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Global Machine Learning Courses Market Trends, Key Driven Factors, Segmentation And Forecast To 2020-2026 – The Scarlet

The research report on the global Machine Learning Courses Market offers an all-encompassing analysis of recent and upcoming states of this industry which also analyzes several growth strategies for market growth. The Machine Learning Courses report also focuses on the comprehensive study of the industry environment, and industry chain structure extensively. The Machine Learning Courses report also sheds light on major factors including leading vendors, growth rate, production value, and key regions.

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Top Key Players:

UdemyEdXMetisSimplilearnUdacityEdvancerNobleProgIvy Professional SchoolJigsaw AcademyDataCampBitBootCamp

Machine Learning Courses Market Fragment by Areas, regional examination covers

United States, Canada, Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Switzerland, Sweden, Poland, , China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, India, Taiwan, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa and Rest of the World.

The Machine Learning Courses Market report introduces the industrial chain analysis, downstream buyers, and raw material sources along with the correct comprehensions of market dynamics. The Machine Learning Courses Market report is articulated with a detailed view of the Global Machine Learning Courses industry including Global production sales, Global revenue, and CAGR. Additionally, it offers potential insights about Porters Five Forces including substitutes, buyers, industry competitors, and suppliers with genuine information for understanding the Global Machine Learning Courses Market.

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The Machine Learning Courses Market study projects viability analysis, SWOT analysis, and various other information about the leading companies operating in the Global Machine Learning Courses Market provide a complete efficient account of the viable environment of the industry with the aid of thorough company profiles. However, Machine Learning Courses research examines the impact of current market success and future growth prospects for the industry.

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Global Machine Learning Courses Market Trends, Key Driven Factors, Segmentation And Forecast To 2020-2026 - The Scarlet

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A continent works to grow its stake in quantum computing – University World News


South Africa is a few steps ahead in the advancement of quantum computing and quantum technologies in general, said Mark Tame, professor in photonics at Stellenbosch University in the Western Cape.

South Africas University of KwaZulu-Natal has also been working on quantum computing for more than a decade, gradually building up a community around the field.

The buzz about quantum computing in South Africa just started recently due to the agreement between [Johannesburgs] University of the Witwatersrand and IBM, said Professor Francesco Petruccione, interim director, National Institute for Theoretical and Computational Science, and South African Research Chair in Quantum Information Processing and Communication at the School of Chemistry and Physics Quantum Research Group, University of KwaZulu-Natal.

Interest was intensified by Googles announcement last October that it had developed a 53-qubit device which it claimed took 200 seconds to sample one instance of a quantum circuit a million times. The IT company claimed it would take a state-of-the-art digital supercomputer 10,000 years to achieve this.

A University of Waterloo Institute for Quantum Computing paper stresses quantum computers ability to express a signal (a qubit) of more than one value at the same time (the superposition ability) with that signal being manifested in another device independently, but in exactly the same way (the entanglement ability). This enables quantum computers to handle much more complex questions and problems than standard computers using binary codes of ones and zeros.

The IBM Research Laboratory in Johannesburg offers African researchers the potential to harness such computing power. It was established in 2015, part of a 10-year investment programme through the South African governments Department of Trade and Industry.

It is a portal to the IBM Quantum Experience, a cloud-based quantum computing platform accessible to other African universities that are part of the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA), which involves 16 of the continents leading universities (in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda and South Africa).

Levelling of the playing field

The IBM development has levelled the playing field for students, [giving them] access to the same hardware as students elsewhere in the world. There is nothing to hold them back to develop quantum applications and code. This has been really helpful for us at Stellenbosch to work on projects which need access to quantum processors not available to the general public, said Tame.

While IBM has another centre on the continent, at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa in Nairobi, Kenya, in 2018 the University of the Witwatersrand became the first African university to join the American computing giants Quantum Computing Network. They are starting to increase the network to have an army of quantum experts, said Professor Zeblon Vilakazi, a nuclear physicist, and vice-chancellor and principal of the University of the Witwatersrand.

At a continental level, Vilakazi said Africa is still in a learning phase regarding quantum computing. At this early stage we are still developing the skills and building a network of young students, he said. The university has sent students to IBMs Zurich facility to learn about quantum computing, he said.

To spur cooperation in the field, a Quantum Africa conference has been held every year since 2010, with the first three in South Africa, and others in Algeria and Morocco. Last years event was in Stellenbosch, while this years event, to be hosted at the University of Rwanda, was postponed until 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Growing African involvement

Rwanda is making big efforts to set up quantum technology centres, and I have former students now working in Botswana and the Gambia. It is slowly diffusing around the continent, said Petruccione.

Academics participating at the Stellenbosch event included Yassine Hassouni of Mohammed V University, Rabat; Nigerian academic Dr Obinna Abah of Queens University Belfast; and Haikel Jelassi of the National Centre for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Tunisia.

In South Africa, experimental and theoretical work is also being carried out into quantum communications the use of quantum physics to carry messages via fibre optic cable.

A lot of work is being done on the hardware side of quantum technologies by various groups, but funding for these things is not the same order of magnitude as in, say, North America, Australia or the UK. We have to do more with less, said Tame.

Stellenbosch, near Cape Town, is carrying out research into quantum computing, quantum communication and quantum sensing (the ability to detect if a quantum-sent message is being read).

I would like it to grow over the next few years by bringing in more expertise and help the development of quantum computing and technologies for South Africa, said Tame.

Witwatersrand is focusing on quantum optics, as is Petrucciones team, while there is collaboration in quantum computing with the University of Johannesburg and the University of Pretoria.

University programmes

Building up and retaining talent is a key challenge as the field expands in Africa, as is expanding courses in quantum computing.

South Africa doesnt offer a masters in quantum computing, or an honours programme, which we need to develop, said Petruccione.

This is set to change at the University of the Witwatersrand.

We will launch a syllabus in quantum computing, and were in the process of developing courses at the graduate level in physics, natural sciences and engineering. But such academic developments are very slow, said Vilakazi.

Further development will hinge on governmental support, with a framework programme for quantum computing being developed by Petruccione. There is interest from the [South African] Department of Science and Innovation. Because of [the economic impact of] COVID-19, I hope some money is left for quantum technology, but at least the government is willing to listen to the community, he said.

Universities are certainly trying to tap non-governmental support to expand quantum computing, engaging local industries, banks and pharmaceutical companies to get involved in supporting research.

We have had some interesting interactions with local banks, but it needs to be scaled up, said Petruccione.


While African universities are working on quantum computing questions that could be applicable anywhere in the world, there are plans to look into more localised issues. One is drug development for tuberculosis, malaria and HIV, diseases that have afflicted Southern Africa for decades, with quantum computings ability to handle complex modelling of natural structures a potential boon.

There is potential there for helping in drug development through quantum simulations. It could also help develop quantum computing networks in South Africa and more broadly across the continent, said Vilakazi.

Agriculture is a further area of application. The production of fertilisers is very expensive as it requires high temperatures, but bacteria in the soil do it for free. The reason we cant do what bacteria do is because we dont understand it. The hope is that as quantum computing is good at chemical reactions, maybe we can model it and that would lead to cheaper fertilisers, said Petruccione.

With the world in a quantum computing race, with the US and China at the forefront, Africa is well positioned to take advantage of developments. We can pick the best technology coming out of either country, and that is how Africa should position itself, said Vilakazi.

Petrucciones group currently has collaborations with Russia, India and China. We want to do satellite quantum communication. The first step is to have a ground station, but that requires investment, he said.

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A continent works to grow its stake in quantum computing - University World News

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Physics – Letters to the EditorAugust 26, 2020 – Physics

The beginning of 2020 saw years of plans converging for the ITER Organization (the international collaboration that works toward demonstrating the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion energy for peaceful purposes). Construction has reached completion on major components for the thermonuclear fusion reactor. Complex delivery protocols were set in motion to bring these large pieces onsite in Cadarache, France. Unfortunately, the start of COVID-19 necessitated some major changes to starting assembly.

ITER quickly enacted safety measures for on-site essential staff, prioritizing worker welfare while doing its best to stay on track. The new work-from-home situation for non-essential staff has had minimal impact on most of my division. A lot of our work lies in the realm of simulations. While adjusting to the work-from-home lifestyle, frequent boosts in morale came from the daily ITER Bulletin that keeps us all up to date on progress. Workers here are still striving to make fusion energy a reality.

By mid-May, France began to lift restrictions and non-essential workers started voluntarily returning to the work site. Bus rides to the site operate at half capacity with staggered seating, our beloved caf is closed for everything except lunch, all meetings are virtual, and masks are required. In the end, we all came together online for a virtual start of assembly celebration. Sharing that moment was fantastic, even at a distance. With the cryostat base safely installed in the tokamak pit, work is moving forward. New components are constantly arriving from across the world. Were now testing a working schedule of two days on-site, three days off-site, and are learning as we go while maintaining both progress and safety.

Jonathan Coburn is a Monaco Postdoctoral Fellow within the Science Division of the ITER Organization, Cadarache, France.

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Physics - Letters to the EditorAugust 26, 2020 - Physics

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Science with Sam: What is a black hole? And could you survive one? – New Scientist News

Welcome to the first episode of Science with Sam, hosted by New Scientist social media editor Sam Wong, who will explain some of the biggest topics in science every week. From microbiomes to vaccines, quantum theory to consciousness, and much, much more. If youve ever idly wondered whether it would be possible to escape from a black hole, questioned whether there are multiple universes or wanted to understand exactly how a vaccine works, this video series is for you.

First up: Black holes, objects so massive and dense that not even beams of light, the fastest things in the universe, can escape their gravitational pull. First predicted by Albert Einsteins theory of general relativity, the first image of a black hole was captured in 2019, when scientists turned Earth into one giant radio telescope, created by the Event Horizon telescope network.

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Video transcript: Science with Sam: What is a black hole? And could you survive one?

Imagine youre floating in space. Its quiet and cold, serene but slightly terrifying. Suddenly, you feel a tug. It starts out faint, but gets stronger, pulling you towards an empty region of the sky. Before you know it, you have entered a black hole. Thats not good. Could you survive? Maybe, but it gets pretty weird. To find out, we need to know more about black holes.

Black holes are objects so massive and dense that not even beams of light, the fastest things in the universe, can escape their gravitational pull. Essentially any object sufficiently compressed can be a black hole. If an evil alien empire decided to squash Earth down, it would form a black hole about the size of a peanut.

The existence of black holes was predicted by Albert Einsteins theory of general relativity, which states that matter warps space and time, creating what we call gravity. The theory also predicted that when black holes collide, they send out ripples in the fabric of space-time, called gravitational waves. These ripples were first detected in 2015 by an incredibly sensitive experiment called LIGO, proving Einstein right. Then in 2019, we managed to photograph a black hole for the first time, by using observatories around the world to turn Earth into one giant radio telescope. On the picture we can see a bright ring of material circling the black hole itself, silhouetted in the centre. Pretty amazing, huh? And theres even more exciting research happening all the time.

If you were unfortunate enough to get sucked into a black hole, it would be a spectacular, if devastating thing. As you circle down the drain of this cosmic plughole all the photons being pulled alongside you would create a stream of blinding light. Then, a looming darkness would wash over you and the surrounding stars would start to distort and bend. This is your last opportunity to escape. Any further, and you will cross the event horizon, the line where the black holes gravity is too large to resist. Beyond here gravity increases so quickly that it wouldnt just crush you but pull apart every part of your body at different speeds, resulting in what physicists delightfully call spaghettification. If you fell in feet first, your ankles would stretch away from your knees before your neck elongated into a strand of pasta.

Once inside the black hole, it gets a bit harder to work out what happens, perhaps unsurprisingly, because general relativitys equations fail catastrophically here at the black holes centre, known as its singularity. This is where quantum physics comes into play, but quantum theory and General relativity dont really get along. General relativity states that when matter falls into a black hole, information is destroyed, but quantum mechanics says that cant happen. We need a unified theory to reconcile the two.

One way to do that is with string theory, which says that matter isnt made of fundamental particles, but instead is composed of tiny strings. If thats the case, black holes arent really black holes at all, but fuzzy balls of tangled string. You would still die a pretty terrible death if you fell into a fuzzball like this, but instead of becoming part of nothing, you would become part of this bundle of strings.

Still not much of a consolation. Is there a way to survive a black hole? Well, sort of. Black holes come in a range of sizes, from as small as a single atom to a million times the mass of the sun. If you have a choice, your best bet is to fall into a large one: their gravity is bigger, but the stretching tidal force is less, meaning you might just live to tell the tale. Unfortunately, you wouldnt be able to escape to tell anyone what youd seen. Or could you?

There is one possible way you could make it back out, through a hypothetical object called a white hole. Just as black holes allow nothing to escape their pull, white holes cant hold anything together. One idea is that every black hole is connected to a white one via an inter-dimensional tunnel known as a wormhole. Fall into one, and you will, eventually, get thrown out the other end where space-time bounces back outwards, vomiting you up with it. Alternatively, you could wait for a black hole to turn into a white one. To an outside observer, this process would take billions of years, but inside, thanks to the enormous gravitational pull, time would be speeded up, taking you mere milliseconds.

So maybe there is a way to fall into a black hole and survive, but I dont fancy the risk myself spaghettification doesnt sound very nice at all. How about you? Let us know in the comments and dont forget to like and subscribe for more Science with Sam.

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Science with Sam: What is a black hole? And could you survive one? - New Scientist News

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But why is altcoin trading concentrated mostly in East Asia? – AMBCrypto English

Lately altcoins have been the talk of the town. From ICOs to defi tokens, altcoins are plenty in number and perhaps Asian traders are to thank for that. FTX is well-known for its listing of new tokens and so is Binance, which listed Nexus Mutual token earlier today [NXM]. (Any common thread you recognize there?)

The reason altcoins are grabbing attention is mostly due to East Asian traders affinity towards these coins. According to a recent Chainalysis report it was noted that East Asia is the worlds largest cryptocurrency market in the world and contributes about 31% of all the cryptocurrency transacted in the last 12 months.

East Asia-based addresses have received $107 billion worth of cryptocurrency in the last 12 months, which is 77% more than Western Europe, the second-highest receiving region.

Not just that, liquidity arising out of this region is so high that it is either the largest or second-largest counterparty for every other region.

East Asian traders allocate a 16% of the portfolio to trading altcoins while 33% for stablecoins and the rest/majority is of cource allocated to bitcoin. The same portfolio can be seen with traders from the Middle East as well.

Another interesting observation is the frequency of trading. Again, East Asia dominates this list. For this research, trading intensity was calculated by considering the number of times each coin deposited on an exchange was traded within the exchange before exiting.

This metric showed that,

The East Asian exchanges have a trade intensity between 1.4x and 3.8x higher than those catering to North America in any given month over the last year, showing that East Asia cryptocurrency users trade more frequently than those in North America, who tend to buy and hold.

The main reason behind this can be attributed to the concentration of mining industry in East Asia. About 65% of all bitcoin hash rate comes from China and if this wasnt enough, the mining manufacturers are also concentrated in China. Hence, most minted bitcoins are first sent to Asian exchanges.

Perhaps, a small reason for this could be due to the PlusToken scam that netted over $2 billion worth of cryptocurrency from millions of victims, concentrated mainly in Asia. Other huge scams are also concentrated in China, Korea, etc, which might also explain the trading volume and on-chain transactions.

While East Asia is still the largest contributor to crypto volume, its overall activity has declined since October 2019 and could be directly attributed to the negative sentiment arising due to these scams.

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But why is altcoin trading concentrated mostly in East Asia? - AMBCrypto English

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The altcoins are really starting to pop – Asia Times

Have you ever made popcorn? Not that rubbish you zap in the microwave the proper stovetop kind. Nothing happens for a while, but after the thin layer of oil at the bottom of the pot starts to sizzle and smoke, and the bright yellow kernals heat up and get excited, you hear a single pop. This is followed a few seconds later by another pop and then another one, and then all of a sudden they start exploding in rapid-fire succession.

That is exactly what the altcoin market is starting to look like.

Asia Times reported on Wednesday that former Prudential CEO George Ball advised investors to position themselves for a major rally in September. Balls choice of metaphor was not popcorn popping but rather a fuse being lit. What is going to light it? Currency devaluation resulting from unprecedented levels of monetary stimulus in response to the Covid-19 crisis, Ball believes.

Old-school investors like Ball, a reformed crypto skeptic, and hedge-fund tycoon Paul Tudor Jones are increasingly turning to crypto now that the credibility of its safe-haven status has been reinforced by major institutional investors like Grayscale and Fidelity joining the party.

Is it really a safe-haven asset? That remains to be seen, but with some conservative Wall Street players who regarded bitcoin with contempt a few years ago now taking the digital gold narrative seriously, it looks like it may have that potential. Money is, after all, a belief system, and there is a growing consensus that bitcoin is the real deal.

Organizations like Grayscale dont invest in an asset without first getting some very smart people to look under the hood to make sure it is in sound condition and has what it takes to perform well under tough conditions.

The institutional FOMO that was expected a few years ago but did not materialize appears to be kicking in.

Predictably, this growing confidence has spilled over into the altcoin market, where bargains can still be had and an astute choice can result in 1,000X gains.

While many coins were down on Friday, there were also some serious gains made. OMG Network, for example, was on an absolute moon mission, rising 91% in 24 hours to $7.72 at the time of writing. The non-custodial, layer-2 scaling solution for transferring value on Ethereum was just $1.95 on August 15. Its all-time high was $25 in January 2018, so it could have plenty of room to grow. Ox, Icon, Qtum and Ampleforth were also top gainers.

With the number of altcoins on CoinMarketCap steadily growing 6,530 at the time of writing it is increasingly difficult for investors to separate the wheat from the chaff. Investing in a basket of the top 20 by market capitalization is a relatively safe bet in a bull market, at least by crypto standards. However, identifying the small-cap coins that can do a 1,000X is much trickier. Those who consistently succeed have usually done extensive research or acted on the advice of someone who has.

One thing crypto veterans generally agree on is that you should never FOMO (fear of missing out) into an asset buy it when it is going up. If you miss out on one, there are many, many other promising projects or at least speculative plays to choose from that may provide dramatic gains for those who have done their homework and have the patience to wait for them to pop.

Read: Is Chainlink the next Ethereum?

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The altcoins are really starting to pop - Asia Times

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Altcoins Look Excessively Swollen Compared to Ethereum – Somag News

The alternative cryptocurrency (altcoin) market has outperformed major cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum and Bitcoin in recent weeks. However, according to researchers at Santiment, an on-chain market analysis firm, altcoins are over-bloated.

When Bitcoin consolidates or sees a small drop over an extended period of time, altcoins tend to rise.

The main companies that invest in Bitcoin and Ethereum often tend to move together during the up and down trends. Therefore, as Bitcoin and Ethereum start to stabilize, small and medium altcoins start to rise.

Over the past week, altcoins such as Augur, Golem, 0x, and OMG have surged between 40% and 120%. The researchers said:

Several mid-range ETH-based crypto assets have been in the limelight today, including GNT (peak at + 95%), REP (+ 56%), and ELF (+ 30%). Meanwhile, Ethereum (-8%) fell.

Historical patterns show that at unexpected times, small and medium-sized altcoins sometimes show unfounded rallies.

While it remains uncertain whether the altcoin market is seeing a re-flaring bull cycle or a short-term bull run, the researchers said it was time to be cautious and added:

These isolated fireworks were exciting for a small handful of traders, but the real story is that the market capitalization of many altcoins shrank drastically on a red day. Altcoins look too swollen, its better to be careful.

The researchers pointed to various on-chain data points and key factors to suggest that some altcoins seem over-inflated. For example, REP, the native token of Augur, the Ethereum-based prediction platform, increased by 56%. Still, its active addresses remained relatively sluggish, which could roughly indicate the number of users in Augur.

In contrast, both Bitcoin and Ethereum made noticeable improvements in various metrics. Data from shows that the number of unique addresses used in the Bitcoin blockchain has steadily increased in the last 180 days.

Ethereum, whose price has almost doubled in a month since July 20, has seen the number of daily transactions steadily increasing in recent months. Since January, the total daily transactions on the Ethereum Blockchain network have grown from 420,000 to over 1.2 million in August.

Both Bitcoin and Ethereum saw strong spikes supported by clear improvements in key factors and on-chain metrics. There is a possibility that small to medium altcoins will continue to increase and base data will be left behind for a long time. However, in the data on the current chain, it directs the researchers to the cautious side.

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Altcoins Look Excessively Swollen Compared to Ethereum - Somag News

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2017s forgotten altcoins ZRX, OMG, and BAT are booming on a DeFi promise – CryptoSlate

Some much-hyped altcoins from 2017 are seeing a surge in prices as the DeFi market picks up steam and becomes a formidable sector in the broader crypto space.

0x protocol, which raised millions in an ICO in 2017, was one of the first decentralized exchanges (DEX) to hit the crypto space at the time. However, a lack in demand and the superior user experience provided by centralized exchanges like Binance proved difficult for the protocol, gaining little traction and hype.

But the tables have turned. DeFi is back in vogue and it is lifting altcoin projects upwards. An example is Chainlink, the decentralized oracle services provider, which remained undervalued for most of 2018-19 but saw a 700% increase in prices this year.

At press time, ZRX, the native token of 0x can boast a similar narrative. It went up by 71% earlier today backed by solid fundamentals.

0x notes that over 30 projects now use its tech to build their own applications, which have together processed over 713,000 transactions and handled over $750 million in altcoin trading volume. Its first consumer product, Matcha DEX, has been a hit as well.

Basic Attention Token (BAT), has surged in the past week by 30%, charts show:

Another project, OMG Network, which rebranded from OmiseGo earlier this year, also saw a huge increase in its token, OMGs, prices this week. The network was chosen by Tether, the stablecoin backed 1:1 with the US dollar and the worlds fourth-largest crypto network, as the latter looked to scale up and move away from the current high fees on the Ethereum network.

At press time, altcoin OMG surged over 475% since the start of August from $1.65 to over $9.50 today, on the back of the Tether news.

Meanwhile, Andrew Kang, a prominent crypto figurehead and investor, pointed out that crypto Ponzis alike are enjoying growth as a result of DeFi.

Kang noted Based Protocol, a meme project that yield farmers have their eyes on since last week, is actually increasing the value of $SNX for as long as Based continues to lock up capital.

He stated that SNX holders gain benefits because they now get more interest-free leverage. Meanwhile, another side effect, he noted, was the launch of CRV from Curve Finance which greatly increased the yield of sCRV.

For crypto fanatics,the DeFi explosion led to a border explosion in altcoins and the so-called altseason.

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2017s forgotten altcoins ZRX, OMG, and BAT are booming on a DeFi promise - CryptoSlate

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Cosmos (ATOM) price surges despite most altcoins in the red – Invezz

The majority of the cryptocurrency market is trading in the red at the time of writing, after recently entering another correction. However, while this is the case for the majority of coins, it does not include all of them.

Cosmos (ATOM), for example, is still seeing price growth, currently sitting at $8.12, after growing by 1.45% in the last 24 hours.

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As many likely know, altcoin prices tend to follow large Bitcoin movements. Due to strong correlation and Bitcoin dominance, whenever the worlds largest crypto rises or falls, most coins tend to follow in its footsteps.

There were some examples of coins not doing so, and in rare instances, it was because some cryptos managed to decouple from BTC and follow their own path. A more common reason for not following BTC is some new development that has inspired investors to buy involved coins, despite the negative movement of the overall market.

This is also why ATOM is seeing its price grow right now, and why it even managed to breach a resistance at $8, which currently acts as a powerful support level. After spending quite a bit of time at the resistance at $6, ATOM surged rapidly between August 22nd and 23rd to breach the level at $8, and so far, it managed to remain above it.

While already noticeable due to the current circumstances, Cosmos surge is also notable because it allowed the coin to hit a new ATH. In surging past $8, Cosmos broke this resistance for the first time ever, and it kept going up until it reached an all-time high at $8.82.

The price was rejected by this level after the fact, and it currently sits much closer to $8. However, it managed to remain above this support. If the bearish wave moves past the crypto industry quickly enough, ATOM might manage to stay above this level and not end up being forced to break it.

Cosmos price recently breached a resistance at $8 for the first time ever, resulting in a new ATH, and showing investors that it can be an excellent opportunity for anyone interested in buying ATOM.

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Cosmos (ATOM) price surges despite most altcoins in the red - Invezz

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Analyst Explains Anatomy Of An Altcoin Shakeout With BATs Vertical Rally – The Coin Radar

Technical analysis is an important aspect of investing and even more important to trading. It isnt an exact science, but it can help to increase probabilities by watching for chart patterns on altcoins like Ethereum, Cardano, BAT, Binance Coin, and others.

But not all chart patterns have names or follow geometrical shapes. Some moves are designed to be erratic specifically to confuse and ultimately shake traders out of positions. One crypto analyst who offers the community wealth of trading tips has outlined the exact anatomy of an altcoin shakeout, using the cryptocurrency BAT.

Financial markets are whale and shark-filled waters ready to devour new investors and traders and tear apart their hopes, dreams, and capital.

Investing in cryptocurrencies can be a wild ride. Trading is an entirely different story. Yes, with time, skill, and patience, money can be made, but it is far more difficult than it looks.

Still, some make it look easy, and are in a position to educate others. One such crypto analyst with a wealth of knowledge shared for free on his pinned Twitter threads has recently shared what they call an anatomy of a shakeout in altcoin BAT.

Related Reading | Will An Ascending Trendline Bring a Return of Altcoin Apocalypse?

The asset recently pumped, but not before a fake out move down to, as the analyst says, shake traders out of position. As the trader explains, before the big move is about to happen, low timeframe price action becomes erratic. This is when you may see those dreaded Darth Maul candles or Bart moves. This causes people to start second-guessing their position.

Next, price nukes as the crypto community calls it, causing panic selling and positions to get flushed. Just as stops are hit, and fear starts to take hold in the unprepared, price rockets higher through former support and then through resistance, full send.

This shakeout is exactly what happened on the BATBTC trading pair over the last 48 hours, prompting a full 40% rise in USD value. But why is BAT suddenly spiking?

The great crypto capital rotation also called an altcoin season, is still on. BAT just so happened to be among the last assets to pump. Those that have come last have also pumped the hardest.

Related Reading | Easy Money? Coinbase Crypto Coins Grow Over 50% On Average In August

BAT, OMG, and other older crypto coins recently exploded in value over the last two days, for no real reason other than it was their time to break out.

What little money was coming in, was enough to push price action through resistance and cause a wave of FOMO.

BAT was also among the list of Coinbase crypto tokens that performed the worst out of the over 57% average return, with just 5%. The recent pump in Basic Attention Token has brought the asset much more on par with the rest of the crypto tokens that were part of that previous figure.


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Analyst Explains Anatomy Of An Altcoin Shakeout With BATs Vertical Rally - The Coin Radar

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