Cloud computing is ubiquitous. Organizations far and wide are adopting the cloud in order to leverage its efficiency and scalability benefits. However advantageous the cloud may be, it always comes with a downside: security. As more and more applications continue to be deployed on the cloud, securing the cloud becomes even more challenging. In a cloud service, the task of maintenance falls entirely upon your cloud hosting service provider. While this frees you from spending time and energy on routine work, it doesnt allow you any control over server configuration and upgrades. This doesnt augur well for the security of your business, especially if your cloud server hosting provider has lax security controls in place.In this blog, we will discuss some tips that can help secure your data on the cloud. So, let us begin.1) Ensure End-to-end Data EncryptionIn order to safeguard your data from breaches and malware attacks, its vital that you have a robust encryption solution in place. Many cloud hosting service providers encrypt your data automatically when in transit. There is, however, no guarantee that the data will be secure once it is stored on your cloud server. If a third-party encrypts the server data on your behalf, you stand to lose the data if this third-party gets compromised in some way or the other. Having end-to-end data encryption is, therefore, essential. Choose a cloud service that helps you design a fool-proof encryption system.2) Create Local Back-up of your DataCloud service providers typically create a backup of your data automatically. This creates a false sense of security for cloud users. They believe theres no need to save the data locally. Hackers understand that many organizations dont store data locally. This allows them to launch a ransomware attack easily wherein they pressurize the owner to submit large sums of money to get their data back. Creating local copies of your data helps avoid such undesirable scenarios. Local backup lets you access your data when the original gets lost or corrupted for some reason or the other. For local backup, you can either create an additional cloud storage account or use an external physical storage device such as a hard disc. With a physical storage device, you can access information even when you have poor or no internet connection. 3) Have Strong Passwords in PlaceAs per a recent study, close to 90% of all passwords can be cracked within seconds. So, you have to make sure your password can stand a hacking attempt. Here are some tips for creating a great password for your cloud service:Use a combination of letters, numbers and special characters in your password.Keep away from passwords that are easy to guess such as 123456, qwerty123, password123. Do not use your name or other identifiable information (city of residence, employers name) in the password.Change your passwords frequently and do not repeat old passwords. Have separate passwords for all your cloud accounts. If your cloud hosting provider offers two-step verification for login, go for it.
4) Establish Role-based Access Management
As a cloud user, you may face threat from anywhere. In addition to malicious outsiders, disgruntled employees may steal your confidential information or negligent personnel can accidentally leaking sensitive data stored on the cloud. Role-based access control comes in handy here.
With role-based access management, you can define and control which files individual users can open, edit and copy. You can assign roles and privileges to users depending on their need, authority and position within the organization.
5) Read User Agreement Carefully
Read the terms and conditions of a cloud service provider carefully before signing up for their service. This will tell you how they will protect your information and whether you permit them to use or sell your information in any manner by signing up.
Make sure you fully understand each and every clause in your agreement before purchasing the service. Failing to do so can affect the security of your data.
6) Avoid Storing Sensitive Information
Avoid storing sensitive information on the cloud. This could be anything ranging from your personal data to copies of your IDs, bank statements or credit card numbers that anyone can exploit to their advantage. Keep only those files on the cloud that you need to access frequently and make sure you encrypt them before uploading. 7) Use Strong Anti-Malware
A cloud service transfers data over the internet. So, it is important to have robust anti-malware protection on all your devices: desktops, laptops, mobiles or tablets. Such software helps you block malicious URLs and downloads. You can also opt for additional services such as remote wipe and backups.
8) Exercise Caution when Working Online
Be wary of what you do when you are online particularly when using public computers and connections. When using a public computer, dont save your passwords and make sure you have logged out of your account after you are done. By doing so, you avoid the risk of strangers accessing your data.
In addition, avoid using unsecured Wi-Fi hotspots in public places. Such connections are usually unencrypted. So, your activity can be tracked by a cybercriminal present on the same network who can login into your cloud account and steal precious data.
So, these are some tips you can implement to secure your data on the cloud. If you are looking for a secure cloud server hosting or storage solution, connect with our experts at Go4hosting on or 0120-627-7777.
Continued here:
8 Valuable Tips for Securing your Data on the Cloud in 2020 - DC Velocity