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Column: A new era of electric vehicles could be on the way – Gainesville Times

In China, I was fascinated by the use of electric scooters everywhere. Students were zipping past me at considerable speed, with tires making the only sound. At night, walking across campus could be a challenge. Like phantoms, people on dark scooters crossed my path unexpectedly, making me jump aside. They were reluctant to turn their lights on because it would use some of the battery power that they needed for travel.

And theres the problem. When you run low on gas, a 5-minute fill-up at a gas station will get you going again for a long time. Electric vehicles require a recharge, and depending on the kind of charger thats used, it can take hours. Batteries for electric cars are improving significantly, though. The latest lithium-ion types provide a range of more than 200 miles.

For those of us who are planning to build their own electric car, there are some choices. One could make do with a 100-mile range, using 14 standard lead-acid batteries. This comes with a substantial amount of weight, although it eliminates the need for a fuel system, exhaust pipes, and a transmission. A high-grade lithium-ion battery will double the range. Prices have been dropping continuously, currently at $156 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance. This means that if you want the latest 68 kWh battery pack like the one used in the 2020 Nissan Leaf Plus, youll still pay $10,000 for that part alone. The engine-less 1971 VW Beetle body I have waiting to be converted into an electric car will probably be more modest. Classic Beetles have traditionally been near-impossible to heat and air-condition anyway, so theres no anticipation of electricity use by those two power-hungry consumers.

A new light on the horizon comes in the form of the quantum battery. This latest invention relies on quantum physics instead of chemical reactions like the current batteries. Essentially, the principle is based on the energy exchange between electrons and photons on the atomic scale. Quantum batteries dont lose power over time. Companies working on this innovation, including Tesla, Panasonic and Toyota, are tight-lipped about details and current status of the project. Dont expect to be able to buy a quantum battery at your local autoparts store soon. But it looks like a new, more powerful option for running electric vehicles may be coming.

Rudi Kiefer, Ph.D., is a professor at Brenau University, teaching physical and health sciences on Brenaus Georgia campuses and in China. His column appears Sundays and at

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Column: A new era of electric vehicles could be on the way - Gainesville Times

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Diamonds Are a Quantum Scientist’s Best Friend: Discovery May Revolutionize the High-Tech Industry – SciTechDaily

Professor Somnath Bhattacharyya next to the vapor deposition chamber that is used to produce diamonds in the lab. Credit: Wits University

The discovery of triplet spin superconductivity in diamonds has the potential to revolutionize the high-tech industry.

Diamonds have a firm foothold in our lexicon. Their many properties often serve as superlatives for quality, clarity, and hardiness. Aside from the popularity of this rare material in ornamental and decorative use, these precious stones are also highly valued in industry where they are used to cut and polish other hard materials and build radiation detectors.

More than a decade ago, a new property was uncovered in diamonds when high concentrations of boron are introduced to it superconductivity. Superconductivity occurs when two electrons with opposite spin form a pair (called a Cooper pair), resulting in the electrical resistance of the material being zero. This means a large supercurrent can flow in the material, bringing with it the potential for advanced technological applications. Yet, little work has been done since to investigate and characterize the nature of a diamonds superconductivity and therefore its potential applications.

New research led by Professor Somnath Bhattacharyya in the Nano-Scale Transport Physics Laboratory (NSTPL) in the School of Physics at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, details the phenomenon of what is called triplet superconductivity in diamond. Triplet superconductivity occurs when electrons move in a composite spin state rather than as a single pair. This is an extremely rare, yet efficient form of superconductivity that until now has only been known to occur in one or two other materials, and only theoretically in diamonds.

Professor Somnath Bhattacharyya next to a dilution fridge a specialised piece of equipment that enables quantum properties of diamond. Credit: Wits University

In a conventional superconducting material such as aluminum, superconductivity is destroyed by magnetic fields and magnetic impurities, however triplet superconductivity in a diamond can exist even when combined with magnetic materials. This leads to more efficient and multifunctional operation of the material, explains Bhattacharyya.

The teams work has recently been published in an article in the New Journal of Physics, titled Effects of Rashba-spin-orbit coupling on superconducting boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond films: evidence of interfacial triplet superconductivity. This research was done in collaboration with Oxford University (UK) and Diamond Light Source (UK). Through these collaborations, beautiful atomic arrangement of diamond crystals and interfaces that have never been seen before could be visualized, supporting the first claims of triplet superconductivity.

Professor Somnath Bhattacharyya and members of the Wits Nano-Scale Transport Physics Lab. They are Professor Yorick Hardy, Dr Christopher Coleman, Kayleigh Mathieson and Professor Somnath Bhattacharyya. Credit: Wits University

Practical proof of triplet superconductivity in diamonds came with much excitement for Bhattacharyya and his team. We were even working on Christmas day, we were so excited, says Davie Mtsuko. This is something that has never been before been claimed in diamond, adds Christopher Coleman. Both Mtsuko and Coleman are co-authors of the paper.

Despite diamonds reputation as a highly rare and expensive resource, they can be manufactured in a laboratory using a specialized piece of equipment called a vapor deposition chamber. The Wits NSTPL has developed their own plasma deposition chamber which allows them to grow diamonds of a higher than normal quality making them ideal for this kind of advanced research.

This finding expands the potential uses of diamond, which is already well-regarded as a quantum material. All conventional technology is based on semiconductors associated with electron charge. Thus far, we have a decent understanding of how they interact, and how to control them. But when we have control over quantum states such as superconductivity and entanglement, there is a lot more physics to the charge and spin of electrons, and this also comes with new properties, says Bhattacharyya. With the new surge of superconducting materials such as diamond, traditional silicon technology can be replaced by cost effective and low power consumption solutions.

The induction of triplet superconductivity in diamond is important for more than just its potential applications. It speaks to our fundamental understanding of physics. Thus far, triplet superconductivity exists mostly in theory, and our study gives us an opportunity to test these models in a practical way, says Bhattacharyya.

Reference: Effects of Rashba-spinorbit coupling on superconducting boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond films: evidence of interfacial triplet superconductivity by Somnath Bhattacharyya, Davie Mtsuko, Christopher Allen and Christopher Coleman, 14 September 2020, New Journal of Physics.DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/abafe9

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Diamonds Are a Quantum Scientist's Best Friend: Discovery May Revolutionize the High-Tech Industry - SciTechDaily

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Beyond Homo Sapiens A Slightly Different Roll of the Darwinian Dice (Weekend Feature) – The Daily Galaxy –Great Discoveries Channel

Any extraterrestrial organisms we find will be made of the same atoms we are, observes Harvards Center for Astrophysics, Avi Loeb, about the recent detection of a potential biosignature in the atmosphere of Venus, the nearest planet to Earth where NASA is currently considering sending a spacecraft.

Microbes may reside there in the Venusian cloud deck 35 miles above ground level, where the temperature and pressure are similar to what they are in the lower atmosphere of Earth, writes Loeb in Scientific American, in droplets at a density that is orders of magnitude smaller than in air on Earth; if so, they could have common ancestry to terrestrial life, given that asteroids occasionally graze the atmospheres of both planets, potentially transferring material from one to the other.

This week, though, three independent studies announced that they have failed to find evidence of phosphine in the Venusian atmosphere, casting doubt on whether the gas could be produced by alien microbes.

Venus The Solar Systems First Habitable Planet

Yet recent research by Yale astronomers suggests that our Moon may harbor clues that Venus described by Stephen Hawking as Earths kissing cousin may have had an Earth-like environment billions of years ago, with water and a thin atmosphere. Their findings follow research suggesting that our sister planet may have been the solar systems first habitable planet.

Clues to Alien Life Billions of Fragments of Venus May Exist on the Moon

Darwins Dice

The possibility of current or past life on Venus raises a hotly debated question of how closely extraterrestrial life would evolve to resemble that on Earth, with some scientists, such as Harvards evolutionary theorist, Stephen Jay Gould, who argued that with a slightly different roll of the Darwinian dice, earth would have been inhabited by creatures unimaginable, while others such as Charles S. Cockell, an astrobiologist at the University of Edinburgh and Director of the UK Center for Astrobiology, conjecture that if there is biology elsewhere in the universe we would find it strikingly familiar down to the carbon-based machinery in its cells. All life is simply living matter, material capable of reproducing and evolving.

Alien Evolution Advanced Life Will Mirror Homo Sapiens

Physics of Life

In his book, The Equations of Life: How Physics Shapes Evolution, Cockell conjectures that the cosmos if populated, would harbor creatures more like like those lined up at Mos Eisleys dimly-lit cantina on the Star Wars planet Tatooine. No matter how different the conditions on distant worlds, suggests Cockell, all life being living matter material capable of reproducing and evolvingis presumably subject to the same laws of physics from quantum mechanics to thermodynamics and the laws of gravity.

Early Earth was covered with carbonaceous material from meteorites and comets that provided the raw materials from which first life emerged. In his book, The Eerie Silence, astrophysicist Paul Davies echoes Harvards Gould suggesting that the original cells would have been able to pick and choose from the early Earths organic cocktail. To the best of our knowledge, he writes, the twenty-one chosen by known life do not constitute a unique set; other choices could have been made, and maybe were made if life started elsewhere many times.

Physics of Alien Life

Biologys Great Mystery

Cockell writes George Johnson for the New York Times, lucidly addresses biologys great mystery: If we grant that life is an interplay of chance and necessity, in the words of the French biochemist Jacques Monod, then which has the upper hand? In a nod to Monod, Cockel argues that even at this deep level, the possibilities of life were tightly circumscribed. Rerun the tape of evolution, and DNA, RNA, ATP, the Krebs cycle the rigmarole of Biology 101 would probably arise again, here or in distant worlds. Single cells would then join together, seeking the advantages of metazoan life, until before you know it something like the earthly menagerie would come to be.

The Daily Galaxy, Jake Burba, via Scientific American and New York Times Science

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Beyond Homo Sapiens A Slightly Different Roll of the Darwinian Dice (Weekend Feature) - The Daily Galaxy --Great Discoveries Channel

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Sumit Das to Deliver 2019-20 A&S Distinguished Professor Lecture on ‘Deconstructing Space-Time’ – UKNow

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Oct. 20, 2020) Sumit R. Das, the Jack and Linda Gill Professor in the University of Kentucky Department of Physics and Astronomy, is serving as the 2019-20 UK College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor and will deliver the annual Distinguished Professor Lecture next week.

The lecture, titled Deconstructing Space-Time, will be held 7-8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 29, on Zoom.

Developments in theoretical physics over the past couple of decades have led to a set of ideas that "space" is not a fundamental notion, but arises as an emergent concept from more abstract entities. This view has led to remarkable progress in reconciling the laws of gravity with the principles of quantum mechanics and has shed valuable light on puzzles related to black holes. This talk will discuss the historical origins of some of these ideas and recent results that have enriched our understanding of the fundamental laws of nature.

Das received his bachelor's and master's degrees in physics from the University of Calcuttaand his doctorate from the University of Chicago in 1984. After postdoctoral positions at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratories and California Institute of Technology, he joined the faculty of Tata Institute of Fundamental Research inMumbai in 1987. In 2002 he moved to the University of Kentucky as a full professor. He served as the department chair from 2013 to 2017. Over the years he has held visiting professor positions in several institutions around the world.His research has meandered through several areas of theoretical physics: the theory of strong interactions, string theory, quantum aspects of black holes and aspects of nonequilibrium phenomena. He has published more than 140 research papers, several chapters in books and two encyclopedia articles. He is a recipient of the S.S. Bhatnagar Award and a fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences.

To register for the lecture, visit

Since 1944, the College of Arts and Sciences has recognized the accomplishments of its faculty in the humanities, social sciences, and natural and mathematical sciences, with the Distinguished Professor Award. The award is the highest professional recognition offered by the college and is bestowed on the basis of three criteria: outstanding research, exceptionally effective teaching and distinguished professional service.

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Sumit Das to Deliver 2019-20 A&S Distinguished Professor Lecture on 'Deconstructing Space-Time' - UKNow

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The many paths of muon math | symmetry magazine – Symmetry magazine

Like racecars on a track, thousands of particles called muons zip around an experiments giant 50-foot circular magnet at 99.9% of the speed of light. After making a few hundred laps in less than a millisecond, the muons decay and are soon replaced by another bunch.

The goal of the experiment, Fermilab Muon g-2, is to better understand the properties of muons, which are essentially heavier versions of electrons, and use them to probe the limitations of the Standard Model of particle physics. Specifically, physicists want to know about the muons magnetic momentthat is, how much do they rotate on their axes in a powerful magnetic field as they race around the magnet?

In 2001, an experiment at the US Department of Energys Brookhaven National Lab found that the muons turned more than theory predicted. The result surprised the physics community: If there really were a discrepancy, it could be a hint of new physics, like some as-yet-unknown particle influencing the muon. Two decades later, physicists hope to resolve the matter. Fermilab Muon g-2 aims to quadruple the precision of the 2001 finding and determine whether experiment really disagrees with theory.

Theres another side to the search thoughone thats carried out not with particle accelerators and giant magnets, but with equations on blackboards and computer simulations. Since 2016, another group of physicists has been trying to update the theoretical prediction of the muons magnetic moment by combining the efforts of several groups.

In June, the Muon g-2 Theory Initiative, which comprises 132 physicists across 82 institutions, published its first prediction: They calculated the muons anomalous magnetic moment, or ,to be 116,591,810x10-11. The value differs subtly, but significantly from the 2001 experiment, which found to be 116,592,089x10-11. (Thats a difference of less than 3parts permillion, for those keeping score at home.)

This is the first time that the entire community has come together and reached a consensus on the Standard Model prediction of this quantity, says Aida X. El-Khadra, a physicist at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and cofounder of the Theory Initiative. Previously, individual groups produced their own predictions of , which differed slightly from one another.

By combining their efforts, physicists in the Theory Initiative hope that theyll be able to come up with an ultra-precise prediction to complement the forthcoming result from the Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment. Both the experiment and the theory initiative receive support from DOEs Office of Science.

But just how do physicists predict something like the muons magnetic moment, and why does it take 132 of them?

Illustration by Sandbox Studio, Chicago with Ariel Davis

The first calculations of particle magnetic moments came in the 1920s, when physicists were just beginning to develop relativistic quantum mechanics. British theoretical physicist Paul Dirac, building on the work of Llewellyn Thomas and others, found the ultimate equation describing the electron and its spinthen conceived of as the electrons internal rotationand its magnetic moment. Dirac predicted this number, called g, to be exactly 2.

But atomic spectroscopy experiments soon found that g differedfrom that prediction by about 0.1%a so-called anomalous magnetic moment, e. In 1947, Julian Schwinger developed a theoretical explanation: The electron could emit and then reabsorb a virtual photon, which slightly changed its interaction with a magnetic field.

Every way that something can happen in nature will happen, says Tom Blum, a theoretical physicist at the University of Connecticut. If a particle starts from here and gets to there, it can take all possible paths to get from there to there. And what quantum field theory tells us is how to weight those paths.

The emission and absorption of a single virtual photon is just the most straightforward of these possible particle paths. Since Schwinger, physicists have been working to calculate increasingly unlikely possible paths that a particle can take. Ironically, the way they think about these paths is with a tool of Schwingers rival, Richard Feynman. To illustrate the paths and calculate their probabilities, Feynman developed his eponymously named diagrams.

Here, the Feynman diagram represents a muon (the Greek letter mu) moving left to right in a magnetic field (the squiggly line, which also denotes a photon).

The Feynman diagram for Schwingers path is slightly more complicatedthis time theres a squiggly blue line, the virtual photon being emitted and absorbed by the muon. This contributes approximately 0.00116 to . This is the vast majority of muons anomalous magnetic moment.

To make the task manageable, the Theory Initiative segmented the task of calculating the muons magnetic moment into each component. To get down to a precision of about 100 parts in a billion, physicists have had to calculate a lot more than just a single virtual photon.

Contributions to the anomalous magnetic moment come from the three different interactions the strong interaction, the weak interaction and quantum electrodynamics all contribute, Blum says.

There was at one point some thought that gravity would have an impact, but further investigation proved its role was too small.

Quantum electrodynamics, or QED, covers all the possible ways a photon can interact with a muon. To get better precision, physicists can account for more virtual photons. Each additional virtual photon has about 1/137th the chance of being produced and reabsorbed, so a Feynman diagram with two virtual photons contributes about 1 / 137 * 137to , three virtual photons contribute 1 / 137 * 137* 137, and so on. Physicists have even gone all the way to five virtual photons.

With five virtual photons, there are more than 10,000 possible paths, so there are a corresponding number of Feynman diagrams to calculate. Possibilities abound because virtual photons can split into a virtual electron and a virtual positron (the antimatter counterpart to an electron). This virtual pair can then annihilate back into a virtual photon. Describing these complex paths requires loops and squiggles that arc over each other. Five-photon Feynman diagrams look less like a traditional particle physics schematic and more like abstract art.

The weak force, which governs the radioactive decay of nuclei, also plays a role in influencing the muons magnetic moment. Unlike QED, which is mediated by the massless photon, the weak force is mediated by the massive W and Z bosons, which each weigh about 90 times the mass of a proton. The fact that the bosons are heavy makes it extremely unlikely that the muon would emit and absorb a virtual W or Z boson. But occasionally, it does happen.

Both QED and the contribution from the weak force can be calculated to extremely high precision. The process is arduous, but physicists can calculate a good deal of the interactions simply by hand. Thats not the case with contributions from particles bound together by the strong force called hadrons, which represent the majority of uncertainty in the calculation of the muons anomalous magnetic moment.

Gluons, the particles that mediate the strong force, are described by the rules of quantum chromodynamics, or QCD. Unlike photons in QED, gluons can interact with one another. Trying to calculate QCD processes by hand is effectively impossible, because the self-interacting gluons throw everything out of whack.

The reason why we need a collaborative effort is because the hadronic corrections cannot be calculated from first principle QCD on a blackboard, says El-Khadra.

There are two main types of hadronic corrections: vacuum polarization corrections and light by light corrections. In vacuum polarization, the muon emits a virtual photon, which decays into a quark and antiquark. These quarks and antiquarks exchange gluons, turning into a frothing blob of hadronic matter such as pions and kaons. Finally, the virtual blob of hadronic matter ends when a quark and antiquark annihilate back into a virtual photon, which is finally absorbed by the muon.

Light by light contributions are perhaps some of the strangest. From the outside, it looks as if two virtual photons are emitted by a muon, interact, and are then absorbed. Whats going on here?

When we look around us the reason why we can see very well is because photonsto a large degreedon't interact with each other, says Christoph Lehner, a physicist at Brookhaven National Lab and cofounder of the Theory Initiative.

But if the two virtual photons get caught in a quark loop, each converting to a virtual quark and virtual antiquark, they can form a blob of hadronic matter. If the virtual quarks and virtual antiquarks annihilate back into virtual photons, the two will appear to have bounced off of one another, interacting in a forbidden way.

Traditionally, hadronic corrections to were calculated using so-called dispersion relations. Physicists modeling the virtual blob of hadronic matter would turn to experiments where real blobs of hadronic matter were created. Real blobs are produced in experiments where electrons collide with positrons, creating a spray of hadronic matter. Experiments like BaBar, KLOE and now Belle II all provide this kind of data, which physicists have scoured to better understand the virtual blobs.

Recently, another method for calculating messy hadronic blobs has become viable, thanks to increasingly powerful computers and improved algorithms. Lattice QCD is a method for essentially simulating the blob from the ground up. Physicists write in the properties of the particles and the forces that govern them, set up a giant sandbox (a lattice) that the system can evolve in, and let it run. Lattice QCD is hugely computationally intensiveto produce a precise simulation, supercomputers have to calculate all of the gluon interchanges, a task that was impossible by hand.

Because its a simulation of the real world from first principles, its in that sense very similar to an experiment, according to Lehner.

One benefit is that physicists can be confident that their approach provides an answer to the question. The downsides, as in any experiment, are systematic errorsand the amount of resources required. Finding computer time is easier said than done, but at the end of the day, lattice QCD is approaching the precision of the dispersion relation method.

In February, a lattice QCD group claimed to have a result for hadronic contributions in serious conflict with the predictions of dispersive relations. Almost immediately, a flurry of other publications discussing and challenging the result followed. The June paper from the Theory Initiative does not address the potential inconsistency, but lattice QCD researchers are hard at work trying to replicate the result.

At the end of the day, when the experimentalists finish analyzing the data from the Muon g-2 experiment, theyll compare against the theoretical value to see if theres still a significant discrepancy. The hope, for many, is that they continue to disagree, opening a window for new physics.

Editor's note: The sentence"That's a difference of less than 3 parts per million, for those keeping score at home," has been updated to correct the number.


The many paths of muon math | symmetry magazine - Symmetry magazine

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Of Science, Philosophy and Revelation – Greater Kashmir

Theoretical physicists tell us that at least 95% of the Universe is dark matter and dark energy, of which we know nothing. The remaining 5% is what we know, and we know it through mathematical calculations, approximations and speculations. In these mathematical calculations, many suppositions have been made, many approximations have been introduced and many a time even unfounded constants have been used by theoretical physicists and mathematicians. Of this 5%, only a negligible portion have we actually seen through telescope.

Again, through the telescope we see what existed in the past. Except for a few cases, nobody knows whether a star that we see in a telescope exists at this time or not. But when it comes to religion bashing, some scientists and those driven by militant-atheist ideology make big claims like heaven and hell do not exist, we couldnt find them anywhere in the Universe, God did not create this Universe etc. Some have gone to the extent of claiming that God does not exist at all. They say things are driven by natural laws. I wonder which laws those which General Theory of Relativity has already shown as being inconsistent, those which contradict each other. Even if we consider everything is driven by exactly these laws who in the first place created these laws, who put them into place, who established them?

Let us talk of matter. What is matter? Nobody knows. No scientist knows. Up to the start of 20th century, it was thought we know everything about matter. Then came Plank and Heisenberg and destroyed all our fantasies. Quantum Mechanics told us that we know nothing of the true nature of matter and we cant know anything. It has been nearly 100 years since Quantum Mechanics came into existence and we havent moved even an inch further. Even today, in the 21st century, we know nothing of the true nature of matter. Gone are the days when we used to say matter means atoms, an atom has proton, neutron and electron; gone even are the days when it was held true that it is all about quarks, electrons, neutrinos & bosons and we know about each of them. Quantum Mechanics told us how ignorant we are. It told us the only thing we know to some extent is interaction of particles and this knowledge of interaction has led to all technology that we see around. The more we know about the Universe, the more we realize how little we know. Encyclopedia of Ignorance also points out to this fact.

At the end of 17th century, Newton introduced the concept of Gravity. At that time, we thought we understood all. Now, three centuries have passed but still no one knows what actually gravity is and what is its cause!

We were told by theoretical physicists that all is controlled by four forcesfour fundamental forces of nature as they had put itgravitational force, electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force. But then in the latter part of 20th century, it was said that there are only three forces and now it is being proposed that may be it is only one force and we had understood all incorrectly.

Newtonian Physics told us that Universe is static and it didnt have any starting point, it always existed which directly or indirectly meant no one created this universe. This theory along with Darwinian Theory of Natural Selection made belief in God and religion somewhat incompatible with science. Centuries passed like this but then we realized it was all untrue. Universe had a beginning and seems to have an end too. Einsteins Theory of Relativity clearly implied that the Universe had a beginning and is expanding from the very first moment of its creation (later established by Hubbles observation) but perhaps because of his agnostic beliefs Einstein didnt challenge the Static Universe theory and perhaps because of the same reason he felt disturbed by the very concept of quantum mechanics.

More than a century has passed, the missing links in the concept of Evolution are still missing. This concept and how it is taught is also put to question, its validity under doubt. Some evidences seem to support it, others seem to disprove it. No final conclusion. Then it was suggested we should continue with this theory until a better one comes to fore.

J.W.N. Sullivan has put it aptly, A true scientific theory merely means a successful working hypothesis. It is highly probable that all scientific theories are wrong.

We have famed scientists like Stephen Hawking who made typical militant-atheist type attacks on the concept of God and religion. We have honest Noble Laureate scientists like Einstein who when asked whether he was an atheist, denied that and said I am agnostic. We have incredible Noble Laureate scientists like Heisenberg who vividly said that science and religion are not in conflict with each other, they complement each other. Sir James Jeans also tried to elaborate on the same.

Philosophy: Though philosophy is a separate field of study but here I consider its mention a compulsion. Philosophers from time immemorial have tried to tell us about the meaning this universe carries, about God and about religion. Philosophy relies on imagination. Science relies on observation and experimentation. We must acknowledge the fact that when science has failed to tell us anything about God, religion, the absolute reality and the meaning which this Universe carries how can philosophy (which in front of science doesnt stand anywhere)! When we critically read various philosophies concerning God and religion we realize it is all conjecture. Neither does it have a solid foundation nor does it lead us to conclusive results.

Conclusion: Neither science nor philosophy can lead us to any substantive understanding of God or of religion. It is God and God alone who can truly guide us in this matter. This necessarily implies that it is only and only Revelation that can show us the path.

The author has a PhD from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi and teaches Computer Engineering at Islamic University of Science and Technology, Awantipora.

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Of Science, Philosophy and Revelation - Greater Kashmir

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In Waterloo they’re looking for nature’s deepest and weirdest secrets – National Observer

Tim Hsieh, a theoretical physicist, pauses when asked what he studies for a living.

"It's pretty tricky, to be honest," acknowledges Hsieh, a faculty member at the newly created Clay Riddell Centre for Quantum Matter at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ont.

"It's kind of a different way of thinking about physics. Quantum matter is a very different philosophy."

But there's no hesitation when he talks about the possibilities that may emerge from the brains and blackboards at the centre.

"This is one of the most open-minded places I've ever been."

The centre is the result of a $10-million donation announced this week from the Riddell Family Foundation set up by Clay Riddell, who was a Calgary businessman and philanthropist.

It's the largest single donation since the institute's founding two decades ago. The money will aid Canadian researchers to probe some of the deepest and strangest properties of the world within the atom and, maybe, make breakthroughs toward a next generation of supercomputers or impossibly efficient power grids.

Quantum mechanics is what happens to physics when it gets really, really small, said centre director Rob Myers.

"When you go to the scale of atoms or even smaller, the rules of how the universe works change."

Predictions go from certainties to probabilities. Seemingly unconnected particles affect each other in ways Isaac Newton never dreamed of and that Albert Einstein once called "spooky action at a distance."

Understanding that spooky action is what scientists like Hsieh and others at the new centre are doing. The results, said Myers, will be profound.

Quantum computers will be able to do calculations that would take traditional computers thousands of years. Ultrasensitive quantum sensors could reshape medicine or environmental monitoring.

Quantum cybersecurity could be virtually unhackable. Quantum-based superconductors could transmit electricity without losing any of it.

The institute has already been an integral part of research that brought the world its first images of a black hole.

But the best stuff probably hasn't even been thought of yet, Myers said. Think of how cellphones science fiction a generation ago have changed society.

"We hope the theoretical work we're doing here builds the foundation for the cellphones of the future. (Our scientists) are thinking about the big questions and swinging for the fences."

Hsieh said his work, day to day, isn't that grandiose. He reads others' research and confers with both theoretical and experimental colleagues.

"Also, a lot of daydreaming," he said, "hopefully constructive. It's a very non-linear process. You just keep following your nose and what you think is fundamentally interesting."

The value of places such as the new centre is in bringing people together who are looking at similar phenomena from different angles and letting them work things out, Hsieh said.

"When you bring together a group of people, you have a lot of inspiration from ways of looking at the same material a lot of flow of ideas."

The institute and its new Riddell Centre are one of very few places in the world where this kind of work goes on, he said.

"People (here) have no boundaries and they're very willing to listen to your work," said Hsieh. "When you couple that to this field of quantum matter, you really get a lot of potential for breakthroughs with high, real-world impacts."

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Oct. 16, 2020.

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In Waterloo they're looking for nature's deepest and weirdest secrets - National Observer

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Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage Integrated With Facebook as Photo and Video Transfer Destination – PRNewswire

SAN MATEO, Calif., Oct. 22, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Backblaze, the cloud provider beloved by storage professionals, announced a new Facebook integration to help people transfer a copy of their photos and videos from the social media platform to secure, encrypted storage in a matter of clicks.

With Facebook being the longstanding and primary content sharing platform for billions, this new integration provides a simple solution for storing years of precious dataprecious memories, reallyfor the long-term.

Facebook users seeking to exercise greater control over their media will find that this data portability integration enables:

What's more, users need not fear hefty ongoing storage billsfiles are sent to Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage, which offers a standard 10 GB of free capacity, then just $5/TB per month.

"We've been helping people safely store their photos and videos in our cloud for almost as long as Facebook has been providing the means to post content," said Gleb Budman, Co-Founder and CEO, Backblaze. "For people on Facebook who want more choice in hosting their data outside the platform, we're happy to make our cloud a seamlessly available destination."

The new secure data transfer service to Backblaze, based on code Facebook developed through the open source Data Transfer Project, is live today.

Current Backblaze customers can initiate data transfers within Facebook via Settings & Privacy > Settings / Your Facebook Information / Transfer a Copy of Your Photos or Videos / Choose Destination / Backblaze.

Individuals and companies that seek to learn more about Backblaze's award-winning personal and business cloud storage services can get started here.

Media Contacts:Patrick Thomas, Head of PublishingEmail: [emailprotected] Jeremy Milk, Head of Product MarketingEmail: [emailprotected]

About Backblaze

Backblaze provides award-winning cloud storage to businesses and consumers. Founded in 2007 to help make backup more accessible, the company's B2 Cloud Storage is purpose-built to provide simple, reliable, and affordable object storage. Customers can escape the cloud oligarchy and enjoy quality storage that's priced so they don't have to choose between what matters and what doesn't for backup & archive, data organization, workflow streamlining, and more. Backblaze now has more than an exabyte of data under management for customers including American Public Television, PagerDuty, and Patagonia. Backblaze is headquartered in San Mateo, CA.

SOURCE Backblaze Cloud Storage

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Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage Integrated With Facebook as Photo and Video Transfer Destination - PRNewswire

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Enterprise Data Cloud Storage Software Market is projected to grow at High CAGR during the forecast period, 2026 | MailChimp, Constant Contact,…

A new report titled, Global Enterprise Data Cloud Storage Software Market Professional Report 2020-2025 has been added by Garner Insights in its database of research reports. The report studies the market and highlights the strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities in a profound manner. In addition, the report performs both primary and exhaustive secondary research to analyze the market thoroughly.

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The research methodology used to examine and forecast the Global Enterprise Data Cloud Storage Software Market beings with collecting data on major players through secondary research. Some of the secondary sources used in this report to extract information include facts from different journals and databases.

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The report calculates the size of the Global Enterprise Data Cloud Storage Software Market using a bottom-up approach, where data from various end-user industries and its applications across product types were recorded. This data was sourced from the industry experts and company representatives and externally validated through studying historical data of these product types and applications for getting an appropriate size of the Global Enterprise Data Cloud Storage Software Market. The report conducted secondary research from sources such as company website, news articles, financial reports, press releases, investor presentations, and company annual reports.

This report forecasts revenue growth at the global, regional, and local levels and provides an analysis of the most recent industry trends from 2020 to 2025 in each of the segments and sub-segments.Some of the major geographies included in the market are given below:

North America (U.S., Canada)Europe (U.K., Germany, France, Italy)Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia)Latin America (Brazil, Mexico)Middle East & Africa

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The objectives of the study are as follows:

To identify, determine, and forecast the Global Enterprise Data Cloud Storage Software Market segments based on its type, sub-type, technology used, applications, end-users, and regions.To identify the factors influential in changing the market scenarios, development patterns, growth strategies, as well as highlighting the key companies instrumental to the market on a regional scale.To provide in-depth information with regards to the key factors influencing the growth of the Global Enterprise Data Cloud Storage Software Market (including drivers, restraints, threats, and opportunities).To examine the micro markets based on individuals growth trends, development patterns, future prospects, and contribution to the overall market.To study the opportunities in the market for different stakeholders and investors by determining the high-end growth segments and sub-segments.To thoroughly research the profiles of key players functioning in the market, along with their strategic initiatives and market shares.To determine and analyze the macro and micro factors that affects the Global Enterprise Data Cloud Storage Software Market.

About Garner Insights:Garner Insights is a Market Intelligence and consulting firm with an all-inclusive experience and vast knowledge of the market research industry. Our vast storage of research reports across various categories, gives you a complete view of the ever changing and developing trends and current topics worldwide. Our constant endeavor is to keep on improving our storage information by providing rich market reports and constantly improving them.

Contact Us:Mr. Kevin ThomasDirect:+1 513 549 5911 (US)+44 203 318 2846 (UK)Email:

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Enterprise Data Cloud Storage Software Market is projected to grow at High CAGR during the forecast period, 2026 | MailChimp, Constant Contact,...

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Cloud Storage Software Industry Market 2020: Industry Growth, Competitive Analysis, Future Prospects and Forecast 2026 – PRnews Leader

Market Study Report adds Global Cloud Storage Software Industry Market Research its online database. The report provides information on Industry Trends, Demand, Top Manufacturers, Countries, Material and Application.

The Cloud Storage Software Industry market report covers the key growth trends overseeing the profit curve of this business space in the upcoming years. It aims to provide insights about the various restraints as well as the opportunities to aid industry partakers in decision making and sound assessment. Moreover, the report investigates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the growth trajectory of the industry over the review period.

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Main pointers from COVID-19 impact analysis:

An overview of the regional landscape:


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Additional highlights from the Cloud Storage Software Industry market report:

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Contact Us:Corporate Sales,Market Study Report LLCPhone: 1-302-273-0910Toll Free: 1-866-764-2150 Email: [emailprotected]

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Cloud Storage Software Industry Market 2020: Industry Growth, Competitive Analysis, Future Prospects and Forecast 2026 - PRnews Leader

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