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Cracking the secrets of an emerging branch of physics – MIT News

Thanh Nguyen is in the habit of breaking down barriers. Take languages, for instance: Nguyen, a third-year doctoral candidate in nuclear science and engineering (NSE), wanted to connect with other people and cultures for his work and social life, he says, so he learned Vietnamese, French, German, and Russian, and is now taking an MIT course in Mandarin. But this drive to push past obstacles really comes to the fore in his research, where Nguyen is trying to crack the secrets of a new and burgeoning branch of physics.

My dissertation focuses on neutron scattering on topological semimetals, which were only experimentally discovered in 2015, he says. They have very special properties, but because they are so novel, theres a lot thats unknown, and neutrons offer a unique perspective to probe their properties at a new level of clarity.

Topological materials dont fit neatly into conventional categories of substances found in everyday life. They were first materialized in the 1980s, but only became practical in the mid-2000s with deepened understanding of topology, which concerns itself with geometric objects whose properties remain the same even when the objects undergo extreme deformation. Researchers experimentally discovered topological materials even more recently, using the tools of quantum physics.

Within this domain, topological semimetals, which share qualities of both metals and semiconductors, are of special interest to Nguyen.They offer high levels of thermal and electric conductivity, and inherent robustness, which makes them very promising for applications in microelectronics, energy conversions, and quantum computing, he says.

Intrigued by the possibilities that might emerge from such unconventional physics, Nguyen is pursuing two related but distinct areas of research: On the one hand, Im trying to identify and then synthesize new, robust topological semimetals, and on the other, I want to detect fundamental new physics with neutrons and further design new devices.

On a fast research track

Reaching these goals over the next few years might seem a tall order. But at MIT, Nguyen has seized every opportunity to master the specialized techniques required for conducting large-scale experiments with topological materials, and getting results. Guided by his advisor,Mingda Li, the Norman C Rasmussen Assistant Professor and director of theQuantum Matter Group within NSE, Nguyen was able to dive into significant research even before he set foot on campus.

The summer, before I joined the group, Mingda sent me on a trip to Argonne National Laboratory for a very fun experiment that used synchrotron X-ray scattering to characterize topological materials, recalls Nguyen. Learning the techniques got me fascinated in the field, and I started to see my future.

During his first two years of graduate school, he participated in four studies, serving as a lead author in three journal papers. In one notable project,described earlier this year in Physical Review Letters, Nguyen and fellow Quantum Matter Group researchers demonstrated, through experiments conducted at three national laboratories, unexpected phenomena involving the way electrons move through a topological semimetal, tantalum phosphide (TaP).

These materials inherently withstand perturbations such as heat and disorders, and can conduct electricity with a level of robustness, says Nguyen. With robust properties like this, certain materials can conductivity electricity better than best metals, and in some circumstances superconductors which is an improvement over current generation materials.

This discovery opens the door to topological quantum computing. Current quantum computing systems, where the elemental units of calculation are qubits that perform superfast calculations, require superconducting materials that only function in extremely cold conditions. Fluctuations in heat can throw one of these systems out of whack.

The properties inherent to materials such as TaP could form the basis of future qubits, says Nguyen. He envisions synthesizing TaP and other topological semimetals a process involving the delicate cultivation of these crystalline structures and then characterizing their structural and excitational properties with the help of neutron and X-ray beam technology, which probe these materials at the atomic level. This would enable him to identify and deploy the right materials for specific applications.

My goal is to create programmable artificial structured topological materials, which can directly be applied as a quantum computer, says Nguyen. With infinitely better heat management, these quantum computing systems and devices could prove to be incredibly energy efficient.

Physics for the environment

Energy efficiency and its benefits have long concerned Nguyen. A native of Montreal, Quebec, with an aptitude for math and physics and a concern for climate change, he devoted his final year of high school to environmental studies. I worked on a Montreal initiative to reduce heat islands in the city by creating more urban parks, he says. Climate change mattered to me, and I wanted to make an impact.

At McGill University, he majored in physics. I became fascinated by problems in the field, but I also felt I could eventually apply what I learned to fulfill my goals of protecting the environment, he says.

In both classes and research, Nguyen immersed himself in different domains of physics. He worked for two years in a high-energy physics lab making detectors for neutrinos, part of a much larger collaboration seeking to verify the Standard Model. In the fall of his senior year at McGill, Nguyens interest gravitated toward condensed matter studies. I really enjoyed the interplay between physics and chemistry in this area, and especially liked exploring questions in superconductivity, which seemed to have many important applications, he says. That spring, seeking to add useful skills to his research repertoire, he worked at Ontarios Chalk River Laboratories, where he learned to characterize materials using neutron spectroscopes and other tools.

These academic and practical experiences served to propel Nguyen toward his current course of graduate study. Mingda Li proposed an interesting research plan, and although I didnt know much about topological materials, I knew they had recently been discovered, and I was excited to enter the field, he says.

Man with a plan

Nguyen has mapped out the remaining years of his doctoral program, and they will prove demanding. Topological semimetals are difficult to work with, he says. We dont yet know the optimal conditions for synthesizing them, and we need to make these crystals, which are micrometers in scale, in quantities large enough to permit testing.

With the right materials in hand, he hopes to develop a qubit structure that isnt so vulnerable to perturbations, quickly advancing the field of quantum computing so that calculations that now take years might require just minutes or seconds, he says. Vastly higher computational speeds could have enormous impacts on problems like climate, or health, or finance that have important ramifications for society. If his research on topological materials benefits the planet or improves how people live, says Nguyen, I would be totally happy.

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Cracking the secrets of an emerging branch of physics - MIT News

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#SpaceWatchGL Opinion: Quantum Technology and Impact of the Global Space Security – SpaceWatch.Global

by Rania Toukebri

Cyberattacks are exponentially increasing over time, improving the security of communications is crucial for guaranteeing the protection of sensitive information for states and individuals. For states, securing communications is mandatory for a strategic geopolitical influence.

Most technologies have been based on classical laws of physics. Modern communication technology transfers encrypted data with complex mathematical algorithms. The complexity of these algorithms ensures that a third parties cannot easily crack them. However, with stronger computing power and the increasing sophistication of hacking technologies, such methods of communication are increasingly vulnerable to interference. The worlds first quantum-enabled satellite is the Chinese Satellite (Micius). The purpose of the mission is to investigate space-based quantum communications for a couple of years in order to create future hack-proof communication networks.

In a classical computer, each processing is a combination of bits. A bit can either be zero or one. A qubit, the quantum bit, can be a zero and a one at the same time. So, processing qubits is processing several combinations of zeroes and ones simultaneously, and the increased speed of quantum computing comes from exploiting this parallelism.

According to quantum theory, subatomic particles can act as if they are in two places at once. This property is manipulated so that a particle can adopt either one of two states. If the particle is not observed, it will be in a state of superposition.

There have been successful quantum encryption experiments with some limitation. The messages were sent through optical fibers, the signal would be absorbed by the medium and then it wont be possible to make for long distance. Making such communications over long distances would require quantum repeaters that are devices that capture and retransmit the quantum information.

China found another solution by beaming entangled photons through the vacuum of space, so they wont be absorbed.

Micius satellite works by firing a laser through a crystal creating a pair in a state of entanglement. A half of each pair is sent to two separate stations on earth.

The objective of this method is to generate communication keys encrypted with an assembly of entangled photons. The information that will be transmitted will be encoded by a set of random numbers generated between the transmitter and the receiver. If a hacker tries to spy or interfere with one of the beams of entangled photons, the encryption key will be changed and will become unreadable due to the observer effect of Quantum theory. In consequence, the transmitter will be able to change the information in security.

The Quantum communication in Military and defense will enable China to be a strong leader in military sophistication and it will empower its geopolitical influence, decreasing by that the US authority.

China has already started the economic and technological development while US foreign policy is declining her dominance on the global geopolitical scene. Technically, Quantum technological development will speed up a multipolar power balance in international relations.

On another hand, USA is also making research on Quantum Technologies but the US investments remains limited compared to ones in China and Europe. Which is making China the leader in quantum communication. But the USA recognizes the importance of this filed and started making more efforts technically and financially. But the question remains, who will be able to reach the frontier before?

Following the Chinese space strategy, in the last years, China invested a lot in technological development including the pioneer space program, her aim was to reach a dominance in air and force. Micius satellite will be able to make a boom in military advancement and an information dominance. This space program is symptomatic to the Chinese strategy on technological development.

The first Chinese satellite was launched after USA and Russia in 1970. The strategy followed afterwards enhanced an exponential growth in space and technological development by a huge financial investment gained after an exponential economical growth. Beidou ( China space navigation satellite) provides precise geolocation information for Chinese weapon systems and communication coverage for its military. Which is a strength point on military and geopolitical aspects.

The policy is still going in that direction by having a global network coverage of 35 Chinese satellites. The Chinese space program launched already two space laboratories, its aim is the launch of a permanent manned space station in 2022 knowing that the international space station will retire before 2028.

In consequence, China would become the only country with a space station, making it necessary to the countries and in consequence a center of power. More Chinese space missions including robotics and AI took place, preparing for the next generation space technology. Quantum is the accelerator to reach the ultimate goal of this space program and then became the first priority in the technological researches. By 2030, China aims to establish a network of quantum satellites supporting a quantum internet.

The network of quantum satellites (2030 China Project) is aiming to increase the record distance for successful quantum entanglement between two points on Earth. Technically, the lasers being used to beam the entangled photons between the stations will have to achieve a high level of precision to reach the selected targets. But the limitations are:

Rania Toukebri is a Systems engineer for spacecrafts, Regional Coordinator for Africa in Space Generation Advisory Council in support of the United Nations, Space strategy consultant and Cofounder of HudumaPlus company.

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#SpaceWatchGL Opinion: Quantum Technology and Impact of the Global Space Security - SpaceWatch.Global

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A Scoville Heat Scale For Measuring The Progress Of Emerging Technologies In 2021 – Forbes

A Scoville Heat Scale For Emerging Technologies in 2021

A couple of years back I wrote an article in FORBES called a A Scoville Heat Scale For Measuring Cybersecurity. The Scoville Scale is a measurement chart used to rate the heat of peppers or other spicy food. For that article, I devised my own Scoville Scale-like heat characterizations of the cyber threats and rated the heat on the corresponding cyber security impact.

As we enter a new decade of transformation, I am applying that same Scoville scale to the topic of emerging technologies. It could be surmised that all these emerging technologies are already hot on a heat scale as they are already facilitating exponential changes in our society. True but some areas of emerging tech are further along than others in how it will be impacting our lives in the coming year.

Health Technologies:

Medicine doctor and robotics research and analysis, Scientist diagnose checking coronavirus or ... [+] covid-19 testing result with modern virtual screen in laboratory, Medical technology and inhibition of disease outbreaks.

I will start my measurement activities at the hottest emerging tech measured on Scoville heat scale. Health and medical technologies are really a diverse area of tech that has been impacted by Covid19, especially in research, development and prototyping. Healthcare technologies include everything from biotechnology, nano deliveries of therapeutics, drug discovery, telemedicine (Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality), genomics, cybernetics, bionics, wearables, robotics, and the internet of medical things. All of these component technologies are now being fused with new capabilities in machine learning/artificial intelligence algorithms for better diagnosis and treatment of patients.

Heat Scale Rating: Trinidad Scorpion Pepper. Covid19 has pushed us to explore and bring to market new heath related technologies. We are on the way to smarter health and medical care and this technology area is both multidimensional and very promising.

Artificial Intelligence & Machine learning (AI/ML):

Conceptual background of Artificial intelligence , humans and cyber-business on programming ... [+] technology element ,3d illustration

The cognitive technologies AI & ML also have quite a hot measurement on the Scoville pepper scale. AI & ML are not necessarily new innovations, but they are ones that still have yet to reach full potential. In 2020, both AI & ML started to flourish and it will continue to do so throughout 2021. At its core, AI & ML are really about data integration, quality (image definition) and collection and processing of that data that allows for meaningful analytics. Applications for AI are increasing in variety and capability (especially automation)and are now being applied to almost every industry vertical, including finance, healthcare, energy, transportation, and cybersecurity. Most intriguing, but only in the earliest stages is AL/ML neural human augmentation. Neuromorphic technologies, and human/computer interface will extend our human brain capacities, memories and capabilities. Please see my recent FORBES article for a more in-depth analysis on the merging of human and machine:

Heat Scale Rating: Chocolate Haberno. AI & ML are certainly making significant impact to anything and everything tech related. Its very hot but will get hotter as we continue to aim higher for sentient capabilities in our machines. Of course that capability may turn into a double edged sword and we may end up having regrets in the not so distant future.

The Internet of Things (IoT):

Smart city and communication network concept. 5G. LPWA (Low Power Wide Area). Wireless ... [+] communication.

IoT refers to the general idea of things that are readable, recognizable, locatable, addressable, and/or controllable via the Internet. Essentially this connotes physical objects communicating with each other via sensors. The IoT networks include everything from edge computing devices, to home appliances, from wearable technology, to cars. In essence, IoT represents the melding of the physical world and the digital world. According to Gartner, there are nearly 26 billion networked devices currently on the Internet of Things in 2020, That actually may be a conservative estimate as more and more people are getting connected to the internet in a remote work oriented world. IoT is being boosted by edge computing combined with next gen microchips, and lower costs of manufacturing sensors.

Heat Scale Rating: Scotch Bonnet. IoT is still a work in progress, it is growing rapidly in size, and faces a myriad of regulatory and cybersecurity challenges. Eventually it will be the backbone of smart cities. The connectivity and operational expansion of IoT infrastructures and devices will be integral to the conduct of many business and personal activities in the near future.In 2021 the IoT roll out will continue.


5G (5th generation) communication technology concept. Smart city. Telecommunication.

In 2020 advanced 5G and wireless networks have started to bring benefits, including faster speeds, higher traffic capacities, lower latency, and increased reliability to consumers and businesses. As it grows, 5G will impact commercial verticals such as retail, health, and financial by enabling processing, communications, and analytics in real time. Compared to the last generation of 4G networks, 5G is estimated to have the capability to run 100 times faster, up to 10 gigabits per second making quick downloads of information and streaming of large bandwidth content a breeze. Although 5G is in the initial stages of deployment, connectivity is already exponentially expanding. The industry trade group 5G Americas cited an Omdia report that counted more than 17.7 million 5G connections at the end of last year, including a 329 percent surge during the final three months of 2019. Omdia is also predicting 91 million 5G connections by the end of 2020. In 20121, the 5G roll out will continue on a larger scale.

Heat Scale Rating: Tabasco Pepper. 5G is evolving but still only has limited deployments. Many compliance and security issues are still being worked out. No doubt that in the next few years as 5G is implemented and upgraded, the Scoville pepper rating will become much hotter.


Abstract science, hands holding atomic particle, nuclear energy imagery and network connection on ... [+] dark background.

Quantum Computing like AI & ML, has already arrived. IBM, Google, Intel, Honeywell, D-Wave, and several others are all in various stages of developing quantum computers. It is also a U.S. government priority. Recently, the Department of Energy announced the investment of over $1 billion for five quantum information science centers. Quantum computing works by harnessing the special properties of atoms and subatomic particles. Physicists are designing quantum computers that can calculate at amazing speeds and that would enable a whole new type of cryptography. It is predicted that quantum computers will be capable of solving certain types of problems up to 100 million times faster than conventional systems. As we get closer to a fully operational quantum computer, a new world of smart computing beckons.

Heat Scale Rating: Serrano Pepper. Quantum science is a new frontier and the physics can be complicated. Good progress is being made, especially on quantum encryption, but a fully operational quantum computer is still a few years away from fruition.

Big Data: Real-time Analytics and Predictive Analytics:

young asian woman uses digital tablet on virtual visual screen at night

Big Data: Real-time Analytics and Predictive Analytics flourishes in the world of software algorithms combined with evolving computing firmware and hardware. Data is the new gold but much more plentiful. According to Eric Schmidt , former CEO of Google, we now produce more data every other day than we did from the inception of early civilization until the year 2003 combined. It is estimated that the amount of data stored in the world's computer systems is doubling every two years, Therefore, the challenges of organizing, processing, managing, and analyzing data have become more important than ever. Emerging big data analytics tools are helping collapse information gaps and giving businesses and governments the tools they need to uncover trends, demographics, and preferences, and solutions to a wide variety of problem sets in many industries.

Heat Scale Rating: Thai Pepper. Solid heat but much room for more. Big data analytics ultimately will rely on the fusion of other technologies such as AL/MI and 5G. Fusion of emerging tech will be a growing factor in most future development and use cases. For a deeper dive, please see my FORBES article: The New Techno-Fusion: The Merging Of Technologies Impacting Our Future

Other Tech Trends:

Abstract pixelated digital world map silhouette in cold blue colors, with infographic icons, line ... [+] graph and year labels. Horizontal focused on the year 2021.

There are really too many emerging technologies to match with the heat peppers on the Scoville Heat Scale. I have only touched upon a few of them. Others include materials science (including self-assembling materials), enabling nanotechnologies, 3D Printing (photovoltaics and printed electronics), wearables (flexible electronics). The world of augmented and virtual reality is also exciting and paradigm changing. And, like 5G cloud computing is a vital network backbone for increased productivity and security moving and storing data and applications over the internet from remote servers. I would be remiss if I did not add cybersecurity as the all encompassing blanket for emerging technologies. Cybersecurity is a critical component for most tech, whether it be Health Technologies, IoT, 5G, AL/ML, Quantum, and Big Data that will allow for information assurance, privacy, and resilience. No matter how you view it 2021 will be a hot year for emerging tech and hopefully a safer, happier and more prosperous one for all.

A great idea changes the idea - today and tomorrow - with chalk on blackboard

About the author:

Chuck Brooks, President of Brooks Consulting International, is a globally recognized thought leader and evangelist for Cybersecurity and Emerging Technologies. LinkedIn named Chuck as one of The Top 5 Tech Experts to Follow on LinkedIn. Chuck was named as a 2020 top leader and influencer in Whos Who in Cybersecurity by Onalytica. He was named by Thompson Reuters as a Top 50 Global Influencer in Risk, Compliance, and by IFSEC as the #2 Global Cybersecurity Influencer. He was named by The Potomac Officers Club and Executive Mosaic and GovCon as at One of The Top Five Executives to Watch in GovCon Cybersecurity. Chuck is a two-time Presidential appointee who was an original member of the Department of Homeland Security. Chuck has been a featured speaker at numerous conferences and events including presenting before the G20 country meeting on energy cybersecurity.

Chuck is on the Faculty of Georgetown University where he teaches in the Graduate Applied Intelligence and Cybersecurity Programs. He is a contributor to FORBES, a Cybersecurity Expert for The Network at the Washington Post, Visiting Editor at Homeland Security Today, He has also been featured speaker, author on technology and cybersecurity topics by IBM, AT&T, Microsoft, General Dynamics, Xerox, Checkpoint, Cylance, and many others.

Chuck Brooks LinkedIn Profile:

Chuck Brooks on Twitter: @ChuckDBrooks

See the article here:
A Scoville Heat Scale For Measuring The Progress Of Emerging Technologies In 2021 - Forbes

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Democracies must team up to take on China in the technosphere – The Economist

Nov 19th 2020


AMERICA HAS long dominated the world in information technology (IT). Its government, universities and enterprising spirit have provided it with decades of leadership in hardware and software. Its military drones, satellites and system of systems give its armed forces a powerful edge over those of any competitor. Silicon Valley is more visited by foreign dignitaries and finders-of-fact than any other business locale in the world. One of its tech giants is currently worth over $2trn; three more are worth over $1trn. The contribution technology makes to the buoyancy of its markets is without equal.

China, too, has digital resources in abundance, not least its huge population of 1.4bn, which means it will eventually boast an even deeper pool of data and experts to develop AI models. The countrys digital giants, from Alibaba to Tencent, have already become AI and cloud-computing powers in their own right. Its people live online to an extent that Americansmany of whom still have cheque booksdo not. The countrys Great Firewall keeps undesirable digital content out. Within the wall, tech firms are allowed to fight it out as long as they are happy helpers of Chinas surveillance state.

And China is on the move. It is investing billions in emerging technologies, from AI and chip fabrication to quantum computing and 5G, a new generation of mobile networks. It is hacking other countries computer systems and grabbing intellectual property where it can. It is packing the organisations that develop global technical rules, such as the International Telecommunication Union. And it is pulling other countries into its orbit with initiatives such as the digital Silk Road, helping them build out their digital infrastructure.

President Donald Trump saw, correctly, that this made China a serious challenger to Americas digital supremacy. His humbling of Huawei, a Chinese telecoms-equipment maker, has begun a decoupling of Chinese and American IT infrastructures and of the supply chains between China and America that will continue.

Many device-makers have already moved part of their production out of China and some will end up with two separate supply chains. Apples contract manufacturers, for instance, are setting up plants in India. TSMC, a Taiwanese chip firm, announced in May that it will build a facility in Arizona. Feeling its dependence on American semiconductor technology, China is doubling down on efforts to build its own. In software and other areas, too, bifurcation has begunand not just because of bans against Chinese apps.

What Mr Trump was unable or unwilling to understand, though, was that China and America are not the only economies that matter in this contest, and that fact provides America with a potentially decisive advantage. India, the European Union, Japan and others all play crucial roles in the worlds IT systemas do tech giants such as Alphabet, Apple and Microsoft.

All these entities, whether national or corporate, are at odds with the American government and often with each other over something or other in the IT world, whether it be visas, privacy rights or competition complaints. But they would also all prefer a world in which international agreements, practices and expectations for IT embody the values and interests they share with America, rather than those of China. And if democratic countries cannot agree on common rules in the digital realm, China could end up setting the rules for large swathes of the world. The result would be a technosphere engineered for the comfort and support of autocracies.

A partial catalogue of the past few months disagreements shows the fractiousness that stops the free world coming together on thisand how many opportunities for dealmaking there would be if it decided it should. Americas commerce department told foreign firms they could sell no more chips made using American technology to Huawei; its justice department filed an antitrust lawsuit against Google. America also pulled out of talks at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), a club of mostly rich countries, about how to tax the tech giants. India blocked dozens of Chinese apps, including TikTok, a popular video-sharing service, which the American government also wants to ban. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) struck down the Privacy Shield agreement between America and the European Union (EU), thus throwing the legal basis on which personal data flows across the Atlantic into doubt.

Europe has been trying for some time to carve out its own space in the digital realm as a protector of the citizenrya noble goal made easier by the fact that the companies from which its citizens are being protected are mostly based the other side of the ocean. This has heightened tensions between Brussels, Washington and Silicon Valley. The ECJs ruling on the Privacy Shield is one example. The European Commission is drafting legislation that would weaken the power of Americas tech giants. Its proposed Digital Services Act would outlaw some of the firms business practices, such as bundling their services to take over new markets or displaying them more prominently than competing ones.

Some of the EUs member states have also begun defending their right to rule their own digital roost, something now called digital sovereignty. There is talk of creating a European cloud within the American one. GAIA-X is a step down that roada federation of clouds, launched by Germany and France in June, whose members agree to certain rules, such as allowing customers to choose where their data are stored and move freely to providers competitors if they wish. There is more to come: a data strategy on the table in Brussels would, if fully implemented, create data spaces ruled by European law and give people more rights on how their data are used.

These disputes offer ample space for mutually beneficial trade-offs. If America and its allies can reach good enough accommodations on the most contentious issuesnotably privacy and competitionand find ways to live with the smaller contradictions and conflicts which remain, they can become a force to be reckoned withone that others will need little encouragement to join. An insular America can remain a technology superpower. A connected America cemented into the rest of the world by means of a grand technopolitical bargain could be the hub of something truly unsurpassable.

There is a range of ideas about how to do this. In a recent report for the Council on Foreign Relations, a think-tank, Robert Knake imagines such a grand bargain taking the form of a digital trade zone, complete with a treaty organisation. America would weaponise its digital trade relationships in order to promote such things as cyber-security, privacy protection and democratic values on the internet. Only countries that comply with the organisations rules on such matters would be able to become members and only members would be allowed fully to trade with each other digitally. Violations would be dealt with by imposing sanctions and tariffs. If the digital trade zone grows strong enough, China might see more benefit to co-operative engagement than to continued disruptive behaviour, writes Mr Knake.

Others prefer to imagine something less formal, rules-based and punitive. In October three other think-tanksthe Centre for a New American Security (CNAS), MERICS of Germany and the Asia-Pacific Initiative of Japanoutlined a less exclusive construction. They propose that democratic countries form a technology alliance not subject to a formal treaty. It would be like the G7, which consists of America, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan, and could one day, perhaps, include India and other countries from the Global South. It would hold regular meetings, as the IMF and World Bank do, and issue consensus opinions, and it would invite other stakeholdersfrom NGOs to tech firmsto pitch in.

Until this month, such ideas seemed premature. But with Joe Biden soon in the White House, they have become more realistic: IT will be high on the agenda of the summit of democracies he has promised to convene. Closer co-ordination and some new institutions to back it up are also more needed, and not just because of the Chinese threat. The coronavirus, by pushing much of human activity into the cloud, has emphasised the importance of the digital realm and its governance. Left alone, the world of technology will continue to disintegrate into a splinternet in which digital protectionism is widespreadmuch as the global financial system fell apart before the second world war.

To make sense of all this, it helps to see the political world as one in which technology is beginning to look ever more like geography. The geopolitical way of looking at the world, which was born in the 19th century and revolutionised strategic thinking in the 20th, was based on the idea that the geographical aspects of the physical world could be crucially important to the relations between states. Mountains that blocked transit and plains that permitted it; oilfields and coalfields; pinch-points where maritime traffic could be constrained. Where a states territory stood in respect to such geographical facts of life told it what it should fear and what it might aspire to, whose interests conflicted with its own and whose might align with them. In other words, geography was destiny.

The units of analysis for todays nascent technopolitics are platforms: the technologies on which other technologies are builtand alongside them, increasingly, businesses, governments and ways of life. The platform of all platforms is the internet. Some of the things which stand upon it are huge and widely known, such as Facebook, others small and obscure, such as Kubernetes, a sort of software used in cloud computing. Like geographical territories, these platforms have their own politics. They have their own populations, mostly users, coders and other firms. They have their own laws, which lay out who can change code and access data. They have a position with respect to other platforms which underpin, compete with or build on them, just as territories have defined relationships with their neighbours.

And they have their own governance systems. Some are open. The most famous is Linux, an operating system created and maintained through co-operative efforts to which all are, in principle, free to contribute and from which all are welcome to benefit. Others are closed, as is the convention among many corporate-software makers, such as Oracle. Some are run like absolute monarchies, such as Apple under Steve Jobs, who was the final arbiter over the smallest details in his tech empire.

Their dominant positions in this world of platforms give companies like Facebook and Google powers approaching or surpassing those of many countries. Yet countries canas their economies become more digitisedbe increasingly understood as platforms, too: national operating systems of sorts. Natural resources still count, but digital resources are gaining ever more relevance: skilled and well-trained tech workers, access to scads of data, computing power, internet bandwidth, industrial policy and venture capital. And as with technology platforms, a countrys competitiveness will, to a large extent, depend on how it manages and multiplies these resources.

America is a platform like Microsofts Windows and Android, Googles mobile operating system. These mix aspects of open and closed systems, allowing others to develop applications for their platform, but also closely control it. America combines monopolies and a strongish state with lots of competition. Mainly thanks to this profitable amalgam, the country has given rise to most of the worlds leading tech firms. China is more like Apple and Oracle, which combine being closed with lots of internal competition. The European Union is best compared to an open-source project such as Linux, which needs complex rules to work. India, Japan, Britain, Taiwan and South Korea all run differently and have technology bases to match.

The rise of cloud computing and AIthe first a truly global infrastructure, the second its most important applicationhas heightened the tensions between these platforms. More and more value is created by using oodles of computing power to extract AI models from digital information generated by people, machines and sensors. The models can then be turned into all sorts of services. Transport, health care, teaching, campaigning, warfarethese parts of society will not become data-driven as fast as many predict, but in time they will all be transformed. Whoever controls the digital flows involved can divert much of the rent they generate. Knowledge is power in the virtual world even more than in the real oneand it generates profit. Ian Hogarth, a British tech thinker, summarised the sudden sense of urgency when he wrote in a paper in 2018 that AI policy will become the single most important area of government policy.

Many rich countries have drawn up ambitious industrial-policy plans for AI. Some have also instituted national data strategies which limit the data that can leave the country. A few have begun attacking other countries platforms by hacking their computer systems and spreading misinformation. In short, they are behaving increasingly like the companies producing the technology reshaping their world. Everybody has become much more techno-nationalist, says Justin Sherman of the Atlantic Council, a think-tank.

That the 21st-century internet would be a splinternet was, perhaps, inevitable. It is not just that nations act in their own interests; they also have different preferences and values, for instance regarding privacy. High digital borders behind which data get stuck, however, are not in the interests of most countriesthough they may be in the interest of some governments. Russia wants to create a sovereign internet that can be cut from the rest of the online world at the flip of a switch (while retaining the capability to mess around in more open systems). Countries interested in using flows of data to improve their citizens lot, though, will see few advantages. In a splinternet world choice will be limited, costs will rise and innovation will slow. And all the while China, with the biggest silo and thus the greatest access to data, loses least.

It is against this background that a grand bargain needs to be struck. Its broad outline would be for America to get security guarantees and rule-making bodies in which its interests can be taken seriously. In return it would recognise European privacy and other regulatory concerns as well as demands that tech titans be properly taxed. Ideally, such a deal would also include India and other developing countries, which want to make sure that they do not risk becoming mere sources of raw data, while having to pay for the digital intelligence produced.

In terms of security, the parties to the bargain would ensure each other secure, diverse supply chains for digital infrastructure. To get there, the CNAS proposes, in effect, to partially mutualise them: among other things, members of a tech alliance should co-ordinate their efforts to restructure supply chains and might set up a semiconductor consortium with facilities around the world. Supporting open technologies and standards that create a diverse set of suppliers would help, too. An example is OpenRAN, a mobile network that allows carriers to mix and match components rather than having to buy from one vendor. A world with open infrastructure like this need not, in principle, just depend on a few suppliers, as is the case today with Huawei, Nokia or Ericsson.

To give in to Europe on other fronts in return for help in such matters would be costly to America, which has largely opposed attempts to regulate and tax its tech giants abroad. In terms of statecraft, that is an attractive part of the arrangement; to be willing to pay a cost shows that you place real value on what you are getting.

If an alliance of democracies is to deliver a China-proof technosphere, America will have to accept that the interdependence of the tech world on which the whole idea is based means that it cannot act unconstrained. Henry Farrell of Johns Hopkins University argues that America has so far simply weaponised this interdependence, using chokepoints where it has leverage to strangle enemies and put pressure on friends. But Europes resistance to banning Huaweis gear and the ECJs decision show that even friends can balk. America needs to give if it is to receive.

It might not have to give all that much. European views on regulating platforms more strictly because of their tendency to become quasi-natural monopolies are not exactly mainstream in Washington, DC, but nor are they completely alien to the political debate there. A recent congressional report about how to limit big techs power included many ideas already touted in Brussels, such as banning tech giants from favouring their own services and refusing to connect to competing ones. Positions on regulating speech online are not that far apart either. As in Europe, there is growing agreement in America that legislation is needed to push social-media firms to do more to rid their services of hate speech and the like.

A deal on taxing tech firms seems within reach, too. The Trump administration resisted efforts to compel them to pay taxes where they do business rather than in tax havens, regarding this as a grab for the profits of American companies. A Biden administration is likely to be more open to the argument that more of the taxes on digital firms should go to places where their customers live. Expect negotiations on the matter at the OECD to be revivedas they must be to keep countries from charging digital taxes unilaterally. Barring a compromise, France, Spain and Britain will start collecting such a levy early next year.

In parts of the worlds international bureaucracy the grand bargaining has already begun. When Japan presided over the G20, a club of developing and rich countries, last year, it succeeded in getting the group to launch the Osaka Track, an attempt to come up with rules to regulate global data flows. This summer also saw the launch of the Global Partnership in AI, which is meant to come up with rules for the responsible use of AI, and of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, which brings together lawmakers from 18 countries. These new groups join a few established ones, such as the OECD and the Internet Governance Forum, which have long pushed for common rules in the digital realm. NATO has started to do the same for AI and data-sharing among its members.

One of the key parameters in the bargaining will be how formal a framework the parties want. In some ways, formal is better: everyone knows where they stand. In others, formal is worse: agreement is harder. Take the example of trade, thoroughly formalised within the WTO. Trade agreements take years to negotiate, often only to be blocked by legislatures at the last minute. This is why a Biden administration will probably aim for a much looser form of co-operation, at least initially. An idea discussed in foreign-policy circles close to Mr Biden is that, instead of agreeing on certain policies that then have to be implemented nationally, governments should opt for a division of labour within certain red lines. If Europe wants to go ahead with rules to regulate big tech which do not amount to expropriation, America would not put up a fightthus allowing the EU regulation to become the global standard of sorts, rather as it has done with the GDPR.

Compromises that provide something for everyone are not hard to spot. But reaching them will not be easy. After four years of President Trump, the mistrust on the European side runs deep, says Samm Sacks of CNAS. On the other side of the Atlantic, Congress will not want to make life more difficult for its intelligence agencies, for whom social media and online services have become a crucial source of information. In order for a grand bargain to be reached, all of that must be made more difficult. If the ECJ struck down the Privacy Shield, it was mostly because the court believed that America does not provide enough safeguards to protect European data from the eyes of its intelligence and law-enforcement agencies.

Another big barrier on the way to a bargain will be the question of how much Americas tech titans need to be reined in. To bring globe-spanning technology firms to heel, we need something new: a global alliance that puts democracy first, argues Marietje Schaake, a former member of the European Parliament who now works for the Cyber Policy Centre at Stanford University, in a recent article. Many in California and elsewhere in America like the sound of this, but Congress will only go so far in restricting its tech giants and their business model, which is increasingly based on extracting value from data.

Even if a grand bargain can be reached, many small ones will need to be done as well. That is why, in the long run, the world needs more than bilateral deals and a loose form of co-operation, but something more robust and specialised. It may even have to be something like a World Data Organisation, as Ian Bremmer of the Eurasia Group has suggested (or at least a GADD, a General Agreement on Data and Digital Infrastructure, a bit like the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, as the WTOs predecessor was called). Given the sorry state of the WTO, this may seem fanciful, but without such an organisation todays global data flows may shrink to a tricklemuch as protectionism limited trade in the days before the GATT and the WTO.

Will it ever happen? Yes, if history is any guide. In July 1944 representatives of 44 countries met in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, to hash out a new financial order, including the IMF and the World Bank. Granted, the pandemic is no world war. But, with luck, living through it may provide enough motivation to try again in the digital realm.

Correction (November 20th 2020): The market capitalisation figures for Salesforce and MercadoLibre on chart 1 were incorrectly stated as $212.3bn and $87.1bn respectively. These have now been corrected to $233.1bn and $64.7bn. Sorry.

This article appeared in the Briefing section of the print edition under the headline "The new grand bargain"

Democracies must team up to take on China in the technosphere - The Economist

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Data Mining Software Market 2020 to Global Forecast 2023 By Key Companies IBM, RapidMiner, GMDH, SAS Institute, Oracle, Apteco, University of…

The Global Data Mining Software Market report has been prepared keeping in mind the need of the customers for the latest information in the Data Mining Software. With the Global industries recording sharp growth through all the tough financial times, new players are looking to enter into the markets for a larger share of the market. The Global Data Mining Software Market report has hence been prepared ensuring that the customer gains the maximum and the most accurate information about the Data Mining Software. The Global Data Mining Software Market report can aid the customer who could either be a competing player in the market to gain in-depth insights about the Data Mining Software and plan accordingly, or gain academic knowledge about the market and put it to good use.

Major companies of this report:

IBMRapidMinerGMDHSAS InstituteOracleAptecoUniversity of LjubljanaSalford SystemsLexalytics

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The Global Data Mining Software Market covers a comprehensive overview of the market in terms of the latest developments. Some key information covered in the Global Data Mining Software Market report is as follows:Development of the products;Segmentation of the products developed on the basis of stage of development, application, and players among others;Market assessment through segmentation;Product profiles (if applicable);Major players in the Global Data Mining Software Market.

The Global Data Mining Software Market report also covers a lot of statistics and visuals for a better representation of the figures about the Data Mining Software. Every statistic is represented through tables, charts, and other similar mediums for easy and quick consumption of the information by the customer. The report further contains methodology of the research conducted and the development of the report, the coverage in the Global report, and validations of the data in the report by industry experts.

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Segmentation by Type:

(Cloud based, On premise, , , )

Segmentation by Application:

(Large Enterprise, SMB, , , )

The Global Data Mining Software Market report is developed for a very niche market and the best brains and professionals have given it their all to prepare the report that will be fulfilling the needs of the customer for an accurate and in-depth insight of the Data Mining Software. The amount of resources included and the numerous sources consulted for the information presented in this report makes it a must have for those who are looking to make a mark in the Global Data Mining Software Market.

The Data Mining Software Market report offers a comprehensive study of the technological growth outlook over time to know the Market growth rates. This report also gives a better understanding about the substantial product components as well as their future. The Data Mining Software Market report evaluates the Data Mining Software Market, major issues, production procedures, and their solutions to meet the consumer requirements.

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Data Mining Software Market 2020 to Global Forecast 2023 By Key Companies IBM, RapidMiner, GMDH, SAS Institute, Oracle, Apteco, University of...

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Lifesciences Data Mining And Visualization Market jump on the sunnier outlook for growth despite pandemic – The Think Curiouser

An extensive overview of the Lifesciences Data Mining And Visualization Market is recently added by SMI to its enormous database. The report offers a detailed analysis of the latest industry developments, technologies, and trending factors in the market that are influencing the market growth. Also, The industry report has been aggregated by way of amassing informative data of a number of dynamics such as market drivers, restraints, and opportunities.

Furthermore, this statistical market research repository examines and estimates the Lifesciences Data Mining And Visualization Market at the global and regional levels. The study covers the impact of various drivers and manacles on the Market growth opportunities over the forecast period.

Competitive Landscape:

A competitive landscape of the Lifesciences Data Mining And Visualization Market has been presented by examining numerous leading companies functioning across the leading global regions. Moreover, it sheds light on various attributes such as company overview, contact information, product/services overview, financial overview, marketing methodologies, and distribution channels.

Following key players have been profiled with the help of proven research methodologies: Tableau Software, SAP SE, IBM, SAS Institute, Microsoft, Oracle, TIBCO Software, Information Builders, Dundas Data Visualization, Pentaho, InetSoft Technology

Impact of Covid-19:

A notable feature of this in-depth and advanced market research report is, it comes with a detailed analysis of the impact of covid-19 on Lifesciences Data Mining And Visualization Market growth. During the first quarter of 2020, different global economies were badly impacted by a viral outbreak of COVID-19. This viral outbreak of the Covid-19 was later recognized as a global pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). COVID-19 spread in different global countries, affecting a large number of people in a short timeframe. The outburst of COVID-19 adversely hit different global economies in the world. The stringent regulations imposed by several governments, including complete lockdown and quarantine methodologies to fight against COVID-19, resulted in a massive impact on various business sectors. We offer an informative report on the Lifesciences Data Mining And Visualization Market which helps in making strategic decisions over the forecast period.

Need a report that reflects how COVID-19 has impacted this market and its growth?

The report has been aggregated by using a couple of research methodologies such as primary and secondary research techniques. It helps in collecting informative pieces of professional information for deriving effective insights into the market. This informative report helps in making well informed and strategic decisions throughout the forecast period.

Furthermore, The report includes CAGR, market shares, sales, gross margin, value, volume, and other vital market figures that give an exact picture of the growth of the global Lifesciences Data Mining And Visualization market. We have also focused on SWOT, PESTLE, and Porters Five Forces analyses of the global Lifesciences Data Mining And Visualization market.

Fr th Lifesciences Data Mining And Visualization rkt rrh tud, th fllwng r hv bn ndrd t tmt th mrkt z:

Key questions answered through this analytical market research report include:

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Lifesciences Data Mining And Visualization Market jump on the sunnier outlook for growth despite pandemic - The Think Curiouser

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Data Mining Tools Market Includes Important Growth Factor with Regional Forecast, Organization Sizes, Top Vendors, Industry Research and End User…

The Global Data Mining Tools Market Outlook 2018-2020 provides careful coverage and presents key market trends for the Data Mining Tools Market. The market study provides leading manufacturers with historical and projected market size, demand, end-use data, value patterns, and company shares to produce maximum market coverage. The report segments offer the market and forecast its size, volume, and value, applications, products, and geographies supported by the report. An in-depth market analysis with insights from key market participants was readily provided in the research.

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Important Market Players: IBM, Microsoft, SAS Institute, Oracle, Intel Corporation, SAP SE, RapidMiner, KNIME, Teradata, MathWorks,, Alteryx, FICO, Angoss, Salford Systems, BlueGranite, Megaputer, Biomax Informatics, Frontline Systems, Dataiku

Industry Highlights

In graphical form and with the associated insights, the gathered knowledge is offered in the report. The global market study on Data Mining Tools Market extensively illustrates the working of market participants, manufacturers, and distributors. The study jointly highlights the constraints and drivers that influence the worldwide demand for Data Mining Tools Market. Finally, the Data Mining Tools Market Report offers a conclusion including Consumer Needs, Breakdown and Data Triangulation, Shift in Customer Preference, Estimate in Market Size, Research Results, and Source of Data. These factors are expected to improve the overall growth of the company. The main objective of the market study is to support companies by providing qualitative and considerate research to achieve sustainable growth and to help consumers understand the global market for Data Mining Tools.

Impact of COVID-19 on the Market

This is the latest research report covering the current market effect of COVID-19. The pandemic (COVID-19) has had a global impact on every facet of life. There has been a drastic rise in demand with the onset of the COVID-19 outbreak, due to fear of potential shortage. Demand and changing trends will shift with an impact on overall consumption. This has brought many shifts in business circumstances. The analysis covers the rapidly evolving business environment and the initial and future evaluation of the effects.

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Major Points of the Study:-

Market Scope:

An all-inclusive market assessment for the forecast period (20182028) is given in the Global Data Mining Tools Market Report. The market research provides an overview of the trends and factors that play a significant role in the market for different segments. The drivers, the dynamics of the industry, constraints, opportunities, and challenges underline the effect of these factors on the industry.

Detailed Market Analysis:

A well-researched report providing an in-depth review of this sector with regard to consumer remuneration and other factors on market growth is the Data Mining Tools Market study. The report assesses specifics of consumption, innovations, and the current business scenario and forecasts the trends that this industry will conquer.

Market Segments:

A fundamental overview of the trade lifecycle, concepts, classifications, applications, and trade chain structure is included in the market review. Each of these variables would make it easier for leading players to view the markets reach, what specific features it provides, and meet the needs of a consumer. The study provides details on the sales and registered market share produced across each country. The market analysis provides details related to the rate of expansion over the forecast period. It consists of information related to the dynamics of the market, such as the challenges involved during this vertical phase, growth opportunities, and market-affecting factors. This Data Mining Tools Market report focuses on the status and outlook for major By services (managed services and others), By business function (Marketing, Finance, Supply chain and logistics, Operations), By deployment type (cloud and on-premises), By organization size (large enterprises and SMES), By Industry Vertical (Retail, Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI), Healthcare and life sciences, Telecom and IT, Government and defense, Energy and Utilities, Manufacturing, Others).

Regional Assessment:

Global Data Mining Tools Market are divided into five major regions, namely North America (U.S., Canada, and others), Europe (U.K., France, Germany, Russia, and others), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, Australia, and others), Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, and others), South America (Brazil, Argentina, and others). In addition, the study also provides an in-depth market analysis of the operational market business of the leading vendors.

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Data Mining Tools Market Includes Important Growth Factor with Regional Forecast, Organization Sizes, Top Vendors, Industry Research and End User...

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Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization Market: Global Industry Analysis and Opportunity Assessment 2016-2026, Tableau Software,SAP SE,IBM,SAS…

Market Overview

Global Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization market 2020 research report provides detailed information regarding market size, trends, share, growth, structure, capacity, cost, revenue, and forecast 2026. This report also entails the overall and comprehensive study of the Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization market with various aspects influencing the growth of the market.

Starting from the basic overview of the industry including applications, classifications, and structure, the research report provides the detailed Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization market analysis for the international markets including development trends, key regions growth status, and competitive landscape analysis. Further, the report also discusses the development policies and plans along with analysis of manufacturing processes and cost structures. This report also states supply and demand numbers, cost, import/export consumption, revenue, and gross margins.

Overall, the report offers a snapshot of key competition, expected growth rates, market trends with forecast over the next 5 years, and the key factors driving and impacting the growth of Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization. Market data and analytics used in this report are derived from a combination of primary and secondary sources.

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At present, the Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization market has seen a growth of x% from 2020 to 2026. But due to the rise in demand and the popularity of Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization market, the compound growth rate is expected to rise considerably in the years to come. A recent study conducted on Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization market shows why the market has been growing and what are the factors affecting its growth over the years.

Major Companies Included in Research Report are- Tableau Software,SAP SE,IBM,SAS Institute,Microsoft,Oracle,TIBCO Software,Information Builders,Dundas Data Visualization,Pentaho,InetSoft Technology,MicroStrategy

Market Segmentation

For the purpose of the study, the Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization market was segmented into type, application, end user, and region. The segmentation helped to understand how the Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization market penetration into the global market can be improved. The study conducted on these segments provided various inputs that were implemented to ensure that the Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization market had every opportunity to grow in the global market. There were several constraints that needed to be resolved for market penetration which ideally were looked into before the Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization market went global.

Regional Analysis

The various segments helped in thorough understanding on how the Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization market can be improved, where it needs improvement. But to clearly understand the global market, we segmented the market regionally. Regional segmentation was necessary to ensure that market penetration is a success. For the purpose of the study, the market was segmented into China, India, Australia, Philippines, and Malaysia in Asia Pacific; Germany, UK, France, and others in Europe; United States, and Canada in North America; Brazil and others in South America, Middle East and Africa. The global market is dominated by Asia-Pacific due to its origin. Rise in income of the population and growing interest of the people are reasons for the boost in demand in other regions.

Drivers and Risks

The Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization market has penetrated the global market recently. Though there is an increase in demand for the products and services, limited resource is considered a major threat. As per the study, there is a steady demand for Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization market, but the supply is limited due to limited available resources. There is a need for investment in the manufacturing sector so that the demand in the global market is fulfilled.

Research Methodology

We made use of SWOT analysis in our study. The need to understand the Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization market, its strengths, weaknesses, global opportunities and threats were vital. The study was conducted after Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization market penetrated globally. The study was initiated to understand whether Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization market was a global market, and whether there will be increase in demand in the coming years. SWOT analysis helped understand where and how Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization market needed improvement following which it would see potential growth in 2026.

The objectives of the report are:

To analyze and forecast the market size of Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization Industry in the global market.

To study the global key players, SWOT analysis, value and global market share for leading players.

To determine, explain and forecast the market different attributes of the products or services. This information would help the companies to understand the prominent trends that are emerging in the market and would also provide a wider by type, end use, and region.

To analyze the market potential and advantage, opportunity and challenge, restraints and risks of global key regions.

To find out significant trends and factors driving or restraining the market growth.

To analyze the opportunities in the market for stakeholders by identifying the high growth segments.

To critically analyze each submarket in terms of individual growth trend and their contribution to the market.

To understand competitive developments such as agreements, expansions, new product launches, and possessions in the market.

To strategically outline the key players and comprehensively analyze their growth strategies.

Key questions answered in the report:

What is the growth potential of the Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization market?

Which product segment will grab a lions share?

Which regional market will emerge as a frontrunner in the coming years?

Which application segment will grow at a robust rate?

What are the growth opportunities that may emerge in the Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization industry in the years to come?

What are the key challenges that the global Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization market may face in the future?

Which are the leading companies in the global Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization market?

Which are the key trends positively impacting the market growth?

Which are the growth strategies considered by the players to sustain hold in the global Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization market

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Global Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization Market Overview

Chapter 2: Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization Market Data Analysis

Chapter 3: Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization Technical Data Analysis

Chapter 4: Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization Government Policy and News

Chapter 5: Global Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization Market Manufacturing Process and Cost Structure

Chapter 6: Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization Productions Supply Sales Demand Market Status and Forecast

Chapter 7: Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization Key Manufacturers

Chapter 8: Up and Down Stream Industry Analysis

Chapter 9: Marketing Strategy Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization Analysis

Chapter 10: Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization Development Trend Analysis

Chapter 11: Global Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization Market New Project Investment Feasibility Analysis

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Lifesciences Data Mining and Visualization Market: Global Industry Analysis and Opportunity Assessment 2016-2026, Tableau Software,SAP SE,IBM,SAS...

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Gordon Bell Prize Winner Breaks Ground in AI-Infused Ab Initio Simulation – HPCwire

The race to blend deep learning and first-principle simulation to speed up solutions and scale up problems tackled is one of the most exciting research areas in computational science today. This years ACM Gordon Bell Prize winner announced today at SC20 makes significant progress in that direction.

The work by a team of researchers from China and the U.S. Pushing the limit of molecular dynamics with ab initio accuracy to 100 million atoms with machine learning used a machine learning protocol while retaining rigorousab initio accuracy. The authors and their affiliations are listed at the end of the article. Heres an excerpt from their paper:

We report that a machine learning-based simulation protocol (Deep Potential Molecular Dynamics), while retaining ab initio accuracy, can simulate more than 1 nanosecond-long trajectory of over 100 million atoms per day, using a highly optimized code (GPU DeePMD-kit) on the Summit supercomputer. Our code can efficiently scale up to the entire Summit supercomputer, attaining 91 PFLOPS in double precision (45.5% of the peak) and 162/275 PFLOPS in mixed-single/half precision.

The great accomplishment of this work is that it opens the door to simulating unprecedented size and time scales with ab initio accuracy. It also poses new challenges to the next-generation supercomputer for a better integration of machine learning and physical modeling, they write.

Not only is the work impressive on its own, but it has implication for the forthcoming of exascale machines. The optimization strategy presented in this paper can also be applied to other many-core architectures. For example, it can be easily converted to the Heterogeneous-compute Interface for Portability (HIP) programming model to run on the next exascale supercomputer Frontier, which will be based on AMD GPUs, wrote the researchers[i].

Frontier (at OLCF) is now expected to the first U.S. exascale system brought online.

In presenting the award, Bronis R. de Supinski, chair of the 2020 Gordon Bell Award committee and CTO of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, praised the innovative approach and said The work achieved outstanding levels of performance on the summit supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, in addition to showing that the overall approach significantly lowers time to solution for computationally demanding problems.

It is best to read their paper directly. Heres what the researchers say about their key contributions:

To effectively harness the computing power offered by the heterogeneous system architecture of Summit, our goal is to migrate to GPUs almost all computational tasks and a significant amount of communication tasks. Due to the relatively limited size of the computational granularity in the DP model, a straightforward GPU implementation encounters many bottlenecks and is thus not efficient. As such, our main algorithmic innovations are the following:

This year there were six finalists for the Gordon Bell Prize each impressive in its own right. One review a successful simulation Square Kilometer Array project to simulate its data processing workflow on Summit. The data flow for SKA will be immense. Another looked at accelerating graph-based datamining (also on Summit) with an eye towards scanning of bio-research literature and a third GBP finalist ran high-resolution weather simulations on Fugaku.

Here are summaries of the other five with links to their papers:

A 1024-member ensemble data assimilation with 3.5-km mesh global weather simulations

Numerical weather prediction (NWP) supports our daily lives. Weather models require higher spatiotemporal resolutions to prepare for extreme weather disasters and reduce the uncertainty of predictions. The accuracy of the initial state of the weather simulation is also critical; thus, we need more advanced data assimilation (DA) technology. By combining resolution and ensemble size, we have achieved the worlds largest weather DA experiment using a global cloud-resolving model and an ensemble Kalman filter method. The number of grid points was ~4.4 trillion, and 1.3 PiB of data was passed from the model simulation part to the DA part. We adopted a data-centric application design and approximate computing to speed up the overall system of DA. Our DA system, named NICAM-LETKF, scales to 131,072 nodes (6,291,456 cores) of the supercomputer Fugaku with a sustained performance of 29 PFLOPS and 79 PFLOPS for the simulation and DA parts, respectively. (link to paper)

Processing full-scale square kilometre array data on the summit supercomputer

This work presents a workflow for simulating and processing the full-scale low-frequency telescope data of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Phase 1. The SKA project will enter the construction phase soon, and once completed, it will be the worlds largest radio telescope and one of the worlds largest data generators. The authors used Summit to mimic an end-to-end SKA workflow, simulating a dataset of a typical 6 hour observation and then processing that dataset with an imaging pipeline. This workflow was deployed and run on 4,560 compute nodes, and used 27,360 GPUs to generate 2.6 PB of data. This was the first time that radio astronomical data were processed at this scale. Results show that the workflow has the capability to process one of the key SKA science cases, an Epoch of Reionization observation. This analysis also helps reveal critical design factors for the next-generation radio telescopes and the required dedicated processing facilities. (link to paper)

Toward realization of numerical towing-tank tests by wall-resolved large eddy simulation based on 32 billion grid finite-element computation

To realize numerical towing-tank tests by substantially shortening the time to the solution, a general-purpose Finite-Element flow solver, named FrontFlow/blue (FFB), has been fully optimized so as to achieve maximum possible sustained memory throughputs with three of its four hot kernels. A single-node sustained performance of 179.0 GFLOPS, which corresponds to 5.3% of the peak performance, has been achieved on Fugaku, the next flagship computer of Japan. A weak-scale benchmark test has confirmed that FFB runs with a parallel efficiency of over 85% up to 5,505,024 compute cores, and an overall sustained performance of 16.7 PFLOPS has been achieved. As a result, the time needed for large-eddy simulation using 32 billion grids has been significantly reduced from almost two days to only 37 min., or by a factor of 71. This has clearly indicated that a numerical towing-tank could actually be built for ship hydrodynamics within a few years. (link to paper)

Accelerating large-scale excited-state GW calculations on leadership HPC systems

Large-scale GW calculations are the state-of-the-art approach to accurately describe many-body excited-state phenomena in complex materials. This is critical for novel device design but due to their extremely high computational cost, these calculations often run at a limited scale. In this paper, we present algorithm and implementation advancements made in the materials science code BerkeleyGW to scale calculations to the order of over 10,000 electrons utilizing the entire Summit at OLCF. Excellent strong and weak scaling is observed, and a 105.9 PFLOP/s double-precision performance is achieved on 27,648 V100 GPUs, reaching 52.7% of the peak. This work for the first time demonstrates the possibility to perform GW calculations at such scale within minutes on current HPC systems, and leads the way for future efficient HPC software development in materials, physical, chemical, and engineering sciences. (link to paper)

Scalable knowledge graph analytics at 136 petaflop/s

We are motivated by newly proposed methods for data mining large-scale corpora of scholarly publications, such as the full biomedical literature, which may consist of tens of millions of papers spanning decades of research. In this setting, analysts seek to discover how concepts relate to one another. They construct graph representations from annotated text databases and then formulate the relationship-mining problem as one of computing all-pairs shortest paths (APSP), which becomes a significant bottleneck. In this context, we present a new high-performance algorithm and implementation of the Floyd-Warshall algorithm for distributed-memory parallel computers accelerated by GPUs, which we call dSnapshot (Distributed Accelerated Semiring All-Pairs Shortest Path). For our largest experiments, we ran dSnapshot on a connected input graph with millions of vertices using 4,096 nodes (24,576 GPUs) of the Oak Ridge National Laboratorys Summit supercomputer system. We find dSnapshot achieves a sustained performance of 1361015floating-point operations per second (136 petaflop/s) at a parallel efficiency of 90% under weak scaling and, in absolute speed, 70% of the best possible performance given our computation (in the single-precision tropical semiring or min-plus algebra). Looking forward, we believe this novel capability will enable the mining of scholarly knowledge corpora when embedded and integrated into artificial intelligence-driven natural language processing workflows at scale. (link to paper)

[i] Authors for Pushing the limit of molecular dynamics with ab initio accuracy to 100 million atoms with machine learning: Weile Jia (UC Berkeley), Han Wang (Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, Beijing), Mohan Chen (College of Engineering, Peking University), Denghui Lu (College of Engineering, Peking University), Lin Lin (UC Berkeley), Roberto Car (Princeton University), Weinan E (Princeton University), Linfeng Zhang (Princeton University)

Dont forget to check ourcoverage of the winners and finalistsfor the2020 Gordon Bell Special Prize for High Performance Computing-Based COVID-19 Research.

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Gordon Bell Prize Winner Breaks Ground in AI-Infused Ab Initio Simulation - HPCwire

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EHR market expected to grow 6% per year through 2025 – Healthcare IT News

A new report released this week predicted that the electronic health record market would grow at a compound annual growth rate of 6% over the next five years.

The report, from Research and Markets, noted the roles of chronic diseases, government funding and patient engagement as likely contributing factors to the increase.

"The increasing adoption of software solutions such as data mining, clinical decision support systems and clinical trial management systems will propel the demand for EHR systems," wrote report authors.


Unsurprisingly, the report named EHR heavy-hitters Allscripts, athenahealth, Cerner, eClinicalWorks and Epic Systems as the major vendors, specifically noting Epic as amassing a greater share of the U.S. hospital market in 2019.

That year, noted authors, the hospital segment was the largest end-user segment andnearly 90% of the country's hospitals using EHR systems in 2018.

The report pointed to clinical EHR applications as a major segment of the market, noting that using EHRs as a source of data in clinical investigations could involve additional considerations, planning and management.

"The demand for complete, up-to-date, and accurate medical records drives the adoption of EHR in the clinical segment," researchers said.

Authors predicted that the cloud-based segment will be particularly viable, noting the lower cost when compared to on-premise products. (Cloud-based EHRs can also be remotely installed helpful amidthe COVID-19 pandemic.)


More than a decade after the HITECH Act including the meaningful use incentive program, and its more recent overhauls it's perhaps not especially surprising that the EHR market has exploded.

But pitfalls remain. Namely, clinicians perennially cite EHRs' usability (or lack thereof) as a leading cause for burnout, leading to all kinds of proposed solutions.

"Too many physicians have experienced the demoralizing effects of cumbersome EHRs that interfere with providing first-rate medical care to patients," said the American Medical Association in 2019 with regard to a Mayo Clinic study on burnout.


"An increase in the prevalence of acute and chronic diseases, including several heart diseases, diabetes, cancer, [pandemics] such as COVID-19, [and] high awareness regarding the benefits of electronic healthcare records are likely to fuel the growth of the market in the U.S.," wrote report authors.

Kat Jercich is senior editor of Healthcare IT News.Twitter: @kjercichEmail: kjercich@himss.orgHealthcare IT News is a HIMSS Media publication.

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EHR market expected to grow 6% per year through 2025 - Healthcare IT News

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