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A third of companies are exposing unsafe network services to the internet – BetaNews

New research finds that 33 percent of companies within the digital supply chain exposecommon network services such as data storage, remote access and network administration tothe internet.

The study from RiskRecon and the Cyentia Institute also finds that organizations that expose unsafe services to the internet exhibit more critical security findings.

The research is based on RiskRecon's assessment of millions of internet-facing systems acrossapproximately 40,000 commercial and public institutions. Cyentia and RiskRecon analyzed thedata in two ways, the direct proportion of internet-facing hosts running unsafe services,as well as the percentage of companies that expose unsafe services somewhere across theirinfrastructure.

Within the top three unsafe network services, datastores, such as S3 buckets and MySQL databases are the most commonly exposed. Remote access is the second most commonly exposed service and the report's authors recommend that admins should consider restricting the accessibility of these services only to authorized and internal users.

Universities are a particular problem with 51.9 percent found to be running unsafe services.With a culture that boasts open access to information and collaboration, the education sector has the greatest tendency to expose unsafe network services on non-student systems,

"Blocking internet access to unsafe network services is one of the most basic security hygienepractices. The fact that one-third of companies in the digital supply chain are failing at one of themost basic cybersecurity practices should serve as a wake up call to executives third-party riskmanagement teams," says Kelly White, CEO and co-founder, RiskRecon. "We have a long wayto go in hardening the infrastructure that we all depend on to safely operate our businesses andprotect consumer data. Risk managers will be well served to leverage objective data to betterunderstand and act on their third-party risk."

The full report is available from the RiskRecon site.

Image credit: fotogestoeber/Shutterstock

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A third of companies are exposing unsafe network services to the internet - BetaNews

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One of the largest internet outages ever recorded occurred this weekend – TechRadar

Following a misconfiguration in one of its data centers, the US internet service provider (ISP) CenturyLink suffered a major technical outage that spread across the internet taking down many popular sites and services on Sunday.

The error at the company's data center spread outward from its network and also ended up impacting other ISPs, which led to connectivity problems for many other companies including Amazon, Twitter, NameCheap, OpenDNS, Reddit, Discord, Hulu, Steam and others.

Cloudflare was also severely impacted by CenturyLink's outage and in a blog post, CEO and co-founder of the web infrastructure and website security company Matthew Prince explained how the incident affected the internet as a whole, saying:

Because this outage appeared to take all of the CenturyLink/Level(3) network offline, individuals who are CenturyLink customers would not have been able to reach Cloudflare or any other internet provider until the issue was resolved. Globally, we saw a 3.5% drop in global traffic during the outage, nearly all of which was due to a nearly complete outage of CenturyLinks ISP service across the United States.

Based on information from a CenturyLink status page, it appears the issue originated in the ISP's CA3 data center in Mississauga, located in Canada's Ontario province.

As its own services were affected by the outage, Cloudflare paid close attention and believes that an incorrect Flowspec rule that came at the end of a long list of BGP updates may have caused it.

If this was the case, every router in CenturyLink/Level(3)'s network would have received the Flowspec rule and started blocking BGP, which would lead them to stop receiving the rule.

The devices would then start back up, work their way through all the BGP rules until they got to the incorrect Flowspec rule and BGP would once again be dropped, creating an endless loop.

BGP routes are a type of message that internet companies relay between each other to inform each internet provider which group of IP addresses is available on their network. However, CenturyLink's incorrect Flowspec rule also brought down some routers outside of its network which began to announce incorrect BGP routes to other Tier 1 internet services. This brought down other networks, causing the major internet outage experienced over the weekend.

Thankfully, CenturyLink was able to fix the issue by telling all other Tier 1 internet providers to ignore any traffic coming from its network. This type of action is usually a last resort as it results in all of the company's customers losing internet connectivity.

Via ZDNet

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One of the largest internet outages ever recorded occurred this weekend - TechRadar

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Meet The New Anonymous100 Million BTS ARMY And K-Pop Stans, A Cyber Threat To Be Reckoned With – Forbes

Are Korean music fans a cyber threat to be reckoned with?

Is it a mistake to write-off the cyber threat posed by Korean music fans? Security professionals appear to think so.

Delivering the opening keynote at the virtual Okta Disclosure 2020 security conference on September 3, well-respected cybersecurity analyst the Grugq tackled the application of cyber power. During his highly informative presentation, the Grugq touched on how some non-states have more cyber power that nation-states. In particular, he mentioned K-pop band BTS and their devoted fan base, the BTS ARMY (it stands for Adorable Representative M.C for Youth, apparently), which undoubtedly have such cyber power.

Indeed, a taste of the kind of power that K-pop Stans, the generic name for these devoted and obsessed fans, was revealed during the Black Lives Matter protest when their social media presence was effectively weaponized. This led me to wonder if then, the BTS ARMY and K-pop Stans were, in effect, the new Anonymous?

Estimated to be more than 100 million, the BTS ARMY is 50 million strong alone, I took the question of whether the K-pop Stan phenomena should be treated as part of the cyber threatscape to the people who know best: the cybersecurity industry itself.

Daniel Smith, a security researcher at Radware, is in no doubt that K-pop stans and the BTS ARMY can be considered the new anonymous. "They present the same risks and challenges to the threat landscape as Anonymous did in their prime," Smith says, "K-pop fans have been filling the void of an absent Anonymous." He says that this is certainly something of a "shift in non-state cyber power, from one group to the next, as the landscape evolves."

By way of an example, Smith points to the way that K-pop Stans flooded the Dallas Police Department iWatch Dallas app during the George Floyd protests. The app, which enabled citizens to report on protestor activity, was bombarded with video clips of K-pop artists. "Anonymous used to have this type of following and power," Smith says, "I call it a social botnet, where an idea results in a natural flood of traffic."

Charl van der Walt, head of security research at Orange Cyberdefense, has nothing but praise for the Grugq, calling him "a member of a leading corps of thinkers that we should be listening to more carefully." It should come as no surprise that van der Walt echoes the point that failing to "appreciate where and how the cyber landscape is different to traditional domains of conflict," is something that needs to be overcome.

By forcing our understanding of this landscape into preconceived frameworks, he says, we see cyberwar through a lens of understanding previous wars. "One effect of this is that we will overestimate the significance of familiar elements like hacking tools and other cyber weapons," van der Walt continues, "while underestimating other elements like the idea of soft power and the incredible influence that a networked construct like social media can bring to bear."

This soft power can have hard impacts, as Boris Cipot, a senior security engineer at Synopsys, explains. "In the case of BTS and their 50 million fans," he says, "I can see them being a cyberthreat. On the one hand, they could be used for marketing purposes, or even used politically."

However, it's when we get to the other hand that the more significant threat emerges, according to Cipot. "One of the biggest threats I see is if bad actors leverage the band's popularity for their personal gain," he says, "a threat actor might share a malicious fandom application, luring fans in. Then, after a few weeks, their devices could be used collectively to launch an attack against a third party; essentially, launching a DDoS attack."

OK, so that's a hypothetical scenario, but scenarios are the key to any threat consideration and manipulation "through recruitment and targeted disinformation," says Morgan Wright, chief security advisor at SentinelOne, "using the fan base to achieve the political objectives of an adversarial nation-state," does not seem such an outrageous scenario hypothesis in the context of threats and risk.

Martin Rudd, CTO at Telesoft Technologies, sees this whole phenomenon as being a representation of information warfare today. "Any well-motivated and reasonably well funded tech-savvy group can exert their own influence in todays world," he says, "this happens to be K-pop, able to exert their own techno-political influence."

The decentralization of information and power has led to such groups being able to take advantage by way of "influencing elections, Anonymous mounting DDoS attacks using botnets, to the purity of information warfare," Rudd says. "Were being outplayed," he continues, "they who understand the world and understand how people are getting and digesting data are the ones who are going to win."

K-pop almost defines this threat in that "you have already got people that are ready to listen, its almost pre-canned, you are just dropping the message into an audience that is already ready to listen," Rudd says. And don't forget that Stans, the BTS ARMY, are bonded regardless of race, religion or geographical boundaries. "You dont have to break through bringing them to the cause," Rudd concludes.

This weaponization of cyberspace is not new, as Joe Riggins, a principal security architect at Deep Instinct, reminds us. "What K-pop is doing is bringing it directly upfront and in everyones faces. For the most part, K-pop is using their organized social infrastructure that was initially used to fill stadiums with fans, to now support specific political platforms such as social justice," Riggins says. "Just as Anonymous was a hacktivist platform that had members with specific cyber-hacking skills, 'Stan armies' are deploying the same hacktivist initiatives using social media," he concludes.

Thom Langford, an information security analyst at GigaOm, also points out that this is not a new phenomenon. "In the early days of Anonymous, before they became heavily politicized and overtly active," Langford says, "they recruited regular people (housewives, office workers, students, stay at home dads) to carry out the largest DDoS attack at that time. They had no idea what they were doing was highly illegal and disruptive."

There's no great leap of faith required to see how Stans could be mobilized by bad actors while acting in supposed good faith.

Jamie Akhtar, CEO and co-founder of CyberSmart, told me that the rise of the Stans has undoubtedly expanded both the range of threat actors and the potential effects of cyber-enabled information warfare. "The pertinent question is," he says, "who are the most likely victims?"

Is this something governments should be concerned about, or 'just' a social media problem? "The reality," Akhtar says, "is this affects us all, and so we all have a part to play."As citizens, we must all take responsibility and educate ourselves on misinformation, report content that is inappropriate and be vigilant when it comes to social engineering, Akhtar tells me. "Collectively we need to create herd immunity against information operations both as individuals and as organizations," he says, "institutions must focus on prevention and deterrence by developing effective means of rapidly detecting the start of indicators that lead to information warfare campaigns and respond with rapid action to prevent digital pandemics from causing chaos."

"K-pop Stans, the BTS Army, aren't cyber threats in the normal sense of a malicious act seeking to damage or steal data, or disrupt digital life in general," Kevin Tongs, director of customer success at Flashpoint, says, "they are more the mass mobilization of a unified group of people, using cyber means such as social media, to create influence."

In militaristic terms, he insists, these are information operations and not information warfare. Whatever term you apply, though, there seems little doubting that they are already part of the modern threat landscape.

"The cyber risks posed by masses of people at one time were known as Anonymous, the hacktivist collective," Chris Grove, technology evangelist at Nozomi Networks, says, "prior to that, internet worms caused masses of people to act in coordination, albeit against their knowledge or consent." At the end of the day, he says, organizations are facing a challenge to keep operations up and running, regardless of who is at the other end of the attack, "be that a cocky hacker, criminal extortion gang, K-pop fans, terrorists, or nation-state actors."

"When groups of people work together to commit the crime of attacking computer systems, theyre no longer music fans," Grove says, "they become criminals at that stage." Grove doesn't, however, expect to see K-pop fans participating in Anonymous-style massive DDoS attacks. "I dont feel K-pop fans provide anything new to be feared in cybersecurity space," Grove says, "but their social influence and desire to be political is a different story."

Dusting off the old playbook is a great place to start, according to Daniel Smith, a security researcher at Radware. "We can definitely learn from the past," Smith says, "K-pop fans, just like Anonymous, have been engaging in political hacktivism. They operate in cyberspace by weaponizing social media platforms. At the core, the group will engage in mostly legal and naturally flooding of the oppositions assets or digital presence."

Others will, of course, break off in smaller groups to conduct more aggressive operations such as Denial-of-Service attacks, defacements, or information campaigns based off leaked material. "The best way to prepare for political hacktivism activity," Smith advises, "is to monitor not only the threat landscape but also the social climate."

I'll leave the last words to Morgan Wright, chief security advisor at SentinelOne. "I was a senior advisor in the U.S. State Department Antiterrorism Assistance Program, and a senior SME for the U.S. Department of Justice, leading the development of new information and intelligence sharing systems after 9/11," he says.

When, eventually, hearings were held in Congress, and the 9/11 Commission produced a report, one of the critical findings was a failure of imagination according to Wright. "A multitude of biases and limitations on cognitive ability deceive people into thinking they need to collect large amounts of information in order to make a decision and act," Wright says, "keeping up with the threats is much easier today with the amount of companies and government producing threat intelligence."

What remains harder, of course, is the ability to make a decision based on limited information and act. "How do you mitigate a tsunami?" he asks. "Sometimes taking an option that is good enough trumps waiting for the best option to magically appear," Wright says, concluding, "there is no magic answer on how to do this. It depends on so many factors. Organizations need to use elements of the OODA Loop (Observe-Orient-Decide-Act) to remain adaptive and responsive to ever-changing conditions globally.

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Meet The New Anonymous100 Million BTS ARMY And K-Pop Stans, A Cyber Threat To Be Reckoned With - Forbes

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Is Wall Street winning in China? – The Economist

IF YOU WANT a sure-fire way to get rejected, try asking Western financial firms for interviews about how geopolitical tensions have affected their strategies in China. This topic carries some sensitivities, one bank demurs. We dont want to end up in a Trump tweet, says another. The Economist sought interviews with 15 global banks, insurers and asset managers. All declined to speakexcept on background.

Such bashfulness from the swaggering titans of finance is revealing in itself. They are on unfamiliar ground. For years the American government called on China to open up to foreign capital, while China dragged its feet. Suddenly, these roles have been reversed. President Donald Trumps administration wants global financiers to pull back from China. But China is enticing them in, creating opportunities that few had expected to come so quickly, if ever.

It has made for a disconnect between the political and the financial realms. Many observers focus on the decoupling between America and China. Yet for those managing the trillions of dollars that flow through global markets every day, the main trend looks more like coupling. Consider these moves by investment and commercial banks in the past half-year alone. Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley took majority control of their Chinese securities ventures. HSBC acquired full control of its Chinese life-insurance venture. Citi received a coveted custody license to serve institutional investors in China. Among asset managers, BlackRock received approval to sell its own mutual funds in China and Vanguard decided to shift its Asian headquarters to Shanghai.

Even more astonishing are the money flows. Roughly $200bn has entered Chinas capital markets from abroad over the past year. Foreign holdings of Chinese stocks and bonds at the end of June were, respectively, 50% and 28% higher than a year earlier (see chart 1). Some of this reflects an inevitable pull as global index compilers such as MSCI add Chinese assets to their benchmarks; fund managers that passively track these benchmarks must allocate cash in line with the new weightings. But it is more than that. China has made it much easier for foreigners to enter its markets, and it offers two things that are rare in the world at the moment: GDP growth and interest rates higher than zero.

Despite talk of a new cold war, there are two reasons to think that coupling, not decoupling, will remain the better description of Sino-American financial ties. The first is Chinas own actions. It is pursuing what Yu Yongding, a prominent economist, has described as a linking strategy, seeking to create more connections with foreign companies. Since late 2019 the government has lifted foreign ownership caps on asset managers, securities firms and life insurers. It has belatedly allowed MasterCard and PayPal to enter its payments industry. And it has let foreign ratings agencies cover more Chinese firms.

Even without the linking strategy, China has ample incentive to open its financial system more widely. Its current-account surplus has steadily narrowed as a share of GDP over the past decade (though it will soar this year because of the covid-19 impact); that puts pressure on it to attract more inflows through its capital account. At the same time reformist officials want greater foreign participation in the financial system. Zhou Xiaochuan, Chinas former central-bank governor, has argued that just as competition from abroad helped make Chinese manufacturers world-class, so it can elevate the finance industry. Regulators also want companies to raise more funding by issuing bonds and stocks, to lessen reliance on bank lending.

Chinas regulatory relaxation dovetails with the second factor: the interests of foreign financial firms. The Chinese market is simply too big to ignore. The investable wealth of retail clients is projected to grow from about $24trn in 2018 to $41trn by 2023, according to Oliver Wyman, a consultancy. And few sophisticated, globally minded asset managers operate in China today.

Foreign institutions know better by now than to assume that the economys scale will directly translate into business for them. In the early 2000s China began opening its commercial-banking industry to foreigners, but their share of the market, always tiny, has shrunk over time, dipping to just about 1% of domestic-banking assets. They are bit players.

Yet foreigners may fare better in the sectors newly open to them. No global bank can compete for deposits against the likes of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, which boasts some 15,700 branches. Success in investment banking and asset management, however, is more related to experience than to sheer heft. Can an adviser help structure a cross-border acquisition? Can an asset manager offer the right interest-rate swaps to hedge currency exposure? These are the areas where foreign firms feel they have an advantage, says Mark Austen, head of the Asia Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, a group that represents many of the worlds biggest financial institutions.

Not that China is going to make it easy. A taste of the potential complications came in the approval granted to BlackRock for a fund-management company. Unlike prior approvals for Chinese-owned entities, the regulator added a condition, demanding adherence to the Internet Security Law. BlackRock will need to store client data within China and authorities could demand access, likely forcing it to segregate its Chinese and global systems.

Foreign firms will also face a ferocious battle with domestic firms on a playing field that is tilted against them. Theyll never just completely open and be fine with us crushing the locals, says one banker. State-owned firms will reserve their juiciest deals for domestic banks. The government is engineering mergers to create what it calls an aircraft-carrier investment bank to repel foreigners. And global asset managers will have little choice but to distribute their products through domestic banks and tech platforms. Chantal Grinderslev, founder of Majtildig, a Shanghai-based advisory firm, sees a split between foreign firms that commit capital to China for the long haul and those that are less patient. If you have to be profitable in three years or less, this is not the market to enter, she says. JPMorgan Chase, she notes, is on track to buy out the local partner in its asset-management venture for $1bn, a 50% premium over fair value. That is expensive, but it also testifies to the weight that Jamie Dimon, the banking colossuss chief, places on China. He is looking to build a real business, she says.

The political tussle with America looms over these corporate decisions. Global headquarters asked us to develop optimistic, realistic and pessimistic scenarios, says the CEO in China of an American bank. I laughed because theres no point thinking of things getting better. Its binary. Either we can continue in China or we cant. So far things have clearly remained on the remain-in-China side of the equation. Americas financial measures against China have thrown some sand in the gears but have not stopped them from turning.

The Trump administration has blocked a federal-government pension plan from investing in Chinese stocks. It has threatened to delist Chinese firms from American stock exchanges. And it has placed sanctions on Chinese officials in Hong Kong and Xinjiang. All three moves are, in the grand scheme, mild. The government pension plan that now excludes Chinese stocks represents just 3% of American pension assets. China has until 2022 to stave off the threatened delistings, and has already proposed a compromise, giving American auditors more access to its companies books. In the meantime, the value of Chinese listings on Wall Street has risen this year (see chart 2). As for the sanctions, they can be painful for individuals, but would have harmed China much more if they had named entire banks.

It is only prudent for firms to prepare for America to take a tougher line against China. But the implications in the financial sector are different from, say, the industrial sector. Factories require a large fixed investment and carefully configured supply chains. Investments in bonds or equities are, by contrast, much easier to adjustat least so long as China lets investors move cash out of its markets. Even for firms building up brokerages or asset-management operations in China, the investments are small compared with their global footprints. The Chinese securities firm controlled by UBS, for instance, held just 5bn yuan ($730m) in assets at the end of 2019bigger than any other foreign-owned securities firm in China but barely 0.2% of UBSs global investment-banking assets.

The one American action that could almost instantaneously derail financial coupling would be to block China from the dollar-payments system. The administration could do so by pressuring SWIFT, a Belgium-based messaging system that underpins most cross-border transfers, to boot out Chinese members. Or it could order the big banks which clear dollar payments in America to stop serving Chinese banks.

Chinese officials, alarmed by these once-unthinkable possibilities, have held meetings in recent months to discuss how they might respond. They have talked about promoting the yuan as an alternative to the dollar and home-grown payment networks as alternatives to SWIFT. In practice, neither would help much. The yuan, constrained by capital controls, remains a weakling in global finance, while Chinas would-be SWIFT replacements have failed to gain traction.

The biggest constraint on America is the damage that it would suffer itself. Cutting China off from the dollar would undermine not just Chinese banks but also China-based companies that account for more than a tenth of the worlds exports. This would trigger a collapse in international trade, massively disrupt supply chains and, quite possibly, deepen the global recession. The fact that American policymakers must contemplate such consequences is an argument in favour of Chinas linking strategy. The only option is more openness, says Larry Hu, head of China economics at Macquarie Group in Hong Kong. You must create a situation where your counterpart has more to lose. For foreign financiers in China, that, oddly enough, is music to their ears.

This article appeared in the Finance & economics section of the print edition under the headline "Present tense, future market"

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Is Wall Street winning in China? - The Economist

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Keep It in the Cloud! Best Cloud Storage Systems of 2020 – iDrop News

Anymore, cloud services are a dime a dozen. There are what seems to be endless options for you to choose from and sometimes that can be overwhelming.

Sure, most Apple users will go the safe route. That is, getting iCloud and sticking with it. Dont get me wrong, iCloud is one of the best options, but maybe its no the right one for you.

There are other Cloud Storage Services that offer more storage than iCloud for free, so if youre on a budget or just dont want to spend that much money, some other options are worth looking into.

Storing files in the cloud becomes necessary if youre always on the go or switch between devices often. Even if youre in school, having access to your most important files and paperwork any time is a massive benefit most wont want to do without.

A cloud storage system is a helpful tool but only if you have the right one. Thats the part that might be tricky.

If you dont know which options you have or where to begin looking, here are the best cloud storage systems you can choose from.

Most Cloud Storage options offer a monthly or yearly subscription to use their services. While thats a good option for some, adding another subscription-based service to your budget usually isnt. Sometimes, its better to choose a one-time payment deal.

Thats why ThunderDrive: Cloud Storage is a great budget option in the long run. You can buy a lifetime subscription for as little as $29.

ThunderDrive is pretty straightforward to use. All you need is internet access and a browser, and youll get access to up to 2TB of storage on the cloud for a lifetime.

Unfortunately, ThunderDrive doesnt count with a mobile app for you to download, but it compensates it with an unlimited device capability. This means you can log in every device you want multiple times without a problem, which is something other storage systems dont offer.

If youre looking for another option with a lifetime subscription, pCloud is worth looking into. Like ThunderDrive, you can buy lifetime access to the storage system. The downside is that its more expensive than ThunderDrive.

As of right now, pCloud offers two premium plans: the first one costs $175 and youll only get 500 GB. The other plan offers up to 2 TB of storage, but that comes at a price of $350.

The good news is you can start using pCloud for free. If you create a new account, youll get up to 10 GB of storage for free. Plus, pCloud has an app available for iPhone, Mac, PC, Android, and other platforms.

Yes, it has the i at the beginning, but iDrive has nothing to do with Apple. That doesnt mean its a bad service, though. In fact, its considered one of the best storage services online.

iDrive offers 5 GB of storage online for free. So its not much storage for free users or paid ones for that matter. iDrive starts at $74.62 per year for 250 GB, so you wont get much storage compared to others like ThunderDrive.

Where iDrive shines is in its versatility. You can basically backup every device you have, from your computers to your iPhone and iPad. Plus, if youre away from your computer or another device, you can create backups remotely from a separate computer. In addition, you can also protect your devices against viruses and ransomware.

If you own a Windows computer or even an Android device, youve probably seen OneDrive lurking somewhere on your device. OneDrive is Windows very own Cloud storage system. Fortunately, its not exclusive for Windows computers. You can also get it on your iPhone or Mac computer.

OneDrive is available on basically every device, including Mac and iPhone, albeit it doesnt integrate as well as iCloud does. Still, its a great option to consider.

If you use OneDrive for free, you get 5 GB of storage online, and if you go for the paid version youll get 1 TB. Whats great about OneDrive is that youre not buying it alone.

If you buy any of Microsofts 365 Family or Microsoft 365 Personal plans, you get access to OneDrive plus every premium Office app available. Meaning, you get apps like Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and even Skype, if youre still using it.

This is possibly the best option for students looking for a cloud storage system. Youll get the best Microsoft tools available, to work on homework or school projects, and youll be able to store it easily on the cloud. Plus, if you go for the Family Plan, you can share the expenses and the benefits with your friends or family.

If youre an Apple fan, which is probably the case, chances are you already know the ins and outs of iCloud.

Still, maybe youve only tried the free version, which is nice, but sometimes you need more than 5 GB of storage.

Whats good about iCloud is that it offers the cheapest plan compared to other services. For $0.99 per month, you get 50 GB of storage, which might not be a lot, but its a great option for the price.

Whether you go for the free or paid version, iCloud is a great tool to use on any Apple device you have. Its a really secure service, you can see every file and picture you have across all your devices, and you can use it effortlessly thanks to the Apple ecosystem.

If youre looking for a storage service that you can just start using without thinking about it, iCloud is the best option for the job.

Just like with iCloud, you probably already know and use Google Drive. Google makes it so easy to get any app or service they have on every platform possible, and Google Drive is not an exception.

Google Drive has been working for a while now, kind of like Dropbox. However, unlike Dropbox, Google Drive has had a lot of changes and improvements.

Also, unlike Dropbox, you get a lot of storage for free. At 15 GB of free storage, Google Drive is one of the best options to get if you dont want to spend a dime.

However, if youre looking for a paid version, Google Drive offers up to 30 GB of storage for $6 a month, which compared to iCloud, its way more expensive. However, just like with OneDrive, you get a bunch of other services, such as business emails and shared calendars. Plus, if you have other people who want the same service, you can go for a Business plan, which gives you unlimited storage or 1 TB if there are less than 5 users for $12 per month.

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Keep It in the Cloud! Best Cloud Storage Systems of 2020 - iDrop News

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Impact of COVID-19 on Cloud Storage Software Market 2025 Expected to reach Highest CAGR including major key players Amazon Web Services, Microsoft,…

Cloud Storage Software Market Trends, In-Depth Research on Market Size, Emerging Growth Factors, Global 2020 Trends and Forecasts 2025

The Cloud Storage SoftwareMarket report is one of the most comprehensive and important dataabout business strategies, qualitative and quantitative analysis of Global Market.It offers detailed research and analysis of key aspects of the Cloud Storage Softwaremarket. The market analysts authoring this report have provided in-depth information on leading growth drivers, restraints, challenges, trends, and opportunities to offer a complete analysis of the Cloud Storage Softwaremarket.

The researchers have considered almost all important parameters for company profiling, including market share, recent development, gross margin, future development plans, product portfolio, production, and revenue. The report includes detailed analysis of the vendor landscape and thorough company profiling of leading players of the Cloud Storage Software market.

Get PDF sample copy of this report(Including impact of Covid-19)@:

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The global Cloud Storage Software market is analyzed across key geographies namely: North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. Each of these regions is analyzed on basis of market findings across major countries in these regions for a macro-level understanding of the market.

The latest report added by Market Info Reportsdemonstrates that the global Cloud Storage Software market will showcase a steady CAGR in the coming years. The research report includes a thorough analysis of market drivers, restraints, threats, and opportunities. It addresses the lucrative investment options for the players in the coming years. Analysts have offered market estimates at a global and regional level.

Major Points Covered in TOC:

Overview: Along with a broad overview of the global Cloud Storage Software market, this section gives an overview of the report to give an idea about the nature and contents of the research study.

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Impact of COVID-19 on Cloud Storage Software Market 2025 Expected to reach Highest CAGR including major key players Amazon Web Services, Microsoft,...

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Facebook adds cloud storage providers Dropbox and Koofr to its photo and video portability tool – Digital Information World

Facebooks photo and video porting tool was launched in December 2019, and it was only available for the users in Ireland to port their media directly to Google Photos. It rolled out for global users in June 2020. Now, Facebook has added two more third-party cloud storage providers, Dropbox and Koofr to this portability tool. So, now the users will be able to port their media through encrypted transfer to Google Photos, Dropbox, and Koofr.

Apart from these three options, Facebook says that it is looking out to add more partnerships for users all over the world, however, it is not known which other services Facebook is looking into.

This media portability tool is based on a code that was developed when Facebook participated in the Data Transfer Project. This project was a collaboration that involved several tech companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Twitter, etc.

To access this portability tool, users have to go and tap into the Your Facebook Information menu. From the options, they have to select Transfer a copy of your photos and videos, and they will be prompted by Facebook to re-enter their password before transferring begins. Once that is done, Facebook will ask them to choose the destination service for their media out of the three options, Google Photos, Dropbox, and Koofr. Once they choose their service, they will be asked to enter their password again for that third-part service, and this is how the media portability through encrypted transfer will happen. Once the transfer is complete, the users will receive an email and a notification on Facebook. This feature works for Facebook on desktop versions and Facebook on mobile apps. This feature was hinted on by a Facebook spokesperson a month ago. Facebook says that it is working on expanding the scope of this portability tool, and just like it works well for media, Facebook is looking into ways to integrate direct transfers of more content formats in the future, like events, forwarded posts that the users deem meaningful and want to keep them safe and secure in a cloud storage service. However, these are the directions that Facebook will bring in the future. For now, it is only providing the portability of photos and videos uploaded to Facebook.

Also, whether Facebook will extend this portability tool to the media on Instagram or not is still not known.

While Google Photos and Dropbox are huge names, Koofr is a smaller European based cloud storage provider.

Read next: Facebook Is Reportedly Paying Users To Deactivate Their Facebook And Instagram Accounts Ahead Of The Election

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Facebook adds cloud storage providers Dropbox and Koofr to its photo and video portability tool - Digital Information World

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Cloud storages you need to know – The Star, Kenya

Since we handle so much data on our devices, there has been a need for storage for the data.

This is what led to the development of cloud storage and file syncing applications.

With these applications, you can share a 20 GB folder of photos and videos with colleagues around the world.

Cloud storage is the virtual hard drive on the internet that ensures the latest version of your files are at the ready on all your devices.

Google Drive is one of the cloud storage and file syncing applications that is best known for unlimited storage of videos, photos and Google docs, sheets and slides.

It offers you the most amount of free storage space of 15GB that is shared with your Gmail and Google Photos.

Besides the generous amount of storage, it has the fastest syncing speed from the desktop to the web.

When in the web app, you can work with your files and folders as much like you can with your laptop.

Editing files with this app is better when you are working primarily online.

As you are editing a document on Google Docs or replying to emails in Gmail, you can get files from your Google Drive Storage and use them directly without the need of downloading anything.

Sync is another app that is best for advanced security features and unlimited file sizes.

It offers end-to-end encryption, which means that all your data, is encrypted at all times whether it is on your computer, while in transit and on sync servers.

This apps zero knowledge privacy means that your password is never stored by the company and they cannot access your encryption keys.

It will give you a 5GB storage for free plus the ability to gain more space through referrals.

One Drive is also a cloud storage and syncing application that is best for Microsoft Office and Windows users.

For the free Cloud storage, this app is still a good option. You will get to have 5GB of free storage space to start and up to 10GB additional space for referring others to it.

Dropbox another cloud storage app is best for fast syncing over your local network.

It offers you free storage space of 2GB but you can earn up to 16GB on the free account by referring new members and completing their task.

File sharing with this app is easy since it has been around for a long time with some people already familiar with it.

One of the advantages it has is that it saves on the time of syncing over your local network.

Having these applications for storage helps, you be able to access your information, send and receive files from wherever you are in the world.

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Cloud storages you need to know - The Star, Kenya

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How COVID-19 is Impacting the Consumer Cloud Storage Services Market by Industry Analysis, by Type, Application and Top Players:Apple, Google, Box,…

Note: Due to the pandemic, we have included a special section on the Impact of COVID 19 on the Consumer Cloud Storage ServicesMarket which would mention How the Covid-19 is Affecting the Industry, Market Trends and Potential Opportunities in the COVID-19 Landscape, Key Regions and Proposal for Consumer Cloud Storage Services Market Players to battle Covid-19 Impact.

The Consumer Cloud Storage ServicesMarket report is compilation of intelligent, broad research studies that will help players and stakeholders to make informed business decisions in future. It offers detailed research and analysis of key aspects of the Consumer Cloud Storage Services market. Readers will be able to gain deeper understanding of the competitive landscape and its future scenarios, crucial dynamics, and leading segments of the global Consumer Cloud Storage Services market. Buyers of the report will have access to accurate PESTLE, SWOT and other types of analysis on the global Consumer Cloud Storage Services market. Moreover, it offers highly accurate estimations on the CAGR, market share, and market size of key regions and countries. Players can use this study to explore untapped Consumer Cloud Storage Services markets to extend their reach and create sales opportunities.

The study encompasses profiles of major Companies/Manufacturers operating in the global Consumer Cloud Storage Services Market.Key players profiled in the report include:Apple, Google, Box, Dropbox, Amazon, Microsoft, Sync, Hubic, Mediafire, Pcloud and More

Get PDF Sample Copy of the Report to understand the structure of the complete report (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart):

Segmental Analysis:The report has classified the global Consumer Cloud Storage Services market into segments including product type and application. Every segment is evaluated based on share and growth rate. Besides, the analysts have studied the potential regions that may prove rewarding for the Consumer Cloud Storage Services manufcaturers in the coming years. The regional analysis includes reliable predictions on value and volume, there by helping market players to gain deep insights into the overall Consumer Cloud Storage Services industry.

By Application:Application A, Application B, Application C

By Type:<18 Years, 18-40 Years, ?40 Years

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The authors of the report have analyzed both developing and developed regions considered for the research and analysis of the global Consumer Cloud Storage Services market. The regional analysis section of the report provides an extensive research study on different regional and country-wise Consumer Cloud Storage Services industry to help players plan effective expansion strategies.

Regions Covered in the Global Consumer Cloud Storage Services Market: The Middle East and Africa (GCC Countries and Egypt) North America (the United States, Mexico, and Canada) South America (Brazil etc.) Europe (Turkey, Germany, Russia UK, Italy, France, etc.) Asia-Pacific (Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Australia)

Years Considered to Estimate the Market Size:History Year: 2015-2019Base Year: 2019Estimated Year: 2020Forecast Year: 2020-2025

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How COVID-19 is Impacting the Consumer Cloud Storage Services Market by Industry Analysis, by Type, Application and Top Players:Apple, Google, Box,...

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Cloud Storage Gateway Market to Witness Stunning Growth by 2027; Key Players are Riverbed Technology, SoftNAS, Inc., Oracle, Microsoft, Nasuni…

The latestCloud Storage Gateway marketstudy offers an all-inclusive analysis of the major strategies, corporate models, and market shares of the most noticeable players in this market. The study offers a thorough analysis of the key persuading factors, market figures in terms of revenues, segmental data, regional data, and country-wise data. This study can be described as most wide-ranging documentation that comprises all the aspects of the evolving Cloud Storage Gateway market.

The research report provides deep insights into the global market revenue, parent market trends, macro-economic indicators, and governing factors, along with market attractiveness per market segment. The report provides an overview of the growth rate of Cloud Storage Gateway market during the forecast period, i.e., 20202027. Most importantly, the report further identifies the qualitative impact of various market factors on market segments and geographies. The research segments the market on the basis of product type, application, technology, and region. To offer more clarity regarding the industry, the report takes a closer look at the current status of various factors including but not limited to supply chain management, niche markets, distribution channel, trade, supply, and demand and production capability across different countries.

Leading companies are:

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The research provides answers to the following key questions:

The study conducts SWOT analysis to evaluate strengths and weaknesses of the key players in the Cloud Storage Gateway market. Further, the report conducts an intricate examination of drivers and restraints operating in the market. The report also evaluates the trends observed in the parent market, along with the macro-economic indicators, prevailing factors, and market appeal according to different segments. The report also predicts the influence of different industry aspects on the Cloud Storage Gateway market segments and regions.

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Cloud Storage Gateway Market Segmented by Region/Country: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and Central & South America

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Cloud Storage Gateway Market to Witness Stunning Growth by 2027; Key Players are Riverbed Technology, SoftNAS, Inc., Oracle, Microsoft, Nasuni...

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