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Frank Njenga: Over 40 years of healing the mind – Business Daily

ProfilesFriday, August 28, 2020 10:35


The first time I ran into Dr Frank Njenga was in 2015 at Fairview Hotel, Nairobi. He had just finished a meeting at the swimming pool. I asked him for an interview. Not now, but lets keep talking, he said. Every year for the five years I have run into him or texted him asking for an interview, his response has been the same, Soon, my friend. When the time is right.

Two weeks ago, I texted. The time was right.

A few months ago, Dr Njenga opened a 103-bed ultra-modern psychiatric hospital in Nairobi to cater to the growing needs of mental health patients. It is a cherry on his psychiatry practice that has spanned for decades since he graduated from the University of Nairobi, trained at the Maudsley Hospital, a psychiatric hospital in London, obtained Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in 1980 and got a fellowship status soon after.

He has been in private practice as a full-time psychiatrist since 1983.


I interviewed a lady in her 40s who said that when she was young, her mother would frequently travel to Nairobi to see you. Her father would tell them that their mom was suffering from malaria but they later found out it was depression. I thought, how long has Dr Frank Njenga been at this?

(Chuckles) Its been long. When I was 16 years old, I read about Frantz Fanon and I was struck how clever he was. He understood human beings in a way that I had not seen anybody else do. I spent most of my younger years wanting to be like him, to be clever and have an impact. Later, after my studies and as I went through psychiatry, I realised that what most practitioners in this field do to patients is to take away their dignity. So the motto of this institution, which weve run now almost for 25 years is Recovery in Dignity. So for me, delivering this hospital is a culmination of a journey that was deliberate.

I was born in the year 70-BC. Thats Before Covid. (Laughing) I'm 70.

What are you trying to unlearn at 70?

I have a preoccupation with learning. I have an almost insatiable desire to learn. And its not just to learn academic things. I like to learn everything. Recently, I went to the kitchen and asked my wife to teach me how to cook. I have accepted that I am a restless soul and that restlessness is only cured by learning new things.

You deal with a lot of people with mental health issues. How do you condition yourself after, do you lie on a couch and talk to someone?

My training spanning over 40 years emphasises a great deal of self-care. One thing that has remained with me is I come first. Without me looking after myself, I cannot be an effective husband or father or son.

I look after myself physically, I exercise almost every day and most importantly I have a good group of friends and support system.

Dr Frank Njenga at Chiromo Lane Medical Centre, Muthangari Drive. PHOTO | DIANA NGILA | NMG

Recently on social media, there was a ruckus about your method of treatment that some, who claimed to be your former patients, felt that you were too focused on medication and hospitalisation.

The beauty of living in a free country, in a free world, is the fact that every citizen is entitled to an equal opportunity to comment. Sometimes they are correct, sometimes they are wrong.

Not everybody agrees with me, and indeed if everybody agreed with me something would be wrong somewhere. I think its refreshing that there are some people, some well-informed, some not so well-informed, who disagree with the methods we use in the treatment of mental disorders.

Also, there are a large number of people who vote on their feet, who keep coming to us, who are constantly being referred to us for care, who are our testimony of the effectiveness of the treatment. We rely heavily on non-medication interventions which in certain situations work better than medication. So I dont know who spoke about those things, but we embrace all varieties of opinion just like we embrace all medical and scientific interventions.

If youre to chop your life in decades, which part did you feel like you had the greatest transformation and the greatest insight into who you are as a man?

The clich requires me to say my 40s. (Chuckles) But thats not true. I was transformed completely in the second decade of my life. I joined High School (the Delamere School, now Upper Hill School) in 1964, the year after independence, and finished in 1969, and enrolled in the university in 1970. The foundation of my person and personality were formed in those six years, from the age of 14 to 20.

Part of the most ridiculous transformation was that we joined an all-white school, four or five of us. We discovered to our total shock and surprise that we could beat them in Maths, English, Geography, and History. And within a short time, we were at the top of the class. I became the first head boy of an all-white school. From that time, I have not feared any person either on account of their skin colour, age, education, or religion.

How do you escape from work, sickness...

For all the sins I have committed, I play golf. (Chuckles) When the good golfers in the world are called to a party, I will not attend. But when a party is called for those who enjoy golf the most, I will be there.

Do you see yourself as an old man at 70?

My wife will tell you this, Ive always aspired to the status of being accepted as an old man. Hopefully, a wise old man. I have no fear whatsoever. I saw my grandfather and later my father as some of the wisest human beings they were and I thought that part of that wisdom was the accumulation of knowledge and time. So physically Im not an old man, but mentally Im not an old man.

How do you manage to dissociate yourself from your patients and their pain?

Thats a very good question because I have seen myself all my life as a teacher. I have taught formally, I have taught informally. I continue to teach young doctors and I can see that one of the problems of being young is the inability to distinguish your work and your life as a human being. It's almost a function of age, time, and experience that you can go to work and engage, and empathise, and be completely involved, but depending on your training and experience, its also completely possible to disengage.

What have you learnt about the human mind over these 40 years?

Its capacity to adapt, to bounce back. People have major reserves to almost reconstitute themselves back into their original positions. This is understated and often under spoken.

What do you think is your strongest quality as Dr Frank Njenga?

Romantic optimism. I just know in the very deep part of my heart that these things are possible. I think we allow ourselves limits and limitations that we impose for ourselves. When I told people that we could put up this hospital, some years ago, many dismissed me. All the things that I know can be done in my head, I try to actualise.

Whats the last thing that deeply saddened you?

Recently, one of the things that sadden me is the state of our politics. Deeply. Because we deserve better. We as a people of Kenya have so many assets in terms of potential but we behave and we are treated as though we exist and live in a banana republic. When I see the insatiable greed that is around me, and Im not pontificating, its truly saddening.

Do you think greed, this need to grab, acquire, and steal, is a mental affliction, some sort of sickness?

That is the million dollar question. We can easily dismiss greed as a mental affliction, then find an explanation from experts and attempt to treat it like a malady.

But greed is from two angles. One, its individual and almost constitutional. Some individuals are almost by disposition gluttonous. Whether thats because of how their parents brought them up, or whether its in their genes, I dont know. But the one that bothers me is the greed that seems to be cultural.

We have socialised ourselves into systems of acquisition that lack merit. The problem is twofold. One is that we reward gluttons. Secondly, we do not punish them for it. We elect them to Parliament. We make them leaders.

The number of people who go into public spaces to enrich themselves is beyond what you dare believe. And what is very interesting is that I see them here after their time in office, suffering from depression, confessing that they went for leadership to enrich themselves.

Dr Frank Njenga. PHOTO | DIANA NGILA

Whats your limiting personal trait that you have had to work on overtime?

Oh! That's a very important one. It's my intolerance for two things. Foolishness and laziness. Ive had great difficulties being patient with people who are unable to comprehend simple things. Its a weakness on my part. Because I think people choose not to be clever, or not to understand. Im also very impatient with slow and lazy people.

I genuinely want to be patient, but after a certain point, it becomes necessary for me to make a decision that appears unfair or unreasonable.

What do you think is the most underrated human emotion?

The capacity to achieve joy. People dont appreciate that you can work towards happiness. We underestimate our capacity, individually and as a nation to achieve a higher state of happiness.

On a sliding scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is very happy, how happy are you and how have you seen your happiness transform over the years up to now at 70?

I would rate myself as between 7.5 and 8, Im constitutionally happy. If I went back to God and God said, Can I give you another life on earth and you can change it in the way you want. Id say no. I had an excellent childhood, an excellent education, a very privileged adult life and Im growing old gracefully, come on? (Laughs)

I saw a photo of a very pretty girl on a wall at the top of the staircase. Is that your granddaughter?

Let me put it this way. Four women in my life are the source of happiness for me. The first is my mother, shes 94. Theres my wife. Ive been with my wife for over 50 years. Then theres my daughter, shes also on that wall. Then my granddaughter my source of great joy. I did a Ted Talk in London about 10 years ago and it was based on my granddaughter.

My thesis around this was as follows, That becoming a grandfather is almost a physical state that transforms the human person from a self-centred inward-looking individual who lives a lot for and about themselves, to one who is compelled, almost biologically to now be outward-looking and to work for the survival of the species.

When you become a grandfather, it becomes more important for you to ensure that your granddaughter grows up in a place where there are rivers and forests. Before that, you know it in your head. After you become a grandfather you know it in your heart.

I like that. I want you to describe for me the first time you met your wife.

(Chuckles) Shell kill me! (Laughing) Its ridiculous! I met her at a bus stop, at Gill House. It was in the evening at about 5 oclock and I was on my way home. I lived with my parents in Nairobi West. She was waiting for a bus. I had entered a bus, No. 13, when I saw her talking to a guy I knew. I jumped off the bus and went and said hello to the guy who had no choice but to introduce us. (Laughs) Later we got onto the same bus and we chatted a little bit. The rest is history.

Does marriage get easier now that youre 50 years in?

If you dont write anything else, write this point: yes it gets easier. For me at least. Every decade has been easier than the last.

Is there one patient over your long career that you just cant forget?

Yes. Two actually. The first one is a young French boy who nearly killed 500 people on a 747 British Airways flight from London to Nairobi. He developed a paranoid illness in Paris. The other one was an American girl who was attacked by a hyena. I remember what she said. She said a hyenas bite was painful, but what she remembered most was not really the pain but the smell of the hyena. (Chuckles) That a hyena has such a terrible smell that its more painful for it to go through the nose. I mean its a gem of a story there.

What part of your life needs development and working on?

I think its preparation for an eventual exit from the centre stage. I have worked on it for the last 10 years, but I need to find myself a knob that will steadily and gradually allow and enable me to wind down.

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Frank Njenga: Over 40 years of healing the mind - Business Daily

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Emily Dickinson is the unlikely hero of our time – The Conversation US

Since her death in 1886, Emily Dickinson has haunted us in many forms.

She has been the precocious little dead girl admired by distinguished men; the white-clad, solitary spinster languishing alone in her bedroom; and, in more recent interpretations, the rebellious teenager bent on smashing structures of power with her torrential genius.

As the world continues to endure the ravages of COVID-19, another ghost of Dickinson steps into view. This one, about 40 years old, seems by turns vulnerable and formidable, reclusive and forward. She carries the dead weight of crises beyond her control, but remains unbowed by it.

It was while drafting my dissertation, which explores the meaning of old age in America, that I first encountered this Dickinson. She has been with me ever since.

Most admirers of Dickinsons poetry know that she spent a considerable part of her adult life in what we call self-imposed confinement, rarely venturing outside the family homestead in Amherst, Massachusetts. Less known, perhaps, is that the final 12 years of her life were passed in a state of nearly perpetual mourning.

It began with the death of her father. For all his stern comportment, Edward Dickinson had enjoyed a special relationship with Emily, his middle child. When her surviving letters declare him the oldest and oddest sort of a foreigner, one hears the affectionate annoyance that comes with real devotion. He died in 1874, away from home.

Loss followed loss. Favorite correspondent Samuel Bowles died in 1878. With the passing of Mary Ann Evans, otherwise known as George Eliot, in 1880, Dickinson lost a kindred spirit a mortal who, in her words, had already put on immortality while living. A very different loss was that of Dickinsons mother, Emily Norcross Dickinson, with whom she enjoyed little or no rapport for much of their life together, but who became at least somewhat precious to her daughter on her deathbed. That was in 1882, the same year that took from her literary idol Ralph Waldo Emerson and early mentor Charles Wadsworth.

The following year saw the death of her cherished eight-year-old nephew, Gilbert, from typhoid fever, his illness having spurred one of Dickinsons rare excursions beyond the homestead. The year after that, Judge Otis Phillips Lord, with whom she pursued the only confirmed romantic relationship of her life, finally succumbed to an illness of several years and was wearily dubbed by the poet our latest Lost.

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What impact did so much grief have on the mind of one of Americas greatest visionary artists? Her letters say little enough. Writing to Mrs. Samuel Mack in 1884, however, she frankly admits: The Dyings have been too deep for me, and before I could raise my heart from one, another has come.

The word deep is an arresting choice, making it sound as though Dickinson is drowning in a pile of dead loved ones. Each time she comes up for air, yet another body is added to the great mass.

This is characteristic of Dickinson. If her imagination shrinks from visualizing breadth, it thrives on depth. Some of the most captivating images in her poetry are piles of things that cannot be piled: thunder, mountains, wind. During the Civil War, she uses the same technique to represent soldiers heroic and terrible sacrifice:

In describing her more personal losses of the 1870s, Dickinson seems to imagine yet another pile of human corpses rising before her eyes. Or maybe it is the same pile, her loved ones added to the dead troops whose fate she kept contemplating to the end of her own life. Seen in this light, the Dyings appear not just too deep but unfathomably so.

At the time of this writing, the pile of lives that overshadows our lives is 800,000 deep and getting deeper by the hour. Dickinsons imagery shows how keenly she would have understood what we might feel, dwarfed by a mountain of mortality that will not stop growing. The same anger, exhaustion and sense of futility were her constant companions in later life.

Fortunately, she had other companions. As recent studies have shown, Dickinson was the best kind of social networker, maintaining profoundly generative relationships by correspondence from the family homestead. Her poetic output, though greatly diminished toward the end of her life, never ceases, and its offerings include some of her richest meditations on mortality, suffering and redemption.

These words resonate in the current crisis, during which protecting the daily mind has become a full-time job. News reports, with their updated death tolls, erode our intellectual and spiritual foundations. All seems lost.

But if strain and sorrow are palpable in this poem, so is courage. Dickinsons lonely speaker chooses to express what she has felt, to measure and record the burden of loss that life has thrust upon her. Beliefs, once bandaged, may heal. And while no man has ever been bold enough to confront the deeper Consciousness that so many deaths expose within the human mind, the speaker will not rule out doing so herself. There is still room in this blighted world for the kind of visionary experience from which hope not only springs, but flourishes.

Living in the shadow of death, Dickinson remained enamored of life. This, as much as anything, makes her a hero of our time.

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Emily Dickinson is the unlikely hero of our time - The Conversation US

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60 Seconds In Cybersecurity: Heres What Happens In Just One Malicious Internet Minute – Forbes

What can happen in one malicious minute online?

The latest security intelligence report from RiskIQ has the somewhat provocative title of Evil Internet Minute 2020. However, by analyzing its own global intelligence as an attack surface management company, along with third-party research, RiskIQ has put together an interesting overview of what can happen in just 60 malicious seconds online.

The headline numbers, and it really is all about the numbers as you will probably have already guessed, make for sobering reading. In just the single minute, RiskIQ suggests that a staggering 375 new cybersecurity threats will emerge. Primarily, it would appear, as a result of the COVID-19 threat surface, which has seen a surge in attacks that leverage the pandemic in one way or another.

Three new phishing sites will be launched every minute, and 14.6 COVID-related hosts created. When it comes to actual attacks, rather than threats, the numbers drop considerably: in that malicious minute there will be 1.5 attacks on internet-connected computers.

Unfortunately, all of that is enough to see 16,172 records compromised every 60 seconds, according to the RiskIQ analysis.

Not all the statistics from this analysis fit neatly into the single minute container. A mobile app is blacklisted every 3 minutes, an internet-of-things (IoT) device is attacked every 7.5 minutes, a COVID-19 phishing domain is blacklisted every 15 minutes, and a new vulnerability is disclosed every 24 minutes.

Which is all well and good for putting things into some kind of perspective, I guess, but looking at a single minute isn't that useful when considering your security posture. Or is it?

"These stats show threat activity is widespread, but also show the power of threat intelligence in defending the enterprise," RiskIQ CEO, Lou Manousos, said. "More knowledge, greater awareness, and an increased effort to implement necessary security controls make a huge difference in stopping these threat actors in their tracks."

None of which I'll argue with, and if some shocking single-minute numbers prompt a single person to step up their security efforts, then it's a job well done.

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60 Seconds In Cybersecurity: Heres What Happens In Just One Malicious Internet Minute - Forbes

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Research Report prospects the Internet Security Software Market – Owned

In 2025, the market size of the Internet Security Software Market is expected to touch million US$ xx million. The revenue registered in 2019 was US$ xx million, thus depicting a growth at a CAGR of xx% from 2019. While in China, the market size was valued at US$ xx million in the forecast base year, further projected to increase up to US$ xx million till the end of 2025, with a CAGR of xx% during forecast period.

In this report, 2019 has been considered as the base year and 2019 to 2025 as the forecast period to estimate the market size for Internet Security Software .

This report studies the global market size of Internet Security Software , especially focusing on the key regions such as United States, European Union, China, and other geographical extents (Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia).

For more insights into the Market, request a sample of this report (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) @

This study presents the Internet Security Software market production, revenue, market share, and growth rate for each key company, and also covers the breakdown data (production, consumption, revenue and market share) by regions, type and applications. The historical data breakdown for Internet Security Software for 2014-2019 is provided in the report along with company projection for 2019 to 2025.

For top companies in United States, European Union, and China, this report investigates and analyzes the production, value, price, market share, and growth rate for the manufacturers, key data from 2019 to 2025.

segment by Type, the product can be split intoLinuxMacintosh OSMicrosoft WindowsMarket segment by Application, split intoIndividual UsersEnterprise UsersGovernment Users

Market segment by Regions/Countries, this report coversNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaCentral & South America

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The content of the study subjects, includes a total of 15 chapters:

Chapter 1 describes Internet Security Software product/service scope, market overview, market opportunities, market driving force, and market risks.

Chapter 2 profiles the top manufacturers of Internet Security Software market, with price, sales, revenue and global market share of Internet Security Software from 2014 2019.

Chapter 3 analyses the Internet Security Software competitive situation, sales, revenue. The global Internet Security Software market shares of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast.

Chapter 4 showcases the Internet Security Software breakdown data at the regional level, to discuss the sales, revenue and growth by regions, from 2014 to 2019.

Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 emphasize the sales data at the country level, with sales, revenue, and market share for key countries in the world, from 2014 to 2019.

Chapter 10 and 11 explain the segments by sales under type and application, with market shares and growth rate under each category, from 2014 to 2019.

Chapter 12 depicts Internet Security Software market forecasts by region, type, and application, with sales and revenue projections, from 2019 to 2025.

Chapter 13 and 14 describe Internet Security Software sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion, appendix, and other data sources.

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Research Report prospects the Internet Security Software Market - Owned

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Cyber Security Market to Benefit from Increasing Application of AI and IoT Technologies – GlobeNewswire

Pune, Aug. 24, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The global cyber security market value is expected to reach USD 281.74 billion by 2027, from its current standing at USD 112.01 billion. According to the report by Fortune Business Insights, titled Cyber Security Market Size, Share & Industry Analysis, By Solution (Network Security, Cloud Application Security, End-point Security, Secure Web Gateway, Internet Security and Others), By Deployment Type (Cloud and On Premise), By Enterprise Size (Small & Medium Enterprise and Large Enterprise), By End-Use (BFSI, IT and Telecommunications, Retail, Healthcare, Government, Manufacturing, Travel and Transportation, Energy and Utilities and Others) and Region Forecast, 2020-2027 The report also contains an in-depth analysis of the various factors and dynamics that will shape the market during the forecast period.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has created economic turmoil across industries and businesses worldwide. Social distancing and lockdowns have crippled economic activities, disrupting global supply chains and causing demand for goods and services to plummet. Governments as well as the private sector entities are taking multiple efforts to alleviate the suffering caused by this pandemic. Only collective strength and unity will help us tide over these hard times. At Fortune Business Insights, we are constantly endeavoring to provide you with comprehensive research on various markets so as to equip your business with the necessary intelligence to emerge victorious on the other side of this crisis.

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Rapidly rising e-commerce activities will be the key driver for the global cyber security market growth during the forecast period. E-commerce giants such as Amazon are fast diversifying their businesses and product offerings and ecosystem of connected devices is getting wider and bigger. For example, in 2017, Amazon reportedly shipped more than 5 billion products globally. According to the OECDs Creditor Reporting System, funds to the tune of USD 6.6 billion were disbursed to promote cross-border electronic connectivity between 2006 and 2016. Thus, as more people shop and transact online, the global cyber security market revenue is set to get fueled in the forecast period.

Growing Adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) to Boost the Market

Cyber security refers to the protection of virtually or digitally stored data and information from external attacks in the form of hacking and phishing. With the exponential increase in use of connected devices, rising smartphone and internet penetration, and growing electronic transactions, there is a pressing need for cyber security solutions all over the world. This need has gotten accentuated with the fast-developing AI and IoT technologies. IoT, for instance, is increasingly being viewed as making critical information vulnerable to cyberattacks and can bring down vital infrastructure such as telecommunications and power. The 2016 Mirai Bot attack exposed the fragility of IoT technology as the malware has been specifically designed to breach the security walls of IoT connected devices. This will aid the expansion of the global cyber security market size in the forecast period.

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Increasing Reliance on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Solutions to Enhance Market Potential

According to a study by Capgemini, 21% of the companies surveyed reported that they experienced security breaches as their businesses grew. The survey also found out that two-third of the companies believe that implementation of AI will strengthen their security infrastructure. AI technologies are expected to be further augmented by advancements in Machine Learning (ML). This bodes well for the global cyber security market as application AI software gains popularity in the private and public sectors.

High Dependency on Connectivity to Fuel the Market in North America

Among regions, North America is expected to hold the largest portion in the global cyber security market share owing to the rise in the number of security breaches in the upper corporate tranches and growing dependency on the internet. Furthermore, development of e-commerce platforms is pushing up the demand for cyber security solutions.

Steadily climbing number of internet users in India will propel the market in Asia-Pacific in the forecast period. Additionally, India is expected to witness rising prevalence of cyberattacks in the near future, which is good news for the global cyber security market.

The primary drivers in the market in Europe are proliferation of information and technology (ICT) in the fields of aerospace and defense along with rising investment in cyber security measures by public and private sectors in the region.

Creation of Innovative Products to Intensify Competition

Major players in the global cyber security market are looking to gain a competitive edge through different innovations. Strategic collaborations among players is also gaining preference.

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Cyber Security Market to Benefit from Increasing Application of AI and IoT Technologies - GlobeNewswire

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Hackers are exploiting the ‘Internet of Things’ – ITProPortal

In 2019, Microsoft made waves at its annual Black Hat conference in Las Vegas, where it confirmed its discovery of a malicious hacker group which was using common Internet of Things (IoT) devices to carry out widespread corporate attacks. The way in? Internet connected devices including a VOIP phone, a Wi-Fi office printer and a video decoder, with compromised devices across multiple customer locations. But these are just a few of the numerous examples of hackers exploiting the so called Internet of Things in recent years. Kirsty Fisher, CFO at Titania explains.

Many of these hacks could have had potentially serious consequences had they gone undetected. For example, in 2017, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning about implantable cardiac devices, which theyd found to be at risk of attack. Used to monitor and control heart function, including heart attacks, vulnerabilities meant hackers could control shocks, alter pacing and deplete the battery.

Tech analyst company IDC predicts that in total there will be 41.6 billion connected IoT devices by 2025. With no central security standards or compliance frameworks underpinning the proliferation of IoT devices, individuals and businesses remain exposed for the near future.

But what makes the Internet of Things and the risks associated with connected devices different from the traditional internet? Largely, the human factor. The IoT doesnt need people to work. It provides technology, media and telecoms companies with the opportunity to create new products and applications, which rely on sensors collecting, reviewing and acting on data. Popular with increasingly tech savvy homeowners, who want the latest smart app-controlled lighting and heating system or interactive media device, the opportunity for suppliers to create new revenue streams is huge.

However, the challenge with this automation is that it creates a huge wealth of sensitive data, which is then being shared amongst more people. Even the FBI has put out warnings about the risks, highlighting to people that hackers can use those innocent devices to do a virtual drive by of your digital life. Businesses are also being targeted through IoT devices as an entry point, with Microsoft and other tech giants highlighting attacks where access to secure networks has been gained via printers and VoIP systems amongst other connected devices.

As networks become increasingly complex and the growth of the Internet of Things shows no signs of slowing, the challenge of keeping businesses cyber secure and minimizing risk is greater than ever.

Spanning the public and private sector from smart cities and transport initiatives to healthcare and smart home/consumer applications, yet with no central standards in place, the onus is very much on those in the IoT ecosystem to work together to create as secure an environment as possible for the time being.

While there is some sector-led collaboration taking place, many organizations are looking to those in technology, media and telecommunications to take the reins and lead the way. Like many large organizations, in the past, businesses in these sectors may have implemented different cyber risk strategies appropriate to a particular department, country or product. With the increased threat from the IoT and new ways in which data is being used and connections to networks made, many are now revising cyber strategies to sit at a corporate, organization wide level. They are also paying more attention to preventative strategies, trying to predict IoT cyber threats before they happen, minimizing attacks that do take place and continuity planning for how they will restore services as soon as possible.

Despite the very real cyber security threat posed by the IoT and the complexity of the networks and parties involved, there is concern that too much control over data could stifle innovation. Many pioneers in the cyber security sector are suggesting the answer lies in the development of more secure devices and improvements in internet security to go alongside this.

Speaking on this issue, Philip Reitinger, President of the not for profit, Global Cyber Alliance neatly summarized the issue: We must move from the Internet of Things to the Secure Internet of Secure Things. First, we must build (more) Secure Things devices, software and services with few vulnerabilities, that are securely configured and automatically updated. Of critical importance, cloud services must come with security embedded and not as an up-sell.

Second, we need the Secure Internet automated collective defense must be built into the network, so that the Internet ecosystem can react as the body does, recognizing infections and fighting them off. We must build Internet Immunity.

Of course, while the industry calls for standards to be developed and the security of devices to be improved, businesses who want to use connected devices without compromising cyber security shouldnt be alarmed. Like the approach some of the larger tech and telcos companies are taking, businesses of all sizes can put in place simple, organization-wide preventative measures to minimize risk to their businesses as well as solutions to help them identify and respond quickly to threats.

Rather than neglecting your core network and putting the focus just on to connected devices, you should seek to improve the security of your network holistically as a weakness in one part can of course impact the rest. To minimize your attack surface and prevent adversarial intrusion by hardening your network, businesses should not underestimate the power of good cyber hygiene. A study by the Online Trust Alliance (OTA) estimated that 93 percent of cyber security incidents large and small could have been avoided if the business in question had basic cyber hygiene practices in place.

In short, cyber hygiene is the continuous cycle of carrying out routine checks on an organizations network, endpoints and applications to identify and fix any network vulnerabilities, protect against cyber threats and maintain online security. Best practice such as deleting old user accounts, firm-wide policies on access and passwords, back up of data, securing physical and cloud databases, checking routers and networks, might seem obvious, but keeping on top of the basics really is the key to cyber hygiene and minimizing the risks associated with security breaches.

Many organizations let basic cyber hygiene practices slip through lack of time and resource, not due to absence of expertise. Indeed, over the last decade many new risk management frameworks have been introduced to combat this; for example, in 2014 in the US, the Federal Government introduced its best practice DHS CDM, or Continuous Diagnostics & Mitigation program.

To comply with this framework, agencies are expected to audit their entire enterprise every three days. In practical terms, if you had 500 devices connected to your network, youd be carrying out nearly 61,000 audits every year. For a bigger organization with 25,000 devices, thatd be over 3 million vulnerability audits every year. Even if youre not aiming for CDM levels of network security, with the number of core network devices increasing across organizations, its not a problem that can be fixed by simply solving the shortage of skilled cyber security professionals in the industry.

Then add to this the need for resources dedicated resources to analyze the threat intelligence needed for effective threat detection and response and the scale of the cyber security challenge is laid bare.

Early threat detection and response is clearly part of the answer to protecting increasingly connected networks, because without threat, the risk, even to a vulnerable network, is low. However, ensuring the network is not vulnerable to adversaries in the first place is the assurance that many SOCs are striving for. Indeed, one cannot achieve the highest level of security without the other.

Even with increased capacity in your SOC to review cyber security practices and carry out regular audits, the amount of information garnered and its accuracy, is still at risk of being far too overwhelming for most teams to cope with.

For many organizations the answers lie in accurate audit automation and the powerful analysis of aggregated diagnostics data. This enables frequent enterprise-wide auditing to be carried out without the need for skilled network assessors to be undertaking repetitive, time consuming tasks which are prone to error. Instead, accurate detection and diagnostics data can be analyzed via a SIEM or SOAR dashboard, which allows assessors to group, classify and prioritize vulnerabilities for fixes which can be implemented by a skilled professional, or automatically via a playbook.

The right automation platforms ultimately provide the capability to check more devices across more networks more frequently, which is essential in combatting the risks that IoT brings. If youre investing in making your network more sophisticated by adding the latest connected devices, it is only wise to make sure that they are secure and also, through regular checks and good cyber hygiene, your core network is as secure as it possibly can be and not exposed to preventable attack.

Kirsty Fisher, Chief Financial Officer, Titania

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Hackers are exploiting the 'Internet of Things' - ITProPortal

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Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Protection Market Will Generate New Growth Opportunities in the next upcoming year – The Daily Chronicle

The Global Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Protection Market report serves with all-inclusive, highly-effective, and thoroughly examined information in a well-organized manner, based on actual facts, about the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Protection Market. The whole information from the scratch to the financial and management level of the established industries associated with the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Protection Market at the global level is initially collected by the dedicated team. The accumulated data involves the information about the type and the form of products it manufactures, industrys establishment, annual sales and revenue generation, the demand of the manufactured product in the market, marketing trends followed by the industry, and a lot more important information. The industries majorly comprise the global leading industries that are putting their extreme efforts to maintain the hold over the highly-competitive Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Protection Market, about which the thorough information is provided in the report. The global Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Protection Market research report thoroughly explains each and every aspect related to the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Protection Market, which facilitates the reports reader to study and evaluate the future market trend and execute the analytical data to promote the business.

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This Report Focuses on Top Manufacturers in Global Market, with Sales, Price, Revenue and Market Share for Each Manufacturer, Covering:-

Arbor Networks, Inc., Akamai Technologies, Inc., F5 Networks, Inc., Imperva incapsula, Radware Ltd., Corero Network Security, Inc., Neustar, Inc., Cloudflare, Inc., Nexusguard Ltd., and DOSarrest Internet Security Ltd.


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On the basis of Product, this report displays the Sales, Revenue, Price, Market Share, and Growth Rate of Each Type &Application Primarily Split into:-

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Countries Coverage: Worldwide the report contains statistical data for 200 countries and includes comprehensive profiles of the 50 largest consuming countries (United States, China,Italy, India, Canada,Australia, Republic of Korea, Japan, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Brazil, Russian Federation, Spain, Mexico, Indonesia, Colombia, Switzerland, Sweden,Netherlands, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Belgium, Argentina, Norway,Nigeria, Poland, Austria, Malaysia, Israel, Singapore, Thailand, Denmark, South Africa, Egypt, Philippines, Finland, Chile, Portugal, Kazakhstan, Algeria, Ireland, Pakistan, Czech Republic, Vietnam,Qatar, Peru, Romania, Greece) + the largest producing countries.

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Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Protection Market Will Generate New Growth Opportunities in the next upcoming year - The Daily Chronicle

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Internet Of Things Iot Security Market : Global Industry Analysis And Opportunity Assessment 2026 Cisco Systems, Inc., Ibm Corporation, Intel…

An analysis of competitors is conducted very well in the Internet Of Things Iot Security Market report which covers vital market aspects about the key players. Moreover, the report gives out market potential for many regions across the globe based on the growth rate, macroeconomic parameters, consumer buying patterns, their preferences for particular product and market demand and supply scenarios. It gives significant information and data pertaining to their insights in terms of finances, product portfolios, investment plans, and marketing and business strategies. Detailed market analysis has been performed here with the inputs from industry experts. GlobalInternet Of Things Iot Security MarketReport the new research report adds in Data Bridge Market Researchs reports database. This Research Report spread across 329 Page, 53 No of Tables, and 244 No of Figures with summarizing Top companies, COVID-19 impacts and supports with tables and figures.

Global Internet Of Things (Iot) Security Market Is Set To Witness A Healthy Cagr Of 34.10% In The Forecast Period Of 2019 To 2026. The Report Contains Data Of The Base Year 2018 And Historic Year 2017. This Rise In The Market Can Be Attributed Due To Surging Demand For Enhanced Privacy And Increasing Government Efforts To Implement Stringent Regulations To Restrict The Amount Of Data Collected By Iot Devices By Industries Such As Bfsi, Retail, And Healthcare.

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Internet Of Things Iot Security Market Key Players:

Few Of The Major Competitors Currently Working In The Global Internet Of Things (Iot) Security Market Are Cisco Systems, Inc., Ibm Corporation, Intel Corporation, Infineon Technologies Ag, Symantec Corporation, Gemalto Nv, Allot, Fortinet, Inc., Zingbox, Mocana, Securithings, Centri Technology, Armis, Inc., Forgerock, Newsky Security, Mcafee, Llc, At&T Intellectual Property, Check Point Software Technologies Ltd., Trustwave Holdings, Inc., Verizon, Ptc Among Others

Highlights of Internet Of Things Iot Security Market the report:

The report contains extensive usage of both primary and secondary data sources. The report involves the study of various factors affecting the Internet Of Things Iot Security market, including the market environment, government policy, historical data, competitive landscape, and present trends. Further, it also involves upcoming technologies, innovations, and the technical progress in related industry, along with market barriers, opportunities, market risks, and challenges.



Base year


Historic data


Forecast period


Regional scope

North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa

Report coverage

Company share, market analysis and size, competitive landscape, growth factors and trends, and revenue forecast

Table Of Contents: Global Internet Of Things Iot Security Market

Part 01: Executive Summary

Part 02: Scope Of The Report

Part 03: Research Methodology

Part 04: Internet Of Things Iot Security Market Landscape

Part 05: Pipeline Analysis

Part 06: Internet Of Things Iot Security Market Sizing

Part 07: Five Forces Analysis

Part 08: Internet Of Things Iot Security Market Segmentation

Part 09: Customer Landscape

Part 10: Regional Landscape

Part 11: Decision Framework

Part 12: Drivers And Challenges

Part 13: Internet Of Things Iot Security Market Trends

Part 14: Vendor Landscape

Part 15: Vendor Analysis

Part 16: Appendix

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Segmentation of the Internet Of Things Iot Security market is analysed on the basis of market share, production, consumption, market size, revenue, CAGR, and more factors.

Competitive landscape Analysisprovides mergers and acquisitions, collaborations along with new product launches, heat map analysis, and market presence and specificity analysis.

The report offers a valuable source of guidance on the state of the industry and provides key statistics and direction for companies and individuals interested in the Internet Of Things Iot Security market. The regional market segment covers North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East, and Africa and incorporates clear market definitions, arrangements, cost structures, producing forms, improvement approaches, and plans.

Regional and Country- level Analysisdifferent geographical areas are studied deeply and an economic scenario has been offered to support new entrants, leading market players, and investors to regulate emerging economies. The top producers and consumers focus on production, product capacity, value, consumption, growth opportunity, and market share in these key regions, covering



North America

U.S. & Canada


U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, BENELUX, NORDIC, Rest of Europe


China, India, Japan, South Korea

Australia, New Zealand, Rest of Asia-Pacific

Latin America

Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Rest of Latin America

Middle East and Africa

Israel, GCC, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa

Detailed analysis of the COVID-19 impact will be given in the report, as our analyst and research associates are working hard to understand the impact of COVID-19 disaster on many corporations, sectors and help our clients in taking excellent business decisions. We acknowledge everyone who is doing their part in this financial and healthcare crisis.

Some important Questions Answered in Internet Of Things Iot Security Market Report are:

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Internet Of Things Iot Security Market : Global Industry Analysis And Opportunity Assessment 2026 Cisco Systems, Inc., Ibm Corporation, Intel...

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IT Security Market to Remain Competitive | Major Giants Continuously Expanding Market – The News Brok

Latest added Global IT Security Market research study by HTF MI offers detailed product outlook and elaborates market review till 2025. The market Study is segmented by key regions that is accelerating the marketization. At present, the market is sharping its presence and some of the key players in the study areBlue Coat, Cisco, IBM, Intel Security, Symantec, Alert Logic, Barracuda Networks, BT Global Services, CA Technologies, CenturyLink, CGI Group, CheckPoint Software Technologies, CipherCloud, Computer Sciences, CYREN, FishNet Security, Fortinet, HP, Microsoft, NTT Com Security, Panda Security, Proofpoint, Radware, Trend Micro, Trustwave & Zscaleretc. The study is a perfect mix of qualitative and quantitative Market data collected and validated majorly through primary data and secondary sources.

Request Sample of Global IT Security Market Size, Status and Forecast 2019-2025

This report studies the Global IT Security market size, industry status and forecast, competition landscape and growth opportunity. This research report categorizes the Global IT Security market by companies, region, type and end-use industry.Scroll down 100s of data Tables, charts and graphs spread throughPages and in-depth Table of Content on IT Security Market by Type (, Internet security, Endpoint security, Wireless security, Network security & Cloud security), by End-Users/Application (Commercial, Industrial & Military and Denfense) and Region Forecast to 2025. Early buyers will get 10% customization on study.

to Avail deep insights of Global IT Security Market Size, competition landscape is provided i.e. Revenue Analysis (M $US) by Company (2017-2019), Segment Revenue Market Share (%) by Players (2017-2019) and further a qualitative analysis is made towards market concentration rate, product/service differences, new entrants and the technological trends in future.

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Competitive Analysis:The major players are focusing highly on innovation in technologies to improving efficiency level. The industry growth outlook is captured by ensuring ongoing process improvements of players and optimal strategies taken up by companies to fight COVID-19 Situation. Company profile section of players such as Blue Coat, Cisco, IBM, Intel Security, Symantec, Alert Logic, Barracuda Networks, BT Global Services, CA Technologies, CenturyLink, CGI Group, CheckPoint Software Technologies, CipherCloud, Computer Sciences, CYREN, FishNet Security, Fortinet, HP, Microsoft, NTT Com Security, Panda Security, Proofpoint, Radware, Trend Micro, Trustwave & Zscaler includes its relevant information like name, subsidiaries, website, headquarters, market rank, gain/drop in market position, historical background or growth commentary and top 3 closest competitors by Market capitalization / revenue along with contact information. Each companys revenue figures, Y-o-Y growth rate and gross & operating margin is provided in easy to understand tabular format for past 5 years and a separate section on recent development like mergers & acquisition, patent approval and new launch etc.

Market Segments: The Global IT Security Market has been divided into type, application, and region.

On The Basis Of Type: , Internet security, Endpoint security, Wireless security, Network security & Cloud security.On The Basis Of Application: Commercial, Industrial & Military and Denfense

On The basis of region, the IT Security is segmented into countries, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), and market share and growth rate in these regions, from 2014 to 2025 (forecast), see highlights below

North America (USA & Canada) {Market Revenue (USD Billion), Growth Analysis (%) and Opportunity Analysis} South Central & Latin America (Brazil, Argentina, Mexico & Rest of Latin America) {Market Revenue (USD Billion), Growth Share (%) and Opportunity Analysis} Europe (The United Kingdom., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Sweden, Denmark & Rest of Europe) {Market Revenue (USD Billion), Growth Share (%) and Opportunity Analysis} Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, ASEAN Countries, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of Asia) {Market Revenue (USD Billion), Growth Share (%) and Opportunity Analysis} Middle East & Africa (GCC, South Africa, Kenya, North Africa, RoMEA) {Market Revenue (USD Billion), Growth Share (%) and Opportunity Analysis} Rest of World

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What we can offer in the Strategic OpportunitiesHTF MI analysts identify in broad terms why some companies are gaining or losing share within a given market segment. Every company have its own story and changes in market share are knowingly the most important indicator of management effectiveness & corporate strategies; it is important to identify those who are succeeding in the market and those who are failing, and the cause of the market flux. Key Financial Ratios are also considered to get towards root-cause analysis of each companies such as Return on Assets, ROCE, and Return on Equity etc. From this understanding of the forces driving the market, the analyst team prepares its strategic recommendations. Ultimately, its that market wisdom, beyond the market data and forecasts, which is the most valuable component of HTF MI market research studies and provides our clientele with the greatest competitive edge with top level quality standards.

How insights and forecasts from the reports could benefit you:

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About Author:HTF Market Report is a wholly owned brand of HTF market Intelligence Consulting Private Limited. HTF Market Report global research and market intelligence consulting organization is uniquely positioned to not only identify growth opportunities but to also empower and inspire you to create visionary growth strategies for futures, enabled by our extraordinary depth and breadth of thought leadership, research, tools, events and experience that assist you for making goals into a reality. Our understanding of the interplay between industry convergence, Mega Trends, technologies and market trends provides our clients with new business models and expansion opportunities. We are focused on identifying the Accurate Forecast in every industry we cover so our clients can reap the benefits of being early market entrants and can accomplish their Goals & Objectives.

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IT Security Market to Remain Competitive | Major Giants Continuously Expanding Market - The News Brok

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Click Fraud Risk as Smartphone Is Discovered with Pre-Installed Malware – Infosecurity Magazine

Security researchers have discovered malware pre-installed on a Chinese smartphone and designed to facilitate mobile ad fraud on a massive scale.

Upstreams Secure-D Lab said it recorded 19.2 million suspicious transactions, which would have covertly signed-up unsuspected usersto subscription services without their permission.

It traced them back to around 200,000 Transsion Tecno W2 handsets used mainly in Egypt, Ethiopia, South Africa, Cameroon and Ghana although suspicious transactions were also detected in 14 other countries.

The security firm analyzed Tecno W2 handsets to find out more, and discovered that they had been pre-installed with well-known backdoor and malware downloader Triada. This in turn installed a Trojan known as xHelper onto compromised devices as soon as they connect to the internet, Secure-D explained.

When xHelper components were found in the right environment and connected to Wi-Fi or 3G network (e.g. inside a South African network), they made queries to find new subscription targets, and then proceeded to make fraudulent subscription requests, it continued.

These happened automatically and without requiring a mobile phone operators approval. The investigation found evidence in the code that linked at least one of the xHelper components (com.mufc.umbtts) to subscription fraud requests.

The umbtts application was apparently capable of generating clicks on ad banners without users knowledge.

According to a Google investigation, Triada is the result of a vendor somewhere in the manufacturing supply chain placing it on device firmware, usually without the knowledge of developers or manufacturers.

Users of the device were urged to check for high data usage and unexpected charges.

While Transsion may not have been aware of the malware when the devices were sold to consumers, they do suffer the consequences and negative press related to this issue, argued KnowBe4 security awareness advocate Erich Kron.

This is an example of how important it is to take supply chain security seriously, as something done by a supplier or business partner can seriously impact your brand or even lead to legal liabilities.

Click Fraud Risk as Smartphone Is Discovered with Pre-Installed Malware - Infosecurity Magazine

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