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Windows Admin Center is Coming to the Azure Portal –

At Ignite earlier this year, Microsoft announced that the Windows Admin Center is coming to the Azure portal. While the initial limited preview is now closed, here are some details that you can look forward to with this new functionality in the cloud.

The Windows Admin Center (WAC) is a complete reimagination of the built-in consoles (MMC) that are used to manage Windows Server. You might be familiar with the Event Viewer and Device Manager management consoles for example. WAC is a web app for managing either local or remote servers via a gateway that uses PowerShell Remoting and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) over WinRM.

The WAC gateway can be installed on Windows Server and Windows 10. WAC can manage Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, and Windows Server 2012. It can also manage Hyper-V Server, Azure VMs, Azure Backup, highly converged infrastructures (HCI), and much more.

Because the gateway is a webserver application, administrators can connect to it from the public Internet and the local area network. Connecting to a gateway, rather than directly to the nodes you want to manage, allows for more flexibility and the option to secure communications.

For more information on using WAC, check out Getting Started with the Windows Admin Center, How to Manage Azure VMs running Windows Server using the Windows Admin Center, and How to Install the Windows Admin Center in Server Core.

Microsoft announced at Ignite in September that Windows Admin Center is now available in preview in the Azure Portal. The limited preview program closed September 30th but hopefully we will see a public preview later this year or early in 2021. Prior to this update, it was only possible to manage VMs at the infrastructure level in the Azure Portal. But WAC in the Azure Portal lets administrators manage Windows Server, running in Azure virtual machines (VM), at a more granular level. For instance, you could manage server files, certificates, and view events. WAC gives you better oversight of Windows Server VMs right from within the Azure Portal.

WAC hosted in Azure lets administrators manage Windows Server VMs without connecting to servers using Remote Desktop or other management tools. It also provides the same administration experience for Windows Server VMs regardless of whether Windows Server is installed with the Desktop Experience role.

Not only does WAC in the Azure Portal make managing Windows Server VMs easier but it also means that administrators dont need to update WAC themselves. As a hosted service from Microsoft, WAC in Azure will always be up to date. Microsoft says that even in preview, WAC in the Azure will be backed by the support infrastructure that other Azure services benefit from to ensure reliability.

As more information becomes available and WAC in the Azure Portal enters public preview, Ill provide more details on Petri.

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Amazon: The Coming Graviton3 – Seeking Alpha

Nearly one year ago, I wrote an (AMZN) article titled "Amazon's Graviton2 CPU: This Time, It's For Real". In that article I put forth the theory that's Graviton2 CPU, based on ARM's Neoverse N1 architecture, was finally and truly competitive with established x86 server-room alternatives.

That has come to be true. Right now, if you list AWS Instances (for instance for on-demand usage), you'll see Graviton2 instances prominently displayed in large numbers, among the equivalent x86 alternatives from Intel (INTC) - m5 - and Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) - m5a. A small observation here, Graviton2 instances are up to 20% cheaper than Intel instances, and AMD instances are up to 10% cheaper than Intel instances as well.

Now, at the time I said that the Graviton2 would be competitive with x86 solutions, we still lacked some information. For instance, the Neoverse N1 core design was brought to market to be run at 3GHz. Yet, runs the Graviton2 at 2.5GHz, thus leaving out 20% performance headroom.

Also, to establish competitiveness, I used single-threaded benchmarks. After all, cloud server instances are "sold by the core". I arrived at a calculation which showed the Graviton would exceed traditional x86 performance by around 20% on that performance basis. However, that calculation was arrived at by using a theoretical 3.1GHz frequency, and chose to run it at 2.5GHz.

Still, boasts that the Graviton2 instances are faster than their x86 equivalent, while at the same time being cheaper. Indeed, boasts of a 40% price/performance lead, which would roughly imply a 20% gain from a lower price and a 20% gain from higher performance.

How can that be if is running the chips at a frequency that should erase all its performance lead? The answer is simple and interesting.

This happens because when sells you the use of a Graviton2 instance, for instance m6g.large, it's selling you access to "2 vCPUs". And when it sells you the equivalent m5.large or m5a.large instance, it also sells you access to "2 vCPUs". However, there's a difference between these "vCPUs". In Graviton2's case, each vCPU is a physical CPU core. In the x86 case, each vCPU is a thread on a hyperthreaded core (1 physical core handles 2 physical threads).

Well, it's easy to see that 1 core handling 2 hyperthreaded cores is a lot slower than 2 cores each handling one thread alone. Roughly speaking, 2 x86 cores with hyperthreading disabled (thus equivalent to 1 thread per physical core) will be around 35% faster (or more) than running them through 1 physical core with hyperthreading enabled.

Hence, follow me here:

This is consistent with's claims. It's also consistent with numerous testimonials on AWS's pages, even including Netflix among other well-known customers. Indeed, by and large these customers report higher performance gains than those claimed by

Here's a small sample of the many testimonials on the Graviton2. I highly recommend reading other testimonials as well:

Now, the above already explains Graviton2's growing popularity. But this article is about what will happen with Graviton3.

The Graviton3 will likely be based on ARM's Neoverse V1 architecture. As I wrote on my recent article titled "Intel And AMD: History Repeats - X86 Faces Obsolescence", the Neoverse V1 performance jump is so large that it's to be expected that the x86 world in general will face significant trouble. This trouble will be exacerbated in the server room.

Here, I should say that the server room of today is evolving to be like a smartphone/tablet. Yes, it sounds weird but that's what's happening. Let me explain

In the server room, higher core counts per CPU are highly sought after. This is obvious, as cloud providers "sell cores", and the more cores you have on each server, the fewer servers you need, thus keeping other costs lower.

So, more cores per CPU are a desirable thing and this is evolving fast (AMD is already up to 64 cores on a chip, so 128 vCPUs). The Graviton2 also has 64 cores in a chip. The Neoverse V1 enables 96 cores on a chip, so the Graviton3 might have 96 cores on a chip. But while the number of cores on a chip explodes quickly, the thermal constraint for each CPU -- which requires cooling -- remains roughly the same (for air cooling) at around 300W per chip, before more expensive water cooling is needed.

So, what happens when you have more cores but the same thermal constraint? You have less power available per core. It's basically the TDP divided by the number of cores, so on 64 cores you have 4.7W available per core (at most - less if you take other components into account). This starts going down towards the smartphone/tablet/low power laptop space. And who dominates there due to the higher efficiency needed to burn less power? ARM. At the other end, the cores being repurposed for server chips by Intel and AMD typically come from PC applications with fewer power constraints.

This very valid thesis was already explained by Nuvia, which then produced this compelling comparison showing the power and performance envelope of recent generation chips/cores:

You can see just how ugly the power/performance envelope looks for x86, even if improving.

Anyway, the Neoverse V1 should at least broadly keep the efficiency of a 2-generation old Neoverse N1 (based on the ARM A76 core, while the V1 will take its cues from the ARM X1), while delivering an extreme performance jump.

But what will happen to Graviton3's performance? Well, will have two choices:

Either performance increase will absolutely destroy existing x86 instances. Even new instances based on the EPYC Milan with Zen3 cores will have no chance. The performance uplift there is expected to be just 15-20%.

Now remember, in practice the Graviton2 already has a 20-40% performance advantage (because of 2 physical cores vs. 1 x86 hyperthreaded core). The Graviton3 will compound on this advantage while not even giving back the entire existing (Graviton2) performance advantage to the EPYC Milan

As a result, will likely boast at least a 50-80% performance advantage on the Graviton3 even over new generation x86 server instances.

To produce or run Graviton3's will remain cheaper for than to do the same with x86 chips. Thus, could likely keep the same 20% discount to entice even more migration towards the Graviton. However, it's also possible that could reap the benefits of an extreme performance advantage to just price the Graviton3 instances at the same price as the x86 instances.

When will the Graviton3 arrive? There aren't many clues to this. However, we can say the following:

Hence, it took about 9 months for the Graviton2 baby to show up.

So, if we draw a parallel for the Graviton3:

Right now, on AWS, the Graviton2 already constitutes the best performance/price alternative. This alternative won't be dethroned before the arrival of the Graviton3.

The Graviton3 will gain from the extreme jump in performance from ARM's Neoverse V1 architecture, before the Graviton2 is even caught on a performance or at least a price/performance basis.

Hence, as launches the Graviton3, the x86 instances in AWS will be fully outclassed. Then, it will be just a matter of whether customers can easily migrate their workloads to Graviton3 instances or not (which will depend on the availability of many other services). has been steadily increasing the range of instances and services the Graviton2 enables, of course.

Finally, other vendors will try to provide the same ARM architecture to other cloud providers. So, the pressure which first started at's AWS will then quickly spread to most cloud vendors.

In my view these dynamics are rather unstoppable.

Idea Generator is my subscription service. It's based on a unique philosophy (predicting the predictable) and seeks opportunities wherever they might be found, by taking into account both valuation (deeply undervalued situations) and a favorable thesis.

Idea Generator has beaten the S&P 500 by around 13% since inception (in May 2015). There is a no-risk, free, 14-day trial available for those wanting to check out the service.

Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

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Amazon: The Coming Graviton3 - Seeking Alpha

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Sophos Uncovers Attackers Targeting Non-Governmental Organizations in Myanmar With New ‘KilllSomeOne’ Backdoor – GlobeNewswire

Operators Used Four Different DLL Side-Loading Scenarios To Install And Execute New Malware After Removing A Resident PlugX Backdoor

Targets and Tools Suggest Adversaries are a Chinese APT Group

OXFORD, United Kingdom, Nov. 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sophos, a global leader in next-generation cybersecurity, has uncovered attackers using DLL side-loading to execute malicious code and install backdoors in the networks of targeted organizations. A report published today, A New APT uses DLL Side-loads to Killl Someone, outlines the discovery of four different DLL side-loading scenarios, which all share the same program database path and some of which carry a file named KilllSomeOne. The targeting of these attacksagainst non-governmental organizations and other organizations in Myanmarand other characteristics of the malware suggest that the attackers involved may be a Chinese APT group.

The attackers have implemented a spin on the side-loading methods often associated with Chinese threat actors and used in the well known PlugX backdoor. Two of the scenarios deliver a payload carrying a simple shell, while the other two carry a more complex set of malware that can install and execute the payload and collect data on the target. Combinations from both sets were used in the same attacks.

The malware also looks for a running process name starting with AAM, probably because earlier PlugX side-loading scenarios used the file name AAM Updates.exe. If the malware finds this file, it kills and deletes it. This suggests the KilllSomeOne backdoor was designed to remove earlier PlugX infections, either because the original attackers wanted to push out new code or because the attacks were implemented by a different group leveraging existing infrastructure.

The KilllSomeOne malware code includes several strings of plain text. The samples Sophos analyzed were written in poor English and with clear political messages. According to Sophos, it is unusual to find these types of political messages in what appears to be a nation-state threat, and it could mean less professional cybercriminals are involved or the attackers inserted the messages to misdirect security researchers.

This is an intriguing new discovery and a good reminder that the operators behind advanced targeted attacks rarely are a homogeneous pool or even see themselves as a single entity. Individual contributors come with very different skill sets and capabilities. Some of them are highly adept, while others are little more than your average cybercriminal, said Gabor Szappanos, threat research director, Sophos. The group responsible for the KilllSomeOne attacks doesnt fall clearly at either end of the spectrum. For instance, the perpetrators opted for fairly simple implementations in codingespecially in encrypting the payloadand the messages hidden in their samples are what youd expect from script kiddies. On the other hand, the targeting and deployment is that of a serious APT group. Its not clear from our analysis whether this group will eventually return to more traditional implants like PlugX or keep going with its own code.

Further information on KilllSomeOne can be found on SophosLabs Uncut whereSophos experts regularly publish their latest research and breakthrough findings. Threat researchers and IT managers can follow SophosLabs Uncut in real time on Twitter at @SophosLabs.

Human-led threat hunting and response help to identify and mitigate new and unknown threats. At Sophos, these experts are available through Sophos Managed Threat Response and Sophos Rapid Response services.

Additional Resources.

About SophosAs a worldwide leader in next-generation cybersecurity, Sophos protects more than 400,000 organizations of all sizes in more than 150 countries from todays most advanced cyber threats. Powered by SophosLabs a global threat intelligence and data science team Sophos cloud-native and AI-powered solutions secure endpoints (laptops, servers and mobile devices) and networks against evolving cyberattack techniques, including ransomware, malware, exploits, data exfiltration, active-adversary breaches, phishing, and more. Sophos Central, a cloud-native management platform, integrates Sophos entire portfolio of next-generation products, including the Intercept X endpoint solution and the XG next-generation firewall, into a single synchronized security system accessible through a set of APIs. Sophos has been driving a transition to next-generation cybersecurity, leveraging advanced capabilities in cloud, machine learning, APIs, automation, managed threat response, and more, to deliver enterprise-grade protection to any size organization. Sophos sells its products and services exclusively through a global channel of more than 53,000 partners and managed service providers (MSPs). Sophos also makes its innovative commercial technologies available to consumers via Sophos Home. The company is headquartered in Oxford, U.K. More information is available at

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Sophos Uncovers Attackers Targeting Non-Governmental Organizations in Myanmar With New 'KilllSomeOne' Backdoor - GlobeNewswire

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IBM Delivered An RDi Update, Too – IT Jungle

November 4, 2020Alex Woodie

Next week, IBM is planning to deliver the PTFs that include the functionality contained in the Technology Refreshes it just unveiled for IBM i 7.3 and 7.4 last month. You will want to stay on the lookout for those updates. But some of the capabilities that IBM announced in the TRs shipped months ago, including those for Rational Developer for i (RDi).

The latest release of RDi, or version, was included as a feature for IBM i 7.3 TR9 and IBM i 7.4 TR4. IBM, of course, announced those TRs on October 6 and says it plans to deliver them on November 13. However, that particular release of RDi was actually delivered back in late April, as you can see from Doug Bidwells IBM i PTF Guide.

So while RDi isnt exactly new, for the sake of completeness, we are giving it some virtual ink in these pages. Considering the speed at which the IBM i community sometimes adopts new technology, its quite possible that the capabilities contained in this release of RDi are new, at least to some of you.

RDi isnt a bombshell announcement, but it does include a host of minor new capabilities and updates that were requested by RPG and COBOL developers.

At the top of the list is support for the new RPG language features that IBM introduced with IBM i 7.3 TR9 and IBM i 7.4 TR4, which we told you about last week. This includes the FOR-EACH opcode (as well as %RANGE and %LIST built-in functions); the DEBUG(*RETVAL) control keyword; the EXPROPTS keyword enhancement; and the new REQPREXP command parameter. These RPG language features are delivered in the compilers, which are included in Rational Development Studio (5770-WDS) product.

IBM is also giving users the ability to launch Access Client Solutions (ACS) from RDi without requiring a separate Java runtime environment to be installed. This update is expected to help customers avoid a certain degree of Java runtime aggravation when dealing with RDi and ACS, which has become a critical tool for accessing IBM i functions, including open source software.

This release also brings the ability to open /copy and /include files from ILE RPG source code thats stored on the IFS.

Developers that have run into problems with content assist autoformatting their SQL code will be pleased to hear that SQL is no longer autoformatted. Formatting now only occurs when the user invokes the format action, IBM says.

IBM has fixed myriad other mostly minor issues with RDi, including: the display whitespace characters that makes it hard to see RPGLE source code; incorrected values in the properties view for a referenced field; embedded CRLF sequencies in SQL not being handled by the Remote Systems LPEX editor, and problems with editing RPGLE members that reference a copy member with DBCS characters.

You can view the complete list of fixes in RDi at this IBM website.

Tech Refresh Brings New RPG Features

Db2 And SQL Services Get Upgrades With TRs

How The Latest TRs Bolster The Core IBM i OS

Guru: RDi V9.6, Part 8 Better Ways To Copy Members, Manage LIBLs, and Find Preferences

IBM i PTF Guide, Volume 22, Number 18

Whats New with RDi Version

Tags: Tags: Access Client Solutions, ACS, COBOL, CRLF, DBCS, IBM i, ILE, Java, LPEX, Rational Developer for i, RDi, RPG, SQL

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Best Practices for Doing IBM i Cloud Backup & DRaaS Right

In the technology business for 30+ years including more than a decade in cloud backup and disaster recovery, weve learned a few things along the way. Here are best practices to follow and land mines to avoid.

With disk-to-disk technology, your backup data resides on disk drives, proven to be far more reliable than tapes. When your backup completes, you know the data is secure and accessible on the disk drive. With tapes you never really know if your data is usable until you try to restore it, at which point its too late.

Vendor offerings vary widely. Some are designed primarily for consumers and others for enterprise data centers. Choose a solution that scales and offers the features you need to provide the level of service you expect. De-duplication and delta-block technologies will improve performance, reduce your data footprint and save you money. Find out if their de-duplication offering is at the file level or the block level. Make sure the solution can back up servers, PCs, and laptops as well your applications.

Using encryption with tape makes backups run slowly and often takes too long to fit within a backup window. As a result, most people simply turn encryption off, creating a security risk. Even with the physical safety of disk-to-disk backup, encryption is essential. Look for 256-bit AES. Find a solution that encrypts your data during transmission and storage. Make certain there isnt a back door that would let someone else view your data.

You should have direct access to your backups, with no time spent on physical transport (no trucks, no warehouses). Restores should take minutes, not hours or days. Set yourself up to work with your data, not wait for it. Make sure your solution provider can meet your Return-to-Operations (RTO) and Recovery Point Objectives (RPO) which determine how quickly you can recover your data and maintain business continuity. Inquire about onsite and offsite replication that provide both improved performance and a solid disaster recovery strategy.

Your end-users are the weak link in your network security. Today, your employees are frequently exposed to advanced phishing attacks. Trend Micro reported that 91% of successful data breaches started with a spear-phishing attack. Be sure your vendor of choice includes cyber security training as part of their backup and DR package.

You should be able to back up your data no matter how large it grows. Starting small? Look for an option that handles your backups automatically. Then, as you grow, gives you tools to manage complex environments. Look for changes-only and compression technologies to speed backups and save space. And insist on bandwidth throttling to balance traffic and ensure network availability for your other business applications. Make sure that their solution offerings rely on common technology to scale easily as your businessand datagrow.

A 2019 Server OS Reliability Survey found that one hour of downtime costs at least $100K for 98% of companies to over $5 million for 34% of surveyed companies. When you do the math, the dollars make sense: Go with disk-to-disk. Unlike tape, there are close to zero handling costsno rush deliveries, loading, accessing, locating, or repeated steps. And theres one benefit you cant factor directly: Reputation. Reliability and security can make an incalculable difference with just one avoided breach or failure.

You cant say your data protection is complete until you have a disaster recovery plan that is itself complete and tested. Your backup vendor should have both the product mix and professional services team to help you prepare for a worst-case scenario. Make sure they can help configure your backups so you rebound quickly. Best bet: A vendor who can train you to deal with disasters confidently, based on your companys actual configuration.

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Four Hundred Monitor, November 4Grafana Provides a Visualization Option for IBM i Metrics

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IBM Delivered An RDi Update, Too - IT Jungle

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Nearly $1 billion worth of bitcoin linked to Silk Road black market is on the move, analysis shows – CNBC

A visual representation of the digital cryptocurrency bitcoin.

Yu Chun Christopher Wong| S3studio | Getty Images

Nearly $1 billion worth of bitcoin with potential ties to the Silk Road online black market is on the move, according to London-based blockchain analysis firm Elliptic.

Silk Road was closed down by U.S. federal authorities in 2013, while its creator, Ross Ulbricht, was sentenced to life in prison two years later. The site, hidden away as part of the dark web, allowed people to sell drugs and other illegal goods.

Elliptic, a firm that tracks the movement of dirty money in the cryptocurrency sphere, said Wednesday that it picked up on a transaction of funds believed to have originated from the site.

The company said that 69,369 bitcoins worth about $950 million today, according to CoinDesk had been moved out of a wallet that had the fourth-highest balance of any globally.

It added that an encrypted file circulating among hackers allegedly contained the passcode required to withdraw bitcoins from that wallet.

"The movement of these bitcoins today may represent Ulbricht or a Silk Road vendor moving their funds," Tom Robinson, co-founder and chief scientist of Elliptic, said in a blog post. "However it seems unlikely that Ulbricht would be able to conduct a bitcoin transaction from prison."

"Alternatively, the encrypted wallet file may have been real, and the password has now been cracked allowing the bitcoins to be moved."

Though the Federal Bureau of Investigation seized 174,000 bitcoins from Ulbricht, Robinson said a further 440,000 bitcoins were earned from Silk Road commissions. "There has always been the suspicion that proceeds of the Silk Road may remain in circulation," he said.

The FBI was not immediately available for comment when contacted by CNBC.

Bitcoin has been on a tear in 2020, climbing 91% year-to-date as major companies like PayPal and Facebook have shown an increased interest in cryptocurrencies. But it's also been the target of scrutiny from regulators and bankers due to its use in criminal activities like money laundering.

Elliptic and a competitor called Chainalysis have tried to bring some legitimacy to the cryptocurrency industry by selling analytics tools that allow virtual currency exchanges and banks to block potentially dubious transactions.

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Nearly $1 billion worth of bitcoin linked to Silk Road black market is on the move, analysis shows - CNBC

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Cryptocurrency Savings Accounts: Will This New Trend Help You Boost Earnings? – Forbes

Investing in cryptocurrency may seem like a huge gamble, but the bet has paid off tremendously for those who invested in the right type of crypto at the right time.

In November of 2015, you could buy a single Bitcoin for a little over $300, yet a single coin now trades for over $12,900 (as of this writing). If you remember, a single Bitcoin traded at close to $20,000 in December 2017, which makes it easy to see why investors young and old remain eager to get involved regardless of the risk involved.

The reality is that, whether you want to admit it or not, many have gotten rich with cryptocurrency, and others still see it as a way to diversify their investment portfolio outside of traditional stocks and bonds. And if you have cryptocurrency for the purpose of building wealth or diversifying, you should know that cryptocurrency savings accounts can help boost your investment yield even more.

SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

What Is A Cryptocurrency Savings Account?

A cryptocurrency savings account works like it sounds like it would. With this type of account, you can deposit your cryptocurrency (or another asset in some cases) and earn a standard rate of return over time.

With a BlockFi cryptocurrency savings account, for example, your cryptocurrency can earn up to 8.6% APY, which accrues daily and is paid out on a monthly basis. However, your rate of return will vary depending on the type of cryptocurrency you have, whether thats Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, or something else. Depending on the type of crypto savings account you have, you may even be able to choose the type of cryptocurrency your interest is paid in.

You may be wondering how these accounts earn money, and thats easy to understand. Like other financial institutions, companies that offer cryptocurrency savings accounts usually loan out your cryptocurrency to other investors. In the case of BlockFi, they say they generate interest on assets held in interest accounts by lending them to trusted institutional and corporate borrowers.

At the end of the day, the purpose of cryptocurrency savings accounts is helping investors earn money on their asset while they hold it. That sounds good in theory, but its a little risky in practice.

Crypto Savings Accounts: What To Watch Out For

The first thing to know about cryptocurrency savings accounts, which you probably know already, is that cryptocurrency in general can be incredibly volatile. Since youre investing with cryptocurrency and your returns will also be in cryptocurrency in most cases, theres a chance your initial investment and returns will be wiped out if the value of your asset drops.

Another major downside with cryptocurrency savings accounts is the fact that you cannot just take your money out when you want. Where you can withdraw money fee-free from a traditional savings account up to six times per month, cryptocurrency savings accounts have their own rules and may not make it easy to access your money at the drop of a hat.

Further, cryptocurrency savings accounts (and crypto wallets for that matter) require you to give up access to your keys. This is based on the fact that your crypto must be made available to lend to investors, but a lot of cryptocurrency investors are not comfortable with this at all. As if that wasnt bad enough, cryptocurrency savings accounts are not FDIC-insured. This means that, if the cryptocurrency savings account provider goes under, theres no guarantee youll get any of your assets back.

Finally, you should know that many cryptocurrency savings accounts pay simple interest only, which means your deposits will not be able to build compound interest over time. The high APY you can achieve may still be attractive and worth pursuing, but you should know this going in.

Are Cryptocurrency Savings Accounts Worth It?

Once you know that cryptocurrency savings accounts arent as safe as traditional savings accounts, its up to you to decide if the risk is worth the reward. If youre a crypto investor already, then youre probably okay with a certain amount of excitement and risk along the way.

On a personal level, I see value in cryptocurrency savings accounts since lets face it there arent a lot of places to earn a 8% yield on your savings right now. You could achieve that return with a cryptocurrency savings account, and if all goes well, the value of your asset could also grow in the meantime.

Many of the best cryptocurrency savings accounts also come with some pretty attractive terms for their accounts. With BlockFi, for example, there arent any account minimums. This makes it easy for anyone with even a small amount of crypto to get started.

With, on the other hand, you can earn some of the highest returns on the market, yet small time investors with low account balances arent eligible for the best returns. Youll also get paid in the same cryptocurrency you deposit, and the interest is paid out on a weekly basis.

Then theres Linus, which lets you deposit U.S. dollars and earn interest in U.S. dollars. That sounds good for sure, but there are notable details in the fine print. With this account, they are lending out your money to people who are buying Ethereum, so the future of your returns hinges on the future value of this cryptocurrency.

The Bottom Line

If youre a crypto investor and you want the chance to earn a return on your investment while you hold it, then cryptocurrency savings accounts may be exactly what you need. There are lots of cryptocurrency savings accounts out there, so take the time to compare options before you sign up for one. Fees, barriers to entry, and the way you earn interest can vary dramatically, as well as the type of assets you need to get started.

Then again, these accounts arent for everyone, and theyre actually a really poor option if you need a place to store your emergency fund. Before you consider one of these accounts, its smart to think over the pros and cons and the risk involved. The chance at a return of 8% or more could well worth the risk, but you should go into the situation with your eyes wide open.

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Cryptocurrency Savings Accounts: Will This New Trend Help You Boost Earnings? - Forbes

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Square Funds Project To Make Cryptocurrency Wallets More Accessible To Everyone – Benzinga

Square Inc(NYSE: SQ)said Friday it would give out a grant to a designer seeking to simplify cryptocurrency wallets and make them more accessible to less technology-savvy users.

What Happened: The San Francisco-based financial technology company'scryptocurrency unit announced on Twitter that it was making the grant to Maggie Valentine who is working to simplify wallet onboarding flows by reducing technical jargon and increasing user education.

Square also shared Valentines first detailed proposal on social media, where she questions how to create an intuitive experience for non-crypto users while preserving the security of a users funds.

Why It Matters: The announcement of the grant comes a month after Square announced a $50 million investment in Bitcoin.

The Jack Dorsey-led companyhad called cryptocurrency an instrument of economic empowerment and a way to participate in a global monetary system which it said is aligned with Squares purpose.

Dorsey,who is also the CEO of Twitter Inc (NYSE: TWTR), had referred to Bitcoin as the best manifestation of an internet currency.

JPMorgan analysts said in October that Squares Bitcoin investment was a strong vote of confidence for the future of Bitcoin.

The companys Cash App saw revenue through Bitcoin rise 600% in the second quarter.

Price Action: Square shares closed nearly 8.8% lower at $154.88 on Friday and fell 0.45% in the after-hours session.

2020 Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.

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Square Funds Project To Make Cryptocurrency Wallets More Accessible To Everyone - Benzinga

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Cryptocurrency Market Analysis with Market Size, Industry Share, trends and Forecast to 2026 – Zenit News

Global Cryptocurrency Market Report: Demand, Supply, Consumption, Competition, Production, Vendors, Sales, Value Chain, Statistical Analysis, Pricing, Segments, Regional Analysis, Volume, Revenue, Historical Data, and Projections 20202026

The GlobalCryptocurrency Marketresearch report contains an in-depth analysis of this market, in which key players are outlined. All the leading companies engaged with the Cryptocurrency market are examined. The Cryptocurrency market research report offers a comprehensive perspective of the market, which can help in making the right choice for the development of the Cryptocurrency market. The report offers essential information such as the CAGR value and SWOT analysis for the forecast period.

From an extensive pool of operating players globally, the leading key players in the Cryptocurrency market areZEB IT Service, Coinsecure, Coinbase, Bitstamp, Litecoin, Poloniex, BitFury Group, Unocoin Technologies Private, Ripple, OKEX Fintech Company, Bitfinex.

The report provides a forward-looking perspective on a range of driving and limiting aspects affecting the growth of the Cryptocurrency market. It provides a projection on the basis of how and why the market is projected to develop. Their wide-ranging organization assessment, key financial aspects, key advancements, full product portfolio, SWOT analysis, developments, regional reach, and processes are examined and have been proficiently demonstrated in the Cryptocurrency market report.

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This report evaluates the Cryptocurrency market based on its segmentation. In addition to this, major regions such as Europe, North America, Central & South America, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa, with extra focus on key countries and others are analyzed in this report. The Cryptocurrency market report provides a detailed assessment of the market by analyzing the dynamic factors of the Cryptocurrency market. The report also takes into consideration various significant aspects related to the market like shares, revenue, demand, supply, sales, manufacture analysis, opportunities, production, and much more.

The market is segmented on the basis of the type:Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Other

The groundwork of the Cryptocurrency market is also illustrated in the report that can facilitate the customers in implementing the primary methods to gain competitive benefits. Such a wide-reaching and top-to-bottom research investigation presents the indispensable expansion with key plans and impartial measurable analysis. This can be utilized to develop the existing position and propose future extensions in a particular area in the global Cryptocurrency market. The report also predicts key trends in the market coupled with technological developments in the industry.

The key regions worldwide are analyzed and the drivers, patterns, difficulties, advancements, & restrictions affecting the Cryptocurrency market growth over these vital geologies are taken into account. A study of the impact of administrative rules and regulations on the processes of the Cryptocurrency market is also added to provide an overall summary of the Cryptocurrency markets future.

By the end-user, the market size is segmented as :Transaction, Investment, Other

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By the region & countries, the market size is segmented as:North AmericaThe U.S.EuropeThe U.K.FranceGermanyAsia PacificChinaJapanIndiaLatin AmericaBrazilThe Middle East and Africa

The key study objectives of this industry report study are helpful for: To analyze and evaluate the global Cryptocurrency market size (in terms of value & volume) by company, countries, key regions, products, technologies, types, end-user, and applications, analysis of historical data, and forecasted data (20202026). To understand the organization of the Cryptocurrency market by classifying its different sub-divisions. To share in-depth information regarding the key aspects influencing the development of the market (drivers, opportunities, growth potential, latest trends, industry-specific challenges, and recommendations). Focus on the key Cryptocurrency market players globally, to define, depict, and study the sales volume & value, market competition setting, market share, and latest developments. To estimate the value & sales volume of the Cryptocurrency submarkets, with regard to key regions and countries. To examine competitive advancements such as agreements, expansions, acquisitions, and new product launches across the market. This report also provides the analysis of market size concerning value (million US$) and volume. The comprehensive approaches have been selected to validate and estimate the market size of the Cryptocurrency market, to evaluate the size of different other needy submarkets in the parent market. The prominent players in the market have been determined through secondary research and their market shares have been identified with primary and secondary research. All percentage shares, breakdowns, and splits have been defined by using secondary sources and confirmed primary surveys & interviews. The new entry in the market, product portfolio expansion, marketing, pricing, and sales channels among other business tactics can be executed with the aid of this report.

Table of Content Major Points:1Cryptocurrency MARKET INTRODUCTION OVERVIEW, AND SEGMENTATION1.1 Product Overview and Scope1.2 Segment by Type1.3 Production and CAGR (%) Comparison by Type (Product Category)1.4 Segment by Application1.5 Market by Region2Cryptocurrency MARKET COMPETITION BY MANUFACTURERS2.1 Capacity, Production and Share by Manufacturers2.2 Revenue and Share by Manufacturers2.3 Average Price by Manufacturers2.4 Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area, and Product Type3EXECUTIVE SUMMARY4MARKET DYNAMICS5RESEARCH METHODOLOGY6COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE7INVESTMENT ANALYSIS8MARKET OPPORTUNITIES AND FUTURE TRENDS

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FQA in the Cryptocurrency market report:1. What are the outlook opportunities in the market?2. Information on key market factors such as key drivers & limitations, challenges, possibilities, and investment opportunities3. What are the restraints in the market and how do they affect the cost?4. What are the different types and applications followed by companies?5.What is the scope for agencies to establish a presence?

Available Customization:With the provided market information, Syndicate Market Research also has the customization option according to the clients needs. The customization option offers a domestic-level study of the global Cryptocurrency market by end-use and detailed analysis & profiles of the key market players.

If you need any kind of customization in the report, kindly feel free to contact us @[emailprotected]

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Bitcoin Volatility Expected to Rise After the US Presidential Election – Bitcoin News

While the United States prepares for the results of the 2020 Presidential Election, a number of data points and traders expect some significant cryptocurrency price fluctuations this week. Statistics from show bitcoins 30-day implied volatility has increased to 59% while 3-6 month stats jumped over 62%.

The digital currency economy is hovering at around $388 billion, which is a giant jump from where it was during the last U.S. election in 2016. For instance, during the 2016 presidential race, the price of bitcoin (BTC) was around $709. Since then the crypto-asset BTC has seen a 1,802% return on investment (ROI). Another example is ethereum (ETH), which was trading for $10.83 per unit in 2016, now swaps for $382 in 2020.

For this election, a number of traders and a few points of implied volatility measurements suggest that crypto market participants expect a shake-up this week.

Data from skew.coms Bitcoin ATM Implied Volatility chart indicates that the crypto assets options market expects big price fluctuations. Market players trading traditional finance assets envision a similar market shakeup following the U.S. election. At press time skew.coms chart shows one month implied volatility has spiked and is now hovering around 59% today. Three-month stats have jumped to 62% and 65% for BTCs implied volatility for the six month period.

On Twitter, the account tweeted about the implied volatility and said:

Its election day. Options traders are pricing in a little bit of extra premium for this week with a 3.5% bitcoin implied move for the election. Weekly puts are most active today.

A number of other crypto pundits and digital currency market researchers discussed the post-election crypto market on social media channels and forums. After sharing its week 44th insights report, Arcane Research tweeted out a chart that shows a chart with bitcoin and the S&P 500 during the election week. Some interesting movements from both bitcoin and S&P 500 during election day in 2016. What will happen this time? Arcane tweeted on November 3.

Breathe easy today knowing silver and gold will be every bit as shiny and bitcoin as secure as ever, no matter the outcome of this election, the crypto proponent Cryptoredacted wrote.

On election day, Messari.ios Ty Young also discussed the economic ramifications of the U.S. election and bitcoin. The majority of polls have Biden holding a 60% chance of winning the presidential election and even higher potential for a blue wave sweep through the senate, Young wrote on Tuesday. Those outcomes could mean larger stimulus packages, more QE, and clearer guidance for investors going into a new administration.

Young continued:

One thing is probable: volatility is coming. On the bullish side for Bitcoin, central banks will continue to flood the world with money and stimulus packages, further setting the stage for BTC. On the bearish side, a contested election and a second wave of Covid-19 lockdowns could spell disaster for markets, dragging down BTC with it.

Furthermore, the research and trading platform Lunos weekly market report discussed the election on Tuesday as well.

Election day was bumpy four years ago, and there is little reason to believe that we will go through this election without large movements, explained Luno analysts. After closing hours on election day, the S&P 500 futures dropped substantially before erasing all losses when Trump was announced as the winner. The market reacted positively to the republican winner and ended the week up 5%

Many other bitcoiners believe that no matter who wins the U.S. election, stimulus and monetary corruption will continue. Alex Mashinsky, CEO of Celsius Network believes that as civil unrest and economic uncertainty heighten, central banks will try to pump liquidity into the faltering economy.

The U.S. elections are increasing the uncertainty and the need companies have to have more reserves and more liquidity, Mashinsky explained. The global economy is going through a slow motion recession, as the demand for goods and services is slowing down. Meanwhile, the central banks pump liquidity to try and reverse this trend. All of this is not good for GDP or for our employment rates. No matter who wins we will have a severe recession in the next 2-3 years.

Do you expect cryptocurrencies to be volatile following the U.S. election? Let us know in the comments section below.

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Bitcoin Volatility Expected to Rise After the US Presidential Election - Bitcoin News

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Cryptocurrency Market Report Gives Industry Size, Growth, Production, Types, Applications, Growing Rapidly with Recent Trends 2020 to 2025 – PRnews…

Research report on The Cryptocurrency Market by Adroit Market Research covers deep analysis on key factors that directly influence the market growth including impact of COVID-19. The report is a thorough study of drivers, opportunities, restraints, challenges, and risks associated with the Cryptocurrency market to help the players plan their growth activities and strategies carefully, while considering these crucial factors. The Cryptocurrency report also covers vital information like market share, market size, and growth rate for the forecast period 2020 to 2025. The Cryptocurrency study is categorized on different major verticals including product, application, and end user. These segments are deeply studied by experts who have offered insights that help the business players, strategists, marketing personnel, suppliers, distributors, and others to plan effective strategies and increase their clients in the near future.

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This report examines all the key factors influencing growth of global Cryptocurrency market, including demand-supply scenario, pricing structure, profit margins, production and value chain analysis. Regional assessment of global Cryptocurrency market unlocks a plethora of untapped opportunities in regional and domestic market places. Detailed company profiling enables users to evaluate company shares analysis, emerging product lines, pricing strategies, innovation possibilities and much more.

Key players covered in the report include:

BitFury Group Limited, Microsoft Corporation, Ripple Labs Inc., Intel Corporation, Advanced Micro Devices Inc., Coinbase Ltd., NVIDIA Corporation, AlphaPoint Corporation, BitGo, Xilinx Inc. and BTL Group Ltd. among others.

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The report assesses key players in the Cryptocurrency Market, studying their services, strategies, landmarks, growth plans, and recent developments. By studying multiple organizations to covering small, medium, and large players to the report enables emerging players to equip themselves with knowledge of competition scenarios. The most critical aspect in the competitive landscape to individual growth strategy to is studied extensively by dwelling into the foregoing growth trajectory of the organization. Moreover, the study paints a picture of the individual standpoints of the players in the years to come, considering the drivers and trends.

Cryptocurrency Market: Competition AnalysisThe Adroit Market Research study presents a comprehensive analysis of global, regional, and country-level players active in the Cryptocurrency Market. Competitive information detailed in the Cryptocurrency Market report has been based on innovative product launches, distribution channels, local networks, industrial penetration, production methods, and revenue generation of each market player.

Global Cryptocurrency market is segmented based by type, application and region.Market by Types

Component Segment

HardwareFPGAGPUASICWalletOthersSoftwareMining PlatformBlockchainCoin WalletExchangeType SegmentEthereumBitcoinLitecoinDashcoinRipple (XRP)OthersEnd-User Industry SegmentMedia & entertainmentRemittanceE-commerce & retailPeer-to-peer paymentOthers.

Scope of the Cryptocurrency Market Report:The global Cryptocurrency market report is a comprehensive research that focuses on the overall consumption structure, development trends, sales models and sales of top countries in the global Cryptocurrency market. The report focuses on well-known providers in the global Cryptocurrency industry, market segments, competition, and the macro environment. Different industries are profiled for getting the current scenario of various working methodologies and policies of the businesses. Global regions such as Latin America, North America, China, Japan, Asia Pacific, and India are considered to study the layout of the various industries. This innovative report provides point to point analysis of the dynamic environment and throws light on the recent innovations, to understand all the current strategies of the industries.

Region-wise Analysis:Regionally, the Cryptocurrency market is divided into North America, South America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East and Africa. Study on each of these regions has helped researchers to provide key facts regarding market scenario, concentration of key players in the region, demographic details, consumers purchasing pattern, price study, price preference, and more. Deep analysis on key countries of the region also helps business owners to identify potential areas and increase their business and expand their business geographically, while ultimately contributing in the progress of Cryptocurrency market.

Some Points from Table of ContentChapter 1: Market Overview, Drivers, Restraints and Opportunities, Segmentation overviewChapter 2: Market Competition by ManufacturersChapter 3: Production by RegionsChapter 4: Consumption by RegionsChapter 5: Production, By Types, Revenue and Market share by TypesChapter 6: Consumption, By Applications, Market share (%) and Growth Rate by ApplicationsChapter 7: Complete profiling and analysis of ManufacturersChapter 8: Manufacturing cost analysis, Raw materials analysis, Region-wise manufacturing expensesChapter 9: Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream BuyersChapter 10: Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersChapter 11: Market Effect Factors AnalysisChapter 12: Market ForecastChapter 13: Cryptocurrency Research Findings and Conclusion, Appendix, methodology and data source.

Important Points Covered by Report: Report covers the various market dynamics of the industry. Business overview and business strategies of key players. SWOT analysis for all key players mentioned in the research report. Detailed information about drivers, opportunities, and restraints of the Cryptocurrency market. Also covers PESTAL analysis and Potters Five Forces Report provides the detailed information of product life cycle. Covers the manufacturing process, cost and detailed information.

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Cryptocurrency Market Report Gives Industry Size, Growth, Production, Types, Applications, Growing Rapidly with Recent Trends 2020 to 2025 - PRnews...

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