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Microsoft makes big play for healthcare cloud business in competition with Google, Amazon – FierceHealthcare

Microsoft'snew cloud service designed specifically for healthcare will be generally available October 30, the tech giant anounced Tuesday.

TheMicrosoft Cloud for Healthcare service bring together existingservices such as Teams, Azure IoTand chatbots to help healthcare organizations manage operations.

Microsoft,Google and Amazon Web Services (AWS) are all pushing deeper into healthcare in a battle to provide cloud computing and data storage technologyto hospitals.

Microsoft announced its first industry-specific cloud service back in May as part of a public preview.

The capabilities offered through the healthcare cloud service helps organizations scale up digital health technologies while also providing tools to improvedata interoperability,workflow efficiency,and streamline interactions, the company said.

The cloud service will focus on what Microsoft has identified asimportant needs in healthcare, such as patient engagement,health team collaboration and improving operational efficiencies.

The healthcare industry faces the challenge of "disconnectedness" with health data sitting in different siloes and the cloud offering helps to address these hurdles, according toTom McGuinness, corporate vice president, worldwide health at Microsoft.

RELATED:Microsoft announces Cloud for Healthcare, first industry-specific cloud service

"At the highest level, the Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare ishelping to bring together the robust set of healthcare specific capabilities that Microsoft already has that are aimed at helping our customers and partners deliver better experiencesand support new care models," he said.

The pandemic has forced healthcare organizations to stress-test new ways of deploying care, such as telehealth and remote monitoring.Cloud computing can provide organizations withspeed and agility to adjust to change and build resiliency, according to Microsoft.

"Healthcare providers have been reluctant to move and migrate from on-premise infrastructure to the cloud, but they have seen real value in the ability to create new agility in their business models andresiliency as theyflex between physical and virtual points-of-care," McGuinness told Fierce Healthcare. "One of the main things we'rehearing is that they need to have a broader tool kit and they need to be more agile in this chapter in healthcare."

Among the new capabilities, the cloud service will enable providers to schedule telehealth visits in Microsoft Teams through the Bookings app, Microsoft said. The new Microsoft Teams EHR connector, which is in private previews, enablesclinicians and patients to launch Teams virtual visits right from Epics patient and provider portals. The company also developed application programing interfaces (APIs) to allow for Teams integration into other existing healthcare workflows.

RELATED:Mayo Clinic taps Google Cloud as strategic partner to accelerate innovation in AI, analytics and digital tools

"This capability helps to streamline what hashistorically been disconnected systems," McGuinness said. Microsoft is focused in making intergrations with other platforms and technologies as seamless as possible for clinicians and patients, he said.

"Virtual care is a critical piece of healthcare and we are working with our partners and customers to say, what does it look like across the care continuum for both physical and virtual visits," he said.

To improve interoperability, Cloud for Healthcare also supports Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR), which is a common data standard for healthcare.Last year, Microsoft was the first cloud to offer a generally availableAzure FHIR servicewhich allows healthcare organizations to ingest and persist data in the FHIRformat.

The platform also now enables data collection from medical devices, apps and remote monitoring tools through its Azure IoT Connector for FHIR.

A tool called Patient 360 based on HL7 FHIR enables health providers to get thefull context into the patients history and their current encounters, conditions, procedures, and appointments, all fed from the EHRdata repository with direct integration to the Azure FHIR service, the company said.

RELATED:Microsoft, Humana ink 7-year strategic partnership to leverage cloud, AI and voice technologies

Microsoft also said its working with companies including Accenture, Adaptive Biotechnologies, Allscripts, DXC Technology, Innovaccer, KPMGand Nuance to co-develop custom solutions. For instance, it partnered with Nuance to integrate itsDragon Ambient Experience with Teams. The integration captures and contextualizes physician-patient conversations, automatically documenting the encounters from within Teams.

Among the early adopters of Cloud for Healthcare are Cleveland Clinic, Providence St. Joseph, St. Lukes University Health Network, andHelsinki University and Uusimaa Hospital District.

There are a couple areas where I believe cloud technology for healthcare like Microsofts can play a critical role in a future thats based on digital technologiesboth focused on interoperability," said Matt Kull, Cleveland Clinic's chief information officer in a statement. "The first is interoperability between systems, allowing us to take data from health records and other data sources, over FHIR interfaces, and combine it together into a single place where it can be used to inform and deliver patient-centric care. The second is to enable real-time complex deep learningby normalizing data from different systems in a way that allows complex algorithmic analyses to occur via AI or MLand integrate research-based insights back into a clinical workflow."

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Microsoft makes big play for healthcare cloud business in competition with Google, Amazon - FierceHealthcare

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5 Serverless Computing Trends You Cant Afford To Ignore – Inc42 Media

Serverless computing serves the dual purpose of providing technological advancements and reducing infrastructure costs

Being on the cusp of the second cloud revolution, serverless cloud computing has brought an enormous change in the post-virtual-machine world

The new serverless vendors are addressing the limitations, so you can quickly get to rapid development and deployment without any infrastructure burden and vendor lock-in

The wheels of technology have been churning at the utmost speed since the last few decades; especially, the proliferation of the internet led the world into the digital age that we live in today. In such a fast-paced, growing environment, modern computing trends are needed to be upgraded from time to time.

What turns out more crucial is that though technological advancements have become the need of the hour, the physical assemblage of hardware, equipment, and infrastructure maintenance needs to be significantly reduced. Serverless computing serves the dual purpose of providing technological advancements and reducing infrastructure costs. Viola! No need for a server room or a roomful of infrastructure engineers.

Be it the use of AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, Azure Functions or others; these computing trends have become one of the most desirable and viable IT requirements for modern businesses. As per Forresters recent report Serverless Development Best Practices 49% of companies are already using or planning to use serverless architecture in the coming year. Among Application Development and Delivery (AD&D) in the cloud domain, serverless computing trends are the hot topic and below are the five main trends.

Being on the cusp of the second cloud revolution, serverless cloud computing has brought an enormous change in the post-virtual-machine world. Across the globe, companies dealing in verticals other than technology are adopting the serverless platforms and frameworks at all production levels owing to its economic pay-per-use model. Further, the scalability of use has allowed enterprises from startups to MNCs to switch to serverless computing and reduce the expenses to a great extent. On technical grounds as well, the adoption of this technology has increased the versatility of IT architectures in the Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS) domain.

Serverless providers and companies handle the majority of the operations and management tasks are needed to appoint an adept DevOps team that can manage the end-to-end work in the enterprise. The automated NoOps IT environment adds more value to the complete product/service production and delivery cycle. With cloud providers becoming a part of the virtual team, companies dont need to expand their technical teams; instead, they can invest in value creation through developing new capabilities and thus growing their business.

Support for Stateful applications using a serverless paradigm unlocks a whole new set of workloads that can experience the same benefits as stateless workloads. Developers are able to seamlessly develop a stateful app without the burden of data management because it is now managed by a serverless platform and not the developer. This capability truly enables the development of enterprise applications in a cloud-native manner.

Serverless computing platforms allow developers and coders to focus on the app, not the management of the infrastructure. There is considerable merit of having Kubernetes as the base for serverless infrastructure; it standardizes and enables vendors to truly offer a multi-cloud or a hybrid-cloud serverless solution.

The definition of serverless is evolving. It started with FaaS (Function-as-a-Service) but now it includes other aspects of an application. For serverless application development, there is a need for serverless compute but also for serverless storage and function-to-function networking. The benefits of serverless architecture are driving innovation so all these capabilities are available to the developer. It is not only essential to smaller teams and developers, who want to develop their product without having to invest much on scalability, server maintenance, etc but also to enterprise developers who want to reduce time-to-market.

The new serverless vendors are addressing the limitations, so you can quickly get to rapid development and deployment without any infrastructure burden and vendor lock-in. The financial benefits and economics that serverless computing offers are leading to a visible growth in interest, experimentation, and adoption of the technology. The shift in the responsibility for running the IT environment from the organization to the cloud provider has been happening for some time, and this is all set to mark a new trajectory for every industry vertical in this digital age.

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5 Serverless Computing Trends You Cant Afford To Ignore - Inc42 Media

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Show me who bans TikTok and I’ll show you your (future) allies | TheHill – The Hill

The TikTok/U.S. saga has been a whirlwind. With the Trump administrations app store ban delayed, todays plan sees Oracle and Walmart taking stakes in a new company, TikTok Global, for users outside of China.

With so much up in the air, its a perfect opportunity to step back and ask what this app nationalism means for global cooperation and competition.

Restrictions on the web are not the sole domain of oppressive regimes. The lumbering bureaucracies of Europe have in the name of consumer protection restricted access to websites that failed to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). But, until this kerfuffle, the U.S. has been less restrictive.

The implications of the TikTok and WeChat restrictions could be far greater than most realize. Insofar as they signal a shift to a less procedural, less predictable blocking regime, these restrictions could be a harbinger of a broader shift in U.S. relations not just with China, but with the world including on trade, defense and principles such as freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

Our research suggests that blocking web content is not only a matter of free speech, but also has implications for free trade.

For the better part of a year, our team at the Daylight Security Research Lab (part of the UC Berkeley Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity) has conducted research on internet fragmentation, the degree to which internets in different countries are similar to one another. Our analysis uses different layers of the internet "stack" the technologies that, cobbled together, comprise the internet to quantify, for example, how similar France's internet is to that of Germany, Canada, Thailand or other countries. We use these country-to-country comparisons to produce a network, with each country related to every other in a web of internet similarities.

This research has revealed that there is no single internet, but clusters of interoperable internets. Currently, the U.S. freely interoperates with Canada, Australia and New Zealand. While GDPR adds some friction, EU countries cluster with the U.S. almost as tightly as they do with one another.

Meanwhile, some countries go their own way. Contrary to popular narratives about China "exporting" its internet, China has a unique pattern of content blocking, focusing on blocking foreign competitors and particular political issues. So does India, which blocks its own set of sensitive political content, especially around Indian religious issues.

These clusters of interoperable internets and those that stand apart from the world reveal political realities and on-the-ground tensions. In fact, they correlate with other facets of international relations: military alliances, trade agreements and even political principles such as freedom of speech.

We recently correlated website blocking patterns within and outside of various formal groups and alliances, such as the EU and NATO. Our goal was to identify whether, for example, members of NATO are more likely to have similar website blocking (effectively, a similar internet experience) than those outside such groups.

They do. European Union countries are significantly more similar to one another than they are to non-EU countries. The same is true of NATO countries.

Our findings indicate that website blocking patterns can reveal information about military and trade relations. The two move together. This indicates that, if website blocking patterns change, we can expect to see changes in trade and military relations as well.

In other words, changes in website blocking patterns could provide a leading indicator of changes in other domains.

Consider a scenario in which the U.S. blocks TikTok while the EU refuses to follow suit, allowing TikTok to continue operating as a Chinese company. Our model would predict that the EU would be more likely to enter into a trade agreement with China than would the U.S. The EU would be more likely to cooperate with China on military issues.

Now, imagine a separate entity perhaps the newly-proposed TikTok Global controlling users outside of China. That could further segment China apart from the global internet, and the global community. But only if allies agree to use TikTok Globals app rather than the Chinese ByteDances version.

Heres another correlation we found: Countries with similar internet blocking patterns are also more similar in measures of their freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

That should sound alarms.

If the U.S. deviates from its allies on internet blocking patterns, it may also deviate on freedom of expression an area in which the U.S. has already been slipping, as President TrumpDonald John TrumpBiden says voters should choose who nominates Supreme Court justice Trump, Biden will not shake hands at first debate due to COVID-19 Pelosi: Trump Supreme Court pick 'threatens' Affordable Care Act MOREs relentless criticism of the media has made clear.

The fact that internet blocking is linked to international relations should not be a surprise. The internet is, and has always been, both a product and a driver of political realities on the ground. State competition and cooperation play out on the internet. As internet blocking policies change as they may be about to in the U.S., dramatically we are left with a leading indicator, a harbinger of possible changes in the international arena.

If the U.S. does manage to block, or even silo off TikTok or WeChat, we don't know exactly what will come next. But we can start to make some guesses. And those guesses point toward not just a more fractured internet, but also a more fractured and non-polar international order.

Nick Merrill directs the Daylight Lab at the UC Berkeley Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity, which produces tools for understanding and addressing critical security issues.

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Show me who bans TikTok and I'll show you your (future) allies | TheHill - The Hill

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Lokibot keylogger infections are growing across the internet – Komando

Keyloggers are some of the nastiest types of malware you can encounter online. Once installed on your system, they keep an eye on your keyboard and send all the data you type back to the hacker that spread them.

Then, before you know it, your bank account is drained. If you think this cant happen to you, stay alert keyloggers are real and theyre spreading rapidly. Tap or click here to see a keylogger campaign that started earlier this year.

And now, one of the webs most notorious keyloggers is back to steal even more data. Lokibot, a dangerous Trojan, is scaling up its attacks on victims across the web. The issue has gotten so bad that the Department of Homeland Security is sounding the alarm. Heres what you need to watch out for.

Lokibot was first spotted back in May of this year as part of a phishing campaign targeting Windows users. Microsoft tweeted out a warning about the malware to keep users on alert but that wasnt enough to stop Lokibot from spreading.

Flash forward to late September and Lokibot is back in the news again this time courtesy of the Department of Homeland Security. The DHS is issuing a warning about Lokibot infections thanks to a dramatic spike in cases detected by security researchers.

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But thats not all. Lokibot attacks have grown so prevalent that security firms like Proofpoint have seen them pass the Emotet botnet on occasion. Tap or click here to see what Emotet is capable of.

For those who dont know, Lokibot is principally a keylogger. But its capable of far more than just scanning your keyboard for credit card numbers. Heres a quick list of just a few of its many features:

Right now, Lokibot is still primarily spread through phishing campaigns. This means its time to be hyper-vigilant about every single email that hits your inbox.

Wait, was there ever a time where we could relax about our emails?

As with any phishing campaign, its all about unsolicited messages. If you get a message from a sender you dont recognize, delete it without opening it. At this point in time, the risk is too great.

And even if the message looks like its from someone you know, check with them personally to make sure they actually sent you an attachment. Some phishing campaigns are advanced enough now to hijack accounts and spam their contacts with more malware.

As for your defenses, youre in a good spot if youre running the latest version of Microsoft Defender. The May update for Defender included new definitions for Lokibot so if it makes its way on to your system Defender will recognize it.

Your next best move is to protect your online accounts. This means changing important passwords for your social media and financial accounts. You should also activate two-factor authentication on any sites that offer it.Tap or click here to find out how you can set up 2FA for your favorite websites.


Learn the tech tips and tricks only the pros know.

As scary as keyloggers like Lokibot can be, youll probably be safe as long as you avoid strange emails and stick to familiar parts of the internet. Its a golden age for cybercriminals these days and nobody wants to be another statistic. Stay safe out there!

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Lokibot keylogger infections are growing across the internet - Komando

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Evasive Malware Threats on the Rise Despite Decline in Overall Attacks – Infosecurity Magazine

Over two-thirds (70%) of all malware attacks involved evasive zero-day malware in Q2 of 2020, which is a 12% rise on the previous quarter, according to WatchGuard Technologies latest Internet Security Report.

Interestingly, the increase in this form of malware, which circumvents anti-virus signatures, has come as overall malware detections fell by 8% compared to Q1. WatchGuard attributes this reduction to the rise in remote working brought about by COVID-19, as less employees are operating behind corporate network perimeters.

Around 34% of attacks were sent over encrypted HTTPS connections, meaning that organizations unable to inspect encrypted traffic will miss over one-third of incoming threats.

The report also showed an increase in JavaScript-based attacks. For instance, the scam script Trojan.Gnaeus, which enables threat actors to hijack control of the victims browser with a sophisticated code and forcibly redirects them to domains under the attackers control, comprised nearly one in five of all malware detections.

Threat actors increasingly used encrypted Excel files to hide malware in Q2, according to the report. This includedthe malware variant Abracadabra, which is delivered as an encrypted Excel file with the password VelvetSweatShop,the default password for Excel documents that allows it to bypass many basic anti-virus solutions.

Additionally, a six-year-old denial of service (DoS) vulnerability affecting WordPress and Drupal made a comeback in this period, and was included in the top 10 of WatchGuards list of network attacks by volume.

Commenting on the findings, Corey Nachreiner, CTO of WatchGuard, said: Businesses arent the only ones that have adjusted operations due to the global COVID-19 pandemic cyber-criminals have too.

The rise in sophisticated attacks, despite the fact that overall malware detections declined in Q2, likely due to the shift to remote work, shows that attackers are turning to more evasive tactics that traditional signature-based anti-malware defenses simply cant catch. Every organization should be prioritizing behavior-based threat detection, cloud-based sandboxing, and a layered set of security services to protect both the core network, as well as remote workforces.

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Evasive Malware Threats on the Rise Despite Decline in Overall Attacks - Infosecurity Magazine

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Internet of Things Security Market size, development, key opportunity, application and forecast to 2026 | Check Point Security Software Technologies,…

Internet of Things Security Market Scenario 2020-2026:

The Global Internet of Things Security market exhibits comprehensive information that is a valuable source of insightful data for business strategists during the decade 2014-2026. On the basis of historical data, Internet of Things Security market report provides key segments and their sub-segments, revenue and demand & supply data. Considering technological breakthroughs of the market Internet of Things Security industry is likely to appear as a commendable platform for emerging Internet of Things Security market investors.

This Internet of Things Security Market Report covers the manufacturers data, including shipment, price, revenue, gross profit, interview record, business distribution, etc., these data help the consumer know about the competitors better.

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The complete value chain and downstream and upstream essentials are scrutinized in this report. Essential trends like globalization, growth progress boost fragmentation regulation & ecological concerns. This Market report covers technical data, manufacturing plants analysis, and raw material sources analysis of Internet of Things Security Industry as well as explains which product has the highest penetration, their profit margins, and R&D status. The report makes future projections based on the analysis of the subdivision of the market which includes the global market size by product category, end-user application, and various regions.

Topmost Leading Manufacturer Covered in this report:Check Point Security Software Technologies, Cisco Systems, Digicert, GE, Gemalto, Hewlett Packard Development Company, Infineon Technologies, Intel, IBM, NSIDE Secure, PTC, Sophos, Symantec Corporation, Trend Micro, Trustwave, Verizon Enterprise Solutions

Product Segment Analysis: Cloud Security, Application Security, Endpoint Security, Network Security

Application Segment Analysis:

Smart RetailConnected VehiclesSmart Government and DefenseConnected HealthcareConsumer WearablesConnected LogisticsSmart Energy and UtilitiesSmart Manufacturing

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Regional Analysis For Internet of Things SecurityMarket

North America(the United States, Canada, and Mexico)Europe(Germany, France, UK, Russia, and Italy)Asia-Pacific(China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia)South America(Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, etc.)The Middle East and Africa(Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa)

Market Synopsis:The market research report consists of extensive primary research, as well as an in-depth analysis of the qualitative and quantitative aspects by various industry specialists and professionals, to gain a deeper insight into the market and the overall landscape.

The objectives of the report are:

To analyze and forecast the market size of Internet of Things SecurityIndustry in theglobal market. To study the global key players, SWOT analysis, value and global market share for leading players. To determine, explain and forecast the market by type, end use, and region. To analyze the market potential and advantage, opportunity and challenge, restraints and risks of global key regions. To find out significant trends and factors driving or restraining the market growth. To analyze the opportunities in the market for stakeholders by identifying the high growth segments. To critically analyze each submarket in terms of individual growth trend and their contribution to the market. To understand competitive developments such as agreements, expansions, new product launches, and possessions in the market. To strategically outline the key players and comprehensively analyze their growth strategies.

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At last, the study gives out details about the major challenges that are going to impact market growth. They also report provides comprehensive details about the business opportunities to key stakeholders to grow their business and raise revenues in the precise verticals. The report will aid the companys existing or intend to join in this market to analyze the various aspects of this domain before investing or expanding their business in the Internet of Things Security markets.

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Internet of Things Security Market size, development, key opportunity, application and forecast to 2026 | Check Point Security Software Technologies,...

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Fears mount over Russian and Chinese hackers targeting the 2020 U.S. presidential election – CNBC

As the 2020 presidential election approaches across America, voters have dj vu and are concerned over the risk of hacking. On Sept. 10, Microsoft warned that the Russian military intelligence unit that had attacked the Democratic National Committee in 2016 was back. This time, the company warned, the threats would be more sophisticated and target consultants, staff members, and other entities associated with both Democratic and Republican campaigns.

Representatives for Microsoft were not available for comment, but on its blog, the company said that the Russian hacking group Strontium had attacked over 200 organizations, while the Chinese organization Zirconium had attacked people associated with both the election and the Biden campaign. The Iranian hacking group, Phosphorus, has attacked people affiliated with the Trump campaign.

The Biden and Trump campaigns both confirmed these cyberattacks in a recent CNN article,noting they remain vigilant against these threats, and will ensure that the campaign's assets are secured.

According to Specops Software, the United States has experienced more cyberattacks from hostile actors than any other nation, with 156 incidents classified as "significant" between May 2006 and June 2020. The company also found that these attacks are increasing, and as a result, cybercrime is projected to cost the global economy $6 trillion per year as soon as 2021.

The state-sponsored hackers named in Microsoft's blog entry are all using tactics designed to compromise elections directly. Some of the methods are the same as those used in 2016, such as brute force compromises and spear phishing, as well as the harvesting of people's log-in credentials and "password spraying," an attempt to gain access to large numbers of usernames by using common passwords.

Neal Dennis, threat intelligence specialist at the cybersecurity company Cyware, said that in addition to these tactics,hackers are exploiting weaknesses in public-facing databases.

Voters in Virginia's 7th district wait in line to vote at the Henrico County Registrars office September 18, 2020 in Henrico, Virginia.

Win McNamee | Getty Images

"Many databases are compromised due to poor management practices," he said. "Some because they fail to update or patch known vulnerabilities, others because people either use poor security practices or just leave them publicly accessible."

He said thatmuch of the goal of these hackers is to spread disinformation, which is intended to compromise the integrity of the electoral process.

"The information these nations attempt to compromise would enable them to stage major disinformation campaigns," he said.

In addition to compromising a particular candidate's campaign, Dennis said that disinformation efforts sow distrust in entire political parties and cause voters to doubt that their votes are being recorded accurately. Alexander Urbelis, a partner with the Blackstone Law Group and former chief information security officer for the National Football League, said that the current political climate makes the United States' electorate ripe for disinformation campaigns.

"I believe that we are more susceptible to misinformation and ideological attacks because of the global Covid-19 health crisis, conflicting information about voting by mail, and chiefly because of how polarized, tribal, and generally intolerant we have become of each other as a society," he said.

Dr. Chenxi Wang, founder and general partner at the Rain Capital cybersecurity firm, said that this year's attacks have intensified compared to 2016, and cited a massive increase in the targeting of voter databases, the hacking of campaign email lists, and what she referred to as "massively increased bot army activities on social media platforms." She said that many of her colleagues in the cybersecurity space have noticed it as well, particularly with respect to the brazenness with which these hacking groups are operating.

I believe that we are more susceptible to misinformation and ideological attacks because of the global Covid-19 health crisis, conflicting information about voting by mail, and chiefly because of how polarized, tribal, and generally intolerant we have become of each other as a society.

Alexander Urbelis

partner, Blackstone Law Group

"There is a general sense in the cybersecurity community that the scale of the attacks and the scale of disinformation campaigns have all increased visibly since 2016," she said. "There is more reconnaissance, larger-scale targeting, as well as newer hacking techniques."

Sometimes, the political campaigns themselves can inadvertently contribute to the problem. Dennis specifically cited former Vice President Joe Biden's official "Vote Joe" app, which had a glitch that left millions of voters' personal information exposed.

So what can be done now to safeguard the security and integrity of the 2020 U.S. presidential election?

The private sector has jumped in to offer some support in this worrying situation. In February, the small town of Fulton, Wisconsin, was the first to implement new software from Microsoft called ElectionGuard, which confirms to voters that their choices are being accurately recorded.

Facebook, for its part, pledged to combat disinformation by blocking all new political advertisements on its platform in the week leading up to Election Day. After the election, the company intends to redirect users to accurate election results, so that neither candidate can prematurely claim victory.

While these measures are welcome, Dr. Wang said that they may already be too late. Influencing the outcome of an election is a long-term effort that begins well before a single vote is cast, and hackers who participate in them are becoming more brash in their efforts.

"There is a boldness to the information operations this time around, less clandestine, more prevalent," Dr. Wang said. "Many of us describe the threats this time around as moving from covert operations to unconcealed manipulation."

Urbelis agreed that malicious actors view laying the groundwork for successful hacking campaigns as a long-term effort. As such, political campaigns and the people who work on them should see what they do as an ongoing effort.

"All too often, we are concerned with cyberattacks happening in the run-up to an election or event," he said. "More concerning to me are the successful attacks on our election infrastructure that happen way before an election when nobody is on high alert or even paying attention."

What can the private sector do to help campaigns protect themselves? Dennis said that Cyware shares and disseminates threat information with clients, allowing them to ensure the timely acquisition of actionable security data.

"Our software can help organizations take data and intelligence about a threat and correlate that back to nation-state threat actors," he said.

As for the campaigns themselves, Dr. Wang said that both the Trump and Biden teams have dedicated cybersecurity personnel and provide all staff with security training. She also noted that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) provides data and services to both.

"The DHS is providing data, such as malware samples, criminal group activity profiles, hacking campaign signatures, to the campaigns to help them fight against cyberhacks," she said. "The DHS has had a data exchange effort with private companies and other government agencies for this purpose for years this is called the NCCIC project."

Urbelis said that there's still more the campaigns and political parties can do to safeguard elections, such as implementing multi-factor authentication for anyone with access to campaign materials. He also advised that all staff use separate personal and business devices, and keep them separate.

The current state of election security may lead some to believe that neither their data nor their votes are safe from malicious actors. However,Matt Masterson, senior cybersecurity advisor at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), said that his organization and others have made great strides in safeguarding against hackers since the last presidential election.

"Security is top of mind for the entire election community from CISA and our federal partners, to state and local election officials, the private sector, and campaigns and political parties," he said. "CISA is engaged with all 50 states and thousands of local jurisdictions as they adjust plans and procedures to keep voters and poll workers safe."

He added that voters can also take part in measures to protect the integrity of the election in November.

"CISA encourages people to be a '3-P voter,' meaning prepared, participating, and patient," he said. "Make a plan today for how you're going to vote, sign up to be a poll worker if you're healthy and able, and remember that everything may take a little longer this year, including reporting the results. Working together we can ensure the 2020 elections are the most secure and resilient in modern history."

Dennis said that while there is indeed cause for concern, there have been significant improvements in the last four years.

"There is a lot of work with DHS, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Center for Internet Security, and Election Assistance Commission to provide standardized best-practices for election security," he said. He cited the Department of Homeland Security'selectionsecurity efforts to provideservices to state officials, local officials, and private sector partners with "immediate and sustained assistance, coordination, and outreach to prepare for and protect from cyber and physical threats."

The services offered include cybersecurity assessments, cyber threat hunting,information sharing, incident response, and career development.

"The DHS and partners have worked to build robust security standards which are currently being adopted across many states," Dennis said. "Still lacking overall, but many are taking cybersecurity more seriously this year than any year prior."

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Fears mount over Russian and Chinese hackers targeting the 2020 U.S. presidential election - CNBC

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Internet of Things (IoT) Security market to Witness Increase in Revenues by 2016-2028 – Crypto Daily

This report is a comprehensive study providing a detailed analysis of the Internet of Things (IoT) Security market. The report defines the product type of Internet of Things (IoT) Security , along with its application in various industry verticals with reference to various regions and major countries. Further, the study has identified and studied all the major players operating in the global Internet of Things (IoT) Security market space and evaluated various parameters such as business strategies, annual sales volume, market revenue, and historical growth rate.

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Companies Covered: Cisco Systems, Infineon Technologies, Intel Corporation, Siemens AG, Wurldtech Security, Alcatel-Lucent S.A., Axeda Machine Cloud, Checkpoint Technologies, IBM Corporation, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd, AT&T Inc., and NETCOM On-Line Communication Services, Inc.

Based on all these insights, the global Internet of Things (IoT) Security market report recommends a business strategy for the current market participants to strengthen their market positions. Moreover, the Internet of Things (IoT) Security market analysis supports new market participants for market entry strategy.

Further, the Internet of Things (IoT) Security market report has identified the major vendors and distributors operating in all the major regions. This Internet of Things (IoT) Security market analysis is expected to aid the market players to fortify their market distribution networks and increase their geographical reach.

Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market Strategic Analysis

The Internet of Things (IoT) Security market report has analyzed the market using various marketing tools such as Porters Five Forces Analysis, market player positioning analysis, SWOT analysis, market share analysis, and value chain analysis. In Porters Five Forces analysis, the market dynamics and factors such as the threat of substitute for Internet of Things (IoT) Security , threat of new entrants in the Internet of Things (IoT) Security market, bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers, to Internet of Things (IoT) Security providing companies and internal rivalry among the Internet of Things (IoT) Security providers are analyzed to provide the readers with a thorough overview of the market and its current dynamics.

This analysis can help the users to evaluate the Internet of Things (IoT) Security market based on various parameters, such as economies of scale, switching costs, brand loyalty, and existing distribution network. All these gathered data are anticipated to support the key decision makers of the industry. Further, this analysis answers the imperative questions for new entrants to enter the Internet of Things (IoT) Security market or not.

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Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market Key Trends Analysis

The report has analyzed the major factors which are impacting the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) Security market. Driving factors that are positively impacting the demand for Internet of Things (IoT) Security and restraining factors that are hindering the growth of Internet of Things (IoT) Security market are discussed in detail, along with their impacts on the global Internet of Things (IoT) Security market. Further, tendencies which are shaping the market and influencing the growth of the market are determined and deliberated in detail.

Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market Key Segment Analysis

All the segments of the Internet of Things (IoT) Security market have been analyzed based on the present and future trends.

: By Component (Solutions and Services), By Type (Network Security, Endpoint Security, Application Security, Cloud Security, and Others), By Solution (Identity Access Management, Data Encryption & Tokenization, Intrusion Detection & Prevention System, Device Authentication & Management, Secure Software & Firmware Update, Distributed Denial of Service Protection, and Security Analytics), By Service (Professional Services and Managed Services)

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Internet of Things (IoT) Security market to Witness Increase in Revenues by 2016-2028 - Crypto Daily

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How to leave no trace on the internet when using a VPN? – –

The expansion of the internet has opened new ways for us to communicate, trade, search up information and stay in touch with the things happening in the world. However, as time goes by people realize that it is almost impossible to leave no trace on the internet, regardless of their intentions or purpose.

Many people consider the tracking and surveillance methods as an act of privacy invasion

In this article, we will talk about what VPN is and how it can benefit you with having the best and safest internet experience.

VPN or Virtual Private Network is an essential internet tool that provides the user with high internet security and anonymity. By creating a single-shared-network between the user device and the virtual server selected, it encrypts all of the data that is being sent through it. On top of that, by giving you the option to select from different servers from all around the world VPN successfully hides the real IP address of the user and replaces it with a new, virtual one. This means that the user cannot be tracked or fall under surveillance while being online, which is done by the government, the ISP (Internet Service Provider) or a third-party viewer.

VPN has found a great use in business, as it allows companies to employ remote workers. By using VPN these remote workers can log-in to the company server at any time, via any device and still do their job with ease.

However, the usage of VPN in private matters has been increasing lately. With all the security measures that it has and the freedom it gives people on the internet it is one of the main reasons why more and more people are using VPN each day.

The issue of data collection by big-tech companies has been going on for a while. One of the main tracking and surveillance done by websites are via cookies. Cookies on websites are used to collect the data of the visitor, their username, password, website history and download history. These cookies can also reveal the real IP address of the user, which marketers use to adjust advertisements for certain products to fit the narrative of the user.

Many people have wondered if there is a way to leave no trace on the internet and several solutions have popped up. For a short while, people have started using Incognito Mode that browsers offer as it does not save internet history so naturally people thought that this could hide their activity. However, it was not long until people realized that the ISP and the Government are able to track and keep logs of user activity while they are using Incognito Mode. However, leaving no trace on the internet when using VPN has become one of the easiest and safest ways to browse online as years go by.

With the option for the user to choose from different servers around the world, VPN allows you to successfully change the real IP address which will prevent any surveillance and tracking and provide you with an anonymity cloak while you are online. On the other hand, high encryption protocols that VPN providers are offering are the safest way to keep your information intact and protected from cybercriminals.

Many different VPN providers will have different offers for their clients. It is up to the client to decide which one of these offers appeals to them the most, and most importantly which one suits their needs the best. Protecting your personal data online is something that should be taken seriously and VPN helps you with that. Some of the main features to look for in a VPN when you want to leave no trace on the internet are:

In case you were ever wondering Why do I need a VPN to stay safe online? here is your answer. VPN does not only protect your private data, but it also lets you roam the internet freely and stops any tracking or surveillance that is happening.

With this new technology taking over the world day by day, leaving no trace on the internet is becoming easier. Once you have successfully connected to a virtual server via VPN, all of your data, internet history and download history will be safe from any prying eyes that lurk the open web. Being connected to an open internet is one of the biggest security threats for people online.

How to leave no trace on the internet when using a VPN? - -

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2020 Demand In Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market By Key Types, Regions, Countries, Top Companies Competition, Consumers, Import-Export Forecast…

Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Product Overview, Applications, End-Users, Consumer & Demand Analysis From 2020-2026is presented in this report. The product sales, growth rate comparison for every Internet of Things (IoT) Security type and application is offered in this report. The report strategically evaluates the Internet of Things (IoT) Security Industry prospects, competition, product demand, application popularity from 2015-2026. In the beginning, the market inclusions, exclusions, conversion rates, limitations, and Internet of Things (IoT) Security stakeholders information is covered. Our research methodology consists of primary and secondary data sources used to derive the industry insights. The captured data is broken down by Internet of Things (IoT) Security supply-side and demand-side for each key product type, application, end-user, regions, and prime companies in this market.

The key aspects like Internet of Things (IoT) Security revenue share analysis illustration, market size, pricing analysis, COVID-19 impact on the growth rate, and ways to emerge again is provided by Reports Check. The Internet of Things (IoT) Security sub-segment level market is analyzed via a top-down approach and supply-side. The market breakdown and data triangulation methods state the market size, share, revenue, Internet of Things (IoT) Security sales for each type and application, gross margin, and profits. The increasing Internet of Things (IoT) Security volume which is driving growth in this market are stated.

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The Asia-Pacific market segmentation by product and country covers China, Japan, India, South Korea, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, and rest with Oceania. Similarly, the European market segmentation by product and country covers Germany, France, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Russia, Denmark, Poland, and rest. The South America market segmentation by product and country covers Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, and rest. The Middle East and Africa market segmentation by product and country cover Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, United Arab Emirates, and rest.

The developed and developing Internet of Things (IoT) Security country-level markets which will register high CAGR is studied in this report. The untapped developments, innovations, opportunities, and challenges in terms of stringent regulations, Internet of Things (IoT) Security product recalls are analyzed by the analyst team of Reports Check company. The Internet of Things (IoT) Security strategic benchmarking in terms of product type comparison, demand, popularity, import-export scenarios, and production rate is studied.

The product portfolio analysis, Internet of Things (IoT) Security parent market analysis, Porters Five Forces analysis is conducted. Also, threats to the new market entrants, the threat of substitutes, a feasibility check, the bargaining power of buyers and suppliers is analyzed in this research study. Also, the intensity of Internet of Things (IoT) Security competitive rivalry is provided.

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2020 Demand In Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market By Key Types, Regions, Countries, Top Companies Competition, Consumers, Import-Export Forecast...

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