyone that understands either the technology or virology, but there is also little real correlation. New Zealand which was one of the first countries to declare itself virus-free is accelerating its current 5G rollout while Brazil and the USA which have seen the highest death rates are not among the leaders in 5G adoption.

However, there are other parallels and lessons that could be learned here. Firstly, around following the science rather than political agendas and secondly around protection not only from radiation, but also from malware and snooping.

Many political leaders across the globe have claimed that their response to the pandemic has been led by the science. Unfortunately, there are many different ways of interpreting the science and also still many unknowns. Consequently, politicians have used the science to back their own agendas, at times arguing either in favour or against the use of face masks, lockdowns and testing depending on how well prepared they were or how much they were willing to admit to earlier mistakes. Populist leaders in particular have not fared well during the pandemic, being more prone to grandstanding than accepting the best scientific advice.

Similarly, with 5G, there are undeniable technological and economic advantages from having collaboration in the market to drive innovation and interoperability, as well as from having a level competitive playing field to ensure choice and value for money. Unfortunately, a populist agenda in the US to scapegoat certain Chinese players as part of a trade war has had a massively negative impact on the entire 5G rollout. The irony is that while nobody has yet found any backdoors in the Chinese equipment, the US Congress is currently seeking to pass a bill that would force companies to include backdoors in all encryption, showing that the US is actually doing what it want us to believe that the Chinese might be doing. The US arsonist is too busy shouting at the Chinese to stop playing with matches to spot the irony here.

The issue of PPE (masks, gowns, gloves) during the pandemic has shown us how important protection is. Firstly, it can be shown beyond doubt that in radiation terms 5G is far safer than previous generations of mobile communications, just as 4G was safer than 3G. Our ability to communicate more efficiently, increasing performance as we reducing power consumption, has been as effective for mobile communications as it has been for microprocessors (see Moores Law) and many other areas of technology.

Secondly, if encryption can be maintained then 5G is also more secure than previous generations of mobile technology. 5G uses encryption to provide anti-tracking and spoofing features that make it harder to track and manipulate individual device connections. 5G is also a much more software and cloud-based than previous wireless network technologies, which will allow for better monitoring to spot potential threats. It also allows operators to use network slicing to segment the system in numerous virtual networks, each of which can be managed and customized separately. This means that different slices can have different protections set up for specific types of devices.

At a time when the variety and sophistication of cyber threats is not only at an all-time high, but is also on the increase, we cannot afford either to drop our level of vigilance or to create any unnecessary vulnerabilities.

Patching vulnerabilities is a fulltime job for all technology vendors, the race to find and patch flaws is one that we need to win every time, while the cybercriminals only need to win occasionally. Independent scrutiny can be of benefit here. Many vendors offer bug bounties and Huawei has put its equipment forward for additional testing by labs based in the UK and elsewhere.

Almost all the 5G security is built on encryption. The problem about creating backdoors in this encryption is that you create additional associated vulnerabilities as well as governance issues. It is a bit like having a particularly virulent strain of smallpox held in a secure lab that if it escaped would instantly infect everyone. You would want to be sure that the lab was really secure and that those that held it were trustworthy.

Unfortunately, the proposed congressional bill would put the keys to the encryption backdoors in the hands of an administration that is unashamedly America First and does not feel obliged either to abide by international treaties or to cooperate with global institutions (such as the WHO) and an intelligence community that has already allowed its own hacking tools to be stolen and that has also already shown that it is neither open or honest about its use of encryption backdoors. Not only would governance issues be of concern to almost all other nations, but it would also be probably only a matter of time before criminals obtained access to the backdoors, thereby undermining everyones security.

The congressional encryption bill, while a well-intentioned initiative by politicians who do not understand the technological consequences, is a far greater threat to our collective security (over 5G and all other technologies) than the vendor that the US administration is currently seeking to scapegoat.

We need to be focusing on bug bounties and enhanced testing of equipment from all vendors, as well as global collaboration to patch vulnerabilities and counter the real threats, rather than creating back doors that would open up what could be calamitous new vulnerabilities.

After all, if you are not confident in the security of Huawei equipment then in a competitive market you have alternative vendors to choose from. However, if the back doors mandated by congress are universal then you may not have another choice and you certainly dont have any choice in terms governance keys to the backdoors are controlled by the US government and its intelligence services alone (not the UN or your own government), until that is they fall into the hands of cybercriminals.

Given the mess that the current US administration has made over coronavirus, are we confident that they can be trusted with the keys to encryption backdoors for all our data either to use them responsibly or to keep them safe?

I am not in favour of backdoors at all, as they create new vulnerabilities. If, however, they are a political necessity, then maybe every member of the UN should nominate a country CTO and this group should be collectively responsible not only for holding the encryption keys, but also for collaborating on an international basis to address the growing cyber threat (especially from rogue nations).

Editors note: Bill works with a number of global vendors and accepts paid commissions from them, including Huawei; however, he has requested for us to point out that he is paid for his time and not his opinions therefore the opinions expressed in this and other articles are entirely his own.

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Thoughts on encryption legislation - and the real 'link' between 5G and coronavirus - Cloud Tech

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Encryption Software – Market Share Analysis and Research Report by 2025 – CueReport

A detailed overview of Encryption Software market with respect to the pivotal drivers influencing the revenue graph of this business sphere. The current trends of Encryption Software market in conjunction with the geographical landscape, demand spectrum, remuneration scale, and growth graph of this vertical have also been included in this report.

Some major findings of the encryption software market report include:

- The industrial verticals including healthcare, retail, and BFSI witnessed the heavy adoption of data protection solutions to protect sensitive/non-sensitive data and applications

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Encryption Software Market is expected to exceed USD 21 billion by 2026. The market growth is attributed to supportive government initiatives to combat cybercrimes and the rising instances of data breaches globally. For example, in November 2019, China's State Cryptography Administration (SCA) published a draft of an encryption law, which will regulate encryption in the private & public sectors. The draft also set guidelines on the usage of cryptography to safeguard national security. The growing implementation of disk, email, and mobile encryption capabilities in security suites provided by the cybersecurity vendors to address the evolving threats will augment market growth.

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- The cloud-based encryption software is gaining immense popularity as enterprises are migrating toward cloud platforms to store massively growing enterprise data and to leverage benefits in the form of on-demand scalability and reduced operational expenses

- Various small cybersecurity vendors and emerging startups are emerging in the market, offering a wide range of solutions to cater to the security needs of enterprises, expanding their customer base

- According to the HIPPA Journal, globally, the healthcare sector witnessed the highest breach costs, accounting for an average mitigation cost of USD 6.45 million

- The emerging startups, including Enveil (U.S.), Cosmian (Paris), Duality (U.S.), PreVeil LLC (U.S.) are focusing on fund-raising activities to develop new offerings and support business expansion. For instance, in September 2019, PreVeil raised USD 7 million in a Series B funding round led by Presidio Ventures to expand its business in the Japanese market.

The email encryption software market is expected to hold a share of over 25% in 2026 due to the rising uptake of security software to protect data from malware, identity thefts, and phishing. As email is one of the widely used communication methods used by enterprises, the demand for email data protection software to secure various aspects of email systems including content, media attachments or email access increases. The software encrypts data in transit and at rest and also supports multi-factor authentication for additional security, ensuring that sensitive information is always protected in line with regulatory compliance.

The on-premise deployment model segment held over 70% of the market share in 2019 and is projected to maintain a dominant position over the forecast timeline. The enterprises prefer an on-premise deployment model approach due to the high security associated with managing sensitive data in-house and gain access to cryptography keys for enhanced security. However, with the growing popularity of cloud platforms to store enterprise data due to high scalability and cost benefits, the demand for cloud-based encryption software is expected to accelerate over the forecast timeline.

The retail sector will also observe the heavy uptake of encryption over the projected timeframe owing to the need to protect customer data throughout a retailer's operations. The sector is witnessing a huge usage of third-party services to support online transactions, optimizing customer experience on their websites. This has led to a rise in the number of data breaches, exploiting sensitive customer information such as credit card & bank account details and personal credentials. According to a report published by Thales eSecurity, a cybersecurity provider, around 75% of the U.S. retailers have experienced a breach in 2018 as compared to 52% in 2017, exceeding the global average. The demand for cybersecurity solutions will rise significantly from 2020 to 2026, preventing theft & customer information compromise.

Latin America encryption software market is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 18% from 2020 to 2026 due to the rising number of cyberattacks on the business-critical infrastructure, growing usage of digital platforms among enterprises to conduct business transactions, and supportive government initiatives to promote cybersecurity. For instance, since December 2019, the Mexican institutions including Mexico Central Bank, the National Defense Ministry (Sedena), Mexico Supreme Court, and the House of Representatives recorded more than 45 million attempted attacks to access databases and steal information. The rapidly evolving threat landscape has compelled public & private enterprises to promote digital security to safeguard sensitive business information. The government agencies in the countries including Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina are introducing cybersecurity strategies to respond to a wide array of cyberattacks. For instance, in November 2017, the Mexican government presented the National Cyber Security Strategy in collaboration with the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE). The strategy aims at establishing best practices to fight against cybercrimes.

The competition in the encryption software market is characterized by strategic partnerships, new product launches, and geographic expansion. For instance, in November 2019, Sophos partnered with Telefonica UK (O2) to provide its products & services to Telefonica's customers in the UK. The partnership enables the customers to gain access to Sophos Central cloud-based security platform to secure their organizations. The company's products & services also enable customers to minimize cybersecurity risks by using behavioral analytics and machine learning to identify known & unknown threats. In August 2018, Kapalya, a Hawaii-based cybersecurity startup, introduced a data protection solution to secure data at rest and data in transit on private & public clouds and mobiles. The platform allows users to work on any device, ensuring end-to-end encrypted file sharing.

Major Highlights from Table of contents are listed below for quick lookup into Encryption Software Market report

Chapter 1. Competitive Landscape

Chapter 2. Company Profiles

Chapter 3. Methodology & Scope

Chapter 4. Executive Summary

Chapter 5. Encryption Software industryInsights

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Encryption Software - Market Share Analysis and Research Report by 2025 - CueReport

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Encryption Management Solutions Market 2020 Global Share, Growth, Size, Opportunities, Trends, Regional Overview, Leading Company Analysis And…

Encryption Management Solutions Market Forecast 2020-2026

The Global Encryption Management Solutions Market research report provides and in-depth analysis on industry- and economy-wide database for business management that could potentially offer development and profitability for players in this market. This is a latest report, covering the current COVID-19 impact on the market. The pandemic of Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected every aspect of life globally. This has brought along several changes in market conditions. The rapidly changing market scenario and initial and future assessment of the impact is covered in the report. It offers critical information pertaining to the current and future growth of the market. It focuses on technologies, volume, and materials in, and in-depth analysis of the market. The study has a section dedicated for profiling key companies in the market along with the market shares they hold.

The report consists of trends that are anticipated to impact the growth of the Encryption Management Solutions Market during the forecast period between 2020 and 2026. Evaluation of these trends is included in the report, along with their product innovations.

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The Report Covers the Following Companies:Check Point Software TechnologiesCisco SystemsIBMMicrosoftOracleSymantec

By Types:Disk EncryptionFolder Encryption Communication EncryptionCloud Encryption

By Applications:BFSIHealthcareGovernmentRetailIT and telecom

Furthermore, the report includes growth rate of the global market, consumption tables, facts, figures, and statistics of key segments.

By Regions:

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Years Considered to Estimate the Market Size:History Year: 2015-2019Base Year: 2019Estimated Year: 2020Forecast Year: 2020-2026

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About DataIntelo:DATAINTELO has set its benchmark in the market research industry by providing syndicated and customized research report to the clients. The database of the company is updated on a daily basis to prompt the clients with the latest trends and in-depth analysis of the industry. Our pool of database contains various industry verticals that include: IT & Telecom, Food Beverage, Automotive, Healthcare, Chemicals and Energy, Consumer foods, Food and beverages, and many more. Each and every report goes through the proper research methodology, validated from the professionals and analysts to ensure the eminent quality reports.

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Encryption Management Solutions Market 2020 Global Share, Growth, Size, Opportunities, Trends, Regional Overview, Leading Company Analysis And...

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Research Report on Data Encryption Service Market by Current Industry Status, Growth Opportunities, Top Key Players, and Forecast to 2025 -…

Global Data Encryption Service Market Report added by Market Study report scrutinizes the overall market synopsis globally, their restraining factors, drivers, major challenges, opportunities, latest trends to stabilize the global Data Encryption Service industry situation, future developmental plans, and values pertaining to various marketing states. This global Data Encryption Service market report also enables users to make a decision and considering the overall market feasibility. It also offers thorough information on market size, product, key players, various application and major geographical regions.

The Data Encryption Service market report offers an in-depth study of this business sphere which involves key insights pertaining to industry deliverables, particularly market trends, market share, market size, current valuation, and revenue estimations for the forecast period. The summary of the industry also identifies the Data Encryption Service market growth rate during the forecast timeline, spurred by certain catalysts, an idea of which has been explained in this research report, in tandem with the foremost challenges and growth opportunities present in the industry.

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Important components highlighted in the Data Encryption Service market report:

Illuminating the regional spectrum of the Data Encryption Service market:

Data Encryption Service Market Segmentation: USA, Europe, Japan, China, India, South East Asia.

Understandings incorporated in the market study have been framed with respect to the industry indicators:

A comprehensive guideline of the Data Encryption Service market with regards to product & application spectrum:

Product landscape:

Product types:

Key understandings contained within the report:

Application landscape:

Application bifurcation:

Particulars highlighted in the report:

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Other important pointers included in the report:

What does the competitive terrain of the Data Encryption Service market indicate?

Manufacturer base of the industry:

Competitive analysis outlined in the report includes:

In addition to the aforementioned pointers, the Data Encryption Service market study also delivers vital information referring to the industrys concentration ratio, that would likely aid active competitors in defining their business strategy to outdo other prominent players participating in the business sphere.

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Bill That Mandates Cyber Backdoors Will Leave Front Doors Wide Open – CPO Magazine

A few weeks ago a group of U.S. Republican senators introduced the Lawful Access to Encrypted Data Act, a bill that would compel American tech companies to put backdoors in their products to give law enforcement access to customers data with a warrant.

If passed, the Act will put everyones data at risk, while reversing decades of work to make encryption stronger and personal data more secure.

Even for purposes of lawful access, no company wants government pressure to insert vulnerabilities in their products. Adding any sort of hidden backdoor access or decryption capability potentially jeopardizes a companys reputation and its business prospects.

Yet such pressure is reality in the tech industry. In 2016, for example, Apple famously refused an FBI request to unlock an iPhone linked to a shooting in California.

But its not just the U.S. government pushing companies to install backdoors. In 2018, a letter was issued by the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing alliance, consisting of the U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The letter warned that if private companies refused to help authorities de-code encrypted emails, text messages, and voice communications, the Five Eyes governments might pursue technological, enforcement, legislative or other measures to achieve lawful access solutions.

Tech companies have faced such pressure to compromise privacy for decades. In the 1990s, the FBI floated the concept of key escrow, whereby software developers would copy the keys to every algorithm and give them to authorities upon request. In 2017, thenU.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein claimed that encrypted apps were protecting criminals like terrorists and drug dealers. Rosenstein acknowledged that the approach taken in the recent past negotiating with technology companies and hoping that they eventually will assist law enforcement out of a sense of civic duty is unlikely to work.

Why would that be? Do technology companies lack a sense of civic duty? A more likely explanation is that they know vulnerabilities are inevitably discovered and exploited. This turns their products into the cyber-equivalent of a suitcase lock made for the Transportation Security Administration. TSA authorities have master keys that can open any TSA-approved lock, allowing the agency to open your luggage without breaking the lock and damaging your suitcase.

As many people predicted when the program was rolled out, this vulnerability was soon exploited by hackers, allowing anyone with a 3D printer copy of the master keys and sell them on the black market. The same thing could easily happen with data networks.

As the Internet of Things ushers in an era of cyber-physical systems, network security is becoming a matter of life and death: instead of just disclosing your credit card information, a system breach could highjack the car youre driving or stop the pacemaker that controls your heart.

Think about the legal liability, reputational damage, and potential loss of life. What company wants any part of that?

Its sponsors in Congress will argue that the Lawful Access to Encrypted Data Act will keep Americas networks safe. Sadly, the effect will be the exact opposite. And tech companies know it.

Just as no organization wants to get hacked, no company in the world wants to install backdoors in their technology. Its just bad for business, as products are compromised, customers angered, and corporate reputations tarnished or destroyed.

Building a backdoor access that may be exploited by #hackers is a risk that no technology company is willing to take. #cybersecurity #respectdata Click to Tweet

Any backdoor makes us all less secure. As cyber security expert Bruce Schneier points out, you cant build a backdoor that only works with proper legal authorization, or only for people with a particular citizenship or the proper morality. If a backdoor exists, it can be exploited. Thats a risk no company is willing to take.

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Bill That Mandates Cyber Backdoors Will Leave Front Doors Wide Open - CPO Magazine

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These encrypted iStorage hard drives and flash drives are the ultimate peace of mind for your data – Boing Boing

If data is worth saving to an external drive, shouldnt it also be important enough to protect?

Since setting up shop in the UK over a decade ago, iStorage has become one of the top makers of encrypted, easy to use and affordable portable data storage devices. And while not everyone needs multi-level security in place before someone accesses their files, iStorage products make steel-trap protection a standard feature in all of their flash drives, hard drives and even cloud services options.

Flash drives usually live up to their name, used for quick data transportation and transfers. But that pocket-sized convenience has its security downsides as well, including vulnerability to malware, tampering, hacking or just outright theft. With the datAshur PRO and PRO, you get an assortment of protection measures to make sure no one compromises or steals your data ever.

In addition to built-in full disk AES-XTS 256-bit hardware encryption, both models also feature keypad protection. Set a unique PIN of up to 15 digits and without that PIN, no one gets to your information. The stick auto-locks the moment you unplug and with the brute force hack defense mechanism, all data permanently deletes with 10 incorrect login attempts. Better to be gone than fall into the wrong hands!

The PRO is available in sizes from 8GB to 128GB, while the PRO with faster read and write speeds is available from 16GB to 512GB.

When it absolutely must be protected...and its big, the diskAshur range of solid-state drives is ready to assist. Its got the same military-grade AES-XTS 256-bit encryption and coded keypad to shield all your data as the datAshur drives, plus truly spacious storage to accommodate virtually any files you need protected, regardless of size.

As with the datAshur models, data transfer speeds are the main differentiator here, with the HDD offering spaces up to a whopping 5TB, while the faster SSD version sports more limited capacity, but logs much faster transfers up to 361 MB/s read speed and up to 358 MB/s write speed.

With a lofty 4.5 out of 5 star rating among Amazon reviewers as well as the experts at PCMag saying these drives could be the ultimate in secure storage, you can feel confident that iStorage has your back.

But what if your data is in the cloud and out of your direct control? Most cloud providers actually hold the key to your encrypted data, but with cloudAshure, you can safely secure data yourself virtually anywhere you want to put it, from encrypting data locally on a Windows PC or Mac, on any portable data storage device, or even encrypting files shared via email or file-sharing software services. The key stays with you, making it virtually impossible for crooks to steal your data, even if they could access your cloud storage provider.

Prices are subject to change.

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These encrypted iStorage hard drives and flash drives are the ultimate peace of mind for your data - Boing Boing

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Virtual and face-to-face connect to coexist: Zoom COO – Fortune India

What do you think of competition? What sets you apart? What do you have to say about competition from India, more specifically JioMeet?

We have been dealing with competition since 2011, when the company was founded. We have had to deal with very large incumbents in the marketplace from an early timeframe. We view competition as a good thing. It only spurs us to focus on what we can controlour innovation and our ability to deliver happiness to our customers.

It takes a lot for us to deliver Zoom in the way it is: a very easy to use, high quality, video collaboration service. And as I mentioned, the architecture is very important. The know-how around the globally distributed network that we have, even the user interface, the simplicity, the feature set, etc. These are all things that we agonise over and have agonised over in our development. And really take feedback from our customers to heartboth our free customers all the way to our paid customers.

I would say there is no one thing that makes Zoom special. I think it is a combination of all of that and an intensely focussed and driven employee base that really cares for its customer and its community. And I think that has helped us up to this point address competitive threats, and it will help us going forward.

About JioMeet, to be honest, I havent looked at the product. But I will say the factors that help us compete, you know, historically are going to be the factors that help us compete going forward, we are focussed on delivering a very secure, very reliable, and very easy to use product. And that we are going to focus on what we can control.

Having said that competition just makes you more hungry. There should be no difference to how that impacts Zoom today as it has impacted Zoom years before as well and all along.

There is speculation about Zoom being a Chinese company. Could you tell us something about its origins?

I will just say that Zoom is not a Chinese company. We are listed on the Nasdaq and our headquarters are here in San Jose. Our founder [Yuan] may be ethnically Chinese, but hes an American citizen. He's been in this country since 1997. His three kids go to the local schools. His life has largely been American by choice.

We were set up with the intention to provide workplace collaboration services, for businesses, and with the view that, if we can provide video conferencing or video collaboration services to enterprises. That would be sort of the holy grail for us. At the end of December, we had around 10 million daily meeting participants. And by the end of April we had 300 million daily meeting participants, and that has been the significant shift during the pandemic.

A lot of it are schools. Education has always had a big value for our company. Erics core passion in education, but it's also our employees core passion. We did a ground-up survey of our employees and education was one of the top three initiatives. So, it made sense when the pandemic hit, to offer countries across the world, the opportunity to have free service for schools.

I think I noticed the difference when we offered K through 12 services for free in the U.S. Suddenly everybody knew about Zoom. We started to get a lot of different use-cases that we had probably not anticipated, because largely we are focussed on enterprises. And the challenge we face going forward is how do we embrace and continue to allow to flourish these various use-cases.

Zoom was made for the enterprise, but individuals took to it in droves. Did problems such as Zoombombing and the like crop up because it wasnt being used the way it was envisaged to be?

Zoom was originally developed for enterprise use and has been confidently selected for complete deployment by a large number of institutions globally, following security reviews of our user, network, and datacentre layers. However, we saw more participation from standalone users, who have been using the platform to connect to their family, friends, and colleagues; increased usage by schools to continue the education processes, etc. A lot of such users are unaware of various security measures one should adopt while on a virtual platform, leading to issues like meeting bombing.

Zoom has recently launched the latest version, Zoom 5.0, that delivers one of our most advanced security enhancements to date with support for AES 256-bit GCM encryption, which provides added protection for meeting data and greater resistance to tampering. The version provides users with features like reporting a user, new encryption icon, and enhanced data centre information which allows more flexibility and security to users.

Let us talk about end-to-end encryption (E2EE) and endless speculation about whether it would be offered to free users. How do you end the speculation?

Well, let me end it right now. We are in the development process for end-to-end encryption. We have already announced that were going to have a limited beta. And then we are going to continue working on rolling out this product through the end of the year. It will be the first end-to-end encryption feature available on video collaboration. Its very hard to do and then it will be the first. What were trying to accomplish is to have in Zoom formats or Zoom scale I want to be very clear that it will be available for all customers across the platform, both paid and free. Were still working out the details, but we will probably deploy some sort of a one-time risk-based authentication for free users that use E2EE.

But at the end of the day, it is extremely important that we provide an opportunity for our customers to have communications that they believe are private and secure. I want to just make sure that youre aware that today even without E2EE, when our customers are using the application and are on the parts of the application that are controlled by Zoom, they have AES 256-bit GCM encryption, which is industry leading today.

All Zoom users will continue to use AES 256 GCM transport encryption as the default encryption, while E2EE will be an optional feature. This is because it limits some meeting functionality, such as the ability to include traditional PSTN phone lines or SIP/H.323 hardware conference room systems. Hosts will toggle E2EE on or off on a per-meeting basis. And account administrators can enable and disable E2EE at the account and group level.

Virtual and face-to-face connect to coexist: Zoom COO - Fortune India

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