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The State of AI in 2020 and Beyond – CDOTrends

AI investors Nathan Benaich and Ian Hogarth have just released their latest annual State of AI report, a comprehensive report that looks at the technology, capabilities, talent, and financing around artificial intelligence.

The State of AI Report 2020 this year comes with a whopping 177 slides packed with updates and insights. We highlight a small handful of what caught our eyes with this years report.

Momentum in AI growing

Momentum in AI is growing, but behind closed doors in most cases. According to the report, a mere 15% of papers on AI publish their code. There are various possible reasons for this situation, including its implementation in proprietary applications: For the biggest tech companies, their code is usually intertwined with proprietary scaling infrastructure that cannot be released.

Aside from research code implementations being important for accountability, reproducibility, and driving progress in AI, closed-source AI can also lead to the centralization of AI talent. For now, notable organizations that didnt publish all of their code are OpenAI and DeepMind.

From those that publish or cite the framework that they use, it appears that Facebooks PyTorch is fast outpacing Googles TensorFlow in research papers. This is noteworthy as a leading indicator of production use down the line. For now, TensorFlow, Caffe, and Caffe2 remain the workhorse for production AI.

Practical real-world visible implementations AI are still some way away, however, with self-driving car mileage staying microscopic in 2019. Moreover, nations are also passing laws to let them scrutinize foreign takeovers of AI companies.

Barriers of entry

It is probably easier to get started with AI today than it was a few short years ago, thanks to the availability of tools and maturity of infrastructure. But if you are training a new model like GPT3, then you will probably find it hard to catch up.

As noted in a report on ZDNet, the cost of training OpenAI's GPT3 could be in the millions. Indeed, with 175 billion different coefficients, a likely budget suggested by experts pegs training GPT3 at a whopping USD10 million.

New, innovative approaches might well reduce this steep barrier of entry, however. For instance, London-based PoolyAI produced and open-sourced a conversational AI model that outperforms Googles BERT model in conversational applications. Crucially, PolyAIs model requires just a fraction of the parameters to train, which translates directly to a significantly lower cost.

How did that happen? Speaking to ZDNet, Benaich and Hogarth believe it boils back to having a thorough understanding of a specific domain good engineering rigor, instead of relying on sheer brute force. If anything, this will be what opens the door of AI to more innovators, who can theoretically make further breakthroughs even in tried and tested areas.

Predictions about AI

In it concluding few pages, the authors outlined eight predictions that they believe will happen over the next 12 months. Their 2019 report got four out of six predictions right, one wrong, and a tie on the final one. It would certainly be interesting to see the results of the latest predictions 12 months later.

Here are three of them:

You can download the full State of AI Report 2020 here.

Photo credit: iStockphoto/onlyyouqj

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The State of AI in 2020 and Beyond - CDOTrends

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Artificial intelligence could help fund managers monetise data but will conservatism hold back the industry? – HedgeWeek

Technological advances are shaping the way asset management firms operate, as they look for ways to introduce artificial intelligence applications to monetise data, and improve automation from the front to the back office.

Back in 2016, SEI wrote a white paper entitled The Upside of Disruption: Why the Future of Asset Management Depends on Innovation, in which it highlighted five trends shaping innovation: Watsonisation, Googlisation, Amazonisation, Uberisation and Twitterisation.

Witnessing the exponential changes occurring within and outside of the asset management industry as it relates to artificial intelligence, data management, platforms, social media and the like, SEI, in collaboration with ANZU Research, has updated these themes in its new series, The Exponential Pull of Innovation: asset management and the upside of disruption.

With regards to the first trend, Watsonisation, a lot has changed in terms of the power, sophistication and scale of artificial intelligence applications being used within asset management.

As the first of 5 papers in this series being released over the coming months, SEIs new Watsonisation 2.0 white paper points out, successfully harnessing technology in a complex and heavily regulated industry like ours is not easy. With new technologies and business models making change a constant, the financial services industry is being reorganized, re-engineered and reinvented before our eyes. There are now dedicated AI hedge fund managers such as Aidiyia Holdings, Cerebellum Capital and Numerai, all of whom are pushing the envelope when it comes to harnessing the power of AI in their trading models.

According to a report by Cerulli, AI-driven hedge funds produced cumulative returns of 34 per cent over a three-year period from 2016 to 2019, compared to 12 per cent for the global hedge fund industry. Moreover, Cerullis research shows that European AI-led active equity funds grew at a faster rate than other active equity funds from January to April this year.

That trend will likely continue as asset managers tap into the myriad possibilities afforded by AI. As SEI notes, portfolio management teams are tapping in to the predictive capabilities by working alongside quantitative specialists with the skills needed to train AI systems on large data sets.

Large managers such as Balyasny Asset Management are now actively embracing a quantamental strategy to mine alternative data sets and evolve their investment capabilities. To do this, they are hiring sector analysts; people with sector expertise and superior programming skills in programming languages such as Python. The aim of this is to act as a conduit between Balyasnys quantitative and fundamental analysts.

SEI argues that asset management is perfectly suited for the widespread adoption of AI.

They write: Data is its lifeblood, and there is an abundance of historic and real time data from a huge variety of sources (both public and private/internal). Traditional sources of structured data are always useful but ripe for more automated analytics.

Julien Messias is the co-founder of Quantology Capital Management, a Paris-based asset management that focuses on behavioural analysis, using systematic processes and quantitative tools to generate alpha for the strategy. The aim is to apply a scientific methodology based on collective intelligence.

Our only conviction is with the processes weve created rather than any personal beliefs on how we think the markets will perform. Although it is not possible to be 100 per cent systematic, we aim to be as systematic as possible, in respect to how we run the investment strategy, says Messias.

Messias says the predictive capabilities of AI have been evolving over the last decade but we have really noticed an acceleration over the last three or four years. Its not as straightforward as the report would (seem to) suggest, though. At least 50 per cent of the time is spent by analysts cleansing data. If you want to avoid the Garbage In Garbage Out scenario, you have to look carefully at the quality of data being used, no matter how sophisticated the AI is.

Its not the most interesting job for a quant manager but it is definitely the most important one.

One of the hurdles to overcome in asset management, particularly large blue chip names with decades of investment pedigree, is the inherent conservatism that comes with capital preservation. Large institutions may be seduced by the transformative properties of AI technology but trying to convince the CFO or executive board that more should be done to embrace new technology can be a hard sell. And as SEI rightly points out, any information advantage gained can quickly evaporate, particularly in an environment populated by a growing number of AIs.

We notice an increase in the use of alternative data, to generate sentiment signals, says Messias, but if you look at the performance of some hedge funds that claim to be fully AI, or who have incorporated AI into their investment models, it is not convincing. I have heard some large quant managers have had a tough year in 2020.

The whole concept of AI in investment management has become very popular today and become a marketing tool for some managers. Some managers dont fully understand how to use AI, however, they just claim to use it to sell their fund and make it sound attractive to investors.

When it comes to applying AI, it is compulsory for us to understand exactly how each algorithm works.

This raises an interesting point in respect to future innovation in asset management. For fund managers to put their best foot forward, they will need to develop their own proprietary tools and processes to optimise the use of AI. And in so doing, avoid the risk of jumping on the bandwagon and lacking credibility; investors take note. If the manager claims to be running AI tools, get them to explain exactly how and why they work.

Messias explains that at Quantology they create their own databases and that the aim is to make the investment strategy as autonomous as possible.

Every day we run an automatic batch process. We flash the market, during which all of the algorithms run in order to gather data, which we store in our proprietary system. One example of the data sets we collect is earnings transcripts, when company management teams release guidance etc.

For the last four years, weve been collecting these transcripts and have built a deep database of rich textual data. Our algorithms apply various NLP techniques to elicit an understanding of the transcript data, based on key words, says Messias.

He points out, however, that training algorithms to analyse textual data is not as easy as analyzing quantitative data.

As of today, the algorithms that are dedicated to that task are not efficient enough for us to exploit the data. In two or three years time, however, we think there will be a lot of improvements and the value will not be placed on the algorithms, per se, but on the data, he suggests.

Investment research is a key area of AI application for asset managers to consider, as they seek to evolve over the coming years. Human beings are dogged by multiple behavioural biases that cloud our judgment and often lead to confirmation bias, especially when developing an investment thesis; its the classic case of looking for data to fit the theory, rather than acknowledging when the theory is wrong.

AI systems suffer no such foibles. They are, as SEIs white paper explains, better able to illuminate variables, probabilistically predict outcomes and suggest a sensible course of action.

Messias explains that at Quantology they run numerous trading algorithms that seek to exploit investment opportunities based on two primary pillars; one is behavioural biases which exist in the market. We think our algorithms can detect these biases better than a human being can, states Messias.

The second pillar is collective intelligence; that is, the collective wisdom of the crowd.

We have no idea where the market will go this is not our job, asserts Messias.Our job is to deliver alpha. The way markets react is always the right way. The market is the best example of collective intelligence thats what our algorithms seek to better understand and translate into trading signals.

One of the truly exciting aspects to fund management over the next few years will be to see how AI systems evolve, as their machine learning capabilities enable them to become even smarter at detecting micro patterns in the markets.

Googles AlphaGo became the first computer program to defeat a professional Go player without handicaps in 2015 and went on to defeat the number-one ranked player in the world. As SEI observes: Analysts of AlphaGos play, for example, noted that it played with a unique style that set it apart from human players, taking a relatively conservative approach punctuated with odd moves. This underscores the real power of AI. It is not just faster and more accurate. It is inclined to do things differently.

Logic would suggest that such novel, innovative moves (ie trades) could also become a more prominent feature of systematic fund management. Indeed, it is already happening.

Messias refers to Quantologys algorithms building a strong signal for Tesla when the stock rallied in September last year when the company released its earnings report.

The model sent us a signal that a human being would not have created based on a traditional fundamental way of thinking, he says.

Will we see more hedge funds launching with AI acting as the portfolio manager?

I think that is the way investment management will eventually evolve. Newer firms are likely to test innovations and techniques and if AI shows they can become more competitive than human-based trading, then yes I think the future of investment will be more technology orientated, concludes Messias.

To read the SEI paper, click herefor the US version, and here for the UK version.

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Artificial intelligence could help fund managers monetise data but will conservatism hold back the industry? - HedgeWeek

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Bitcoin price holds $10.5K but a $30M sell wall looms overhead – Cointelegraph

According to Cole Garner, a well-respected on-chain analyst, there is a 2,800 BTC sell wall on Binance. With Bitcoin (BTC) price currently trading at $10,700, this is equivalent to a batch of sell orders worth $30 million on just one exchange.

While it does not necessarily indicate that a market-wide pullback is imminent, it hints that a major rally remains unlikely. In the short term, BTC likely faces a low-volatility range between $10,500 and $11,000, two key support and resistance levels.

BTC/USD chart showing a 2,800 sell wall at Binance. Source: Cole Garner, TradingLite

In the past two years, Bitcoin recorded net negative returns in the fourth quarter. Some attribute this to cyclical movements while others suggest it is purely coincidental.

As Bitcoin heads into the fourth quarter there are several macro risks that could slow down its momentum. These factors include a highly contentious presidential election, a pandemic-induced economic slump, and the struggle of U.S. stocks.

Atop the negative fundamental factors that could apply pressure on BTC, technicals suggest the probability of a breakout remains low.

For instance, the massive sell wall on Binance is one of many technical reasons that a volatility spike is unlikely and possibly why Bitcoin price has been unable to push through the resistance level at $11,000.

A few positives are, Bitcoin has also vigorously defended the $10,500 support level in the past week and the digital assets technical structure and sentiment are not bearish. Rather, they are neutral and point toward an accumulation phase.

Based on the recent Bitcoin price trend and the large Binance sell wall, Garner emphasized that reaccumulation might occur. He said:

Binance with a 2800 BTC sellwall at $11k. Unstoppable force meets the immovable object. Welcome to re-accumulation.

Although technical factors might cause BTC to trade sideways between $10,500 and $11,000, industry executives say Bitcoins fundamentals remain overwhelmingly positive.

Rafael Schultze-Kraft, the chief technical officer at glassnode, said Bitcoin has massive room to grow.

Bitcoin Market Cap to Thermocap Ratio. Source: Glassnode

He cited the Market Cap to Thermocap Ratio, which shows BTC is nowhere close to marking a top. Schultze-Kraft noted:

The Market Cap to Thermocap Ratio suggests that #Bitcoin has massive room to grow from here. It has not even started to show the sharp increase that is typical in bull markets. Current levels are a whole order of magnitude away from previous $BTC tops.

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Bitcoin price holds $10.5K but a $30M sell wall looms overhead - Cointelegraph

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Bitcoin To Hit $100,000 in Five Years as Demand and Adoption Increase – Report | Markets and Prices – Bitcoin News

Bloomberg analyst Mike McGlone has predicted that the price of bitcoin will hit $100,000 by 2025. McGlone premised his argument on past bitcoin trends, including the period in which the price took four years to go from $1,000 to $10,000 in 2017.

So, doubling that time frame for maturation could get the price toward $100,000 in about five more years, he said, in Bloombergs Crypto Outlook report for October. Most demand and adoption measures indicate bitcoin is more likely to stay on its upward path.

McGlone observed how that a top metric for adoption, the 30-day average of BTC addresses, is equivalent to a price of about $15,000, suggesting that, at current prices of $10,700, the top cryptocurrency is greatly undervalued. He sees the digital asset breaking above $14,000 by end of 2020.

The number of active bitcoin addresses has soared to 981,000, Glassnode data shows, up from 684,000 at the beginning of this year, when the assets price averaged around $7,700. When active addresses hit nearly 1.1 million on December 23, 2018, bitcoin traded for $14,800, on the average.

McGlone, a senior commodity strategist at Bloomberg, also pointed to bitcoins increasing hashrate, growing institutional investor interest, the coins limited supply as well as failing global macroeconomics as potential key drivers for future price growth. He uses the example of the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) as a direct indicator of investor demand.

Today, the trust holds the equivalent of about 450,000 BTC. A year ago, it held less than half that amount, indicating rising institutional investor interest. Inflows in GBTC, the largest exchange traded product, absorbed about 70% of new bitcoin supply in third quarter of this year, according to the report.

The report also speculates that the market capitalization of tether (USDT) will surpass that of ethereum (ETH) by 2021, to become the second-largest cryptocurrency in the world. In recent months, tethers market cap has exploded to $15.6 billion as more investors look to stablecoins to preserve the value of their coins. ETH market cap currently hovers around $39.6 billion.

Indicating demand for a digital version of gold (bitcoin) and a crypto-asset like the dollar, if current trends prevail, the market cap of tether may surpass ethereum next year, it said. Increasing adoption of stable coins is likely a precursor for central bank digital currencies and promises to be more enduring than alt-coin speculative excesses.

What do you think about bitcoin getting to $100,000? Let us know in the comments section below.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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Bitcoin To Hit $100,000 in Five Years as Demand and Adoption Increase - Report | Markets and Prices - Bitcoin News

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Trump, price dots and COVID-19: 5 things to watch in Bitcoin this week – Cointelegraph

Bitcoin (BTC) rose to highs of $10,730 before settling lower on Oct. 5 as markets fluctuated in line with United States President Donald Trump contracting COVID-19.

Cointelegraph takes a look at the factors set to influence BTC price action this week, as the virus and its consequences dictate the macro mood.

President Trump buoyed markets late Sunday as traders priced in the possibility that he would leave hospital on Monday after treatment for COVID-19.

Futures were up, reversing losses on Friday, along with major stock markets including the S&P 500, to which Bitcoin continues to show high correlation.

Trumps coronavirus diagnosis had caused modest panic late last week, with stocks diving and BTC/USD reacting in kind, dropping from $10,940 to lows of $10,380.

Its been a really interesting journey; I learned a lot about Covid, Trump said in a video update posted to Twitter late Sunday, apparently addressed to a crowd of supporters situated outside his hospital prior to a surprise meet-and-greet:

Wall Street had yet to open at publishing time, with resumption of trading set to dictate further market trajectory for the start of the week.

BTC/USD vs. S&P 500 one-year chart. Source: Skew

Beyond Trump, coronavirus continues to create uncertainty in the U.S. and abroad.

New York continued with phased infrastructure shutdowns on Monday, while in Europe, the worsening infection rate caused Paris to close certain establishments.

In a fresh toll to business, meanwhile, Cineworld, the worlds second-biggest movie theater chain, said it would close its entire operation in both the U.S. and United Kingdom until further notice from Oct. 8. Its shares subsequently plunged 56% to a new all-time low.

Nevertheless, rumors abound that Trumps situation may in fact spur both political sides in Washington to reach a stimulus deal, something which would have an immediate impact on markets.

As Cointelegraph reported, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin had already alayed fears of a continued stalemate by confirming that whatever happens, the package would include another $1,200 stimulus check for eligible Americans.

The long-term impact of state-sponsored income is in itself controversial, with commentators previously arguing that once implemented, the checks would be difficult to simply turn off.

At the time that the first round of checks hit in April, cryptocurrency exchanges noticed increased volume specifically for the amount of the $1,200 payouts.

BTC/USD one-week chart. Source: Coin360

Europes turn in spotlight when it comes to macro market movements may lie ahead of it, as last-minute intense talks over Brexit got underway Monday.

Long a contentious issue for the British pound and its traders, the Brexit deal or lack of it has previously even managed to produce knock-on effects for Bitcoin.

This time around, the talks aim to produce a compromise before a crucial European Union meeting on Oct. 15, with a realistic deadline to produce consensus now set for sometime in early November.

Asked what the impact of no deal would be, U.K. prime minister Boris Johnson told a BBC radio show that the country could more than live with it.

In London, FTSE 100 futures were nonetheless up on Monday, more than reversing their losses from throughout the previous weeks trading.

Along with Brexit, as Cointelegraph noted, the Bank of England is currently researching the idea of introducing negative interest rates for the first time in its history.

Recent selling pressure meant that Bitcoins fundamentals were unable to continue their record winning streak.

Difficulty, perhaps the most important measure of miner health, barely moved at its latest readjustment on Oct. 4. Previously, estimates suggested that the metric would build on existing all-time highs to shoot higher still.

In the event, a 0.09% dip extinguished optimism, which was running high after the previous readjustment saw an 11.35% uptick.

Hash rate, a measure of the computing power dedicated to validating the Bitcoin blockchain, was also flat on Monday, hovering at 135 exahashes per second (EH/s).

Seven-day hash rate highs had reached a record 143 EH/s in September, with another surge to 141 EH/s on Oct. 1.

Bitcoin seven-day average hash rate two-month chart. Source: Blockchain

As Cointelegraph reported, another difficulty metric, Difficulty Ribbon Compression, showed a much more bullish trend last week.

Zooming out, Bitcoin analysts appeared as satisfied as ever with the largest cryptocurrencys performance.

For quant analyst PlanB, creator of the stock-to-flow family of BTC price models, it was now time for Bitcoin to follow its historical trend and put in fresh gains.

The impetus was the 200-week moving average (200WMA), which on Oct. 4 reached a new all-time high of $6,800.

A favored price feature for PlanB, the 200WMA has never been broken in price downtrends, and currently increases by around $200 each month. Analyzing the latest data from stock-to-flow, PlanB summarized on Twitter:

Such behavior, where the dots represent BTC/USD according to its distance from halving events, has repeated following both the 2012 and 2016 halvings.

Bitcoin stock-to-flow chart as of Oct. 5. Source: PlanB/Twitter

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Trump, price dots and COVID-19: 5 things to watch in Bitcoin this week - Cointelegraph

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$8M Worth of ‘Sleeping’ Bitcoin Rewards from 2010 Moved the Day Before ‘Black Thursday’ – Bitcoin News

Over a half a million dollars worth of bitcoin from a May 2010 coinbase reward was transferred to Bitfinex on October 1. A parser recorded the old coins being spent and since mid-February 2020, roughly 33 so-called sleeping bitcoin addresses from ten years ago have been spent to-date. Interestingly, 20 out of the 33, 2010-issued rewards moved this year were spent the day before Black Thursday.

Earlier this week, the software program, Btcparser, recorded an old coinbase reward from 2010 getting spent on Thursday, after the 50 bitcoins sat dormant for over a decade. Btcparser is a Telegram and browser bot that was developed in order to monitor the activity of so-called sleeping bitcoin addresses. shows three types of parsed data obtained from the Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain. The first parser combs the BTC blockchain for activity related to 64,529 addresses stemming from 2009 through 2017.

Btcparsers Telegram channel shows these alleged dead addresses have been recorded since February 13, 2020. A great majority of rewards spent in 2020 on Btcparsers first list were minted in 2017, 2016, and 2015.

Blocks stemming from 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 are rarely spent but have been recorded on a few occasions this year. From mid-February 2020 until today, 33 blocks with 50 BTC coinbase rewards from 2010 were moved after a whole decade. Another block reward from 2009 was also spent this year as well. Thats a total of 1,650 BTC (34 block rewards) worth over $17 million using todays exchange rates.

The last 2010 block of coins moved was transferred on October 1, 2020, and it was allegedly sent to a Bitfinex hot wallet. The 2010 block spent last Thursday was originally minted on May 24, 2010, when bitcoin was practically worthless. For instance, the blocks creation was a week after Laszlo Hanyecz successfully traded 10,000 BTC for two pizzas.

The last group of bitcoins that were moved stemming from 2010, prior to the October 1st transfer, was on September 22, and September 2, 2020. Those 100 old bitcoins (over $1M in value) were issued on September 16, and October 6, 2010.

Out of the total 33, 2010-based block rewards moved this year since mid-February, a single 2009 block reward was transferred on May 20, 2020. This block moved made headlines in the media because it was mined only a month after the BTC network was first invoked.

However, one story that didnt make headlines was the massive 20 block rewards (50 BTC) transferred on March 11, 2020, the day before Black Thursday. March 12 or Black Thursday saw crypto markets decline significantly in value, as bitcoin BTC prices slid -49% from $7,648 to a low of $3,870.

Additionally, another 2010 block reward, coincidentally mined on March 11 of that year, was also transferred on Black Thursday. It is uncertain whether or not the mined blocks from 2010 that were moved in mid-March were mined by a single entity, but its likely that it was the same person.

Furthermore, the BTC minted in 2010 spent the day before Black Thursday also saw its corresponding BCH moved on the same day. The BCH spent was worth $271k using bitcoin cash exchange rates on March 11, 2020. Moreover, the corresponding bitcoinsv (BSV) coins tied to these block rewards were also spent.

For some reason before the market carnage on March 12, the 1,050 BTC stemming from numerous 2010 block rewards were possibly sold at the top for $8 million. Its quite possible that the owner of those Satoshi-era bitcoins knew the market would see a big sell-off the next day.

There are a lot of Satoshi-era or so-called sleeping bitcoins that never have moved. Estimates assume there are close to 1.8 million bitcoins from old coinbase rewards left unspent that are sitting dormant in wallets.

There were 67,920 BTC blocks solved in 2010 with the first block of the year mined at height 32,490. Bitcoin blocks that were mined prior to block height 79,764 were also mined into a single payout address. Blocks mined prior to block height 135,000 saw rewards sent to unencrypted wallets as well. Wallet encryption wasnt officially added to BTC wallet software until July 2011.

Its quite interesting that the miner spent the decade-old bitcoins worth around $527k on October 1, 2020. But whats even more intriguing is the 20 or so 2010-based BTC, BCH, and BSV blocks spent before Black Thursday.

What do you think about the 2010 block spent on October 1 and the 20 blocks spent in mid-March? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons,

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$8M Worth of 'Sleeping' Bitcoin Rewards from 2010 Moved the Day Before 'Black Thursday' - Bitcoin News

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A Major Tesla Investor Has Predicted Bitcoin Will Be Worth More Than $1 Trillion In Under 10 Years – Forbes

Bitcoin has had a strong start to the decade, adding over 40% to its price so far this yearand taking its market capitalization to around $200 billion.

The bitcoin price, which began the year at around $7,000 per bitcoin token, has been on a roller coaster through 2020, crashing to under $4,000 in March before rebounding to well over $10,000.

With a raft of established investors turning to bitcoin this year as a potential hedge against the inflation they see coming as a result of unprecedented government spending and money-printing, a prominent investor in electric car-maker Tesla TSLA has said it expects bitcoin's total value to balloon to between $1 trillion and $5 trillion during the next five to ten years.

This year has seen a number of high-profile investors name bitcoin as a potential hedge against ... [+] inflation.

"Bitcoin offers one of the most compelling risk-reward profiles among assets, as our analysis suggests it should scale from roughly $200 billion today to $1-5 trillion network capitalization during the next five to ten years," Ark Investment Management analyst, Yassine Elmandjra, wrote in a report out last month, adding that investors shouldn't ignore bitcoin as an asset class.

Ark is best known for its wildly optimistic price target for Teslaa bet that has somewhat paid off this year as the Tesla price increased fourfold.

Bitcoin was by far the best performing asset of the last decade, with its price increasing from almost zero to highs of around $20,000 per bitcoin token in late 2017 before falling back somewhat. But, despite this massive run, Ark remains very bullish on bitcoin.

"Our analysis suggests bitcoin is early on its path to monetization, with substantial appreciation potential," Elmandjra wrote. "In our view, bitcoins $200 billion market capitalizationor network valuewill scale more than an order of magnitude to the trillions during the next decade."

Ark analysis shows bitcoin could reach an eye-watering $3 trillion total valuation by 2025.

However, Elmandjra also cautioned over a number of "risks" that could derail bitcoin's run. Tricky technological problems with holding large amounts of bitcoin, an uncertain regulatory future, and what Elmandjra describes as "over-institutionalization"which could result in "a few trusted parties dominating transactions" and destroying bitcoin's value propositionare all hurdles that need to be overcome.

Ark has been bullish on bitcoin for some time, first buying shares in the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) in 2015 before cashing out its stake in 2018 in what was described as a "complicated decision" driven more by regulatory and tax-related concerns than by the "merits" of bitcoin itself. Ark does, however, still hold some GBTC shares via its exchange-traded fund, ARKW, as well as some of its other products.

Earlier this year, Ark said bitcoin is a "contender for the first global digital money"echoing comments made by Tesla's controversial chief executive Elon Musk.

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A Major Tesla Investor Has Predicted Bitcoin Will Be Worth More Than $1 Trillion In Under 10 Years - Forbes

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Interest in Bitcoin Soars in Egypt Amid Economic Crisis and Unemployment | News – Bitcoin News

A growing number of Egyptians are reportedly turning to bitcoin amid rising unemployment and the economic crisis. An Egyptian bitcoin community is seeing a huge spike in the number of members interested in bitcoin mining and trading.

Many Egyptians are drawn to bitcoin amid the coronavirus pandemic, economic crisis, and resulting unemployment, Al-Monitor news outlet reported last week.

A bitcoin mining and trading expert, Muhammad Abd el-Baseer, is a leading member of the Bitcoin Egypt Community, one of Egypts professional online communities for people interested in cryptocurrency. He told the publication that there has been a spike in the number of community members, indicating high demand for bitcoin mining and trading in Egypt. Noting that more than 16,000 Egyptians have joined the community, he estimated:

The number of miners in Egypt should be greater, since each one of the 16,000 [members] may train and guide many of their friends, family and neighborhood zones.

He explained that Online work from home, reduced working hours and curfews have been imposed since March as precautionary measures against the outbreak of Covid-19 in Egypt, the publication conveyed. The huge business shift to online work from home along with reduced working hours and curfews are encouraging thousands of Egyptians to invest their spare time in unusual online businesses like mining and trading of cryptocurrencies, most notably the bitcoin.

Another bitcoin miner, who is a member of several bitcoin and cryptocurrency communities like Bitcoin Egypt, told the publication that he chose this business after losing his job at a contracting company that downsized, following the coronavirus outbreak. He invested what he saved over the past years into the business. More than half a million Egyptians have lost their jobs as unemployment in the country rose from 7.7% in the first quarter to 9.6% in the second quarter, the news outlet added.

According to the 2020 Geography of Cryptocurrency report compiled by blockchain analytics firm Chainalysis, Egypt ranks 64th out of 154 countries on the firms global cryptocurrency adoption index. The firm ranks Ukraine first, followed by Russia, Venezuela, and China. The report further shows that most of the bitcoin trading in Egypt takes place on Okex, Coinbase, Binance, Huobi, Bitfinex, FTX, and Bitmex exchanges. Only small amounts of BTC are traded on peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms in Egypt. Localbitcoins, for example, saw 10 BTC traded in the week ending Sept. 26, but the trading volume on the platform has also been steadily growing.

Egyptian economist and financial adviser Wael al-Nahhas told the publication:

Unemployment and recession resulting from the spread of the coronavirus and the precautionary measures taken are the main reasons behind the youths inclination toward bitcoin trading and mining.

The miner noted that bitcoin mining and trading are attracting thousands of Egyptians since they do not require much startup capital and millions of Egyptians savings are dwindling amid the recession.

Many young Egyptians started investing in small amounts despite the increase in the value of the bitcoin. They started mining satoshi, which is 100 millionth of a bitcoin, and on a daily basis they are making profits of 4% to 5% from the difference between buying rates during the timing of demand decline and selling rates at the time of peak demand, besides some quarterly or yearly profits from unexpected hikes in bitcoin rates, he was quoted as saying.

Mohamed Mohsen, an Egyptian bitcoin miner and lawyer, told the news outlet that Egyptian laws do not criminalize the dealing in cryptocurrencies. He added that people who have been arrested by the authorities misused cryptocurrencies in crimes, such as fraud and financing of terrorism.

Ahmed Shuair, an economics lecturer at Cairo University, believes that the Central Bank of Egypt will soon legalize cryptocurrencies. He explained that the central bank was preparing to issue a law to that effect in January, but the coronavirus pandemic changed the banks priorities.

What do you think about Egyptians growing interest in bitcoin? Let us know in the comments section below.

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Crypto for Congress: Bitcoin Sent to All Congress Members’ Campaigns | News – Bitcoin News

The Crypto for Congress initiative has launched. All members of Congress will be given bitcoin as campaign contributions to help them learn about cryptocurrency. The initiative is supported by Congressional Blockchain Caucus members, including pro-crypto Representatives Darren Soto and Tom Emmer.

The Crypto for Congress initiative has launched, the Chamber of Digital Commerce announced Monday. Today, all members of the United States Congress will receive a campaign contribution in bitcoin as part of this initiative, the announcement details. There are 535 members of Congress: 100 serve in the U.S. Senate and 435 in the House of Representatives.

The Chamber of Digital Commerce Political Action Committee will provide a $50 bitcoin contribution to all 535 members of Congress. The organization also provides online public educational training, a toolkit, and various resources to Congress members across all parties to help them engage directly in the cryptocurrency ecosystem, the announcement explains. According to information on the initiatives website:

Crypto for Congress is an educational initiative aimed at expanding the use and adoption of digital assets among Congressional candidates, elected leaders, and engaged citizens.

Now is the moment for all members of Congress to learn about and embrace cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, and the best way to do that is to set up a digital wallet and get started on the blockchain journey, said Perianne Boring, the organizations founder and president. Many other nations like China, Japan, Singapore and Switzerland have rapidly embraced blockchain technology and created robust national plans to be global leaders in this area. The United States is falling behind in technological innovation and this is not a risk we should be willing to take.

The Crypto for Congress initiative is supported by members of the Congressional Blockchain Caucus, including pro-cryptocurrency Representatives Darren Soto and Tom Emmer. Sponsors of the newly launched initiative include Anchorage, Bitpay, Blockfi, CMT Digital, Circle, Civic, Etoro, Flipside Crypto, Medici Ventures, Messari, and Paxos.

Crypto for Congress brings an opportunity for our entire Congressional community to join this generational shift in finance and technology, Rep. Tom Emmer commented. By embracing the digital asset movement, we have an opportunity to take a significant step forward to ensure Americas leadership position in the future of the global economy.

What do you think about the Crypto for Congress initiative? Let us know in the comments section below.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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Stacking Satoshis: Leveraging Defi Applications to Earn More Bitcoin | Featured – Bitcoin News

As decentralized finance (defi) has become more popular, digital currency proponents are making money off of more than 140 yield-bearing cryptocurrencies. While most of the defi ecosystem revolves around the Ethereum network, a number of people leverage these defi applications in order to earn more bitcoin. The following list is a few defi platforms that allow individuals to stack satoshis by utilizing liquidity pools and lending apps.

A great number of people hold bitcoin (BTC) for a long period of time whether in a noncustodial wallet or with a custodian like an exchange. However, these days a lot of individuals are earning interest on their cryptocurrencies via defi apps rather than letting the assets sit dormant in a wallet or exchange.

As mentioned above decentralized finance (defi) has been very prominent within the Ethereum ecosystem, but there are ways people can stack satoshis by yield-producing applications.

However, in order to specifically use a defi application to gain more BTC, the user will have to utilize a tokenized version of the asset. Or they can trade and use another token that uses the ERC20 token standard. Tokenized bitcoin projects include WBTC, renBTC, hBTC, sBTC, imBTC, tBTC, and pBTC.

BTC investors can earn a yield without using tokenized BTC assets, but the platforms that offer direct interest for BTC are centralized exchanges (cex) and are custodial. For instance, data shows that BTC holders can deposit coins on Coinlist, Cred, Blockfi, Bitfinex,, and Poloniex and earn a 30-day average yield rate of 0.8% to 8.5% depending on the platform chosen.

In mid-August, published a comprehensive, deep dive into crypto earning, staking, and interest-bearing accounts.

Now if the person wants to leverage a defi application, one that allows for lending and earning yields by providing liquidity, they can transfer the funds they want to use into ethereum (ETH) or an ERC20. If the individual wants to gather yield off of 10 BTC ($105k) they can swap the coins for a touch over 30 ETH (using todays exchange rates) and again swap for something like WBTC, renBTC, or hBTC.

Now most of the tokenized bitcoin assets today can be used on nearly any defi liquidity or lending provider built on Ethereum.

With most of the tokenized bitcoin assets, users can leverage defi applications like Uniswap, Aave, Compound, Balancer, and more. Both lending providers and liquidity pools will offer different interest rates depending on the deposited amount.

Unlike using a cex platform, to earn interest, the defi applications can be done in a noncustodial fashion via a wallet like Metamask. However, cex platforms are the only services that will pay earnings directly in BTC.

If you happen to transfer funds into Ethereum and your ultimate goal is to end up selling the earnings for BTC, then leveraging these schemes with an ERC20 based stablecoin will produce a better APY.

For instance, shows the best lending rates stem from DAI and USDC and they are the most profitable yield-bearing cryptocurrencies on defi platforms. The web portal offers insight into over 666 yield-producing providers as well. Data stemming from also shows stablecoin assets provide a better yield.

Even cex applications like will offer a much higher APY for stablecoin balances, as opposed to cryptos like BTC, BCH, or ETH.

Ultimately there are ways bitcoiners can earn satoshis by leveraging defi, but they have to either transfer funds into alternative blockchain assets, tokenize their BTC, or leverage a centralized custodian in order to yield directly from BTC deposits.

What do you think about the list of defi applications that let users produce yields? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons,,,

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