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Internet Security Market 2020: Potential growth, attractive valuation make it is a long-term investment | Know the COVID19 Impact | Top Players: HPE,…

The latest Internet Securitymarket report estimates the opportunities and current market scenario, providing insights and updates about the corresponding segments involved in the global Internet Securitymarket for the forecast period of 2020-2026. The report provides detailed assessment of key market dynamics and comprehensive information about the structure of the Internet Securityindustry. This market study contains exclusive insights into how the global Internet Securitymarket is predicted to grow during the forecast period.

The primary objective of the Internet Security market report is to provide insights regarding opportunities in the market that are supporting the transformation of global businesses associated with Internet Security. This report also provides an estimation of the Internet Securitymarket size and corresponding revenue forecasts carried out in terms of US$. It also offers actionable insights based on the future trends in the Internet Securitymarket. Furthermore, new and emerging players in the global Internet Securitymarket can make use of the information presented in the study for effective business decisions, which will provide momentum to their businesses as well as the global Internet Securitymarket.

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The study is relevant for manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, and investors in the Internet Securitymarket. All stakeholders in the Internet Securitymarket, as well as industry experts, researchers, journalists, and business researchers can influence the information and data represented in the report.

Internet Security Market 2020-2026: Segmentation

The Internet Security market report covers major market players like

Internet Security Market is segmented as below:

By Product Type:

Breakup by Application:

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Impact of COVID-19:Internet SecurityMarket report analyses the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the Internet Securityindustry.Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak in December 2019, the disease has spread to almost 180+ countries around the globe with the World Health Organization declaring it a public health emergency. The global impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are already starting to be felt, and will significantly affect the Internet Securitymarket in 2020.

The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought effects on many aspects, like flight cancellations; travel bans and quarantines; restaurants closed; all indoor events restricted; emergency declared in many countries; massive slowing of the supply chain; stock market unpredictability; falling business assurance, growing panic among the population, and uncertainty about future.

COVID-19 can affect the global economy in 3 main ways: by directly affecting production and demand, by creating supply chain and market disturbance, and by its financial impact on firms and financial markets.

Get the Sample ToC and understand the COVID19 impact and be smart in redefining business strategies.

Global Internet Security Market Report Answers Below Queries:

To know about the global trends impacting the future of market research, contact at:

Key Questions Answered in this Report:

What is the market size of the Internet Security industry?This report covers the historical market size of the industry (2013-2019), and forecasts for 2020 and the next 5 years. Market size includes the total revenues of companies.

What is the outlook for the Internet Security industry?This report has over a dozen market forecasts (2020 and the next 5 years) on the industry, including total sales, a number of companies, attractive investment opportunities, operating expenses, and others.

What industry analysis/data exists for the Internet Security industry?This report covers key segments and sub-segments, key drivers, restraints, opportunities and challenges in the market and how they are expected to impact the Internet Security industry. Take a look at the table of contents below to see the scope of analysis and data on the industry.

How many companies are in the Internet Security industry?This report analyzes the historical and forecasted number of companies, locations in the industry, and breaks them down by company size over time. The report also provides company rank against its competitors with respect to revenue, profit comparison, operational efficiency, cost competitiveness, and market capitalization.

What are the financial metrics for the industry?This report covers many financial metrics for the industry including profitability, Market value- chain and key trends impacting every node with reference to companys growth, revenue, return on sales, etc.

What are the most important benchmarks for the Internet Security industry?Some of the most important benchmarks for the industry include sales growth, productivity (revenue), operating expense breakdown, the span of control, organizational make-up. All of which youll find in this market report.

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Internet Security Market 2020: Potential growth, attractive valuation make it is a long-term investment | Know the COVID19 Impact | Top Players: HPE,...

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The Top Internet of Things (IoT) Authentication Methods and Options – Security Boulevard

Gartner recently labeled Internet of Things Authentication as a high benefit in 2020 Gartner Hype Cycle for IAM Technologies. This blog covers your options for Internet of Things Authentication.

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IoT authentication is a model for building trust in the identity of IoT machines and devicesto protectdataand control access wheninformation travelsvia an unsecured network such as the Internet.

Strong IoT authentication is needed so that connected IoTdevices andmachines can be trusted to protect against control commands from unauthorized usersordevices.

Authentication also helps prevent attackers from claiming to be IoT devices in the hope of accessing data on servers such as recorded conversations, images, and other potentially sensitive information.

There are several methods by which we can achieve strong authenticationto secureIoT device communications:

The Internet of Things (IoT) is not just a single technology, but a connected environment of various machines (things) that work together independently without human interaction.

The authorization process is the tool used to validate the identity ofeach endpoint in the IoT system. The certification process is configureduponenrollment entry and informs the service provider of the method to be used when checking the systems identity during registration.

Machine Identity Management aims to build and manage confidence in a machines identity that interacts with other devices, applications, clouds, and gateways.

This may include the authentication and authorization of IoT devices such as:

Each IoTmachineneeds a unique digital identity when connecting to a gateway or a central server to prevent malicious actors from gaining control of the system.This is accomplished through binding an identity to a cryptographic key, unique per IoT device.

Machine identity management approaches are specifically responsible for discovering the credentials used by machines and the management of their life cycle.

IoT devices are often hacked remotely, involving a hacker trying to enter the device using an internet connection. If an IoT device is only allowed to communicate with an authenticated server, any outside attempts to communicate will be ignored.

According to the 2018 Symantec threat report, the number of IoT attacks increased by 600 percent between 2016 and 2017, from 6,000 to 50,000 attacks, respectively.

Therefore, when IoTdevices areimplemented within corporate networks,,security needs to be given much more attention. To address this issue, powerful but efficient cryptography solutions must be used to standardize secure communication between machines.

However, it is a tough decision to choose the right IoT authentication model for the job. Before deciding whicharchitecturemodel is ultimately the best IoT authentication, you need toconsiderseveralfactors, such as energy resources, hardware capacity, financial budgets, security expertise, security requirements, and connectivity.

The X.509 protocol (IETF RFC 5280) provides the most secure digital identity authentication type and is based on the certificate chain of trust model. The use of X.509 certificates as a certification mechanism is an excellent way to scale up production and simplify equipment delivery.

Public key infrastructure (PKI) consists of a tree-like structure of servers and devices that maintain a list of trusted root certificates. Each certificate contains the devices public key and is signed with the CA private key. A unique thumbprint provides a unique identity that can be validated by running a crypto algorithm, such as RSA.

Digital certificates are typically arranged in a chain of certificates in which each certificate is signed by the private key of another trusted certificate, and the chain must return to a globally trusted root certificate. This arrangement establishes a delegated chain of trust from the trusted root certificate authority (CA) to the final entity leaf certificate installed on the device through each intermediate CA.

It requires a lot of management control, but there are many vendor options out there.

However, X.509 certificate lifecycle management can be a challenge due to the logistical complexities involved and comes at a price, adding to the overall solution cost. For this reason, many customers rely on external vendors for certificatesand lifecycle automation.

The Hardware Security Module, or HSM, is used for secure, hardware-based device secret storage and is the safest form of secret storage. Both the X.509 certificate and the SAS token can be stored in the HSM. HSMs may be used with the two attestation mechanisms supported by the provisioning service.

Alternatively, device secrets may also be stored in software (memory) but is a less secure form of storage compared to an HSM.

It is essential to check the devices identity that communicates with the messaging gateway in IoT authentication deployments. The usual method is to generate key pairs for devices that are then used to authenticate and encrypt traffic. However, the disk-based key pairs are susceptible to tampering.

TPMs come ina number ofdifferent forms, including:

While a typical TPM has several cryptographic capabilities, three key features are relevant to IoT authentication:

Device manufacturerscannotalways have full confidence in all entities in their supply chain (for example, offshore assembly plants). Still, theycannotgive up the economic benefits of using low-cost suppliers and facilities. The TPM can be used at various points along the supply chain to verify that the device has not been incorrectly modified.

The TPMhas the capability to storethe keyssecurelyin the tamper-resistant hardware. The keys are generated within the TPM itself and are therefore protected from being retrieved by external programs. Even without harnessing the capabilities of a trusted hardware root and a secure boot, the TPM is just as valuable as a hardware key store. Private keys are protected by hardware and offer much better protection than a software key.

With TPM, you cant roll the key without destroying the identity of the chip and giving it a new one. Its like if you had a clone,yourclone would have the same physical characteristics as you, but theyre a different person in the end. Although the physical chip remains the same, your IoT solution has a new identity.

Some key differences between TPMs and symmetric keys (discussed further below) are as follows:

Symmetric Key Certification is a simple approach to authenticating a device with a Device Provisioning Service instance. This certification method is the Hello World experience for developers who are new to or do not have strict safety requirements. Device attestation using a TPM or an X.509 certificate is more secure and should be used for more stringent safety requirements.

Symmetric key enrollments also provide a great way for legacy devices with limited security features to boot into the cloud via Azure IoT.

The symmetric key attestation with the Device Provisioning Service is carried out using the same security tokens supported by IoT hubs to identify the devices. These security tokens are SAS (Shared Access Signature) tokens.

SAS tokens have a hashed signature created using a symmetric key. The signature shall be recreated by the Device Provisioning Service to verifywhether or notthe security token presented during the certification is authentic.

When the device certifies with an individual enrollment, the device uses the symmetric key defined in the individual enrollment entry to create a hashed signature for the SAS token.

Shared symmetric keys may beless secure than X.509 or TPM certificates because the same key is shared between the device and the cloud, which means that the key needs to be protected in two places.Designers usingsymmetric keyssometimeshardcode the clear (unencrypted) keys on the device, leaving the keys vulnerable, which is not a recommended practice

Properimplementation of IoT authenticationhasmany beneficial effects on IoT security. However, choosing the right method can be challenging, and the wrong choice can increase risks by tenfold.

Some riskscan be mitigated by securely storing the symmetric key on the deviceand following best practices around key storage,Its not impossible, butwhensymmetric keys areused solely,theycan beless secure then HSM, TPM, and X.509 implementations.

In the case of certificates, HSM, TPMs, and X.509applications, the main challenge is to prove possession of the key without revealing the keys private portion.

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The Top Internet of Things (IoT) Authentication Methods and Options - Security Boulevard

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How Trusted Internet Connections Is Focusing Telework with TIC 3.0 – FedTech Magazine

Safeguarding Telework in Federal Government

In April, CISA issuedinterim TIC 3.0 guidanceon telework security, which provides security capabilities for remote federal employees securely connecting to private agency networks and cloud environments.

The scope of the guidance was limited to scenarios in which teleworkers access sanctioned cloud services, according to CISA, but it was broadly supportive of different security architectures, includingVPNs, virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) andzero-trust security environments.

When you think about TIC 3.0 and you think about the flexibility that it introduces into your environment, thats the mindset that we have to take going forward, Beth Cappello, deputy CIO at DHS, said during a recent webinar,MeriTalk reports. No longer can it be a traditional point-to-point brick and mortar fixed infrastructure approach.

READ MORE:How are agencies approaching cybersecurity automation?

When the Office of Management and Budget announcedthe Trusted Internet Connections initiativein 2007, officials hoped to slash the number of federal internet access points to no more than 50 and enhance network security. The TIC serves as a secure gateway between federal networks and external network connections, including connections to the internet.

However, since then, the nature of the network perimeter has become more amorphous as more agencies have migrated applications to cloud providers. Agencies complained thatthe TIC program inhibited their cloud migration efforts, and the White House and DHS began revamping the TIC initiative.

In December 2018, OMB first issued draft guidance to update the program to a version known as TIC 3.0. A year later, CISA issued new TIC 3.0 guidance to assist agencies moving from wide network perimeters to micro-perimeters around individual or small groups of assets,FedScoop reports.

Then in July, CISA released final guidance for TIC 3.0.Nextgov reports:

The recommendations included a reference architecture for agency implementation as well as the Security Capabilities Catalog. Even with the current guidance, agencies will need to remain cautious in how they implement TIC 3.0 relative to their unique environments so that they can securely leverage emerging and evolving technology, including SD-WAN and as-a-service cloud platforms.

TIC 3.0 adopts a flexible framework to address and support advanced security measures across branch offices, remote users, cloud and other service providers, mobile devices, etc.,according to the updated TIC program guidebook.

MORE FROM FEDTECH:What are the fundamentals of zero-trust security?

As Nextgov reports, the first policy release and the subsequent TIC 2.0 issued in 2012 focused on agencies headquarters and didnt give sufficient guidance for emerging technologies like cloud computing and mobile devices.

TIC 2.0 focused exclusively on securing an agencys perimeter by funneling all incoming and outgoing agency data through a TIC access point,according to CISA.

The new policy for TIC 3.0 focuses on strategy, architecture, and visibility, according to CISA, recognizing the need to account for multiple and diverse architectures rather than [a] single perimeter approach like TIC 2.0.

Consequently, TIC 3.0 divides agency architectures by trust zones, and it shifts the emphasis from a strictly physical network perimeter to the boundaries of each zone within an agency environment to ensure baseline security protections across dispersed network environments, the playbook states.

Such a shift is the most fundamental change from the legacy TIC program, according to CISA. TIC 3.0 is also descriptive, not prescriptive, and does not take a one-size-fits-all approach. On that note, the guidance allows agencies to take a risk-based approach to accommodate varying risk tolerances, and the playbook says that in cases where additional controls are necessary to manage residual risk, agencies are obligated to apply the controls or explore options for compensating controls that achieve the same protections to manage risks.

Additionally, TIC 3.0 is environment-agnostic and readily adaptable.

Perhaps most significantly, TIC 3.0 is designed to support cloud adoption, since it allows for a direct connection from the user to the cloud. TIC 3.0 also allows cloud service providers to seamlessly and transparently patch applications for users.

Another key use case enabled by TIC 3.0 is branch offices, which assumes there is a branch office of an agency, separate from the agency headquarters, that uses the main office for the majority of its services (including generic web traffic). TIC 3.0 supports agencies that want to enable software-defined WAN technologies.

And, perhaps in a bit of foresight, TIC 3.0 also supports remote users.

READ MORE:Find out how SIEM tools enhance federal cybersecurity.

That support was critical, and it explains whyCISA issued interim guidancein April to allow agencies to adapt TIC 3.0 for telework as the pandemic was becoming more widespread.

The guidance is intended only to address the current teleworking surge and is not meant to be part of the TIC 3.0 program set or to support a TIC 3.0 use case; it will be deprecated at the end of 2020.

The document is intended to provide general guidance to agencies to increase telework and collaboration capacity to meet the growing demands on their existing services. That may require an increase in bandwidth, VPN and cloud services, and the deployment of new cloud services and authorization of the use of nongovernment furnished equipment.

The guidance provides three methods for teleworkers to communicate with agency-sanctioned cloud services. Traditionally, teleworkers had set up a trusted connection to agency resources via technologies such as VPN or VDI. To do so at a large scale requires additional network resources and can lead to degraded performance, so the guidance notes that teleworkers can access cloud services directly with protections being applied on the provider and teleworker resources via transport layer security (TLS), VPN or VDI,FedScoop reports.

Policy enforcement placement and protections are applied at the CSP and on teleworker resources, the guidance states. Capabilities may be duplicated with those traditionally handled by agency campus services so long as policy enforcement parity is ensured.

Under a second approach, teleworkers first establish a protected connection to the agency campus and then make connections to cloud services via that connection.

Policy enforcement can be performed at the teleworker, agency campus, and CSP, according to the guidance. Teleworkers may establish the connection to agency campus resources for additional business functions alongside connections to the CSP.

However, teleworkers may see reduced performance because of increased network latency, stacked network encryption, increased likelihood for network congestion, concentrator licensing bottlenecks, and/or other resource exhaustion.

A third option allows teleworkers to access agency-sanctioned cloud resources through a cloud access security broker or another Security as a Service provider.

Security for teleworkers is continuing to evolve. Over the course of the pandemic, the Small Business Administration had to scale its network to handle a workforce of 20,000 personnel, about five times what it was before the coronavirus pandemic,Federal News Network reports. However, the office that issued personal identity verification cards at the agency had been shut down.

To help, SBA CISO James Saunders says the agency has used its cloud identity infrastructure to launch conditional access to put users on a trusted network using a trusted device to login using a username and password, the publication reports.

Meanwhile, the State Department is migrating to a zero trust-like solution, Robert Hankinson, the director of the agencys office IT infrastructure, tells Federal News Network. The agency already had classified systems to support remote access, firewalls and other equipment.

Through this process, we found that we owned already most of the equipment and the technology that we needed to make this reality. The difference was how it was configured, where they were positioned, how they were used, and the culture and the mindset around that, he says. Security for the Department of State was largely a castle-and-moat sort of thing big high walls, that everything sits on the inside.

Now, the State Department is thinking of shifting to zero trust as part of a larger smart infrastructure effort, Hankinson says.

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How Trusted Internet Connections Is Focusing Telework with TIC 3.0 - FedTech Magazine

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Is your business looking for an extra layer of security – here’s why a VPN may be the answer – TechRadar

VPNs have plenty of applications for home PC users, including bypassing geo-restrictions for streamed video content, safety while using a public Wi-Fi, and buying tickets for airline travel at a cheaper price (yes, really!).

A VPN, or virtual private network, can make these activities possible, as rather than connecting directly to the internet, a user connects to a server via an encrypted tunnel, and then in turn to the internet.

However, the benefits of a VPN go beyond home users, and can benefit businesses as well. And in this article we'll explain why business VPN use is on the up.

There are plenty of businesses that apply VPN technology for its remote workers. Remote workers often need to connect to company resources, such as documents or software on a company server - hence why remote access VPNs are useful.

Rather than having these accessed directly through the internet, it is considered more secure to make the connection through the encrypted tunnel of the VPN. This allows corporate assets to be accessed securely, and any business data that is transferred - either for an upload or a download - to be encrypted, and not out in the open for an ISP to analyze, or pirates to be trolling for.

This is even more important when the employee is doing their computing over a wireless connection. A wired connection is inherently more secure than a wireless one that introduces another point of potential insecurity. At least over a home connection through a router, the Wi-Fi can be setup with a password, and a security VPN protocol.

Most users use the WPA2 protocol, and while this was felt to be secure, in fact vulnerabilities have been identified for some years now, and the next generation replacement, WPA3 has not seen widespread deployment to date.

Many employees functioning remotely find it useful to leave their homes and lots work from their local coffee shop, park or public library. The potential for getting hacked is even more likely when over a public Wi-Fi connection. This is because many do not have any password protection, so data can be grabbed over the air. Even those public Wi-Fi connections that have a password, have all the users that day sharing the same password, make them quite simple to hack.

The solution to this gaping vulnerability is to have the remote employees connect to the corporate server via their VPN. This way, if the Wi-Fi connection gets hacked, any corporate data is not out in the open and rather is protected through the encryption of the VPN tunnel.

Another security worry is the tracking of employees. This is because anyone can be tracked through their IP address, raising concerns of corporate espionage from competing businesses.

Another benefit of connecting to the internet via a VPN server intermediary is that the IP address leads back to the VPN server and not the employee. This makes it less likely to be hacked and far more secure from malware, such as ransomware or viruses, keeping employees more secure and less likely to experience downtime and corporate data loss.

Compare the best overall VPNs for business and consumers:

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Is your business looking for an extra layer of security - here's why a VPN may be the answer - TechRadar

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A business connected to the cloud needs cloud-ready security, connectivity – Techgoondu

Brought to you by Zscaler

The pandemic may have accelerated the transformation, but for many enterprises, the writing has been on the wall for a while, as applications moved to the cloud in recent years.

Its clear today that perimeter defences are no longer tenable in a world where people have to work from anywhere. Neither are legacy networks built before the cloud good enough for the cloud.

In this cloud-first world, there is no perimeter to speak of. Users are mobile and connect straight to the cloud apps. They do not connect back to a data centre, so what is the perimeter defences still protecting?

At the same time, the old hub-and-spoke topology used to build corporate networks is outdated and costly. Worse, in a cloud-based world, it is also laggy, creating a bad experience for users.

Understandably, they demand the same experience they get from a consumer cloud service, which is fast and easy to use. So, for a business, why continue to backhaul traffic and pay for an architecture that wasnt designed for the cloud?

The biggest headache of all cybersecurity is not going away, either. The breaches continue because zero-day vulnerabilities, botnets and threats hiding in SSL bypass the typical Internet security checks easily.

It is impossible to inspect all the traffic because your security stacks usually have performance limitations. How can your appliances keep up as more traffic comes along, especially in this critical period?

Rethinking access and security

A new approach is needed. Firstly, businesses have to move security to the cloud. In other words, all users and locations will adhere to the same policies wherever they go, in a zero trust environment where you always have to prove who you are to access digital assets.

Secondly, businesses have to look for a cloud-ready network platform, so Internet connections are direct, fast and secure. Say no to backhauling and appliance costs ask for simpler network administration.

Thirdly, pick a cloud security vendor that offers the ultimate security stack, which makes use of multiple technologies to stop more threats. Scale up as you need, even inspecting unlimited amounts of traffic passing through in an unpredictable world.

For this, Zscaler has built a security cloud platform that processes up to 120 billion transactions per day at peak periods. Threats detected are instantly shared and blocked across the platform.

Zscaler has also developed a platform that offers unlimited capacity. With more than 150 data centres, performance from any location is lightning fast. In other words, a great cloud experience.

Delivering a consumer-like experience

This new approach would enable businesses to deliver what customers and employees both expect a fast, seamless and secure experience when they interact with your business.

Zscalers B2B solution enables users to connect to your cloud applications with the ease of any consumer-like applications without the business risk. This works with apps that are hosted in the data centre, or in the private or public clouds.

Key here is Zscalers zero-trust network access (ZTNA) architecture, which is tied to business policies to securelyconnect an authenticated customer to an authorized app. It does so without ever exposing the app to the Internet or bringing the customer onto yournetwork.

As this is being done, the impact on your network resources is limited, so you can scale up without worrying about the complexity and friction that come with legacy network and security setups.

With this, you can deliver access to modern cloud apps without worrying about the legacy network issues that may have been giving users a bad experience, especially when they are working remotely today and still have to connect back to your data centre before heading to the cloud.

With Zscaler, the new approach also eliminates the attack surface. Customers no longer come into your network and they are no longer exposed to the open Internet.

Of course, migration is never easy. In a way, the current pandemic has forced many business to reconsider how they deliver their IT services. It is presenting an opportunity for businesses to transform.

Taking the first step is important as they head into a future where the cloud is truly the platform for business applications to be delivered securely and seamlessly.

Business and IT team leaders should find out how their businesses can connect seamlessly and securely to a cloud-first world at the Zscaler Future of Cloud Asia Pacific Summit, said CharlesKennaway, regional director for SoutheastAsia and Greater China atZscaler.

Hear speakers from BP, Microsoft, CrowdStrike Asia, Silver Peak, Zscaler and more on working from anywhere in a zero-trust environment at the event. Sign up here.

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A business connected to the cloud needs cloud-ready security, connectivity - Techgoondu

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The 6 key races you haven’t heard of that may help decide how we secure our elections – POLITICO

The job is on the ballot in six states this year, and the campaigns there reflect larger anxieties around election integrity and voter access. Usually sleepy affairs, these races are turning hotly political and in some cases, even personal.

These people, virtually none of whom are widely known beyond their families and their states capitol buildings, will be centerstage in any contested election. Barring extreme delays, newly elected secretaries won't play any role in overseeing their states other 2020 contests. But these officials will help decide how elections are run and how votes counted going forward.

In a handful of states, the secretaries will play a role in the redistricting process for state and federal legislative seats. Secretaries are responsible for overseeing the election and ensuring votes are counted fairly in all but 10 states.

Edgardo Corts, Virginias former election supervisor, said the increase in attention paid to secretaries work during this campaign season in many states is like night and day.

Interviews with nine candidates in the 2020 races taking place in Missouri, Montana, Oregon, Vermont, Washington and West Virginia reveal intense clashes over how citizens should vote and how states should protect the process. West Virginia challenger Natalie Tennant accused Republican Secretary of State Mac Warner of making the state the laughingstock of election security for embracing internet voting. Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft scoffed at his Democratic opponent Yinka Faletis support of a more targeted system for double-checking ballots, saying Faleti doesn't seem very well informed.

Some individual secretaries have been lightning rods in past elections, from the hanging chad debacle of 2000, when Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris refused to extend the states recount, to Democrats accusations in 2004 that Ohios secretary tilted the vote toward President George W. Bush by restricting ballot access. During Georgia governors race two years ago, Democrats alleged that then-Secretary of State Brian Kemp put his thumb on the scale to assure his own victory against Stacey Abrams, including by changing polling sites and purging voter rolls.

Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft. | Mel Evans/AP Photo

Thanks to the coronavirus crisis, debates over mail-in ballots, reports of aggressive foreign interference and Trumps suggestions that he would blame a loss on widespread fraud, more Americans than ever before are paying attention to even minute logistics of voting this year. Thirty-five states are facing election-related lawsuits with allegations ranging from having too few ballot drop-boxes, to not doing enough to avoid long polling lines, to requiring notarized mail-in ballot envelopes.

The tensions are evident on the campaign trail. Secretaries challengers regularly blast them for failing to help local officials block hackers, allowing people to vote online and leaving voter registration databases vulnerable to intruders.

In Missouri, Faleti penned an op-ed calling Ashcrofts mail-in voting policies derelict and dangerous to our democracy. In Montana, Democratic candidate Bryce Bennett delivered a stump speech criticizing the retiring Republican incumbent for holding back election grants from counties for unspecified projects. And in Washington state, Democratic nominee Gael Tarleton took to Twitter to accuse Republican Secretary Kim Wyman of standing by while Trump undermined faith in our states electoral system..

Though none of these states will decide the presidential election, their heated campaigns reveal sharp disagreements about how to safeguard elections, with the winners likely to enact policies that set precedents for other states. In particular, two races on opposite sides of the country in Washington and West Virginia showcase the contentiousness of the moment.

During a virtual debate in Washington state in July, the candidates sparred over a new centralized voter registration database the brainchild of Secretary Wyman. Tarleton, a state representative, argued it had been plagued with failures and outages. Wyman, who is running for her third four-year term, defended the database, saying that no system was perfect.

The federally funded database, called VoteWA, includes features such as real-time mail-in ballot tracking and more advanced address-verification measures. But the $9.5 million system also experienced major bugs when it debuted ahead of an August 2019 primary, and Tarleton said in an interview that it produced serious problems in some counties that November.

Some part of VoteWA has failed in every election conducted since it was rolled out, Tarleton said. There is a system problem either a design or a performance problem and we have to find out why.

Wyman said her office was still stabilizing VoteWA and that it had experienced the same growing pains as any other new technology. She described it as a focus for her next term, while calling the system a model for other states.

Trumps attacks on mail-in voting have also become a campaign issue.

Wyman, a moderate Republican who spent 12 years as Thurston Countys top election official, has received national attention for defending her states vote-by-mail tradition amid Trumps attacks. Tarleton and state Democrats, who hope to pick up a secretary seat that has been in Republican hands for almost 60 years, say Wyman hasnt stood up to the president enough.

Washington Secretary of State Kim Wyman. | Ted S. Warren/AP Photo

Tarleton, a former Port of Seattle commissioner and Defense Intelligence Agency analyst, also accused Wyman of not doing enough to provide guidance to local election officials.

Tarleton said county officials have complained that Wyman failed to offer them guidance for spending their portions of their initial federal election security grants, resulting in an uncoordinated patchwork of computer system upgrades. Wyman said she left it up to the counties to set their spending priorities because they have different needs.

One thing they agree on: constituents should not be casting ballots over the internet.

Wyman cites the expert consensus that no safe way currently exists to do so. She acknowledged that her position might be unpopular in her state, which offers the technology to military and overseas voters. But Wyman, herself a former overseas voter (she lived in Europe for two years while her husband served at various U.S. Army posts), said her opposition was rooted in a commitment to protect every ballot: I dont want to give any voter the false impression that their ballot is coming in in a secure [way] electronically. Tarleton has made similar points.

And both say there are still gaps in election security that they have plans to address.

If re-elected, Wyman said shed prioritize increasing election security aid to counties. She plans to expand a system she created in 2019 through which experts conducted cyber assessments in all of the states 39 counties. Wymans office said they were able to work with local officials in many counties to make improvements. She wants to offer even more help to smaller counties that are lucky to have an IT person in their county, let alone in their elections division.

Tarleton, who has spearheaded several election security bills in the legislature, said shed create public-private partnerships modeled on homeland-security organizations that she worked on in her previous role as a contractor for federal defense and intelligence agencies. Two examples she cited: creating a mutual-aid partnership among Northwestern states to protect election infrastructure and offering cyber certifications for election officials.

In February, Natalie Tennant, the Democratic nominee in West Virginia, went after incumbent Mac Warner over flaws in the mobile phone app the state used in a pilot program in 2018. Warner, she tweeted, should tell us were our votes secure and can they be changed?

Tennant is trying to retake the secretary job after Warner unseated her in 2016, and she has denounced him for embracing internet voting.

In 2018, Warner made West Virginia the first state to partner with Voatz, a Boston-based company that makes a mobile voting app, in a general election. The app was limited to military service members and overseas residents, but Warner supports expanding it to people whose disabilities prevent them from mailing in ballots. Though there were no reported problems with the app in West Virginia, security experts have repeatedly uncovered flaws in Voatzs platform and other internet voting systems. (Voatz has dismissed these findings as unrealistic.)

Tennant said Warner is now known for making West Virginia the laughingstock of election security over internet voting.

Warner remains unmoved. He says the authors of detailed technical rebukes are simply zealots for paper ballots who are taking potshots at a system without providing a solution. He compared them to the people who were against the horseless carriage.

West Virginians are very much behind this, Warner said. He noted that state lawmakers voted unanimously to continue the mobile voting pilot this year and expand it to voters with disabilities.

They wouldnt have done that had they had legitimate concerns about security, he said. (The state later switched vendors after the release of two sharply critical Voatz audits.) New Jersey and Delaware also offered limited internet voting in this years primaries in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

West Virginia Secretary of State Mac Warner. | Jacquelyn Martin/AP Photo

Tennant supports internet voting in theory in 2010, she defended her own pilot project from criticisms about security concerns but argues that Warner is working with an untrustworthy company.

Were dealing with a secretary of state who will say anything and do anything to make himself look great, she said in an interview.

Like their counterparts in the Pacific Northwest, Warner and Tennant are at loggerheads over whether the state is doing enough to help beleaguered county clerks fend off hackers.

Warner said that when he took office, he got an earful from counties about unmet needs and quickly set up a system of local field representatives who serve as his liaisons. Now, he said, there is constant communication.

The clerks know that, when they have a concern or an idea, we will listen, he said.

But Tennant said Warners representatives often lack expertise. Having a field rep is not good enough, she said. She wants West Virginia to copy Illinois network of cyber navigators, security experts who provide detailed help and recommendations. The program has been well received by local officials and members of Congress.

The same debates seen in Washington and West Virginia are playing out across the country.

In Missouri, Secretary Ashcroft and Faleti, his Democratic challenger, have sparred over whether Ashcroft has done enough to support counties.

Faleti accused Ashcrofts office of sitting on the lions share of the $7.2 million in election security funds that Congress provided in 2018, potentially discouraging lawmakers from appropriating more. Ashcroft said his office held back some of the funds to pay for long-term security monitoring.

We didnt want to just go in there, say, Hey, right now you're good, and then send them back out to the wolves, Ashcroft said.

Faleti, meanwhile, called Missouris aging voter registration database pretty vulnerable to hacking and pushed for risk-limiting audits, which use statistical formulas to double-check a relatively small subset of ballots, rather than recounting a larger number of them. Ashcroft rejected that idea, saying, I don't think the people of the state would suggest that we should be reviewing fewer ballots after elections than we are right now.

In Montana, Democratic challenger Bryce Bennett, a state senator, offered similar criticism of the outgoing Republican incumbent, Corey Stapleton, whose deputy Christi Jacobsen is the GOP nominee.

I've heard from counties big and small that they're not getting the help and the support and the resources they need from our secretary of state, Bennett said. He said Stapleton and, by extension, Jacobsen mostly sat on the sidelines as cyber threats surged. (Jacobsens campaign did not respond to an interview request.)

Several candidates vowed to expand their states partnerships with cyber experts. Bennett pledged to work with the folks who have gone toe-to-toe with the people who are attacking our elections here in Montana and across the country.

The outcomes of these contests will shape the future of election security nationwide.

States are definitely examining each others practices in search of better solutions, said Corts, the former Virginia election chief and now an election security adviser at the Brennan Center for Justice. Corts cited the migration to paper-based voting machines (which he helped spearhead in 2017), the growing use of a national voter-list maintenance system and the spread of risk-limiting audits.

Voters are paying attention, too. Merrill, the Connecticut secretary, said voters ask her every day why Connecticut hasnt adopted Washington States model of automatic mail-ballot distribution.

People are watching other states [and] what they're doing, Merrill said.

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The 6 key races you haven't heard of that may help decide how we secure our elections - POLITICO

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Get In Depth Analysis Of How Covid-19 Is Impacting The Internet Security Software Market – Unica News

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The major players in the Internet Security Software Market areJuniper Networks, Inc., Trend Micro Inc., Symantec Corporation, IBM Corporation, Kaspersky Lab, McAfee Inc., Cipher Cloud, CA Technologies, Cisco system Inc., Websense, Inc.( Forcepoint), Fortinet, Inc., Sophos Ltd., Dell, Check Point Software Technologies Ltd., SafeNet, Inc., and Cyren LtdWe also need a market analysis section solely dedicated to major players such as where analysts give us an insight into the financial statements of all the major players, along with product benchmarking and SWOT analysis. Global Internet Security Software market with great emphasis on its market share, recent developments, business overview, market served, and growth strategies.

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Internet Security Software Market: Research Methodology

Coherent Market Insights follows a comprehensive research methodology focused on providing the most precise market analysis. The company leverages a data triangulation model which helps company to gauge the market dynamics and provide accurate estimates. Key components of the research methodologies followed for all our market reports include:

As part of Primary research, our analysts interviewed a number of primary sources from the demand and supply sides of the global Internet Security Software Market. This helped them to obtain both quantitative and qualitative data and information. On the demand side of the global Internet Security Software Market are end-users, whereas on the supply side are distributors, vendors, and manufacturers.

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During our Secondary research, we collect information from different sources such as databases, regulatory bodies, gold and silver-standard websites, articles by recognized authors, certified publications, white papers, investor presentations and press releases of companies, and annual reports.

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Internet Security Software Market: Regional Analysis

This part of the report includes detailed information on the market in various regions. Each region offers different scope for markets because every region has different government policies and other factors. The regions included in this report areNorth America, Europe, The Asia Pacific, and the Middle East and Africa. Information about the different areas helps the reader to understand better the global market.

Complete SWOT Analysis of the Global Internet Security Software Market

SWOT analysisis one technique that is quite that helps to gain an insight into the past and find a solution for the benefit of current or future blemish, useful for existing companies as well as the new plan. SWOT-analysis helps reduce weaknesses while maximizing the strong side of the company. Its can also be used when it comes to achieving certain goals in non-profit organizations or private companies. This tool can be used to make a reconsideration during the study.

PESTEL Analysis :

APESTEL analysisor more recently named PESTELE is a framework or tool used by marketers to analyse and monitor the macro-environmental (external marketing environment) factors that have an impact on an organisation. The result of which is used to identify threats and weaknesses which are used in a SWOTanalysis.

Opportunities come in various forms, then the value of doing a PESTEL analysis. PESTEL stands for:

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How SWOT Analysis Is Important for Internet Security Software Market ?

There are three steps to follow in this analysis.

In this stage, and we collect all the information regarding the first two internal factors, strengths and weaknesses. However, this information collection can be done in a number of different ways. One-to-one interview or a group discussion can be carried to gather information. There will be a number of different views, questions, and issues related to these elements.

Here, we can make a list of all the opportunities that it may encounter in the future. It can make another list of all the future possible threats within the organization.

In this stage, the plan of action will have carried out to meet these opportunities and to secure the company from the threats. In this stage, the organization makes sure that they can maintain the strengths, change or stop the weaknesses, prioritize opportunism and minimize threats.

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report gives you details about the market research finding and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain a competitive advantage. Supported by comprehensive primary as well as secondary research, the Internet Security Software Market the report is then verified using expert advice, quality check and final review. The market data was analyzed and foretasted using market dynamics and consistent models.


Coherent Mark t Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering a tion-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.


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Get In Depth Analysis Of How Covid-19 Is Impacting The Internet Security Software Market - Unica News

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Study finds over 4-in-10 WFH employees in SEA find it hard to switch-off after work – Backend News

The latest study from Kaspersky titled More connected than ever before: how we build our digital comfort zones found out that 46% of respondents from Southeast Asia (SEA) find it harder to switch off after work than when they had to travel to their physical offices. This is four notches higher than the global result of 42%. A majority of them (62%) also disclosed their unease towards the increasing amount of meetings taking place online.

Conducted by the global cybersecurity company among 760 interviewees from SEA last May, the survey also unmasked the worries of remote employees in the time of pandemic where the majority of the offices remain closed due to physical restrictions. Amongst these heightened concerns are about their online security. This was triggered by two factors.

First is due to the nature of the confidential work they are conducting from home according to 62% of the interviewees, 13 points higher than the global result with only 49%. The second factor for 57% of the respondents is that their home technology is not as secure as their offices technology which is nine notches higher than the worlds view at 48%. These respondents expressed their worry that using their own computers may risk the safety of their work data.

Red tape is main barrier to cybersecurity initiatives in industrial sector, Kaspersky found

Kaspersky says small businesses need to strengthen cyber defense vs cryptomining

Majority of our survey respondents from the region are working from home during this period where lockdown measures are still in place because of the pandemic. It is understandable and welcome progress that a lot of them are more concerned about their online security given that our previous research showed 52% of businesses agreed that employees are securitys weakest link, said Yeo Siang Tiong, general manager for Southeast Asia at Kaspersky.

Digital security awareness

There are bright spots, though, as 62% of the surveyed individuals from SEA professed that working from home has made them more aware of their digital security and 56% noted that their employers have provided strict instructions about protecting confidential work information online.

However, there are still over 4-in-10 who shrug off security and assume that everything is protected and safe. Almost half (42%) also confessed that they share the internet connection with other people they live with in shared accommodation and are not sure about the security and safety of their devices as they are not aware of how to securely use the internet.

The current remote work set-up is here to stay. For employees mental wellness, it is important to create a conducive environment and work only during office hours. For enterprises, incidents such as the Wannacry attack and the Bangladesh Bank Heist should remain as reminders that staff can be an attack vector exploited through old but still effective social engineering tricks. Businesses should now look into training technology that applies AI to the responses from the trainees and adapt by challenging them with an appropriate level of training and reinforcement, rather than using the same course material across everyone in a dull way, said Yeo.

Kaspersky Adaptive Online Training (KAOT) is a unique solution among security awareness training courses, combining content based on Kasperskys 20+ years experience in cybersecurity and advanced learning and development methodology developed by Area9 Lyceum on Rhapsode, the worlds first four-dimensional adaptive learning platform.


Study finds over 4-in-10 WFH employees in SEA find it hard to switch-off after work - Backend News

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Best Encryption Software in 2020 – Latest Quadrant Ranking Released by 360Quadrants – PRNewswire

CHICAGO, Sept. 30, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Encryption softwareis a category of a security program that facilitates encryption and decryption of data. It is normally used to protect important or confidential data so that it is safe and inaccessible to the unlicensed users. Encryption software secures data or files by functioning with one or more encryption processes. Encryption software not only assists users in protecting important information from cyber attackers or other online risks by making access difficult, but it also can be used to store large volumes of data or to protect private communication over the internet.

360Quadrantshas selected some of the best encryption softwarevendors in the encryption software market. This study will help buyers interested in encryption software to understand and shortlist the most suitable encryption software for their business. All of the encryption software providers were assessed based on their product offerings and business strategies and were placed on a quadrant, which is updated every 90 days.

360Quadrants conducts SWOT analysis and helps software vendors to learn more about new opportunities and scope to improve.

Encryption Software Companies Quadrant Placement

360Quadrants has evaluated 59 software vendors that offer encryption software, out of which the top 17 were positioned on a quadrant under:

Symantec Endpoint Encryption, Dell Data Protection, IBM Security, McAfee, Trend Micro Endpoint Protection, Sophos, and PKWARE have been identified as Visionary Leaders in the encryption software market.

Netskope, Skyhigh Networks, CIPHERCLOUD, and ESET Endpoint Protection have been recognized as the Innovators in the encryption software space.

CRETEE NETWORKS, PROTEGRITY USA, Boxcryptor, COMMUNICATION SECURITY GROUP, and CYBERSAFE SOFTWARE LP have been positioned as the Emerging Companies in the encryption software space.

Microsoft Corporation has been identified as a Dynamic Differentiator in the encryption software space.

360Quadrants Evaluation Approach

360Quadrants selected and assessed some of the top encryption software vendors. These vendors were evaluated based on more than 120carefully selected data pointers gathered from product and business strategy assessment of the company, and inputs received from buyers and industry experts. All of these parameters were allocated a weight age, post which the inputs were assessed. This helps the analysts in computing the absolute score based on which the encryption software providers were ranked and placed on the 360Quadrants.

About 360Quadrants

360Quadrantsis the largest marketplace looking to disrupt USD3.7 trillion of technology spends and is the only rating platform for vendors in the technology space. The platform provides users access to unbiased information that helps them make qualified business decisions.The platform facilitates deeper insight using direct engagement with 650+ industry experts and analysts and allows buyers to discuss their requirements with 7500 vendors.Companies get to win ideal new customers, customize their quadrants, decide key parameters, and position themselves strategically in a niche space, to be consumed by giants and startups alike. Experts get to grow their brand and increase their thought leadership. The platform targets the building of a social network that links industry experts with companies worldwide.

360Quadrants will also be launching quadrants in fields like Architecture Software, Car Rental Software, and Winery Software.

Contact:Mr. Agney Sugla[emailprotected]630 Dundee Road, Suite 430Northbrook, IL 60062USA: +1-888-600-6441

SOURCE 360Quadrants

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Best Encryption Software in 2020 - Latest Quadrant Ranking Released by 360Quadrants - PRNewswire

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4 Reasons Why Encryption Is a Must for Data Protection – CIOReview

FREMONT, CA:Data breaches are becoming more common in todays business world. Hackers know they can sell sensitive information on the dark web or use it for malicious purposes. However, encryption technology for data protection is available for data protection. It involves securing information with cryptography through a scrambled code. People with the key to decoding sensitive data can only read it. Here are some reasons for enterprises to depend on encryption technology.

Usage Across Variety of Devices

One of the top advantages of encryption technology is that enterprises can apply it to all or most of the tech devices they use. Depending on needs, providers offer full hard disk or file-based encryption. Since several possibilities exist for companies who want to encrypt their data, it is worth researching to see which methods are most appropriate for enterprises. Multi-device encryption is also becoming more essential among businesses.

Avoid Regulatory Fines

Depending on the given industry or the specific policies set forth by the companies, encryption technology for data protection may become mandatory rather than optional. In several industries that often business with sensitive information, regulatory fines are a genuine concern. Besides how these incidents cut into an organizations profits, a bad reputation could give customers second thoughts about doing business with enterprises that dont responsibly store data.

Help Protect Remote Workers

C-level executives believe that the danger of a breach is greater when employees work remotely. This is not surprising as many remote workers store sensitive data on their devices, and enterprises have little control over how this data is accessed and shared. For that, all confidential data should be encrypted, and remote workers should use a virtual private network (VPN) to stay protected from cyber criminals intercepting unsecured network connections and distributing malware.

Increase Consumer Trust

For most companies, encryption is not a mandatory regulatory requirement. However, enterprises may want to use encryption to gain trust from their customers. According to a recent survey, 53% of enterprises are concerned about online privacy. Given the erosion of trust that firms experience in recent years, advertising the fact that the business is conforming to data encryption standards could give it a competitive advantage.

See also:Top VPN Services

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4 Reasons Why Encryption Is a Must for Data Protection - CIOReview

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